#spoilers to wholecake island arc
yayakoishii · 1 month
Please please please!! Sanji x reader request during whole cake island where sanji and reader were already a thing prior to the event and how torn up sanji is over it. Especially if they still hadn't said I love you yet and sanji is realizing that yes he loves reader and wants to marry them but he can't cause he wants to protect them and everyone. Reader having a similar realization/crying to the crew about it and Luffy going, nope this is happening I'm a captain and I'm marrying you two (let's pretend he learned captains can marry people from shanks but he still doesn't know what marriage is just that he can do this so he wants to do it)
Yours To Love | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x GN! Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Genre/Tags: Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, Love Confession, Spoilers for Wholecake Island arc
A/n: I hope I'm not too late anon!! I think it's been a week or so since you sent this, so I hope you get to see this <3 I really sat down and wrote this in one sitting like a possessed person hahahah~ Thank you for the request and I hope this is to your liking (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) I tweaked your request very very minorly but I enjoyed writing it a lot!
Also available on ao3!
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Seeing Sanji again was like seeing the sun after weeks and weeks of never-ending rain.
It hadn't been more than a week or two since you had separated in Dressrosa but being a part of the strawhat crew meant you could never catch a break for too long. When you heard what Sanji had done from Nami and the others, a small part of you hurt that maybe, just maybe, you weren't enough for Sanji.
The next moment you had discarded the thought completely and felt horrible for even thinking that way about Sanji. You knew he would never lie to you. You knew, more than anyone on the crew, just how much he truly enjoyed being a part of the crew. Your insecurity over how Sanji and you hadn't yet spoken of love made no difference to the fact that Sanji would never choose to leave the crew.
Maybe he didn't love you back but he loved the crew. So him choosing to go to the tea party where he would be married off was a sign that he must believe either that he can: (a) handle it by himself and make it back no problem, or (b) the situation was dangerous and he wanted to take care of it himself in a way that wouldn't harm the crew. You were more inclined towards b, considering this was Big Mom and Germa 66 that were being talked about.
You wanted to go get Sanji back too but the rest of the crew who had fought in Dressrosa was going to Wano and you were probably expected to do the same. But Sanji was still your boyfriend. He was yours, and he was going to get married off to some girl you had never heard of before today, and your heart refused to accept it. You refused to let him go. He was yours to hold, yours to keep and yours to love. You would get him back even if you had to fight Luffy to join them.
Thankfully, you didn't have to fight him at all. When you meekly suggested joining them, your captain had just tilted his head in confusion and said, "Huh? What do you mean? Of course you're coming. I was going to take you along the whole time."
And now half of the crew was here in Totto land, and Luffy had just defeated Cracker and Kingbaum was taking you three to the castle where Sanji was supposed to be. Instead, you had stumbled across Germa 66 midway and after days, you were finally seeing the face of the man you loved so deeply that it hurt.
"We've come to take you back!" Luffy was hanging onto the coach while you and Nami were still on the running Kingbaum and you could make out Sanji's face from a distance. You were smiling so hard upon seeing him look okay. He wasn't hurt. Good. Suddenly, he turned and kicked Luffy off the coach and you gasped.
"Hey!" Nami was equally shocked. "What was that for, Sanji?!"
"Get lost," Sanji said, his face unlike any he had ever shown the crew, "you miserable inferior pirates."
You considered the possibility that it could be a Germa clone. But there was no way they would take a close to the tea party when they already had done the effort of getting the real deal to come there.
"My name is Vinsmoke Sanji and I am a prince of Germa kingdom!"
He had never told you that in the few months of your relationship. You knew there was something he wasn't telling you but you had never pried because you knew that the reason Sanji wasn't mentioning it was probably because it was something that didn't matter. Germa was supposed to be a thing of his past– and it was supposed to stay there for the rest of his life. Except it had come back, like cockroaches are apt to do, and brought a storm into your lives.
You just stood there, listening to Sanji make claims that were like stabs to your heart continuously. For your situation, your mind felt thunderously calm. You were noting the laughter of his ‘brothers’ in the back, the way Sanji was staring with steely eyes at Luffy and hadn't met your eyes even once, the rigid muscles of his face as he spoke about how he would be getting married to Big Mom's beautiful daughter.
Maybe someone would say you are in denial, but you refused to believe it. Sanji was spouting a load of bullshit and it was making laughter bubble up in your throat. You only kept it down because this wasn't the time or place for it. The Sanji you knew would never say these words, unless he believed it was the only way he could keep you all safe.
"Don't get involved! I'll drive him off."
You couldn't say a word as you watched Sanji and Luffy start fighting. You had never thought you would see this one day. Your heart was hurting and your mind was a huge mess of thoughts but all you could focus on was how much Sanji must be hurting.
He must be wanting to come back home to the Sunny with you. He had told you in the dark covers of night when you two had made love, that there was no place more appropriate than with the crew that he thought of when he thought of the word ‘home’. The boy who had said that to you could never say these words and mean them. He would only say it if it meant protecting his home and his crew.
You watched as Luffy didn't hit back even once and kept taking hit after hit. Silent tears were already streaming down your face from watching Sanji's emotional hurt and Luffy's physical one. You wished this was a nightmare.
When Sanji knocked out Luffy, you finally exhaled and slowly walked over to him. Nami had already gotten past you and slapped him in the face, saying goodbye to him. You stared at Sanji when you were close enough. His head that had turned from the impact of Nami's slap didn't turn to look at yours, as if you were invisible. You let out a shaky exhale and smiled weakly at him.
"I guess," you swallowed as you placed a gentle hand on the cheek Nami was slapped and watched him flinch just slightly under your touch, "even if I said ‘Come back home with me, Sanji’, you wouldn't change your mind, huh?"
He still wouldn't look at you and he didn't respond, but his hand came up to rest over yours. He gave it a gentle squeeze, the way he always did when he would apologise to you for anything. You told your aching heart that it was fine. This wouldn't be the last time you see Sanji.
"This is farewell then," you said quietly, just low enough for only him to hear as your hand slipped away. "I hope you are happy wherever you are. Because if you were doing this for us, then you should know that we'll never be complete without you. And, foolish as I am, I won't be happy without you."
You turned away without looking at him and instead walked back to Luffy and Nami, your eyes threatening to spill tears you did not wish him to see. If this was truly the last time you would see Sanji, you wanted his last memory of you to be of you smiling at him.
You heard Sanji get back up and the carriage drawing away. Luffy got up and started shouting again. Your lips quivered, your back to the road as you looked at your captain. "You can kick me all you want, but you're the one feeling the pain!"
For all his idiocy and no brain cell moments, you knew how well Luffy knew all his crewmates. He may not show it most days, but he understood you all the best. You watched him scream some more, crying harder and harder until he ended with, "Without you, I can't become the pirate king!!"
They were gone after that and in the silence, you could finally feel the flood of thoughts wash over you once again, one thought the most prominent of all. You truly loved Sanji. You had never told him but you loved every inch of him, more than you had ever realised until this moment, when your heart was afraid that it would never be able to tell Sanji this.
"I don't know what I should do," you mumbled, covering your face in your hands. You could feel Nami's comforting arms around your shoulders. "I love him. I love that idiot. Who cares if he's a prince, a beggar or even a Marine?! No matter what he is, in every universe, I would still fall in love with him. I love him so much and I have to stand and watch him marry someone else, all while I keep thinking that it should be me. I want to be the one next to him on the altar and I've, I've lost my chance to tell him."
"No, you haven't," Luffy said firmly from where he was lying. Your tears were starting to dry up and you turned to look at your captain. His face was determined. "Sanji will come. And you will marry him."
"How are we gonna do that, huh?" You chuckled wetly as you settled down next to Luffy.
"We'll get him back and you'll ask him to marry you," Luffy said simply, "and then he will say yes and then, I will marry you two off."
"You'll be our officiant, Luffy?" You giggled. You didn't know what it was about him, but Luffy could make you believe in the most impossible of things. There was already a big part of you that felt at peace from his words. It would work out somehow. If it's Luffy, then anything is possible.
"I heard of it from two of Shanks' crewmates as a kid," he said, giving you a wide grin. "I didn't think I'd ever need to do it but I've looked into it ever since you two started dating. It was getting a little boring waiting for you two though. I was going to ask you two to marry if you took any longer."
"Oh god," you wheezed, feeling insane for laughing at this moment. "That would have been hilarious. A crazy story to tell if someone asked us ‘who proposed’ and we would have to answer ‘Luffy’!"
Your words were cut off by the arrival of clouds from Big Mom's rage. It was time for you to get Sanji back.
Pudding's words should hurt somewhere, Sanji thought to himself absent-mindedly from where he was hiding. He had brought the flowers and he had tried to convince himself that his marriage with Pudding could make him happy and it would keep the crew safe. But, she didn't love him the way you did. She could be the kindest, nicest person in the whole world, but she wasn't you.
You, who had seen him through his worst, who had personally tended to his wounds both physical and emotional, who had looked like a heavenly being under him, who had smiled at him despite his secrets, who understood him on such a fundamental level– you were the apple of his eye, the love of his life.
Pudding's words should have hurt but they didn't because he knew that her opinion of him had no impact on your opinion of him. And even if the whole world hated him, you never would. Sanji had thought that this would be where you draw the line. That you would finally get fed up with him and leave. No one even stayed with him in the first place and you had done it for so long that he was afraid you would leave. What he had done at this point would have been enough for anyone else to get angry and slap him.
And yet, when he had seen you there, he knew he couldn't look into your eyes. One look and his resolve would crumble. Because there was no mistaking what he felt towards you whenever he looked into your eyes that seemed to hold the whole world. He truly loved you from the bottom of his heart. There was no one else in this world who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
It had to be you. It could only be you.
And yet, he didn't have much of a choice in this whole matter, did he? Sanji just walked away, thinking and thinking about what he should do.
About how he could get back home to you.
When all was said and done and all of you were back on the Sunny, making your way to Wano, Luffy just placed a hand on your shoulder and said with his most serious face, "You better do it fast or I will do it on your behalf."
"Shut up," you weakly punched him in the shoulder and rolled your eyes– but your heart was happy. Neither you nor Sanji had talked about anything the whole time you were escaping. You had just hugged him silently and he had done the same; you knew there would be time to talk later. And that time was now. "Sanji?"
"Hm?" Sanji looked up from where he was cooking in the kitchen. After hearing the mess the crew had made with cooking, he had slipped back into his role as always. The sight of him chopping vegetables on the kitchen counter of the Thousand Sunny made your heart warm up. "Sweethea–(y/n)."
He switched from the endearing term to your name, looking nervous. He was probably thinking about how he didn't deserve to call you that anymore, huh?
"Am I no longer your sweetheart?" You asked teasingly as you crossed over to stand across the counter from him. He looked at you, scared yet hopeful. "Did you change your mind about me after seeing, ah, Pudding, wasn't it?"
"No, my love!" He cried out, hands shooting upwards to take you into his arms but he stopped just in time. He didn't know if you still wanted him to touch you. Somehow, it felt like the two of you from all those months back, when you hadn't yet started dating. "This whole time… I couldn't think of anything but how I have wronged you the most out of everyone. I do not feel worthy to be on the receiving end of your love."
"Shouldn't I get to decide that?" You retorted, leaning over the counter. You grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close. It had been too long since you had kissed your golden boy. "If you're the one I love and if you're the one my heart has decided it wants to marry, then you're already worthy, silly boy. You aren't a man until you realise that you're worthy of all the love in this world."
You ended up saying it all in a teasing manner but you could see the shock in his eyes at your words. The silence stretched over the kitchen awkwardly and your smile wavered for a second.
"You better say yes," you huffed to yourself, "because I don't think Luffy made a plan for you refusing my proposal."
Sanji was confused for all of one second before he was nodding, gently pushing aside the vegetables he was cutting so he could slide over the top of the counter to you. He cradled your face in his hands, holding you reverently as he placed kisses all over your face. You flushed under the attention, feeling home at last.
"This feels too much like a dream," he admitted, knocking his forehead on yours. "That you would still want me, that you would still love me… Despite all my mistakes, in spite of how I've wronged you, you're still here."
"I love you with all my heart," you admitted to him. "I love you for who you are Sanji, flaws and all. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. If, if you happen to feel the same…"
"Don't be silly," he interrupted you, so unlike himself. "If I shouldn't doubt my worth, you shouldn't doubt my love either. I may not have ever said it before this, but I truly do love you so much."
Sanji pulled you into a kiss and you let him, your arms tightening around his waist. You had been so wrong back then. You had been scared that that would be the last time you're seeing him but right now, you knew that this was the start of seeing Sanji every day for the rest of your lives.
"C'mon then," you giggled after the two of you had made out for a while. "Gotta tell Luffy."
"Why?" Sanji was baffled. "What's Luffy got to do with any of this?"
"Hey now, our captain kindly offered to marry the two of us off, you know."
"He what?!"
"He was also ready to propose on my behalf. You better be happy I beat him to it."
"I don't even know what to say."
"Just let me do the talking, how about that?"
"But of course, sweetheart! ♡"
All likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
★ Taglist:
@phantasmagoricalzenith | @secretlife028 | @100520s | @toertchen | @suga-tofu | @theluckyplaces | @luvfzw | @katiemrty | @writingmysanity | @akaashi-todorki | @yuninha2004
if anyone wants to be added or removed, lmk!
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"Sit down, Sanji" Nami said, gesturing over at the blond cook who was spinning his way through the kitchen. His glasses were on and he kept trailing back to the notebook on the counter, and it wasn't fully starting to stress her out, but budgeting was budgeting and the two of them were really the only ones who could do it for the crew.
It was still minutes before he even partway settled on the bench at the counter. "I can't believe he managed to clean out half the stores." He moaned and face-planted on the counter, "Even the rice flour is gone. Unless we had a different food-thief?" He tossed the question to Nami, who was still struggling with the aftermath of Wholecake Island, and everything he had done there.
He quieted, some part of him still ashamed about it all, knowing that it was his fault and that he should just take the occasional bouts of the silent treatment and the lack of affection in her voice as further indicator of how useless he was.
When she touched him he froze in shock. Her delicate and manicured fingernails ran through his hair, and massaging into his scalp. He slowly unfroze as she combed through hair that had been brushed and meticulously styled, perfumed even while he was in Germa's crew. But this brought back memories from a time far before then, of his mother and one of the only gentle touches he knew.
He removed his glasses and rested his forehead in his hand, tears falling silently down his face.
"We missed you," Nami said softly as she continued to move her hands in small circles on his scalp. She touched her forehead to the back of his head and spoke into him, "Please don't leave me again."
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hoippu · 10 months
ZoLu Fanfic Masterlist
(Guide for people who want to avoid anime spoilers)
it's in chronological order of the anime arcs but the first several ones are the AU fics
EDIT: check out the google doc for more updates on the list
Ephemerality by greatduwangs
Alternate Universe – Demon AU
Don’t need to be caught up to One Piece tbh but still have a good amount of knowledge on some early introduced characters. If you’ve at least gotten to Baratie I think that’s good enough.
Read Roses Mean Friendship by Aki133
Alternate Universe – Flower Shop AU
You don’t have to be caught up to One Piece either.
There’s a few characters here tho that get introduced in the anime in Thriller Bark and in Dressrossa.
Tomatoes, Spanish class and roommates by bunnylover101
Alternate Universe – Modern College AU
Unrelated to the main story of One Piece but it contains characters from Dressrossa, post-marineford and I think Water 7.
Eternity would be a Curse (Without You By My Side) by Puppypaws54672
Alternate Universe – Gods & Goddesses
No actual spoilers but theres a lot of characters from like the whole series lol
Splendid fanfic
Part 1 of a series
Eternity Had Cursed Me (To Be Without You By My Side) by Puppypaws54672
Part 2 of Eternity would be a Curse (Without You By My Side)
Alternate Universe – Gods & Goddesses, Reincarnation, Modern
No actual spoilers but theres characters from the whole series
The Story of Us by Mugiwat
Alternate Universe – Modern AU
No actual spoilers but theres lots of characters again.
Warning: youre gonna hate Law In this fic lmao
catching butterflies by aquietdin
(pre-timeskip) Takes place sometime between Skypiea arc but before Long Island arc.
You should also watch the G-8 filler arc because I think it’s referenced, but it’s okay cuz it is honestly the best and only filler arc worth watching.
Ode to an ocean by novks (thychesters)
(pre-timeskip) Takes place right before water 7.
Chimes by drcalvin
(pre-timeskip) Contains spoilers from Water 7/ Post-Enies Lobby.
Takes place after shortly after marineford I think. Maybe wait until the timeskip begins before reading this one just in case.
Unable Are the Loved to Die by BasicallyACat
(pre-timeskip) post Enies Lobby
Is a series
You are all I see by Anonymous
Alternate Universe – Modern AU
Do not read until you’ve finished Marineford arc
One of my favorites
The Dawn that Rises Bloody by BasicallyACat
a sequel to Unable Are the Loved to Die
(post-timeskip) I don’t recall reading this one yet so I cant really say up until where you should watch the anime. But definitely post timeskip
Feelings, what a mess! by drcalvin
(post-timeskip) Very early into the timeskip. I’d say you can read when they’re on the way to fishman island.
Heliotrope by LostInClouds
(post-timeskip) As long as you reach the timeskip and have made it more or less to when theyre sailing to Fishman Island, you should be fine.
The Things we do for Love by LostInClouds
(post-timeskip) It’s recommended that you reach the timeskip for this one too and probably before fishman island is also good enough.
Of First Mates and Duty by Whatev3rs
(post-timeskip) takes place in an indefinite point in the timeskip after return to sabaody arc.
Probably my favorite zolu oneshot fr
His Captain, Captivating by jirachi
(post-timeskip) Try to read after Wholecake arc or at least Punk Hazard. There aren’t any major spoilers for Wholecake but there’s a new crewmate there that doesn’t join until then.
Kizuna by YokoHogawa
(post-timeskip) after fishman island
The Five Times Luffy Kissed Zoro, and the One Time Zoro Kissed Luffy by EclecticIsMyMiddleName
This one takes place throughout the story up until the end of Wano arc.
It’s preferable that you’re fully caught up because it’s so good you might wanna binge it.
However if you absolutely must here’s the time period for each chapter:
Chapter 1 (pre-timeskip) right after Arlong Park
Chapter 2 (pre-timeskip) takes place in episode 223 (I think that’s a filler arc but its short and not too bad to watch)
Chapter 3 (pre-timeskip) between Enies Lobby arc and post-Enies Lobby arc episodes 312 and 313 (don’t read the chapter summary cuz it has spoilers)
Chapter 4 (pre-timeskip) At the end of thriller bark episodes 377 and 378
Chapter 5 (post-timeskip) from the beginning of timeskip until Wano
Chapter 6 (post-timeskip) end of wano
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kaizoku-pirateking · 2 years
[Scenario/Heavy OP Spoilers] Saving Them
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anonymous asked: Hi may I please request a scenario for Monster Trio (Sanji, Luffy, Zoro) & if okay to add Ace! With their strong, badass, fierce s/o (prefer female pronouns but ok with gender neutral as well!) who in battle protects them! I feel like the boys always take action whoever but what if their s/o does it for them! Thank you in advance!!
synopsis: If they always save their s/o, what if their s/o this time saved them?
an: I don't know whether you anon has caught up at the very latest episode of One Piece (pass Wholecake Island Arc will do) because there'll be some spoilers, please do tell me if you still haven't watch them and I'll do a new one!!Sadly, I can't do Luffy for now^^ (and it seems like y'all really like the monster trio and ace very much:D) + this is maybe out of anon's request I'm sorry:(
tags: marineford spoilers, wci spoilers, thriller bark spoilers, luffy, sanji, zoro, f!reader, second-third pov, out of plot op, angst, mention of reader 'probably' dying,not proofread
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Portgas D Ace ▬▬▬ ೃ࿔₊
Ace can feel he's ready to accept his death, His brother will be killed by Akainu and he can't let that happen. He must not, never. Ace immediately ran towards Luffy his back facing Akainu's fist
Ace close his eyes tight, he hates himself for not learning haki. He can't see the future where Luffy will become the Pirate King, He also won't be able to see him and you being together living peacefully with your child
He blames himself for everything, but then as if the time stopped, Ace was pushed causing for him to fall at ground, He looked above. It's his lover, (Name) who sacrificed herself for Ace and his brother
You couldn't find a single day where you can save Ace, it's always Ace who always saves you at your brink of death or being chased by enemies.
But you hope this would the best thing you could repay him for, Sacrificing yourself for him.
Sanji ▬▬▬ ೃ࿔₊
Sanji stared at the view of grassy lands of the Wholecake Island, he left inorder to protect the people who considered his family at Baratie. In exchange of getting marry to Lin Lin's Daughter, Charlotte Pudding
He then saw a familiar hand stretching at the door, It's Luffy. Who's smile plastered at his face
He took a quick glance and feel his heart dropped, (Name) is also with them. He had no choice but to do it, He kick Luffy away causing for a halt
You immediately catched Luffy, and feel yourself enraged. How could he do this to his nakama? This isn't the Sanji you know, This isn't the Sanji you fell inlove with.
You walked closer to the carriage, Leaving Luffy and Nami's care and stop infront of it. Your expression is unreadable but it showed signs of feeling betrayed and getting mad
“You know at your current state, your face is punchable. But—” You point your hand at him
“I- We will save you Sanji! I must say, thank you for always being at my aid whenever I need one. So it's my turn. I'll save you!” You said not minding the fact that he's with his siblings and others watching
For (Name) and Sanji's perspective, they are the only people around, communicating with their hearts
Zoro ▬▬▬ ೃ࿔₊
Zoro took a deep breath, he will do it for his captain-for everyone- and for you. He will take all of Luffy's pain. Which Kuma said earlier, He doesn't want Luffy to feel himself heavy and all
Zoro closed his eyes as the pain's about to engulf him, But someone hugged him. His eyes immediately opened and nearly lose his balance when it's you, What are you doing here? The last time he saw you, you are unconscious.
“If you want to take Luffy's pain, then I'll take yours.” (Name) said a tear slipped down and she hugged Zoro even tighter
“No, (Name) back awa-” Zoro's too late. Of course he have known
She couldn't handle the pain he's getting, (Name) losing too much blood she received from getting Zoro's pain.
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