#spoilers up to and including 198!!
bookaddict24-7 · 11 months
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Books I’ve read so far in 2023!
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196. The Alien by K.A. Applegate--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was such an interesting perspective! I wasn't expecting it a few books back and was curious how Applegate would tackle it, especially since we know so little about the character. It definitely added a new pov to the story and I'm excited to see how they are represented in the future after more time has passed and more character development has happened!
I can't say too much because spoilers. But I am genuinely enjoying this series and can't wait to get to the next one!
197. The Grip Of It by Jac Jemc--⭐️⭐️
If there is one thing this confusing and jarring book did really well, it is the representation of what it might be like to slowly fall into madness. The way the characters worked off each other in their madness and the way the dialogue and chapters worked together to create a choppy and disorienting dialogue was genius.
What wasn't so genius was how confused I was most of the time. There are so many unanswered questions and the story is full of confusing moments. I know that Horror can sometimes truly be a hit or miss and that one person's horror won't be another, but this is the kind of horror that should probably be read more than once to fully grasp just what the hell is actually happening.
I will say that while the structure of the story definitely works in creating the mood of the story, listening to the audiobook was an interesting and frustrating experience. The chapters would end rather abruptly and would often leave me wondering what had just happened.
Overall, this book was everything I was expecting, but also underwhelming in its over-all presentation. It was wild and so brain twisting. I don't know if I'd recommend it, but if I did, I'd recommend reading it slowly and maybe more than once LOL.
198. The Island by Adrian McKinty--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
THE ISLAND was both exactly what I was hoping it would be and still completely different than what I was expecting. I knew it was going to be a ride, but I wasn't prepared for the level of wildness that this book would adopt.
Imagine that you're on vacation with your new husband and his children, shortly after those kids' biological mother has passed away. You're in a country you know close to nothing about (Australia) and being the tourists who should be featured in a horror film, you find yourselves on a small, private island being chased by a trigger happy and aggrieved family. What ensues is something straight out of Hollywood.
I saw this as a cautionary tale for "actions have consequences" and while yes, the consequences here are dire, we have to admit that the catalyst for this was heartbreaking. I think McKinty does a good job of showcasing the dangers of grief and the magic of morally grey characters. Let's be real, the MC and her husband are no saints. They do a pretty twisted thing in order to save their asses and while yes, I was rooting for them and the kids, a corner of my mind couldn't forget the awfulness of their choices.
If you're a parent, this might be a little bit of a rougher read since it does include younger kids in dangerous situations. We get to see an MC who grows as a character in order to make sure these kids survive, but I know some parents, especially those who have younger kids, might have a harder time with stories like this one. Keeping that warning in mind, there were some pretty badass moments, but also some very human ones, as well.
I really enjoyed this and I'm glad I finally picked it up!
199. Aesthetica by Allie Rowbottom--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
AESTHETICA was a lot and to be honest, I think that's necessary in the world we live in. So many young people obsessed with social media and their appearance on those apps are incredibly impressionable. What can help them be more famous? What can make them look more beautiful? The exploration of beauty standards and how they affect a young woman, in particular, and those around her can be relatable to at least one reader.
I think that Rowbottom's book is also a great look into generational trauma because of how the MC's mother raised her and how she herself had a level of dislike towards her mom that is a whole other side to this book. While we have the clear main story of the MC regretting the choices she made and dealing with that trauma, we also have her disentangling her love/hate relationship for her ill mother.
AESTHETICA was brought to my attention by an article presenting it as a horror story. In some ways, I can understand that. There is a certain kind of horror behind the trauma of selling yourself in the name of success. There is definitely a particular kind of horror in wanting to face all of the trauma you've faced, to the point where you're set on undoing everything that is the physical proof of that trauma.
Though this is a relatively short book, I think it carries a lot of weight. We see the power of social media and a naive mentality. We see the dangers of those who present themselves in a certain way. And we see the sometimes incredibly complex relationships between mothers and daughters and how deeply entwined these relationships and our own self worth can be. Also, a brief mention on the power of childhood friendships and how they can scar us if they end too soon, or shift in any way that is beyond our control.
I'd recommend this if you want a bit of an acid trip of an exploration into the above mentioned topics.
200. Icebreaker by Hannah Grace--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
RE-READ: September 2023:
My library got the audiobook version, so of course I HAD to put a hold on it. I was a little scared I wouldn't love this book as much as I did the first time around, but I'm happy to say that I DID! ICEBREAKER is still one of my favourite romances, if only because of the level of communication between the characters. I also forgot how spicy and full of sexual tension this book was.
Overall, super happy I re-read this. Maybe it'll be a yearly re-read. 😌
201. Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer by John Grisham--⭐️⭐️⭐️
There's something interesting about an older man writing a young kid--especially when his MC mentions in the book that at 13 years old, boys don't even notice girls and actively try to stay away from them. LOL. I actually laughed at that because I was thirteen over twenty years ago and I distinctly remember that not being the case. I just thought that was hilarious and felt super disconnected. Not that I want a romance story in a middle grade book, but just...let's be real. And I mention this first because it happens pretty early on.
Anyway, the MC was a pretty cool kid--he knows everyone and even has a little side gig where he gives advice to his classmates. His smart take on the current case and his enthusiasm jumps off the page. I'm not sure how I will feel about the rest of the series, but we will see!
202. Misery by Stephen King--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I went into MISERY knowing that it's a fan favourite. I don't know what I was expecting, but I was a bit let-down. I think that while I did enjoy some aspects of this book and was genuinely freaked out at times, this kind of fell into the same category of THE SHINING for me. When I read THE SHINING, it was incredibly hyped up and even though it DID have a terrifying take on the fall of madness, it was otherwise meh for me.
One of the best things that King does with his writing (or at least back them) was his creation of madness in a character. He somehow knows how to take the most terrifying characteristics of humanity and integrates them really well into his characters. The brutality of this villain was something else, especially when we actively see her professing her love for the MC and then causing him bodily harm.
I think one of the downfalls for me in my reading experience of this was listening to the audiobook. It was disjointed and confused the hell out of me. Maybe physically reading it would have been a wholly different experience, but the disorientation of the audiobook could have either freaked me out or confused me and sadly, it was the latter.
Not my favourite King novel, but I can see why so many love it. Will continue on my reading journey with King's books.
203. Natural Beauty by Ling Ling Huang--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Phew, this book was weird and wild and hooked me right from the beginning.
Huang explores so many topics in her skin crawling novel: Racism, social perception of beauty, the addiction the wealthy sometimes have when it comes to "self-care", unexplored sexuality, envy, and SA in the most unusual of ways but could also be an allusion to how the rich can sometimes use money when it comes to getting away with sexual crimes.
I never expected body horror when I picked up NATURAL BEAUTY, but here we are. I remember when that started to show up in the narrative, along with the changing physical body of the MC, I paused what I was doing (while listening to the audiobook) and became even more enthralled. This was such a creepy and genius exploration of societal expectations and the things people will sometimes do to be either "different" or "like everyone else".
There's also an interesting sub-story about the MC's experiences as a child musical prodigy and how that definitely played into her malleability as a victim for the people who would eventually take advantage of her. It definitely played into the stereotypes society has about young Asian children when it comes to classical music.
And somewhere along the way, as the MC is evolving (both metaphorically AND physically), she starts to discovery a side to her sexuality never fully explored. During these scenes, it truly reminded me of the "will they/won't they" that usually accompanies blossoming sexuality--the "I want this, but do I really? But should I? Do THEY want to?" narrative that usually flashes through our minds when we're right on the verge of making that exploration.
Anyway, I'm just rambling now. I really enjoyed this, much more than I thought I would because this book was WEIRD. Like, mind-bending weird. And if it was ever made into a movie, I'd be watching it with the biggest side-eye.
Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts!
Happy reading!
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zorasthoughts · 8 months
as good as dead spoilers
this post has major spoilers for agad, don't look if you haven't read all three books
i don't know if this is the case for anyone else, but i guessed the identity of the dt killer before the big reveal in agad. before i go any further, this is not bragging, and there is a point to this post, so please have a read.
although i wasn't expecting pip to get kidnapped, i wasn't actually surprised by who it was. i'm not saying this as a brag, but i wanted to detail something that i noticed during my first read of agad, and that is actually relevant in the first book and that we will hopefully see in the show.
in agad, chapter twenty, pip looks at photos of andie's planner, and there is a paragraph mentioning the "full photo" which "showed more of andie's cluttered desk", and includes "a pale purple hairbrush" (agad, 198)
this isn't the first mention of a purple hairbrush in the book. in chapter thirteen, pip and ravi read an article from february 2012 about the dt killer, which mentions the trophies that he took, including "a lilac or light purple paddle-shaped hairbrush" (agad, 131-2)
it comes up again when pip is reading the interview transcript of billy karras in chapter fifteen. in the interview, the words "purple, light purple, lavender-ish" and "lilac" are all thrown around (agad, 161)
so when "andie's" hairbrush was mentioned in chapter twenty, and mentioned specifically as "pale purple", best believe my brain was latching on to that little detail. it seemed too coincidental to be a coincidence
after reading andie's email in chapter twenty-one, i felt pretty sure, and holly's misdirect (pip thinking that the dt killer was daniel da silva) didn't make sense in my brain, because it would have been weird for daniel to give andie a hairbrush, but andie receiving a hairbrush from her dad, less so
again, this is not bragging. in chapter twenty-seven, after jason is revealed to be the dt killer, pip makes the connection: "the purple paddle hairbrush on andie's desk [...] it had belonged to melissa denny, jason's second victim" (agad, 262) the signs were there before the reveal, other readers have also probably put this together
anyway, that was a lot of words, but there was a point to this
the photos of andie's planner come from when pip and ravi break into the bells' family home in agggtm
"on top of the make-up case was a paddle hairbrush with long blonde hairs still wound round the bristles. beside it, pip spotted a kilton grammar academic planner" (agggtm, 223)
so yeah. pip and ravi. doing a spot of b&e. in the first book of the agggtm trilogy. which has been adapted for a tv show.
all this to say, if we get the purple hairbrush in the background of pip taking photos of andie's planner, i will go INSANE.
edit: if you've read this far, would love to know if you picked up on the purple hairbrush hints in agad, and also the likelihood of it appearing in the tv show
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#the way murray was trying to emphasize on keeping the call as short as possible i think they should have used this shot for comedic purposes
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
If Eddie ever gets to meet Will, this is how I imagine the meeting to go down:
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190 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 30. Juni 2022
Went has lived in Derry his whole life. He was born here, he went to Derry High and he even started his dentistry praxis in his home town when he was 26 years old.
So it's been well over 20 years now, since Went has started practicing, including his residency. And because it's been so long, Went likes to tell people, who take the time to ask, that he has most definitely seen it all. Dentistry is a very versatile medical field after all and he comes in contact with all different kinds of people.
And despite all of it, Went realizes it's going to be an interesting day when at 17 years old, Eddie Kaspbrak, who Went has known ever since the kid was 5 years old and Richie had introduce him as his new best friend in pre-school, starts rambling about how much he misses Richie while coming down from his anesthesia after Went removed 2 of his wisdom teeth that had started growing in.
"I miss him so so so much," Eddie mumbles from where he lies on the examination table with his head tilted to the side. His speech is slurred, partly still from the medication in his system and partly because of the cotton balls that are there to protect his fresh wounds. "So much."
Went moves some of his utensils to the side so his assistant Nadine can easily get to them for clean up later, before he turns back around to Eddie who's already looking up at him again. Went smiles down at the kid. "I bet you and Richie can hang out while you're recovering from surgery in the next few days, Eddie. How does that sound?"
Eddie hums with a smile. "I love him so much."
And really, Went can't help but laugh at that. He gently pats Eddie's arm "That's nice, buddy."
Went knows that sometimes patients tend to get a bit emotional after surgery but this time he knows the person in front of him well enough to know how genuine the sentiment is. Even with all the bickering, Richie and him always seem to stick together one way or another and they truly are the best of-
"Yeah, and I know I'm only 17 but I really want to marry him one day."
Well, there goes that, Went thinks.
But as he starts thinking about it some, he can't exactly say that he's all that surprised by Eddie's confession, either. Maggie and him got to watch the boys grow very close over the last few years in high school, with Eddie spending a lot of days at their house after school and even at the weekends, when the boys weren't out with the other Losers.
For a moment Went remembers the talk he had with Richie at 14 and wonders if a refresher of that conversation seems necessary, not that his kid had appreciated the first one much, either, when Eddie starts talking again.
"He can do funny voices that always make me laugh so hard. And he's tall and he always gets me ice cream when I ask him to and he's so nice but don't tell Richie I said that. His head's too big already."
It makes Went huff out another laugh as Eddie keeps looking around the room with heavy eyes.
"That's very sweet Eddie but why don't you close your eyes again for a bit, huh?" Went tries, when he catches Eddie looking back at him with wide eyes for a moment
"I know you're his dad and that's kinda weird, right? But I love Richie with all my heart." Eddie finishes and closes his eyes with a hum.
Went is aware that he's not supposed to overhear this but there's still a little saving grace for Eddie in form of the amnesia that the anesthesia is probably going to cause him, so that he won't remember much about their conversation and that little secret he's spilling to Went currently.
It's honestly kinda adorable but Went has been a teenager in love once, too, and so he knows it's not exactly ideal for him to know about this.
"Went, am I annoying?"
"Oh buddy, only a little bit," Went laughs. "But in a good way. I promise"
It makes Eddie huff out a laugh of his own "I know I'm annoying but I just want you and Maggie to love me, too."
There's a lot of memories of Eddie and Richie running around the house, of Maggie letting Eddie help in the kitchen and Went showing Eddie how to fix up his old truck once him and Richie had been old enough to drive, so it's easy to respond in earnestly. "We do, buddy, it's okay."
"If you ever see Richie ever again, can you please let him know that I love him so much?"
"Okay," Went lies with another laugh.
Really, that's a secret to figure out between Eddie and Richie and Eddie and Richie alone.
Or the one where I saw a video of a kid declaring his love for his girlfriend to his girlfriend's dad and wrote a quick little drabble about it
251 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 19. April 2022
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If it happens no it did not-
349 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. Juni 2022
Footage of me at the beginning of June, thinking I'd be mostly normal about the new season of Stranger Things:
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423 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 11. August 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Dustin really said lets live to annoy Ted Wheeler personally and for that he has my full respect
456 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 27. Mai 2022
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eyes-in-the-void · 9 months
TMA SubTags: Episode Art, Characters, Artists
General Tags:
#tma, #tma fanart, #tma art, tma comics, tma text post, tma animatic, tma animation, tma audio, (audio), tma fic, tma au, meta, song comic, tma spoilers, 
#tma season art/ tma episode art: pre s1, tma s1, tma s2, tma s3, tma s4, tma s5, scottish safehouse period, somewhere else,
jonny sims, (goddamnit jonny, jonny dug his own grave), alexander j newal, q&a, rusty quill (general, includes: interviews, rqg, etc), the mechanisms, (the bifrost incident), meta (theories, connections, background info, help from rq/jonny), tma quotes,
TMA Characters:
#jonathan sims (s1 jon, s2 jon, s3 jon, s4 jon, s5 jon, ace jon, autistic jonathan sims, enby jon, monster jon, moth jon, selkie jon, jonsimsandcats2021, eye jon, jon madrigal 
Allies/Neutral: martin blackwood, jonmartin, georgie barker, melanie king, the admiral, what the girlfriends, jon and daisy, daisy tonner, basira hussain, sasha james (Archivist sasha), tim stoker, agnes montague, gertrude robinson, gerard keay, michael shelley, helen richardson,
Enemies/Antagonists/Monsters:  elias bouchard, (elias bouchard has a punchable face), peter lukas, lonely eyes, not!sasha, the distortion, (michael distortion, helen distortion), annabelle cane, nikiola orsinov, not tea
#the entities: the web, the lonely, the vast, the hunt, the eye, the spiral, the dark, the extinction,
everchased, roboomic, megzilla87, linecrosser, skyberia, ggracee, blueberry star, satturn, yesoksure, luftballons99, beansmakesart, yamiiino, dudeiwannasleep, tatumsdrawing, coralreefskim, honeycakelion,  amarearts, lazyperfs,  disasterzoo, reidspng, tolbyccian, speakerunfolding,
Specific pieces/ series: theyellowmistress (Great series of episode art), ashsweet (Cursed teacups), octos art (Cassette tape art), lescarnetsdehaku (Great comics), planplantsilus (Pixel art),
glowbat, cael does art, oceanbrine (gifs), (a collection of yearning), ghostbri,
Pre S1: Martin’s Birthday, The Dog Incident,
01, 02 (Do not Open), 03 (Across the Street), 04 (Ex Altiora), 11 (The Dreamer), 13 (Alone), 22 (Colony), 26 (A Distortion), 32 (Hive), 34 (Anatomy Class), 38 (Lost and Found- Vase), 39, 40
41 (Too Deep), 50 (You’re dating the cop? -no Tim, I- Won’t tell anyone!) 51 (High Pressure), 60 (Observer Effect), 67 (Burning Desire, You can trust me with the key to the tunnels!), 74 (Trophy Room)  79 (Hide and Seek), 80, 
81 (Mr. Spider), 83 (I could be on drugs!),  86 (Blanket), 87 (Uncanny Valley), 89 (Jude Perry), 91, 92, 97, 99, 101, 102 (Melanie’s got a knife), 111 (Family matters) , 118, 119, 120 
121 (Far Away), 122, 126, 127 (There’s a door in my mind), 128, 129 (I miss you), 131 (Flesh), 132 (Entombed), 135 (Dark Matter, Basira beats up Elias), 136 (Puppeteer- “Boo hoo, I’m all alone and a monster”) 139 (Chosen), 140, 141 (Doomed Voyage), 142 (Scrutiny), 143 (Heart of Darkness), 146 (Thresholds- Confrontation/Intervention), 151 (Big Picture), 152 (Gravedigger- “When will the Eye make me monstrous?), 153 (Love Bombing), 154 (Bloody Mary, Let’s Gouge out our eyes and Make out), 157 (Rotten Core), 158, 159 (The Last), 160, Scottish Safehouse Period, 
tma s5 trailer, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200
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it’s called freefall
in which Jon has trauma related to his time with Michael Crew, and it makes falling off the ladder in 198 just a little bit harder. Martin (and Basira) try to help.
dedicated to the lovely @captaincravatthecapricious for this wonderful idea!! ao3 link here!
The statement finishes with a trailing buzz of static, and none of the relief.
Although, Jon can’t help but think, that’s not entirely true. He can feel the pressure, the thick weight easing from his mind. Like a fog, lifting with the Eye’s satisfaction. But there’s a deep dread pooled in the pit of his stomach, icy fingers cramping around equally icy and rickety metal and ah yes, I’m still on this god forsaken ladder.
The rusted steel is coarse underneath his fingers. The scar on his right hand might dull some of the rough cold, but the loss of superficial sensation is made up for with a deep aching pain that's practically begging him to get on with it. To let go.
He wasn’t lying when he told Martin and Basira that the fall wouldn’t kill them. Of course he wasn’t. He Knows with absolute certainty that this is true, as surely as one might know their name or their favorite color. He wouldn’t have let them fall if he didn’t.
And yet.
Jon takes a breath. And another, around his heart that has decided to make a home at the base of his throat. It hammers away, hard and loud but not quite loud enough to drown out the echoing yells of the statement’s victims. Screams overflowing with the mindless terror of falling to unforgiving ground. Not knowing when the ground will come-
Jon had never considered himself afraid of heights. There were a lot of things he didn’t used to be afraid of.
And yet.
The Eye eagerly supplies an empty silence when he tries to Know how far the drop is. What he does get, is the knowledge that humans tend to greatly overestimate vertical distances, especially when viewed from above. That studies have shown height overestimation is greatly correlated with fear. Jon sighs, because of course having all-knowing powers would be this useless.
He's not sure how long it’s been since he finished. But there’s no use in keeping them waiting, right? And there’s nowhere off of this ladder but down. Jon knows and Knows this.
And yet.
It takes a few tries for his brain to start unclenching his fingers, curled tightly as they are. He takes it slow - first his pinkies, then the ring fingers, until it’s only his thumb and index fingers - and his feet planted on the bottom rung - keeping his balance. A clammy sweat breaks out across his palms, and breathing is getting more and more impossible around the tightness in his chest. The thought of the last time he fell comes unbidden to his mind - of a wooden chair, wooden table, a face that might be kind if it wasn’t making him feel like he would never touch solid ground again for the rest of his life-
Stop. Focus.
Actually, stop focusing. Stop thinking. Just get it over with. Just let go.
He does, against every instinct and nerve screaming at him not to. Jon lets go, and everything is worse.
His stomach drops out from underneath him and he's falling falling falling no where to go but down. The wind whips at his hair and his face and steals any hope of breath out of his throat. How people can manage to scream while falling, he doesn’t know.
He's back in that chair, at that table, but not in the chair or at the table. He's not touching anything but open air. Then it had been a deep, unnatural blue, but now. A grey mist, thick and heavy such that opening or closing his eyes means nothing. He thinks his eyes are closed, already lost sight or feel of up and down and where-
The terror is so paralyzing, so encompassing in it's consumption of his thoughts, he hoped it might dull the pain of hitting the ground. It does not. Fire blooms across his back, his neck, his head, in an agony so acute he bypasses any sound all together. The wind would be knocked out of him, if there was any wind to knock out in the first place. And he's still falling.
Is he? Jon registers a dull graininess under his hands, cool earth on his back. Ground?
It can't be. His insides are still weightless, dropping, he's on the ground but not on the ground. It might as well be empty air. He's falling straight through the earth, and he will for the rest of his life. If he opens his eyes all he'll see is sky blue enjoy sky blue-
He doesn't know how long he lies, falls, in silent terror. But after a moment hours seconds something grabs his arm, both of his arms, and pulls. The world lists with a dizzying vertigo, a shift in gravity and up and down and he feels himself tilting, but to or from where when how he can't tell and he never will. Something grabs him again, his shoulder, maybe, and it should help but now he wants to scream because it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't please make it stop-
He tries, oh god he tries to breathe. His lungs, his throat, seized tight with panic and wind and sickening emptiness. Like a vacuum bag, every last molecule of air sucked away. There's still a gaping pit where his stomach should be, and he wonders numbly if he'll ever get it back.
Something that might be words pass over his head. A conversation intercut with the sound of blood and wind in his ears.
"Is he-"
"-ou alright? Hey-"
"-can we-"
There's something - a hand? - against his cheek. It's warm and rough against his wind chilled face, so warm it almost burns, but the shock of it is something to focus on that isn't falling falling fal-
"Hey, it's alright. You're alright-"
Jon feels another hand, Martin's hand, on his face, stroking thumb pads against his cheekbones. Jon reaches blindly to grab onto his wrists in some mockery of purchase. Something, anything to stop the falling. He opens his eyes, which is strange because he doesn't remember closing them. He can feel how his face aches though, with how tightly he had clenched them shut.
And Martin is there. He's kneeling in front of him, eyes searching him in flickering panic for some kind of injury. He meets Jon's eyes, and something bordering on relief flickers for an instant before his brow furrows again. He's saying something, and Jon wants to hear it so badly he could cry. He tries reading his lips - it’s something he's usually good at when his brain can't keep up with sound. 
But his eyes can't focus right. Everything in his vision shifts back and forth, his brain trying to compensate for movement that he knows isn't there. He closes his eyes again, against the dizzying nausea. It's a bit easier, in the same way that stabbing yourself is a bit easier with a sharper knife.
There's barely enough air for him to breathe, let alone speak, and all that comes out is a choked wheeze. And it's as painful as it is concerning, even to Jon's own ears.
"Hey hey hey, it's okay, just- just try to breathe with me, okay?"
He can hear Martin's voice again, as muffled as it is, laced with worry. Jon wants to apologize, to tell him it's ok, it's fine, but it's not really fine, is it? But there’s Martin's breathing, deep and slow, exaggerated in such a way that Jon can hear it over the sound of everything else. 
It's something for Jon to focus on, and it helps. He thinks. Painstakingly, forced wheezes become shallow breaths become gasps for air. His lungs burn with the strain of it, but it's probably a better pain than suffocating on nothing. So he keeps going.
There are words, again. Some close, some further away. Something - Martin Martin it has to be Martin - shifts beside him. A steadying hand rests on his back, leaning him forward until his head is between his knees. It almost sets off the vertigo again, but the movement is just slow, just gentle enough not to.
The hand stays, though, solid and warm and comforting above anything else.
The breaths come easier with each passing what-might-be-a-minute.It's hard to tell time under the weight of what his brain still thinks is some twisted imitation of freefall. Equilibrium comes back to him with all the speed of a dripping faucet, but there's ground beneath him and Martin next to him, and it gets better. The world is less of a sickening drop and more of a lingering dizziness, like stepping off of a merry-go-round a little too quickly.
The vertigo fades and the adrenaline leaves with it. Jon can feel his hands start to shake, but it doesn't stop him from reaching a trembling hand out towards where he thinks Martin is. Eyes still closed. He's met with another hand almost immediately, squeezing his tight, and the pressure soothes the most ragged edges of the tremors.
"Jon, hey- are you…?"
Jon nods, slowly, carefully. He's not entirely sure what question he's responding to, but Martin deserves some kind of acknowledgement. For whatever...this is. There's a shaking weakness deep in his core, like he just ran a marathon at a dead sprint. But he looks up, cautiously opens his eyes. And Martin is there. Still. Again.
Martin brings a hand to his cheek, just like before, and Jon can't help but notice how soft it is in spite of the rough dryness of his skin. It's a shaky thing around the edges, but Martin smiles at him, breathing a sigh of something like relief.
"There you are."
Jon really doesn't want the tears to well up in his eyes. But the fear is so acute, sharp and hungry in a way that leaves him hollowed out, with nothing but lungs that still barely work and a surge of emotion that he doesn't know what to do with. He reaches for Martin- or, he tries to, but he doesn't have to go very far, because Martin meets him more than halfway.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, come here-"
Martin pulls him close, one arm wrapped around his shoulders and another in his hair. It's pulled free from it's tie, still a complete mess from the fall. But then again, so is Jon. His shoulders are shaking with the force of muffled sobs, and Martin holds him tighter. Everything hurts, bruises from the fall that aren't really there, his head, his chest, his lungs that still don't feel like they're getting enough air. It might help if his face wasn't buried in Martin's jacket, but it feels like a fair trade at the moment.
He can feel Martin's pulse where his face meets the crook of his neck. It's steady and strong, a little fast, maybe, but so comforting in a way that Jon could probably never put into words. He lets himself be, miserable but alive and held in Martin’s arms, until he feels like more of a person again.
After what probably isn’t long enough Jon pulls back, but Martin’s arms don’t let him go far. He reaches up to wipe his face with clumsy hands, and tries for words. They come a bit easier now. "Martin, I'm-"
"Nope, absolutely not, don't you dare apologize." Martin cuts in immediately. He strokes a thumb across Jon's cheek, brushing some of the remaining tears away.
Jon sighs. "I just- I didn't mean to worry you, is all."
"Well, it is a little bit late for that." He's going for brevity, but it's quickly drawn into something more serious. "But don't worry about that, that's not- are you alright? What happened?"
Jon swallows, his throat sticky and sore. He wants desperately to say he doesn't know, but he does, and he just hopes he can get the point across in the fewest words possible. "It's just, uh… the, falling, reminded me of… Crew. I didn't realize how- how much that still affected me, I suppose."
Martin sucks in a breath. "Oh, Jon. I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"It's okay." Jon supplies, and means it wholeheartedly. "I mean, I didn't- I didn't know either, until it was, ah… a little too late."
There's a small tap on the ground to his right, and Jon looks over to see Basira kneeling next to him. She has a small water bottle in her hand, held out towards him.
Jon takes it in muted surprise. "Oh, thank you. Wh...where did you-"
"Don't worry about it."
There are too many other things to worry about right now, so he doesn't. "...Right."
They don't really need to drink anymore, but the water is cool and surprisingly fresh. Basira speaks again.
"It's not like we're in a rush, exactly. London isn’t going anywhere. We can wait here for a bit." She shifts from a crouch to a sitting position on the ground next to them. Martin hums in agreement.
After a moment, Martin gestures to the elastic band on Jon's wrist. Jon hands it over wordlessly, with a rush of affection, as Martin begins sorting through the tangles in Jon's hair.
It's not the first time he's done it. The feeling of gentle fingers through his greying locks, diffused afternoon sunlight seeping through the windows like honey in Scotland. Jon showing him how to braid, just a simple one, because Martin claimed to not know how and they had nothing better to do. Later, Martin admitted it was a lie, an excuse to play with his hair. After which Jon had kissed him and said he'd never need an excuse. Ever.
Martin's fingers comb through his hair, pulling at his scalp in a way that never quite hurts. Not like when Jon does it himself. It soothes the tension still wound around his chest, the hammering of his heart easing beat by beat into something resembling normal. He feels the strands twisting into a braid under Martin's hands, and when he's done he rests it over Jon's shoulder. It’s a little lopsided, a little uneven, and utterly perfect.
Jon takes one of his hands, laces their fingers together in a sign of appreciation. Martin squeezes his hand, and Jon squeezes back.
They sit like that, for a while longer. At Jon's cue Martin and Basira help him up, on slightly shaky legs, but he's alright, really, I promise. And it isn’t a lie. So they continue on.
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cassyapper · 3 years
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I posted 11,695 times in 2021
2139 posts created (18%)
9556 posts reblogged (82%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.5 posts.
I added 10,602 tags in 2021
#jjba - 5160 posts
#cass cries - 2410 posts
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#jojo spoilers - 620 posts
#animals - 434 posts
#fav - 409 posts
#video - 266 posts
#yakuza - 198 posts
#art - 188 posts
#omori spoilers - 184 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i remember the first time i realized i didnt know wtf my gender actually was i was in the middle of church in sixth grade and i felt. so muc
My Top Posts in 2021
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part 1 part 2
jotaro and kakyoin’s epic gamer moment
170 notes • Posted 2021-01-15 08:03:17 GMT
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hello fellow stone ocean fans
[image ID: a sketch of enrico pucci from jojo’s bizarre adventure. he has a hand to his forehead and an annoyed look on his face. in a speech bubble reads a tweet saying “just found out the ‘cat’ in ‘catboy’ isnt short for catholic, i think im going to be sick.” end ID]
229 notes • Posted 2021-08-09 01:05:33 GMT
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thanks dad
235 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 18:44:01 GMT
okay so i’ll refine this later (ie add sources and such) with my video essay/essay post whatever it ends up being but let me say this now i think the lover’s arc is like the foundation of the bond kakyoin and jotaro had and here is why
jotaro is a character KNOWN for his independence streak araki himself says jotaro is very much a lone wolf kinda character. he hates relying on others he hates not being able to cover all of his own bases he hates being vulnerable and not being in control
but in the lover’s arc, that’s exactly what happens. he isn’t in control and he can’t get back into control using his usual methods (ie attack the stressor until they tap out or die). jotaro has no plan and he’s scared, he is literally shaking in the anime and manga, and he’s so angry because he’s never been in this kind of position before
but then kakyoin takes the lead, kakyoin runs with joseph and eventually polnareff gets up on the uptake and follows, and the last thing kakyoin tells jotaro before turning the corner is just to basically distract steely dan -- make sure he doesnt cause joseph even more pain
and suddenly jotaro is able to swallow the humilation and fear and anger of the situation he’s in. why? because he trusts kakyoin. he trusts kakyoin to care of his grandfather. i could definitely be wrong, but i do not remember another instance in which jotaro trusted a loved one to someone else completely, with him not even being around to supervise in case something goes wrong (except for maybe jolyne’s mom with, well, jolyne, but he does give her the stand arrow piece to use if necessary which might undermine that trust depending on the interpretation). he’s able to relax and stop shaking because he knows joseph is in good hands. capable hands. hands that arent his, but reliable all the same.
and not only that, jotaro trusts kakyoin to save he himself as well. he knows steely dan is going to attack him, especially when the lovers gets kicked out of joseph and he’s free to go fucking ham on steely dan, he knows steely dan will do anything, no matter how slimy, to get out of the situation once it goes south, including and not limited to killing jotaro. but jotaro trusts kakyoin to save him should that happen -- and kakyoin does. hierophant is looped around the lovers the whole time and stops steely dan from stabbing jotaro/hurting the little girl. jotaro’s been saved by other people before/will be saved by other people, but he was just so confident in kakyoin’s ability. he never doubted for a second kakyoin’s ability to not only keep his loved ones safe, but keep he himself safe as well. jotaro, a character trademarked by his independence and aloofness, trusted and relied on kakyoin in this instance and kakyoin delivered. just. do you understand why this is so integral so their relationship and friendship
kakyoin is one of the only people jotaro could trust this way if not the ONLY person he ever trusted this way, and kakyoin, a character who appreciates being seen as useful and reliable, knows this and delivers and it jsut. man i jsut. they cared about each other so much. jotaro was willing to let go and put himself and joseph in kakyoin’s hands, and kakyoin was more than happy to catch him (metaphorically) and make sure that trust was justified. just. do you understnad now. do you understand
anyway lovers arc does more for jotakak than any other arc in the show despite them not even being near each other for the duration of it and it drives me fucking insane you guys
286 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 06:24:56 GMT
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this actually canonically happened during lull times between trains araki told me, we just didnt see it cause it wasnt a stand fight
original/reference under the cut
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1112 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 19:41:55 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
yall can take this sorry i just like personalized stats <3
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russingon · 4 years
fic writer tag game
i was tagged by @arofili! thank you so much!
ao3 name: aikanaro
fandoms: just tolkien, at the moment. 
number of fics: just two that are posted! i’m not really confident about my writing and i’ve only recently decided to actually post the things i write because, well, fuck it. i’ve also written a short poetic piece on my maeglin blog and several metas.
fic i spent the most time on: my current halenthir + ocs WIP has been in the works for a long time. the actual body of the fic is only just being worked on now, but several long scenes sort of, i don’t know, from that universe have existed for a while.
fic i spent the least time on: i’m a slow writer, in general, but probably this amrod fic. it took me a while to edit it, but it was really just an afternoon for the writing.
longest fic: some of my WIPs are definitely longer, but currently posted it’s this halenthir fic , even though its only 3.5k. 
most hits: the amrod fic has 198. that’s not particularly impressive, but I am new here :)
most kudos: both my posted fics each have 31. again, [john mulaney voice] i’m new in town.
most bookmarks: the amrod fic again, with 7! this is probably a really boring post to read, because its mostly the same two fics
total word count: posted, it’s only about 5.5k, but as i’ve implied i’ve written tons of stuff and not felt good enough to post it so if you include the bowels of my google drive....probably 30k?
favorite fic i wrote: i'm very happy with some parts of my current WIPs so keep an eye out for those :)
there’s a category here for fic you’d like to rewrite or expand on, but i’m so new to actually posting my writing, i don’t think it applies. it should be noted, however, that i chronically rewrite everything a thousand times, which is why it takes me forever to write. 
share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on: 
this is my halenthir lovechildren oc fic, warning for spoilers for that fic, angst, violence, and swears. if you like this, check out the halenthir fic where the ocs are first introduced. more on them here, too. 
i will only say in explanation that after the fall of the haladin, many of the druedain of brethil fled to sirion. my oc, who lived among the haladin, fled with them. that, uh, went about as well as you’d expect. a reborn caranthir finding out about it also goes about as well as you’d expect. shit is just all fucked up.
Caranthir did not move off at his son’s admonishment. Over Halion’s shoulder he glared murderously. “Veryafinwë, go to your sister, stay out of this.”
“No, I won’t! You need to stop this—you’re going to get someone killed. If Halwen says it is the past, then it is the past. Leave. It. Be.” Halion felt Halwen tremble though he could not see her and he grit his teeth against his rage: at himself, at Caranthir, at all of them.
“They nearly murdered her!” Caranthir protested. “They left my child alone, bleeding and broken, to die alone! If they are killed, they deserve it! It is their fault that—”
“It is no one’s fucking fault that she was alone but yours! I was dead, so it was for you to look after her! Did you not ask me to look after her and mother whenever you pissed off to do whatever more important lordly elvish horse-shit you were up to? Mother at rest, maybe our uncles would have known not to kill us if you had given them the slightest inkling we existed!—”
Halion’s fists clenched and he felt tears sting his eyes but it did not matter, he was already so blind with fury and panic, panic that they would make Halwen choose to leave him, panic that he would be alone.
“—Sit down and be a man about this, damn you! You’re only angry with them because you know that if you had lived you’d have been right there with them. Don’t act like you are better than that! You would have killed Halwen and I, you’d have slit Mother’s throat as she carried us if it would’ve brought you one of those...those things! So stop making it worse——stop making her worse!”
this was fun, thank you so much for tagging me!
i’ll tag @fingolfins  @feanoriel (but only if you guys want! if anyone else wants to do this also, go for it!) 
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shigarakizine · 5 years
Interest Check Update
I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to fill out our interest check so far! After some discussion, we have decided that we will close the interest check early if we reach 500 responses. We are currently sitting at 198, so if you want to get the results back early, be sure to fill out that form and tell anyone who you think may be interested!
I am going to take the opportunity to answer a few questions that have popped up.
Will this be anime or manga-centric?
This zine will contain manga spoilers! If it is a significant concern, we can provide a list of which pages contain spoilers when the finished product is shipped out.
Will there be an online shop?
It's a little early to tell, but probably!
What do you mean by 'allow other characters in it'?
This is in reference to the question, Would you prefer to have a sole focus on, 'Shigaraki or allow other characters in it?,' which I believe has caused some confusion! Shigaraki will be the main character and focus of the zine regardless of what you choose. Voting to allow other characters means that other characters can be included in art and fic as supporting characters. I.E. Toga could be in the background of a picture, he could interact with Deku in a fic, ect. Voting for only Shigaraki means that he is the only character allowed to appear in art and fic made for the zine, period.
Finally, a gentle reminder to only vote on how many writers you would like to see in the zine if you want it to have art and writing. Voting on the number of writers when you also voted art only or writing only risks skewing the results. It's an optional question, so leaving that field blank won't prevent you from submitting your response!
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 198: A Pair of Chuunis
Previously on BnHA: Shinsou, Tsuyu, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Kouda (henceforth known as Team A) faced off against Shiozaki, Tsuburaba, Shishida, and Rin (Team B). Kiri, Kouda, and Tsubu were captured, making it 3 VS 3. Tsuyu covered Shinsou and Kami with her disgusting frog mucus in order to mask their scent so class B wouldn’t be able to track their movements. They then purposely allowed Kaminari to get captured as a distraction to let Shinsou get close enough to Shiozaki to ensnare here with his quirk. Realizing what had happened, Shishida stopped talking so as not to fall under Shinsou’s control himself. However this also left him unable to communicate with his remaining teammate, and Rin was shortly thereafter taken out by Tsuyu. Shishida was knocked out shortly after that, and so Team A ended up winning the match, giving class 1-A the lead as we enter the second round.
Today on BnHA: Aizawa and Vlad provide their respective students with constructive criticism following the match. Meanwhile the remaining 8 teams begin to plan out their strategies, including Monoma who is excited to have the chance to work together with Shinsou, particularly after witnessing the first match. It turns out he’s not the only one interested in what Shinsou can do, as Aizawa and Vlad reveal to All Might and Midnight that today’s exercise is doubling as Shinsou’s exam determining whether or not he should be admitted into the hero course. The second round of battles begins, with Team MomoYamaTokoKure facing off against Team KendouKuroMangaToadette. Kendou is excited to be battling Momo, as she considers the two of them to be rivals, and feels that up until now Momo has been outshining her. Meanwhile Kuroiro from class B bonds with Tokoyami over their mutual goth aesthetic before the two teams split off to get things started. Toko sends out Dark Shadow to do recon, only to have Kuroiro -- whose quirk allows him to move freely within the color black -- hitch a ride back to Team A’s location. The two prepare to clash, and Toko gets ready to show off a new technique he’s apparently learned from Hawks.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 222, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
my man Aizawa out here making sure I continue to stan him
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this is school after all!
and oh my god this title
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you know it’s the Momo chapter when...
goddammit Kirishima’s self-esteem issues are acting up again
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does anyone know if that “staring at yourself in the mirror and psyching yourself up by reminding yourself that you’re cool and awesome” thing actually works? maybe he should try that. he’s so good at complimenting other people but he’s so damn hard on himself. why are all shounen characters like this
Kouda says he needs to get better at issuing detailed orders to insects
good god Kouda, if you improve on your quirk you’re going to be fucking terrifying aren’t you
and I know I just said all shounen characters are too hard on themselves, but then along comes Kaminari to prove me wrong!
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you were great, buddy. 10/10 I stan one adaptable and clever electric boy. I would pit you and Mina up against Rat Principal all over again because I bet you two would crush it now
(ETA: not to mention that as Jirou will shortly point out, he’s skirting on the edge of falling into his usual derp mode here -- but he’s managing to retain his senses for the most part, which is extremely impressive given how much electricity he put out in that fight, first against Shishida and then later against Shiozaki. Kaminari!! you’ve become stronger!)
Tsuyu says she wanted to win without any casualties and she regrets losing two of her teammates
Shinsou, who did amazing for his first time, says it was “incredibly frustrating” and that he wasn’t able to apply even ten percent of what he’s learned
kid, take that frustration and channel it into becoming even more determined to fulfill your dreams! that’s the upside of being a shounen character who’s too harsh on himself! you learn and you keep getting stronger, okay?
see, and Aizawa’s telling him the same thing
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wow so he didn’t master it until he was out of school, then? or did he start on that before he entered U.A.?
say, aren’t we due some Aizawa flashbacks soon? this is the arc the manga was on when I first started reading, so it seems to be about that time I’d say
(ETA: so what is it exactly that made people have all these headcanons about him knowing the Iida family as a kid? I know he and Tensei are both in Vigilantes, so I’m guessing now it has something to do with that. lol and here I thought we were going to get a whole backstory. instead we’ve had all of one panel’s worth of flashbacks, and that was very recent and we apparently don’t know what the deal is with that yet except that he had some sort of cloudy friend that he doesn’t want to talk about. not that I’m not loving that, mind you; it’s just not what I was expecting. I really gotta start Vigilantes don’t I. maybe this weekend)
oh my god
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I’m a simple girl, I see Jirou losing her damn shit over Kaminari and I hit like and subscribe for more great content
and yes, Aoyama, they do seem to be taking this much more seriously than the others. thinking about what would have happened in a real life situation. and I mean, that’s not a bad thing per se, but it’s just... they’re still kids. and already thinking about death and other worst-case scenarios because they’ve experienced it firsthand now. and man but that’s rough
now Aizawa is giving them his own pointers
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he’s such a good teacher I love him so much
meanwhile Vlad is chewing out his own students
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didn’t Horikoshi describe his teaching approach as being gentler than Aizawa’s? was that just because he doesn’t expel entire classes at the drop of a hat? sure not seeming real gentle right now lol
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(ETA: strut strut)
excuse me Monoma who is the teacher here
but he says that despite the loss, he’s satisfied because they showed the rest of them “something marvelous”
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(ETA: strut strut)
yeah, I’ve been wondering about that. he probably can’t wait to try that quirk out for himself
man if Monoma bonds with Shinsou and then Shinsou ends up joining 1-A I am going to laaaaaaugh
(ETA: lol except for the fact that I sorta kinda ship it now oh shit)
and they have an advantage over the class A Shinsou team since they actually have some time to prepare
wow they’re all strategizing now
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friendly reminder that I love all of these kids and would die for them
and yes you, Todoroki. humility is all well and good but let’s not kid ourselves. you’re a powerhouse and you need to own it
I have no doubt that Team BakuJirouSeroSatou is going to crush this and I can’t waiiiit
and who fucking asked you, C-3PO. maybe they can’t have spare parts installed, but human bodies literally heal themselves given just a bit of time and rest. we don’t need to sit here and be dragged by someone who can’t even pass a damn turing test okay
All Might is reflecting on how much everyone has grown. he sure does that a lot
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I guess. and also a way to finally introduce the other 20 U.A. first years after 200 fucking chapters lol
hey what
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what is it. what’s with those faces. y’all wanna throw down or what?? bring it
oh they just want to know what they thought about Shinsou
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All Might is so good I love you All Might
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oh shit. so spoiler alert I guess he passes lol
is he aware that it’s a test? is this another one of your Logical Ruses you deceitful hobo
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I honestly can’t fathom how a team with both Momo and Tokoyami could possibly lose. they’ve even got Aoyama “saving the day in the clutch” Yuuga and Hagakure “I’m the friggin’ traitor” Tooru for fuck’s sake
by the way, Hagakure’s right fist is facing out but isn’t that weird? wouldn’t it make more sense to have your fist facing toward you for this kind of “pumped and ready to go” gesture? idk why it bothers me. maybe because she’s literally only hands so you could at least get that one detail right lmao
and have I mentioned how much I love Momo’s cape. now if only they’d get her a fucking zipper good grief
that kid from class B who speaks in literal dialogue bubbles is freaking named Manga and I can’t you guys
I have no problem with calling Kuroiro by his name, but I’m pretty sure that legally I have to continue referring to Komori as Toadette. I don’t make the rules you guys
Kendou is asking Momo why she didn’t enter the beauty contest during the cultural festival
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have I mentioned lately that Aizawa is the best dad? I have? well it never hurts to say it yet again. Momo had more important things to worry about than participating in the least rational annual event this school puts on
oh right, somehow I forgot that these two did their workplace experience together. actually can I just call it a fucking internship even if it wasn’t an internship internship? y’all still know what I mean anyway so come on
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this is an odd thing to bring up now and I can’t help but think Kendou’s trying to get into Momo’s head somehow
(ETA: nope. just bein’ rivals)
oh, Hagakure’s bringing up that one guy at the festival who kept cheering for Momo. I had been wondering about that. so he was a fan of theirs from the commercial they did then? who the hell stans someone from just a single commercial
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ooh, hidden dark side from Kendou all of a sudden!
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I mean, on the one hand I don’t like Kendou getting jealous because these badass ladies should be supporting one another, not harboring jealous thoughts and insecurities
but on the other hand she’s not wrong about Momo though trufax
okay good, this seems healthy enough
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oh my god
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imagine going from drawing Shiozaki to drawing this guy. Horikoshi must be filled with relief right now
oh my god Kuroiro’s quirk is apparently amazing!?
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if these two don’t watch it they are gonna cut themselves to ribbons on ALL THAT EDGE
so then is Hagakure gonna clash with Toadette. or Manga
so now round two is officially starting, and Sero is asking his friendly neighborhood Tetsutetsu about Kendou, Tetsu’s crush
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I ship these two kids so hard. he adores her
lol he says that if she wasn’t around the whole class would have been “indoctrinated” by Monoma
he says she’s the big sister of class B
yeah, so basically the Momo
and now Todoroki is thoughtfully chiming in
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you know, operation? as in scheme? as in whatever plan Momo’s thought up using the intellect that’s put her on at the very top of what is probably the most brilliant class in U.A. history?
so now we’re cutting to Team B, and Kendou is saying that they should wait and see what Team A has in store first, since even though they know their basic quirks, they don’t know what improvements they’ve made and what special moves they’ve come up with
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go fuck him up Kuroiro! I know I shouldn’t be rooting for you, but I’m so fucking curious to see if you can use Tokoyami’s quirk against him omg
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meanwhile we’re cutting back to Team A, and Tokoyami is reporting to the others that Dark Shadow has located Team B
oh shit
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Dark Shadow’s zooming toward them now and Tokoyami’s shouting at everyone to disperse
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Hagakure is all “Kuroiro popped out from inside Dark Shadow!” as though everyone else didn’t just watch that happen right along with her
Momo’s flinging some ninja nets at Kuro but he’s dodging!
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(ETA: and I’ll have you know Horikoshi even specifically described his arms as “fairly thin” when he did his little bio in chapter 101! so this is a recent fucking development. bird boy been hittin the gym)
also he sure does have a lot of natural enemies doesn’t he. his quirk is so powerful but it has a lot of weaknesses
and lmaoooooo at “a pair of chuunis” holy fucking christ
how is this chapter over already?? oh well, we’re almost at 200, let’s keep going and check out Toko’s new technique
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twoguysandaride · 3 years
YENKO Nova S/C Walk Around
The Nova was different in that Chevy offered no special COPO for it, so Yenko had to go back to their roots by ordering an SS 396 along with an L-72 short block. The L-78 was yanked and stripped to make the 427 a complete engine and installed. While the engine was rated at 425hp, rumors circulated that in the Nova, it actually made closer to 500hp. The package also included the 12-bolt 4.10 diff, heavy duty power front disc brakes, and upgraded suspension.
Yenko decided to go with a theme for the exterior of the 1969 Super Cars. All models received (unless deleted on the option sheet) a pair of stripes that ended near the front in an arrow with the letters “sYc” (Yenko Super Car). The sides featured a body stripe going from front to rear proudly displaying “Yenko/SC” on the rear quarter panel.
The cars also featured the Yenko badge on the rear panel with the “427” emblem, and “427” emblems on each side of the cowl scoop. Other options included a black vinyl top and Torq-Thrust wheels. Inside, was a standard black interior, with custom headrests proudly displaying the “sYc” logo. Camaros also received front and rear spoilers. All models had the option of the Muncie 4-speed manual, or TH400 automatic transmission.
Each of the Yenko Super Cars for 1969 were beautiful, yet deadly. Production numbers for the Camaro, Chevelle, and Nova were 198, 99, and 38 respectively.
Yenko History: Don Yenko had the knack for building fast cars. So much so, that Yenko Chevrolet had built up the reputation for being the go-to place for go-fast goodies. Opening up in 1949, Yenko Chevrolet, based in Canonsburg, PA, entered the performance world in 1957 by offering performance parts, as well as modifying your vehicle for you at the dealership. When you have the ability to make customers’ cars a lot more fun to drive, word gets out, as did the Yenko name. It wasn’t too long that Yenko Chevrolet began reaching for bigger and better things.
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loevrosie · 3 years
The Upside of Falling by Alex Light
Rating: 6/10
Genre: Romance
No. of Pages: 198 pages
Rated: R13
Published on: February 18, 2020
Synopsis (from GoodReads):
It’s been years since seventeen-year-old Becca Hart believed in true love. But when her former best friend teases her for not having a boyfriend, Becca impulsively pretends she’s been secretly seeing someone.
Brett Wells has it all. Being captain of the football team and one of the most popular guys in school, he should have no problem finding someone to date, but he’s always been more focused on his future than who to bring to prom. When he overhears Becca’s lie, Brett decides to step in and be her mystery guy. It’s the perfect solution: he gets people off his back for not dating and she can keep up the ruse.
Acting like the perfect couple isn’t easy though, especially when you barely know the other person. But with Becca still picking up the pieces from when her world was blown apart years ago and Brett just barely holding his together now, they begin to realize they have more in common than they ever could have imagined. When the line between real and pretend begins to blur, they are forced to answer the question: is this fake romance the realest thing in either of their lives?
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In-depth review (not spoiler-free):
This book was a quick read. You can finish it in just one sitting because it has only 198 pages, including the acknowledgement and all.
I am gonna tell you—the entire book is cliché. I knew that even before I started reading it. It was the same cliché romance book that I have read three years ago, but I liked it. I am sucker for fake relationship trope.
Becca, the heroine, was the epitome of not-like-the-other-girls that we all know. She loves to read books. She's smart. She doesn't like any kind of attention. She doesn't like the idea of love in reality. She doesn't go to parties.
Brett, Becca's love interest, was the jock. He's the perfect guy, the typical leading man we all know. But I liked his character more than I liked Becca—he felt more real to me.
Their love story made my heart flutter, but that's it. I didn't feel THE EMOTIONS when Brett was facing his family problem. It wasn't that well-written. It always felt like there was something missing. I didn't feel much emotions when they had the "cool-off." There was a problem with the delivery of the emotions in the story, but I liked how the words used are very easy to understand. I didn't have to go to Google to search for a certain word.
Overall, I had fun reading it at the start but halfway; it felt like a chore. I just finished reading it today because of my backlogs. I don't think this story will stick to me. I liked it though, don't get me wrong. It's good if you're looking for something between light and dark to read. The entire book felt like it was centered on divorce instead of the fake relationship between the two protagonists.
Song that reminds me of this book:
[to be edited]
6:57pm • November 26, 2021
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daniellethamasa · 6 years
Hey all, Dani here.
I can’t believe it is already time to talk about the books I am really excited for this summer. I feel like I just wrote up the spring post and yet, here we are. As per the usual, these posts are set up to cover a particular season, and this one will go through the books in the months of June, July, and August, that I am highly anticipating the release of.
Now, I will just go ahead and say this…the book release schedule I keep in my blogging notebook has several more books than I will talk about here. This is because some of them are sequels to books I haven’t read. I am still excited about them, but they aren’t books that I’ll be trying to read pretty much as soon as they’re released. This post is for the ones that I need to get my grabby little hands on so I can read them.
Honestly, this season includes my #1 most anticipated book release of the year. And I try not to rank books, but it is the sequel of my absolute favorite book from last year, and I would love to have this particular book in my hands right now. I have a signed ARC of the first book from BookExpo last year, and I bought a first edition hardcover on release day as well.
Okay, let’s just get this party started.
First up, let’s talk about the month of June.
Release Dates: Save the Date by Morgan Matson (June 5), Smoke in the Sun by Renee Ahdieh (June 5), Little Do We Know by Tamara Ireland Stone (June 5), My Hero Academia Vol 13 by Kohei Horikoshi (June 5), Final Draft by Riley Redgate (June 12), The Emerald Sea by Richelle Mead (June 26).
So, clearly for the month of June there are a few contemporary books I’m looking forward to. Technically, I have actually read Final Draft already, so I should have a review up for that soon. But I have enjoyed every Morgan Matson book I’ve read, so I’m eager to see how cute this one will be. Of course I am so ready for the next volume of My Hero Academia because things are getting really good and I need to know what happens next. And of course I need the finale of The Glittering Court trilogy. Hmm…actually, I might need to do a Glittering Court re-read in preparation for this release.
And now let’s move on to the month of July.
Release Dates: Smoke and Iron by Rachel Caine (July 3), One Punch Man Vol 14 by ONE (July 3), Bright We Burn by Kiersten White (July 10), Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik (July 10), European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman by Theodora Goss (July 10), Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers (July 24)
I absolutely adore The Great Library series, so this fourth book naturally had to be on this anticipated list. When it comes to One Punch Man, it technically breaks my rule of needing to be caught up on a series to anticipate an upcoming release, but I read volumes of manga super quickly so I will definitely be caught up before this one is released. When I read Uprooted by Naomi Novik, I was pretty much hooked on the book, and this new release has a similar cover design, and also seems to be sort of a folklore/fairy tale reimagining, so I am so ready to read it. Last year I read the first book of Theodora Goss’ series and I enjoyed following the daughters of some famous gothic/horror characters, so give me the next one already. Especially with that cover. Seriously, the July releases have some great covers. Honestly, I think Record of a Spaceborn Few might be my favorite cover of the Wayfinders series so far, though they are all stunning–well, the UK covers are stunning; I can’t stand the US covers.
Finally, let’s talk about August.
Release Dates: Dance of Thieves by Mary E Pearson (August 7), These Rebel Waves by Sara Raasch (August 7), My Hero Academia Vol 14 by Kohei Horikoshi (August 7), Access Restricted by Gregory Scott Katsoulis (August 28).
Okay, so Dance of Thieves is the start of a new series that takes place in the same world as the Remnant Chronicles series. I still need to finish that trilogy, but I’m still really excited about this one. I’m just a bit worried about potential spoilers, so this probably won’t be a book I read immediately after release. Plus I own the Remnant Chronicles in paperback and this is a hardcover release. And I guess I don’t need to talk about My Hero Academia in this section of the post, because you guys already know that I love the series. Then there is The Towering Sky, which is the final book in the Thousandth Floor trilogy. This series was not one I normally would have picked up, but I am legitimately trash for these books.
The final book I’m looking forward to in August is Access Restricted, which is my #! most anticipated release of 2018. The first book, All Rights Reserved, was my favorite read of 2017, and I will just continue to rave about how amazing it was and how everyone should pick it up. I read All Rights Reserved as an ARC, so this wait for book two has seemed extra long for me. I am so ready to devour this book already.
Okay, well, that is all I have for today. What books are you looking forward to this summer? Let’s talk books in the comments, and I’ll be back soon with more bookish content.
Most Anticipated Releases Summer 2018 Hey all, Dani here. I can't believe it is already time to talk about the books I am really excited for this summer.
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geek-gem · 7 years
My FNAF Timeline Ages And Other Details Before Changes
I've finally decided to make this and clicked here again back spaced to title. Okay I'm gonna explain I felt like making this all of a sudden then saw my last reblog and saw it as. okay I'm not gonna make this crap. But seeing it will still get seen. Also as now looked yeah Looney Tunes on Bugs Bunny random shit it's 10:11 pm and Boomerang is on.
The reason I put changes because with the latest game. I feel like I will make changes in case. This is due to the FNAF Pizzeria Simulator and it's lore. Considering spoilers.....it seeming like the last game I've talked about this.
So I will share this timeline and other stuff that will change possibly if I feel something needs to be changed.
I've thought of this and certain details and will stick with some. So here it is. Including continues more of that years thing I made of which years the games are in how I see them.
Now just I'll make this was gonna put the first game that's in the order of the timeline which is prequel by Scott. Also yeah I haven't seen that latest Game Theory and other stuff just I wanna make this. Including I mean the Game Theory video or videos whatever before Scott decided to confirm some stuff. Including this will include spoilers from the games novels mainly The Silver Eyes haven't read or know the full story of The Twisted Ones.
The timeline.
FNAF4 year 1983.
FNAF2 year 1987.
FNAF1 year 1995.
Sister Location AKA FNAF5 year 2003.
FNAF3 year 2017.
Including I've talked about the years in that post.
Other events or things that happened. Basically Fredbear's Family Diner opened in 1980 and closed in 1982. Including were not taking the 20 years comment mentioned by Phone Guy in the first message in the first game.
Also I guess weirdly Freddy's Fazbear's Pizza started in the end of 1982 but mostly early 1983 almost left 1918 and 198.
Characters and their birth years. Including for some their years of death. Along with other details.
Mike Schmidt: 1973.
FNAF4(10), FNAF2(14), FNAF1(22), Sister Location(30), FNAF3(44). Just saying I almost forgot this ages during which games thing. Since I almost started details with Jeremy and gonna delete the word details.
Jeremy Fitzgerald: 1969.
FNAF4(14), FNAF2(18), FNAF1(26), Sister Location(34), FNAF3(48).
Details also realized could of put the years above it. But for this Jeremy isn't the, "Bite Of 87" victim. Instead and I guess maybe as a weird joke. The victim was some asshole who happened to wear purple who was being an asshole to his kid. Even thought of another worker a guard before hand and the theory that the day shift guard before Jeremy is the victim which is why he takes his place but still. So yeah and was thinking of asshole dad being the birthday kids dad think I'll be okay with not putting that there. Including this little connection to character I'll say in here. But yeah a asshole dad who's a father to one of the kids who was invited to the party.
Fritz Smith: 1966.
FNAF4(17), FNAF2 (21), FNAF1(29), Sister Location(37), FNAF3 (51).
Phone Guy: 1961 to 1995.
FNAF4 (22), FNAF2 (26), FNAF1(34).
Charlotte AKA Charlie the daughter of Henry: 1978.
FNAF4 (5), FNAF2(9), FNAF1(17), Sister Location(25), FNAF3(39).
Just saying I decided to not change Charlie's actual name to just I'm just so used to her being called Charlie I forgot Charlotte was her real name. Basically just me being like here's the details in a weird correct order of what their real name is unless its the phone people who's names are kind of difficult to think about.
FNAF3 Guard: 1988.
FNAF4 (not born yet), FNAF2(not born yet), FNAF1(7), Sister Location(15), FNAF3(29).
Details the FNAF3 guard is a weird case. I've said FNAF3 is basically the game or something like that but I remember right was the game that got me into the series.
Ideas like the guard being a witness to the, "Bite Of 87" thus scarring them for life and the reason why they see the Phantom Animatronics. Almost left the word he. Or also what if the guards a female. Including this idea how about the guard being a child of Charlie.
But mainly the main case is the guard being a younger cousin of Charlie which I'll go with and the child of Aunt Jen. Also the idea of the guard being an Autistic which is why they stay at the attraction. Also what about born in 1991 or 30 years old or a female.
Seriously it's a weird case and me trying to make this guard special. When honestly they could just be someone who just got a job in a haunted attraction with a animatronic possessed by a child murderer. I've just been thinking. Okay I'm on the next character I did mention even as an autistic person I think I'm terrible at writing autistic characters and me wanting to joke about it. But it seems worrisome in a way or okay silly when I think about the idea for the text post. Just typing down the pizzeria now or whatever.
Henry the creator and owner of Fredbear's Family Diner and Freddy's Fazbear's Pizza: 1950 to 1985.
FNAF4 (33).
As of 1985 as in the novel The Silver Eyes Henry commits suicide. But this time instead of following the story from the novel. The restaurant now is in possession and William just wants to be a dick and he's offensive that's he continuing restaurant business after the missing children's case the original, and Henry's suicide which pisses off Aunt Jen and others maybe Charlie but she's young and thinking about the novel.
Basically the business is all William's now and it's not for the better if you know well know who he is.
Sammy the twin brother of Charlie and son of Henry: 1978 to 1982.
Details Sammy in this version is the Puppet with the music box being his favorite music that his father had him listen to. Also just put the son part.
FNAF4 Child: 1979 to 1983.
Details the nightmares you have in FNAF4 aren't his. Yet yes you play as him in the mini games. But the dreams even the 8th night well basically basically with Nightmare or whatever isn't his too.
Yet also he died by having his older brother and his friends shove him into Fredbear's mouth and he dies of his injuries.
William Afton's daughter: 1981 to 1989.
FNAF4(2), FNAF2(6).
Details honestly the year of when the daughter dies is unknown. Including I tried to make sense of what age it would be at. To make sense of how she. Didn't wanna have her die too old or just I tried to make sense of this. Including I think Sister Location takes place after FNAF1 but that place isn't the biggest concern for William right now.
Michael Afton: 1977 to 2003 some what basically undead.
FNAF4(6), FNAF2(10), FNAF1(18), Sister Location (26), FNAF3(40) yet he's in a way dead yet alive.
Details just saying I remembered the Michael Springtrap thing when thinking about FNAF3. Yet that's not part of this and it's confirmed that's not canon. But still keep thinking of Springtrap and that I was thinking of doing the same for William now.
Also the thing here is. Michael is the one having nightmares in FNAF4. While I've read it doesn't make sense yet it seems to work for me yet I'm opened to why people think that.
Basically I've thought of this. After basically killing his brother but not on purpose. Including how much torture he put him through. Michael now suffers probably thought days before his brother dies.
He has nightmares of the Nightmare Animatronics trying to kill him. Including he see's himself a bit younger. Basically what his brother had to go through and the animatronics are the ones he and his friends wore masks as and Fredbear being the killer of his brother.
The symbolism is that they are basically punishing him for his sins and it's basically his own personal hell. Because he knows what he had done and now he's paying for it. The guilt of what he's done to his brother is haunting him in the worse possible way and remembered the little hospital stuff you see. I'll think of that he remembers seeing those in his brothers room it's just reminding him of what he did.
Also just thought as a fun little thing yet it's actually dark. Since Scott said Nightmare Balloon Boy is canon. Also remembered Plushtrap but yeah basically everything is punishing him in his dreams.
But Nightmare Mangle and Nightmare Balloon Boy, the Nightmarionne had to look on YouTube twice for that name. Those can be weirdly canon like as he grows up he still has those nightmares. Put some Nightmare Toy Animatronics in there too while your at it. Including Jack O Bonnie and Jack O Chica for a fun bit to remind him it's Halloween too at times.
I took a while on that sorry and remember during the early stages of writing about Michael here I forgot about Phone Dude.
Phone Dude possibly maybe the creator of Fazbear's Fright yet it's unknown but even some theories okay sorry off topic related to the new game: 1983.
FNAF4(0), FNAF2 (4), FNAF1(12), Sister Location(20), FNAF3(34).
Details he's the kid who was having his birthday party on the day of the, "Bite Of 87" and the guy actually thought it was awesome to see a grown man's head being bitten by an animatronic like Mangle. He's honestly radical and just the idea thinking shit like he be jazzed up to see Springtrap is haunted or some shit or.....wanna call him a psychopath or just in my head thought of that word let's continue shall we.
William Afton: 1950 to 2003 some what basically undead like his son at this point.
FNAF4(33), FNAF2(37) FNAF1(45), Sister Location (53), FNAF3(67) undead as Springtrap.
In this version William as the Purple Guy killed Sammy, killed 5 at the original restaurant. Then killed 5 more in 1987 pretending to be a guard for some reason just thought maybe to fool the animatronics.
He took control in 1985 despite everyone fucking hates him and knows he did shit but can't prove shit. Originally Circus Baby's Pizza World was supposed to open to the public more. After his daughter died. Fearing people would find him out. He decided to make the restaurant a rental business instead in 1989. In 1995 and 10 years after the original case after Phone Guy died and everyone not giving a shit. He decides fuck this shit I'm closing down Freddy's. Despite I've just thought people would love that.
Now only having let me look. Okay just looked on Google it's Circus Baby's Entertainment And Rental. Just checked again on Google not rentals. He basically focuses on that shit. Including possibly still kills kids every now and often almost twice left often as Afton. Also the fact the Funtime Animatronics kill kids too when they are alone and capture them.
Honestly probably people would know of that shit and okay maybe too much depressing stuff more kids taken now I can't believe I'm bothered by that now.
But basically deciding and thought to get rid of Michael his only son. He tells him if he wants to find his sister. He needs to go where Circus Baby is at the main rental place and work there.
Yet this is basically just William sending him to his death to just get rid of him. Seeing how Michael is still fucked up and see's he's wanting to redeem himself in some way.
Including William owns Afton Robotics whatever saw that when seeing the actual rental places title.
But seeing as how in a way Michael fucked up or just....okay wanna mention this too. The fake ending in Sister Location is a vision Michael has and wants to happen. I was thinking maybe some how before he dies he finds the secret room. Or honestly the idea he finds the room after he dies and remembering seeing Ennard however that's spelt.
So just after Michael is basically scooped. Everyone realizes Michael is basically some what a weird zombie now and the Funtime Animatronics being fucked up. Including Michael was still working there.
Because of this William for some reason decides to destroy the original animatronics to make sure no body finds out the bodies are in there. Basically trying to clean his tracks. But he dies by getting cornered by the spirits of the original kids he murdered. Among them I remembered Michael Brooks or whatever from The Silver Eyes who's Golden Freddy. Along with William dies in the Spring Bonnie suit and it's old and it can't work right. Also William laughing thinking he's won. He's not found till 2017.
Other details just this idea from me. Over the years mainly after 1987 with the 2nd bite, people are not tired of the pizzerias. Including how William still not going done.
But this it's not just riots. The riots are just very bad that bosses like other ceo's, manager s, and some employees are seriously killed by angry parents and other folks due to their extreme hatred of Freddy's.
Including shoot outs at the restaurant, it looking like shit. Also one time Foxy was actually beaten by a customer with a crowbar or something which is why he's out of order in the first game.
This extreme hatred and huge mobs even jus thought of other Freddy's being burnt down. All of this is another reason why William closes down the last restaurant surprised and thought one no one burnt it. But the hatred is so extreme people are snapping and willing to kill anyone associated with the restaurant but basically anyone who is a higher up with William.
Also this idea the Phantom Animatronics are also people who died during those times. But the idea and their names having phantom. Them being the ghost of the kids using animatronic forms make sense too.
I'm just rambling and feel this is all I have to say.
Got tags done and put down the 3rd and 4th one twice well deleted them and some lilly thing for the FNAF sister location. I didn't wanna put a lot of tags and don't wanna bother. I'll change this and think a bit with the new game out and see if it fits okay I wanted to share this shit I'm acting like I'm quickly talking and shit 11:57
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canoncompanions · 7 years
The Best of Canon Companions Tracks 188-198
[Warning: This post contains major spoilers for the Fire Emblem Tellius Series and Harry Potter]
1. "Oops... I Did It Again" by Britney Spears
Works represented: Hey Arnold! Characters represented: Lila to Arnold This song does a good job of representing Lila's basic tendency to tease Arnold only to say in the end that she doesn't "like him, like him", even though she knows he feels that way about her.  This song is also a really good song and represents one of my favorite shows. 2. "Things I'll Never Say" by Avril Lavigne Works represented: El Goonish Shive; The Simpsons; Hey Arnold! Characters represented: Justin to Elliot; Smithers to Burns; Helga to Arnold In every case this song refers to a kept-silent unrequited crush, and does a very good job of it, particularly for the El Goonish Shive case.  Additionally, it's a great song, represents my favorite character from every single work it covers, is a huge plot point in the case of Hey Arnold!, and covers two of my favorite works. 3. "Movin' On" by Good Charlotte Works represented: Fire Emblem Tellius Series; Harry Potter Characters represented: Ike; Harry In both cases, this is the near-finale song, before the epilogue, where the heroes have finally succeeded in their goals, but with several losses and changes in relationships along the way.  It's relevant to both cases, extremely plot important to both cases, a great song, and about my second favorite character from my favorite work/game. 4. "Behind Those Eyes" by 3 Doors Down Works represented: Mansfield Park Characters represented: Edmund to Mary In this song, Edmund discovers Mary's duplicity and doesn't want her anymore.  In addition to being relevant and plot-important, it's about my favorite character from one of my favorite books, and a good song. 5. "I'm with You" by Avril Lavigne Works represented: Fire Emblem Tellius Series; Harry Potter Characters represented: Micaiah to Zelgius; Ginny to Harry In both cases the song is being sung by a girl who is alone and scared when a guy appears to help her, though it's more relevant in Micaiah's case since she has never met Zelgius before he comes to save her.  It's a beautiful song and the fact that it's about my favorite game/work and relatively plot-important makes it better. 6. "Beat It" by Michael Jackson Works represented: Fire Emblem Tellius Series; El Goonish Shive; Fire Emblem Awakening Characters represented: Geoffrey to Ludveck; Raven to Abraham; Raimi to Chrom In every case the song is sung by a character who believes their turf is being intruded by someone unworthy.  In the last case it turns out to be a misunderstanding.  Either way, two of the works are top tier, as is one of the characters, and the song itself.  It's also plot-important in two of three cases. 7. "Without a Fight" by Hoobastank Works represented: Fire Emblem Tellius Series; Penny and Aggie/QUILTBAG Characters represented: Elincia; Penny This song refers to a point where a character who has previously been considered mostly vulnerable decides to fight back against aggressors.  It's mostly relevant, if not eerily so, but it's plot-important in both cases, a good song, and about my favorite game/work. 8. "With a Little Help from My Friends" by the Beatles Works represented: Fire Emblem Tellius Series Characters represented: Ike to Oscar, Soren, and Mist After Greil's death, Ike realizes that, even though he's lost someone really important, he can keep on surviving with his friends.  It's about some of my favorite characters in my favorite game/work and mildly plot-important as well. 9. "Round and Round" by 3 Doors Down Works represented: Goof Troop Universe Characters represented: Goofy, Max, Pete, and PJ This song does an excellent job of explaining what foil sets are on the shows and how this works out in their favor.  This song didn't originally make it onto the Best of Canon Companions, but snagged the sole nominee slot due to being a great song, very important to the plot, very relevant, about a bunch of great characters including my favorite character ever, and about one of my favorite works of all time. 10. "Beautiful Disaster" by Kelly Clarkson Works represented: Fire Emblem Tellius Series; Harvest Moon More Friends of Mineral Town Characters represented: Sanaki about Sephiran; Ann about Cliff In both cases, the song is sung by a girl who feels something for a guy who has many, many problems, though it's more sympathetic in the case of Ann to Cliff.  It's about two of my favorite video games, plot important to the former, about one of my favorite characters in the latter, and a really good song. 11. "Never Walk Away" by Breaking Point Works represented: Fire Emblem Tellius Series; Fire Emblem Awakening Characters represented: Ike to Kotaff; Kjelle In the former case, the song refers to someone being angry about being underestimated again, while in the latter case it refers to someone who has duty and refusal to give up as a major character trait.  While it's not terribly plot important, it is relevant, a good song, and about my second favorite character from my favorite game.
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jmaddox542 · 3 years
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This 2015 GMC Yukon XL SLE in Crystal Red Tintcoat features Convenience Package (Inside Rear-View Auto-Dimming Mirror Power Rear Liftgate Power-Adjustable Pedals For Accelerator & Brake and Universal Home Remote) License Plate Front Mounting Package Preferred Equipment Group 3SA (Black Assist Steps w/Chrome Strip Manual Rear Liftgate OnStar Basic Plan For 5 Years and OnStar w/4G LTE) Premium Smooth Ride Suspension Package 3.08 Rear Axle Ratio 3rd row seats: split-bench 40/20/40 Front 3-Passenger Split-Bench Seat 4-Wheel Disc Brakes 5 Auxiliary 12-volt Power Outlets 9 Speakers ABS brakes Air Conditioning Airbags Alloy wheels AM/FM radio: SiriusXM Automatic temperature control Brake assist Bumpers: body-color CD player Compass Delay-off headlights Driver door bin Driver vanity mirror Dual front impact airbags Dual front side impact airbags Electronic Stability Control Emergency communication system Exterior Parking Camera Rear Front anti-roll bar Front Bucket Seats Front Center Armrest Front dual zone A/C Front fog lights Front reading lights Front wheel independent suspension Fully automatic headlights Heated door mirrors Illuminated entry Low tire pressure warning Occupant sensing airbag Outside temperature display Overhead airbag Overhead console Panic alarm Passenger door bin Passenger vanity mirror Power door mirrors Power driver seat Power steering Power windows Premium audio system: IntelliLink Premium Cloth Seat Trim Radio: AM/FM/SiriusXM/HD Rain sensing wipers Rear air conditioning Rear anti-roll bar Rear reading lights Rear seat center armrest Rear window defroster Rear window wiper Remote keyless entry Roof rack: rails only Security system Speed control Speed-sensing steering Split folding rear seat Spoiler Steering wheel mounted audio controls Tachometer Tilt steering wheel Traction control Trip computer Variably intermittent wipers Voltmeter and Wheels: 18 x 8.5 Bright Machined Aluminum: NON SMOKER COMMISSION FREE SALES PEOPLE Bluetooth Rear View Camera 5 Day Money Back Guarantee*** See Dealer for Details FREE Car Washes for Life 1st Oil Change is FREE 3rd Row Seating LOCAL TRADE Never a Rental. 4WD SLEPrices are plus tax tag title $198 Electronic Filing Fee and dealer pre-delivery service fee in the amount of $899 which charge represents cost and profit to the dealer for items such as cleaning inspecting and adjusting new and used vehicles and preparing documents related to the sale. Duval Value-Price – our way of selling higher mileage or older vehicles and passing the savings on to you! . Call us today at 904-725-8000 or visit us on the web at www.duvalacura.com.Awards:* 2015 KBB.com Brand Image Awards Reviews:* If you need no-compromises hauling and towing ability along with a no-compromises first-rate interior the 2015 GMC Yukon and Yukon XL are just the ticket. That goes double for the high-end Denali models. Source: KBB.com* Strong V8 power; stout towing capacity; big cargo capacity; available nine-passenger seating; extremely quiet highway ride; high-quality cabin. Source: Edmunds* Meet the all-new 2015 GMC Yukon. Its spacious interior offers three rows of seating that can accommodate up to nine passengers. With its bold styling premium materials and inspiring capability Yukon creates a new standard in full-size utility. Yukon interior offers a perfect blend of craftsmanship comfort and functionality. The proof is in the details including authentic aluminum trim contrast stitching on console and doors and optional heated steering wheel. GMC engineers concentrated on every aspect of the Yukon to reduce cabin noise resulting in an unparalleled driving experience as well. From its confident aerodynamic proportions to its premium accents and refined finish this sport utility vehicle lives up to its looks with superior capability comfort and towing capacity. Other LICENSE PLATE FRONT MOUNTING PACKAGE,CONVENIENCE PACKAGE includes (DD8) inside rearview auto-dimming mirror (JF4) power-adjustable pedals (TB5) rear power liftgate and (UG1) universal home remote,TIRES P265/65R18 ALL-SEASON BLACKWALL (STD),UNIVERSAL HOME REMOTE includes garage door opener programmable,REAR AXLE 3.08 RATIO,SEATS FRONT 40/20/40 SPLIT-BENCH WITH PREMIUM CLOTH 3-PASSENGER Includes (AG1) 6-way power driver seat adjuster manual front passenger seat adjuster driver manual lumbar control driver and front passenger manual reclining center fold-down armrest with storage lockable storage compartments in sea
- https://is.gd/f08voj
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runridedive · 6 years
The all-new Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Mitsubishi’s unique Super All-Wheel Control (S-AWC), the all-new Eclipse Cross offers a defiant new-genre coupé approach, fusing stylish design and functionality for trendy individuals who are looking beyond the latest trends.
The latest arrival in the Mitsubishi Motors South Africa stable expands the local product offering to six distinctive models in the range (ASX, Outlander, Pajero, Pajero Sport, Triton and now the Eclipse Cross).
“Eclipse Cross, which surpassed the global sales milestone of 80 000 units since its international launch 12 months ago, boasts a coupé-like exterior and is perceived more modern, distinctive, dynamic, advanced and sportier than most of its competitors,” says Nic Campbell, General Manager of Mitsubishi Motors South Africa.
The all-new Eclipse Cross CVT will be available in 4×2 and all-wheel drive (AWD), both with a 6-speed CVT gearbox with Sports Mode coupled to Mitsubishi’s 2.0-litre MIVEC petrol engine.
The latest model offers cutting-edge technology to deliver a bold action adventure compact SUV that takes you beyond the everyday.
“The three primary product attributes of the all-new Eclipse Cross are stimulating design, confidence-inspiring driving and human connectivity,” says Campbell.
Design Concept and Awards
The stimulating design concept of the all-new Eclipse Cross brings the new compact SUV into the modern age, combining the latest styling design with incredible driving dynamics and innovative, intuitive safety technology.
Winning a host of international awards, including the prestigious GOOD DESIGN award for Design Excellence and Design Innovation, the Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross was named the Automotive Researchers’ & Journalists’ Conference of Japan “RJC Car of the Year 2019”.
Judges praised the sharp looks, excellent rough-road performance and well-balanced drivability of the Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross.
The all-new model’s vibrant styling expresses a fresh sportiness and stylishness, making a bold statement on the road. Like the ring of sunlight from behind the moon in a full eclipse, the sharply sculpted character line makes the Eclipse Cross appear as if the body was carved from a single block of metal.
Its defiant design concept focuses on a fine balance between the wedge-shaped coupé style and practicality of space and comfort, with its adventure character creating a sophisticated balance between sport and style. On the outside, the front face expresses dynamism and sportiness based on the “dynamic shield” design concept, with Japanese craftsmanship including a functional and hi-tech lighting design.
Part of the Eclipse Cross’s Japanese Craftsmanship is the new Red Diamond body colour with high brightness and high chrome which emphasises the vehicle’s vibrant styling further. The strikingly lustrous Red Diamond paint is created by a multi-coat process that includes the layering of a semi-transparent red and clear coating for a high-colour saturation and intensity that produces a highly-refined, deeper finish. Red Diamond is the most premium exterior finish ever offered by Mitsubishi Motors.
The cockpit of the all-new Eclipse Cross has a sporty design that stimulates excitement with an ingenious selection of features, making drivers want to invite friends for a ride.
Confidence-inspiring Driving
Powered by Mitsubishi’s proven 2.0-litre MIVEC engine, coupled to a finely-tuned 6-speed CVT with 6-step Sports Mode, the all-new Eclipse Cross offers excellent acceleration that gives the new model a dynamic feeling behind the wheel.
Mitsubishi’s unique Super All-Wheel Control (S-AWC) ensures outstanding stability in all road and driving conditions, offering agile handling for unequalled safety.
S-AWC is the integration of the vehicle dynamics control system with the controls of each component around the all-wheel drive system, offering the driver additional safety and comfortable driving.
S-AWC guarantees ultimate driving safety through the electronically-controlled AWD System which distributes driving torque as required. This leads to ultimate longitudinal driving force distribution while the Active Yaw Control (AYC) ensures excellent lateral driving force distribution. This allows additional steering assistance on any terrain.
If the driver unintentionally brakes or accelerates too much in a normal turn in slippery conditions, the system helps the driver to maintain control safely with usual steering inputs.
S-AWC detects the vehicle’s position, decides the proper torque distribution between the front and rear and left and right wheels using power and brake control, ensuring sure-footed control.
The highly-efficient power train, with Smart Driving Assist and Active Smart Safety, offers confidence-inspiring driving and ultimate peace of mind.
Another outstanding feature is the full-colour Head Up Display (HUD) that sharpens the sensitivity of human and machine connection.
Human Connectivity
The all-new Eclipse Cross has an advanced human-centric cockpit thanks to its meticulously designed layout, giving the driver intuitive command of the vehicle in all conditions on or off the road.
As an optional extra, connecting your mobile device to a 7″ touchscreen Infotainment system (with built-in GPS) via Bluetooth allows the driver through Voice Control to access the phone’s compatible apps and stored information to get directions, make calls, send and receive messages and enjoy music from the phone or any Apple Car Play and Android compatible device.
Standard equipment is a standard touch-screen radio.
Everything is taken care of thanks to a smartphone storage tray and USB connectors in the centre console.
Model features
Specifications for the local range include a host of interior and exterior characteristics as well as active and passive safety features:
On the inside the Eclipse Cross offers complete style and comfort with bolstered seats giving the driver relaxed support and unchallenged visibility.
The HUD conveys relevant vehicle information in full colour above the instrument cluster for easy viewing without the driver having to take his or her eyes off the road. The image brightness and display height can be adjusted to suit driver preference and time of day.
The screen extends or retracts when the ignition is turned on or off.
Apart from the HUD, the sporty, meticulously crafted cockpit includes next-generation technology and connectivity, enhancing driver awareness and control, including:
Tilt and Telescopic Steering Wheel
Multi-function Leather Steering Wheel with Audio and Cruise Control
Bluetooth with Hands-free Voice Control
Paddle Shifts
Electric Windows (front and rear)
Driver Window Auto up/down function
Automatic Air-conditioning with Rear Passenger Vent Duct
Leather Seats
Slide and tilt-adjustable rear seats with 60/40 split
Electric Adjustable Driver Seat and Heated Front Seats
Accessory Sockets and USB Ports
The distinctive shape and design of the exterior fills the driver with confidence. Like an athlete in motion, the sculpted wedge shape and sharp, dynamic character lines leave a strong impression wherever you go.
Outstanding exterior features include:
Electric Adjustable Fold-away Mirrors with Indicator Light
Projector Halogen Headlights with Manual Levelling Device
DRL (Daytime Running Lights)
Dusk Sensing Headlamps
Front Fog Lamps
Headlamp Washer
Rain Sensing Windscreen Wipers
Front and Rear Park Distance Control
Rear Spoiler with High-mounted Stop Lamp
Front Bumper Skid Plate (Silver)
Tailgate Garnish (Chrome)
18″ Alloy Wheels
Full-size spare wheel
Roof Rails
Safety features:
True to all of Mitsubishi’s product offerings in South Africa, the all-new Eclipse Cross boasts a full complement of advanced active and passive safety features.
The new model has 7 airbags, including driver and front passenger, side and curtain airbags and a driver knee airbag, which provides an extra level of protection when the driver might need it most.
Highlighted by the advanced and brand-new S-AWC in the AWD version, both versions have:
RISE (Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution) Body Construction
7 Airbags
Side-impact Protection Bars
ISOFIX Child Seat Anchors
ABS (Anti-lock Braking System)
AYC (Active Yaw Control)
EBD (Electronic Brake-force Distribution)
BAS (Brake Assist System)
HAS (Hill Start Assist System)
ASTC (Active Stability and Traction Control)
EPB (Electric Parking Brake)
EPS (Electronic Power Steering)
Central Door Locking with Motion Lock
Anti-theft Protection Device
Keyless Operating System
Rear View Camera
Range in SA
The all-new Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross will be offered in two derivatives for the South African market – the two-wheel or front-wheel drive version and the all-wheel drive model.
The 2.0-litre MIVEC DOHC 16-valve 4-cylinder engine uses ECI-Multi Point Fuel Injection with an output of 110 kW @ 6 000 rpm and 198 Nm of torque at 4 200 rpm.
Coupled to this engine, the INVECS-III CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) with its 6-step Sports Mode delivers effortless acceleration from any speed, slick gear changes and a smooth ride. The driver can also control the shift steps via the Paddle Shifts behind the steering wheel. Keeping the engine at optimum performance at all times, the CVT enhances fuel efficiency.
All this is possible due to a new modified torque converter & damper assembly, changes in final gear ratios and software.
In the AWD version, the driver can choose the AUTO, SNOW or GRAVEL drive mode depending on road conditions to enhance accuracy, straight-line stability and manoeuvrability on slippery surfaces.
The CVT with 6-step Sports Mode contributes to the 2.0? MIVEC engine’s outstanding fuel consumption of 7.9 ?/100 km (combined cycle) for the 4×2 and 8.1 ?/100km for the AWD derivative.
Both models boast a turning circle of 5.3 m and a ground clearance of 180 mm.
The 4×2 derivative has a fuel tank of 63 litres while that of the AWD comes to 60 litres.
The introduction of Eclipse Cross as part of Mitsubishi Motors’ compact SUV range in South Africa has created the opportunity for the company to realign the ASX range with the introduction of two new derivatives – the ASX ES M/T and an ES 6-speed CVT derivative – with its retail prices at R359 995 and R379 995 respectively. An official press statement to follow in the last week of February 2019.
The all-new Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross enters its segment as a massive value-for-money offering.
Eclipse Cross 2.0L CVT 4×2   R399 995
Eclipse Cross 2.0L CVT AWD R449 995
Both models are covered by Mitsubishi’s Manufacturer’s Warranty of 3 years or 100 000km, a 5-year / 90 000 km Service Plan and a 5-year / unlimited mileage Roadside Assistance.
Service intervals are every 15 000 km.
Words by Mitsubishi
The post The all-new Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross appeared first on Run Ride Dive.
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