#spooky season requests 2022
nocturnal-milk-dud · 2 years
Revenge of the Spooky sounds so fun! Okay, I’m in! How about Will Miller + Predator 😎
I don’t know, just something about him in that scenario, his fine a** saving the day (hopefully) just works for me. 😂
Don't Go Walkin' Slow, The Devil's on The Loose
Pairing: Will "Ironhead" Miller x Reader
Warnings/notes: violence; a little gore; language; I really like the mimic ability yautja have and it's very underused imo (from what I've seen); Redfly gets a mention mainly because I didn't have the heart to murder any of the other TF characters; please don't ask me why they're running around at night when they're supposed to be smart.
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1042
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There's only two of you now.
Will winces as you cinch his scarf tight around his arm. A poor excuse for a bandage, but it will have to do. You've lost or had to drop most of your gear.
"Easy," he whispers, nudging your forehead gently with his own. You're both exhausted and hurting, feeling like you're waiting to die.
"Why didn't they tell us what was out here?" you hiss.
"They probably didn't know," he says, but you can tell by his tone that he doesn't believe it. What he doesn't want to believe is that he and his team were sent here just to die. You bite back your words and hunker down against the wall of the cave the two of you had found after the most recent skirmish.
Five other people have been slaughtered since you arrived in this god-forsaken place. Five friends. Left in the most gruesome state if they were left to find at all. And what do you have to show for it? Almost entirely out of ammo, Will's arm slashed to ribbons, and only one of those creatures dead.
"Anybody out there?" The voice is like a piece of glass shattering, the sound so sudden and so startling.
"Is that-?" You look toward the opening of the cave, out into the inky black night.
"Can't be," Will says.
"I need some help!" Redfly. He's alive, but not for much longer if you don't act.
"It is," you say, grabbing your gear and making for the entrance. Will grabs you roughly, pinning you back against the wall.
"It's not. He's dead, they're all dead. This is some sick trick to get us out there and I'm not falling for it."
"I'm not gonna let another person die."
"Neither am I." There's a twinge in Will's jaw, and you can feel his eyes piercing you in the darkness, almost holding you in place all on their own. He's resolved, unyielding. Your shoulders slump, knowing you'll get nowhere with him like this. You drop your gaze to the ground.
"Fine," you grumble. Will moves away from you and lets himself drop heavily to the ground, the act of restraining you taking more energy than he has. You sit back down but keep your eyes trained to the darkness outside, wondering if there is something looking back.
You don't remember falling asleep, but you do remember you weren't supposed to. It was your turn to watch while Will slept. How long have you been out? Will hasn't moved, slumped in the corner, eyes closed, gun draped across his lap. You relax a little.
"Guys?! I need some help!" Redfly again. Redfly's voice. You look at Will. The noise hasn't woken him. No one had seen what happened to Redfly. He had disappeared, leaving his gun and a trail of blood behind. None of that truly adds up to dead. Missing, hurt, but not dead.
But he wouldn't call attention to himself. He wouldn't wander aimlessly through deadly terrain with camouflaged hunters in the middle of the night calling for help. Unless he is too banged up and disoriented to know any better.
Will is right. It's a trick.
Or Redfly is out there, scared and bleeding, about to become a trophy.
"Fuck." You're up and moving before you can change your mind.
Your feet feel like clay as you move through the dense undergrowth. The heat is still oppressive, your clothes fused to your skin, damp with sweat, the grip on your rifle stock slippery with it. You follow the sound of Redfly's voice--the only sound. The wind shifts, bringing with it a sharp scent that stings your nose, and a prickle along your spine. A chill rolls through you. You're being watched.
You break to the right, sprinting through the trees, and an explosion sends sparks up behind you, splintering a tree trunk. The ground shakes as the tree collapses. You don't stop running, even as more explosions rattle the earth around you, forcing you to change directions several times. It feels like the creature is herding you. The forest is a blur around you and you're staring dead ahead when something seems to shimmer. Whatever it is, your gut tells you to stop, and you do, grinding to a halt. Your heart is pounding so hard, your breath coming so fast that you imagine the entire forest can hear you. It's like the world in front of you starts to tremble and peel away to reveal it, that's how well-hidden they are.
Its spear appears first, the business end inches from your throat. The camouflage continues to retreat until you're staring up at the eight foot tall brute, its torso as thick as a tree trunk, face hidden by a mask with cold, dark eyes. A human skull hangs from its belt, and you wonder who it belonged to. You wonder if yours looks similar. You know at any second that spear will enter your throat, and there's not much you can do about it. The creature chitters, its head tilting ever so slightly to the side as if considering you. Everything that happens next happens fast. There's a sharp crack, the creature stumbles, its spear falling, and you flinch at the spatter of green blood across your face.
"Run!" Will shouts, and you do, cutting to the left and catching up to him in the darkness. "I'll ask what the fuck you were thinking later!" Branches grab and scratch at you as you flee and all of a sudden the ground is giving way beneath you, your feet fighting for purchase, before they're swept out from under you. You and Will reach out for each other as you go sliding and tumbling down a steep, muddy slope. The ground comes at you fast, and you land heavily on your chest, the air knocked out of you in a raspy wheeze. You push yourself onto your back, pulling deep breaths into your wrecked lungs, and that's when you see it.
"What the fuck?" you whisper.
"Are you okay?" Will asks, finding you in the darkness, his hand closing around your wrist.
"No." Above you, dangling from the trees, are your team members, bodies bloody and mutilated.
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yen-stanning · 2 years
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Hocus Pocus (1993) lockscreens/wallpapers
requested by anon
please like or reblog, if you save :)
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junosartsthetic · 2 years
It’s August 1st which means it’s spooky season! Expect quite a few spooky fics in the coming days! I go feral for Halloween so I’m super excited to write some cool and creepy things for y’all with maybe a sprinkle of cute mixed in. Feel free to request spooky prompts! 
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pomrania · 2 years
In anticipation of spooky season, I'd like to draw your pets as monsters. From now until 10 September 2022, reblog this post, and add in your pet's photo, name, and what kind of monster you want me to draw them as, and I'll do so.
Only one request at a time. You can make a subsequent request once your previous request has been drawn and posted. This is to give everyone a fair chance, without putting any arbitrary limits on stuff if it's a slow day
Each request is for only one critter, and with only one photo; don't make me choose between multiple pictures to use. (If you just want to show off more pictures of your critter, put any further photos below a read-more.)
Make sure to include the critter's name in the post. Yes I know I said this in the first paragraph, but people keep forgetting to do it so I'm making this its own point.
You have to say what kind of monster you want me to draw your critter as. "Whatever you feel like" is NOT an acceptable answer. Aside from that though, it can be vague or specific or anything in between; I'm equally fine with "something scary" or "vampire" or "well-meaning eldritch horror who's trying to appear in a cute and non-threatening form but doesn't understand biology or three-dimensional geometry", to give an example.
My preference is to draw each critter only once, because the concept of this event is "your pet as a monster".
It can be a past or current pet, or the pet of a friend or relative, so long as you have some sort of connection with the critter, and you can give me a name for the critter.
UPDATE: No longer accepting requests on this post, because it’s now past 10 September. 
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thenewblackcanvas · 8 months
The Midnight hour is close at hand…
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Darkness falls across the land (Halloween 2022)
Welcome to the masterlist of horroooooor... season 2! The landing page for all things spooky and spine-chilling 2023. Expect new drabbles and stories (and a continuation of last year's unfinished lineup). Inbox is open for requests! Don't forget to like or send a message to celebrate with me.
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sexting... felix x reader ; smutty, mild scare
petplay gone wrong ateez (ot8) x reader; smutty, soft scare
Vampire Training ch.1 I jyh
series started last spooky season yunho x reader ; smutty, angsty, vampire themes
You love me right?
waking up in an abandoned house with your boyfriend acting strange taehyung x reader; scary, bleak, thriller, angst
Spooky 3 (California Kings// Poly Chanlix)
A Poly Halloween in three parts. bang chan x reader x felix (poly chanlix); fluffy, halloween with 2 boyfriends
Torn Patience | cjh
yandere jongho is done waiting jongho x reader
His Call
you haven't heard that tune since your sister died. why is it haunting you now? siren!jihoon x reader
A Demon's Deal
the family punching bag gets offered relief but at a price demon!soulmates!seonghwa x hongjoong x reader
Seungmin: fluffy(but not fluffy) + {redacted spooky spoiler} pining
non spooky directory
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safarigirlsp · 9 months
Halloween Requests Open
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REQUESTS ARE NOW OPEN for anything related to AUTUMN and HALLOWEEN! Please read this entire post for complete information, and if you're new, please take a look at my Masterlist.
This is my general theme and what I expect to cover this season, however, feel free to send in absolutely anything! I will definitely deviate from the regularly scheduled program if I like an idea. More info and prompt lists below.
Monster Monday - Zombies, Cryptids, Mummies, Dragons, Beasties, and any Monsters not covered by another category ☠️🎃🧟‍♂️
Transfusion Tuesday - Vampires 🌙🧛🏻🌙
Werewolf Wednesday - Werewolves 🌕🐺🌕
†hursday - Demons, Devils, Exorcists, Possession, and any related themes 🔥😈🔥
Phantasm Friday - Ghosts, Ghouls, Specters, and everything else that goes bump in the night 👻🪦☠️
I Put A Spell On You Saturday - Witches, Magicians, Spells, Rituals, Occultism, and anything similar ✨🐈‍⬛✨
Sunday, Bloody Sunday - Murder, Mayhem, Slashers, Cannibals, and Serial Killers 🪓☣️🔪
I’m only writing for Mills, Flip, Jacques, and Kylo for big oneshots. I will do HC’s for anyone I have ever written for. I am open to shorter ideas for Clyde and Henry, although full disclosure, they interest me a lot less these days, so any idea would have to really pique my interest. I have a strong preference for horror, adventure, and AU's.
This is an Adults Only event. My content is not for minors, or people who are easily triggered or offended. I write mature content intended for a mature audience only.
My Official Lineup will be announced October 1.
Here are Halloween fics from previous years.
Halloween Fic Recap 2022
Halloween Fic Recap 2021
Halloween Fic Recap 2020
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This is my favorite time of the year! As far as I’m concerned, Halloween runs from September 1 - November 15, if not longer! I currently have a big fic to finish up that should be done soon, but nothing else slated fic wise. After that, it’s full steam ahead for anything and everything related to Autumn and Halloween. I generally put aside other non-fic writing projects during this time to focus on Halloween content.
For the week of Halloween, October 25 - October 31, I intend to post a big daily oneshot. My stories generally range in size from 5k to 25k, and some are even more! Look for a mix of horror, humor, romance, and adventure! Everything will contain adult themes and mature content. There may be other writing throughout this time too. The quantity of stories I post depends on the length of them. In the past, I have posted a lot of shorter things, but I’ve gotten more into writing longer stories now. The last few years, I have averaged over 100k words for Halloween and Autumn content!
Please send me requests, ideas, thoughts, HCs, anything you like! I’ll pick my favorites or, very likely, a combination of a few different ideas, and I’ll write a oneshot that includes everything I can fit in. Feel free to send in multiple ideas or requests! The more ideas to choose from, the better! All AU concepts, time periods, etc are welcome. Anything is fair game. This is generally the only time of year I open requests anymore, so get them in if you ever want to. Requests will be open from now until Halloween. However, because I tend to write longer stories, the sooner an idea comes it, the more likely I am to use it.
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Below the cut are some of my favorite prompt lists, but do not feel bound by them. If you do include a prompt in your request, copy and paste the prompt itself because I hate chasing them down on lists.
Edgar Allen Poe Prompts
Ballroom Prompts
Eerie Prompts
Halloween Themed Prompts
Things to do in October
Autumn Aesthetic Starters
Terrible First Meeting Starters
Magic Starters
Spooky Aesthetic Ideas
Spooky Alphabet
Sexual Tension Prompts
Spicy Prompts
XXX Prompts
Pirate Prompts
Battle Prompts
Bad Reputation Prompts
Fighting Prompts
Attacked Starters
Witch trial Prompts
Horror Movie Starters
Stupid Things to do in a Horror Movie
Horrorland Prompts
Tarot Prompts
October Writing Challenge
General Prompt Masterlist
Tagging some witches who may interested!
@babbushka @in-silks-and-flesh-and-leather @mrs-gucci @mrs-zimmerman @iamburdened @gabesprincess @reborn-rekall @maybe-your-left @rynwritesstuff @caillea @cas-backwards-tie @candycanes19 @queeniebee @lumberjack00fantasies @mythrielofsolitude @icarusinthesea @ghoulian13 @darkhairedmenrule @reyloaddict55 @fizzywoohoo @heartlight-starlight @richbrittstein @clydesfavoritegirl @bensolodyad @thepalaceofmelanie @celiholland @durangoninetyfive @reveluving @fax4life27 @vedavan @queen-of-elves @srorgana1 @reylokisses @kyloremus @vixenofcourse @loveofaddy @kylofrk @dyaddu
All edits by the amazing @kyloremus
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lesbian-dp · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
Day Nineteen
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 1,551
Warnings: Formal wear, anonymous sex, lingerie, “stripping”, being recorded, overheard sex, packing, strap on, masks, choking, sex with clothes on
Request: Non.
Summary: A high-end party leads to pleasure behind masks.
A/N: This isn't the best. But I really needed to get this done. So... enjoy ig!
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(Not my pics)
18+ ONLY
"So what? Do we gotta put our keys in a bowl or something?"
A chuckle poured from the man's mouth, his hand coming up to pat your shoulder blade.
"This isn't a swinger's party," Tony replied.
"Well, with the way that you described it, it sure seems like it."
You entered the grand building that sat in New York City. With white bricks illuminated only by artificial yellow lights, practically glowing under the black night sky.
"Have you really never been to one of these things before?" he asked as you stepped into the elevator with fellow masked people. Expressing themselves with their smart tuxedoes and dresses, the masquerade masks unique to every person. So even if you didn't know who sat under them, you were still able to recognise a particular person.
"I can't say that I have."
He grinned under his red and gold mask without even needing to see, you could picture the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes, thanks to his smile. You were one of his oldest friends, a fellow business owner. You had even partnered with the man on some projects over the years. So you knew the man through and through.
"You're gonna have a good time tonight."
"I'll hold you to that. If I don't, I get your Shelby Cobra."
"You're on."
Not even an hour later, you had a half-drunk flute of champagne in your hand, watching all the masked people in the vicinity.
You couldn't help the half smile that pulled at your lips when your eyes focused on your friend, the man heavily flirting with a tall blonde.
"You don't seem to be enjoying the party."
Peering over your shoulder, you found a red-headed woman standing beside you, a cream mask decorated with elegant gold flourishes over her eyes. Wearing a tight black dress with a slit going up one leg, almost reaching her hip.
"Oh, I'm enjoying it plenty. Alcohol-" You raised your glass into her view. "-People watching. Watching my friend get turned down." You then waved a hand over to Tony, showing the blonde waving a hand in front of his face, before walking from him. "Not to mention, I'm gonna get a Shelby Cobra after all this is over."
"Oh yeah? Gonna treat yourself?"
"Gonna win a bet."
The red-head hummed, glancing you up and down. "I gotta say, I did not expect to see a mask like yours."
You smiled at her obvious compliment, eyes shining behind the sculpted clay of the skull half-mask. It resembled an animal skull you would find in the desert, with red horns breaking from the head, curling around, almost like a goats, blackened in the crevices to give it an aged look.
"Well, it is the season, after all," you flirted, referencing the spooky holiday right around the corner.
That was all she needed to know that she wanted to spend the night with you in one of those private rooms. The whole reason why everyone was in attendance at this exclusive party.
"You can call me Nat."
"I'm Y/N." You offered your hand for the red-head to shake, not really caring to keep that a secret along with what sat under your mask.
An hour later, and a few more glasses of champagne, you were being led down a long hallway by Nat, a key with a ribbon tied to it, hanging from her free hand, some doors closed with occupants doing just as you were about to.
You didn't notice the flashing red light behind the large and elegant mirror on the wall. There was no way that you could. How were you to know you were being filmed... not that you'd be opposed to it, of course.
Turning around from the door you had just locked, you were gifted with the sight of the illuring red-head reaching for the zipper under her armpit, drawing it down. She then pulled the straps of her dress down her shoulders that you were so desperate to kiss, pushing it down her body while keeping eye contact with you, shallow pants pouring from her plump lips. Your jaw tensed when her voluptuous breasts were revealed to you, cupped in black lace, the material of her dress pushed down her tight waist and past her hips and thighs, letting it pool at her heeled feet.
"Jesus Christ," you breathed in reaction.
Nat's tits jostled as she bounced lightly on her toes, repositioning her matching black lace panties.
"Enjoying the view there, sunshine?" She smirked, loving the way you were gandering her, in a shocked daze.
"More than you could fucking know."
The red-head cocked her finger at you, waving you over with that look behind her mask. Taking almost uneasy steps towards her, when you were close enough to the woman, she reached under your suit and grasped the suspenders that lay underneath, using those to pull you closer. Smirking into your mouth, making you think that she was going to press an intoxicating upon your lips before pushing you into the lavish sofa.
Her hands were placed upon your shoulders, looking down at you as she stood between your legs.
"Are you ready to give me everything I want?"
"Only if you're ready to take it."
You had your hands upon her plump ass, caressing the soft flesh underneath, her lips massaging against yours as she held your cheeks between her palms, grinding into your lap where she straddled it.
"I want you," was muttered against your mouth, "I need you."
Unmistakable sounds hindered your reply to the red-head, coming from rooms away, almost identical to the one you were sitting in. Loud, breathy cries showing someone's pleasure. You swear, if you listened hard enough, you could hear slaps of thrusting into the moaning woman's core.
"You hear what's happening to her?" You nodded against Nat, nose brushing her own. "I want you to make me feel better than that."
If it were possible, your pupils dilated further than you could ever imagine.
Promising yourself that you would do just that.
With one hand holding her thigh and the other wrapped around her back, holding onto her farthest ass cheek, you helped her take the strap you had hidden under your pants. Controlling her movements as she rode you.
Lips pressed to her neck, following the tight column with every roll of her body, knowing that, even through your layers of clothes, there would be bruises from where she currently gripped your shoulders.
You could taste the champagne on her lips as she moaned into your mouth, broken only by breathy pants.
It didn't take long to manoeuvre the woman onto her back, laying her on the sofa you sat upon.
Nat's legs were crossed together, thrown over one of your shoulders, moans pouring from her jiggling chest thanks to your hard thrusts. Fingers digging into the leather seats below, trying in vain to hold onto something.
Even through her mask, you could tell that the red-head loved every minute of this. With your free hand that wasn't keeping her legs pressed against your chest, you fiddled with her nipples before your palm encased her neck, squeezing the sides to heighten her pleasure further. This position gave you the perfect opportunity to drill into her wet cunt.
A strangled moan tore through her throat, her hands snapping up to your wrist, holding you as she was repeatedly thrust up the leather sofa.
"Holy shit, you feel amazing."
"You look it."
Nat gave you a husky giggle, "Such a charmer- Shit!" her words cut off against her sudden cry. Back arching, with the moans that flowed through her plump lips as you thrust your strap into her from tip to base. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Natasha cried out, back arching as she came around your faux cock.
You practically came at the sight of her writhing around in pure ecstasy.
"Get used to that, honey. It's gonna be a long night for you."
You wanted to wipe that smile off Tony's face as soon as you saw him next.
"So, did you have a good time?"
"Shut up, Tony," you said, strolling past the man, heading straight for the elevators as the night and the party dwindled down. Rolling your eyes as you heard his satisfied cackle following you.
You were stopped by a hand on your shoulder as soon as you were about to follow Tony in exiting the building. Turning only to find the masked red-head there. Holding out a USB stick along with a folded napkin.
"Thought you would want your video," she said as you took the objects from her fingers.
"You would be correct. But what's with the napkin?"
A soft shrug from the woman, "Just a little something extra." A smirk graced her lips, and with that, she exited herself. Piling into a car beside a brunette woman, leaving you to watch the car drive off.
Glancing down, you peeled open the folded napkin, and in black ink, read a number along with the woman's scrawl.
'Call me. I don't think I can get enough of you.'
"Y/N, you coming, or what?"
You grinned as you looked up at your friend.
"Y'know, I'm not pissed at all about losing that Cobra."
Permanent Taglist:
@imnotasuperhero, @veteranwerewolf95, @marvelfansince08love, @higherfurther-romanova, @lesbian-x-blackwidow, @sestra-inestro, @thelastavenger-3000, @mixed-fandom-mess, @wannabe-fic-reader, @vancityfire13, @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday, @007giu, @fayhar, @xxromanoffxx, @poptartpoppyy, @wlwfanfictionss, @diaryoflife, @pointconji, @readings-stuff, @tokyo-liv, @imadethisblogbecauseiamasimp, @natashaownsmyheart, @marrymemcgrath, @scorpiosloveletter, @idkevenfuckenknow, @wandanatfan, @izalesbean, @iblameitonclint, @bizarrealex, @lorsstar1st, @bak3rio, @heybitches-amirightbitches​, @lokisjuicyass, @marie-yt-blog, @mrswandaromanoff, @red1culous, @justyourwritter69
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chans-room · 11 months
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i will write for -> skz, ateez, svt, shinee, kard, block b, btob, got7, dpr, monsta x, NCT, mamamoo <- feel free to send other artists but these are the ones i feel most comfortable writing for
all works are mature | minors are not welcome in this space | warnings specified in each fic | some of my content is dark, read at your own discretion | i write slowly so my updates are sporadic | thank you for stopping by 🖤
requests are: open
taglist is: open
updated 1.17.24
Stray Kids
In progress ↴
Craving Connection | nsfw | SMAU, fluff, smut, angst | idiots to lovers | Bang Chan x original female character
Completed ↴
SKZ as Gerard Way MCR 2022/2023 tour outfits | sfw | headcanon/crack
Stolen Sunshine | nsfw | one shot | yandere, dark, smut, angst | vampire chan x reader
24 to 25 | sfw | fluff, poly | friends to lovers | Bang Chan x reader x Changbin | skzblr secret Santa 2023
Upcoming ↴
On Your Mark | Bang Chan x Reader | nsfw | more to be added
In progress ↴ Don't Hang Up | nsfw | thriller, smut, angst, slasher | Scream AU | nsfw | ot8 x original female character
Completed ↴
Side Effects of Affection | nsfw | one shot | smut, fluff | established relationship | Song Mingi x plus sized reader Ateez as Gerard Way MCR 2022/2023 tour outfits | sfw | headcanon/crack
In progress ↴
Possess Your Heart | nsfw | yandere, smut, angst | non-idol AU | ot7 x reader | [One] [Two] [Three]
Complete ↴
Stress Relief | nsfw | smut, hurt/comfort | college AU | one shot | Kim Namjoon x reader (implied ot7 x reader)
Complete ↴
Winter Things | nsfw | skz and ateez | headcanons, fluff, smut, moodboard
Upcoming ↴
Pink Pony Club | nsfw | smut, fluff , angst | plus size sex worker original characters | SKZ, Ateez, SVT, others to be added
Spookyfest 2023
Stray Kids as Couple Halloween Costumes | sfw | headcanon/ranking, crack, fluff
Stray Kids Spooky Season Dates | nsfw | headcanons, fluff, smut, moodboard | members x gn reader
Ateez The Craft Moodboard | sfw | demon line + mingi
Spookyfest Presents…
SHINee in Evil Dead
BTOB in Nightmare on Elm Street
Ateez in Friday the 13th
Monsta X in Scream
Stray Kids in IT
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yonderly-alamort · 2 years
[ 𝟐𝟏 : 𝟑𝟑 ] 𝐒𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐎, 𝐌𝐅!
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Halloween arrived and, as a fan of this day, you couldn't help but try and scare your lovely dumb boyfriend!
with. osamu miya x gn! reader. | words: 0.618k
blog links. masterlist | asks/requests | general
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osamu doesn't get excited when people start making halloween preparations like choosing costumes, decorating the house or buying ornaments; he doesn't share the adoration for the spooky season like some others do.
not that he hates it, on the contrary, it warms his heart when he sees small children and adolescents enjoying their night collecting candies and hanging out with their friends.
it's at these moments that the younger miya recalls his childhood years of celebrating the holiday with his blonde twin.
however, there is a specific reason why halloween, something that shouldn't sound so bad, becomes a night of pure annoyance.
what could bother him this much? the answer is you. well, you and his brother, atsumu.
osamu swears you are the best thing he has in his life, but won't recognize it when you partner up with that little demon he calls brother to try and scare him every fucking year.
he doesn't know how ya do it. he should expect the jumpscares, the sudden yells or the appearances from nowhere, but he does not. you both always manage to think something new that would accomplish to frighten him.
so when he woke up and saw "october 31st" on his lockscreen, the gray haired man knew he would almost end up in cardiac arrest.
everything went normal the first hours of the day, even though he was throwing suspicious glances at both of you whenever you two giggled or shared smirks after looking at him.
that's why, when he found himself alone in the bathroom washing his hands at half past nine, a slight shiver ran down his spine. he knew you're going to do something, but he didn't know what, and that was a problem.
suddenly, the lights went off, but the water kept running out the faucet. and, oh boy, you could bet he was nervous.
quickly, osamu shut the water flow until a slow, almost inaudible dripping sound was the only thing he could hear. recovering little by little, he exited the bathroom and stood in the corridor.
"baby? y/n, darlin', where are you? atsu-?!"
his voice was interrupted by a figure laying on the living room floor. getting close to them, the miya identified atsumu with his eyes shut.
thinking the dumbass might have hitted himself when the power turned off, osamu, panicking, rapidly helped his brother get up.
it was unexpected when the mf quickly turned his head with a giant smile and big eyes open.
the silent gasp he let out transformed into a loud yelp when a pair of gloved hands touched his shoulders.
dropping his twin, 'samu spinned to face the owner of those clothed hands, finding a horrendous mask almost brushing his nose.
three screams were yelled in the same room: atsumu's hurted cry from falling, osamu's frightened sound provoked by the disguised person un front of him, and yours, because of the feeling of your mask being pulled off.
the lights suddenly returned and illuminated the room, now being able the amusing and somewhat pathetic scene you created.
the younger twin's face slowly got an intense shade of red when atsumu's laughter rang across the room, wherever it was from embarrassment or anger i can't tell.
what i'm sure about is that, that night, neither you or 'tsumu would hear a word from the gray haired man. and yes, osamu was good at giving the silent treatment.
extra ¡!
when your boyfriend and u were ready to go to sleep, before turning off the nightstand lamp, you asked: "babe... you ain't going to give me my goodnight kiss?"
with his back turned to face you and small pout he replied: "no." and the bedroom went dark.
© yonderly alamort 2022. please do not modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my permission.
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maximotts · 2 years
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𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖙𝖘' 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖐𝖙𝖔𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐
That's right, we're coming into my favorite time of year again, spooky season! And just like last year, I'll be hosting a Kinktober event! I want to make it easier on myself this year, so I'll be limiting the number of requests I choose to fill as well as taking them early to get a head start before October rolls around. The submission period for requests is: today, Sept. 3 through Friday, Sept. 16 If you're new to Kinktober or would like a refresher, this is a month-long event where you can send in requests for any character or AU I write (or one you'd like to see me write) and pick one or two kinks you want your idea to feature! If you're unsure of kinks, I found two prompt lists here and here for y'all to go off of if you're stumped, but feel free to let your creativity run wild! I do have themes for each week titled after some of my favorite horror films as you'll see below and I'll place requests I choose in the week I think fits best. Additionally, I have a few longer fics I'm planning to publish in October so those along with your requests will be put in the masterlist! October 2022's weekly themes are!
𝓦𝓮𝓮𝓴 𝟏 ♱ 𝑴𝒂𝒎𝒂
𝓦𝓮𝓮𝓴 𝟐 ♱ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝑹𝒐𝒘
𝓦𝓮𝓮𝓴 𝟑 ♱ 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆
𝓦𝓮𝓮𝓴 𝟒 ♱ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝑴𝒆 𝑫𝒐 𝑰𝒕
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bunnykitty13 · 2 years
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my Halloween 2022 YCH is officially open for grabs !!! I will be opening an initial 5 slots to start, and if there’s more interest I will open 5 more! happy spooky season everyone >:3
$30 USD EACH via PayPal ONLY.
- DM me to claim! they are also available on my Furaffinity - payment via PayPal invoice only  - any gender, species, outfit, or body type - small wings ok! - expression can be changed if requested
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nocturnal-milk-dud · 2 years
Revenge of the Spooky Season Requests 🗡
It's time! Put the reader and a character of your choosing in danger! Updated rules and lists are under the cut. Send if you dare mwahahaha
Please send one piece of media and one character. Here are a couple of fics from last year if you want to get an idea of what these will look like.
If you don't care for any of the media I have listed, there's also a creature feature option. Send me your character of choice and a creature.
If you don't see a piece of media or a character that you wish you did let me know and I'll see what I can do. Near Dark was not on the list last year but I found it and sat my butt down and watched it. Characters and media from last year are an option as well.
Send me as many as you want. Requests will close October 30th.
As with all horror there's the potential for main character death, sluttiness, and smut. If you have a preference regarding smut, let me know. I usually just go with how I'm feeling. However, if your request is anonymous or your age is not listed in your bio, then the potential for smut is zero.
Also I apologize if any of the lists are difficult to read, if you have any questions, please let me know
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Hit me up!
@massivecolorspygiant @acrossthesestars @cheesybadgers @eddington-munson @withmyteeth @heythere-mel @unicorn-cloud @maevesdarling @kesskirata @cruzwalters @saltyunicorn079 @1zashreena1 @mcrmarvelloki @artemiseamoon @thesandbeneathmytoes @guiltgoldglory @brattyfics
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I’m opening limited time EMERGENCY commissions, because I am quite frankly broke, and Christmas is coming. So, if you want to get something drawn for someone special (or for yourself), and you would like me to do it, this is a really good opportunity. I am willing to do pretty much anything that’s on my commission list normally, but at this reduced price.
8 slots available
Valid until November 15th, 2022
Digital only
Payment in advance via PayPal
Delivery time 1 week
Please don’t hesitate to contact me either here or by email ([email protected]) if you have any questions, or want to know where in the 30-40e range your request falls. 
Thank you so much for considering this. And if you don’t want to commission me or are also broke (solidarity), I would love it if you could still reblog the post so maybe someone who is on the market for this will see it.
Happy Spooky Season to everyone regardless!
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Swarthmore and Diebold team up to undermine integrity of elections https://web.archive.org/web/20031018102354/https://importance.typepad.com/the_importance_of/
#15yrsago Time Management for Anarchists — the free comic https://nomediakings.org/time_management_for_anarchists/free_anarchomic_released.html
#15yrsago Why free-riding doesn’t apply to some online collaboration https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2008/10/24/trouble-free-riding/
#10yrsago UC Davis’s Officer Pepper Spray gets a $38K payout for mental trauma of being hated by the entire world https://www.sfgate.com/politics/joegarofoli/article/UC-Davis-pepper-spray-officer-awarded-38-000-4920773.php
#10yrsago US ambassador to Germany summoned to explain NSA bugging chancellor Angela Merkel https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/24/germany-summons-us-ambassador-nsa-merkel-phone
#10yrsago Mel Blanc’s radio show: 40+ free, downloadable episodes https://archive.org/details/OTRR_Mel_Blanc_Singles
#10yrsago Understanding NSA boss James Clapper’s France-spying “denial” https://www.techdirt.com/2013/10/23/james-clapper-plays-more-word-games-official-denial-french-phone-data-collection-leak/
#5yrsago Cathay Pacific leaks 9.4 million travelers’ passport numbers and other data https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cathay-pacific-suffers-data-breach-impacting-94-million-passengers/
#5yrsago Rep Steve King spent $18,000 at private GOP club, sent taxpayers the bill https://theintercept.com/2018/10/24/steve-king-spending-expense-account-taxpayer-private-club/
#5yrsago State surveillance company leaked its own data, its customers’ data, and its customers’ victims’ data https://www.vice.com/en/article/vbka8b/wolf-intelligence-leak-customer-victim-data-online
#5yrsago Facebook’s former security head: making Facebook moderate content will cement its dominance https://www.technologyreview.com/2018/10/23/139334/facebooks-ex-security-boss-asking-big-tech-to-police-hate-speech-is-a-dangerous-path/
#5yrsago You can request hand-crafted reading-list recommendations from the Brooklyn public library online https://www.bklynlibrary.org/bookmatch
#5yrsago In America, the young find distinguishing fact from opinion easier than their elders https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2018/10/23/younger-americans-are-better-than-older-americans-at-telling-factual-news-statements-from-opinions/
#5yrsago High school class’s electoral predictions model is a model for electoral predictions https://web.archive.org/web/20181104020001/https://polistat.mbhs.edu/about/
#5yrsago Public domain scores a huge appeals court victory: the law cannot be copyrighted https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/10/appeals-court-tells-georgia-state-code-cant-be-copyrighted
#5yrsago Mister Bone Saw got a standing ovation at Davos in the Desert https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/23/business/saudi-conference-khashoggi-killing.html
#5yrsago The stories behind the names on the Haunted Mansion’s tombstones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVmg9CdIvgs
#1yrago An hour of interwar Halloween music https://pluralistic.net/2022/10/24/spooky-season/#interwar-ween
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butterfluffy · 2 years
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“my strange addiction”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· to them, you're like a drug. so addicting, it's getting them obsessed, having you as their strange addiction.
⠀⠀➧ unlabeled | various!yandere!op × gn!reader | oneshots / mini event
⠀⠀➧ warnings — the fics will contain yandere themes, and may also have drug usage! mistakes and swearing are gonna be present too ofc, so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: welcome to “my strange addiction,” which is a writing special i made to celebrate this account reaching 500+ followers, and also for this spooky season!
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(constructing . . .)
⠀⠀➧ t. law | e. kid | killer | b. hawkins | r. lucci | d. mihawk | r. zoro | p. d. ace
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© butterfluffy 2022
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{Anything and everything Character!Wilbur Soot and Empires SMP is welcome here}
My Blog Rules (please read)
Request Page (rules included)
Search Tags Announcement
My AU List w/ explanations
Spooky Season Announcement of 2022
Favorite Dream SMP Quotes: S.B.I
🎼Front Lines of L'manberg🎼
The Front Lines of L'manberg Part 1
The Front Lines of L'manberg Part 2
The Front Lines of L'manberg Part 3 (WARNING: Not my best work)
The Front Lines of L'manberg Part 4
💙💀Ghostbur Content💀💙
"I Remember You"
"Why Haven't We Done This Before?" 18+ MINORS DNI!!!
The Lovely Corpse Bride
"Dancing With Your Ghost"
"I think I died for you" (REQUESTED)
“I think I’m Alive For You” (Part 2 for above ft. Revivebur)
👻Phantombur Things👻
A Fall From Grace
A Fall From Grace: Phantombur's Fall
Phantombur HC's Part 1
Phantombur x Reader Interactions (REQUESTED)
🔪Yandere!Wilbur Items🔪
"Welcome Back Darling"
"I won't be far to Follow" (REQUESTED)
😴Sleepy Bois Incorporated😴
"Godsend" Context Piece
"Godsend" Part I
"Godsend" Part II
Butterfly Reign “I Renounce You” Fanpiece Part 1
(Only posting Part 1 here, the chapters are at the end of each part)
😍Simpbur Section😍
"I'll Make You Mine" 18+ MINORS DNI
"I See Red"
All Bark No Bite Part 1 (REQUESTED)
All Bark No Bite Part 2 (REQUESTED)
Ice Skating With The Simpbur (REQUESTED)
C!Wilbur Soot Samples
Rejection HC's
DSMP Uniform HC's
Regular HC's
Say My Name HC's
Protective Bursona HC's
Blazeborn x C!Wilbur (REQUESTED)
Stealing the Bursonas Clothes Scenarios and HC's (REQUESTED)
Wilbur Plays You A Song on Piano (Drabble)
Treat You Better (Featuring Eret)(REQUESTED)
Pacifist Reader x Wilbur Variants (REQUESTED)
Swan!Reader x Wilbur (REQUESTED)
Baker!Reader x Revivebur (REQUESTED)
Rabbit!Reader x Bur-sions (REQUESTED)
Promises: Wilbur Comfort for SH (REQUESTED)
AO3 Content
I’ll Keep You Safe (If The World Must Burn)
This link will take you to the post with the link to the first chapter of the series
The Graveyard🕸 Accumulated deleted posts and lost things from my blog
Follower 59 💀🌹
Front Lines of L'manberg Drafts (34 recorded casualties)
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