#springtrap is in quite a shock when he gets out
angryvampire · 25 days
More details on William Afton
In the AU, William was fascinated with pokemons, so much that him and his buddy Henry made an entire franchise of animatronics based on them, creating Ursaring Entretainment and its various establishments.
Their first restaurant was Ursaring's Family Diner, which had an ursaring (the company's mascot) and a hypno (due to Afton's insistence) as their first animatronics
He also wanted to become a pokemon professor before the company, to study pokemon and their abilities but he never got a license, since his methods of study were... Questionable, to say the least. (Ya know, shocking, boiling, tearing them apart-)
William was very interested in pokemons and how they lived, although most pokemon didn't approach him at all, feeling unneasy by him for some reason (gee, i wonder why) except for a hypno he had once, and that's why he likes hypnos in general and wore the springhypno suit at the beggining. so the animatronics Henry made brought some comfort to him since he could get close to them, but something was missing since they weren't really alive, but he would "fix" that very soon :)
Then we all know what happened, he used the hypno springlock suit to lure children and kill them, stuff them in the animatronics, the robots come to life, the company tries hiding it all under the rug and all that jazz.
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The existence of the animagony was a secret, since researchers would have to investigate the restaurants, and the suits, and it was already a mess for them with all the things surrounding the missing children and murders so the employees weren't allowed to talk about it outside the company or mess with the animatronics/pokemon.
And when William found out about the pokemon, he was very intrigued, deciding to capture them for studying, and steals parts of the animatronic suits as well. He discovers the substance composing the pokemon, that would be the remnant, how it can trap souls in metal and bring people back to life, and how the pokemon come to be, so he tries making more of them (that meaning, more murder) and trapping them into more animatronic suits and controlling them.
And he's the one who makes the pokedex entries for the animagony, although tecnically it isn't in the pokedex, since the whole thing was a secret AND VERY MUCH ILEGAL (besides, he isn't a pokemon professor, but who's gonna stop him?)
Entry 1: (i changed it a little bit)
"This pokemon comes into existence due to the negative feelings surrounding an agonizing soul, trapped in the metal, undying..."
Entry 2:
"Animagony usually don't move during the day, but can get quite peculiar at night, becoming violent and unpredictible towards humans, but it doesn't seem to mind other pokemon"
And then there's the hypno springlock suit failure, when he was surrounded by five animagony. It happens just like how it happened with Springtrap, his body being impaled and stuck in the suit, leaving him in an undead state. The remnant changed him, but It doesn't turn him into a pokemon exacly, though he is partially an animagony, since most of his body is made of remnant now, although there still are some organic parts (Ew, smelly).
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He can't really use any pokemon moves, since he isn't one, but he does aquire a bit of psyquic power, now he can actually use his hypno pendulum to control the animagony, possibly the effect of the remnant. He can still attack people, but it isn't with pokemon moves. (Im not sure if what he does counts as the move hypnosis though? Since that it makes pokemon sleep, not control them)
That's it for now, but i will be making more posts about the AU. If anyone has any questions about the AU feel free to coment or send an ask! :D
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tenebraevesper · 11 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Salvaged, Night 14: All Is Hell
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''I was lost and was afraid, I believed all of their lies. I believed that I was safe and that I would never die. Now I'm all alone, I've been hiding in the dark. I just want to go home, but my deeds sent me too far.''
– Afton Family by KryFuZe (Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator)
Sam was half-asleep as she heard someone entering the room, noticing a faint purple light. She rubbed her eyes, seeing the animatronic bunny staring at her silently.
Suddenly, he lunged at her, grabbing her neck and pinning her down. She shrieked, unable to breathe as she struggled to free herself. She tried to pry his fingers away from her neck, but his grip was too strong. It felt as if he was crushing her windpipe.
Suddenly, his empty eyes flared purple and he backed away, just as shocked and scared as she was. Sam sat up, coughing and trying to catch her breath. Her heart was racing.
''Sam, I…''
Sam screamed at Springtrap as he reached out for her. He could see tears in her eyes as she backed away from him, shaking and looking completely terrified of him. Instead of a friend, she saw the monster that he was.
There was a loud bang, both of them getting startled when Emma suddenly opened the door. She looked both furious and mortified, rushing over to Sam and hugging her. Sam was crying as her mother whispered comforting words, trying to calm her down.
''Everything's going to be okay…''
Springtrap stood in the corner of the room, away from them. He was in a state of shock, not knowing what to do nor what to say.
I almost killed her…
That was the only thought in his mind, repeating over and over again. Sam's scream was still echoing in his head. Hadn't she screamed, he believed that he would've woken up with Sam's lifeless body in his arms. No…
Then, as Sam slowly calmed down, Emma looked towards him, showing pure hatred and disgust.
''I-I'm sorry…'' he mumbled.
''Out of my house, NOW!'' Emma yelled at him, completely livid. ''I said, GET OUT!''
Springtrap was startled, staring at her in horror, but then quickly exited the room. He was shaking all the way downstairs, unlocking the door and walking outside, his mind completely blank. He could still see the terror in Sam's eyes, feeling as if this whole night was just a nightmare.
As he stood there on the front porch, he realized that he didn't really have anywhere go. He sat down on the stairs, unable to leave. He lowered his head, leaning it against his knees, feeling completely empty. Even though he told Sam that he would leave the moment she didn't want him here, he couldn't.
Selfishness in its purest form, I guess.
His ears twitched and he half hoped that Emma or Sam would check on him, but he then realized this wouldn't happen, especially not after what he had done. They wanted him gone.
It's over.
Sam had calmed down, feeling as if she was dreaming, but it was real. She knew that Springtrap just had walked into her room and almost killed her.
''Sam, do you feel better?'' Emma asked her softly, looking at the bruises on her neck, with Sam nodding. ''Does your throat hurt? Should we go to the hospital?''
''No, I'm fine,'' Sam muttered in a weak tone. ''I just want to go to sleep.''
''Okay, sweetie,'' Emma said, nodding. ''If there's anything you need, call me.''
Sam noticed the look of fear and anger in her mother's eyes. She knew that Emma wanted go after Springrap, but she didn't want to deal with this. She shook her head and lied down her bed, with Emma, albeit a little reluctant, leaving and closing the door behind her. Sam turned on her side, staring at the wall. She still felt a little sore and dazed, but instead of going back to sleep, she had focused on what just happened.
Springtrap had stood over her, his eyes glowing purple, but the look he gave her was quite strange. Sam knew that what happened was him suffering from another hallucination, but it looked like he seemed to recognize her. For some reason, he looked unnervingly pleased with his actions, which terrified her. However, once he woke up, he was shocked and ashamed of what he had done.
Maybe we used the wrong approach in this situation. She turned on her back, staring at the ceiling. I should've seen that coming. I shouldn't have left him alone. It seems like something or someone pushed him over the edge and he maybe wasn't even aware of it? Or maybe he was, but refused to acknowledge it out of fear?
Sam took a deep breath, putting her fingers around her neck. It didn't hurt anymore, but it still felt sore. She stood up and looked at the mirror, noticing some red marks, but she figured that it would fade. Aside from being a little shook, she was completely fine. She then walked over to the window, looking through it.
Please, don't tell me that he left. That would be the worst thing he could do, especially in his state of mind.
She knew that this was a bad idea, especially with the fear of her mother discovering what she was about to do, but she felt that she needed to get it done. She felt that this was partially her fault, that she could've somehow prevented that. She knew that this sounded ridiculous and that she had no obligation to help him, but she still wanted to do something. She was sure that there was a way to solve this problem.
Springtrap's ears twitched when he heard the door behind him opening, anxiously awaiting Emma to scream at him. However, he was startled when the person put a blanket over him and sat next to him. He looked up, his eyes widening in surprise.
''Sam?! What are you-'' He cut himself off, staring at Sam, who was just smiling back. ''Sam, I'm so sorry! I didn't want this to happen! I didn't want to hurt you, I swear! You need to believe me!''
''Yeah, I know,'' Sam said, with Springtrap feeling a knot in his stomach when he heard her voice. It was quiet and sounded a little off. She coughed, trying to clear her throat and speak a little louder. ''I know that this was the result of you having another hallucination.''
''Or rather, a nightmare,'' Springtrap muttered, lowering his head. Sam titled her head, with Springtrap noticing that she was trying to look straight into his eyes.
''Is that blood?'' she asked, her eyes narrowing. He looked at her in surprise. She then took her phone out of her pocket and turned the front camera on, holding it up like a mirror. He looked at it, noticing that there was indeed blood in the corner of his eyes, not understanding how they appeared. However, it looked strangely like…
''Tears?'' He gave Sam a perplexed look, with the girl shrugging, just as surprised as he was. He grabbed the edge of the blanket and wiped his eyes. There were red marks on the blanket. ''I don't understand…'' He shook his head, sighing as he glanced towards Sam. ''I'm sorry. I know I cannot be forgiven…''
''Actually, I am willing to forgive you,'' Sam said, with Springtrap staring at her in shock. ''However, this is going to happen only under one condition – I want you to let me help you with this whole situation.''
''Seriously?'' Springtrap stared at her, completely stunned. ''Sam, no offense, but I doubt that this is a good idea.''
''I am aware that this is a bad idea,'' Sam replied. ''However, if I leave you now, I think that things will only escalate and get worse.''
''No doubt about that,'' Springtrap said. ''But, that just puts you in danger and I cannot risk that.''
''To be honest, I am glad that you still refuse to put me in harm's way,'' Sam said. ''What worried me the most was that you decided that you couldn't care less about me.''
''Are you crazy? I told you I was willing to do anything to keep you safe, even leave…''
''Which you didn't,'' Sam said, with Springtrap keeping quiet, looking flustered. ''I'm quite glad about that, because I'm not really in the mood to go search for you during the night in my PJs.''
''It's not like I have anywhere to go. I got used to the idea of staying here with you,'' Springtrap said. ''Besides, you are the only person who is willing to give me a chance and I'm thankful for that.'' He then lowered his head. ''Still, what should I do?''
''For starters, you could explain what the hell you're doing here.''
Both Sam and Springtrap froze when they suddenly heard Emma's voice. They both turned around nervously, seeing an annoyed Emma, who had her arms crossed and tapped with her foot on the floor, waiting for an answer. Sam and Springtrap stood up, exchanging glances and unsure what to say. Emma sighed, glaring at both of them.
''I want both of you back into your rooms,'' she said in a commanding tone, stepping away from the door and pointing at the hallway. ''It's 2 AM in the morning. If I once again find any of you roaming the house tonight, I will lock you up in your room and I won't let you out until morning. Understood?!''
''Yes, Mum!''
''S-sure, Emma!''
Sam and Springtrap quickly entered the hallway, with Springtrap feeling that Emma was glaring at him. Still, he was stunned that she let him back into the house. Why would she do anything like that?
The two quickly got upstairs, hearing the door downstairs closing. Springtrap gave Sam a quick, questioning glance. She shrugged.
''I think she eavesdropped on us,'' she whispered.
''She had a good reason,'' Springtrap replied in a hushed tone. The moment they heard steps, they quickly got into their respective rooms, closing the doors. The steps became louder, with Emma briefly opening the door and checking on them. Springtrap gave her an anxious look, with Emma just glaring back at him and closing the door. Once she left, he sighed in relief.
What a crazy night!
He noticed that he still had the blanket around his shoulders and just tightened his grip on it, feeling a little comforted. He wondered what Emma had in mind for him and, whatever it was, he wasn't looking forward to the confrontation tomorrow.
The next morning, Sam slowly opened her door, hearing clattering from downstairs. She figured that her mother was already awake, but since she didn't hear any raised voices, she concluded that her mother either kicked the animatronic out or Springtrap didn't dare to go downstairs and confront Emma without Sam by his side. She got her confirmation when she opened the door to the guest room, with Springtrap looking startled, only for his expression to change to a look of relief when he saw her. She quickly entered the room and and closed the door as quietly as possible.
''Are you okay?'' Springtrap asked her.
''Yeah, I'm fine,'' Sam said, rubbing her neck. The marks around her neck were faded, but still somewhat visible. ''You?''
''Not really,'' he replied, looking at the door.
''Things could've been much worse, and you know it,'' Sam told him, with Springtrap nodding, understanding what she meant. ''So, the only option is to either finally confront your fears or you're going to get paranoid and stressed out, and probably lash out again without wanting it or even being aware of it.''
''I understand,'' Springtrap said, lowering his head.
''Com'n,'' Sam said. ''The sooner we get over with this, the better.''
Springtrap followed her, already resigned to his fate. He had already figured that this wasn't the fear of confronting Emma, but actually having to confront his past once again. He wanted to prove that he wasn't a coward, but showing courage wasn't an easy thing to do. He still wasn't sure whether it was harder to talk to Henry or to Emma. So far, Emma was winning.
''Good morning!'' He winced when Emma greeted them, keeping quiet and deciding to let Sam talk to her mother. However, the look Emma gave both of them made it clear that both of them were in trouble.
''Hi,'' Sam said, with Springtrap being surprised that she was so casual. He was already feeling the anxiety growing inside him. Emma pointed at the chairs at the table, with Sam and Springtrap sitting down across her. Emma looked quite calm, which caused Springtrap's anxiety to skyrocket.
''I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name,'' Emma said, looking at Springtrap, who gave her a stunned look. ''Your real name, Mr....''
''William Afton,'' Springtrap said in a quiet tone, avoiding her intense gaze.
''Okay, Afton, are you ready to confess?''
''Confess to what?'' Springtrap blurted out, being too frustrated and too stressed to think straight.
''Confess to being a disappointment,'' Emma said in a disdainful tone, glaring at him. Sam's jaw dropped and she let out a chuckle, mouthing Damn!. Springtrap just stared at her in stunned silence. Emma smiled. ''So, are you still willing to talk?''
Springtrap stared at her, still a little stunned, then frowned, accepting the challenge.
''What do you want to know?''
''I would like to know why you're so attached to my daughter,'' Emma said, with both Sam and Springtrap giving her a curious look.
''That's kind of my fault…'' Sam muttered, but quickly kept quiet when she noticed both Emma and Springtrap looking at her, with both obviously not agreeing with her.
''It's a little complicated,'' Springtrap said, with Emma's eyes narrowing and her crossing her arms, ready to continue forcing answers out of him, but it seemed to be unnecessary. ''Essentially, I had no idea what to do when I returned and Sam helped me out, and I am really thankful for her help. That, and the fact that I promised to her that I wouldn't leave unless she wanted me to, is the reason why I'm still here.''
''I see,'' Emma muttered, glancing at Sam, who nodded. She then frowned, looking at Springtrap. ''What I still don't understand is why you are here. Why was someone, who was supposed to be dead, gone forever, someone who committed horrifying crimes, brought back?'' She glanced at Sam. ''I understand that you want to help him, giving him a second chance, and I think that's okay, even if I don't like how this turned out.'' She then looked at Springtrap. ''Still, why would you even be given a second chance? It makes no sense at all.''
''Honestly, I don't know either,'' Springtrap said quietly. ''I already told Sam that I had been in Hell and that I was supposed to stay there. I have no idea why I was brought back. Someone just told me that I would be allowed to return, but never really explaining directly why I would be brought back or what I was supposed to do once I was brought back. All I was told was that I was being brought back to finish what I had started and that I would face atonement or annihilation. Then, I woke up at Freddy's, trapped in this suit and…''
He trailed off when he saw that Emma was glaring at him. He knew that Emma wanted to know how exactly he met Sam. He figured that he should be honest, despite the fact that he felt quite uncomfortable about explaining to Emma what had happened. He lowered his head, staring at the table.
''I saw Sam watching through the window and I grabbed her, pulling her into the location. She had figured out who I was, managed to escape my grip and locked herself up in the security guard's office,'' Springtrap continued. ''She then started screaming and questioning me, pretty much doing the same you're doing now.''
''So, you wanted to make her your next victim,'' Emma said in an angry tone, glaring at Springtrap, who kept his head low.
''I did, but…'' He feared that he sounded as if he was trying to defend his actions, which he knew would make Emma only more furious. ''I know this sounds awful to you, but I'm not sure if I would've even went through it. It was just an idea, but I did consider the other option, that I wouldn't be taking another life away. Honestly, I don't know anymore what I wanted to do.''
''Okay, but how come you decided to work together?'' Emma asked, rubbing her temple. She looked at Sam.
''Will had some kind of hallucination and just walked away,'' Sam said, with Springtrap's eyes glowing in a faint purple. ''I got out and found him sitting on the floor, and he looked like he was completely empty, emotionally drained. I knew it was a stupid idea, but we started to talk and I persuaded him to actually try to do something with his second chance, something that didn't involve murder.''
''And you just had to bring him here?'' Emma frowned, with Sam giving her a sheepish grin, with the smile fading into a frown.
''Yeah, I'm an idiot.''
''No, you're not!''
''Stop saying that!''
Both Emma and Springtrap said almost in unison, staring at Sam. Emma then glanced at Springtrap, a curious look on her expression.
''So, what happened during the past week?'' she then asked. ''I assume that something interesting did occur, as we wouldn't be having this kind of conversation now had something went wrong.''
Sam and Springtrap exchanged glances, both aware that they would have to tell Emma about their discovery.
''During the past few days, Sam and I agreed to some kind of trial, with me answering her questions and trying to figure out what exactly I was supposed to do with my second chance,'' Springtrap said.
''We went to Freddy's, trying to find out whether there was something that would help us out with this, only to find a dead security guard in a room in the back,'' Sam added.
''What?!'' Emma stared at her, looking quite shocked.
''We decided to continue to investigate,'' Sam continued in a firm tone. ''He was security guard from Ricky's and we figured that we should go there after hours, hoping that we would find out what happened. It turns out, someone killed him in a room at Ricky's, then dumped his body at Freddy's. We think that the culprit was an employee who works at Ricky's.''
''Is that how you got injured? You went to investigate and one of the animatronics hurt you,'' Emma asked, with Sam nodding. ''Why didn't you call the police when you found the body? Even if you didn't want someone to find out about you being there, you could've done it anonymously.''
''Once again, I was kind of acting like an idiot,'' Sam said, with both Emma and Springtrap giving her irritated looks. She ignored them. ''Considering what we had figured out, I think there's something going on at Ricky's that the cops probably wouldn't know how to handle.''
''Afton?'' Emma looked at Springtrap.
''We found out that there had been some kind of incident with one of the animatronics, even before Ricky's had even opened and we went to the factory to search for clues. Someone is trying to build another animatronic, or even more of them,'' Springtrap explained. ''I'm not sure what they're planning with them, but I'm worried that someone might try repeat what I had done.''
''If that's the case, only Springtrap and I would know how to deal with the situation,'' Sam added.
Emma sighed, leaning against the chair. She stared at both of them, her expression unreadable. Both Sam and Springtrap felt anxious, worried about what Emma would say next.
''Why haven't you told me that earlier?'' she finally asked.
''I didn't want to make you feel worried,'' Sam admitted in a quiet tone. Emma then looked at Springtrap with a questioning look, with Springtrap feeling anxious, but he did look back at her.
''I'm sorry,'' he said. ''I didn't want Sam to get hurt. I tried to look after her, but obviously, I wasn't doing a good job.''
''Yeah, you didn't,'' Emma said in an agitated tone, suddenly standing up and slamming her hands on the table. ''If you didn't want to let her get hurt, why did you harm her last night? I saw those bruises! You tried to strangle her to death!''
''I didn't mean to!'' Springtrap replied, with Emma giving him a death glare. He lowered his head, a look of guilt on his expression. ''I had another hallucination and when I woke up when Sam screamed, I realized what happened and quickly backed away. I know it sounds like I'm trying to defend my actions, but that's what happened. I never wanted to hurt Sam!''
As he looked up, he noticed how frustrated Emma looked. She looked from Springtrap to Sam, who nodded, essentially confirming that he was telling the truth.
''Will would often have hallucinations during the past week, although I managed to wake him up from most of them,'' Sam explained. ''None of them were bad as this one, and honestly, we still have no idea what is up with them. We don't know whether they are really delusions, nightmares or even real events.''
''I would also hear some kind of entity talking to me. I don't know what it is, but it would constantly remind me of my past and it had even tried to persuade me to…'' Springtrap looked away, feeling frustrated.
''To what? Kill us?'' Emma glared at him. Springtrap nodded, with Emma looking like she was about to kill him. It didn't help that she was standing next to the counter with the knife stand.
''I refused,'' Springtrap said in a firm tone, looking at Emma. His eyes flared purple. ''I admit, I was frustrated and worried that I would lose Sam when you took her, but I wasn't going to destroy another family.''
''I assume that your own family suffered because of you,'' Emma said in a cold tone, with Springtrap nodding.
''My wife left me, and my children died because of my creations, even if I never wanted them to die,'' he said. ''It was all my fault.''
''So, you were a father,'' Emma said, walking over to him. ''If you were incapable protecting your own family, why do you think that I would let you take care of my own daughter?''
Springtrap kept quiet, with Sam feeling a little sick. It wasn't because of their conversation, but rather because of her fear that she would lose Springtrap. While neither of them felt comfortable with telling Emma the truth, they did feel a little relieved. They didn't care anymore about what would happen, as they were both willing to face the consequences.
''Okay,'' Emma muttered, taking a deep breath and walked back to her spot, still standing and looking at both of them. ''There are a few things I want to make clear.''
Both glanced at her, with a look of guilt on their expressions.
''First of all, I wasn't honest with you either,'' Emma said, with the two giving her surprised and confused looks. She glanced at Sam, with a warm smile. ''I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sweetie, but, to use your excuse, I didn't want to make you feel worried. Remember what I told you that I would be away for a little longer?''
''Yeah,'' Sam said, nodding, but still feeling slightly confused.
''I found an advertisement for some nice silverware and I texted the guy who was selling it,'' Emma said. ''I agreed to come to his place, check it out and probably buy it. However, when I went down the road which led to his house, I realized that it was quite isolated. It was a dirt path in the middle of nowhere.''
She noticed that both Sam and Springtrap listened to her intently. Both looked worried.
''I had a bad feeling and I told him that I would rather meet at the local coffee shop and that he should bring it there. He never messaged me back,'' she said, with Sam feeling chills going down her spine. ''I decided to stay at a motel for the night and return home the next morning. I checked the news and there had been a report about an abandoned car being found on the same road. Hours later, they had found a mutilated body of a woman in the nearby field. According to the report, someone assaulted her, stabbed her and then cut off her limbs. Her arms, legs and head had been found scattered in different parts of the field.''
Sam and Springtrap stared at her in shock. Emma nodded, confirming their fears.
''I checked the advertisement and it had been taken down. I also tried to call the man, but I was told that the number wasn't in use anymore,'' she said, sighing. ''If it weren't for the bad feeling I had, I could've been the one who ended up on that field instead of her.''
She gave Sam a compassionate gaze and then glanced at Springtrap.
''That's the other reason why I took her away. Not only because I wanted to keep her safe from you, but because I was scared that I wouldn't see her again if I made another similar mistake in the future,'' she said. Springtrap stared at her, then lowered his head, feeling ashamed about his hatred towards Emma. Had something gone wrong, Sam would've lost her mother. It's no wonder Emma wanted to spend more time with her. I would've done the same in her place.
''Mum, you…'' Sam was tearing.
''Don't worry, sweetie. I'm here,'' Emma replied, smiling in an encouraging manner. ''Believe me, I am not going to leave you so soon.'' She shrugged. ''However, this proves that I'm also a human. It shows that I don't know everything and that I make mistakes that might put my own life in danger. I wanted both of you to know that.''
She then leaned against the chair, looking at Sam.
''I also refuse to claim that, as a mother, I know what is best for you. A lot of parents do that, only to find that they were wrong and that they made the life of their beloved child more difficult than it already was, or that they had completely ruined it. Sure, I might've been right about certain things, but I do hope that I taught you enough about life, so you would make the right decision when it comes to it. I hate the fact that I cannot always protect you, but so far, you have been doing a good job.''
She glanced at Sam's injured arm and the bruises on her neck, frowning.
''Sure, this is not what I wanted, but honestly, I feared that it would've been even worse, and I feared that that the harm would come from the most obvious source,'' she said, looking at Springtrap. ''I was partially wrong, and I acknowledge that.''
Sam nodded, blinking away the tears. Emma then looked at both of them.
''Now, that that's out of the way, I guess I know now what your future career might be,'' she said, smiling. ''A private investigator, or is there something else you want to do?''
''What?!'' Sam stared at her, with Springtrap also looking surprised. ''What do you mean?''
Emma sighed, her eyes narrowing.
''You aren't going to stop investigating what had happened, right?'' Emma asked, with Sam looking flustered. ''I thought so. You always loved to explore whatever mystery caught your eye. It didn't matter whether you got yourself into trouble, you just had to satisfy your curiosity. I guess that becoming a private investigator would fit you.''
''I'm surprised that you don't work in law enforcement,'' Springtrap told Emma.
''No, I don't think that's for me. To be honest, I do have interest in human society, and I actually studied anthropology at college,'' Emma said. ''My store is just a stable source of income, but my real passion is studying human behavior. Rather than a job, it is more like a hobby to me.''
''I suppose that you're currently trying to figure out what makes certain customers act so entitled,'' Springtrap said in a deadpan tone.
''You nailed it,'' Emma replied, grinning smugly. ''I might make you my next project.''
''Is that a threat?'' Springtrap frowned, the two staring at each other and them turning to Sam as she suddenly spoke.
''Are you sure about this?'' Sam looked at her mother suspiciously. ''I mean, about what happened at Ricky's. I thought that…''
''You thought that I would forbid you from trying to investigate what happened,'' Emma said, with Sam nodding. ''Sam, I know you better than anyone. As I already said, I know that you wouldn't stop until you have satisfied your curiosity. Of course, I don't like the idea of you investigating this alone…''
She then looked at Springtrap, who stared back at her in surprise as he realized what she meant.
''Now, you said that you don't want her to get hurt, right Afton?'' she asked, with Springtrap feeling anxious. ''If you let her get hurt again, or even worse, try to hurt her yourself, I'll become your tormentor. You will wish you were in Hell again.''
''I understand,'' Springtrap said in a quiet, but firm tone.
''So, if you two are going to continue investigating, I want only two things – Sam being kept safe and I want an update on what is going on, so I would know what to do in a case of emergency. This is important to me and I hope you understand the responsibility you have been given,'' she added as she looked at Springtrap. ''Afton, you have been a parent, you have been given another chance, do not make the same mistake!''
''To be honest, I only care about Sam's opinion, not yours,'' he replied. ''Although, I do understand what you mean.''
''I see. I do hope, however, that you are not planning on replacing me as Sam's parent,'' Emma said. Springtrap looked freaked out, while Sam was flustered.
''N-No! I'm not trying to replace you! Why would I?!'' Springtrap had a nasty flashback to what Henry told him. He felt unnerved when he saw her grinning.
''Don't worry, I was just messing with you. I know it is impossible to replace me,'' Emma said in a smug tone. Springtrap had to agree with her, as it would be hard to find someone who could freak him out like this. Sam, on the other hand, was giggling. Emma gave her a loving gaze, while Springtrap looked quite glad to see her so happy. ''So, Sam, what do you say about this? After all, we both are interested in your opinion.''
''I'm okay with this,'' Sam said, looking quite content, knowing that she won't be losing her friend, but then she tilted her head, as she thought about something.
''What's wrong?'' Emma asked her. Sam turned to Springtrap, looking worried.
''About that entity, what if it lied to you about everything?'' Sam said. ''What if this never was a second chance, but just a different kind of Hell, a different kind of torture? Instead of experiencing death, you're dealing with the fear of losing someone you care about. You're told that you have a choice, but in truth, there was never really any.''
Springtrap lowered his head, thinking about what she told him. It made sense, as he was constantly, as he had been experiencing a constant stream of frustration, paranoia, anxiety, fear and bloodlust, all due to the one person he promised to care about.
''It is possible,'' Springtrap said, looking at Sam.
''You know, even if there is some kind of entity that is trying to manipulate you and cause you hallucinations, to me, it sounds like you might be also suffering from PTSD, that is, post-traumatic stress disorder,'' Emma said, noticing the confused look on his expression. ''I guess being trapped in Hell is quite traumatic and your behavior indicates some serious mental and emotional issues, making you lash out at other people.''
''I'm quite sure that the entity I talked to wasn't a delusion,'' Springtrap replied. ''Although, you're right about the mental and emotional issues.''
''I'm not saying that it is,'' Emma replied. ''But it is quite clear that you need a psychologist.'' Her eyes then narrowed. ''And probably an exorcist.''
Springtrap frowned, glaring at her. Emma just grinned slyly and walked over to the kitchen counter, taking out a bowl.
''Sam, do you want some cereal?'' she asked. Sam nodded, then reached for her pocket, only to realize she left her smartphone in her room. She quickly got up and went upstairs. Springtrap meanwhile looked at Emma, standing up and clenching his fist.
''Emma,'' he said, with her looking at him curiously. ''I wanted to thank you for letting me stay here.''
''Don't make any mistake, Afton, I still don't like you. However, I am willing to tolerate you for my daughter's sake. I have talked to her and I can say for sure that she's quite happy having you around,'' Emma said. ''She's also the most important person in my life. Keep that in mind.''
''She's important to me too,'' Springtrap said. Emma nodded.
''Then, I'm glad that we understand each other,'' she said as Sam arrived.
''I guess that some actions don't have to make sense, but they should have a meaning behind them, right?'' Springtrap told her.
''Sam told you that, didn't she? Well, I was the one who told her that,'' Emma glanced at her daughter. ''I'm glad to know that you are indeed listening to what I tell you.''
Sam grinned sheepishly. Springtrap noticed that she was quite pleased. To be honest, he was also quite content with the situation. Most of the tension was gone, and he felt relieved that he was allowed to stay, despite Emma having reservations about it.
Although, only because we managed to solve one issue doesn't mean that future issues wouldn't be less difficult to deal with.
It was afternoon when Emma left to check on the store, leaving Sam and Springtrap alone. They were in Sam's room, with Sam looking at something on her laptop, while Springtrap was sitting on her bed, replaying in his head what happened this morning.
''I still can't believe that Emma let me stay,'' he said.
''I can't believe that Mum decided to let us continue to investigate,'' Sam said, then grinned. ''I'm just glad everything went well.''
Springtrap looked at her injuries, feeling a knot in his stomach. Sam noticed his glance, shaking her head.
''I'm fine,'' she said. ''Although, we seriously need to figure out how to deal with your tormentor.''
''You said that you assumed that whoever brought me back may have been lying and that this is just another Hell,'' Springtrap said, looking determined. ''If that's the case, I am not going to let them drive me into pure insanity. My deeds sent me too far, but I cannot allow myself to let something similar to what happened last night happen again.''
''At least you're not alone this time,'' Sam said.
''True,'' Springtrap muttered, his eyes glowing purple, with Sam giving him a curious look. ''Last night, I have figured out that you're what keeps me from completely losing my mind.''
''I realized that myself,'' Sam replied, with Springtrap giving her a surprised look. ''We're both a mess, but that doesn't mean we cannot help and support each other.''
''So, do you have any plans for what we're going to do next?'' Springtrap asked her.
''Yeah. We need to find out what is inside that hidden room. Also, I want to back to the Machinations Factory and see what else is there,'' Sam said. ''However, this time we need to come up with a better plan rather than just walk around and explore. Then, there's also Ricky's actor…''
''Leave him to me,'' Springtrap said, his eyes flaring purple.
Connor fixed the collar around his neck, then took the head of the wolf mascot, planning to go out and entertain people. The animatronic himself was also in the room, leaned against the wall, waiting for his next performance. As he turned to the mirror, he suddenly heard banging from behind the mirror. He sighed, rolling his eyes.
''I really need to deal with this issue,'' he muttered, putting the head on. Ricky was looking back at him. ''He's getting noisy.''
#Previous Chapter
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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blueshykitsune-blog · 2 months
I know I was asked about head canons for post scoop Michael but like... I think Tumblr ate it because I can't even find the ask anywhere.
Which sucks because I probably had plenty of head canons wrote down.
So a new list that may or may not be modified because of course head canons can change all the time.
I feel Michael was actually quite friendly with the animatronics after his brother died. After all the only thing he really had left of his brother was the memory of what one animatronic did. And his plushie(s). It took a while before Michael liked the animatronics again.
He never fully understood what happened to his sister just that she went missing in an accident that happened with a new line of animatronics his father made. It wasn't until he actually saw circus baby in person that he'd realize what the accident most likely was. He felt there was always clues around his house and that rental place that had clues on what happened to everyone he knew and loved. At least family wise.
The animatronics he saw he felt sorrow for with having to trick or even shock. He tried his best to keep a blank face so none of the cameras would see how much it hurt h to see these animatronics harmed. After all he couldn't find things out if that's how everyday would be but when things changes everyday it helped.
So I bring this up because for my one head cannon I'm talking about Michael would have to have wanted to help the animatronics. Which was why he stayed put in the scooping room. He knew it was inevitable. Also that thing was coming at him so fast he probably froze in fear too.
However after that of course ennard used the body as a puppet, at first to get to the surface but then for a try at being human then lastly to find more parts for the robot to use for its amount of animatronics in it already, probably going places to collect more.
Now you know the one chip Michael took from circus baby? Well he still had it. So he remade her. Making her into a better model however just like his father it was just habit to add a dangerous aspect to her design. That's when ennard came back, they came back because they needed help with getting their new parts to work. Of course Michael was conflicted to help after being dumped on the sidewalks but he of course helped. Even made them a new mask.
I do not believe Michael was the one in fazbear frights. I actually believe the fire itself was completely coincidence and was just the way to get people to believe that those souls of the children rumored to have been killed were now free. Yet it was false.
Michael indeed found springtrap, of course in really bad shape so he tried fixing it up. Knowing it was his father's favorite animatronic he was willing to show him it after he found him yet not knowing that the animatronic was in fact his father.
Michael honestly started wanting appraisal for things from real people that's the only reason he even dare touch springtrap however he had to find parts that made the animatronic look well bad. So Michael behind the scenes tried making a new model for the animatronic so he could show it off. Michael made plenty of animatronics actually.
That's about when Henry called Michael to ask him a favor. Henry knew Michael had just the right amount of abilities to help him make helpy and lefty. However while making helpy and lefty Michael decided to make an entire lone of animatronics. Actually he mainly did that to make a foxy character because he still of course loved foxy even if it reminded him of the horrible past he had.
Of course Michael now started to like the helpy character because he was just a silly boy. He made mini games and everything for that tiny robot. Of course Michael didn't know about the whole pizza sim situation until it was too late. Actually he's the reason the place didn't completely collapse! He quickly called in the fire before it even happened. Henry would be so angry if he lived yet it wasn't likely he did or he'd die shortly after from burns because of where he placed himself.
After the fire Michael decided he might as well make a new Freddy's. He of course after not being able to find his father and the lack of Henry the company was all his. Even if he was mostly dead himself it was easy to cover that up at first when he got the company.
Michael now had the place made into a mall so he could share the past of the pizzeria's past however he knew children would visit the place so he tried his best to keep the place kid friendly. He even had the company make vr games and stuff and who better to have help you then a person who made games that were to ruin the reputation of Freddy's? That guy obviously knew what was nessicary to make the game good and accurate even if he didn't realize how truthful his games were to the real world.
While doing that Michael started on new designs. Making the glamrock endos then the animatronics. Sadly the model for foxy didn't work out too well and looked much more like a wolf which Michael didn't mind because wolfs were cool too. However he had to make up an entire character. He actually found notes from his father of a gray wolf character so he made that. However since he knew the pizzeria could use another female he made the wolf into a girl. To try Nd counter balance the gender ratio or at least try to.
While doing this of course he had others working with him, one of them brought up that his designs were very 80s themed. So they brought up an idea to make more animatronics with these people. Of course making monty. However Monty originally was going to be made incase another animatronic stopped working or something and since the stage could only fit 4 animatronics at the time it was perfect. Even better after bonnie got decommissioned.
Michael made these animatronics too realistic accidently to the point they basically had feelings. This made him feel bad when he found out about the relationship between bonnie and freddy. It sucked to him. So he brought freddy down to the basement to see the upgraded blob, because maybe Freddy could find peace in the fact that bonnie would maybe one day also get put inside.
Can't tell you if it worked or for how long as when sb takes place Freddy's memory of the blob were momentarily gone because of him being put into safety mode by Michael. That was before Michael had something to do, maybe more parts finding or even fixing the vr. Making a new vr game? Something. But he wasn't inside the building, not even when it collapsed. However freddy was the only one with a safety mode other than the dca when they are in their eclipse mode but it was a manual version of Freddy's because Michael never predicted what would happen.
Of course in ruin he was devastated when he came back and saw the disaster the place was. He tried all he could to figure out what to do but when he saw a child go in by herself looking for someone he waited for the after math. (Leading to the ending of the game, depending on which one depends on what Michaeldid like with the scooper one he would probably have gone to go get her safely out. However depending on if she died or not in the elevator would depend on what happened there.)
Oh and this is only one possible head cannon of mine. In long form. I got others but I need a break from writing about Michael.
Oh and so the person who I think asked the question knows I saw their ask I shall tag them down here. So thanks dor the ask @connectionterminated13 sadly tumblr like ate it cause cannot for the life if me find it anywhere. However here is one head cannon I had of post scoop Michael and a bit of the pre scoop too. I mean I got many because we dunno fully how they were like and I have multiple ideas and this was one.
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thecryptidart1st · 2 years
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i refuse to accept that these two were anything but horribly repressed gay boomers who both married women they knocked up by accident, go around fooling behind their spouses with other lovers (and each other), and are misogynist as hell in the era of second wave feminism, but even they were pro choice
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fell-into-silence · 3 years
Hey superstars! Ready for my first sb au? Cause here we go! (Part 1 to more?)
I haven’t thought of a proper name yet, again I know I’m not the only one coming up with this idea but it’s my take on it. Basically it’s an alternate universe where instead of deconstructing the other three animatronics and killing Vanessa both Gregory and Freddy investigate what’s causing them and all the other bots to act aggressively to begin with; unraveling the mystery behind Vanny and secrets of the plaza. Along the way they learn more about Chicka, Roxy, Monty and Vanessa while trying to free them of the mind control-similar to playing the princess game that frees Vanessa of glitchtraps control Gregory has to play other arcade games to free the other animatronics one by one while still being hunted down because Afton wasn’t going to make it easy. Upon freeing Vanessa from glitch traps influence she joins the party to help them but gets hunted as well (since she is no longer under his control she is now a threat to his plans) and in a shocking turn of events the three encounter Vanny-a robot clone of Vanessa that Afton planned on switching her consciousness into so he could continue to use her to do his bidding forever (robots don’t age afterall, and I imagine the only way glitchtrap can continue to exist is through being latched onto a fully functioning soul like a parasite.) The three have a show down with Vanny and find a way to defeat her, and with all their hard work they find the old fnaf building beneath the plaza and together they fight springtrap and like what happens in that ending he gets taken by molten Freddy-and the gang (including Chicka, Roxy and Monty) seals it all away just to be sure that it’ll be springtraps final resting place.
All the animatronics in the plaza are freed from his control and Vanessa helps to destroy any remaining traces of the virus to ensure they won’t ever be controlled like that again and to make amends for the problems she caused. The plaza opens back up once more with everyone in one piece, Vanessa doesn’t lose her job and decides to stay as a security guard (wanting to make sure such a horrible thing never happens again and having regrets), the gang is back together and everything becomes light hearted with each of them being properly introduced to Gregory since they’re no longer trying to kill him and are back to their old selves. Freddy watches them interact with pride and joy-but also a feeling he can’t quite place. When everyone settles down he gets on one knee to be at eye level with Gregory and asks him what he plans to do-what he wants to do now that he is free to leave the plaza. Vanessa brings up how there is no records of him-how there weren’t any known records of him being missing or from any orphanages. And Gregory goes quiet and stares at the floor admitting that he doesn’t have anywhere to go, he doesn’t have any family..not anymore. Freddy of course comforts him and can’t help but feel so strongly over this fact- Vanessa would offer to take Gregory in and watch over him but would be surprised as everyone else as Gregory looks up, turning to Freddy says that he wants to stay and be with him. There is no one else he wants to be with. Critical hit to Freddy’s feelings and he gently pulls the boy into his arms and refuses to let him go..overjoyed that he feels the same way. It would lead into some complicated stuff with Vanessa pointing out that legally an animatronic bear can’t adopt a child and become his guardian. But also they are sentient and even she can admit that they’re practically alive and conscious as any person. (Based on a theory I had on a different post) Freddy would ask if he could prove his capabilities to think and behave as such would it be possible to convince a court to grant him the guardianship. And she would find herself stumped since that’s kind of a hard but good question.
Which leads to a whole new adventure involving facing the Fazbear Company about the research and experimentation (refer to past theory post) and some legal stuff; putting them in a spot that if they don’t listen to their requests and help Freddy that they will expose them on their shit and that would mean forcing them to reveal their discoveries to the world which would not only incriminate them but most likely destroy their image beyond repair-that no amount of rebranding would fix. Without getting into too much basically the company would have no choice but to comply and reveal in court (and the world) that they are in fact living beings despite being mechanical. Of course, they would have to implicate a lot of legal precautions to protect themselves and their secrets. But ultimately Freddy (and the gang) would make a legal contract with the company to work as actual employees; that they would be treated respectfully and given complete freedom of their consciousness (with updated safety protocols still in tact). They would get free repairs and safe from ever being scrapped-since that would be considered actual murder and people would flock to boycott the company if they ever tried to pull that shit again. A lot of things would change for all of them but for the better.
And Freddy is allowed to adopt Gregory (which makes him officially a Fazbear) with Vanessa being a co-guardian. Just as a counter measure but it would actually work out pretty well with Vanessa being like a mother figure to Gregory. The company would also have no choice but to also pay for housing (that would be built close to the plaza building) because Gregory would need a proper home to live in and the three of them (Vanessa, Freddy and Gregory) would stay there together. The other animatronics wouldn’t have much need to live outside the plaza so they wouldn’t mind continuing to live there but they’d have a whole lot more freedom and privileges than before. People would be entranced and amazed by the new knowledge and development and it’d actually make the business boom. Customers would flock from everywhere just to see the gang and it would benefit everyone. At this point you’re probably thinking okay,so a happy ending for everyone right? It would be all about their shenanigans from there on after? Yes, yes but also the adventure wouldn’t stop there.
Things would be pretty happy but lurking within the shadows would be a new villain, hiding right beneath their noses. Buahahahahaha!
If you’ve read this far, thank you. I appreciate you listening to my rambling and if you’d like more please don’t feel shy to ask. I’m really hyper focused on security breach right now and there’s so much fun to be had. I may make a part two explaining that last bit further but if you’d really like to hear it reach out to me-that’s all superstars!
Update edit: After some thought put into it (and my brain had a struggle deciding up til now) I’ve decided to go with Shooting Stars AU-because the show is able to go on, they’re each shooting stars aspiring to greater things and its cute. Also, there will be a part two (confirmed, so stay tuned for that!)
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mable-stitchpunk · 2 years
I cannot believe this, but would you believe that there is actually a line of Twisted Ones action figures? Shocking, I know! It was an amazing find. It's both based off of the book Twisted Ones.
There's six glorious figures to the series. Let me show them to you.
The first figure would be of Twisted Freddy:
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Just like his book counterpart, Freddy has numerous rows of teeth, a giant anus on his belly, and is growing Christmas bulbs off his right side. I'm not quite sure what is supposed to plug into his groin- that might be where he is supposed to charge.
Here's how he looks without his face:
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They even added the detail of his aluminum foil endo.
All things considered, very close to the book representation. I'm afraid to say that not all of the figures have this much accuracy, but a very strong start.
Next we have Twisted Bonnie:
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Just like in the book, Bonnie is made out of refitted speaker equipment, and you can see half of what looks like a spongey lung fit into his chest. This was explained in book as being Bonnie's Blood Sponge, so that's a shocking amount of accuracy.
Without his face he looks very similar to Freddy, so I won't show it.
All in all, a rather good showing!
The next figure up would be Chica:
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This is where I have some problems.
See, as you remember from the book, Chica was an animatronic comprised of marshmallow who chases after the teens after they sneak into Big Bird's Burgers and Baked Goods. The figure has her default coloring. HOWVER, it also has her cupcake smooshed on her face. Chica's cupcake didn't get melted onto her face until the toasting scene, so she should be brown and crispy, not this color.
I do appreciate the added detail of the chocolate swirl eyes. I really wished this was the Toasted Chica variant when the chocolate melts and leaks down like tears. Not sure why they didn't go with that one.
Anyway, here's her without the face:
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While I do appreciate the Big Bird themes- if you don't know, Twisted Ones included a promotional crossover with Sesame Street that was ironed out by Scholastic to promote their new "Count the Nights with Freddy" books- as mentioned earlier, Chica is supposed to be filled with chocolate, so the endoskeleton is inaccurate.
While close to her book counterpart, there's just some bizarre changes that I cannot understand.
Onto the next one, Foxy the Pirate:
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Now, surprisingly, Foxy's accuracy is back on track. He even has the brown on his legs from the chase through the sewer scene and the oversized head matches when his suit absorbed all that water.
However, I'm not sure why his internal Birch is green instead of the typical white, and the clogged clump of refuse around his hook should be brown, not orange.
Foxy looks like Freddy and Bonnie under his mask, so I won't provide the picture here. Just know that as Foxy never lost his face in the book, and it was never described, I can't tell you if this is book accurate or not, but it seems close.
All in all, a decent showing. Just some coloring issues.
Now onto the big bad villain himself, William Afton, or Springtrap:
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Springtrap looks fairly accurate, what with his AV cables hanging out and his gold clown nose. This must've been during the scene where he calls forth all the animatronics with his echolocation powers, explaining the gaping mouths.
Here's what he looks out without the mask:
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Surprisingly, William himself looks pretty close to his book description-
"Charlie looked up to see a round, bald head looming over hers. Unblinking red eyes stared so intensely that she could nearly feel the gaze burning on her skin. Upon seeing her look back, his mouth spread into a wide grin, with the gaps between his teeth showing a yellowed void marred by years of ingesting paint. It was Uncle Will."
So, it has that going for it.
The last character is the most interesting though, because through it I realized something I had totally missed during my readings of Twisted Ones.
It is none other than the security guard himself, Jeremy:
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Now, on first glance this seemed to be on-point enough. I remembered the book saying he had dark hair, but not much other than that. In my defense, I hadn't read the book in a long time, so I didn't realize something was off until I remembered the packaging.
I haven't showed you the full packaging of this figures on purpose, I was saving it until now, because there's actually a picture of a night guard on the label. It was only until I opened the Jeremy action figure and remembered his role in the book that I realized that it had to be Jeremy on the label.
But there's one big difference to his action figure counterpart.
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Jeremy is a completely different ethnicity!
Confused, I went and reread the introduction of Jeremy, and I came to a startling realization. I missed something huge.
"The man who had fought off the rancid bear revealed that he was the weekend security guard at the robotics factory. His name was Jeremy Fitzgerald. Jeremy was black."
Jeremy's black! 😲 I had no idea! That's a pretty neat find.
But that means that this is the most inaccurate figure of the bunch. I'm not sure why they accidentally made Jeremy white, though it's possible that they mixed him up with Mike- explaining the blue eyes.
Well, that's the full set! All in all, it's a mixed bag... but a pretty neat find for collectors of Anime Five Nights Game Pizzeria Simulator memorabilia. If you want to get one for yourself, I'll leave the link to Amazon here:
I warn you though, the whole set's a little pricey. Maybe just pick and choose the ones you want. Anyway, hope you found this as interesting as I did!
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How FNAF Characters Keep Themselves Occupied at Night (Besides Hunting You)
What does he even do in that cove of his? Believe it or not, he has all the toys from the lost and found to mess with. Anything a kid left behind is back there. They’re his treasures.
Have you ever seen someone solve a rubix cube in under 30 seconds with only one hand? No? Foxy can, and it’s quite impressive. Too bad you’ll never get to see it yourself, night guard…
His mad dashes to your office are often just an attempt to get your attention. He acts like he doesn’t want to show off, but he does. Also, it gets the zoomies out.
Toy Freddy
He is almost always playing the arcade machines. The player initials TF are the high score holder on every single game. His highest score is on Pac Man.
He leaves gifts for the other robots at night. They range from spare parts for Mangle and the withered animatronics, to bottle caps and handmade crafts.
He hosts pretend tea parties in the prize corner. He will get embarrassed if you are peeking at the cameras when him, Mangle and the puppet are sipping tea with their pinkies out.
This man is bored out of his mind, whatever is left of it, that is. He will literally do anything at this point to keep himself occupied.
He actually takes to the scare actor thing very fast. You may catch him hiding in a corner, jumping out with a “Hah!” and a raspy chuckle.
He’ll just quietly stare at you through the doorway like a cat. If you lock eyes, he will not break eye contact. This is a staring contest now, one he’s going to win.
The Freddles
Nightmare Freddy is so glad these cubs aren’t old enough to wreak absolute havoc yet. They’re usually found clinging to him, or maybe another nightmare if they’re getting babysat.
They actually wanna play with you, not scare you, but they’re very excitable. Look at them, trembling with anticipation like little chihuahuas. If they had tails, they’d be wagging them.
If you get close enough to touch one of them though, watch out! Papa bear will be at your bedside in 10 seconds flat. He will be very skeptical of a playdate offer.
She stretches her stuck joints with “yoga” that looks like something straight out of The Exorcist. It is almost painful for you as a human with a limited range of motion to watch.
Her singing when you enter her gallery is meant to pull you closer. She is the least aggressive of the funtimes, and was always meant to be more of an alluring figure.
That said, give her too many controlled shocks and she will ever so gracefully high-kick you into your next pay period. Don’t fuck with her. She will not tolerate it.
Play testing absolutely everything is his way of passing time. He’s like a crash test dummy for questionable games. Other than that, he can do your taxes?
He will make eye contact with you before leaping and totally missing the ball pit. Every time you say “no” he shuffles closer to jumping off.
Helpy is a big hit with the kids when they come to the Pizza Place. If you can’t find him, odds are one of the children is trying to sneak him out to take him home.
DJ Music Man
He is not able to travel beyond his respective area due to his massive size. This giant animatronic is constantly asking staffbots what the rest of the plex looks like.
He likes his naps when he has a moment for them. Bothering him while he’s asleep is the quickest way for him to come after you. Thankfully, it’s nearly impossible to wake him up.
If he is staying up late, he mixes new songs and is more than happy to have guests over. Staffbots and wet floor bots alike come to jam and it’s a real party.
If you’d like me to do a part two with other characters from each game please let me know!
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hoaqins-funk-house · 4 years
Male Reader
You can read part 1 here
Part 2
Quietly whistling, you enter the building, locking the door behind you and turning into the office, finding the familiar tall man leaning against the wall above the vent.
“Welcome back, Y/N. You ready?” 
You stretch, as per usual, humming. “As I’ll ever be.”
He walks past you, patting your shoulder with a grin as he murmurs two words into your ear.
“Good luck.”
You deadpan as his teasing hits you, watching him wave as he passes the glass. Sighing, you plop down into the chair, cursing as your tailbone hits the metal again. You follow William with the cameras, him speedily making his way back to the last room, where he motions to the vent next to him, crossing his arms in an x.
You nod to yourself. He isn’t going to go in that vent, as it would give him the unfair advantage of being in a vent where you can’t block him off.
When he smirks at the camera and slinks into the shadows, you sigh, beginning your defense.
It was five when you really lost him. He was nowhere to be found. 
You had exasperated a few more shades, excluding the one who seemed to really enjoy being about three inches from your face at all times. You didn’t really mind him, though; he was pretty hot.
Your brother wasn’t wrong when he called you ‘gayboy.’
Still, looking up, you see the man with a ripped up uniform staring down at you amusedly, his hand placed on the glass. Quickly, you play audio in the room to his left, making his grin lower as he gets led away by his body, you playing another sound in a further room before resetting audio.
You hear his rapid steps as audio reboots, watching him dart across the glass before finding him at the door frame. You lock eyes with him, a drop of sweat flowing down your cheek. Hearing the audio finish rebooting, you blindly grasp at the camera pad, violently and repeatedly pressing the sound button in a vain attempt to lure him away. Audio broke again because of how quickly you were spamming the button.
Right before he could take a step into your office, the bell chimes, and you shove the camera pad away from you, face hitting the desk with a thump as you let out a relieved sigh, feeling the stress leave your body.
“Hmm. You did quite well, all things considered.” William praises, watching amusedly as you wearily raise your hand, curled in a thumbs up. 
“I think I aged about a decade.” You groan, pushing yourself up to face your hunter for the night. You breathe heavier than usual, hair either sticking out or to your face from sweat, along with the light flush that comes with occasionally losing your oxygen supply.
It’s a sight he plans to see again; granted, not in this context.
“I’ll take that as a sign of quality pursuing.” He states, further entertained by your half-hearted glare. “What, do you have a problem with that?”
“You’re too good.” You say.
His brow quirks at your words. “Too good?”
“Yes, too good a pursuer. And you know what?”
“Feeling like your prey for fifteen minutes was enough to completely wipe me. A whole six hours would genuinely kill me.”
He laughs, ignoring the feeling he gets from you calling yourself his prey.
“Well, I’ll just have to hunt to your limit. Now... isn't your shift over? Or do you just want to stay the day with me?” His grin makes his offer into what would easily be interpreted as a joke.
“Something came up, unfortunately. I would stay and chat, but it seems I must be going.”
Of course, this is you we’re talking about.
William was somewhat taken aback. You said you would?! 
You would stay back to talk with him?
He practically short-circuits, lips slightly open in shock. He only comes back to reality with the feeling of your hand running through his hair, ruffling it. Instinctually, he grabs it, looking at the hand in his grip and then at you, a small smile on your face. 
“Should I not-”
“No, you may. I just… wasn’t expecting it, is all.” He cuts you off, releasing your warm hand and watching with a pang of disappointment as your hand lowers, you stepping away. With a wave, you turn. 
“See you tomorrow, William.” 
He nods nearly breathlessly as you exit the building, lifting a hand and letting his fingers drift over his chest. 
A pulse.
Then another.
And another.
His gaze lifts from his hand to the door you had exited through, expression shocked before his eyelids droop once more, lips forming a drunken grin. 
You are his, the one he needs most, his perfect prize and his perfect prey.
You, who gave a corpse his heartbeat.
It’s about 17 hours later that you stumble in, Your frazzled state catching William off guard. You slouch over as you walk, the dark color under your eyes speaking to how many hours of sleep you got. 
Entering the office, you, for once, sit down calmly in your chair, your head hitting the table in front of you. You turn to face the rabbit-eared man, eyes half-lidded and dull.
“I came in an hour early to sleep, if you don’t mind…” You drawl, him grimacing at your state.
“Feel free to.” 
He hums as your eyes shut, and he watches your body fully untense, noting the chair slowly rolling out from beneath you. Your face is peaceful, nearly the same expression you gave him on the first night after first meeting him face-to-face.
He sighs, stepping closer and grabbing your midsection right before you would've fallen. Your eyes don't even open, but you quietly groan, continuing to sleep as the man considers his options. 
He can rest you on the floor? 
No, when you wake up you'll need to peel yourself off of it.
He can put you back in the chair?
You'll probably fall out of it.
There is that staff room he found… 
Eh, it's his best option.
There's a couch in there, too.
He lifts you onto his back in order to not continue holding you like a wet towel, walking out of the office and into the area where cam three was active, finding the door in between a few props. Opening it, he feels the floor beneath his bare feet shift from grimy tile to thin carpet, colored black, along with a dark, ugly green couch. There’s a vent on the wall, a secret entrance to your office’s vent.
As he goes to place you down on the couch, he realizes that your arms are wrapped around his collar, head leaning into his. 
He regrets not paying attention earlier, as you were practically a heating pad. His arms, very loosely circling your legs, release as he leans closer to the couch, hovering with his back over it before realizing that, hey, you were asleep!
So, he lets himself turn, your arms still wrapped around the back of his neck, instead holding you up on his front.
Now, he decides to lay down on the couch, his tall physique making his legs have to be propped up on one arm of the couch. You lay on top of him, head nestled in the crook of his neck, allowing him to feel your soft breaths across his skin.
His arms wrap around you, feeling your warmth. With a small, satisfied grin, he feels the slightest flush cross his cheeks as you nuzzle closer. You were made for him; made to fit perfectly against him, made to be his, forever.
He doesn’t even notice as his eyelids drift down, consciousness fading. 
Goodnight, Y/N.
It was to the chime of the bell that you woke up, letting out a small sigh before you begin to take in your circumstances, eyes still not open. 
You fell asleep at work, but it certainly isn't midnight, as the bell had just chimed. It also isn't the chair you fell asleep in.
As they shift around you, holding you tighter to him, you realize that arms surround you, and that it seems likely you're sleeping on the rabbit man. 
Before you try to roll over and off of him (which was a dumb idea; William would've fallen with you), you feel him wake up based on the rumbles in his chest as he lowly groans.
You sigh, half-heartedly pushing yourself up. "Good morning, William."
His eyes shoot open, and he looks down, noting you and the position you were both in. "Mind letting me go?" 
"Uh- yes, sure." He releases you, allowing you to get off of him, stretching with a yawn. Meanwhile, William was reeling. 
You, saying good morning?
Your rusty morning voice?
You, apparently not caring about how you were just asleep on top of him?
Actually, he almost wishes you did care about it; you being embarrassed would be adorable.
"So… where is this?" You ask, looking over your shoulder at the man as he sits up, already feeling the void of your warmth.
"We're in the staff room. The door leads right into the attraction." 
You hum, nodding, him standing with a small sigh before standing at your side, his hand placing itself on your shoulder. 
"Nevermind that - what exactly made you into a walking corpse? Don't you know I already have that role covered?" He asks, a joking tone in his voice. You smile.
"Well, remember the funerals I got off my main job for? I had to go to one." You sigh, feeling his understanding shoulder pat. 
"How unfortunate that you had to do the thing you were getting off of work to do." 
That understanding shoulder pat turns sour!
"Listen. I, uh, can't really argue with that…"
William smirks. "No, you can't."
You sigh again, defeated. "Well, I need to head home. Thank you for letting me sleep through my shift, by the way. You make for a spectacular bed." It is with those parting words that you exit the room, not even allotting him the time to process your words.
Stiffly, he stands, following you out the door and back into the main area of the building, where the last he sees of you for some hours is the door closing behind you. 
He finds that watching you leave each night makes the cold emptiness hit him once more, returning him to a state similar to how he was when trapped. His lips, previously in a stricken pout, now fall into a scowl. 
You, you, you…
He fell asleep easily and dreamt of a peaceful void when you were there. But now that you aren't…
His dreams will never be calm. That brief instance of tranquility was like a drug to him; he wants more, the quiet, warm existence in a space consisting of nothing. Nothing to bring him pain. Nothing to bring him fear. 
But, nothing to bring him joy.
If he stays with you, will his dreams return to light? Will he feel your arms wrapped around him, holding him close as he buries his face into the crook of your neck?
Letting out a shuddering breath, he forcefully breaks himself out of his thoughts, looking down at his hands as they shake. Lifting one to his face, he feels his mouth in a wide grin. 
He already knows what he wants. 
He already knows what he needs to do.
But he needs to be patient.
As you reenter the building, William perks up to the sound of the door closing behind you. He purposefully replaces his wide, unsettling grin with a casual smirk, entering the hallway and seeing you. 
He will never get tired of you in your uniform.
You lift your head to meet his gaze, hearing him approach. He waves through the glass, you doing the same thing in return. You, per usual, stretch your arms above your head, feeling them get grabbed by William. Looking up at him, you raise an eyebrow, not noticing his grin. 
“Say, could you get out of that seat real quick?”
You hum in confirmation, him releasing your wrists as you stand.
You deadpan as he takes the seat, sitting down in it. "Wow. Asshole."
He laughs. "Think of this as charity."
"I'll think of it as what it is, thievery." You huff, sitting on the desk as a replacement for your stolen chair.
He laughs again. 
You roll your eyes, leaning your head on your arm, which is propped up on your leg. "I think the dude who got you made a really good choice."
William pauses. "Okay, now I think you're actually flirting with me."
"Take it as you will. But what I mean is he made a great choice for a horror attraction in finding you. Your big form is scary as hell, what with the actual organs about to spill out and stuff. Your human form… I wouldn't describe you as scary. Intimidating to someone who doesn't know you, maybe, but not scary."
"And what makes me... intimidating?" He asks, face forming into an amused expression as he watches you deadpan for a moment at his tone.
"Your scars, sure, but the main thing is your height. You're like, what, 6'7?"
"I was still quite tall when I was fully human, too."
"Really? How tall?"
"Around 6'4 or 6'5."
You whistle. "Damn, you didn't even grow that much, even when you got a boost from the suit. Actually, how does that even work?" 
"The suits? Well, when bodies are shoved into the suits and become trapped, their souls begin to merge with the vessel. For me, it took a long time, because I was around your age, but for the other suits…" He pauses, flicking one of the bobbleheads. "It didn't take them very long at all."
You nod. "Because they were kids… I never understood it."
His brow lifts. "Never understood what?"
"Why someone would kill them, and 11 of them at that. Kids can be annoying, sure, but… they still deserve a chance to grow." Your eyes focus on the ground, brows drawn together.
"I see." He responds, silent other than those words. You don't notice how his expression turns cold, lips in a downward curve. His reason for slaughtering the kids is simple. 
He wanted to. 
You look up, his face shifting to solemnity. 
You offer him a weak grin. "Sorry 'bout bringing that up, it's a bit heavy."
"No, it's fine."
You hum, leaning back while your hands grip the edge of the table. "I think I'm gonna miss this. The fifteen-something minutes we got here."
He tilts his head, so you take that as a sign to elaborate. "Tomorrow's my last day. I can still visit, of course, but I'll be heading back to my job on Tuesday."
His eyes widen as he processes it. Of course, it was never going to be permanent. The pay was shit, and you even told him that you had a month off, nothing more. 
He doesn't want to let you go, not when you're right there, not when you won't be showing yourself as often. 
"You good?" You ask, him nodding as his gaze shifts quickly to the door you leave through. All he needs to do is block it, then you'll be forced to go through the whole attraction if you want an immediate exit.
"Yes, just wondering how often you'll stop by." His eyes shift back to yours. Of course, he hadn't even considered the question. He knows there isn't any need to worry, not when you'll be at his side the whole time. He'll bind you to him, make it impossible for you to escape.
"I should be able to on weekends, and maybe Wednesdays? It depends on my schedule. So at least twice a week." You smile, the slight head tilt adding to the charm. "It's good to know I've made an impact on someone here, though. William, I really do enjoy your company."
His soft smile holds a hint of euphoria. 
You enjoy his company? 
He hopes you will feel the same over the years. His idea… 
He knows exactly how to do it.
"I enjoy yours as well."
"Well, I'd hope. Me waking up on top of you would've been a bit more awkward if you didn't." You chuckle, his smile slightly widening.
Of course, it couldn't happen tonight.
"I suppose so."
Your brow raises, arms crossing. "You sure you're good? You seem rather… subdued." You question.
He shrugs, feeling the strange warmth form in the pit of his stomach as he hears you worry for him. "I'm just a bit tired, I suppose. Sleeping last night threw me off." Well, he is actually a bit tired.
You nod, still feeling as if something is off. "I can get that. When I got home last night, I immediately crawled into bed and passed out again."
"You were still tired?"
"Well, seven hours isn't much when I had stayed up for over 40. Wait, you were tired? Animatronic-corpse-hybrid-whatevers can get tired?"
His casual grin returns. "Especially in this form, yes. I'm still a close-enough-to-living-thing to get tired normally." 
"Huh. How strange." You simply respond, eyes slipping upwards and not noticing as he rolls forward. 
"Hey, could you hold out your hand real quick? Like this." He holds out his hand in a way similar to how you grab a drink, you copying him with a slightly confused expression. With that, he rolls slightly closer, and after closing his eyes, rests his head on your hand, your fingers cupped over his cheek.
You feel your brain lag.
Your mouth opens once, you soon figuring out that whatever you would say would be incomprehensible, so it's best to not even try.
William lets out a breath, seeming to deflate into your touch. A few moments later, his eyes open to the sound of the 6 am bell and the sight of your somewhat flushed face. He leans away, leaving you still very confused. "Thanks for that." 
"You're… welcome?" 
He's already missing your touch. "Well, we should both get some rest, tomorrow's your final night." But certainly not your last with him. William rolls back, giving you the space to get off of your desk.
You nod slowly. "Uh-yeah. That's true." Sliding off of the desk, you let out a small groan while you stretch, a lot of air hissing into the noise. After you shake your head to clear it, you send a smile towards William before beginning to leave. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." 
"Of course." He responds. When he hears the click of the door, he stands up. He needs to get some rest if he wants to be in top shape. 
His lips curl into a sneer, already knowing his plan would be successful. 
Exiting the room, he heads to the back of the attraction, returning to his animatronic form and standing in the spot he started all of this in. 
Part 3
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sentience in animatronics, particularly in sister location?
Major FNAF lore spoilers ahead. Also, this is a very long theory post. Consider yourself warned.
This is a list of the main animatronics that are possessed, or have sentience in some way or another. (This list might be a little shady, so bear with me):
Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Golden Freddy (First Missing Children’s incident, FNAF 1)
Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica (Second Missing Children’s incident, FNAF 2)
Mangle (from the fruit maze minigame)
Puppet/Marionette/Lefty (for... obvious reasons)
Springtrap (also for obvious reasons)
Looking to each of their behaviors, it’s shown that the person who possess said animatronic (aside from Puppet) were stuffed into their respectful suit, which is how said animatronic gains sentience. For the Puppet, Charlie’s spirit kind of merged with the Puppet’s because the puppet wanted to protect Charlie, even after death (or something like that. That’s basically how MatPat explained it in one of his videos.) For this, we’ll kind of just... ignore the Puppet, because that’s clearly an exception and isn’t really useful here.
Now, if we look into everyone else’s behavior, we see the following. The main animatronics and the toy animatronics are weary of adults (including Mangle, btw!), especially night guard, because they look the most similar to William Afton (or their murderer). Springtrap is, well, William Afton, and he always comes back because he has the plot armor of every Disney princess ever. They all have a proper motive -- the children and the dog looking to avenge their own deaths, while William Afton murders more people and does more of his twisted experiments with souls and wreaks more havoc overall.
Sister Location is different. We know for a fact that Elizabeth Afton possesses Circus Baby, but even then, it’s an extremely fuzzy grey line. What was her motive in killing her own brother? Michael mentions that the Funtimes thought he was William, so actually, what was her motive in killing her own father?
For my fic (which is why I... started overanalyzing this to begin with...), I’ve written this off as the fact that maybe Elizabeth’s soul wasn’t fully merged with Baby’s yet. There seems to be a bit of a consensus on there needing to be time before a spirit fully merges with the animatronic, so maybe that is the case. Maybe Baby just had sentience and decided to do whatever it took to leave, despite knowing that he was Elizabeth’s father and her own creator.
We know that in FNAF 6, Elizabeth has some control or some say over Scrap Baby. I get that an animatronic literally made by William could call him “daddy”, but realistically, Elizabeth would be more likely to do so.
For the sake of this post, let’s just assume that Elizabeth had no say over Baby in Sister Location, but in part gave Baby sentience (because she obviously is sentient by then). The true motive that Elizabeth has, while actually possessing Baby, is to make her father proud, considering that the very last thing she did while alive was disrespect orders and disappoint him. She wants to make amends and make him happy.
We have all of these possessed animatronics with a clear end motive, one that relates directly to their death in some way. So what on earth is going on with the other Funtimes?
Let’s start with Ballora. The most commonly accepted theory is the theory MatPat proposed, that Ballora is actually Mrs. Afton (whose name has not been confirmed yet). The biggest issue I see with this theory, though, is the fact that not once does she actually display true sentience throughout all of Sister Location. Sure, she has a few lines that were definitely not coded in, but that doesn’t really determine anything. There is one major difference between Baby (who we’ve already determined to be sentient) and Ballora,
Ballora doesn’t learn. I don’t think Baby only meant that Ballora couldn’t learn to pretend in order to avoid getting scooped. When Baby first mentions Ballora, she simply tells you how to get past her. Ballora is predictable, and Baby knows that. She knows exactly what Ballora will do, because she doesn’t learn from her failures. You’d think, after being in an underground facility for so long, that any human (even a child!) would be willing to change their tactics. And yet now we’re talking about a fully-grown adult who’s possessing this animatronic? It just doesn’t seem likely.
I do believe that she is at least partially sentient, though, due to her voice lines and the ability to at least listen to Baby. She also has a less than fun reaction to the controlled shocks and is very, very hostile to you after that, showing that she has at least some capacity to understand that Michael hurt them. Also, if Ennard’s inner dialogue is to be believed in night 5, then I can see Ballora bringing up the fact that he had hurt them. (I do believe that Baby planned this whole thing out and told the other Funtimes to act hostile towards Michael, but uh, Ballora may have just held a grudge regardless.)
Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that it’s been generally confirmed that Circus Baby’s Pizza World opened after the first missing children’s incident. If this is to be believed, then William Afton would have already done experiments with remnant and whatnot. In this case, I think it’s actually quite likely that Ballora may have had Mrs. Afton’s remnant, but not her spirit. This would explain why she’s not as sentient as Baby, but is at least somewhat sentient. I think this was extremely deliberate -- I do agree with the part of the theory in which Ballora was modeled after Mrs. Afton in some way. He must’ve done this to honor her memory or something along those lines.
Now onto Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy. We know that the both of them are also sentient in their own way, considering the fact that they were also able to listen to Baby (while Funtime Foxy does have the same motives as Ballora when it comes to attacking Michael, Funtime Freddy does not. so I do believe that Baby must’ve talked to him beforehand to some extent in acting hostile.) My theory is that both Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy must’ve had remnants of other people, since they both also seem to have at least partial sentience like Ballora. But who, and why? It makes sense for Ballora to have Mrs. Afton’s if she’s modeled after her. But what’s the point of making these other two sentient?
The best solution I can come up with is to enhance the AI in them, so they do a better job of kidnapping and killing children... or whatever. I have absolutely no proof to back this up, though.
Then, well, Ennard happens. And the three of them vote to kick Baby out. While the three of them kinda just... let things happen in Sister Location, I think the reason for their rebellious behavior was actually due to Elizabeth being merged with them. I think that maybe she passed on some of that sentience to the other three, giving them just enough willpower to boot Baby. Do I have evidence for this? No. Is this entirely based off of headcanons? Yup. Honestly, I’m just spitballing at this point. I am so, so very tired of trying to figure out how sentience even works in FNAF at this point.
(Don’t even get me started on Bon Bon, the Bidybabs, and Minireenas. I have no goddamn clue how any of them even fit. The Bidybabs saying “She’s watching us!” or something along those lines just... my one braincell is crying.)
Anyway, please let me know what you think. This was long and convoluted and I want some opinions from other people, because I really am just overthinking all of this now.
PS. I have no idea how this remnant stuff even works. Couldn’t you tell? I probably should’ve researched it but I’m too braindead for that now. Literally putting this out there before anyone flames me.
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delanyb · 4 years
Since I’ve been slacking off with the Fnaf headcanon series for quite some time now, with no good reason, have some AR skins and event character headcanons
Shamrock Freddy
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Like Frostbear and Firework Freddy,he’s a Freddy made specifically for the holidays. St. Patrick day to be exact
Has a Irish ascent to go with his holiday theme
Similar to Rockstar Freddy, he desires Faz-coin to a unhealthy degree
Enjoys talking about St. Patrick day traditions and folklore.
Is pretty self-centered
Usually picks on Frostbear for no good reason
All the other animatronics who take part in the Fazbear Funtime Service either are indifferent to him like Chica or 8 Bit Baby. While others like regular Freddy and Bonnie hate him for just being a overall jerk
In some instances when the animatronics are being shipped together in trucks for customers, a Shamrock Freddy always seems to cause some sort of commotion that usually leaves everyone in mangled animatronic parts by the end
The company was actually considering removing him off from the service completely given all the problem he caused
But considering that he makes for great revenue during the St. Patrick day season, they just left him alone for the other animatronics to deal with.
Firework Freddy
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Aside from Chica with her cupcake, he’s the only one who comes with a accessory.
Has lots of nicknames, but the most common ones are Firework and just Summer Freddy
All the other animatronics find his firework very cool
Springtrap however does not becuase anything that goes boom gives him flashbacks to when the springlocks snappped back in the saferoom all those years ago...
Is a expert on cooking with a barbecue
Has a lot of knowledge on sport related stuff from all over the world
Hates the cold
However he doesn’t hate Frostbear and feels bad for him becuase of Shamrock Freddy’s constant bullying
Has a lot of extras clothes and extra accessories that correspond with the traditions of the customer(s) that ordered a vist from him
For instance, he may be all decked out for 4th of July one year, and the next you’ll see a bear ready for the beach and so fourth.
Constantly switching his attire for each visit does get a little annoying, but for him, making people happy in the end makes it worth all the hassle.
VR Toy Freddy
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Is a completely different entity than regular Toy Freddy
Is the textbook definition of absolute gamer chad
Playing video games takes first priority for him
Recently he’s been playing the newest instalment in the fnamh’s (Five Nights At Mr Hug’s) series
He’s quite clumsy and bumps into other animatronics or common house things likes selves on a daily basis
But on the rare chance he’s not using his headset he’s usually making absurd theorys on what’s going on with the lore in the new Vr game
His main theory is that that this new strange crate looking character escaped from dumper purgatory from the previous game in the series and placed themselves into the in universe VR game.
Shamrock Freddy question why he’s still invested in that series though. As he states, the original trilogy is the best and that it all went downhill once that weird gumball machine used paper plates as a skin suit.
Whenever He or anyone else for that matter says something along the lines of that, VR Toy Freddy always goes into essay long arguments for why he’s wrong. He’s very quick to defend his favourite franchise
Jokes that he’s The Man Behind The Slaugher unironically even when the meme has died ( *In this universe the man behind the slaughter meme exists because of the Fnaf 1 news paper clippings, along with the fact that Springtrap is a well known entity thanks to HW, and the Fazbear Funtime service.*
Chocolate Bonnie
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Nicknames are Choco Bonnie, and unfortunately as immature as it, Poop Bonnie
He’s made of real actual chocolate
Once somebody’s dog took a big bite out of his bottom right stomach area that simply couldn’t be repaired. The dog took 87 bites out of him btw
That’s why every single copy of the Chocolate Bonnie model scanned in after that day has that big and distracting hole
His three button and botie are mint candy flavoured
Real Easter eggs are hidden inside his stomach cavity and are placed near his endo parts
Though he’s more appropriate for Easter time, sometime he’s advertised for the Halloween season for that trick or treat goodness
Similar to Bon-Bon and Funtime Freddy , Easter and Chocolate Bonnie are a two in one package.
Given the surprising popularity of the Funtime Service, (*in universe*) a merch store has being set up to only spread word of their brand but to bring these beloved characters in the pop culture consensus again, and Chocolate Bonnie gets a bunch of merch
Whether it be a coffee mug,a shirt, or the type of chocolate bunny you’ll see in those craft stores, Cholocate Bonnie has it all.
Easter Bonnie
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Is very dramatic and has a showman like personality. (Similar to Funtime Foxy in UCN)
His Easter egg pattern on his stomach area is actually drawn with crayons and the circles are get plain circle shaped stickers you would find at the your local dollar store. Goes to show that the Fazbear Funtime Service sticks to the roots of Fazbear Entertainment, being really cheep
How Easter and Chocolate Bonnie entertain customers is that Easter Bonnie usually has a “dramatic” retelling of the Easter bunny fairytale while Chocolate Bonnie’s the food, customers can eat while enjoying the play
He’s quite athletic
The “Happy Easter” tag on the top of his ear isn’t actually a intentional design choice
Easter Bonnie just stole it from a random candy store nearby
Some confuse him as a winter themed Bonnie covered in snow due to his mainly white colour palette. Considering that Freddy Frostbear’s a thing that isn’t that much of a stretch
Can perfectly imitate any of the other animatronic’s voices. It honestly shocks animatronics like Springtrap or Foxy with how well Easter Bonnie can capture this respective accents to a tee
He prefers to hop like a actual bunny than walking normally
Loves decorating Easter eggs.
Toxic Springtrap
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All that purple goo is actually just fungi infected with some of that classic remnant
Due to his frightening nature he’s only available during Halloween time
However despite his looks he’s actually quite kind at heart. Much more than regular Springtrap that’s for sure
Is actually scared of the dark
He likes playing chess
Doesn’t like the fact that he’s advertised as something to be feared
Usually hangs around with 8-Bit Baby the most and the two usually play board games all day
Although like everyone else he feels some sort of discomfort whenever he’s shocked, the pain is really minor for him compared to other animatronics
Given that he’s only desired during the month of spooks, for the rest of the year, he’s left alone at the factory where all the animatronics are constructed and duplicated in the first place
Due to this he’s got a pleta of abandonment isssues
System Error Toy Bonnie
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His head, body and limbs can be detached and put back together very easily
That’s how he entertains customers in fact. He’s basically a animatronic sized construction set, similar to Mangle
Their eyes glow bright orange in darkness
Is able to phaze through physical objects
Due to some people complaining about regular Toy Bonnie’s voicebox, the team chose to implant stock computer sound effects into System Error Toy Bonnie’s voicebox rather than actual dialogue.
Knows your WiFi password
Is taller than regular Toy Bonnie
The system error phrase near his stomach area gets brighter amd brighter whenever his costume shell is damaged
Static electricity flows through him from time to time. So it recommend that whenever a customer should wear gloves and other appropriate safety equipment when interacting with the animatronic
Balloon Boy always tries to get the static electricity balloon trick to work, but it never seems to work. System Error Toy Bonnie could really care less about this ordeal though
Highscore Toy Chica
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Loves playing video games
But unlike Vr Toy Freddy, Her life doesn’t focus on it 24/7
She likes playing a variety of games too. virtual games, handheld games, games on consoles, board games, etc
Is very supportive
Knows what emojis are
Considering that she’s meant to be hip with the kids, she knows a lot about current gaming and fandom culture in general
Is a pretty good speed runner when it comes to video games
Although it doesn’t happen often she can get quite serious when it comes to gaming. You can tell when she’s just playing for fun or not if her endoskeleton eyes and grey are exposed
is indifferent to the term “Gamer Girl”
Hates games where you can’t skip the cutscenes
Radioactive Foxy
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A random model of Foxy accidentally found his way into a power plant and eventually got covered in radioactive goo
The higher ups working for the Fazbear Funtime service thought that it would be a shame to throw out a perfectly good plush suit and endo. So after some strange testing involving remnant they just rebranded this as a completely new skin.
Green radioactive material drips over his body all all times
His hook is twice as big as regular Foxy’s. Probably due to the combination of experimenting with both remnant and toxic radioactive goo
Has no eyebrows due to the constant radioactive energy
Thanks to Radioactive Foxy’s transparent look, this was the first time any of the customers got a real good look on the inerworkings on how a endo properly fits into a plush suit.
Is on the hunt for and wants to consume more radioactive energy
Can transform into a more liquid based form
He’s slower than regular foxy but sill runs at a moderately fast pace
One of the more aggressive animatronics in the service alongside the likes of regular Springtrap and Frostbear
8-Bit Baby
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Similar to Highscore Toy Chica, she’s meant to be marketed to the gaming crowd.
Specifically those who enjoy old school videogames
Can despense real cupcakes for eating pleasure
Has a extra sprinkler perfect for ice cream decorating
Her fan operates correctly and henceforth can be used for cooling or drying needs
Her microphone is preprogrammed with chiptune styled music
Has become many people’s favourite animatronic and has been in high demand ever since they were first brought to the service due to their uniqueness
Moves at a snail’s pace
Loves playing board games with Toxic Springtrap.
Regualr Circus Baby finds her 8 bit version adorable
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tenebraevesper · 9 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Nothing Remains, Night 31: Shattered
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''Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding, fall into your sunlight. The future's open wide, beyond believing, to know why, hope dies. Losing what was found, a world so hollow, suspended in a compromise. The silence of this sound is soon to follow, somehow, sundown. And finding answers is forgetting all of the questions we called home, passing the graves of the unknown.''
 – Shattered by Trading Yesterday (Nightcore)
It was a bright, chilly day in Hurricane as a lone figure walked down the streets, focused on reading something from her notebook and then placing it into her backpack, then slinging the backpack over her shoulder. She sighed, feeling as if she was carrying a rock on her shoulders rather than her backpack. She wasn't surprised though, as school had started a while ago and she was already getting more homework than she wanted to deal with. She had figured that, after what she lived through, that school wouldn't be that bad. She should've known better.
At least Tessa's not talking to me. That's something. Sam smiled bitterly, aware that the only thing a teenager like her should be bothered by was typical school drama. However, she didn't wasn't really keen on making friends with people who put themselves above others just because they believed that they had something that made them better than their peers.
She took another deep breath and continued walking, soon entering a familiar street. She smiled as she saw the building in front of her, Freddy Fazbear Pizza, and stopped in front of the window, noticing her own reflection. Several strands of her hair were out of place and she brushed with her fingers through them, trying to neaten them up. Looking past her reflection, she could see the checkered patterns on the walls and the drawings and posters that decorated the restaurant.
It's supposed to be a place where fun and fantasy come to life. Sam smirked. Well, they weren't lying in the advertisement, since I certainly was never bored while being here.
She was a little hesitant about entering the building, reminding herself that her shift would start in the late afternoon. However, she then figured that it wouldn't hurt to go inside, just to check on the Showtime Animatronics and make sure they weren't ''malfunctioning'', as Fazbear Entertainment would put it.
They pretend that they don't know what happened, but the consequences of their past actions will eventually catch up to them. After all, this happened to the one who started this whole tragedy.
The room was quite dark, but the light from the stage was enough to illuminate at least part of it. He could see a lone figure standing in front of the stage, observing the animatronic performers, who seemed to be singing just for her. He felt a little anxious about approaching her, wondering how she would react to his presence; whether she would be happy to see him again or angry that he had abandoned her. He had promised to himself that he wouldn't lie to her, yet he did, knowingly shattering her heart. Still, she was here and he wanted to use this opportunity to apologize to her.
''Sam?'' he called out to her, causing the girl to turn around.
''Springtrap?'' she whispered, completely surprised to see him. He didn't answer, still feeling nervous about her reaction. However, all of his worries were blown away when she suddenly ran up to him and hugged him tightly. ''I missed you so much!''
''Me too…'' Springtrap whispered, closing his eyes as he embraced her, happy to see that everything was fine, just the way it used to be.
However, moments later, he could feel Sam's grip around his neck loosening, with her letting go off him. The air grew thick and he had trouble breathing. He felt tense, not wanting to open his eyes, as he realized that something was incredibly wrong with this. He could feel Sam falling over, forcing him to finally open his eyes, which widened in pure shock and fear.
Instead of seeing Sam being well and alive, he was holding her decaying corpse. Her skin was sallow and pale, her body being so thin she looked like a skeleton, and there was a blood-covered wound on her chest. Her dark brown hair was thin and falling out in clumps and her eyes had been gouged out, with maggots wriggling inside them. William let the body fall, staring at it in horror. Sam's corpse then fell apart, the bones within shattering and her body turning into ashes, which faded away. William then fell on his knees, shaking, as the room around him changed, revealing nothing but darkness that surrounded him.
All he could hear was a creepy, chilling laughter that belonged to a child, echoing through the void that was his personal Hell.
The Story Continues...
Five Nights at Freddy's:
This was his final performance and he knew that he wouldn't return. Still, the glitch he had created remained, forcing William Afton, alias Springtrap, to confront what he had left behind. Even Sam is troubled by his return, aware that, beside her, there is another person who decided to carry on his murderous legacy…
#Previous Chapter
#Current Chapter
#Next Chapter
#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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xbrittaniax · 4 years
FNaF: The Rules have changed ch.3
[Disclaimer: This chapter Is pretty long, Sitting at 3,228 words, Not counting this message, So heads up!]
Clank clank clank clank
The sound echoed in Scott's head as he tried his hardest to stay focused, Most of his current routine- Checking pirate cove, Checking the door lights and locking out the Animatronics; He did out of instinct, So he didn't have to worry too much if he had a small gap in concentration. Scott slumped over his desk, Exhausted both mentally and physically from the last three hours of the shift, At this point he was highly considering letting them come get him but his Stubbornness wouldn't allow It. The Animatronics had been very active for him, He had quite a few close calls with them, Even Foxy wasn't cutting him any slack tonight. He kept having to lunge out of his chair to slam down on the left door button.
His absence from the conversation was worrying the other two night guards, Especially Jeremy, Who had been hearing giggling all night. He groaned softly and put his camera down, Trying to shake the sound out of his head. "Scott? Are you okay? Y-You've been really quiet." Jeremy asked, warily trying to hunt down the source of the giggling. "Nobody was caught right?"
"Right." Mike mumbled, Shutting out Chica.
"Huh? Oh... Yeah I'm fine, Just... Concentrating too hard." He realized his instincts were however beginning to fail him, As he didn't check the cove in a while, and Quickly he switched to the feed to find Foxy had left. "Shit shit shit shit shit!" he sprung up out of his seat and slammed down on the left door button just in time as Foxy began to bang on the door.
"Uh, You don't sound okay..." Mike chuckled.
"Sh-Shut up... I almost had a heart attack." Scott groaned, returning to his seat. He clutched his chest as he tried to calm his rapid breathing. He began to wonder if this was the night he was going to get caught.
"Scott, You're starting to worry me." Jeremy frowned as he set the tablet down on the desk.
"I'm.. Okay, I guess my heart just isn't in it today." He slammed down the right door button as he spoke.
"Why? Did something disheartening happen?"
"We mean, Aside from being hunted by Animatronics all night." Mike smirked.
"Um, You could say that."
Jeremy quickly closed both doors and hid under his desk. "Guys, Please tell me i'm not the only one who heard that giggling!"
"Uh, 'Fraid so Jeremy..." Mike murmured in response.
"Wait, Which feed did you hear it from?" Scott asked wearily, Picking up his tablet and switching to the feed outside Jeremy's office.
"F-From Cam 2B..."
Scott froze as he came to a realization. "Jeremy... Please tell me you still have the camera on."
"N-No? Why?"
"Jeremy, Get the hell out of there. Just make a break for one of our stations." Scott instructed urgently, Jeremy was about to press the matter but peaking under the desk he saw a pair of golden bear feet, He felt like passing out upon seeing this.
"S-Scott... Something's in my office." He wheezed quietly, Feeling his eyes fill with tears as he hid further in the corner of the desk.
"I know, That's golden Freddy." Phone guy explained. "The cheeky bastard likes to lurk outside your door and wait until your guard is down. Just run while you still can."
"I can't, I'm under my desk, I'm trapped." He hugged his knees to his chest and quietly gasped as the Animatronic started to move. It seemed to be slowly moving around Jeremy's office, As If looking for something. Jeremy heard the power shut down to his office and darkness flooded the room, Luckily the mechanical footsteps grew further and further away.
Jeremy took his chance, He crawled out from under his desk and booked It towards Mike's office, But unfortunately on his way there he had bumped Into Foxy who had been on his way back to the cove. The Fox Animatronic came to a dead halt, And Jeremy was too petrified to move.
"Uh, Scott, Check the Party room feed."
Phone guy flipped his camera to the party room, And there Jeremy was. Standing face to face with Foxy. "Oh boy..."
Foxy began to say something, But Jeremy shrieked and sprinted towards the closest Office -- Which just so happened to be Mike's. He stumbled on his way In and went crashing to the floor with Mike who broke his fall unwillingly. Mike groaned In pain, But sobered when he heard Heavy footsteps approaching his right door. "God Dammit!" He swore, Bolting up to the door and Slamming on the button before the Animatronic got any closer.
Mike slid down the door and sighed In relief, Though that relief was short lived when he realized he had broke the golden rule again; 'No Swearing'. This made him swear again Internally. "Jesus Jeremy! You almost got us both caught!"
Jeremy was still sitting in the Fetal position, In a shaking heap on the floor. Clearly In shock.
Laughter rang out through the office, Startling Mike, But not Jeremy, He knew It was Phone guy.
"What the hell? Did you get caught over there?" Mike pulled himself back up and sat down In his chair.
"No..." He chuckled. "It's just that watching Timid Jeremy shoulder rush his way past three Animatronics on his way to your office was amusing. That's all."
"I didn't find It funny," Mike pouted, Crossing his arms. "I think he bruised a couple ribs."
"I think he bruised more than your ribs."
"Shut up!"
All while this exchange was going down, Mike had forgotten about the left door, And Jeremy had been too frozen with fear to check It himself... Big mistake. Jeremy felt two giant plush hands wrap around his arms and yank him out of the room, He screamed and began kicking, Alarming his two Coworkers.
"NO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Jeremy screamed as he was dragged quickly towards the show stage, Mike had made a lunge for him but was too late.
"Scott, What the hell do we do??"
"I don't know. Jeremy Isn't In any real danger though."
"That still has to be terrifying for the poor boy." Mike frowned, Finding the show room feed on his Surveillance system. They watched as Jeremy was hoisted onto the stage by Bonnie, The purple rabbit handed him a Guitar and patted his head.
"Alright, Let's rock out buddy! Can you follow along?"
The blond was completely dumbfounded and terrified at the same time, He didn't respond he just stared at the Animatronic. What kind of game Is this?
"It's okay, I won't hurt you!" Bonnie chirped cheerfully. "I just want to play. Are you ready?"
Jeremy nodded slowly. Bonnie nodded his head once and strummed a string, Then watched the Shaky Night guard; Waiting for him. Jeremy pieced It together after a moment that Bonnie wanted him to repeat after him, So he found that same string and strummed It cautiously. "Good! Just keep following along!" Bonnie Instructed, Beginning to play a song slowly, With Jeremy following along less Melodiously. It went on for a bit, But at some point Jeremy fumbled a chord causing Bonnie to immediately stop playing music. "Yikes, That wasn't the right string."
Jeremy yelped as The Animatronic leaned closer to observe him. Jeremy was on the brink of tears. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to--"
"Hey, It's okay! Everyone messes up. Don't be so hard on yourself." Bonnie tweaked the Night Guard's side, Drawing another yelp from him but this time for a different reason. "Lighten up!"
Jeremy tried to back away but The Purple Bunny wasn't about to let that happen, He hooked his arm around Jeremy's waist and spun him around before pinning him against him. He snuck his free hand up his shirt and began to scribble a single soft and plush finger against the Young man's side, Drawing squeaky and shaky giggles from Jeremy.
- Mike and Scott had been too preoccupied to pay attention to what was happening to Jeremy, The moment Mike swore, It got back to Toy Freddy and well... He was hunting him currently, Forcing Mike to keep his right door closed. and Scott was currently struggling to keep Chica, Foxy and Mangle out of his room. Foxy had visited twice already, And by the way the Pirate cove curtains rustled, It was about to be three visits. "What's gotten Into these Animatronics!? They're going nuts tonight!" Mike groaned In frustration, Cautiously eyeing his power meter.
"You don't say!" Scott yelped In surprise when he heard Mangle In his doorway, He lunged for the door and slammed down on the button Just in time. Just when he took a moment to let out the breath he had been holding... He heard It.
Bang... Bang... Bang...
"Uh, Scott? What the hell was that? It sounds like something Is hitting a wall."
Oh no... Scott peered his head out the right door and looked to the end of the hallway, The boards, They were rattling with each loud thump. "Springtrap, Deactivate!" He tried, But It continued for another minute, After a few more attempts It seemed to stop. Scott could have passed out at the amount of relief. It was short lived however...
"Hi there! Would you like to join me for a pizza party?" Chica sang cheerfully, Only then did Scott realize he was almost halfway out of his office...
Jeremy was full on hysterically laughing when Bonnie tickled his stomach, The texture of his fur reminded Jeremy of a feather duster or something along those lines, It was maddening. He had tried sinking to the ground to get away but Bonnie followed, Basically cradling him In his lap as he teased the Blond. "Tickle tickle tickle! I've got you now~ You can't get away!" He cooed teasingly.
"BOHOHOHONNIEHEHEHE! PLEheheHEHEHEASE!" He struggled to speak coherent sentences, He couldn't focus long enough to finish his pleas.
"Please what? Please tickle me some more? Okay! I can do that!" Bonnie chuckled, His other hand joining In to spider at his side and ribs.
"EEEHEHE NOHOHOHOHO! THAHAHAT'S NAHAHAT WHAT I MEHEHEHEAHAHANT! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Jeremy squealed adorably, Writhing around like a worm on a hook trying to escape the devilish fingers.
"I'm sorry, I can't understand you, You're laughing too hard!" Jeremy could practically hear a grin In his voice, Before he could try again with his pleas, Bonnie's fingers began strumming against Jeremy's stomach as If he was playing the guitar. "Hey, I got a new Guitar! I think I like the sound this one puts off more than my other one's."  He tried pushing at the Animatronic hands that tormented him, But they didn't budge. If anything, This only encouraged Bonnie.
Jeremy gave up, Slumping back against Bonnie's arm as he laughed his heart out, His muscles felt like Jelly from struggling.
- Scott felt waves of Terror washing over him as he stared at Chica, Unable to move. He now realized how Jeremy must of felt with a formerly murderous Animatronic literally towering over you.
"Come on, Join me! No one else wants to play with me..." She sounded as though she were pouting, Before He could respond Foxy came bursting Into the room ungracefully, Startling Chica and Scott both. Scott came back to his senses and took off past Chica, Narrowly avoiding being caught by her once she came to her senses.
Think fast!
Scott ran Into the former parts and service room and locked the door behind him, Sliding down the door slowly as he clutched his chest. He quickly scanned around, But there didn't appear to be any Animatronics In the room. He tried to force his heartbeat to slow down.
That was too close...
Mike was counting down the minutes, Oblivious to anything happening outside his office. "Just a little bit longer..." He mumbled, Checking the cameras. He saw that Jeremy was still laughing his head off, And He noticed Scott was In parts and service, Which drew a lot of confusion from the brunette.
The Screens went black, Indicating that his power had gone out, And In walked Toy Freddy with a menacing look In his eyes. "No no no no no no!" Mike backed up quickly, Stumbling as he did and landing with an ungraceful thud, He shrieked as Toy Freddy lunged for him.
But the bells rang before he could reach him, And soon all the Animatronics reset. "Oh thank God..." He sighed deeply, falling back against the floor. Jeremy soon stumbled In to check on Mike.
"I've never been so glad to hear those Bells." Jeremy panted, He looked completely disheveled from his messy hair to his now wrinkled shirt. He sat down against the wall next to Mike as he collected himself.
"Right? That was way too close..." Mike added.
Scott came shakily walking up to them, His skin pale from the fear still, He slid down the wall across from Jeremy and Sat with the other two.
"Scott? Are you okay?" Mike Turned over on his stomach and propped himself up with his elbows, An unusual note of genuine concern rang out in his voice.
"Y-Yeah... J-Just... Forgot how terrifying they are... Despite the update." He forced a smile.
"I thought you said you don't get anxious or scared after years of working here?"
"I lied." He said quietly, Looking down at the floor.
There was silence after that, Although that wasn't the only thing. He was also still reeling from Springtrap trying to make his escape. Jeremy scooted over next to Scott and rested his head against his shoulder. "It's okay, They look pretty scary." He yawned. "But they actually aren't as bad as they look." He closed his eyes.
Yeah, They aren't. But Springtrap wasn't fitted with the same programming as the others, As far as Scott was aware. Footsteps could be heard coming from the Office out Into the hallway - and Yes, He had to step over Mike In the process. "Whoa, What happened to you three?" Fritz asked.
"Rough night." Mike said, Pushing himself up and stretching, His back popped loudly a few times as he did. "I think I'm gonna get out of here, Jeremy? You coming?" He reached down and brushed against Jeremy's shoulder, Awakening the Blond again.
"Yeah," He took Mike's hand and stood up, Then they both looked at Scott. "Scott?"
The Raven haired night guard shook his head. "I'm gonna stay over and help Day shift for a little bit."
"Really??" Fritz's face lit up with excitement, He could barely contain the urge to jump up and down excitedly.
Scott nodded, Slowly standing. "Against my better judgement..." He really didn't think he could sleep after tonight anyway, Besides, He needed to talk to Vincent about Springtrap.
"Alright, Well see you tonight." Jeremy waved, Turning to leave.
"Later, Phone guy." Mike grinned, Turning and leaving as well. Scott rolled his eyes at the nickname, But couldn't help but grin In amusement.
Scott helped Fritz and the other day shifters get the place ready for the day, With Vincent coming In at Fritz's usual time spot of Eight o'clock. He went Into the office and set his coffee down, Scott walked In and waited for him to notice him, But Vincent was too preoccupied with checking the Soundboard. "Vince?"
Didn't hear him. He sighed and got closer, Tapping his shoulder. Vincent nearly hit the ceiling, He whipped around and looked at Scott wide eyed, Once he realized he wasn't In any danger he let out a breath and held his chest over his heart. "Jesus Christ! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Scott couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. "Oh, You think that's funny do you?" He got a dark look In eyes, But the smirk betrayed it.
Scott froze, "Um, No?" He tried, Mustering up an innocent smile. But when he saw Vincent getting closer to him, He began to back away.
"Oh, So now you're lying too, Huh?" Purple guy inched closer. "You're so gonna get It."
Scott screamed and went running down the hall with Vincent chasing after him, Fritz and the others watched on with amusement. "Get away!" He yelled, Turning a sharp corner, Effectively placing a table between him and Vince.
Purple guy scoffed, Simple Diving across the table and latching onto Scott's shoulders as he hit the floor, Taking the other night guard down with him. "Tsk... Tsk... Tsk..." Vincent shook his head as he pinned Scott down. "After all these years of working with me, You still forget It's not wise to mock me." Phone guy squirmed helplessly, Pushing at Vincent's shoulders with no effect.
"Come on, Quit It! Your reaction was just a little funny. That certainly doesn't warrant-- Aah!" Scott shrieked, His arms snapping down against his ribs, Blocking most of them. Except for the bottom set that Vincent was attacking. "Noho, Stop It!" He bit down on his lip to keep from laughing, But this seemed to only encourage the Mischievous Night guard.
"I think that certainly DOES Warrant getting tickled," Vincent snickered, His hands diving underneath his shirt, Playing the ribs he could still access like a piano. He payed special attention to the spots between his ribs. "I have to remind you that you shouldn't mess with me every so often." He winked.
Scott lost It, He threw his head back as laughter bubbled freely from him. "Nohohohohohoho! Thihihihis Isn't fahahahahair!" He whined, Squirming around to no avail. Vince reached back with one hand and began squeezing his knee, Drawing a sharp gasp followed by loud laughter as he kicked his leg uselessly. "NONONONO STAHAHAHAP!"
"I dunno... I really think I shouldn't." Vince shrugged, Grinning evilly. his other hand leaving Scott's ribs to squeeze the soft muscles in his inner thigh, Causing the other Night Guard to shriek then fall Into Hysterics. He tried to throw Vince off, But he wouldn't budge.
"Nope." Vincent grinned, Continuing.
In a last ditch effort, Scott reached up and buried his fingers in Vince's sides. This action drew a few snickers as he quickly grabbed Scott's wrists and yanked his hands away. "You're really asking for It, Aren't cha?"
"Hey guys, It's almost time to open up." Fritz spoke up.
Scott breathed heavily, His body practically limp from exhaustion from both the tickling and the Night he had.
"Fine," Vincent released his hands. "But this isn't over." He got off of him and stood up, Offering a hand to pull Scott up since he didn't think he could stand on his own anymore. Scott hesitantly took his hand and got to his feet, Then followed Vince back to the Office to inform him of what went on that night.
They went to examine the boarded room, The boards were barely on the walls. Purple guy fixed the boards and stepped back to review his work. "Vince, You could put a chain lock on that and he would still break out." Scott Informed.
"Yeah, But the Boards might slow him down." He suggested with a shrug.
Nine o'clock hit and Scott decided to leave for the day, He had a feeling The new boards wouldn't make much difference. He really had a bad feeling about tonight... Would tonight be the night that Springtrap escaped? Who knows...
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thedailyimagines · 5 years
Imagine working at Freddy’s Pizzeria, and trying to tell your dad something is wrong. (Part Two)
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Description: The reader just got a new job at Freddy Fazbear’s. He thinks something is up and is proven right on the first night. Maybe his dad can help? This is the family business...
The plot is different from the game, but here’s part 2!
The black Impala cruised to a stop in front of the pizzeria. Three people got out of the car, stopping by the trunk of the car to grab a bag before headed to the front door. The youngest of the three started to unlock the door, while the tallest looked around uncomfortably.
“Y/n, are you sure you want to be here? These things did try to kill you.” Y/n jiggled the key and cursed under his breath when the door didn’t unlock.
“Yes I’m sure. Besides, I’m the one with the key and a general idea of the layout of this place.” Sam tried to peer inside the dark restaurant, only able to see vague outlines.
“Still...” The lock clicked, and y/n opened up the door.
“Here we go. Welcome to the freakiest place on earth.” Dean whistled as he walked in the door, glancing around at the decrepit pizzeria.
“Damn, who did they hire to make this place?” Y/n slipped by his dad and started to make his way to the security office. The time on his watch read 11:55.
“Doesn’t matter now, let’s find out what’s going on here and get out.” The three headed towards the security office, and y/n couldn’t help but feel like something was watching them.
“So the article said that five kids disappeared here, and they were never found but suspected to be murdered. How many animatronics did you say there were?” Y/n shook himself out of his thoughts.
“There were four last night. I didn’t see a fifth one but the waitress said they retired one of them a long time ago.”
“Great. Me and Sam will take a look around, you stay here in the office and watch the cameras.” Y/n walked over to the walkie talkie station and grabbed three, handing one to his uncle and his father.
“Alright. Everyone’s walkies should work fine here.” Sam and Dean nodded, headed towards the office door. Dean stopped in the doorway and turned back to y/n.
“Yeah dad?”
“Stay safe.”
Two hours, and nothing had happened. None of the animatronics were coming near the office and Sam and Dean hadn’t found anything yet. Y/n idly flicked through the cameras, noting where each animatronic was.
It was on camera 2B that y/n stopped to look. The poster of Freddy was...wrong. That was the best word for it. It was yellow now, and it didn’t have eyes. Y/n could’ve sworn it was a poster of a brown Freddy last time he checked.
“Dad? Not sure if this is important but camera 2B caught something odd.” Dean’s voice came crackling through the walkie.
“We’ll go take a look. Everything good there?” Y/n leaned back in the chair and stretched, keeping an eye on camera 2B.
“Yeah, nothing has tried to kill me yet.” Suddenly there was the sound of a little girl laughing behind y/n. He whirled around only to be hit on the head by a large yellow hand.
“Y/n? Y/n!” The sound of his father’s voice on the walkie was the last thing y/n heard before he blacked out.
When he woke up, y/n was in a dark room lit by a single lightbulb. The yellow Freddy stood in the corner of the room, silent and unmoving. He tried to move only to find his wrists and ankles bound to a chair.
“Good to see you awake.” Y/n turned his gaze to the doorway of the room, stifling a shout of surprise when he saw the animatronic. It was more deteriorated than the others, and the fact it spoke unsettled y/n deeply.
“Who the hell are you?” The yellow rabbit moved into the room, and y/n gagged at the scent that lingered around it.
“My name is not important. But I suppose if you must call me anything, a few former employees used to call me Springtrap.” The rabbit, Springtrap, circled around y/n. When he came to a stop in front of y/n, Springtrap knelt so he was at eye-level.
“I don’t care why you’re here, or what you think you’re going to accomplish, but understand that there are some very delicate plans I’ve made and you’ve forced me to make a move earlier than expected.” Y/n leaned back away from Springtrap, more to escape the smell than anything.
“So what? You kill me? Make me into an animatronic?” The raspy laughter from the talking animatronic unsettled y/n. Springtrap stood and walked over to the yellow Freddy, flicking it on the nose.
“Them? I learned my lesson about leaving them to their own devices. They serve me now. And it makes sense after all; I made them better than they could ever be—and I became better as well.” Y/n twisted his wrists, trying to loosen the thick wires that tied him to the chair. It was just his luck to be stuck in a room with a homicidal robot, wasn’t it?
“So you have robot servants. Now what? You’re a gross robot rabbit. Are you going to live out your fantasy as a horror furry?” Springtrap turned around and spread out his arms.
“My dear boy, once I am done people will flock to me! Think about it; why pass of old age when you can live forever? I may not be much now, but I can assure you it’s only temporary.”
“So why kidnap me? Why not just kill me?”
“Who would think about buying immortality from me in this state? It would be so much easier if a young entrepreneur offered a solution.” Y/n didn’t understand what the rabbit meant, until it finally clicked in his head. He wasn’t dead because Springtrap needed a living body.
“Oh hell no.” Y/n started tugging harder at the wires binding his wrists, causing them to bleed in his efforts to get free. Springtrap chuckled at his attempts.
“Oh yes. Now enough talk, I only have limited time to do this.” Springtrap placed a large hand on y/n’s head, closing his eyes to focus.
Pain blossomed in y/n’s head, and he screamed. It felt like he was being ripped apart and burned alive, he couldn’t see, couldn’t breath—
The shotgun shell hit Springtrap’s shoulder, causing him to stumble over. Y/n’s head dropped to his chest. When he looked up, there was Dean and Sam, Dean pointing a shotgun at Springtrap.
“You IDIOT! Do you know what you’re doing? I am a GOD! How dare you—!” Dean shot Springtrap again several times, forcing it against the wall. Sam ran over to y/n and started untying him.
“Hey y/n, you doing okay?” Y/n nodded, and winced when his head pounded in protest.
“Yeah, just nearly got my body snatched by freaky Easter Bunny.” Y/n’s hands were freed, and he and Sam made quick work of the wires around his ankles. The two joined Dean by the door, and all three of them ran for the exit.
“NO! STOP THEM!” The yellow Freddy jerked to life, and with a roar chased the three Winchesters down the dark hallway. Y/n had no idea where they were going, he hadn’t seen this part of the pizzeria in his scouting earlier that day.
“Take a left!” Y/n turned left, and caught sight of a set of stairs. This place had a basement? A figure appeared at the top of the stairs.
“Shit!” The fox animatronic lunged towards Sam, who only just avoided being gutted. The rest of the animatronics appeared in the doorway. Sam, Dean, and y/n ran back towards the hall, headed deeper into the maze beneath the pizzeria.
The three hid inside a small room, shutting the door and waiting until the animatronics had passed. It was Sam who turned around first to see where they had hidden.
“Oh god.” Dean and y/n turned, and y/n really wished he hadn’t. There was a small party set up in this room, and at the table were five bodies. Five small, decayed, bodies. Y/n turned away and puked.
“That fucking bastard. I’m going to kill him.” Y/n wiped his mouth and looked at his father. He had never seen his dad this angry before. Sam put a hand on Dean’s shoulder to stop him from hunting down Springtrap.
“Dean, in case you haven’t noticed he nearly had us killed and took over y/n’s body. The best thing we can do now is salt and burn the bodies, and hope that stops all of them.” The door suddenly banged open, and Springtrap entered the room followed by the five animatronics.
“There you are! It was rather rude of you to try to leave so early. But never mind that now. Grab them, but don’t harm the boy! The others are free game.” Springtrap snapped his fingers, but the animatronics didn’t move. “What’s wrong with all of you? Grab them now!”
The purple mechanical rabbit walked forward, past the three Winchesters to the table behind them. His hook reached out and gently touched the cheek of one of the deceased children. Each animatronic followed suit, and y/n connected the dots in his head; these children were the animatronics.
Springtrap came to the same conclusion. His eyes widened and he lunged towards y/n, screaming in rage. Y/n shut his eyes and put his arms up in defense.
“Holy hell.” Y/n opened his eyes then blinked in shock, hardly believing what he saw. Five children had appeared in front of the Winchesters, the animatronics crumpling to the ground behind them. Springtrap froze, taking a step back in fear.
“What is this? What are you doing?!?! Kill them!” None of the children listened to Springtrap, instead taking a step towards him.
“Looks like they want some revenge. I don’t blame them.” The children started to glow as they got closer to Springtrap.
“No! No, no NO! I’m not finished yet! Release me!” Springtrap sounded terrified as the five ghost children surrounded him. There was a bright flash of light, and the yellow rabbit suit fell to the ground. There was no sign of the children.
Sam and Dean walked y/n up to the security office, forcing him to stay put as they went to salt and burn the bodies and the animatronics. Y/n obliged and sank down in the chair. As soon as his uncle and dad returned all three left the pizzeria. As soon as they left the building, they were greeted by the manager.
“Oh, hello! Who are you two?” Y/n pulled the keys to the pizzeria and threw them at the manager.
“I. Quit.” The manager seemed shocked for a moment, then began spluttering.
“B-b-but William! You promised!” Y/n froze and turned slowly towards the manager.
“My name isn’t William.” Now the balding man seemed confused, as if he was expecting confirmation to what he said.
“But-but-” Y/n took a step towards him.
“Did you know about the animatronics trying to kill me? And the crazy rabbit guy?” The manager fished for an explanation.
“Well- I mean-”
“You asshole! I could have died!” Y/n took another step towards him and raised a fist. Sam caught him before y/n could throw a punch.
“Y/n, he isn’t worth it.” A fist slammed into the manager’s nose, causing the man to fall backwards. Sam turned in shock to his brother.
“Dean!” The elder brother shot a glare at the manager and turned to Sam.
“My kid nearly died because of him Sammy!” Dean turned back to the manager, who was now sporting a bloody nose. “He’s sixteen you ass!”
The manager paled considerably and fumbled around for an excuse. He was saved from having to when a loud bang came from inside the pizzeria. Everybody turned just in time to watch as the restaurant began to go up in flames.
“No! I poured my life and money into that place!” The manager watched in horror as the restaurant burned to the ground. Dean said something that sounded suspiciously like ‘good riddance’ under his breath and steered his family to his car.
The Impala sped away from the burning pizzeria, y/n taking a well deserved nap in the back seat. There was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind, but y/n ignored it as Dean drove the Impala out of town.
The cold ashes floated in the breeze. A week had passed since Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria had burned to the ground—the official cause listed as faulty wiring.
A metal hand shot up from the ashes, pulling up a decrepit, burned, metal husk. Once it may have been yellow, but the color was dirtied from ash and burn marks.
The gray-green eyes flicked around, and the metal being took stumbling steps towards the town border where a week ago, three hunters had left town.
“I’m coming...you little bastard...you’ll pay for this...”
I don’t own the above gifs, all credits go to the owners.
Should I make a bad end version of this? I kinda want to but IDK...
Edit: There is now a bad end version of this imagine!
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lovesick-dick · 5 years
So you’ve made a mistake. So what! Mistakes happen to everyone! And yeah, some are worse than others, you muse to yourself as you dash along the rotted, dust-filled aisles of the old pizzeria– you do think this one might be at the top of your personal list, although you can hardly spare the brainpower to consider it in-depth right now, considering the catastrophic crashing sounds that are echoing behind you from a rapidly-shortening distance. “God– fuck, shit–” you wheeze, taking a hard corner around an arcade machine and towards a long stretch of hallway, your muscles aching and your lungs burning. You still can’t quite believe what’s chasing you, but you can definitely hear it, calling out after you in a deceptively smooth voice that doesn’t sound so much as lightly winded. “Come on now, don’t be like that!” you hear out of the darkness behind you, “Can’t a guy just get a look at you?” And, no, you think to yourself, he may not. “Stop it!” you bark back over your shoulder, your senseless panic leaving you with few options– you only glance back for just a second, but that second of faltered concentration is all the thing turns out to need. You hear the horrible squeaking, creaking sound of old mechanical parts being forced to move at speed; and then you’re rugby-tackled to the floor by 200 pounds of velvet-covered steel and you slam into the carpet so hard it knocks the breath completely out of you. You gasp, a weak, painful sound, and as a heavy padded paw comes down on the side of your head, pinning you to the floor, you note distractedly that the carpet is damp and slightly sticky underneath your cheek. Gross. “I’m not gonna hurt you,” the thing breathes above the nape of your neck, “That’d be an awful waste. Do you even know– do you have any idea how long I have been alone in here? Wasting away?” You don’t, naturally, but you’re much too scared to say so. You lie there in silence instead, quivering with fear, your heart thundering in your ears, and wait for your attacker to finish the job it started. Not the way you’d ever wanted to go; mauled to death by a goddamn possessed Chuck E. Cheese mascot. You wait. And wait. And the pain doesn’t come. Death doesn’t come. You can hear the massive rabbit shifting above you, hear the alarming strain of whatever rusted metal parts make up its internal mechanisms, but it doesn’t bite you, or break your neck, or whatever you’d been expecting…and eventually, in fact, that paw on the side of your face pulls back a little. “If you run again,” the rabbit warns you, in a low, cool voice that is almost posh, “Then I really will kill you. I don’t want that. You don’t want that. So let’s make the right choice here, and make nice like civilized folks. So hi! I’m– Springtrap.” “Hi,” you reply breathlessly on autopilot. That seems to please the creature somewhat, as that paw on your head finally withdraws all the way, but that great weight still hovers over you like the specter of Death, and you’re not nearly dumb enough to disregard its very blatant warning. Or, his warning. It sounds like a he, anyway, and thinking of him as such helps to humanize him just a little, so you can cling to the hope that he might still be reasoned with. “What’s your name?” “Ben…” “Lovely. Great! Sit up, Ben, I want to see you.” It’s not as if you have a choice. You push yourself up on shaking arms, moving slowly so you don’t spook– what was his name? Springtrap?– and he helpfully eases off of you enough to give you room to sit up. You rub your stinging cheek and look back at your captor as bravely as you can muster. He’s huge. He was big the first time you’d glimpsed him, and he was big when he’d been chasing you, but now, up close, he seems enormous. He’s more than twice your weight in rusted old metal and broken wires, and although his fur seems to have started out as velvet, some time way back in the past, it has since grown threadbare, matted, and gone somewhat to rot. His steel teeth are huge and blunt in his mouth, and the eyes of his…costume burn hollowly with an empty white light. He’s falling apart. There are gaps and chunks missing out of him, exposed wires that seem thankfully dead, half of one ear gone completely– and underneath the prevailing smell of dust and mildew that pervades this place, you can catch from him the lingering scent of old decay. Suitably Halloween-y, your traumatized brain decides. “Hello there.” he says softly. You don’t know if he even has eyelids, but you wish he would blink. “Hi,” you repeat, meekly. …You don’t know what to say. What can you say, in a situation like this? “–Please don’t hurt me,” you eventually blurt out, holding your hands out to him palms-forward, in a gesture of supplication, “I didn’t know anyone was in here, I’m so sorry, I never would have bothered you if I’d known–” Springtrap rocks forward on his haunches like a kangaroo, and your words turn to ash in your mouth. You cut yourself off and flinch away. “I already said I’m not going to hurt you,” he says, and this time he sounds exasperated, a little miffed. His voice gets rougher and more gravelly as he continues on, and you realize that he had been slinging his voice low and soft on purpose, likely to disarm you. Now he’s sounding more like he looks, “I’m glad you came in! I’ve been so alone…so lonely. Come here– don’t run,” he says, and you flinch again as those massive padded paws come forward to cup your face. He’s surprisingly gentle, for how big he is. Each paw seems big enough to crush your head, but all he does is hold you there, your chin in his hands as he leans forward and wedges his big worn-down snout into the join of your neck and shoulder. You jolt and nearly yelp, but you don’t pull away, and so he doesn’t bite you. Instead, he pushes his button nose against your skin, almost hard enough to be uncomfortable, and…sniffs you. Great, gusty, whuffling sniffs, like a big dog, right at your pulse point. It makes all the hair on your body stand on end, even as it makes your cheeks burn strangely. “What are you– doing?” you whisper, wanting to wriggle away but knowing better than to try. You can feel his plastic whiskers bristling underneath your chin. He doesn’t answer. At least, not with words. Another few snuffles against your skin, his paws squeezing your face, your eyes half-closed in fear; and then he goes and moans, and your eyes snap open in shock as you finally wrench your head away to look at him. You cover your neck where he’d been nuzzling in mortification. He looks back at you with those big dead white eyes and you know you’re in trouble. “What–” He pounces. He snaps into motion so fast it’s frightening, going from a complete standstill to a lion-like lunge– his bulk slams into your chest and sends you sprawling again, skidding out onto your back on the carpet, and then his paws come down on your legs with a steely power behind them where they clutch onto you just above your knees, and he yanks your legs open wide. You don’t have the time for more than an offended yipe before he raises your lower half up completely off the floor and shoves his snout right down between your legs, his nose against the zipper of your jeans. “Get– stop– no! Get off!” you exclaim, writhing and kicking and trying to find a way to get purchase enough to shove his head away, but he ignores you like he’s suddenly gone deaf to the world and takes a few more deep breaths of your scent, his mouth hanging open and those blunt, crushing teeth scarcely an inch from a place you do not want them to be. Your face burns, and you can tell you’re flushing all the way from your cheeks to the tips of your ears. Springtrap nudges his muzzle in against you, rubbing, almost nuzzling with a worrying force, and although it certainly doesn’t hurt, his intentions are still very, very clear. “I need this,” you hear– feel– him mutter. You make a little moaning sound in fright (not all fright, shamefully, but with all the adrenaline pumping through your body, what could you really do?), but you can feel his nose grinding along the clothed length of your slit, bumping against your dick, and a tingle starts to build at the base of your spine until he releases you suddenly and yanks you upright by the collar of your shirt. You spend one dizzy moment just trying to get your balance back, and then his paws come down on the backs of your shoulders and push you down so fast you nearly sprawl again. You catch yourself on your hands and knees, and realize his intentions as soon as something smooth and rubbery brushes against the tip of your nose. He’s got a fucking dick. Or, well, of sorts; you’ve owned enough sex toys to recognize a dildo when you see one, and although it’s attached to his pelvis, jutting out of a little fabric slit in his costume, it’s still definitely silicone, and it’s cool and springy when he nudges it against your lip. “Help me out here, help a fella out,” he urges you, and one of his hands slides over to the back of your head before he starts to push again, the lack of room for argument making something shameful and sticky-hot curl low in your belly. “I need this. Open up.” You open your mouth. Again, it’s not like you have a choice. And yes, while you’re not exactly leaping at the chance to suck this monster off, you’re hardly fighting him as hard as you could be either. …It’s not like anyone has to know. You let him slide his silicone dick past your lips and into your mouth, and then immediately have to fight not to choke as his hips buck on what seems to be reflex and a gusty moan drags itself up out of his throat. You swallow around him and try to pull back a little. “Good boy,” he sighs, his awful eyes rolling in his head as he gives you absolutely no time to adjust before starting to rock his hips, “Good boy, good boy. It’s been so LONG– I’m usually more, mmh, of a gentleman,” he continues, and you get the distinct feeling that that is a lie. It’s not important, anyway, when you’re bracing your hands on his hips and trying to push him back to give you a little room to breathe. It doesn’t work. He doesn’t back off. He moves relatively slowly, grinding his dick back and forth along your tongue, but for what he lacks in pace he makes up for in sheer size, and with each roll of his hips he pushes himself a little farther down into your throat, an insistent nudging that makes your eyes begin to water. It’s only taken seconds, and you’re already in way over your head. You hate that you like it. You like it kind of an awful lot. Inch after inch of silicone presses down your throat, his body creaking as he rocks against you, your heart pounding as you try to steal breaths when you can, and Springtrap musses your hair and tries to pull with big clumsy paws while he pants like he’s running a marathon. Evidently, he wasn’t lying about how long it’s been. It takes some time, and it takes some doing, but eventually he manages to manhandle you all the way down to length of his cock, eight or so inches of him rutting into your throat, and he only stops pushing once your lips are brushing the swell of what can only be some kind of knot. You choke a little and drool down the length of him, tears burning your eyes, and Springtrap makes a satisfied sound in his chest and then lets you slide back a little, giving you a chance to catch a few breaths before he starts to move your head up and down on him again. If you had the breath to manage a moan, you probably would have– it’s mortifying, it’s probably sickening, but the way this creature is treating you like some kind of helpless toy is making you wet in a way that you’re sure is going to soak through your boxers, and you can’t help but wiggle your hips to try and alleviate that pressure a little bit. Springtrap huffs and puffs and picks up speed until he’s finally fucking your throat full-out, and all you can do is make broken little sounds and hope he doesn’t try to wedge that fist-sized knot of his into your mouth too. You’re not sure how long he keeps you like that. There’s no clock, there’s no way to tell the time, and you can’t even look up; all you have is his whining and grunting and the endless thrusting that makes your jaw ache from being held open so wide. Your drool dampens the fur at his crotch, and your own arousal makes your boxers stick to you uncomfortably. When he eventually, finally releases you, he does so with as little warning as he had started with, and all but pulls you off of him to push you back to the floor, leaving you to cough and wipe the tears from your face while he lifts your legs into the air again. “Enough foreplay,” he growls, and this time his voice is scary, a hollow metal roar that makes you want to cover your ears. His expression is an ever-static smile, and you can’t tell how roughly he intends to treat you. You don’t even spare the time to worry or care. Your hands fly down again, but this time, instead of pushing against him to get away, you fumble for your button and zipper and tug your jeans open for him, much to what appears to be his surprise. “Oh, fuck me,” you whine through gritted teeth as you try to kick your pants off, and you watch his one good ear perk straight up into the air like an exclamation point while the ragged half of the other can only wobble to the side. Big, soft paws help to pull your pants away, and Springtrap leers down at you like he’s seeing you in a brand-new light. He looks almost wondering. “Really?” he asks, cocking his enormous head to the side. He sounds like he’s smiling, and as you tug your boxers down and throw the sticky fabric to the side, his pleasure only seems to grow. “Well, Benny boy! I gotta say, you’re not what I expected! Am I not the only one who’s been so lonely? –Oh, look at you. You’re soaked!” he praises you. You’re too wound-up to actively take the time to bask in that praise, but you do mentally file it away for future use. A lot of future use. “Springs– uh, Springtrap,” you mutter, your head feeling a bit fuzzy as you wiggle free of his paws just long enough to shuffle over to him, “Please– fuck, I’m so–” “Needy? Slutty? Desperate?” he teases you, but eagerly helps you along as you clamber up onto him and push him into a sitting position against the wall. You only moan an affirmative, and that makes him laugh, a charmless sound like an old swing set creaking. His paws slide down to cup your ass and dig into your cheeks. “I like you, Ben,” he says roughly, “I like you very much.” To be honest, you think the sentiment might be kind of returned. “Please,” you say again, positioned splay-legged on his lap with his cock jutting up between the two of you, strangely warm and still slick with your drool, “Give it to me hard.” And that’s playing with fire, you think, as he lifts you up like you weigh absolutely nothing and positions you to nudge the head of his cock against your soaking wet pussy– but then he slides his tip along you, finds your entrance and dips in, and then, oh, then all thoughts fly out of your head as his paws shudder where they hold you and he drops you down with a grunt. You distantly hear someone making a sound, a pitiful, broken keening sound, and only realize it’s you once it gets loud enough to make an echo in the empty hall. Just like before, he didn’t waste time or ease into it. He’d literally dropped you down onto him, letting gravity do his work, and so his entire length forces itself into you and stretches you achingly wide all at once as you come down on him with a wet smack against the bulge of his knot (that, at least, remains outside you for now). “Aahh! Ahh, aahh, gghh– fuck!” you gasp, your eyes screwing shut tight and your mouth falling open as you’re forced down on him, your fingers digging into his matted fur and your pussy squeezing down on him as you attempt to adjust to his size. It almost hurts, so suddenly, almost but not quite, and the ache of the stretch is heavenly, makes you arch your back and drop your head against his chest as he moans long and loud in your ear. “Fucking– shit, shit you’re tight!” he exclaims, that posh accent all but lost under the heat in his voice. He bounces you a little, getting used to the feeling of you taking his length like a perfect little sleeve, and each tiny jolt makes you squeak and squeal into his fur with the sensation. “Springtrap!” “Ohh, say it again!” he breathes against your temple, his head craned low. He starts to lift and rock you, careful enough, at least, to work you open a little before he starts to really move, but you can feel the way his cock throbs inside you like he’s something actually alive, and it makes you squirm in his grasp with the need to get railed. There is no breath in his chest, but he makes sounds like he’s panting. “Springtrap, Springtrap,” you repeat, no longer as scared of him as you probably should be as you roll your hips and feel his girth stretch you out in all the right ways, “Don’t tease, I need– please–” Pitiful? Yes, absolutely? Slutty? Indubitably. You’re begging the monster that accosted you to fuck you within an inch of your life, and you don’t feel the least bit sorry about it, not when he bounces you again and his knot pushes smack up against your dick in a way that makes your toes curl. He’s already bigger than any of your toys, and the practical promise of that extra bulge stretching you open even further destroys what little patience you had for adjusting in the first place. “Say it,” you hear him grunt, his legs shifting so he can brace his feet flat against the floor. He trembles slightly with the effort of keeping still, his paws kneading at your ass, but he holds out for the allure of making you beg for it– which, to be honest, you probably would have done anyway. So you beg. You beg him to fuck you, to fuck you hard, to use you like a toy and knot your tight cunt and make you cry from it– and if the ragged, needless inhale he gives in response is any indication, he’s exactly as incensed about it as you are. There’s just no time to gloat before his self-control snaps like a frayed thread and he moves to wrap his arms around you in a crushing hug as he finally starts to thrust up into you, at an instant feverish pace that makes your whole body jolt in his lap. And yes, yes, god, that’s what you’d wanted. That’s what you needed; the furious whack of his hips against yours, rutting his fat cock into you over and over again with zero regard for pacing or care. He treats you like some kind of fucktoy, exactly as you’d asked, and his snarl is a strange, tinny animal sound as he fucks you open on him, your cunt squeezing hard on him in a way that would betray your pleasure even if your bouncing voice didn’t. “You’re such a slut, Benny boy,” you hear him mutter, with transparent glee, “A dripping, needy slut! Do you let– rrrghn– all the monsters fuck you this way? You take it like you do!” And that should mortify you, that should make you angry, but all those crude words actually do is make you whimper into his shoulder and try to push your hips down to meet him, thrust for thrust. That in no way escapes his notice. “Holy shit,” he chuckles, his voice rising up high and giddy, “You like that? Huh? You like it when I’m mean?” He throbs hard inside you, evidently as much into teasing you as you are into taking it, and he slows down to swivel his hips in a circle until he finds a spot that makes you cry out loud, your breath hitching as heat coils tight in your belly. “Go on, say it. Admit that you’re a cockslut,” he demands, grinding hard against that sweet spot until you claw and writhe, and you break down with something like a sob as you obediently beg into his fur. “I’m– I’m a cockslut! I’m a needy cockslut– Springtrap! I need– hah, fuck, fuckfuck please I need your– knot–” “Beautiful,” he moans, low and slow beneath your begging. “Gooood boy, Benny. You’re so– tight– here, take it, take it,” he grunts, releasing you from his crushing embrace to grab your thighs and spread you wider, his eyes heavily lidded as he lifts you up again and drops you hard onto him. He keeps you held open like that as he ruts up into you, his knot an insistent pressure that pushes against your tight pussy, and you squirm, whimpering, as each rough slap of his hips opens you up just a little more, closer and closer to taking it. You’re nearly drooling at this point from the hard, thumping rhythm, fitfully grinding yourself down in an attempt to help him along, and your neglected dick aches to be touched, if you could muster the brainpower to remember how to move your arms. Springtrap keeps up the pace, the mechanisms that make up his body creaking alarmingly, and then he slams you down one final time and holds you there, splayed out on him, as he humps and grinds in harsh little movements, until, with a slow, aaaching stretch– The swell of his knot finally slides into you with a squelch and a pop, and the fat bulge of it forces your cunt open wider than you’ve ever felt in your life, every single inch of you stuffed full of throbbing cock and locked into place around it. Springtrap makes a single, harsh bark of sound, and you wrap your arms around his neck and cling on for dear life as your orgasm hangs on that very edge of breaking. It’s so big, your legs are shaking, tears brimming in your eyes for the second time that night, and you bounce mindlessly against him to no avail, desperately trying to push yourself over. You’re not sure he’s budging so much as an inch. “Springs, Springs, Springs, Springtrap!” you babble, pleading for him to help you cum, and you’re not sure if it’s just reflex or something else that drives him to actually take in your cries and fumble to assist you. One of his paws slides down to your lower back, holding you steady, and the other wedges itself between the two of you to feel for where you’re locked together with clumsy digits, wet velvet prodding your dripping pussy. He manages to find your dick by the way you whimper when he slides over it, and then he makes a sound that’s so satisfied it’s almost a purr as he takes mercy on you and grinds down on it hard, in quick little circles. “Cum on it,” he orders you breathlessly, moving his hips like he wants to thrust even though he can’t– and the addition of his soft paw pad on your dick is all it takes to send you over the edge, with a fire-light building of tension that tenses every muscle in your body as it breaks. You wail when you cum around his knot, so stretched out that your cunt can do little more than twitch around its girth as he pulses inside of you. The silky-soft clench of you around his cock must feel just as good for Springtrap, too, because his foot thumps twice, hard, as you squeeze down on him, yanking at his short fur with your pleasure– and then his cock throbs, once, twice, and he’s chasing you off that edge with a surprisingly weak moan of his own. His cum is cool when it splashes into you, deep into your stuffed pussy with nowhere else to go, and distantly you can feel your body twitching as he spurts into you, your orgasm kindled and further drawn out by the pulsing sensation. You keep on cumming, and cumming, whimpering pathetically with each fitful clench around him… And by the time you’ve continued on over to the edge of overstimulated, by the time he finally stops, you can look down at yourself through teary eyes and see the slight bulge in your belly made by the creampie he’s just given you. Holy…fucking…shit. Buzzing with the pleasure and bone-deep exhaustion of afterglow, you stay slumped against Springtrap for indeterminate minutes, shivering, and listen to him mutter nonsense against the crook of your neck while his knot slowly goes down. It’s only when he finally shifts enough to pull himself out of you that you finally stir again, whimpering as he pops out of you with a wet squelch and a flood of cum gushes out of your over-sensitive pussy. It’s a bizarre, glowing green where it drools out of you and onto Springtrap’s lap and the carpet below, and you blink blearily at it for a few moments before collapsing back against him again, too satisfied and sleepy to bother with anything else. You don’t know if you’d even be able to walk after that. You definitely don’t have the energy to find out. You feel like you’ve actually been fucked stupid. “I…needed that,” you hear Springtrap breathe, his paws rubbing down your back, brushing through your hair, and you muster the energy to sleepily nod and smile against his chest in agreement, dozily petting his fur. This turned out as an excellent Halloween after all.
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chezzyspam · 5 years
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After Toy Freddy is Springtrap!!
Aliases: Shit-Trap (Freddy), Springy/Spring Bonnie/Bonnie (NM Fredbear) and Mouldy Man (Baby).
Animatronic Model: Springlock Rabbit
Programmed Gender: Male
Programmed Age: 38
Affiliations: Fredbear’s Diner (former), Fazbear’s Fright (Former), The Outcasts (current).
Occupation: Co-Head performer at Fredbear’s Diner (former), Fazbear’s Fright main attraction (former), member and “medic” of the Outcasts (current).
Personality: Once an upbeat and erratic family name and performer, Springtrap was shaped into a stoic, grumpy and serious animatronic due to the hardships he’s been through. He’s not a very kind type of person, can be hard on certain people and experiences frequent anger outbursts. Because Afton was killed by his springlock suit, part of him is channeled through Springtrap, but he isn’t in control. When it comes to combat, he fights best with most weapons, particularly knives. His biggest weakness is his slowness, due to his springlock endo and the corpse inside him. Thanks to part of Afton possessing him, he knows a lot about robot reparations and engineering, therefore considered the “medic” of the crew.
Backstory: Built to perform at a diner in the 80s, Springtrap -who was known as Spring Bonnie at the time- was originally going to perform on his own, until they planned and built another animatronic, Fredbear. The pair of them became good friends during and after performances, but he was unaware for Fredbear’s true Nightmare Gang identity and his friendship with the Crying Child. That was until the Bite of 83, when the Crying Child was killed by Fredbear, and Fredbear revealed his true form out of grief and guilt and ran away. This incident resulted in Spring Bonnie being deactivated and the entire restaurant shutting down. While he was deactivated, Afton used his suit to murder innocent children at Freddy’s, and was disposed in a hidden room in the pizzeria. He only woke up after Afton’s death, inside an old rundown Freddy Fazbear’s restaurant, which was being converted into Fazbear’s Fright. He could remember Afton’s actions and his know-how with engineering because part of Afton was still possessing him. After awaking again, he felt mixed emotions: fury at Afton for what he’s done, pity for the children killed, shock at who Fredbear really is and sadness at what happened. All these emotions corrupted the poor joyful bunny, and turned him into a mean, horrible animatronic, with the reluctant task of working at Fazbear’s Fright as the main horror attraction, alongside the ghosts of old Fazbear Entertainment animatronic who only appear to humans when low oxygen is present, the Phantoms. Some years later, he encounters an old friend of his who snuck in to find shelter, Nightmare Fredbear, and an Funtime animatronic built by the very man whose corpse lies inside him, Circus Baby. He eventually agrees to let them stay, as long as they don’t bother him. They all hide away in the horror house, when two new animatronics seek aid from them: Freddy and Toy Freddy. Springtrap was reluctant to let them in, because he disliked Freddy for multiple reasons, but was convinced by Baby to let them stay and heal Freddy.
The Phantoms: He can’t really form a relationship with any of these gormless, drawling ghosts, but they seem to view him as a “boss”.
Freddy Fazbear: The two of them don’t get along at all. Freddy knows Springtrap’s true identity, and refuses to trust him. Springtrap dislikes Freddy for multiple reasons, one being because of his pettiness, and another being jealousy that he was replaced by him and the Fazbear Crew in the performing world. Their loud and sometimes violent disputes are common.
Toy Freddy: Springtrap looks down upon him, as he thinks he’s weak and incapable of much. He often calls him a coward, as he gets scared very easily, much to Freddy’s annoyance.
Nightmare Fredbear: both Springlocks used to be the best of friends, but after the Bite, Fredbear’s identity revealed and him running away, Springtrap doesn’t trust him as much and is slightly scared of him. He is quite rough with him sometimes but Fredbear can be rougher. Despite this, they currently are on neutral terms.
Circus Baby: Because he knows that Baby is Afton’s creation and is the one who killed Afton’s daughter Elizabeth, he can be harsh on her, even if Elizabeth’s own father is rotting away inside him. The pair of them are on neutral terms, but will sometimes get into quarrels.
The next one will hopefully be done soon! Hope y’all enjoy!!
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meldrix · 6 years
So what's your William's backstory?
Thank you annoyinglyvague for asking! I have quite a few thoughts on the lore of fnaf and particularly William and I love that your interested.
Something I considered when contemplating how I would personally characterize William is, what was the breaking point that sent him into becoming a serial killer. In my interpretation, William is a father driven to insanity and murder by his inability to move on from his own pain and guilt brought on by the deaths of Elizabeth and Cassidy (assuming Cassidy is the crying child).
William and Henry goes into business in the early 70s using the Pizza chain to fund their development of remnant, technology that can capture a human soul. William’s decent begins when he accidentally kills Elizabeth while trying to capture a remnant for the first time. He created Baby rationalizing that it wouldn’t be murder if the remnant was alive in the suit but is horrified to find his own daughter the victim. Shortly there after his wife discovers the intensions with which he created Baby and commits suicide out of grief. William losses himself in developing remnant ultimately crossing with Henry who believes creating the technology was a mistake and unethical. William attacks Henry and declares that he couldn’t possible understand his pain because he still had his daughter and races out into the night coincidentally finding her and murdering her. Unable to convict him, Henry leaves the business and the case goes unsolved.
At home William begins uses audio distortion to keep Cassidy afraid and away from the Pizzeria as he was becoming overly curious over the death of his sister and classmate. Michael begins to resent the new responsibilities William places on him as the older sibling and beings to take his frustrations on Cassidy’s fear accidentally getting him killed at his own birthday party when the Fredbear prank goes wrong (Bite of 1983). Unable to cope with the idea of losing another child, William knowingly pulls the life support on his comatose son putting his remnant in the Fredbear suit ensuring that he would now be “fixed”. Cassidy horrified by his new form and furious that his father knowingly killed him, tries to kill William. William is forced to subdue the enrage animatronic by beating it until it is an immovable twitching mess but is unable to destroy it because of Cassidy, leaving him to rot in a closet (Golden Freddy).
William, emotionally detached after this event, begins fantasizing becoming a father figure to some of the kids that come to Freddy Fazbear. A girl named Susie reminds him of Elizabeth and after accidentally hitting her dog decides to put the dog remnant into Mangle in order to try to get her to trust him. Using the Spring Bonnie suit to get her attention he lures her to the back were he presents her with his gift. Susie is terrified by his creation causing William to snap over the girls ungratefulness, murdering her (Chica). Mentally unhinged, William concludes that he had tried to reach out, to have someone who could understand his pain and be apart of the family he longed to regain but that Susie had been the wrong child and he would do whatever it would takes find the right one. This leads to the death of the three more children (the original animatronics). He begins to feel a pleasant sense of empowerment and adrenaline after each death inciting him to continue. Investigations begin to increase over the missing children and the original Pizzeria is shut down and animatronics dismantled for parts. 
William moves his stalking and murder to a second franchise location but is shocked to discover that the puppet is possessed Henry’s daughter’s soul. Mysterious viruses plague the animatronics, brought on by the puppet (and I believe Golden Freddy) all of them becoming aggressive toward the adult in attempts to hunt William down. The increase of increase of incidents including an animatronic biting the head of an employee (Bite of 1987) leads the police to discover Williams murder and arrest him closing the location. 
After serving a short two years, William is able to weasel his way to release. He starts to become plagued by phone calls that sound like Elizabeth and realizes that the he had captured her remnant in Baby. He however questions their intensions and convinces Michael to go instead to free his sister. Blaming their creator for their neglect, they kill Michael by mistake believing him to be William (Fnaf Sister Location and Ennard). William indifferent to the sacrifice of his son and numbed by his first string of murders begins to plans to lure a new set of children. However after strange phone calls and visions at night he is convinced that he his being haunted by the remnants and goes to dismantle the original animatronics. Breaking into the closed location, William begins to disassemble but with the help of golden freddy the spirits of the dead children manifest once more to try avenge their deaths. Attempting to escape them, he hides in the rotting Spring Bonnie suit, which fails killing him. But remnant technology in his abandoned suit captures his spirit and leads him to possess Springtrap (Fnaf 3 cut scenes).
The rest of my interpretation for William’s backstory basically follows Fnaf 3 into Fnaf 6 where he ultimately meets his demise. I also think he is the character being held in purgatory in Ultimate Custom Night. 
I definitely had a hard time condensing my theory even this much so If you have any interests on more specifics or any of my other theories  feel free to send me a message.
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