#spy kids 3d game over
That was an interesting one
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Virtual Character Tourney - Bracket Delta - Round 15
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers!)
Sergey Ushanka propaganda:
(Unclear how much of the history I'm about to give here is true and how much is in-universe urban legend.) Sergey Ushanka was a Russian programmer in the 80s who fell ill with a deadly brain disease. In order to save himself from brain death, Sergey decided to digitize himself… and went about it in a much more violent way than you might think. Cue lines of code written in blood and fed into the machine and a brain violently shoved inside of a PC tower. Impossibly, due to the interference of an eldritch deity that preys on people's fear of technology and being replaced, his plan succeeded, and he did achieve a digital form… of pure unadulterated suffering. His human mind couldn't handle the rigidity of computer code, and now he spends his days stalking the internet, forcing those he encounters to bear witness to the indescribable torment he experiences.
Demetra propaganda:
Demetra is a program designed to deceive players of Game Over, a virtuality reality-based video game secretly created to mind control children. Interestingly, she's aware she isn't real ("I'm sorry, Juni, but it's in my programming"), is capable of expressing her own emotions (she sheds a tear while betraying the main protagonist), and can act against her directive (she helps him and his companions escape the trap she leads them into).
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my-gf-is-kazuichi-soda · 10 months
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Hajime and Chiaki at the end of chapter 5
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noneofusareverno · 11 months
How am I supposed to move on with my life when everywhere I turn, I get inundated with scenes from Spy Kids 3D: Game Over (2003) against my will???
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spy-kids-database · 8 months
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DVD ad for Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over.
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It's been 20 years since Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over released to theatres in the US on the 25th... 6 days ago. Yeah, this is fairly late. I wanted to take my time with this and not rush it. I think it turned out well.
I originally sketched Carmen and Juni fully, until I cut the sketches in half each once I finished the sketches. I simplified their game suits to fit the art style and so they're easier to draw. I also took some creative liberties with Carmen's game suit, including giving her a life counter on her chest that she lacked for whatever reason. Hers and Juni's life counters are also glowing, you'll notice. That idea is from the Game Boy Advance tie-in game, where one of the powerups is you shooting a laser out of your life counter.
The pixel effect was inspired by the main cover for Archie Sonic Universe #72, which used a similar pixel effect, as if they were going inside the virtual world.
The movie's logo is different too. I changed the glow effect on the logo from blue to green to match the rest of the poster.
The background of the poster is actually a screencap. Well, technically two screencaps fused together.
I must admit, as much as I love SK3, there's also plenty I would fix and retcon. Plenty. And honestly, the film and its premise feels more like an episode or special of a TV show (funnily enough, the plot point with Valentin going after the Toymaker for paralyzing him was originally an episode idea for the unproduced Spy Kids cartoon that Robert Rodriguez talked about in the SK3 commentary). Doesn't take away my love for the film though, as there's still a lot to like about it.
Game Over... for now..
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bee-in-a-box · 11 months
What exactly is it that you like about Spy Kids 3?
I was going to make a very long bulleted list, but I'll keep it brief instead lol
Everyone involved was so committed to the bit. The performances are so genuine, the art is so genuine, the costumes designs are genuine, the soundtrack/sound design is genuine. THE LOVE IS THERE.
The world building is really fucking cool. The game lore with The Guy and The Deceiver, the untold riches, and the game secrets. The game has societal rules and perhaps even a hierarchy based on life points.
And though the cgi is dated, the environments just look so appealing and explorable.
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the-witchs-cafe · 2 months
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cy-cyborg · 1 year
People on the internet: they can't hire actors who are actually in wheelchairs to play wheelchair users in movies! What if there's a scene where they need to stand up? A wheelchair user can't do that!
Robert Rodriguez: hold my beer
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This is a scene from spy kids 3 - a movie in a series famous for its shoe-string budgets, where Ricardo Montalbán's character is in a wheelchair, but spends most of his screen time in a digital reality where he doesn't need it. Ricardo Montalbán was actually in a wheelchair though in real life, so they just used a combination of VFX and camera tricks (and a dolly for a few shots) to film those scenes. Also if I remember correctly the movie ends with him back in the real world, fighting a mech with his jet-pack wheelchair lmao.
The disability rep is dated (as is the VFX lol) and does fall into a lot of tropes I personally dont like, but it's so earnest in their attempts, and the visible effort behind the scenes to include a real, disabled actor outweighs it for me - even as a kid who wasnt fully aware of why.
Bigger studios have no excuse.
I've linked the video I got these screenshots from, they talk a lot about how they handled Ricardo Montalbán's character being out of his wheelchair there. If if you like behind the scenes stuff for campy old movies, I highly recommend it!
[ID 1: a screenshot of the movie Spy kids 3D, showing Juni, the main character in a suit of yellow power armour, talking to his grandfather, who towers over him in red power armour. his grandfather is kneeling so he can be at eye level with him.
the caption underneath reads "where he kneels down and talks to Juni" /end ID 1]
[ID 2: a photo of the same shot but without the effects. Grandpa is shown to be in a wheelchair, and is being held at the needed height by a moveable platform his wheelchair is sitting on. Juni is wearing the armour, grandpa is not, and there are green screens behind them.
the caption underneath reads "but we just had him lowered in a dolly" /end ID 2]
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sporesgalaxy · 2 days
i keep thinking about watching Spy Kids 3D: Game Over during the day when Im out doing stuff and then forgetting to watch it when I get home
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theglenaissance · 8 days
Glen Powell in Spy Kids 3D game over
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Yes! Look at him 🥹🤏🏻
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sophie-frm-mars · 5 months
Into the projected corn field
I dunno I just feel like before I can even form an opinion on the Fallout TV series I have to do something to try and get through the haze of disgust, emptiness, anger, nausea and desperation that I feel sitting at home alone watching a TV show based on the insipid corporatised franchise that was based on the highly original and artful world in which one of the (and then two of the, and then New Vegas of the) best games ever made were set in. I'm not feeling any of those feelings at the show, I just have to feel all those feelings before I can feel any feelings about the show, because everything being made is Intellectual Property instead of art, and we've spent all this time discussing AI art when everything being made is already being made by the algorithmic logics of capital. All the same things we find troubling in the idea of inhuman heuristics deciding what art is produced and how and by who are already true - we aren't watching a show about the hubris of our society and nuclear annihilation because someone (anyone) thought there would be something poignant to say in it, something to explore in our moment, we're watching it because Amazon executives knew that if they made it we'd watch and go "look, ghouls! like in the thing! and mutants! like the thing from the thing!"
The original Fallout games were made in and around and after the neoliberal end of history, the ultimate period of peace and prosperity in western capitalist society and imagined an absurd world based on the penultimate period of american imperialist peace and prosperity playing out into an almost inevitable post-apocalyptic nightmare world where the same rubrick of control and domination that led to the destruction of society in the first place constantly tries to reassert itself over a hobbesian wasteland full of strange, silly, kind, funny, odd people whose human tendency towards care and altruism makes an endless mockery of the kill-or-be-killed nature of the wasteland that mocks it right back.
In the first episode the vault dwellers gather in a simulated corn field. It's an actual corn field, they're growing actual corn in it, but the horizon and sky are projected onto the vault walls to create the only wider world the subterranean human beings will ever see, and I just... hope that someone gets what I hope anyone ever gets out of art no matter how it's produced. I hope it makes you realise that love and the revolution are the only meanings in being alive, and I hope you get that from Rothko and I hope you get that from EpicLlama's Midjourney feature film sponsored by Dogecoin, and I hope you get that from Akira and I hope you get that from Spy Kids 3D. I just think about being in a moment right between the pandemic and the collapse of the conglomerate capitalist empire watching people on a screen seeing a better world projected on a screen and I feel gut wrenchingly alienated from other human beings, but I acknowledge that could just be me.
How am I supposed to feel about Walton Goggins' performance as a half rotted rubber cowboy man? I don't fucking know man. My opinion is this show is making me derealise.
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agapeeternal · 4 months
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“@glenpowell I was just inducted into the “Texas Film Hall of Fame.”
Richard Linklater spoke to the crowd about our collaboration over the years. Even though “Hit Man” is our fourth movie together, technically speaking that partnership began for me when I studied Richard Linklater in my creative writing class freshman year of high school. Watching Linklater and reading Linklater is how I learned to write screenplays. Almost twenty years later, the hero I studied is my co-writer, co-producer, the greatest collaborator of my career, and one of my best friends.
Even more, I received the Hall of Fame Award from Robert Rodriguez who gave me my first acting job on “Spy Kids 3D: Game Over”…and he awarded it to me on the exact spot at Troublemaker Studios where I shot my role as “The Long Fingered Boy” when I was fourteen…a day that sent me on a life-long chase to be a part of the movies…
It’s been a long hunt, but this moment is just proof of what life can serve you up if you give your dreams enough time and road to run.
Thank you to my family, my friends, my cast mates, and the Austin Film Society for their kind words, my cousin Drew Fish for his incredible music, and thank you Tecovas for supplying my emotional support army with slick hats for the occasion.
I love Texas. I love Texans. I promise to make y’all proud.
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hellenhighwater · 2 years
What started your if I'm invited I go rule?
Honestly, nothing in particular. I just realized that when a friend invites me to go with them and do something, I remember those times when I look back. The things that I do on my own time--reading, cleaning, painting, working on projects--are memorable in their own ways, but often disconnected from time, just part of a continuum of activity that fills the spaces between events.
Rest is important; space for myself is important, but I find that it sort of happens without particular effort. Friendships take time; learning takes work; and trying new things is what makes life interesting, so when an opportunity to be with the people that matters to me comes up, I take it. Even if it means going to a sports game I don't care about, or doing something I think I may not enjoy. Often, if I go into things with an open mind and a refusal to have a bad time, I have fun even at things that I wouldn't enjoy alone.
All of which is to say that if my friends ask, yes, I will come over and help you load your cat in the carrier to get to the vet. I will help you design and mail out your wedding invitations while we watch Spy Kids 3D. I will drive two hours for full-contact laser tag. I will help you butcher hearts to feed to the eagles, and I will go with you to six flags and maybe get heatstroke while standing in line. Let's climb the old radio antenna in the marsh together. Yes, I will get on the plane to Abu Dhabi just because, and I will help you drive your car back from the other side of the country and then cut it in half so you can keep part of it in your apartment.
And yes, I will help you tear a house down with a sledgehammer. What else was I going to do, sit at home and scroll through tumblr?
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spy-kids-database · 2 months
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Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over was released into theatres on this day in North America in 2003; 21 years ago!
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