burntortilla · 1 year
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En proceso../In process.. 
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kellanved-ammanas · 1 year
Valentine's Week Fluff Day Two: Spy/Soldier - Valentine's Day
Day two of @dontneedadispenser Valentine's event.
The saying went ‘all was fair in love and war’ or something like that, implying that they were similar. The problem was, Soldier knew war and was good at it, but how was he supposed to navigate love? The goal of war was to win but how did one win at love? Have those feelings be reciprocated? Go on a date with the loved person? Marriage? None of those felt right. What did he know though? He was a soldier, good at war and love was not war no matter what any silly hippie saying wanted to claim.
Normally he would talk about matters of intellect and/or emotion with Spy. He was good at those things and could often explain them in a way that made at least a little bit of sense to Soldier. But how was he supposed to ask Spy the best way to fulfill his desire to make Spy his Valentine without blundering it? It simply didn’t seem possible as Spy would likely figure out his intent if he were to try to lie and say he was thinking of asking someone else to be his Valentine; Spy was smart like that. And Soldier didn’t like to lie to his allies anyway, it was un-American. So… what should he do? Well there was one other person on base who claimed to be good at romance and he just so happened to be related to Spy so he was probably Soldier’s best bet.
Finding an opportunity to talk to Scout proved to be difficult as he for some reason didn’t have a proper daily routine – how did he live his life so? – and often was with others when Soldier did find him, making a private conversation impossible. But finally, after a pointer from Demo, Soldier changed his morning patrol – an uncomfortable change but with Valentine’s day less than a week away, it had to be done – so he could wait by the base’s doors for when Scout came out for his morning run.
Scout not having a set time for this meant he had a wait for a while but Scout did eventually come out. He paused at the sight of Soldier standing by the door. “Uh, hey pal, you need something?”
If he weren’t already standing at attention, Soldier would’ve shifted to do so. “Yes. I wish to court Spy. Specifically I wish to ask him to be my Valentine this upcoming Valentine’s day. I however do not know how to do this.”
“So… you’re asking me?”
“Yes, private, I am asking you. Why else would I have sought you out?”
“Uh… yeah but why would I know how to help you with that?”
“Because I have heard you claim to be good at romance and he is your father and thus presumably you would know. If you do not however, I guess I will just have to figure out how to do it by myself.” Soldier turned to leave but before he could take more than a step though, Scout ran around to intercept him.
“Nah, nah, I can totally help. I am an expert when it comes to romance, trust me. And my dad, yeah, I totally know what you should say when asking him to be your Valentine or whatever.”
“Very well then. I’m listening.”
“All right. First, you need a bucket of chicken…”
Valentine’s Day
Finding a live chicken to put in a bucket had been the hardest part and didn’t seem to make much sense. At first he’d thought that Scout had meant a bucket of fried chicken but that couldn’t possibly be correct as Spy had expressed distaste for eating fried foods and specifically fried chicken in the past. Grilled chicken had been his next thought but again, Soldier had never seen him eat any even when it had been available. A gift of food he did not like wouldn’t make sense and thus that left only a live chicken in a bucket.
Maybe Spy wanted a chicken as a pet? Soldier could understand that, the hen he’d finally managed to acquire was quite pretty. She did not like the bucket much though and he had almost no choice but to put a lid – with air holes – on it to make her stay. After double checking to make sure it was secure, he lifted up the bucket and started for Spy’s room.
As usual, it took Spy a few seconds to answer upon knocking, but it never took too long. “Ah, greetings, Soldier. It’s always a pleasure. Come on in, I suppose.” He stepped back and Soldier followed him in.
Spy’s room was quite big, certainly more than big enough to house a pet or two. So that had to be what the chicken was for. Especially since Spy didn’t currently have any pets, making so that it must get lonely in here at night. In that case, it was quite thoughtful of Scout to suggest getting him an animal companion.
Before getting to that though… once the door was closed, Soldier straightened himself as he turned to face Spy. “Hello, cupcake!” Scout had insisted he call Spy a French nickname here but Soldier liked ‘cupcake’ better. “Va te faire foutre*.” No doubt he’d pronounced that wrong. Scout had insisted it was a very nice flirty thing to say though and thus he had to say it to Spy here so hopefully it had at least still been understandable. “Will you be my Valentine?” He lifted the bucket, holding it towards Spy.
Spy didn’t take it though. He took a sharp step back instead.
Had Soldier done or said something wrong? Perhaps he’d mispronounced the French so bad he’d accidentally said something offensive. That was French’s fault for being such a nonsensical language… but still Soldier had tried so hard. He’d wanted this to go right so badly.
“Why would you… wait no. Scout put you up to this, didn’t he?” Spy sounded almost angry. Though it was always hard to tell with him. Not that it was ever easy with anyone but always harder with Spy. Perhaps because Soldier wanted him to like him so bad.
“Correct. I asked him for help on what to say.” Soldier pulled the bucket back towards himself hugging it.
“You asked him for… oh. You are serious in your Valentine’s request?”
“Yes, sir. Did I do something wrong?” He wanted to deflate but would not let himself. He could handle defeat even in the pursuit of love. … Perhaps he should’ve stuck solely to war though, it was what he was good at.
“Y-- no, no you did nothing wrong.” Spy stepped closer to put a hand on Soldier’s shoulder. “I would love to be your Valentine.”
“Really?” Soldier almost couldn’t believe it. He’d been so sure he’d done or said something wrong.
“Really. Word of advice though, in the future, don’t ask for Scout’s help in such matters.”
“Why not?”
“Let’s just say he is not the most reliable of people. By the way, what’s in the bucket? It’s a gift, I assume?”
Soldier stepped back so he could pull the lid off the bucket. “A chicken.” He titled it, allowing said chicken to jump down to the floor. She ran a short distance away before stopping to shake out her feather and start preening herself. She really was a pretty chicken.
Spy looked to be admiring her too. “And why did you bring me a bucket with a chicken in it when asking me out?”
“Scout told me to.”
“He specified a live chicken?”
“No. He could not have meant anything else though because you do not like to eat chicken. Perhaps that is because you want one as a pet.” That made sense actually because Soldier would not want to eat raccoon meat after owning them as pets for so long. “I made sure to get one that will lay eggs too. So you will have free eggs from here on out.”
“I suppose I will. Thanks… I think.”
“You are very welcome! But… now that you are my Valentine, what are we supposed to do next?” Soldier had never really considered what would happen if he got this far.
“We go on a date. I assume you did not make reservations anywhere, correct?”
“Correct.” A date did sound nice though.
“That is fine. I can handle that part.” Naturally, Spy was better at these types of things. Hopefully he would be willing to teach Soldier some now too.
*This means 'go fuck yourself'.
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bloodheartz · 10 months
I don’t ‘develop’ headcanons. They come to me in visions and I know they’re correct. EDIT: Got a bunch of TERFs in my notifs rb-ing this out of nowhere so anyways fun fact if you check the tags this post is literally originally about being Transgender! Hope this helps! ☺
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coffinwoodx · 7 months
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fixed it
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quimiri · 1 month
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idk if anyone has done this yet but uhmmm
og down below
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feralrabidcrow · 1 month
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Yeah I dunno. Spare pixels ma'am
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magic-worms · 13 days
(old art) aug 2023
a little tf2 comic about scout, the team, and father figures
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tokoyonoko · 2 months
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ps: i want to post these with the pic that inspired me, but tumblr blocked me when i do this, im sorry, i don't how to solve this problem : (
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lenny-link · 2 months
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TF2 x Steven Universe ⭐️
guess who’s bacc with another crossover au that nobody asked for 😎
pls dont ask me about lore/story/drawing fusions i have no idea i just wanted to draw the mercs as gems lol
but id love to hear ur ideas!
edit: if you ever wanna draw about this go ahead! just tag me :)
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vnynv · 10 months
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Something feels..... OFF 🤨
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ann-0-i · 24 days
Some memes made by me
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jellyjays · 1 month
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click for better quality. new reblog game, tell prev which rat they are to you
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kellanved-ammanas · 1 year
Valentine's Week Angst Day Two: Spy/Soldier - Free
Day two of @dontneedadispenser Valentine's event!
Content Warning: Major Character Death
“You’re a fool,” Spy scolded, putting on a veneer of anger to hide his other, much stronger emotions. “I had that handled. There was no need for you to…”
Soldier interrupted with a chuckle that quickly turned into a painful sounding coughing fit. It brought up a worrying amount of blood, some of which got on Spy’s suit before Soldier could turn his head away. It didn’t matter though, the suit had been ruined the moment he’d picked up Soldier to drag him to a room that served as a better hiding place. They were in the middle of one of the biggest robot factories after all. Even if Soldier had just killed a bunch of them, there were still robots everywhere that wanted them dead.
“Nah, they had you, Frenchie,” Soldier said with a bloody grin once he regained his regained his breath. “If I hadn’t come in, you’d be lying here bleeding out instead of me. Or more likely just killed on the spot.”
That… was likely true. Spy had been caught and no matter how skilled he was with his gun and knife, his chances of getting out of that alive by himself had been slim. “Come on, we need to get you to Medic.” He stood, pulling Soldier up with him, his arm around Spy’s shoulders. He as heavy and seemingly unable to support himself, his whole weight pulling Spy down. This was going to be difficult.
Soldier took a strained breath before coughing up more blood. He clutched at Spy through it. “Can’t,” he finally managed after several seconds. “You gotta sneak out, can’t do that while dragging me. Then they’ll kill you and I won’t be able to stop them like this.”
“But…” Spy bit back on his protest because that was true. The chances of them being able to make it all the way out and to wherever Medic currently was – which Spy didn’t even have more than a vague idea of, making it that much more difficult – were slim at best. If he had another invis-watch it would be more possible but… he didn’t. Like a fool he’d never once considered bringing more than one into battle. After this he would always make sure to, just in case he needed to sneak someone else out with him. … Too bad that vow came far too late to save Soldier.
“Besides, I don’t think I got that long left.”
Spy sunk back down to the ground, careful not to let Soldier fall. Unsure of what else he could do for Soldier during his final moments, he shifted him so that his head would be lying on Spy’s lap. “You’re right, of course.”
“Don’t worry about me, cupcake. You go on ahead.” His voice was weaker, more strained. He looked like he intended to say more but Spy interrupted.
“I am not leaving you.” Spy was not one for sentimental feelings and whatnot and certainly didn’t allow his emotions to get in way of his work but… “I love you far too much to simply allow you to die alone.” He was almost angry at Soldier for daring to suggest such a thing.
Soldier’s eyes widen in seeming surprise. Was that really the first time Spy had said those words to him? … Yeah, probably. A shame as he’d felt that way for a long time now, he’d just never had the guts to say so out loud. He’d always been a fool like that.
“Oh, okay. I love you too.”
What should Spy say or do now? They’d been casually dating for years and during that time, he’d kept so much back, always thinking they’d have more time. They could sort stuff out once the RED vs BLU war was done but then the robot war had begun before he could, so after that would be fine too. Though, as before, he likely would’ve found another excuse to put off seriously talking about anything because he as just like that. Where did he begin now that Soldier was dying?
Nowhere. It was too late. Soldier’s weak breaths were rapidly petering out. It was only a few more seconds before his bullet hole riddled chest stilled and his eyes glazed over. Leaving Spy alone in an empty supply closet in the middle of the robot stronghold.
Taking a deep breath to hold back the well of emotion that threatened to overwhelm him, Spy gently pulled Soldier’s eyes closed. A useless gesture but it seemed the thing to do regardless. He then carefully moved Soldier’s head off his lap, laying it on the ground instead. As he stood, he drew his knife in a single fluid motion. Grief and regret over all the things left unsaid would have to wait, he had a job to finish and vengeance to enact.
The war was won. Gray Mann had unfortunately gotten away – something, likely Spy or Sniper would be tasked with taking care of soon – but his robot army had been defeated. All that was left to do was to blow the factory up to ensure no more could be manufactured here. Naturally, that job fell to Demo. Meaning everyone else’s jobs were done for now.
“How much of that blood is yours?” Medic asked as Spy joined him and most of the rest of the team atop a hillock overlooking the factory.
“Very little, I believe.” After getting caught the first time, he’d been even more careful to ensure it wouldn’t happen again. As bad as Soldier death was, it would’ve been worse if it happened in vain. “Now I have some… bad news.”
“Where’s Soldier?” Demo asked, looking up from his preparations. “He ran off to help you after we heard over our stolen radio thingy that you’d been found out.” That would explain how Soldier had known he was in trouble. How he’d found him in time was still a mystery but not one that really mattered, most likely it was just luck.
“That is what my bad news pertains to. Soldier is… gone.” It hurt to say but it was his duty to deliver the news.
Everyone had been milling around but paused at that, their attention shifting onto Spy as silence descended over them. It was Scout who broke it, predictable. “Wait? You mean like… he’s dead? Soldier’s dead? That can’t be right.”
“I’m afraid it is.”
More silence. Everyone held still as if waiting for more but there was nothing more to be said. Spy could perhaps tell them how Soldier had died but… could he bring himself to do so without losing his composure?
Predictably it was Scout who broke the silence again as he stood up from where he’d sat on the ground next to Sniper. “Hey man, that’s…”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Spy interrupted, freezing him in his tracks before he could take more than a step or two. The last thing Spy needed was his only recently un-estranged son trying to comfort him.
“Well,” Engie said, “when you are ready to talk ‘bout it, we’re all here for you. Especially since we’ll all be missing him too.”
“He was good friend,” Heavy said with a nod. Everyone else murmured some kind of agreement.
“I appreciate the sentiment but I will be fine, I assure you. Death and loss are the risks we all run when working this kind of job and forming attachments to others in the same field.” It’s why he tried not to for so long but it was far too late for that. “He is merely the first of our little group to die but I assure you he won’t be the last. And I highly doubt any of our deaths will be peaceful or from natural causes.” And each and every one was going to hurt because Spy had made the mistake of befriending everyone here. But at least he would likely die himself before most of them and thus wouldn’t have to deal with that much more grief.
“Quite the downer way of putting it but true,” Engie said. “That being said, let’s go back to work making sure this robot war really is over and done with. I’m sick of it.”
Everyone who still had work to do turned back to it, everyone else hesitated a moment before returning to doing nothing. Scout shot Spy one more unsure look but upon getting nothing but a blank stare in return, settled back down next to Sniper.
Spy didn’t have anything to be doing right now, leaving him to just stand there feeling empty and hollow. Despite his words, he wasn’t fine. Logically he knew that life would go on, it always did, but right now, it did not feel like it possibly could.
Soldier’s blood on his suit had long since cooled, leaving him uncomfortably damp. He could still smell it, its sharp coppery scent, one he’d grown used to a long time ago but now, it was nauseating. A change of clothes was in order. This was why he always made sure to pack extra suits no matter how few days a mission was meant to last. He turned and started for where they’d left the van.
He didn’t make it very far before pausing. Someone was exiting the factory. Troubling all by itself but even more so thanks to the slight green glow they let off that made them stand out against the darkness that was setting in as the sun dipped low over the horizon.
Spy engaged his invis-watch’s cloak and flipped out his knife again as he started in that direction. As soon as he was close enough to see them properly he paused again because… “Soldier?!”
Soldier stopped. “Spy?” He lifted a hand to pull his helmet up a little as he glanced around. His eyes, last seen as glazed over and empty, were now back to normal except for a slight glow, much like the rest of him. There was no sign of bullet wounds or even any blood on his chest or anywhere else. “Where are you?”
Right, yeah, the cloak. Spy quickly disengaged it and put his knife away. “You’re still alive?”
Soldier grinned as he let his helmet fall back into place. “Nope. I’m alive again. It’s different than still being alive.”
“I was roommates with Merasmus, remember? I took his ‘come back stronger’ medication a few times on accident and then a few times on purpose because I wanted to see if it could actually make me any stronger. It can’t. All it does is make me glow green which is cool but it always wears off after a few hours.”
“So… you knew you were going to come back and didn’t tell me?”
“I thought you knew too.”
Of course he’d thought that because he was an idiot! Spy wanted to slap him. He’d believed Soldier was dead and gone and that he’d left so much left unsaid and undone. And Soldier had let him believe that!
“Whoa, what’s wrong?”
The tears that Spy had fought off earlier and had been holding back ever since had finally come to him. Tears of relief though as he couldn’t really be mad, not right now anyway. “I believed you were dead and gone.” He lifted a hand to cover his eyes and hide his tears. Being caught crying was not ideal. “I apologize for tearing up, I just…” He bit back on the sob that threatened to cut off his words anyway. He needed to reign himself back in, control his emotions better. This was just plain…
Warm strong arms encircled him, pulling him close. “It’s okay, cupcake. You have permission to cry if you need to.” Soldier even patted Spy on the back in a way that was clearly supposed to be comforting but as usual for him was a bit rough for that. “I am sorry I did not tell you. I would have if I had known you didn’t know.”
Spy leaned into him, clinging to him as he pressed his face into his shoulder. He did not need permission to cry and didn’t want it and yet having been given it, made it impossible to hold back any longer as the first real sob wracked through his body.
He cried longer and harder than he had perhaps since he was child. Soldier held him strong and silent throughout, rubbing and patting his back occasionally. If he held any judgment for Spy’s show of emotion, he did not show it and thus likely he didn’t harbor any.
Eventually Spy cried himself out. Soldier held him for a few moments more anyway before they finally separated.
“Feel better?” Soldier asked, hovering close.
“Oui. Merci.”
Soldier nodded as if he understood. And perhaps he did, at times, he was not as dumb as he seemed. “Now what?”
“Now, I need to wash my face and put on a clean suit. Afterwards, we must tell the team that you have come back to life. I had just got done informing them of your death.”
Soldier nodded again. “And did you really mean it when you said you loved me?”
“Of course I did. I love you.” This time he said it while meeting Soldier gaze – as much as the helmet overhanging his eyes would allow anyway – just because it was true.
Soldier grinned. “I love you too.”
And that’s all they really needed right now. Later, Spy would talk to him more about the things he’d held back; who he was, such as his name and what his face looked like under the mask and whatever else was important. And this time he meant it, no more excuses… probably.
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thef1amethr0wer · 5 months
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he'll turn french any second now
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iaminsideyourwalls · 3 months
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hey did you know that all of these men are beautiful
btw if i see any body negativity in the notes, you're not funny or cool, and you can get the hell off of my blog
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bob-mirum · 14 days
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It turned into a little AU with aliens...
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