resistancemarxistblog · 4 months
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nando161mando · 10 days
In order to consolidate its rule, the emerging Stalinist elite had to break down actual and potential opposition emanating from virtually the entire society: the peasants who resisted forced collectivization, and the industrial workers (largely drawn from that same peasantry), the majority of whom resented and to a certain extent resisted the hardships and pressures of industrialization. This required an atomization of the population, in particular the working class—not perhaps a total destruction of mutual solidarity, but the elimination of its ability to function collectively as a class, and the erosion of its consciousness of itself as a class. At the same time, the bureaucratic, almost cavalier planlessness of the Five Year Plans created a deep labor shortage. For the regime this was to prove a fatal combination: a depoliticized, but alienated and bitter work force which, because labor power was desperately scarce, could neither be induced nor compelled to work efficiently
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academiclolita · 2 years
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pablo picasso in melbourne 🎨
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anglik-w-warszawie · 1 year
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Sala Kongresowa, Pałac Kultury i Nauki.
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sodomyordeath · 2 years
BLOG Housekeeping
TERFs and Truscum seem to have a hard time undrstanding the rules here.
9 is about you and your libertarian friends. Unfollow or get blocked within the next 48 hours.
Oh and to the one Stalinist who stumbled in I'm not blocking you but please show yourself the door. You are, according to your blog not, of legal age.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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The Baltic Way, or Baltic Chain (also "Chain of Freedom") was a peaceful political demonstration that occurred on 23 August 1989.
Approximately two million people joined their hands to form a human chain spanning 690 kilometres (430 mi) across the three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which at the time were occupied and annexed by the USSR. The central government in Moscow considered the three Baltic countries constituent republics of the Soviet Union.
The 1989 event was organised by the Baltic pro-independence movements: Rahvarinne of Estonia, the Tautas fronte of Latvia, and Sąjūdis of Lithuania, to draw global attention by demonstrating a popular desire for independence and showcasing solidarity among the three nations. It has been described as an effective publicity campaign, and an emotionally captivating and visually stunning scene.
The event presented an opportunity for the Baltic activists to publicise the Soviet rule and position the question of Baltic independence not only as a political matter, but also as a moral issue. The Soviet authorities responded to the event with intense rhetoric, but failed to take any constructive actions that could bridge the widening gap between the Baltic republics and the rest of the Soviet Union. Seven months after the protest Lithuania became the first Soviet republic to declare independence.
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After the Revolutions of 1989, 23 August has become an official remembrance day both in the Baltic countries, in the European Union and in other countries, known as the Black Ribbon Day or as the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism.
👉🏿 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltic_Way
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metamatar · 2 months
you guys have to stop tolerating people who say stuff like modern islamic identity is constituted by hating israel and jews right now. this is just doing war on terror shit.
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zarya-zaryanitsa · 1 year
Stalinist attitudes towards homosexuality and the events surroudning criminalization of homosexuality in Soviet Union in 1934 - excerpts from professor Dan Healey’s book „Russian homophobia from Stalin to Sochi”
In the same chapter I analyze the Soviet return to a ban on “sodomy” in 1933-34. It was a Stalinist measure, proposed by the security police and backed with relish by Stalin and his Politburo. Stalin personally edited the new penal article. This was the moment when the Soviet state adopted a modern anti-homosexual politics, the birth of modern Russian political homophobia. (…)
On September 15, 1933, deputy chief of the OGPU (secret police) Genrikh Yagoda proposed to Stalin that a law against “pederasty” was needed urgently. Stalin and Yagoda used the crude term pederastiia to discuss male homosexuality; but government lawyers revived the tsarist term muzhelozhstvo (sodomy) for the published law that was eventually adopted in March 1934. Yagoda reported that in August-September 1933, OGPU raids had been conducted on circles of “pederasts” in Moscow and Leningrad, and other cities of the Soviet Union. Yagoda wrote that these men were guilty of spying; they had also “politically demoralized various social layers of young men, including young workers, and even attempted to penetrate the army and navy.” From a recent collection of FSB archive documents of political cases against young Communists, it is clear that during the early 1930s, the secret police were obsessed with detecting counterrevolutionary moods among young people. Stalin forwarded Yagoda’s letter to Politburo member Lazar Kaganovich, noting that “these scoundrels must receive exemplary punishment” and directing a law against “pederasty” should be adopted. In the months that followed, Yagoda the secret policeman steered its passage through the various legislative drafts. (…)
When in mid-September 1933 Yagoda wrote to Stalin, recommending the adoption of a formal law against sodomy, he apparently cited a figure of 130 arrests of “pederasts” for the operations in “Moscow and Leningrad.” According to Ivanov, the archives of the St. Petersburg FSB reveal that during August-September 1933, 175 men were arrested on grounds of homosexual relations in Leningrad alone. The raids on “pederasts” continued and probably expanded to the principal “regime” cities, including Kharkov and Kiev. It appears that somewhere inside the central secret police machinery, an order originated in late July or early August 1933 to begin arrests of “pederasts” known to the authorities on their card-indexes either as “anti-social” or “declassed” elements, or as a security threat with international dimensions. (…)
In the 1993 release of correspondence between Yagoda and Stalin leading to the sodomy ban, one other significant document was published from the same file in the Presidential Archive. It is a sixteen-page letter to Stalin, from a homosexual British Communist, Harry O. Whyte (1907-60), an ex­ patriate journalist living in Moscow who loved a man who was a Soviet citizen. His Soviet lover was arrested sometime during late 1933 or early 1934. The release of the Whyte letter said little about its provenance and the author. It was typical of the 1993 publication that this document also appeared without commentary, but was labeled “Humor from the Special Collections” by archivists or editors who failed to show any historical empathy or intellectual curiosity.
Whyte, who worked for the English-language Moscow Daily News, wrote to Stalin, in May 1934, asking him to justify the new law. The journalist boldly explained why it violated the principles of both Marxism and the Soviet revolution. He argued that persecution of the law-abiding homosexual was typical of capitalist regimes and fascist ones: Nazi Germany’s “racial purity” drive was just the most extreme example of the push in both systems for “labor reserves and cannon fodder.” “Constitutional homosexuals, as an insignificant portion of the population . . . cannot present a threat to the birth rate in a socialist state.” Their position was analogous to that of other unjustly persecuted groups: “women, colored races, national minorities” and the best traditions of socialism showed tolerance of the relatively insignificant number of naturally occurring homosexuals in the population. He asked Stalin, “Can a homosexual be considered a person fit to become a member of the Communist Party?” In a revealing reaction, Stalin scrawled across the letter, “An idiot and a degenerate. To the archives.” Whyte got a blunt answer to his question: he was expelled from the Communist Party; he hastily left the Soviet Union for England in 1935. (…)
The dictator turned to his cultural spokesman Maxim Gorky, to explain the law’s rationale for Soviet and European readers. Gorky wrote an article that appeared in Izvestiia and Pravda on May 23, 1934, and later in a German-language socialist newspaper in Switzerland, in which he compared healthy Soviet youth to the degenerate youth of Nazi Germany. “Destroy the homosexuals - and fascism will disappear” he concluded, propounding the genocide of a social group on the grounds of sexuality. Later in 1936, People’s Commissar of Justice Nikolai V. Krylenko gave a speech to the central Soviet legislature in which he explained that the law was necessary because homosexuals were not healthy workers but “a declassed rabble, or the scum of society, or remnants of the exploiting classes.”
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alliluyevas · 6 months
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dying at this tankie review of the death of stalin
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steeleyespan · 3 months
people are really being like the new hate crime bill in scotland means you will get put in jail if you are slightly rude to anyone at anytime ever. What are you guys on. Not what it says
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rrrauschen · 7 months
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four late stalinist films, four red tinted cuts between scenes; a cinema industry drenched in blood
(1) Boris Barnet, {1950} Щедрое лето (Bountiful Summer) (2) Vladimir Petrov, {1951} Спортивная честь (Sporting Honour) (3) Nikolay Lebedev, {1952} Навстречу жизни (The Encounter of a Lifetime) (4) Vsevolod Pudovkin, {1953} Возвращение Василия Бортникова (The Return of Vasili Bortnikov)
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xbuster · 6 days
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"The masses are pigs domesticated by the establishment. "...I should be the establishment."
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Harry Wallace as an anticommunist mystic asking his employer, FDR to become "the flaming one" and spiritually uplift the country while Roosevelt just wants his thoughts on crops is v funny to me
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 years
Jesus Christ, the sheer lack of compassion these people have for what it's like to be a small vulnerable child being bullied whos is too weak to ~rEsOlVe It tHeMsElVeS~ These people are just fucking reactionaries, condoning the suffering of children to build their character. One would think internalizing that you can ask others for help (and provide it yourself when you get older and stronger!!) is an important lesson for instilling prosocial behaviour in society!
I mean, one of them at least is just a known reactionary in an unhyperbolic, descriptive sense. So you’re not off the mark . I whine about the political environment I was raised in but at least it’s inconceivable to me my dad would ever have shamed me for not solving problems with my fists
That’s always seemed like the fundamental error to conflict resolution by physical confrontation: it determines outcome along a direction at best orthogonal and more likely directly opposed to any kind of desert (who is more willing/capable to immiserate and incapacitate others to enforce their desires). Leftists like to cringe at the slogan but it really does come across as the cruelty being the point
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edwad · 6 months
how do i explain to my friends that the labour theory of value is not what marx was talking about (or at least not the part that matters) i dont want them to become stalinists :(
expose them to my posts, to heinrich, to sam chambers, etc, but i don't think that's sufficient to save one from becoming a stalinist since there's no necessary correlation between a labor theory of value and having stalin posters on your bedroom walls, especially after cordelia made the case for the possibility of "value-form stalinism" in our 2nd (?) episode. sounds like if you are trying to avoid this fate you will have to put a bit more work in than that
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A federal grand jury has returned an indictment charging Anna Gabrielian, age 36, and her husband, Jamie Lee Henry, age 39, both of Rockville, Maryland, with conspiracy and for the disclosure of individually identifiable health information (“IIHI”), related to their efforts to assist Russia in connection with the conflict in Ukraine.  The indictment was returned on September 28, 2022 and unsealed today upon the arrest of the defendants. 
[...] During the meeting [with an FBI undercover agent], Henry explained to the [undercover agent] he was committed to assisting Russia and had looked into volunteering to join the Russian Army after the conflict in Ukraine began, but Russia wanted people with “combat experience” and he did not have any.  Henry further stated, “the way I am viewing what is going on in Ukraine now, is that the United States is using Ukrainians as a proxy for their own hatred toward Russia.” (x)
Jamie Lee Henry is a doctor and major in the Army’s Medical Corps. She also is a transgender woman.
In holding an interview with BuzzFeed News, Henry is the first known active-duty Army officer to come out as transgender. She also is, to her knowledge and to the knowledge of LGBT advocates, the first and only active-duty service member who has changed her name and gender within the United States military. (x)
a bit ironic that putin considers the transgender ideology a vicious stalinist ploy to destroy russian civilization when, as it turns out, a trans woman attempted treason to try and help the russian military
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