#stand up kayak
bird-island-outfitters · 10 months
Paddle Boarding Safety on Small Rivers
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Spring time is here and summer is just around the corner! What does that mean?!!! It’s time to hit the water! And this time of year provides wonderful opportunities for small river paddling.
Paddle boarding on small rivers can be an exhilarating experience, offering a unique opportunity to explore nature’s beauty and enjoy a super peaceful adventure. However, like any water-based activity, it’s essential to prioritize safety in order to ensure an enjoyable and accident-free outing. In this blog post, I’m going to outline key safety guidelines to follow while paddle boarding on these wonderful, and sometimes intimidating, small rivers. I’ll be covering equipment, preparation, and on-water practices among other tidbits.
Before we jump into the deep end here, I need to go over hydrodynamics, ie. what makes a small river tick, so to speak. Understanding these nuances provides valuable insight into the intricate workings of these vital water bodies.
Small rivers are vital components of our natural landscape, playing a crucial role in the hydrological cycle and supporting diverse ecosystems. To gain a deeper appreciation of these water bodies, it is important to understand the hydrodynamics governing their flow patterns and features. Some of the few key elements of small rivers which include flow velocity, hydraulic features, channel morphology, erosion, sediment transport and deposition. While all of these contribute to the unique characteristics and functions of small rivers, I’ll only briefly outline the first three:
Flow Velocity
Flow velocity is a fundamental aspect of small river hydrodynamics. It refers to the speed at which water moves within the river channel. The velocity is influenced by various factors, including the gradient or slope of the river, the volume of water, and the presence of obstacles or constraints. In general, flow velocity tends to be faster in steeper sections and slower in wider, shallower areas.
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Channel Morphology
The shape and morphology of the river channel significantly impact its hydrodynamics. Small rivers often exhibit diverse channel forms, including straight reaches, meandering sections, and braided channels. Meandering channels, characterized by gentle bends and curves, are common in small rivers. These meanders create a complex flow pattern, with faster currents occurring on the outer side of the bend and slower velocities on the inner side.
Hydraulic Features
Small rivers exhibit various hydraulic features that result from the interaction between the flowing water and the riverbed. These features include riffles, pools, eddies, and backwaters. Riffles are shallow areas characterized by a rocky or gravelly riverbed, where water flows faster and creates surface disturbances. Pools, on the other hand, are deeper sections with slower flow velocities. Eddies are circular currents that form behind obstructions such as rocks or bends, while backwaters are calm areas sheltered from the main flow.
Now, let’s get into the Equipment you’ll need.
Selecting a Paddle Board
When paddle boarding on small rivers, opt for a stable and durable board specifically designed for calm waters. A wider board with ample buoyancy will provide better stability and maneuverability. Inflatable paddle boards are super popular these days. They’re fantastic for rivers. They’re basically a whitewater raft in a smaller package.
Recommendation (gratuitous plug): Bird Island Outfitters is one of the only companies out there that offers an inflatable paddle board with supplemental pontoons. It’s uber-stable and handles rapids like a champ. It’s also durable. This type of board is the best of all worlds when it comes to river paddling! Because it’s inflatable, getting to and from the river is a breeze.
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Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
It’s recommended that you always wear a properly fitting PFD or life jacket while paddle boarding. At least you should have one secured to the board and easy to get to. There are a ton of options out there when it comes to PFDs. It’s important that yours is approved by appropriate safety authorities and designed for water sports. I like my PFD’s to have pockets for storing essential items like a river knife, sunscreen, etc. A bright color is never a bad idea either. It’s much easier to spot a bright color in the water if you happen to go swimming!
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Attach a leash to your ankle or calf and secure it to the board. This will prevent the board from drifting away if you fall off, allowing you to easily retrieve it.
Consider wearing a helmet and appropriate protective clothing, especially in areas with potential obstacles such as rocks or low-hanging branches.
Bow Line
Having a line (rope) attached to the front of your board can be helpful if you make a pitstop and need to secure the board while you’re away from it. You can also use the line to drag it while in shallow water. It’s an easy addition and one that’ll, no doubt, come in handy.
It’s not a must have, but you may want one if you’re fishing or plan to stop often without getting off the board. Many outfitters offer small anchors for kayaks for a nominal cost. The old DIY makeshift anchor (rock + rope) always works in a pinch!
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A must if you’re using an inflatable paddle board. No one wants to hear the dreaded “psssssssst”. But, punctures do happen. Rivers sometimes have sharp rocks, thorny bushes on the banks, paranha, rebar, sharp sticks, etc. Don’t be a fool. Bring a pump!
River Knife
A knife on a river trip is not a weapon, but an crucial tool in your boating kit. Not only could it be used for food prep, it can be used for quick field repairs. There are lots of ropes when it comes to river trips. A person could get entangled in a rope or snagged by their PFD webbing. The best river knives have a blunt point. The blunt tip will prevent knives that randomly pop out from embedding in boats or worse…soft tissue on someone’s body. And, always make sure it’s readily available… maybe securely attached to your PFD.
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Water Shoes
Water shoes with tough soles are another must. You may not want them on all the time, but if you have to portage or jump off into questionable substrate for any reason, you’ll be glad you brought them. As a former whitewater raft guide, I’ve always liked Chaco sandals with the toe loop (for added security). But, neoprene wading booties are great too. It’s really up to you.
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Water Hat
Need a say more. Personally, I like to use surf hats with chin straps when I’m on the river. Losing my hat is just not an option!
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Use bio-degradable sunscreen (less harmful to the environment) to protect against harmful UV rays. And remember to reapply on those long outings!
Pre-checks! Muy Importante.
Check Weather and River Conditions
Before heading out, consult local weather forecasts and river conditions. Avoid paddle boarding during severe weather conditions, strong currents, or when water levels are unusually high. This is especially important in the Spring depending on where you are. If you happen to be in the mountains, be mindful of snow runoff… especially on those warmer Spring and early Summer days.
Familiarize Yourself with the River
Research and gather information about the river you plan to paddle board on. Be aware of any potential hazards, including underwater obstacles, rapids, or sections with strong currents.
Inform Others
Inform a reliable person about your paddle boarding plans, including your intended route, estimated time of departure and return, and emergency contact details. This will ensure that someone is aware of your whereabouts and can take appropriate action if necessary.
Let’s Go Over On-Water Safety
Buddy System
Whenever possible, paddle with a partner. Having someone with you significantly increases safety and provides assistance in case of an emergency.
Start Slow and Gradual
Begin by paddle boarding on calm and slow-moving sections of the river. Practice basic paddling techniques and familiarize yourself with the board’s stability and maneuverability before attempting more challenging areas.
Maintain Situational Awareness
Always be attentive to your surroundings while paddle boarding. Observe the flow of the river, anticipate any upcoming obstacles or hazards, and maintain distance from other watercraft or swimmers.
Respect Wildlife and Environment
Avoid disturbing wildlife and respect the natural environment. Keep a safe distance from nesting areas, refrain from littering, and adhere to any local regulations regarding protected species or areas.
Stay Hydrated
Bring an adequate supply of drinking water to stay hydrated during your paddle boarding excursion. Dehydration can negatively impact your performance and decision-making abilities.
Practice Fall Recovery
Small rivers often have rapids. They can be a ton of fun to negotiate. They can also be treacherous. Falling off your paddle board is okay. Not only is it okay, it will happen… especially if you’re a beginner. Practice falling away from the board to prevent injuries caused by landing on it. Learn proper fall recovery techniques to quickly get back on the board.
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Be Cautious of Strainers
Strainers are objects like fallen trees or branches that can trap and obstruct the flow of water. Be cautious of these hazards, as they can pose a serious risk to paddle boarders and kayakers. Stay alert and avoid areas with visible strainers. If you happen to find yourself swimming, keep your feet facing down river. As you approach the strainer, turn your body so you’re facing the strainer head on. Then, with the momentum of the current, push yourself over the strainer as you come into contact with it. Best scenario, avoid them at all costs!
No matter what you do on the river, the peaceful energy of these life giving systems can play a beneficial role in your general well being, both mentally and physically. If you choose to experience these places with a paddle board, good on ya!!! Paddle boarding is such a unique way to connect with nature and experience the power and the tranquility of these waters. By adhering to the safety guidelines outlined in this essay, you should be able to minimize the inherent risks involved while ensuring a happy, healthy and full experience on the water!
Bird Island Outfitters® is Austin’s newest outfitter for outdoor recreation on the water. Our mission is to develop fun and innovative products that will make getting out on the water easier than ever, especially for those who have added challenges like fear or body type. The idea was planted years ago during a fishing trip to the Gulf Coast. What transpired grew into what you see today. Who knew back then we'd be here today building a diverse and inspired community on the water with the most unique products on the market? The future is exciting!
Brock Munson Contributor to Bird Island Outfitters [email protected]
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yz · 10 months
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Canoe and boards at dawn on the pond.
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crykea · 2 years
Being physically disabled on vacation is so. ...
Feeling guilty because I am not fun
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chuckycheesus · 6 days
I make stand up comedy vlogs about my life as a volunteer in Guatemala! Today I almost get lost in Lago Atitlán, Guatemala.
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astrid-outdoors · 4 months
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hsmagazine254 · 8 months
Exploring the Thrill of Solo Outdoor Sports A World of Adventure Awaits
Unleashing the Adventures of Solo Outdoor Sports In the realm of sports and adventure, the great outdoors beckons with countless opportunities for those who seek the thrill of solo exploration. This article celebrates the freedom and excitement of going it alone in outdoor sports, delving into the activities that promise exhilaration and self-discovery amidst nature’s splendour. 1. Trail…
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uwooyoungs · 8 months
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moonstruckme · 6 days
He would never take those bracelets off 😭 now I kinda want a fic of counselor James and counselor reader how cute
Hi, I've lowkey been hoarding this for months because I wanted to wait until I felt summery enough, thank you for requesting!!
camp counselor!James x fem!reader ♡ 693 words
“Land ho, boys!” A familiar voice reaches you over the water. Your eyes are closed towards the sun, but you feel your lips twitch upward. “Thomas, if you don’t help Callum paddle you’ll fall behind, and the last one to shore has to buy me a popsicle after dinner. Hey, look, we’ve got a mermaid on our beach!” 
You turn your head to the side, squinting your eyes to see James and his cabin of boys paddling toward you in kayaks over the lake. You lift your hand in a lazy wave. 
“Oh, false alarm, it’s just y/n. Hi, y/n!” He raises an arm to wave back at you, wrist stacked with string bracelets made with care by small hands. You swear he’s got more from your own cabin than you have, but you don’t mind; James is a hero to most of the kids at camp, the goofy gentle giant who lets them ride on his shoulders when your manager isn’t looking and deals temporary tattoos out of his cabin during mealtimes. “Careful, Archie, mate, if she catches you rocking your kayak like that she’s going to hang you from the lifeguard stand by your toes.” The boys laugh, and James protests, “No, really! I’ve seen her do it, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You roll your eyes and close them again, turning your face back towards the sky. It’s not until you hear the shushing of kayaks against the coarse sand and a shadow falls over you that you say, without opening your eyes, “Spreading rumors about me again?” 
“They know better than to take me seriously.” James’ shadow moves as he sits beside you on the sand, and you turn your head again to see him. He’s looking over his shoulder at the boys, the lean muscles of his abdomen stretching and dusky skin shining with sweat in the afternoon sun. “Hey, whoever puts my kayak and paddle up, I’ll buy them a popsicle after dinner.” Shouts and bickering ensue, and James turns back around with a smile. “Where are your kids?” he asks you. 
“In arts and crafts,” you say. “Figured I’d catch a nap while they were busy.” 
He hums, setting his hands on the warm sand behind him and leaning back. “So, you didn’t just come here to see how fit I looked dragging a paddle through the water?” 
You know James is only playing, but embarrassment tingles down to your toes anyway. “Not this time, sorry.” 
“Mm, don’t believe you.” He shoots you a grin, and you look away under the guide of rolling your eyes. That thing is more glaring than the sun. “You coming to the bonfire tonight?” 
“Don’t we have to?” you ask. It’s the last night of this session, and camp always closes out with a bonfire and s’mores for the kids. 
“I mean the other bonfire.” At your blank look, James continues, looking rather too pleased to know something you don’t, “After the kid’s bonfire, when they’re all watching a movie in the cafeteria, some of the counselors are planning to go out into the woods and have a grown-up’s bonfire.” 
You giggle. “Grown-ups? What are we, twelve?”
James bobs his head. “And we’re gonna have s’mores, and tell ghost stories, and maybe play truth or dare,” he says in an exaggeratedly animated tone. “It’s gonna be super cool.” 
“It sounds super cool,” you agree, laughing. “I’ll be there.” 
“Excellent.” James casts a look over his shoulder and starts standing up. “I should get back to my kids before they injure each other.” 
You check the time and sigh. “Yeah, me too.” 
“Want a hand?” 
You reach up and James takes your hands in his, hauling you upright. Your head lightens once you’re vertical, a combination of your sun-warmed skin and James’ touch making you woozy. 
“See you later?” he asks, releasing your hands and starting to back away as the shouting behind him grows more boisterous. “I’ll come find you in the cafeteria, we can walk together.” 
“That’d be great, thanks.” You start walking away, too, ignoring the pleasant buzzing in your chest. “I wouldn’t miss it.” 
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cpunkhobie · 2 years
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this was funny timing
PFFT what if we were, actually what type of boat is that. Is it a kayak?? is it just a fucking surfboard??
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simplestudentplanning · 5 months
100 Hobbies To Try
Update: I wrote this at like 1 AM, so I was kind of half-asleep lol. A few people brought up that there were a bunch of duplicates in the list, sorry about that! I redid the whole list and ordered them alphabetically to avoid any repeating words. Hope you find the new list much more helpful!
Hobbies are a great way to practice self-care, and to have as a stress reliever. As uni students, we often find ourselves stressed out about our academic responsibilities, projects deadlines, and even financial concerns. We need some way to let out those stresses, and hobbies are one way to do it. You don't have to be good at them, you just have to enjoy doing them!
Here's a list:
Acrylic pouring
Bird watching
Candle making
Collecting coins
Collecting crystals
Collecting funko-pops
Crossword puzzles
DIY electronics
DIY home improvement
Frisbee golf
Horseback riding
Hot air ballooning
Ice skating
Inline skating
Jigsaw puzzles
Kite flying
Kite surfing
Lego building
Magic tricks
Martial arts
Model airplanes
Model building
Model rockets
Model trains
Mountain biking
Paper folding
Puzzle solving
Rock climbing
Sculpture carving
Scuba diving
Soap carving
Soap making
Stand-up comedy
Stand-up paddleboarding
Stained glass crafting
Urban exploration
Urban farming
Virtual reality gaming
Web design
Wine making
Wine tasting
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evie-sturns · 3 months
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴄᴀᴍᴘ - ᴍᴀᴛᴛ ꜱᴛᴜʀɴɪᴏʟᴏ
part 2 (part 1 here)
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summary: you and your best-friend matt, have decided to sign up to be a summer camp counsellor for your school's summer project! will you two stay as just friends? or will this summer turn out different for you guys.
a/n: theres going to be smut in the next part, hope you guys like this, read part 1 first, linked at the top! fuck danielle
contains: swearing, fighting (physical at some points), kissing/making out
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abrubtly matt pulls away, he saw me. his face drops as dani stares at me. my heart thumps as i freeze. matt tries to walk over to me, but its too late, i've already took off in the other direction.
i've found myself in the empty staff bathrooms, hiding in the stalls. matthew wasted my time, i spent half the fucking roadtrip up here comforting him, then he goes and makes out with her a few hours later?
i can't even understand why im feeling like this, why am i so.. jealous?
the door to the bathrooms swing open, probably matt, coming to explain himself.
"hey, come out of the stall please." a female voice calls out, "who's this sorry?" i say, still on the verge of tears.
my breath hitches in my throat, before i swallow hard. "oh." i mumble, unlocking my stall. im met with her face, shes still wearing the same outfit she was wearing while kissing my best friend.
she suddenly interupts my thoughts, "look, i don't know who the fuck you think you are? but don't go snooping into me and matts personal business, unfortunately hes mine." she says while crossing her arms, i scoff.
"funny you say that, because the whole car ride up here matt's been dreading seeing you, his exact words were, 'fucking hate her' so if i were you i'd back away hm?" i say in a 'sympathetic' tone.
she clenches her fist, running her spare hand through her dark brown bob before smashing her fist into the side of my face.
"what the actual fuck!" i yell before jumping at her, throwing her to the floor. the next 5 minutes are a blur of screaming, punching, hair pulling before she gets pulled off of me.
its jessie, the owner of the fucking camp.
she looks pissed.
(15 minutes later)
ive been sitting alone in the nurses office for 10 minutes, its now 11:30pm, i have to be awake in 7 hours for breakfast setup.
the door to the room im in swings open.
its matthew.
"y/n, are you okay? i heard what happened" he says frantically, sititng down on the chair beside the medical bed.
"oh please matt, dont act like you care." i mutter out.
"what?" he says cluelessly.
"look, go find out how danielles doing, oh! or you could fuck her while your there, go back to your cabin with her!" i yell, matts eyes widen as he looks at me.
"we aren't sharing a cabin, im with lincoln, shes with paige." he mumbles as he fidgets with his hands.
i laugh out of disbelief before standing up, pushing past him out of the room im in before swinging open the door to the nurses office.
the cold night air hits my fresh wounds as i approach my cabin, the lights are on inside meaning Xavier is still awake. i swing open the door, xaviers face drops "babe what the fuck happened!" he says, running up to me and hugging me, "danielle happened." i sniff as he lets me go.
"you gotta get some rest, we're helping the kids do kayaking tomorrow okay? gotta be up at 6:30." he whispers, as he pulls the covers down on my bed, letting me crawl in.
(6:30am the next day.)
a loud honk blares through the campsite, before jessie on the megaphone starts "shark counsellers! the shark kids are lined up outside the breakfast hall, go help out in the kitchen"
i groan, my face still throbbing from dani's punches. xaivers sits up in the bed opposite me, "you feeling better.." he says, his voice raspy.
i nod, "mhm, not too excited about dealing with about 25 nine year olds." i mumble getting out of bed "you'll be right, theres 6 of us to control them we'll do it." he says optimistically.
i finish up getting changed, tying my hair into two braids. "you coming?" i say, looking at xaiver over my shoulder.
the hall is only a few hundred meters away from the staff cabins, which is now filled with 200 children. matt and lincoln are walking through the doors, dani and paige follow close behind them, too close for my liking.
i step inside, the smell of oatmeal fills my nose as i look around, theres countless tables filled with friend groups, in the back corner matts sitting alone on the last empty table, picking at his dry toast. i sigh loudly before walking over to him, he looks up at me, his eyes are puffy and red, he looks upset.
i sit down opposite him, his breathing picks up before he starts unannouced,
"dani and i.. have hated eachother since middle school. when i saw you get into your cabin with xavier i got fucking jealous. hate to admit it but i did. while i was walking towards my cabin dani approached me, she started touching up on my arms before pulling me off the path into the bushes. she kissed me, i don't know why i kissed her back, i think it was a jealousy thing, i wanted to get back at you?"
he sighs loudly as silence grows.
"look y/n, i really like you, and-" hes cut off by jessie on her fucking megaphone.
"helloooo campers! this is the first official day of summer camp and here are what each group is doing today!, crabs are doing rock climbing, which means it is mandatory to wear closed toe shoes. Sharks will be doing kayaking, please wear your swimsuit and your counsellers will take you down to the lake!"
i barely take in what jessie says, the only thing i'm thinking about is matt's previous sentence
look y/n i really like you.
look y/n i really like you.
(20 minutes later)
we've been sitting by the lake for a few minutes now, watching the kids attempt to kayak, im wearing a triangle white bikini with daisys printed on it, matt's sitting to my left, his eyes have been on me the whole time.
abrubtly he stands up, looking down at me. "come with me." he demands "huh?"
i stand up anyway, he takes my hand and starts to walk towards a shed, he opens the door and switches on the light. the dim warm lighting fills the room, revealing piles of wetsuits and life jackets.
he turns around and closes the door to the shed, locking it behind him.
he looks me in my eyes, his eyes dart down to my lips. "can i kiss you." matt asks, barely audible.
i gulp before nodding my head.
matt's hand holds my cheek gently before connecting his lips with mine. after a few seconds it turns into a makeout, his veiny hand holding my hair.
he pulls away slowly as his phone lights up, he scrolls through it before letting out a soft laugh "no way" he scoffs, rubbing his eyes.
"tonight were sleeping in the kids hall, like me and you, supervising.."
"you're kidding matt"
"nope, apparently theres a small cabin that connects off the kids hall, its got 1 bed that we share" he laughs
my cheeks flush, sharing a bed with matt, after this?..
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hope you guys liked this, like i said there will be smut in the next part!!
@iammattsturniolo @iloveneilperry @tatumrileyslover @chrisstopherfilmed
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beggars-opera · 8 months
Sign at the kayak stand: "Please remember the river is not a circle. You will have to paddle back."
Me: Um. That sign is suspiciously specific. Has...has there been an Incident?
Kayak girl: Four times.
Me: How...what happens??
Kayak girl: They paddle too far and then wonder why they haven't ended up back at the launch yet. Then they call and make me pick them up. And I lose a little faith in humanity.
Me: I am so sorry
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thewulf · 1 year
Wild Child || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: The four times Jake catches you in precarious situation plus the one time you catch him in one.
A/N: A request from a friend.: I’m sooooo sorry if your name is Heidi (You’ll see why). Really unedited but I wanted to get you guys something out. Please enjoy!
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 6,200+
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The First Incident
A wild child is how your family always described you. You liked ‘free spirit’ better. Wild child made you sound unhinged. You didn’t like to consider yourself unhinged per say but you couldn’t stand to be tied down to anything. One minute you were a white-water rafting instructor at the Grand Canyon, the next you’re teaching people how to paraglide in the Alps. You craved adventure. Loved it more than anything in the world.
The thought of a corporate job holding you down made you gag, literally. You knew this lifestyle wasn’t maintainable per say but you just couldn’t seem to give a damn. You let the wind blow you to your next opportunity. That’s how you ended up in San Diego as a water sports instructor. You’d been working as a ski school coach in Colorado when you got word help was needed on the West Coast. You approached the guy who needed help and the rest was history. You were on a plane to San Diego the next day with a job running the little shack on the beach.
You loved it. It might’ve been your favorite job to date. You got to hang out in the sun all day and rent Jet Ski’s, paddle boards and kayak’s to people. Your favorite days were the ones you got to do jet ski tours on. You’d spend endless hours on the open ocean having the time of your life. Your least favorite days were the ones when you had to do maintenance on all the equipment. Usually, Doug or Jim your coworkers would take on changing the oil out on the jet ski’s but naturally they were both off when one needed to be done.
It didn’t take long before you found yourself in a less than ideal situation. You’d forgotten to put the oil cap back on before cranking the engine on. Well, the entire contents of oil you just dumped in the chamber was now all over your face and clothing, the engine spitting it back at you.
“Fuck!” You cried jumping back away from the machine. Ripping off the safety glasses you used your hands and clothing to try and get the oil off your face. Without much success you paused trying to assess the situation.
You realized you had two options. Jump in the freezing ass Ocean or run into Penny’s place. Deciding on the latter option you pulled your shirt off leaving you in your bathing suit. Luckily, most of the oil was on your shirt avoiding the rest of your body.
It was only five so the bar had just opened, “Penny!” You called loudly for the woman as you walked into the Hard Deck.
“Y/N!” She called back before turning to you. When she did her face displayed every emotion. Her smiley face turned to shock as she took in your oily black appearance. Then it turned to confusion as she took in your entire appearance. You must’ve looked like a horror story walking into her bar. No shoes, no shirt and certainly a problem.
“The damn jet ski blew up on me. Marty’s cheap ass won’t upgrade them. It’s certainly nothing that I did!” Crossing your hands over your chest with a pout on your face making your way over to a bar stool you gave her an overly exasperated look.
The last and final emotion that crossed her face was with hilarity. She couldn’t stop laughing once she realized it was more than likely a self-inflicted casualty, “Did it now?”
Nodding your head, you gratefully accepted the rag from her. Beginning to wipe away some more of the oil from your face you heard some commotion from the front door.
“Penny!” A male voice you hadn’t recognized rang through the bar just as yours had seconds prior.
Her brows stitched together in confusion as she had just seen that same scene play out with you not a moment before, “Jake!” She replied, just the same as she had with you. Spinning around in the bar stool you were thankful the rag was covering your mouth because you were sure it would have dropped right then and there. The most devilishly handsome military man just walked through Penny’s doors, and you had your eyes set right on him.
He too, had his eyes set right on you but you had a sneaking suspicion it was from the engine oil that caked your face and upper body, “You have a little something here.” Jake pointed to his forehead giving you a cheeky smirk.
“Oh, thanks.” You rolled your eyes, “So helpful.” Dramatically you took the damp rag wiping your forehead free of motor oil, “Did I get it?” You quipped back.
He nodded smiling, enjoying how much of an attitude you already had with him. It made the game way more fun when they didn’t get off on the right foot, “You got it.” He nodded his head down, “Jake Seresin. Don’t think we’ve met.” The stupid cheeky grin never left his face. Only growing wider when he saw your irritated expression grow.
Quickly, you ran your hand along the other side of your face making sure to coat your hand in oil before accepting the handshake. His grin broke out into a full smile seeing your play. A low chuckle reverberated from his body as your hand coated his in oil, “Sorry, I thought you said I got it?” Giving him a wink, you snatched your hand back from his grip. Easy to do since they were both coated in the slippery liquid.
He tipped his head in your direction, “Fair play ma’am.”
“That’s all I do, Mr. Seresin.” Taking the rag, you fully wiped off your face. You knew your hair was coated but opted to throw it up in a bun until you’d be able to shower it off. Penny gave you a new clean one while she handed Jake a napkin after seeing the exchange between the two of you.
“Did you need something Jake?” Penny interrupted the two young adults who were seemingly very into each other. Penny could tell. She always could. It didn’t help that she hardly knew either of you. You’d just started at the shack two weeks ago, only occasionally crossing paths. You worked early and she worked late.
“I did.” He nodded looking back at you, “But for some odd reason, I can’t remember what that was.” He threw you a wink taking a seat next to you.
You wanted to roll your eyes, but something drew you into him. Like you wanted to know just a little bit more, “Cheesy.”
“She doesn’t like cheesy, noted.” Jake leaned back looking you over. He’d noticed you were just in your swimsuit, not really mad about it.
“Well, I didn’t say that did I?”
He took the beer Penny had poured from him, “Noted.”
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The Second Incident
“No, no, no!” You yelled out while you running around the beach trying to collect the umbrellas that got pulled up by the rather strong gust of wind. You’d gotten three before the fourth got caught in another gust and took off.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You sighed before jogging along the water hoping to catch it before it went out into the ocean. You loved this job, but you didn’t love it that much to go swimming for it.
To your delight the blonde boy from the bar caught it before you did. Coming out of nowhere he grabbed the end of it before quickly closing it. After catching up to him you took the awkwardly large umbrella from his hands, “My hero! Thank you. Might’ve saved my job.”
He smiled back at you almost immediately, enthralled you were chatting with him so easily. It wasn’t that often he came across a woman that could hold her own with him. Natasha being one of the rare few. He had a feeling you were just like her with your quick remarks and witty comebacks, “You’re welcome…You never told me your name.” He frowned looking at you expectedly.
“I didn’t?”
He shook his head, “No ma’am.”
“Hmm.” You began to walk away knowing he’d follow right after you. You were oddly good at this game. Truth be told you hadn’t a clue where your confidence came from. Even with men as attractive as Jake you knew how to wind them up and get them to do your bidding. A unique skill not only reserved for the men. You mom always said you’d make for a great politician because you were a master at manipulating people to do what you needed them to do. She always made it sound cooler than it was. But you sure did use that skill to your advantage in these situations.
“Aren’t you going to tell me?” He caught up to you with ease. Your smaller frame and the gigantic umbrella slowed you down.
“Now, what’s the fun in that?” You gave him a wide grin already seeming to know how to reel him right into you.
He paused for a moment before making his way back to you, “I’ll go ask Penny.”
“Go for it. That’s cheating but it’s fine.” You knew military men had a weird thing with cheating so again, you used it against him.
“That’s not cheating!” He took the umbrella from you, tired of seeing you struggle with it while he knew he could carry it so easily.
“Thanks,” You smiled up at him before heading back to the shack. A nasty storm appeared to be rolling in that wasn’t on the radar that morning. You wouldn’t have set out the umbrellas had you known it would be coming in so quickly, “But it so is cheating!” You couldn’t drop it either.
“In what world?”
You shrugged, “Mine.”
“Fine.” He nodded his head placing the umbrella down in the shack, “What’s it going to take for me to get your name?”
Returning the smile while tapping your finger on your chin you answered him, “I don’t know yet Jake.”
Slumping over slightly he looked a tad defeated, “Well this is impossible.”
“Giving up already Mr. Seresin?” You challenged him. Another thing you knew military men loved, a good challenge.
Shaking his head vigorously he turned the frowned back into that charming smile you already loved, “No, didn’t say that did I?”
Shaking your head, you could only answer, “Fair play military boy.”
“Navy.” He corrected you. Not that you were wrong per say but you weren’t specific enough.
“Navy boy.” You nodded at him, as a touché, “What do you do for the Navy anyway?” You wanted the conversation to continue. Jake intrigued you. Not many people did. You’d come across all sorts of fascinating and downright boring people as you traversed the world. But few captured your attention longer than a few hours.
“If I answer, will you give me your name?”
Shrugging you answered, “Maybe.” You respected the little game he was playing. It was fun. Fun intrigued you. Fun kept you engaged with him.
“I’m a pilot.”
“Ohh, you get to fly fast planes?” He’d really got you now. Planes had always fascinated you. You loved adventure more than anything in the world, but planes always seemed to be off limits, especially fast ones.
“Something like that. We call them jets.”
You nodded along enthralled by the admission, “That’s really cool Jake.” It was a high compliment from you and Jake knew it. He knew he intrigued you as much as you intrigued him. You wouldn’t have tolerated his presence if you felt otherwise. Something he picked up on quickly, you spoke your mind and you weren’t afraid who heard. A rare quality he rarely saw in people.
“It is. I love it.” His smile softened for the first time around you. You noticed how the cheeky grin downturned ever so slightly into a more genuine smile. One you knew that likely didn’t come around often.
“Y/N. That’s my name.”
“Y/N.” He repeated back, “That’s beautiful.”
“You should tell that to my mother. My dad wanted to name me Heidi. She saved me from that childhood torture. Bless that woman.” Smiling you leaned back against the shack.
Jake smiled a bit wider taking in the small bits of information you were willing to share about yourself. He had a feeling you were a closed book masking being an open one. He understood, he was the same way. An extroverted persona on the outside and a hidden softer side that only came out around people that wee trusted. There was nothing wrong with this per say it was just exhausting. Having to put a wall up 24/7 wasn’t something you particularly enjoyed.
“Maybe one day I’ll get the chance to Y/N.”
You giggled. A sound you hadn’t heard in so long. The last time you felt this stupidly giddy from a boy’s comment was ages ago, back in college when you were tied down, “Maybe Mr. Seresin. Just maybe.”
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The Third Incident
The day was brutal. The sun beamed down at you all morning and afternoon. You could hardly sit in the shade because almost all of your equipment was rented out. It wasn’t a bad thing. You were raking in tips. But it made for a long and exhausting day. That paired with no air conditioning made you feel like you were starting to go a little crazy.
So, when you turned over the key in your vehicle and it didn’t start you all but lost it. You let yourself yell once and shed a tear out of frustration before heading into Penny’s place. Lucky for you she opened up a bit earlier on the weekends to attract more customers from the beach who wanted to day drink.
You spotted the woman quickly before making a beeline straight towards her, “Penny, please tell me your mechanic of a boyfriend is around.”
She frowned, “No, he’s out of town. What’s up?”
“Damn.” You sighed taking a seat at the nearly empty bar. You hadn’t seen Jake and his Navy buddies sitting in the back as you made your way straight to the bar. But he saw you. He always noticed you. The simple chats started turning deeper as both of you tip toed around what you both wanted but neither wanted to admit, “This one’s going to cost me. Car won’t start. Hopefully it’s just the starter or the battery.”
Both of you were terribly afraid of commitment for one reason or another. But sometimes that spark that you find can’t be put out. The flame couldn’t be diminished. It needed to be explored. The spark was slowly growing into a flame and neither of you wanted to extinguish it but neither brave enough to let it grow. To let the flame, turn into a fire. For that meant commitment. And commitment was terrifying.
It made sense for Jake. He was always on the move. Always going from one base to the next. Early in his career he would try but it got too hard. It was hard to fall for someone and then have to move because he was reassigned to a new base. It was way easier being an asshole who was there for the hookup than commit to someone. But it was different now. He’d completed all his goals. Done what he wanted to accomplish as a pilot. If he ever wanted to be an admiral, he needed to clean up his act and excel as an instructor at Top Gun. Show Naval leadership he was meant to be a leader too.
It made sense for you too. You were in an amazing relationship throughout college. You’d met a boy early on in your freshman year and stayed with him through your senior year. He’d even proposed. But then he got sick. The sickness took him away from you. So, you ran. Your wild child was let out. You couldn’t be tied down again. You couldn’t go through that again.
“Oh, shoot. I’m sorry Y/N. How about a beer on the house?” She smiled as sweetly as she could. She knew how shitty the feeling was. Unreliable vehicles were the worst. Lucky for you it wasn’t a far walk home worst come to worst. The only downfall of the lifestyle was never having enough money. A tow was certainly out of budget. It needed to be fixed in the lot. You’d figure it out. You always did.
Sighing and lifting your head from the bar top you gave her a thumbs up, “Thanks Penny.”
Her eyes widened spotting the blonde pilot making his way over to you. Penny was many things, but she wasn’t dumb. She certainly wasn’t blind. She didn’t know Jake well, but she’d heard about him. Heard all the rumors of the fuck boy that he supposedly was. She’d yet to see it. Over the last few weeks, he’d had nothing but eyes for you.
Penny had also gotten to know you a whole hell of a lot better as you spent the last bit of your day here all too often now. There were usually hardly any customers and Penny lent the best conversation you’ve come across in San Diego. So, you started coming to the Hard Deck every day after work. She realized quickly that you were damn near oblivious to Jake’s feelings. Always flirting back but never agreeing with Penny about his intentions.
“Why the long face, sweetheart?” Jake had begun using those sweet terms of endearment a few days ago. Finally finding the courage to make his feelings a little more obviously known. But of course, you hadn’t a clue. It didn’t mean anything for you. Your way of deflecting, naturally.
“Jake, hey.” You straightened up a bit, “Car won’t start.”
He frowned, “That’s no good. Let me take a look.”
Your eyes peaked up in curiosity, “You know cars?”
“I know jets. How different can cars really be?”
Laughing you nodded, “I’m pretty sure they’re really different actually.”
“You have no faith in me darling.”
“Oh, have at it. Just don’t break it any further.” You smiled taking a sip of the beer. He stood for the stool waiting for you.
Giving him a quizzical look, he continued, “After you.”
“You were being serious?” You set the glass down. It wasn’t very often that people went out their way to help you. That was another problem with the nomadic lifestyle you’d become accustom too.
“As a heart attack. I’ve got some tools in my truck. I can figure it out.”
Hopping down from the stool you gave Penny a wave. She gave you a knowing head shake waving you off. Leading Jake to your car you popped the hood to give him a look.
“Can you turn it over?” He asked. Giving him a nod, you tried to start the engine only to be met with silence, “Just a dead battery. Let me go get my truck for a jump start.”
Another few moments and a jump start later you were met with a started vehicle. Jake parked the truck next to yours. Getting out you were too afraid to turn it off before driving to a car shop to swap out the battery.
“This time you’re my Knight in Shining Armour.” You gleamed up at him as he made his way to the driver’s side of your vehicle.
“I’m honored, really.”
“Thanks, fly boy. I gotta go get a new battery now.”
“Fly boy?” He smirked.
“Mhmm, heard you and your friends talking the other day. The girl said it and it stuck. I like it. Fly boy.”
He opened your car door, “Then you can call me fly boy. If you like it.”
“Didn’t know I needed your permission.” Again, you challenged him. You always seemed to challenge him. Making him second guess that smoothness that always seemed to work. Not on you though. You got the better of him all too often now.
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The Fourth Incident
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” You grumbled taking a seat in front of the knotted mess before you. You’d let the boys take the parasail up only for them to come back to you with a sheepish grin on their faces and a very tangled parasail before them.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” Doug, usually your favorite co-worker replied seeing your very annoyed expression.
“It’s fine… just go help the customers. This is going to take me a while.” You let out a frustrated groan. At least it was a mindless task.
“Yeah, okay.” He nodded and quickly left, not wanting to get another earful from you.
“They certainly don’t make this job easy.” You sighed leaning back against the shack. You didn’t have a particular talent for untangling things, but you knew the boys certainly didn’t have the patience to even try. So here you were stuck with a loopy mess of ropes and cables.
“You always talk to yourself?” That now-familiar voice of the blonde pilot spoke out startling you from your focus.
Jumping slightly, you slapped his ankle, “You always stalk me?”
“I do not.” He scoffed sliding down the wall to sit down right next to you. He was close but neither of you made the effort to move farther apart.  Not even a little. He let his thigh rest against your bare one. It was a hot one, so you were without shorts, just bathing suit bottoms. He was testing your boundaries and you were more than happy to welcome him right on in.
“I didn’t say I was complaining about it.” You quipped back.
You earned a hearty laugh from him. A sound you’d learned to cherish over the blossoming friendship you wished would turn something more, “You never cease to surprise me Y/N.”
“Hopefully that’s a good thing.” You grinned up at him momentarily forgetting about the mess laid before you.
“It’s a great thing.” He answered quickly not wanting to place doubt into your head, “You’re incredible. You know that right?”
Heart stuttering you snapped your head back up to him. What was he saying? What was he trying to imply? Was he trying to get you all sorts of flustered because it was certainly working. You’d always been awkward when receiving compliments so when Jake threw that one at you it made you want to disappear right then and there.
“If you think so.” You nodded your head gingerly making sure to focus your attention on the rope and not the gazing eyes of the man you’ve been crushing on a little too hard.
He took your hand in his, “I know so. You’re beyond fascinating. Every time I get to know a little bit more about you, I’m infinitely more intrigued by you. Rooster called me out on it, said I never seemed to shut up about you.” He admitted. He wasn’t all too sure why he was telling you this. It was easy with you. He wanted to tell you things. Things he’d never dream of sharing with a girl before. But with you it felt so natural. So effortless.
It wasn’t often somebody could make you blush, but Jake was doing an exquisite job of it. A fiery blaze crested up your neck settling on your cheeks. Thankful it was warm out you could just blame it on the sun, “Rooster?” You questioned. You’d yet to meet any of his friends but that didn’t seem like a terribly common name.
“Bradley. The one with the stash. It’s a call sign. We all have one.” He smiled knowing just how odd it sounded when he said it out loud.
“What’s yours?” You asked wanting the conversation to go on. He too intrigued you. You seemed to get lost in conversation whenever you ran into him. It too felt natural with him. Like two puzzle pieces just waiting to be linked together.
You smiled wondering where in the hell that could’ve come from, “That’s an interesting call sign.”
“You think?” His eyes stitched together in curiosity.
“For sure. I wonder what mine would be? I’m not cool enough though. I’d never make it.” You admitted to him looking away afraid you’ve overstepped.
He studied you up and down as if trying to come up with one on the spot. Not a second later he responded with one, almost as if he’d thought it through before, “I’d call you Bird.”
“Bird?” You grinned curious as to why.
“You’re a free spirit. Like a bird. Floating through the air making it look effortless even though you’re working harder than ever. You have a certain ease to you that makes you so free.” He paused collecting his thoughts, “And you’d make it just fine. You’re more levelheaded than half the guys I train on a regular basis.”
“Oh, that’s frightening Jake. I’m not even that levelheaded!” You laughed feeling a bit concerned over the state of who was employed by the Navy.
“I know.” He winked at you letting his leg full press into yours. The closeness let goosebumps ripple down your legs sending a shiver over your body. It frightened you how easily he affected you both mentally and clearly physically, “It’s terrifying who they let fly those things huh?” He laughed taking a cable in hand beginning to help you.
“Suppose you have to be some level of crazy, eh?” You giggled picking up another cord after untangling the first.
“You bet sweetheart.” He turned his body more towards you, pressing his thigh further into yours. You were sure you were about to explode from the contact. Hopefully it didn’t look like it. You had to play this cool. You’ve been doing so damn good over the last few weeks. But he was making it hard, very hard, “So.” He continued before pausing again giving you a look as he picked up another tangled cable.
“So.” You responded by looking back at him. He was giving you a look you had yet to see from him just yet. Almost nervous?
“Where are you off to next? Doesn’t seem like you stay in one place for too long.”
You shrugged, “I’ll be honest. I don’t have a clue. I like it here though. Usually something just falls into my lap taking me onto the next thing…” You smiled reminiscing through some memories before continuing, “But like I said. I like it here. The weather is amazing, and the people are even better.”
You really hadn’t thought about moving on. Not yet at least. It felt like you’d finally gotten into a rhythm here. Normally that’d terrify you. But it felt so damn right here. Like something was begging you to stay. That something might have been sitting there in front of you. Even if you’ve only been here a few months and known him less than that it still felt right. If there was one thing you always did was trust your gut and it was telling you to stay. Screaming at you to stay. It was a foreign feeling for you, but you welcomed it. The nomadic lifestyle was utterly exhausting and somewhat lonely. You were ready for change as you approached your thirtieth year.
He cracked another smile at your last statement, “Yeah? Even better than the Swiss?”
“Mhmm.” You nodded looking up to him again. You could’ve melted right then in there if humans could. The look he was giving you could make a strong man weak, “Way better than the Swiss. Much cuter too.” You chimed in making sure he knew you were talking about him.
“High praise.” He smirked leaning his whole body just a bit closer. You’d usually protest as it was so fucking hot out but this was a dream for you. Jake was practically on top of you this time. It must have looked funny from a distance. Two sweaty young people lost in each other’s eyes almost on top of each other on the beach.
“It’s only the truth.” Your face was so close to his. God you’d give anything to just kiss him. But you wouldn’t dream of making that move. That’s far too bold even for you. And what if he didn’t want it? You’d never be able to live down that kind of embarrassment.
“Y/N?” He asked.
“I’m planning on staying for a little while too. I’m tired of jumping base to base. I just want to stay somewhere for a while you know?”
“It’s tiring.” You agreed with him, “I get it.”
“Would you stay here?”
You nodded your head vigorously, “I would. For the right reasons.”
Licking his lips while looking at yours he mimicked your head nod, “Good to know.”
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The Fifth Incident
Standing waist deep in the ocean you wanted to be annoyed but the man standing in front of you was making that very difficult to do so. His cute little grin and snickers only made you laugh along with him, “Which one’s the gas again?” Jake asked leaning back on the jet ski you were trying to get him to take out.
“Right hand is the throttle, for the fourth time Mr. Seresin.” Playfully rolling your eyes you walked around the jet ski to do the final checks ensuring it was up to snuff before he took it out on the ocean.
Grinning from ear to ear he knew he had you. He had you wrapped around his pinky finger. Not that he was any different. You had him whipped and you weren’t even dating yet. Instead, the two of you were dancing around deeper emotions every time you saw one another. And the two of you sure did see each other as often as possible. After he helped you untangle the mess that was the parasail the two of you made it a point to see each other every day. He’d come find you while you were wrapping up work or you’d meet him at the Hard Deck.
You’d even gone so far as to meet a few of his Navy friends, at his request. Being far too nervous and not having a clue what the relationship was with the blonde pilot you were nervous to meet them. He wouldn’t take no for an answer though, bringing them to you instead.
As unshy as you were with your opinions it was becoming harder and harder to have the ‘what are we?’ conversation with him. You were having far too much fun in this stage that you didn’t want to ruin it. You started to have legitimate feelings for the flighty boy. It terrified you a bit. The last time you allowed yourself to feel things it ended horribly.
But even you had to admit you were exhausted of running. Running from feeling things. Afraid to commit to somebody. Afraid to tie yourself down.
“Thank you, Miss Y/L/N.,” Wiggling his eyebrows he leaned over towards you as you finished up the pre-op checklist.
“You’re welcome, Hangman.” This time you were smirking, loving to throw him off his game whenever you could. Initially refusing to use the call sign you decided to only throw it out there when you felt like you needed to one up him.
Eyes raised in curiosity he broke out into a grin seeing your expression. He’d never felt like this before. Felt so effortlessly comfortable around somebody. Like he knew you’d never judge him for a thing. You’d be there for him no questions asked. The two of you just clicking like nothing he’d ever experienced in his lifetime. He had to admit it terrified him a bit. But he was also excited. To try something new. To dive into a relationship with you headfirst. So long as that’s what you wanted. That’s why he was playing it so cool. He knew how much of a flight risk you were if he moved to fast. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you before he even had the chance to try it out. So, he decided to let you get comfortable and hopefully make a move. If you were too afraid to do so he’d do it eventually. He had nothing but time with you though. So, he wasn’t going to rush it. Terrified to mess it up before it started.
“So how long do I get out there darling?” He was testing your boundaries now. Wanting to see how you’d react.
Your heart rapidly picked up pace hearing that term of endearment escape his lips knowing that you could really get used to hearing it, “Thirty minutes. Then I have paying customers booked. So don’t be late.” You eyed him making sure he got your message loud and clear. He’d been begging you to go on one, but you’ve quite literally been booked out. Busy season was mad. But you had a customer cancel on you last minute which gave Jake the opportunity.
“Got it. See you soon pretty.” He shot you a wink before speeding off. Making sure to splash you with the throttle. Flipping him off you rung your hair out as you walked out of the ocean.
You’d only noticed he’d been gone for a little too long when the next clients walked up. You searched the ocean spotting Jake drifting a little bit further out than he should’ve been. Hopping on the reserved Jet Ski for staff you took off in his direction.
“What the hell Jake? I said thirty minutes.” You frowned at him pulling up beside his weirdly quiet one.
“I would’ve darling but well, it died on me.”
“Hop on.” You sighed annoyed the stupid thing gave out on you. It always reminded you of how cheap the dude who ran this place was.
You hooked the tow line up to it, getting good at it now, before towing everything in, “Looks like you caught me at a bad time.” You felt him chuckle as he pressed his chest into your back. Taking full advantage of being the passenger. You were thankful you couldn’t see his shirtless chest, that’d surely send you over the edge now.
“At least it’s you this time.” You laughed along with him. You felt as his arms tightened around your waist. Pulling him all that much closer to you.
Much to your chagrin you reached the beach before you knew it. Jake waited around as you got the family off on their adventure. Approaching him with a grin on your face you sat next to him at the picnic table by the shack, “Have fun at least?” You asked.
“Absolutely. Any time I get to spend with you is a good time.”
Pushing his side lightly you hid your gaze away from him, “Cheesy.”
“Only for you.” He snaked his arm around your waist. Not forcing you to look up to him but letting you know he had you.
Another goofy grin graced your features. He always knew what to say, “You’re sweet to me Jake.”
He nodded, ��Because I like you. A lot. You know that right?” He admitted straight out. He let you go at your own pace, but he wanted you to know now. He knew. He adored you. He’d never felt this type of way with anybody before you. He thought he had but he realized he hadn’t. This was something special.
“You do?” Confusion then joy broke out from your face
“I do.” His smile turned up even further seeing the recognition cross your face. Had you really not known? Or were you in your own head like he had been so many times before?
“Like more than friends like?” You asked to confirm.
“Way more than friends.”
“Oh, wow.” You turned away heart racing. Sure, your face was as bright as a cherry tomato it was now or never. He’d laid it all out on the line for you. You could do it.
“Hopefully that’s a good wow.” Smirking he leaned a little closer to you.
It felt like your heart stopped for a moment, “It’s a very good wow.”
“Yeah? Then you’ll let me take you on a date?” Jake didn’t often look nervous, but he looked terrified now. He hadn’t expected this. Not even in the slightest. But he’d roll with it.
“You’d want to?” You returned your eyes back to his.
“Oh darling, I’d love to.” He reassured you taking your hand in his.
“Then I say yes.”
“You that excited?” You teased him.
“Sweetheart, I’m more than excited. Whatever that is.” Tossing you a wink he stood from his seat, “I’ll pick you up at six. Can’t wait to see you pretty.”
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lady-sci-fi · 7 months
Pick your fave O'Brien going through some shit moment
We know he must suffer. From many choices, a few stand-outs.
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