#star fucking hipsters
crackdaddycaine · 7 months
About the Leftöver Crack song “Shooticide” & its inspiration by Stza Crack
When I was 12, my step-father killed himself & the news was broken to me by an NYPD officer that was just inside of the apartment door when I got home from school. I was shocked, saddened & surprised. It felt like an ambush & they had no business being in our home. It was not a crime scene & was it the officers place to tell me this news when my mom was already there?
Growing up a block from Bellevue hospital, I saw police corruption, brutality & the victims of their violence up close all of the time & although I was “taught” that the police were there only to help us, as I grew, I soon learned to only loathe & fear them.
In 2014, with the public's access to video camera's on their smart-phones & with the advent & simplification of social media posting, holding police accountable for murdering people seemed to almost become a reality when news coverage momentarily shifted from the police departments “official” stories to the documented stories of civilian eye-witnesses. The evident & widespread abuse of police power & their flagrant lack of respect for human life started to trend until it was part of mainstream media & and unavoidable national conversation.
Then, all of a sudden, the "fad" waned, the media moved on to something else & nothing changed at all. Mandatory body cameras were either not worn or routinely shut off &/or "broken" at critical moments during confrontations with often unarmed black individuals many of whom were not even suspects in any crime.
With the botched “no-knock” raid that left Breonna Taylor murdered that March in Kentucky to the surfacing of footage of Sandra Bland’s arrest in Texas years earlier that led most people to the conclusion that she was murdered by the same police that had her detained illegally in a jail cell, by the time that George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis, the people witnessing his mistreatment knew what to do & their film proved what most of us already knew, that the police were cruel & sadistic, but, as filming police violations became the norm & police started going on public trials for murder, the disturbing trend became more & more evident: the police were not only poorly trained & often racially motivated, but, time & time again, they explained that they were "scared". Now, this could seem like a "strategy" to get a police officer out of a murder charge, but, in the wake of the Uvalde school shooting & in light of the evacuations of their own precincts during national anti-police protests in major cities like Minneapolis & Seattle, even leaving behind guns, ammo & prisoners without food or water, a veritable checklist of state-irresponsibility, it became painfully obvious that police were very rarely "heroic" & almost always cowards.
Shooticide is about how the police in America have undermined their own authority by "outing" themselves as terrified of just about everything & that the farce of the slogan "to protect & serve" only applies to themselves & that 9 times out of 10, when they have their guns drawn, they are all pissing themselves in panic & afraid of their own shadows. Emptying their clips & their bladders simultaneously.
That's why "Defunding" the police is such an ill conceived idea (besides the fact that one vowel changed turns that slogan into “Defend the Police”, coincidence? Nobody’s that stupid, not even the cops), when these officers are so badly trained, less money means even less training. We believe that fundamentally, in its wide-spread corruption & systemic racism, policing needs to be abolished & people need to figure out a way to elect folks from their own communities to actually keep "the peace" instead of sowing chaos & fear through corruption & violence. The war on drugs needs to be suspended & condemned. And the judicial system needs to be reimagined & not as the even less equitable, zero tolerance of the cancel culture that is an essentially fascist style of moral policing that relies entirely on one person’s own testimony while ignoring any & all forensic evidence & the testimony of the only other witness present. Corruption & injustice collide with social media & the back lash of moral outrage & misinformation that used to set the dissenting & bigoted right apart from logical thinkers, but is now reserved for leftist activists in a political ruse to destroy us & our goals.
These are the themes in the song lyrics of “Shooticide”.
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dumbass-rodent · 6 months
Yall this song is literally the only thing keeping me going rn everyday that passes makes me wanna go full blessed is the flame ngl
And when your mind is dead
empty eyes sit in your head
and you sense there's nothing left
with every passing breath
but you solider each day
why should thoughts get in the way?
there's a place for you right here
'cuz conformity hides fear
I'd say to you
I'd say to you "just try to change"
empty minds can fill again
we're not doomed by any fate
and it will never be too late
unless you die like all my friends
meeting silent jaded ends
then a lesson might be learned
you can fade away and burn
the two are not exclusive things
but the sorrow that they bring
it can jade us all to hate
'cuz empty lives don't devastate
I'd say to you
I'd say to you "just try to change"
empty lives can fill again
we're not doomed by any fate
and it can never be too late
it's a wheel of betrayal
it's a static emotion
it's the will to survive
with an inborn devotion
it's the courage to change
and admit your mistakes
it's the chance to rise up
with the raising of stakes
it's your consciousness
and the guilt you must feel
it's the time to stand up
and take back your raw deals
because the time has come
to put folks before wealth
or you will lose your family
friends and yourself
it's the horror and terror
that you sweep out of sight
it's the blaming of others
to help you sleep at night
it's the raping and death
that lies under your smile
it's the real estate
and the cash that you pile
it's all of these things
that are causing us pain
so I'll tell to your ass "just try to change"
'cuz empty lives can fill again
yes empty lives can fill again
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emptybreath · 1 year
No Cash - Gasoline
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spider--punk · 1 year
TERFs rot in Hell
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jami-c · 1 year
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earwormsoftheday · 11 months
Ana Ng - Star Fucking Hipsters
October 11, 2023 - 12:02 pm
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am i trippin or did there use to be a video of miss hannah minx interviewing stza
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Watch "StarFucking Hipsters - Two Cups Of Tea" on YouTube
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lakeplacld · 2 years
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tcba · 1 year
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parcai · 2 years
the sun + the star is literally what i would've come up w if i was high af at 4am looking at the sky goodbye.
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purrina · 2 years
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i was tagged by @bloody-soda !!!! thank mew so much!!!!!
sadly we dont have anything in common :( 
i am tagging @ceabu !!!!
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emptybreath · 1 year
500 Channels
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ignis-cain · 1 year
Waitafuckingminute. Is folk punk just 3rd-wave ska with less brass and more banjo?
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melodrangea · 11 months
Nicknames Soul Eaters Boys call their S/O
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Soul “Eater” Evans
he says this extremely sarcastically, especially during training
“C’mon sweetheart, is that all you got? I saw you lift twice as much yesterday.”
often uses it in a more formal setting or when he’s trying to tease
“What’s the matter doll? Cat got your tongue?”
He’s a little menace but he’s our menace <3
most common out of the three
you name DOES NOT exist to this man
no name, no nickname, nothing
“Babe can I borrow your notes. Babe where do you wanna go later? BABE”
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Black Star
n/n or another variation of you name
doesn’t really use pet names much (sorry babes)
why words words on pet names? he’s way too blunt and if he’s feeling something he’ll just say it, not waste time on fancy words or pet names
(that’s what he tells himself being fr he’s not creative enough as much as I love him)
mostly used around friends (this dumbass thinks he’s being smug)
“hey babe wasn’t going out yesterday awesome? I mean since we’re so inlove and everything.”
the little shit would make your relationship EVERYONE ELSE’S problem (no one is safe 😭)
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Death the Kid
this pretentious hipster
is fairly consistent with the pet names he uses but darling is his favorite
“Darling can you please pass me that book there?”
“Are you alright darling?”
my dear
uses this one without realizing it most of the time
will be chilling in the library studying and will half-consciously call for you
“are you almost done?”
“just a few minutes more my dear, then we can go”
you chuckled, “what did you call me”
“what do you mean, what did I call you?”
Kid is a romantic at heart, very classy as well
he would stare into your eyes and call you love
“my love you have no clue how much I love you.”
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Crona Gorgon
you would call him honey bunny as a joke and he loved it so he started calling you honey
would always have the cutest blush in his face when he said it too
“o-oh thank you honey :)” (cutie patootie 💋)
would definitely take him a while to start calling this, but when he does 🤌💋
“are you alright if we stay a little longer dear? It’s been a while since we’ve seen the others”
being fr this poor soul would be TERRIFIED to call you something other than your name or a variation for A WHILE
his brains running six times the speed 🏃🏼
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Professor Stein
this sadistic mf
i pray for anyone dating this man
but we can be delulu for a few
would absolutely call you dove or some other kind of bird
reminds him of how he protects you like your a delicate bird (and he likes experimenting on birds if yk what i mean 😏)
ngl he only calls you angel when he’s horny asf in a good mood
“hey angel, can you come here for a bit?”
only time your safe if when he calls you honey
mostly calls you this when you’re having a bad day
this is a warning, this man will accidentally hurt your feelings 24/7
“You doing alright there honey? You want to talk about it?”
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Kilik Rung
fuck not being allowed to have favorites I LOVE THIS BITCH
only fully green flag in the show i stg (except Marie ofc)
he will call you every single pet name he can come up with, but love bug is his favorite
neither of you know how it started but you’re not complaining
“You’re too sweet for me lovebug” <33
ya see what i did there? ofc he combines his two favorite things: you and those damn candy bars
“This class is so boring, right sweets?”
will calls you sweets often to express thanks kinda like a “thanks toots”
getting more into that
he thinks he’s funny (and he is)
will say this very ironically and usually infront of friends to make everyone laugh
the only slightly annoying quality abt Kilik is his inability to take anything other than combat seriously
“hey toots, how’s it goin’?”
but you cannot tell me this man is not from New Orleans or some other adjacent
and the hon with the southern-ish accent
being so fr he will call you hon all the time and it will fluster tf out of you (he’s smug abt it, just a little 🤏
“You look nice, who are you all dressed up for hun?”
woo hoo first post!
anyways hope y’all are doing great
any comments, questions, requests or concerns feel free to DM me!
-Melodrangea <3
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