#star wars: ahsoka by e. k. johnston
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She was alone, something she was never meant to be.
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slaughter-books · 2 months
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Day 4: JOMPBPC: Rebel Scum
May the 4th be with you! 🌌❤️
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lottiesoka · 2 months
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Some Kaesoka drawings I’ve done in the past 3 years
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canonskyrissian · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: Ahsoka - E. K. Johnston, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kaeden Larte/Ahsoka Tano Characters: Kaeden Larte, Ahsoka Tano, Original Jedi Character(s) (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Sharing a Bed, well a bedroll, Crash Landing, References to Ancient Finnish Religion & Lore, Useless Lesbians, said with love, Humor, Mission Fic, Sort Of, do not copy to another site Summary:
A crash landing takes Kaeden Larte and Ahsoka Tano to a strange planet with even stranger inhabitants.
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 4): General Bracket Match 4
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Kaeden Larte | Identity: queer | Media: Ahsoka novel
Kaeden Larte was a young farmer on the isolated moon of Raada. When she was fourteen her parents died in a farming accident and she was given special permission to take their job. She also became the guardian of her younger sister Miara. When Ahsoka arrived on Raada, Kaeden was quick to welcome her and developed a crush on her. When the Empire arrived, Kaeden joined a resistance cell. Their attack on the Imperial garrison failed, and Ahsoka to save them, was forced to reveal that she was a Jedi. Feeling betrayed that Ahsoka kept such a secret from her, she abandoned their hiding place in the caves and was captured by the Empire. They tortured her, but Ahsoka was able to rescue her. When Ahsoka left Raada to get help, Kaeden was captured again by the Sixth Brother to lure out Ahsoka. When Ahsoka rescued her again, she confessed her feelings, which Ahsoka gave a noncommittal answer to.
After Ahsoka’s battle with the Sixth Brother, the residents of Raada were welcomed to Alderaan. Kaeden eventually went to medical school and afterwards joined the Rebellion as a medic. If she ever reconnected with Ahsoka is unknown. She was present at the medal ceremony at the end of A New Hope.
The episode “Resolve” from Tales of the Jedi is based on the same episode concept as the Ahsoka novel, and thus has potentially retconned Kaeden and replaced her with a white man. However a reference book has attempted to establish the two as just coincidentally similar separate events. The identity “queer” is based off E K Johnston’s statements regarding what orientation she imagined Kaeden with. 
Art by @jedikvghts on tumblr
Just Lucky | Identity: bisexual (male and nonbinary) | Media: Doctor Aphra comics
Just Lucky, to pay for his brother’s gambling debts, was forced to become a member of the Canto Bight based crime syndicate the Sixth Kin. There he began a relationship with another lieutenant of the syndicate, Ariole Yu. He later left the active service of the Sixth Kin and broke off his relationship with Yu, which he could do as long as he kept paying off his brother’s gambling debts. He took jobs off planet and eventually became an associate of Doctor Aphra. But when she attempted to obtain the Rings of Vaale, he became a double agent for the wealthy Ronen Tagge. After Aphra “killed” Ronen, he captured her for Dominia Tagge. She offered Aphra a job, while cutting off Lucky.
Needing a constant flow of cash, he returned to the Sixth Kin to see if they had any jobs. He was forced to work with Ariole Yu, his ex, to kill their shared mentor who had defected to Crimson Dawn. They fought Crae, refusing his offer to join Crimson Dawn. After they lost, they were thrown in the brig where they joined Aphra and Sana Starros is escaping. However, Aphra eventually stranded the two. Qi’ra gave her pitch for Crimson Dawn and then let them leave. Back on Canto Bight, the Sixth Kin attempted to bait them into killing each other. They saw through this and decided to take a job from Ronen Tagge to steal the Spark Eternal.
To do this job, they confronted a Spark Eternal possessed Aphra on the Vermillion. But seeing what they were up against, they decided to hit the bricks. As they fled, they ran into Sana Starros’ “Save Aphra” crew, running to confront/save Aphra. Just Lucky ended up convincing Ronen to save Sana’s team after they were defeated and their ship destroyed. Sana convinced Ronen that his only choice was to kill Domina, and that her team would join him to repay their “debt”. They joined Ronen in his Crimson Dawn supported coup for the Tagge Corporation, which turned out to be a trap Domina and Sana set to lure Ronen and his supporters into the open. Sana arranged for all of their debts to the Tagge Corporation to be forgiven, so Ariole and Just Lucky joined her in attempting to save Aphra.
In addition to his reignited relationship with Ariole, he also has a crush on the non-binary Lapin Tagge.
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bosquedemel · 1 year
Review of Ahsoka by E. K. Johnston:
The first 80 pages of this almost made me quit. It got better as it went on but close to the end it went back to just being straight up bad. Only my love for, and familiarity with, this universe kept me going. E.K. Johnston is a technically proficient writer in the sense that they can clearly write on a superficial level. However, as a storyteller, their writing leaves a lot to be desired. It’s simply bad. There is no depth, no connection with the characters and plot. It’s all superficial, cold and detached. The fact that this book is YA, and as such meant for younger audiences, is no excuse. Standards for writing quality don’t change depending on the demographic of the book. Quality is quality. Many children’s books have rich, complex and beautiful writing. Sometimes it seemed like the sentences in this book were ordered by a computer, such is the incredible confusion that goes on in it. Johnston omits so much information that a reader is constantly faced with sentences that follow each other with no connecting links, where characters pull out weapons that they definitely didn’t have before, and where eventually contradictions start to show up. In just one example, a character almost drops something and, following a short dialogue, another character picks up the object from the floor even though it was never dropped. This shockingly careless writing comes through on the forced plot contrivances as well. Johnston seems averse to using connecting words and phrases like “however”, “meanwhile”, “later that day”, etc., which deeply confuses the reader as to when and where something is happening, and seems unsure when to insert a paragraph break. All this put together, you frequently encounter three short sentences immediately followed by another one about a completely different thing with no connector and without a paragraph break. As a result, characters are cardboard thin and the plot equally so (I doubt it would even be considered for an episode of the Clone Wars TV show). I also get the feeling that Johnston is either not very familiar with Star Wars (namely the books and their particularities that every writer should maintain for continuity) or that they didn’t particularly care about Ahsoka and this plot. It’s irrevelant to me whether a hired writer loves the material they’re working with. The most important thing is writing a good book to the point that I wouldn’t be able to tell that the writer was clearly uninsterested. All in all, not a book I'd recommend, not even if you're a fan of Star Wars or of Ahsoka. I'll have to think twice about reading Johnston's Padmé trilogy as the short preview at the end of this book did not change my opinion about their writing abilities in that other work.      
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jedi-qui-gon · 2 months
Mental health and Comfort Characters
It was difficult to post this, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to...but we all need to pay more attention to mental health.
Here’s a very important video my cousin made, about art and mental health-
Mental health and the arts. I get pretty vulnerable in this one. Probably too vulnerable, but I think this is an important topic we… | Instagram
It really stuck with me.
As an artist – one who writes - I have my mental health struggles. Sometimes I feel like my works are average, never ‘good’ or great’. And sometimes I feel like I’m not improving, that my writings will never reach the levels of the writers who’ve created and published Star Wars novels like E. K. Johnston (writer of the Ahsoka novel) and Claudia Gray (writer of Master & Apprentice). But I know it’s just the mental health issues talking, I just gotta keep practicing!
My cousin does therapy. Though for me, since I’m deaf/hard of hearing and struggle to understand people I don’t know well and often strangers don’t understand me, therapy for mental health the ‘standard way’ just seemed too daunting. But my cousin shared a link more recently for deaf and hard of hearing accessible mental healthcare that’s chat based. Hope to give it a try soon!
And recent events in past months haven’t helped my mental health at all.
I was away on vacation with my mom and my grandma in January of this year to Texas. It started off good but things went awry towards the end and my grandma’s health took a downturn. But thankfully she improved and we were able to go home.
On the 29th of January, I had worked on notes for my therapist for when I do the mental health therapy. It got too much to finish in one day, brought up old painful memories, triggered and upset me. But it is needed for the therapist but didn't want to push myself too hard, it’s not something I need to finish just yet.
If that had been all I would have been back to writing and posting by now, but sadly my grandma passed away on February 6th …still recovering. I was so upset I hadn’t posted any fanfics since then.
Related to my mental health, there’s something called ‘comfort characters’ and here’s what my Bing Search said -
“A comfort character is a fictional character from a film, TV show, book, or video game that someone thinks of in times of distress, to help them feel better. A comfort character can make the person feel comfortable and safe, because they relate to them, look up to them, or feel like they have a special bond with them. A comfort character can also provide a sense of security and order in a chaotic world.”
Qui-Gon Jinn and Ahsoka Tano, both from Star Wars, are surely my comfort characters.
Qui-Gon Jinn used to be my favorite, first got into Star Wars via the Prequel Trilogy long ago.
Back then, I was such a fan of Qui-Gon I had ‘Jedi Qui-Gon’ as my Fanfiction.net username, Xbox gamertag, and used a picture of him as my profile pics on the sites I had accounts on. And have recently changed my usernames on the sites I felt like doing so to ‘Jedi Qui-Gon since he’s still my second favorite in Star Wars.
It’s safe to say he helped me through the last year of High School back in 2011-2012. It got so bad I considered dropping out but hung in there. One saving grace came out of that which was my high school graduation party my family had. I had requested a cake, a Star Wars Qui-Gon Jinn cake and loved it!
More recently, in the new 20’s and onward, Ahsoka Tano became my favorite Star Wars character, Qui-Gon became second place. Ahsoka is my profile pics for most of the sites I have accounts on.
At first I had just liked her. But after the Ahsoka novel, Star Wars Rebels, Season 7 of Star Wars the Clone Wars, and her appearance in The Mandalorian; she became my favorite. And loved her appearances in The Book of Boba Fett and her show too!
And a reason I’m happy for that, her content, Star Wars, and more Qui-Gon content as well is because I used to be a fan of Harry Potter, written by JK R*wl*ng. When she revealed her ugly hateful self and dove into the abyss of evil, I felt betrayed. And that did not help my mental health at all.
To help deal with the hurt jumped in Star Wars more, and Ahsoka Tano. I feel Ahsoka would have some...choice words directed at the sleemo…especially for tricking children…
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karmanun · 3 months
Love was never a priority for Ahsoka. As an ex-Jedi and spy for the Rebel Alliance, it was dangerous to be around her, and she grew used to holding people at arm's length. But Ahsoka was never at her strongest when she was alone. She needed people too. So when her heart latched on to an ordinary girl from a farm world, for once, she couldn't bring herself to walk away.
Kaeden tried to let go of Ahsoka. The galaxy needed her more than she did, and Kaeden had her own personal Rebellion to fight. The problem was, Ahsoka kept showing up, and every time she did Kaeden fell for her a little bit more. Maybe, in the galaxy they lived in, this thing between them wasn't as impossible as it seemed.
Ahsoka and Kaeden, from Raada, to Malachor, and beyond.
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starwarspathfinders · 8 months
Community activity: Let's read together!
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We're happy to kick off our first ever Discord community activity - starting in November, we'll be reading Ahsoka by E. K. Johnston together!
How does it work?
Read the book at your own pace all throughout November, and December if needed (we'll find out what works best for us).
Use the discussion forums to talk about the book with others.
Participation is optional, of course!
Join us!
If you're looking for people to chat about the Ahsoka show (and other Star Wars), are a creative who draws, writes or other, or would like to participate in our community activities, send us an ask to join the Discord server*!
* Please note that we are an 18+, LGBTQ+ friendly server, and do not accept bigotry or hate of any kind.
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datshitrandom · 7 months
29 and 30 (if you want to do it for fanfic, that works!)
REDHEADGLEEK ♡‧₊˚ !!!! 29. Book 📖: "Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West" - Gregory Maguire Fic📝: "Westerville Abbey" by @hkvoyage "Keep my heart captive, set me free" by The Queen of Rose
30. Book 📖: "Star Wars: Ahsoka" - E. K. Johnston Fic📝: "Missing Pieces" by @sunshineoptimismandangels "A Summer Story" by Kb.Ellen
⭐ 30 favourites ask game
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beetroot747 · 1 year
today i did not take my med that helps with my adhd. i accidentally walked out of the house with no shoes on, and ended up two miles away with a dead phone.
i don’t remember doing this, but it appears that the entire time i was pulling up random plants, ripping them up, and tossing them behind me.
i got home to remember that i ripped out a bunch of my hair and taped it to a piece of cardboard.
sometimes it feels like i am going insane, and then i have to remind myself that i am probably fine. i don’t really have any evidence to support that claim, but i like to pretend that i do so i don’t worry myself.
i love star wars.
i am currently re-reading the ahsoka book by e. k. johnston.
it is a good book, but it drives me crazy every time i look at it because both of her lightsabers are the same length on the cover, which ISNT RIGHT.
i am so excited for the ahsoka show, but also afraid to see the ghost crew in live action.
this post is incredibly random.
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Rating: G
Words: 7.7k
After the evacuation of Raada, the refugees are whisked away to the medical bay aboard the Tantive IV. That includes Kaeden. Leaving Ahsoka to busy herself with finding something to do while worrying a very normal amount for her.
Ahsoka is left alone with her thoughts, and as usual, her thoughts tend to multiply in all the wrong directions, overwhelming her and dredging up painful memories that she'd been fending off for the past few years.
When she reaches out to the Force for guidance, it teaches her a few things. And she realizes some of what she needs to do if she's going to heal.
And maybe someone else can help her see the rest of those needs. Help her heal.
Finally finished writing this fic, Ahsoka and Kaeden have been bouncing around in my brain for months since I finally read the Ahsoka novel. I cannot believe that have barely any fics about them on AO3, buttttt im here to change that.
Plus this is a little analysis of “Attachment is not love” truth and also a minor character study of Ahsoka. Plus a bit of my asexual headcanon too.
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readtilyoudie · 6 months
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1Q84 by Haruki Murakami
Ahsoka by E.K. Johnston | Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood | Alice Have I Been by Melanie Benjamin | Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll | Animal by Lisa Taddeo | Ariadne by Jennifer Saint | Artemis Fowl Series by Eoin Colfer
The Band by Nicholas Eames | Bitter by Akwaeke Emezi | The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White | Choke by Chuck Palahniuk | The Chosen and The Beautiful by Nghi Vo | Circe by Madeline Miller
The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King | Deerskin by Robin McKinley | The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams | Dietland by Sarai Walker | Dreadnought by April Daniels
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine | Enders by Lissa Price | The Enlightenment of Bees by Rachel Linden
Fable: the Balverine Order by Peter David | Fable: Reaver by Peter David | Fairy Tales of Remnant by E.C. Myers | Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman | The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Hamlet by William Shakespeare | Harper Connelly Series by Charlaine Harris | The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams | The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien | How To Train Your Dragon Series by Cressida Cowell | The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff | The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde | Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu | Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk | Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn | A Knight of the Word by Terry Brooks
Last Flight by Liane Merciel | Loki: Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzi Lee | The Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers | The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor | The Lost Girls by Sonia Hartl | Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas | Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk
The Memoirs of Lady Trent by Marie Brennan | Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides | Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry
A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller | Night of the Living Rez by Morgan Talty | A Noodle Shop Mystery by Vivien Chien | Not Your Sidekick Series by C.B. Lee
Oryx & Crake by Margaret Atwood
The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood | Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan | Pet by Akwaeke Emezi | Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth | The Portrait of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde | A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving | The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
The Reckoners Series by Brandon Sanderson | Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright | The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood | Ruination by Anthony Reynolds
A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket | The Shadow and Bone Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo | Sherlock Holmes by Sir Conan Doyle | The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares | Starters by Lissa Price | Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk | A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L'Engle
The Tale of the Nutcracker by E.T.A. Hoffman | These Ruthless Deeds by Kelly Zekas & Tarun Shanker | These Vicious Masks by Kelly Zekas & Tarun Shanker | To Be Taught If Fortunate by Becky Chambers | Toil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women & Witchcraft by Elizabeth May | Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson | The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine
Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld | Until I Find You by John Irving
The Wayfarers Series by Becky Chambers | Wayward Children Series by Seanan McGuire | When Christmas Comes Again: The World War One Diary of Simone Spencer by Beth Seidel Levine | The Wicker King by K. Ancrum | William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope | A Wind In The Door by Madeleine L'Engle | The Witcher Series by Andrzej Sapkowski | The Wizards of Once by Cressida Cowell | The World According to Garp by John Irving | A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L'Engle
The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Stories by Charlotte Perkins Gilman | The Young Elites Series by Marie Lu
Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes by Cory O'Brien
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queer-starwars-bracket · 10 months
Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 3): General Bracket Match 7
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Kaeden Larte | Identity: queer | Media: Ahsoka novel
Kaeden Larte was a young farmer on the isolated moon of Raada. When she was fourteen her parents died in a farming accident and she was given special permission to take their job. She also became the guardian of her younger sister Miara. When Ahsoka arrived on Raada, Kaeden was quick to welcome her and developed a crush on her. When the Empire arrived, Kaeden joined a resistance cell. Their attack on the Imperial garrison failed, and Ahsoka to save them, was forced to reveal that she was a Jedi. Feeling betrayed that Ahsoka kept such a secret from her, she abandoned their hiding place in the caves and was captured by the Empire. They tortured her, but Ahsoka was able to rescue her. When Ahsoka left Raada to get help, Kaeden was captured again by the Sixth Brother to lure out Ahsoka. When Ahsoka rescued her again, she confessed her feelings, which Ahsoka gave a noncommittal answer to.
After Ahsoka’s battle with the Sixth Brother, the residents of Raada were welcomed to Alderaan. Kaeden eventually went to medical school and afterwards joined the Rebellion as a medic. If she ever reconnected with Ahsoka is unknown. She was present at the medal ceremony at the end of A New Hope.
The episode “Resolve” from Tales of the Jedi is based on the same episode concept as the Ahsoka novel, and thus has potentially retconned Kaeden and replaced her with a white man. However a reference book has attempted to establish the two as just coincidentally similar separate events. The identity “queer” is based off E K Johnston’s statements regarding what orientation she imagined Kaeden with. 
Art by @jedikvghts on tumblr
Sister | Identity: trans female | Media: Queen’s Hope/Brotherhood
Sister was a trans female clone trooper who played a minor role in the novel Queen’s Hope. She transitioned before leaving Kamino, where she was given the name Sister by her fellow clones. She was nervous that the Jedi wouldn’t accept her gender, but they did. As part of the 7th Sky Corps under Obi-Wan Kenobi, she fought beside his Padawan Anakin Skywalker. After the battle, she created a memorial for her fallen brothers, where Anakin approached her and they talked about her gender. 
After Anakin’s knighting, in the novel Brotherhood, she commanded a transport that was part of an aide mission performed by the 302nd battalion. She briefly met Anakin again, who was supervising the Jedi Initiates joining the aide mission (because Palpatine suggested that Jedi younglings needed to get used to clones). What happened to her later in the war is unknown. 
She is the first trans female Star Wars character and the first binary trans person in the New EU.
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marshmyers · 10 months
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Get more #ahsoka with the New York Times best seller, AHSOKA by E.K. Johnson.
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animekissingblog · 11 months
📖 🌼 🎥
📖 Fave book
Probably the ahsoka book by E. K. Johnston love star wars so much the book was amazing tbh wish I would read more 🤔
🌼 Fave flower
I'm gonna be very generic and say roses. I love when they are dyed different colors tho like blue
🎥 Fave film
Moulin Rouge always has a special place in my heart ❤️
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