#staring at nancys hand so hard like i need to touch it my god robin you’re not very subtle
ronanceautistic · 6 months
i do love the “unconsciously grabbing someone’s hand” trope but there’s something so sweet about how Robin very very obviously Thought about it. This was the most conscious hand hold ever she was considering all the options and then was like ‘no i need to’
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Just A Small Thought~ Older Eddie/Older Steve
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Tagging : @woahlifehitsyahuh @cinemaquinn @pleasantlycrazyworld. @moonchildquinn @haileighboi @ceriseheaven @witchy-munson
Summary : Older Eddie is jealous that you found love with older Steve after you two ended things.
He nursed his drink in his hands as he stared at the chipped table. Why was here? He didn't feel like he belonged sitting right at this spot with Nancy laughing at something that Robin had said. He paid no attention to it as the feeling of seeing you again was eating him alive. Have you moved on? How were you doing?
Robin had kept in touched with as well as Nancy as they both chose to not tell Eddie about your dating life. They both planned a reunion for everyone to reunite to catch up on everyone's lives.
" She is defiantly coming, I've spoken on the phone with her yesterday" Robin says, nodding her head as she looks towards the door. Her eyes glance down briefly to see Eddie's reaction but he was too busy staring at whatever drink he ordered in his hands. She shot a look towards Nancy who threw her a thin smile and shook her head.
That was the code that they were talking about you. You had moved out of Hawkins after the break up with Eddie, it was too hard staying in a small town where you were bound to bump into him. What you didn't know was a certain someone bumped into you the streets near your home. Surprise to see him but his eyes told you everything you needed to know. He was waiting for the right time. He was waiting for his chance and he took it after months of spending time with you.
The doors to the bar opened and there you stood with an arm wrapped around your shoulder. By your side too, Steve Harrington. Some strands of hair hanged over his forehead, those brown eyes were happier as they gazed down at you and he sported a beard but everything was the same. You outgrew your hair. That was the only thing different about you. Except you were with Steve.
It was like Eddie felt those eyes on him staring deeply into the side of his head. His head slowly turned to meet your gaze. The familiar feeling shot through his chest as his eyes grew wide seeing who stood next to you. He didn't miss on knowing who it was. His jaw clenched at the sight as the grip on his glass tightened.
" She looks absolutely beautiful" Robin muttered, her eyes blinking with tears. It's been a couple of years since the last time she saw you. She knew you by voice only over the phone and she knew you were with Steve.
" She looks so happy" Nancy comments, gripping Jonathan's arm who sat quietly as he looked over to see you making your way over with Steve by your side.
" Hi!" you beamed once getting to the table. Robin was the first one to greet you as she threw her arms up in the air, and running over to hug you. She squeezed you tight, dancing with you side to side with a smile on her face. God, she missed you.
Her eyes fall on Steve as she stands there shifting back and forth on his heels as he softly shoots her a small smile.
" Dingus!" she yells, releasing you and throwing her arms around him. Steve laughs as he wraps his arms around her, hugging her. It's been a couple of years since the two saw each other. The last time, Steve was telling her that he had to find you. He needed to take his chance and here he was, with you.
" It's so good to see you" Nancy says as she hugs you, she pulls away slightly over looking your features. You had. grown up more and your hair was longer. " How is Chicago?" she asks. " I always wanted to go" she adds.
" It's pretty, but having Steve by my side it's even better. He makes it much prettier and much bearable" she giggles and looks over to Steve making his way to her. You go over to Jonathan to greet him.
Eddie has been watching as this all went down with a scowl on his face. Yes he thought you were still beautiful as ever but you were with Steve now. He found that to be wrong that out of all the men after him, you chose to be with Steve Harrington.
" Hey Eds" he heard the sound of your voice like music to his ears. You brushed a piece of hair behind your ear over looking his features. He had grown out a beard, not too long and no too short. His brown mane of curls grew a bit longer and you saw more tattoos peeking out from the shirt he was wearing. On the back of his chair was a black leather jacket. It looked new.
He was the same Eddie that you always knew sitting right there. Only he sported a frown on his face while his ring clad hands held onto the glass of his choice of drink.
" Hi" he mutters. " Harrington" a hand comes to the small of your back, rubbing soothly as you leaned back into Steve's chest as he places a kiss on top of your head.
" Munson, good to see you" Steve says.
" You too" Eddie mutters as he downed his drink, " Need another one."
He needs more than one though upon seeing you.
" Is he okay?" you asked. Robin shoots Nancy a look as Nancy shoots once back. It doesn't go unnoticed by you. " Is something wrong?" your eyebrows knitted together in confusion trying to understand what was gong on. Steve glances over where Eddie stood to order his drink then glances down at you and back at Eddie.
" Oh" Steve mutters as he understands. " What is it Stevie?" you asked, shooting a glance at him. He shook his head as he tightly wrapped an arm around you pulling you closer to his body. He understood the look on Eddie's face. He was jealous that you were going out with Steve.
" Don't worry about it honey" he leans over to kiss the side of your head. Eddie returns with his drink but it's half gone as he sits on the stool.
" When is Henderson suppose to come?" Steve asks.
" I'm sure any minute now" Robin glances down at her watch looking towards the door, tapping the watch to see if it was working. It was ticking away by the minutes. " Hm, maybe he had to pick something up" she mutters. Before she had utter another word out, the door swings open and Dustin walks in with Suzy by his side. Lucas appears with Max by his side. Mike appears with El and Will by his side. They all look so grown up.
" Henderson!" Steve shouts shooting out of his seat. Eddie rolls his eyes at his excitement. You shoot out of your own seat with a wide smile on your face as you walk toward the kids.
" Max! El!" the girls embraced you on each side. " Jesus it's been so long since I've seen you two. You've become even more beautiful since the last time I've seen you"
" Missed you" El mutters.
" Me too" Max says. You were interrupted by Steve and Dustin doing their handshake ( the scene in Scoops). You rolled your eyes while Max stared in disgust while El laughed.
" Y/N?" Will asked as you pulled away from El and Max. " Will" your eyes light up and a smile appeared on your face as he rushed over to embrace you. You greeted the rest of the kids, meeting up Dustin's hair making him laugh as he squeezed you tighter.
" I can't believe you're with Steve now" Max says shoving a chip in her mouth. There were three tables together with everyone around. Everyone was laughing and having a good time, but Eddie kept to himself through the night as he shot glares towards Steve.
" He makes me happy" your hand landed on Steve's thigh, giving it a squeeze. Steve glances down at you with a loving gaze. He's so happy too.
" You make me happy too, hunny" you didn't see but Nancy watches as Eddie mocks what Steve says and she is getting upset that he's acting this way.
" Can I talk to you, Eddie?" She asked causing the whole table to look at him. He freezes in his seat as he raises his head to look at her with wide eyed. He glances around the table feeling eyes on him.
" Yeah, whatever" he grumbles out standing up from his chair. He turns to put his hands in his pockets as he walks towards the side with Nancy hot on his heels. Your eyebrows knit together in confusion hoping everything is alright. Steve senses you worry and looks towards where your eyes had fallen.
" They are okay, hunny. Don't worry" he leans down pressing a kiss to your cheek. " You guys are gross" Max mutters throwing a chip over at you. You turned your head, laughing at her.
" Aren't you the same with Lucas?" she glances over at Lucas as he pulls her to his side. A hint of blush appears on her cheeks as she looks away. " Stop, no" she shyly says but she loves it. You can tell.
" You're too cute" she rolls her eyes but there is a smile on her face. Eddie comes back with Nancy glancing down at his boots like he's been scolded.
" So, have you guys been doing D & D still?"
" We never stopped!" Mike shouted, " I mean it's once a month we do it. But Eddie still comes up with the best campaigns"
" He surprises us every chance he gets" Eddie chuckles as he shrugs. His cheeks are a little red.
" Our dungeon master never disappoints" Dustin says as he nudges Eddie. " We have the best one"
" I used to read some of the campaigns you guys did, and every time he blew me away with it"
For the first time during that night, Eddie has a smile on his face as he looks over at you. He sees the genuine look on yours. It really pulled at his heart and he missed the way you would look at him.
You took a moment to step outside for some fresh air. It was getting too much in there. The breeze brushed against your cheeks as your hands held onto the railing looking up at the night sky. The door to the bar opened and the loud chatter inside and the warm brushed against you.
You thought it was just someone coming out to go home or something but then he spoke up.
" Are you really happy with him?" his voice asked as he lit up a cigarette with his back against the brick wall. You didn't need to turn around to know it was Eddie.
" I am" you mumble out. Eddie's shoulder tensed as he nodded his head. There was a silence between the two of you as if the two of you didn't know what to say to one another. There is a lot of history behind you two. Eddie was your first love and everything.
" Are you not happy to see me?" you turned around finally to look at him. You couldn't really see the color of his eyes as he was looking down at the ground counting the little pebbles he saw. He took his time answering you because in his mind it keeps playing the image of you with Steve.
" It's good to see you, it is" you felt that there was that but coming but let him continue if he wanted to. You can sense he is holding back on what he wants to say. " But with Harrington?" he asked, moving his head to look you in the eyes now.
" What's wrong with Steve? He makes me happy. Am I not allowed to be happy?" you moved away from the railing to step towards him. He smoked the rest of the cigarette before stomping on it.
" I knew Harrington had a thing for you when we got together-" you cut him off.
" Did you get with me out of spite?" Eddie shook his head, " No, sweetheart. I did really love you" I still do love you "
" Well, I'm happy with Steve and there is nothing you can do about it Eddie. You broke up with me, remember?"
" Yes, I remember" he winces remembering how he told you he was better off without you and that you didn't deserve him. He called you names and called you discomfort in his life.
" I don't get you" his eyebrows shoot up as he frowns not understanding what you mean. " You sit in there" you point to the doors of the bar " looking all grumpy and pouting all because I showed up with Steve. I've move on and so should you, Munson"
I can't move on because I am in love with you and I hate myself for letting you go
That's what he wants to say to you but holds his tongue as he blinks not uttering anything to you. The doors the bar opened and Steve steps out looking between the two of you.
" Everything okay?"
" Yeah, I was just heading inside. It's getting cold" Steve extend his hand to you and you take it with a smile on your face. " Missed you inside" Steve mutters leaning down to give you a kiss. Eddie can't look away as he watches this scene in front of him with his heart clenching feeling it bleed like a water fall inside of him.
Steve wraps his arms around you as he follows you inside and his eyes lock with Eddie for a moment. There is a look between the two as they share. It's not a friendly one.
Eddie taps the pen on the table as a piece of paper lays in front of him. He wants to write down what he wants to say to you before you leave back home. It's really hard for him to put it into everything he's feeling. He knows your with Steve but that doesn't stop him from letting out his feelings. He wants you to know how sorry he was that you stepped out of his life and the things he said.
The edges to the paper are crinkled as he ripped the page out of his old notebook. The same notebook he used to write love notes to leave in your locker. The same notebook he used to pass notes during class in. you two shared. The same notebook that had your name all over it with his other drawings. The same notebook that had your little drawings in them too.
He ran a hand down his face as he looked out the window of the trailer. He didn't have work tonight therefore he had plenty of time to sit down and write what he wanted. Yet, he was having a hard time too honestly because you were happy with Steve. Why would he ruin that?
But he wanted you to know how he felt even it if was the last straw that he might ever see you again. His pen starts to move as he holds with his other hand on the crinkled piece of paper the words that are pouring out of his heart.
He had hoped you would have a chance to read it.
" Did you hear about the new girl? She has this really cute smile, and her eyes are so pretty" Dustin sighed happily as he leaned against his hand staring into nothing. Eddie's eyebrows knit together as he looked over at Dustin.
" Henderson? You on some love spell or something?" Dustin didn't even answer him as Mike snorted. " He saw the new girl in front of the school and he's been like that all day"
Before Eddie had a chance to ask who this girl is, when the doors opened and you walked in with a flannel on, an Iron Maiden shirt with the prettiest eyes that Eddie has ever seen.
He watched as Jason Carver brushed past you without a word. He watched as rolled your eyes in annoyance and opened your lunch box and took out your sandwich from the zip log back. It was a peanut butter jelly sandwich and you weren't that hungry today.
You took both slices in both hands as you plastered them on each side of Jason's Carver's cheeks. The whole cafeteria stopped talking as Jason growled in anger slamming his fist on the table as he shot out from his seat.
" Did you need something? Oh new girl right? Do you know who I am?" He growled in your face.
" I could care less who you are" you rolled your eyes, " Pushing me isn't something I like. Next time use your manners and apologize like a good boy"
" Are you going to take that?" one of his friends asked him. Jason chuckled as he took a step closer about to point his finger in your face when you took it and his whole hand twisting his arm behind his back and slamming his head onto the table.
He hissed in pain while the cafeteria watched including Eddie who shot out of his seat. His eyes were in heart shape eyes watching you.
" It's rude to point fingers, and two don't you ever get into my space ever again or the next time I won't be this nice" you released him as he shot up to rub his hands as he glared at you.
" You may resume eating your food!' you shouted, catching eyes of Eddie as he waved at you. You returned with a wink. That was the day that Eddie knew he had to have you.
Eddie didn't officially get to talk to you until you sat down next to him in one of the classes you two shared. His head turned over, stopping his scribbling in his notebook. He never really took notes and not really paid attention in class. But when you walked into class, he shifted upwards in his seat and would glance at you from time to time.
" We are never really going to use this, what point of this if we don't?" you mumbled opening up your notebook. Eddie chuckled besides you as he nodded in agreement. You turned your head to glance down at what he was drawing.
" Those are cool" you tapped on one of his drawings. His cheeks flushed red as he noticed there were little drawings in the corner of your notebook too.
" Those are really cool" his ring clad finger tapped on the drawing mimicking you from what you did on his notebook. " Thank you, I'm quite the artist"
" That you are" Eddie smiled at you, that was the first time you saw his dimples out. You swore you felt your heart fluttered.
It was the very first time you two talked.
You opened the doors of the school heading out for the day when you noticed that Jason and his group of basketball jerks were pushing someone around. Your eyebrows knitted to see who it was and when you spotted the mop of curls, you knew. Eddie.
" Hey!" you shouted. Heads turned to you.
" Oh look boys, it's freak saving the freak" Jason pushed Eddie on the ground as he turned to you. " You want a turn, freak?" he asks, wiggling his fingers at you.
His friends rounded around you. You slid off your backpack that held your textbooks inside and took the strap as you started to swing it around. You hit Patrick first who was closer to you as he stumbled into one of his friends gripping his face. Jason growled as he raced towards you but you were already swinging as your backpack hit him square in the face. He stumbled back holding his face.
" Freak!" he shouted as he ran away with his basketball friends.
You dropped your book bag on the ground as you rushed towards Eddie's side as he held onto his side.
" Eddie? Are you okay?!" you shouted, moving some of his hair out of his face that you can see him better. Eddie clenched his eyes but he opened them once hearing your voice and gasped.
You came to his rescue. His heart sped up at your touch on his cheek.
" Let me take you home" you took his arm over your shoulder helping him up.
This was the very first time Eddie thought he was in love with you.
A hand cupped your cheek with the thumb tracing over the softness of your skin. " What's got you so lost? Where did you go honey?" Steve asked as he tried to catch your eye. You have been spacing out more than usual these past two days since you got back into Hawkins.
" 't's nothing, Stevie, I'm here" he hummed in response but didn't really believe you. He left it alone knowing you would come to him and tell him about it when you were ready. Something you loved about him.
You were too in your head thinking about Eddie and the way he acted that night. He wasn't really happy for you that you moved on with Steve. Did he expect you to wait for him and get back with him? You didn't really think he wanted you after the way things ended between the two of you.
Kisses peppered around your face bringing you back from your thoughts. Your head turned to Steve who sitting next to you at the kitchen table with both your plates cleaned off with breakfast that he cooked for you.
" what's on your mind?" he asks. " You know you can tell me anything" you nodded taking a hold of his hand that was laid on top of the table.
" Nothing Steve. I'm just tired" He nodded, standing up and taking your plate to the sink and he turned on the water to wash the dishes. You think he's mad at you that you aren't telling him the truth, you stand up from the table to make your way over to him and wrap your arms around him from behind.
" Please don't be mad at me" you mumbled into the back of his shirt. He put the plate down gently as he shook his hands from the water and turned the water off.
" I'm not mad at you honey, just don't like it when you close off and don't talk to me about it" you nodded against his shoulder in understanding.
" We should be going soon" Steve had worked, he had owned a diner near where you two lived. He absolutely loved it and you helped out from time to time, but you owned a record store which you loved more than anything. Besides Steve.
" It's that time?" you mumbled. He turned around in your arms, glancing down at you sadly. " I know you want to stay longer, but we have work that's calling our names and our own bed too. I miss Pickles too" you chuckled, looking up at him.
Pickles was your little kitten that you rescued around the corner on a rainy day. You brought him home and as soon as Steve saw him, he fell in love. There was no going back from that.
" Pickles loves you so much more than me"
Steve laughed, " Honey, he's my son. What do you expect?"
" To be a mama's boy" you pouted which Steve leaned down to kiss away. " I love you"
" I love you too, Stevie"
" Are you sure you can't stay a little longer?' Dustin frowns, wrapping his arms around you. " Oh Dusty bun, I can't. I wish I could stay longer but I need to go back" he nods as he squeezes you tighter.
Dustin was always like a little brother to you, whenever you came over, his mother was over the moon to have you around. She kept giving you cookies to take home, extra food she had left and anything else that you needed. She was like a second mother to you and when she found out that you were moving away, she was heart broken but asked you to come visit.
" You have to come visit mom" he mumbles. " She's been talking about you" he adds.
" I will, next time" he pulls away as Robin embraces you.
" I just got you back" she sniffles into your hair, " please stay a little longer" you sighed.
" Robs, I can't. You know, I can't" she squeezes you tighter. " I just miss you so much, it's not the same as hearing your voice and having you here. Physically here with me" she pulled away. You cupped her face in your hands to brush away her tears.
" I'm always here for you Robs. You know that. I am going to be here too" you pointed to her heart. " Always with you" she giggled as she put her forehead against yours.
" You're the best" she pulled away that Nancy can hug you next.
" You, beautiful girl. You are so loved and always welcomed here. This is always your home. With us" you nodded. She squeezed your hand as arms around you embraced you. El had you in the front, hugging you while Will had you in the back and Max and Lucas on both sides.
" Awe guys, I love you" you didn't know who to hug as tears brimmed your eyes.
" We love you too" El says as she looks up at you with her own tears in her eyes. " Don't go"
" I have to El, Steve needs me back home. Pickles too, my job is there..." she shook her head.
" This is home" she says.
" With us" Will says as he hugs you tighter. " You're our family" Max says. Lucas nodded.
"Oh you guys, I'm going to cry" before anyone said anything else a van rolled up to pull up behind Steve's car. Eddie sat at the wheel staring. He rose his head to meet your eyes as he got out of the van.
The others stepped away from you while Steve shot a warning look at Eddie. In his hands, Eddie had a letter that had your name in big letters. He moves his hair away from his face as he kicked an imaginary rock below his feet.
" Eddie?" you asked, grabbing his attention.
" I want you to take this and don't read it now, read it later" he hands you the letter. " What is it?" you asked, grasping it in your hands turning it over.
" Just some things you need to know" you bite your bottom lip looking down at it as you stuff it into the back pocket of your jeans. " Okay, I will read it" he nods as thanks, looking at Steve but not caring what he does next as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him.
You gasped feeling his arms around as his scent hits you. It's same one without the hint of weed this time. His hair tickles your cheeks as you hug him back, burying your face into his shoulder.
" Take care of yourself Eds" he squeezes you tighter in response. " There is going to be girl out there that is waiting for you" he chuckles into your hair as he holds you.
" Please, really Eds. Look after yourself and these sheeps. They all need you"
I need you is what you wanted to say to him but held back. It wasn't fait to Steve or Eddie. You held your tongue pulling away from him and stepped back.
The car was running as you slide into the passenger side of the car with Steve in the driver side. The two of waved to your friends while Steve took your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips. His beard tickled you.
" Ready to go home?" you nodded in response not trusting your voice as you turned around looking out the window with a hand on the glass as your eyes fall on Eddie who had tears running down his cheeks. He wanted to run to the car and open the passenger side scream at you that he still loved you. He couldn't. He stood there waving to you as Steve drove away.
You leaned back into your seat remembering Eddie's letter. You arched your back to get the letter out from the back pocket of your jeans. You stared at the way he wrote your name with a small little drawing next to it. It was the same drawing you saw in his notebook the first time you saw it.
He remembered after all this time that it was your favorite. You chuckled as you turned the letter around to open it. You shook your head seeing the notebook paper. You never change Eddie, do you? You question yourself as you begin to read.
Honestly don't know how to begin this letter. I think the very first time I saw you in the cafeteria as you put down Carver's ass was the day I knew that I was going to be with you. The day you saw my little drawings and thought they were the coolest thing ever was the day I knew you were. going to be mine. I knew. I had that feeling. The very first time you came over to watch movies with me, I was so terrified that you'd leave as soon as you saw the state of the trailer and my room. But you sat there, looking all pretty telling me that you enjoyed being around me and I swore I felt my heart race the moment you turned your head and smiled at me. It was the little things you did that made me a better person, made me realizes what love was actually. It was all because of you that I understood what my first love felt like, what bliss actually felt like, what it meant being in a relationship. I understood what heart break really felt like when you walked out of my life. I was so stupid to tell you that you were better off without me. I was so stupid to tell you that you were nothing to me. I was so stupid. Instead I was afraid that one day you would find better than me. You did. With him. When I saw you with him, my heart cracked into two and I wished I had you back in my arms. You are more beautiful than I remembered. But you always were, you were a star in my eyes. I never really got to tell you or show you but I got a tattoo of two stars on my wrist because you always talked about how much you loved them. I used to call you that too. Remember? You are always going to there as a reminder that you were the best part of my life and I want you to know that I'm never going to stop loving you. Even if you are with him as selfish as that sounds. I, Eddie Munson will never stop loving you. Do you hear me? Never.
~ Eddie Munson
Your hands shook as you reread the letter.
" What is it?" Steve asked noticing how quite you were but you didn't answer as you held the letter to your chest as tears fell down your cheeks.
Eddie Munson was always going to be your first love and that's how he was going to always be.
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andvys · 11 months
i loved this chapter! although the angst at the end destroyed me because i really thought they would get together again OMG you're edging us andy 😭
And by the look on Robin’s face every time she sees Chrissy, you know that she is feeling just the same. 
“Heather,” you mumble, raising your brows at her, “how about we talk about you and pizza guy.” 
Heather smiles brighter, she bites her lip and leans back, “maybe,” she grins, “I mean he just asked me to be his girlfriend the other day,” she says casually as she looks down at her nails. 
OH MY GOD??? girl im lowkey jealous tbh
Is that how your friends always felt when you would leave them just to be with Steve?
YEAH. the feeling when your friend can't hang out with you because she's going out with her dumbass boyfriend only for him to dump her later and you have to keep in the "I told you so" 😭
“Let me make you a real drink, baby.” 
let me give you a real punch baby
You put your hand on his chest and push him away, “you’re not slick, stop trying to get in my pants.”
yes billy you're being cringy rn 😭
You look down at the mixed drink, hesitating before you give in and take it from his hand. 
“Are you okay?” He chuckles, stepping closer to pat your back gently, “do you need me to make you feel better?” 
“Leave her alone, Hargrove.”
not him too
He chuckles and finally walks away, passing by Steve only to halt beside him. Billy stares him down, another chuckle of amusement falls from his lips. He slaps Steve’s shoulder, “lighten up, Harrington. Maybe you’ll get lucky tonight.” 
a little birdie told me that steve was a bad lover so i don't think so...
“Or both?” You giggle, “Eddie and I do both sometimes.”
girl... no words 😭
Chrissy is drunk, not drunk on alcohol, drunk on something else. 
Robin’s hair is short, her curls are messy, her bangs are long and they need to be cut, Chrissy can’t help but raise her hand to brush them away from her eyes so she can see her beautiful eyes. 
They all expect to walk in on a very drunk you. Because, usually it takes a lot to convince you to join a game of truth or dare, never have i ever and let alone spin the bottle. You don’t like kissing strangers or risking the possibility to kiss someone you cannot stand. 
oh fuck no 😭
“No thanks,” Heather snorts as she crosses her arms over her chest, “you still need to grow some, Hagan.” 
When Billy pulls away, he gives Hailey a pat on the cheek. She giggles at him and licks her lips as she sits back in her place. 
“This is gonna appear in my nightmare tonight,” Steve whispers to you. 
literally!! steve gets me
Billy kisses you roughly – it’s not as bad as the kiss you have had with Ray but you still can’t shake the fact that you are kissing him. At least, his lips are soft. They taste like strawberry – probably thanks to Hailey and her strawberry lip gloss that she always wears over her red lipstick. 
omg imagine the germs...
Billy chuckles, he looks at you through hooded eyes and leans closer, “that made me really fucking hard,” he whispers.
congratulations ...? 😭
“You don’t have to,” he whispers to you, but you are already moving closer to him. 
When he does open his eyes and he sees the look on your face, the shock in your eyes, the emotions that are still there, the love. He knows, he still has a chance. 
OH MY GOD 🫨🫨🫨🫨
“Shut it, blondie,” Heather snaps at him. 
“I’m sorry for taking him away from you. I-I saw the way you two looked at each other back there. I guess, I just now realized what I’ve ruined.”
You shrug, “you just kissed your ex girlfriend in front of your other ex girlfriend.” 
yup... a little mess girlie
He cups your cheeks and leans down to kiss you. He needs more of what he just had. 
He destroyed too much.
i mean... yeah kinda 😭
“You can’t just kiss me after everything!” You snap at him and push past him, walking away from him. 
well... im off to read smut now so 🤭
Robin & Chrissy are literally the cutest couple ever, I'm so happy that I can finally write about them
All your reactions to Billy are killing me 😭
And omg, it's really the worst when your friends keep dropping you for their shitty boyfriends 😭
AND YES! the angst comes back but tbh.... it won't be angsty between Steve and reader but between her and a certain someone 👀
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pcrfectstorms · 2 years
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liiabilities asked: [  FACE  ] :  receiver won’t stop talking. in an attempt to get them to stop, sender grabs their face, underestimating the intensity of the act. / ronance
MEME:  almost kiss prompts   FROM:  @liiabilities​   STATUS: accepting!
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She was doing it again, wasn’t she? The over talking, the going off on a tangent about something, and losing track of where the conversation had been going in the first place. Robin did that a lot when she was nervous, and Nancy Wheeler made her fucking nervous, she’s giving her that wide-eyed smile she does whenever Robin goes off, the one that’s usually followed by an arched brow and a look that says are you done?
If someone told her in sophomore year she’d be friends with prissy Nancy Wheeler, she’d have rolled her eyes so hard they got lost in the back of her skull. Robin wasn’t wrong often, she was clever, book smart and stubborn to boot, she had never understood why Steve had been so hung up on Nancy Wheeler until she really got to know Nance. So it turns out, Rob was wrong, she’s not a total priss, in fact she’s kind of amazing, and badass, and super smart, and so freaking pretty. Which is annoying, because like, it makes Robin extra nervous around her. Like she’s hyper aware, when she makes eye contact a little too long (she never really did understand what was too much eye contact) and she can feel her cheeks heat, and she prays to a god she doesn’t believe that Nancy doesn’t notice, that she just writes it off as another weird little Robin quirk.
Only now Nancy’s hands are on her face, and she's looking at her like she’s staring into her god-damn soul, and It's too much. It catches Robin off guard, and she freezes, wide eyes pupils blown like a baby rabbit caught in headlights, mouth agape her breathing quickens, pulse racing was Nancy Wheeler going to kiss her?  No, that was insane, that was her stupid little wishful crush talking.  Robins eyes hone in or the curve of Nancy’s lips, they look soft, full and pink, she wonders what she tastes like, what it would feel like to kiss her - Robin’s never been kissed before, which yeah, yeah at eighteen she knows is fucking embarrassing.
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“uh -- w-what are you doing?” stuttering and stumbling over her words, super aware of the warmth of Nancy’s hands on her jaw, looking down at the shorter girl, wishing, no, willing her to wake up, because this had to be a dream, no way Nancy was looking at her like this. Robin might not be great at reading social cues, but she’d seen enough movies to know that look, the one the girl has right before the love interest kisses her, and its driving her fucking insane, she has to be reading this wrong, head shaking she takes a step back, moving out of Nancy’s touch, just needing a second to anchor herself back to reality, fingers fidget with the ring on her right hand, “wait -- were you? -- did I -- you were looking like -- no forget it, I must be losing my fucking mind --” hands flailing, panic rising in a red flush that she feels creep up her chest and neck.
0 notes
r-is-typing · 2 years
today, tomorrow, and always | e.m
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(let's just pretend they're not in the upside down, okay? okay, cool)
summary: in which eddie realizes his true feelings.
requested?: yes! by j anon
request: ITS YA GIRL J ANON COMIN AT YOU WITH ANOTHER PROMPT. Reader asking Eddie out, and him perhaps liking someone else? I know angst isn’t a strong suit for some, so an ending with comfort may be ideal!
pairing: eddie munson x reader, slight steve harrington x reader
category: angst, fluff at the end
content warnings: sad reader, eddie is dumb for a bit, underage drinking
word count: 2.2k
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Eddie Munson. 
Everyone knew him, most found him weird, or just ignored him, but not her. Y/N and Eddie had been friends for as long as they could remember. Their childhood filled with hanging out in his uncles trailer, or in the front yard, playing in a small kiddie pool his uncle had found for dirt cheap. For the longest time, everyone would ask if they were dating, and the two would just laugh it off. 
When they were kids, everyone would tell Eddie’s uncle, as well as Y/N’s parents that the two would surely get married when the time came; they agreed. 
After all, at a very young age, the two came up with their own little saying.
Today, tomorrow, and always.
Y/N had always loved Eddie, but she couldn’t recall the moment she went from ‘I love the shirt he’s wearing’ to ‘I love the way his hand fits into mine’ or ‘I want to spend every waking moment with him for the rest of my life’. When she had finally come to this realization, she knew she was screwed. 
But, she realized one day that enough was enough.
Y/N was tired of staring at him fondly, having to watch for him to look at her before turning away, hoping he didn’t catch her longing gaze. She was over having to pretend like wearing his shirts were just a nice gesture and not one of the best feelings in the world. Most of all, she was tired of pretending to be someone she wasn’t just so they could keep the same friendship.
There was no way she could be ‘just friends’ with Eddie Munson. 
One Saturday night, she was sat on the bed of Eddie’s trailer, Robin and Nancy sat with her. “You alright?” Nancy spoke softly, looking at the girl, trying to study her facial expressions. “Mhm, just worried, ‘suppose.” Robin scoffed, making the girl look up from her lap. 
“Don’t be. Eddie loves you, I’m sure of it. And, by the off chance he doesn’t say yes, screw him! There’s tons of other boys in Hawkins who will gladly take one of the hottest girls.”
This made Y/N laugh. “Well, I’m glad the Robin Buckley thinks I’m so hot. I must be if you say so.” She jokes. The sound of the trailer screen door swinging open alerting her. Y/N knew it wouldn’t be Eddie’s uncle Wayne as he was out doing God knows what. 
She gulped. “In here, Eds.” Eddie walked into his room, seeing the three girls sitting on the bed. “Look at you. Must be my favorite shirt of yours, yeah? Looks better on you than it does me.” She blushed, looking down. Robin nudged her leg and she looked back up. “Well, Robin and I are going to go. We’re meeting Steve for lunch. Talk to you two later!”
Then there were two. 
Eddie lifted his shirt over his head, Y/N’s eyes staring at his back, biting her bottom lip. “Ow!” She mumbled, touching her bottom lip and pulling her finger away, seeing a small spot of blood. “You okay, sweetheart?” Y/N nods, then remembers his back was toward her. “Yeah, just bit my lip too hard.” 
After Eddie changed, he joined the girl on the bed, instantly noting how nervous she was.  
He did what he always did when she felt anxious or sad. Eddie sat on the bed, his back against the headboard, spreading his legs apart so the girl could sit in between then. Y/N laid her head against his chest, closing her eyes. “Eds, um, there’s something I need to talk to you about.” Y/N mumbled, tracing his bat tattoos which was something the girl did often as a nervous 
“Hit me.”
It’s now or never. On one hand, if she told him, maybe they’d be in a happy, loving relationship with each other. She’d never have to leave the comfort of his arms. Y/N could finally know what it felt like to kiss him, the only contact their lips ever making being when they were smoking one morning and he wanted to try transferring the smoke from his mouth to hers. 
On the other hand, if he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, she’d feel like an idiot for telling him. She’d feel like their friendship would never be the same, and that her feelings would drive him away. That these three words could ruin years of friendship. 
“I like you, Eddie.”
Eddie smiled, laughing softly. “I like you too, Sweetheart. You know that. Remember? Today, tomorrow, and always.” She shook her head, siting up and moving to face him. “No, Eds..” Y/N looked down at her hands, fiddling her thumbs together. 
“I mean, I like you, as in, I want to go on dates with you, and be your girlfriend and-”
Eddie looked at the girl in shock, shaking his head. “Sweetheart, you don’t mean that. I’m sure you don’t, babe. C’mon now. Think about what you’re saying.” Y/N stared at her hands. “I am, Eds! I do mean it. Why do you think Nance and Robin were here earlier? I was so nervous to tell you.. Anyways, that’s beside the point.” 
Her eyes finally met his. “Do you, maybe, want to go on a date sometime, Eds?” 
Eddie looked at his best friend with sad eyes. “Sweetheart… I, I don’t like you like that. I’m sorry, angel. Plus, well, after Jason broke up with Chrissy, I decided to go for it. We’re going out this Friday.”
Y/N felt a confused look graze over her features. “Hold on… Chrissy Cunningham? Like Cheerleader Chrissy Cunningham?” Eddie nods. “You two have nothing in common, Eddie, I-” She felt tears come to her eyes. Y/N sprung up from the bed, slipping her shoes on. 
‘I’ve got to go.”
The tears felt hot on her face as she stormed out of the trailer, ignoring Eddie calling after her. Y/N took off running, the sprinkling rain feeling cold against her skin. She wasn’t sure where she was going until she ended up at a large house. Y/N’s feet were quick to climb the stairs, rapidly knocking on the door.
The door swung open, and she’d never been so happy to see them.
“Y/N? What happened?”
Three months later
It had been three months since the confrontation between Y/N and Eddie. Y/N stopped coming around which resulted in a lot of questioning from Wayne and her parents to the two, who would just shrug it off. Y/N blamed it on Eddie’s Hellfire Club, Eddie blaming it on school. Neither parties questioned it further, seeing how upset each person was when the other’s names came into conversation. 
Y/N received an invitation in the mail to Dustin’s birthday party, and at first decided she wasn’t going to go knowing he’d be there. But, after deliberation, she realized she couldn’t do that to Dustin. 
She didn’t want to ruin her relationship with Dustin just as she did with Eddie. 
So, there she was on a Saturday night, in front of Dustin’s house with Steve, her boyfriend of two months. “Are you sure about this, babe? I mean, I’m sure Dustin will understand.” She looked up at him, shaking her head. “I can’t do that to him, Steve. It’s not fair. Just don’t know what’s going to happen when I see him, that’s all..”
Steve was very understanding of her situation. He knew that deep down she still had feelings for Eddie. He didn’t push her, trying to rush her into moving on. Steve just wanted her to be happy, and to make her happy, which Y/N was more than thankful for. 
Steve escorted the two inside and to the commotion in the living room. 
“Hey, you made it!” Dustin, the only one who knew of the couple, ran over to them, pulling the two into a hug. “Happy birthday, D.” Y/N handed him a small gift bag. Steve’s hand let go of her own, but within seconds placed itself on her waist, pulling her closer. 
Y/N smiled at the small show of affection. 
After a while, the party fell into its own groove, Steve and Y/N separating as she went into the kitchen to get a drink. “Henderson, huh? I didn’t think he was your type.” She scoffed, not turning to face the voice she hadn’t heard in what to her, felt like years. “And now you see what I meant when you said you were going out with Chrissy.” 
Y/N chugged her drink quickly, the alcohol burning her throat. Thank god for Nancy Wheeler. 
After finishing her drink, she finally faced him. “Why do you care who I’m with, Eddie? You don’t like me, so why do you care who I’m dating, huh? Why does my relationship matter to you?” Tears filled her eyes as her throat began to burn. Steve entered the kitchen, not yet noticing the tension. 
“Baby, you get lost in here? Oh-”
He looked between the two, noticing the tears in his girlfriends eyes and Eddie staring at her. “C’mon, let’s get you out of here.” Steve draped his jacket over her shoulders, leading her to where Nancy, Robin, and Max were. Once he made sure she was in safe hands, he entered the kitchen.
“What did you say to her?”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “What’s it to you, Harrington?” He let out a sarcastic laugh. “You think because she’s your girlfriend now that you’ve got to know everything being said to her?” Steve walked to him.
“Munson, stop.”
Eddie froze, motioning for him to continue. “You don’t think I see it? You’re just as clueless as you were three months ago, six months ago, hell, even two years ago! I know you love her. Why else do you think you’re so angry at me right now, huh?”
Eddie racked his brain, his silence being a sign to Steve. 
“I know Y/N will never love me the way she loves you, Eddie. So, I’m giving you a chance. I made her the same promise two months ago. The second you decided to get your head out of your ass, wake up, and realize you’ve loved her this whole time, I’d let her go.”
Steve went to walk out of the room, but turned to Eddie for a final time. 
“She’s always been yours, Munson. Ten years ago, six years ago, four years ago, and even now. Don’t let her go. You’d be an idiot to do so.”
Eddie stood still in the kitchen for what felt like an eternity, the voice of Dustin shouting “Bye, Y/N! Thank you for coming!” snapping him out of his thoughts. He put down his beer bottle, racing through the house and out of the front door. 
“Y/N, wait!”
She froze. Y/N didn’t want to turn around, so, that gave Eddie a chance to run up to her. “I love you, okay?” She shook her head. “No, you don’t, Eddie. Stop, will you?” Eddie shook his head. “I won’t stop, sweetheart. Why? Because I do love you. I think I always have, I’ve just been too much of an idiot to see what’s been right in front of me.”
She finally turned toward him, her chest hitting his as their bodies bumped into each other. 
Eddie moved a piece of her hair behind her ear, making the girl’s body go frigid. “I loved you when we were eight and you pushed me off of the sofa for stealing the television remote. I loved you when we were twelve and went through a phase where you cut your own hair.” Y/N laughed softly, thinking fondly of the memories the two shared.
“I loved you when we were sixteen and you gave Jason a black eye for calling me a freak. I loved you when we were eighteen and you’d steal half of my closet, saying they looked better on you then it did me, and you were right. You always were.” He gulped. 
Y/N looked into his eyes, wiping the tears that were streaming down her face. 
“And I love you today, even when we didn’t talk for three months, and you still look at me the same way you have for years. I’ve always loved you, sweetheart. Even when I didn’t realize it. I’m a down right idiot. I had the girl of my dreams. Right here, in arms reach, and I just let her slip through my fingers.”
Eddie took her face in his hands, the rings on his fingers feeling cool against her skin as he wiped her tears. “I don’t want to ever let you go again, sweetheart. I want everything with you. I want dates, I want you to come to Hellfire with me, sitting on my lap and cheering me on. I want the late nights. I want the sleepovers where it’s just you and me in the trailer, you looking so damn pretty in my clothes.”
“I want it all.” 
Y/N smiled widely, kissing the pad of his thumb. “Can I kiss you, sweetheart? Please.” She was quick to nod. Eddie captured her lips between his, arms moving around her waist as hers moved around his neck. After a minute, the two pulled away. “I love you, Eddie. Today, tomorrow, and always.” Eddie broke out into a smile.
“Today, tomorrow, and always, pretty girl.”
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crashhhhhintome · 3 years
Honestly, Steve isn't this insecure little thing when it comes to Billy. It's actually the other way around.
Steve finally understood himself for the first time and his desire for Billy was burning oh so hot. All he wanted was to kiss the other boy's lips - that looked so soft - and to lose his hands in blond curls.
So Steve confidence returned and Robin's "you suck" board was completely forgotten by him. And she saw King Steve's past for the first time in the last '84 summer party.
They arrived not so early, which meant that a large number of teenagers were already drunk. Billy was standing at a table, drinking shots, and Steve couldn't not stare. He just grabbed any beer he saw and drank it while watching the show. Robin just rolled her eyes at how much Dingus was on all fours for him.
And Billy? He knew he was being watched by the King. So his show was slightly more intense.
Robin was just laughing so much and she wasn't even drunk. She knew it was going to be a long, long night.
But it wasn't that long because soon she couldn't find Steve anymore, or Billy, and found herself talking to Nancy and trying to get Heather's attention.
Steve was not insecure anymore so he just finished his second beer, Billy already back on the floor dancing to some loud rock music, took a deep breath and went straight to the golden curls god ahead.
"What you want, pretty boy?" Billy asked, lips shiny from the booze and his bare chest protected only by his jeans jacket while dancing in the most provocative way.
"You." Steve simply said. Billy's eyes widened in a way Steve never saw and he smiled, all mischief and desire. "Oh come on, tiger."
Steve's hand went to his waist and disappeared inside his jacket. He felt Billy's skin and it was soft and a little sweaty. One second later, he feels goosebumps too. He just hoped Billy connected all the dots fast because they couldn't just be holding each other in front of everyone.
"Meet me upstairs in five minutes. I won't wait any longer." Billy finally answered with the same wicked smile, already turning to the stairs.
Steve truly enjoyed this five minutes downstairs. He drank another beer and just felt something he hasn't felt in a while: power. Power to tell who he wants, where he wants and when he wants. The fact that he's telling Billy Hargrove all that just made it all better.
He climbed two steps at time and was pulled hard into the bathroom when got to the second floor. Billy dind't lose any time, he was already kissing his neck, pulling his hair and biting his ear.
But even though Steve was confident again, he didn't kissed or... whatever, like that. He was soft, and caring, and he didn't want his first kiss with Billy to be so messy and affectionless.
So he gently pulled Billy's hair, softly bit his lower lip and smoothly opened his mouth with his tongue until the other boy was nothing but desperate whimpers.
"What are you doing?" Billy asked, too eager to drop to his knees already.
"I'm taking my time, tiger." Steve answered while kissing his neck. "So I suggest you to buckle up because you'll feel so amazing when we're done you'll be ruined for anything and anyone else."
Billy's moan was uncontrollable and Steve laughed a little.
He kissed his neck and his mouth.
He sucked bruises in his bare chest and kissed his mouth.
He pulled moans from him and all the beautiful noises Billy could make and kissed his mouth.
"You're making me so hard, big boy. Need you to take care of that," he whispered in his ears.
Billy growled.
His knees found the floor with a loud thump, fingers working fast Steve's zipper. When the pants were around his thighs, Billy looked up and Steve caressed his cheek. "Do you want my mouth?"
"Yeah Hargrove- fuck."
"I won't be the only one ruined, Harrington."
And Billy was right. His mouth and lips wrapped Steve in such warmness that he almost just lost control in the first second. Billy made sure Steve's hands never left his hair and his moans around the standing boy made Steve forgot about the softness for a while and just fuck Billy's throat like he was made for this.
It didn't last long. Billy was soon gagging and drool and cum were falling from his lax lips. Steve moans were loud and just made Billy hornier.
Steve pulled him and he didn't care if he could taste himself, he needed to kiss Billy until the other boy came undoned.
But when Steve looked for the hard outline in the other's jeans he realized that he had already and literally came.
"Baby, did you cum... untouched?"
"Yeah, Harrington, don't-"
Steve cut him kissing his lips again, his hands grabbing Billy's ass in a almost painful grip. He was desperate, in the most delicious way. "Spend the night with me so I can return the favor. Let's go, I wanna..."
"Ahg, fuck me," Billy moaned.
"Five minutes. Straight to my place. I have everything," Steve said, answering some of Billy's question, while leaving quickly the bathroom and the other boy with a big stain in his jeans.
It was kinda hard to find out what he'd need to get Billy into his bed. Condoms seemed obvious and he always had one or two in his wallet and a few more well-hidden inside the bedside table drawer;
But lube was something else. He watched some really hard to find and kinda weird gay porn and was sure he would not be able to just go in without some slick substance. Steve went to the drug store three times to buy it, never daring to get what he really needed. First he came back with a new cologne, the second time he bought hairspray (even though he already had a lot at home) and the third time he bought bobby pins "for his best friend", or at least that's what he told the employee.
The fourth time, finally, he asked Robin to buy it for him and never ask what it meant.
"Robin, Robin!" Steve shouted from across the crowded living room to the girl that was talking staring at Heather.
"What up, dingus? Where were you?" She smiled while taking a sip from her red cup when he finally reached them.
"Busy. Actually..." He said turning to Heather, "can you drive Robin home later? I need to go."
Robin ears got so red and she didn't know if she wanted to kill or thank Steve.
"Oh, sure Steve. It will be my pleasure." Heather said the last word staring at Robin's body. At least it wasn't just Steve who was going to have a good time tonight, apparently.
Steve pratically flew towards his car, waiting for Billy to come out of the house and go to the Camaro. He just had to laugh when he notice Billy's jeans jacket tied up around his waist, hiding the stain in his crotch.
The drive to Loch Nora wasn't easy because the two boys wanted to stop the cars and fuck just right there around the corner but eventually they made to Steve's house and bedroom, groping each other while going up the stairs.
They fall in the bed and Billy was already half naked and getting kisses everywhere: his jaw, his pecs, his abc, his nipples and shoulders.
"Yeah?" Steve was sitting on his waist.
"You've done this before?"
The confidence was still there.
"Great. This will be so fun."
And it truly was. Billy was so open for Steve, trying everything he wanted to, asking him to pull his hair at the same time he wanted to be held close, both ensuring his desire and Steve's.
Steve returned the favor as he told him before, feeling Billy's cock throb and spurt in his mouth after a long, slow, torturing blowjob. Billy was a yelping mess, always hissing and moaning and asking "oh, baby boy, please." They both pant while Steve climbs up his body and lays down beside him.
A few minutes later, Billy asks: "You're done, princess?"
"I'm not even started, bad boy."
Steve flips Billy and pulls his hips up, his face going straight in the pillow.
When he gets his mouth in Billy, he hears his name. Steve. It's a moan, a plead, and he works Billy open gently, checking him all the time, soothing and slaping at the same time each of his cheeks.
"So so pretty."
"Just fuck me already, Harrington, Jesus."
"No need to get religious, babe" Steve says, lowering his body and fitting behind Billy's hole, "Imma 'bout to make you see heaven, if you just wait."
He's not sure what to do but couldn't be that different, right?
Oh, wrong.
It was so much better. It was fucking perfect.
After coating his dick in lube and using a bit more on Billy's hole, Steve's entrance was just glorious and made both of them growl.
"You better-"
Steve didn't let Billy finish and started a punishing pace, hissing. "Are you-oh God- are you okay? Need-" Steve makes a long pause and Billy thought he had finished talking, but then he restarted, "need me to go slower?"
"I need you to rile me up and keep that promise about me getting ruined, Harrington. Been-FUCK!" Steve step out and came back slamming againt Billy's prostate and the blond boy shouted. "Don't you dare stop it. Do it again."
And so Steve followed his orders. One knee in bed, the other bent, his hands gripping Billy's waist and definetly leaving bruises while he fucked Billy Hargrove so good it made them both want to die and stay trapped forever like this.
"Harrington, p-please... touch me."
One of Steve's hands went to his dick, so wet from pre, and started a rythm really similar to his hips. "Billy, I- close."
Billy just hummed and nodded, waiting as long as he could to cum with Steve, at the same time, but the double stimulation was too much. He couldn't hold his orgasm that came like never before, strong but caring, just like Steve Harrington. At the feeling of Billy's hole clentching aroung him Steve also came, caring but strong, just like Billy Hargrove.
They both colapsed in the mattress. Steve lay on top of Billy, feeling the curve of his ass against his now escaping cock, along with spit, lube and cum.
"I was sure this was going to be fucking fantastic. Pretty good for my first time, huh?" Steve said kissing Billy's nape.
Billy turned around, holding Steve in place so he could be on top of him and see his eyes at the same time. "Oh, pretty boy, not sure. This is only my second time."
Steve didn't believe it. "You?"
"Yeah, well. I'm not that much of the slut everyone thinks."
Billy didn't wanted to sound sad but he did a little and Steve hold him tighter.
"It's fine. We'll figure out togeter. But, still, what you think?"
"Think I'm pretty fucking ruined, Steve Harrington."
They both kissed. "Yeah, me too," Steve said, his eyes closed and the feeling that nothing was ever as right as being curled up in his bed with Billy Hargrove in the late summer of 1984.
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harringtonisadingus · 4 years
Say It Again ~ Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Warnings: Smut, feelings
Word count: 2k
A/N: Just gonna thank @jxnehxpper​ for helping me out with this!  I hope you like the end result!
Description: Steve tries to tell Y/N how he’s really feeling but there seems to be a huge misunderstanding
Steve stared at you across the parking lot, the red and blue police lights shining off your face. You were the most beautiful person to him no matter where he went, even if your face was streaked with dirt and tears. Everything felt like it was gone in through slow motion, everything zoomed in on you. Sure, his eye was almost swollen shut and he probably had a concussion but it felt like something more. When he sat on the bathroom floor talking about love with Robin, all he could think of was you. Your laugh, the stupid jokes you always had at the ready, how you looked after you just woke up, it all seemed incredibly clear to him. He was in love with his best friend’s sister. Dustin was going to murder him when he found out.
“Steve? Are you okay?”
He didn’t even realize that he had gotten up and walked over to stand in front of you. You had a look on your face that he had never seen before, it looked like someone had kicked you in the stomach.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Are you though? You look upset.” He reached out trying to grab your hand but you wrapped your arms around yourself.
“I’m fine, Steve. Just go check up on Robin or something,” you whispered, letting your gaze fall to the ground.
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Steve, I don’t need you to baby me. I heard you in the bathroom talking to Robin. I heard you telling her that you love her so just go and check on Robin!”
You shoved yourself off the ambulance, practically running to your car. Steve stood there in complete shock. Then it clicked and he spun on his heels sprinting after you. You were already in the car before he slammed into the car door, banging on the door window.
“Get out of the car, Y/N! You don’t understand, just let me explain!” Steve pleaded, “You didn’t hear me right, please don’t leave!”
He can see a couple tears fall down your face as you drive away, feeling as if someone punched him again. Then he felt anger start in the pit of his stomach. Thankfully, Joyce had found his keys when she was downstairs and had given them back to him. He backed away slowly from all the EMTs and nurses who would for sure stop him from driving. He let out a slow breath and shifted the car into gear.
You slammed the door to your apartment, wiping away a couple of stray tears. It had torn your heart listening to Steve tell Robin he was starting to fall in love with her. You had watched Steve be with Dustin and be the father figure he needed. He had changed from the party king of Hawkins High to the best damn babysitter she’d ever seen. You had felt your heart swell every time you saw him walk through your doorway. It’s fine, you would get over it eventually, tears were normal for this kind of hurt. So you let a sob choke out and that’s when the door flew open. Steve stood in front of you, in his whole injured glory, breathing heavily.
“Steve, what are you d-“
“I don’t know what you think you heard but you are wrong,” Steve whispered, “I was not telling Robin that I loved her.”
You scoffed, talking a step back.
“No, shut up. You don’t get to talk right now, so cut the sass. We were talking about love and she asked me if I was ever in love before. Obviously, I was in love with Nancy but then. Then there was you,” A shaky smile flitted across his face, “you are everything  I don’t deserve. I love everything about you. Even the things you think are bad! Even when you are crying and your hair is messy and there’s blood on your shirt, I love all of it. I can’t even imagine you not being in my life. So it doesn’t matter if you don’t love me back, we can just be friends, just don’t shut me out. Don’t leave me alone, Y/N.”
His words echoed in your head. He loved you? Steve “The Hair” Harrington loved you? Impossible. Not realistic. This definitely had to be a dream.  You were overtired, kidnapped by Russians, this was just a hallucination. You gave your arm a hard pinch. He was still there, still in front of you. Still loving you.
“Say it again,” you whispered.
His brow furrowed for a second before he realized what you meant and started walking towards you slowly.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“Again, please?”
“I love you so much,” he was standing in front of you, his hands hovering over your cheeks.
“One more time?”
His hands rested against your cheeks. You never even noticed how soft his hands were until they were resting against your own skin. His forehead rested against yours, his brown eyes looking into yours.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, “so much.”
You let out a breathy laugh, reaching your own hands up to cup his face. It didn’t matter that your face was bruised or that he had dried blood on his face, this moment was perfect. You both leaned in and your lips meeting in the gentlest of kisses. Steve pulled away, giving you just enough room to give him an eskimo kiss. His pupils were mirrors of your own, blown wide and full of love.  
“Now are you going to tell me you love me too?”
You laughed, pulling him into a kiss. And another, and another.
“I love you so much, Steven. I love you so much, you don’t even know how much I love you,” you whispered against his lips.
“Oh thank God, and here I thought you were just kissing me because I am an amazing kisser.”
“Shut up and kiss me, Harrington.“
His lips slammed into yours with so much force you felt it all the way down to your toes. That was when you felt him dart his tongue out to brush against your lower lip. The moan left your mouth before you even realized you were going to. You could feel his smirk against your lips as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. Your hands instantly moved up to weave into his hair, giving it a small tug. The sound that came out of his mouth made you pull away in shock, your mouth making an ‘O’. Steve stared back at you with a hunger in his eyes that made you want to devour him. He pulled you back to him, letting your mouths move together. You started to move backwards, pulling him by the tassels on his uniform, never letting your mouth leave his. When your back hit the wall, he pushed his body against yours letting you feel everything.
“Okay, okay, let’s just wait for a second,” he panted, his lips grazing your neck for a moment, “do you want this, Y/N? We don’t have to this right now.”
“I have waited for this moment ever since I saw you wield that damn bat, Steve, you better take me into that bedroom and fuck the living daylights out of me.” You grabbed the back of his hair, giving it a sharp tug.
He shoved you back against the wall letting his lips clamp around your neck, sucking and nipping against your skin. He could hear the sounds falling off your lips and those sounds alone made him stiffen. One of your hands was woven into his hair, the other hand digging into his back. His lips travelled up your neck back up to your lips. He reached down to grab the back of your thighs and lifting you up, still pushing you against the wall. You felt him grind against you and you felt a shiver run through your body.
“Steve, please take me to the bedroom, please, baby,” you pleaded, “I need you, Steve, please.”
He let out a groan, letting his head fall back. His fingernails dug into your thighs making you whimper.
“Baby girl, you have no idea how many times I imagined you saying that to me,” he growled, carrying you over to the bedroom, kicking the door in.
He fell onto the bed with you under him and his hands flew immediately to your shirt buttons, undoing them as fast as he could. As soon as your shirt was off, he started kissing down your neck to land on your collarbone. He looked up at you, meeting your eyes and asking for permission. When you give him a tiny nod, he reached around to unhook your bra and tossing it across the room. In an instant, his lips wrapped around your nipple, sucking gently and massaging your other breast, rolling your nipple in his fingers. You arched against his touch, letting out a low moan. You grabbed his hair, yanking his head up and pulling him towards your face. You grabbed his shirt and pulled it up over his head. You reached down towards his shorts but his hand shot out, grabbing your wrist.
“No, you need to be patient, baby,” Steve whispered, laying you back down on the bed, “I want you to be patient.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist, flipping him onto his back. You looked down, both of your breathing heavy and hot. His eyes were huge, and even though his face was bruised and battered, you had never seen someone as beautiful as he was in this moment. You leaned down, letting your lips brush against his ear.
“I’m not good at waiting, love. And I’m done waiting for this.”
Your hands moved down unbuttoning his shorts and pulling them off his legs, then doing the same to you. He reached down letting his fingers hook into your underwear, pulling them down. You felt his fingers hover between your legs and you let out a small whine.
“Please, Stevie, I need something. I can’t take the teasing, baby, please.”
He let his fingers trail across your slit, relishing in the small hiss of pleasure you got from just that. He let his fingers push into you, feeling you tighten around his fingers. You threw your head back, letting your hands run up your chest and making sounds Steve would never ever forget. He pulled his hand away to pull down his underwear.
“In the dresser.”
Steve rolled over to grab a condom from your bedside table, ripping the foil with his teeth and rolling it on. He looked up at you, grabbing both of your hands.
“Are you absolutely positive you want this, Y/N?” He pulled your hands to his face, brushing his lips against your knuckles.
“Yes, I am absolutely 100% positive that I want this. I love you, Steve.”
With one swift movement, you were on your back and he pushed into you slowly. Your mouth fell open in a silent scream, digging your nails into his back leaving crescent moons in his skin. Steve grabbed your hands, interlocking his fingers with your and holding them above your head. His pace was excruciatingly slow but the amount of love you saw in his eyes made you feel so warm and safe. He slipped one of his hands out of yours and reached down to brush his fingers against your clit. His name fell from your lips like a chant, a prayer. Your legs wrapped around his hips and squeezed, feeling yourself fall over the edge. Steve’s mouth fell open only letting himself go after he knew you had come. He fell against you, kissing your jaw, lips, neck, cheeks, every piece of skin he could get at before kissing your lips once more.
“I love you, Y/N, so, so much,” he whispered against your lips, pulling out, continuing to lay on top of you.
“I love you too, Stevie, but I’m going to be really honest with you, we both need a shower like right now.”
“So shower sex?”
“You never know, you’ll just have to go to the shower and see what happens,” you smirk up at him, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“Did I mention I love you?”
“Only once or twice.”
“Well I am never going to let you forget that I love you, baby. I’m going to tell you so many times you will get sick of me,” he let his thumb rub against your cheek.
“Game on, Harrington.”
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Forced To Confront Feelings: Steve and Billy are enemies with benefits, and in true angst fashion Steve’s touch-starved need to connect to someone ends up on Billy but he doesn’t dare say a word of it. Once he does, he knows Billy will leave and not come back. It comes to a head when Steve is majorly ill one day but is still forced to take the kids to the pool, as Billy picked up an earlier shift. (1/2)
(2/2) He’s in a bad mood and Steve doesn’t wanna make it worse so he does what he’s asked (told), but the heat of the day and his exhausted body meet head to head, and he passes out and falls in the pool. Billy’s gonna have to face up to what he’s been desperately trying to squash when he rescues Steve and sees he’s hit his head and isn’t breathing.
There’s some smut mentions, but nothing outright
Read on Ao3
Billy rolled off of Steve, left him panting and tired, laying in his own cum and sweat.
Billy patted him once on the thigh, getting up to get dressed, to leave.
That’s how it always went. Billy fucked him good and hard, and then left before Steve could even say goodbye.
At it was fine.
It was.
They weren’t together, weren’t even friends, really.
Steve was just being a baby, just being needy and clingy, everything Nancy always said was so bothersome, Steve.
He watched Billy get dressed, biting his tongue every time he wanted to ask Billy to stay, to spend the night and hold him.
But Billy was already stomping down the stairs.
So Steve rolled over and tried to imagine strong arms around his waist.
He could feel the illness coming for days before it actually hit.
His throat was sore every morning, and his cough was dry, made him hack for days.
He was curled up in bed, had a heating pad on his aching stomach, the trash can close to his bed just in case.
He absolutely fucking longed to have someone there, to have Billy there, bringing him hot soup and pressing a cool wash cloth to his head.
He was running a mild fever when the kids showed up, begged him to bring them to the pool.
He rolled his carcass out of bed, shoving himself into the first swim trunks he could find, the only shirt he saw.
Dustin raised one eyebrow at him when he tromped downstairs, but he didn’t care, just drove the little shits to the pool.
It was fucking hot today, and Steve felt fucking delirious sitting in the heat.
He was in the bathroom, his head pressed against one of the lockers, the cool metal.
“You’re on my locker, dipshit.” He stood up slowly, blinking at Billy.
“Sorry, Bill.” Billy furrowed his brows.
“You look like shit.” Steve smiled wearily at him.
“You gonna take care a’ me?”
“Fuck no, Harrington. Fuckin’, get outta here.” He shoved Steve aside, made him stumble a little.
Steve pouted, still leaned against the lockers.
Billy just shook his head, started changing into his lifeguard uniform. Steve jsut watched him.
Billy looked up at him slowly.
“Harrington, get out. Fuckin’ perv.” Billy shoved him again, made him slam into the lockers. His head spun.
He stumbled out of the locker room, the sun beaming into his eyes, making him dizzy.
He closed his eye, squatting down where he stood, pressing the heels of each hand into his eye sockets.
He took some deep breaths, trying to get the world to stop spinning. When he thought it was safe, he stood back up.
His vision went dark.
Billy was just stepping out of the locker room, unlit cigarette in his mouth when he saw Harrington stand up.
It was almost comical, the way his body just went down, like someone had cut the strings off a marionette.
But then Steve wasn’t surfacing, had sunk right to the bottom.
Billy scrambled to blow his whistle, throwing caution to the wind and sprinting forward, diving into the water.
He grabbed Steve around the middle, swimming up with him.
Billy’s blood was rushing in his ears.
Freddy was there, helped Billy pull Steve out of the pool.
Steve was just laying there.
And then Billy noticed the blood.
A gash on the side of Steve’s head was bleeding, the blood mixing with water, made it look like there was so much.
He tugged off his wet shirt, pressing it to the wound, staunching the blood as best as he could.
And then Billy checked over him.
And Steve wasn’t breathing.
Billy yelled for someone to call an ambulance, vague heard Heather yell back through the blood rushing in his ears.
He tilted Steve’s head back.
Okay, okay. You can do this. Chest compressions. Just like in training.
He tried to be methodical, tried not to think about how it was Steve under his hands.
He breathed into his mouth.
Steve’s lips were chapped, already fucking cold.
He started compressions again.
A crowd had gathered now, Steve’s kids all front row, all of them had a hand on the curly one, he was crying, his hands shaking.
Billy kept pushing on his chest, counting each compression.
One of Steve’s ribs gave way with a crack. The crowd around them gasped.
Billy gave him another few breaths.
He couldn’t think about their last interaction, how he had pushed Steve away. Couldn’t think about the last time he was at Steve’s house, the way Steve had looked at him, so soft and pretty and asked you wanna stay? We can go again. And Billy had laughed at him, called him a pussy.
He gave him more breaths.
And Steve coughed, spluttering.
Billy rolled him onto his side.
He was coughing, water coming out of his mouth.
Billy patted him on the back as everyone fucking clapped. Billy ground his jaw.
Steve was taking shaky breaths now.
The paramedics had arrived, pushing through the pool gates.
They got Steve onto a gurney.
“I, uh, I think I broke a rib during compressions.” Billy was following behind them, Steve’s kids following him like little ducklings.
“That’s okay. Better a broken rib and a breathing person.”
“He just passed out. I think he’s sick.” The loaded Steve up in the ambulance.
His eyes were wide, he looked panicked, staring at Billy, chewing on his bottom lip.
“Can I come with him?” One of the paramedics just nodded, Billy leapt into the ambulance, held Steve’s hand on the way to the hospital.
“You don’t have to stay.” They were in the E.R., waiting for a doctor to come back with the scans of Steve’s chest. They had already stitched up his head.
“Got nothin’ else to do.”
“You just, you don’t gotta take care a’ me.”
Billy dropped his head into his hands.
“Shoudn’ta said all that.”
“It’s fine, Billy. We’re not friends. You don’t owe me shit.”
“Honestly, I think I owe you an apology.” Steve shrugged. “Been treatin’ you like shit for a while now.”
“Look, I had no illusions about what we are to each other.” Billy sat back in his chair, glaring at Steve.
“That’s a lie.”
“No, it’s not. I knew we were nothing more than two people who fuck sometimes.”
“Maybe, but you wanted more.” And Steve’s cheeks went bright fucking red. “I could fucking see it. Just, the way you fuckin’ look at me, man. It was terrifying.” Steve ground his jaw.
“You’re in love with me. Don’t know when, or why, frankly, but you are. And those fuckin’ big eyes a’ yours pretty much show every emotion you feel. So we’re fucking, and I pull outta you, and you give me this look, like you’ve never been happier, like you’re so in love, and Stevie I can’t take that shit.”
Steve’s mouth was hanging open.
“I guess I’ll stop then?” He spoke slowly.
“No, I- shit, I’m not sayin’ any of this right.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “I was so scared because I’m not allowed to love you back.”
“But you do?” Steve was still talking all slow. Billy looked at his shoes, crossing his arms over his chest. “Oh my God, you big baby. You’re allowed to have feelings and emotions.”
“Not in my house.” Steve just stared at him. Billy sighed. “My dad would, would fuckin’ kill me if he found out. And I’m not just being dramatic. He doesn’t take nice to queers.”
“Who says he has to know?” Billy huffed a laugh.
“He always knows. Has ways of findin’ out all sorts a’ shit.”
“We’ve made it this far without him knowing.”
“Yeah, ‘cause he thought I was out fuckin’ every girl in town. He’d rather have a slut for a son than a homo.”
“Tell him you’ve got a girlfriend, then.”
“He’ll wanna meet her.”
“Then get some girl to cover for you. Get Heather or Robin or someone.” Billy chewed on his bottom lip.
“You think one of them would do it?”
“Oh yeah. I mean, Robin hates you on principle, which, sorry about that, but she’d probably do it if you change your ways or something.”
“Yeah? What’s that entail.”
“Don’t give me shit to complain about. She’s my go to when I would be all mopey about you, so if I start bein’ all excited about you, she’d notice.”
“What if she just hates me?”
“Nah. You two would get along great. Her favorite pass time is making fun of me.”
“Okay, but that’s the main pass time of everyone that’s ever met you.
“Hey. Aren’t you supposed to be nice to me now? Now that we’re all in love.” He grinned as Billy flushed.
“Never gonna be nice to you if you rub that shit in my face.”
“Oh please. You broke my fucking rib trying to save my life. Don’t act like you don’t love me.”
“You never thanked me for that shit.”
“Figured I would thank you when I got out of the hospital.” He smiled all coy, biting his bottom lip just a little.
“What you got in mind?”
“Remember like, three weeks ago, when you asked for that thing, and I said over my dead body? Well since I was almost a dead body, figured you could have this one.” Billy’s eyes went wide.
“You’re really gonna let me? Fuck you in you dad’s office?” Billy had stumbled into the room accidentally, kept saying please, Harrington? Just lemme take you on this fuckin’ desk.
“Oh, yeah.”
“That what I get for bein’ your boyfriend, or whatever?” Steve looked down at the thin blanket covering his legs.
“Depends. Are you my boyfriend?
“You want me to be?” Steve nodded, still looking at his lap. “Then, sure. I am.”
And when Steve smiled at him, it was bright as the fucking sun.
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allfandomxreader · 5 years
After Dust Settles
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: As a teenager, you never could’ve imagined the life you and Steve would share together. 
Warnings: Language, minor blood and anxiety mention, but I think that’s it
Words: 2.1k
A/N: So this could either be a one shot or if you guys like it I could make it into a mini series, let me know if you'd like me to continue it!! Not my gif!
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Cold tile was pressed against your cheek. Steve murmured somewhere next to you in and out of conscious from his drugged state. You desperately wanted to reach for him, to hold his hand, to escape. God, you really wanted to escape.
When the Russians returned, they yanked your fallen bodies from the floor, asking once again “Who do you work for?” for the thousandth time. You couldn’t answer, your eyes fixated on the blood smears where Steve laid just moments ago. You’ve survived the Demogorgon and even his army of dogs, but you were going to die in a secret fortress beneath your part time job. It was almost comical.
The doctor, which by now you’ve decided wasn’t an actual doctor, reached for tools on a metal try. The scraping of metal sent chills down your spine, his footsteps that grew louder as he reached for Steve’s hand didn’t help either. The boy pressed against your back squirmed to get away from his grip, it was only then did you scream about the code.
The Mind Flayer roars, his hands swarmed around the open area trying to capture anything that dared to move. Your eyes were trained to the floor, trying your hardest not to stare at the creature that stood only a few yards away. You can’t hear anything, not Steve who tried to snap you out of your daze, not Robin who demanded answers to questions you couldn’t quite answer, even the fireworks sounded like they were miles away.
You needed to breathe. Air. You needed air.
It’s been years since the supernatural had left Hawkins, the small town is now deemed safe. There aren’t any more Russians, no sign of monsters, all the fighting ceased after Starcourt. Dust that the lab and the Upside Down kicked up has since settled.
It had been ages since you’ve woken up gasping, hands trembling, and coated with sweat. Nightmares haven’t been so common lately, you almost forgot they existed. Almost.
On any given morning, you’d reach for Steve. Usually, he’d still be sleeping, his lips always parted, his hair messy and fanning the pillow beneath him. Today however, the spot beside you is abandoned by Steve and stolen by four paws and a wagging tail. You smile at Grover, gently running your hand along his spine as his tail thumps softly against the mattress, eyes pleading to stay in bed just a second longer.
Steve would flip if he saw the sight, complaining for days about shedding and muddy paws. The beagle knows he’s not allowed in bed. Steve drilled that memo in his head the second he sprinted through the door, sniffing all his new surroundings. It only took him a few nights to understand the concept. But you let it slide, just this once.
It took only a moment to regain your bearings and be brought back to reality. The room around you is dark despite sunlight trying to invade the room behind closed curtains. Pictures hang neatly on the walls, a pile of Steve’s clothes in the corner, two stray cups litter the bedside table. You are home. You are safe.
Sighing, you pull yourself out of bed and into the kitchen, Grover’s muffled footsteps trailing behind you. The house is oddly silent, Steve clearly isn’t home, the note on the fridge only confirms it. “Store run, be home soon -S”
There couldn’t possibly be anything either of you needed for the day, grocery shopping has always been a Sunday errand. You haven’t even made the list yet, there’s no telling what that clueless man will bring back.
It’s Saturday, the day reserved for sleeping in and movie marathons with your husband. Saturday isn’t a day for waking up alone, weekdays are. Well, not for you, your job demands early mornings whereas Steve’s alarm goes off an hour after you leave. For years, Steve’s always been there the moment your eyes open. Of course, on the day you needed it most, he’s gone. You’ve always had shit luck though.
Grover eats happily while you brew a pot of coffee and scrub away the grime from last night’s dinner off dishes as it brews, quietly humming to yourself. You can’t help but bask in the comfort of your home.
There’s only two bedrooms, a quaint kitchen, a decently sized living room, and a small dining area. It’s nothing like the grand house Steve lived in before, there’s no way you could afford a three story abode and both of you refused to take money from his parents. But it’s away from Hawkins, just a few states away from bad memories.
The life you know now is nothing you could’ve dreamed of as a teenager. Married to your best friend, each of you pursuing dream jobs, being a home and dog owner, with a white picket fence to top it off. It’s all you could’ve asked for back then, and at the time it seemed so untangable, so unrealistic. It was hard picturing such a happy and bright future when you were surrounded with death and gore.
For the most part, both of you have healed. Your wounds are now faint scars, nightmares are a rare occurrence instead of every night. You don’t jump when the phone rings or panic when there’s a knock at the door. You don’t have to worry about saving the world anymore, only bills and what to cook for dinner, or whose turn it is to lock the door. For some, such a simple life would be excruciatingly boring, but for you and Steve it’s paradise.
“Hey sleepy head,” Steve calls from the front door, keys and plastic bags dangling from his hands. “You weren’t supposed to be up yet, I wanted to surprise you with breakfast.” He explains, kicking the door shut with his foot.
“I was wondering why you went to the store so early.” You smile, shutting the tap off and drying your hands. He sets the bags down on the counter, leaning in to peck your cheek.
“I didn’t want to wake you, you looked so peaceful even if you were snoring louder than Grover.” You bat his shoulder as he scratches the beloved dog behind his ears. “How’d you sleep?” You shrug, looking away only for a moment but Steve knows your mannerisms too well. His face softens as he pulls you into his arms. “Nightmare?”
“Yeah.” His hand combs through your hair as he holds you close, just his touch and the scent of his cologne put your mind at ease.
“I’m sorry, if I had known, I wouldn’t have left.”
“It’s okay, I’m a big girl. I can fight monsters all by myself.” You giggle pulling away and emptying the contents of the groceries.
“When have I ever let you fight on your own?” Steve helps place the food items on the counter, pancake mix, chocolate chips, and syrup are now placed neatly on the laminate. “I rented a few movies for tonight, I got The Princess Bride, The Labyrinth, and Alien 2.”
“We’ve already seen those.” You laugh, grabbing a mixing bowl from the cabinet above.
“And we loved them so we’re watching them again --hey stop that, it’s my turn to cook.” He says gently tugging the bowl out of your hands. You raise your hands in surrender as he begins to follow the instructions printed on the box.
Steve and you have always gone back and forth with household chores. You made it abundantly clear that you’d never be the kind of wife to do all the cooking and cleaning the second you said “I do”. It wasn’t a shock that Steve was okay with this, he was already used to caring for himself since his mother was barely around to do it for him. Hence the chores list hanging on the fridge, each of you having an even number beneath your names.
While Steve cooks, you set plates and silverware on the dining room table before flicking through the mail. You don’t open the ones labeled for Steve or even the bills, that can always be a problem for Monday.
One stands out amongst the rest. To Mr. and Mrs. Harringtonyou smile at the scribbled handwriting, you don’t know if you’ll get used to being Mrs. Harrington. “I think the kids wrote us.” You pad back into the kitchen, waving the crisp envelope in the air. You tear into the paper as Steve cranes his neck, hand still mixing pancake batter.
A single polaroid falls into your hands, each kid dressed in their cap in gown. Their arms are thrown over each other’s shoulders, grinning at the lens, their happiness frozen in time. “Miss you both, can’t wait to see you.” You read aloud, smiling at the faces you miss more than anything. “They’ve gotten so big, I can’t believe they’re graduating.”
“They’re about to be adults like us.” Steve chuckles, scooping batter into the skillet. You don’t look away from the tiny photo, tracing their faces with your fingertips. You can only imagine Mrs. Wheeler ordering them to pose, to stand up straighter, to smile for “just one more!”the same way she did when it was you, Steve, Nancy, and Johnathon graduating.
“They look so happy.” You whisper. Steve looks up then, noticing the falter in your smile. He sets down his spatula, ignoring the pancake that will most likely be burnt by the time he returns.
“Are you?” He asks, weaving his arms around your torso.
“The happiest.” You kiss his cheek, passing the photo into his hands for him to get a good look.
“Do you think that’s why you haven’t been sleeping well?” He nods towards the invitations plastered onto the fridge, “Your nightmares usually come back before we visit. Do you think it’s anxiety?” He asks, walking towards the fridge and placing the picture right in the middle of graduation party invites.
“Maybe,” You shrug, flipping the forgotten pancake, only earning a glare from your husband. “It was burning!”
“I told you it was my turn to cook!” You laugh and hop onto the counter as he takes over once more.
“I get scared sometimes,” You admit, Steve doesn’t turn away from the food but you know he’s listening. “Like, I get it, it’s over and it’s been over. And life has been so,so good, you know? But I feel like I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop. For us to have to fight again and I’m so tired of fighting.”
“Hey,” Steve whispers making his way towards you, his fingertips absentmindedly stroking your arms, “It’s been over for a long time. And I understand, returning to Hawkins has always been hard, but we’ve done it many times and everything has been okay. We see the kids, we spend too much money at the arcade, we eat dinner with our parents, and then we come home. We come home without bruises, we come home without something new to give us nightmares.”
You sigh, leaning your head against Steve’s chest knowing he’s right. It’s just anxiety, it had to be.
You and Steve eat in a comfortable silence, the only noises are from your forks scraping against plates or him asking if you could pass the syrup. You’re lost in your own thoughts, feeling excitement to return to the kids but dreading the “Welcome to Hawkins” sign once you enter city limits.
“Steve?” You ask, he only hums in response as he shovels another bite into his mouth. “Let’s say it isn’t over. When we go home and for whatever reason the Mind Flayer is back and they asked us to help… Would we do it?” Steve ponders for a moment as he chews, swallowing before he answers.
“Yeah, I’d like to think we would. It’s not really in our nature to sit back as our friends save the world.” He smiles, although there’s a hint of pain evident in the way he curls his lips. “We’d fight how we always do… Together. All of us.”
“Yeah,” You nod, pushing your now empty plate forward. “Can you do me a favor?” He quirks a brow as he stands, grabbing both dishes to clear the table. “When we leave, can you make sure to pack that bat?”
“The bat? You want me to pack the bat?” He laughs.
“Yeah, you know, just in case.” You shrug.
“Anything for you.” He kisses the top of your head before heading into the kitchen to start the dishes, leaving you alone at the table, once again lost in your thoughts.
You hope visiting Hawkins will be like the last one, a vacation spent smiling, laughing, eating Mrs. Wheeler’s home cooked dinner after the kids’ graduation ceremony. You hope the door is closed like everyone told you, you hope El won’t have to use her powers to defeat a greater evil again. You’ve already saved the world twice; you hope you won’t have to do it a third.
Forever Tags: @superfrankie111 // @rueinn // @lemonadeorange73 // @simplechicwithacrazedheart // @youshutthefuckupville // @captainpeggy40​ 
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fangirl-imagines · 5 years
Summer of ‘85//Steve Harrington x Reader
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Warnings: There is some physical violence in this story against the reader. 
Prompt: Bill Hargrove had been a violent jerk for as long as you’ve known him. Spending your summer working with him at the Hawkins’ Community Pool had not been your idea of a fun summer. But you never expected him to take things this far. 
You were tired, soaked, and shaking when you got home. It was quiet in the house; your mom was at work and your little brother Dustin was out with his friends. Usually you loved any rare chance to have the house to yourself but now your small house felt huge with an emptiness that could swallow you. You locked the door behind you and pushed your damp hair out of your face. Your Hawkins pool red swimsuit was almost dry but the denim shorts and over-sized white shirt you'd thrown over it were still sticking to your skin. You shook your head when you realized you were still wearing your lifeguard whistle and pulled it off over your head, wincing slightly when the cord brushed the bruises forming on your throat. You swallowed hard but that hurt too. Your skin prickled angrily and you tossed the whistle at the wall, hard, watching it bounce off and land safety in the floor. 
"Easy tiger!" A hand touched your shoulder.
You jumped, turning and shoving against Steve's chest hard with a small scream, sending him stumbling back and almost into the floor. 
"Oh my God, Steve!" You yelled when you realized who was in your house. You rushed to his side, grabbing his hand and shaking your head. "I'm so sorry! You scared me!" You let out a flustered breath. "What are you even doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be at work?" 
He was still wearing his sailor suit, minus the hat and his shoes. You almost smiled thinking of how he always remembered your mom didn't like shoes on in the house. But if you let yourself relax enough to smile you might start to cry again. Steve looked offended but you weren't sure if it was playful or because you pushed him. 
"A guy can't come see his girlfriend? I traded shift with Robin so I could surprise you." 
His expression turned to a gentle and playful one. He reached his hand up to your face and stroked your cheek gently and grinned softly. You shuddered, a cold chill running down your spine. 
"Steve," you spoke softly, "I need to tell you something." 
“Was work that bad, baby?” His hand brushed your hair away from your fave, tucking it behind your ear. You closed your eyes and felt his hand still. "What the hell is that?!" 
You opened your eyes and meet Steve's wide, angry, pained ones. "Billy was late to work today." You began in a fluster. Steve's brows furrowed but he let his hand slide down from behind your ear to the base of your throat where his thumb gently stroked the dark purple bruise forming there in slow, small circles. 
This summer was really beginning to suck. While, your boyfriend was stuck working at the mall slinging ice cream, you were life guarding at the community pool. Meaning not only did you not get to see Steve at all some days, you were also stuck working with Hawkins’ resistant jackass Billy Hargrove. The guy who thought hitting on you was a game, bullied Dustin and his friends, and almost beat Steve to death last November. And here you were having to hang around with him in a swimsuit all summer. You didn’t even really want this job but with the new mall in town it would be nice to have a little extra money. Besides with Steve working you wouldn’t get too see him much anyway and the same went for Jonathan and Nancy. Either way you were sick and tired of yelling at kids not to run by the pool and were ready to go home. 
If only Billy wasn’t running almost thirty minutes late. You sighed and blew your whistle at a boy running by the side of the pool when you caught sight of Hargrove finally walking, or stumbling really, into the pool area. ‘Finally’ you thought. You watched him disappear into the showers and shook your head. No, he was already late. Climbing down from the watch stand you called out to Heather standing nearby to cover for you for a few minutes and made your way into the showers. 
“Hargrove?” You called out, wandering in. You stopped when you saw Billy hunched over, leaning against the wall. He was shaking and the closer you got you could see beads of sweat pouring off of him. 
“Billy? Look you’re late. What, are you sick or something?”
 He didn’t look up at you. You weren’t even really sure he heard you. 
You laid your hand gently on his shoulder but as quick as you touched him you were thrown back into the hard, tile wall, his hand wrapped around your throat. 
“Don’t touch me.” He growled in a low voice that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. 
You knew he was crazy but you didn’t think he would ever actually take it this far. You could feel the blood rushing to your face as he squeezed his hand and your throat burned at the sudden lack of oxygen. This was all so much quieter than when he attacked Steve, it almost didn’t feel real. You brought your hands up to grip his, clawing at it desperately. Your eyes began to water as his grip tightened but through the tears you saw the veins on his arm bulging and black like sludge, like- Oh my God. 
You brought your leg up and kicked him between his as hard as you could, finally getting his hand to let go of your throat when Billy dropped to the floor. Lightheaded and heart racing you slid down the tile wall and into the floor beside Billy. You moved quick to grab his arm and inspect the black trail you found there not like any infection you had ever scene except for on your little brother’s friend Will last fall. Billy tried to pull back against your grip and in your shock you let him go. Repeating to yourself over and over “Oh my God.” Billy started to get up and you shoved yourself backwards, further into the wall, not sure what to expect next. He looked up at you and into your eyes, a sick feeling overcoming you. Neither of you moved before-,
“What on Earth?” 
Mrs. Wheeler stood in the doorway suddenly, her hands placed on her hips in her neon blue and pink swimsuit. You looked up at her wide eyed, then down at Billy. He smirked lazily at her before climbing to his feet. 
“Nothing to worry about Karen.” He looked at you and winked, sending a cold chill down your spine. “Just a friendly disagreement among coworkers. See you around Y/N.” 
He smiled and brushed by Mrs. Wheeler out the door. You let out a breath that had been stuck in your chest, reaching up to gently touch the sore ring around your neck where Billy had squeezed. You knew there would be a bruise there later. Your mind was racing a mile a minute. You needed to call the chief and the Party. And Steve. Maybe you were just imagining things. The gates were closed there was no way anything from the Upside Down was still in Hawkins, was there? You felt more tears welling in your eyes and suddenly realized how cold you were inside wearing your swimsuit. You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t even realize Mrs. Wheeler was talking to you until she was standing next to you, her hand resting gently on your shoulder, making you jump. 
“Y/N are you alright? What did I just walk in on?” 
You shook your head. “Nothing Mrs. Wheeler. I’ve-uh, I’ve got to go.” 
“Do you want a ride home? You shouldn’t be driving so shaken up.” 
You forced a weak smile. “Thank you Mrs. Wheeler but I’m okay. It’s just been a long day.” 
You could tell she didn’t believe you but you were thankful that she didn’t push the matter. She pursed her lips and then offered you a small, comforting smile. 
“Don’t worry about Billy. I’ll talk to him for you if you want.” 
“No!” You almost shouted at her, stuttering when you saw her look at you in surprise. “No, no that’s okay Mrs. Wheeler. I’ve got to go.” 
You rushed by her, leaving her standing there in confusion.
By the end of your story you could feel yourself beginning to shake again. You were painfully aware of how close you came to dying and not for the first time. Memories of last November, trying and failing to pull Billy off of Steve's battered body, getting your own bloody nose and bruised face for it, of following your little brother and his friends into the tunnels under Hawkins and getting chased by demidogs. Those feelings you'd tried so hard to forget from that night were creeping back up your body. You wondered if Billy would have killed you if Mrs. Wheeler hadn't walked in on the two of you? Steve was staring at you now, his eyes wide and hard. He shook his head and ran his fingers through his fluffy hair anxiously, beginning to pace. A small. choked sob caught in your throat as you watched him. As soon as he heard you cry Steve pulled you to him and wrapped his arms around your shoulders tight. 
“Oh God, I’m sorry Y/N. I’m so sorry. I’m gonna kill him. I swear to God, I’m going to kill him!” 
Steve squeezed you tighter, before pulling back to run his fingers delicately over the bruise again. 
“Do you need to go to the hospital? Or I can call your mom at work? Dustin’s going to be pissed!” He took a deep breath and shook his head, calming down slightly. “I’m going to kill Hargrove this time.”
“Steve,” You sighed, “I don’t think it was him.”
Steve looked at you funny, before his hands flew up to either side of your head and turned it side to side. “Did that asshole give you a concussion?”
“No! No, Steve!” You broke free from his gentle grip. “I mean it was Billy’s body but I don’t think it was him in there. I think...I could be wrong I mean it was kind of dark in the showers and I was about to pass out at one point but...I think the mindflare is back.” 
Steve was quiet for a long pause then backed away from you to lower himself down onto the couch. 
His yell surprised you and you jumped back when he flew up from the couch and kicked your mom’s recliner angrily. He kicked it twice then ran his hands down his face angrily. 
“Steve?!” You stepped forward and touched his shoulder carefully. The tears in his eyes when he looked back at you did not come as a surprise. 
“We need to call a party meeting.” 
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Degenerate Beauty Queen (Robin x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: An old friend of Steve’s ends up having more in common with Robin than she thought.
  Strolling into Scoops Ahoy with torn black tights, a red kilt with a safety pin lamely fastened at the slit, and the sleeves of your white uniform blouse rolled up to your elbows, you scanned the store for Harrington only to be met with disappointment as he was nowhere to be seen. 
Being back in Hawkins was the last place you wanted to be, but anywhere was better than Lady Loretta’s Boarding School, which you had spent the past year at. It had been your parent’s idea in “getting your life back on track” after stealing and crashing a Hawkin’s police car into the quarry, and “beating Tommy H to a pulp”.
Finally, the line fizzled leaving you and the girl behind the counter in peace. Sweet was a simple word to describe this stranger, but nothing about her was simple in the slightest. For the first time since last October when Nancy Wheeler had rejected you on the porch of Tina Young’s house, you felt something that wasn’t anger or guilt - you weren’t quite sure what exactly it was that stirred in your chest, but it excited you as much as it scared you.
“Hey.” you breathed, picking at the polish on your nails as you eyed the cute, freckle-faced girl. “Is Harrington here?”
Ever so slightly the girl’s lips parted and her brows raised as she stared in awe at you, completely taken by the way the collar of your blouse had flipped up and the buttons were undone just low enough to draw the eye, but high enough not to reveal anything you didn’t want to be seen.
“Huh?” she swallowed roughly, straightening up in her spot. “You want hazelnut ice cream?”
“No, I want Harrington,” you smirked, truly soaking up the attention her eyes were giving you. “Cute outfit by the way. Is Harrington dressed like that too?”
Oh, the woes of a cute girl lusting after Steve Harrington and not even glancing her way - a feat Robin knew far too well since the godforsaken incident of Tammy Thompson in sophomore year.
“Harrington, you’ve got a visitor!” Robin called, stepping away from the counters as her gaze dropped to the graffitied toes of her converse shoes. 
“Who?” he asked, sliding open the window that separated the back room from the storefront. His eyes widened in surprise before his jaw nearly dropped on the floor. “y/n? You’re back!”
Strutting around the counter and hopping over the small gate that separated the patrons from the employees. You walked passed Robin and allowed your Strawberry mist to overwhelm her senses. She watched almost sadly as you and Steve just stood before one another, neither saying a word. Robin wondered if you’d kiss him tenderly, and what your lip gloss would taste like on the tip of his tongue.
In one swift movement, your arm wrapped around his neck as you tugged him toward you - trapping Steve Harrington in a headlock.
“Why the fuck didn’t you write to me in the last three months?” you growled, albeit playfully, as you rubbed your knuckles against his head. “You little shit! I was bored out of my mind!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he panted, which led you to free him from your grip. “Shit, have you been lifting weights or something? I got busy doing this shitty job, just ask Robin.”
“Uhh-” Robin stammered as you turned your attention over to her with an amused look playing on your lips. “Uh yeah, yeah our boss is shit. He leaves us in charge while he’s out of town. Wh-which is like every week.”
“Alright, I’ll let it slide.” you gave in, settling against the back counter as you hoisted yourself up and onto it. “Only because of Robin.” you smiled, shooting a little wink her way.
“So you two aren’t…?” Robin trailed off, her lips parting to show the whites of her teeth as she looked at the two of you - It could’ve been a trick of the eye, but you swore she had blushed in your presence.
“Oh, God! No, no, Stevie and I are just friends by circumstance,” you explained, exchanging grossed out looks between you and Steve. “We hated each other for months.”
“It’s true.” Steve shrugged, pursing his lips to the side as he nodded, sitting opposite of you on the other counter. “That is very true.”
“What was the circumstance?” Robin quirked a brow, amused by how two completely different people managed to become friends.
“We liked the same person.” You sang nonchalantly, swing your feet two and fro. Robin’s brows furrowed as she let your words process, trying to figure out if she had heard you correctly. “Then that person broke our hearts and the rest is history. Right my boy?”
“Yes, she’s the ol’ ball and chain, that’ll probably drag me down to the bottom of the quarry someday.” Steve sighed, locking your foot between his ankles to stop your fidgeting. 
“Oh.” was all Robin could manage.
There was a silence in the air, settling amongst the three of you for far too long.
“Ugh!” you craned your neck back with a groan. “We gotta do something, I need to go get drunk and out of this god-awful uniform.”
“Well I can’t, I’m closing tonight, all by myself.” he pouted with a pleading look in his eyes. “Wanna stay here for another six hours and keep me company after Robin leaves at five?”
“As thrilling as that sounds, and believe me I’m enthralled by the idea, I better get home before my parent’s figure out I didn’t go to my nan’s house straight away from the train station.” You sighed theatrically as you slid off the counter. “Call me, Harrington. I missed your dumbass.”
Just as you exited the threshold of the store, you spun around one last time, offering a military salute his way - It had become a one side joke between the two of you, as Steve had been convinced you were sent to military school for the first month of your stay. 
And just like that, you walked out of the store, leaving Robin weak in the knees and Steve with a sore scalp and messy hair.
     Robin tiredly trecked through the mall shamelessly in her sailor costume as her shift had come to a close. She’d be lying just a bit if she didn’t feel bad about abandoning Steve for the rest of the night, but alas she had already done her eight hours, and his hell had only just begun. 
Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, Robin began frantically sifting through the keys on her keyring for the one that fit her bike lock, though it was no use. Beneath her breath she let out a string of curses, trying to think back to where it could have possibly fallen off.
“Looking for this, birdie?” 
Spinning around on her heels, still crouched by the bike rack, Robin was surprised to see you leaning against the pillar of the mall’s entrance. With a cigarette between your lips and the missing key held out like an offering, you watched her like a cat would a mouse. The evening sun glowed behind you like a halo, and the smoke from your lit cigarette melded into the blinding light.
“You dropped it on your way out, I thought I’d meet you out here to give them back,” you admitted almost nervously as if you had completely read her wrong earlier in the ice cream parlour. As you closed the space between the two of you, Robin got to her feet despite her legs turning to absolute jelly whenever you were around.
“I could be wrong,” She quirked a bow as she brushed her palms against the navy fabric of her shorts. “But I feel like you were waiting for me.”
“And if I was?” you asked lowly, not taking your eyes off of Robin as you brought the cigarette to your glossy lips. 
“Well, then, I would dare to ask why?” Robin challenged, an amused grin pulling at the corner of her lips as her fingertips brushed against your palm, taking the key back from your clutches. “Or is it just my lucky day?”
“Look’s like your luck just ran out, birdie.” Inching closer and closer, the toes of your black lacquer shoes nearly touched that of her sneakers, only did you look away when your gaze dropped to the back tire of her bicycle.
“Huh?” she breathed, hypnotized by the shapes your lips made when you called her ‘birdie’.
“Your bikes gotta flat,” you repeated, pointing your long, black painted fingernail toward the issue at hand. The gold bangles that clinked together around your wrist may have irritated Robin had it been adorned by anyone else, but from coming from you it was simply beautiful. 
“Aw shit!” she seethed, kneeling back down to take a closer look. “Some asshole slashed my tire.”
“Can you still walk it? I have a spare tire you could use…” you offered, a sympathetic look washing over your features. “My house isn’t too far from here, and I never ride my bike.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, not wanting to be a nuisance. “I can pay you for the tire.”
“No, I don’t want your money.” you sighed, plucking the key back from her hand, and began away at the bike lock. 
You didn’t want money, you just didn’t want to be alone.
     Walking down Cornwall Street, the two of you slowly walked in silence save for the squeak of her flat tire. Over and over again, you replayed the scene in your head, looking, searching and wondering “had there been something there?”
Had Robin simply humouring you in a friendly way, or had it been an undertow of flirting, the kind that couldn’t outright be shown in a town like Hawkins.
While you worried yourself sick about the details of your earlier interaction, Robin was left awestruck by the fact that she was walking alongside the most beautiful girl she had ever laid eyes on. You had spent more time looking at her than any girl had before, even in the presence of Steve “The Hair” Harrington. A roll of thunder had startled both of you out of your intrusive thoughts, resulting in your hand tightly gripping her wrist as she clung to the handlebars of her bike. 
“Sorry.” you murmured, quickly letting go. “Stupid thunder made me jump.”
“No, no that’s…cool.” she nodded, trying as hard as she could to remember the feeling of your skin on her’s. The cold drops of rain offered relief from the warmth of her burning cheeks, perhaps the perfect interruption.
“C’mon, we can wait out the storm at my house. Yeah?” you said, nodding toward the last house on the left.
The two of you giggled like maniacs, getting drenched by the summer storm as you ran down the street. 
     Abandoning the squeaky bike in your driveway, Robin followed closely behind, nearly dripping over the sopping wet shoelaces of her sneakers that had come undone. As the hem of your skirt bounced with every step, Robin felt as though this had all been some sort of daydream. That if she truly opened her eyes, she’d be back in the ice cream parlour and still be hypnotized by your strawberry mist. 
“Hurry! I’m freezing.” You let out a strained laugh, as you lifted the heavy glass of your bedroom window. “Thank God I live in a bungalow, otherwise we’d be scaling the side of a two-story house-” pursing your lips to the side, you looked over your shoulder playfully. “I’m sure Steve has told you about his Wheeler house escapades.”
“I can’t believe that dingus was the hot shot of the school. I swear every girl liked him.” she rolled her eyes, glancing away from your bum as you hoisted yourself through the window, leaving your skirt to lift. 
“He’s not so bad once you get to know him. He’s just a dork with a lot of hair.” you laughed, reaching through the threshold to grab onto her forearms and help her through. “Watch you’re head, God only knows how many times I’ve smashed my skull on it.”
There was something about sneaking a girl into your bedroom the left a giddy feeling in your stomach, and you swore you never wanted the feeling to fade. You were careful not to make too much noise - not that it mattered, it wasn’t like your parents were home to hear - you were simply a creature of habit, through and through. 
“Sorry if it’s kind of a mess, I haven’t been here in months.” You admitted, though there wasn’t much of a mess to complain about.
Your eyes followed Robin as she looked at the polaroids tapped to your vanity, and the cracked picture frames that sat on top of your dresser. A rather grumpy looking girl wearing a dress with far too many ruffles and purple eyeshadow with sparkles that could be practically seen from Saturn seemed to catch her interest. 
“Is this you?” she grinned, shocked to see you dressed so glamorously
“Unfortunately. That was from freshman year spring fling. I was supposed to go with Nancy and Barb but um, I don’t know, they kind of bailed on me last minute.” you cringed, reaching up into your closet, and pulling out a pile of clothes. “You’re gonna catch a cold if you stay in those wet clothes. Let me get you a tee and some shorts.”
“Oh, okay.” she swallowed roughly, glancing down to the black lace bra that seemed quite apparent beneath the wet, white blouse. Fumbling to catch the oversized “Hawkin’s athletics” shirt and loosely fitted shorts, Robin stumbled over her words as she tried to thank you.
As Robin excused herself to change in the small, connected washroom, you flopped backwards and hummed with content, practically sinking into your mattress - never again would you have to lay on the stiff cots at Lady Loretta’s Boarding School. Shimmying out of your skirt and tights, and undoing the buttons of your shirt before slipping into your favourite sleep shirt.
“You should’ve been in band, you would’ve fit right in-” Robin had quite literally been a loss for words, unable to finish her thought as the mere sight of you in your long shirt, taking a swig from the flask you had left in your bedside table, and your hair damp with rain.
“Hmm?” you hummed, gently wiping your mouth with the back of your wrist. Looking down at your flask, then back to Robin, you held it toward her. “Want some?”
Now Robin wasn’t much of a drinker, not much of a drinker at all really, but the more she sipped and the more you laughed at her jokes, she began to understand the appeal. The more she drank, the less she worried about the little anxieties that had plagued.
     By the time the flask was finished, you were both tipsy, curled onto your sides nearly nose to nose beneath the purple covers of your bedspread and the storm raged on - the rain pelted against your window almost violently, and yet it was so soothing you could’ve fallen asleep.
“They were always closer in our little trio, Nancy and Barb, I mean.” You whispered with half-lidded eyes, gently tracing shapes on the fabric of your pillow. “I always wanted just a sliver of Nancy’s attention. But her attention went from Barb to Steve, and then Steve to Jonathan…but never to me…never like that.”
Robin remained quiet for the first time since the brandy had set into her system, no longer giggling at everything, no longer as tipsy as she swore she was.
“And then you looked at me in that stupid sailor outfit, and for the first time,” your voice wavered, blinking away the hot tears that had begun to well in your eyes. “For the first time, I felt something. I felt something that wasn’t anger or-or rejection. I looked at you and I knew you were looking at me the same way.”
Clenching your teeth together, you stared in horror as Robin failed to say anything at all. Your heart stopped, you were certain it had. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m drunk and-” your words became muffled as soft, supple lips pressed into yours. 
Hesitantly at first, then hungry and frantic all at once, Robin kissed you as if it were the first and last time she’d get the chance. The palms of her hands were a bit clammy as they cupped at your cheeks and neck, but you didn’t mind, not in the slightest. The blood drained from your knuckles as you took a fistful of her shirt, almost afraid of the feeling that built in your chest.
Finally pulling back to breathe, Robin found herself unable to open her eyes, in fear that this had all just been a pretty dream - but it hadn’t. You still laid in front of her with a dreamy look plastered on your face, and your lipgloss had tasted like raspberry on her mouth.
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Obsession (Billy Hargrove)
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Prompts: “They’re coming! Kiss me!” & “You’re mine to own, do you understand?”
Requested by: @fandomfaery
Billy Hargrove scared the absolute shit out of her. He transferred in as the new kid at the start of the school year last year. He was quick to try and dethrone, your best friend, Steve Harrington, as the king of the school. Billy also intrigued her. He was completely different from anybody else at the school. 
Steve and Billy were a year ahead of you. So you were grateful to spend your senior year not being tormented by Billy, but you missed Steve. Throughout the school year, it had become your thing where Steve would pick you up and the two of you would do whatever the two of you got up to. 
When summer finally came, Steve tried getting you to take a job at Scoops Ahoy, but you had always been a lifeguard. On the first day of your shift, you wished you had taken Steve up on his offer when you saw that not only was Billy working as a lifeguard but the two of you were paired up on the schedule together. 
“Hey, you got it easy,” Heather said. 
You looked up at her as you finished applying your sunscreen. 
“What do you mean?” You asked her. 
“Billy stays to himself. I worked with him last summer. The old ladies fawn over him and he’s a bit of an ass, but he comes in does his duties and leaves. He never flakes out or makes you do all the work,” Heather explained. 
“Oh,” You said pushing your sunglasses up into your hair. 
Heather continued to go on and on about Billy. You stared at her with wide eyes. You could tell that she was definitely crushing on him. 
“I mean if he’s that good of a partner we could switch,” You offered. 
Heather beamed at the thought of your idea. 
You jumped when an arm fell around your shoulders. You looked up to see Billy standing there with a huge grin on his face. 
“Now, why would I allow that to happen? I’ve always wanted to get to know Harrington’s prized possession,” Billy teased. 
Heather giggled. You rolled your eyes. 
“I’m not his prized possession,” You scoffed pushing his arm off you. 
Sensing an argument about to happen, Heather wished you luck and jogged off to meet up with the others before CPR training. Billy stared down at you with his piercing blue eyes. 
“I know I’m an ass, but I’ve always been kind to you,” Billy said. 
This time it was you who laughed. “Right, teasing me all through my junior year and beating up my best friend is a great way to show how nice you are,”
“Hey, Harrington deserved everything he got,” Billy pointed out. 
“Right,” You said as you rolled your eyes. 
As you turned away from him to go and join the others for training, Billy grabbed a hold of your arm. You turned back to look at him. 
“I think I deserve a chance,” Billy said. 
You furrowed your brows in confusion. 
“Chance for what?” You asked him. 
“To get to know you. Take you out on a date,” Billy said. 
Your mouth fell open. 
“Wait, what? I thought you hated me,” You said in utter confusion. 
Billy’s eyes hardened. “Why would you think that?”
“Billy,” You said softly. “You teased me, taunted me, called me names, and told everyone the only reason why Steve was friends with me because he had hoped to get in my pants,”
“I was saying those things to get a rise out of Harrington,” Billy told you. 
“Yeah, well those words hurt me, Billy. I became fearful of you,” You said honestly. 
Billy let go of you in shock. 
“You’re scared of me?” Billy asked. 
“Hey, you two! Come on training is starting soon!” Heather shouted. 
“You’ve given me plenty of reasons to be scared of you,” You said before finally walking away from him and joining Heather. 
All through CPR training, you could feel Billy’s eyes on you. You did your best to ignore him. You stuck by Heather. She talked enough for the both of you. Tomorrow was the first day of the season. You were on the closing shift with Billy. 
At the end of the day, you were walking out of the women’s locker by yourself. Heather, Kate, and Zoe had already dressed and went to hang out with Adam. You were searching through your bag for your Walkman and headphones when you slammed into something hard. 
“Oof, sorry,” You mumbled as you looked up to see Billy smirking down at you. 
“I was wondering when you’d be coming out of there,” Billy said. 
You stood frozen in your spot. 
“What do you want from me, Billy?” You asked. 
“That right there is a loaded question, but for now I’d like to finish our conversation from earlier,” Billy said. 
“There’s nothing else to talk about,” You replied. 
“Sure there is. I’d really like to know why you won’t even give me a chance?” Billy asked you. 
“I, uh,” You stumbled over the right words. 
“Is it because of Harrington?” Billy asked. 
“What?” You said. 
“Are you Harrington a thing?” Billy asked. 
“No! God, I’m sick of people thinking that. You know a boy and a girl can be best friends without there being any romantic feelings,” You snapped. 
“Okay, fine, if it’s not because of Harrington then why not?” Billy asked again. 
You stood there unsure of what to even say. 
“They’re coming! Kiss me!” Billy suddenly shouted. 
“Wait, what?” You said in confusion. 
“You idiot,” Billy hissed as he slid his arms around your waist and pulled you in close. 
You didn’t even have the chance to fight him off or to yell at him. His lips connected with yours. Both of you closed your eyes, you felt yourself sinking into his touch. As you eased up, Billy pulled you in closer and you had no choice but to wrap your own arms around you. 
There was giggling and then everything around you went quiet. 
“Oh, he was serious,” Zoe said. 
“Heather said she wanted to switch shifts,” Katie said. 
“Maybe she wanted to keep their relationship private,” Zoe said. 
Katie sighed. “I guess we’ll have to tell Heather,”
“Come on before he catches us staring,” Zoe said pulling her friend away. 
When Katie and Zoe had disappeared around the side of the building you finally pushed yourself away from Billy. You stood in front of him with wide eyes. Billy stood there heaving as he tried catching his breath. 
“What was that!” You exclaimed. 
“Just me securing my chance with you,” Billy smirked. 
“You piece of-” Your insult was cut off at the sound of Steve honking his horn. 
“Harrington is here for you,” Billy grinned. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Eat shit,” 
You scooped up your bag that had fallen to the floor and quickly dashed away from Billy. Billy watched you run through the parking lot to where Steve sat parked. He had one of his sister’s annoying friends in the back seat. Billy clenched his fist as he watched you jump into Steve’s arm with a big hug. You ruffled Dustin’s hair before running around to the passenger side. 
Billy knew you like the back of his hand. Steve would drive you home where you’d shower and change then three of you would be off to Starcourt Mall and that’s where Billy planned on making you finally realize who you belonged to. 
Across town at your place, Steve sat on your bed flipping through some of your comic books while you sat at your vanity brushing your hair. Dustin was admiring vinyl record collection. 
“I saw you with Hargrove. Everything okay?” Steve asked. 
Your hands were busy braiding your hair as you turned to look at your best friend. 
“He wants to take me out on a date,” You answered softly. 
The room went dead silent. 
“And he also kissed me,” You admitted. 
Steve finally sat up. “He’s dead,”
“Steve,” You and Dustin said in a warning tone together. 
Steve jumped off the bed, began pacing and ranting. Dustin and you sat there stunned watching him go ballistic over what you had told him. 
“Steve,” You said once more. 
Your best friend stopped pacing and looked over at you. 
“If I didn’t want Billy to kiss me,”
Steve cut you off. “Don’t. Don’t you dare finish that sentence,”
“Come on Steve,” You began. 
“Dustin, let’s go downstairs so Y/n can finish getting ready,” Steve said. 
You opened your mouth to argue, but Steve and Dustin slipped from your room shutting your door. Sighing, you flopped down on your bed. Billy Hargrove scared the shit out of you. He intrigued you. And you hated to admit that that kiss made you feel butterflies and sent shivers down your spine. 
You couldn’t deny that there was something there. That Billy made you feel something. You shouldn’t even have to have Steve’s permission to go on a date with Billy. He was your friend, but he was your best friend and you wanted him to approve. You would just have to work on Steve you of all people could get him to change his mind. 
Slipping on a pair of teal leggings you grabbed your long gray sweater and pulled it over your head. You snagged the neon pink belt that Nancy had gotten you for Christmas and wrapped it around your waist. You added a matching pink bow headband to your hair before pulling on your white converse. 
Grabbing your bag, you headed down the stairs to meet up with the boys. Steve said nothing to you, but Dustin broke out into a conversation. You were thankful that you wouldn’t have to sit in a silent car all the way to the mall. 
At the mall, Dustin made a beeline for Scoops Ahoy to check in with Robin. You grabbed Steve’s arm. He turned back to look at you. 
“You’re not mad at me because you're in love with me, are you? I can’t handle a love confession from you,” You asked. 
Steve couldn’t help but start laughing. A smile cracked on your face at the sound of his laughter. 
“No, I promise no love confession from me,” Steve said. 
“Good. I know that you have your issues with Billy. And maybe nothing will come from this date, but I kind of want to say yes to him,” You explained to him. 
“Billy is such an asshole,” Steve complained. 
“Hey, you had the title of an asshole for a while, you know,” You reminded him. 
Steve chuckled. 
“I don’t need your permission to agree to this date, but it would make me feel better knowing that you approved,” You said. 
Steve sighed. 
You squeezed his hand trying to reassure him. 
“Fine, but if he pulls anything then I get to kick his ass,” Steve said. 
“Harrington, hell would have to freeze over for you to be able to kick my ass,” Billy said from behind them. 
The two of you looked over to where Billy stood. 
“Hargrove,” Steve snarled. 
“Go,” You whispered. 
“Y/n,” Steve began. 
You gave him a look and he threw one last nasty look to Billy before heading towards Scoops Ahoy. 
“I knew you’d come around,” Billy said. 
“Or I knew you wouldn’t take no for an answer and figured just to get this done and over with,” You told him. 
“Ouch. That hurt,” Billy said. 
“Am I wrong?” You asked him. 
“I think I’m going to prove you wrong,” Billy said. 
“One date, Billy. I don’t think you’re going to be able to change my mind in just a date,” You said. 
Billy leaned in super close to you. 
“I think you underestimate just how crazy I am for you and that I will stop at nothing to have you as my own,” Billy said. 
You gulped as you stared into his blue eyes. 
“This is just one date,” You whispered. 
“Oh no, sweetheart, this is just the start of us,” Billy said. 
You took a small step back away from him, but one of his arms caught you around your waist. 
“Billy,” You said softly. 
“I hate the saying ‘if a boy teases you that means they like you’, but that’s exactly what was happening between you and me,” Billy said. 
“And beating up Steve?” You asked. 
“Jealousy. I know it happens to the best of us, but I thought you were crushing on Steve,” Billy admitted. 
“But I’m not. He’s my best friend,” You replied. 
“I know that now,” Billy said. 
“And what if this date doesn’t go so well?” You asked him as he slowly lowered his lips towards yours. 
“Then I will have to keep making it up to you until you realize it,” Billy said. 
Again you furrowed your brows in confusion. 
“Realize what?” You asked him. 
“That you’re mine,” Billy growled. 
“I belong to nobody,” You said defiantly. 
Billy juggled you in his arms bracing you tighter so you had no way to escape. 
“Y/n,” Billy said making you look at him. 
“You’re mine to own, do you understand?” Billy asked. 
There was a good chunk of you that was yelling at you to run. To kick him in the ball and run as far away as you possibly could get. But there was that bigger part of you that felt excited at the thought of being Billy’s. To kiss him whenever you wanted, to hold his hand, cuddling up in front of the TV, date nights, the whole thing. It excited you but it also scared you. 
“Answer me, Y/n. Do you understand?” Billy asked again.
You remained silent. 
“I will not ask again,” Billy said shaking you slightly. 
“I-I understand,” You stuttered. 
Hearing those words finally come from you sent shivers of excitement down Billy’s whole body. He finished leaning in and kissed you. His lips were dominant. He was in full control. That small voice in the back of your mind that had screamed at you to run was being silenced. For some odd reason being in Billy’s arms weirdly felt like being home and you really didn’t want that feeling to ever go away. 
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loove-persevering · 5 years
Trained Weapon Part 7 (Steve Harrington Series)
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Description: You were made to be a weapon, forced to kill on command. You were number thirteen, the lab had taken you at the age of eight from your mother and father locking you a way for training, if you didn’t do what you were told you were locked away. This time you were going to be killed you knew it, if you told them no they would kill you so the only thing you could do was run. And turns out you run exactly to the boy in a sailor outfit. (This will follow closely with season 3 of stranger things)  
In case you missed it: Prologue , Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4  , Part 5 , Part 6
You peered out the bathroom door noticing the evacuation happening, Dustin ushers you all out and you fall in line with the crowd of people. ‘’Well shit that worked,’’ Erica said. 
‘‘Course it worked,’‘ Dustin answers. Steve walked a few paces behind you talking with Robin while you kept up more with Dustin and Erica. ‘‘We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes and home sweet home, here we come,’‘ He says. 
‘‘Uh, Dustin?’‘ You hear Steve chime in. Dustin looks back at him questioning him, ‘‘Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house.’‘ Steve says avoiding Dustins gaze. 
‘‘Why?’‘ Dustin asks. 
‘‘Well I might’ve told them your full name.’‘ Steve says simply. Dustin looks back at them in shock. 
‘‘What is wrong with you?’‘ Dustin asks. 
‘‘Dude,  I was drugged.’‘ Steve says. You look forward noticing one of the Russians was at the front checking a woman’s ID. You notice Dustin and Steve were still bickering and you stop in your place causing Steve to run into your backside. 
‘‘Guys!’‘ You say and they all look up noticing the guard. The crowd around you continued moving forward as you all stared in shock not sure what you could do. The guard looks up as the woman looks away looking up and you make eye contact with him, you see his eyes widen and he starts moving back toward you. 
‘‘Abort.’‘ Dustin says, ‘‘Abort, Abort!’‘ He says turning around pushing Robin and you look up seeing Steve look down at you as you push him ushering for him to go. You all break out into a run wanting to avoid the guard, if there was one then you knew more wouldn’t be too far away.
‘‘Shit,’‘ Steve mutters noticing the elevator wasn’t running and roped off. You turn around seeing the guard turned the corner and spots you and you noticing another guard behind him in pursuit. Steve jumps into the small space between the elevator sliding down it and you all follow him down just barely making it before the guards reach you. Once you make it all the way down you sprint away, the guards didn’t slide down which you were grateful for but you see them walk down instead. 
 You ran behind a stand in the store hiding behind one of the food stands, you all sink down to the floor and you can hear the footsteps around you getting closer. You feel Steve put his hand over yours and he squeezes it tightly and you look over at him and he gives you a small smile. After a few seconds you don’t hear the footsteps anymore and then all of a sudden you hear multiple at once slowly walking toward the stand. You hold your breath and close your eyes as you hear the footsteps get closer and closer, and then you hear a horn blaring. You open your eyes and look to Steve who looked at you in shock. 
‘‘Is that you?’‘ He asks and you nod your head no. You turn your head and move your body up slightly peering over the counter noticing the Russians looking at the car with the blaring horn, you follow their gaze looking up to the second floor noticing El standing there her arm extended as she moved the car. You watch as she flings her arm and the car goes flying against the Russians clearing them out of the way. You push yourself up Steve tugging on your shirt not realizing what was going on, you motion with your head for them to get up and they do. They all follow your gaze looking up and noticing everyone standing on the floor above you, you smile to yourself and look over to Steve who looked shocked as well as Robin. 
 Everyone jumps over the counter running toward the elevator as the rest of the group makes their way down, ‘’You flung that thing like a hot wheel!’’ You hear Dustin yell from behind you. You watch him run past you embracing El into a hug and then you also watch Erica run past you to Lucas. 
‘‘Lucas!’‘ She yells.
‘‘What are you doing here?’‘ Lucas asks looking confused at his kid sister. 
‘‘It’s their fault,’‘ She says pointing to you Steve and Robin. 
‘‘True, yeah. Totally true. It’s absolutely our fault.’‘ Steve says putting his hands on his hips. 
‘‘I’m confused what happened to that car?’‘ Robin calls out. 
‘‘El threw it with her mind,’‘ Dustin says to her. 
‘‘Her mind?’‘ Robin asks. 
‘‘El has superpowers,’‘ Dustin says. ‘‘Like Y/N,’‘ He explains. ‘‘You can do that too right Y/N?’‘ Dustin asks you and you look at him and nod. 
‘‘I’m sorry who are you?’‘ The girl in the pink dress asks looking at you. 
‘‘I’m Y/N,’‘ You answer her. ‘‘I’m-’‘ You begin to answer but Dustin cuts you off. 
‘‘She is El’s sister kind of.’‘ Dustin answers you, ‘‘She has cool powers too!’‘ He exclaims. ‘’She helped with the Russians.’‘ 
‘‘Russians? What Russians?’‘ The boy standing next to the girl in the pink dress asks looking confused. 
‘‘The Russians!’‘ Steve yells. 
‘‘Those were Russians?’‘ Max asks. You look over noticing El had walked away from the group as they were all in their own side conversations. You walk over behind her and touch her arm as she turns around and you notice the blood dripping from her face and how pale she looked. She looks around the mall as if she was in a daze and you watch her confused, she puts her hands over her ears and you put your hands up on each of her shoulders steadying her as she began to sway back and forth. 
‘‘El?’‘ You ask just as she falls into your arms, her body falling limp. She groans as you catch her. You notice everyone now making their way over to you and El and Mike was immediately at her side as you lay her to the ground. 
‘‘What’s wrong with her?’‘ You hear someone ask. 
‘‘What’s wrong?’‘ You hear Mike asks as he hold her shoulders. 
‘‘My leg, my leg.’‘ She says sounding like she was in pain. You look down to her feet watching as the pushed the pant leg up and the white bandage was soaked in blood. They lift the bandage and expose the damage to her leg, everyone groans in disgust as they see it. You see something move around in it and you panic, El starts panting and groans out again in pain as the object moves around inside of her and Mike tries to comfort her. Mike keeps saying her name over and over again and then El lets out a shattering scream in pain. 
Robin had started to talk in panic as the boy you found outs name was Jonathan pulls out a knife and preps El’s leg. He was going to cut it open and try and take out what was inside, ‘’This is going to hurt like Hell, okay?’’ He asks her and she nods pain written across her face. ‘’I need you to stay really still okay?’’ He asks putting gloves on his hands. ‘’Here, bite down on this,’’ He says handing Mike a wooden spoon and he puts it in her mouth and she bites down. You push the pieces of hair stuck to her head back and hold onto El’s hand. 
 You watch as Jonathan takes the knife making the incision down El’s wound and El screams in pain. You can hear Dustin and Steve groaning behind you as the blood seeps out of the wound and El continues to groan in pain. 
‘‘Oh shit!’‘ You hear Dustin yell.. 
El was sobbing in pain and you could tell it was unbearable for her. Jonathan closes his eyes taking his hand sticking it inside of her wound and El’s screams become louder. Everyone yells in disgust as they watch. You watch as Jonathan keeps moving his hand around inside of her with no success, the girl Nancy keeps yelling at him to stop but he keeps going obviously wanting to help ease El’s pain. ‘’No. Stop it!’’ You hear El scream. 
‘‘Stop! Stop!’‘ Nancy yells pushing at Jonathan’s shoulder and he takes his hand out slowly. 
‘‘Stop! Stop!’‘ El yells taking the spoon out of her mouth flailing her arms at her sides. ‘‘I can do it,’‘ She mutters still crying. 
‘‘El,’ You say and she looks at you, ‘’Let me,’‘ You tell her. She had already seemed so drained and you knew you could do it if it meant helping her. You glance up at Steve and he looks at you wide eyed, you realize now that nobody had ever seen you use your abilities before and it made you feel a little self conscious. ‘’You’re too weak,’’ You tell her. 
She nods her head and you look at her moving yourself more toward her leg, you lift your hand close to the wound and concentrate putting all your focus on the object in her leg. You hear El wail in pain as you finally start to see the silhouette through her skin, ‘’God!’’ She screams in pain. You don’t stop knowing it would only be more painful for her, you finally see it making it’s way to the exit of the wound and just as it begins to make it’s way out of the skin El screams so loudly in pain and the mirrors next to you burst. You don’t flinch like everyone else completely concentrated on helping relieve her pain, while everyone had their head covered you finally see the body of the object exit El’s skin and the creature shrieks when it comes out and you hold it up for a second examining it before tossing it far away from everyone. 
 When you look up to where you tossed it you see a tall man in a floral shirt stomp down on it and everyone looks up almost looking relieved to see him. ‘’What the hell is going on?’’ He asks his voice hard as he stares straight at El. 
 You look back at her and she was still panting from the events just seconds before, you look at her wanting nothing more than for her pain to stop, ‘’I can help you, I think I can help you.’’ You sigh to her. 
She looks at you confused as does everyone else, and the three older adults walk over to you standing above you hovering you. ‘’Who the hell is this?’’ The man asks. 
‘‘Her name is Y/N,’‘ Dustin calls out. ‘‘She’s number thirteen, she’s like El,’‘ He says. You turn your head looking up to him and you give them a small smile. ‘‘She has healing powers we think,’‘ He continues. 
‘‘You think?’‘ Mike asks. 
‘‘You do?’‘ Steve asks in unison with Mike. 
‘‘Just trust me,’‘ You say looking around at everyones face, some of them looked skeptical others looked hopeful. ‘‘I wouldn’t hurt you,’‘ You tell El and she nods at you encouragingly gesturing at her leg. 
‘‘Wait!’‘ The older man yells. ‘‘Why do we trust her? Where did she come from?’‘ He asks. 
‘‘Hopper,’‘ The woman with the dark hair says touching his arm. ‘‘Just let her try.’‘ She says looking down at you a small smile on her face.
 You look back to El and nod asking her to continue and she nods telling you to go on, Mike is back at her side holding her hand. You move your body down to her leg and take your hand putting it over the wound. You felt the warmth below your hands and you close your eyes trying to focus on what you wanted, you wanted the wound to go away. You felt your hands begin to tingle and your hands get warmer as you focused on El. You didn’t know how this work so you kept your hand covered over her wound and just felt the warmth and tingle of your hands grow stronger as you kept your hand on it longer. 
 After a few moments you pulled away and looked down at the leg noticing the wound was still their and you let out a sigh of disappointment, ‘’I’m sorry I thought I could-’’ You tell her and she gives you a sad smile. 
‘‘Holy shit!’‘ You hear Dustin yell. ‘‘Her leg!’‘ Dustin yells and you look down panicked that you had done something further to hurt her. You put your hand over your chest in relief when you notice you hadn’t made it worse but the wound was getting better. The wound started to close and although it still didn’t look the best it would do, you would have to work on whatever this ability was and get it down. 
‘‘Well shit Y/N,’‘ You hear Steve say noticing he stood behind you. He put his hand on your shoulder and you felt your self smile and you look to El who was smiling back at you. You felt your hands still shaking and you clutch them into fist against your thigh, you felt yourself calm down realizing you hadn’t been a disappointment.  
 You had a plan to kill it, that was what had happened in the past few minutes. Everyone throwing out ideas and being shot down, you now finally had an idea on how to kill this thing. Everyone was walking around and getting ready to leave and you sat next to the fountain watching the water run inside. 
‘‘Y/N?’‘ You hear Steve’s voice from behind. You turn around at him and he gives you a slight smile walking over taking a seat next to you. ‘‘What you did for El, that was amazing.’‘ He says to you. ‘‘Amazing,’‘ He says almost in disbelief. 
 ‘’Really?’’ You ask him, ‘’I was scared shitless,’’ You tell him laughing and he joins in. 
After the laugher dies down a few seconds later Steve grabs your hand making you look up at him, ‘’About what you said earlier,’’ He sighs, ‘’You don’t love me Y/N,’’ He pauses. 
‘‘But you said-’‘ You start to talk but he cuts you off. 
‘‘You don’t know me,’‘ He sighs. ‘‘You can’t love someone you barely know.’‘ He explains to you. 
‘‘You can’t?’‘ You ask confused.
‘‘I mean not really no,’‘ He sighs. You pull your hand away from him and when you look up he seemed panicked. ‘‘That doesn’t mean I don’t care about you!’‘ He says. ‘‘I do a lot.’‘ He sighs. 
‘‘But you don’t love me?’‘ You ask him. ‘‘Is that what you meant earlier you can love someone but they can not love you back?’‘ You ask him. 
‘‘No, no, no!’‘ He rushes out. He lets out a frustrated sigh, ‘‘You don’t love me, you barely know me. But that doesn’t mean anything right now.’‘ He says and you scrunch your face up in confusion. ‘‘It takes time to love someone, you can’t fall in love with them in a matter of days.’‘ He explains. ‘‘You have to give it time, and if you give me time I think I could learn to love you too.’‘ He says. 
 ‘’Time?’’ You ask him. ‘’What if I don’t have time?’’ You ask him, you feared that all this would be cut short and Davis would find you, what then?
 ‘’We have time,’’ Steve assures you. He smiles at you softly and you smile back at him. You were cut short by the man Hopper you had found out throwing a pair of keys at Steve, ‘’Wait what?’’ He asks looking at him confused. 
‘‘Take the kid where he needs to go,’‘ He says gesturing to Dustin who peeked out from behind him smiling. He nods his head and Dustin makes his way over to you and Steve as well as Erica and Robin. You look back noticing El was staying here as well as the other kids in the group. 
‘‘Alright let’s go!’‘ Steve says sounding excited. 
‘‘I’m gonna stay here,’‘ You tell him. 
He looks at you confused, ‘’Why?’’ He asks. 
‘‘I just think it’s better if I’m here,’‘ You tell him. You glance over and notice El digging through the trash and you sigh realizing what she was doing. ‘‘I need to be here alright?’’ You ask him. He looked a little hesitant but he nods his head slowly and you smile at him, he turns around to walk away but you call out to him, ‘’Steve?’’ You say and he turns around. You walk up to him and stand on your tip toes kissing him lightly on his cheek, ‘’Be careful,’’ You say giving him a smile. You can see the shock on his face as you step back from him. 
‘‘Come on lover boy,’‘ You hear Robin say and she looks at you giving you a sly smile. She tugs on Steve’s arm pulling him away and he continues to look back at you as she drags him out the door. 
 A few minutes later you try and find El, she was in a corner of the mall a coca cola can in front of her as she stared at it intensely.  You walk over to her, ‘’El,’’ You call out to her and you can see her body visually relax. She turns to you her nose bleeding and you give her a sympathetic look. ‘’It’s okay,’’ You tell her. Max and Mike make their way over to El asking her if she was okay and you fall back letting them take over knowing they would comfort her better than you could. 
 You begin to walk to the other side of the mall but stop short when you hear a pounding coming from above. You look up and it was a little hard to see at first because the florescent lights from the sign above. But once you see it you felt a shiver down your spine as you watched it make its way perfectly above the center of the glass peering down. 
‘‘Nancy!’‘ You hear mike yell. 
 You look over noticing Mike grab El’s hand and Max following behind them, you quickly run over to them just in time as the Mind Flayer crashes down through the glass and you Mike El and Max slide behind a small stand still almost at the center of the mall and the loud screech echoes throughout. You look over at them all your chest rising in falling as you panicked not sure what to do at this point, You could hear the radio and Dustin’s voice screaming in as he tried to get someones attention. Then you hear the thunderous footsteps that followed as the Mind Flayer walked around the mall, and then you see the slime drip down in front of you. You reach out grabbing Max’s hand wanting to comfort not only her but yourself and she squeezes your hand back. Eventually you hear the heavy footsteps walk away and for a moment you let out a sigh of relief. 
 Mike begins to push himself up, ‘’Mike!’’ You whisper to him scared that the Flayer would notice him and you can hear the venomous growl from across the mall. He moves back down, ‘’It’s turned away. If we o up the stairs now, we’;; make it.’’ He says and you look to both El and Max who looked just as panicked as you felt. 
 ‘’No way, El’s leg still isn’t in the best condition,’’ Max comments. 
‘‘We have to try,’‘ Mike says looking to you and you nod. 
 ‘’There’s another way,’’ El says grabbing Mike, ‘’To get out, through The Gap,’’ She says glancing over to the store next to you. It was a shorter distance than the stairs and seemed like a much better attempt, once again Mike moves up peering out of the small stand you all sat behind. 
‘‘Okay,’‘ He says panting, ‘‘Now,’‘ He says grabbing El’s hand. You all push up running to the other side of the mall as quietly as you could. You were the last one in and as you move under the gate you hit a metal pole causing it to knock over. You hear a roar from across the room and the stomping quickly makes it’s way over and you hear a loud crash close to you. You quickly slide down in next to El, Max, and Mike cursing to yourself at how stupid you were. You sit silently wanting it to move away and then you hear a loud sound from next to you and the mannequin next to you was suddenly jerked away. You reach over putting your hand over your mouth hoping to not make any more sounds to attract more danger. Everyone flinches back and starts to pant heavily realizing how screwed we all actually were.
It was close and you could hear the small screeching practically right next to your ear, and you turn your head to the left as the smaller part of the Mind flayer opened its mouth letting out a screech. You felt as if that was it, just a few more seconds and all that time Steve talked about would be gone, you would be dead. Then you heard a echo of a pop and then another screech and you watch as the tiny part of the Flayer that had made an appearance next to you fly back and you let out a deep shaky breath as you head the footsteps walk away. 
‘‘Let’s go,’‘ You say looking back at them, you push yourself up still trying to remain as quiet as possible and slam your body into the door pushing it open as you make your way into the hallway. 
 I don’t think my food could’ve pressed on the gas petal any harder, my foot was practically already to the ground as I thought about what we had saw a few moments ago. I glance over at robin both of us could feel the tension and nerves surrounding us as we thought about what was going on at the mall. I couldn’t help but think about Y/N, I hoped she was safe. I shouldn’t have let her stay, I thought about her kissing my cheek before we left and I hope to God that wasn’t going to be the last time I saw her or her smile. 
 I didn’t love her, it hurt to tell her that at first but just because I didn’t love her now didn’t mean I couldn’t learn to love her. She made it so easy to like her I could only imagine being in love with her, I knew it wouldn’t take long but now I was praying I would even get the chance. 
 ‘’There!’’ Robin yells pointing straight ahead, I fly over what seemed to be a speed bump and the cars slams to the ground. ‘’Shit!’’ She yells gripping the handle on the car. 
 ‘’Hold on,’’ I say slamming the petal to the ground, I watch Nancy as she stood in front of the car gun in her hand as she fired shot after shot at Billy’s window. I could see his headlights get closer and closer and just as he was about to hit Nancy I close my eyes and brace for impact. We slam into the car sending both me and Robin flying around the car, ‘’Shit,’’ I say watching Billy’s car spin around and around as well as me and Robin the entire world seemed to be spinning. 
 I stop and realize what I had just did, I wrecked the car. The flames that ignited from Billy’s car caught my attention and I just stare seeing his body laid against the door. ‘’Are you okay?’’ I ask Robin. 
 ‘’Ask me tomorrow?’’ She says, and I just stare straight ahead trying to calm my breath. I hear a loud roar close to us and me and Robin both move ourself up looking at the mall above as the Mind Flayer crawled its way on top. We stare at it almost in amazement but also in fright, the blaring car horn breaks us out of our daze. 
‘‘Get in!’‘ Nancy yells. Robin hops out of the car and then me and we make our way to the back of the station wagon. I try to not look back but as I shut the door to the trunk I notice the Flayer crawling down the mall straight after the car and away from Y/N not knowing if she was dead or alive. 
We drove down the roads and me and Robin watched from the back the Mind Flayer following us not far behind I might add. After Dustin’s song and finally realizing this entire time he wasn’t faking having a girlfriend the Flayer stopped and then turned around making it’s way back around toward the direction of the mall. ‘’It’s turning around!’’ I yell out. 
‘‘What?’‘ Nancy spits out. 
‘‘It’s turning around!’‘ I yell. 
‘‘Maybe we wore it out?’‘ Lucas suggest. 
‘‘I don’t think so. Hold on.’‘ Jonathan says, he swerves the car causing me to slam agains the side of the car. He slams on the gas petal and we were back off toward the mall and the one steady thought I had was Y/N. 
  You a Mike had El holding her up, she had drained herself so much using her abilities and from the part of the Mind Flayer that was inside of her. You tried to go as fast as you could down the hallway finally making it out the door, as you made you way over to the gate just as you entered you noticed a guy standing next to a car that was on fire, he didn’t look good.
‘‘Shit!’‘ Max yells. 
 Unsure of what was happening you follow their lead, ‘’Go! Go! Go! Go!’’ Mike yells and begins moving himself around. You quickly try and keep up with him as he runs right back into the door you came out of. You watch as Max runs back slamming the button to the gate then running back to you and you continue moving along with Mike as you carry El into the doors. 
 You run down the halls again and try and find a safe spot, ‘’In here. In here.’’ Mike says turning right and hitting the button to the elevator. He keeps hitting it repeatedly but it doesn’t come quick enough. ‘’Come on, come on.’’ He mutters. 
 You hear what sounds like a door open and you look to Max seeing her walk away as the lights flicker over her body, she peers out into the hallway and you see her body tense. ‘’Billy,’’ She says her voice cautious. Mike and El turn around immediately, ‘’Billy you don’t have to do this.’’ She says ‘’Billy. Your name’s Billy. Billy Hargrove. You live on 4819 Cherry Lane. Billy, please I’m max I’m your-’’ She says but Billy takes his hand slamming it to her face and Mike immediately steps away from El leaving her leaning against you.  You watch as Mike makes his way over to him and the boy Billy just easily slams his body to the floor and he falls limp against the tile. El yells out and you push yourself in front of her, you lift your hand trying to stop him but he takes your arm as it laid straight out and slams it the opposite way and you scream in pain. He takes his hand clamping it around your throat pushing you against the wall and you take your hand reaching up clutching his wrist trying to loosen his grip but it didn’t work. You see El stammering away and you couldn’t blame her you didn’t know much but he seemed to be on a mission, and El was his target. 
 You start to see black spots in your vision and you felt the throbbing pain in your arm as you reached with the other trying to obtain any air you could. You felt your body begin to relax and then the hand went away dropping against the cold tile of the floor. 
‘‘Y/N, Y/N, please wake up!’‘ You hear a voice and a push against your body. You groan in response and you open your eyes slowly, Max stared at you wide eyed and you felt a jolt of energy as you pushed yourself up. You accidently pushed down on the arm that Billy had broke and you wince in pain, you look over noticing Mike on the floor still now awake a pool of blood around his head. 
‘‘Mike,’‘ You say pushing yourself over to him, you shake his body and after a few seconds he begins to wake up and you sigh in relief. ‘‘El,’‘ You say looking around and you watch as Max and Mike’s body go rigid realizing what had happened. You all immediately take off into a spring and make your way to the center of the mall where you could hear the screeches of the Mind Flayer. 
 When you finally made it to the center of the mall the Mind Flayer was screeching and you could see the bright lights going off behind him, and it seemed to roar in pain. Max stops watching as Billy stood up, you glance down seeing El on the ground pushing herself away from the monster. You push yourself past Max and Mike running out to El but stop short when you hear Billy scream his arms spreading out as he sacrificed himself to the Mind Flayer. Your body lunges forward as you see the Mind Flayer shoot out toward El but once again stop in your tracks when Billy reaches out stopping it. He uses his entire force to push the Flayer away from El and you felt the tears stream down your face. You didn’t know who Billy was besides Max’s brother but you knew this wasn’t the same person who had came for you previously, this was a man full of sacrifice and humanity. 
 You flinch when another part of the Flayer comes and plunges into his side, and then another and another. You heard the deafening screams and then they stopped as more parts dug into his body and then he goes limp. Then one final scream as a final blow to his chest hits and you hear Max scream from behind you. ‘’Billy!’’ You hear her scream. 
 You hear the screeching from the Mind Flayer as his body struggles around the mall slamming into the top stories and then the body falls limp to the ground and silence echoes throughout. Mike runs up from behind you to El and hugs her and Max slowly makes her way over to her brother as the blood gushes from his throat, ‘’It’s okay,’’ He says as she leans down. 
‘‘Billy, Billy, get up please. Billy, please get up!’‘ She says shaking his body. 
 ‘’I’m sorry,’’ He echoes out and you watch the tears stream down Max’s face. 
‘‘Billy,’‘ She says as part of a sob. She had her hands on his shoulders shaking him and you fall down to your knees on the other side of his body. You put your hands over his chest feeling the warmth of the blood on him and you concentrate. For Max you try and bring him back, you felt him take his last breath and Max sobs again and you close your eyes tighter hoping it would help. You felt your hands begin to tingle and you let out a happy cry realizing it was working, and then it stopped. 
‘‘No, no no!’‘ You yell out feeling it go away. You close your eyes once again trying to concentrate and once again you felt the tingle and warmth but it goes away after a few seconds, ‘‘Please,’‘ You whisper closing your eyes. 
‘‘Y/N,’‘ You hear Mike call out to you but you ignore him. ‘’Y/N!’’ You hear him yell once again and you peer open your eyes looking at him and look to Max who was sobbing, Mike looks at you not saying anything shaking his head. 
 You look up to Max, ‘’I’m so sorry,’’ You say, ‘’I’m so sorry,’’ You say lifting your hands up off his body, ‘’I tried, I’m so sorry,’’ You tell her feeling the warm tears fall down your face at the failure. You didn’t notice but El made her way over behind Max and touches her shoulder and Max hurls her body into her as El holds her embracing her. You look to El and she has an unreadable expression on her face as you look down at your blood soaked hands. ‘’I’m sorry,’’ You mutter. 
 ‘’It’s okay, It’s okay,’’ She says shushing Max trying to calm her down. She looks up to you, ‘’It’s okay.’’ She says again staring straight into your eyes as they clouded with tears. 
AUTHORS NOTE:  Oh shit! How’d we feel about this? First off I wanted to say I’m sorry if I picked up the pace on this story! I want to make sure I got important details in so I skipped over some small parts! Also I wanted to make clear that the reader is not in love with Steve, Like El she takes things very literally so when Steve explained to her what love was she took it literally. Doesn’t mean it won’t happen with time though! 
 ALSO I have an idea to extend the story a little bit further, would you guys like that? It would be more of me telling a side plot rather than following with the show! It would take place like two months after these events! Please let me know! Send anons or comment!
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alias-b · 5 years
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Without The Lights~ Billy Hargrove x OC Camille Harper
Chapter 10: Shadows Of The Night
A/N: A secret bleeds and Camille finds comfort with her friend. Billy has dinner at the Harper house and things don’t go as planned. TW: Talk of assault and abortion. Sexual content.
  “Let’s see it,” Camille purred.
  “Harpy, you’re making me blush.” Billy’s chest heaved softer. “I don’t think you’re ready for it just yet.”
  “I’m ready,” she uttered, sultry. “Don’t make me beg.”
  “Kind of want you to beg.” Teeth tugged at his bottom lip. They leaned closer in response with wandering eyes.
  “Show it to me, Billy.”
  “If you insist...”
  “Okay. You two need to stop it, I am going to be sick.” A girl muttered from the next lab table to their right. Robin. Her face pinched in genuine disgust and amusement. Heather was laughing next to her, covering her lips. Camille noted they’d gotten closer over the new semester. World’s colliding still at Hawkins High. Chemistry class went on around them. Lab partners working together.
  “What…we’re just talking grades? What else could we be-"
  "What else indeed, Harper." Robin twitched one brow and Camille broke to chuckle.
  "He won't show me his damn test still. I stayed up diligently tutoring him, I deserve to know.” Camille cocked her head. Robin snickered at her finally, doodling in the corners of her paper.
  "Hm, that's what she's calling it." Billy mused while he slipped a stick of cinnamon gum into his mouth, earning a light swat at his arm. "Don't damage the goods now, Harpy." She loathed him especially today.
  “Get an A plus, Camille?” Heather looked around Robin to see Camille grin with a nod. “No surprise there.” Fingers picked up the exam and Billy huffed at it, angling still so Camille couldn't see his paper.
  “What did you get? Tell me or I'll burst.” Camille pressed. Life picked up even still. Quieter than she liked. The Party met frequently outside of school. Watching out for the others as much as they could. Billy shook his head, frowning, and her shoulder’s fell. “Oh. You studied so hard for it. It’ll be fine, we got you to passing so we'll just keep at it.”
  “I guess.” Billy flicked the paper around. “Because I got a B fucking minus. No more D letter grades.” He broke to offer a grin that illuminated his entire face and she pushed at him. "Read it and weep for me, babe."
  “Billy!” She hushed when he bounced in his seat, too happy that he’d fooled her. “That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you.” He licked his lips, cheeks heating. Those words held tight and didn’t let go. “We have to celebrate. My, uh, mom’s home tonight. We should go out to a movie. I need a night out and I think you earned one.” She was nonchalant about it.
  “A movie?” His focus shifted, hands lowering the exam to the table.
  “Yes. A movie." Camille's sly eyes flicked to him. "You know, moving pictures. Big screen. Popcorn.”
  “On this specific date?” He blinked. “Valentine’s Day.” Camille exhaled out her nose, leaning on her elbows to watch his face.
  “Yes, Billy, I want to go to the movies with you on Valentine’s Day. Clear enough?”
  “That sounds suspiciously like a date.”
  “Maybe it is.” Camille shrugged, going back to her paper as if she hadn’t just rocked his shit apart. “I’ll pick you up this time.”
  “Wine and dine me, I might try harder at this whole good grade thing.”
  “Seriously, you’re trying hard now and it’s paying off. You're slowly going up full letter grades. Evidence is clear. You're a dummy but, you're not dumb.” She filled in a worksheet, winking. Camille shifted to adjust her shirt sleeves up. Pink with red hearts and cherries. Billy stared at her when she didn’t look at him again. Admiring this person he’d come to value.
  “Thank you, Camille,” he’d said it so quietly, she barely heard it. Billy was writing on his own page now when Camille peered at him. She gave a nod.
  “Seven o’clock? I’ll come get you.”
  “Guess I’ll be waiting.” He flipped through his book. Camille opened her mouth to speak when their school’s intercom picked up. A high pitched sound caused every student to cover their ears. It echoed and adjusted before Camille grew cold.
  “Hey. R-” The feedback was static and then even again. “It’s Camille…if you couldn’t remember my voice. You probably don’t want me calling. I waited for two hours. You damn coward.”
  “Is that you?” Heather leaned over to whisper and Camille’s eyes went wide. All her classmates had already turned to stare at her.
  “No…! No!” Camille jerked herself up like she’d become possessed and raced out. Billy almost fell from his chair in shock, unable to react.
  “Ms. Harper!” Their teacher called. The horrid message continued while Camille tore down the hallways.
  “I just had some stuff I wanted to say… It was really shitty. What you did. Not just leaving me to go to a clinic myself. Leaving me to abort our baby  myself. Getting me pregnant in the first place. You are just…fucking awful. And I ignored it thinking it was love. That’s not love. Learned the hard way, I guess. But, wherever you are. Manipulating another poor girl. Fuck you. Fuck you for all of us!”
  Camille passed students who stopped to whisper. Few came out of classrooms with curious teachers. She banged on the front office door. Locked. A tape recorder sat in front of the mic with no one around.
  “Fucking eat shit. I was…I am a child. You were the adult! Can’t be an adult? You’re disgusting.” Camille heard her words echo through their entire high school. Shedding that burning spotlight upon her skin. She pressed her head to the window and wept, unable to take it before she covered her ears. “I loved you. I thought I did. Maybe I don’t know love either. But, today, a friend helped me see…just a flicker. What it could feel like. And I’m going to find it one day. I know you won’t. How could you? I don’t regret what I did and I hope one day I don’t always feel guilt and shame when I think of you. You should be ashamed, you fucked a teenager and bragged about it…”
   “…I hope you never touch another woman again, shithead. Can’t get college girls so you bat at high schoolers? One day, you’re going to meet a girl who sees you for what you are. I hope it eats you. You won’t touch me ever again. And that, I can be proud of. Just fuck you. Stay away from me. Not like that’ll be hard now. You’re twenty and you got into bed with a fifteen year old. You’re sick. Don’t spread that illness to anymore girls like you almost did with me. I see you again, I’ll destroy you. Fuck you! Just, fuck you!” Camille heard herself cry and lost it, her elbow bashed into the glass while teachers tried to tear her off. She clawed and kicked. Made a scene. Flashed her queen bee stinger. Bared her teeth. “Don’t set foot in Hawkins ever again. Have a great life.” Unable to stop the harrowing tones as it tried to loop, Camille grabbed a glass paper weight then smashed the tape and mic both to bits. When the torture ended, she sunk to the floor as her English teacher came first to hold her.
  “I had to do it, I had to!” Camille was sobbing. Body jerking with each heave. Inconsolable. She wondered what it must have been for the gate to the Upside Down to tear open and unleash hell. Something like this.
  “Shhh, it’s alright. I’ve got you, honey.” Ms. Strode always had that soft spot for students. “We’ll call your mother.”
  “Oh, my god. Margaret, wake up!” Another teacher found the office aid, passed out behind the desk. “Call the police.” Everyone rushed around while Ms. Strode got Camille to her feet. Billy was there after pushing through crowds, eyes huge when Nancy raced to catch up with him from her own classroom. Students looked at their queen fallen from grace.
  “Camille, we got you.” Nancy got around Billy and came to her other side. Billy turned to see every judgmental, shocked, and intrigued expression.
  “The fuck are you all looking at?! Show’s over, dicks!” Billy Hargrove flipped his switch and they cowered back to keep moving about their day. “Assholes.” He followed after the women when they got Camille into the empty nurse’s office.
  “Nancy, can you stay with her?” Ms. Strode got up and Billy charged in.
  “Me, too.” He didn’t ask permission. Camille was lying down, covering her face and crying hard still. Nancy held her and Billy came to her other side. Their teacher left to make some calls. They let their friend weep until she was silently gasping. Waiting for flesh to just peel off bone.
  “It was her. Edna.” Camille grew numb. “She’s trying to ruin my life all over again. But, she’s been watching me. She’s known the entire time. Bitch. Trying to get me to fucking crack.” Nancy rubbed her back to soothe her cries.
  “You can’t stay in that house. Your mother-”
  “That’s it, she hasn’t made any move at all. I don’t…get it.” Camille let Billy wipe her tears and shift long hair from her face.
  “Camille,” he realized it, “if…if this chick has been spying on you. She could know we saw your mother. In Dayton.” She lifted her eyes, stilling.
  “You know Hopper’s been watching out for her too.” Nancy spoke to calm her down.
  “She knows that we know everything. It's like she's trying to tear me down so I'm isolated and admitting it. Why didn’t she go to Rosemary or Noah? Lab never came for me.” Camille whispered.
  “Maybe she…wants to torment you first.” Nancy frowned. She watched Billy Hargrove comfort her friend and noted how it wasn’t strange anymore. Seeing him around like this. “Camille, you’re bleeding.” Nancy pulled her friend’s sleeve up. “You might need stitches.” A nasty set of cuts swelled just under her elbow. Camille hissed upon seeing it and Billy was already digging for something to stop the blood with their nurse helping in the main office.
  “I didn’t even feel that in my state.” Camille whined.
  “Hold still.” Billy helped her clean it like many of his own wounds before.
  “What am I supposed to tell her? My mother.” Camille ached and her friends paused for a brief moment. “Hawkins is a small place. Come tomorrow, the whole damn town is going to know about me. Edna wants that. She’s trying to break me.”
  “Well, as Dustin would say, when one of the Party members needs assistance: it’s our duty to provide it.” Nancy recited and Camille tried to smile. “And we will.” Billy was gentle when he wrapped her arm up.
  “Hell of a bruise coming.” He huffed, chest falling.
  “Not going to a hospital.” She brought her sleeve down. “Can you guys stay with me awhile?”
  “Not like we were planning to leave you.” Nancy pressed her head to Camille’s shoulder and rubbed her arm. Billy sat on the floor and let her hold his hand. Silent, they waited for Rosemary to appear and whisk Camille away. Ms. Strode appeared and gestured that her mother was waiting. Camille stood taller and wiped her eyes, opting to walk alone down the long hallway. Where she was gawked at by passing students. Eyes ahead, she swayed along and didn't give any of them a damn thing. Not one piece of her.
** ** **
  “Camille.” Her mother shut the door. The entire car ride was silent. Rosemary was shaken, stuffing nervous pills into her mouth. Camille didn't dare ask what they were for. Steve dropped her car off then left with Jonathan and Nancy when Rosemary wouldn’t let anyone else inside the house. “Camille, baby, talk to me. Just please.” She sat her daughter down, sounding desperate. Hands cupped Camille face, raw and splotched red. “This is because I wasn’t around enough.”
  “No, mom, I was stupid.” Camille wheezed. “I couldn’t tell you or dad.”
  “I’m so sorry, baby. You needed us. You went through that alone.” Rosemary came to hug her close, too tight. Jarring. “I’ll quit.”
  “No, fuck, mom. No. Do not do that. I’m better now. I am.” Camille forced a smile. “I made a bad choice. I learned.”
  “You never came to me. We did not teach you to lie.” She stated that with genuine confusion. As if they groomed her incorrectly.
  “I just wanted…to be perfect for you both.” Her reply was the most honest she’d been in awhile.
  “This is all Noah’s fault. He filled your head with… He couldn’t let you grow naturally. We kept a distance, thinking... I told him, I told him this had gone too far. Become too much. That we lost control in the shuffle.”
  “Mom…what are you talking about?” Camille watch her mother’s eyes. Manic. The moment flooded out. Of course, she knew exactly what it meant.
  “No, sweetie, I’m sorry. It’s just…daddy and I made mistakes too. But, I’m fixing them. I love you so much. Please…know that you can come to me. You’re my sweet girl. Mine.”
  “Mom, that…uh, you’re squeezing me. It’s okay.” Camille drew back when Rosemary let her go, speaking her syllables slower.
  “Everything is going to be okay.” She cocked her flawless head like one of the damn Stepford wives.
  “I know.”
  “I love you. I’ll keep you safe inside here. I promise.” Rosemary kissed her head.
  “I…I love you, too.” Camille gripped the couch and her mother came up. There was a moment of unsettling staring before the doorbell rang. She jumped up too quick. “I’ll be fine. I am fine. I’ll get that.”
  “Rest today. I’ll make us dinner. One of your favorites.” Her mother floated off down the hall to pour herself some brandy and Camille wiped her face. She hurried to open the front door, surprised at who was there waiting.
  “Robin? Hi.”
  “Hey, sorry, I…” Robin held out a pink backpack. “You forgot this. I snagged your assignments.”
  “Thank you, um, do you want to come in?”
  “A chance to see the new Harper house renovations? Sure.” Robin stepped into the doorway. “Changed a lot since your twelfth birthday.”
  “Yeah, wow, that was an odd day.”
  “The bouncy castle and the dancing clown that terrified all of us.”
  “You know, I have nightmares about that voice still. He had the strangest name.” Camille joked and Robin smiled at her. “Guess we didn’t see each other much after that.”
  “High school changes people. Start to discover new things about yourself.”
  “You’re almost too right about that,” Camille hung her backpack up. “Thanks for this.”
  “Yeah, I just…wanted to make sure you were okay. You know? Heather will be glad to hear it too." Robin shrugged, cheeks pink over freckles. "I also wanted to say that…what you said to that asshole was really cool.”
  “Ah, thanks. Words just came, I guess.”
  “I hope we see more of that Camille.” Robin offered, pointing with her thumb behind her. “Well, I should…”
  “Right, um, thank you again for coming, Robin. I appreciate it.” Camille paused. "I'm sorry."
  "For what?"
  "Ignoring you after my birthday party." She replied. "Glad you and Heather get along. Her parents are...strict. Girl needs more friends in her life." Robin twitched a sort of half smile at that, face softening.
  “I’ll see you around school, Cam. Don't make me split you and Hargrove up.”
  "We're not even together really."
  "You should tell him that." The teen beamed at her and moved to go outside.
  “Bye, Robin.” Camille shut the door and Rosemary was there in a flash, glass in hand.
  “Are you alright?”
  “Better, yes. Um, I had a...a kind of date tonight with Billy.”
  “Why not invite him over for dinner instead? I’d like to meet this boy you like. Your friend.”
  “Uh, I’m not sure, he-”
  “Tell him to be here at seven. I’ll make us all a chocolate cake.” Rosemary definitely hit the pills hard today. Washed them down with sips of expensive brandy. Only drank that when she was upset. Usually stayed with something white or blush otherwise. It was always how Camille could gauge her moods. By what was in her glass.
  “…Okay.” Camille waited for her to go after another awkward beat. Her breath left tight lungs so she picked up the phone to dial.
  “Hargrove.” Billy surprised her. He was never the one to answer. Neil always lied, telling her Billy was "out" before smacking the receiver down on her.
  “Billy, it’s me. My…My mother invited you to dinner. Can you come?” Her voice was shaken. Billy didn’t dare ask why over the phone. “It’s at seven. I’d really like you to be there.”
  “I’ll be there.” They both hung up and Camille plastered a smile to go help her mother cook.
  “He’s coming.”
  “Wonderful.” Rosemary moved items around. “Does he make you happy?”
  “Yes, he does. We're friends, we help each other.”
  “That’s all I wanted for you, you know.”
  “I know. I am happy. I am. You’re an…amazing mother. You know, I see women wearing your clothing and I always smile. You touched all their lives in a small way. Billy’s stepmom gushed about how she wore one of your blouses on a date. I’m proud of what you did. You did your best. Daddy did too. I know that.” Camille found something heartfelt in all this bullshit. All this pain. And I killed daddy, Camille wanted to say. She apologized for it even still. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you, I was ashamed.” Rosemary was holding her again, shaking. Unraveling.
  “I’m proud of you, Camille. We’re going to be just fine. You became an amazing woman. Never stop. I just wish you'd come to me. Please, know that you can.” She kissed her cheeks and Camille relaxed. “Come on, let’s make something to impress this boy of yours.” Her daughter could only nod. The twinge of fear didn’t quite melt away. But, she was up for ignoring it. Camille Harper lived her entire life in a den of wolves. You don't just slink out of it when they begin to starve.
** ** **
  “You’re early,” Camille was relieved when she opened the door in a short, pink sweater dress with black tights. Billy had his shirt buttoned up higher than usual. Only one open. Frankly, that was more surprising than the flowers in hand.
  “For your mother. Moms love me.” He cocked his head so she allowed him inside. Camille kissed his cheek so she could whisper.
  “Something’s off.” She warned. “She’s…” Camille came out to listen as her mother hummed in the kitchen to music playing on their stereo. “She’s like…clingy and weird. Doped up.” Rosemary opened the door to interrupt them, removing an apron. She reminded Billy of twenty Karen Wheelers. All dolled up to the max. With Karen, you still got something genuine there. Rosemary lived her life in the artificial. Her current mental state amounted to shiny sequins popping off a campy prom dress.
  “Camille, darling, introduce me.”
  “Billy Hargrove, this is my mother, Rosemary Harper.” Camille stepped out of the way with the flowers. “Billy is my friend from class. He transferred into Hawkins last fall. Brought us these flowers.” The teen realized Billy was making a jab with them.
  “Sunflowers. How sweet? How’d you know?” She outstretched a hand and Billy took it in both of his
  “Mrs. Harper? For a moment, I thought Camille had a sister." He turned up the usual appeal. "Nice to finally meet you. My stepmom talks about your clothes all the time.”
  “A charmer. Flattery will get you everywhere in this house.” She grinned. More sparkly sequins threatened to burst. Billy remembered a red, sequined scarf his mother owned. Part of an old Halloween costume. Shiny and wild to the eye. As a kid, he'd playfully run about the house with it wrapped around his shoulders to music. Made him feel like a star. Until Neil came home to catch him one Tuesday afternoon. Knocked three baby teeth out. His mother threw the scarf away after that. Probably for the best. “Come into the dining room. Camille, go set the table for me.” Billy met Camille’s eyes, brow lifting subtly. They went in after her. “How do you like Hawkins, William?”
  “Oh, Billy is fine,” he swallowed. “Hawkins is…different.”
  “Used to be a much quieter place. Such a pity.” Rosemary sighed, bringing a dish to the table. “Chicken pot pie.”
  “It smells amazing, mom,” Camille let Billy pull out her chair before he held out one for her mother next.
  “He’s just a doll, isn’t he?” Rosemary served pieces up when Billy slipped into a seat across from Camille. Music still played and candles lit the table.
  “Thank you, Mrs. Harper.”
  “Rosemary, please.” She’d insisted, eating from her plate. Both teens waited until she swallowed to pick at their food. “Camille tells me you’re from California. You know, I dressed so many celebrities in LA. Award season was my favorite time. Sometimes I miss that. Hawkins must absolutely bore you, poor thing.”
  “Delicious,” Billy remarked, nodding. “And I thought that as well until I moved here. Met some…interesting people.”
  “Well, that’s good then. With the right people, you can make any place a home.” She sounded like fucking Glinda the Good Witch. If she snorted a great deal of coke. Billy watched her smile and paused to swallow. His lips lifted with some force. Camille nudged his foot under the table. “That’s what my Noah used to say.” Her mother was noticeably dazed.
  “I’m sorry for your loss.” Billy offered.
  “That’s appreciated, young man. I can see that you’re very important to my daughter, Billy. Glad to see her in the company of good friends who care about her.” Rosemary was still smiling. “Because if anyone dared to hurt her, oh, I do pity the next boy who crosses my baby.”
  “Mom.” Camille set her water down, eyes widening and Rosemary sat back. Collected.
  “Camille, you are beautiful and you are still so stupid. I really thought we taught you better. I can see now, we didn’t. Pity. You just never could grasp people. You never could trust your instincts.” She poured blame into Camille’s soul like gasoline. All they needed was a match.
  “Whoa…” Billy sat straighter when Rosemary’s knife tapped her plate. Camille’s jaw dropped.
  "Mom, stop."
  “If you don’t think for a second that this boy only wants what they all do… What have I taught you? Are you going to sleep with my daughter? Leave her shattered like the other did? Are you going to try to take her from me? When I finally have her all my own. Oh, no. I will not have it!” Rosemary smacked the table and stood. Camille jumped to her feet.
  “Billy, I think you should go now.” She came around the table to push at him. “Mom, what the hell is wrong with you?”
  “No, I’m not going anywhere.” Billy was tense, fists clenching. The words blurted out. “Look, I care about your daughter-”
  “Words.” Rosemary was a rubber band snapping. “Men, you’re all the same, you make messes and we clean them up. You hurt us and we lick our own wounds. You use and use and we come to our knees after. Where is my credit?! Huh, I took good care of you, I did. And you want to throw it all away by growing up. Without your mother, Camille!” Her daughter stopped and almost burst herself, remembering Judith King alone in that hospital. Rocking.
  “Mom…calm down,” Camille realized the magnitude of the grave danger she was in all at once. The boiling pot she couldn't leap out of. She had to stay in control. Told herself she was. Didn't trust her fucking instincts. Her fatal flaw with people. Camille's hand lifted to slip the knife from her mother’s fingers. “I think you need to go lie down.”
  “Oh…oh, yes. I am not myself. I think I,” Rosemary clenched with tears. “I think I drank a little too much brandy. Too many pills to relax me. I’m so sorry, I’m sorry. I wanted one good night for you. For us.”
  “I know…let’s get you in bed.” Camille looked at Billy and helped the manic woman off to her room.
  “I didn’t mean that, I’m just so scared.” She crumbled.
  “Go to sleep. We’ll be fine.” Camille tucked her into bed and hurried out, shutting the door. Billy’s hands were on her shoulders, dragging her back to the stairs.
  “You are not staying here tonight.” He was heated, voice low. “You don’t even have to come stay with me if you don’t want to. I’ll take you anywhere. I’ll take you to Harrington or the Wheeler’s or to the damn Chief, I don’t care. But, you are not staying in this house tonight. I mean it.” Camille wrapped her arms around him. Words. “Pack a bag, we’re going right now.”
  “She wasn’t always like that, since my father…something’s coming undone inside her as well.” Camille sniffled and Billy held her back this time, firm as if to reassure her. She packed a bag and wrote a quick note to let her mother know that she was safe with a friend.
  “Come on,” Billy reached for her hand without thinking to get her out of there. “Where am I taking you?” They got into his car so he pulled out of the driveway. She fazed out of existence. Her elbow burned still. That pain was the only thing keeping her attached to this world. “Camille, talk to me. You need to stay right here now. Okay?”
  “I…” She shook her head. Tried to flood back in. For him. “I don’t know. You pick.”
  “My house it is,” he inhaled. “Dad leaves before us for work tomorrow. I’ll sneak you into the window again. Can get ready at my place and I’ll take you to school... Camille. Focus here. You're fading on me.”
  “Okay...yes, okay.” Her body mellowed out. Numb even when he beckoned to snap her back. “I don’t want to cause more trouble for you at home.”
  “You couldn’t possibly.” He hitched with amusement then. Camille looked outside at the trees, lips opening when she found words to grasp.
  “You meant it, I could tell.”
  “Meant, what?”
  “You cared about me.” She turned her head and his eyes stayed on the road. Billy didn’t speak so she went for his hand, clasping it between both of hers. “Everything that happened. I want you to know that you’re making it. Doing better. You’re my friend and I care about you too. And I forgive you. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you touching my life. And just, thank you, Billy.” His chest sunk and he squeezed her hand tight. “Just needed you to know that.”
** ** **
  “Shhh, they’re sleeping,” Billy eased Camille into his bedroom window. She had one leg over when the door opened a crack and Max poked her head in without knocking.
  “You’re not as sneaky as you think,” she whispered, amused. “Saw her pass my window.” The younger girl came forward to take Camille’s other hand.
  “Keep it down,” Billy hissed, hands under Camille's arms to heave her inside. She felt his muscles flex and let her face heat. “Go shut my door.”
  “I heard about… Well, we all…” Max shuffled her feet. Camille dropped her bag and sat on Billy’s bed. “I’m sorry.” She came and wrapped her arms around Camille’s neck when she got emotional. Billy shut his window and sighed, sneaking out to grab a glass of water. His sister was kneeling on his bed, holding his friend close and petting her hair. “It’s okay.” Billy offered her the cool glass quietly so she came out from Max to drink, eyes red and tired.
  “Come on, go change.” Billy was ushering her into his little closet with her bag. Flicking the swinging light in there on. Max stood, gaze sliding from him to the floor. He didn’t try to kick her out.
  “What happened after?” She hesitated when his eyes landed on her face. “Thought her mom invited you over.”
  “I don’t know, she just…freaked out on us.” Billy shook his head. His sister looked encouraged.
  “So, you helped her leave.”
  “For tonight,” Billy ran a hand into his hair and plopped down on his bed. Max pressed her lips. “Don’t give me that look, not like I’m in your nerd party.”
  “Maybe we can start our own side party? I don’t know all the rules but I think I’ll make some of my own up.” Max shrugged. “It can be a secret too, no one will see us coming. Just think about it, maybe come up with a cool name.” Billy lifted one brow at her, lips pressing when she stood.
  “Max.” He mustered the courage. Let it flood out. “I’m sorry.” Hands clenched in his lap when she came forward, touching his face so he’d look at her expression.
  “I always wanted a big brother,” she admitted. “Nice to meet you, Billy.”
  “You too, Mad Max.” Billy let her hug him. A quick, tight squeeze he needed. One arm returned it because she needed it too.
  “Name the secret side party.” Max moved to the closet door. “Camille, I hope you feel better.” There was some quiet shuffling.
  “Thank you,” came the muffled reply. Max crept out to get back to her room and Camille appeared, drained. Billy looked up and there was a beat.
  “Hi.” She crawled behind him atop the covers. “School’s going to be a nightmare tomorrow.”
  “Figured you’d want to skip.” Billy pulled his pants and shirt off, not bothering with much else before he reclined next to her. Camille shifted in a baggy tee, curling her bare legs up. He took note of them briefly.
  “No. Queen Bee can’t back down. Right?” Camille closed her eyes and opened them. “I don’t regret anything about the choice I made. I won’t let those people scare me into thinking that I should.” He didn’t argue with that. “Sorry, we can’t go on a normal date.”
  “We’ll get there. Eventually.” Billy turned his head to see her, idly hitting the last lamp to shut off.
  “Happy Valentine’s Day.” Camille sighed, burying her face into pillows that smelled like him. Billy came up to shift so he could slip covers over them both. She scooted into him, allowed his hands to smooth up and down her back. Billy was careful of the wound on her arm, relaxing while they warmed up. Dim moonlight sunk between the curtains. Camille watched the shine of his eyes in the dark. Her arms curled between them, fingers shifting out to touch his chest.
  “Let me guess,” he purred. Hands smoothed over his skin. “You want to try something?”
  “Hm, what gives you that idea?” Camille drew closer, lips just barely brushing his.
  “We have to keep it down,” he warned, breathless before they kissed. Heated flesh pressed together. They held each other for a while there in the dark. Billy was more still as she explored him. Tracing over contours and scars. She cupped his face, thumbs smoothing along cheekbones. Following the swell of his full bottom lip before her mouth opened against his. Camille felt him get aroused against her thigh.
  “I want to touch you,” she uttered, fingers in his hair until he adjusted and reclined more on his back. One arm pulled her into him so she draped her body along his. Lips peppered over his collar and neck. Billy suppressed a moan and tilted his head back, hand finding hers. Camille traced his hip and guided him until she cupped his shaft through thin briefs. Fingers edged up and down the feel of him. "Oh." The softest little sound sent pride shooting up his body. He was well aware of what he was packing. Billy’s lips parted to sigh and he shifted her hand under the fabric. Longed so to be touched. Fingers wrapped around the shaft. They found a pace together. Pumping slow and rhythmic while her mouth was on warm skin.
  “Camille.” Billy came undone, hand sliding away so she could work him until he was hard and slick. Her thumb rubbed circles into the tip. Torturing him. Unraveling him utterly. His arm squeezed her closer when it became too much. “Fuck,” he craned his neck to bury his face into her hair, muffling his sighs into the pillows. “More.” She slowed to longer strokes, coming out to slip her tongue into his mouth. Drawing it out. Billy held himself together. Just barely.
  “Do you think about me when you’re alone?” Camille was going painfully slow, lips lingering down his chest. Turning the tables. "Doing this to yourself and thinking about fantasy queen Camille. Hm?" Billy tried not to scoff. No comment. “Have to give to get.” She recalled his own words. Tormented him with them. Fingernails scratched down his chest. Her mouth left little pink marks he’d remember tomorrow.
  “Yes, god, Camille.” His hips tried to rut in tune with her hand. “Few minutes after I met you just so we’re clear.”
  “Crystal.” She teased, slipping to run her tongue down his happy trail and all the way up to his tip. Billy gave a wanting little arch to be inside her. Fingers shifted into her hair. “This is more like it, yeah?”
  “Close,” he reached to stoke himself, eyes intent on her own until she opened her mouth when he offered his tip. She just felt too good. Swallowing him down all the way. “Better.” Camille gave a hum that vibrated his dick, plunging it further into her throat. She came up to find her pace again. Kisses and licks smeared arousal down his skin. Camille brought her bottom into the air and focused on the pace. Mouth slipping over him with ease. Fingers guided her by the hair, twisting locks from her face. Billy watched her suckle and pressed his head back. She'd ruin him for other flings too. They played together, heated, and as quiet as they could be. He felt his stomach flutter, body growing taut. Camille worked him, swirling her tongue as hands ran along his hips.
  “I’m right there,” he confessed, tapping her shoulder before fingers latched around her wrist. Billy tried to warn her again when her eyes lifted to his. She gave a sort of nod, massaging his skin to let him know it was alright. Lips opened when he let go, climax pumped in spurts along her tongue. Camille slowed to swallow in time before she could choke, lapping to finish him off. His muscles clenched and released rhythmically so she drew it out. Exquisitely. Billy gave a soft moan like honey. Camille came up on her knees, wiping her swelled lips on her hand. Splayed, he watched her tuck him back into his briefs before plopping next to him.
  “Been waiting to return the favor,” she mused, chest steady with deep breaths while he came down from the high. While he came down from her. Blue eyes darkened with clouds. “Taste you, I mean.” Billy, unable to stand it, came up to hover and took her face in one hand. Gazes flickered intently. “You don’t have to kiss me after, I get it.” As if it was a challenge, he pressed her into the bed to kiss her as obscenely as he could. Tongue slipping along lips and between teeth. Spit trailed when they parted.
  “Don’t tell me what to do.”
  “I think you like it,” Camille hushed, “just a little.”
  “What happened to not dating boys you go to school with?” Billy came up so she followed, braced on her hands. Legs opened while he sat between them.
  “Technically haven’t been able to date yet.”
  “You know what I mean. Flings were banned too.” He countered. "Friends who go down on each other is great and all, but...you want more and so do I. So, I'll ask you again. What happened to no flings for queenie?"
  “Guess the same thing happened with you moving on from one skirt to another,” she replied. “Haven’t even tried to continue the rounds. I wouldn’t blame you.”
  “Harpy is dodging the question,” he touch his ear, tilting toward her so she caved.
  “I can make exceptions.” She shifted to prop herself up on pillows. They observed each other.
  “Just admit that I make you hot already, Camille.” Billy lingered, easing forward. “We played this shit for months. Just let go. Can’t stand it anymore. Admit you got off to me. More than once. Lift up your shirt.” The command surprised her. Slowly, she shifted fabric up, baring herself to his eyes. Billy bit his lip at the sight of her, pleased. Nipples pebbled against cooler air. “Take it off.”
  “You take it off.” Camille hitched a gasp when hands eased up her sides. Cupped her breasts for good measure before the shirt slipped over her head. Fabric bunched around her shoulders.
  “You thought about it, what type of fuck I’d be.” He hummed, fingertips edging down the soft skin of her inner thighs.
  “Had a vague idea, you flaunt it well.” Camille licked her lips, teeth nipped at her bottom one so he came forward for a slow kiss. “Didn’t try hard to do it. Just happens when you’re…heated.” She gasped as he cupped her, offering a slow rub. Felt like he was out to claim something.
  “Heated like this? Admit it, Camille,” he ghosted his mouth over hers, eyes direct to hold her attention. Palm on her still in a way that was possessive. “You sat next to me in class squirming because you knew…I’d make you quake. Yes or no?”
  “Ye…s…” She grew timid so he advanced, lips closing around a nipple. Teeth tugged. Steady, he tormented the other bud. Tongue flicking up toward her neck.
  “What was that?” His thumb circled her clit through fabric, slicking it in her arousal.
  “Yes.” Camille tried not to melt but he was the sun and she’d flown far too close.
  “Thought about how I’d push a dress up over your shoulders and make you moan. Don’t have to say anything,” Billy’s fingers slipped under fabric, “it’s already written all over you. You got wet with my cock in your mouth.” Camille was rocking to meet his hand, jaw clenched before she stole a kiss. His forehead touched hers when two digits slipped into her with ease. Billy hushed her when she whined, body clenching him. “You wondered what it would feel like buried here.”
  “Billy,” came another plea. Her expression faltered, lost in euphoria. Lost in him. Drowning again in fire. He didn’t let up.
  “Camille…” He drawled in a quiet, sing-song tone that always ruined her. His free hand came to rest by her hip when he slid closer. “Just say the words.” Billy pumped slowly, thumb teasing that stiff bundle of nerves. Heat swelled. Her flesh cried out for more. She caved.
  “Yes…I…” Eyes closed and opened, lips parting to sigh. Billy had her. “Fuck it, I thought about you.”
  “So, process of elimination,” he was rubbing her more intently now, “I make you…?”
  “Hot.” Camille bit back a moan. “You make me hot. Okay…Ha…Happy? Fuck.” Her hips shifted back so he came with, thighs forcing hers apart when her back hit the wall.
  “Camille,” he chided, lips along her jaw. “I can’t make you come if you squirm like that.” Her hands found his shoulders to cling. “You want to, don’t you?” Billy was savoring every bit of this.
  “Yes,” she watched him slow and gave in, “I want to come.”
  “All you gotta do is ask me,” he smiled against her mouth, "just ask and I'll give you what you want."
  “Billy, fuck, make me come. I want it.” She recalibrated. “I want you. Let me, please.”
  “Since you asked me so sweetly.” He bent to leave a mark on her neck that she’d have to see in the morning. Fingers pumped and curved inside her, knuckle deep. Camille shuddered against him, moving to fuck herself in turn. He felt her clit twitch, muscles clamping down against him. “Come.” He coaxed. “You’re right there, just let go. Let go, Camille.” He made her feel so good. Hazel eyes closed so he took her jaw again with one free hand. “No, you stay right here. Look at me.” Billy wanted to watch her come undone. She could only mouth the words, eyes widening when orgasm raced within her veins. She rocked unsteadily into him. Thighs quivering. “There you are.” He eased, keeping her in a state for as long as he could. Lips offering only encouragement. Pride. Fingers slipped out of her, holding fabric aside to see her soaked and twitching. “Fuck, Camille.” Beautiful. She slipped down so he eased her against the mattress to nestle into his chest. Fingers danced all along her back. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” He felt her hitch to muffle a laugh into his chest.
  “It is, isn’t it?” She tucked herself into him, contented. Billy craved a cigarette but couldn’t stand to slip from her to grab one. Instead, they breathed and traced shapes into skin. “Made the exception because I like you…dummy.” Billy shook his head, thoroughly entertained. “It’s different between us, isn’t it?”
  “Yeah, think so.”
  “Feels like we’re on the same edge, terrifying as it might be.” Camille sighed, relaxing further into him. “But…it’s not lonely. Not anymore.” He could only nod, arm looped around her back. Her body breathed in tune with his. Lulling to the heartbeat pulsing under her ear.
  “Go to sleep.” He murmured into dark hair at last. Camille didn’t feel she had a choice at this point. It tugged her away. Billy held her and soothed every little twitch that dared to disturb her mind. Up until it came for him next.
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secretblog1212 · 5 years
Fuck, Marry, Kill.
So this is kind of really shit but I can’t figure out how to make it not shitty so here you go folks. XD sorry. Pretty much more High Steve with Robin just chilling with hints of sad because oof. Not a ship, they just friends.
The store was empty for the first time in three, long, trying, and teenage filled hours. Needless to say Steve and Robin were dead on their feet as they closed up shop.
Robin was quick to lock the doors, and Steve sped threw mopping the ‘poop deck’, otherwise known as the shops front. Chairs were flipped and scoops were washed at record speed. Robin was about to grab her purse when Steve stopped her.
“Hey Rob, I was wondering if you wanted to smoke tonight? We could just throw a movie in or something.”
Well that was new. Not that she didn’t know Steve smoked every now and then, but she’s never been invited before. They had been getting closer over the summer, so it kind of made sense, and hey, if he was going to offer it out for free who was she to say no.
“Sure, just let me go home and change first, meet you at yours in about an hour?”
Steve’s smile was damn near blinding. He nodded along eagerly, and they split off, Robin heading to where her mom was picking her up and Steve to his car.
After five minutes of small talk Robin decided she couldn’t put it off any longer.
“Hey mom, I was wondering if I could hang out at a friends house tonight. They’re having a movie night, I know it’s kind of last minute but I thought it might be okay since I’m off tomorrow anyway.”
She hummed in thought, “Who’s house is it?”
“The boy I work with, Steve, I’ve told you about him before.”
“He won’t try to get in your pants?”
Robin couldn’t hold back her laugh, “Not a chance, he knows I like girls mom.”
The elders face lit up, “Oh of course then Honey, I’ll drop you off whenever your ready and maybe he can take you home tomorrow.” She relented, relaxing back into her seat.
They pulled into their driveway and Robin made quick work of showering and getting comfy close for the night. Clad in sweat pants and an old band t-shirt she threw her still wet hair up in a messy bun and gathered her favorite blanket in a bag. Down stairs her mother was watching the end to the nightly news.
“Ready Mom!”
The brunette turned and did a once over of her daughter. Concluding that she was appropriately dressed for a sleepover she picked her purse up from the coffee table and the two made their way out the door.
A quick drive later and they were pulling into the Harrington’s long driveway, the first floors lights sprinkled to show where exactly Steve was.
Her mom wished her well and Robin made her way to the doorbell. Soft chimes sounded through the house.
The double doors were yanked open to reveal none other than Steve Harrington himself, ushering her inside and waving to her mom as she pulled away.
“Welcome, welcome to the wonderfully cozy Harrington residence. We have two of fifty rooms occupied, my bedroom and the living room, feel free to pick either to get fucked up in.”
Robin eyed the blank walls of the too clean house. It just wasn’t Steve at all, it seemed empty? Lonely? Like some Hallmark mansion, just not realistic at all. Down the hall she could see the flashing glow of a television and pointed. “There.”
“Living room it is then.” Steve hummed with a soft nod. “That’s where I got everything prepared so I was hoping you’d say that.”
God he was a dingus.
There was a large L shaped couch in the middle of the room, a TV facing it against the wall on top of a dresser like stand, and a coffee table littered with snacks, movies, and a few blunts between the two. Given the stack of blankets already pulled out Robin assumed that tonight was going to be filled with warm, cozy cuddling and lazy conversations.
She wasn’t complaining though. She plopped down on the bouncy cushion and reached to flip through the movie choices.
“Anything in mind Harrington?”
“Nothing particular. They’re mostly horror though.”
That raised an eyebrow, hadn’t he already had enough horror in his life already? “You a big fan of horror then?” she asked.
Steve just kind of huffed then chuckled. “My dad says a real man doesn’t watch musicals or romance stuff. He only allows ‘manly’ movies in his house, don’t you want to watch a manly movie Rob?”
Robin just rolled her eyes and mumbled. “Wouldn’t know good movies if it hit him.” But she loved a good horror movie herself, she grabbed the copy of Nightmare on Elms Street and waved it in Steve’s face. “Pop her in then buddy.”
A minute later and they were situating blankets across the two of them as trailers flickered across the screen. Really Robin thought five blankets was a little excessive but Steve seemed to think it was lacking. He leaned forward and grabbed the pre popped popcorn, a lighter, and the first blunt of the night.
Ever the gentleman Steve gave her the first hit. She held it in her mouth, coaxing it down her throat while he took his own puff. After a few seconds she opened her mouth and let the smoke find its own way out, floating from her mouth and into the air like a cloud.
Steve was not as patient or content to see the slow going process, after a few seconds he blew the air out like flames from a dragon's mouth.
They traded it back and forth, watching each other’s different tricks as the drug slowly took effect, till the movie started up, their eyes glued to the screen.
Something Robin realized fairly quickly was that Steve was not a fan of horror movies. She could feel him slowly pressing further against her, flinching when things got too jumpy. She couldn’t blame him, besides if she could help comfort him through this one then she could find at least one happy movie to put in next, right?
After a particularly gruesome scene she decided she couldn’t wait that long. You might be thinking, why doesn’t she just say she wants to change the movie? Well, the thought didn’t even cross her mind. Instead she moves in with a quick distraction.
“That Nancy Thompson is pretty cute right?”
Steve stares up at her for a few seconds before nodding. Hell yeah she was cute.
“And that Glen dude, any character Johnny Depp plays is going to be eye candy.”
Good. If she had him talking then he wasn’t paying attention to the movie.
“Quick! Fuck marry kill, Johnny, Nancy girl, or Tina?”
He stuttered for a few seconds, his mind wrapping around the character selection. “Umm, kill Tina, Marry Johnny and fuck Nancy?”
Robin couldn’t help but laugh at how unsure he sounded.
“Hey well how about you?”
“Mmm,” she paused to think. “Kill Johnny, Marry Tina, fuck Nancy.”
The game kept up with characters before moving onto people they knew in real life. “Clair Burk, Tommy H, and Carol.”
Steve huffed long and hard for that one, taking another drag before even contemplating. Robin thought about her own answer as well, Clair was pretty cute, and surely Carol would have some redeeming qualities. Tommy was a nice guy if you caught him around the right people, but prone to violence, she’d have to go with “I’d marry Clair, fuck Carol and kill Tommy.”
Steve actually laughed at that one. “Understandable, understandable. But get this okay. Fuck Tommy, kill Clair, Marry Carol.” He was quick to continue when Robins head jerked to look at him, eyebrows raised. “I’ve known them for a super long time, right? So marry Carol cause we could just act like friends, and like I know you like girls and all but Tommy is kinda cute. He has freckles Rob, freckles. And he’s super strong-“
She stopped him before it could get graphic “Woah woah woah keep it PG, I don’t need a full description of how you’d want him to give it to you.”
They’d cycled through most of the kids in their grade that they both knew by the time the credits started to roll.
Steve sat up and stared her down, excited not unlike a golden retriever.
“Wait wait wait okay okay. So. Watch, sleepover with, or dinner with, kid addition.”
Color her intrigued. She gestured for him to continue. “Okay So Mike, Dustin and Max?”
The kids had grown on her since that night at the Mall, she’s like to think they were all friends. “Okay so watch Max, Sleepover with Dustin and Dinner with Mike.”
Steve burst into laughter.
Fine, if he was going to just laugh at her she’d give him something to laugh at.
Robin turned to face him and reached to grab ahold of his side, squeezing away at the fleshy skin. “Oh your going to laugh at me? Well you have a better idea Dingus?”
Steve’s laughter doubled and his hands grabbed onto her wrists. No matter how hard he tried to squirm to the other side of the couch he was stuck. Their legs had gotten tangled in the many many blankets about an hour ago, and neither had the motivation to unstick themselves.
Boy does he wish he had.
“I was lahaughihing cause mihine is the sahahme! Ihits the sahame.”
Oh. Well, no reason for her to stop. “Yeah, cause Mike's a shithead and gets in trouble, of course it was going to be the same! But now look at you Stevey, Hmm let me think of one.” She slowed down for a second, focusing in on who she would pair up. “How about Lucas, Jane, and Will? I won’t stop tickling you till you answer.”
I Steve kicked out as she moved her way up his ribs, digging between the bone. Somehow he ended up with his back against her, trapping himself.
“Wahahtch Lucas, dineher with Jahanehe, Wihihill sleheep ohover!”
She slowed down her fingers, not quite stopping but changing to fluttery touches that left him giggling.
Steve’s arms felt heavy and all he could think about was the tingling of her nails over his stomach and neck. He let his hands drop into his lap and threw his head back onto Robins shoulder.
“It feheheels weirherd.”
Robin leaned down to his ear to tease the poor boy. “Do you mean it tickles Steve?”
The boy nodded, hiding his blush in the crook of her neck.
“Come on, you can say it buddy. Tick-le, easy peasy.”
Steve burrowed deeper into her neck, hiding himself away from the word.
“Fine,” she huffed. “If you won’t say it then at least tell me that you like it. It’s kind of obvious at this point.”
He only leaned further onto her, probably hoping to disappear.
“Well that just confirmed it Dingus.” She cooed.
She kept up the light touches till Steve’s face had lost some of its pink. He was still squirming occasionally when her fingers strayed a bit to close to his side, and he rolled himself so they were chest to chest.
If she was wondering what kind of stoned Steve would be before she had her answer. He was touchy and clingy when high, and it somehow fit perfectly even with his previous bad boy routine.
His breathing evened out and he was fully slumped against her.
Robin stretched as far as she could for the remote and a bag of chips before laying herself back down. Now that Steve was actually asleep she could try and really watch the movie. What were best friends for if not being a pillow anyway?
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stay--satan · 7 years
But he’s all mine and I’ll love him - Older!DAMIAN WAYNE X READER
Can you do prompts 6 and 11 with Damian, please? Also I’m really excited for upcoming work! Good luck :) - 6. “Are you even happy?” - 11. “Am I even enough?”
hey hey i love your wally piece and i was wondering if you could do 23 with either dick or damian? thanks! - 23. “We’re not Rose and Jack, we’re more like fucking Sid and fucking Nancy”
I think I took too deep this one, might be the saddest thing on earth
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The team had comeback from a mission that left Y/N, Raven and Aqualad protecting the tower while Robin, Beast Boy, Starfire and Kid Flash left for a three months undercover mission. Y/N is the team's hacker and watcher, taking control over the fights from the outside while both of them kept the city safe. But again, the three of them never were too much of talking so now with the room crowded again with a welcome reunion after months in silence it was difficult. She didn't know many details about the undercover, but Wally said it was one of the roughest they ever had been. Being someone else for months was dangerous enough to change the real person from the inside. Though he seemed okay, she saw Kori flinch a bit when they jumped to hug her and Beast was definitly faking his smile as he was surrounded by his friends. And of course, there was Damian.
Y/N felt her heart stop for a minute as he walks in the room with his bag. The tall boy is tired and more pale than she remembered. He doesn't even glance a look at her direction, he just walks straight to the elevator going to his room. Y/N feels the pity look of her friends over her and a hand over her shoulder "Don't be mad with him... I guess he and Kory had the most intense part."
Two days has gone by and Damian hasn't left his room. She tries to see him over the security camera in his room but he had put a 'DON'T DISTURB' stick over it. She hears every now and then one of her teamates knocking on his door and placing the food there. Mostly of the times she passed through the hall and the food was still there after hours. Y/N thinks about how many times she thought about knocking there to check on him, or just using her spare key and holding him without telling nothing. But she knew Damian better and he would be gone of the room before she was in the middle of the hallway. So she decides to talk to Kory who was still a bit off from herself, but was open to talk about it.
"You don't have to if it's..." "It's okay Y/N..." The orange woman gives a warm smile to her "I need to snap out of it" Starfire, the woman who Y/N admired for her entire life, was now in front of her looking so fragile like a human being. "We got separated before we landed. It would seem to suspicious if 5 people showed up in the city at the same day. We're suposed to look for this man, Hugo. He controlled H.I.V.E after Grant Wilson's death. But we wanted to get to know everyone around him and all his tatics before we could come up with something over them, I mean, H.I.V.E hasn't moved in years so why start while we are away?" she sighes adjusting her posture "We used this mission also to test our undercover watch, it made us look like someone else. So Wally and Beast went to downtown and me and Damian to near the docks where we believed it would be the criminal's spot. We found a few suspects on our first week, but you know how man are... They don't trust you unless they have something in return." Kori looked to her hands "They locked me and when I woke up, I saw myself again as a slave." her voice is rough, Y/N wanted to hug her but she knew there wasn't nobody like Y/N who could listen to her for this time. It's a difficult thing to tell the others and if she ever mentioned to Grayson... God there wouldn't be a a living soul in that city "I menaged to keep myself strong knowing that if anyone crossed a line with me I could burn that place down, but I coudn't help but think about the other girls you know? I know there is so much pain in this world, I just never thought I would see right in front of me and not being able to do anything for months you know?" Y/N's heart was broken. She rushs to hug her friend "Kori, you're amazing. Every single day that you're here it's the day I am proud of you. After everything you've been through I look at you and see the most strong woman I know. We can't save everyone from this, but you did the best you could" The oldest gives a corner smile to the girl "Well, I did break everyone's legs on our last day. Sent that girls back home and I feel good. I really do. But I need time" "Of course..." you grin letting her go from your embrace "About Damian... He was in South from where I was. From what I heard he was the biggest dealer from there, building his way up. Look Y/N, I don't know what he did... But it broke him. He didn't said a word the entire way over." You nodded to her finally knowing what to do.
Y/N opens the door seeing her long-term boyfriend sleeping. She walks over him carefully sitting across from bed messing his hair. The green eyes wide open in shock grabbing her hand roughly and she gaps "Hey, birdboy. It's me..." she whispers trying to calm him down. Damian finally has a clear vision of her and sits straight in the bed "What time is it?" shaking his head and rubbing his eyes "Late. I'm sorry I had to see you" "Yeah. Sorry I..." "No need" she smiles looking at his face. His eyes were not meeting hers by any point and she notices some new scars over his body. "You need some time" He finally looks at her, but his eyes are different. They have this guilt, angry and arrogance that she never saw before. At least not to her. Damian grunts "Time?" he leaves the bed letting her sit alone. She follows him with her eyes and he goes to the bottle of whiskey that now is part of his room. This wasn't there the last time she visited him, she thought. She also never saw Damian as a drinking type like Jason or Bruce. He puts over a glass to him turning his back to her "Time is what no one have." "I talked to Kori..." the girl's voice is a little louder now to make sure he was listening "She is taking hers and I suggest you do the same" "I am fine, Beloved." he turns to her with the glass on his hand. The nickname he used to call her now don't seem that familiar "Do you think some low key idiots would be able to break me?" he makes his way to her. Y/N feels deep in her core a mix of new feelings inside of her. She was scared for whatever was taking over him but at the same time, the way he looks at her was so much more intense than he ever did. It was like a hungry animal and she was his prey. Pulling her up by her wrists that would definetly leave some marks, he kisses her hard gripping her by the hips. His breath is heavy during the kiss taking over her and his touch is more aggressive. He pushes Y/N to the bed again ripping her blouse apart leaving bites all over her body "Damian... Wait I didn't came... Oh god" she tries to protest but he kiss that sweet spot over her neck while his fingers where now working under her panties before she could protest. She missed him, it's been too long. So she just let go for this time only, she could talk to him later.
Weeks goes by and Damian becomes more and more possesive over her. They barely leave the room and when they eventually do, Damian is gone for hours before return and drag Y/N to another night where they kept going until morning. Now after starring the ceiling while Damian is asleep on her arms for a few hours, she stands up putting her boyfriend's sweater to cover her bruises (she didn't had the exactly time to heal) but she didn't mind. Y/N loved that man since she was 14 and now, six years later, she feels like she needed him more than food or air. Stepping out carefully in the kitchen, she gasps when she notices Kori in the kitchen staring at her "Jesus Koriand'r!" Y/N closes her eyes putting her hands on her chest "You scared me!" "You look like a dead corpse." Oh yes, the Tamaran's ability to tell you the hard truth. Y/N doesn't seem impress though, ignoring her and going to the fridge. As she bends over to grab something, Kori's eyes wide over the purple and red marks on her tights. She rushes to the youngest desperate grabbing her by the shoulders "Y/N for your's sake look at you!" "What's wrong with you" Y/N pushes her off the embrace "What... What he's doing to you..." "Don't you dare imply that! What I do it's none of your business" "How can it not? You're my best friend" the red head looks at her almost tearing up "He's sick, Y/N! He's not Damian anymore and you're just feeding on him" "I'm doing that because I love him. I'm giving him time to tell me whatever happened" "Time? I barely see you and in weeks you look more skinny and pale than ever before." Y/N looks to her feet on that. She was right. Y/N had see herself in the mirror yesterday and honestly she couldn't recognize herself anymore. Her deep green hair is now a pale and dehydrated, her lips cut from all the love bites and her eyes so deep dark that looked like two black holes. "I know you love him and you think you're doing the right thing for whatever is you two are doing but... Are you even happy?" The question hits Y/N more surprisingly than she expected.
Entering in the room Y/N sees Damian Wayne laying on the bed with his glass off whisky in his hands. He doesn't look at her but he feels her eyes on him burning. Closing the door behind her she doesn't move for a whole minute only analyzing the man she loved. "Am I even enough?" Her question comes out more like a sigh. He stops the drinking slowly turning his deep dark eyes to her "What are you talking about?" "Why don't you talk to me?" Damian's face is unreadable. He stands his hand up so she could walk towards him and hold it. He kisses her knuckles and looks at her through his lashes "I couldn't live without you, Y/N L/N." he says raspy and passionate. And then it finally hits her. The mess that was made. Her man, her beautiful boy with such lost eyes. The room where they had so many memories smelling like old sex and alcohool and had not see the daylight for weeks. His on going departure for hours doing god knows what and keeping her locked to himself. She pushes her hands out of his quickly leaning against the wall with wide open eyes. She starts to shake her head and the man stands up going in her direction "STAY AWAY FROM ME" Y/N yells leaning more closer to the wall before he reached her. Damian stops looking at her confused "Look at you, Damian! Look at us, this room... We're not Jack and Rose, we're Sid and fucking Nancy." she starts to sob with hands on her face "What happened Damian? Wha-what happened?" she knees to the floor giving up her strengths between loud sobs. Damian wakes up like it was a mess dream. He sees his girl in pieces on his floor, broken in a way he never saw anyone. Actually, he did saw it. Himself. About a month ago in a cheap room where he was. Crying wildly on the floor, alone, screaming and punching the walls.
"I killed someone." His voice comes out in a breath. Y/N controlled her sobs and slowly put her head up facing him with while he was out of breath. Remembering every single detail of that night. "I-I didn't know. They put a knife in my hand challenging me and I thought I could get out of it. But... They were so out of themselfs that-" he stops to kneel on the floor across from her closing his eyes "The guy ran, held my hand into the knife" he looks at his own hands like it was still there "and did it before I could have a chance." Y/N now stares at him bursting in tears. "I try, I swear I tried to save him. Led him to a hospital but nothing worked and... I snapped out of it." He barely can finish his sentence before sobbing loudly than he ever did before. She rushes over him holding him tight over the shoulders, kissing his head repeatedly while he shouts 'I'm Sorry' over and over again. She knew it wasn't only for her, but also his family. Wally rushes over the room scared of what was happening, but before the boy on her embrace notices, she nodds to him to leave. She held him for hours while he struggles for hours under her arms. "My love? Love, look at me" she says holding his head near her's "You. Are. Not. Guilty. Okay? It'll pass." "I've- I've been horrible to you, look what I did to you!" he's crying had not stopped for a single moment. It's getting worse everytime he remembered something "Love, look at me LOOK AT ME" shaking him by the shoulders "You'll be okay. I'll forgive you." she gives away a little smile to him "Bruce and I will forgive you, but Damian, darling you need to talk to us okay?" He looks at her and finally control his crying nodding his head.
Telling Bruce was the hardest day of their life. The moment the man entered you led him to Damian's room, you saw shock and despair on his eyes for the first time. He sees his boy sitting on the bed completely different and it's like he already knew. Bruce hold his son in his arm kissing his head while the other Wayne embrace him tightly Damian was still scared to touch you, his psychiatrist said that what he did to you was to suppress the pain and keep his undercover on even after the mission. He's been going to therapy regularly and moved back to the manor where you two slept in separated rooms. Even though every night you held him in your arms until he falled asleep, he still insisted for you to leave after that. It was important for you too. Y/N's support was what gave Damian Wayne strength. He couldn't leave a day without telling sorry for the rest of his life and after almost a year of treatment, both of them felt trusty enough to love each other.
"Thank you" he whispers stroking her head on his embrace after calming down "For what?" she puts her hands over his chest "Where do you want me to start?" a chuckle leave her lips and he smiles over the sweet sound "I love you baby boy" lifting her head to meet his eyes, Y/N says with a deep voice "You might think that you're broke and hurt inside but you're all mine and I love you." she smiles as he gazes her eyes over him "I'll love you baby boy. No matter what."
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