#starshine answers asks
outcast-thingz · 18 days
How's season four going (:
So sorry for answering this so late... I paused watching and then watched up to episode 9 yesterday. Around every corner is some sort of second-hand embarrassment or things that made me seethe, or was sweet. It's just an emotional roller coaster.
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astral-express-family · 3 months
I saw you wanted to talk Astral Express Fam so Ill share a few headcanons, feel free to add your own💜
March gets sucked into youtube rabbit holes really easily, she literally falls asleep to a cooking video and somehow ends up on random ASMR videos
Dan Heng likely knows alot about random planets and their cultures/civilizations, he seems like a bit of a nerd so i think he'll info dump abt them to you if you ask
^ adding to above if you ask any question about what he's talking about he will definitely go off on tangents and talk about different, semi-related things while he answers your question^.^
Welt's room is kinda messy, his desk is covered in half-done sketches and random books about mecha and drawing. He probably also wakes up and spends the first hour of his day doing warmup sketches/drawings
Even though she prefers dark, bitter coffee, Himeko has memorized the specific way everyone on the express likes their coffee and she makes fresh cups in the morning for everyone.
Himeko, Stelle and March have girl's nights where they try on new clothes they bought and listen to Himeko talk about previous Nameless and the adventures she had with them
^Pom-Pom is sometimes roped into them, they have successfully dressed them up as Cinnamoroll at least once(ik pom pom purin is right there but idk cinnamoroll just...fits)
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I wanna know ur thoughts and stuff, lmk lmk lmk<3
yessssss i so agree with all of these wklejfkdjf
i especially love the girl's nights headcanon (i may only be partly girl but i am there for Girl's Nights too :3) honestly i might need to draw Cinnamoroll Pom-Pom at some point wjkfdjkd
Also headcanons of my own (ft. Miya aka my s/i):
if any threat got onto the Express, Pom-Pom would bite it without hesitation
When it comes to protecting his family (especially his kids), Welt has zero reservations about getting violent
There was once a time where Stelle, Himeko and Welt went to a planet together and pretended to be a family - husband, wife, and their daughter
It was Stelle's idea - Himeko thought it was funny and Welt was embarrassed
Surprisingly enough, Welt's actually very much a Girl Dad
Not to say he doesn't love Dan Heng or Caelus, of course
He's just ended up being closer to Miya, March, and Stelle overall
Conveniently enough, Himeko's actually very much a Boy Mom (not the shitty ones from like TikTok or whatever though)
March collects plushies and is very excited when she learns that Miya collects them as well
Stelle and Caelus forcibly claim Miya as their long-lost triplet (joking)
Dan Heng is incredibly touch-starved, but he will never admit this
His lack of admitting it doesn't matter, he gets hugs and cuddles from everyone anyways
Welt is the resident pillow for the Astral Express Kids
Himeko has borrowed March's camera and taken several pictures of them
Pom-Pom has been used as a stuffed animal, especially by Miya - they complain about it but secretly they don't actually mind
that was a lot of headcanons but i have many thoughts about these guys sooo
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emerysnonsense · 4 months
Hihihi sweet tea!!!!
A very not much happened day today
Drew some, did a good lot of chores, cuddled with cats, normal stuff
Probably gonna actually play Minecraft in a bit
Hopefully your day has been good!!!!!
Lotsssssssss of platonic love to you sweet tea!!!!!!
Love you loads!!!!(/platonic)
hi starshine!
sometimes it's good to have a chill day where nothing really happens
should do chores as well at some point this week ^^'
anyways, yeah, yesterday I bought loads of books
was very nice
unfortunately my day ended on a not so nice note tho
have returned to the world of single people
I'm fine tho, don't worry
there was no drama or anything
feeling much better after a night of sleep
lots and lots and lots of platonic love to you starshine <33333333333333
hope you're taking care of yourself. eating, drinking water, getting enough sleep and all that
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navybrat817 · 1 year
For college Bucky. Does he play any sports?
Boxing, nonnie. 💪 It's how he got the nickname Titan. 😏
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Love and thanks! ❤️
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mostcertainlynotcis · 8 months
"Oh my god, Poppy wasn't kidding," says a man with an Australian accent as he pokes his head out of the door. He has long, curly hair and golden wings. "There really are trick-or-treaters this year!"
He steps outside and closes the door behind him, rooting through his pockets and spinning around comically.
"Ahah!" he says triumphantly, spinning to face you again. "Stickers? Do you like stickers?" He holds out several small stickers, which seem to have characters on them. A few that look like him, but are red, blue, and purple, and some that seem inspired by gothic horror - you can tell one is Dracula, and another is Frankenstein's monster.
"Eh, I'll just-" He dumps them into your bucket. "Oh! And-" He pulls a loose feather from one of his wings and tucks it behind your ear.
"Hope that's good. Happy Halloween!" He gives you a small wave, and then heads back inside.
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yorshie · 2 months
1.) You're singlehandedly responsible for giving me the little nudge I needed to get back into writing
2.) I think you have an amazing sense of humor
3.) I'm eternally grateful for you helping me to make friends in this fandom
4.) I get a kick out of the comments you leave in the tags ALL the time
5.) I'm gifting you these digital flowers because I know their symbolism is your jam and gosh dang it you deserve these!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
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I am SO glad i met you, and I am SO glad i get to read your writing. Your new fic Sapphire? Yeah, it's gonna murder me. But beyond your writing, I'm so thankful I get to talk to you. You are so cool.
Thank you for being my friend.
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How would they react if the other told them “I love you” or “I trust you”? (FOR THE NERDS, PLS 🥺❤)
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(Thinking about using this as a banner for asks about them @bunnwich art! <3 But honestly I might just forget.)
Reacting to "I love you":
(They both melt like chocolate left in a hot car. lol)
Honestly, I don't know exactly when in the lore they would officially say it. The first time I think it's an unspoken "I love you", or the other (probably Idia) realizing just how sincere Yume is with their feelings and getting overwhelmed when he realized that he feels the same.
Though after Chapter 6 and both of them understand that they're committed to each other I think they say it to each other much more easily. Doesn't mean Idia doesn't get super blushy everytime. But it's okay because Yume gets sappy about it too.
Reacting to "I trust you":
I imagine the first time idia says it is during ghost marriage when Yume is pulling their scam on Eliza to save him, Idia is surprised himself that he truly does trust 100% Yume to help him in this situation. And its when he realizes that Yume is a person he's come to rely on.
Yume feels relieved to hear it. Because they know Idia is such an anxious/self conscious person who is extremely slow to trust and warm up to people; they know it's a big deal and don't take it lightly.
Pre chapter 6:
If Yume said this to Idia pre chapter 6 I imagine he would feel IMMENSELY guilty. I think he would feel bad about all the secrets he keeps about his personal life and frankly just in general think that he shouldn't be someone to put faith in. (Ortho did that and...well you know). He would think he fooled them into thinking he was someone they could rely on and although he wouldn't try to correct them I think it would really weigh on them.
Post chapter 6 if Yume said this to him I think he would really take it to heart and try to do his best to keep being considered someone Yume trusts and relies on, even though it's hard sometimes still to believe it.
(I don't think Idia would doubt his abilities , it's not that he can't be trusted in that sense. I think it would be more his character. There are times, like in his robes story, where he truly gives it his all to be there for the people he cares about but he still falls short due to his self-consciousness, fears and doubts. In a way I think he maybe a have a bit of imposter syndrome sometimes when it comes to Yume and Ortho. But I'm rambling.)
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Stressful…I don’t get paid enough
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sabrina-valerie · 1 year
Almost Kiss and Post-Kiss Catatonia for Kamek! :D
Thanks for the ask! And that's cool of you to pick ones with synergy! I got carried away and wrote the whooole scene, lmao (^_^;)7
[Ask Game link]
Almost Kiss: What was your first kiss with your F/O like? Post-Kiss Catatonia: How did you and your F/O react to your first kiss together? (+ a little bit of Aborted Declaration of Love as a bonus)
Since Sabrina was going to move into the castle more permanently, she’d had to travel back home for a while to gather her things, split duties with her sisters, and otherwise tie up loose ends. One of those loose ends was metaphorically burning a hole in her pocket at the moment, actually, meant to be tied up tonight. 
For now, though, her friends had sent her back with gifts for Kamek, as, despite how he felt about it, they had grown fond enough of him to call him a friend. She had them spread out, sitting on the floor of his quarters, and he sat behind her on the bed, peering over her shoulder.
But Kamek was hardly paying attention to the trinkets and gifts she was showing him, too busy staring at Sabrina’s face. It might have been from him not seeing her in person for weeks, or maybe from how everyone else in the castle had been bullying him about doing something about these feelings of his during that time, or maybe it was just the way her smile looked in the candlelight at that exact moment, but the next time Sabrina turned to say something to him, Kamek interrupted her to ask if he could kiss her.
Sabrina blinked, face slack with surprise. Watching her process what he’d said, Kamek suddenly regretted opening his mouth at all, already anticipating her face screwing up in displeasure (or disgust, even). Except before he could start backpedaling, her face bloomed pink. Kamek marveled at it. He’d never seen her blush like that before…
Sabrina glanced up at him through her lashes. I mean…you can if…if you want, I guess, she mumbled, looking more nervous than he’d ever seen her.
Kamek blushed in turn; if he was being honest, he didn't think he’d get this far. But now was his chance, and, heart pounding, he bent forward haltingly to kiss her. It was an awkward, hesitant thing, lasting both mere seconds and a lifetime, sending their nerves alight with all it felt like a dream.
Sabrina was the first to regain her voice, a shy smile overtaking her face. You can…do that again if you want, she squeaked.
Can I? Kamek responded, the barest hints of a mischievous look cutting through the dazed look in his eye.
Sabrina huffed a laugh and put a hand on his cheek to draw his face closer.
They pulled away next to the tune of light laughter, from Sabrina, and embarrassed chuckles, from Kamek.
So…Sabrina ventured, hand shifting from his cheek to his shoulder to resting atop his own. To be honest, the first thought that crossed her mind now that they were staring at each other was that oh, you know friends kiss sometimes so…this cant mean what I want it to mean, right?  The next scene her mind conjured up was the memory of her friends laughing at her and citing every clue her oblivious self missed when it came to Kamek and his feelings about her. The third thought was that Kamek's hand was warm, and the way he was hesitantly curling his fingers around hers was oh so endearing. In the end, Sabrina politely asked her thoughts to shut up for a minute or two, because Kamek was about to say something.
I, Kamek started, and then stopped. Sabrina squeezed his hand. I might…have feelings for you, he says, sounding like he was dragging the confession kicking and screaming from his the depths of his heart out into the space between them.
Might? Sabrina’s lips quirked, soft and small and fond.
Kamek sighed. Do. I do. He wasn't looking at her, instead staring at their joined hands like he couldn’t believe they were real (despite this being far from the first time they'd held hands).
Okay. Sabrina breathed in, then out. It was one thing for everyone to swear up and down that Kamek had a crush on her, but it was another to hear it from the source (even if said source had literally just kissed her). That's good.
That’s good?
‘Cause I have feelings for you too! Sabrina tap-tap-tapped her feet on the stone floor, excitement rising in her chest.
Kamek's face was bright red. …What kind of feelings?
Sabrina laughed, reaching into her pocket to pull out a thin box, whose contents she’d been busy working on for her entire trip away. She handed it to Kamek, bidding him to open it.
Kamek did so curiously, revealing an oversized bracer, gleaming silver and with a half-a-dozen colorful gemstones inlaid into the metal. Kamek traced the inscribed runes with a claw, momentarily distracted with trying to read them. Did you make this? he asked, and Sabrina nodded rapidly, watching him tilt the box around to catch the light on the trim. It’s a bit early for my birthday, isn't it? Kamek mused.
Oh, I guess it could be an early birthday present. She didn't even think of that. It's supposed to be a courting gift, though.
Sabrina took a deep breath, sitting up straight and stiff. Please do me the honor of letting me court you, she said all in one breath, willing her voice not to shake.
Kamek gaped at her, and for a moment Sabrina thought he’d refuse. He looked down at the bracer. He looked back up at her. His face scrunched up, and as the beginnings of tears gathered in his eyes Sabrina was now definitely sure he’d refuse.
She sat up onto the bed, and her hands fluttered around him, unsure if he wanted her to touch him or not but still wanting to give comfort. Um, she stuttered, trying not to cry herself, if you don't want to that's fine I - 
Her hands drifted too close to the box, and Kamek drew it to his chest, cradling it protectively with a scowl. He even scooted away from her a bit, as silly as the effort was, and even though she had no intention of taking her gift back the message was crystal clear and she wanted to cry for a different reason, now. 
Kamek hastily wiped his eyes; Sabrina waved off his apologies for the show of emotion before they even begin. It’s just, Kamek said, I’ve never…been courted before. Or even asked to — his voice faltered, wondering and shy as it was, and Sabrina couldn't help reaching over to wipe the last of the tear tracks from his face. He looked down at their hands, still joined together, and smiled up at her, small and tremulous. I suppose…I wouldn't mind it.
Sabrina beamed, a rush of giddy energy speeding through her head to toe. Her arms inched to wave around and move, and she balled one fist into her lap, the other still holding Kamek's. Ah, she needed to do something else with her hands before she ruined the mood…! Do you wanna wear it? Sabrina asked, and Kamek handed her the box. She took it and Kamek's left arm, wrapping the bracer around it and clicking it shut. It’s dwarfed his thin arm, and Kamek said as much. But when Sabrina took her hand away, the bracer glowed; Kamek shuddered as his magic acclimated to it, and it shrunk to fit perfectly to his wrist. Sabrina’s eyes sparkled. Seeing Kamek wearing something she made for him…! The idea had her floating a little higher, and she pressed the sole of her foot into the floor, tapping her fingers against her other leg, trying to contain the airy, bubbling joy she felt suffused with. 
As if a spell was broken, Kamek looked up from blushing at the bracer, to her face, to her hands, brow furrowed in bemusement. Why aren't you…?
Sabrina tilted her head, waiting for him to elaborate. Kamek picked up their joined hands and waves them around haphazardly and — oh.
Sabrina wasn't sure what embarrassed noise she made, but without thinking she took over the rhythm of their hands swinging back and forth. Kamek looked some flavor of satisfied. Sabrina would have covered her face in embarrassment, but one hand was still in Kamek’s and the other hand was busy creating a small breeze, so she was out of luck, on that front.
Though while she was busy stimming, she could tell Kamek about how she made the bracer, and how hard it was to get the metal, and how long it took to shape, and where she got the gemstones, and how she attuned them to Kamek’s magic without him, and spells she preloaded them with, and the little instruction manual she drew, and — 
This is a lot of effort just for me...
You deserve it though, Sabrina replied, and Kamek ducked his head. 
Of course I do, he mumbled to save face, and Sabrina gave him a peck on the cheek for the attempt. He rubbed the spot bashfully.
They talked about the bracer for a while, Kamek quite interested in the miniature magical marvel. Their conversation then ended up drifting back to their feelings for each other, sharing silly moments that really should have clued them in that they'd been pining over each other for far too long. Before they knew it, it had gotten late. Sabrina needed to go to bed.
At the door, though, they stared at each other, hands still intertwined, reluctant to part.
See you tomorrow? Sabrina asked, squeezing his hand.
Of course, Kamek answered, squeezing back. Neither of them let go, half-content to stare at into each other's eyes and dither until the sun rose again.
Finally, Sabrina broke the spell with a huff, bending at the waist and bringing Kamek’s hand up to press it against her lips for a long moment. She glanced up at him as she straightened, a smirk slipping onto her face at his dazed expression. With a cheeky wave, she backed out the door and closed it behind her before he could even begin to recover.
She made it a few steps from the door before her walk turned into a little dance of joy. Skipping around the corner, she ran into a group of guards that had definitely seen her come out of Kamek’s rooms. They cheered quietly at Sabrina’s double thumbs up, one of them even clapping her on the back. Sabrina exchanged high-fives with them before scurrying away, wanting the privacy of her room to lose her mind about this latest development.
(Meanwhile, Kamek was still in his entryway, kneeling on the floor with his hands over his flaming red face with an equally silly grin. It was minutes before his blush faded enough to get up to press his face into a pillow, instead.)
(Both of their minds were spinning too much to get any proper sleep tonight.)
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wisemins · 1 year
Happy Wednesday 🐪 💛 What is one of the sweetest compliments you’ve ever gotten from L ?
Such a good question! Thank you so much for asking, Amira! Now, some backstory here, before L and I got together we were actually best friends for years. We weren't aware that the entire time we were hopelessly in love with each other, I blame the autism (on both parts FOISJHAHUDI). With that, we used to have a completely different dynamic. I used to feel very inferior to L, mostly academically and smarts-wise. He's a genius, total smarty-pants. Meanwhile, I dropped out of grade school, so I always questioned why he kept me around. He never gave me an answer. At some point I asked that question after we got together and finally got an answer. He said something along the lines of "The way you problem solve has always intrigued me, I never thought you were stupid by any means, just different. I like having your perspective, your opinion is valuable to me." And in L-lingo that is some of the highest praise you can get if you aren't...well...you know. A crazy person with a god-complex. Regardless, I hold that close to my heart, he can be sweeter than that, but in particular that means a lot to me personally. He understands my situation mentally and my insecurities, he never makes me feel stupid or like a liability. We tend to each others needs as disabled individuals, he understands I need help with lots of things, like numbers and organizing, time management and remembering things, keeping on track with my work, and making sure I eat. I help him with things like getting him dressed and bathing him, making sure he's drinking water and eating something other than sweets. Also sleeping properly!! Dude never sleeps right 😭😭 That got slightly off track, but still!! I love talking about L and our relationship❤️❤️
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outcast-thingz · 7 months
I need 24 & 69 for the Spotify wrapped game 💳💳💳
Dinero by Trinadad (24)
The Feels by TWICE (69)
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astral-express-family · 2 months
☆: 7 , 9, 15 for your Honkai s/i?
— @twilighthappiness
Yay ty for the ask!! i love Miya my former criminal turned chef/baker beloved!!
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
Hmm... I don't actually have any romantic Honkai f/os so this is a fun thing to consider. I could see Asta having a crush on me. tbh. Once the AEC (including Miya) get to Jarilo-VI, I could see Bronya also having a crush on me <3.
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
Outside of my familials, probably Asta mostly!!
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
They're a major character!! They live on the Astral Express, therefore meaning they're around for most of the game!!
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emerysnonsense · 3 months
Hihi sweet tea!!
Hopefully your day has gone well and that school wasn’t tooo boring
Figuring out what to do rn
Might pull out a sketch book and draw traditionally, the idea of scritchy paper and pen sounds very appealing rn
Might also read if I find something that sounds good rn
Might hop on the server for a bit later but not sure
Idk guess we’ll see if I do any of those or not
Goodnight and sweet dreams sweet tea!!!!!!
Lotssssssss of platonic love to you sweet tea!!!!!
hi starshine!
school went fine
glad to hear you feel like doing something again!
I wanna draw again so so badly too, but I have other stuff to do ;-;
reading is also a fun idea, I don't know how the weather is over where you are, but here it's perfect for sitting outside with a book
also, I saw what you built on the server! it looks so good! I like what you turned the cave into! very very pretty!!!
and the house too!
love it!!!
Idk if you've seen it yet, but arty has started building a tower near spawn! I like the design a lot
you both are so good at building!
I just dig a hole somewhere and that my base in most cases XD
anyways, I'm getting distracted
I'm supposed to actually do my chores
lots of platonic love to you starshine <33333333333333333333
I hope you have a wonderful day!
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Navy! College Bucky is HOT and he knows it and he's crazy about Starshine. 🥺
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Yes, he does and yes, he is, nonnie! ❤️ How could he not be crazy about his girl? He knows how lucky he is. We'll have to pay him another visit soon.
Love and thanks! ❤️
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absolute-snzaster · 1 year
🌹? 👀
And then their rough, broad hands are on August's face, at their back, in their hair, and they're kissing them urgently, kissing them vehemently, kissing them with the intensity of someone who knows that life can be taken from them at any moment and means to wring every drop of joy from what moments are left to them. August can feel the fire in their veins, the heart within that burns like a dying star.
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wyattjohnston · 2 years
8, 22, 36
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Nate seemed unrattled by the silence he’d sent the table into and doubled down on, “You want a hundred grand ring, that’s insane.”
“Yeah, I know,” Piper said tersely, her eyebrows knitting together. “It’s a fantasy. If I married Scotty School Teacher I wouldn’t ever expect anything like that—I’d be ecstatic with whatever ring I got. I’ve got ideas for just about any budget. I know what I look like and if I wanted to be a gold digger, I’d already be one. I wouldn’t be fucking you for free.”
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
i just posted this (fic titles first, or they take forever at the end) but for some additional context, i still my have list of titles, it's currently at 497 and i haven't added to it in awhile!
36. What fic are you proudest of?
late nights in the middle of june is what i'm currently proudest of. i really enjoyed writing it and thought it ended up being a well rounded fic
fanfiction writing asks
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