#stat page
ghostlyheart · 8 months
How I (roughly) imagine this scale:
1- I see myself as a faster reader than the average person. I can breeze through a text quickly and still understand almost all of it
2- I read at a "normal" speed. I need to pace myself but can consistently read and comprehend a text in a reasonable time frame
3- I see myself as a slower reader than other people. It takes me a long time to get through a text and if I try to go too fast I won't understand it
Obviously this can vary by your mood, the type of text, etc. and this is a very imprecise scale with some overlap, I'm just casually curious!!
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felikatze · 6 months
Do you wish you could easily look up information on ISAT, yet the wiki is lacking in it?
Well let me tell you the good news, my friend... YOU can fix that! all you need to do is sign up to wiki.gg (which doesn't even require an email address!) and you can get editing! Add information that the wiki editors have overlooked!! correct spelling mistakes!! write guides for obscure achievements!!
"But I'm afraid to make a mistake!"
Don't worry! If you have questions, simply head to #the-wiki-channel on the official isat discord server, and there'll be plenty of people to help you out!
"But I don't know how wiki editing works!"
in that case, check out isatwiki's very own style guide! It gives you the run down on formatting, page layouts, syntax, and citing! If you still feel unprepared, check out a completed page and copy its formatting! Completed pages are few and far between at the moment, though. Ahaha.
"I don't want to mess up on a public page!"
In that case, our dear pal the style guide is here to help! Check out the last section on Sandbox pages! A very own page, just for you to mess around with! Additionally, you can cut your teeth on making an user page for yourself! Put anything on there (that complies with TOS, of course) and have fun!!! Check out other people's user pages too, if you want!!
"But I don't know what to do!"
Then check out our To Do list! All the wiki's main projects, all compiled in one place! And if something you want to do isn't on the to do list... do it anyway. If there's info you want on there that isn't, the more the merrier, right?
on my hands and knees. please. pretty please. we're a small wiki we have low standards. i will take literally anything over nothing at all. you can make the most barebones unformatted page ever and i personally will pretty it up for you. i merely ask that you cite. like at all. and if you dont cite you can put this cute little {{source}} banner up top so other people will know the info isn't cited.
you should get into wiki editing it's a very fun hobby. you might even pick up basic coding along the way and learn what it's like to cry over css.
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kaelidascope · 4 months
Beauty and the Beest Remastered is LIVE
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Beauty and the Beest remastered is LIVE and she is HERE! SHE IS BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER
And that's not all. By popular demand, the original Beestfic - along with the deleted act 9 scene - Have been re-released back out into the wild from the vault for reading! Please mind both author's notes on these fics, and also note the severe quality drop from the classic version. I wrote this a year ago and it is not a reflection of my current skills
A final note chapter has been sent out for those who subscribed to it that also contains an art archive similar to Midnight Menagerie. Any art coming out of this fic from this point onward will be documented on the new fic :)
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mishy-mashy · 3 months
I was gonna make a post at some point questioning if Kuroiro had a crush on Komori, with proof, since his wiki page never confirmed it in his Trivia
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But nah, it's canon
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(And now I also know his Relationships page says he seems to have a small crush on Komori- but this page is not "seems". This is definitive)
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raiiny-bay · 11 months
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fallloverfic · 4 months
Mithrun and the changeling shapeshifting
This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but I see comments about Mithrun and the changelings/shapeshifting mushrooms a bit and I think there's some misunderstanding about what the shapeshifting does. Spoilers for the manga for chapters 51-the end/volume 8-beyond, and the Delicious in Dungeon World Guide: Adventurer's Bible (first one) below the cut. (Also yes, I know it's partially played for laughs in the manga, but I think Kui also does some neat stuff with it, particularly in Mithrun's case).
The shapeshifting emphasizes different racial traits, and that's going to be defined differently by each race, like how each race has different beauty standards, abilities, and puts on muscle differently (e.g., Senshi is maybe beautiful by dwarven standards, and his beard is huge, so as an elf he's beautiful by elven standards, but his beard is too powerful to shapeshift, so he has a mustache despite the fact no other known elves have facial hair). Kabru, for instance, is a sort of smaller tank, and is kind of waify as an elf (possibly because elves are just kind of waify generally, though this might also be due to his losing weight after being revived; he also doesn't have much magical ability: he has even less than Laios does, versus Mithrun, who's maxed the magic stats chart).
The most muscular elf we know of is Lycion, on the left:
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Lycion still looks "skinny" in a way, but he's strong and muscular, just not Hollywood bulky. He matches a race that doesn't put on thick, bulky muscle, at least not easily. Compare this to Mithrun on the right, who isn't as naked as Lycion so we can't quite see what he looks like as an elf under his clothes, because the clothes give him some padding. The closest we get to modern him as nude as Lycion is, is that shot in his cabin in the Adventurer's Bible:
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It's hard to tell, but his arms are decently muscular for an elf (also one-armed push-ups are hard, that's not something you do on a lark). His whole thing since Milsiril talked him into getting back into shape to go to dungeons has been solely that: getting back into shape to go deal with the demon, and he's had to build up his body to be able to walk on his own and stay alive long enough to deal with the demon. Given he's also a powerful magic user, but he seemingly doesn't have those abilities as a tall-man (or at least he wasn't using his magic on the door), it might be his tall-man form is also compensating for that. This is Mithrun's stats chart:
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"Though he's an elf, both his strength and stamina are excellent. His one weakness is his terrible sense of direction." p.73, Chapter 01 / Characters, Delicious in Dungeon World Guide: Adventurer's Bible. Dudes' beefy even for an elf, even if he doesn't precisely look it. But compare Mithrun and Lycion here:
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Mithrun's shorter, and the clothing is probably making him look bigger than he is, but they're somewhat similar, comparatively, once you compensate for the height differences.
We also get some shots of him in motion and wearing that tightish shirt/dress.
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Clothing can of course make your bust look more defined than it is, but it's notable that we get some obvious muscle definition to him in the chest area (for an elf), and his lower chest/trunk is rather solid-looking, rather than the thinner forms of his female companions. He seems to be a bit thicker in his mid-section than Pattadol, for instance, who's only slightly taller than he is, and she and Cithis have similarly-sized waists (actually Cithis might be a little thinner? Which would make sense as her focus is on casting).
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His focus is movement and physical interaction more than the other casters in his party (he has to touch stuff a little to teleport it), so he builds up his body accordingly. Which also makes sense for how he does one-armed push-ups in his ship cabin in his spare time.
I think a big reason Mithrun is viewed as weak/tiny is because he's often around Kabru so we often compare them physically. Mithrun is thinner and six inches shorter than Kabru, who is not in the best physical shape due to his revival, on top of, at this point, not having a great meal regimen due to neither of them being good at gathering or apparently making meals.
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Some shots of Kabru and Mithrun together, for comparison, including Mithrun helping Kabru stand. Kabru is more muscular, but not the bulkiest for a tall-man (he's smaller than Laios, even accounting for the height difference, though still tanky in his own right, I mean he grabbed Falin pretty easily, and Kabru and Falin are the same height; Laios is just big).
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(I know Laios' armor makes him look bigger than he is, especially when Kabru has his off, but, ignoring the height difference, Laios is broader than Kabru, seemingly, particularly in the chest and arms).
Yeah, Kabru lost weight after the first revival, so he's not the best comparison, but if Mithrun, an elf, doesn't look rail thin even next to Kabru, who's not that skinny for a tall-man (skinnier than he used to be, but not skeletal), it kind of also says something about Mithrun. He's not like... bones. He's thin, but not rail thin (we know because he was shown rail thin in Daydream Hour during his recovery, and he put on muscle since then). And shots of him, while variable at times - sometimes he's drawn thinner, sometimes thicker, often in comparison to who he's sharing a shot with, e.g., Sissel - often emphasize how thick his arms are, even near Kabru, who is broader and more muscular. I think my best description of Mithrun is "mostly solid for a dude often running on fumes".
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And we see him moving fast and hitting hard a lot. Whenever he fights, he's running, jumping, punching, or kicking something. Being lithe would help with that, but he'd need muscle too, especially for how fast he is (an easy comparison is a ballerina or a track runner, both of whom have to build up specific muscles for their craft, and regimens for both can be grueling). And he's not just teleporting people, he's smacking them hard.
He also was (and is) still notably good-looking for an elf. He has nice hair (that he doesn't pay as much attention to as he used to, but still is nice), a good body (even without half his ears, which seem important for elves), and would be considered attractive by a lot of people.
So yes, he's possibly still stringy-ish for an elf because he's likely exhausted due to lack of proper sleep (the bags under his eyes, his noted issues sleeping while in dungeons without aid), and doesn't eat regular meals (while in dungeons). But he's still muscular - to an elvish degree, anyway - and strong, particularly in terms of magical power, so it makes a lot of sense that the guy on the left would become the guy on the right when shapeshifted into a tall-man to become a race that better creates bulkier muscle and has to compensate for Mithrun's magical abilities (also looks kind of cliche handsome, maybe mimicking how Senshi looks as an elf).
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I mean obviously there are strong human magic users, like Falin... and she has stronger stats all around than he does/roughly close in some places, so it makes sense he'd be as tall and bulky as she is.
Mithrun is, canonically, way more powerful than Kabru, as well, (at least against monsters), hence probably part of why he's seemingly bulkier than Kabru as a human. Mithrun is the one who deals with almost all the monsters for a reason. It's only when Mithrun is distracted or tired that Kabru gets one over him (e.g., in Sissel's house, or when Kabru grabs Mithrun at the dungeon entrance). Notably, when Mithrun crawled out of a spider and got knocked out by Kabru in chapter 76, Kabru was pointing out that Mithrun needed to rest. He was at his most wet cat moment then... when he was exhausted. So to me at least, this shapeshift makes sense. Normal Mithrun isn't really a wet cat most of the time. He's strong. He just runs himself ragged for various reasons.
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pigeon-princess · 3 months
I am in the convention preparation trenches right now but I have so many self indulgent WIPS and sketches I want to finish aaaaaa. Once everything settles down I'll be able to start drawing and posting more reguluarly again! I've got to draw some OCs kissing to heal my art soul I think.
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
I can’t believe it I am so excited for mcc again and it isn’t even just that iskall is in the event I AM SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW….
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mintnoodles · 6 months
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[ID: Coloured cartoon/anime illustration of 3 women (Lucia: Plume, Lucia: Crimson Weave, Luna: Laurel) in regular attire, with yellow lighting. They look like a schoolgirl, biker chick and a comfy gamer respectively. They're described further in detail ahead. In the background are doodles of several characters. Lucia Plume stands, looking down wide eyed at a kermit plush in her hands. She wears an oversized green coat with red lining over a uniform (blouse, red tie, black skirt with red lining, stockings, leather shoes). Her skin is tan, her pigtails are done with rectangular red bobbles. Tiny horns poke out of her hair. Lucia Crimson Weave stands next to Plume with a wide legged, confident stance, hand in jacket pocket. She gazes to Plume from aside. She's tan, her white high ponytail done with a large bunnyear red ribbon. She wears a white jacket with red lining/accents and decorative zippers, red goggles around her neck, black turtleneck crop top exposing some underboob, navel piercing, denim shorts with belt chain, black fingerless gloves and ankle boots. Her legs feature several scratch scars. From her left hand dangles keys and a frog keychain. Luna sits with fingers clasped across knees, looking up at both Lucias with a slight smile. She's pale. Black bobbles tie up her shorter white twin tails. She wears black headphones with red accents. Draped over her is a thin white cardigan edged with a grey diamond pattern. Under is a blouse with a red ribbon and grey moon charm, anklelength white skirt, and grey socks. In the background are several doodles of other characters. Liv and Lee in school uniform. Liv has a braided bun and cochlear implant. Lee has a blazer and pimples and a neutral look. Liv smiles wide as she says 'Lucia! You can sit with us!' Commandant (in biker helmet and jacket with gray raven emblem) rubs their head awkwardly while presenting a wrapped gift with tag reading 'to: Lucia' Rosetta (in neck brace and arm cast) glares determinedly with yugioh card between 2 fingers, saying ''Alpha'. It's time to duel.' Behind her Diana in a deer sweater worriedly says 'rosetta please rest.' Phone with group chat named 'ASS NET'. 3 speech bubbles surround it: Exaggerated smiling chibi Roland emanating hearts. 1 heart bounces off a tearful chibi goth Lamia. 1 screenshot of of a youtube page featuring Lamia: Lost Lullaby's mermaid design. End ID.]
punishing gray raven but it's just the postapocalyptic rpg run by a very determined Luna for her younger sister and her friends. Chapter 1 to 8 is their shaky start to getting used to the system before they hit their stride, Luna gets better at narration, and a couple very weird dice rolls lead to wild story adaptation.
Read more for closeup of the phone
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[ID: Luna's phone. The ASS NET group chat features some reaction emojies: Heart, skull, fish. The youtube page is a torso shot of Lamia: Lost Lullaby. The cut off title is 'v] ORIGINAL SONG || 'Lost lullaby'. The 3 recommended videos are: 2 Bros try ghost pepper challenge. Thumbnail is chibi wide smiling Kamui, angry Camu and a pepper. Study with me | 9 hours. Thumbnail is Chrome at a desk with a book. ASMR. Thumbnail is blank eyed Wanshi with a syringe. End ID]
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kagooleo · 5 days
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my WIPs are so unorganized but rice is forever, in doodles and Even when coding >:]
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youkaigakkou-tl · 7 months
hiii im here to outsource work 🎉
SO. the yohaji wiki. u may have heard of it. u may have even seen it and thought "wow what the fuck this is totally empty what piece of shit wiki editors" well its me. the piece of shit wiki editor who made it back in 2018 and never did much with it.
long story short (mostly bc impending anime) i wanted to actually work on filling out the wiki finally and while i was at it moved the wiki to miraheze bc of a variety of reasons. (its still very much a wip i only started working on it 4 days ago)
anyway. preamble over
i need YOUR help
to get nice images for the wiki, specifically good fullbody ones (or good halfbody ones), heres sort of a visual guide ⬇️
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and upload them to this google drive! (more than one image per character is okay, in fact its very welcome)
how else can i help?
and im so glad you're so eager to help! nothing much else right now since i still have to iron out all the css and html, but i do have the characters page done, you can take a look through that and add or improve to the descriptions there (try to go for a more objective tone, look at other wikis to see how their character descriptions are like)
and if you know your way around wikitext, you could also copy the preexisting characters' templates and make pages for the characters who dont have pages yet
also, if you want to write chapter summaries for the volume pages, that's also very welcome!
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sidleyparkhermit · 2 years
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Okay. Okay. Okay.
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bambooshrimp · 7 months
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I just finished watching Invincible… and I think I have a favorite character (WIP)
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leviiackrman · 3 months
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QUI’EN AMANITA - Daggerheart [full colour]
more art || character page || commissions
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @bbrocklesnar @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @nokstella @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @alexxmason @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe
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kiisaes · 1 year
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kelbrey text convo (it's true I was kel's phone)
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swansong-if · 8 months
[Emerges from twine covered in blood] Happy to report I managed to make character & relationship pages that are both mobile friendly and pretty (hopefully)!!!
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