#state of decay meme
eyesoverinfinity · 2 years
military's in zombie fiction be like
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thepictoblr · 8 months
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daydadahlias · 2 years
i started reading bite marks and i love it. good luck with school and whatever you got going on at the moment while i eagerly wait for the next chapter 🫶
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not-your-lifeline · 2 years
Lifeline: If I was at the Celadon Ace I would've stopped the Halliday
Taylor: bruh T2 was there and was killed in like 20 seconds lol not worth it
Lifeline: rip to T2 but I'm different
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anti-kawaii-daily · 4 months
J-Fashion Terms for Beginners Part 2
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Guro Lolita: A substyle of Lolita fashion; this is one of the few variants to stray away from the innocence and gentleness of styles like Classic and Sweet Lolita. Unlike the more well-known Gothic Lolita, Guro Lolita ignores mysteriousness and literal darkness, and instead goes for shock horror. In it's inception, Guro Lolita coords were notorious for always fitting into one mold, a white/shiro dress splattered in fake blood. Eventually, Guro Lolita evolved into a much more complex and nuanced style. One of it's perks nowadays is that despite it's association with the strictness of Lolita fashion, it is very versatile in that the coords may range from cutesy Yami Kawaii hospital prints, to dark and dreary horror patterns. It is seldom worn as an everyday style due to how over the top it is (and it's usually worn on Halloween by more mainstream Lolita enjoyers), but exceptions exist.
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So blue, so broken, paper doll decays...
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Iryou Kei: Translating literally as "medical type" or "nurse type", this fashion style originated from the Visual Kei music genre. As many Vkei bands (who are famous and infamous for their elaborate costumes, outside of Casual Visual Kei of course) this style is focused on being visually shocking. Iryou Kei performers tend to dress up as either blood splattered doctors, evil nurses and any other medical staff you wouldn't want to see in a state like this. You could say that Iryou Kei takes the elegance of Lolita, the rock elements of Visual Kei and the grotesque nature of Gurokawa, and transforms it into it's own medically horrifying thing. Some known Iryou Kei bands include but are not limited to: LuLu, +ISOLATION, and Sex Android.
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The doctors will see you now!
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Busukawaii: Translated literally as "ugly cute", this aesthetic is also occasionally called Kimokawaii or "disgusting cute". In real life there are many animals and critters that look unpleasant but you can't help but want to squeeze them, Busukawaii is based around this principle. For a short while Busukawaii was a bit of a meme on Japanese social media websites where one would do Yume Kawaii or pastel edits of ugly, plain or strange characters and people. Then it grew it its own lesser art movement. There aren't any fashions with this style outside of prints with those adorably ugly, plain or just strange looking characters mentioned earlier.
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Beauty is very much subjective
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Mise a jour
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La superficie de Paris est de 105,4 km2. Le rayon de destruction du territoire ennemi par un seul missile Sarmat doté de 10 ogives nucléaires indépendantes est d'environ 650'000 km2, ce qui est supérieur à la superficie de la France métropolitaine. ■ Alors les va-t-en-guerre, comprenez-vous le niveau de connerie qu'il faut avoir pour envisager, ne fusse qu'une seconde, de déclencher une guerre contre la Russie ? La Russie peut vitrifier l'Europe entière en moins de 5 minutes !!!
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Source : T.K. Veselovsky
Réponse de meme-archivist a réagi à votre billet texte. Yes, that is indeed The Point of deterrence. To ensure that you have a backing for your uncrossable line. That said, I have some doubts about ending humankind. Even the superpowers are much decayed from their peak, and the presence of other, stable, third party states means that unjustified nuclear warshots would absolutely require punitive atomic attack from practically everyone with the capability.
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sleeplesssmoll · 4 months
Life-Cycle of a Fandom
People are growing aware of the subject and sharing promotional material. They start creating spaces to talk and share information about the subject.
Increased activity as people get involved. Memes are shared. Inside jokes are made. Theories are developed. Fanfiction and fanart. A culture develops. Elements are analyzed, adding layers to the subject and makes it more complex.
The popularity is at its highest but the fans want more. Wilder theories appear. Increased hot takes on established "norms" in the community. Flanderization is rampant in this time.
"Flanderization is the process through which a complex fictional character's essential traits are oversimplified to the point where they constitute their entire personality, or at least exaggerated while other traits remain, over the course of a serial work." Wikipedia
However, the fandom is still strong. The memes still flow. There is an abundance of content to consume and share.
Dissenting opinions create factions within the fandom. Tensions arise between those with differing opinions or idea. The factions support people in their group but belittle outsiders. In this time, there is a lot of policing, gatekeeping, and arguing happening. Morals, values, and accusations are brought into the mix. The fandom becomes less about the subject, and more about proving a point. Imaginary enemies arise.
Self-cannabalism and infighting
The faction begins to consume it's own members as the gatekeeping and policing gets worse. People within the same faction turn on each other. Those who tried to avoid the fighting are either dragged into it or leave. Its no longer about the subject but about the people in the community. For example an argument goes from "i don't like this ship" to "people who like this ship are twisted." This is one of the most toxic times to be in the fandom. The fandom has shifted from coming together to enjoy something to a war zone that must have a winner. It cannot recover from this state though some may try.
There is never a winner, only loss.
People are put off from the fighting or are tired of it. The well of fan content dries as artists, writers, and other creators move onto something else. Without new content being produced, interest declines. Potential newcomers who saw the toxic environment don't want to be associated with the fandom because now its a different beast.
Someone may post once in a blue moon or a newcomer might stumble across the subject. However, the fandom is "dead" and can no longer reach the activity it did at its peak. Most of these same fans of the subject have similar interests meaning they end up together in a new community.
The cycle repeats.
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makima-s-most-smile · 9 months
Trigun Maximum 8 Part 1
Emotional destruction Vol.2. There is more to come!
How… how has Nightow the style of 80s shoujo manga down to a T? I love it.
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01: Invasion
Of course, the Golden Gate-like-Bridge needs to be destroyed to show that the attack has begun. While the ark looks cool and all, it doesn’t really looks like something that can stay in the air. (really, Knives? Tell me how you plan to let the people on the ark live after you do the genocide. Self Absorbed bastard. This is your ark, for you alone.)
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Yes, take even more agency from him.
Having his whole body weight on one point, the connector must hurt so much right now. I am sure it feels like it gets slowly torn out.
Legato could make a fortune by being a sport instructor. Just make me move! I pay you!
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I wanna slap him so badly. Seriously. THANKS TO VASH?! He is running around trying to help them as much as he can!
KNIVES! YOU ARE THE REASON THAT YOUR SISTERS ARE ON THIS PLANET AT ALL! TELL ME AGAIN ABOUT YOUR SIN OF ACCIDENTALLY KILLING THE SISTERS THAT WERE ON THE 802 SHIPS. YOU DID NOT KNOW THAT YOUR FUCKING HAIR TURNS DARK WHEN YOU START TO DECAY! THE FIRST LAST RUN YOU SAW WAS LIKE 2 WEEKS AGO! TELL ME HOW MANY SISTERS YOU HAVE SEEN DIE, AGAIN?! You had 150 years to learn about this! 150 years and you failed to do so. Your sisters and their wellbeing aren’t that important to you, buddy. Don’t use them to give yourself validity. And don’t you dare to use Tesla again!
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Oh, tsundere Legato time. And Knives does not stop him. Does Knives truly not understand that Legato is starting to act not only on his own but against Knives’ stated interests?
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At first I thought this was a moment of peace for Wolfwood that boils down to him finding his determination. But in hindsight, this is him knowing he is starting to get crushed between the rock and the hard place. He is waiting to act, he cannot act, even though most gruesome things are happening all around him and he is part of it. (Insert the: "Kitten, I'll be honest. Daddy is about to kill himself"-meme)
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Who else thought about Carl? “That’s what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.” Knives, that kills people!
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*snorts* Yeah, because you have had such a presence in the story til now. Tell me again, how lawful the world is. I'll wait. Yeah, at the bar of that nice granny with the guy that was nearly lynched with his truly innocent bestie.
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I forgot about that. I forgot that Wolfwood is used to kill in the cities. I made a pained squeaky noise when I saw them. Someone shut Chapel up and hug Wolfwood!
Wolfwood’s past pulls him down. His training and way of life goes so strongly against his morals. And Chapel knows exactly how to use it to hurt Wolfwood.
But Wolfwood has already changed so much during the story. From the start, while he put his own life first, he never killed with any animosity, the didn't torture people. By following Vash’ (pretty selfdestructive) ruling, he found a way of going forward that fits his morals so much more. He cares about life and especially the lives of others. His responsibilities still stand, that’s why he is still able to kill, but this Wolfwood here is very far from the pupil Chapel had true power over.
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Can someone shut this bitch up, please?
Chapel is a manipulator. He knows his “pupils” and knows how to put them down. He doesn’t plan to take Wolfwood in again. He just wants to hurt him. He wants revenge for Wolfwood acting out, for Wolfwood deserting the Eye of Michael's teachings. But this is a struggle for power over Wolfwood, too. Livio is a much better pupil in his eyes, since Chapel seemingly erased his character and wants successfully.
The antithesis of the blank ticket. Your past binds you down. You cannot start anew. Just give in and accept your given place in the world. It is Wolfwood's way of thinking, too. No wonder he hurts so much. Chapel’s teachings dug deep into him.
Wolfwood realises how deeply Chapel has dug his claws into Livio. That’s why he tries to force Chapel to make Livio stop and not Livio himself. But he has no power in this situation here. Chapel has the power since he has power over Livio. And, damn, he uses it to hurt Wolfwood in revenge. Wolfwood is desperately looking for a way out, but he cannot find one.
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His sisters want him to stop, too. Not that he listens.
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Vash is still hateful of himself for attacking Rem. He never stopped. Even working through his anger at Rem... The anger was replaced with selfhatred and ever since then he has been spiraling.
But the thought about people not changing… They talk about humanity, but isn’t it about Knives, too? I highly doubt that Knives can change. Everyone is able to, but not everyone chooses to do so. Knives cannot reflect upon what he has done, because then he himself and humanity wouldn’t be that different. Both twins are so good in seeing things just as black and white. Damn all of humanity or all of humanity is good, instead of what it truly is, grey. 
OF COURSE HE SAID TESLA! This is so much not about Tesla. Poor girl is just a pawn for Knives, like everyone else. He was such a sensitive kid and now he cannot even realise his own true feelings, much less recognise feelings in other people. He is living a delusion.
It makes Knives an interesting villain, though. I like villains that you can somewhat empathise with. Every last one of us can end like him (without the outright genocide). He is a warning and he is not redeemable, however much I feel for him.
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Ugh, yes, Vash is completely right. 
But look at you, Vash. You are a bottle under so much pressure, too. You drinking away your pain does not erase it. You know the source, but you never started to deal with it at all. Why does the stuff you preach never reach you yourself?
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But Knives turns away from Vash, again and again. Knives cannot open himself up to Vash. Anger and hate are feelings that are so much better than the vulnerable hurt and fear. Seriously, Vash, how long til it is enough?
“Then we will be even.” No, not really. The people who have hurt Knives are gone. There is no balance to be redone. Knives’ “even” means that the scales are completely destroyed and only he remains. Knives pumps out new victims of violence daily, the only words that are spoken are “Hate creates more hate, violence creates more violence.” Knives has been gone up in his crusade since the Great Fall. Everything after that was him actively searching for and creating more and more reasons to justify him causing the Great Fall and more importantly, killing Rem.
02: Silent Ruin
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I shall save our imprisoned sisters! By imprisoning them in MY BODY! A much better idea! Knives does not care about them. Everyone has to agree with him. There is no group, there is no peace, there is only Knives. And Knives can only stop if only Knives remains. If he successfully erases humanity, then he will turn on his sisters, he will turn (more) on Vash. 
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I have to agree with one thing from Chapel. He taught Wolfwood really better than to let someone get away… Someone like Chapel… Just saying.
Wolfwood tries his best to protect his home. It is never enough, the odds are so against him. How must that feel? That you give your all, you put yourself between something that evil and children and it is not enough. Remembering Wolfwood’s second nightmare, he killed Chapel to protect the orphanage from Chapel. Maybe Wolfwood found out about the continued usage by Chapel just then.
“So many uses for the good-natured.” I don’t think Wolfwood gets that Chapel means him, too. Wolfwood has been used and abused by him. He is a victim. And he cannot see it. He only sees the things he has done, not that he literally had no choice there. And he lets all the sins fall back to him, making him completely monstrous in his own eyes.
Chapel is so sure that his grip on Livio is complete and I so hope that Wolfwood can prove him wrong. 
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There is something to be said about the arm sticking up into the air like the ship from the Great Fall. Even the angle is the same. This is something like the Second Fall. 
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Just a reminder that Wolfwood is on the ship, unable to do anything to stop this, waiting and hoping for something to happen so he can act. And it is eating him alive. He is isolated and completely alone. If he rebels now, his life would be not only forfeited, but he would also be unable to help when… if… the time comes. He has to kill in Knives’ name while he waits all his morals and pain aside. The deaths would happen anyway. But that doesn’t change Wolfwood from hating himself for doing so. Vash is at least actively fighting Legato, Wolfwood suffers a different kind of torture. And I am not gonna lie, I'd prefer to be in Vash' position instead of Wolfwood's.
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So, like after the Great Fall. How many people died after the initial crash due to hunger, infighting and exposure? Has the population since then grown? Or is it still stagnating?
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03: Counterattack!!!
I just love Meryl and Milly as intelligence, checking out the situation in the different cities and bringing the info to the people who are able to do something.
I love the proactiveness, I love their care, I love their bravery.
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Meryl looks so different. She has lost her spunk, her spark. She looks so much more downtrodden and depressed. Softer and hurt, really.
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I love our brat Brad. Like Meryl and Milly, he is a good person who tries to help the way he can. He couldn’t go out, til now, because his expertise was needed, but he is ready to go at the frontlines.
It looks like none of them know what happened to Vash. The last people of the group who have seen him are Meryl and Milly and that was when he was driven out of the city.
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And I didn’t get that Meryl knows everything… She saw more than Hoppered, but it looked like everything since Vash was adulty, but maybe Nightow retconned that one.
I have complicated feelings about this. Meryl wanted to get to know Vash and know of his enigmatic past. But narratively, Vash and she didn’t really do anything to get there. It was an accident. Vash didn’t need to change and open up to share this. And… that is an ongoing flaw of him, a flaw that has already cost him so much and we don’t see it changing. Vash not only gets her total empathy without opening up, he now gets it from all of Home (or at least the command). That said, I like that we see it affecting Meryl. She is traumatised, rightfully so. She is working through it either completely alone or only with Milly. For all the empathy Vash deserves for his life, he doesn’t really earn it by connecting to others. Others connect in his stead for him. While Meryl suffers for it alone, Vash profits from it. This is an ongoing pattern, not only with Meryl. With Wolfwood, too. How often did Wolfwood persist and run after Vash to keep on talking, while Vash avoided? And it irks me more and more, the further the volumes go. Vash is a self made martyr, but it is the people that care about him that pay most of the price. Vash needs an Oh-Moment, but I don’t trust that even that would be enough. 
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Oh. Vash fought Knives before! Until now it looked like July was his first “real” fight with Knives, but he had altercations before. I would love to know more about those, because from what we saw in July and Jeneora Rock, Vash had so much trouble confronting Knives. Vash’ conflict avoidance, especially with Knives, is such a big part of him. He actively goes against Wolfwood’s advice to check out the erased towns more than once. We know that Vash has a real inner conflict going on about Knives, that he says he wants to kill him but his actions say otherwise. Did no one zoom in on that in the past? Or wasn’t it there then?
Young Luida!
Is he fighting on his own? Maybe, maybe not. But I love that the humans are now empowered enough to go and help Vash and don’t leave it to him. It doesn’t look like they wanted to in the past, either, but Vash left them no choice. Now Vash needs them, even if they don’t know how much.
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No, Luida! Don’t join the selfhate club! What counts is your actions and not your thoughts. And you are the least of a coward. You lead a fucking company. Same for you, Meryl! You stood by Vash’ side. Yes, you didn’t completely understand the danger you were in, but may I remind you of Keele? Please don’t let yourself get pulled down by those martyrs. You do enough and are strong enough.
And next to everyone is like that. People don’t want conflict, they don’t want to risk being hurt or worse killed. They don’t want their loved ones to die. So if someone else is able to bear all the responsibility and pain, they feel relief. But that often leads to people like Vash and even more like Wolfwood. People who have to bear the gross alone. But what counts is action. And Meryl is going out into a warzone, trying to help and get info, Luida is leading a resistance.
Being a leader is such a difficult position. On the one hand you are safe from the frontlines, but everyone's life is on your shoulders. Your mistakes add up and your victories are easily forgotten. It is so easy to see leaders as highpaid CEOs that cash in while the workers suffer. Luida is not one of those and I hope she does not stick to that fallacy.
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The plants share their memory. Vash has been shown to connect to his sisters via his mind, why wouldn’t his sisters be unable to do it, too? And this is a sign, this is a cry for Knives to stop. His sisters do not want this. They could show him hurtful things, but instead they show him humans appreciating them. What is important for me in that scene is that it is not only a child asking questions, it is a mother teaching the child ageappropriately about the plants, showing her own gratitude to the plant in question and it then gets reflected in the husband, too. The plants care for humans, they want to help. (Little siderant about angels. Angels are so much like machines. They exist for their godgiven purpose and are satisfied with this. They do not wish for more. Dependent plants seem more and more like angels, especially with Nightow saying they see humanity as their god. Independent plants, like humans, have no ingrained purpose and maybe part of the twin’s struggle comes from this. They don’t know their purpose, but they feel like they need one. Nice reflection of the modern human.)
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Knives is visibly upset by his sister’s memory. Of course, since it goes against what he preaches. It shakes his resolve. Vash seems shaken, too. I cannot really put his expression there. Well, he is most likely in pain and enduring Legato. But beyond that… who knows.
I am not sure how to interpret these panels. Especially with it ending on Wolfwood smoking, what we have seen before is him enduring and waiting, too. Could it be that the dream of the plants is on par with Vash and Wolfwood, with them enduring and waiting for their time to act to give balance back to humanity and plants? Or is it a foreshadowing that those two will help the plants achieve this balance?
COUNTERATTACK! THE TIME OF WAITING IS OVER! Yes, Knives… you are so completely rational, standing at the front of your battleship, laughing maniacally.
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Plant memories. Good ones. Even the researcher with the cross that got halved by Knives is part of it. His sisters see the good in humans, how they try and they appreciate it. Moreso, they actively use these memories on Knives to stop him, to make him listen.
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Even here. Brad doesn’t want to attack the innocent plants. But Knives uses them as shield. Brad has to do this to get through to Knives, to have any hope of success. And again, a struggle that is caused by Knives himself that in the end hurts mainly his sisters, while he is unaffected.
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And this is what the regular panels of Wolfwood smoking boiled down to. He waited for a time to act. 
It looks creepy and quiet, like a predator inching in on his prey, looming over it in a real display of power difference. An omen of death and judgement. But Wolfwood also looks like a broken man, a dead man walking at the same time. Like I said, Wolfwood has been through his own torture for seven months and I truly believe that it has left massive scars in him.
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coiled-dragon · 10 months
The maniacal excitement i felt seeing the kiss meme! Dracfield and 7 tickles me the most. If you arent feeling 7 also I like 1 as well, like Dracs gives his boy a good morning kiss before he retires to his coffin
I pondered for a while how I wanted to go about this one but then got a fun little sweet idea. I hope you like it Anon heehee
A Kiss on Each Eyelid
“Renfield!” Dracula barked, making his way down the steps at an infuriatingly slow pace. 
He despised being so weak, needing to lean on his cane as he sought his servant. His servant he had sent on the ever so simple errand of fetching a book from the drawing room for him to avoid this exact situation. Being reminded of his own frailty, his own state of decay - or rather, regrowth, as it were - was a splinter in his ego he did not wish to agitate. It was Renfield’s duty to attend to him like this and the fool had gone and gotten lost or something.
A dog could fetch better than Renfield. Perhaps he would see what his blood would do to an animal, in case of needing to replace his supposedly devoted servant.
The thought of having a dog run around and outperforming Renfield made him chuckle slightly, the sound wheezy and clotted in a chest filled with holes.
“Servant,” Dracula called out again, in a sing-song voice that belied his agitation. “I’ve thought of a suitable replacement for you since you’ve seen to forgotten your Master…”
He growled lowly as he shuffled into the drawing room, halting his steps as his eyes fell on Renfield. The man was laying on the couch, the hearth crackling low and warming him with the orange glow of dying embers. Asleep, the tome that Dracula had asked for held tight in his arms like it was his sleeping lover.
For a moment, Dracula debated pulling him off the couch to be woken by his own falling. Punishment for taking a nap when he had something far more pressing to attend to… He came closer, the tap of his cane muffled under the carpet as he hovered over the sleeping man. 
Renfield was so at peace in his sleep, so deeply ensnared in the dreams that flitted about his mind that he hadn’t woken to the sound of his calling, nor to the looming proximity of the vampire. Other men would’ve been unnerved by it, a natural side effect of his supernatural life. But not him. Not when he had grown so accustomed to being near Dracula. Not when he had been so enraptured with him since the very first day he had come to the count's castle…
Dracula wrinkled his nose, but sighed softly, taking in the beauty of his little pet. The man was exhausted, eyes ringed dark and hair a mess as it splayed over the pale cushions. Dracula supposed he could overlook this slight, just this once. And only because he looked so charming in the glow of the fire like this.
Not that he’d tell him that.
He ran his hand through Renfield’s hair, the man stirring slightly but not waking. Then, Dracula bent down and placed a kiss on each of Renfield’s eyelids. The sleeping man had the audacity to sigh sweetly, his lips tugging into a smile before relaxing back to the neutral face of sleep.
“Master…” he mumbled, still in the throes of sleep.
Dracula snorted softly, glancing at the book so tightly held by his familiar before deciding he didn’t really need it right now. Shuffling back out of the drawing room, he gave one last look at Renfield and began his ascent up the stairs. He could chew him out later, once he came to and had had the decency to berate himself for falling asleep.
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
You know what trope I love, the whole ‘eldritch horror/aspects of nature in physical form in human form’ specifically with death. Death the endless from the Sandman is my favorite character due to how refreshing it is to not see a natural part of nature not be demonized.
Imagine a physical manifestation/embodiment of death in the transformers universe. They are so old, older than the gods that preoccupy the universe they share and has reaped many. Death ingrains themselves into every species, sharing with their love and their lust of life, for self enjoyment and to sympathize with the souls they will one day charter. Every soul, no matter what age or species, recognizes them.
Than the Great War of Cybertron breaks out. Death knew war was bound to happen to its petty societal class systems, but never imagined it would directly cause the death of Primus. They can still remember the sadness on his face when he took their hand to be carried to his fate. The death count grew higher and higher, and death did as they have always done since the beginning, with some faint glimmer of hope that they would see what they had done now that their god is dead. Death never took pleasure in the brutality and savagery of war nor in the fear and anger and sorrow in it.
Now, it’s once expansive population was reduced to a scathing thousands. Now Death faces their own crisis. Reap all cybertronians who are the one causes of their extinction or interfere and give them a second chance?
Death’s mind is made up when they take the form a young human girl, making it easier to get close to the so called ‘Autobots’, to see for themselves if they and the ‘Decepticons’ are worthy of a second chance.
Plus, they missed human food. Especially, ice cream.
(If the bots do discovered their/her identity and they ask why Death would help. They/she would simply smile, a bit of ice cream on the corner of their lips. “I am death. I am inevitable. What’s a little while longer?” Was all they/she said as she ate another spoonful of ice cream.)
Okay, commentary because this tickled my brain so much like Woah and I do have things along those lines.
And same here, anon, but more like Aspects that take on a humanoid/mortal form or have Avatars to take on very specific Aspects because such entities are far too immense for a true physical embodiment.
But that's a different topic, so the embodiment of Death in Transformers does exist, depending on the universe and how viewers want to take it.
The most explicitly direct is Mortilus of the Guiding Hand from the 2005 IDW, and then there's Unicron himself -Lord of Chaos, Chaos Bringer, and Planet Eater.
Primus and Unicron are stated to be brother-twin entities. Opposites, yet equals.
His self-proclaimed mission is to end all creation, which is very ironic considering he is a being of Chaos. The spark of that brings forth Life. Unless that's the point. He is the Bringer -the harbinger of Chaos, so he is the embodiment of Death and Finality; the End before the Beginning. 
So if Unicron is steadfast in his role of Uncreation or the herald of the ending/beginning cycle, then now it raises the interesting question in TFP, what if Earth is its own entity? 
In the wise words of the mushroom meme: Decay is an extant form of Life.
Because would make so much sense:
This would neatly tie into the Autobots' confusion and dismissal over the many Earthen inhabitants' biological necessity and/or enjoyment to eat other creatures and living byproducts. (This raises questions about the lack of dietary options and possibly a far more limited fauna and flora amongst modern Cybertron.)
As well as the nature of Earth and its inhabitants since Death and Chaos touches many associated concepts: conflict, renewal, rejuvenation, evolution, illness, decay, destruction, change, regression, mortality, and so much more.
Could have been incorporated into the mythos of the Age of Antiquity, and a linkage to Optimus’ past as Orion Pax’s role of an archivist. There are very, very few things that Optimus could truly keep of his old self, so perhaps he would enjoy looking into databanks and open-access libraries. This could have opened dialogue with their human charges on the differences and similarities between the strict strata of Cybertron and the role of the internet in the modern day.
It would fill in the plot hole of Unicron, somehow not destroying the world when he switched to a bipedal mode, nor does he have a fondness for any creature of Earth.
(The place most likely galls him since there is life even at the most extreme conditions on the planet, and the dominant lifeforms mimic his brother-twin's own creations.)
Patterns form and patterns break, but some Laws are absolute. So by Unicron's own nature, Earth was born to follow the cycle of the universe. (Or unknowingly formed in his slumber to keep his own self alive. Otherwise, Unicron shall become obsolete.)
So not only Earth is deep in the galactic-equivalent of the boonies, this planet is the Cybertronian-equal of Space Australia. 
Which becomes even far more terrifying should the cyberization process have been successful because Earth is not Cybertron. It is its own entity. It would look at these newcomers and say Challenge Accepted on nightmare mode.
Truly worthy to be classified as a Death Planet.
And on a side note: If Megatronus Prime was the closest reflection of Unicron by Primus’ own hand, then would that mean he was supposed to fulfill a role or be an Aspect of Death on Cybertron? Anon, my mind is reeling here!
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Welcome, welcome!
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I'm Helena, Decay, or Phantomato which ever one ya'll prefer to call me! Sometimes I write and ramble, and my blog is based around the characters Helena and Helena META! Though my current obsession is all versions of Cú Chulainn from Fate, Archer Emiya from Fate, and Lapis Lazuli from Houseki no Kuni.
The things I write can be taken as platonic or romantic unless explicitly stated that they're platonic! I won't write smut though.
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So I thought I'd put this here, but here is my Twst acc!
Also, here is my Azur Lane account the server I'm in is Amagi
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Here is my Fate/Grand Order friend code!
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Helena's interests
I like games such as Azur Lane(obv), Destiny and Destiny 2, YuGiOh duel links, Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew Valley, Fate/Grand Order, and Twisted Wonderland
My current anime list consists of That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, Slime Diaries, Land of the Lustrous, YuGiOh, Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!, Umamusume: Pretty Derby, Takt Op. Destiny, Wonder Egg Priority, The Fate series, and Bofuri
My favorite shows are Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Steven Universe, FBI, SWAT, 911, 911: Lone Star, Kitchen Nightmares, Master Chef, and the first few seasons of Red vs Blue
Helena's writing. Most of my stuff will now also be posted to my Ao3, DecayingHelena, though it's mainly just going to be the James Ironwood stuff
For That He Is Thankful (Rewritten)
Do you fear me? (Rewritten)
Memories of Tempesta(AL x TWST)
Floral Fever(OM)
Floral Fever 2(OM)
Ice cream (Rewritten)
"They called me what?"
"I love you."
Kiss(James Ironwood x reader)(Rewritten)
"Shall we dance?"(Ironwitch)(Rewritten)
A strange craft(RWBY AU)
New hopes(RWBY AU)
James Ironwood headcanons
Unwind with me(RWBY au) (James Ironwood x reader)
James Ironwood headcanons 2
Love and Bad Luck(Ironqrow)
The world of yesterday(Ironwitch)
New Light(RWBY au)
James Ironwood headcanons 3
Valentine's Day(James Ironwood x reader)
The one thing he wished for(James Ironwood x reader)
Ironwitch headcanons
Ironwitch headcanons part 2
Project Personality: Penny Polendina post
Ironwitch headcanons part 3
"Pillows don't talk."(Leona Kingscholar x reader)
Helena's rambling
Yuu protecting Malleus(What made me write For That He Is Thankful.)
Aggressive love towards Malleus
Helena's thoughts on Self aware TWST
Helena's thoughts on Self aware TWST 2
Rollo, the twink baguette
Chaotic Yugi Mutou
Helena watches Land of the Lustrous
Silly little twst idea
Silly little twst idea pt2
Silly space idea :3
Aggressive love towards James Ironwood
James Ironwood with a new outfit
Helena's obsession with Ironwood
Helena's idea on HnK! James Ironwood
Helena's RWBY tier list
James Ironwood but with Destiny 2 weapons
Helena's back problems
Helena's Hunter
Helena's favorite James Ironwood moments
Helena making fun of their favorite boi
Helena speaks in memes
No sleep Tumblr
Multiships my beloved
Helena's RWDE rant
Helena's nicknames
Helena finding a new obsession
"You brought this upon me."
Cú Chulainns as out of context Discord convos
Cú Chulainns as out of context Discord convos
Cú: Either always kissing death or always going overkill
Nero has no chill
Helena's screentime
Helena condones murder
Clowning on both Europe and America
Helena gets reminded of Malleus
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taggedmemes · 9 months
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ SORROW-SCOPES FROM TWITTER (PART ONE) always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
"Some consider your star sign the most evolved of the zodiac. Because they don't know you."
"This week brings you a lot of luck and it still won't matter."
"Some people march bravely into the future, but not you. It's clear you're only slouching toward oblivion."
"New friends are waiting to meet you. Good luck finding out where."
"Sure, your life choices will ultimately be your undoing, but you're the type of stubborn that makes fate weep so there's that."
"You've always been creative, which is why we know you'll have a good story to tell when the Senate subcommittee calls on you to testify."
"You will need to take some 'me time' this week to deal with your evil clone."
"You will finally find a plant you can keep alive long enough for it to decide you're a little needy and leave you."
"You've always been able to make friends easily, so the demons knocking on your door shouldn't be a surprise. Let them in, don't be rude."
"You will become fluent in the language of the trees, and you will learn that they hate you too."
"The best things in life are free, and you still can't afford them."
"Will you just pick a fucking lane already."
"You have no idea when you'll meet the person of your dreams. It could be today, might be tomorrow, probably never."
"The entire world will seek your opinion after your house is named the 51st state."
"It turns out you are the Messiah. We're fucked."
"Your body is a temple, an ancient temple to be precise. It's crumbling edifice is a metaphor for the spiritual decay of a long-forgotten society."
"The moon has been talking about you again. You know what to do."
"You will have the opportunity to exact a terrible vengeance. Take it, treat yourself."
"It's never too late to open your heart. The surgeon will wait."
"Go down to the track and place your life savings on Soup Janitor in third. It's a lock."
"Go over to [name's] house tomorrow and buy all his stuff for half price."
"Things are going according to your plan. A terrible, awful plan that everyone hated. Thanks a lot."
"There isn't one good reason why you can't achieve your dreams. There are two: limited skills and an unpleasant personality."
"Please stop touching the Amulet of Unceasing Regret. It's not a toy."
"Your home will be filled with the sound of laughter. Maniacal, unceasing laughter."
"That mysterious dry cleaning van parked outside your house really is a dry cleaning van. You're not that interesting."
"You'll finally master the perfect risotto, but you'll have to ask yourself: was it worth kidnapping Gordon Ramsay?"
"What's your fucking problem?"
"In an infinite universe, there are an infinite number of you out there and all of you are infinitely disappointing."
"Your dentist has always admired your two front teeth. They must have them. Lock your doors."
"The ghosts of your past will continue to haunt you this week as you struggle to get the spaghetti sauce stains out of your favorite tupperware."
"Things are looking up. You stop. Things fix their eyes on you. Things begin climbing steadily toward your position."
"Your metaverse avatar is writing checks your ass can't cash."
"You'll wake up tied to a wood stake; strangers in goat masks are dancing around a bonfire. We'll be honest, things don't look good."
"Stop being weird about everything, jeez."
"If you had one chance to do it all over again, you'd make the same fucked up choices."
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literalliterature · 4 months
I'm oblivious to DND so I'm very curious about Kenku's conceptually, but Yonder sounds like the Most Character ever. Corvids are so much fun/it tracks. Which of the asks did you want to get for them? Keet 🌂 Onyx ❤️✂️ Aisling: why does she feel trapped?
I love kenku and am so glad to finally play one. They are literally just little guys, to me. In the official lore, they are flightless and can only speak by parroting what other people say, but I found the second bit to be a bit too limiting for a player character. Instead, Yonder can speak more or less normally, but they are an uncanny mimic of others' voices and, when they're not paying attention, sometimes slip into the voices of others, including those who are no longer alive.
Anyway, in terms of the meme, the question of whether I would ever kill them off is interesting because uh. The short answer is yeah, maybe, lmao. They are actually quite afraid of dying and the associated rot and decay. However, they are currently trying to resurrect their dead family members (their older sister in particular), and since they are a character in a horror campaign, there's a good chance that will all end with them either dying (perhaps in order to take their sister's place) or becoming something that transcends life and death, in which case it's arguable whether they would be "Yonder" anymore.
🌂 What genre do they belong in?
I think Keet is pretty well suited to the adventure genre that she's in, but I have also said before that she kind of behaves as though she were a shounen anime protagonist lmao. Very power-of-friendship (and violence) kind of girl. Perhaps paradoxically, she also wouldn't be entirely out of place in some kind of horror/dark fiction, as we know now that her memory loss is due to her having died before and, long story short, she now sees dead people and has unlocked wacky psychopomp abilities that she doesn't know what to do with yet.
❤️ What is one of your OC’s best memories?
They have a lot of remaining good memories of the princess whom they loved and protected as a knight. While she had several lovers, including among her knights, she had various little ways of indicating in front of everyone that Onyx was particularly favored, and they remember all of those.
✂️ What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
In the first game that I played with them, there was a moment when an enemy hit them with a psychic attack of sorts that made them relive their single worst moment. As I told my GM at the time, what they saw was not discovering the princess dead, not being sentenced to death in the tar pits, but falsely confessing to the dead under torture.
I'm going to answer the question about Aisling under the cut due to spoilers. IRL people who play with me do not look please and thank you ckjdvbdvabg
When they were still a teenager, Aisling was imprisoned for killing a guard during a botched heist. Without going into detail, they spent a couple of years there (prior to breaking out and fleeing the city-state) being almost constantly dehumanized and abused in ways physical and psychological. Also, before all this happened, they had some pretty impressive fire powers, but as a prisoner, they underwent a ritual that prevented them from ever being able to channel that magic properly again. The magic still exists, though, and without a way to escape, it can do (and has done) a lot of internal damage to their body that is sort of reminiscent of certain autoimmune conditions. All of this combined means that, obviously, her life has been permanently changed in ways that she had no control over, and she simply cannot do a lot of things that used to come easily for her previously. (On top of the chronic pain, she struggles a lot with social phobia and borderline agoraphobia, for example.) Basically, no longer physically confined but constantly reminded of the limitations imposed on her by her experience, etc. etc.
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revclver-jesus · 5 months
“Hey! Hey! Stay awake, okay? Stay awake.” ( pain meme--if you'd like !! aaa )
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ Have you ever smelled human skin burning?
He has. In the past, when some child's persona went berserk-- not all used physical means, some resorted to magic to attack their owner. The charcoal outline, the burnt remains-- he wandered if that's what he looked like right now...
Anyone less used to this would be dead-- dead or screaming-- but Takaya was an uncanny sight. Skinny as he already was, he looked half decayed, his long hair like burnt candle wicks, shriveled and fried, his skin either red or ashen. But he moved. Deliberately so, he laid himself out in a cross-like pose, as if offering himself to the sky. And with a smile he took a shivering breath in and... sighed. Defeated.
Too weak to fight-- too weak to even move, at first he simply slowly closed his eyes and... welcomed fate. He was no hypocrite. He was going to sleep. That thing his bones craved for years on end anyhow, a constant temptation, a state that seemed so natural to him. Sleep. Where nothing hurts and all is weightless and the dark is endlessly and deep. And yet...
A cough, almost a lighthearted scoff, and he forces open his tired eyes at the sound of her voice. Even their golden glow was dulling, but they moved, looking up to the girl that's come running to his side. " ... Why? " He meant that in two ways. His voice is just a croak in his throat. " You have... no reason.... to do.... this... " These persona users baffled him. He almost wanted to insist she stop, but... it's funny, that. Technically, it wouldn't be accepting fate, if he tried to resist living, now would it?
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kung-fu-cutbug · 3 months
the current state of American politics is that the president's official twitter account posts a meme originally made by QAnon-dickriding conservatives to mock him against a backdrop of his mental state rapidly decaying and Isn't-Real running Super Bowl ads to hide the fact that they're bombing the place they corralled all the Palestinians into
what the actual fuck is wrong with this world
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deviousfatestudio · 3 months
Some questions for your Virus!trolls AU (if you don't mind answering them).
1. How does the virus start in the first place? Is it some type of fungus or plant? Or does it have more to do with the magical part of the troll's music's genres or something similar?
2. Since it's inspired by MLP infection AU, are there different infection states? Or it can vary depending on the gender type of each troll?
3. Do trolls remain conscious to some extent when infected? Or they just guide by their instincts
4. How is Branch immune to the virus? And how does he realize that he is?
5. How does Branch end up meeting the rest of his brothers? Does he find them before or after they are infected?
6. Does the rest of Brozone try to take care of Branch despite being infected? Like trying to bring him food, clothes, or things they think he would like/need.
7. From one to ten, how monstrous would you say the appearances of the infected in your AU are?
(sorry if something is badly written, English isn't my first language 😅)
Hi hello!! Sorry for the late response I was busy all weekend. Here’s your answers but sadly they’re not like actual mlp infection aus
1) it is the trolls music! This is going by Branch being the one in the bottle. When performing the perfect family harmony branch died just before the last few notes (unlike Floyd who died after)
This follows gray branch as well so branch is dead dead unlike floyd who recovered.
Not a lot is known about the perfect family harmony. One thing that is found out after this incident is that the perfect family harmony has stages and the last stage is the most dangerous. It can cause trolls to go mad (see bottle branch au) or in this case, do what we needs to be done to complete the harmony.
Which means, to bring branch back to life, life has to be given. So pieces of his brothers’ lives were taken to give Branch his. This lead to a sort of parasitic relationship ship where if any of the brothers are too far away from the others they’ll start to decay and twist. It is unknown what will happen as it’s never gotten to far but it is know that whoever is sperated will become violent in search of reuniting with the others.
2) there are different stages but mostly 1, 2, and the any after are unknown. Stage 2 is where the boys are at with branch looking the most normal.
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3) the bros are all fully conscious and make the best of the situation. Virus!Branch is basically the meme god for the other branch’s as his face is such good meme material.
4) branch is not immune. The only way he will be cured is if ALL his brothers die. The onto way they’ll be cured is if Branch dies. Take a wild fucking guess how that’s going for them.
5) deep down hes happy his brothers are with him but he feels guilty. Bruce cannot visit his wife as they are sensitive to life and sound now. All the brothers live in branch’s bunker for the time being.
6) they’re mostly brought food since the harmony issue can act up on them at different times.
7) the brothers are MORE monster ours than branch. They are often used as threats towards other AUs.
Other tidbits!
I know this doesn’t sound like a “virus” since it only hurts certain people but what makes it a virus is that it can affect alternate versions! So virus and his siblings are locked in their world and no au is allowed in or out.
There is much debate amongst the branchs’ about whether or not to send bottle!branch’s brothers to virus (it’s shot down by bottle who is emotionally unwell) or to send Kept!Branch’s brothers (it’s deemed to dangerous with how Kept’s brothers are)
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