#world war z meme
eyesoverinfinity · 9 months
Most Zombie media
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there are some exceptions but usually it's this or
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bebx · 2 years
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harrison-galore · 4 months
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decolonize-the-left · 4 months
When are we going to talk about how gen z and alpha growing up with lifelong access to tech didn't make them good with technology, it made them bad with people.
A lot of people, when Leave the World Behind was released, related to the youngest character. The daughter who's only priority and desire was to watch the Friends finale as the adults around her were crippled with anxiety about politics, current events, and the very real possibility a war was happening.
One of her most hard-hitting lines was about wanting nothing but the smallest of comforts in a world that guaranteed you none. So if she was gonna die, she was gonna die watching Friends.
She had little to no empathy for her parents or the rest world, which is key to her character's behavior throughout the movie.
"yes, okay the internet is out and there's a blackout and flamingos are in the pool in the USA, and you're terrified, but can you just please fix the TV for me?"
And yeah, I do think it was the damn phones. Because what she's doing isn't all that different from what a LOT of Americans and Gen Z are doing right now while genocides happen.
It's not that different from what a lot of us do. See something awful on our phone and at some point put the phone down like we didn't. Instead we make dinner, do laundry, go to work.
It's our routine.
But gen z and alpha were born into that climate, unlike the rest of us. They didn't grow up seeing the internet be built. They didn't grow up with friends who created forums or sites or were constantly finding new ones. All that already existed. The internet doesn't have secret corners to hide in anymore. Just shadowy ones you really shouldn't wander into.
The work that needed to be done was already done or being done by someone else. Markets and sites were already saturated. If I want to Google something right now, I know for a fact that someone already posted sources and a webpage for it, too.
So much was simply Provided to them. They're so used to the idea of Unknown Others solving problems for them.
Why would they make the effort to solve anything themselves when experience has shown they just have to Google it. Or that it probably already exists. And what difference would They make anyway?
Afterall they themselves are just another Unknown Other in someone else's life, aren't they? Someone nobody thinks about again after their avatar scrolls by.
Is it really that far of a stretch to say that doing this everyday or even just seeing it happen everyday has had material and tangible effects on us as a society?
That it's resulted in a generation of kids who not only undervalue themselves but the impact they are capable of having on their society. Who have resigned to simply Existing within the world instead of trying to thrive in it?
Can we talk about how millennials saying "the next generation will handle it" was nothing but entitlement? We wanted to stop fighting and tried to pass the torch onto a generation that hadn't even graduated high school yet.
And we made things worse by doing that. If we can refuse to fight for them, why would they fight for anyone else? And when parents hand their kids an iPad and send them off to occupy themselves why would they look for human connections?
We taught them not to.
The internet was and is the only consistent thing Gen Z and alpha has had that did not expect anything of them.
And now most of us would be content to doomscroll in the apocalypse in the name of our "mental health"
We've all seen the memes and jokes about it, don't backpedal now. Like I said, a lot of people saw Rose in that movie and made #me & #same posts.
Few would get up and try to cause the change to change anything. Which, in that movie and IRL is how change is made. Real people getting up and working together. Someone doing the work nobody else wants to because someone has to.
But what happens when you grew up thinking someone else was always gonna do it for you anyway?
And that if they didn't, that you were the least qualified because the internet is Full of people more capable than you, right?
The world is full of people more capable than you. Your phone told you that, didn't it? So there's no point in you doing anything.
Is there?
People need people, in case you forgot. People need you, in case you forgot.
You're not an Unknown Other in my phone. You are person, in case you forgot.
My tribe has this saying that I know is shared with other natives "be a good ancestor"
A reminder that not only are we the product of the people who came before us, but the people after us will be products of us and our choices, too. That time is linear and goes forward and that how we spend that time matters. Not just for us, but for every single person who will come after us.
A reminder that even though we may be one person in a very long line, we are never ever without the power to change our future. That we have a responsibility to our community and family to use the time we are given for good. A reminder that the life I have isnt just for me. It's for a we.
That I am not just some Unknown Other. I'm a community member, I'm a person, and as such I owe it to my community to be better and demand better for them.
I think a lot of people need that lesson.
You're not an Unknown Other that nobody thinks about. Youre a community member and I actually think about you all the time.
I think about everyone who has resigned to doomerism all the time and I wish y'all would wake up. You're like the depressed cousin on the couch who naps too much and this is me trying to snap you out of it again.
Wake up.
You're loved and valued and people need you. Get up. Be a good ancestor.
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zweetpea · 5 months
Freedom or Anarchy? Part 2 of 2
Cw: cringe, swears, innuendos. Mondstadt arc has concluded. Next chapter will hopefully be out by Monday. (Expect Monday or Tuesday)
‘Where am I?’
‘What happened to me?’
‘I wanna go home!’
“Time to get up.” You hear someone call. The voice sounds familiar, deep and most likely male (you don’t want to assume). 
You open your eyes and see blue. You’re still groggy from Albedo’s tea so you can’t really stand. Someone picks you up, supporting you under your legs and you back. 
‘Hang on, if this is Mondstadt… the only man with blue here is.’ “Kae…ya?” You say groggily. 
“She speaks… or are you a he? Hard to tell.” He sets you down on a couch in an office.
“This is the terrorist Albedo gave us?” Lisa asks. You can’t quite move but you aren’t as tired as before. 
“We’ll have to tie… him? Her? …Ah up! Tie up the terrorist.” Jean says. 
“Them… I’m gender fluid. I go by them. Sometimes I’m a he, sometimes I’m a she. But my pronouns are always them.”
“Well, at least we’re getting answers.” Lisa giggles. 
You say as Kaeya binds your wrists and ankles with rope. You lean forward onto him and whisper to only him. “Tighter, daddy~” 
“Sky, where did you say that Light and Paimon ran off to?” Kaeya asks, embarrassed and blushing. 
“We’ve met Barbatos, they went off to find him.” Aether says. That’s right, the twins didn’t tell anybody their real names. 
“We’re back! And we’ve brought a friend!” Paimon cheers. 
“Obviously this goes without saying but no one can mention this man’s true identity, okay.” Jean states with a harsh tone that you’ve never heard from her before. Everyone nods, except for you. 
Venti walks towards you and you look at him. “Are you the one Celestia fears?” 
“I have no idea what that means.” 
“The descender, the honored one, the adored one. Do any of these names ring a bell?” 
“Do not lie to me! Albedo said-” 
“Why the F you lyin’~ why you always lyin’~” 
“Sorry I have a tendency to reference memes and vines. I’m Gen Z, it’s a part of who we are. I’m kidding, I think that’s just me.” 
“So the Adored One has a name, Jen.”
“No that’s-” 
“And these “Me-ms” and “vines” must be your sacred texts! You’re a nature spirit aren’t you!”
“No! And for the record I don’t think you are a god!” 
“Wow, the honored one looks down upon me.” 
“Boys, Girls, and squirrels, listen up! Because I’ll only say this once. I’m not from this world. I want to go home. The world I come from none of you are real.” 
“Honored one, saying “Boys, Girls, and squirrels” doesn’t help your claim that you aren’t a nature spirit.” 
“Oh for Shucks sake. Actually can I swear in here? I don’t think so. Hell! Bullshit! Kaeya’s tight Ass! Lisa’s big boobies! Mmhmm boobies~” you start to laugh maniacally. “I need to be put in a mental hospital.” 
“Oh for the love of-” Lumine cuts herself off and goes up to you then shakes your. “Pull yourself together long enough for us to get answers.” 
“Right, right. I’m just a college kid who majored in computer science and engineering. The world I come from you all are a game and I hacked into your code which brought me here. That “Boys, Girls, and squirrels” comment comes from a YouTuber I watch semi frequently.”
(A/n: Danny Motta is his name. He’s pretty funny. Go check him out) 
“How’d you heal Stormterror then.” Aether asked. 
“The sustainer of heavenly principles gave me her powers.” 
“So… none of us are real?” Amber asks. 
“Well, I don’t know how I’d be here if you guys weren’t real but to me you’re just a game. Any of you can be killed and revived at the Statue of the Seven.” 
“I suppose that does poke holes in my credibility as an archon.” Venti twiddles his thumbs. 
“Can I please leave now? I can take Dvalin with me and we can just leave.” 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. If Stormterror is still enraged we can’t let him destroy other nations. It could spark an all out war.” Jean says. 
“What if we let them stay at that broken down building?” Aether suggests. 
“I still think that we should keep Jen here just in case Stormterror gets any more ideas about attacking Mondstadt.” 
“So we use Jen as a bargaining chip?” Lumine chimes in. 
“Okay if you guys are going to call me Jen can you at least make it Gen with a G? I want to be different.” 
“But Jean! Isn’t that basically asking Stormterror for a fight?” 
“Amber’s right Jean. If we’re going to keep them here we’ll need a plan to tame Stormterror.” Lisa says. 
“I’ll tame him.” Venti says assuredly. “We just have to keep them here long enough for me to calm him down.” 
“BARBATOS!” Dvalin calls from outside. “GIVE ME BACK WHATS MINE!” 
“Everyone! To your stations! Protect the city at all costs!” Jean shouts and everyone rushes from the room. 
“Shit! I have to get out of here!” 
“Master Jean! I’m scared!” Klee runs into the office. 
“Klee! Perfect timing, I’m your brother’s friend.”
“Your big brother Albedo’s friend? Why are you tied up?” 
“It’s a long story. Right now I need you to untie me so I can save everyone.” 
“You can do that? I don’t know, usually only bad people are tied up.” 
“No no! Klee it’s more complicated. You want to save Albedo and Jean and Kaeya, Lisa, Amber, Razor and everyone else right? Then you have to untie me so I can make Stormterror go away.” 
“How do I know that you aren’t lying?” 
‘If gold knows me. Chances are Alice will too.’ “Your mom knows me. I’m the adored one. You can ask her about me.” 
“Mom knows you?”
“Yeah, and you know about Albedos secret lab in the mountains right? I’ve been there. He told me about how much he cared about you.” 
“You’ve gone there?! You really do know Albedo. Okay!” She comes over and unties you. 
“Thanks.” You go over to the window, open it up and shout. “Dvalin!” He comes rushing to you at your cry and you jump out the window and grab onto his tail. 
He flies towards the woods and you land in a stone arena. “Andrius! I need a favor.” 
“What could the East Wind possibly want from me?” 
“Protect the Adored one at all costs. 
“How can this puny human be the Adored one?”
As the two bicker you quietly sneak away. As you climb out of the arena you stop when you see black boots and look up. 
“Who are you.” Diluc looks down at you. 
“I am iron man.” 
“Iron man?” Dvalin roses as he and Andrius start to brawl. 
“Can you get me out of here?” 
“Are you the one rumored to have healed Stormterror?” 
“Come on.” He grabs your arm and hoists you up. He then picks you up and throws you over his shoulder and starts to run. 
“Hey! Am I just a sack of potatoes to you?” 
“Quiet down or they’ll hear us.” He runs and runs until you two get to a water bank. “Follow this past west and you’ll be in Liyue.” He tells you as he sets you down. 
“Oh wow. My own dark knight. How romantic. Well for saving the fair ward of the dragon you get a kiss, as a reward.” 
“No thank you.” He grimaces at you. 
“Oh come on! I was promised debauchery! You’re no fun.” 
“Just leave.” 
“Thanks for saving me! I’m coming back for that kiss though!” You say as you run off. 
‘Hot dragon archon here I come! Please be like a lizard and have two co-‘
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genzmeme · 1 month
Check out our latest YouTube short, "History memes v38," created by Gen Z Memes! Get ready to laugh and learn as we bring historical moments to life with a modern twist. From ancient civilizations to world wars, this video is packed with humor and nostalgia. Don't miss out on the fun! sourced from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch/IOSbK8Bal6s by https://www.youtube.com/@genzmemes_
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pin-crusher2000 · 2 days
1. What are Jon's favorite ice cream flavors to you?
2. It's been switched up a couple of times in canon, so what's his favorite sport in your universe?
3. What are his favorite pizza toppings?
4. Since him and Kathy are dating in your world, what is their first date like and how did they confess?
5. What's his favorite season?
6. Does he have a favorite type of flower?
7. What would you say is a movie that he usually really loves watching?
8. If he were to dye his hair, what color would it be and how far would he go with said coloring?
9. If he were to get a tattoo as a young adult, what would it be of, where would it be drawn or written on him, and would it be big or small?
10. What's his favorite video game?
Holy (insert censor beep here)! That’s a lot! XD @spider-jaysart good questions! I do like these types, there should be a book full of these for DC characters; you know Superman in the 2000s likes Metallica?
1: it’s canon that he loves chocolate ice cream, I can definitely see him loving cookies & crème.
2: it’s baseball & wrestling (he does like bowling & playing soccer with his brothers, Chris, Kon, & Osul later)
3: pepperoni is his go to topping; maybe extra cheese too. (For a crazy topping, he can do pizza rolls 😉)
4: hmmmm, for confession, it was after the battle with Manchester Black (the difference is her grandpa lived & ONLY him “betrayed” the family, Kathy was on Jon’s side the whole time) they both were sitting on the tree branch & both did a lip kiss.
Their first date was a trip to the movies, How to train your dragon: the hidden world, & then spend the night at the county fair.
5: cliche but I can see him loving summer; ice cream trucks & no school XD
6: hmmmm Kathy is his favorite flower XD most likely Sunflowers due to living on a farm & the word sun is part of him.
7: I say Benchwarmers (due to it being a baseball movie & it’s “famous” beef stew scene) & a tie between Shrek 1 & Kung Fu Panda 1. (Due to the memes & good stories)
8: I say either red & blue, (it becomes bright orange for his anime transformation I gave him) & he dyes it fully or just the front.
9: I say a S symbol on his left arm, his gf’s name on his right arm.
10: he likes your typical late gen-z early gen-alpha games like Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, etc… but he was introduced to games like mortal kombat & Star Wars battlefront from his siblings (mostly Kon & Chris)
Thanks for the questions! Love to answer more! :D I don’t mind a lot of questions only if they are simple like yours. 😅
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kineticpenguin · 3 months
It may not be your thing, but I'm interested to know your thoughts on World War Z & the work of Max Brooks in general. Especially given how hard you came down on stuff like GATE, and the arguably equally if-not-more ridiculous shit in WWZ ('Katanas are the perfect zombie killing weapon etc.')
I think it's a good narrative, but it suffers year upon year from the fact it has so many early-2000s tropes and misinformed views about everything from disease control to military equipment.
There was a whole year after the Zombie Survival Guide came out where you couldn't go online without seeing dipshits going on about smashing your staircase to survive the zombies, and I don't think I'll ever forgive him for that.
Max Brooks is an extremely frustrating author for me, and I sometimes wonder if I've been too hard on him in the past, and then I see some article about him and decide that if anything, I was too nice.
But as for the actual books themselves... I think the Zombie Survival Guide wasn't that great to begin with, and it hasn't aged well. Everything it tries to do has been done better by others over the last 20 years, for free, on the internet. It's kind of like one big reddit post from a Well Ackshually guy two years before the creation of Reddit. It is very, very, very silly, but takes itself completely seriously. So to me, it comes off as watching someone be extremely wrong with a really smug look on their face.
Which kinda gets me to my main problem with WWZ. Max Brooks' ideas about guns, military ordnance and the military in general are pretty goofy, and Brooks hits Peak Smug with the chapter with the secretary of... I forget what, but it's where Brooks is trying to make his point about the fragility of the military-industrial complex and the global economy, and he goes off on how expensive the Abrams is and that it runs on jet fuel, can you believe it? Can you believe how stupidly high tech our idiot military is? Where are you gonna get jet fuel in a zombie apocalypse?
I mean, the answer is pretty much "same place you get your diesel fuel, idiot." Jet fuel's not hard to make. Then there's also the fact that the Abrams' turbine engine will also run on just about anything you care to put in it, and running your turbine-powered vehicles and diesel-powered vehicles on the same fuel actually simplifies logistics.
It's like a zombie apocalypse envisioned by a liberal whose mindset was firmly set in the 1990s, with The End of History and The Last Man, Pentagon Wars, and boomer memes about M16s being unreliable shit.
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can-they-beat-goku · 4 months
❗ Before asking read this ❗
ok so i decided to do this little silly project thing
inspired by @couldtheycatchkira and this poll and the general power scaling bullshit. Can your blorbo beat the sayan popstar? Probably, but it is not my place to decide. This blog is just for fun, I dont like unironic powerscalings and stuff.
I will edit this post as the list goes on (i hope it does, at least) let the great fight begin!
Also I should probably mention the fact that I have never watched, read or consumed in any way any Dragon Ball anime, manga or affiliated media.
RULES: no real people please (this includes characters heavily linked to real people and characters obviously based on real people) no characters from sketchy places, please let's keep the controversy to a minimum. Keep to 1 character per ask, no photo needed but state the source if necessary. Any image used on the polls WILL look like it was compressed 1000 times. There will be NO ties, the fight is to the DEATH. Every character is at their prime.
inbox: 30-ish
Current Ask Box Status: Open ✅
Current number of polls made: around 100 idk i lost count
Polls per day: i dont even know anymore
List of characters who have been (or are being) judged:
Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium) won
Kirby (Kirby) won
Koro Sensei (Assassination Classroom)
Light Yagami (Death Note) won but he also died lol
Edward Elric (full metal alchemist)
Goku (dragon ball)
Jigsaw (saw) won but he also died lol
Shaggy Rogers (scooby-doo) won
A billion lions (the internet) won
Bugs bunny (Looney Toons) won
Wallace and Gromit (Wallace and Gromit) won
Seto Kaiba (yu gi oh) lost
Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate/Zero) lost
Beatrice (Umineko) won
Ultimate Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) won
jar jar binks (star war) lost
Luke Skywalker (return of the jedi)
Katniss Everdeen ( the hungers games)
Saitama (one punch man) won
V1 (ultrakill) won
Twilight Sparkle ( My Little Pony: Friendship is magic) won
Vegeta (dragon ball Z) kissed Goku
solid snake (metal gear series)
lucas (mother 3)
Saiki Kusuo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) Won
Don Quixote (Limbus Company) lost
Sora (kingdom hearts) lost
Angron (Warhammer 40k)
Skarbrand (Warhammer 40k)
Minimoose (Invader Zim)
Venti (Geshin Impact) we don't know (??)
Starscream (transformers)
captain Jack Sparrow (pirates of the Caribbean) lost
Monkey D. Luffy (one piece)
Sonic the hedgehog (sonic series)
Gohan (dragon ball series) won
Gyorik Rogdul (Drawtectives) won
Swarmlord (Warhammer 40k)
Leafpool (warrior cats) won
Squirrelflight (warrior cats) lost
austin powers (austin powers movies)
jotaro kujo (jjba)
jonathan sims (the magnus archives)
Philip (library of ruina)
Hades inazami (blazblue)
Kil'Jaeden (world of warcraft)
Goro Majima (Yakuza)
Kaldor Draigo ( If the emperor had a text to speech device)
Illidan Stormrage (world of warcraft)
Fushi (to your eternity)
Reigen Arataka (mob psycho 100)
Business Woman (stock images)
Dr. Gregory House (House md)
Miles Morales (spiderman)
Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Farmer Guy (Stock images)
Neuvillette (geshin Impact)
the party (honor among thieves)
the beheaded (dead cells)
Gabbro (outer wilds)
Mr. Bones
Caiphas Cain (Warhammer 40k)
Andreas Maler (Pentiment)
solanum (outer wilds)
yugi the pharaoh (yugioh)
phoenix ikki (saint seiya)
coughing baby (coughing baby meme)
sophia petrillo (golden girls)
count d (pet shop of horrors)
aeryn sun (farscape)
alexander hamilton (hamilton Broadway musical
gabriel (ultrakill)
aaron burr (hamilton Broadway musical)
john crichton (farscape)
speedy gonzales (looney toons )
this list isnt updated
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bitegore · 10 months
Random question, but what do you think SG Stunticons would be like?
So obligatory "i'm bad at SG in general" warning.
I prefer when SG characters all have the same base personalities, just different methods of interaction and socialization. So Motormaster is still an authoritarian type who likes to be listened to; Drag Strip is still rather approval-hungry; Wildrider still likes fun in all forms and will chase it and gets bored easily; Dead End is still introspective and prone to thinking about the future rather than the present; and Breakdown is still very aware of other people and how they relate to him and his. But they're socialized better and very differently.
Motormaster is a "kind but firm" leader. He's probably got a lot in common with regular!IDW Ratchet, being a bit of a buzzkill and not exactly sugar-sweet but he cares and he makes it obvious that he cares through his actions rather than his words. Because it's SG he's probably nicer than Ratchet though, verbally speaking. He still has very high expectations for his team, but he also makes it clear when he feels like they've met those expectations and is encouraging when he feels like they've fallen short. He's still not great at leading, probably, though - a little bit of a bumbling dumbass who at least has the good grace to admit when he's the one who fucked up.
Dead End really depends on the world, but I really struggle to imagine him not intensely morbid and miserably depressed no matter the situation. It's hard not to be when you're constantly thinking about the future and how you're on the losing side of a war, and in everything I've ever seen that's SG, the Decepticons are losing. He's probably less pretentious about it though - less of a classic lit guy and more of a. I don't know. Insert that one "Millenial Depression vs Gen Z depression" meme, he's probably a sparklecore nihilist instead of a miserable cynic. Prone to exclamations during bad moments of "It's okay, it could be worse!" "HOW could it be worse?" "We could all be dead!" or some shit like that.
Drag Strip runs around scrounging for compliments the same as ever, except this time he can just ask with his mouth so he just pulls that "aw, I didn't really do a good job, did I?" routine about everything all the time to force you to reassure that no, actually, he DID do good, and you're impressed with him. If regular!Drag Strip pulled that shit the regular!Stunticons would just be like "no dumbass you suck lmfao. anyway" so it wouldn't work for him, but in SG it would. As a result he's probably just as annoying but way less competitive, a hell of a lot more cooperative instead. Happy to work on a team and great at picking up skills because that means he has more things to go rooting for compliments on.
Wildrider is exactly the same except that he doesn't kill people. That's it. Oh he's probably also not paranoid about things when he's left alone but he's still easily bored and he still would rather be doing things. He does stuff all the time and he's still a firewords and explosions guy, he has fun. He'd get along with his regular counterpart- possibly the only sg character to ever LMAO
And Breakdown has no reason to be shy- instead he's just constantly thinking about other people and their emotional states... he's probably a terrrrrrible busybody. Hyperaware of gossip and the giver of the best gifts on the planet. If you have a problem, SG!Breakdown knows about it before you do. He's probably besties with Reflector and Soundwave instead of petrified of them. Maybe this is the universe where Breaky gets to be in Intel like he deserves.
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bananzie · 6 months
Being Gen Z on the internet means posting something condemning the social-political landscape of today’s world and yet another war then scrolling down two posts to a see a Shrek pregnancy meme and sending it to a friend all within 1 minute of each other
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eyesoverinfinity · 1 year
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maybe if we don't look for exact clones of the left 4 dead franchise we'd like games similar to them. or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.
either way, a meme for you.
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itsalphagem · 9 months
the best thing about the barbenheimer thing is that probably about a fifth of the people watching the oppenheimer movie are watching it as a meme because of its association with the barbie movie. literally if the barbie movie did not come out the same day as the oppenheimer movie, like 90% of the gen z audience would not have gone to see it period. if you were to ask a teen like a year ago if they wanted to see a 3 hour long movie about world war fucking 2 of all things, they would just stare at you like "ewww no why tf would i ever think about doing that. BUT, if you said you were watching a dark depressing movie followed by a bright pink sugar dream where it looks like the directors were high off of snorting pixie stick (/pos) now it is 400% more interesting
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meaercies · 1 month
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a study in finding forgiveness in eternity. ;   [ ♕ ]
spymaster,        night court. truthteller. power. dreams. loyalty. friendship. observant. withdrawn. bed head. laughter. darkness. melody. blankets. bloodrush. stars. siphons. infinity. piano. shadows. humming. singing. whispers. dusk. windblown. self-loathing. quiet. books. thoughtfulness. patience. death.
memes. | musings. | headcanons. | A Z R I E L from a court of thorns and roses series. 30+ | cst timezone. | 18+ only interaction, please. | credit
MY BFFS aka the people that said it was okay if i bother them: @seerfawn @wickedpeachie, @rootedpetals @dthroned, @hedonst, @rhysie @bloodofthefates @rotenthings @draconikia, @alwaysanangcl, @littlequeens, @star1ightheir
( wanna be added here? TELL ME )
don't be mean - to me, to others, or to yourself. i have been in rp for over half of my life and on three different platforms -- i've NEVER had drama. i don't want to start now.
apparently there are ship wars ? i don't do that either. i don't follow forums nor the groups. i am NOT heavy in the fandom life - i have a super busy schedule, i own my own business, and i have two children. i don't have time for petty. only happy. -- i ship azriel with himself first bc bro needs to get a grip.
i ship chemistry. literally. chemistry. that's it. LOL.
idk i just love everyone and i want to have fun. this is an escape from my reality. i live in my head more than the real world and I LOOOVE fantasy + writing !
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taggedmemes · 9 months
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ THE WOMBATS / B - Z Sides ( PART ONE ) always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
"When I first held your hand, things felt right and in place."
"Why am I so afraid?"
"Remember when I first saw you?"
"If it's alright with you, I think I'll leave soon."
"I think I'll miss you."
"I think I'll love you."
"You were so hard to find."
"What took us so long?"
"The ceiling never looked so interesting."
"Say something to fill the void."
"This window never looked so small."
"My face never looked this disenchanted."
"You made me feel like Brad Pitt."
"I'm black and blue."
"There's no time for me to catch my breath."
"I'm in a cage."
"I think I'm out the game."
"I drink too much because there's not enough of you there."
"There's not enough of you anywhere."
"I've had enough."
"I think too much."
"I've given up on life and death."
"I like it when you're rude."
"I'll try, but I know there's no point."
"I'm not confident enough to play the field like those guys."
"I'm not secure enough to fool around like those guys."
"I've been knocked down."
"My head's in the clouds."
"I just forgot to breathe."
"I'm so scared about that stuff."
"If you've got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."
"She might turn me away."
"Today, I'm gonna make a change."
"The world loves hypocrisy."
"You wreck my mind more and more with each passing day."
"I think you're crazy."
"I think you're rude."
"We don't mean that much."
"I don't need much to make me happy."
"This is love."
"I think I'll go down just to get away."
"In the back of my mind I'm waiting for this to just end up in tears."
"I've just had the craziest week."
"I don't know why I want to voice this out loud."
"It's therapeutic somehow."
"We're not the same."
"I put one foot forward and ended up thirty yards back."
"Am I losing touch or am I just completely off the track."
"Are you gonna screw my head up?"
"You're pretty weird but you're not a psycho."
"I never got so many texts as I did from you last night."
"Is it such a big waste of time?"
"You and I could be so happily screwed."
"You've got selective hearing."
"I'm frankly bored now of your attitude."
"When we speak your eyes are everywhere."
"It's all or nothing for you."
"Take that cigarette out of your mouth."
"Don't you think it's time that we should move on?"
"Everything that meant anything is gone."
"Take my credit cards far away from me."
"I'm not mature enough to keep one little eye on anything."
"You don't call the shots."
"Why am I lacing every single night with doubt."
"I'm Mr. Jealous Man today."
"Don't wanna feel sorry for myself now."
"Let's not get lost in ourselves today."
"I can never be the good guy."
"My car broke down and mirrored both our lives."
"Politics make it so hard for us."
"This war's between two men and four million puppy dogs."
"They don't know it yet, but we both know they're coming between us."
"I can bury my head in the sand just as fast as the next man."
"They say that our strengths should have been growing over time."
"You've gotta see there's something wrong."
"We trudged through winter and spring for this."
"You're pretty desperate to get out of this town."
"Sundays and I are not meant to be."
"It doesn't affect you like it does me."
"I'd be a couch potato all my life."
"Why have you got an array of board games under your arm?"
"What's the point of going somewhere else if you're only going to do exactly what you would be doing at home?"
"Looks like we're both in checkmate now."
"Board games have a double meaning."
"That's your automatic response when everything is going wrong."
"What a happy, clappy fun day."
"This ghost train will derail and crash."
"I got a spot of bad news."
"There's not much you can do if you've got the theme park blues."
"It's just that everything is upside down."
"I'm the one who has the frown."
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genzmeme · 1 month
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