#statue of atlas
biboomerangboi · 11 months
Sometimes I think about Zuko being the Firelord and I just giggle like yeah it is an angsty situation, yes it’s got great fanfic material but guys your just going to give a 17 year old a whole country. Like not even a normal trained from birth Prince you’ve got a guy that was officially the Crown Prince for like 3 years and then he was out at sea causing problems. His special skills include hunting the avatar, B&E, being buddies with mythical beasts, prison breaks and customer service and you gave him the ultimate power to do whatever he wants. Not to mention he’s got friends who are just as insane and feral and he’s got all the money. Toph and Sokka are going to talk him into the most insane purchases in seconds. Guys c’mon.
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costumedump · 2 years
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my-cabbages-gorl · 4 months
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no one loves aang more I will die on this hill
Original BeReal and inspo under the cut
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pinkiemachine · 1 year
I would also like to propose we build this statue in the North Pole’s Spirit Oasis effective immediately.
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charlesoberonn · 1 month
I do like how a calculation error early on in the show made Kyoshi out to be over 200 years old when she died, which later became an integral part of her character and story.
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the-badger-mole · 5 months
What is your NUMBER ONE headcannon for each person in the Gaang (Katara, Zuko, Aang, Toph, Sokka, Suki [and Appa and Momo if you feel so inclined])
Katara: After the war, she goes back to the NWT to train with Yugoda and becomes a master healer as well as a master of the NWT fighting style. From there, she goes back to the Foggy Swamp Tribe and masters their bending style, too. With the help of Sokka, Zuko, and (in some headcanons) Hama, she also rediscovers SWT waterbending and not only masters it, but teaches it to the new benders in the SWT. By the time she leaves the SWT, there has been a school established where all bending styles are available for study. She's one of the few who actually has mastered them all, though.
Sokka: He is eager to return home after the war. He throws himself into infrastructure and policy revamps, and he almost singlehandedly staves off the soft colonization attempts of the NWT. Under his efforts, the SWT rebuilds and reestablishes parts of its culture that had been lost during the war. With the discovery of oil on SWT land, he is also instrumental in establishing eco minded extraction techniques, and in trade ties with the rest of the world (although he is very much helped by his sister's deep ties with the Fire Lord). It's a surprise to no one when he's chosen to lead the SWT after Hakoda retires.
Toph: She does not become a cop. Instead, she goes back home and takes over the Earth Rumble, taking it from an underground even to a world wide phenomenon. She eventually allows benders of other elements to join, and the Earth Rumble becomes pro bending. She does also establish a metal bending school. In the end, she is wealthier than her parents, but because she couldn't really care less about money, she keeps enough to live at the standard she wants, and gives the rest away to causes that interest her...like the guy who wanted to set the record for the biggest bao bun ever, and needed funding for an oven big enough to cook it. She also establishes a halfway house for runaway teens.
Zuko: During his tenure as Fire Lord, he establishes a robust social services program that includes subsidized healthcare, education, and housing for the lowest income families. Under his reign, the Fire Nation becomes home to some of the earliest pioneers of mental health. At his wife's advice, he also makes paid maternity leave standard across the nation, and includes several programs to help single parents stay afloat. Taking inspiration from the SWT, Zuko makes some changes to how his advisory staff is selected. Instead of choosing from among the nobility, Zuko has the different provinces elect a representative to speak on their behalf. A lot of the nobles hate this, blaming his wife's influence, but the people adore their monarchs and despite their best efforts, there's little the nobles can do except start campaigning in their home provinces. It's not a perfect system, but it does open the door for the Fire Nation to end the monarchy within a couple of generations.
Suki: She continues to lead the Kyoshi Warriors for a few years after the war. She also helps train troops around the world as they pivot from active war service to more local work. She helps establish something like the coast guards for several different countries. Eventually she retires from that to help her husband run the SWT. She and Sokka make a wonderful team as he handles the domestic policies and she handles foreign affairs. She often jokes with her sister in law, Fire Lady Katara that they ended up with the same job.
Aang: I'll go with my most optimistic headcanon for him. He's an okay Avatar. Not great. Not the worst. After the war, he tries to take part in rebuilding efforts around the world, but he finds his help isn't needed much. He turns his attention back to salvaging what's left of the Air Nomad legacy, and discovers that there are actually airbenders still around. A few of them are even interested in learning to live like the Air Nomads. Many of them aren't, though, and after learning how to actually use their powers, they go off and do their own thing. To Aang's shock and dismay, eating meat has no effect on the strength of their bending, He does learn to deal with it and enjoy his time with the air benders who embrace the Air Nomad culture. He does go on to have kids, and he still favors the benders over the nonbenders. Ultimately, his legacy as Avatar boils down to taking Ozai's bending, and that's it.
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stardust948 · 18 days
Zutara AU where Zuko with Toph's gleeful help, tears down all of Ozai's statues and replaces them with statues of War Hero/Ambassador (and future Fire Lady) Katara
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a-todd-illustration · 2 months
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Working on facial structure and doing art without black lines. Here's a statue of Katara The Brave
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cantankerousreviews · 6 months
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The real reason Katara didn't do anything in LoK. She was not taking this disrespect.
She doesn't get a statue? When even the cabbage merchant did? Get out of her house.
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fromthefandomfront · 4 months
On one of my rewatches of The Legend of Korra, I noticed something about metal bending. All of the metal benders we're shown are either in the police force or have status. Think about it, Toph's kids with the Beifong name and probably some money (look at how fancy the metal clan is), Kuvira, and the police force. And when Kuvira fights the earth kingdom bandits, she takes them down with ease because they can't metal bend.
Could there be a 'class' divide between metal benders and earth benders? Bolin probably never received metal bending instruction when he was living on the streets with Mako. It's possible the first time he was taught (although unsuccessfully) was when he went to the metal clan. So the only way to learn how to metal bend is to have the money to learn or join the police force.
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yuttikkele · 23 days
zuko was already a flaming homosexual, aang just FANNED that flame
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blueiscoool · 7 months
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A Statue of Atlas Emerges From the Ruins of Sicily’s Ancient Temple of Zeus
In the fifth century B.C.E., 38 looming sculptures of the Titan stood guard at the structure.
After 20 years of restorations, a 26-foot-tall statue of Atlas is once again standing guard at the ancient Temple of Zeus in the city of Agrigento (once called Akragas) in Sicily.
The statue, created in the fifth century B.C.E., was one of roughly 38 similar Atlas monuments built into the temple. They stood in a line between columns with their arms raised, appearing to hold the holy structure upright.
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In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan who rebelled in a war against Zeus. As punishment, he was forced to hold up the sky on his shoulders. Unlike the mythological Atlas, however, the stone likenesses were unable to hold up Zeus’ temple forever. Ultimately, earthquakes and other events caused the structure to crumble.
For many years, pieces of the statues were scattered around the site amongst other ancient ruins. In 1812, Charles Robert Cockerell, a prominent British architect, first identified one of the Titan’s giant sandstone heads during a visit to Agrigento. A century later, in 1920, archaeologist Pirro Marconi became the first person to attempt to reconstruct one of the Atlases, which is now housed in the Archaeological Museum of Agrigento.
The seeds of the current project began in 2004, when the Valley of the Temples park conducted a sweeping research campaign at the site. Experts cataloged 90 fragments from at least eight Atlas statues.
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“The idea was to reposition one of these Atlases in front of the temple so that it may serve as a guardian of the structure dedicated to the father of the gods,” Roberto Sciarratta, the director of the Valley of the Temples park, tells the Guardian’s Lorenzo Tondo.
But rebuilding Atlas in a standing position was particularly challenging, as researchers couldn’t simply stack the pieces of the statue on top of one another. Instead, they attached the fragments to metal shelves, which are supported by a larger metal structure.
The restoration has faced scrutiny ever since officials first announced it several years ago.
“No archaeologist would endorse the use of ancient sculpture, no matter how fragmentary, to create a modern sculpture, even if the purpose is to highlight the site’s antiquity,” C. Brian Rose, an archaeologist at the University of Pennsylvania, told the New York Times’ Franz Lidz in 2020.
But officials like Renato Schifani, the Sicilian governor, think that the statue’s resurrection is a commendable feat.
“Today is an important day for Agrigento and for all of Sicily,” says Schifani in a statement, per Google Translate. “This stone giant of ancient Akragas, which after many years of studies and research we can observe in its natural position, is the heart of an important museum project of the entire area of ​​the Temple of Zeus."
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By Julia Binswanger.
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myimaginationplain · 11 months
AU where Katara & Toph both set up premier waterbending & earthbending academies in Republic City; the two schools are dedicated to teaching holistic, unified forms of their respective elements, bringing together previously disparate styles. Katara's school teaches Southern style, Northern style, & Foggy Swamp style waterbending, without any gender-based segregation between self-defense or healing classes (no, bloodbending wouldn't be taught because Katara don't like that shit). Toph's school teaches her personal seismic style of earthbending, metalbending, & more classical forms of earthbending. Katara's academy is on the coast of Yue Bay, in sight of both Aang's memorial statue & Air Temple Island; Toph's academy is far inland, to the east.
Rather than Toph, Suki is the one who establishes a police/security force. Suki's police academy could have a special program with Toph's, so you'd still get those cool metalbending officers. But the school prioritizes non-bending combat first & foremost. Ty Lee's chi-blocking technique is taught there as a required course.
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New eras brought about by Avatars of Fire & Water
I just like this idea that since Korra started a new avatar cycle, she doesn’t want to be one to take all the credit for the avatar’s history with Raava and Harmonic Convergence and she doesn’t want Wan to be forgotten and completely lost to history so her statue is shared with a revamped version of Wan’s and both are embraced by Raava.
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theluckiestlb · 1 year
This ending makes me want to karate chop my desk with my goddamn face.
Remember atla and how amazing and validating it was to see Zuko tell his abusive father off and denounce him?! Remember how to this day we’re still praising that choice in writing?! Astruc clearly doesn’t!!
I could kill to witness Adrien lose it on his father. I crave justice.
LMAO imagine if Bryan and Mike decided to give Zuko amnesia and make Team Avatar build a statue of Ozai to commemorate all the good he's done for all four nations??????
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atla-confessions · 3 days
the Katara statue discourse if very stupid and using that as a reason to say the creators are misogynist and they don't respect katara is even stupider. Siting that as a reason to hate LoK is the stupidest
the fact that it is no overblown is so wild
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