#you can deal with your crap yourselves
cantankerousreviews · 6 months
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The real reason Katara didn't do anything in LoK. She was not taking this disrespect.
She doesn't get a statue? When even the cabbage merchant did? Get out of her house.
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sallowsswan · 6 months
🌸Mattheo Riddle w/Ballerina Gf Headcanons pt.2🩰
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Because YES I love the idea of our angy bad boy having a ballerina for a girlfriend!
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We left off with him taking her out for mani/pedis after long lessons/classes/rehearsals to pamper her because she's just so wonderful??
Finds ANY excuse to put his hands on her legs because he's just obsessed with them. Manages to get away with it by giving her leg massages. (Though secretly she loves seeing him obsessed with her)
Finds out almost immediately that ballerinas can get violent with their pointe shoes. He walked into the studio one early afternoon during a time he knows she'll be on break and sees her BANGING the crap out of her shoes against the staircase while wearing headphones. (Look up Isabella Bolyston in TikTok for a great example. Dancers may do this to make the shoes 'quieter' on stage)
This boy makes a mental note after witnessing that to never piss his girl off because seeing her beat on those shoes with a smile on her face was scary, yet also hot??
Loves and I mean LOVES to see her practicing certain steps like arabesque, or Italian fouettes. His eyes darken a little when he sees her focus and move her legs in those positions. (Gif is of famous ballerina Alina Somova. Seriously look up her performing Queen of the Dryads!)
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Mattheo would be a complete German Shepherd with her. Loyal, affectionate, protective and sweet, but if someone looks at his girl the wrong way or tries to approach her with ill intentions? Back. Up. He will have no problem putting a person in their place or getting his hands dirty to protect his little dancer.
Always makes sure she's getting enough nutrients and is eating healthy. Does NOT want her to fall into that statistic where some girls don't eat properly and deal with body dysmorphia. (PLEASE DANCERS FUEL YOUR BODIES AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES! ♥)
Tries so damn hard because he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable or feel awkward but grows to have a thing for her in leotards and tights.
She immediately introduces Mattheo to her partners for any Pas De Deux she'll be dancing. Wants him to get comfortable with the idea that these guys are just her dance partners and to not freak out when they hold or touch her it's all professional. In fact, this is how Mattheo meets Enzo! (Shoutout to @abaker74 who commented with that idea I LOVE it!)
Shows up to EVERY performance she has. She has to sit him down and talk to him about etiquette when going to the theatre to view a ballet performance. He still shows up, for any minor or major roles she has, and there's moments where her eyes lock on his and it's all she needs to feel on top of the world.
Brings her flowers. Every. Time. After a show, when she walks out he's standing there with a bouquet of her favorite flowers and immediately pulls her into his arms kissing her cheek "I'm so proud of you my little dancer. "
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victoriademedici · 6 months
My mother had abdominal surgery the same week as Catherine and for an enlarged organ, like Charles. She took 6 weeks off work and even now still isn’t 100%. I can’t imagine her being abused by people on the internet, the media, anyone close to her trying to violate her private medical information and invalidate her as a respectable human being.
When I got the notification on my phone that said Catherine had cancer, I already felt bad because of what she’s had to endure while recovering from a surgery—and with so much stress that surely hasn’t made recovering any easier—but also now more than ever because she also has to deal with this. And with 3 young children. My mother has 3 children: a 24-year-old and 2 teenagers, and it’s bad enough to lose your mother at those young ages but at 5, 8, and 10 is just the one of the worst positions you can be put in. I can’t even fathom how hard it must have been to find the right time and words to break it down for them gently with such limited time and ways to share this news to children this young.
And for William, my heart is really breaking for him too. He lost his mother at such a young age and has seen so many people around him suffer and cause him to suffer by burdening him with so much, he must be feeling so much pain and guilt right now. And with an older father, your only living parent, that also has cancer is just hell. I know they’re rich and live in a palace and all that but he is in a very unfortunate position right now and I applaud how good of an attitude and great sense of dignity he has had since the day he was born despite all he’s endured. I know I crap on him a lot for things like his work ethic but I do admire how strong he is and always has been, his family has all my support.
And to the people backtracking all the conspiracy theories and hate now that we all know she has cancer, y’all are some two-faced motherfuckers and even if she didn’t have cancer it was never ok to act how you all did before. Someone else’s pain should not be entertained, you should all be ashamed of yourselves, able to have your own privacy and peace when it comes to your health while being vultures to a recovering mother going through chemotherapy.
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Dear Chloé Haters,
Now that "Revolution" has aired, I hope you're proud of yourselves.
I hope you're proud that she's gonna live with her abusive mother, I hope you're proud that she lost everything; including the two friends (Adrien and Sabrina) that she actually cared for and were willing to help her, I hope you're proud that no one, not even her own father or sister, loves her. I especially hope you're proud that you got your wish: That she's worse that Gabriel, Lila, Nathalie, and Félix, and that she's an irredeemable monster because your precious Marinette and your God Thomas Astruc said so; just so you can have your stupid ass Love Square ship (Which I'm starting to despise more and more thanks to how poorly written this show is and because of you guys.) and that she might be (Key word: might) written out for good because Thomas himself hates her for the most pathetic fucking reason ever.
If you can honestly look at this and go "Woohoo yes! It's about time that bitch got karma! She had it coming all these years!"
A. You don't know a damn thing about karma and how it works.
B. You also don't know what it's like to be abused and how abuse can affect someone, especially someone as young as Chloe was when her mom left her.
And C. You especially don't know what it's like to be change for the better, only to fail repeatedly because old habits are hard to change for the better.
Oh, and don't you dare fucking give me that "Well Mylène said her mom left her and she turned out fine" or "Well Gabriel was a shitty person as a teenager, and he only got worse" crap. I don't want to hear a goddamn thing about those shitty ass arguments. That just proves that you're biased and Thomas doesn't know a fuck ton about abused victims and how they cope differently.
I don't want to deal with you. Not now. Not ever.
Get off my page if you hate Chloe. Block me for all I care. Hell, call me a bully or racist apologist or hell, even a sociopath apologist for all I care.
I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.
You got your wish, and now my wish is to not associate with any of you people.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Camper’s Lake
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Summary: The reader and the Winchesters take a short weekend away to relax at Campers Lake but they quickly find out they aren’t the only ones at the secluded lake...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,600ish
Warnings: language
A/N: A little something for spooky season and Friday the 13th fans...
“Y/N, you know how you told me to check that I packed everything?” asked Dean, staring at his open duffle on your bed. You smiled and walked over to yours, glancing out the window to see Sam and Cas already swimming outside in the lake.
“Yes,” you said, digging around in your bag.
“I uh, I forgot something,” he said. You tossed the bright blue swim trunks at the back of his head lightly, giggling as he pulled them down. “Thank you sweetheart.”
“No problem babe,” you said, pulling off your shirt, putting on a bathing suit as Dean watched. “Can you tie me up?” you asked, pulling your hair to the side.
“I thought we were going swimming,” said Dean with a chuckle, grazing the back of your neck with his long fingers before they began to pull the strings taught and into a bow. “All set.”
“Thank you,” you said, standing on your tip toes to kiss him. He smiled against you and pulled away, turning around so you could hop up on his back.
“The Winchester’s vacation has officially begun,” he said, carrying the two of you outside and to a waiting Sam and Cas. “How cold is the water, fellas?”
“Not too bad,” said Sam, swimming in circles on his back. “Only a little cool.”
“Perfect,” said Dean, jumping in with you. It was fucking cold in your opinion but after popping up to the surface and getting your breath back, you quickly got used to it.
You were so glad they’d listened to you about taking a weekend to yourselves for once.
“Dean, come on, do we have to watch something scary?” you asked, curled on the couch with him that night. Sam threw a piece of popcorn at you from the other one and you scowled. “I’m doing this for your sake Sammy.”
“I’m not afraid of-” he got out before the two of you jumped as thunder boomed overhead.
“Chickens,” Dean muttered. He sat you up and went over to the TV, picking up a different movie. “Can you two handle this ‘Saturday the 14th’ crap knock off movie then? All they got around here is scary.”
“Sure. I just don’t want anything with creepy demons,” you said, Sam nodding.
“Me either. Some shitty version of Jason I can deal with,” said Sam as Dean rolled his eyes.
“You dated a demon once ya know,” said Dean, walking over to Sam and ruffling his hair, stealing some popcorn for the two of you. 
“Shut up,” said Sam. Cas walked in the room with a plate full of microwaved smores, not ideal but the weather outside would put off your campfire until the next night.
“Dean does have a point,” said Cas, offering one to each of you, the boys scarfing theirs down way too fast. “I’m told chewing does wonders for digestion.”
“Oh, sassy Cas this weekend. I like,” you said, earning yourself a second smore.
“He goes on two hunts with you and suddenly he understands sarcasm,” said Dean, trying to steal it out of your hands.
“Y/N is a very good teacher,” said Cas. “She taught me about smores after all.”
“See guys, I’m a good teacher unlike you two,” you said, getting more popcorn thrown at you from Sam and a headlock from Dean. “I give!”
“Just put on the movie already jerk,” said Sam, settling into his spot.
“Alright bitch,” said Dean. “Let’s hope this isn’t too terrifying for you scaredy cats.”
“Truth or dare?” you asked Sam a few hours later. The movie had been decent but you’d moved on to drinking and a card game, truth or dare popping up every so often.
“Dare,” said Sam with a smirk. 
“Go jump in the lake and come back,” you said. Sam scowled but stood up anyways. “It’s only raining now.”
“Oh just wait until it’s your turn Y/N. Payback’s a bitch,” he said, opening the back door where the four of you heard the pouring rain. You turned on the back light for him as the three of you stood by the window and watched Sam trot down to the lake and jump in. You laughed a little but started getting scared when he didn’t pop back up.
“Guys,” you said, patting them both on the arm as you took off outside. You were just about at the water’s edge when you saw something shift out of the corner of you eye.
“Boo!” shouted Sam beside you as you nearly swung a fist.
“That’s not funny Sam! I thought you were hurt,” you said, Dean and Cas by your side now. Sam saw your face and theirs and decided it hadn’t been the best idea to do that.
“Sorry,” said Sam. “Let’s get dry and inside.” You started walking back up when the back light went off, Dean stopping right in front of you.
“Power out?” you asked, peeking your head around him. The lights were all still on. Then the ones in the kitchen went out, then the ones in the family room. You went to keep walking but Dean’s arm jutted out in front of you.
“Did you guys see that?” asked Dean. The boys nodded but you weren’t sure what they were talking about. “Am I crazy or did that thing look like the thing from the movie?”
“I wish I could say you were wrong but...yeah, that’s what I saw too,” said Sam. 
“Alright, prank’s over. I’m getting cold guys,” you said, brushing past Dean and towards the house.
“Y/N, stop!” you heard all three shout at you. You kept on jogging up and ran right to the backdoor, the light turning on as you smacked into a chest. 
For the first time in all you years of hunting, you froze up. This was a freaking character from a movie, standing in front of you, tilting it’s head down at you. You took a step back and had to duck as it reached out for you. You took off, feeling something grab at you, registering it as Dean after a second. He was moving the two you towards the front of the house where Baby was parked but you two had gone the wrong way.
There wasn’t all that much room on that side of the cabin and in the dark it was only a matter of time for Dean to lose his footing and send the both of you down the small hill.
“Oof,” you huffed out when Dean landed on your back. He helped you to your feet but suddenly he was gone. You spun around but found no trace of him. “Shit.”
You took off until you could get back to some more even ground, carefully approaching the back yard of the cabin this time. You nearly screamed when a hand came over your mouth.
“Sh, it’s me, it’s Sam,” he whispered. You turned to find Sam looking worse for wear and Cas no where to be found. “Dean?”
“Cas?” you asked, Sam nodding and looking at the house. “Fuck.”
“I thought that house from the movie looked a little too much like our fucking cabin,” said Sam. You shivered and wondered if the other things that had happened in it would end up happening to the four of you.
“We got to get Dean and Cas out of that basement,” you said. You felt Sam take a step away from you and you groaned. “Sam...”
“How do you know where they are?” he said, backing up and picking up a branch.
“Because I watched the movie...or most of it until it got too scary. We’re in it right now if you hadn’t realized. It’s not fake found footage Sam. It was real. I can guarantee we’re in the next version as we speak,” you said. 
“Yeah, I’ll give you that but there was the decoy in the movie too. The person that wasn’t a person,” said Sam. You took a step back and Sam saw that as a sign of guilt. “Where are they!”
“Sam it’s me,” you said, holding up your hands. “Y/N, the one who uses up the hot water and doesn’t like the crust on anything,” you said. 
Sam glared but you saw something shift behind him. You reached out for him and pulled him forward, narrowly missing a blow to the head as you dragged him across the lawn and back into the woods.
“Trust me?” you said, Sam nodding but still glancing over his shoulder to where the thing was watching from the edge of the lawn. “I think we’re safe for a minute.”
“Why isn’t it coming after us?” asked Sam. He looked around before it hit him. “The movie. The monster...it could only go so far.”
“There’s something over here it doesn’t like. We just have to figure out what that is before...” you trailed off. You started to shake from the cold as you took cover under a tree, Sam bundling in beside you.
“Hey, Y/N?” asked Sam wrapping his arm around himself as rain continued to pour down. “Great vacation so far.”
“We get the boys back and kill this thing, I’ll never ask you guys to go on one ever again,” you said.
“Sounds good to me.”
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nokingsonlyfooles · 2 months
It can still be okay.
*puts down the feed* Oh boy.
I used to teach preschool and this is still how I modulate my speech when I'm trying to say something complicated. I'm not trying to be too overtly patronizing, I just want to get this across when I know you're dealing with a difficult transition and it's hard to listen. That happens for adults too. If you're paying attention, you'll notice how much!
To the sensible Democrats of Tumblr, if you could find it in your hearts to, perhaps, abandon the strategy of bludgeoning people who didn't want to vote Biden into viewing Harris as equally representative of the status quo and no different, that might be more helpful than the reactions I'm seeing.
I know you don't think Democrats in power are listening to the will of the voters anymore, and all we gotta do is keep voting for them anyway - you have spent so much time and energy explaining that. I understand that's a sincere belief based on your experiences, I see how you got there, and you're very invested in it - so I can't change it. If the idea of a dramatic change that might herald more dramatic changes is too upsetting, could you keep that to yourselves? You'll manage to vote blue, I'm sure of it. You were going to do that no matter what anyway. You're cool. We're cool. You're fine.
I would really like to hang on to the hope that we can reward a big, dramatic change with some big, dramatic votes, and leverage some more daring moves and big changes. Like, you know, maybe politicians DO still listen to voters, sometimes. Don't put any energy into raining on my tentative parade.
If you could, please, stop projecting your own anxieties onto people like me and realize our anxieties are very different, and saying things that would calm you down are going to scare the crap out of me. I don't want to scare the crap out of you, because then you won't listen. Probably you won't see this anyway. But I'm not you. Biden already had you.
Harris could have me if she doesn't utterly fuck it up, because I listen and make my own decisions. The idea that change is possible is a powerful motivator, but if she repudiates that with her own mouth, I won't be able to tell myself it's just to calm you down and play politics. My brain doesn't work like yours.
I can hear you too. When a whole bunch of you get together and chorus about how you're parsing this moment, it extinguishes the faint hope I must maintain to vote like I know you want me to.
The louder you scream, "EVERYTHING IS FINE" the harder it is for me to hear "change is possible when we admit it's not fine." Try to meet me where I'm standing or, you know, there's no shame in just talking to other people who feel like you do. But, ya know, you don't need to hear "vote vote vote" do ya? Does "leftists are the problem and they suck, we need to scream at them until they fall in line" benefit you any? How about: It can still be okay. Is that any better? We disagree on how, but we both still want it to be okay.
Okay. Thanks. You're a human being with a human life and you deserve to live and be happy. Keep trying to get there. Keep growing and changing as long as you live. You'll work something out.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
I feel nrs shits on raiden because ed has a problem with the character personally.
Why? I honestly have no fucking clue.
Raiden isn't that hard to understand so im not understanding the big deal.
We can have him go dark but not liu? Oh yes because he's the special one. I forgot. 🙄😒😑
Everyone else can get at least something that makes them feel believable,even likable and flawed.
Oh but heaven forbid liu kang fucks up.
See this is why hc liu is better. Non god liu kang is better.
But back to raiden.
Why is it. Why is it. Whenever raiden makes a reasonable mistake,that anyone can make.You guys take it so hard?
And villainize him.
But if liu makes a mistake its the end of the world but never do the same. Like all is forgiven and forgotten. Emphasis on the forgotten part. 🙄
If any other characters do reasonably fucked up shit. And have decent character flaws. You guys dont bat an eye.
But raidne does it. Suddenly you shit on him.
He cant win no matter what he does,how you write him. Im starting to think you guys hate raiden because you have unresolved daddy issues,authority issues,or you hate to admit that a godly powerful being cant wipe you ass all the time and you *sarcastic shock!* might actually have to solve the problems yourselves?! Wow what a concept.
Like srsly tho. Raiden isn't infallible. But he isn't a fucking chump loser can't get shit done.
He could get shit done but he has a code of honor,rules he has to follow by(that he hates),he has so much on his plate. And honestly you guys never appreciated his character.
Like out of pure spite. Im gonna do raiden self indulgent stuff today. Just to spite people.
Legit half the crap we got in 12. We could have gotten with raiden if you guys at nrs bothered to fucking write him properly. Instead of being lazy selfish pricks with a bias and favoritism towards other characters. *couch liu kang cough* (like i love liu but not written like that,never like that. God liu? Gross. Humble monk warrior liu? Yes)
Because liu kang playing "savior and creator of everything" is disturbing,disgusting,and disrespectful.
Like srsly they are legit telling THE SAME FUCKING STORY AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN. SAME AS 11. SAME SHIT. oh but because its uwu brand liu kang. And not the real liu kang. Suddenly its ok?! No!
Legit mk12....os the same fucking thing. Just liu kang brand.
It's no exciting. Its not new. You guys are lying to yourselves.
We could have had any fucking god charactera in mk do the same shit. And get the same result.
You guys could have had this with raiden. But noooooooo. You wanna shit on a character for shock value and no reason. Gtfoh.
You could have actually done something worth a damn but nope. You only care about gimmicks and whatever carries your attention spans for five secs for a quick fix of serotonin because you can't fucking get thru your heads you are being manipulated by a fucking company that lost passion years ago.
But that's besides the point.
So yeah. Raiden.
I'm so sorry they never gave you the love they should have.
Tobias should sue for your trauma. (Half joking here people. Tobias was the one who created and came up with the idea for raiden in the first place. And layed many foundations for this game but is half heartedly given credit while boon steals (no pun intended) his thunder)
Raiden i am so sorry for your mistreatment.
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*hugs him*
Srsly if you call yourself a mortal kombat fan. And you genuinely hate raiden Do us all a favor and throw yourself in the dumpster fire. Plz. Also block tf outta me.
Look as a shang tsung tsimp. I love many many other characters too. But raiden is a comfort character,tho i self ship with him too he is comfort character. So i won't tolerate slander and disrespect.
Anyways. Raiden....my thunderdilf.....you deserve sm better.
I hope real raiden fans understand this. And make more PROPER kontent for you. Unlike nrs. We will treat you right.
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moccasins · 8 months
reaper rant lmaooo
its been a while since i read the reapertale comic, so some of this info might be wrong lol
i find reapers fandom personality to be kinda funny, and i do like some of the changes, but i wish people would still reference the comic more. like, i wish people would talk about his depression!! the fact that i'm pretty sure he wishes he could die, but he IS death. so he can't. and he finds that eternally frustrating.
or that he hates his job because he's been shunned and seen as a monster by everyone he knows except his brother.
the biggest thing however? one that i've never seen a single soul mention? he doesn't like mortals. he thinks they're stupid. in one scene in the comic reaper is telling life, his toriel, about a story where he reaped a humans soul and the humans partner tried to journey the underworld to find their lovers soul only to also end up dead. he laughs and kinda mocks them because he thinks it was stupid.toriel responds with smth like "reaper. listen. if i dissapeared one day and you couldn't find me. what would you do to get me back?" and the look on his face. he looked.. conflicted. after that he made a joke and left, but he then leaned against a wall out of sight because he found himself terrified. he realized he would do absolutely anything to bring life back. and that scared him. being as impulsive and emotion driven as a mortal is something he genuinely doesn't understand. he's never lost anyone. sure he's had a rough life, but he's never had a mortal life. he can't understand why they feel what they feel and that scares him. the mere idea of acting on impulse makes him run.
and what happens when life dies in the comic? he loses it. he can't handle it. he's never experienced something like this before. he kills everything.
but his emotions are so strong that he just... wipes all life off the face of the earth within seconds. and then.. he shuts down. i wish we could see more of that in the utmv. could you imagine what it would be like to have a being so powerful they can destroy worlds in seconds and they can't entirely control it? people would be tip toeing around him, constantly trying not to make his emotions explode
could you imagine how much of a jerk he'd be to everyone? he wouldn't care about them. they're all pathetic mortals (yes. ink and error are mortals, sorry but i'm staying as close to canon as possible. dream and nightmare would be the equivelent of demigods, i think. powerful, but killable). they don't understand being a god. but he doesn't understand being a mortal.
this has so much potential you don't understand. i don't want reaper acting like a perfect angel. he's kind of a jerk. that's just a fact. so embrace that. he could kill everything with a single thought but he doesn't because he just doesn't give a crap about mortal affairs. they come to him like "reaper! we need your help!! nightmares killing so many people!! help us save the multiverse!!!" and he'd be like "nah. you mortals got yourself into this, you can get yourselves out."
he's kinda selfish. show that.
show him eventually coming out of his shell and finding that he actually wants to help people because he likes them. show the terror that comes with that realization. the realization that he has friends. and he loves them. how would he deal with that? what would he do then?
or!!! afterdeath!!!!! stars, could you imagine how he'd react when he realizes he's fallen in love with a mortal of all things? mortals have lifespans. they grow old. they change. they die. he wouldn't immediately flirt with geno, he would run. he would run and never come back until curiosity got the better of him. and slowly geno would break down his walls and he's terrified because the real world is scary.
reaper is sheltered, to an extent. i just wish people would show that more.
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
I do regret making that stupid age poll a little. Could've done without knowing just how many people think "post minor" or "adult?" are accurate descriptions
not to mention the ones who are like "how dare you call me old I'm just a tiny widdle 27 y/o baby!!!"
like. Tell me you have never spoken to someone more than 10 years older than you without telling me etc
"adult" is much more of a legal term than a developmental one. There is no age at which you will have everything figured out, and be done growing and learning. There is no point at which you are "set", as a person. sure, you gain life experience as you age, there will be situations that get easier to deal with, but you will never - never! - stop developing. There will always be new perspectives to consider, new skills to learn, new relationships to form.
You become a legal adult at 18, not because then you're fully developed and will stop growing forever, but because that's the age at which we as a society have decided people can be trusted to make decisions for themselves. That's all it is. At some point, you have to take responsibility for your own life, and all this crap about "the brain not being fully developed until 25", or the 20s being a "second adolescence" is either people trying to argue against trusting young adults with that responsibility (which is bad) OR young people themselves begging to not have to take it (which is worse).
Your life is yours to do with as you please. Y'all have just been helicopter parented to death and now you're terrified of owning yourselves.
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The irony of this is
Dutch haters are far more toxic than Micah fan base in fact I in all honesty have not come across one microfan that I have actually dislike. And I hate Micah I cannot stand him as a character and nothing will ever change that. I do love his voice actor and there is one picture of Micah I like. Other than that the fact that Dutch haters are more toxic than Micah fan base really does say a lot about you. A majority of RDR fan base is toxic as hell and you're the main ones who cause trouble in Mayhem and then try to make it look like we're the ones being Troublemaker Just because we're Dutch apologist. I never thought that I would say this I would rather be around a Micah fan at this point than to be around the rest of you. So when y'all say we deserve to get blocked or blocked us I don't give a fuqk. What am I missing out on? Most of y'all have crap content most of y'all come up with shit scenarios and lore and theories regarding the entire rdr. Y'all don't have a creative bone in your body's half of you steal from other content creators and then think that we've lost something by you threatening to block us are thinking it's wholesome to block us we don't give a fuck and I think I've made a post like this before not caring. I haven't posted anything in weeks and when I come back here a fellow friend of mine's is dealing with toxic Dutch haters. Y'all can say what you want to about Dutch but we're not the one causing trouble or bring it all the toxicity in the community y'all are. But go off.
What is our crimes other than being a fan of Dutch?
I have set back for years and kept quiet and have watched on every platform you can think of concerning RDR fan base and see where all the problems are stemming from and coming from.
block me I don't care cuz you can't fuck with me no way. I don't want to be on your shitty side of social media. I am a living nightmare for a lot of you because I don't take the bullshit that everybody else do. LOL I'm from up North we are feisty out here lol. Stay in your lane because we not coming in yours you blocking a bunch of us who don't want to deal with you any damn ways. Y'all are a damn joke. To all you Dutch and Micah fans continue to stay to yourselves create good content and enjoy life. Have your fun have your ships have at it and continue to stick up your middle fingers to the rest. They got a majority of the fan base on the other side and they're still not happy. That already right there should tell you something. They just a bunch of miserable people in real life in general. Y'all should take an example from somebody who hates Micah I cannot stand him like I said before. But I don't give his fan base hell especially when they aren't coming at me. The only time I'll say something to somebody come at me sideways other than that I'm not bothered by them being a fan of his. Because that's what maturity looks like. You should try it sometimes and grow the fuck up. Other people in this Phantom will be nice about it not me I'm a proud azzhole.😁
Understand something about the woman I am I come from a very huge family so I'm never lonely I'm surrounded by a lot of love. And let's just face it a lot of you people on social media are lonely miserable people looking for love and most of you have found it in all the wrong places. So I don't care about being blocked. I got people who give a shit about me in real life. Trust me I will not lose sleep over wondering over a complete stranger who blocked me that I don't even know ever existed.
Everybody else give y'all this polite and light? But me? Oh I'm going to call out the elephant in a room and best believe I'm going to do it with a little bit of hot sauce.
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reine-du-sourire · 1 year
Yo yo, what's up fam? It's ya boy, Victor Frankenstein, live and direct from my lab, where I'm about to flex my mad skills and show you how I'm about to create life, all on my own!
First things first, let me give you a quick tour of my setup. Got my Bunsen burner lit up, got my test tubes poppin', got my electrodes sparking, and you know I gotta have my beats bumpin' in the background, cuz I gotta get in that zone, ya dig?
Now, let's talk about the real reason why we're here. I'm about to unleash my latest creation, and trust me when I say, this ain't no basic B. This creature is gonna be next-level lit, and I'm the one who's gonna bring it to life, all thanks to my mad scientist skills.
I'm talking about using some serious biotech swag to piece together body parts and organs, and then using some dope-a** lightning bolts to shock it all to life, ya feel me? This creature is gonna be the baddest dude on the block, and he's gonna be straight-up grateful to me for giving him this gift of life.
So if you're ready to witness some major-league sorcery, then keep it locked on this livestream, cuz I'm about to drop some serious heat. And when this creature is finally up and running, you better believe he's gonna be hella lit, all thanks to yours truly, the one and only Victor Frankenstein, in the building!
Yo, hold up, hold up. Looks like my boy Henry just stepped into the lab, and he's looking kinda stressed out. What's good, my dude?
"Victor, what the hell are you doing? You've been in here for days, subsisting solely on ramen noodles and caffeine. That's not healthy, man. You need to take a break and eat something real."
Yo, chill, Henry. I'm just trying to get this creature up and running, you feel me? I can't afford to take a break right now.
"But you can afford to give yourself a heart attack? Come on, Victor, you're better than this. You need to take care of yourself if you want to create something amazing. And besides, your breath smells like garlic and soy sauce."
Okay, okay, I hear you. Maybe I have been neglecting my health a little bit. But you gotta admit, this ramen is fire, right?
"Yeah, I'll admit that. But it's not exactly a balanced meal. Look, I'll order us some real food. We can take a break, eat some veggies, and then get back to work, okay?"
Aight, fine. You win, Henry. But only if you get us some sushi. And make sure it's the good stuff, none of that supermarket crap.
"Deal. Now let's go before you collapse from malnutrition."
Haha, you got jokes, Henry. Alright, let's bounce. But don't worry, I'll be back soon, and this creature is gonna be straight-up legendary, you hear me?
What's up, people? This is Henry, coming at you live from Victor's lab. As you can see, my boy Victor is knocked out cold face-first in his sushi, probably from sheer exhaustion.
I tried to get him to go to sleep earlier, but he was too stubborn for his own good. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and end this livestream for him. The last thing he needs right now is to be broadcasting his sleep-deprived ramblings to the world.
But don't worry, folks. Victor will be back soon, and he'll be fully rested and ready to show off his latest creation. And trust me, it's gonna be something special.
Until then, take care of yourselves, and remember to get enough sleep. It's important for both your physical and mental well-being. This is Henry Clerval, signing off.
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duhragonball · 2 years
Dragon Ball GT 48
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✨GT Stands For Guilt Trip✨
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Well, we finally made it to the home stretch.  This is the Shadow Dragons Saga, the last arc in Dragon Ball GT.  And it’s pretty fucking terrible, let’s make that clear up front.  I was willing to be diplomatic about GT when I started.  I was prepared to wade through the nonsense of the early episodes, and I let my interest in Tuffle lore keep me engaged with the Baby Saga, and I barely remembered the Super 17 Saga, so I powered through that one by sheer curiosity. 
But the Shadow Dragons Saga sucks ass.  I say this with zero respect to anyone who worked on this anime.  This arc is like watching an oil spill happen.  This arc is like the time I found a dead bird in the vent duct of my dryer.   I’d rather go to the dentist than watch this crap, because at least it wouldn’t take as long.
I’ll be honest with you, dear reader, liveblogging GT has really worn me down.  I wanted to cover this one for the sake of completion, and so I could have a handy reference to each episode in the future, and I also thought it could be a lot of fun to critique the show in a playful sort of way.  But I didn’t take into account just how awful this show really was, or the mental toll it would take on me to spend so much time on it. 
So from here on out, I’m just gonna augur in and get this over with.  Strap yourselves in, because we’re about to see quite possibly the worst Dragon Ball saga ever made.  I’m not sure if the individual episodes are worse than the ones we’ve seen so far, but the arc as a whole is a master class in how to piss away your audience’s goodwill.
✨"Good" "Ideas", Poorly Executed✨
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Oh, where do I even begin?  Okay, so when Dr. Gero opened up that portal between Hell and Earth, it caused all these disasters across the Earth, on top of the damage done by Super 17 and Gero’s allies.  Dragon Team decided to summon Shenron to wish away all the death and destruction, but the Dragon Balls were cracked, and when they called Shenron, a bunch of smoke billowed out of the Balls, and a new, shady-looking Dragon emerged. 
King Kai warned Goku that it wasn’t Shenron, but the dragon itself seemed to identify as the same Shenron that Dragon Team had used in the past.  I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy, just changed beyond recognition.  Anyway, this is sometimes referred to as “Smoke Shenron”, and he never actually does anything in this form.  He just tells the good guys that he’s not going to be their “lapdog” any more, and then he takes the Dragon Balls and splits himself into seven parts, each one taking a Dragon Ball in a different direction. 
One annoying part of this is how no one can agree on who’s going to explain this situation. King Kai starts, but then the Elder Supreme Kai cuts him off, but then he’s so furious about it that Kibitoshin has to explain it instead, and then Dende and Mr. Popo show up to add their thoughts.  So I’m just going to give you the summary without getting into who says what.
During the Majin Buu Saga, Kibitoshin heard about the Earthling’s plans to use the Dragon Balls, but he seemed to have no idea what they were.  Later, the Elder Kai caught wind of it, and expressed disapproval.  According to him, the Dragon Balls were a special dispensation to Namekians, and should only be used sparingly.  The idea of the Earth having its own set was bothersome to him, and he seemed uncomfortable about using them to undo the damage of the Buu crisis, even when he was one of the people resurrected by the wishes.  In Dragon Ball Z, it sounded like he was just objecting to the whole thing on moral grounds.
But in this episode, we learn that his warnings we based on very real, very serious dangers. Each time you use the Dragon Balls, you introduce “minus energy” into them.  This arc really lays it on thick with the terms “plus energy” and “minus energy”, so get used to that.  I guess the deal is that it takes plus energy to grant a wish, so each time the Dragon Balls get used, they lose plus and gain minus?  Fuck it, who cares?  The point is that if they get used too often, the minus energy builds up inside the Dragon Balls, until they can’t contain it anymore, and this is what led to the events of this episode.  The next time Shenron is summoned, he comes out looking all weird and instead of granting wishes, he buggers off to start destroying the world.
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In theory, the Dragon Balls can safely release this pent-up minus energy after each wish, but it takes about a hundred years for that to happen.  This is why the Dragon Balls scatter after each use.  By the time anyone can find all seven of them again, centuries would have passed, and the minus energy from the previous wish would be gone. 
However, that natural cooldown period got hijacked when Bulma invented the Dragon Radar.  Thanks to her, the Dragon Balls could be gathered much more easily.   Hell, just look at the last episode.  Goku, Trunks, and Pan went to gather the Balls at the tail end of Episode 47 and it didn’t take any time at all.  So over the past forty years, they’ve been making tons and tons of wishes, and that’s overloaded the Dragon Balls.  
The danger now is that Shenron will destroy the Earth.  I think there was a line about how it’s been cut off from the rest of the universe, but I’m not sure if I interpreted it correctly.  There’s also some concern that Shenron might continue his rampage and destroy the rest of the universe as well.  So Goku resolves to hunt down Shenron and kick his ass, which will presumably restore things to normal.
Okay, so that’s the premise.  Here’s why it sucks.
1) This is just a retread of the Black Star Dragon Balls.  I’ve already explained my gripes about the BS Dragon Balls, but the short version is that there was a prototype set of Dragon Balls hidden away for centuries, and using them can destroy the whole world, and Mr. Popo knew about them the whole time and never said anything.  The BS Dragon Balls were written out of the story in Episode 40, so now we’ve returned to the classic Red Star Dragon Balls we’ve always known, and suddenly they turn out to have the same problem, where they’re too dangerous to use.  So it’s not even original.
2) Why didn’t anyone say anything about this until now? This is the worst kind of retcon, the kind where new lore is introduced that doesn’t even remotely fit into the established history.  As this episode states, the gang have been using the Dragon Balls for decades.  During that time, they met Kami, who created the Dragon Balls, and other characters like Mr. Popo, Guru, Moori, and Dende, who know a great deal about creating and maintaining Dragon Balls.  Throughout Dragon Ball and DBZ, characters will pose questions about the kinds of wishes they can make, and what rules apply, and the experts will mull it over and give clear, concise answers.  On occasion, Shenron himself will counsel the characters who summon him, explaining the limitations of his powers and making helpful suggestions for how to word their wishes.  
The point I’m making here is that the Dragon Balls are extremely user-friendly.  The hard part is gathering them all together, but once you’ve done that, there’s plenty of guidance on how to use them and what not to do. And at no point did anyone ever bring up the dangers of overuse.  And yet, when Episode 48 comes along, you have King Kai, Kibitoshin, the Elder Kai, and Mr. Popo all going “Yeah, you assholes blew it.  You shouldn’t have used them so much.”  
3) If the Dragon Balls need 100 years to reset, then why do they work the way they do?  From the start, the Dragon Balls turn into stone for a year, after which they change back into orange crystal orbs and they can be used again.  This was written into the story to explain why the characters can’t just constantly re-gather the Dragon Balls for continuous wishing.  But it’s implied that this is a cooldown period to reset them for the next use.  This is further clarified when Dende reactivates the Dragon Balls in the Cell Saga.  They ask him to upgrade the Dragon Balls to grant three wishes instead of just one, and he can do it, but it means adjusting the “wishing power”.  Shenron can’t be made to grant 800 wishes in one go, because there’s a limit to what he can do in one summoning.  Porunga seems to have far greater capacity than Shenron, which is why he can resurrect people multiple times, restore whole planets, and always grant three wishes every 130 days.  But I assume this is because he’s built different.  
So there’s already a lot of logistical considerations built into the Dragon Ball concept.  And yet this episode suggests that the 1-year cooldown is only one percent of the time the Dragon Balls actually need to reset.  If that were true, then why didn’t Kami or Dende fix it so they turn to stone for 100 years instead of just one? 
Also, this episode mentions how Dende upgraded the Dragon Balls to grant more wishes, which only compounded the problem.  Well if Dende knew that was an issue, why the hell did he do it? And if he didn’t know, then how is he qualified to make and maintain Dragon Balls in the first place?  Dende doesn’t have much to say in this episode, which doesn’t make any fucking sense, because he should know more about Dragon Balls than anyone else in the show.  He’s a Dragon Type Namekian!  He literally studied the art of making Dragon Balls!  That’s why they recruited him to become the new Kami of Earth!  Moori said all of this when he recommended Dende to Goku! 
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It really, really annoys me how this series keeps deferring to Mr. Popo for all of the Dragon Ball lore.  Popo is an attendant to the reigning Kami of Earth.  He’s not a Namekian, and everything he knows about Namekian culture and Dragon Balls, he learned from Kami, a Namekian.  Dende is a Namekian.  Everything he learned about Namekian culture and Dragong Balls, he learned on Namek.  He knew all about this stuff before he came to Earth, and then he kept studying it afterward.  And unlike Kami, Dende didn’t lose his memories of his people. 
If this Shadow Dragon nonsense made any sense at all, then Dende should be the one explaining it to the others.  Instead, they’re all explaining it to him, like he’s some idiot who never knew how any of this worked.
Seriously, how the fuck would Mr. Popo know about an evil dragon destroying another planet?  He’s never left Earth.  What would he know about any of this? I could see Dende reading about something like this in some book of Namekian legends, but not Popo.  Hey, speaking of Dende...
4) Why don’t they just kill Dende?  Everyone talks about this Shenron problem like it’s irreversible, but Shenron’s not invincible.  King Piccolo killed him with a ki blast, and he’s a weakling compared to most of the characters in this show.  But even if Shenron got stronger from all this minus energy, and killing Shenron isn’t an option, then why don’t they just kill Dende? 
This has always been the way it works.  When Nappa killed Piccolo, Kami died too, and the Dragon Balls were deactivated.  When Guru died, the Namekian Dragon Balls were deactivated.  When Kami and Piccolo fused into one, the Earth’s Dragon Balls were deactivated.  According to GT, their fusion somehow reactivated the Black Star Dragon Balls, which is why Piccolo allowed himself to die in Episode 40, so they would never endanger anyone again.  So it’s clear that the people making GT understood this concept. 
Well then, the Earth’s Dragon Balls are under the stewardship of Dende now, so if he dies, they should stop working.  This was a major plot point in the Buu Saga, where they needed to keep Dende alive in order to wish everyone back to life after Buu was defeated.  Kill Dende, kill Shenron. 
I’m not saying they should have actually gone through with this, but why doesn’t anyone bring it up?  Or, a more humane option would be to break that sculpture of Shenron that Mr. Popo made.  I’m pretty sure Kami and Dende always had the power to turn Shenron off when it suited their purposes.  We never saw that put into practice, but the pecking order was always very clear.  Shenron is not a “god” or a “mysterious legend”.  He’s a magic familiar under the control of Dende.  Shenron can’t do shit without Dende to allow it. 
5) What about the Namekian Dragon Balls?  If this is a problem on Earth, then why has it never been an issue on Namek, where the Dragon Balls can be used much more frequently?  Do they just know how to avoid the problem, or do they wait 100 years between wishes?  I ask this because we’ve seen Porunga grant a dozen wishes in about as many years.  Oh, and in GT, they used Porunga again to restore the Earth after it exploded in Episode 40.  So the Namekian Dragon Balls have been overused at least as badly as the Earth’s Dragon Balls.  So where’s their Shadow Dragon problem? 
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But maybe I’m being too hard on this story.  Yeah, there’s a lot of plot holes to this, but ultimately it comes down to a pretty cool angle.  The final boss of Dragon Ball is the Dragon himself.  Goku has to fight the Dragon to save the universe, and the Dragon has split into seven, which means Goku has to throw down with seven badass monsters, like some kind of awesome fantasy martial arts gauntlet.  Right?
You’re shaking your head, are you saying that the Shadow Dragons are not badass monsters?  Well that can’t be right, I’m sure that.... Oh.  Oh.
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6) The Shadow Dragons suck ass.   Goku tracks down the first one and he looks like a joke.  Then a rock falls on his toe and he cries out in pain, revealing that he doesn’t just look like a joke, he is a joke.
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This is played off like some sort of “appearances can be deceiving” trope, where the moral is not to underestimate your foe.   But that’s really not what this series needed at this stage.  You kind of knew that the Shadow Dragons would get increasingly difficult with each one, so the very first one would be the weakest, but this is ridiculous.  By the end, the last three give Super Saiyan 4 Goku a hard time, but the first four Shadow Dragons are total chumps.  They play their tricks and give Goku some trouble, but not because of any physical strength they possess.  And then you finally get to the “serious” Dragons at the end, and the fights suck, because GT is terrible at presenting fight scenes.
And this is what makes the arc so damned infuriating.  The Saiyans Saga from Z worked because it opened with a devastating conflict--Goku dies, for goodness’ sake!-- and then it promises an even more terrible enemy will appear in one year.  So the heroes train and the story winds on and the arc relies on this suspense.  What are the two Saiyans going to do when they get here?  How strong could they be?   Can anything stop them?  Then they finally arrive and the first thing they do is destroy a whole city.   The second thing they do is kill several major characters.  After it’s over, Goku spends the next several episodes in the hospital, because Vegeta broke every bone in his body!  The Saiyans Saga did not fuck around, and the reason it’s such a classic is that it delivered on the hype.
The Shadow Dragons Saga is the polar opposite to this.  This arc opens with dire warnings about seven monsters who will surely destroy the whole world, and it blunders the execution in every possible way.  The last Shadow Dragon is the only one that really matters, and he throws a clock at Goku, just to give you an idea of how “intense” that battle is.   You watch this garbage hoping that each new Shadow Dragon will redeem the disappointments that came before, and then you finally look up and notice that there are no more.   All of the Shadow Dragons came and went, and they all sucked. 
✨Positivity Page✨
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There was a montage of all the wishes made over the years, so I guess that was pretty nice.  I’ll be honest, it’s gonna be really hard to find anything nice to say about these next few episodes. 
✨Is This Episode Worse than "The Roaming Lake"?✨
Yes.  It is worse.  The Roaming Lake is pretty much guaranteed to make a clean sweep of this thing.  All hope is lost.
One major problem with this episode is that very little actually gets done.  Most of the runtime is spent infodumping the Shadow Dragon concept, and I think I’ve already made my opinion on that very clear.  They spent a lot of time explaining the thing, but they managed to avoid every question that I had about it.
The rest of the episode shows lots of pointless scenes of Shadow Dragons flying around the world, choosing their bases of operations and selecting their powers.  One of them flies into a volcano and he’s going to be their fire guy.  That sort of thing.   Then Goku remembers he forgot the Dragon Radar, so Pan offers to let him have Giru, but only if she can tag along.  Then they find Haze Shenron, who looks like the love child of a frog and a moldy potato.
✨The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku*✨
Yeah, this show gets worse. 
Don’t worry, though.  We still have
Plenty of Giru.
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fictivecultureis · 1 year
Hello everyone!! I’m Chara, the caretaker of our system, and this is a side blog for introjects in systems to submit their culture! Heavily Inspired by @pluralcultureis!!
Our system blog and system name is @hassaikandy-system (pronounced has-eye-Candy) and our host’s blog and main blog is @chrono-of-june
None of this has to be serious, btw, so it can be stuff like ‘introject culture is wanting a pet pigeon’
You can also add stuff like ‘autistic fictive culture is wanting to infodump about your source’ ya know?
Also Sorry the name is fictive culture is, we’re basically only fictives except the host and one other, and it only occurred to me that factives and such exist as I was typing this out. Sorry! If the name is different when you see this- uh-…ignore this section..? Yeah.
Anyways! General DNI: homophobes, transphobes, TERFs, racists, MAPs, all those nasty people I don’t remember all the names for basically if you’re discriminatory or just don’t like people who are literally just existing as themselves and who’s community isn’t hurting anyone by being there, or hurt people yourselves…fuck off!
Also endos DNI! I don’t want to prevent a ton of potentially innocent systems from interacting, BUT, I’ve heard a crap ton of horror stories about y’all and frankly I do not have the mental capacity to deal with that nor does anyone in this system so better safe than sorry.
Also! Whoever in our system answers your ask will add ‘Mod [name + emoji]’ in the tags. So. Mine will be Mod Chara🐐 just cos we like to keep stuff organised!
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Oni!Player keeping watch over the Villain!Links after knocking them out though. Before they reveal their Oni nature, the Guide manages to piece together a good chunk of each villain's past and can't help but have some empathy.
The Oni Gauntlet can store a lot of different things then just demon and monsters so they can take the Villain!Chain's equipment but leave enough for them to properly protect themselves. All the Links awaken tied up but are surprised to see not only they're alive but the Oni is still here.
Chrono: You spared us... Why?
Player: Who knows? Maybe I felt bad for you. Or I rather not bloody my claws with people given a shitty hand in life.
Cyclone: W...
Player: Don't even hurl the 'Why should I care' or 'What do you want from us?' crap. I'm a Japanese devil who can choose what they can do while giving a big fat middle finger to your bitch version of a Goddess. Consider yourselves on parol until I figure out whether you guys truly never want to return to your clearly suck ass universe and actually get some semblance of a better life.
Oni!Player knows none of them could fully recover from whatever hell they been through. They're not even touching the villain to hero schtick. But maybe getting the Villain Chain to become neutral, anti-hero like Venom level or at least reasonable around others is enough.
Although if they end up at Player's house before OG Chain, immediate house arrest cause a stranger getting stabbed for pissing off a Villain Link is highly likely. (Now I see them watching Venom if this happens.)
These men will most definitely act like cats thrown in water about any possible alignment shift, their scowl mixed with burning hatred in their eyes as it happens and they will not make anything easy, even for Oni! Player they've got a lot to deal with.
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urdgealesisbaby · 7 months
I don't know if you write for Seishiro Hiragi, but if you do can I please get an Seishiro Hiragi x Reader.
They both hate each other, and they have a disagreement at an important meeting, but behind closed doors, they're actually lovers.
It could be NSFW or not, I'll leave that up to you!
Hello! Sure thing! I have to admit the fact that I'm not really a fan of Seishiro Hiragi,but your request is just soo amazing and I like it very much!
Warning!NSFW CONTENT!(Only mentioned/implied)
Lovers behind the doors,enemies outside-scenario->Seishiro Hiragi x reader
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Seishiro Hiragi
It was yet another day at work.You were working of course for the most prestigious family in the Seraph of The End verse,the elite Hiragi family.
Kureto had summoned you to attend a meeting and you had to attend to it,it was after all your boss who summoned you.
You did hate those meetings,you really hated them,apart from everyone trying to impress the Hiragi Family with their achievments so that they may promote to a higher rank or get more privileges,you also had to deal with the man called Seishiro Hiragi,the younger brother of Kureto Hiragi.
Although they were brothers,they were kind of the opposite of each other.Like yeah,they both were prideful because they were Hiragis,but Seishiro was even more prideful than Kureto,which was why Seishiro was such a pain in the ass for you.
You weren't the only one though,kind of everyone shared the same opinions as you:Kureto was tolerable,almost like a leader everyone wanted to be,but on the other hand,Seishiro? Seishiro was just another prideful Hiragi,nothing more.Or so you though?
No one knew what you two were hiding all this time.
At the meeting:
"Everyone,I need suggestions for keeping humanity safe and killing more vampires in a short amount of time!"Kureto says.
"I think I have a suggestion,what if we give more cursed gear to more people,even the common folk,so that they can protect themselves?"you say.
Then,Seishiro says:
"What a stupid idea coming from a stupid member of the council,if we do that,the world would become a chaos,we can't just let anyone have cursed gear this easily!"
"If you have a better idea,then say it,if you don't,then shut up and keep your tongue in your mouth,or should I remove it for you?"you say,annoyed by his remark.
"You dare speak like that to a Hiragi? Maybe I should have your tongue for that,wouldn't you say so?" he says.
"You two!Calm down,we haven't organised a meeting just so that you are arguing!Nobody will have nobody's tongue!Cut the crap!" Kureto says.
After the meeting is over,everyone is told to get back to their rooms,as it is becoming night outside.
As you walk on your way home,when you arrive at the front of your door,someone taps your shoulder.
"What a pretty outfit you have on....y/n"he says.
"I thought you were gonna say it was a stupid outfit for a stupid person"
"I got tired of saying that,repeating words can become annoying,wouldn't you think?"
He says that as he starts to get his face closer to yours.
"I...I agree....Seishiro-sama" you say as you melt in his kiss.
"You don't have to call me like that here,that's just work honorifics we use.In private,call me however you wish,prince/princess."
You two start making out while you enter your home.Then,he places you on your bed and you two start undressing.
"You.....have such a sweet scent,y/n"
He starts kissing your neck and you two both get very excited.
"Ahhh~" y/n moans.
"What is that,my little bird? You feeling good? You like what I'm doing to you?"
As you two start touching yourselves more passionately,him touching your chest and you toching his one,you two have a splendid night together.
That was it,that was your secret,that's what you two are hiding from everyone else.You love him,he loves you,and no one knows it.Except for you.
I hope you liked this!<3
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oliversaurus-ink · 2 years
New Chapter!
Cassie looked positively furious. She glared the boys down, eyes narrow like a snake’s pupils.
“Cassie!” Archie Samson said, voice shaking.
“We were just, um, helping Hamish, um…”
“The only thing you’re helping is helping yourselves expulsion. Maybe detention if you’re lucky.”
Cassie marched up to them, arms crossed. “You two. Out. Now.”
“Jeez, who do you think you are, our mother?” Freddy said, “We’ll leave in a second-”
In a maneuver so fast that Hamish wasn’t sure how it even happened, Cassie tripped both boys and grabbed them each by the collars of their shirts just milliseconds before their faces his the ground. Freddy and Archie squirmed and gagged, frantically grabbing at their collars while Cassie dragged them out of the barn. She threw them out onto the field and wiped her hands on her pants as though she were just taking out the trash. Both boys collapsed onto the lawn, frantically trying to catch their breath.
“You two can fuck off to wherever. I don’t care. Coach Benny and the other faculty are finding out about this no matter where you go next.”
No, don’t. Hamish thought. He didn’t want this to be a big deal. He just wanted to forget it ever happened and move on.
“Oh! And I’ll be taking this thankyouverymuch.” Cassie plucked the binder off the field from where Freddy had dropped it. “Now shoo.”
The two boys got up and ran.
“Are you okay?” Cassie knelt down beside Hamish.
Hamish had hardly moved. He was sprawled out on the ground like a broken doll, bruised and blemished.
“Oh I’m just swell,” Hamish said, “can’t you see I’m having the time of my life.” Hamish could feel tears welling up behind his eyes. Crap. He really didn’t want to cry.
“Here, I um, brought this back for you.” Cassie placed the binder garment into Hamish’s hand and gently closed his fist around it.
“This was my first one…” Hamish choked on his words as he felt the tears bubble out of him.
Hamish remembered how he couldn’t wait to get the binder after he ordered it. He’d even found one in his favourite colour: sky blue. He had waited for what felt like forever, checking the tracking updates on the package every moment he got. Those two weeks had felt like an eternity. But when he finally found that package on his doorstep he could barely contain his excitement. He couldn’t wait to see what he would look like with it on, to see his shirt fall flat against his chest. It was a dream come true. He was worried too, of course. What if it was uncomfortable? What if it didn’t flatten him enough? He had a pretty small chest anyways, but still. What if he had gone through all that waiting and he still wasn’t happy? That wasn’t the case of course; when he put on the binder it felt like a wearable hug that help him together in one androgynous piece. He loved it. Hamish had never cared for selfies, but he’d taken so many pictures of himself that day and saved them all in a special folder on his phone. He’d even blurred out his face and shared some of his best photos to a trans chat Discord that he was a part of at the time. Everyone had been so supportive…
Now here it was, the same sky blue piece of fabric, with a rip right down the centre.
“I’m really sorry about that,” Cassie said, “I should have checked on you sooner I was talking to Benny about how all the students were doing and all that and I didn’t realize that those guys were were missing and when I did I got the worst feeling and—”
“Stop. Just… stop. It wasn’t your fault, okay?”
A small part of him wanted to console Cassie, but the other part also just wanted her to shut up. His head hurt too much at the moment to deal with someone rambling his ears off.
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