#stay safe and hydrated my lovelies
lastoneout · 1 year
I do want to chime re: that last post, as someone who lives in a place where it's like 100F+ for like half the year, when things are bad enough it literally doesn't matter what you drink as long as you are consuming liquids. Yes, you should try to drink as much water as you can, but if you literally cannot stand the taste of it literally drink fucking anything. Coffee, tea, soda, and gatorade is better than not drinking any liquids at all. The ONLY drink doesn't hydrate you is alcohol, everything else is fair game.
Legit every time I see someone say "only drink water, everything else is bad for you" especially in regards to a disaster situation I want to scream bcs trust me anything is better than not drinking!! And, in fact, just water alone WILL NOT FULLY HYDRATE YOU. If you're eating enough stuff with salt and sugar in it you should be fine but there is a reason that hospitals use a saline solution to hydrate patients, and it's bcs if you don't have enough electrolytes in your system your body just straight up will not absorb the water!! Trust me, I have been super dehydrated before due to the heat despite drinking tons of water and it wasn't until I drank a gatorade that I actually started to feel better bcs I needed the sugars and salts in it to get my body to absorb the water I was drinking!! (Bcs contrary to popular diet culture opinion your body actually needs sugar, salt, and fat to function properly.)
I also know what it's like to try to force yourself to eat or drink something you can't stand and how a lot of the time our bodies just will not let us consume something if we don't like it, so trust me if you hate water to the degree that you will not drink it, DRINK SODA OR COFFEE OR TEA OR GATORADE FFS. You NEED liquids!! You are not hurting yourself, your body WILL hydrate itself with those drinks!! You should ofc again try to ALSO drink water, but if you hate water or don't have safe water just drink a fucking soda.
Add kool-aid or lemonade powder or mio drops or something like that to your water bottles, buy gatorade or pedialyte or another sports drink and drink a cup of water along with them, eat jello and watermelon and cucumbers, make iced tea or coffee and put extra ice in it, freeze juice in an ice-cube tray and put it in your water, have soda or hawaiian punch or sunny d or chocolate milk or whatever, eat popsicles, have soup, literally please just get liquids into you in any way that you can. Every single year summer gets harder and harder and we do not have the luxury of succumbing to "water or nothing" culture, so please just drink SOMETHING bcs nothing kills faster than dehydration and these things WILL hydrate you. Some might not do it as well as others, but they will do it, and that's enough to keep you alive.
TL;DR: Try to drink as much water as you can, but if you can't for whatever reason don't feel bad and pls just drink something, bcs when push comes to shove it's far more important to get liquids into your body than it is to worry about which ones, and drinking soda/juice/a sports drink WITH your water can actually help you stay hydrated BETTER than drinking nothing but water can. As long as you're avoiding alcohol you're fine, so please, just drink something.
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arcielee · 5 months
Hey everyone, I know it's a dark time in the fandom right now and I am only going to speak on this once.
To begin: there was a period of time where I had some bigger blogs blocked due to a misunderstanding that escalated. I recently learned that both sides were being fed a villainous narrative over something that I did not do. It became this weird Us vs Them ordeal.
I tried to pull away. I blocked a lot of blogs to try and remove myself from the HotD space.
I was very heartbroken. Tumblr was my little nerdy escape that allowed me to swoon over my beloved fictional characters and find kindred spirits who shared the same sentiment. I found myself hating to check my notifications, seeing the hateful anons and DMs, and seeing my mutuals receiving the same grief for publicly engaging with me.
It was awful.
After some time, blogs began to reach out and share what had been said about me, telling me about the rumors. It gave me clarity on what had happened. I see the fierce loyalty a lot of us posses and if I had been told these same horrible things, I probably would have responded in a similar way.
I was grateful for the honesty and I hold no animosity towards anyone who believed what was said. I do not care about the cruel things spread or the name calling, I just felt relieved that I could speak my truth and slowly become part of the community that I loved. I wanted to forgive and just move forward.
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Then I found out that I had been doxxed.
They found my legal name and my private IG. They shared it without my permission. I feel fortunate that this group did not do anything with the information shared, but I also do not know if it was shared outside of this chat.
Tumblr is a silly hellsite that allowed me to learn the art of a Reader inserts, to brainstorm story ideas with my mutuals, to reblog nifty gifsets and fanart. But this is something I keep separate my from actual IRL, so learning about this felt like a violation.
I know we are all hurting. The point of this post is a reminder to stay safe, to set up your two-step authenticator and to please keep yourselves protected.
Like I said: I will not speak on this again. If you stay, please know my blog is a safe place where I do not tolerate bigotry of any means.
My DMs and my anons are open, always. 💜
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earththings · 11 months
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osamusriceballs · 10 months
The Accident - Part VI
Atsumu x fem Reader
Warnings: None
Words: ~ 1,1 k
About: The flashback ends- but what will you do next?
Part I II -> Next Part
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"You're not getting married."
Osamu's sharp remark did not have the intended effect. Both of you were still clinging to each other, acting all lovey-dovey.
"Samuu, you don't understand. She's my soulmate. I love her." Osamu's eyes almost popped out of their sockets while he kept watching how you two clung to each other and smiled like idiots, your hand on his cheek after he had said these words.
"You don't even know her. And stop touching her like that in public."
Atsumu's hands started wandering on your back, his fingertips teasing the bare skin on your back much to your delight - but to Osamu's horror.
"I don't mind - but who are you?" You turned towards him, and he paused for a second. You were beautiful, that much was certain. Shiny eyes, glossy lips, and a dress that looked like it had been made for you - but he quickly discarded every thought about your looks when he knew that he needed to stop this nonsense.
"I'm Osamu Miya. His brother."
"Oh." Your eyes widened as you took in his appearance, probably only then realizing how similar he looked to the man whose lap you were currently sitting on.
"Samu, we gotta go. The barkeeper told us that there's a priest next to this club."
"You're not getting married."
No matter how many times he repeated the sentence, it seemed like Atsumu was unable to understand.
"And then you convinced me to get your car to drive us home. Wouldn't stop bickerin' about how it's expensive and designer and about how it costs more than Onigiri Miya will ever make. I'll definitely kick your ass for that."
A muscle under Osamu's eye twitches when he mentions the comment, and you have to hold back a snort at this. He's kind of cute when he's angry.
"And then?"
"You were gone. Found ya at the church, but it was too late. You idiots already signed the contract."
You slowly step back until your knees reach the bed, and you heavily sink down on it. It feels like he's telling you a story right out of a movie, not something that has happened just a few hours ago, the whole thing still too absurd and unreal.
"Can we redeem it?" You look at Osamu, like he's the only one that can save you now, and he somehow actually is. You still have hope that you can get out of this without negatively impacting the rest of your life.
"I've talked to our lawyer. It's a waterproof contract. Very surprising because the church was more than just a bit shady. You're both bound for a year until ya can file for divorce." His words feel like a death sentence, and you find yourself at a loss for words. You gulp at his words, blinking a few times to suppress your tears. You're an idiot—an idiot for getting in a situation like this.
It's silent.
You don't dare to look at either of them, your gaze only focused on the phone in your hands, and every passing second makes you feel even more uncomfortable, until you can't stand the silence anymore.
"I'll get going."
You stiffly get on your feet, your movements robotic and lifeless while you make an attempt to leave, but you're quick to get stopped by Atsumu before you can even make more than getting up. "Wait- I- I don't even have yer number!"
"Oh." You pause, standing there for a few moments while you watch Atsumu getting closer to you, until there is not much space left between the two of you when he stands right in front of you. "Hey- are you okay?" Concern laces his voice while he looks down at you, and you manage to nod with a forced smile. "Peachy."
Osamu snorts at your comment and shakes his head, a movement that you barely see in the corner of your eyes. He probably feels guilty for the whole situation too, the dark cicles under his eyes similar to Atsumu's, certainly because he tried to find a solution for this and did not sleep at all during the night. "People who say 'peachy' are anything but fine."
"Hey, look at me." Atsumu ignores his brother's comment and brings his hand to your cheek. You're startled but allow him to turn your face upwards until your eyes lock. "I'm not letting ya go when ya can't even walk properly. You'll eat something, then you'll take a nice hot shower and get in some clean clothes and then I'll bring ya home. That alright with you?" There is something about the way he softly states the words that sends a comforting wave of warmth through your body, and you find yourself nodding and trusting him.
"Hmm. Good girl. Now just eat the rest of the fries while Samu gets ya some clothes. Right, Samu?" Atsumu breaks the eye contact with you to look sharply at Osamu, who only sighs and nods. "I saw a souvenir shop at the lobby. Better than nothin'." You now look at Atsumu's side-profile, admiring his sharp jaw line, unable to do something else but wondering if there is even one bad angle on this perfect man, while Osamu leaves the room with another deep sigh.
"Shouldn't I have given him some money?" You take a deep breath and wipe your hands on your dress, noticing how clammy they got. Probably a side-effect of the nervousness.
Atsumu snorts and returns his gaze to you, an amused smile on his lips. "That serves him right. He always brags about how much he makes with his stupid restaurant." Atsumu looks so similar to Osamu when he rolls his eyes; it's almost comical. "Don't tell him I said that, but he really makes the best food ever. I'll take ya there and show you."
You hum approvingly, feeling somewhat a tingle run down your spine at the prospect of him taking you out for dinner but try to ignore it. "C'mon. Eat the rest of the fries. I saw how ya inhaled them. You can have mine too." He grins, something that makes him seem absolutely adorable, and you find yourself smiling back at him, a warm feeling running through your body.
"I'm not hungry anymore. I'll take a shower then?" You questioningly raise your brows, and he nods. "Yeah, of course. When Samu comes back, I'll put the clothes in front of the bathroom."
Thank you," you raise your hand as if to pat his shoulder, but you halt the movement just before reaching him. You shouldn't touch him. Technically, you don't even know him. His gaze flickers to your hand, and he appears to consider taking it. However, he quickly steps to the side, giving you some space to move to the bathroom.
Without looking back at him, you close the bathroom door, take a deep breath, and glance at the phone in your hand. You scroll until you find the picture of a bright-haired person—
and decide to finally make a call.
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inkykeiji · 3 months
Clari, did you write more about that dan heng / reader / boothill fic idea? 🙈
juuuust a little!!! coincidentally the day you sent this ask was the day i was tormenting talking to vixen about it!!
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this is nearly all i’ve got so far, more or less!!! i’m so close to being fully caught up with the main storyline in hsr so i’ve been holding off on working on any boothill pieces in particular until i’m all caught up but this idea is still clawing at the walls of my skull DAILY <333 gosh dan heng i miss u so much >.<
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inkyajax · 2 years
Do thoma and reader ever get naughty without lord ayato knowing? 👀 What would he do if he found out??
yes, they do!!! ayato has given thoma clearance to fool around with reader whenever he or they want to—ayato is gone for such long hours every day, and he knows his poor baby has necessities that must be met, being as clingy and needy as they are (his poor, precious, pathetic little thing <3), and who better to provide those necessities than thoma?
ayato is a jealous and possessive person when it comes to his sweet lil baby, but these emotions do not apply to thoma; not when he places such extensive and extreme trust in thoma, not when he knows thoma’s loyalty to him has no bounds, thoma being more of an extension of ayato at this point than his own separate entity; consolidated, controlled. ayato would prefer that thoma at least give him a heads up when his two favourite people are about to get naughty—or, even better, call him so he can listen, or record it so he can watch later; when he returns home from work and would prefer his baby get their full rest, or when he has a moment or two of solitude to himself between meetings (/murders) and assessments and shippings—but asking for permission isn’t exactly a requirement. ayato knows that these things just happen sometimes, sudden and spontaneous; a spark that transpires before either of them can even comprehend the situation, so stark and severe and suasive that neither has a second to think about anything at all, bodies moving on pure, urgent instinct.
but it’s okay. thoma always gives his boss the rundown of the event in excruciating detail, and ayato is quite adept at using his imagination when the situation calls for it <3
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rosylamb · 1 year
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21) ♡
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
I had planned on relaxing this weekend but unfortunately my cat ceviche got a bit sick and I ended up needing to bring him to the vet with my partner 😭 he's ok for now, but man I've never had to take an animal to the vet before so it was quite an experience for both of us,,
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tobuo · 3 months
anyway sorry for all the sad posts lately. as u can guess, i am Sad lately.
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earththings · 11 months
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honeyednotes · 1 year
I Wear My Pride Like a Riot
I get asked sometimes why being queer is such a huge part of my identity, why it sits at the forefront of my personality
I have never really had an answer for that, aside from 'its who I am'
but I scrolled through a photo gallery of trans elders the other day and I nearly cried
you do not understand because the community you were born into has always felt like home, but these are my people
I am living proudly for those before me who could not, those who presently cannot, for every person who should have been an elder only to be stolen from this world too soon
I do this because we deserve to live long happy lives, and I refuse to do it in the dark
queers need sunshine too ya know
unlike our portrayals, we are not monsters that creep in the night, intent on cramming our agenda down throats
we are flesh and blood and bone, no different from you
so here is your answer:
I wear my pride like a riot, because this world was designed to hate me
by Brie Thomson
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@redheadkittys @paradisekissmoon
thank you both for tagging me on the roses post, really made my day, y'all are just too precious! 💕❣️💕
sorry I haven't done much aside from spam photos off my phone lately once in awhile, been sick for a fat minute and been trying to catch up with friends and other stuff irl so everything's been pretty chaotic lately esp with a ton of birthdays that have been ongoing/coming up akskdjrjr
love you all dearly and I hope everyone has been well and has a wonderful day!! xoxo 💜
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Have you thought about a Tomura-nii? 🥺
ooooh my god anon
tw: pseudocest (adopted siblings), coercion, taking advantage of a younger sibling’s naive and innocent nature, implied size difference (reader is smaller than tomura), female reader, virgin!tomura, masturbation, blood, noncon, overstimulation, blowjobs, use of the word daddy to describe adoptive father, honestly just really fucking nasty and genuinely disgusting, please be careful with this lil piece words: 792
i have!!! i just feel like he’d be really fucking gross, you know??? disgusting in the most heinous way, like flawless tomura but a hundred times worse. i feel like he’d totally be a shut-in, completely inexperienced because your adoptive father (afo) never lets either of you—his fully grown adult children—out of his or kurogiri’s watchful protection. but that doesn’t mean there aren’t times when they aren’t looking.
tomura-nii has never been touched, romantically or sexually, by anyone else, but he is an avid consumer of porn + hentai, so much so that it borders on addiction. and eventually, it just isn’t enough. it isn’t enough to spend hours locked away in his room, jerking his cock until it’s red and wrecked, skin chafed so bad its flaking and peeling and bleeding, thin little wounds that weep crimson staining the lines of his sweaty palm a watery pink. it isn’t enough to throw hundreds and hundreds of his father’s money at those online cam girls, making them do unspeakable acts and recording it all for him. it isn’t enough, he needs more, he needs real; something he can feel, something he can touch, something he can own and mark and sink his teeth into—flesh and blood and bone filling his hands and yielding beneath his fingers and quivering around his cock. 
he needs you. 
and sure, he’s sheltered, but you’re even more sheltered, not even allowed access to the internet without daddy’s heavy supervision—so when he sees you, his innocent, naive, totally fucking clueless little sister, he knows he can manipulate you into doing whatever the fuck he wants you to, because nii-san said so, and nii-san knows best, right? nii-san is older, wiser, the boss, and what he says goes, always. he’s basically second in command beneath your adoptive father; even kurogiri seems to bend and break to his every will and whim and wish. 
so who are you to say anything, to know any better, against your bigger, smarter, better brother? who are you to deny him, to say ew and no and gross and it’s wrong! when he slinks into your bedroom in the middle of the night, waking you with his ragged pants and the vigorous slap of his fist against his pelvis, and streaks that lacy little nightgown with thick strokes of glistening cream, quickly cooling as they seep into the dainty fabric, heavy and gelatinous against your skin?
who are you to refuse him, when he asks if he can see how pretty your pussy is, when he asks if he can play with it, unexperienced fingers grinding and pinching until your rubbed-raw clit is swollen and your trembling thighs are stained with copious amounts of your own slick and your eyes are lidded and glassy, vision downy at the edges and bleary with tears, because it (finally) feels so good, too good, that you’re fucking sobbing? 
who are you to reject him, when he says he wants to show you his cock, when he tells you to hold it in your soft little palms and pet it until it’s oozing something sticky and shimmering all over your skin, when he demands that your lick your hands clean, that you put the head in your mouth and suckle on it, that you glide the tip of your tongue, rounded and hard, over the slit as fast as you can—back and forth, back and forth, until he’s shoving the entire thing into your mouth and he’s stuffing your throat full of something thick and acrid? 
nii-san says that it’s okay, that this is normal and what good little sisters are supposed to do, that brothers and sisters who love each other so much do this all the time, and don’t you love him, too? don’t you want to show him just how much you love him? just how perfect and obedient you are? 
and nii-san would never lie to you, would never lead you astray, would never ever want to hurt you, so you should believe everything he says without question, right? right. 
and, christ, you’re so fucking good, so sweet and precious and daddy’s flawless, faultless little rule-abiding princess, adhering to every order and regulation given to you. but daddy doesn’t deserve you, or your good nature and kind heart and eager-to-please tendencies; not when tomura sees you more often, takes care of you better than daddy ever has or ever will, so shouldn’t you be his flawless, faultless little rule-abiding little princess, too? nii-san deserves your attention so much more than daddy does, don’t you think? you owe him this much, yeah? 
of course. of course you do.
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inkyajax · 2 years
your blog is literally so pretty omg <33
can’t stop thinking if TA!alhaitham literally fold me and plunge into me while explaining to me everything that i can’t understand cos i’m dumb asf >///<
aw anon!! thank you so much!!! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰ i’m thinking about changing the beginning layout of my posts a lil just because it feels soooooo long and i’d like to shorten it up/condense it a teeny bit hehe <3
waaaah yes yes yes this is such a yummy daydream!!! honestly i just :(( want haitham to be mean to me!!!!!! with that sinful, silky smirk, always on the verge of growing into a full-grown smile; the one that tugs up and twitches every time i say something so adorably stupid, sugared condescension oozing from his lips in big sticky-smooth dollops as he explains something in easily digestible, simple terms to silly, stupid lil me. the words are dripping from his mouth so slowly it’s almost insulting, telling me that he has to speak to me in a way that is measured and moderate, in a way that is steady and sedated, so my cute, teeny tiny baby brain is afforded ample time to soak up and seep in and swallow down all of his cherished knowledge. 
but if i still just don’t get it, haitham! and it still just doesn’t make any sense, haitham!, i am definitely not opposed to him fucking it into me on and over every single surface in his office or my dorm or his pretty car or the library or wherever the heck we are this time <3
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rosylamb · 2 years
You are so lovely and sweet n cute xx you brighten my whole week 🥰🤗🥺😘
Oh, gosh . .
Well you are so kind, considerate, and wonderful! ♡
Squeal!! Thank you so much!!! ♡ ♡
I’m so glad your week is brighter now! You deserve it, and I am so so happy I was able to do anything to help make it so!
I pray that it only gets better for you, and that you find more things to smile about, dear anon. c:
‘Cause while it’s true that I do not know you — one thing I do know is that you’re still worth so much love, peace, and joy. ♡ ♡
And that you’ve truly made my night by choosing to speak with such kindness to me! :D
So I’m sending all my warmest hugs, and sweetest well-wishes! Please take good care of yourself for me, okay? ♡
Much love to you, and all the best, my friend ~ ! XOXO
♡ ˖ ˚ ⊹ * ·̩͙ 💌 🩰 🤍
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skyafied · 1 year
”Christian they/them”
wow, you’re double retarded
Dawg I literally draw gay middle aged TF2 men as my primary form of content, we knew this already
Props to using the proper “you’re” though, I can respect that
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