#stein x weapon!reader
mytheoristavenue · 2 years
SE Teenage!Franken Stein x Reader - Out of Sync
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N/A: For the sake of plot, I'm going to be calling Maka's mother Kami, as that seems to be the most commonly agreed upon nickname for her!
Summary: After a falling out, the bond between you and Stein fractures, and your souls are no longer in line.
Warnings: Possessive behavior, violence, poor mental health, verbal altercation
You were walking home after school with your meister, Stein on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Ever since Spirt had left Stein to partner with his girlfriend, you had been his replacement.
You lived in the lab with him and in return, you did the shopping, cooking, and cleaning. That sort of thing. Today was no different. "Hey Stein, I going to the store. Do you need anything?" you asked, grabbing your purse as he headed to his room.
"Pick up some more tea. We're out." he replied with an emotionless tone. You took a mental note and went on your way.
Stein's POV
I heard the front door slam, indicating that (Y/N) had left. I shrugged and turned back to my homework. "She despises you, you know that don't you?" the familiar voice creeped over my shoulder. I waved it off.
"She's my partner. She doesn't hate me. Now go away." I spat, trying to regain focus on the essay I was researching for.
"She's scared of you. Scared you'll tear her apart like you did Spirit." I rolled my eyes at the distorted echo.
"(Y/N) knows I'd never do anything to hurt her, now fuck off." I waved my hand again to thin air, as if the entity was physically a fly buzzing about my hair.
"She's looking for a way out, you know. She's trying to leave you alone, just like Spirit did."
"Spirit left because he thinks he's in love and he doesn't understand my research, not because he was afraid of me. We just didn't fit well together, Lord death said so." I reasoned, knowing in the back of my mind that my data collection had been reported to the dean and that had been the true reason I was reassigned. "And (Y/N) is not trying to leave."
"You're not going to let her walk out on us, are you?" Out of frustration for the static growing between my ears, I twitched my neck ever so slightly, at least I thought I had. To my surprise, my neck popped with a satisfying crack. Did I jolt harder than I thought I did, or had I just been sitting too long? Come to think of it, what time was it?
I sighed, rolling out my chair and leaning back on it as it reclined, turning to check the clock on the sutured wall. I hadn't been home that long. "There is no us, you're just a figment of my imagination."
"Kill her, Franken." Did it just say my name?
I was shocked at the words, even more so that now, I could recognize what used to be the shrill nagging of a little red demon, as now disturbingly similar to my own. I didn't say that, did I? Regardless, I jumped up from the chair at the notion and it rolled away into the abyss of darkness behind me. "No, I don't want to hurt her!"
"You know you want to tear her open, see what's inside." the siren called, now mirroring my version of phonics, the quirks of my speech down to a tee. "Girls are different from boys, you know, your research is never going to be complete without a female specimen to compare Spirit to."
"No, I don't!" I screamed, a giggle forcing itself out of my throat. "I-I'm different now, I'm in control!" I held my head tightly, fingers digging into temples, as if physically holding myself together.
"You want to pin her down, so she can't run away, don't you, Franken?"
"N-No!" I choked out between laughs. Gradually, lack of air supply wore me down to the cold cement floor, the fits of laugher evolving into a deranged, uncontrollable cackle. From my stupor, I could hear the front door swing open with the sunny chirp of:
"Stein! I'm home!" Shit. She had to have heard me. "Stein?!" I heard panicked footsteps running toward my room at an alarming speed. (Y/N) appeared in the doorway, the light from the hallway framed her silhouette. She looked angelic as she bent down to my aid.
"Stein! Stein, are you okay?" I could feel her delicate fingers gripping my shoulders and gently trying to shaking my body into consciousness, to no avail. I was watching from deep within as the Madness overtook my body, and I was no longer there with her.  Suddenly, my body froze, eerily serene and my head turned to look at her. She looked absolutely petrified. My fingers carefully wrapped themselves around her fragile throat as I stood, raising her off the floor as I went. I couldn't control the words that slipped out.
"(Y/N), you mean nothing to me. All you will ever be is an insect under my scalpel. You are nothing but a subject from which I can collect data. I could end your worthless life the moment I decided to. Don't forget that."  I dropped her to the floor with a wicked smile, "Start running."  My lips uttered as I finally began fighting my way through the muck of the abyss and rising back to having control over myself again, just in time to watch her scramble to her feet and bolt to her bedroom sobbing, fearful for her life.
I ran to her door, pounding on it as hard as I could, desperate to clear my name. "No, no, (Y/N). I'm so sorry! You don't understand! Please just let me in and I swear to Death, I'll explain everything!" I pleaded. I pressed my ear to the door, hoping to hear the shifting of the clothes or footsteps coming closer, but all I got was muffled sobs. I guessed that she was hiding, maybe even covering her mouth as she cried, so as not to alert me to her whereabouts. In a way, it worked. Never the less, I persisted. "C'mon, (Y/N), we have to talk about this! I promise I'm not going to hurt you!"
The only response that would come of my begging would be a shrill, "Stay away from me!" Her voice cracked when she spoke, terrified and anguished and longing to be rid of my presence. She continued to sob, as I laid my back against the patchwork door and miserably slid down it's length to sit on the floor. My eyes wandered to the gleam that spread across it. The entire lab had been mopped earlier that day, something (Y/N) did every Sunday. It came across my mind how well she took care of me in contrast to Spirit. He never really cared whether I ate or not, but she cooks for me every night and day. He was never as concerned for the cleanliness of the building, and didn't care for the upkeep, but (Y/N) cares about it a great deal. I recalled a time, when she'd first moved in, when she'd dragged me to the market with her because she was worried that the chemicals she typically used to keep would negatively effect me or my work, and she wanted me to pick out brands that I would approve of.
"Please, let me in..." I plead one last time, voice tired and cracked from the agonizing emotion of the moment. She continued to weep, each little hiccup hitting me like a bullet to the skull. Knowing I had made her cry gave me a migraine. For a while I just sat there, listening to her spill her woes, letting myself learn of the monster I truly was with every passing moment. After what seemed like hours, I came to realize that I hadn't heard her move through this entire ordeal. The possibility dawned on me that my presence was inhibiting her from moving about her locked bedroom freely and I decided to give her some space, and retreated to my room. Try as I might, I earned no sleep that night, nor did I deserve any.
The next morning, I arose much later than I usually did. There had been no sweet wake up call from a chipper girl, beckoning me to greet the day. Getting dressed and exiting my room, I noticed the lack of delicious aroma in the air. Breakfast had not been made. Shrugging I walked into the kitchen to find (Y/N), buttering a slice of toast and swiftly scarfing it before packing her school bag. "Good morning." I gave a sympathetic smile, hoping to have some sort of leeway into a conversation over last night. I was not surprised to find myself ignored. I was however, caught off guard to find her already leaving home to begin her walk to school so early. "Where are you going? We always walk together?" Once again, she paid me no mind, and began to walk away. I sighed and decided to let her go, knowing I'd meet her there.
When I arrived, I found (Y/N) standing beside Kami and Spirit, seemingly looking over the Missions Board in the hallway. "Ivan the Terrible? What kinda name is that?" He mumbled as I grew closer.
"A terrible one, obviously." Kami laughed.
"Good morning, what are you talking about?" I asked, glancing up at the board to find our team's name underneath one of the new missions.
"We got a new assignment." the redhead answered. "In Russia, apparently." Before I had the chance to react, the four of us were called to the Death room, I assumed to be briefed on the assignment. As Spirit and Kami began to leave, (Y/N) in tow, I stayed behind, grabbing her wrist, pulling her back to stay as well.
"We'll catch up." I called and he waved me off.
She turned back to look at me with a expression I couldn't place, somewhere between fear and disgust. "Don't touch me." she snapped, wriggling out of my grasp.
"(Y/N), we have to talk." I stated as calmly as I could.
"There is nothing I have to say to you." she spat, walking off to find our teammates, and obscuring herself between the hordes of students in the hall.
"(Y/N), stop!" I whispered as she glared at me over her shoulder. I began to feel embarrassed at the prospect of being seen by her as less than equal. After all, she needed me, I was in charge. "As your meister I order you to stop!" She did as I asked, if only for a moment, slowly turning to look back at me. I suddenly became hyperaware of the way every inhabitants of the school was staring holes into me. Without another would, (Y/N) bolted away from me, just as she had last night, and I was forced to shamefully follow, weaving my way through the humiliation of what I'd just said.
"Greetings, hiya, how's it goin'?" Lord Death chirped as we filed into the room, each of us standing before him. Typically, we stand with our partners, but today is an abnormality. "So how are we all feeling about the new assignment, hmm?"
"With all due respect, sir," Spirt piped up, rubbing the back of his neck. "Russia? Isn't that a little far?"
"I suppose you're right, but I don't think you four will have an issue with it. You're target, if you aren't already aware, is Ivan the Terrible. He's the current tsar, and he's put the whole country in quite the tizzy, I'm afraid."
"He's a tsar..? Isn't that like a king?" the redhead once again remarked.
"Very astute of you, Spirit." Death confirmed. "Last year, Tsarina Anastasia, his wife, passed away, allegedly from poisoning. Still grieving, Ivan is being consumed by Madness and slaughtering his people out of paranoia."
"Madness...?" I thought aloud. "It's stretched that far?"
"It has," the dean answered, catching me off-guard. "And I need my top students to put an end to it. Aside from that, this is a big opportunity for you all. We have reason to believe that Ivan has been stock piling human souls and force feeding them to his army. He's become increasingly scared to consume who he feels may be betraying him, for fear of being poisoned like her majesty."
"Those poor people..." (Y/N)'s voice pierced though the silence, small as it was. "They're all just at the mercy of what ever delusions this man conjures up? They must all be so scared." My chest tightened, wrecked with guilt. She must be connecting with connecting with his victims on a personal level.
"It's not all black and white," Lord Death corrected. "Believe it or not, your target is a victim too." he laid his hand on her shoulder as he explained. "Madness is a terrible disease and spreads like one too. It's entirely possible that he thinks he's doing what is best for his people. In his mind, he's protecting them. I want to you to try and see things from both sides, (Y/N)." She nodded sadly as we were dismissed. I sometimes forgot how compassionate she could be. "Well, I think that just about wraps things up, don't you? You better get a move on, class dismissed!"
We were released for classes for the rest of the day to go home and prepare for our flight to Russia. Try as I did, I couldn't convince (Y/N) to speak to me. Not at home, while packing a suitcase, not on the plane, not even when we landed.
Now that we were in Moscow, it was time to locate Ivan and eliminate him. The sooner we did that, the sooner I could go home, today had been much too long. I sighed heavily, listening to Kami and Spirit argue, playing tug-of-war with our only map, while taking in the scenery. Suddenly, the sickening sound of tearing paper filled the air, and their aggression with each other increased significantly. I couldn't help but feel irritated that Spirit had left me to partner with someone he barely even got along with. My eyes floated over to my current partner, keeping steady distance from me, but also from them, not wanting to get caught in their fight. I quickened my pace to come to her side.
"Are you okay?" I asked flatly, refusing to lead on too much worry. She neglected to answer me, simply readjusting her earmuffs and scarf. I sighed and dug my hands into my pockets. "Look, if its about last night-" I began.
"Stein, I don't want to talk about it." she finally answered, albeit coldly and without meeting my gaze.
"(Y/N) we need to, this is important, is we don't communicate, it could cause problems with our partnership." I tried to reason, but she wasn't accepting any of it.
"That's fine with me." she huffed, her lips expelling white air against the snowy landscape.
"What do you mean?" I asked cocking a brow, anger and anxiety bubbling in my chest, knowing what she would say.
"I don't want to be your partner anymore."
Her words stung and prompted me to push back even more hurtful ones, but I resisted, sticking to denial as a response. "You don't mean that." I snarled. "You're just upset."
She threw her hands in the air and dramatically brought them back down to slap her thighs. "Yes I am upset and-" she seemed to be looking above me, and no longer at me as she continued. "Stein, duck."
"Duck?" I tilted my head sarcastically. "How do you expect me to-"
"Stein, duck!" she repeated, tackling me and shoving my head down, just in time for a dark mass to fly over us. After all this time of wandering around looking for him, we never thought Ivan would find us first. Though, we were practically on his palace's front door. We should have been more careful.
"(Y/N), transform." I ordered cautiously. She gave no reply but did so anyways, leaping into he air and morphing into a (w/f) with a graceful twirl. As I waited for her to land, I positioned myself to catch her, and turned to the kishin. "Ivan the Terrible," I addressed, as was protocol of the DWMA. "For your crimes against humanity, we've come to reap your soul." As if to punctuate my threat, (Y/N) landed in my grasp, to which I instantly grunted and threw her into the snow. I seethed while holding my gloved hands, looking them over to find the fabric burned through and blisters forming on my palms.
"Hey, what the hell was that for?" she raged, but I ignored her as warm blood began to drip from my nose.
"Stein!" I heard Spirit call as he took the first few offensive hits to the enemy with his partner's guidance. "You okay?" I paid him no mind as well as I wiped my nose, studying the crimson that stained what was left of my gloves.
"What the fuck..." I muttered, as (Y/N) now reverting back to her human visage ran to me, skidding on her knees to meet me as I fell to mine, my stomach bubbling with blood where it shouldn't be.
"Stein, what's wrong?" she asked, concern being the only emotion her face portrayed. It would have felt nice to once again feel her compassion had the circumstances been lighter.
"My stomach hurts," I groaned, cradling myself as the pain grew, before suddenly coughing, red sputtering over my lips.
"You're bleeding internally..." she realized, holding my head in her left hand and my charred one in her right. I suddenly jerked away from her touch as her fingertips grazed my wounds. She obviously noticed. "Stein, your hands!"
"I can't hold you," I choked out, attempting to stand with some success. "You're metal's too hot."
"How can I be too hot?" she puzzled. "It's like ten below here!"
"Uh, guys, little help here?" Kami yelled, putting all her effort into using Spirit's shaft to distance her face from the blade of Ivan's sword.
"We can't fight like this, our soul wavelengths must had fall out of line." I huffed charging myself up for a solo attack. "Just stay behind me, I'll protect you." Without another word, I charged the kishin, connected my wrists and pressed both palms to his chest, driving my wavelength directly into his heart. Luckily he took enough damage to give Kami time to fall back.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw (Y/N) running into combat beside me one of her arms in the form of a (blade/barrel/hammer head),  (slashing/shooting/swinging) at Ivan with what little she had.  "I told you to stay behind me." I stated, charging up for another attack.
"When are you going to realize that just because we're partners, doesn't mean you own me?" she spat back. "A partnership is about equality!"
"Is this really the time?" I asked, dodging and rolling out of the way of one of his swings.
Before she could answer, the tsar retreated from the fight, fleeing into the safety of the palace walls. The three of us chased after him, I at the head of the pack. I burst through the castle doors and paused taking in the room before me. It was filled with beady red eyes shrouded in darkness, with Ivan at the head of the room, sitting atop his thrown. It was a trap, and I lead us straight into it. Kami and (Y/N) waited from the steps as I was effortlessly overwhelmed, both swiftly swooping in to assist me. I watched from the floor, in between beatings as the two girls, along with Spirit went straight to work in decreasing the numbers of demonic troops. The sight inspired me to keep fighting my way out of the heap I found myself in.
Suddenly, just as I had gotten odds back in my favor, Kami was flung across the room, her back slamming against the decorated wall and all wind being stolen from her lungs. Her boyfriend quickly transformed and crouched beside her. Just as I was beginning to climb to my feet, I felt a sting sink into my ankle. Looking down, I found a small dagger protruding from my Achilles tendon. I cussed, pulling in out and stomping on the fingers it was attached to.
That's when I saw (Y/N) standing at the head to the room alone, ready to face the target without any help. Her visage was bathed in the angelic light that shown through the stained glass window behind the thrown. She looked the way she did last night when she found me.
"What the hell are you doing, (Y/N)? Your gonna get yourself killed!" I called out, voice hoarse and strained. Her screams pierced through the air as she forced the power inside her to build to never before seen heights. I held my breath as I limped over to her, as Ivan raised his sacred sword, fully aware of the possibility of witnessing my partner's execution. 'I have to do something.' I thought. Mustering all my strength, I enveloped her in my arms, as I expanded my soul passed my body. My eyes unscrewed when I heard the sound of his blade ricocheting off the shield I'd unknowingly raised.
"What is this?!" she asked, shock written on her tired face.
"Something new I've been working on." I mumbled looking up at the kishin and counting how many times he brought his weapon down on the bubble. "(Y/N), I need you to transform." I panted, trying to be as patient as I could with her, but I didn't know how long this protection would last.
"I won't work!" she protested, still in my arms, likely afraid for her mortality.
"Just trust me!" I pled as she flew into the air, transformed, and fell heavy into my hands. She weighed so much more than usual, I could hardly bring my exhausted muscles to lift her up to level. I could hear her agonized screams resonating through me, echoes bouncing off the shield, it was deafening. My hands were once again beginning to burn, and my stomach ached.
"We cant do this! Were hurting each other!" she shouted through gritting teeth. "Death, my head! Stein, it hurts!"
I tuned her cries out as best I could and I tried to gather myself, be strong enough for the both of us, but I was beginning to hear that shrill little voice creep up on me again. 'She's scared of you. Scared you'll tear her apart like you did to Spirit.' repeated in my head. "She doesn't want to be your partner anymore, there's no sense in saving her now."
"I'd never do anything to hurt you, you know that, right?!" you yelled my voice desperate and tired. Her hesitation nearly killed me. "I'd never hurt you, (Y/N), please know that!" With one final thwack of Ivan's sword, the bubble began to break, a thick crack running down the side of it before bursting it all together. I turned to the man with distain in my eyes, heading to smite him before I remembered what Death had said.
'It's not all black and white. Believe it or not, your target is a victim too.'
"Ivan!" I called out to him, prompting him to lower his weapon ever so slightly to hear me out. "You're not evil, you're just sick! Madness is a disease, and you're hurting!" Something in his wild eyes told me he understood as he lowered the blade entirely and took a step toward me, and I him. "You're grieving your wife, aren't you?"
"I am avenging her." he bellowed, looking me over cautiously. "And protecting others."
"But you're hurting people. You know that, don't you?"
Ivan scowled and stepped back toward his thrown. "How could a child possible begin to understand my pain?"
"Because I'm sick too." I confessed, ascending the steps to his chair. "Sometimes I want to hurt the people I care about because I'm hurting, but that's not right." By now I'd forgotten the weight of my partner or the burning in my palms; now I had someone who understood. "You're not leaving this room alive, but there's still time do atone for your actions. Bow you're head and pray, and I'll reap your life, and repurpose your soul for the better." Obviously, the tsar hesitated, and I wasn't lost on why. All his paranoia was still prominent inside him and there was no way that I could prove to him my sincerity. "Ivan, her majesty wouldn't want all of this bloodshed. I can send you to be with her with honor."
For the first and last time, Ivan smiled, not a deranged, crooked grin, but a soft and gentle smile as he knelt down onto his knees. I gave him a moment, watching his hands fold and lips move, mumbling sacred words to whatever savior it was that he subscribed to. When he was finished, I raised my weapon in the air, looking down on him with the sadness of a child saying goodbye to a friend who were moving away. "Will it hurt?" he asked, catching me off guard.
"It may, a little. I'm going to give you the most merciful death I can." I answered truthfully. In some odd way, I felt a connection to this dementia ridden old man that I hadn't even felt with (Y/N). An understanding of the struggles that infection harbored. I did fully believe that he had the best intent, and deserved a king's sendoff.
"I'm ready." he smiled, clothed in serenity, and I wasted little more time in executing him, watching the flesh that was once his cranium unravel like ribbon carried on the wind. I found his soul hovering out of the abyss as it was unveiled. I delicately laid (Y/N) down where he sat so she could collect him, after which, she and Spirit began to divide those of Ivan's guards. I let my body fall down to sit in front of the thrown, feeling overwhelmed with sorrow over the loss of who may have been the only other person to possibly understand my plight. At least it was over, I was ready to go home, then again, we still had a problem to solve.
Later that day, after we'd returned home, we both went out separate ways. I to my room to see what I could do for the damage to my body, and her to the bathroom for a shower. Once I had heard the water shut off, I knocked on the door, informing her where she can find the proper supplies to treat her own injuries. Without much more contact, we both laid down in our respective beds, and fell into a hard, yet restless sleep.
The following days were given to us to stay home and recuperate from the mission in Moscow, and were miserable, to say the least. Physical pain aside, (Y/N) was still not speaking to me, though in her defense, I was no longer putting in much effort, simply for fear of another argument. I was exhausted from the assignment, and my body healing. On top of that, I still had to find out how to realign our soul wavelengths. What a mess.
" I've been yelling that dinner is ready for ten minutes now." (Y/N) said as she harshly dropped the metal tray on my desk.
"Sorry," I gave a sheepish sigh, pushing away from my computer. "I've been busy trying to find a way to solve our problem." With little emotion, she simply ignored me turning back and exiting the room. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my food and following her to the kitchen table. "Does your head still hurt?" I asked sitting down with her.
"A little. My vision is still a little blurry too." She answered, stabbing a fork into a head of broccoli on her tray.
"Keep taking the medicine I gave you and it should clear up by the end of the week." I reassured, taking a sip of juice. "I can't remember the last time we sat at the table." I nervously remarked.
"I always eat at the table, you're just always in your room." she replied coldly.
"Right..." I trailed off, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with the knife that she was currently using. "I'll try to be present more often."
"You don't have to do this." she finally sighed, neglecting to meet my gaze. "We can just go back to you locking yourself up in your room and me doing everything else. It worked before."
"Things are different now," I said flatly, setting down my fork. "I don't think they'll ever go back to how they were, not exactly."
"Then we'll fake it 'til we make it." she offered, dramatically rolling her eyes, mouth half full of food. I could tell this was irritating her.
"That won't work either, you know that." I wasn't entirely sure why, but that sentence had been the last straw for (Y/N). Maybe her mood had just been building, and made worse by my sitting down, or maybe she was genuinely bothered by what I'd said. Regardless of how I could deconstruct her feelings and why, she stood up from the table, slamming her palms on it as she did, causing it to shake, and her drinking glass toppled.
"Obviously, I don't, Stein!" I could see that she was trembling, chest heaving with emotion that I didn't understand, and she quickly came to her senses, quirking her gaze down to the spilt juice on the tabletop. Tears began to brim her eyes and she suddenly darted out of the kitchen. "My head hurts, I'm going to bed." She sniffled, already halfway there.
I looked at the pool of red as it slowly crept over to my tray. I wasn't hungry anymore, so I carefully picked it up and scraped the uneaten food into the trash and set the dishes in the sink, before grabbing a rag for the mess.
Later, after having washed the dishes for the first time since (Y/N) moved in, I retired to my room, slumped in the desk chair. For one of the first times in my life, I felt clueless. I was entirely unsure of what to do next. We were scheduled to return to school in two days, and we couldn't risk getting sent out again without repairing the bond between us. My eyes began to drift to the bookshelf to my left, scanning over each title, hoping maybe I owned something to do with resonance or how souls aligned. Instead, I found one of (Y/N)'s books. It was an old copy of 'The Princess and the Frog' that she had gifted me a few months back. Suddenly I had an idea, firing up the browser on my computer to compile my research.
With new found courage, I retrieved a scalpel from my medical kit, and headed for (Y/N)'s room. I was going to gain access one way or another, this was my house, after all. Once in front of her door, I first knocked to give her the chance to open willingly. When I was greeted with silence, I went right to work picking the lock. As I inserted the blade, it dawned on me that trespassing into her space was wrong, and that, perhaps I should just give her time. I then remembered the pain that we were both still recovering from, and that if my research was correct, it could quicken the pace of healing exponentially. I also realized that, if I was wrong, I may soon be looking for a new partner.
The door unlocked with a satisfying click and I gently pushed it open to reveal a dark room. "What the hell, Stein? You can't just barge into my room!" A stuffy voice shrieked from the far side. "Just go away!"
At the sound of her, much of that confidence drained from my body and I swallowed painfully as I approached the bed. "(Y/N), I have something very important to tell you." I said as sternly as I could as I sat on the edge of the mattress, facing away from her. "I know why our souls are no longer in sync."
"I do too," she whispered, and my neck snapped to where I assumed she was in surprise.
"You do?" I asked, sympathetically, hoisting my knee up onto the bed so that I could fully turn towards her. I could just hardly see her now, he light from beyond the open door illuminating her just enough for me to make out were her face was.  
"It's because of me," she hiccupped, rubbing her eyes. "I'm just worthless and weak and I let my emotions get the better of me. I'm sorry, Stein, you deserve better." She spilled out, sobbing throughout. I was truly taken aback. Since we got home, she must have been blaming herself, and couldn't bring herself to face me. Guilt tugged at my insides, metaphorically and physically as my stomach began to hurt again.
"No!" I blurted, reaching out for her, to which she withdrew further. "It's my fault! (Y/N), I'm sick and I knew that could hurt you and I hid it from you."
"Was what you said to Ivan true...? Are you infected with the Madness?" Her voice was broken and frightened, even more so when I confirmed her fears.
"I am...I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." She remained silent and I couldn't discern if she truly lacked words fit for the emotions she was feeling, or if she simply had nothing to say to me at all. Regardless, I persevered. "I know you're finding it hard to trust what I said after the other night, but I can't stress enough your importance to me." I professed with a much higher sense of urgency than I would've cared to use, taking both of her hands in mine. She wriggled out of my grasp like so many times earlier this week, and scooted away, driving even more maddening distance between us.
"(Y/N) please stop moving away," I asked, letting my head fall back against the nape of my neck in frustration. "I promise, I'm not going to hurt you. Actually, I think I've found a way to realign our wavelengths."
Her eyes widened. "Y-You have?" she asked, her voice cracked. "How?"
"We have to learn how to trust each other again." I stated flatly. "We need to be honest with each other." I could barely make out her expression contorting with fury, her teeth grinding behind her lips.
"Trust, honesty?" she raged, her posture improving significantly as she developed from a slouch to her most intimidating height. "Stein, I've never once lied to you! I've always been honest whether you liked it or not!" she shouted, throwing a pillow my way. I caught it and calmly set it to the side.
"(Y/N)-" I tried to explain further but she wouldn't let me speak.
"No, Stein! Don't '(Y/N)' me! This is your fault!" she shouted, reaching again for the pillow to hit me, but I swiftly tossed it onto the floor and out of her reach. "You were the one that lied and now you tell me to be honest? I don't think so!"
"(Y/N), please-"
"No! Why should I have to help fix a problem you made all on your own? How dare you-" I finally  grabbed her wrists, pulling her dangerously close and stared down at her with stern eyes.
"Just shut up and let me kiss you already." I said, calmly. Her eyes widened and a blush spread across her cheeks and nose, even dusting the tips of her ears.
"Let me kiss you." I repeated. "I think the Oxytocin released may help repair the bond."
She shifted awkwardly, looking askance.  "Enough with the pseudoscience, Stein."
"I'm serious." I reiterated. "Studies show that perfect strangers can develop a long lasting bond off of the chemicals released during a kiss. I have proof to back my findings, if that would help you ease into the idea."
Apprehensive, she continued to dodge my gaze. "What if it doesn't work?" she  wondered cautiously.
"Then I imagine we'll both be reassigned on the grounds of incompatibility." I half lied. The truth was, (Y/N) was it for me. Most students don't even get the chance to change partners, let alone twice, and especially if said student had been the cause for both reassignments. She would be matched up with someone else in no time, but I on the other hand, would likely face expulsion, if Lord Death's words are to be believed. "Plus, you'll get the very rare right to brag to whole school that for the first, and last time, I was wrong."
She gave a sad giggle at my attempt to ease the tension, and finally relented. "Well, I guess we can kiss...If it's the only way."
"I assure you, it is."  Slowly, I crawled closer to her, cupping her cheek with one hand, and running the other through the back of her hair. This had to be perfect. Carefully, I leaned in, beginning to seal the gap between us, and she hesitantly did the same. I could feel her breath hitch her her throat, indicated by the disrupted pattern of breaths that hit my face. It felt like two puzzle pieces connecting at last, when your lips finally met. Hers were so warm and soft, they tasted like honey. I relaxed a bit, feeling her arms snake themselves around my neck, her fingers finding their way into my hair. I gently began moving my lips against hers, as I became in tune with her breathing and felt the rest of the world fall away. Gradually, we began to fall back into place, together, but this in a different order.
I began to feel a tingling feeling in my chest, dull at first, but it soon intensified into a nearly stinging electric shock. I had pulled away, wondering it she'd felt it too, which judging by her reaction, I assumed she did. "Did you feel that?" she asked, panting slightly.
"I did, I think that was our souls reconnecting." I smiled. "Do you feel like you trust me?" I asked, already knowing she had, if only due to the Oxytocin. I felt it too.
"I've never trusted anyone so much." she answered, pecking me on the lips again. She began to separate and untangle herself from me, causing my heart to drop. "So...I guess it worked."
This is where we return to our normal lives, isn't it? This is where we move on and pretend that this never happened, or that it didn't mean anything.
"Well, we have to go back to school soon so maybe we should get some-" she began excusing me from her presence.
"What?" she asked, startled.
"No. I can't go to bed and wake up pretending this didn't happen."
"Stein, what do you mean? We kissed, but just to get our souls realigned, right?" she asked, a hint of sadness in her voice.
"Are you really going to tell me it didn't mean anything else to you?" I grabbed her hands and held them in mine. "You felt the same things that I did, you can't deny that, (Y/N)."
"I did..." she looked away solemnly. "But it's like you said, it's just the chemical reactions or whatever."
"But what if it wasn't?" I asked, more to myself than anything else. I had spent a lot of time overthinking about Spirit leaving me to be with Kami and how I felt so superior to him for not partaking in those nonsensical ideals, but I never stopped to consider the likelihood of love being real, albeit with scientific reasoning behind it.
"(Y/N), when I think about having you as a partner compared to spirit, I can't help but observe some abnormalities." I began, unknowingly using a display of intelligence to compensate for the lack of control I had over the situation. "You seem to care a far greater deal about me than he ever has. And to my surprise, I you."
"Stein, what are you saying?" she asked, cautiously, giving me a sideward glance.
"I trust you with my life, (Y/N), and that's not something I ever thought I'd be able to truthfully say to anyone. You're important to me, and...even thought I wouldn't consider myself a believer in love, I'm not ignorant to the possibility." My palms had long since began to seat, and I anxiously wiped them on my pants. My unease intensified when I heard her snort a giggle at my confession.
"The possibility of what?" she asked teasingly. I always found it annoying when she forced me to verbalize things she already understood from context.
I took in a sharp inhale, stifling a curt reply, aware how how easily this moment could be ruined. "That I might...love you."
In the light that shown though the doorway, I could see a very soft smile playing on her lips. Not a mischievous one, but a genuinely blissful grin. "I think I might love you too, Franken." I blushed at the velvet coating of her words, gaze averted by embarrassment, only made worse with a peck to the cheek.
Finally, when my fluster faded a bit, I faced her again. "I can't promise that I'll be the best romantic partner, but I'd be grateful if you'd give me a chance?" I asked, nervously. To my relief, she giggled again, eagerly accepting and leaping into my arms.
"Let's give it a shot!" she chirped, pecking my lips. I held her for a moment, my face nuzzled into her hair as we enjoyed the moment. For once, all felt serene, save for the mild static growing between my ears.
Wait, static?
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iluvvernn · 2 days
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tsukimara · 2 months
Death the Kid x Sick fem!reader, please.
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જ⁀➴ Sick Day
✰ Pairing: Death The Kid x fem!sick!reader
✰ Summary: Kid takes care of sick!reader
✰ Warning: Umm one swear?
✰ Thank you for the request dear anon! I love that there is a new tik tok trend related to Soul Eater (I hope it won't be just a temporary thing and that people won't forget about Soul Eater again please)
• What are you doing in class???
• Kid immediately noticed that something was wrong with you and took you out before you even entered.
• He will definitely take you home (There's no way he's taking you to Dr. Stein) and on the way he will scold you for coming to school sick, endangering yourself and others.
• "What if you fainted from exhaustion?" "Next, send your meister/weapon to me to tell me you're not feeling well." "You have a fever?!"
• But then he will apologize to you for scolding you, but he was just worried about you and didn't want anything to happen to you.
• I think Kid is even good at taking care of sick people, for example when Patty and Liz were sick (but has a softer spot for you and will be with you 24/7).
• If you have a fever you are dead. Kid will personally make sure you take your medications and eat well.
• Doesn't take no for an answer.
• Kid hates germs and diseases but for you he will try to help you.
• You'll end up wrapped like a burrito in a blanket.
• You try to get up to get something? No way! Just tell him what you need and he will bring it to you.
• "What are you doing out of bed? Go back there." "Kid, I just want to go to the bathroom."
• He'll make you food, or at least try to.
• Expect the most symmetrical food you've ever seen.
• Unfortunately, he won't give you any kisses or cuddle with you because he doesn't want to get ill too, but when you get better, he will make up for it.
• Once you're feeling better, Kid will give you his class notes to help you catch up.
Kid sat down in his seat and waited for class to start until he saw his girlfriend enter the classroom not looking too good. She had bags under her eyes, her hair was a mess and same her clothes. Kid quickly packed his things, knowing that he wouldn't come back to class after seeing your condition and moved towards you.
"Oh! Good morning-" You couldn't finish your sentence as Kid led you out of the classroom, the confusion visible on your face.
"You're sick, I'm taking you home." Kid took your bag so you wouldn't have to carry a heavy bag like this.
"But-" "No buts. What if something happened to you?"
"Then-" "Please, next time tell your meister/weapon to inform me about such things." Kid kept interrupting you, you wanted to punch him lightly so you could finally say something, but then he placed his hand on your forehead.
"You have a fever?!" Ah fuck.
It ended up that when you got to your house, you were sent to bed and he wrapped a blanket around you, making you a burrito. You thought that after he took you home he would go back to school, but surprisingly he stayed and went to the kitchen to make you food.
Later, he entered your room, in his left hand he held a plate with triangle-shaped sandwiches and in his right he held water and some pills.
"It's nothing special but at least you will have a full stomach, then take the pills, they should help you." Kid set the plate and water aside to help you sit up, even though you could have done it yourself. After eating, he went to take your plate to the kitchen, you felt like going to the bathroom so you got up and headed towards the bathroom but suddenly Kid appeared and scared you a little.
"What are you doing out of bed? Go back." He said as he tried to take you back to your room. You swear your little illness made this boy so soft but you didn't mind.
"I just wanted to go to the bathroom."
When you came back from the bathroom, you immediately lay down on the bed, wrapping yourself in a blanket for warmth. Kid was sitting in your chair, reading a book.
"You know, since you're so worried about me, maybe a little kiss and a hug will heal me a bit?" You teased him, when he smiled you thought he would agree but then he shook his head, closing the book and looking at you.
"Why nottttt???"
"Because you're sick and I don't want to be sick too." You leaned back on your pillows and crossed your arms, pouting slightly. For a moment you forgot that your boyfriend hated germs, but that's okay because he ended up staying anyway and he didn't even have to, it made you smile, knowing you meant a lot to him.
"And don't worry about your lessons, you'll catch up on them thanks to me."
"Thanks, Kid. I love you." You could see a little redness on his cheeks, but he smiled slightly and nodded.
"I love you too, [Name]."
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➥ Soul Eater Masterlist ➥ Masterlist
➥ Rules request
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illubean · 2 months
Fem Mad meister x Maka, where the reader has inherent madness in her soul and because of it can more easily use her powers, even without a natural connection to any weapon.
Maka with a Mad!Fem!Reader (who also happens to be stein's daughter cause I said so)
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Characters: Maka Albarn Type: Headcanons, Fem!reader
added to this rq because you being stein's kid just makes so much sense also it's been a while so if i mess up the canonical sequence...oopsies
Warnings: none? does madness count? canon typical violence???
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being Stein's daughter you're almost an exact replica of him
you're a meister, have crazy good control over your wavelength for your age but also
you're kind of insane.
weather you were already attending the academy or if you joined after Stein became a teacher you were paired with literally anyone because of your flexible soul much like your dad's
you and Maka became quick friends, being some of the top meisters in your class and also being part of the children of single fathers club
since your soul was very flexible, not only could you match wavelengths with almost any weapon but it was very easy to get along with people
which is what initially drew Maka to you
but also, there was something weird about your soul she couldn't quite put her finger on
Spirit has mixed feelings about the two of you being friends
he's like aww my daughter is friends with Stein's daughter but also MY DAUGHTER IS FRIENDS WITH STEINS DAUGHTER
but Maka couldn't gaf about his opinion on you
when she found out you were Stein's daughter she actually could not believe it
until she saw you in action that is.
the way you're able to channel your soul wavelength so effortlessly and counter the wavelength of other's really helped her put 2 and 2 together
but unlike your dad, your movements were a lot less calculated and much more erratic and aggressive
it isn't until later that she realizes that weird part of your soul was caused by inherent madness
during the whole witchy release of the kishin thing both you and your father start to slip
you begin to get all loopy and stuff and it's like a couple of screws have gone loose (HAHA GET IT? SCREWS LOOSE? CAUSE STEIN IS YOUR DAD? HA..haha.....hah)
so yeah she notices this and it also starts affecting her too because of how close you two are all the time and the black blood and yeah
buttttttt after she fights Crona and learns to go into madness then come back it's a lot easier for her to withstand your madness but also keep you grounded
you know how Marie was assigned to Stein because her wavelength would supposedly keep him down to earth? yeah well that's kind of what Maka does despite the both of you being meisters
im going to be cheesy and say that your guys' relationship is so strong that she keeps you from losing yourself to the kishin
you are high strung and crazy while Maka is your rock
you guys are like sodium and chlorine you balance each other out <3
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Twisted Wonderland Masterlist (Cont'd)
Piercings At The Pool (Fem Reader)
Dire Crowley
Chainsaw Man Reader
Divus Crewel
Step-Child Reader | Fear
Step-Child Reader | Catatonia
Mozus Trein | Cinderella
Chubby Cinnamon Roll Granddaughter Reader
Rollo Flamm | Glass Cage
Dangers of RSA
Types of Yanderes
Neige Leblanche
Dangers of RSA
Only For the Mula
"Chen’ya” Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker 
Dangers of RSA
Riddle Rosehearts
Madhatter Reader
Tattoos Revealed
Tall Fem Reader
Ruggie's Little Sister Reader
Tomioka Giyuu Blocking Tanjiro Reader
Trey Clover | Cinderella
Suggestive Selfie
Chainsaw Man Reader
Types of Yanderes
Ace Trappola | Cinderella
Suggestive Selfie
Accidentally Sitting on Their Face
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Chainsaw Man Reader
Komi-san Reader
Cater Diamond
Suggestive Selfie
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Ruggie's Little Sister Reader
Pink Elf Elysia Reader
Savvanna Claw
Leona Kingscholar |
Madhatter Reader
First Year Sister Reader
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Tattoos Revealed
Ruggie's Little Sister Reader
Pink Elf Elysia Reader
Wall-E Reader
Stein's Weapon Child Reader
Male Lion Reader
Tomioka Giyuu Blocking Tanjiro Reader
Jack Howl
Yandere Reader
Singing "Fly To Me The Moon"
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Ruggie Bucci
Accidentally Sitting on Their Face
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Tall Fem Reader
Types of Yanderes
Azul Ashengrotto
Madhatter Reader
Misbehaving Merchild (Octotrio)
Tattoos Revealed (Fem Reader)
Chainsaw Man Reader
Tomioka Giyuu Blocking Tanjiro Reader
Jade Leech
Misbehaving Merchild (Octotrio)
Jane Doe Reader
Floyd Leech
Suggestive Selfie
Accidentally Sitting on Their Face
Misbehaving Merchild (Octotrio)
Jane Doe Reader
Pink Elf Elysia Reader
Types of Yanderes
Kamil Al Asim
Madhatter Reader
Suggestive Selfie
Tattoos Revealed (Fem Reader)
Jamil Viper
Suggestive Selfie
Yandere Reader
Ruggie's Little Sister Reader
Wall-E Reader
Jane Doe Reader
Vil Schoenheit
Madhatter Reader
Wall-E Reader
Jane Doe Reader
Tomioka Giyuu Blocking Tanjiro Reader
Epel Felmier
Suggestive Selfie
Rook Hunt
Singing "Fly To Me The Moon"
Malleus x Reader
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Shinji Inui Reader
Idia Shroud
Madhatter Reader
Yandere Reader
Jane Doe Reader
Tattoos Revealed (Fem Reader)
Ruggie's Little Sister Reader
Wall-E Reader
Stein's Weapon Child Reader
Tomioka Giyuu Blocking Tanjiro Reader
Shinji Inui Reader
Malleus Draconia
Vs Lucifer x vampire reader
Madhatter Reader
Yandere Reader
Rook x Reader
Jane Doe Reader
Tattoos Revealed (Fem Reader)
Ruggie's Little Sister Reader
Wall-E Reader
Tomioka Giyuu Blocking Tanjiro Reader
Lilia Vanrouge
Tall Fem Reader
Accidentally Sitting on Their Face
Sebek Zigvolt
Accidentally Sitting on Their Face
Singing "Fly To Me The Moon"
Wall-E Reader
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Soul Eater: Dating The Trio x (F) Reader (Lime/Angst/Fluff)
For those who don't know who the trio is (in my view at least). It includes Death the Kid, Blackstar, and Soul.
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To be honest, almost the entire class is excited, a new student at this time of the school year. You must be a really good weapon or meister to be allowed into Dr. Stein's class mid semester. The jittery buzz just couldn't be contained, as students tried to guess whether you were a weapon or a meister, what your weapon was if you were one, if you were a boy or a girl, and most importantly of all, if you were hot.
"Tch, why's everyone so excited it's just a new kid." Soul shrugged, as he threw his feet up on the desk in front of him, a few papers falling to the ground.
"Don't be so judgmental Soul, you haven't even met them yet." Maka rolled her eyes, as she shoved his legs off the table.
"It doesn't really matter who they are to me." Blackstar interrupted quite loudly, "because I am Blackstar, an assassin who can defeat even a God."
"Shut up Blackstar." Soul grumbled "you're literally yelling in my ear."
"Both of you shut up, I can't concentrate if you're bickering with each other." Kid interrupted, placing his pencil down as he rubbed at his temples.
"Whatever Kid." Blackstar grumbled, as he pushed Kid's pencil on the floor.
"You blue-haired idiot, my pencil was perfectly symmetrically placed and you ruined it, ruined it I say." Kid sobbed, as the three boys began arguing with one another.
Suddenly a loud creak from the classroom door silenced everybody, and there it was the moment the trio's and everyone else's jaws hit the floor. Shyly you walked into the classroom, your shoes clicking as they hit the floor, your hair shiny and silky, and your pretty skin seemingly glowing from the classroom lights.
"Class." Dr. Stein announced smoothly. "Meet Y/N L/N, our new student." Dr. Stein nudged you softly in the ribs, quietly asking you to introduce yourself.
"Hello everyone as Dr. Stein said my name Y/N L/N, I hope we can all get along and grow stronger together."
"Does anyone have any question for L/N." Immediately, almost everybody's hand shot up.
"I really don't wanna deal with this" Dr. Stein began walking out of the class, "well Y/N find somebody to sit by and answer their questions if you want I'm going on a smoke break."
"Umm alright sensei." You mumbled awkwardly, and as soon as the door shut you were bombarded with replies.
"Sit here pretty girl."
"I have a seat if you want it."
"No, no Y/N you should sit by me."
"You guys are loud." You murmured under your breath as the roar of children continued talking, as you made your way through the isles looking at desks and chairs to find a suitable seat. Quickly your eyes landed on the trio, and you dropped your bag between the middle of them on the table, plopping yourself in a chair.
"Now questions, you the girl in the bottom row what is it?" You pointed a finger lazily.
"Are you a weapon or a meister?" She timidly asks, her voice squeaking in embarrassment.
"I'm both, depending on my partner."
The entire class awes in astonishment, as you nonchalantly shrug. "Anything else."
"If your surname is L/N, does that mean your apart of that infamous tribe that's known for having that ability." You heard a voice somewhere in the back of you ask.
Closing your eyes, you nod, remembering your family. "Mhm."
"That's me Y/N L/N, daughter of the current leader of the L/N tribe."
"You know I'm apart of a clan too." You heard a voice scream on the side of you.
"You don't say." You hum quietly, as you open your eyes to look at the now grinning Blackstar.
"Yup, the name's Blackstar only heir left to the the Star Clan, but you can just call me your God." He laughs loudly, as he flexes his muscles.
"Calm down Blackstar, your gonna scare her and that's so not cool." A boy with sharp teeth, rolls his eyes hitting him on the back on his head.
As the two boys bickered you felt a hand touch your hair gingerly, "So symmetrical." He drooled, measuring you hair with a ruler.
"Umm okay." You thought to yourself, a little flattered and slightly weirded out as the boy brushed his hands through your hair.
"Any more questions." You asked, as you threw your feet up.
"What's your type hottie." A voice chuckled, the entire class agreeing with him.
"I don't really have a type I suppose." You shrugged "I just gotta like you for you."
Eventually the bell rung, and you made your way to the main hall having to pull free from the boy with black hair and white stripes as he murmured something about being asymmetrical garbage being compared to you.
Quietly, you stared at the mission bulletin board until you heard a group of footsteps behind you. "Do you need something?" You asked, plucking a paper off of the board.
"We just wanted to introduce ourselves properly, and we wanted to apologize." You heard a soft voice call.
You slowly spun around to meet face with the trio and their female friends (Maka, Liz, Patty, Tsubaki). "Apologize for what exactly?" You rose your eyebrows a little confused.
"For these three." Liz points her fingers at the trio, "More specifically him." Liz sighs heavily as Kid places his hand on your boobs.
"There perfectly symmetrical, why can't you both be more like her." He sobs, groping you rather roughly. Quickly you pull away from him.
"Umm, I don't think I have your names, besides Blackstar at least." You wave at him, as he pulls a cheeky grin from you remembering his name.
"Well I'm Liz, and that's my little sister Patty." She points towards the smiling blond girl.
"I'm Tsubaki." A girl with a long ponytail puts her hand out to shake yours quickly,
"And I'm Maka." A girl with light taupe ponytails smiles, quickly hitting a white-haired boy in the back of his head "and unfortunately this is my weapon Soul."
"Sup pretty lady." He grins cheekily, rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't flirt with the new girl." Maka yells at the boy, as he ignores her smirking at you.
"And the boy who just finished groping you is Death the Kid." Liz sighs once again, as he sobs into her shoulder.
"It's been decided I'm nothing but garbage asymmetrical garbage."
Feeling a little bad for the boy, you pat his shoulder softly "I don't think your asymmetrical garbage Kid, your actually umm...quite symetrical to me."
"Really." He sniffles.
"Mhm." You nod sweetly, as Blackstar and Soul glare at Kid quickly pulling him away from you to teach him a little "lesson". (They totally didn't get their asses beat)
You giggle as you watch the three of them argue, Patty pulling the paper you were scanning out of your hand "Are you looking at missions Y/N."
"Mhm." You nod "Gotta find a partner though." Quickly all the boys turn their attention to you, surrounding you in a love-sick daze.
"You know Y/n I'd love to be your weapon, Maka is kind of a brute." Soul grins.
"No, no you definitely would want to be the weapon of Blackstar." The blue-haired boy puts one of his arms over your shoulder.
"Get off of her you oaf, she called me symetrical she would definitely would want to work with me." Kid kisses the center of your hand dramatically, bowing slightly. But, suddenly the three of them collapsed around you their female allies annoyed, except for Patty at least.
"You all have partners already." Maka screams loudly, as the boys sat solemnly while being reprimanded.
And seemingly out of nowhere you let out a laugh "You guys are funny, I think I'll stick with you guys."
You kiss each of the boy's foreheads before you walk off, laughing to yourself as you realize you might have a little fun here.
It's been 10 months since you met the trio, 10 months of pure and utter chaos. Having to deal with Kid's OCD, Blackstar God complex, and Soul's constant nosebleeds have given you the power to do anything. In fact, you’ve had to start buying black hair dye to cover the strands of gray appearing throughout your hair due to the three musketeers who's only fulfillments in life seemed to correlate with you.
Around the eleventh month mark, though, your relationship with them began to feel a little different. They were all a little touchier with you and each other, past teasing, which consisted of being tripped or pushed into a puddle of water, bloomed into random sexual touches and innuendos, and light playful glares had turned to yearning and longing stares.
And then it happened, truly it was so casual and smooth that the moment the four of you became an official couple, you hadn't realized until a few hours later. You lay there, sprawled across the entire trio's lap, scrolling through your phone, your mind foggy.
"So Y/N.." You heard Soul whisper.
"Mmh." You grunted, shimmying on his lap a little to indicate your listening, body sore from a mission you had just previously returned from.
"We all like you, so to keep us from causing any unneeded drama we want you date all of us, that sound cool." Soul placed his hand on your stomach tapping lightly.
"Huh? Yeah whatever..." You grumbled softly, placing your headphones in your ears as you closed your eyes.
To be honest when he asked you, your brain was really muddled from a tiring mission so in your head all you heard was "like" "we" and "cool", so to get them to leave you alone you agreed to "whatever" they were saying.
Later that night as you laid in bed you suddenly shot up "Wait did I agree to be their girlfriend." You rubbed the back of your neck tiredly, as you flopped back down into your sheets "Welp can't be that bad I suppose, what's the worst that could happen."
Scenarios/Headcanons with "Soul Eater"
★ Really likes to have you lean on his shoulder while he plays the piano, he finds it really comforting.
★ When the other two boys aren't around he'll most definitely play a jazz vinyl and slow dance with you
★ Has an identical replica of the headband he wears for you; he won't force you to put it on but he thinks it'd be really cool if you did.
"Soul" You giggle softly as you bury your face in his shoulder as your feet softly make it back to the ground. For the past twenty minutes he's been spinning and waltzing you around the entire room. "Yeah, what's up pretty lady." He chuckles, lifting you into the air once again. "Kid and Blackstar are gonna be coming over soon you know." Breathy laughs escape your mouth as you watch his eyes widen. "Oh yeah, guess that's enough dancing for today huh babe." He strolls over to the jazz vinyl that's currently playing and stops the music. "Which reminds we why don't you want the other two to see us dancing." You flop down onto the couch on your back. "Because...." He mutters "Blackstar wouldn't let me live it down, and that'd be so uncool."
★ Almost ended your relationship with him because of how nonchalant he is; ended up allowing another girl to flirt with him while you two were on a date; he realized his mistake and apologized but deep down you can't seem to forget it
★ He tends to make you insecure without even knowing; whenever he drools over another girl's boobs he tends to talk about it all day making you wish your boobs bigger to match his expectations.
★ Whenever your both arguing and he gets annoyed he just walks out on you; thinks its a rational and cool way to avoid more irritation but it hurts you and makes him look arrogant and rude.
"I'm telling you Y/n, Blair's boobs are chef's kiss." He makes a smooching sound. For the past twenty minutes he's been going on about the cat witch Blair's boobs and you were becoming a little upset. "Umm Soul can we talk about something else now?" You looked down at the ground to avoid his gaze. "I guess we can, but I'm telling you babe her boobs are just perfect." He smiles toothily. "That's great Soul, that's great..." Your words die off as you fold your arms over your chest, wishing that your boobs could meet your boyfriend's expectations.
★ Randomly bites you whenever your going anywhere this includes school; sometimes it has a sexual implication behind and sometimes it doesn't but at this point you've stop covering them up because you can't afford to spend any more money on foundation.
★ He lowkey likes seeing you angry and being told off by you; he just sits/stands there grinning as you scream for the third time that day; eventually gets so turned on that he just pulls you by the collar and starts biting your neck as you whimper softly; he might start doing things that purposely piss you off so you get on his ass.
★ If you've met his family, he'll sometimes get insecure that you'll leave him for his older brother Wes (the family prodigy) so if you wanna make sure he doesn't get insecure be real touchy with him in front of his family and I mean real touchy; rub yourself against him, casually sit on his lap, tug his hair, the whole combo they'll probably just think that you're an affectionate person but he knows the real motive behind it.
"Soul Evans are you even fucking listening." "I swear on Lord Death's name if you put your mouth on the carton one more time, I'm gonna strangle you." You groan exasperatedly as you watch Soul grin at you even harder on the couch as he runs his hands through his hair. The entire time you've been yelling at him he's been doing nothing but staring at your lips and tits as you complain. You watch as he stands up from the couch, and grabs you by the shirt, surprising you, as he whispers in your ear, "Fuck babe~ keep nagging I love it when you do." You stutter over your words when he starts to bite down on your neck harshly, "Soul don't b-bite so hard." You whimper as you wrap your legs around his waist and tug in his hair "I'll see what I can do pretty lady."
Scenarios/Headcanons with "Blackstar"
★ Loves to spar with you, doesn't matter if your stronger or weaker he'll still go at it with you; if your stronger than him he takes this as an opportunity to learn so that he can become the best; if your weaker than him then he gets to show off his skills and make you stronger alongside him (10/10 Stan positive Blackstar)
★ Calls you royal like nicknames like Goddess, deity, Aphrodite, and Queen; rarely refers to you by your real name anymore because that's how important you are to him.
★ Will most definitely randomly pick you up during different times of the day and spin around as you squeal and yell at him; doesn't stop until the two of you fall to the ground dizzy and nauseous but laughing nonetheless.
You stood in front of the sisters as Liz complained about how they failed another mission because of Kid's Symmetry habit; all you could do was laugh as Liz complained more and more until you were suddenly spun around in the air from who you automatically knew to be Blackstar. "Blackstar put me down." You hit at his back playfully as he went even faster losing his balance slightly. "No can do Aphrodite." A playful grin plastered on his face like usual. Suddenly Blackstar tripped over his foot from his dizziness causing him to fall as you landed on top of him. "Your an idiot." You snickered quietly, as he tried to steady his breathing and sight, a goofy grin on his face.
★ Most definitely has a superiority complex so trying to talk to him during serious situation is very difficult; occasionally disregards your feeling when you confide in him
★ Always charges into battles without thinking causing him to get really injured sometimes; you despise seeing him in such a state so you try to talk to him about it; ends up missing the entire point of the conversation making you feel ignored
★Always thinks he's right, and I mean always even if the true way is in plain sight; there's usually no point in arguing with him when he gets like this because it ends in a heated argument and you hurting each other (emotionally)
Blackstar the scroll literally gives us the answer don't go screwing this up for us." You state sharply, annoyed by Blackstar's antics. "I know what I'm doing Aphrodite." He screeches loudly, as he stands on top of an old rune, pulling at the emerald, green gem in the dead center. "Your gonna hurt yourself." After one last harsh tug he pulls the artifact out, smiling triumphantly as he throws it into the air, catching it. "See told y-" His words are cut short as the roof of the temple begins to rumble, large stone bullets pelting down at the two of you. "Shit." You both say in sync, before running down a hall and out of the temple trying to avoid being hit. You eventually get out, but unfortunately not in very good shape (for Blackstar at least). As he groans in pain, you wrap his obviously painful flesh wounds with spare linen bandages. "Blackstar you have to be more careful on missions." Tears threaten to escape your eyes as he lays his head against your chest as you both sit on the ground. "I hate when you put yourself in harm's way." You wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. "I'm so awesome I told we didn't need that dumb scroll to pull the gem out." Blackstar fiddles with the gem in his hand, obviously not hearing what you had said. All you can do is sigh.
★ Loves to have some type of physical touch with you; whether it's just hand holding or his arm around your shoulder he gotta be touching you; but he especially loves when you full on sit on his lap and make out with each other during Dr. Stein's lesson; this boy craves PDA, he's gotta let everyone know who's your man.
★ He loves when you praise him in general, but sexual praise just boosts his already fat ego so much; most definitely brags to the Soul and Kid about it and becomes your personal slave for the rest of the day to hear more praises from you; give them to him sparingly.
★ Likes when you claim him in front of other people; he obviously claims you a lot so when you do it back makes him really proud and turned on; just kissing his cheek in front of everybody makes him really excited
The whole class is silent as you sit straddled across Blackstar's lap as he sloppily makes out with you. You moan into his mouth as you feel your body tingle from all the stares and silence. "Blackstar people are watching." You whisper into his ear, as he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you tighter to him. He shrugs uncaringly "Let them watch Goddess, you deserve nothing but praise and worship." He pulls you back into his mouth for a few seconds before being hit in the head by Maka. "Can you two quit with the slobbering for a while some of us are trying to learn." He scoffs under his breath, quietly. "Your just mad that nobody'll kiss you, you ogre." He ended up with a few bruises at the end of the day.
Headcanons/Scenarios with "Death The Kid"
Fluff ★ He's now officially in charge of your make-up, skincare, and hygiene routine; he wants you to stay perfectly symmetrical at all times so hair grooming "his", nail care "his", eyebrow tweezing "most definitely his"; honesty it's just you being pampered 24/7.
★ Definitely loves when you pamper him during his symmetry breakdowns; and I mean the whole package baby-talking, ignoring Blackstar and Soul for a little as you whisper sweet words in his ears; planting kisses on his cheek; loves it so much that he has fake "breakdowns" so that he can have you baby him; you can totally tell when he's faking it though
★ Likes when you play with his hair finds it very comforting and relaxing and doesn't even mind if it becomes asymmetrical; he won't voice out what he wants though; however, he will place his head in your lap and bring your hand towards his hair
You're sitting down on the couch watching a movie as you hear the front door opening, you look towards the door to see Kid staggering tiredly, but not hurt. "Hey baby, how'd your mission go." He shrugs, half-assed and sits down on the side of you. You take no offense to it, assuming that it's because he's exhausted, and eventually he lays his head in your lap as you turn your attention back towards the Tv until you feel your hand being moved. You don't look down, but you feel it move towards Kid's hair until it suddenly just lays there. You smile to yourself. "You want something Kid." He moves your hand back and forth in his hair to suggest what he wants as he shuts his eyes. You oblige, pausing your movie and running your hands through his white and black hair until he completely dozes off.
★ It's really frustrating and tiring whenever you go on dates with him because he insists everything has to be perfect; even if you express that it doesn't need to be perfect; he feels that perfection should always be be strived for; if it isn't feel be in a sour mood for the rest of the week
★ He judges you really hard when you wear clothes that aren't symmetrical; and he gets really mean about it to, but he doesn't know he does; so in about 2hrs when he's done with his tantrum and wants to talk to you he doesn't even know why your refusing to even look at him.
★ Blames you if for any reason you both fail a mission; because he's Lord Death's son he doesn't think he make mistakes ; so if he thinks your 'screwing up" a little to much for his liking he'll just ignore you and try to get the job done himself muttering "useless" under his breath
You had just picked up a beautiful ivory white shirt at the mall today and you were so excited to see your boyfriend's reaction to it. Quickly you run upstairs to his room and open the door, causing him to look up from his book. "Kid," You giggle excitedly, as he puts a bookmark in between two pages. "What do you think." You twirl slowly, to show off your new top. "I got it at the mall today, Soul and Blackstar thought it was cute, but they think I look cute in everything, so I came to you instead." You watch as he eyes you up and down, a disgusted look creeping onto his face. "It's disgusting." "Yeah, I thought it was cute- wait what." You backtrack your words as Kid gets out of his chair walking over to you. He roughly pulls at the shirt not tearing it off of you but damaging the material and the hemming of it. "It's not even symmetrical you idiot, can't you at least try to look good sometimes." Tears fill your eyes as you slowly back away from Kid, who's engulfed in frustration. "Do I need to feed you as well Y/N, considering the fact that I must dress you also." You shook your head no, as you tried to speak. "I just wanted your opinion on it Kid." "Tch I'm not dating a baby Y/N, wipe your tears and come and speak to me when you've matured." You sniffle, quickly, running down the stairs to sob in a nearby bathroom. After about an hour you left the bathroom, eyes puffy, and red, and throat sore as you bumped into Kid. "Dear why are your eyes so red." He places his hands on your shoulders, having calmed down from his tantrum. You sniffle and pull out of his grasp, leaving him confused as you head towards the front door.
★ Look me in they eye and tell me this man doesn't scream body worship; if you say no your a pathological liar because he does; he compliments your appearance so often that even if you were insecure those feelings completely disappeared; hates when you cover yourself during intimate moments so if you do he praises and worships whatever your covering so you feel more comfortable.
★ He's lowkey a bondage man; but won't use ropes or anything harsh on your skin it's more likely that he'll use soft black and white binds to suspend you in the air so you aren't uncomfortable.
★ Loves to see you in pretty lingerie, very gentle and delicate when he's peeling it off of you; goes absolutely feral when your finally fully bare though; your not leaving the bed with without a limp; the color white is one of his favorite colors on you because it seems to radiate innocent and niaveness, black however is a pretty close second.
You stay buried under the sheets, lacy panties and a plain bra being the only covering your naked body as Kid neatly hangs up his shirt, pants, blazer and almost everything else he's wearing. You can't help but feel a little insecure, well, a lot insecure as Kid stands in front of you practically bare, his cock semi-hard in his briefs. This was the first time you had been naked together and you were a little nervous. What if Kid thought your body was gross? What if he gagged in disgust? Or worse vomited. "Kid I don't think I can do this." You gripped onto the sheet tightly, as he walked towards you in confusion. "Are you feeling worried, we don't have to do this of you don't want to, I won't feel upset." You shake your head, no "It's just that what if you think it's gross." "What's gross..." He reaches over to you, causing you to quickly pull away. "My body..." Your sentence trails off, as Kid roughly yanks the sheet off of you, trapping you under his frame. He hurriedly kisses your body as you squirm underneath him, wrapping your arms around your neck. "You're so beautiful dear, you don't ever need to insecure around me beautiful." He kisses down your stomach roughly. You tilt your face to the side to try and hide your embarrassment as Kid kisses dangerously close to your cunt. "Don't look away dear." He tilts your head towards him lovingly. "Allow me to kiss those insecurities away please." All you can do is nod, as you squirm and arch from his lips kissing you all over.
Headcanons/Scenarios for "The Trio"
★ It's always chaotic when all three of them are around; definition of "crackhead energy"; most poly dates are at an amusement/water park, Soul and Blackstar's idea not Kid's; he actually kind of hates them but enjoys them for your sakes; you most definitely will be thrown into the water by the Soul with Blackstar as an accomplice of sorts; but with a few blinks of your puppy dog eyes you can get Kid on your side to dunk Soul as payback.
★ Everybody in the house has their own chore; Kid does all of the cleaning; You do most of the cooking (don't worry even if it isn't good the boys will still eat it); And BlackStar and Soul do most of the manual labor like cutting the grass or repainting a room.
★ Soul, Blackstar and Kid are all good with kids but for different reasons; Blackstar relates to their energy and hyper activeness if not even more and gets them tired and tuckered out pretty easily which makes him perfect for nap time; Kid is more of the orderly type of parent meaning everyone's birthday is memorized, favorite foods and drinks are always kept in stock and constantly has the upper hand on sports dates and other hobbies; whilst Soul is like the cool laid-back uncle who tells kids how they should deal with bullies, how to stand up for themselves and picks them up out of school early so that they can go hang out at some dingy arcade and eat greasy pizza.
"Blackstar, I swear on Lord Death's name I will kill you. Don't throw me into the water." You screamed loudly at Blackstar who was too busy laughing at you as laid thrown over his shoulder. "Don't worry Goddess, I wouldn't drop you." He easily throws your limp body over to Soul as if you were a ball and their playing a game of catch. "But Soul might." You squirm and whine in Soul's grasp as you tug at his hair in a futile attempt to make him let you go. Yet, if anything it seems to get him more pumped up and before you know it, you're beneath the pool water surface you hand easily touching the bottom of it, until you find your balance and push your way back to the top. You scramble and sputter as you cling to the pool side wall as Soul smirks at you, the image of you closely resembling a drowned rat. You let out a shaky sigh and hop back onto the poolside, your hair waterlogged, and your clothes soaked, as you lay your wet body beside Kid on a towel as he glances over at you, witness to the whole scene momentarily. " Are you alright dear." He reaches over to rub your back as you curl into his touch and sigh. "Stupid Soul... now my hair is all wet and frizzy." You yank at your locks of hair in pity and curl into Kid's body who's still gently soothing you with his hand. You pout and look up at him with the most innocent doe eyes you can muster, tears threatening to spill from your eyes at any given moment. "Help me get back at him please Kid." All Death the Kid can do in the moment is gulp, nod, and look away because who knows what he might do next of he doesn't. And it may possibly include fucking you right on the poolside until you're too weak to even go back into the water.
★ Accuse you of having a favorite boy when the seeing you hanging around somebody for unusually long periods; you try to explain that's not the case, but it doesn't really help when the boy in question has a smug look slapped on his face as he sarcastically answers their questions; everyone goes to bed hurt and upset.
"Why can't you two understand that there's nothing more special with Kid than there is with you two." You scream at a Soul and Blackstar with your head between your hands. "Then why have you been spending more time with him than you have with us." Soul's accusatory tone and Blackstar's mindless agreements sets off a spark in you as you stand up abruptly and get in their faces. Pointing a finger at them you poke Soul and Blackstar in the chest. "Maybe I spend more time with Kid because whenever I'm with you, you slobber all over some other girl's boobs." You turn your attention towards Blackstar "and maybe I'm never with you because it always ends up with me getting your ass out of trouble or with you bragging about your huge ego." You punch a nearby wall out of frustration and let tears leak out of your eyes until you hear Kid snickering under his breath about how Soul and Blackstar aren't good enough for you anyway. Shaking your aching hand off to the side, you stomp up to Kid and grip him by his shirt. "Stop saying shit like that, I love all three of you equally and if you can't get that through your thick skull then maybe..." You turn to face towards Soul and Blackstar "I shouldn't be with any of you." You wipe your tears with the back of your hand and trudge upstairs, slam the door shut, and let your soft cries whimper through the house as the three of them look at each other and then at themselves in shame.
★ 24/7 group sex; you can't escape them even if you tried; if you were really really adamant about not letting them, take you all at once; they'll each wait and stroke themselves as they wait their turn to fuck you; they'll still nag you about constantly though to convince you to change your mind; trust me you will eventually give in because their really annoying.
★ 10/10 would definitely try to fuck while you were out on group missions; It usually starts with you minding your own business and you kill and eating kishin egg souls; when usually Soul or Blackstar decide you look way to sexy, eating and killing for your own good; Kid ends up noticing their lustfulness and mocks them for a few moments before falling victim himself; they'll eventually convince you that your the needy one and they'll each take you one by one as the the other two deal with the mission; (Lord death has stopped assigning you four group missions)
"Come on babe, just a quickie." You hear Soul whisper in your ear as you chow down on another kishin egg soul. "No Soul, not right now." You push him away firmly, "If I give you one, Blackstar and Kid are gonna ask to." He grumbles something that you can't quite catch under his breath and grabs you by the waist. He rubs himself against his backside so that your forced to feel his hard-on. You swallow thickly and squirm away from away from. Unfortunately, his grasp is a little too strong and you're only riling him up. "Come on baby, I know your just as horny as I am." "But if your serious then I'll leave you be." He slowly starts to remove his hands of you and pull away to which you quickly protest. "Soul.... more please." You mumbled pulling his hand back in you. Quickly he turns you around so that you're facing him and sticks his hand underneath your clothes fondling at your breasts with his hands being weirdly cold. "Soul..." You whimper as you erratically grind your hips into his crotch. "Shit...mhm... I'm right here baby 'm not going anywhere." You can feel your panties getting stickier as you come close to your orgasm, but you suddenly interrupted by two other voices.
Two voices pull you out of your babbling mind space and back into the ancient runes that you had forgotten you were in. "No fair Soul, how dare you try to have My Goddess without me." Blackstar quickly rushes over dropping a cloth bag out of his hand that most likely contained the artifact that you were sent to retrieve. Your head flinches in the direction as the object almost hits the ground, but luckily Kid is nearby and reaches out to grab it before it falls onto the ground. You huff a sigh of relief and flick Blackstar in the middle of his forehead for his carelessness. "Blackstar be careful... that artifact was the entire..." Your words slur off quickly as Blackstar licks and sucks at your neck leaving red marks in place. "Not s-so much teeth Blackstar." Your words die in vain as Blackstar immediately bites down onto your neck causing you to arch you breasts right into Soul's face. "F-Fuck let go." You pull out of Soul's and Blackstar's grips and rush over to Kid's side. Wrapping an arm around Kid pulls you in front of him as she scoffs at has two other lovers. "Do you to have any decorum at all." Soul clicks his tongue at Kid, slightly insulted. "Oh please, we know you want her just as much as we do." Kid rolls his eyes as his other hand reaches down and cups your pussy causing you to lurch forward. "I meant that if you're going to touch her at least be swifter with your movements. She's quite a bit needy when it comes to her clit." The three of them only look at each other, smirk, and begin to surround you. You only whine as you know it's going to be a long mission.
You definitely can't tell which of the boys are my favorite........
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coco-hun · 2 months
Pretty girl
Tsubaki x Black Reader ( we a girly girl now!)
F/c= Favorite Color
f/ch= favorite character
s/s= shoe size
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" She's a lovely girl, I wish she would see it though."
' Tsubaki, she honestly the prettiest girl I've ever seen! I mean look at how stunning she is! She has pretty hair, cute outfits, and she has the patience of God she's like Anna Hathway! But she never sees it...'
I think this as I boredly stare at the board, Steins trying to dissect some bird again and Maka trying to stop him? I dunno I just twirl my hair and daydream when Patty taps my shoulder.
" Hm? Oh, hey patty girl" I smiled at her.
"Hiiii! Me and Liz, Tsubaki, and Maka was thinking of going to the shops after classes today and I want YOU to come!" She's like honestly like a mind reader or somethings because, I was going to go to like the thrift or the shoe store because I literally have nothing to wear!
" Omg! I legit love you, I'll go! When we leaving" I open my phone and try to set alarm because Death knows I can't keep up with the time when I'm going somewhere. Patty sends me the time and where to me and we talk about random things like does Lord Death know how to do cartwheels, can aliens turn into objects, do animals try to put on clothes? Ok Soul looked at us weird when he heard me say I thought animal testing was animals rating products...
*After Classes, around 2:45 and We in our room in a choas*
I scream into my pillows, like nothings ever goes right!? I have a denim skirt that I thrifted, and I wanted to pair that with this white halter top but, it dirty and I can't wear it again because I stupidly spilled like red sauce on it! Which is confusing because it's not ketchup so what is it? I dunno so, I try a pink long sleeve but nooo its hotter than ever and I have nothing else to pair it with!
As I flip through the piles and piles of clothes I get a knock on my door, my meister/weapon is out for a family trip, so I answered and there goes pretty girl.
" Hey reader! wanted to come over before our hangout to see you."
Tsubaki tender smile graced her lips, and I smiled back subconsciously. I let her in and I sigh sadly.
" Tsubaki help me pleaseeee, which shirt pink halter with dark denim or yellow thank top and light blue jeans?" I switch the shirts put and down so she can see, and she takes a moment to pick.
" Pink top, it matches the jewelry you have"
" You're a genius!" I squeal and run to change clothes, thank Death I had just my locs in two ponytails (or whatever style you wanna wear). A spritz of perfume or 50 spritz and a twirl in the mirror and I walk out with a strut.
" I look fabulous, I look like coquette icon who Lana Del Ray? I see only Reader Del Slay!" I cockily strut around the room while Tsubaki chuckles and acts like a fan girl.
" Omg! Its reader!? Omg sign my shirt!" We both giggle at that and I grab my keys and we walk out my dorm, its 10 minutes before we supposed to meet up Patty and them so we just walk around campus talking about what we've been up too.
" So, your saying BlackStar had to go to the school nurse because he...fell off a building trying what now?"
" It's honestly still confusing to me" Tsubaki sighs pitifully, and I giggle at that. We walk to the entrance of the DWMA and we see Patty, Liz, and Maka waving at us. We walked down and we headed to our first store; 'Deathly Good Looks' it's like a thrift store but, no granny clothes a lot of vintage items and a bunch of items from the late 80's to mid 2000's. We walk around trying on sunglasses, hats, and purses and I move onto the back of the store looking for anything pink or f/c and fav/ch, as I looked around, I see Tsubaki looking at this dress with wonder..
" Ouu! Thats so pretty, your gonna try it on?"
" Hm, you think I should? I don't know if it'll be as cute on me"
I don't know but when she said that I almost tackled her, WHAT DOES SHE MEAN!? She could pull off a garbage bag and I'll want to wear it!
" What do you mean!? You'll look like a 90's baddie with this! especially if you wear some brown sandals, shades, and have a cute hair style you'll look better than the girl who first owned it!"
Tsubaki blushes at that and I wished I paid more attention to that though; I push her towards the dressing room and tell her to try it on; she takes a few minutes and when she comes out, I couldn't help myself.
I didn't even to say it! But the dress said her body was teaaa and the way she just walked out like she ain't all of us up?? Who does she think is?
" So, it is pretty? I like it" She asks looking in the mirror.
" I'll bite you" I say intense, and she laughed, the girls came over and complemented the dress on her and she changed back; we paid for our items and headed to the shoe store, since the kishin was released we've all had no late-night curfews unless you had a mission or a kishin was around, so we headed to the shoe store quick.
At the store I think I was in heaven honestly from platforms, pumps, flats this store would be bankrupt without me like I'm single handily an unofficial official owner! We look around and I show Maka some sandals that would match this dress she wore to the death anniversary, I saw some Bebe slippers and I went to see what size they we're a perfect s/s! I put them in a mini basket they have and look for more shoes today wasn't that good a lot of sneakers which I should've got if the sandals weren't telling me to buy them! Liz and Patty had like 50 carts of shoes and Tsubaki had a few items, we paid for those items after telling the twins when are they going to wear 'stripper heels'? And we headed to a nice diner close to the school.
We ordered our food I got a tiny burger and fries (if tiny means a sonic burger with a side of large fries and a triple Oreo fudge milkshake then yea girl...tiny) and we sat down and talked and gossiped about the boys, what drama was around, and stuff we've been doing. As we talked and ate, I kept staring at Tsubaki...omg that's sounds so creepy I gotta fid away with words, or is it thoughts since I'm not speaking? I don't know point still stands! But she's so pretty it's hard not too! She caught me a few times and blushed this time I saw and it's so cute I wanna bite her but, that'll be weird.
When we were done, we headed back to the dorms and said our byes, me and Tsubaki headed to her dorm since we were only one level down.
" Hey.. so, a saw you staring at me at the diner, I just wanted to see if you was ok?" ...' I'm not a spy, I'm not smooth, how could she see me I thought my side-eye was perfect! Omg she probably thinks I'm creepy and is gonna hate me!' The thoughts ran quick through my head as I awkwardly smiled and chuckled.
"Oh that! oh it was um..."
" Was what you said at the shop earlier true? Am I pretty?"
I was confused until I thought back to my she's so pretty rant...If I said it out loud then she heard which means she think I like her and I do and she's like me back now we-
" Your speaking out loud again reader"
oH...That's amazing thank youu!
" Oh..act like you've never heard that I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable! bUT-"
" I like you too reader...a lot actually
" You saying i'm bad? Ok girl thank you!" I say now giggling and twirling my hair, see I knew I gotta all the girls like I'm Nick Cannon with this!
Tsubaki goes on to tell me she didn't think she was as pretty as I made her to but, it broke my poor heart because she so gorgues!
" Tsubaki girl, I can't lie good, nor I can't say if someone is ugly or beautiful because I have my flaws but you! Your like so pretty it hurts! I look at you and your aura and the way you act entranced me, the way you care for your friends all the time you're so tender it makes me blush anytime you have a concern over me! If you don't feel beautiful then I don't know what I am!"
Tsubaki stares at e during my rant with wide eyes and when I was done a tear fell down as she hugged me tight..
" Thank you..Thank you so thinking that reader..."
I hold her and tell it it's all true, we walk to her dorm and she stops.
' So, are we a thing now? It's fine if-"
" So we married now?" we said at the same time, we both laughed at that.
" So..we girlfriends?
" Yea! I guess so!" I said all giggly now, Tsubaki smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as a bye.
" Bye Sweets see you in class"
" Bye bye Prety girl!" I said walking away with a wave.
Pretty girl, My pretty girl
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A.N: (I finished! OMG THIS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER THOUGHT OF! Like y'all don't know how Patty and her was my soul eater crushes before anyyyy one! But let me know if you like this and I can write more for her because she so bad!
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lxvenderdreamy · 11 months
could you do a kinda pre-relationship fic between soul X m!reader X kid? where its like during the fight between soul and blackstar VS kid when he first gets to the school? except m!reader is there? maybe hes a weapon who fights on his own but as there fighting (and losing...) kid does his signature drop down to shoot m!reader and when he does m!reader gets that stereotypical nosebleed when smth hot happens? idk where it would go from there, if he would play it off or be laid out for the rest of the fight but yeah :)
🍓(and idk if it qualifies as this but🍋)
YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!! Thank you for requesting! But I am not able to do 🍋 because the characters are either 13-16 (not 100% confident on this). But hey, thanks again for requesting again, it makes my day! I also really hope that I set this up right!❤️❤️❤️
❤️🍓Soul x M!Reader x Kid pre-relationship🍓❤️
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This is all..really interesting and..exciting? Well at least for Soul, Blackstar, and you. And possibly Kid?
Anywho, Dr. Stein had informed the class about a new classmate, who was Lord Death’s own son. You and your two friends loved some action and a challenge so why not give this fellow classmate of yours a nice greeting?
You and Soul had your fair share with a battle together, you two are rather close to one another. If Blackstar isn’t there with y’all, then it’s just you and Soul. Soul prefers to be alone with you rather then Blackstar being there
So, here you three boys are, skipping Dr Steins class to go and take on this new classmate.
It wasn’t long before you came into contact with Kid. You were really stunned, you didn’t expect to see such a handsome boy..and he’s gonna be coming to this school? He’s gonna be in your class? That’s a blessing right there. Just…pure. At first you didn’t want to fight him at all because you didn’t want to damage that beauty of course. But you really did want to fight him though..just don’t aim for the face then it will be just fine.
When Blackstar ends up breaking one of the red spikes on the DWMA while giving out his awesome speech, this sets Kid off immediately. He’s complaining about the symmetry…
Your a lone weapon without a meister, upon seeing that, Kid couldn’t help but be all so curious. You’re a weapon that doesn’t have no meister at all, fighting on your very own. Shouldn’t you have a meister now..? That isn’t important right now, he has to take down the three of you.
All four of you got into fighting stance, preparing for battle. The tension between y’all was thick and intense as you all stared daggers at one another.
When Soul and you was going in to do y’all’s first move..you ended up getting pierced in the damn head. Blackstar jumped in and tried to pick Soul, who was in his weapon form up but..he couldn’t. If Soul was so heavy then how in the world did Maka swing him around as if he was a fidget spinner?
Yeah…this wasn’t going as planned as it should’ve went. Were you guys even taking this seriously one bit?? Even if you were it sure did not look like it..
This isn’t going to work out like it should. You guys can’t even sense each others wavelengths.
“Y/n…it’s over between us.” When you heard those words fall out of Soul’s mouth, you stared in disbelief..is he really breaking up with you at a time like this?
This is all so sad for the two of you. Having to spilt up away from each other like this..it’s heartwenching..it’s terrible.
Stein, Maka, and Tsubaki are all looking at the two of you as if they are watching a dramatic sad scene in a romance story.
Kid was just standing there with his guns, asking if he could shoot the two of them now. But Liz told him to hold it on back.
“Okay Soul…I understand..but..is it okay if we stay friends?” You asked him, looking away with a hand ok the back of your head. Your eyes widened when you saw Soul running to you, he wanted to be friends again!!!
You two began running towards each other so dramatically..so romantically. This was a dream come true, you two did NOT break up, you two are back together. Blackstar is running towards yall as well..
You all crash into each others arms as you all hugged each other tightly.
You all fall to the ground. This is due to Kid shooting his guns at the three of you, ending the bromance.
Y’all’s wavelength sucked like hell so you guys decided to attack Kid individually. Different and various moves were across the entrance of the school as you three were going right on at it.
You were trying to avoid hitting Kid’s face of course, you didn’t want to knock the beauty out of him.
Despite the three of you fighting with all your might, it was obvious that you three were losing as well. Kid was way more faster and flexible out of the three of you, as well as being able to have access to far distance with his twin pistols. It also didn’t help that the three of you were pitiful morons…
The fight is coming to a closure when Kid is so sick and tired of all the mess going on, fooling around. Kid decided to do his signature drop down to shoot you. You and Kid were so close to one another. Very close.
You felt heat rise to your face as your face was painted to red much to Kid’s surprise. You threw your head back as blood came out of your nose as you fell onto your back so asymmetrically.
Everyone just kinda stood there as you got a nosebleed. Kid just kept on holding his guns as he stood there staring at you. Now why on earth would you get a nosebleed? How did you get one? Why did it happen?
Black star immediately darted over to your body and started to shake you furiously, asking if you were okay and how they will kill Kid, shaking you all around. Soul on the other hand scoffed as he looked away…I think he knows why you got a nosebleed. He wished he didn’t. Feeling a little jealous…
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petertingle-yipyip · 4 months
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ten - is it over now?
tags: n/a // nine // finale // masterlist
Pairing: frank x reader, billy x reader
Word Count: 11, 189
Summary: A long time coming, one fight comes to a bloody conclusion. Another lurks in the near future, and the connection between two friends and two lover is severed.
You weren’t supposed to be in the room, so you weren’t. You weren’t supposed to linger by the door and eavesdrop, so you didn’t. You were involved in the situation after all.
Highly involved.
And not just as FBI, protecting a civilian reporter from a terrorist during an active investigation, but as an agent that let Frank Castle get away.  That sided with Frank Castle.
You may not have been in the room, but you heard it all. You managed to get a surveillance piece onto Brett’s jacket so once you flipped your implant, it was as good as being in the room with them.
They talked about Lewis’ attempt at Anvil, Billy’s denial and your consultation. You almost cursed at the connection, but at least you weren’t on the payroll for Anvil anymore. It did show that you and Billy had a relationship outside of the company, but should he and Anvil go down for Sam Stein, you wouldn’t be connected to him. Only connected to Dinah.
The word negligence was thrown around and you almost laughed. It reminded you of how Billy shoved his own team into your line of fire to save himself. A pathetic excuse of a man, cloaked by his confidence and good looks. You were glad you saw who he truly was but that didn’t make it sting any less. Not hurt, per say, just sting.
Brett interviewed Ori and then Karen, and you pretty much knew how those interviews would go so you didn’t care to listen. Dinah next, and you last.
“Best for last, huh?” You joked as you sat on the couch, running hands over your pant leg. There was no blood beside the dried remnants from the prior chaos, but they still felt soaked. Dripping, ready to stain whatever you touched. 
“Who’s story you hoping I corroborate?”
“None.” He shrugged. “I just wanna know yours.”
“Castle wasn’t working with Lewis.” You said plainly. “Everyone’s throwing the allegation but it’s not true. Lewis was a guy who was misguided by a fraud to the point that he radicalized the Punsiher’s ideology.”
“Seemed pretty radical on its own.”
“Consequence?” You brows raised. “Castle didn’t hurt random people. It was intentful. It was specified. He killed drug dealers and rapists and murderers.”
“Guess after defending him in court you’re bound to take his side.”
“You’re saying I have a bias.” You pointed out. “I was here at my bureau’s direction. Nothing was about Castle from my end.”
“So the FBI doesn’t want Castle?”
“I wasn’t dispatched for Castle. My team and I were sent to apprehend Lewis.”
“So why do my officers tell me you and Billy Russo were pointing guns at each other?”
“He shot at me first.” You shrugged. The shot was meant for Frank in all actuality, but at that point, it was all the same. “Interfering with a federal investigation. Attempted assault of a federal agent. Aggravated assault against Castle. Should I go on?”
“You’re making me wish I was dealing with Murdock again.” He huffed. “Even Nelson and the cigars he would buy my mom.”
“Yeah, they’re a lot nicer.” You agreed.
“Not even that… Just less combative.”
You shrugged. It was all the same at that point.
“You fired your weapon, Y/N.” He sighed.
“Then took off with Castle.”
“Cause he was helping me get to Karen.” You said honestly. “We saw Lewis take her and I knew Frank wasn’t going to hurt me. Wouldn’t let anyone else hurt me either.”
“Why are you so convinced he’s innocent? You want me to see a bigger picture here. Paint it for me.”
“You worked the Castle case first time around. You, on some level, know him. You don’t think he’s a terrorist anymore than I do, but the question now Brett, is whether anyone is going give someone a chance to prove that before they put a bullet in him?”
“You’re insane, you know that?”
“Yeah.” You laughed a little before you turned to leave. “So I’ve been told.”
“We’re not done.” He said, though there was no effort to stop you.
“I’ve got my own team to catch up with and an SAC to debrief. You know where to find me.”
You found Dinah and Karen talking down the hall so you walked up to them with a small smile for greeting.
“You two have a connection, I know that.” Dinah looked over at you. “So do you… If you know where he is or how to contact him, please.”
“Micro reached out to you, didn’t he?” You said quietly as you realized something. “You said a name in the stairwell.”
She nodded slightly before facing Karen again.
“I’m the best chance he’s got.” She urged.
“I’d beg to differ.” Karen looked at you and you gave a small nod before she took Dinah’s card. “He’s not what they say he is… Saved my life, again.”
You excused yourself at that point because Dex had made his way up, along with the other two from your team. They were in rough shape but definitely better than you. You could feel the bruises across your torso growing but EMS had removed the shrapnel. Your forehead was cleaned and bandaged, you having refused the stitches. 
Your SAC thoroughly chewed you out at debrief. She scolded you for abandoning your team, disabling comms, and ultimately going rogue. She said you should’ve eliminated Lewis at the beginning, before the hostage situation, then taken Castle into custody. She yelled that Billy Russo never should’ve been a player in the game. When you tried to reason that Billy had his fair part in it, she didn’t want to hear it.
You didn’t care enough to manipulate her either so you just let her talk.
Dex stepped in and backed you on siding with Castle. He said that since you knew Castle, you knew whether or not he was an asset or a threat in that situation. He even said that more people would’ve died if you tried to fight Castle.
“Wanna tell me what your plan is?” Dex asked once you two were out of your SAC’s office.
“Partner with Madani from Homeland.” You began. “Find Castle. Go after Russo.”
“What’s your deal with Russo anyway?”
“He killed a Homeland agent and a military colonel, both that I witnessed. He shot at me, obstructed a federal operation. I want to go after him, Dex.”
“So it’s personal. You’re gonna risk your career on a vendetta?”
“Exactly, my career.” You agreed. “You’re not gonna talk me out of it.”
“Alright.” He nodded. “How do we do it then?”
“We don’t do anything.” You shook your head. “Madani and I will build a case and I’ll let her bureau do the rest.”
“C’mon, Y/N/N. That’s it?”
“He killed one of theirs.” You shrugged. “What else am I supposed to do?”
“If you need my help with any of this, you call me. Got it?”
You nodded with a grateful smile before you hurried out the building. You practically ran to your car and sped across town to the compound, thanking Matt’s God for every green light.
When you got in, you found both men in the poorly lit bathroom. Shrapnel bits were littered in the sink and Frank’s shirt was torn in pieces on the floor. Lieberman moved to try and stitch the gunshot line on Frank’s temple but he jerked away. You went over and took the supplies from Lieberman’s hands, easily switching places. Lieberman wished you luck, said Frank won’t talk, and patted your back before he left.
You said nothing as you cleaned up the blood on the side of Frank’s head. A million questions lingered in the air yet neither of you dared to voice them. Saying it out loud made it real, and despite you both seeing it with your own eyes, some part wanted to deny it.
“I’m sorry.” You finally said, focusing on your stitching instead of Frank’s stare reflecting off the shattered mirror. “About Billy.”
“You knew he was dirty?” He said lowly, angrily. “That was you were trynna tell me, hmm?”
“I knew he was working with Rawlins, yeah. I wanted proof but I was holding out, hoping he was doing what I was doing. Playing both sides, looking out for you, y’know? … I was wrong.”
“How long have you known?”
“I never trusted his involvement to begin with. But I didn’t know until after he started airing the radio call. We went to that CIA safe house you found Rawlins at. I met the guy and pretty much called him out.”
You dared to look at his expression and saw a blank canvas.
“It was just before Bennett. He was there, part of my way in was being on his team, and he didn’t stop me from helping you so I guess I figured…” You shrugged, sighing heavily before you broke the thread. “It’s my fault this happened.”
“What?” He turned to you. “What are you talking about?”
“This.” You gestured to the gunshot. “I let my feelings intervene again and someone else got hurt.”
“Feelings? Y/N, what do you mean, feelings? You think you having a crush on Russo changed anything?”
You were quiet.
“You said he was dirty the whole time, so you sleeping with him or going out with him, it wouldn’t have changed anything! No, Bill… He made his choice, okay? And it’s got nothing, nothing, to do with you.”
“I should’ve led him away.” You said instead. “I should’ve smokescreened and left him in the dark like Dinah was.”
He scoffed at her name.
“I know he went behind your back going to Dinah, but he just wants to get back to his family.” You tried to defend. “Cut him some slack… I was probably gonna slip Dinah some information to get her on Rawlins’ tail soon anyway.”
“What are you gonna do now?” He asked instead.
“After cleaning you up?” You tried to joke while you moved his arm to see the gashes left from the shrapnel. “Partner with Dinah. Pretend to look for you. Go after Russo.” You rattled off the items on your mental list.
“What about the FBI?”
You shrugged. “My partner knows what I want. He’s got my back if I need him.”
“Sure you can trust this one?”
“Nope… But I’ve taken bigger gambles before. No one believed I should’ve defended the Punisher in court and he turned out to be a good guy.”
He snorted slightly.
“Madani’s gonna wanna do it the right way.” He commented, an off-handed remark that was meant as a question.
“I know.” You answered honestly.
“Do you?”
“I'm not looking for revenge. I’m looking to win. As long as he goes down, for now I don’t care how.”
You two didn’t talk about it after that. You cleaned and dressed the rest of his wounds. He offered to return the favor for your forehead but you assured him your body was already taking care of it, utilizing the heat that lived under your skin to weld yourself back together. You didn’t stay much longer either.
After you got home. Dinah called and asked for you to come to her office the next day. She assured you she had a plan and she would explain in person. Since you had no ideas on where to start, you agreed.
“Did you see the news?” She asked when you shut her office door behind yourself.
“About the hotel?”
“Billy’s interview.” She clarified.
“Oh… Not much.”
“He doesn’t get to pretend he’s a hero here.”
“Okay. So what’s the plan?”
“Well, you and I both know he killed Stein.” She began, a haunted look in her eyes.
“During a blacked-out sting attempt.” You specified. “Aren’t you worried about that at all?”
“Rafi already knows.”
You made a face at the name since you weren’t exactly sure who that was but said nothing as she continued.
“What you and I need is to get him to admit it. Or even admit just being there.”
“How do we do that? Billy’s gonna be expecting both of us to come after him.”
“Not together.”
“Probably together. He knew I’ve been talking to you about everything lately. Both of us had guns on him at the hotel. It’d be more surprising if we didn’t team up.”
“It doesn’t matter.” She said tightly, a controlled outburst. “Are you going to help me or not?”
“That’s why I’m here.” You nodded. “Even if he admits it, how do we-“
Your question was cut short when another agent stepped in and said “He’s on his way up.”
“Who’s he, Dinah?” You asked, moderately annoyed since you already knew the answer.
She simply gathered her paperwork and gestured for you to follow her. You let out a long, silent sigh as you obliged. As you went down the hall, you could feel it coming up the elevator.
Confidence, bordering on arrogance.
“When this inevitably goes sideways, step aside and let me handle it.” You said once you two were alone in the conference room, seconds ticking down till Billy’s arrival.
“Listen, just because you have some undisclosed skills doesn’t give you any authority here. You are in my department.”
“I know.” You nodded.
“This is my investigation. You don’t get to tell me how it’ll go.”
“That’s not what that was.” You shrugged. “But this is. He’s gonna come in here and it’ll seem like you’re in control until he flips it on you and suddenly, you’re playing his game. At that point, there’s three choices. One, you walk away with your tail between your legs and he thinks he’s won, which he would have. Two, you miraculously keep your composure and work your way through it. Or three, the most likely, I take over and worst case scenario, it’s a stalemate.”
“You don’t ge-“
“You came to me for help.” You cut in as light knocks sounded. “Remember that.”
Billy was ushered in and his eyes met yours first. It was as if he was looking for you. You simply gestured to the other side of the table while Dinah opened with pleasantries and moved to the camera.
“Lawyers are for the guilty.” Billy said, a pointed glance at you.
You rolled your eyes and reached behind Dinah to press the record button.
“Special Agent Y/L/N with the FBI, assisting with today’s interview.” You continued to rattle off the date and time before Dinah did her introduction. “State your name for the record, last name first.”
“Russo, William.” Billy said flatly, not making any effort to hide his annoyance.
“Mr. Russo, laid out before you are several photos from a recent crime scene.” You began as Dinah laid out the pictures. “Please examine them carefully and let us know if anything looks familiar.”
“Are you gonna Mirandaize me, Agent Y/L/N?” He deflected instead, using your name mockingly.
“No need.” Dinah answered. “Unless I decide to arrest you. We’re just talking.”
You didn’t miss the emphasis she put on it being her choice.
“Why am I here, Dinah?”
Dinah placed a photo of Stein on the table. Covered in his own blood, blood that was also on your hands. You rubbed your hands in the side of your legs when they suddenly felt warm and wet.
“Because you’re a murderer who’s gonna pay for the lives you took.”
A faint blue trail followed her fingers, hovered over the photo.
“Agent.” You said in quiet warning to which she shrugged you off.
“The only reason I was there that day was you.” Billy answered after a few seconds of him silently looking at the picture. Whether he was fabricating his story or simply digesting the empty look in Stein’s eyes - eyes you had watched the light fade out of - you couldn’t tell. “I was there to take you home. I remember going back to your place, cleaning you up, holding you all night in the same bed that you and I had repeated sexual encounters.”
“Did you and Frank Castle conduct illegal covert operations in Kandahar?” She asked instead.
“What the hell?” You muttered and dropped your forehead to your hand.
“I’m sure you’ve perused my service record. Does it indicate that I was in Kandahar?” He countered. “Here’s what I think happened. I think you’re pissed that Frank Castle got away from you. Agent Y/L/N made sure of that, didn’t she?”
The mention of your name made you lift your head and he offered your a quick smirk, leaving as fast as it came on.
“But you’re looking to blame me so you sent your guys to come down to pick me up. But now you’re realizing that maybe that wasn’t such a smart move.”
“Make your choice.” You told her quietly, nodding slightly towards Billy to say that it was the moment you had predicted.
“Now if this was official,” Billy continued and you could
practically see the gears turning in Dinah’s head. “You wouldn’t be sitting there alone.”
“She’s not alone, Mr. Russo.” You spoke up, making the decision for her. “I’d like to circle back to something if you don’t mind.”
Billy turned to you with an amused expression and gestured for you to continue.
“You mentioned sexual encounters with Agent Madani.” You began.
“What are you doing?” She asked tightly but you ignored her, refusing to break eye contact with Billy.
There was a challenge in his expression as well as yours. Neither of you would back down.
“Yes. Don’t worry, I was getting to you and I as well.” Billy replied. “And this whole thing.” He made a vague gesture to the table and between you two. “Calling you agent, kinda hot.”
“Do you have some proof of you recently being at either of our residences for any extended periods of time?”
“Cell tower pings, location tags, GPS directions. Anything like that.”
“Most likely.”
“Great, and can you provide any specific dates?”
He scoffed lightly.
“Along with that, do you have proof of what occurred during these alleged encounters?”
“Proof?” His brows raised.
“Photos, videos, explicit text messages, audio recordings.”
“You wanna know if I made a tape?” He chuckled in disbelief.
“I want to know if you can back your allegations with evidence, should anything escalate.” You countered firmly. “Can you?”
“I don’t have pictures or videos.” He spat back in annoyance.
“Doubtful. You’re very careful.”
You hummed slightly and he rolled his eyes, knowing you had beat him on that.
“Then your allegations are baseless and therefore irrelevant.” You smirked with a shrug.
Dinah pushed yourself up and shut off the camera. You sat back in your seat and folded your hands over your stomach, swiveling slightly side to side. Billy was still looking at you, an almost proud expression on his face that you didn’t acknowledge.
“You’re gonna tell me this room isn’t bugged?” Billy asked after a small stint of silence. “Can never be too careful.”
“Funny you mention that.” You offered a sarcastic expression. 
“I’ve got an offer for you, best and final.” Dinah said quickly and you spun in your chair to face her. Your brows were raised with an expectant expression. “I’ll guarantee leniency if you give me the executioners, the tortures, everything. And when I say everything, I need William Rawlins.”
You turned enough to see Billy’s reaction.
“You didn’t know I had Rawlins’ name.” Dinah bragged and again, Billy looked to you.
“Wasn’t me.” You shrugged. “Some NSA ghost story came around.”
“You killed Sam Stein.” Dinah continued. Her rage was filling the room, pushing out the air and threatening
to choke you. It was more than justice for her, though she’d never admit it. 
It was revenge. It was consequence. It was right up your alley, everything Exodus was built off of.
Maybe this was more her fight than Y/N’s. She could do more for Dinah than Y/N could. Avoid the red tape and bring a real conclusion.
“…life won’t be worth the termination-of-parental-rights form your mother scribbled her signature on.” Dinah spat and even you were taken back.
You almost said something about it but then remembered you weren’t with Billy. It was a sharp blow, even for you, but the woman was angry. And hell has no wrath like a woman scorned. You focused back in on the conversation as Dinah’s as vaguely threatening Billy before she left, leaving you and Billy alone in the room.
“Your head’s healing nice. Almost forgot you got hurt in the first place.” He commented instead of the question in his eyes. He didn’t trust the room wasn’t bugged so he didn’t dare to say what he really wanted.
“Yeah, cuts and bruises heal pretty okay for me.” You nodded. “The rib still hurts on deep breaths but that’s never gonna go away.”
“What are you doing, Y/N?” He asked quietly. “Getting mixed up in all this.”
“I’ve always been part of this, just not the way you expected. Started long before I met you, Bill… See you soon.”
You were barely out of the room when his hand was around your arm. You let out a quiet sigh while he pulled you down one of the nearby halls.
“I never wanted to hurt you, Y/N.” He said softly, the grip on your arm loosening while his thumb began to move against the fabric of your shirt. You made sure to put a hand on his chest to keep a fair distance between you two. “If there was another way…”
“Bill, all of this is your choice.” You insisted gently. “You could change it at any point if you let it.”
“I can’t…”
“I tried giving you the benefit of the doubt but you kept
proving me wrong time and time again. You put me in a position where I have to defend you time and time again. I have to bend my conviction again. I have to choose between you and him.”
“Then stop fighting!” He urged as a loud whisper.
“I can’t!” You answered in the same hushed tone. “As much as I like you, I can’t be on your side. You’ve proved that you’re not loyal to me and you’re not loyal to Frank… That man saw you as his brother, his family. How could you do this to him?”
“You like me?” He asked in genuine amazement.
“That’s what you heard?”
You scoffed to yourself and left after that, making your way to Dinah’s office. You walked in on her arguing with someone else that she introduced as Rafi, the man above her. They were yelling about the conflict of interest and you offered they watch the rest of the video but Rafi didn’t want to hear anything from you. You listened to the rest in silence but were told to find Castle and Micro.
You didn’t need to work very hard to do that.
Leaving Dinah’s office, you went straight to Frank and Lieberman. You walked in in a hurry to update them on what was going on. Dinah had gained nothing by bringing in Billy other than pissing the man off, but there was still some underlying desire to have you in his life. He didn’t want to lose you for good and you could manipulate that  but before you could say anything about the spray painted vest you caught a glimpse of, Frank had grabbed your arm.
You opened your mouth for a question but he pulled you against his chest and had his arms around you before you could find your voice. You froze for a second before returning the embrace. Maybe it was an apology for being a jerk the last time you two spoke or maybe it was just his way of saying he was glad you were okay since he hadn’t said anything about it before. Maybe even his way of saying he felt bad you lost someone else you had trusted, that he understood you were betrayed too. In all likelihood, it was all three,
“Love you, Frank.” You muttered against him. “Figured I should say it before whatever happens next.”
“Yeah, love you too, Princess.” He answered and stepped back, patting your cheek before stepping away.
There was tension in the air lingering from an argument that just finished between him and Lieberman. You looked at the former NSA agent and he gave you a look that said he wasn’t going to talk about it. Frank was rushing around, collecting gear and throwing it into the back of the van. You had moved to follow him when something on Lieberman’s monitors caught your attention.
“Guys?” You called as you moved closer to the screens. “What happened here?”
Frank was by your side first. “Go back.”
Lieberman reversed the footage and found a quick scene of two alleged cops taking Sarah and Zach. But you noticed Leo was nowhere to be seen. Lieberman and Frank were going back and forth about what to do, who would be coming, and whether Sarah would give up ‘Pete’. You were more worried about why Leo wasn’t in any of the footage.
You pushed past the bickering men and ran out to your car. You rummaged through the backseat and under your passenger seat, throwing everything out of your way until you found it. The cracked, blood-stained mask. You didn’t care if anyone saw you with it as you ran back into the compound and then began rummaging through Lieberman’s cluttered desktop. You examined different cables and adapters before finding one that matched close enough to the shape of port your mask had.
You were moving to plug both ends in, one to your mask and one to a computer, when you saw a new angle of footage. It showed the driveway and Leo jumping from one of the windows.
“Atta girl.” You said to yourself with a small smile before resuming your task, ignoring Lieberman trying to get you to stop.
“Call her.” You said, simply stating his hands away when he reached for yours.
You were furiously typing, overriding your own security protocols and verifying the use of the new device. You scrolled through the various connections and tracking devices until you found it. It was old, probably had terrible range and reception, but it was usable. With Lieberman’s interconnected network, it just might do it.
The emblem you gave Leo was one of the original trackers before they were embedded in your bodies.
You laughed in slight relief when the screen showed a mask with a small blip of the familiar hourglass shape. You were piecing together where exactly she went when Frank put the call on speaker and leaned over your shoulder to see what you were doing. You pointed to the blinking logo and looked back at him, knowing both hope and worry were reflecting in your eyes.
“Hello?” Her voice came through, panic evident.
“Hey, kiddo.” You said softly. “It’s me and Pete. We’re gonna help you but you can’t talk to anyone about it, okay? Not the cops, not anyone. You remember who I told you I was? I’m gonna handle this.”
“They took Mom and Zach.” She sniffled and your heart broke for her. “I don’t know what to do.”
“I know what they did.” Frank answered. “You have no reason to trust me but I’m right here and we’re the only hope you and your family have.”
“After this call, I need you to take the battery out of the phone.” You instructed calmly. “Throw it as far as you can. Then the SIM card, you do the same thing in the other direction. If those people try to find you, they’re gonna come up empty, okay?”
“You know where the pool in that park is, sweetheart?” Frank said after a whispered exchange between him and Lieberman. “I want you to go there, okay? You wait for us and we will come for you. Okay?”
“Okay… Okay.” 
The call ended after that and you turned to Lieberman.
“You need to go to her.” You said pointedly, pushing past him.
“You just said you two were going.” He reasoned. “She thinks I’m dead. Am I supposed to just go up to her and say ‘Hey, baby. I’ve been living in a basement for a year. I’m not dead. Come let’s-“
“Goddammit, David!” You shouted in frustration. “Your daughter is scared and on her own!”
“Hey..” Frank said quietly, putting his hand on your shoulder. You took a deep breath and nodded, collecting yourself before talking again.
“Go to your little girl, David.” You said in a calmer tone. “I’ve been where she is and when I tell you all I wanted was my dad…”
“Meet us at the Greenpoint Terminal. If we’re not there by midnight, you go to Madani.” Frank instructed.
“Only to Madani.”
“What are you two gonna do?” David asked hesitantly.
“I’ve gotta change.” You shrugged, looking down at your dress shirt. “Then wait for these sons of bitches to show up.”
“Make ‘em tell us where Sarah is. Then we’re gonna kill them all.” Frank finished.
You ran to your car and drove home quickly. You practically ran up the stairs and slammed into the locked closet. You kicked a small box that was left outside your door and figured you’d look at it later. You changed your clothes quickly, the familiar tight fitting material of your suit on your body. Instead of your specialized top from Matt, you wore your newest vest. You fit your Bites into place at your wrists, knives at your thigh and back of your belt, a gun on your hip, shock disks at the front of your belt, retractable at your wrist as well. You threw on a loose pair of sweats and a hoodie for the drive back and sped back to Frank.
You ditched your covers at your car and kept your head down as you went inside. You announced your arrival with a whistle, two quick notes that usually would’ve been answered by a second pair of notes. You arrived just as Frank was finishing his prep, hiding rifles and other gear while you made your way to the bloodied mask. You unplugged it, deleted any trace off David’s computers, and put it over your eyes.
You hauled yourself up into the rafters, tucking your feet to conceal your presence. You and Frank said nothing to each other, only exchanging looks from time to time. It wasn’t until you saw the lights coming from down the hall that you focused up. You tapped your mask and counted the bodies, noting the thermal imaging device your mask detected with one of them. Your presence wouldn’t be secret for long, but it was never intended to be. 
One of the men strayed from the group so you moved carefully from above. You timed your steps to his, careful to shift your weight evenly to avoid any sounds. Once he was completely isolated, you dropped down and landed behind him. You covered his mouth and nose with one hand while flicking out the retractable blade. You dragged the knife along his throat and felt the warm blood spill across your hand.
The familiar metallic smell lingered in the air as his body went limp in your arms. His blood was dripping from your hand and your blade as you tucked it and moved to the next one. A man a few dozen feet away. You clipped the wire between your Bites as you crept up behind him.
In a swift motion, you got the wire around his neck and yanked backwards to throw him to his face and put a knee between his shoulder blades. You pulled the wire tighter and he gasped for breath, clawed at the wire and reached behind to try to grab you. Your hand took hold of either side of his head and twisted, a sick snap echoing in the empty hall.
You met with Frank a few minutes later and made your way into the main room. There was a small team spread out so you and Frank split. You watched one of them begin a phone call so you crept closer and turned your implant to listen in. Your body grew tense when you heard the voice on the other end.
“Конечно.” You muttered in annoyance. (Of course.)
Billy warned that it was a trap but it was too late. A decapitated head came rolling in with an explosive strapped to it and when it went off, you began your next assault. Gunfire rang out on the other side of the room while you took on your targets. The three closest to you.
Panic rose in the trio as you armed your Bites and a threatening red glow emanated from the devices. You quickly fired at one before moving to a second. He raised his rifle but you ducked it and knocked it aside, causing him to fire into one of his teammates’ leg. You grabbed the knife from the back of your belt and dropped to a knee, swiping it along the inside of his knee. He cried out and buckled before you flipped the blade in your hand and drove it down through his foot.
You yanked the other leg out from under him and he fell to his back. You rolled over him and took control of the rifle to fire a quick burst at the first man you had hit with your Bite. You then pressed your device against the second one’s temple and fired, the smell of burnt flesh filling your nostrils quickly. At that point, one target remained.
You grabbed the helmet of the closest body and threw it, slamming the nose of the man limping towards you. You ran at him and took hold of the front of his shirt before flipping over him, pulling him backwards over the desk. You yanked him to the side to get him to face you before slamming your fist against his face. Bloodied punch after bloodied punch until his face was a mangled mess of blood and swollen lumps. At that point, you pulled your pistol and came around to the other side of the table. You held the man by his hair and placed your gun under his chin. He coughed up blood before you fired and he fell limp.
You made your way to Frank again as he was getting hit with heavy fire from three men. You ducked by his side and pulled the discs from your belt. Using the reflection off the blade of your knife, you ricocheted your discs to hit the furthest two. They cried out and doubled over, providing enough of a gap for you to move one way and Frank to go in another.
You went for the two you electrocuted, kicking out at the closest one’s chest to slam him into the wall behind him. You jabbed the heel of your hand into the other one’s throat before he could gather his rifle and he stumbled back, holding the tender flesh. The man behind you grabbed your arm but you quickly breaking free of his hold. You grabbed his forearm instead and forced his arm to extend. You threw your other elbow against the joint and heard the rip tendons. Without releasing his arm, you grabbed his shirtfront and threw him into his teammate.
You pulled a blade and jammed it into the closest one’s stomach, dragging it across until it came out the other side and even more blood spilled over your hands. Using the same knife, you buried it in the last man’s neck. Watching the blood spill from his lips as he choked on it.
You found Frank again in the kitchen, yelling for Russo.
“He’s not here.” You said simply, you accent in your voice as you wiped the blood splatter off your cheek. It wasn’t until then, when the adrenaline was fading out, did you feel the sharp sting on a bullet graze on the outside of your arm.
You heard groaning and turned to see one man crawling away. Or at least trying to. You walked over and pressed a foot against the slices at the back of his legs and he cried out, going limp under your weight.
“Where’s Russo?” Frank asked when he got to your side.
“I… I don’t know, man.” He said through labored, pained breaths.
“The woman. The kid. Where’s they take ‘em?”
“I don’t know, man! That was…” He tried but you shifted your weight to bring a new wave of pain. “That was need to know. I don’t know anything.”
“Fair enough.” Frank said lowly before a quick shot ended the man’s life.
“One of them called Bill when they got here and told him about that.” You stepped off the body and nodded towards the desks that still replayed Zubair’s torture and the countdown. “Check him for the phone.”
Frank patted through the pockets and found it, sitting against one of the pillars before dialing. He put it
on speaker and you sat beside him, rubbing your bloodied hands with a towel.
Sam’s blood.
Elektra’s blood.
“Frank?” Billy said after a short silence.
“The Billy Russo I knew… Oh, he’d have the balls
to come himself, y’know.” Frank said, more to you than Billy.
“The Billy Russo I knew wouldn’t be on the wrong side of this fight.” You added, letting your accent tint your words.
“I’ve got staff for that these days.” He answered calmly. “You know the saying about having a dog and barking yourself?”
“Someday, sometime, this is gonna come down to you and me.”
“What about your little friend? Sounds like she’s pretty involved too.”
“Little friend?” You repeated with a small laugh. “You haven’t figured out who I am yet?”
“You’re a wanted man, Franky Boy.” He chose to ignore you, or at least not admit that you were still a wild card. “They’ll catch up to you eventually, just like last time.”
“Guess we’re both running out of time then, huh, Bill?” Frank answered flatly.
“What’s in those computers, Frank?”
“Woman and the kid. Where are they?”
“They’re with me. Right here. Safe and sound.”
You tapped your mask and gave it a second to find the phone call. It lagged due to the cracked lens but you were able to catch on and begin tracking the call. You needed Billy on the line as long as possible to give your broken mask a chance to do its job.
“It’s everything on you, Billy.” You explained, watching the progress bar fill itself at an agonizingly slow speed. “Listen to me carefully. If anything happens to that family, the whole world will see it. They’ll see you, Bill. After that, you’re done.”
“And Zach and Sarah will be dead.” He countered sharply. “You want that family back? I want Lieberman, and I want you, Frank.”
“Sounds about right… And what about my friend in the mask?”
“The girl?” He paused, thinking it over.
“Not just some girl.” You said plainly, dropping your accent for your next sentence. “I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out, Billy.”
“Exodus.” Your accent found you again. You looked to Frank and he gave you a small nod. You sighed to yourself and pushed your mask up. “Set up the exchange.”
“You’re giving up that easy?”
“I’ve got a bigger picture.” You shrugged though it was more trust in whatever plan Frank had. “Last chance.”
“We’ll be in touch.”
You and Frank cleaned yourselves up and headed to meet with David. You called Dinah on the way and gave her the meeting point. You had thrown your sweats and hoodie back on, your mask hanging at your neck under the fabric and Bites hiding under your cuffs.
“How about it, Madani? You gonna pull your weapon on me again?” Frank joked and you smacked his arm.
“Do I have to?” She answered, making you and Frank chuckle.
“Surprised you called her.” David said, nervously looking between you two and Dinah. You looked past him and offered Leo a small wave that she returned.
“You and the princess trust her.” Frank answered and you glared at his use of your nickname. “I guess I do, too.”
“Princess?” She looked at you with a pointed expression.
“Not like that.” You shook your head and began to step away “He says it in a jackass kinda way.”
“No, it’s a ‘she gets everything she wants’ kinda way.”
“Exactly. Jackass.” You laughed.
You went around the van and opened Leo’s door. She was looking at you until Frank had joined you, then her eyes dropped to her lap.
“You did good, kid.” You said honestly. “I’m glad you had it.”
“Had what?” Her brows furrowed and she met your eyes.
“The symbol.” You smiled slightly. “Told you I’d have your back when you got it, didn’t I?”
“You guys knew he was alive this whole time?”
“Sorry about that.” You nodded. “It wasn’t safe.”
“I don’t know what to call you.” She glanced at Frank before dropping her eyes again. “Seems stupid to call you Pete.”
“I’m Frank, Frank Castle.”
“He’s a lot scarier than Pete.”
“Nah, he’s the same.” You offered and nudged Frank with your elbow before leaning closer to Leo to loudly whisper. “Honestly, I like Frank better anyway.”
Next thing you knew, you all went back to Dinah’s office. David and Leo waited in the hall while Dinah interrogated Frank. You hung out in the room, behind the camera. Initially, Dinah was against it but it didn’t take much of your power to change her mind. You knew you didn’t need to be in there but you felt protective of Frank, as both his lawyer and his friend. You simply wanted to make sure Dinah’s questioning didn’t cross a line.
Next was David’s interview, which you also hung around for. He spoke about wanting his family back, about that being his priority.
She tried to convince you to sit in front of the camera but you adamantly denied, saying your word wouldn’t change anything. You were too biased. As Frank’s lawyer and partner, you couldn’t speak on his actions without a conflict of interest. As Billy’s ex, you couldn’t speak on his actions either. As David’s associate, same thing. As Dinah’s freelance partner, nothing you said would be credible. So you erased any confidence in the idea and moved forward, getting ready to meet with Billy for the exchange.
You and the guys arrived just before the meeting time. You had no idea what would happen but you had to trust Frank had a plan, more of a plan than just killing Billy. But just in case, you gave him a hug before you got into position. You ditched your covers again and slid your mask to your face before disappearing into the shadows.
You watched the red van pull up and you pulled your gun from your belt. You felt a rush of relief when Sarah and Zach were revealed unharmed. You gripped your gun tighter when you saw the lit flare and your eyes shot to Frank. He lifted the phone to his ear so you tapped the scar in your hair and listened in, hearing Billy’s voice in your head.
Your mask was already tracing the call so you quietly began to follow the path you were given. You moved carefully, testing out ladders and walkways before putting your full weight onto them. You used the sound of the incoming DHS vehicles to cover your rapid footsteps. You came up behind Billy and grabbed the back of his jacket, pressing the other Bite against his temple.
“Miss me?” You asked, your accent dripping off your words.
“I can still pull the trigger.” He warned before you pressed your device harder.
“On who?” You looked over the scene.
Frank was nowhere to be seen and David was being grabbed. Sarah and Zach were safe behind Dinah but the firefight continued. Moments later, David went down and the scream that left Sarah froze you to your bones. It reminded you of your own scream outside Midland, watching the building go down and take Matt with it.
Billy took advantage of your distraction and as your hand gripped the railing in front of you in an attempt to jump it, he grabbed your arm and yanked to the ground. He pinned an elbow against your back and had your face pressed against one of the poles. You quickly looked down his barrel and saw he was aiming at Dinah.
“Go ahead then.” You spat, struggling under the pressure he was applying. “Kill her, then me. Make your life easier.”
Instead he shot out the front tires of both DHS vehicles and you let out a sigh of relief. You heard the clatter beside you when Billy dropped his rifle and grabbed both of your arms to haul you up with him. You struggled in his grip until he let go of an arm in favor of putting his hand on the side of your head. You had just armed your Bite when he slammed your head down to the railing.
One, two, three times till you fell unconscious.
You woke up on the cold concrete floor. Your head pounded and as you lifted it, you felt the slick feeling of drying blood. Looking over, you were in a small puddle of it. It had soaked into the band of your mask, which miraculously was still in place. Your hands were pinned tightly behind your back with zipties, practically tucked under the Bites still locked around your wrists. Your ankles were secured the same way and as you rolled yourself to your back, you felt nothing at your hip or back.
Your gun and knives were gone.
You managed to sit yourself up and began to glance around, looking for something to break the plastic restraints with.
“…geek friend is no longer with us.” You heard Billy’s voice from across the room.
“You killed him?” Frank asked quietly.
You looked around, craning your neck to see where they were. Across the room, you could only see Billy’s back and the arm of someone in the chair. That had to be Frank. The men continued their back and forth, unaware that you were awake on the other side.
“Did you pull the trigger on my wife?” Frank asked angrily and you felt a surge through your own veins, anticipation for Billy’s answer.
“On my son?”
The ultimate betrayal, more than simply siding with Rawlins. Killing Maria and the kids.
“My baby girl?”
“No.” Billy finally said and you felt some sense of relief. “No, I wasn’t there. If I was, you’d be in the ground because I wouldn’t have missed. But I told them I’d have no part in it.”
Your relief was short lived as you rolled your eyes and scooted down so your fingertips could reach the floor. You began to sweep your hands along, looking for anything. A rock, a loose screw, some debris from the previous fight. As you searched you wondered why Billy would have a part in it now. If he could so easily tell Rawlins and Schoonover no before, why not do it again? Especially when it was just Rawlins.
They continued their conversation as your search came up empty. You realized there was no other option and you closed your eyes and tilted your head against the wall. You clenched your jaw as you wrapped a hand around one of your thumbs. You pulled on the joint, moderating your breathing through your nose until it finally popped. You swallowed the groan as you released the limp digit. You flexed your hand up and got your nails under the edge of the zip tie and began to shimmy it down, over your dislocated thumb. You were silently grateful for your seemingly permanent blood soaked gloves, just as Frank was yelling towards someone else.
Your head snapped up and you tried to see again, but you knew your position was too hidden for him to see. You shrugged it off as your hands were able to separate. You pulled them in front of you and stretched out the ache in your shoulders before you looked at your ankles while popping your thumb back into place with another muffled sound.
You tried to get a finger under but those were done tightly as well. You sighed slightly and looked again, just in case your fingers missed something but you couldn’t miss what was never there. You rested the heels of your hands on your forehead and felt the edge of your mask.
The mask.
You pushed it off your head and turned it over in your hands, looking at the already cracked lens. You didn’t have the means to break it quietly but there was enough chipped off the edge that it was sharp. You tried it on the zip tie around your hand first and with a good tug, you got it to break through. At that point you brought it down to your ankles and began to saw through until it finally popped apart.
You smiled to yourself before you fixed the mask back over your eyes and crept closer to the scene, though you had to ignore the ache in your arms from your escape. Rawlins had come and gone but there was someone typing away at the computer screens, trying to get through to stop the countdown. Your first instinct was to go and help Frank, untie him before drawing Billy away, but the persistent tapping on the keyboards beside you kept plucking the strings of your nerves.
You’d deal with her first.
You crept into the area with the computers and woke one of your Bites. It hummed gently around your wrist while you stayed low to the ground to ensure no one in the next room could see you. You took one steadying breath, calculating the time you’d have between first contact and one of the men coming into the room.
Less than a minute was your best guess.
You kicked out her chair and the wheels scraped aggressively across the floor. She hit the ground with a loud groan so you reached across and covered her mouth with your hand. You aimed the other Bite and fired on her quickly, a sharp yelp coming from her before she fell limp. Small convulsions raked through her body though her eyes were closed. You stayed in your kneeling position and peeked over at the screen, finding comfort in the countdown that was still ticking. Cursor blinking in the box asking for a password
“Who are you protecting, hmm?” Billy asked and you dared to stand fully, relieved to see just him and Frank in the room and neither were looking at you. “Maria? Y/N?”
Your heart jumped at your name, triggering the set of explosions in your chest that you thought would betray you. You watched in quiet interest while Billy wiped some of the blood dripping from Frank’s mouth and nose.
“She’s probably the one person in this city you don’t need to protect.” He chuckled and you saw the faintest of pinks falling from his words. The thought of him loving you, it really made his firm stance against you so confusing, but for all you knew Billy was just as confused.
“Doing all this for Y/N/N isn’t gonna change anything. They’re dead. They’re dead because of you. And I get it. It’s a heavy, heavy burden… Time to put it down.”
“Don’t die on me, Frank.” You said to yourself. “I need a little more time.”
You ignored the words Billy was saying while you went back to the desk, finding the cable you had used when you first connected your mask to find Leo. You tried to move things quietly, given your rummaging was the only sound in the place. After what felt like an eternity, you found it. You pulled your mask around your neck and connected it. You typed carefully, gently pressing the keys to work through the security. When it came to the ocular scan, you were able to use a zoomed image saved in your mask. You had just gotten in when you felt slapped with the despair, the submission, and it left a cold feeling across your skin. You collected whatever would be dispersed when the timer ended and slid them over to be copied to your mask before picking up your head.
“It’s gotta be you.” Frank said and your heart sank immediately. “It’s gotta be clean. Just don’t let him take me, Bill. Don’t let him hurt her.”
“The… The princess. You gotta promise me that.”
How could he be worried about you in a time like that?
“Frank…” You tried to speak but you had no voice. Just a strained whisper of your friend’s name.
No, not your friend.
Your family. Your brother.
You understood then, the reasons you expected Billy to be loyal to Frank were the exact reasons you were, and that’s why it twisted your stomach so tightly. You fought beside Frank by chance, same as Billy. You risked your life at Frank’s side, same as Billy. You stood beside Frank in a storm of blood and bullets, same as Billy. Parched him up, trusted him with your life even when everyone told you not to. But on the other side, you stayed at his side without doubt. Billy left.
“He’s not gonna touch her.” Billy said honestly. “I promise.”
You weren’t exactly sure if you found comfort in that or not. What you did know from that was you had leverage, and you’d need as much of that as you could get.
There was a subtle pinging from your mask so you held it up enough to see that the files were copied. You disconnected the device and fit it back to your face as Billy summoned two men - who you hadn’t noticed and miraculously didn’t notice you either - to bring Frank to the computers.
Billy got into the room first as you were finding a hiding spot. Under the back corner of the desk, behind the leg among the mess of cables underneath. They stepped over the woman’s body and you saw Billy’s steps falter. Your hand hovered at your hip but remembered your gun was gone. You sighed to yourself and rested your hand over your bent knee, forced to depend on your own strength and your Bites. He said nothing and a bit later, the men slammed Frank’s chair down. You watched him draw closer, blocking your hiding spot from view as he spoke. Rawlins had entered as well while Frank was typing.
Soon after, a small alert popped up in the corner of your mask. You carefully tapped your mask and it displayed the live camera feed from David’s systems on the roof above you. You realized quickly that Frank was potentially going to push Rawlins, that way if he died that day, at least it’d be on tape.
That crazy son of a bitch.
The screaming was next, sending a jolt of adrenaline through you. Billy had moved out of your way so you reacted quickly. You kicked out his knees so he fell to the ground and you climbed out of your hiding spot. 
You moved to stand but Billy grabbed your ankle, causing you to stumble and give him enough time to get up. You spun quickly when his grip released, a small growl at the base of your throat as you faced him. He looked at you with slightly widened eyes before you moved at him. You threw sharp combos of punches, alternating hands and targets, switching your feet and ducking his attempts to hit you back. On one swing, he pushed your hand away but the movement was enough to flick out the knife at your wrist. You chuckled in disbelief, having completely forgotten about the discreet weapon, before yanking your arm back and slicing the tip of Billy’s shoulder.
You shoved your shoulder into his chest to knock him back before you hurried to kneel at Frank’s side. He looked at you in complete shock and you ignored the look while you wiggled the tip of the blade under the ziptie. Before you could break it, a heavy boot slammed your side. It knocked the air from your lungs as you fell to the ground. Looking back and clutching your side, Rawlins stood over you with blood dripping down his chest and neck. He was breathing heavily before he slammed his foot into the side of Frank’s head and your friend went limp.
He came closer to you and you saw Billy coming up behind him. You quickly decided you didn’t need or want that man to save you so you helped yourself. You waited until Rawlins was within your reach and you swiped your blade in a wide arc and sliced both of his legs. You then kicked out at the new wounds and the man fell into Billy. You ran after that, just far enough away that you could get into the rafters, though neither man had the audacity to chase you.
You waited a few minutes and just as you were going to sneak back in, your implant was pinging with a phone call. You denied it but it came again. With a silent groan, you climbed down and snuck out the back entrance you usually crept in through.
“What?” You said sharply.
“What did you do to my cameras?” David asked quickly on the other end.
“Your cameras?”
“I’m trying to access them but it says they can’t broadcast. You said you messed with them. What did you do?”
“What are you…” You began before you remembered. “Right, shit. When I first got here and I didn’t know or trust you, I blocked any and all broadcast. Only connected devices can get to the feed.”
“Well unblock it!”
“I can’t.”
“What do you mean you can’t?” Dinah asked, her voice further away than David’s.
“I don’t have that tech with me.” You said honestly. “I might be able to do it through my mask but there’s no guarantee… What do you need the cameras for anyway?”
“These men need to be arrested!” She urged. “We need to see what’s happening.”
“There are no arrests to be made here!” You argued. “Madani, I worked with you because I needed to know what you knew. But this talk of- of trials and arrests, you sound like Daredevil and look where that got him. It ends the way Frank decides it ends…. Жизнь за жизнь.” (A life for a life.)
“Can I undo it from here?” He asked instead.
“Maybe.” You shrugged, not caring to argue. “Can you read Russian?”
“It’s a Russian program. If you can read it, the override key is Daredevil, Отчаянный. And the confirmation is Romanoff, Романофф.”
“Why would you do it in Russian?”
“It’s my first language, dude. Look, I gotta go.” You hung up quickly.
You took a deep breath of fresh air and looked back at the door.
You could leave. You didn’t have to stay, didn’t have to fight. You could go home, lick your wounds and take on Billy on your own if Frank didn’t finish it.
But what kind of friend would that make you? What kind of person would that make you?
You’ve gotta see it through, sweetheart.
You could hear Matt’s voice in your head.
You’ll be alright. Save Frank to save yourself.
You weren’t even worried about yourself.
So you went back inside. You snuck in quietly and stayed low, hiding in shadows and behind the clutter David left behind. You watched the scene unfold with a sick feeling in your stomach, enough to make you want to puke. But you swallowed it down, forced it to the bottom of the chasm in your chest.
Every punch Rawlins landed on Frank was paired with an echoing explosion. You were still there, in front of Midland as it went down. And the Matt in your head might’ve been right. To get yourself out of there, to save yourself, you had to save Frank.
“I made him a promise.” You recognized Billy’s voice as you got into the room, shimmying behind some pile
of crates.
“I don’t care about your promise.” Rawlins spat and the anger was hot, even in your hiding spot. “Why don’t you make yourself useful and go find the girl?”
“The girl?” Billy nearly laughed. “You do realize that was Exodus, right? She wiped the Russian syndicate off the map by herself. She cleared Yakuza from the city. Took on Wilson Fisk. She don’t wanna be found, no one’s gonna find her.”
“Oh… I see.” Rawlins nodded and you clicked your mask to watch from the camera. “You’ve gone soft for her.” He mocked. “You think she cares about you, Russo? If she’s so dangerous, then you're only alive to serve her purpose. Once she’s done, she’ll put a bullet in you unless you get to her first.”
“She’s not gonna kill me.” Billy shrugged and your brow quirked at the confidence. “And I’m not gonna kill her. But I am gonna kill him.”
“He does not get to die easy!” Rawlins yelled.
“He’s taken too much from me.”
“Like what?” Billy challenged and in any other scenario, you would’ve thought it to be sort of hot.
You stopped paying attention after that, wondering how you were going to get the men out of the room. You considered going after their hacker again, but you’d already shocked the girl once. Doing it again might just kill her. You could head back into the rafters, call them and lure them away. Throw something down the hall and watch them panic, but that might only get one. You were calculating different options when Frank’s agonizing scream sounded and you nearly exposed yourself.
“This doesn’t serve me!” Billy yelled and you saw two sets of feet moving away. Looking at the small camera image at the corner of your vision, Billy had pulled Rawlins off.
Rawlins calling Billy a gutter rat seemed to strike a chord with you that you didn’t understand, nor did you try to. You stepped out carefully, gently guiding the blade out of its position hidden under your Bite, and crept behind Rawlins. Billy’s eyes darted over and saw you coming but instead of saying anything, he moved to be behind Frank and put his gun to his head.
You reacted quickly in turn, putting an arm around Rawlins’ neck and kicking out his knees to force him to the ground. You pulled back the arm around his throat and pressed the tip of the blade under the man’s chin.
“Nice to know you’ve got good things left to say, Bill” You said simply, your familiar accent rolling off your tongue with ease. “But if you hurt him, I will kill you.”
“Stand down, Lieutenant!” Rawlins shouted, a strained sound.
You heard a faint click, not one of the handgun Billy held but something else. Like plastic breaking. After a second, Billy stood and held his gun up in surrender.
“And you.” You said to Rawlins, pushing the tip enough to break skin. “Beating on a man who cannot fight back. That’s low, even for me. Is it because you’re afraid?”
“I’ll kill you.” He breathed. “After Castle, you’re dead.”
You looked up and saw Billy moving closer, a hand out to you in question. You clenched your jaw and yanked your blade, cutting a long line across the bottom of his chin before you threw him to his face. You reached down and took the gun from his holster, tucking it into yours instead.
“No, I don’t think I am.” You answered. “I took out Russians and Yakuza, remember?”
You let Billy grab both of your arms and put them behind your back. Rawlins had gotten to his feet and reached for something off the table, a blue rod in either hand. You tried to see it better but he shoved the object against your stomach, between the armored plates and you felt a needle pierce your skin.
You gasped in shock and Billy pulled you backwards as Rawlins turned to Frank and laughed. You sudden felt a tingling sensation across your body, as if all of your limbs had fallen asleep and were waking back up. You could feel your heart steadily picking up in your chest, a strange stutter in its rhythm. It made you dizzy, uneasy on your feet and falling into Billy. You watched him stick Frank with the other and he sat upright in his chair.
“Adrenaline…” You muttered, shaking your head to clear the symptoms. You could feel them fading, the heat under your skin burning through the excess hormone, but that didn’t make the physical effects any less.
“Frank…” You tried but got no reaction, not even when Rawlins leaned in with what looked like an ice pick in his hand.
“Frank!” You yelled, using every square inch of air in your lungs as Billy dragged you towards the computers.
You watched as Frank got his revenge, beating on Rawlins before shoving his thumbs into the man’s eye sockets. It was a grotesque scene but well warranted, all things considered.
You fought out of Billy’s hold and stumbled down the short stairs, making your way to Frank’s side. The two exchanged comments as you fell to your hands and knees beside your friend. You were reaching for the gauze at your belt when you heard the Homeland announcement. Your intent shifted to the borrowed gun and you lifted it as Billy aimed his gun at Frank.
You fired without hesitation and grazed his hand. You didn’t pay attention to where he went. Instead you dropped the gun and focused on Frank. David was quick to get to the ground beside you and Dinah stood a few feet away in quiet shock.
“Dammit, Dinah.” You said sharply. “Help me. Help him!” You began shouting. “He did all of this for your goddamn justice and all you can do is stand there!”
“Put your hands up!” An agent yelled but you ignored him, staring daggers at Dinah while you were holding Frank’s hand. You knew you were projecting your desperation, the need for him to survive, but you didn’t know how it came across to him.
“Hands up, now!” He yelled again and you felt the rifle at the base of your skull.
“Jesus Christ, Madani, do something!” David shouted.
“Если нет, ваши люди снова умрут.” You warned lowly. (If not, your men will die, again.)
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silentexplorer18 · 3 months
Of Ninja Meisters and Unskilled Weapons
Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Fandom fusion of Naruto and Soul Eater
Graduation is supposed to be the best-ever first day of the rest of your life. But when you're paired with Ninja-Meister Kakashi, an academy graduate notorious for not wanting a weapon, the first day of the rest of your life is anything but exciting. As you and Kakashi slowly begin to understand one another, you both learn that communication is the only way to overcome kishins and your reservations.
There was a question eating away at him. One he’d been wanting to ask since that evening of shared tea. Ever since that strangely intimate night. “What’s my soul like?” Kakashi’s expression remained carefully neutral, even if he was secretly curious. You hummed, and silent contemplation stretched between you for one long, slow moment before you murmured, “Guarded.” You sighed, nose tucking into the space between his shoulder and neck, and Kakashi had the good sense to feel slightly embarrassed by your response. “Very, very guarded.”
Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Reader, Hatake Kakashi, Franken Stein, Spirit Albarn | Death Scythe, Umino Iruka, Marie Mjolnir, Yuuhi Kurenai, Shinigami-sama | Lord Death, Nakatsukasa Masamune
Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Ambivalent companions to friends to lovers, Kishins, battle, blood and injury, major character injury, chakra, fluff and angst, happy ending, slow burn, cuddling and snuggling, injury recovery, Stein is the bestest friend ever, mild language
Chapter One is on AO3!
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Just Like Our School Days
Franken Stein X Reader
Word Count: 796
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You had always been a timid person, you never really made yourself the center of attention, you never wanted people to be looking at you, you just wanted to get through school and move on with your life. Some would think it was funny but you never made it out of the school building you were now a teacher, you helped many children since you started teaching but you still as you did in childhood kept yourself to yourself.
Over the years there were a few kids that stuck in your head but there was one that always sought you out, Black Star, he tested all of his ninja moves on you and you were happy to give poor Tsubaki a break. People were often reminded of why you were such a feared and respected meister whenever they saw Black Star make a move, you easily dodged or blocked an attack most of the time you weren’t even looking in the direction that had come from. Before long Maka came seeking your advice on battle techniques and you were more than happy to help her and Soul. You were happy in the life that you had, while your soul itself molded well with any other soul that it came into contact with, you became the place holder for most weapons when training until they found their ideal meister.
You enjoyed the way that your life was working out but it was about to change drastically because of one new teacher Frankien Stein. You had known him when you were in school and he played with you then, teased you because you were too timid to fight back. This had changed since then but the sight of the man still elicited the same feeling because when it all came down to it the problem was that you thought he was attractive and apparently that hadn’t changed.
You were sitting in your office marking work and your door opened, you glanced up and saw Stein was standing there “I was told that you were working here but I thought you wanted to get out of here the first chance you got.” He said as he walked around the office. “Turns out teaching was the way to go.” You mumbled as you moved to the next paper. “Mm.” He hummed as he walked around the back of the desk, you tried to ignore the imposing presence but that only lasted so long. “Do you need something?” You asked. “You're more talkative than when you were younger.” He smirked as he leaned over your shoulder. “You're being too lenient, they only have half the explanation there.” “Will you go and find someone else to bother?” You asked. “That would be no fun.” He said as he leaned closer to your ear. “Do you not have a job to do?” You asked. “That’s why I’m here actually, I need your help for my next demonstration.” “Why is that?” You mumbled. “I hear you are the best meister around and you used to be able to hold your own against me and my soul wavelength.” His hands caging you in on either side of the desk, his chest almost touching your back. “When?” You asked. “Tomorrow morning.” He answered. “Fine. Now will you leave?” You asked. “Of course Chameleon.” He smiled as he walked out of the office leaving you with the memory of the first time that he had called you that.
You had been sitting in the back of the class hoping that no one noticed you, you never needed a weapon to keep up but people still teased you sometimes, you were writing notes “What are you doing up in the back?” You glanced up at Stein, the kid that everyone was afraid of, he was dangerous in more ways than one but you were able to withstand his most dangerous attack and steal his weapon so he was very intrigued by you. “Staying out of everyone else's way.” You answered as you continued to write your notes, eye down on the table and voice small. “You know you're supposed to leave the classroom at lunch, little chameleon.” He teased as your eyes shifted to him for a second, you wanted to ask about the nickname but you couldn’t bring yourself to open your mouth. “You're cute when your speechless.” “W-what?” You asked. “You’ll be on my table one day…” He smirked as he looked down at you “one way or another.”
You never found out what he meant by that sentence, you weren’t even sure he’d remember that he said it but now that you have to work with him and he didn’t seem to have changed, maybe you’d found out what he meant all those years ago.
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stein x reader smut
You have only been steins weapon partner for a couple of months now. You enjoy living with him, and helping with his experiments. But while you've been here the one thing you haven't been able to have, is sex. Your not the kind to want a relationship, but you're still alive. As a living being, you have the biological urge for sex, as stein would say.
Youve noticed his lingering glaces lately. It's not like you've made it easy to ignore you. Walking around in a t shirt and panties most of the time. But still he hasn't made a move, and your starting to get impatient. So tonight, you plan to jump him.
You start to walk through the lab in search of the stitched man. You find him at his desk, his mind absorbed in the screen so he doesn't see you yet. You walk slowly, with purpose to the man and spin his seat around to face you.
"What are you..?" He says before your lips crash into his. Your legs going around his to straddle him in the chair.
"Well stein" you say "what I really, really want right now is sex, and I was hoping you would indulge me."
The only answer he gives is a growl, as he grabbed your hips. You start kissing and biting down his neck. Trying to gain control in the situation he ruts up against you. A moan leaves both of your mouths.
Stein takes this moment to pick you up from the chair and set you on his desk. Brushing away the keyboard and papers. Grabbing the collar of his coat, you pull his mouth back to yours. His tongue licks your lip asking for permission. Which you plan to deny until he grinds into you again, causing a moan to slip from your lips. He takes this opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. You battle for dominance but you very quickly loose. So whole stein explores your mouth, you push his coat off.
You tug at his shirt, and he takes it off for you. But Stein decides you are far to clothed. Taking his scalpel, he cuts your shirt off.
"No bra, huh (y/n)?" He says, just heavy in his voice now. His large hands start kneading your breasts. Eliciting another moan from your lips. It suprises you because you never get this reaction when you touch yourself.
You close your eyes, enjoying the sensation. You hear a thud suddenly, looking through half lidded eyes you can see stein has removed his pants. Leaving him in only his boxers. You take a moment to appreciate his body. But he doesn't give you much time. He starts grinding into you again. You gasp, and grasp onto his shoulders. He sets a relentless pace, earning a few soft moans from himself.
You can feel the bubble in your stomach growing now. Just as you think it might burst he stops. You look up confused.
"I need you. Now." He says. Eyes filled with hunger. You shudder. Partly because your anxious for what's about to come, and partly of pride knowing that you did this to him.
He pulls your underwear off, and quickly drops his as well. You gasp in suprise. His penis is larger than you anticipated. Free from the confides of his boxers it now stands proudly at his stomach. But much like before he doesn't give you much time to admire it.
He slips on a condom before he positions himself at your entrance, and pushes in slowly. Allowing you time to adjust to his size. It hurts at first but soon that's replaced with pleasure. You grind up at him, signaling he can move now. And fuck did it feel great when he started to move. Pulling his shaft most of the way out before shoving it back in. You hear him groan into your neck.
Breathlessly you ask "please stein, faster." You think he might not have heard you but he obliges. Gripping your thigh for better support, he rams into you. You moan loudly, and he pulls your hair in response. Desperate for more friction. Your hand goes down to your clit and starts rubbing circles. You moan loudly again, resting your forehead on steins shoulder. You feel the bubble in your stomach start building again. You know you won't last much longer.
"Stein," you say. "About to.."
"Me too" he grunts
He feels your walls start to clench around him. You bite his shoulder, but he doesnt mind. He always did like a bit of pain. He watches as pleasure washes over your delicate features, and he keeps pounding watching you ride out your orgasm. But his thrust are getting sloppy. You are very tired after your orgasm, but hold out for steins. You feel his member twitch inside of you, with one more thrust he stops. Riding out the waves of his own orgasm. His head resting on you. After a few seconds he pulls out of you. Removing the condom before tying it and throwing it away. Both of you still breathing heavy.
He looks up at you and says "maybe we should do that more often."
You laugh lightly and respond "yeah I think I'd like that"
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 years
Masterlist: Franken Stein x Reader
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💀 = Angst and/or Adult Themes 🌸 = Fluff 💌 = Personal Favourite 🔥 = Smut 🎵 = Song Fic / Contains Lyrics ✅ = Finished Series ❌ = WIP/Hiatus
Each and every Work has it's own detailed Warnings listed.
lucent. 💀 🌸 x GN! Weapon! Reader Reader cares for Stein even when madness is about to devour him.
Sleeping Beauty 💀 🌸 🔥 💌 x Fem! Death Scythe! Reader Stein drugs you for his experiments, but ends up doing something else instead. (18+)
Metamorphosis 💀 🌸 x Fem! Weapon! Reader After his lover dies, Stein does everything to get her back.
Chemistry 💀 🌸 🔥  💌 x Fem! Death Scythe! Reader ❌ AU where your Soulmate's initials are imprinted on your soul, together with a color that determines their personality. (18+)
[Read here] 🌸 x Fem! Pregnant! Weapon! Reader HC's for Stein as dad of twins.
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dark9896 · 2 years
Old School Trinkets [Raju x Reader]
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This fun little fic was requested by anonymous 🚩
Raju was tired. This last blood breed really did put up too much of a fight. Though, landing in the window and not seeing you at all, no matter where he went in the apartment... Worried him greatly.
Until he noticed the calendar. The square with today's date written all over and circled excitedly.
Ah yes, Raju remembered. You had been excited about something called a Renaissance fair. While he didn't understand what that fully meant, you being so happy had been something Raju couldn't bring himself to stop.
And he wasn't kept waiting too long for your return either. Though the large bags in your hands made him curious. What kinds of trinkets did you find? What sorts of things did you find interesting on your own?
Turning over several small trinkets of faux gold and jewel encrusted goblets and chalices, Raju had to admit that these trinkets did look rather authentic. And frankly somewhat familiar. He could recall coming across things like this and just leaving them alone. Except the jewels were genuine. There was a crested blanket, a flag with the same insignia, even a nice looking helmet amid your new gear.
But Raju was a bit upset when you showed him a specific weapon based object, a finger guard that was also a sharp and pointy blade. It made you look like you had a claw instead of a fingernail. Even if that was the point of the object, it was still dangerous. As were the bladed weapons.
While most of them were short swords you could easily wield yourself, the greatsword and broadsword you managed to find were less so. How had he missed that those were attached to your hips? Why would you purchase such things? Did you really mean to decorate with them?
Though, you did mention getting mounts for each. Pulling several small kits from one bag and pointing out where you wanted to hang each sword. So Raju couldn't remain too worried about you injuring yourself trying to use a weapon.
"And I thought you'd like this." Raju looked at the large stein, "So you could use it when you travel for work."
"So I can..." Raju turned it around, looking over the details of the ingrained wolves and bears, "A mug? What would I even use it for?"
"Well, it is sealed." You pointed to the cap, "And it also has a special knot system so it hangs upright around your neck. It can hold about 40 ounces of liquid. Maybe something to drink? Or soup?"
Raju looked back at the mug and then at you. Yes, he would likely use it for his next mission. He liked that idea.
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ath16blf · 1 year
Off topic Little soul (x Reader) (1/X)
I just wanted to do it, waiting for requests Danganronpa or JSHK/TBHK. I will maybe continue that.
Death City, this beautiful city where master Shinigami founded Shibusen a school where meisters and weapons learn things so that the Kishin will never again be reborn with two classes. One of the name of EAT for Especially Advantaged Talent for those who become agents of Shibusen and NOT for Normally Overcome Target to have the theoretical teaching. Oh ? Do you wonder what class you are in? Hey well, this is going to sound cliche to you but you are in the EAT class, Maka class, Soul class etc… Which is much easier for me since the spin off was a disaster with some good ideas.
But let's get back to the most important thing, right? You, the main protagonist (your first name), a meister with a smaller than average soul. You are a partner with Seira whose last name you do not know, it is a sword that can change its size at will. She is a very understanding weapon, loves jokes, sociable and kind, she has brown hair and green eyes as for you you have hair (hair color) and eyes (eye color), you are very talented in drawing, peaceful at heart where you never provoke duels. You have captured 5 Souls that have become Kishin Eggs so far.
You walk towards the class where your classmates are waiting but something jostles you and you can tell right away that it is a wheelchair. “Oops miscalculation” given his voice it is Professor Franken Stein that you have never been able to appreciate given his sadism and his ability to see and feel the lengths of souls. You don't answer and you continue on your way before realizing that you have class with him so you sit annoyed next to your partner.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Soul Eater Professor Stein x Reader - Friends Pt 1
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Summary: You are an alumnist of the DWMA and are asked to return to aid in the war against Asura. 
Warning: mentions of drugging, abuse, and toxic relationships
"You know, Marie, you don't need a husband to be happy. You're a lady big shot, ya know? You don't a man to validate your worth!" you patted the blonde on the back as she dried her hands.
"Exactly. Look at us, three strong women. Lord Death called us back for a reason, Marie. We are valuable." Azusa said, adjusting her glasses.
"Oh, that's easy for you two to say! You're still young, in your prime! You just don't understand." Marie protested, biting her thumbnail.
"Marie, we graduated together..." you reminded, suddenly aware of your friend staring intently at the toilet of an open stall.
"Uh, Marie? What are you doing?" The sharp ravenette asked cautiously.
"I'm just going to marry this toilet." she deadpanned.
"You've got to be kidding!" you exclaimed, hoping she was joking.
"Oh, it's so perfect! Toilets take everything and anything! What a perfect husband!" she gushed.
"W-Wait hold on! This is the ladies' room! That's probably a lady toilet." You pointed out.
"Yeah! And what if it sprang a leak?" Azusa aided.
"A leak?! How independent!" Marie glared intently into the stall. "It's over!"
Her break up was accompanied by the sound of shattering porcelain.
"Come on, let's go see Death." she said, walking out of the room with a content smile.
"Marie the pulvarizer, still hardcore as ever..." You muttered following her.
"Yeah, there is no way she's retiring anytime soon."
In the Death Room, Shinigami informed you of Asura's awakening, and of the new staffing arrangements, causing Spirit to lose his absolute mind.
"No, no! Spirit, of course you are still going to be my personal weapon. Honestly, you are the only Death Sythe, who is actually a Deathe Sythe! Have a little more confidence in yourself." Death clarified, gaining worship from both Spirit and Justin.
"Now, that being said, of course, we'll need more protection, here in the city. Marie, (Y/N), that's where you two come in." he began.
You and Justin were alike in the way, that you had both made yourselves into Death Sythes. Unlike him, Stein had helped you gather a good portion of your souls. You had been sweethearts and partners in school, but you had decided to disband your partnership due to his aggression. After your break up, you found it difficult to fully trust others, ultimately leading to your decision to continue your journey to graduation alone.
"Marie, I'm assigning you as Stein's new partner." Lord Death began again, causing Maire to complain heavily. "And as for you, (Y/N), I am tasking you with being responsible for the Demon Sword, as well as being a back up for Stein, in the event that Marie become injured, or unable to rise to the occasion. You will follow them to every mission to offer your assistance."
"Yes, sir." you bowed.
"Well, I think that's about it!" the chipper reaper clasped his hands together cheerily. "Class dismissed!"
As you al began to file out of the room, Spirit and yourself were beckoned beck to Death's attention.
"Just a minute, you two. I have something to talk to the two of you about in private." he said as  returned to our spots from the briefing.
"Spirit, I'm sure you're already aware of the madness that threatens to consume Stein's soul." He began as Spirit nodded with a stern expression.
"Yes, sir. I am."
"And, I know, his former partners, you're both well aware of what he is capable of." you both nod. "I am tasking the both of you with keeping an eye on him, we need to make sure that Marie has no chance of coming to harm as his partner. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes, sir." Spirit bowed.
"Of course, sir." you bowed as well.
"Very good, thank you both."
Later that day, you and Spirit had been walking around Death City. He was taking you to meet a few of your students, and of course, his darling daughter.
"Wow, how old is little Maka now? I don't think I've seen her since her first birthday."
"She's fourteen! Can you believe it? And she's every bit as strong and beautiful as her mother." he gushed, pulling a picture of her out of his wallet and shoving it into your hands. You couldn't believe the resemblance.
You had been close friends with Maka's mother since childhood, and it pained you that she would no longer contact you, due to your remaining closeness with Spirit.
"She really does look just like her mother. But I'm sure she got all of that strength and control from you, Spirit." you smiled gently, handing back the photo. "Both of us know how much it takes to restrain Stein and keep him in line. You were always so good with him." you reminisced.
"He's an easy guy to read, if you know what to look for. But I'm sure you know all about that, seeing that you were lovers and all." Spirit elbowed your side, causing you to blush.
"It's not like that, Spirit. We were just kids, teenagers. We didn't know what love was. We were just...close friends, that's all."
"Close friends don't do the things you did, (Y/N)." he said, suddenly becoming serious. "You were both my best friends, still are. You both told me everything."
"What do you mean?" you asked, trying to convince yourself of your innocence.
"Close friends don't kiss, or cuddle, or share the feelings the two of you shared. Close friends don't have se-" his deadpanned monologue was interrupted by the sound of children playing, accompanied by the sound of a ball dribbling it's way down a concrete basketball court.
"Oh, hi (Y/N), Spirit!" Marie greeted with a sweet smile.
You hated when she smiled at you that way, like she had forgotten what happened. That she was over you slipping her first love away from her, then breaking his heart.
"Hey guys. Are these our students?" you asked with a forced smile.
"Yep! And there's my sweet Maka!" Spirit gushed, watching her walk over to him.
Oh! Miss (Y/N)! It's been so long!" the blonde smiled at you with a hug.
"Yeah, it has. I'll have to take you shopping soon, to catch up. I still have all of your letters, ya know?" you smiled, hugging her back.
"Wow, really?" she asked, in awe. You nodded.
Even though you hadn't seen Maka in years, she had always seen you as an aunt, and you often exchanged letters, though you hadn't lately.
"Anyways...Papa. I was...wondering if you'd like to hangout..."she stuttered, obviously highly embarrassed. "Like, Saturday?"
The next several minutes were filled with Spirit 'happy puking' and Maka confronting him. You sat beside Stein on the bench, to join in on the adults' conversation.
"Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but I'll need to stay at your place until I can find an apartment. I hope that's alright." Marie chuckled nervously.
"Oh, me too," you jumped in. "I hope that isn't an issue."
"That's fine, but neither of you have the right to cry if you wake up dismembered." he chuckled.
"I have every faith in you." Maria giggled.
"It wouldn't be the first time." you laughed nervously.
You had finally settled into your old room in Stein's laboratory. You wiped your forehead with a victorious sigh.
"Knock, knock." a familiar monotone voice said from the open doorway. You smiled gently.
"Oh, hello, Stein." you said, walking toward him.
"Join me for tea?" he asked, holding a can labeled 'Coffee'. You chuckled, following him into the living room.
"Sure." you sat on the soft, giggling as he heated the beverage in a glass beaker.
"What's so funny?" he asked, amused.
"Somethings never change, do they?" you asked.
"A lot has changed, (Y/N)." he suddenly took on a serious tone.
"Like what?" you asked, cautiously.
"Appearances, for one thing." he turned around to hand you a beaker, taking a seat in an armchair.
"Yeah, I have to admit, the bolt was a nice touch." you giggled. "And the stiches really suit you."
"Thank you, but I actually meant you." he said, sipping his tea.
"I don't think I look so different, do you?" you asked, suddenly feeling self conscious.
"I do, actually." he began, his eyes flicking up to meet yours. "You're so much more beautiful than I remember." You blushed deeply, trying to contain your embarrassment.
"O-Oh, thank you, Stein. That's very sweet."
"I missed you, (Y/N)." he said aloofly, avoiding eye contact.
"I missed you too, Stein, and Spirit and everyone else. It's very nice to be back."
"You know that isn't what I mean." he deadpanned.
You suddenly felt a wave of unease wash over you. "Stein, where's Marie?"
He chuckled. "She's spending the day with Maka and the Demon Sword. She's home be home until late." his eyes darted to yours again. "Is that an issue?"
"N-No, of course not." you tried to calm yourself down as he set his beaker down and sat on the couch beside you.
"You haven't even touched your tea, (Y/N)." he pointed out. "It'll get cold if you don't start drinking soon." he smirked.
"O-Oh, yeah sorry." you nervously sipped it, noticing that it tasted different from what you were used to drinking with him.
"Do you still have the scars?" his query caught you off guard. You had many scars, but you knew exactly which ones he was referring to.
"Which scars? I have many." you tried to deflect, hoping he'd ask about an old battle wound.
"You're a very smart girl, (Y/N), don't play stupid. I don't like stupid girls." his words weaseled themselves into your stomach, giving you butterflies.
"Do you still have the scars that I gave you?" your eyebrows furrowed.
"Yes, Stein. I do. Their scars, and they will never fade. Don't be stupid. I don't like stupid boys." you mocked him, turning your head.
Stein took hold you your wrist. "Oh, I'm no stupid boy, I assure you, (Y/N)." he cooed.
You scoffed, familiar with his brand of subduction, and determined to not melt into it. "You're right, you're a stupid man, then again, there isn't much difference, is there?"
"I'd watch your tongue if I were you. Who are you to insult me in my own home? Don't be such a brat." he smirked, letting go of your wrist and rising to a stand.
You tried to stand with him, but fell back to your previous position. "Death, my head hurts. you groaned.
"Finish your tea, dear, you'll feel better." he persuaded.
"Y-Yeah, you're right." you stuttered, taking the last swig of your now cold tea.
You felt your vision begin to blur, falling back onto the patchwork cushions.
"I'll see you in a few hours, (Y/N)." Stein cooed, caressing's your cheek before the room faced to black.
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