#stella's really fun to analyze
tadbitsketch · 6 months
my favorite mcsm character?
- blond hair
- light colored eyes
- dressed in purple stripes
- architect
- redemption arc in 4 episodes
- former rival of jesse's
- has a really cute animal sidekick
- optional apology scene in episode 5 of the season they were introduced in
- 99% sure they're a theater kid
- iconic
- simped for often
...what do you mean "which one?"
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raayllum · 7 months
Anyways time to analyze this screencap
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This was originally a split second clip from the Bardel projects' reel, although it's since been omitted... and interacted with online by some of the team / cat's out of the bag, so uh - here's the meta!
The first aim is to try to establish when this is taking place timeline wise (aka in which season and when). The second will be who I think this scene involves (which is Rayllum and I'm gonna explain why). Spoilers for 6x01 thanks to previous Cons and proceed with caution if you don't want any spoilers!
So 6x01, "Startouched," has Rayla and Callum embark to the Starscraper by the end of the episode alongside Stella. This means they will presumably not be reuniting with anyone else from the Main Cast until at least the season's midpoint (6x05) if not later (6x07-6x08), by which point the plot will likely be in full swing, even if Aaravos was not released by the season's midpoint. That means there may not be as much time for something that seems like a cute little filler moment as this seems to be.
Not impossible, but I think it's unlikely that this shot/scene is from S6 from a plot / time standpoint.
Another reason in this column is that we know Hat at least, but presumably the other Baitlings too, are with Soren and Zym when they go to Lux Aurea to meet up with Corvus again.
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So there's no way, realistically, it could be in early season six. If it is in later season six, it means that Callum and Rayla succeed at the Starscraper / escape relatively unscathed enough with a small window between reuniting with the boys / Ezran and shit hitting the fan. It is a window, narrow, but not impossible
My early estimate could also be early S7 as, again, the latter half of the final season will be particularly intense, and I could see the characters trying to have some down time / make the best of a bad situation earlier on in the season when there's a bit more time, well, to let them try
As for the boat itself...
The first thing is that the boat is decorated quite prettily and prominently with roses, which just feels romantic. Stella is juggling and the Baitlings (who seem to be singing) seem to be putting on some small, endearingly silly sort of performance. possibly added by the two (Star arcanum?) birds we see. There's also a warm yellow-ish light source coming from the bottom of the picture and subsequently probably the upper middle of the boat, which makes me think of candles.
I'm willing to bet that this is a Rayllum moment since it just screams Callum being very sweet and romantic, and setting up this (maybe they have to take a boat and he wants it to be better, maybe it's just for fun) boat to try and distract Rayla because she doesn't really like them. I can't see Janai or Amaya being interested in a little animal circus performance, so that rules them out to me, and we hardly ever see Stella be separated from Rayla, even temporarily. So I think this being a Rayllum scene makes the most sense because of Stella's inclusion, and maybe it is Callum wanting to do something special for her, whether it's them officially getting back together, or just spending some time together even while the world is ending cause y'know, they missed out on two years of dates they could've gone on, and want to use some of the time they have left for that.
Stella is also juggling Adoraburrs, which have a tendency (presumably) to be primarily close to the Moonshadow forests, since we don't see the tiny ones anywhere else in Xadia, so it could even be a pit stop on the way back to the Silvergrove to get her and her family unghosted, perhaps (and all the more reason to try and take her mind off things).
My other consideration for a pair is Sorvus, since I could see Soren being silly and setting up the Bailting choir (he seems close to Hat in particular) and I think Corvus would be endeared by it, ultimately. That doesn't account for Stella though, and while Soren and Corvus are clearly friends/co-workers on the crownguard, they haven't had a lot of even teasingly romantic development, so I don't feel like the story is really gonna prioritize them heavily as a romance (especially because we have Karim/Miyana, Callum/Rayla, possibly Aaravos and someone in his past, Claudia/Terry breaking up and presumably getting back together, we're gonna get Runaan/Ethari back in these coming seasons in addition to Lain/Tiadrin, and there's always Janai/Amaya, of course). TDP already has a lot of romantic relationships in it, so I feel like Sorvus, if/when they do get together, would probably be a smaller moment later in the final two seasons, and they probably wouldn't get as big a focus as a scene like this seems to imply just from a pacing/character standpoint
Plus, Rayllum kinda has a thing with boats and important moments for them happening on said boats, but that is a meta for another day
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Previous Anon here, but Scenario B sounds more likely given the way S1 was set up.
The Arranged portion you can throw out and nothing really has to change, especially when Stolas says this in his song.
"I used to think that I was bold."
I, he is using the word I
Meaning it was HIM, HIM, HIM, HIM. It wasn't some 3rd party(AKA: Paimon) who married Stolas off, it was all him.
The other missed opportunity in this is as well the implication that Stolas was OLD.
"Now all my stories have been told, except for one..."
....There's a whole potential of character that is implied there, we could have gotten some interesting history with him as well as his relationship with Stella before it soured.
But no...let's just turn it into a boring plotline of "arranged marriage" because....that's somehow more interesting than anything else one could think of?
Honestly yeah. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the marriage being arranged was something than wasn't planned from the beginning but then was later thrown in. Since they're royals I always assumed it could have been arranged but it definitely wasn't a set in stone established from the very start. And given the other countless retcons or heavy hints that are then dropped in this show... it really does make you wonder. You make a good point anon. I might rewatch some of S1 to really think about and analyze it, you've seriously opened my eyes actually. Usually I catch stuff when it comes to this show's retconny things but was-it-actually-ever-arranged is something I didn't catch. I think it was a theory I and others had in S1 because they're royals and I got so used to the fan theory I just accepted it when canon said it was true but actually. There's not a lot of outright cues or anything which state it as so at all in S1...
Rewatching S1 just now and the way Stolas talks and acts, its like... hes such a different person, I don't even know how to explain the feeling or sense I get that well, but he acts so much more in control or authoritative? Like when he talks about his duties, they seem a lot more like something he knows all about and he seems to take pride in actively choosing to fulfill instead of them just being something he was assigned to do and does. I don't know how to explain it exactly, but he felt like an established dad, he felt his age. The contrast between the S1 DHORKs episode Vs. the latest where he's at the sacrificial event in his name, I know it was just a funny gag but his shock at the blood splatter, Vs. actively possessing people like its nothing in that S1 episode is a big contrast. I feel like in S1 he would have been bored because hes seen it all before and he would have stood there and as the blood splattered on him and sighed, saying "I thought you'd at least have cake as well this usual stuff" instead of being squicked out. In these new eps he very much does feel like hes 18 instead of around 38. And even then, I just... with his knowledge and behavior in S1 you'd really have thought he was actually even way than 38 and was a fairly ancient demon with his knowledge and how he talks and the repeated use of an old fashioned telephone instead of a smartphone back in that season etc. His writing, the changes, all of it... is very weird feeling all round. The more you stop and think the more you notice exactly how much hes changed to be a poor wooby baby. He is so much less mature, experienced and authoritative nowadays. No wonder people make fun of the idea hes more powerful than Alastor, these days he certainly barely acts it.
I bring all that up because it certainly doesn't surprise me that with all these other changes, if there was a way to change him to be younger and more soft and inexperienced in life, adding in an arranged marriage that wasn't planned certainly punches that ticket too.
Also as a sidenote I forgot just how much he seemed to love his plants and be a plant guy and that was cool especially given the actual Stolas' association with plants. Now we barely see that side of him anymore yaaaaaay...
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planetsano · 1 year
Hey guys!
I don’t think I’ve ever made a post like this before but unfortunately someone has forced my hand to do so. I really wanted my next post to be a new fic but it looks like it’ll have to wait until I address this.
I don’t like having issues with people especially if the issues aren’t even on my own issues— even more so in a space that I created for fun.
As some of you guys may know, I recently made a public server called Boba Pop. Anyone is free to join as long as you’re 18+ and enjoy anime men’s penis an almost grotesque amount. But that’s neither here nor there!
There was an issue that arose today between two members in my server over a theme divider. User @/sluttsumu and user @/miguelism (now @/startitties)are the parties involved.
Unfortunately, Stella felt as though Kierra stole her theme. I completely understand how frustrating that feeling is because I’ve had it done to me in the past. It especially puts salt in the wound because I used to really put hours into editing videos, banners, and gifs for my layouts. So, I can emphasize how it could feel.
I should also preface that in my server’s rules, it states to keep any drama at bay. More specifically, stating keep any issues in private conversations, limited but not limited to speaking to said person or a mod!
My server has an “open door” policy meaning if anyone feels unsafe, or like they’re being bullied/attacked, or then threatened/harassed, not hesitate to come to a mod if you aren’t sure how to approach the situation or even if you’re not much of a confrontational person and need one of us to break the ice. Communication is highly encouraged for better relationships and a more open atmosphere for the server.
It becomes an issue when there’s a lack of communication, on top of taking an issue that could certainly be handled privately, to tumblr. A platform that isn’t the safest for things like discourse and silly little online drama because of how easily accessible anonymity is, and the thousands of eyes that could potentially see said private situation between two people.
Stella did that exact thing and unfortunately, someone was uncomfortable with the situation.
The situation goes as follows:
Kierra mentioned Stella, letting her know that her theme was beautiful. Then said she hoped she didn’t mind that she used the glitter header she was currently using.
Stella said that it was fine.
Stella said that she noticed Kierra “also” took inspiration from the heart gif header she was using.
Kierra let's Stella know that she’s been using that header for years. (Since 2021.)
Stella acknowledges this and Kierra says that pink themes are very popular.
That’s not the issue, the issue is when someone takes to tumblr to sub post about the situation instead of speaking to the person you have an issue with like an adult or even speaking to someone on the mod team. That then makes said person feel uncomfortable and like they’re feeling attacked in the space, making them turn to a mod for advice on how to navigate the situation.
If you were uncomfortable at any point within the situation, you could’ve either reached out to the person you have this issue with or a mod so there wouldn’t be any communication issues. No one can read your mind on how you’re feeling unless it is said directly to someone. You acknowledged Kierra and you moved on, realistically, how is that person supposed to know how you feel? The mods and myself really encourage open communication so there aren’t any misunderstandings.
Making private situations public without the person you have an issue with aware of said issue, is not the way to go about things no matter how you look at things.
Can you imagine speaking to someone you believe is a friend then going online to see them sub posting about you in a negative light, being incredibly passive aggressive? I would really believe that anyone would be at a loss.
All this is to say, I was spoken to by my mod team who analyzed the situation (I was working) after it was brought up to them. To which, I then spoke to Stella about it to be the middleman.
I’ll attach the screenshots of our conversation so nothing is lost in translation.
I don’t appreciate and I will not accept being called out of my name for doing my job as an admin. I was very polite, respectful and tried my best to navigate the situation.
Stella, there weren’t any “bad” vibes. You were genuinely such a pleasure to speak to and interact with. You’re extremely funny and I found so many of the members in the server laughing at the jokes you would crack. And even being some of the first to read the works you would post in the promotions channel. You were welcomed and celebrated, as everyone is in Boba Pop.
This isn’t about “big blogs” and whatnot either. You want to avoid discourse but again, you take to tumblr to make this situation even bigger than it needed to be instead of communicating like an adult.
You were not ganged up on either. You were only spoken to by myself (the admin) then Kierra (the person you actually have the issue with). You said that I “blamed” you but there was no blaming. I came to you as an administrator with an ongoing issue that dealt with you and another member because my mod team notified me of the situation.
Your behaviors online do have consequences, as all of ours do. This situation could have absolutely been avoided but instead you took to playing victim on tumblr and spreading a false narrative that favors yourself.
I really do wish you the best but you don’t get to bad mouth me online, indirectly or directly, and expect me not to address the situation.
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docwormie · 1 year
Little rant about the Etoiles Noires and gender ahead (i need to get the starmania brainrot out of my system and can not stop analyzing everything i watch through a queer lens)
i can't quite articulate how much i love the 2022 version of Starmania but one of my fav bits is at the end of travesti, after sadia's just sung about being hot and fucking crazy and Not Cis™, and after killing like 3 different people in the span of one song, all of the étoiles noires (which are mostly men here) gather around the car and sing with her !!! like. they know, they don't care, and they think it slays.
the fact that those murders happens during travesti makes the queer narrative more obvious because, of course, it's all about transgression. the étoiles noires are those left behind by society, those who don't "fit in" an expected norm, so they embrace what makes them different and they find community in violence. sadia (who is literally the allegory of that violence) embodies that !! the whole group singing the word "travesti" while in the middle of organized crime to overthrow the system is a political statement (and it would have been even more radical back in 1979, though idk how the song was staged). the things that makes them outcasts and their anger feeling left out are their fuel to act.
of course their respective reasons to join the zonards/étoiles noires must be different but queerness (and more generally, non-conformity to social norms) is definitely a part of it. the fact that sadia is not the one singing "des gars qui se maquillent" in 2022 confirms it, and although the étoiles noires have this "manly" behavior (which the women share anyways), they also somewhat subvert the norm, wearing make up and nail polish, showing emotions... btw i think it's good that the 2022 show goes back to a sensitive, vulnerable, somewhat feminine portrayal of johnny (which Balavoine definitely had and that was kind of lost in the 1988/1993 versions). i also really love how there seems to be a real spirit of camaraderie/friendship between them all ?? like there are displays of affection, (cf. johnny with the guy that helps him put the white coat on + the person sitting on the car next to him). they're literally commiting heinous murders but all you can see is how much fun they're having !!
then there's also the "besoin d'amour" bit which is really great because just like in travesti (the parallel in the choreography is very obvious !), they have cristal, aka stereotypical barbie, singing this girly, very much france gall-esque, pop song on the top of the car, about how joyous and fun it is to be in love, and the whole gang is dancing around her like a chorus to highlight how universal the message is. and then cristal's transformation after joining the étoiles noires !! it's clear to me that what the media depict as a "kidnapping" is actually a sort of liberation for her: she's allowed to leave behind her perfect image (= the golden cage stella never escapes) and maybe even a part of performative femininity as shown through her outfits. (i have a short post about that coming soon!) to become this more "messy", darker version of herself that doesn't need to be pure as crystal (lol) all the time.
overall the way the étoiles noires are portrayed is really cool because it subverts the classic representation of that scary gang with cold, judgmental, unfeeling vibes, and instead makes them a supportive group that faces together a cold, judgmental, unfeeling society ! (however !!! the different periods (1979/2022/whatever year starmania takes place in) overlapping in starmania do create a dissonance in how queerness is portrayed, and of course queercoding villains is a little problematic, but that's a post for another day!)
so yeah this violent group (of outcasts) terrorizing the population being made of gnc characters that aren't afraid to show feelings means a lot to me that's it 🫶🫶🫶
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webnovel-liker · 5 months
I'm reading the novel version of "I Raised My Fiancé with Money" and the bad thing is....
I sympathize a lot with Stella. And she isn't even that horribly awful. Annoying, spoiled, and without remorse, yes, but not irredeemable evil or even a villain. If it was just that, it would be whatever, but the fact that the narrative (more specifically, the protagonist's narration) always talks about her as some great villain just makes me go ???? And takes out my immersion
Tbh it's clear as day that its Lilia's biases and if it only was that would be whatever and just another nice thing to analyze BUT it's clear as daytime that the author is trying to justify it. Correct if I'm wrong, but my experience in reading OI speaks that this is the type of story to degrade other female leads to raise the MC in a narrativic standpoint.
And like. Stella is such a villainess material??? I mean, if you read her story you woud expect her to be the og villainess who has her body snatched or the protagonist who regress after failling into ruin.
Not only that, i think the author is missing the pontetial to write her as a well written antagonist by (seemingly) going down to the cliched route of "hysterical and stupid woman who is sooooo jealousy of the protagonist and fight for men"
Thing is, if the villanization of her character was focoused on her stalking the ML or anything else that is actually harmful i wouldn't mind at all, but im on ch 64 and it's jarring seeing the protagonist (who i generally like btw) acting as she is being super badass for scamming Stella and with a tone of superiority when its completely unnecessary??? Like gurl you didn't even needed to go to that party. The only reason you went there was bc you wanted to see Stella making a fool of herself for buying flowers from you. And like. I understand that someone trying to copy you is annoying and all but does that really calls for scamming???
If she did that to call out on her stalking/actual shitty behavior i would be pretty on board but idk feeling jealousy and coping somebody isn't that big of a crime, its annoying but bearable and ignorable.
Maybe im wrong and the novel will take a complete different path but like, instead of this wouldn't it be way more interesting if Stella was actually a well devolved character who instead of being constantly villanizate by the narrative, was portrayed as a victim of her environment and society which then made her do some shitty stuff but also fuck she's still young and has inferiority complex and body image issues
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^like!!! How do you expect me to not like her???? Maybe this part eas just portrayed differently in the novel, but after reading a sympathetic portray of the antagonist, i dont understand why the narration is harsh towards her when it comes to her inferiority complex towards Lilia. Although it's not thrown at our faces compared to other novels, it still pretty much there
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^ and why dont the author or the protagonist focous more on the fact that she was stalking/harassing the ML just for his position and felt no remorse? That's pretty fucking awful and more important than focousing on how pathetic and stupid she is for trying to cope the protagonist
And ik this is biased asf but a lot of my sympathy comes from the fact that this novel is almost the perfect "standard og novel" story. The only big change is that the ML is a sweetie
As i said, Stella looks a lot like those og villainess and the fact that our mc "stole" her Fiancé. Stelle was just harassing the ML but also the fact that she *was* getting engaged to him and it was pretty much official and everyone knew abt it, im not lying when i saying i pity the fact that she will get scorned by everyone. Not that i think the ML should've get engaged with her, actually i cheered when the engagement was broken off since Nobody should marry a stalker due to their abusive mother, that much is obvious. But it still oddly fun/interesting that if she take out that context, Stella could easily become an unfortunate villainess from random OI number 19282928
And its pretty hard to believe that the author isnt aware of that when its the biggest trope of the genre. SO AGAIN!!!! Why make her seem pathetic for having an inferiority complex/body image issues when you have this big gold chance of writing a paralleled character to the protagonist, who is a well rounded and sympathetic antagonist and the perfect character to play with the change of perspective/meta elements that is a big staple of the genre you're writing in?????
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Anyways i love her <333 my fave <333 my meow meow whos fucking awful <3333 also fuck those nobles she was so pretty when she was fat
Also this equally relevant but i think she and lalia should fuck and they would be in this weird and awkward polycue with ML since Stella used to harassed him <3
I want put the three of them in a room and make the most awkward moment in history where they, but especially Stella would rather die than to talk about their feelings <3
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gctchell · 6 months
tagged by: @jizzlords thank you, my darling! 🖤
tagging: you, if you see this. tag me so I can peep.
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alias / name:  red!
birthday: march 23rd.
zodiac sign: aries.
height: 5'1''. what's up lucifer i think we see eye-to-eye.
hobbies: love roleplaying, love writing, love diving into character psychology and obsessing over that shit. love drawing when I can, and driving when I get to, along with gaming. re-entering my continuous obsession with vtm:b lol.
favorite color: black and burgundy.
favorite book: it changes as i read more. palette is kind of clean atm, don't got a fav. finished and enjoyed "in the company of witches" by auralee wallace recently tho, and currently getting into "the historian" by elizabeth kostova, "interview with the vampire" by anne rice, and "the exorcist's house" by nick roberts. and "wuthering heights".
last song:  storytime by nightwish.
last film / show: hook (1991) / x-men '97 (SO GOOD)
inspiration: for niffty, it's her pilot self that i'm primarily using which i've just built on for a few years now. looking at those 1950s diners, old cars, and listening to the music from the time helps, too! for stella, it's listening to 10 hour long videos of snowstorms and within temptation, along with the fact awkward moms who mean well, love their kids more than anything, and are trying their best are not really all-too present in media like the dad counterparts are. i wanna write that for her. for lilith, it's reading what her followers have to say about her as well as the books they've recommended for getting to know her more personally, rolled in with morticia addams (carolyn jones & catherine zeta-jones). to boot, there's also my love for the gothic, vampires, nightwish, and experience from my days of playing jessica rabbit. also listening to sea ambience, crashing and washing waves. for carmilla, it's the paranoia of tammy's death scene (blood and death in that link), the pain, perseverance and elegance of ballet, some of the energy from "the hacienda" by isbaela cañas, and just staring at her scenes and analyzing them in my little mind palace.
story behind url: i was sitting here trying to think of a quick url and i was like 'wouldn't it be cool if gotohell was available' .. this variation was. :)
fun fact about me: i've always wanted to be a stormchaser ever since i was a kid. also, i own two daggers, three katanas, two swords, one machete and an iridescent pocket knife, and a crossbow. loading crossbows is harder than you think. need some strength for that.
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floralovebot · 2 years
I have a lot of thoughts rn but the thing that's really sticking is how many people genuinely think Helia is some egotistical asshole who looks down on the other specialists and genuinely thinks he's better than people? It's... a startingly amount of the fandom who thinks this and it's so weird to me. Like... are we watching the same show?
I'm sorry but literally where does it ever suggest that Helia thinks this way? The same Helia who's constantly cheering them on, constantly comforting them, constantly reminding them to slow down and take it easy when they're being too hard on themselves? The same Helia who has a breakdown whenever he makes a mistake because he genuinely thinks the others will think less of him and hate him? The same Helia who constantly compares himself to others while also telling the specialists to not do that because it's not healthy and will only make them feel worse? The same Helia who immediately drops everything he's doing when they ask him for help but never pushes when they don't want it?
And listen, I'm not saying he's perfect by any means. I'm one of the loudest "Helia actually has a lot of problems that the fandom largely ignores" people. But this idea that he's egotistical and looks down on others... it's so weird to me.
I mean this in a nice way but I genuinely think some of you are mistaking his chronic perfectionism, overly critical eye of himself, and acknowledgment of his own abilities for being egotistical. Helia has a bad need to be perfect and reliable and good and he freaks out whenever he doesn't meet his own standards. He's also hyper critical of himself and constantly analyzing his actions and abilities and comparing them to his peers and teachers. This perfectionism and being too critical of himself makes him hyper aware of his own abilities. Helia knows what he can do and what he can't. He knows what the others are capable of and what would be pushing it. That's literally it. That's not egotism??? That's literally just him being too analyzing??? And like I'm sorry but that kind of attitude, while not great mentally, is almost needed in that field because he's one of the few characters who knows where to draw the line so they don't straight up fucking die. Even Riven starts to respect that after getting to know him better.
And I think it's important to note that his feelings about being perfect are never directed towards the others. He never makes them feel bad for not being able to do something. He's never made fun of them or insulted them for not getting something. Out of all the specialists, Helia and Brandon are consistently the ones to hype the others up. Helia has some expectations of them but those are natural ones that come with being specialists. Things that they are consistently able to live up to because it's literally just things they have to do as specialists.
I'm just so confused about why so many people think this??? Is it the later seasons??? What are y'all watching??????? No offense but if you're basing this off of later seasons that's the same vibes as calling Stella a spoiled brat because of s5.
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dylanlila · 3 years
5, 7, 11, 14, 18, 20, 21, 23, 30
let me analyze you, please and thank you
great. everybody wants to decode me now. my logic has turned against me. (no cuz I legitimately fought with someone over this today djsjdiidkdkdkdk)
5. If you could marry a fictional character, who would it be?
I really don't see myself getting married, BUT there's just this one fictional person...
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cindy (plotting the revenge wedding), mal (genuinely moved), emma (packing my elopement bags because she knows I won't be able to handle a traditional wedding), dash (already rearranging my family tree), stella (who knew this was coming the entire time) in their respective tumblr corners:
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ah they grow up so fraudulently ;)
7. If Peter Pan showed up at your window tonight to take you to Neverland, would you go with him?
11. What is your favorite month of the year?
I never know how to answer this because it's too vague of a feeling. I'm always anticipating Halloween tho. Yes, that's a month.
14. What song would you currently consider your theme song?
18. What is your opinion on your middle name?
Don't have one.
20. What fictional world do you most want to live in?
In a way, I am living in all the universes I wanna live in. Sometimes it's a problem, sometimes it's a blast, sometimes it's just there. Fiction affects too much of my life to be entirely fictional. Buying a Rory Gilmore-like sweater and having a cape made for me, spending hours going through biology textbooks or reading on a park bench, walking down the street listening to music and spending every living second like it's music video material is what does it for me. Going someplace imagined would be great and I'd sooooo go there but I wouldn't be the me that I know now and it wouldn't be as magical if I had nothing to do with that magic. It would just be a different reality. Making this one I got stuck with less boring is somehow more fun to me.
21. What is your favorite ship dynamic?
malewitch/femzard as I alternatively call it (alternatively... like I wasn't the one to come up with this expression)
malewife/girlboss too ofc and I love love love nerd 4 nerd and dork 4 dork and rivals & friends & lovers but all of these tend to go hand in hand anyways. I always fall for partners/friends/companions (whatever you wanna call it) first, lovers second, that's my thing.
23. Least favorite trope?
anything fatalistic
30. What, in your opinion, was the worst line of dialogue in cinematic history?
dialing @ my knowledge of 💺 scenes ☎️
thanks for asking <333333
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therollingstonys · 2 years
Happy birthday mod Stella, you're one of the main pillars for this Steve Tony fandom and I am eternally grateful for being a part in creating a welcoming environment for people who wants to get into the shipping fandom,, for the writer asks 4,27,39, I hope you're having fun
Oh my goodness anon, thank you! I’m so incredibly flattered you feel that way and I’m so pleased I’ve been able to contribute to a positive fandom experience for you!! 🥰🥰
4. Do you have any writing habits/rituals?
Hmmm I usually listen to music while I write, use google docs so I can write anywhere (since it’s on my phone), and wind up in research rabbit holes more frequently than I’d like to admit lol
27. Every writer’s least favorite question - where does your inspiration come from? Do you do certain things to make yourself more inspired? Is it easy for you to come up with story ideas?
Inspiration usually comes from music lyrics or watching a show/movie and seeing a plot point that I want to use for a ship! Listening to playlists I’ve created for a ship or story definitely helps with maintaining inspiration! And yes, it’s very easy for me to come up with story ideas, it’s just finding the time and energy to write them that’s the trouble.
39. Do you spend a lot of time analyzing and studying the work of authors you admire?
Not really; their works are theirs, and while I might admire them, I write my stories the way I want to and not because of how someone else writes their story. I like other authors, but I don’t want to be them, I want to be me!
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Winx Club Reboot Episode 11 and 12 (I'm liking your version more than the canon one).
Episode 11:
I actually don't have many changes to this episode because like. It's a very filler episode ya know?
Main differences:
1.) The whole "roommates get on each other's nerves" thing is more nuanced and handled maturely. It's kicked off by Flora's plants being a hazard, but turns into a short fight about "well you also do this thing that's annoying/inconvenient!". They cool down quick and are able to talk it out without any life threatening danger.
2.) When They're attacked by that tree using a sleeping gas, Flora is immune to it. Hello Lynphean traits!
Episode 12:
The beauty pagent episode!
Though this is total filler, I'm using it as Worldbuilding!
It starts with Bloom waking up and noticing her ears have changed to be all Dragon-y. She freaks and assumes one of the girls pranked her for some reason.
The girls all claim innocence and try counterspells but figure out that there's no spell? But then why...
Someone guesses correctly of "oh you were hidden on Earth so you were Glamoured to look like you're from Earth! The Glamour probably finally broke!" . with the others taking a good look and pointing out things like her eyes or her teeth and such that happened more slowly.
And Bloom is like but why the FUCK-
But it all kinda hits her of like. Shes been thinking of this as a very... Harry Potter-esque. Where it's like "oh there's a hidden dimension of Humans who have Magic!"
Instead it's more like Steven Universe where a lot of people seem Human at first glance, but aren't at all and have several Non-Human quirks. And Bloom is really getting hit with the full force of that.
Everyone is an alien. All the different Realms are various planets. Each with their own... Uniqueness. Stella can glow. Techna's hair is naturally pink. Musa's hearing is wild. Flora is immune to plant-based poisons and has green blood.
Stella brings up the Miss Magix competition. A beauty pagent that will be showing off girls from various realms. It'd be a good way to show Bloom in quick succession how different the people are. And to show how different beauty standards are when there is no "standard". Which like, basically there's individual standards for the various Realms but ya know.
I do want to work in a dick joke here of like. Bloom half-seriously asking about that because are there some weirf quirks that effect that stuff? And Tecna takes it too seriously and is ready to pull up a slideshow before the rest go "no do not traumatize her!
Anyway! Heading to the competition!
I decided to but out the whole "glamour and sabotage" thing because 1.) Not the focus and 2.) Lucy deserves better! This episode was real cruel to her.
So Lucy has entered as her regular self. She is actually considered quite beautiful on her homeworld, and her lack of popularity is more due to a gruff personality and morbid sense of humor, along with hanging out with Mirta who wasn't able to meet beauty standards of their world due being half Lynphean.
Lucy and Stella are both competing and are kinda rivals. But the rest of the Winx meet Mirta and befriend her. Lucy is a little grumpy about it because Stella is her rival and at this point Lucy still admires the Trix and she knows any chance of the three acknowledging her will be thrown out the window if she hangs with the Winx. But Mirta has fun!
Last thing of the episode:
Tecna remembers "Hey. When Bloom first showed up, I tried to guess where she was from by analyzing her traits. But they were inconclusive because of the Glamour! I wonder what it'll pick up on now!".
Yeah her programs say that Bloom is from Domino. And that's... Strange. Tecna is beginning to piece things together but isn't sure what it means yet.
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rubix-writings · 4 years
Punisher Pt. 3
Third part of Punisher. I apologize it’s taking me so long to post these, but want to make sure they’re good for you all. Thank you for the support so far!! This is a Chicago PD/Fire imagine with an original character. I don’t own any of the plot points or characters from the show. Also, it doesn’t follow any particular season or sequence in the shows.
Series Summary: Josephine (Jo) never expected to find support and pure love when she left Los Angeles. She ran away to Chicago and was content with living an insignificant, hidden life. But everything changes when she walks into Molly’s to get a job.
Josephine (OC) x Jay Halstead
The italicized lines are internal thoughts of the character.
Warnings: language, mentions of drinking, long (!)
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Things are going really well at Molly’s. It’s like falling into step during a choreographed dance. It feels odd to say that I’m comfortable and confident when it’s only my second shift. I’m working with Stella tonight, who to say the least had a lot of fun the night before. When she first walked into the bar she looked as if Casper made a stop in Chicago. At the start of opening she kept her jacket on and slammed down cups of black coffee. Her body seemed to stay in a permanent state hunched over the bar top while she only communicated through slow movements with her fingers. I couldn’t watch her pain any longer, so I used my break to grab a cheeseburger and fries so greasy the oil soaked the paper bag. 
“You need to put something solid into your body,” I announce as I plop the white, greased bag on the bar top in front of Stella’s practically limp body. She slowly lifts her head with a deep groan and analyzes the bag.
“I’m a firefighter Jo, my body is a temple. I can’t eat this,” I can’t stop the laugh that escapes my lips.
“Are tequila shots a part of your ‘temple’s’ regimen?” she sniffs the bag and sighs.
“You see, the tequila actually kills all the bacteria in the stomach,” Stella examines the golden fry before taking a bite. 
“Be sure to tell your theory to the doctors that come in later, I’m sure they’d love to hear that.”
“I will,” she says with a mouthful of cheeseburger. 
Just like magic, Stella is back to her bouncy self. It amazes me how much like Hermann she is, she practically floats around Molly’s. She talks to everyone and makes sure they’re having a good time. Stella sets the tone of the entire bar, bringing life to every inch of the place. It’s nice to watch her interact with others, a part of me is envious of how natural it comes to her. A part of me is, also, envious of her relationship with Kelly. His eyes when he looks at her are filled with unconditional love and the way Stella looks at him when he’s not looking confirms that she feels the same. I’ve never had that… or will have it. The bar top serves its purpose as a closed door to the patrons on the other side, I open it as much as I want and they see what I want them to see. I’m in control.
It’s a busy Friday night, the bar filled quickly. The firemen I met last night stroll in with the same vigor as the night before, obviously hurting a lot less than Stella was a few hours ago. Stella plays it off as if she didn’t have a raging hangover, but Kelly quickly throws her under the bus. Cruz yells as he claims he’s known the truth all along, but Mouch steps in to deny it, leading to Cruz listing out facts about how he knew. I place a few beer bottles in front of the guys, trying not to get involved.
“I’m sorry about them,” Matt says.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. They’re funny,” I smile.
“You don’t have to hear it all day long,” Matt grumbles as he takes a long sip from his beer.
“This is true. I get them in concentrated doses,” I excuse myself to collect empties at the tables scattered around the room. With my hands full I turn to head back to the bar top, but crash into a hard body. I stumble back from the blow and the mystery man swiftly grabs my arms to keep me from falling. Once I get my footing back, he releases my arms.
“Sorry about that. Are you okay?” His voice is like velvet that draws my eyes up to look at his face. Wow. My mind fell into a haze barely registering his question. 
“Um, yeah. Thanks,” he smirks at how long it took me to answer his question. Really smooth Jo. “I should get back to work, sorry about running into you,” I walk backwards a few steps, he immediately steps forward keeping the same amount of space between us as before.
“Let me at least help you with those, I’m heading to the bar anyway,” before I could object, his large hand cradles the numerous beer bottles that were once in my hand. Before my brain can spiral about his large hands, I spin and head back to the bar. I silently weave through the customer’s of Molly’s, I needed to get back to my safe zone to hopefully make his charm less effective. He gently places the bottles on the bar top for me to discard, I smile and thank him. Before I can ask for his order, the firemen and Stella welcome him to the bar.
“Hey Jay, haven’t seen you around here in awhile,” Stella mentions. 
“Yeah I know. Um have you seen my brother anywhere?” Stella shakes her head no. Brother? I try to seem like I’m not listening while cleaning up behind the bar and get any excuse not to look at him again. One embarrassing moment for tonight is enough. Out of nowhere, Will pops up and slaps Jay on the back. They go in for a quick hug before Will says hi to everyone. 
“Hey don’t kill me, but I invited Nat. I know it’s supposed to just be us, but she had a really rough day,” Will whispers, Jay shakes his head to let him know he’s totally fine with it. “Great, thanks man.”
I put two glasses of red wine on the bar top for two women that definitely want to take a firefighter home tonight. After how many women these men turned down the night before I highly doubt they’ll have any luck, but I’m kinda rooting for them.
“Hey Jo,” Will smiles.
“Hi Will,” I say in monotone to mess with him.
“Have you met my brother Jay?” Will slaps Jay’s chest which startles Jay a little, making me smile. Geez, these guys must have gorgeous parents. Will is handsome of course, but Jay... 
“We kinda ran into each other actually.” I smirk.
“Oh that’s great, he’s a really good guy. He’s a cop, detective, sorry,” Will corrects himself, Jay is glaring at him.
“I’m not making you a manhattan,” he slaps his hand against the bar top.
“Worth a shot. Can I get a glass of chardonnay and a beer, oh and whatever Jay’s having,” I nod and grab Will his drinks. He slides me his credit card to open a tab then walks off to see Natalie at the table.
“I’m definitely missing something, why does my brother want a manhattan?” Jay finally asks. 
“Oh Jay it was great!” Stella jumps in to tell a very colorful version of the events that happened between Will and I. As she finishes up she is swept to the end of the bar to take an order. 
“She was drunk last night” I mumble under my breath. Jay smirks, knowing Stella’s retelling was probably fabricated. “What can I get you?” I try to change the subject.
“A beer please,” I nod. “You’re new here Jo?” He phrases it as a question, but it's definitely more of a statement. 
“Yeah, started yesterday,” I hand him his beer. 
“Thanks. Are you from Chicago?”
“No, LA actually, lived there my whole life,” I lean my forearms on the bar top in front of him.
“Wow, big change.” “Yeah, I don’t know if I thought it all the way through to be honest,” he smiles.
“Well let me tell you if you haven’t figured it out already, snow and winter are incredibly overrated.” “Ah yes, that’s exactly what I needed to hear. I can go back to LA now.” “Glad to be of service,” he shrugs. Jay stayed on the same stoll at the bar for the rest of the night. It was strange how easy it was to talk with him, he offered stories about his job and funny stories about him and Will growing up. It’s so beautiful to have those stories, that he’s gone through life with someone that deeply and come out the other side. I tell him that I don’t have siblings and mostly spent time with my mom when I was young. Jay was quick to offer up Will to fill the void.
“I’ll keep you updated on that,” I laugh.
“Are you and your mom still close?”
“Um no, she… she died about ten years ago,” even though her death happened so long ago it still felt so weird saying it out loud. 
“I’m sorry Jo. I lost my mom to cancer a few years back.”
“So you get it,” he nods and offers a somber smile. 
It wasn’t till Will and Natalie announced their departure, that Jay made any moves to leave Molly’s. The bar was slowly emptying out as last call was already declared. 
“I should head out, it was really nice talking with you Jo,” Jay stands.
“It was really nice talking with you too Jay,” I say sincerely. He smiles wide before making a beeline for the front door. I can’t help but stare until he’s fully out of sight, my cheeks start to hurt from fighting the smile on my face. I tuck my loose hair behind my ear and start grabbing the empty glasses from the bar top. 
“Have fun?” Stella questions, I jump slightly not realizing she was standing there.
“Another good night for tips, yeah,” she looks at Kelly who’s the last of the firefighters at the bar. 
“Sure, doesn’t hurt that Officer Handsome was here all night either.” “I… I’m going to wash the glasses,” I pick up the large plastic crate with dirty drinking glasses and head to the back where Hermann showed me where the sink was. Stella didn’t mention Jay again, but it didn’t matter. The damage was done, Jay’s blue eyes and the way he got so passionate during a story were ingrained in my mind for the rest of the night. 
Hermann asked if I could open Molly’s for him the next day as he was running late with paperwork at the firehouse. I had a short shift that night anyway and could use the extra money no matter how little. Hermann told me to meet him at the firehouse to give me the keys since they haven’t been able to cut me my own yet. The firehouse isn’t far from Molly’s, a couple blocks on foot. I prepared myself with my warmest coat for the trek since the wind chill makes Chicago brutally cold. I focus on the sound of my shoes against the wet pavement to take my mind off of how cold I really am. 
The firehouse is a ball of color on this cold, dark Chicago day. The plain brick buildings surrounding it emphasize the reds and yellows. It somehow feels untouched by the rest of the city, a true sign of purity. As soon as I walk through the doors of the firehouse I’m met with the sweet smell of food cooking. It’s as if my feet have a mind of their own and take my body towards the magnificent smell’s source. The kitchen was buzzing with people cooking, talking, and playing card games. 
“Jo!” Stella yells, “what are you doing here?” she walks over to me, leaving her conversation with Matt and Kelly, who both wave at me.
“I’m here to get the keys from Hermann, do you know where he is?” 
“Yeah, he’s in the garage let me take you to him,” I try to argue that it could wait, but Stella insists. “Hermman!” she yells once we get into the garage. 
“What?!” he snaps back. She giggles as we both walk towards the outburst. As we turn around the big fire engine, I see why Stella was so insistent about not waiting. “Oh hey, Jo,” he says calmer.
Jay is standing tall with a notepad in front of Hermann. Stella silently excuses herself from the conversation and makes her way back inside. Hermann pays no attention to his surroundings as he’s searching for the three keys I need to open Molly’s. 
“Hey,” Jay smiles.
“Here you go, I labeled them for you so you know what lock they go into. Once you get inside, lock the front door, just in case,” I nod and take the keys from him. The silver keys have thin pieces of masking tape on them with dark blue sharpie stating what they open. 
“Thanks, I’ll see you there,” I back away from the men to head back to the bar. Hermann nods and waves.
“Hermann we’re done here right?” Jay asks.
“Yeah, let me know if you find anything,” Hermann states somewhat hopeless. Jay puts away the notepad in his back pocket of his jeans and jogs to catch up to me. The sound of Jay’s thick boots hitting the cement fills the sound of the garage. When he finally catches up to me, he moves ahead to open the door to outside for me. 
“So you’re stalking me now?” He jokes.
“Um how did you get to that? Hermann asked me to come here,” Jay quickly fell into step with me, not that it was difficult as he’s much taller than me.
“I was here first,” he says plainly.
“Oh well, with that bulletproof logic…” he laughs.
“You headed to Molly’s?” we stop walking once we get to the sidewalk.
“Yeah, I’m opening today,” Jay slips the keys to his car from his jacket pocket. 
“Let me drive you.” “Oh no, you don’t have to do that. It’s only a couple of blocks and you’re working,” I spew out trying to find an excuse that’ll stick.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m parked right here,” he brushes off quickly. I roll my eyes at his back and get into the car. Jay puts the car into gear and sets off towards Molly’s. 
“So, is Hermann okay?” I ask since I couldn’t get his hopeless tone out of my head.
“His house was broken into, they didn’t get a lot, just some jewelry and a few Alexa’s. His wife came home which freaked them out and they bolted before they did any real damage.” “Jesus. Poor Hermann. Do you think you’ll find his stuff?” “Probably not, that sort of stuff is so small that they may keep it for themselves instead of pawning it, but we’ll try,” the car is silent for a little while till Jay pulls in front of Molly’s.
“Thanks for the ride.” “Course,” I get out of the car and make my way onto the sidewalk. “Hey Jo,” Jay says out of his rolled down window. 
“Hey Jay,” I say while playing with the keys Hermann gave me.
“Are you working late tonight?”
“Not too late, I have a short shift.”
“How about I meet you here later and we get a drink?” Jay says casually. I bite my lip and look down the street in hopes to take my mind off of what he just asked.
“Maybe,” I say as I make eye contact with him again. “See yah Jay.”
“See yah Jo.”
I’m losing control.
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laurenhufflepuff2 · 3 years
A list of fandoms I'm in (in no particular order, will probably be updated regularly. Some fandoms are more intense and some are more casual. Depending on the fandom, I could go on and on about fandom topics for HOURS. Let's get into it!)
Harry Potter, Disney, Marvel, DC comics, Miraculous Ladybug, Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra, Star Wars, Literature, Winx Club, Nintendo, Minecraft, Little Witch Academia, Voltron, Coraline
Harry Potter- I got into Harry Potter in 7th grade and now I am the resident expert in my family and in my friend group. I read all the books, watched all the movies (notably the British version), and I've seen the Fantastic Beasts films as well. I've also read Tales of Beedle the Bard (the Warlock's Hairy Heart was traumatizing) along with the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them textbook (plus an updated edition). I also read The Cursed Child script and while I mean no hate to anyone that liked it, I hated what it did to the canon. I am in Hufflepuff with some Ravenclaw tendencies (I took the Pottermore quiz 3 times, 2 out of 3 I got Hufflepuff, the other time was Ravenclaw). I had a pottermore account and I was so upset when it got converted to the Wizarding World page. I cosplayed Hermione in 7th grade complete with British accent and even monologued as her for a talent show (classmates and teachers would recognize me as the Hermione girl all the way through high school). I was obsessed and I still love it even if J.K. Rowling has gone off the deep end on Twitter... yeah... my favorite character is Hermione but I also relate to Luna
Disney- there's so much that goes into the Disney part of my fandom list. I'm excluding Marvel and Star Wars from this part as they were originally separate entities before Disney got the rights to them. I have seen almost every animated Disney film ever and often use random movie quotes in conversation. My favorite villain is Maleficent, my favorite princess is Ariel (followed by Belle, Rapunzel, and Anna). I relate to so many of the characters. I'm not sure who my favorite Pixar character is though (I love Violet, Sadness, Dory, and Piper (from the short)). My favorite Disney fairy is Fawn. My favorite characters overall are Ariel and Stitch. Disney is definitely on the list as one of my biggest obsessions. My favorite movies are Lilo and Stitch, the Little Mermaid, Inside Out, Alice in Wonderland (original), and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.
Marvel- I mostly get my Marvel exposure through the MCU, other movies, and animated TV shows. I have difficulty reading graphic novels so most of my comic book knowledge comes from friends, posts, or wikis. My favorite characters are Spider-Man, Captain America, Peggy Carter, and Scarlet Witch. I also like Gwenpool, Deadpool, Spider-Gwen/ Ghost-Spider, Venom, Squirrel Girl, Daredevil, Mantis, Gamora, Black Widow, Iron Man, Thor, Loki, Bucky, Black Panther, and most MCU characters. Out of the X-men I really like Professor X, Wolverine, Mystique, Magneto, Nightcrawler, and Quicksilver (either version- MCU or Fox).
DC- this was the franchise I was more familiar with growing up but again, graphic novels aren't easy for me to read so most of my knowledge comes from information pages about the comics or from tv/movies. My earliest experience with DC came from the 60s Batman series, with Catwoman and Robin being my favorites. I also watched the Wonder Woman series from the 70s and a handful of CW shows, my favorite of which being the Flash and Arrow. I also managed to watch all 5 seasons of the Teen Titans Cartoon Network series from 2003. With that being said, my favorite characters are Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Flash, Batman, Nightwing/Robin (Dick Grayson), Green Arrow, Starfire, Raven, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Alfred. I also like most of the bat family, and when it comes to CW I LOVE Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost and Cisco.
Miraculous- this is one of my guilty fandoms but since this is Tumblr I'm not too worried about it. I love Marinette and I relate to her on an astoundingly deep level (minus the stalking and obsession with potential lovers, that's creepy). If I had a miraculous, I'd probably want the Ladybug one, but the Cat miraculous, fox miraculous, and snake miraculous are good too. My favorite character is Marinette/Ladybug.
Atla/Tlok- I jumped on the avatar bandwagon just when it was starting to get popular, so I managed to get through the series before the memes took over everything. Same with Tlok, although i couldn't completely avoid the spoilers for that when i started it. I've been wanting to get into the comics because of the short story comics I've read, they seem easier to read than superhero comics. My favorite characters are Aang, Katara, Ty Lee, Iroh, Korra, Jinora, Asami, Suki, Appa, Momo, Naga, and Pabu. I also like Sokka, Mai, Zuko, Lin, Kuvira, Varrick, Zhu Lee, and Azula. I feel really sorry for her and while I understand that a redemption arc would undermine the importance of her corruption arc, I still wish she could have one. I would love to be a waterbender or an airbender... maybe a waterbender raised in the air nation? Obviously, being the avatar itself would be awesome. The show has taught me a lot of great lessons and put a lot of stuff into perspective for me.
Star Wars- oh boy, talking about this one is dangerous. I've seen firsthand the horrors of the Star Wars fandom but then again no one will probably see this anyway so... I've seen all the movies and I remember watching the clone wars series with my brother when I was younger but we fell wayyy behind and it's taking us forever to get back into it. I've also seen the Mandalorian and quite enjoyed it. I like the prequels unironically, in fact, the prequels are some of my favorite movies. I especially like how they switched from lightsabers being heavy weapons to light weapons that can be used for all kinds of tricks that make for epic battles like the ones we see in Revenge of the Sith. The sequels were fun to watch but when I would analyze them along side their predecessors, I came to the conclusion that, for me, they were good to watch but did not do anything good for the rest of the franchise. My favorite characters are prequels/clone wars Obi Wan and Anakin, Padme, Ashoka, Leia, R2D2, BB-8, R4-P17, the Mandalorian (Din Djarin), and Grogu. If I had a lightsaber I'd want it to be blue, but when I was little I got a purple one like Mace Windu because it was closer to pink and I was into pink at the time. I still have that lightsaber and none of my friends have a purple one so it's one of my flexes. I feel like I wouldn't make a good jedi because of attachments being forbidden, so I'd probably become a grey jedi.
Literature- this is a broad term I use to cover all the random books and stories I liked reading and have studied. So we have Shakespeare (Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, Romeo and Juliet), The Great Gatsby (bored while reading, loved to analyze), Grendel (HATED reading, loved to analyze, Grendel really needed a hug and a friend), The Crucible, Fahrenheit 451, Dark Life (+ the sequel Riptide, both are by Kat Falls good reads, sci-fi and kind of dystopian), The Once and Future King
Winx Club- I think the show is trashy but I still love watching it. I haven't been able to get through season 6 though and I hated what they did with season 8 and Fate: the Winx Saga. My favorite character is Bloom along with Stella and Flora. I prefer rai to nick. My favorite transformations are magic winx, enchantix, and harmonix. My favorite member of the Trix is Icy followed by Darcy. My favorite Pixies are Chatta and Lockette.
Nintendo- mainly Pokémon above all else, followed by Animal Crossing. I have also played (mostly as player 2 or just never beat or watched my brother play) mario games, legend of zelda, pikmin, and kirby. Games I haven't played but I just liked the characters/the lore and probably learned about through Super Smash Bros. are Fire Emblem (Lucina mostly), Metroid (Samus and baby metroid), and Kid Icarus. Pokémon is where I'm most knowledgeable but you'll most likely beat me in battle. I am however great at MarioKart and I always destroy my friends at it. Terrible at fighting games though.
Minecraft- I like playing this casually. Sure, I'll play for hours and hours on end for months, but I prefer to stay exclusively in peaceful when playing Survival mode and I don't make anything too ambitious in Creative mode. I like to write, so sometimes I'll make a rough layout of the settings of my stories in different worlds. I prefer interior design and decorating when building, and when in survival mode I focus more on mining and gathering while my brother works on ambitious building projects. I just bring him the raw materials and furnish the interior when he finishes the outside.
Little Witch Academia- this takes up a smaller portion of my fandom list because there were only 2 seasons and a couple movies and I watched the whole series years ago, but I still enjoy it. At one point I wanted to cosplay Akko, and I loved the nod at Twilight through the Nightfall series. And I especially liked the twist that Shiny Chariot was Ursula, which I suspected for some time. The blend between magic and technology was fun to see, but I was so sad that the series ended RIGHT when Akko finally showed signs of magic proficiency. Also, Shiny Chariot being the reason Akko couldn't do magic was heartbreaking.
Voltron- this takes up a much smaller portion of my fandom list mainly because I haven't even finished it. I know hardly anything about Transformers aside from the Bumblebee movie so to me I just watch it for fun. It reminds me of power rangers, star wars, and star trek, and then there's just a transformer insert. But I don't know anything about Transformers so maybe the show is more rooted in canon than I think.
Coraline- I am in a love-hate relationship with Coraline. I have watched the movie several times, I've read the book, I've watched hours of theories and analyses on youtube, I've watched behind the scenes videos by Laika, and I even wrote a script for a fan film parody. I am amazed at how original the story is and how impressive the stop motion animation is but I also have recurring nightmares from it and it scares me/creeps me out to the max. If anyone asks what my scariness limit is, it's definitely Coraline.
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stellasolaris · 3 years
What's your favourite meta you have written so far?
Interesting question, thank you. I think it might be the one I wrote about Riven, even though it's probably my least popular post. I spent an embarrassingly long time researching every little detail and reading legitimate scientific papers to make sure I wasn't remembering anything incorrectly from my psychology classes. I actually left a lot of stuff out (including a paragraph about the workings of the mesolimbic dopamine system (mostly about ventral striatum) and its relation to emotional decision-making and the behavioral patterns Riven exhibits) because 1) it wasn't relevant and 2) no one without a background in neuroscience or a related field would have understood what I was talking about. 
But it was fun analyzing Riven from a neuropsychological standpoint, even if none of that analysis really made it to the post. All of this is basically a long-winded way of saying I had a lot of fun writing about Riven. (I did and do love writing about Stella as well, though.)
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cr4shjay · 4 years
Kuroshitsuji: Phantom&Ghost mini analysis
Just a few things I thought of after playing the game
There is little reason to believe it is NOT canon.
Being its own isolated story (written by Yana Toboso herself, nonetheless) means there isn't reason to believe it isn't canon. There are few inconsistencies and everyone is mostly in character.
I say "mostly" because it DOES have that very strong early-kuro vibe. Lizzie is not nearly as strong of a character as she is nowadays, though she is better than her first appearance. Her old issues such as forcing herself into situations are present but they're a lot less... Painful. Which is nice.
The most out of character one I'd say is actually O!Ciel himself! That is largely due to the "pick your own adventure" style of the game but there are a few weirdly out of character moments for this little dude:
Throwing a fit and abandoning the investigation after getting laughed at by some nobles he's never met for his poor dancing. He even went so far as to tell Sebastian that he needs intensive dance training! Where did that come from? What happened to the queen's orders are absolute?!
Multiple Bad Ends involve removing Stella's ghost from existence. Removing the only real eye-witness to the case seems.. odd? It's done out of concern for Lizzie's safety but Sebastian said she is fine and he can't lie.
Most Bad Ends revolve around him just giving up which is. The opposite of who he is as a person I'd think.
Granted these are all avoidable choices that the player has to make, yet the out-of-characterness is definitely something to keep in mind if one would like to analyze this game as if it is canon.
Are the characters relevant?
One thing that stuck out to me is Lord Ridley. I don't know if it was an inconsistency with the translation, but Sebastian and O!Ciel both mentioned having heard of him before. The question is where? And why in the world would those lines be in if they're meaningless??
Ridley is a pretty minor character. He's pretty much a human plot device, only serving to have Stella's body in his big spooky mansion and to act as a red herring. But the fact that the game went out of its way to say that Sebastian and O!Ciel have maybe seen him before is... Odd? I'd say maybe it was just a red herring but I feel as if those lines are neutral- not incriminating him or trying to imply he is guilty.
The other issue is why did he hold that ball? For what purpose? Why was Lau invited, too?! Ridley just raises more questions than he answers and it pisses me off.
IF this is canon: what does that change?
From what I can tell? Not much. There is definitely analysis to be made about the implications that Stella's ghost has for the current arc but my thoughts on that are too muddled at the moment.
Either way this game is a one-off side story of little consequence, but I think it's really cute and fun and you should all play the English translation done by the Anime Games Translation group (formerly known as Phantom&Ghost Project).
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k347 · 4 years
Evanstan ficlet
Prompt – "Your wish is my command"
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Word Count : 2.5 k
Warning: None. Maybe a bit of fluff
Summary: He was excited for the date. Very much so. But unexpected arrival of a girl at Chris' house changed their plans a little bit.
With his shoes shining extra bright, having fixed his tie & handkerchief in the coat pocket for probably the hundredth time, Sebastian comes out of the black Audi he parked in the corner spot. It's far enough from the mahogany door for hiding, but also close enough so that he can keep an eye on the place. There's still no movement though, so maybe he is still getting ready.
It’s his third date with Chris and Seb is bubbling with excitement and nerves. Yes, the previous two have gone great and he loved walking through the parks and exploring bookstores with the guy. But it still felt like two friends hanging out together rather than two potential boyfriends. So seb decided to take matters in his own hand and give tonight a more romantic cut. This is probably the first actual, proper ‘date’ they are going to have. They'll talk about each other all night and flirt from across the table, have eachother's complete an undivided attention. Reservation made at one of the finest and fanciest hotels in the city, where he plans to wine and dine Chris Evans and charm the fuck out of him. 
He really needs tonight to go just right. Exactly the way it is planned. Wants to make a good impression. Not that Chris doesn’t know him already. But Sebastian wants to come off as the good Boyfriend material instead of being the shy kid in a grown man's body who is still secretive and giggly around his crushes like he's some teenager. He was stuck in the friendzone spot for so long, it's sometimes still hard to believe he has escaped it. They have been working at the same firm for years now. But it was just last week when Seb gathered the courage to ask out the man of his dreams on a date. But more important (and still very shocking) is the fact that Chris indulged him and reciprocated the feelings instead of laughing them off. They’ve decided to take it slow and just see where it goes at the moment. ( Sebastian might have already dreamed of their wedding, pets and future babies though. He has been doing that for a couple of years. Not in a creepy way. He is just the hopeless romantic, thinks of himself as a rom-com lead sort of a person) But tonight he plans to be the best of the best. Create a whole James Bond vibe and make all that extra effort it takes to win over someone as special as Chris. He is dressed in his finest Italian suit and had his hair quaffed perfectly, wearing the best cologne and is present on the doorstep at sharp seven thirty, like he said he would be. Punctual. A good start to being a good date. He rings the doorbell and pulls out his most charming smile, for Chris. Only when the door opens, instead of the familiar handsome bearded face and stormy blue eyes, the visual of an empty drawing room greets him. He turns his head to both sides. Nope. No one. What kind of sorcery is this? Who opened the door, if he can’t see any human in front of him right now?
"Psst. Tsk tsk. Here."
A small, sweet voice reaches his ears. He looks down and finds the source behind that. It’s a little girl. Probably 4 or 5 years old. She has blonde hair and chubby cheeks, barely reaching up to his waist even though she is standing on a platform higher above him. Has a curious look on her face and is analyzing him from head to toe. He instantly smiles after looking at her. Tiny angel dressed in a onesie that has cartoons scribbled all over it. Two seconds in and she is already melting his heart. Damn you baby fever.
“And who might you be?”,He asks leaning down to reach closer to her height.
“I am Stella. Don't tell me who you are. I already know. You're the date guy. Where are your flowers?”, the little lady asks him, tone too judgemental for a five-year-old but adorable nonetheless.
“My flowers?”, He is a bit confused right now.
“Yeah. Flowers. When you go on a date, you are supposed to bring them”, she tells him impatiently and gives a disapproving look, like she’s the adult and he is the kid in this scenario.
“Yeah, Sebastian. Don’t you know simple date manners? Where are your flowers?”, Seb finally hears the voice his ears had been craving for. Chris just came to the door too. Wearing a crisp white button up and dress pants. Tie undone and hair a little messed up, indicating he had been running his hands through them frequently. The kind of thing people do when they are nervous. Chris doesn't show any other signs of distress though, has a playful tone and glint in his eyes, clearly stating that he’ going along with the joke and self imposing in the ongoing conversation.
“Sorry. The vendor was a mean guy. Didn’t give me any. And how many dates have you been on to know all this stuff?”, Seb asks the girl after shooting  Chris a full smile.
“Five”, Stella replies promptly.
“Five? Wow, sounds serious. Who’s the lucky guy?”, Sebastian can’t help but talk more to the little munchkin. She sems fearless and very confident. Unafraid of talking to strangers and making conversations, a quality Seb wishes he had in himself.
“His name is Ethan and he’s boy. Not a guy. But he does remember  to bring me flowers every time”, She tells him with her chin held high.
“Well, maybe we can have a double date next time”, he replies while giggling at the cuteness and she just shrugs like ‘it’s no big deal’.
“Stel, why don’t you go inside and keep and eye on dodger while I talk to Mr. Stan over here”, Chris pats her shoulders and Stella just nods and runs off back in the house.
“Mr. Stan? Really? I love it when you are formal Evans, but I’d prefer to be called Sebastian for the rest of the night. We are not in the office now, remember?”, he asks sheepishly.
“You gotta teach the kids good manners, right? Can’t have them all turning up as uncultured swans like you”, Chris was always that guy in the room who makes sweet jokes and tries to put every one a ease. Another reason why Sebastian loved the guy. Handsome, kind, compassionate, and witty. He truly is the whole package.
“Between the two of us right now, who is dressed more properly and has his tie done in a Windsor knot?Stop making excuses. She clearly has more sass than both of us combined. So if I were you, I’d stop worrying about teaching little grandma manners and start thinking about the wrinkles on that shirt”, Sebastian was never the one to shy away from fun banter either.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. That’s all you wanna say though? No further questions?”
“Oh, I was gonna ask if you forgot to tell me something but you clearly don’t let your guests speak without badgering them about having manners”.
Chris gives him an apologetic sort of smile and says, “I am so sorry Seb, I did try to call you but when you didn’t pick up I figured you were probably driving and on your way here anyway, so...”
“A good answer, but not one for the question I was gonna ask”
“Oh, you mean you were gonna ask me about our daughter?’, Sebastian gives him a dry chuckle. “See that’s funny because you and I never slept together”, Chris explains further, thinking he’s being hilarious right now and Seb has to prick that bubble.
“I don’t find it funny by the least, Chris. And by ‘it’, I mean the fact that we never slept together. Also please tell me you know that even if we did, it is biologically impossible for us to have a kid together”, Seb gives him an incredulous look and that makes Chris laugh out louder than before.
“Oh, pardon me. I am an investment banker, life sciences were never really my strongest subjects”, he apologizes, with a hand on his heart.
“It’s actually more of a common sense thing and honestly you are right now making me reconsider the decision of asking you out for this date.”
“That’s probably a good thing, because we are gonna have to reschedule the date anyway. Stella is my niece, Seb. My sister just dropped her off, couldn’t find a baby sitter at the last moment. So here I am. Stuck in between being the best brother and the most favored uncle at the moment. Ditching a hot guy and a fancy date to take care of a sassy 5 year old. Good Times”, Chris lets out a self depreciating laugh, still looks really apologetic and genuinely sorry which makes Seb’s heart sink even deeper than it already has after hearing the date he was so excited about is getting a rain check. He musters up a smile though.
“It is okay, Chris. Really. I understand”, he tries very hard to sound normal and not let any disappointment he is feeling pour into his voice.
“It’s not though. We decided this together and now I am just bailing on you at the last moment. Cancelling plans on such a short notice. Even though I know how much you planned for tonight and the reservation will probably get wasted. I’ll pay for it if yo-“,Chris starts with another round of apologies and Sebastian already knows the guy wouldn’t stop rambling unless he’s cut off.
“Chris. Chris, stop. It’s no big deal. The Plaza is way too overrated anyway. I guess we can have more fun by ordering a pizza and watching care-bears while waiting for it”, Sebastian suggests. Still a little hopeful that he’ll get to spend the evening with Chris anyway. Doesn’t matter if it’s at a fancy hotel or on a couch at his home. All he wants is to be close to this man.
“You..you wanna come in and spend time with us?”, Chris’ eyes are wide with surprise. He  was clearly not expecting the situation to take this turn. Sebastian instantly feels like an asshole for trying to decide everything on his own.
“I didn’t mean to sound so presumptious, but yeah...I’d like to do that. If you’ll have me?”, he asks for permissson and is half expecting for the door to slam in his face.
“Of course we’ll have you, Seb. It’s always pleasure. Come on in”, Chris moves back, inviting him inside the beautiful place and Sebastian happily accpets the offer.
“Good for you. Because if you had just refused, I was totally planning on setting a camp right in front of your door step to make you feel horribly guilty”, he says while taking off the coat and hanging it up on the rack. He is delighted to hear the sound of Chris’s laugh at his recycled, not-so-funny jab. The date might not have gone where he wanted it to, but it’s definitely going somewhere. And for now, that's good enough.
“Oh and Seb, Care bears is so 1985. Kids these days don’t really watch that y’know?”
“Well I thought CNBC and the stock market channels would be a bit much for her”
“Don’t worry. She knows exactly what she wants. A Disney fan.”
“So I see, she takes after her uncle. Please tell me it’s not Frozen though."
“No, tonight's reserved for Tangled.”
"Hmmm. A bit better. I can deal with that. She has a good choice."
“Takes after her uncle in that regard as well”, Chris winks at him before turning to go into the kitchen and Sebastian’s heart is doing backflips at that simple action.
They spend the rest of their night watching and singing along with the animated characters. Building pillow forts, telling Dodger to fetch the colourful balls and mimicking sesame street voices. It’s the best date Sebastian has ever had, even if it was hijacked by a kindergartener and a furball. At the dinner table, Stella tells Chris she wants to sit next to ‘Bastian’ and asks him to cut her pizza into little bites for her. Seb tries so hard to hide the tears that well up in his eyes, though he is sure, Chris caught a glimpse of them. Because right after feeling too emotional, he had gotten a squeeze at his thigh and Chris interwined  their fingers together, skin warm and cheeks flushed red. This looks and feels so much like the future Sebastian had been planning for them. He can’t tell if he manifested that by imagining it hard enough or is fate just being extra nice and kind to him since last week. Either way, he hopes this doesn’t change.
Finally it’s after 10:30 and Chris reminds Stella it’s way past her bedtime, she shouldn't take advantage of him just because he caves in everytime she pouts. He takes her to the upstairs bedroom while Sebastian stays in the kitchen to do the dishes, no matter how much Chris asks him not to do that.
“Please don’t. You’ll only make me feel like a shitty host”
“Please let me, if I don’t, I’ll be the one feeling like a shitty guest”.
Just when he’s done drying off the last plate, Seb hears footsteps coming down from the stairs. He walks out of the kitchen and stands at the very end of it, waiting for Chris to come down.
“She asleep yet?”, he asks when they’re just two steps away from each other.
“Actually no. Said she wants you to go up there and kiss her goodnight too”, Chris laughs but answers with a certain seriousness that tells Seb this is not entirely a joke. Stella actually did ask for him. That realisation warms his heart even more.
“Alright, I can do that”, he starts climbing up the stairs and crosses Chris. Is stopped by a large hand softly reaching out to hold onto his elbow. ‘”You know, you don’t have to, right? She’ll go to sleep on her own in a few minutes anyway. Don’t spoil her too much”, Chris wants to make sure Seb isn’t feeling obligated to do any of this just because of him.
“I know I don’t have to. I want to though. And cuties like you Evans people deserve a little more spoiling every now and then. Let me take care of that”, he smiles and frees his arm from Chris’s grasp. Walks a few stairs further but is stopped in his track again. This time, by Chris’ deep husky voice.
“Hey, Seb?”
“After you are done with putting the little madam to sleep, I want you to come downstairs and kiss me good night too. I’ll be waiting in my own room”, Chris is flustered, pale skin turned the loveliest shade of pink at the make but his voice still holds a demanding and authorative tone that manages to make Sebastian weak in the knees.
“Sure”, he says with his own voice trembling and can’t begin to believe his lucky stars.
'Whatever you say. Your wish is my command, Christopher', Sebastian thinks.
 Actually, he might’ve just said it out loud judging by the way Chris snorts then blushes a shade darker and smiles some more standing on the other end of that staircase.
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