mcxcuseme13 · 1 month
I know the general consensus is that America has too many races, but hear me out:
F1 race in the Mall of America
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redplanetlobster · 5 months
You know, for someone who has struggled writing essays even in grade school, I could truly write a dissertation on how Jmart didn't actually come out of left field, was truly always there, and how the arc actually makes a lot of sense for the characters and the medium of the story with how much I've been ranting to myself about it.
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gabumonisbestdigimon · 4 months
I think Miranda is one of those girls that violently shakes their pre-made salad while talking to people.
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faededaway · 9 months
Natsuo and Fuyumi Todoroki x reader
ATTENTION: it's polygamy. It truly is a Natsuo and Fuyumi's girlfriend type'a thing. (No description of reader besides use of the word girlfriend) about 2k words.
[more thoughts on this ship]
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Natsuo has a hard time dating people. After reaching a certain point he always pulls back. He always makes sure to do it as early as possible. He was going to do the same with you. He told himself he would let you go before seeing you in his jacket felt more natural than wearing it himself, before waking up without you felt like a nightmare, before he starts thinking of what you'd like to eat for dinner when he's cooking, before he aligns his holidays with yours, before-
Before it was too late.
But, it was too late. You were in the shower when he did it. You made a remark about the water being cold enough to make you cry. He didn't say anything until you got out. He'd packed your stuff and laid out an outfit for you.
“Maybe you find me too cold, too.”
You'd laughed and told him, “Natsu! Of course I don't! I was talking about the water. My fingers hurt from the cold.”
“Don't they hurt when you hold mine?”
There'd been a lot of back and forth. You'd spent weeks trying to convince the love of your life that you didn't mean anything metaphorical. You were being literal. You recalled every hug, every hand held, every bed shared, every time you touched, every time you bared yourself to him. None of it made any difference as he wasn't leaving because of you. He was leaving because of himself.
Last time you'd spoken, you had begged him to give you a reason for why he left. You'd begged him to meet you one more time. He'd stayed quite on the other side of the call. You'd said, “you know? I, I do find you very, very, cold, Natsuo. C-cold enough to make me cry for the rest of my life.” The crack in your voice was reflected in the crack in his heart. He vouched to never date again.
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Then you met Fuyumi. Fuyumi.
Everything about her appealed to you. Her smile, her voice, her glasses, her hair, her hobbies, even her gait. The more you learned about her, the more you liked her.
Fuyumi. Fuyumi who fills every corner of her life with warmth.
You didn't realize her relation to Natsuo until you saw him in her house.
You had just showered after spending the night with Fuyumi. She was making tea in the kitchen. It was your small routine.
If she spent the night at yours, you made the tea. If you spent the night at hers, she made the tea. The other person would shower and make their way to the kitchen. Then you'd embrace each other with soft smiles and softer kisses.
“Your tea always tastes better than mine! Tell me your secrets!”, you peppered her neck with kisses to hear her giggle, your real source of warmth through the cold.
“I can say the same about yours. You make it just how I need it”, she turned to wrap her arms around your neck and kiss your temple.
You closed your eyes to savor the short moment you had before you'd separate for work.
“Sorry, it took me a while. The water was so cold, I almost cried.”
A shattering noise from the adjacent living room made Fuyumi jump in shock.
You turned around to see him, of all people, with a half cracked frozen mug, sitting on the couch you and Fuyumi first made love on.
“Natsuo! Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? Don't touch the broken pieces. I'm bringing a dustpan,” Fuyumi left your arms to help your ex-boyfriend fix his mess.
Natsuo. The reason you cried for six months straight.
Natsuo. The reason you walked on eggshells around every person you knew for fear of upsetting them enough to leave you.
Natsuo. Your first love who carved out a whole chunk of your personality and threw it away while throwing away 2 years of your life.
You were one more thought away from dropping to your knees when Fuyumi said something worse, “love, meet Natsuo, my brother. He said he made too much food so he brought some over to share with us.”
Natsuo. Fuyumi's brother.
Sirens blared in your head, a thousand exclamation marks were drawn all italicized. For the first time, something she did took warmth away from your life.
It did make some things fall in place. Like, why you liked her so much from the get-go. She looks like him. Laughs like him. Or maybe he laughs like her. Same laugh, they have the same laugh. They smell similar. Same detergent, you assume. Her hands hold yours the way his did. They listen to the same obscure vinyl record, only Fuyumi plays it on a record while Natsuo played it on his walkman. There were a thousand other things you could list. Like that time you got a dirty look from a restaurant owner that Fuyumi said was a family friend. It didn't make sense then but ah, I did go there with Natsuo.
For the second time, the love of my life would leave me because I said something about a stupid cold shower.
You laughed. An honest, amused laugh until there were tears in your eyes and said, “Fuyumi, I know your brother as well as I know you.”
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Natsuo had forgotten your voice in the 2 years you spent apart. But he'd never forget your face. His first thought upon seeing you was did she do this for revenge?
But then, your voice cracked the way it did when you last spoke to him. And he knew, life was being cruel to him and you and Fuyumi once more time.
He cursed himself internally for thinking you would stoop this low for revenge. He, more than anyone else, should know how he contributed to this. In the two years you dated, he never once introduced you to any family member. He told himself you were temporary. And you, you never had an interest in celebrities to look up 'Endeavor's family members'.
But Fuyumi loves you enough to talk about you at family dinners. I think you will like her. She's very sweet and pretty. She gave me a vinyl record of her favorite song. I just think, whatever we have, I want it to last. I really want you to meet her so she knows how serious I am about her.
“You-, you do?”, Fuyumi's voice was faint. The stillness of the room was the only reason it was audible.
You looked like you wanted to cease existing.
Natsuo got up from his seat. Two of the women he loved, loves, were going to fall apart because of him.
“I, it's fine! We were young and it was a long-”
A sob left your chest. Fuyumi was by your side in an instant, holding your falling body.
Natsuo sat back down and held his chest while you cried in Fuyumi's arms.
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Everyone had called their work and asked for a day off. Natsuo had called and asked his friend to take notes for him.
You were all seated around the kotatsu. Natsuo had served the food he brought over. Fuyumi's tea was served on the side.
You picked at your plate and nibbled occasionally. You were seated next to Fuyumi. Your left hand held onto her sweater.
The Todorokis exchanged glances. While Natsuo didn't introduce you to the family, he did tell his sister about his last girlfriend (aka, the reason he stopped eating for 2 weeks straight).
Fuyumi knew Natsuo's girlfriend. He had confided in her during your breakup. She knew how he broke your heart and knew why he did it. Their father left different wounds on each of them, some of them hurt others in these ways. But she didn't want to hurt you or lose you.
She took a deep breath and asked a brave question, “what if you dated?”.
“I don't want you to leave me!”, your hand clutching her sweater tightened.
“I know. I know, honey. I am-, I'm not leaving you,” she squeezed your left hand to reassure you.
Natsuo, who understood her question, choked on his meal.
His sister was proposing something blasphemous. He had to brush out the thought as soon as possible. No.
That's all he had to say. But the thought of feeling you and holding you in his arms again, and to have you hold onto him like you're holding Fuyumi held him back.
“Yes.” He said before he could convince himself otherwise.
You jerked your head towards him. His sister hummed in thought. You glanced between the siblings to try and understand what they were thinking.
Natsuo moved to sit by your right side and Fuyumi drew in a breath again.
The two of them held a hand of yours before Fuyumi spelled it out for you, “darling, I understand that finding out your first love and your current girlfriend are siblings isn't easy for you to take. But I think there's an easy solution here. I love you so much. And I know how much Natsuo loved you, how much he still loves you. I know how loving be would be to you, how much better he would be today. I'd love to see you be loved like that. Will you let us both love on you?”
“I, I don't get-”
“Date us both. Go out with both of us. Love her and let me love you, again”, Natsuo simplified the thought for you.
You gaped at the two of them while trying to form coherent responses. You couldn't wrap your head around it. What part of it was easy? What part of it made sense? Dating two siblings at the same time, one being your ex, made no sense.
“Let me kiss you. Just once. If that doesn't help you, we can forget this whole thing. And I'll leave you alone”, Natsuo suggested.
Hearing him say ‘I will leave you alone’ hurt more than you expected it to. Do you still have feelings for him?
You looked back at Fuyumi to see how she felt about his suggestion. She wore an encouraging. To help you, she held your chin and kissed you.
When you separated to take a breath, she turned your chin towards your ex.
He gave you a second to hesitate before leaning in.
His lips still felt the same. He cupped your face with both his hands and kissed you like he was making up for the two years he spent apart from you. You let go of your girlfriend's sweater and brought your hands over to his chest.
You liked it. You liked it a lot. You missed him. You wanted him. Tears spilled from your face and you choked on a sob.
Natsuo pulled away immediately.
“But, what will, ah, how, people, and uh, people, and your mom and my mom, and others, and you're siblings. And I don't-”, you had so many worries. All of them spilled over in an incoherent mess. Your chest heaved. Your body shook.
Your two loves steadied you in their arms. One kissed your head while the other kissed your hand.
“We can explain. I am sure your friends will understand. It may be harder to explain to our families but we can work on that slowly,” Fuyumi held your face in her chest and consoled you.
“You don't have to think of everything now or today. Just focus on us now,” Natsuo rubbed your head.
The two of them were truly like your rocks. Having both of them here made you think how could I not want this?
And that's how you became Fuyumi and Natsuo's girlfriend.
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seadragon-sailing · 11 months
Baby versions of everyone?
((Sorry that this took so long. I also apologize because I decided to be a jerk, and add a little bit of character lore that turns this cute idea into something sad... ^^; I had fun thinking about it, tho))
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For the most part, things weren't too bad for Luka, Tamara and Lee when they were babies! Grew up pretty happy well-provided for.
But for the others...
Tw; death, and child endangerment(?)/abandonment under the cut
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Things were a little rough.
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Happy (late) birthday undertale!
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foxeroni · 2 years
Hey maybe don't think about what would have happened in the crossover if Etho and Tango switched places and Jimmy had to wach Joel be happily reunited with his soulmate while still missing Tango. You may not be able to sleep well if you do. Just a suggestion.
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marinehero-a · 1 year
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     Whether it's due to his connection to Dragon, or his own beliefs towards the Celestial Dragons, Garp has always avoided the Revolutionary Army as a topic of conversation. Even following the War when his status as Dragon's father became public, he's inclined to do little more than confirm it and laugh before moving on. Alhough he doesn't keep regular contact with Dragon, he is more familiar with the activites of the Revolutionary Army than most marines. Sengoku, Tsuru, and Bogard tend to keep him updated, and — if he could be bothered to — he could give a decent guess as to what Dragon's intending at a larger scale.
     Regardless of whether his knowledge is correct or incorrect, if their paths were to cross, Garp would only interfere with their buisness if it were harming his men or civilians. Likewise, if he stumbles across spies or RA members, it's more likely for him to sigh and look the other way than take any action.
     That's not to say he approves of them. He hates how they involve civilians, encourgaging people to stand up for themselves and fight. Even if a part of him, perhaps even a large part, understands, he doesn't agree with it.
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hms-permanence · 2 years
(We’re just gonna….) “hey us again. Haha….” Hides teddy bear behind back. “Wanna have a new ‘crew mate?’” Gives teddy. “This should be able to protect you from bad monsters. His name is rivers” (a little wanted to tell you this but is to shy to say it to you. Hope you like it:D)
Oh my, that is quite a sweet gift. Thank you.
I'll have a uniform tailored for him as soon as possible!
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ask-sailor-cinder · 2 years
Hey cinder: what’s your opinion on the crew?
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(and all the ocs are cool!!!)
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the-blaze-rods · 2 years
hey aiden, what’s it like being a guard? and to everyone: how is it like? i mean, things changed for the better, and i hope you all have been fine/ok-ish
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the-ace-lesbians · 2 years
hot take (it’s the most lukewarm take you’ll ever hear) but we have evolved with our understanding of gender as a social construct and sexuality as an inherently complicated thing enough that it in fact does not mean that just using the ‘retro way’ of describing sexuality and relationships and gender in queer spaces is the way to go but rather the new words we have to be as specific or unspecific as we want are there for the purpose of encapsulating who we are and should be used. evolution and adaptation within a digital space in which you can be as highly specific as you want, or don’t want.
like, basically, yes old queers did use whatever goddamn words they wanted, and I respect that. I love the ways old queers described themselves. I’m enamored with someone calling themselves, like, a ftm boydyke. Great vibes. I’d be safe as hell in a room with him and he’d give me great ideas for soups. But the time in which old queers navigated their identities have changed massively and we now live in a digital world where the queer community is active and loud and everywhere, and any knowledge about any word we could use is at our fingertips, and new words have been made to more accurately describe experiences so we didn’t HAVE to layer what we could together to get a semblance of what we felt, and it’s not only okay but probably uhh very good for us to be able to, like...
Evolve and start using our own ways of self-identity and nuance, and also start defining the differences in our shared identities as queer people while acknowledging that that does not mean we aren’t all still family with a shared experience of marginalization and beauty and love.
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ex-vespidae · 2 years
thinking about kirby characters and "redemption" redemption is in quotation because its more of... characters who were antagonists that didn't die meaning they get the opportunity to be better compared to characters that well... die.
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hamhammoody · 2 years
I'm learning that I don't like confrontation in my personal life. I handle so many heated situations between students at work that when I get home I don't think I can handle it.
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seadragon-sailing · 2 years
“Kyung, ummm do you like hugs? We’ve been sad, the littles are sobbing.” Opens arms with a sad smile. “Do you wanna….. have a head pat?”
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hauntedhowling · 6 months
I turn 23 in 2 days and I've still done jack shit with my life. I still have no friends. I haven't made it with my art, which at this point is just a pipe dream for me.
This is gonna be year 3 of just me and my mate, and it hurts. A lot.
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