#stephen grant whump
goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Steven Grant Whump | Moon Knight
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1x01 The Goldfish Problem - Jaw dislocated, confused, manhandled, heartbroken, panic x2, scared x2
1x02 Summon the Suit - Panic attack, abducted, scared x2, comforted, overwhelmed, thrown out a window, thrown, manhandled, choked, weak
1x03 The Friendly Type - Impaled, weak, collapse, unconscious
1x04 The Tomb - Unconscious, punched, falls, scared, trapped, panic
1x05 Asylum - Learning the truth; emotional, protected, manhandled, tackled, abused childhood, panic, denial, crying, falls, dies
1x06 Gods and Monsters - Dead, punched, thrown
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whumpsday · 1 year
10 and 12 perhaps from the whumpblr ask game?
10. did you write/read whump even before you knew what the term was?
yes, both! i've been reading similar since the age of 11, my first experiences being the YA-horror series Gone by Michael Grant, and my second shortly after being me sneakily stealing my mom's copy of the horror but very-much-not-YA novel Misery by Stephen King after Gone got me fascinated with fictional torture.
as for writing, i did write a few one-shots in my notes app in like 2018-19ish, all of which were whump-based. i didn't learn the term whump until 2020. unfortunately, i permanently deleted all of those during a mental breakdown, and they're gone forever.
12. do you prefer writing the build up to a whump scene or the aftermath?
aftermath for sure. i LOOOOVE aftermath to whump, sometimes even more than the whump itself.
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iron-mum · 2 years
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity ✨💛🌻
Aww, this is so sweet!
My kiddos and furbabies!
The love and support of my friends, particularly through recent tough times.
Pepperoni, chorizo sausage, sweetcorn and onion pizza 🍕
Binge-watching TV shows!
Comfort characters - especially when whumped! Apologies to Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Sherlock, Steven Grant and Jaskier.
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whumpslist · 5 years
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The Flash’s whumps’ list
(referred to main male characters: * Barry Allen / The Flash, portrayed by Grant Gustin; * Dr. Harrison Wells / Eobard Thawne / H. R. Wells (etc.), portrayed by Tom Cavanagh; *Cisco Ramon / Vibe, portrayed by Carlos Valdes [until seventh season]; * Joe West, portrayed by Jesse L. Martin; * Henry Allen / Jay Garrick, portrayed by John Wesley Shipp [recurrent]; * Wally West / Kid Flash, portrayed by Keiynan Lonsdale [recurrent]; * Oliver Queen / Arrow, portrayed by Stephen Amell [guest]; * Mon-El / Tommy Moran, portrayed by Chris Wood [guest]; * Det. Eddie Thawne, portrayed by Rick Cosnett [first season]; * Jay Garrick / Zoom / Hunter Zolomon, portrayed by Teddy Sears [second season]; * Julian Albert, portrayed by Tom Felton [third season]; * Bart Allen / Impulse, portrayed by Jordan Fisher [guest])
Season 1
.01: Barry Allen / The Flash: struck by a lightning bolt and flew throught the room, bloody and unconscious, unconscious on a gurney to hospital, bloody wake on his chest and oxygen mask, cardiac arrest, nine months of coma, rough awakening and painting, almost hit by a running car and then into a car accident, dragged himself outside the upside down car, cut on his forehead and hand and panting, fought against the Weather Wizard; Eddie Thawne: flew throught the room and passed out.
.02: Barry Allen / The Flash: fainted, beaten up, treated, fought against Multiplex.
.03: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against The Mist and defeated, inhaled poisoned gas, heavy difficulties to breath and treated in the infirmary bay, injected with huge syringe and screaming in pain, passed out, unconscious on a gurney in the infirmary bay, sore and patch on his chest, fought.
.04: Barry Allen / The Flash: shot with a cold gun in the flank, panting and in pain, treated, 3rd degree frostbite, shot with a cold gun and painting on the ground.
.05: none.
.06: Barry Allen / The Flash: badly beaten up by Girder, bloody and in pain on Star Labs’s floor, treated and fractured hand, stretched on the gurney and sore, fought againts a robot and fallen to the ground with dislocated shoulder, treated and screaming, beaten up by Girder again and rescued in pain on the floor, fought against Girder.
.07: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against Blackout and defeated, powers stolen, screaming and collapsed on the ground, hit with an electric strike and grunting fallen to the ground, wound on his shoulder and panting, electrocuted in order to regain his powers and badly fallen to the ground, hit his injured shoulder on the floor, heavly panting and holding his arm, blood sample taken, fought against Blackout; Eddie Thawne: taken hostage, shot twice one in the vest one in the arm, bleeding on the floor and moaning, finger dipped into his wound and screaming, treated with handmade tourniquet, on a stretch, in hospital bed on pain meds.
.08: Barry Allen / The Flash: trained by Arrow and got shot in the back with two darts, affected by rage and argued with anyone, fought against Arrow, hit by explosion blast and fallen to the ground, shot with tranquilizer dart, hit in the face, shot with dart in his leg, immobilized, holding each other limping; Oliver Queen / Arrow: dragged high speed on the ground, fought against Flash, punched several times and on the ground, got up holding his torso and hoarse voice, holding each other limping; Eddie Thawne: thrown outside a running car and fallen to the ground, manhandled, sore on the ground, limping holding his torso, dressed cut and bruise on his forehead.
crossover “Flash vs. Arrow”: Barry Allen /The Flash: argued with Oliver; Oliver Queen / Arrow: under gunpoint, fought, almost hit by explosive boomerangs, argued with Barry, fought.
.09: Barry Allen / The Flash: run against the Reverse Flash and defeated, sore on the ground, emotional pain and crying, fought against the Reverse Flash and defeated, bruise on his cheek; Harrison Wells: badly beaten up, treated and several bruises.
.10: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit by explosion blast and fallen to the ground, fought against Captain Cold and Heatwave, groaning and painting on the ground.
.11: Barry Allen /The Flash: thrown against a glass sculpture, fought against Pied Piper, attacked with soundwaves, groaning in pain and writhing on the ground, panting; Ramon Cisco: hit by explosion blast and passed out with bleeding nose, un a gurney with concussion.
.12: Barry Allen / The Flash: shot in the neck but speed enough to intercept the bullet before penetrating, collapsed to the ground panting, treated in the infirmary bay, superficial bullet wound, rough fight with Peek-a-Boo; Cisco Ramon: attacked with soundwaves and kicked; Henry Allen: stabbed in prison (not shown), on a gurney in the infirmary with many bruises on his face.
.13: none.
.14: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit with shards of metal, collapsed in pain, rescued and treated in the infirmary bay, shards extracted one by one with suffering, hit with white phosphorus bullet and burning, burnt wounds on his torso (plus Firestorm’s whumps).
.15: Barry Allen / The Flash: escaped from a car explosion; Cisco Ramon: attacked by the Reverse Flash and killed.
.16: Barry Allen / The Flash: punched in the face, upset; Cisco Ramon: kidnapped, beaten and his brother brutalized.
.17: Barry Allen / The Flash: almost hit by explosion blast, emotional pain and crying, ticking bomb attached to his wrist; Harrison Wells: into a car accident in the past.
.18: Barry Allen / The Flash: stung by poisoning robotic bees, unconscious on the ground with bee stings all over his face, cardiac arrest, heart restarted with defibrillator, deeply disturbed and upset, emotionally struggling, surrounded by bees; Cisco Ramon: stung by poisoning robotic bee, unconscious on the ground, cardiac arrest, heart restarted with electric shock by The Flash.
.19: Barry Allen / The Flash: knocked out, unconscious on the ground, hands tied and tape on his mouth, tased and fallen to the ground unconscious, slapped to be woken up, fought against Everyman; Eddie Thawne: fought and punched, defeated, framed for murder and arrested.
.20: Barry Allen / The Flash: memories of the past when he was unconscious into an hospital bed after the lightning bolt during the coma, run against an anti-speedster shield and bounced to the ground grunting; Eddie Thawne: hit in the chest and panting, kidnapped; Harrison Wells: shot in the chest and died, but was Everyman.
.21: Barry Allen / The Flash: intense headache and collapsed to the ground moaning, psychic attack and slammed against wall, passed out, rough fight against Grodd; Eddie Thawne: kidnapped and tied up to a chair, hit, emotionally tortured.
.22: Barry Allen / The Flash: frustrated, fought against four metahumans, hit by lightning bolt and fallen to the ground groaning, fought against the Reverse Flash; Eddie Thawne: tied up to a chair, very weak after 14 days of kidnapping without eating, dehydrated and IV fluids, needed help to walk.
.23: Barry Allen / The Flash: emotional pain and crying three times (!), conflicted, rough fight against the Reverse Flash, many blood bruises on his face; Eddie Thawne: shot himself at his heart to defeat Reverse Flash, collapsed, bleeding and groaning, died.
Season 2
.01: Barry Allen / The Flash: upset and distraught, punched and flew on a car roof passing out, caught into an explosion and shred into his leg (without consequences shown), beaten up, shaky and bloody, fainted, unconscious on a stretcher in the infirmary bay, bruises on his face, emotional pain and crying, fought against Atom Smasher.
.02: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against Sand Demon twice, caught into an explosion and fallen to the ground; Jay Garrick: beaten up, almost chocked to death, treated in the infirmary bay and dressed torso with bruises.
.03: Barry Allen / The Flash: run against a wormhole and bounced to the ground grunting, shot with a cold gun, grunting, undercover, shot but intercepted bullet and fallen to the ground.
.04: Barry Allen / The Flash: attacked by King Shark and almost chocked to death, slammed to the ground.
.05: Barry Allen / The Flash: lighted and blinded by Doctor Light; Jay Garrick: attacked by Doctor Light and passed out into an upside down truck, bruises on his face, hit by explosion blast, treated in the infirmary bay and patched cut on his forehead, cuts on his face, fought with Wells; Harrison Wells: shot three times but Barry stopped the bullets, fought with Garrick.
.06: Barry Allen / The Flash: fake fight against fake Doctor Light and fake death, rough fight against Zoom and badly defeated, broken back, a bruised unconscious puppet in the hands of Zoom, kidnapped and publicly humiliated, stabbed and screaming, almost killed, unconscious on a gurney in the infirmary bay, paralized; Harrison Wells: attacked by Joe.
.07: Barry Allen / The Flash: after a week still problems to walk and breath, badly fallen from the treadmill and grunting, emotionally broken and autocommiserating, slapped by Grodd flew and badly fallen, immobilized by Grodd, coughing and sore; Harrison Wells: attacked by Barry, used himself as bait, slapped by Grodd and flew across the room and badly fallen, sore holding his torso, treated in the infirmary bay and stitched cut on his flank, dressed wound and sore.
.08: Barry Allen / The Flash: knife thrown into his shoulder and fallen (without consequences shown), fought against Hawkman and then Vandal Savage; Harrison Wells: shot point-black in the chest and collapsed, treated and surgery in the infirmary bay, recovering; Oliver Queen / Arrow: almost chocked to death, fought against Vandal Savage, fallen from a runny motocycle and fought against Hawkman.
crossover “Heroes Join Forces”: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against Vandal Savage, traveled back in time and fought against Vandal Savage again; Oliver Queen / Arrow: upset, fought against Vandal Savage, killed, fought against Vandal Savage again, exhausted.
.09: Barry Allen / The Flash: tortured electrocuted and almost killed by the Weather Wizard and Trickster, immobilized; Harrison Wells: attacked by Zoom and almost chocked to death, blackmailed and emotionally tortured.
.10: Barry Allen / The Flash: nightmares, chandelier fallen on him and passed out, dragged unconscious, worried, punched several times; Jay Garrick: discovered he has a fatal disease.
.11: Barry Allen / The Flash: punched, fought against the Reverse Flash; Cisco Ramon: seizures and almost died.
.12: Barry Allen / The Flash: upset; Harrison Wells: blackmailed, roughly grabbed and squeezed shoulder, gasping in pain, on his knees, discomfort and pain, feeling guilty and conflicted, surrended himself and verbally attacked, physically attacked and punched in his face, fallen to the floor, grabbed and manhandled, thrown into a cell and locked, bruised face.
.13: Barry Allen / The Flash: emotional crying, fought against Killer Frost and Firestorm, upset, hit by Reverbe e Firestom repeatedly, on the ground sore, kidnapped and locked into a cell; Joe West: doppelganger shot and dead; Jay Garrick: fought and defeated, bloody bruise on his shoulder.
.14: Barry Allen / The Flash: still locked into a cell from previous episode, badly beaten; Jay Garrick: exhausted, badly fallen to the ground, hit and kidnapped, fate unknown.
.15: Barry Allen / The Flash: grieving and frustrated, hit and slammed against a car by King Shark, roughly fallen to the ground and holding his torso, grunting in pain, argued with Wally, upset and tears feeling guilty.
.16: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit and slammed against a car by Trajectory, treated in the infirmary bay and bruised cheek, entrapped into a cell fought, deeply upset and screaming for anger/emotional pain; Harrison Wells: sick worried, blood transfusion and lightly panting; Joe West: slammed through a glass and cut on his forehead.
.17: Barry Allen / The Flash: restless and angry, fought against himself in the past and one knocked out, hit at his head and knocked out, unconscious and handcuffed, almost executed, hunted and chased by a Time Wraith, almost chocked to death.
.18: Barry Allen / The Flash: argued, blackmailed and upset, deprived of his superspeed, ungracely fallen to the ground exhausted, attacked and vise-grip at his throat, shocked.
.19: Barry Allen / The Flash: restless being without his superspeed, hit by a barrel and slammed to the ground, moaning in pain, holding his torso, fought; Harrison Well: into a car accident, wobbly and bruise on his forehead, kidnapped, handcuffed, slapped and slammed to the ground.
.20: Barry Allen / The Flash: upset and conflicted, grunting, injected with chemicals, heavily panting, disappeared, fate unknown; Cisco Ramon: attacked by Rupture and slammed to the ground, upset; Wally West: hit by wave and slammed to the ground, unconscious.
.21: Barry Allen / The Flash: lost/trapped inside the Speed Force, emotional pain and on the edge of tears and/or crying repeatedly, fought and slammed against the wall; Cisco Ramon: heavily panting; Wally West: still unconscious.
.22: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against Black Siren with sonic waves, on the ground and hissing ears, kicked, rescued, blood from ears and treated in the infirmary bay, upset witnessing his father murdered; Harrison Wells: ear pain, intense pain and collapsed on the ground; Henry Allen: kidnapped, killed.
.23: Barry Allen / The Flash: distraught about his father’s murder, upset and crying, fought against Zoom, sad and grieving, deeply angry, sedated and collapsed on the ground, locked into a cell, raced and fought against Zoom, upset and crying, restless and conflicted; Jay Garrick: killed by another self, ambushed, killed by a Time Wraith; Joe West: kidnapped, chained.
Season 3
.01: Barry Allen / The Flash: headaches and flashbacks, fought, clumsly fallen to the ground; Wally West: fought, stabbed, unconscious into the infirmary bay.
.02: Barry Allen / The Flash: conflicted, fought against The Rival, roughly fallen to the ground, feeling guilty and upset, on the edge of tears, crying and argued with his best friend.
.03: Barry Allen / The Flash: argued with Wally, fought with Magenta; Harrison Wells: agitated and worry, argued with his daughter; Wally West: restless and disappointed, almost hit by a car.
.04: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against Mirror Master and entrapped into the mirror.
.05: none.
.06: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against Shade and slammed roughly to the ground, fought against Doctor Alchemy, roughly fallen to the ground, attacked by Savitar; Wally West: screaming and rolling in pain repeatedly, possessed, punched and knocked out, unconscious in the infirmary bay, used himself as bait, entrapped into a cocoon).
.07: Barry Allen / The Flash: kidnapped by Savitar and badly beaten, freezing and in pain, argued with Killer Frost, stabbed at his leg and screaming in pain, treated in the infirmary bay and dressed calf, limping, argued with Cisco and manhandled, fought against Killer Frost and roughly fallen to the ground, almost freezed to death, feeling guilty, hit by explosion blast and slammed against the wall, limping, upset, blackmailed; H. R. Wells: hit by explosion blast and slammed through a glass; Cisco Ramon: bloody noise and laying in bed in the infirmary bed, intense emotional pain and argued with Barry, fought against Killer Frost, hit by explosion blast and slammed against the wall, upset; Joe West: hit by explosion blast and slammed against the wall, worried; Wally West: still entrapped into a cocoon, into a dissociate state, fainted; Julian Albert: kidnapped, manhandled, punched and passed out, in hospital, concussion and freeze burnt, nightmares and tormented by Savitar.
.08: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit by energy and roughly fallen to the ground, conflicts with Cisco, conflicted, argued with Cisco, questioned by almost everybody, feeling guilty, attacked by their own allies, hit by explosion blast and fallen to the ground, fought against Supergirl; Oliver Queen / Arrow: almost hit by bullets, sick after superspeed, conflicts with Supergirl, on the ground grunting, attacked by their own allies, hit by explosion blast and fallen to the ground, rough fights, under heavy gunfire, fought, kidnapped; Wally West: argued with his family, hit and roughly fallen to the ground, unconscious, sore arm and slightly limping and bruises on his face.
crossover “Invasion”: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought, ambushed and fought, fought against the aliens; Oliver Queen / Arrow: kidnapped in the previous episode, unconscious into a cocoon living a sort of vivid dream, attacked and under gunpoint, hit and knocked out, almost chocked to death, attacked and slammed to the ground, attacked, emotional pain, shot with an arrow, fought, attacked, ambushed and fought, fought against the aliens, pushed off a building and rescued.
.09: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against Doctor Alchemy, attacked by Savitar and beaten, sore, traveled in the future, shocked witnessing Iris’ murder; Cisco Ramon: hallucinations, emotional pain; Joe West: argued with Harrison Wells twice; Henry Allen doppleganger: fought with Trickster and alomost exploded, badly beaten by Savitar, treated in the infirmary bay, bruised and sore; Wally West: fought against Savitar; Julian Albert: in the past, screaming of terror, knocked out and unconscious, locked into a cell, argued with Flash, possessed by Savitar.
.10: Barry Allen / The Flash: nightmares, hit and roughly slammed through the room and fallen, moaning in pain, treated in the infirmary bay, fought against Plunder, chased by flying knives, almost hit, upset and angry, emotional pain and crying, fought against Plunder again; Wally West: fought against Plunder, hit and fallen, fought against Plunder again.
.11: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against Gipsy and handcuffed; H. R. Wells: shot and fallen to the ground, sore, kidnapped, hands tied; Cisco Ramon: hit and roughly fallen to the ground, argued with Barry, into a duel and rough fights, bruised face.
.12: Barry Allen / The Flash: argued with Joe, exhausted and heavily panting; Joe West: attacked, argued with Barry; Wally West: hit repeatedly against a wall, cut himself; Julian Albert: tormented.
.13: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit with tranquilizer dart and collapsed, into a cell with inhibited powers, rough fight against Solovar, hit with tranquilizer dart and collapsed, unconscious on the ground into the cell, unconscious on the ground faking his death, dragged outside the cell and manhandled, gasping and groaning; Harrison Wells: kidnapped, hunted and fallen to the ground, cuts on his face, hit, possessed by Grodd, catatonic, possessed again, collapsed on the ground and unconscious, resting in the infirmary bay; Cisco Ramon: hit with tranquilizer dart and collapsed, into a cell with inhibited powers, possessed by Solovar; Julian Albert: hit with tranquilizer dart and collapsed, into a cell.
.14: Barry Allen / The Flash: attacked, hit and roughly fallen to the ground, frustrated, fought against an army of giant gorillas; Cisco Ramon: hit and roughly fallen to the ground; Joe West: possessed by Grodd, gun at his head, almost suicided himself and graze at his forehead, sewn and treated into the infirmary bay; Wally West: fought against an army of giant gorillas, hallucinations.
.15: Barry Allen / The Flash: upset, argued with Wally, upset, fought against Savitar and defeated, stabbed and shattered collarbone, treated in the infirmary bay and shrapnel extracted, screaming and passed out, unconscious, dressed wound, physical and emotional pain, tears; Joe West: dumbfounded and moved, upset and grieving; Wally West: hallucinations, slammed around, checked into the infirmary bay, argued with Barry, upset seen the future, argued with Barry again, hallucinations and upset, crying, sucked into the Speed Force, fate unknown; Julian Albert: conflicted, possessed by Savitar twice, argued with Caitlin.
.16: Barry Allen / The Flash: shoulder still injured from previous episode, into the Speed Force fought against various enemies (a Time Wraith, Zoom, Captain Cold), roughly fallen to the ground, heartbroken; H. R. Wells: punched and collapsed on the ground; Henry Allen / Jay Garrick: hit by Captain Cold, sacrificed himself to swap with Wally; Wally West: trapped into the Speed Force, emotional pain and crying, roughly fallen to the ground, still shaken.
.17: Barry Allen / The Flash: attacked and defeated by the Music Meister, hypnotized and passed out, unconscious in the infirmary bay, entrapped into a dream, under gunpoint and knocked out, moaning in pain, into a gunfight, shot and bleeding on the ground, epileptic crisis; Mon-El / Tommy Moran: worried; Joe West: into a gunfight and shot (in Barry’s dream); Wally West: attacked and slammed to the ground, fought against the Music Meister.
.18: Barry Allen / The Flash: conflicted; H. R. Wells: hit by freeze explosion blast and fallen to the ground; Cisco Ramon: hit by freeze explosion blast and fallen to the ground; Joe West: attacked by Abra Kadabra and fallen to the ground, punched, hit by explosion blast and fallen, sad; Wally West: fought against Abra Kadabra and fallen off a building, rescued; Julian Albert: attacked by Abra Kadabra and badly fallen to the ground, injured arm, treated and dressed in the infirmary bay, hit by explosion blast and fallen, worried, hit by freeze explosion blast and thrown through the room, fallen to the ground.
.19: Barry Allen / The Flash: attacked and kicked by the Mirror Master and Top, argued with his future himself, upset and silently crying; H. R. Wells: attacked and chased by Killer Frost; Cisco Ramon: attacked and chased by Killer Frost, frozen and lost hands in the future 2024; Joe West: upset and grieving; Wally West: catatonic and on a wheelchair in the future 2024; Julian Albert: bloody cuts on his forehead, chased by Killer Frost.
.20: Barry Allen / The Flash: attacked by Killer Frost, hit and fallen to the ground, fought against Killer Frost, hit to defend Cisco and fallen from the stairs, stabbed in the leg and screaming in pain, hit by Killer Frost and fallen, frozen and blocked on the ground; Cisco Ramon: attacked by Killer Frost, hit and thrown through the room, argued with Julian, hit by explosion blast and fallen to the ground; Joe West: conflicted, attacked by Killer Frost and slammed against the wall, upset; Julian Albert: argued with Cisco repeteadly.
.21: Barry Allen / The Flash: argued and fought with himself / Savitar, icepack on his neck, amnesia, roughly fallen, smashed against a car, elettroshock and screaming in pain, upset remembering.
.22: Barry Allen / The Flash: under gunpoint, shocked witnessing Iris’ murder, distraught; H. R. Wells: upset; Cisco Ramon: fought against Killer Frost; Joe West: upset and crying; Wally West: fought against Savitar and defeated, broken leg, upset and crying.
.23: Barry Allen / The Flash: shocked witnessing Iris’ murder, crying, fought against Savitar, punched and fallen to the ground, [punched and shot as Savitar], sacrificed himself and gone into the Speed Force; H. R. Wells: gasping in pain after being stabbed, hit and passed out previously, bruised lip, groaning in pain, died; Cisco Ramon: kidnapped, roughly pushed to the ground, blackmailed, fallen from the stairs, fought against Killer Frost, hit by Savitar and fallen to the ground, manhandled; Joe West: shocked witnessing Iris’ murder, crying; Wally West: fought against Savitar.
Season 4
.01: Barry Allen / The Flash: naked and fainted, psychotic and screaming in a rambling way, drugged and collapsed, unconscious in the infirmary bay, hit by a rifle and knocked out, locked into a cell; Cisco Ramon: under gunpoint, hit by explosion blast and moaning in pain, argued with Iris; Joe West: hit and roughly pushed to the ground, upset and worried, hit by explosion blast; Wally West: under gunpoint, hit by explosion blast and moaning in pain, hit and roughly pushed through a glass, fought against Samuroid and badly defeated, stabbed in the leg, treated in the infirmary bay.
.02: Barry Allen / The Flash: panting, fought against Kilgore, hacked suit and manhandled, hit himself with his own lighting, thrown against a windshield; Joe West: almost hit by a granade; Wally West: hit and passed out.
.03: Barry Allen / The Flash: clumsly fallen on the ground twice, handcuffed, hit by a sign that fell on him and blocked him on the ground; Harrison Wells: argued with Cisco, hit by an object on his head, hit by explosion blast and thrown away, tormented; Cisco Ramon: argued with Harrison; Joe West: into a crashing house, shocked; Wally West: dumped by his girlfriend and heartbroken, sad.
.04: Barry Allen / The Flash: manhandled and argued, attacked and almost shot, repeatedly hit by Breacher; Cisco Ramon: attacked and manhandled by his girlfriend’s father, hunted by Breacher; Joe West: thrown up, attacked and almost shot, kidnapped and under gunpoint.
.05: Barry Allen / The Flash: drunk; Cisco Ramon: locked into a cell; Joe West: into a bar fight, locked into a cell, worried.
.06: Barry Allen / The Flash: argued with Dibny, beaten and moaning in pain laying on the ground, hit by the tail of a T-rex fossil animated and launched against a display case; Harrison Wells: frustrated, argued with himself and dopplegangers.
.07: Barry Allen / The Flash: frustrated, paranoid, slapped in the face, suspended from police.
crossover “Crisis on Earth-X”: Barry Allen / The Flash: rough fight, moved to the edge of tears, attacked by Nazis, ambushed by Nazis and fought, knocked out, chained, collar at his neck, kidnapped and waking up handcuffed into a cage, fought against a Nazi army, rough fight against Thawne; Oliver Queen / Arrow / Dark Arrow: rough fight, sore, embarassed, attacked by Nazis, rough fight, upset, shocked witnessing Merlin’s suicide, ambushed by Nazis and fought, hit and thrown away, unconscious on the ground, spitting blood from his mouth and getting up, knocked out, chained, collar at his neck, kidnapped and waking up handcuffed into a cage, hit by Atom and knocked out, fought against a Nazi army, rough fight against his doppelganger, killed as Dark Arrow; Harrison Wells / Eobard Thawne: attacked by Nazis, almost shot by an arrow, argued with Dark Arrow, hit in the face and knocked out, hit by Atom and knocked out; Cisco Ramon: attacked by Nazis, hit by debris and knocked out, still unconscious into the infirmary bay; Joe West: attacked by Nazis; Wally West: attacked by Nazis.
.08: Barry Allen / The Flash: still collar at his neck and handcuffed, into a cage, elettrocuted, in front of a firing squad, fought against Red Tornado and badly slammed to the ground; Oliver Queen / Arrow: still collar at his neck and handcuffed, into a cage, elettrocuted, in front of a firing squad, fought multiple enemies twice, under heavy gunfire; Harrison Wells: into a cell; Cisco Ramon: waking up into a cell.
.09: Barry Allen / The Flash: attacked and hit by an energy ray, thrown away and badly fallen to the ground, captured and knocked out, waking up into an anti-speedster cell, upset, panting trying to escape, cut on his hand, rough fight against The Thinker, exhausted, ambushed and framed for murder, arrested and handcuffed; Harrison Wells: hit in the face, icepack on his forehead; Cisco Ramon: thrown away and badly fallen to the ground, argued with Dibny; Joe West: worried and upset.
.10: Barry Allen / The Flash: arrested and framed for murder, on trial, sick for Fallout’s radiation poisoning, hit and thrown away, badly fallen to the ground, exhausted and collapsed on the ground moaning, burn sores on his face and hands, found guilty and sentenced to life, incarcerated and insulted by inmates; Joe West: conflicted, upset.
.11: Barry Allen / The Flash: conflicted during a riot in prison, pushed and fallen to the ground, targeted by other inmates and manhandled, almost stabbed, fought; Cisco Ramon: into a trap and handcuffed, tied up to a chair; Joe West: worried.
.12: Barry Allen / The Flash: drugged and fainted, dragged unconscious; Harrison Wells: angry, feeling responsible, upset and restless, used himself as bait and hit, fallen to the ground; Cisco Ramon: under gunfire, shrunk; Joe West: worried.
.13: Barry Allen / The Flash: bruised hand after a punch, dressed hand, powers inhibited by the meta-human anklet, elettrocuted through the anklet and screaming in pain, hit by explosion blast and fallen to the ground, hit by a tentacle and slammed against a wall.
.14: Barry Allen / The Flash: suspended from work and upset, hit by sonic blast and fallen to the ground, hit and fallen to the ground, upset, hit by De Voe and fallen to the ground moaning in pain; Harrison Wells: angry and deeply frustrated; Cisco Ramon: hit and fallen to the ground twice.
.15: Barry Allen / The Flash: sweating and panting, upset and desperate, feeling weak and heavily panting, burning and exhausted, unconscious on the ground, into a bed in the infirmary bay; Harrison Wells: angry and frustrated, argued with his daugther, panting and feeling weak, emotional pain and crying; Cisco Ramon: pain at his shoulder, panting and feeling weak, fallen; Henry Allen / Jay Garrick: sweating, weak and grunting, fallen; Joe West: under heavy gunfire.
.16: Barry Allen / The Flash: lost powers, frustrated and worried; Harrison Wells: frustrated.
.17: Barry Allen / The Flash: annoyed, hit by Null and floating, badly fallen to the groud, argued with Dibny, hit by Null and sent in the sky, vertical fall; Harrison Wells: angry and frustrated; Cisco Ramon: attacked by Breecher twice.
.18: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against Dibny, hit by De Voe and on the ground, upset, hit and badly fallen to the ground, upset after witnessing Dibny’s murder, grieving and emotional pain; Harrison Wells: agitated, in drug withdrawal, argued with Cisco, entrapped, elettrocuted and collapsed; Cisco Ramon: attacked by Wells, panting exhausted and blood from his ear, hit and badly fallen to the ground; Joe West: worried and suspicious, entrapped, fought.
.19: Barry Allen / The Flash: grieving, attacked, freezing in panic, hit by Black Siren’s sonicwave and passed out, upset and on the edge of tears, hit by Black Siren’s sonicwave and passed out, conflicted, emotional pain and crying, grief therapy; Harrison Wells: upset and sick, argued with Cisco, sad; Cisco Ramon: argued with Wells and manhandled; Joe West: under gunpoint, kidnapped, handcuffed, hit by Black Siren’s sonicwave and fallen.
.20: Barry Allen / The Flash: frustrated, fought against De Voe and hit, immobilized to the ground; Harrison Wells: frustrated and sick; Cisco Ramon: hit and slammed against the wall, argued with his girlfriend, thrown through the room and fallen to the ground, punched and knocked out, unconscious on the ground, worried, heartbroken.
.21: Barry Allen / The Flash: poisoned, gasping for air, expelled the poison and panting; Harrison Wells: humiliated and upset, angry, exhausted; Joe West: headache.
.22: Barry Allen / The Flash: feeling guilty for Dibny’s murder, argued with Cisco, in dispair; Harrison Wells: clumsy and almost fallen twice; Cisco Ramon: fallen, argued with Barry; Joe West: agitated.
.23: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against De Voe into his mind, destroyed satellite, damaged suit and burns on his face, heavily panting; Harrison Wells: desperate and helpless, hit by explosion blast and fallen to the ground, immobilized, muzzy, screaming in pain and healed; Cisco Ramon: on the edge of tears, hit by explosion blast and fallen to the ground, immobilized, upset; Joe West: worried, upset, immobilized, hit and fallen to the ground unconscious.
Season 5
.01: Barry Allen / The Flash: shocked, hit by Gridlock and flew away, slammed against the Force wall and fallen unconscious on the ground, icepack at his neck into the infirmary bay, upset knowing his future and crying; Cisco Ramon: heartbroken and drunk; Joe West: shocked.
.02: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit by a lightning and flown through a glass, badly fallen to the ground and groaning, entrapped by Block, attacked by Cicada and lost his powers temporarily, fought and beaten, on the ground bruised, almost stabbed, groaning, bruised face; Cisco Ramon: still heartbroken, attacked by Cicada and lost his powers, cut on his hands, attacked repeatedly with a knife and fallen, dressed hands, groaning in pain.
.03: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit by explosion blast, fought against Cicada and lost his powers temporarily, repeatedly punched, groaning on the ground and bruised face; Cisco Ramon: dressed hands from previous episode, angry, attacked, chased, bleeding wounds at his hands, stabbed in the shoulder and slammed, hit by explosion and disappeared, groaning in pain and panting, immobilized arm and in a sling; Joe West: ambushed and attacked. tied up to the chair, hit and screaming in pain, tortured.
.04: Barry Allen / The Flash: hypnotized, hit by XS and slammed to the ground, chased, repeatedly hit and almost killed; Harrison Wells: hit in the chest; Joe West: upset.
.05: Barry Allen / The Flash: run from a falling building, hit in the neck and knocked out, kidnapped by Rag Doll, handcuffed and tied up yo a chair on the edge of a skyscraper, punched, pushed off the building still handcuffed; Cisco Ramon: dressed hands from previous episodes, faintness after a vibe and sore hands twice, faintess again and blood on his dressing, blood from his nose and fainted, treated in the infirmary bay and in pain, argued with Caitlin and upset, crying.
.06: Barry Allen / The Flash: attacked by Icicle and passed out, fallen to the ground, laying on the ground shivering for coldness; Cisco Ramon: dressed hands from previous episodes, faintness and blood from his nose, argued with Caitlin, attacked by Icicle and passed out, weak and on his knees after using his powers, laying on the ground shivering for coldness (plus Cicada’s whumps).
.07: Barry Allen / The Flash: struck by a lightining and slammed, unconscious on the ground, CPR and electrocuted, gasping and weak, hit and slammed against the wall, struck by a lightining and slammed against a car, laying on the ground and weak, argued with Nora; Cisco Ramon: dressed hands from previous episodes (plus Cicada’s whumps).
.08: Barry Allen / The Flash: (back in the past) fought against Savitar, punched and fallen to the ground, [punched and shot as Savitar], hunted by a Time Wrath, (back in the past) attacked by Zoom and vise-grip at his throat, in dispair, hunted by Zoom and the Time Wraith, fallen to the ground, upset, (back in the past) kicked, argue with Thawne, unconscious on a stretch after the lightining, hit by energy blast and fallen to the ground; Harrison Wells: (back in the past) upset and angry, on a stretch injured, hit by energy ball and fallen to the ground; Cisco Ramon: dressed hands from previous episodes, hit by energy blast and fallen to the ground; Henry Allen / Jay Garrick: weak and beaten on the ground.
.09: Barry Allen / The Flash: still swapped somehow with Oliver, sparring partner and upset, kicked and fought, punched in the face and knocked out, unconscious and handcuffed, locked into a cell, dislocated his own thumb to uncuff himself, hit by energy and slammed to the ground twice; Oliver Queen / Arrow: still swapped somehow with Barry, upset and shaken, fallen against a wall, under gunfire, drugged and knocked out, unconscious and handcuffed, locked into a cell, trained by Arrow and got shot in the back with two darts, upset and argued with Barry, badly fallen to the ground, hit by energy and slammed to the ground twice; Cisco Ramon: dressed hands from previous episodes, blood from his nose; Clark Kent / Superman: hit by energy and slammed to the ground twice; Henry Allen / Jay Garrick: weak and beaten on the ground.
crossover “Elseworlds”: Barry Allen / The Flash: still swapped somehow with Oliver, under gunpoint and fought, under gunpoint on his knees and arrested by police, into a cell, argued with Oliver, hit at his neck and knocked out, hallucinations and fought against Oliver, under gunpoint and on his knees, hit and slammed to the ground twice, moaning, manhandled, attacked and held, burns on his face, heavily panting; Oliver Queen / Arrow: still swapped somehow with Barry, under gunpoint twice, on his knees and arrested by police, into a cell, argued with Barry, hallucinations and fought against Barry, under gunpoint and on his knees, fought, hit and slammed to the ground twice, moaning; Cisco Ramon: dressed hands from previous episodes, hit by a truck and fallen to the ground; Clark Kent / Superman: hit by energy and slammed to the ground twice, rough fight against himself, hit and slammed on a car.
.10: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit by an energy blast and slammed on the ground, keeping vibrating and unstable, locked into a cell for his own safety; Harrison Wells: upset; Cisco Ramon: dressed hands from previous episodes, on surgery to remove sharpels from his hands, dressed again, argued with Caitlin.
.11: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against Cicada, hit by energy blast and fallen to the ground, upset and sick worried, restless, rough fight against while temporarily deprived of his powers twice, hit by energy blast and fallen to the ground, angry and furious.
.12: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against Reverse Flash and immobilized.
.13: Barry Allen / The Flash: roughly fallen to the ground and handcuffed with inhibiting and explosive cuffs, manhandled and under gunpoint, conflicted, entrapped, into a gunfight, rough fight, bruised face; Harrison Wells: upset and sad (plus Cicada’s whumps).
.14: Harrison Wells: attacked and knocked out, kidnappedvand tied up (into an alternate timeline); Cisco Ramon: stabbed and collapsed (into an alternate timeline) (plus Cicada’s whumps).
.15: Barry Allen / The Flash: (fast forward) immobilized to the ground, hit and slammed to the ground, punched and slammed to the ground by a possessed Cisco, hit by a possessed Killer Frost, fought against Grodd and heavily panting, hit and slammed through the wall, immobilized to the ground, grabbed by Grodd like a puppet and slammedbto the ground, moaning; Cisco Ramon: grabbed and manhandled by King Shark, possessed.
.16: Barry Allen / The Flash: punched by Cicada and badly fallen onto a car’s roof, moaning in pain, grabbing his torso in pain, confronted with Cicada, hit and immobilized; Harrison Wells: hit and thrown through the room, slammed against the wall and roughly fallen to the ground, moaning in pain; Cisco Ramon: hit and thrown through the room, slammed against the wall and roughly fallen to the ground; Joe West: hit and fallen to the ground (plus Cicada’s whumps).
.17: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit and immobilized, slammed to the ground, shocked and upset, on the edge of tears; Cisco Ramon: argued with Dibny, fallen to the ground, shocked and upset; Joe West: shocked and upset (plus Cicada’s whumps).
.18: Barry Allen / The Flash: still deeply upset, intense emotional pain for the betrayal, silent tears and upset; Harrison Wells: upset, repeatedly tortured and screaming in pain as Eobard Thawne.
.19:Barry Allen / The Flash: badly argued with his wife and on the edge of tears, hit by Icicle and fallen to the ground, laying unconscious in a hypothermic state, gasping, weak and almost collapsed, heavily panting, upset and angry, hit and immobilized, slammed to the ground and passed out; Joe West: pushed to the ground.
.20: Barry Allen / The Flash: argued with his daughter, hit by lightning and slammed to the ground, hit by lightning and fallen to the ground, heavily panting; Harrison Wells: unconscious, hooded and tied up to a chair, hypnotized; Cisco Ramon: dragged unconscious, hooded and tied up to a chair, hypnotized; Joe West: fought against Ragdoll.
.21: Barry Allen / The Flash: almost hit by explosion blast and heavily panting, hit and immobilized, kicked in the face and passed out, bruised face and flown through the room and roughly fallen; Harrison Wells: tortured and screaming in pain as Eobard Thawne; Joe West: upset and headache.
.22: Barry Allen / The Flash: upset, hit and immobilized, fought against the Reverse Flash, hit and roughly fallen to the ground, upset, distraught and on the edge of tears, grieving and silent tears; Harrison Wells: hit by explosion blast and roughly slammed to the ground, almost chocked by Barry as Eobard Thawne; Cisco Ramon: conflicted and worried, hit by explosion blast and roughly slammed to the ground, thoughtful and decided to take the cure losing his metahuman powers; Joe West: manhandled.
Season 6
.01: Barry Allen / The Flash: heavily panting laying on the floor, upset, into a black hole, upset.
.02: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit at his leg and roughly fallen to the ground, screaming in pain, heavily panting and cut on his leg, dressed leg, hit by electricity and screaming in pain, seizure and passed out, unconscious into the infirmary bay, hissing in pain and feeling his nervers burning, unable to getting out of bed, emotional pain and crying, laying on the couch and feeling hopeless, silent tears, moaning in pain repeatedly, dought against Ultraviolet and hit by ultraviolet rays, roughly fallen on the ground with burns on his face, weak and heavely panting, hit by ultraviolet rays and fainted, into the infirmary bay.
.03: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought and hit, fallen to the ground, upset, hit by explosion time and badly fallen to the ground on glass; Harrison Wells: tazed and knocked out, unconscious on the couch; Cisco Ramon: grabbed at his throat and manhandled, coughing.
.04: Barry Allen / The Flash: under gunpoint, affected by sonic weapon, grunting on the floor, argued with Cisco and crying, grabbed and thrown, roughly fallen to the ground, upset and crying; Harrison Wells: fought;Cisco Ramon: receiving upsetting news, under gunpoint, affected by sonic weapon, grunting on the floor, argued with Barry; Joe West: upset and crying.
.05: Harrison Wells: entrapped into a tunnel, coughing laying on the floor, under gunpoint, almost hit by a fire ball, argued with Joe, heavily panting and lightheaded for lack of oxygen; Cisco Ramon: under gunpoint, sleepwalking, receiving upsetting news, sad and grieving, upset, attacked and blade at his throat, conflicted and doubtful, under gunpoint, fought against his own doppelganger; Joe West: entrapped into a tunnel, coughing laying on the floor, almost hit by a fire ball, argued with Wells, lightheaded and passed out for lack of oxygen.
.06: Barry Allen / The Flash: badly fallen to the ground, coughing, hit by electric device and kicked, unconscious and tied up to a chair, under gunfire, fought.
.07: Barry Allen / The Flash: blood transfusion, worried, nightmare and rough awakening heavily panting, infected and fainted, feverish and hallucinating, intense headache and hissing ears, on his knees holding his head and scraming in pain, shaking and weak, unconscious on the floor, sweating and crying, deeply upset and angry, in the infirmary bay feverish on a bed, possessed; Cisco Ramon: worried, hit and fallen to the floor unconscious.
.08: Barry Allen / The Flash: possessed from previous episode, conflicted, gasping for air and fighting against the mind control, on the floor convulsing, fought against Bloodwork and hit, slammed against a car and fallen to the ground, restrained, weak and collapsed on his knees, emotional goodbyes and tears; Harrison Wells: fought, dragged and screaming, fate unknown; Cisco Ramon: on the floor unconscious from previous episode, manhandled and grabbed, manhandled again; Joe West: surrounded, fought, stabbed, on his knees in pain, in the infirmary unconscious on a bed, field surgery.
crossover “Crisis on Infinite Earth”: Barry Allen / The Flash: fought against multiple enemies twice, grieving and crying; upset, badly fallen to the ground and heavily panting, running into the Speedforce and fallen to the ground, fought against multiple enemies, grieving and crying, attacked, hit by explosion blast and fallen to the ground; Oliver Queen / Arrow: angry, fought and hit with an arrow, fought, emotional distress and on the edge of tears, fought against multiple enemies, hit repeatedly, on a bed injured and bloody, dead, resuscitated and furious, drugged and collapsed, fought and laying on the ground groaning and injured, coughing and weak, dead; Harrison Wells: found unconscious on the floor, unconscious in the infirmary bay, groaning, heavily panting and almost fallen to the floor; Clark Kent / Superman: rescued at the very last moment, discouraged, exhausted and fallen from sky, fought against multiple enemies, fought against Superman Earth-96, vaporized, hit by explosion blast and fallen to the ground, fought, grabbed and squeezed.
.09: Barry Allen / The Flash: badly fallen to the ground, hit by lightning and badly fallen to the ground groaning, grabbed and powers taken, collapsed on the floor and weak, heavily panting, collapsed on the floor; Oliver Queen / Arrow: laying unconscious in the infirmary bay, fought; Harrison Wells: vaporized; Cisco Ramon: scared and screamed, powers restored; Clark Kent / Superman: collapsed on the floor; Henry Allen / Jay Garrick: entrapped, exhausted laying on the floor, vaporized.
.10: Barry Allen / The Flash: frustrated and sad; Harrison Wells: locked into a closet and fallen face down to the floor, argued with Cisco, hurt and feeling guilty; Cisco Ramon: annoyed, argued with Wells, sad and crying; Joe West: hit with an object and fallen to the floor.
.11: Barry Allen / The Flash: conflicted and frustrated, tired and heavily panting, thrown across the room and against a piece of furniture, stabbed in the shoulders but without any wounds (??); Harrison Wells: hallucinations.
.12: Barry Allen / The Flash: sore and grunting; Harrison Wells: hallucinations.
.13: Barry Allen / The Flash: almost hit by a train, frustrated, hit by energy, grunted and collapsed on the floor, into a cage at his awakening and without his powers, confused and upset, unconscious on the floor, in the infirmary bay, fighting in the mind scape and seizures; Harrison Wells: hallucinations, hit by explosion blast and fallen to the ground, argued and upset, grabbed, haevily panting.
.14: Barry Allen / The Flash: stumbled and badly fallen, upset and feeling guilty, crying twice, grieving, threatened; Harrison Wells: argued with Cisco and agitated, hallucinations, possessed, fought against Cisco, tazed and collapsed on the floor, locked into a cell; Cisco Ramon: exhausted, argued with Wells, frustrated, attacked and grabbed, fought against Wells, threatened; Joe West: attacked and captured, roughly pushed to the ground; Wally West: argued with Barry, hit and immobilized.
.15: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit by explosion blast, on the floor, angry, stumbled and badly fallen, frustrated, upset and on the edge of tears; Harrison Wells: still possessed and locked into a cell from previous episode, hit by tranquilizer dart and collapsed, laying unconscious on a gurney, seizure and screaming, emotional pain and guilt, hit at his neck and knocked out, painful memories, screaming; Cisco Ramon: hit by explosion blast, on the floor; Joe West: attacked and roughly grabbed, screaming in pain.
.16: Barry Allen / The Flash: conflicted and worried, grabbed at his throat and fought, crushed into a constricting grip, heavily panting, groaning, badly argued with Iris and kicked out of home, upset; Harrison Wells: tormented and sad, fought and screaming in pain, threw through the room and fallen on the floor unconscious; Joe West: bounty over his head, into a car accident and jumped outside the running car, attacked and shot at his arm, screaming in pain and grimacing, harsh confrontation and threatened, lured into a trap, sitting on a bomb, upset.
.17: Barry Allen / The Flash: agitated, upset, handcuffed and locked into a cell, rough fight against Iris and various cuts, stabbed repeatedly and groaning on the floor, attacked and cut again, laying defenseless on the floor, groaning and passed out, gasping regaining consciousness and heavily panting.
.18:Barry Allen / The Flash: sweating and panting, upset and angry, attacked and pushed on the floor, groaning by energy draining, attacked by energy blast and threw through the room, fought, hit and slammed against a truck; Harrison Wells: emotional distress, arguing; Cisco Ramon: shocked and upset, threw through the room and roughly fallen on the floor, grumpy and arguing, upset and sick worried; Joe West: shocked and worried.
.19: Barry Allen / The Flash: almost hit by fire blast, conflicted, attacked by energy blast and threw against a wall, laying unconscious on the ground, stabbed by several pieces or mirror, piece of mirror forced through and screaming in pain, on the floor, pieces extracted and gasping in pain, heavily panting, frustated.
Season 7
.01: Barry Allen / The Flash: into a cryongenic pond, uneasy walking after waking up, falling through a window, hit and knocked out, unconscious on the floor, frustrated, hit by energy and knocked out, unconscious on the floor, multiple personalities, seizured and collapsed on the floor, unconscious on a gurney in the infirmary bay, collapsed on his knees, on the edge of tears, screaming while hit by lightining, mourning and crying; Harrison Wells: conflicted, feeling guilty and argued, groaning in pain, screaming and vanished.
.02: Barry Allen / The Flash: mourning and silent tears, under gunpoint, hit by energy gun and fallen to the floor, rough fight and grunting falling to the ground, upset and agitated, hit by energy and screaming collapsing on his knees, strained breathing; Cisco Ramon: mourning and sad, frustrated, worried, argued with Barry and upset, hit and fallen to the floor, hit and knock out; Joe West: mourning.
.03: Barry Allen / The Flash: on his knees crying and worried after previous episode, powerless, feeling guilty, abducted, screaming while hit by lightining, shot twice and knocked ou; Cisco Ramon: unconscious on the floor after previous episode; Joe West: chased, hopeless.
.04: Barry Allen / The Flash: handcuffed and almost killed, fought and restricted, panting, agitated and frustrated, silent tears, emotional confrontation, punched and slammed againt a car, grabbed and constricted, passed out; Cisco Ramon: fought and hit by energy ball.
.05: Barry Allen / The Flash: hallucinations and repeatedly hit during them, laying wounded and passed out on the ground, in the infirmary bay with a bloody patch, hallucinations again and incapacitated, frustrated and upset, argued, feeling hopeless and scared, roughly fallen to the ground and hevily panting, hallucinations again, afraid and heavily panting, screaming in pain and on his knees, into the cryongenic pond; Cisco Ramon: hallucinations and incapacitated, still shaking.
.06: Barry Allen / The Flash: unconscious into the cryongenic pond; Cisco Ramon: trappaed into a time loop n the past, disoriented and amnesia, scared.
.07: Barry Allen / The Flash: tremors and pitcher exploded in his hand, worried, tremors and uncontrolled speed, argued, conflicted.
.08: Barry Allen / The Flash: argued, roughly fallen to the floor, shocked.
.09: Barry Allen / The Flash: upset after previous episode and badly argued, freezed, grunting, emotional crying; Harrison Wells: scared, freezed; Cisco Ramon: freezed, emotional goodbye.
.10: Barry Allen / The Flash: slammed against a car and heavily panting, in the infirmary bay and bruised ribs, frustrated, grabbed and shaked, freezed, shocked; Cisco Ramon: punched and flown across the room, unconscious on the floor then in the infirmary bay, dressed bicep and a little sore, painful memories; Joe West: frustrated.
.11: Barry Allen / The Flash: shocked and crying, badly argued, upset and heavily panting, frustated and confused, fought; Joe West: frustated, upset and worried.
.12: Barry Allen / The Flash: shocked, crashed into a van, kinda of drugged and high, panting and exhausted; Cisco Ramon: conflicted, kinda of drugged and high, upset and argued, crying.
.13: Barry Allen / The Flash: feeling numb and blind, collapsed, layain uncoscious and comatose in the infirmary bay, hit by energy and thrown on the floor, grunting.
.14: Joe West: conflicted (plus Chester’s whumps).
.15: Barry Allen / The Flash: nervous and excited, attacked, ambushed and chased, fought and thrown through a glass wall, chased and hit by energy ball, roughly fallen to the ground, surrounded and attacked, screaming while extracting speed, disappointed; Joe West: attacked and car exploded, fate unknown (plus Mark Blaine‘s whumps).
.16: Barry Allen / The Flash: nightmares and agitated, heavily panting and holding his flank, grimacing, oin the infirmary bay groaning, worried sick, attacked and slammed to the floor, groaning while extracting speed and heavily panting, agitated and argued, tears in his eyes, hit by energy ray and fallen on the ground, shocked; Joe West: heavily panting and chased.
.17: Barry Allen / The Flash: argued with his son, emotional, attacked and fallen to the ground, worried, fought, into Godspeed’s mind; Cisco Ramon: fought; Joe West: conflicted, almost into a car accident; Henry Allen / Jay Garrick: attacked and roughly fallen over a table, grabbed and kidnapped, bruised face and unconscious, pushed to the floor; Bart Allen: chased and surrounded, argued with his father twice, painful memories and crying, blackmailed and upset, screaming in pain, falling consciousless and catched, laying unconscious on the floor then comatose in the infirmary bay.
.18 Barry Allen / The Flash: still into Godspeed’s mind from previous episode, blackmailed, rough awakening and heavily panting, fought, unstable on his legs, surrounded, fought and fallen on the floor, repeatedly hit by energy and groaning, rough sword fight against Godspeed; Eobard Thawne as Harrison Wells: rough sword fight against Godspeed, grabbed and thrown away; Cisco Ramon: heavily panting and surrounded; Joe West: grabbed and almost killed; Henry Allen / Jay Garrick: fought, surrounded; Bart Allen: still laying comatose in the infirmary bay from previous episode, fought, unstable on his legs, surrounded, upset and worried, silent tears.
Season 8
.01: Barry Allen / The Flash: punched and thrown otuside the windows and off the building, rough landing, feeling sick, punched again and hit a car, threatened.
.02: Barry Allen / The Flash: roughly punched and slammed to the floor, groaning in pain, threatened, suspended and under investigation, upset, hit an energy wall and fallen to the floor, under gunpoint and confused, clutched and screaming in pain, grief and in dispair, shocked, hit and slammed against furniture, heavily panting; Joe West: reported dead.
.03: Barry Allen / The Flash: anxious and sad, hit by multiple lightnings and screaming in pain, argued, rought fight and slammed into a glass case, unconscious on the floor and panting, grabbed by his throat and gasping for air, shocked; Joe West: showed his death by being hit by a train.
.04: Barry Allen / The Flash: shocked, attacked and roughly fallen over a table, rough fight, argued and in shock, lying unconscious on the ground, intense head pain, grabbed by his throat and gasping for air, under gunpoint; Eobard Thawne as Harrison Wells: attacked and roughly fallen over a table, shot with a paralyzing gun; Joe West: showed his death by being hit by a train.
.05: Barry Allen / The Flash: argued, rough fight; Eobard Thawne as Harrison Wells: under gunpoint, attacked and fallen to the floor, punched and roughly fallen to the floor, fading, hit by lightning energy and screaming in pain, upset; Joe West: argued.
.06: Barry Allen / The Flash: (in the past) laying comatose after being striken by lightning in the first episode; Joe West: (in the past) almost shot; Bart Allen: shocked, argued, feeling a failure and tears into his eyes, crying, mind probbed by a telepath and grimacing, punched and flew across the room, groaning for a broken arm.
.07: Barry Allen / The Flash: passed out after aspiring soporific gas, slowly regaining consciousness and realizing he’s been taken hostage and wearing an explosive bracelet, under gunpoint, chain around his neck suffocating him.
.08: Barry Allen / The Flash: sad and mourning his dad, argued and nervous, panting.
.09: Barry Allen / The Flash: surrounded by flames (plus Chester’s emotional whump).
.10: Barry Allen / The Flash: worried, conflicted.
.11: Barry Allen / The Flash: receiving upsetting news.
.12: Barry Allen / The Flash: worried sick.
.13: Barry Allen / The Flash: upsetting memories and screaming in pain, grieving.
.14: Barry Allen / The Flash: still in shock and mourn after Frost’s death, frustrated, panting, grieving.
.15: Barry Allen / The Flash: worried sick, panting, meditative state, hit a barrier and thrown away twice, roughly fallen on the ground and groaning; Joe West: worried sick, getting emotional.
.16: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit by energy blast and thrown away, lying unconscious on the ground, groaning, cells rapidly deteriorating and aching, diminished abilities and moaning in pain, hit by a thermal granade and collapsed, almost had a heart attack, frustrated, aged more and memory loss, dishoriented and scared, worried for Caitlin, sad and difficult conversation; Joe West: frustrated.
.17: Barry Allen / The Flash: worried and pensive; Dr. Harrison Wells / Eobard Thawne: heavily breathing, angry and screaming; Joe West: worried.
.18: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit by lightning bolt and roughly fallen on the ground, worried and pensive, shocked, painful memories, deeply upset and argued twice, hit by lightning bolt and thrown away, lying unconscious on the ground, moaning, surprised and touched, struck by lightning bolt of negative speed force and passed out, lying unconscious and defenseless on the ground; Dr. Harrison Wells / Eobard Thawne: argued, angry.
.19: Barry Allen / The Flash: worried, panting and almost collapsed into someone’s arms, almost fainted and collapsed into someone’s arms, crying and upset, shocked; Dr. Harrison Wells / Eobard Thawne: screaming and killed, resurrected; Joe West: worried.
20: Barry Allen / The Flash: shocked about Iris’ disappearance, distraught and mad, argued with almost everybody, seeking revenge, screaming in pain, groaning and collapsed on his knees, disintegrated and into another reality, freezed, rough fight; Dr. Harrison Wells / Eobard Thawne: attacked by energy and screaming, on his knees, freezed, attacked by energy and collapsed; Joe West: worried and in dispair, rough fight, screaming and disappeared.
Season 9
.01: Barry Allen / The Flash: nightmares, hit by energy and thrown away, blocked into a time loop, argued, hit by explosion blast and thrown away, gasping and shocked, rough awakening repeatedly, frustrated, argued with his wife and upset, heavily panting; Joe West: worried.
.02: Barry Allen / The Flash: upset and shocked, feeling guilty, argued, feeling sad, pensive and conflicted, hit by sonic wave and heavily breathing; Joe West: worried, voice trembling.
.03: Barry Allen / The Flash: worried, under gunpoint and on his knees, frustrated, hit by energy and thrown against the wall, unconscious on the floor, hit by energy and thrown to the ground, worried.
.04: Barry Allen / The Flash: pensive, attacked by Bivolo, gasping and panting on the ground, laying unconscious, captured and chained, hit by energy and groaning in pain, worried and argued, knufe at his throat and metacuffs, blackmailed, thrown against a wall at high speed and roughly fallen to the ground, grunting, feeling guilty; Joe West: argued, worried and remorseful (plus Mark's whump).
.05: Barry Allen / The Flash: argued, hit by energy and thrown away, powerless and weak, receiving upsetting news, phychic powers against him and screaming in pain holding his head, heavily breathing, upset, pensive and disappointed of himself, fought, hit and barely conscious on the ground; Joe West: worried, feeling useless (plus Mark's whump).
.06: none (plus Mark's emotional whump).
.07: Barry Allen / The Flash: worried sick for his unconscious wife (plus Mark's emotional whump).
.08: Barry Allen / The Flash: worried, surprised and agitated, roughly collided with a wall and fallen to the floor, shocked, thrown through the room and badly fallen on furniture, sore and moaning.
.09: Barry Allen / The Flash: attacked and worried, trapped into a sort of hallucination, intense emotional distress, hit and collapsed, dead temporarily, painful conversation and punched in the face, hit and slammed against a car, fought against Wally and heavily panting; Oliver Queen / Arrow:hit and slammed against a car, fought against multiple armed opponents; Wally West: corrupted, angst.
.10: Barry Allen / The Flash: suddenly screaming and vaporized, found himself in the past, upset and agitated, trying to go back to the future and roughly thrown inside a van, hit and slammed to the ground, passed out laying unconscious in the middle of the street, almost run over by a car, in hospital bed, stumbling, sharply breathing and emotional distress, hit by energy and slammed against a wall, grabbed, regaining conscious after a blast, screaming and vaporized; Joe West: confused, possessed, fought against Barry, hit by energy and thrown away, laying unconscious after a blast; Eddie Thawne: hit by lightning and thrown against furniture, passed out, gasping regaining consciousness and groaning.
.11: Barry Allen / The Flash: suddenly screaming and vaporized; Eddie Thawne: confused and agitated, heavily panting and under gunpoint, painful memories (1.23 episode) and blood staining his shirt, groaning extracting the bullet from his chest with bare hands and bloody fingers.
.12: Barry Allen / The Flash: electrocuted and on his knees, grabbed and threatened, fought, thrown against building and roughly fallen to the ground, groaning in pain, suddenly grunting and vaporized; Eddie Thawne: confused and agitated, badly provocked and upset, distraught and crying, on his knees, argued and upset, tears on his face, upset, distraught and crying.
.13: Barry Allen / The Flash: hit and and thrown away, fought, rougly fallen on a table, cuts on his face and heavily breathing, argued, agitated and tears in his eyes, hit by energy and groaning in pain, kicked in the face and badly beaten, blood spitting from his mouth, bruised face, shocked and almost cried; Joe West: anxious; Harrison Well: fought, hit and and thrown against a glass twice, passed out; Jay Garrick: upset, fought, hit by energy and passed out; Eddie Thawne: fought, groaning and on his knees, tackled down on a table and argued, painful memories, teats on his cheeks.
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jaynedolluk · 4 years
TV OF 2020 PART 3
Another part ...
BBC continued with a run of great documentaries. I particularly like their music-based ones – this year, their Top of the Pops series got up to 1989 and 1990. Mark Gatiss did a couple of documentaries on Dracula and Aubrey Beardsley and Chris Packham did ones on the issue of over-population and what punk meant to him. Irvine Welsh did one for Sky about issues of taste/offence/censorship and Jo Brand did an A to Z one of ways of coping in this pandemic world. Tony Slattery did a very moving programme about how sexual abuse had affected his life + his mental health problems. I also thought Robert Rinder's documentary on the Holocaust was incredibly moving and emotional.
Mark Kermode returned with his Secrets of Cinema series – he also did another show with Simon Mayo reviewing TV/films available over the lockdown period called Kermode and Mayo's Home Entertainment Service (which I would really love them to bring back). Channel 4 did a short series of shows with each one having a different host/decade + a countdown of people's favourite shows from that time. A lot of my favourites got mentioned but I was surprised at some of the omissions (like Misfits + Utopia). I also liked Between the Covers which was BBC2's book review show where every week a group of different guests discussed a couple of new releases as well as their favourite books. BBC did The Noughties which had various guests looking back on the events + popular culture of the 2000s (which doesn't seem that long ago but weirdly, it is!). Andrew Marr did a really good series called New Elizabethans where he looked at different people from throughout the Queen's reign who show how much society and culture has changed in that time. Stephen Fry also did one of 21st century firsts + it was so crazy to see how so much stuff we take for granted now only came along comparitively recently. I thought the series Celebrity: A 21st Century Story was really interesting as it examined how celebrity has changed in the last 20 or so years.
Back In Time returned for a look at corner shops through the 20th century and Lucy Worsley did a series on Royal History's Biggest Fibs (which as usual was an excuse for her to tit about in fancy frocks). BBC did one of the events surrounding Miss World 1970 (it was the 1st time a black woman had won the competition + it was also the subject of feminist protests). In a similar vein, Channel 4 did a documentary on Page Three (which did highlight some of the issues around it – for those outside the UK, Page 3 was a feature in The Sun, the most popular tabloid newspaper, where topless models appeared + it was hugely popular at the time).
Some of my favourite US TV series returned (The Umbrella Academy, Westworld, The Walking Dead, Snowfall, and The Blacklist) and The Deuce finished off with its final series (I do think some of the others should be looking at wrapping things up rather than continuing to drag things out). Tin Star did a final series set in Liverpool which was basically just loads of people getting shot. I really loved the 2nd series of Warrior (about a Chinese man in late 1800s San Franciso who's involved with the gangs) – I really hope one of the other streaming services like Netflix step in + save it.
New shows included Perry Mason (a reboot that acts as his origin story – I really liked it), Lovecraft Country (which I thought was excellent + really well-done), Penny Dreadful: City of Angels (set in post WW2 Los Angeles – I found it a bit uneven but it did have its moments), and Why Women Kill (looking at 3 different women who commit murder in 3 different time periods – loved its wit + excellent performances – my favourite being Lucy Liu – and I'm really pleased to hear its been commissioned for a 2nd series). There was also Trickster (a Canadian production that has a largely Indigenous cast + crew and a setting/story that uses elements from modern life as well as traditional myths/practices) which I really liked + I hope they do another series. I think my favourite would have to be Prodigal Son – it's just so deliciously good in all the best ways – amazing cast + writing plus the amount of epic whump that the extraordinarily pretty Tom Payne gets put thro' will always ensure it's a fan favourite.
It seems like so long ago that The Trial of Christine Keeler was shown so I think a lot of people have maybe forgotten just how good it was (it's based on the true story of the Profumo scandal from the 1960s – I hadn't realised just how young Christine Keeler + Mandy Rice-Davies were when they were involved in it). There were a couple of true crime dramas which I think managed to do a decent job without being too exploitative – Des (based on the Dennis Nilsen case) and White House Farm (based on the Jeremy Bamber case). There was also Quiz (based on the 'coughing major' case of the man who supposedly cheated on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?).
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Fic Rec List (A Tag Game!)
Rules: Post links (Ao3, ff.net, etc.); specify fandom/pairing/etc; don’t answer the same fic twice - spread the appreciation; tag other people; you don’t have to answer all the questions, but leave them in the list so the next person can answer if they want.
i was tagged by @aninfinitenumberofmonkeys, who is also listed below because they’re a banging author and i love love love their work. ALSO i tried to tag the author’s tumblr where i could find it, but if i forgot or i totally fucked up and tagged you for a fic you didn’t write please let me know 😅
Fandoms mentioned are MCU, Stephen King’s It, The Umbrella Academy, Shazam!, Welcome to Night Vale
1. Favourite complete fic you’ve read this month (multiple chapters/parts): and i will not remember that i ever felt the pain by Fluffifullness @fluffifullness (It) -- it’s about the longing! it’s about grief and love and how they’re connected! it’s about the angst! but most importantly it’s about eddie 👏 getting 👏 all 👏 the 👏 hugs 👏👏👏
2. Favourite complete fic you’ve read this month (one-shot): we'll laugh and we'll cry until there's no more tears by knewwellenough @transfinnpoe (It) -- what’s better than this? coupla guys bein’ dudes, coupla dudes cryin’ and huggin’, coupla guys bein’ gay. ugh god i’m still weeping over this reunion hug, like, yeah there’s smut eventually but guys the hUG--
3. Favourite WIP you’ve read this month: hold on i still need you by QueenWithABeeThrone (It) because @viciousmaukeries is both a master of the written word and a genie specializing in granting my very specific fic wishes before i’ve even thought to wish them, so please, go read this tam lin au i’m still losing my whole mind over it
4. One fic/series you’ve read which you keep coming back to again and again:  hoping to be found by eddiespaghetti (foxwatson) @eddykaspbraks (It) -- *blows a kiss in the general direction of NYC* for eddie kaspbrak getting the healing he deserves
5. Most underrated fic you’ve read this year: did you know there’s no option to sort your bookmarks by kudos wtf anyway let’s go with some by virtue fall by StarryCleric (Umbrella Academy) because WHY are all my favorite five character studies so criminally underappreciated
6. Most underrated fic you’ve read EVER: trade all my tomorrows by tombenough_and_continent (Umbrella Academy) because again, why are all my favorite five character studies so underappreciated, wtf where’s the LOVE for my sad traumatized old man assassin, huh??? where???
7. Favourite whump/angst fic of the year: Next time, hire a nanny by TheArchaeologist @ancientstone (Umbrella Academy) i am counting this as whump/angst because my dude gets real hurt in this, but tbh it’s the ACTION i love this fic for, just nonstop heart pumping adrenaline and worry for my favorite time traveling (retired) assassin and his adorable little niece, and some amazingly soft hurt/comfort at the end
8. Favourite hurt/comfort fic of the year: If Either Way's The Hard Road by altschmerzes @altschmerzes (Shazam!) -- brothers being soft! my soft spot for kids played by jack dylan grazer strikes again! ahhh! good shit!
9. Favourite fluff fic of the year: Everybody Comes A-Running by Infinite_Monkeys @aninfinitenumberofmonkeys (MCU, GotG) -- listen, i KNOW i’m biased! i know! but this is still SO SO GOOD. the image of loki falling asleep while the guardians doodle on his leg cast is a gift i never knew i needed and it’s fantastic
11. Favourite smut fic of the year: Things That Happens After Eddie Lives (It) by IfItHollers @tthael is not, strictly speaking, a “smut fic,” it’s a fix-it that just happens to have some E-rated scenes, and it would have fit fine in #4′s slot because i’ve reread the whole thing so many times, but listen, this fic’s sex scenes are like the only sex scenes i’ve ever read and liked. talk about keeping in character, man! top fucking notch! plus there’s a line in there like “eddie knows exactly what oxygen does to fire but he breathes in anyway” while richie’s going down on him and, really, that line alone gives it this position on the list SO
10. Favourite gen fic of the year: the only soul I've ever saved by valkyrisms @valkyrisms (MCU, Thor, Spider-man) -- i just had the absolute pleasure of rereading this because it’s been months and i forgot so much of it, GOD if there’s a perfect way to write the unlikely friendship of loki and peter parker, it is unequivocally this
12. Favourite fix-it fic of the year/ever: An Eye For An Eye by dgalerab @dgalerab (Umbrella Academy) because it is no secret at all that this is my favorite fic, and series, bar none. season 2 will not live up to this, i’ve already accepted it, i’m alright with it, because i can always come back and read this after, y’know?
13. Favourite crack-fic fic of the year: 
14. Favourite sick-fic this year: 
15. Favourite kid-fic this year: kith and kin by penhaligon @arthurpenhaligons (Umbrella Academy) i know i’ve flailed over this on tumblr before but, guys, c’mon, UNCLE FIVE. what else do i need to say? i still cry every time i reach five saying “i don’t want to do this anymore” even though i’ve reread this several times, i just....... five ;_;
15. Fic this year which you didn’t expect to love as much as you do: Mostly Void, Partially Stars by Infinite_Monkeys @aninfinitenumberofmonkeys (MCU, Thor, Welcome to Night Vale) because who writes an mcu night vale crossover and makes it work? oh my god how, this was so good, it’s a mark of superb writing when i actually bark laugh while reading it, like, what a concept, what execution, what a fic, take all my kudos just take em
16. Fic which convinced you to ship a pairing: 
17. Favourite AU you’ve read this year: Who You Gonna Call..? by lesbuchanan @lesbuchanan (Umbrella Academy) -- why is river consistently the most galaxy brained person on this site? i have no words but *chef’s kiss*
18. Longest fic/series you’ve read this year: Keep the Car Running (MCU, GotG) starmora! woo! literally 300k+ of starmora and i did not regret a single second of the entire week it took me to read it
19. The last fic you’ve read: all good things by Fluffifullness @fluffifullness (It) -- pleASE someone for the love of god go read this fic and come scream about it with me, it’s just. so good. so so good. the losers defeat pennywise but don’t manage to prevent all those eggs from hatching, resulting in an apocalypse au that so far is MINDBLOWINGLY good and i’m dying over here just thinking about it
20. Wildcard fic you haven’t mentioned but deserves a shout-out + why:  In Our Bones by scullyseviltwin @scullyseviltwin (It) because it made me CRY and then it made me cry AGAIN and i LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT
EDIT I WAS SUPPOSED TO TAG PEOPLE AKJHSKJFHAKJFH WHOOPS uhhh okay how bout if i tagged you as an author consider yourself tagged? yeah let’s go with that, but like, no pressure you know the drill just do it if you feel like it or if you’re like me and you’re using this as an excuse to procrastinate other things
EDIT #2 also just like. do this. if you feel like it, regardless of whether you’re tagged or not, just like........ pretend i tagged you aiight
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ao3feed-hawkguy · 5 years
When the Pain Stops
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vgFlS8
by MotherOfBeardedDragons
Clint Barton knew a lot about pain given the fact that he got injured a lot. Like, a ridiculous shit ton of injuries. But the only good thing that could be said of pain was the moment when it stopped. That sweet moment of relief after the suffering. It’s that moment, when you’re finally free from pain, that makes you appreciate the pain-free state that we often take for granted.
Five Times Clint Barton got hurt or injured and the wonderful moments the pain finally stopped, plus one time he actually didn't get injured.
Words: 780, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hawkeye (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Matt Murdock, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Hurt Clint Barton, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, The Avengers Are Good Bros, 5+1 Things, Sick Clint Barton, Human Disaster Clint Barton, Stabbing, Headaches & Migraines, Burns, Fainting, Fluff, the title sounds kind of dark but it's not, I just couldn't come up with a fluffier title, no one dies or anything
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vgFlS8
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taikida · 7 years
February whump challenge post 2 MCU
Time had no meaning, not with cold and insistent noice that grayed his hearing, not with the burning bright white light that never ended. The pain in his side and head throbbed in tandem with his heart, even though the wound was more bearable.
He kept his eyes closed, it kept some of the light out and he was shivering. They kept the room sufficient warm to keep him from sinking into hypothermia but cold enough for him to keep trembling from it. The sound suddenly shut down and a door opened so hard it slammed into the wall. His vision was blurry as he squinted at the party entering his cell and instinct had him trying to sit up and move away as they neared. He didn't recognize them, still completely unaware how he had ended up captured. The first man held a medical kit under his arm and he motioned the other three forward.
“Stephen Grant Rogers, Captain America, leader of the Avengers. Fancy having you as our guest. Get him on the table.”
The hands were ungentle, uncaring as they grabbed him,dragging him by his arms towards the metal table, there was a chair to the other side, it looked somewhat like a dentist chair, but like the table, it was fitted with restraints. He fought them as they unhooked his hands but electricity made his muscles useless, he couldn't even breathe properly and they managed to move him into position. The straps were cold against his bare skin, over his ankles, knees, hips, chest and across his throat, his arms were laid out away from his chest and strapped down. The current disappeared and he gasped in air, spots dancing across his vision.
The same uncaring hands started in on his side, poking with sharp instruments digging around in his flesh and the reinforced straps forced him into stillness but his ragged breaths are interwoven with cries.
“Shut him up,” the words are followed by thumbs pressed into the side of his face and he couldn't keep his mouth closed. Cold metal pressed down his tongue, not quite long enough to evoke his gag-reflex but still enough to keep him from making noises beyond muffled whimpers, the gag is tightly fastened behind his head and the one with the surgical tools continue his work. Steve can see the instruments, the man shows him before implementing them on his body, a long pair of forceps snaked its way into the wound. The tips snagged on something and it made Steve scream and nausea climbed his throat, burning bile and he gags on it as he tried to spit it out but he can't and it scald his airway as he inhaled. It made him cough, panicky remembering how the asthma made him lose the ability to breathe properly and his lungs seize up. The bright spots in his vision turns into grayness as he struggled for air and Steve wondered if this was how he will die, fighting for air.
There was no reason for this, they knew who and what he was, they asked him no questions,made no demands, not that they seemed interested in any answers since they had gagged him. He actually hadn't expected to wake up again after the ‘surgery' but he had, woken up as they had sacked out the vomit from his throat and then hauled him upright, connected the shackles behind his back again. Steve was dragged over to the corner where he had woken up and the restraints fastened to a thick wire dangling from a pulley. His feet chained to the loop in the white-painted floor, the wire forced him to stand, he tried to lock his knees but he was shivering, motor-control nearly beyond him.
One of his captors pull out a hose and gets the water running, the water is icy cold and there is a strange smell to it, plastic and alcoholic and it stung as it hit the stapled wound. Steve shut his eyes to avoid the water hitting his eyes but it still trickled in making his eyes water. After cleaning him up the men left the room, the humming noise picked back up, the cold air that soon followed made his shivers return full force. He wanted to cry, gagged on the metal bit in his mouth, his exhaled air was visible in the chilled air.
Again time lost meaning, Steve stumbled a few times, and every time his shoulders wrenched back, nearly getting dislocated and his breathing waned, his lungs unable to extend normally.
When he no longer manage to get to his feet again the door slammed up, the men entered the room again. The leader sat down on a fold-up chair in his line of sight and looked at him struggle for air, Steve can see that he is grinning, a smile colder than the air in the room. He made a winding motion with his hand and the wire tightened pulling Steve up, his muffled screaming as his right shoulder popped the joint, the left following seconds later.
“I am curious how long it will take for your joints to forget how they are supposed to be,” the man commented as one of his men handed him a steaming cup of coffee, Steve can smell it. “If you will die before breaking.”
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whumpsday · 2 years
Whumpmas in July Day 2: What’s your first memory of whumperflies?
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Gone by Michael Grant is probably what first got me feeling like “huh. i like seeing characters being tortured. i think this is probably Not Normal.” it’s a YA horror novel series about a bunch of teens getting into fucked up lord-of-the-flies-on-steroids situations after the adults disappear and they start getting superpowers. it’s been described by several reviewers as “stephen king for teens”.
i was probably too young to read it when i did, which was at the age of 11. the guardian’s review of the series describes it with: “In my opinion, Gone and its sequels, all the way to the final installment Light, are highly dark even for the young adult audience they are aimed at. Grant is successful in writing a brutal, unforgiving account of the reality within the sphere in which the children are now restricted: scenes of death, mutilation, and moral dilemmas form the basis of the plot in each book.”
this is a passage from the first book that i remember obsessing over when i was in elementary school:
cw: minor whump (iirc both characters are 14 but it’s been an equally 14 years since i read it so who knows if my memory’s right), death wish, past torture
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it’s... apparent that this had a lasting influence on me. and it only gets worse from there in the following books, torture-wise. SO MUCH WORSE. these characters were older than me when i first read it, but i could never re-read since minor whump is a huge squick for me now as an adult, especially with the level of intensity these books get to.
there’s also a whumper-turned-whumpee character named Caine, but i promise this is a COMPLETELY COINCIDENCE and is in no way related to me naming my guy Kane.
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whumpire · 7 years
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Name: Arrow
Format: TV Show
Maturity Rating: TV-14
Genre: Action/Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Superhero/Drama
Warnings/Triggers: I’m not really sure... Water trauma? Scars, kidnapping, torture, sex, one episode is focused on gun control, there’s some baby daddy/baby mama storyline going on. There’s implied suicidalness for Oliver (above photo) but I don’t really remember any legit triggers.
Stars: Stephen Amell, David Ramsay, Emily Bett Rickards, Colton Haynes, Katie Cassidy, Willa Holland, Grant Gustin (occasional appearances), John Barrowman, Manu Bennett, Caity Lotz, Paul Blackthorne, Colin Donnell, Susana Thompson, Josh Segarra, Rick Gonzalez, Echo Kellum, etc.
Whump: Torture, gun shots, stabbing, beating up, more torture, poison, near death experiences, more torture, chains, restraint, drugging, tranquilizing, etc. We could be here all year, honestly.
Synopsis: His name is Oliver Queen. After 5 years in Hell (an island in the north China sea, China, Russia, etc.), he’s returned with only one goal. To save his city. But to do that, he needs to become someone else. Something-else. He is the Green Arrow.
Trailer for season 1
Arrow and The Flash teaser <<< Highly suggested
Seasons: 5 (as of June 2017)
Episodes: 115 (23 per season) (as of June 2017)
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ao3feed-timdrake · 6 years
Hurts all the more
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OqwgdH
by Elenduen
DemonDragon000 prompted me to write an alternate ending of my WIP fic Quickening, but instead of that, I wrote an alternate Universe instead. Where Steve is granted joint custody and the Ex-Avengers return to the compound, forcing Tony to move there himself. But as the stress of being around the team take their toll on him, his health deteriorates, until finally, his damaged heart can't take it anymore, and all Steve's hopes of having Tony and the Pup are ripped away.
Words: 4962, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Vision (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Thor, Loki, Bruce Banner, Captain Marvel, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Guardians of the Galaxy, Stephen Strange
Relationships: Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne, past Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Relationship, Minor Pepper Potts/Happy Hogan - Relationship
Additional Tags: AU of Quickening, Major character death - Freeform, Infant Death, still birth, Depressing, no happy ending, not team Cap friendly, Not Wanda Friendly, Not Clint Friendly till near the end, Not Steve Rogers Friendly, Any Trolls who comment will be ignored or made fun of, Mpreg, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Tony Stark, Alpha Steve Rogers, Alpha Bruce Wayne, Pregnant Tony, Sick Tony, Tony Stark Whump
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OqwgdH
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