#steve and eddie are con men
hairmetal666 · 2 years
Forever is the Sweetest Con~Cowboy Like Me steddie au (cw// Jason Carver is homophobic)
Eddie Munson thinks "con-artist" is such an ugly term for what he does (though he will admit there is quite a bit of artistry to doing it well). It's just, the idea that the truly, horrendously rich don't deserve to be swindled from time to time is fundamentally incorrect. Eddie studies the wealthy, carefully gathering tales of who they use, exploit, destroy all in the name of money, and he's made a life of taking them down a peg. He knows how to find the worst of them; how to woo them, seduce them; and take just enough to get away with it.
Like he said, it's an art.
He blows into town after reading the obituary for one Christopher Stephen Harrington IV, husband of Miriam and father of Stephen. He doesn't need to research the family to know that Miriam will be an easy target. Most widows of men like Christopher Stephen Harrington IV are after being locked into loveless marriages for the majority of their adulthood. They're looking for someone to pay them attention, sweep them off their feet. Eddie loves being that someone.
Eddie's first mistake is thinking that there will be anything easy about Miriam Harrington and the second is not taking into account her son. Eddie's only been in town for a few days when Stephen, Steve, shows up, and he is a revelation.
Steve is
Beautiful. Stupid. Throws money around like it's nothing, like he's begging to lose it. Fucks everything that moves.
It's not even a decision, not really, for Eddie to change his mark. Everything about the other man screams that he's desperate for love, for some kind of validation, and Eddie knows just how to give it to him.
It's not hard, seducing Steve Harrington. It barely takes a week before Steve gets Eddie alone in the formal dining room of the Harrington estate.
"There a reason you keep watching me?" Steve asks. He steps easily into Eddie's space, hazel eyes darkening to golden honey as the distance between them closes.
"Maybe I like what I see," Eddie answers. "Maybe I like it a lot."
Eddie leans down making his intent clear by letting his gaze drift from Steve's eyes to his mouth. He ignores the rapid beating of his own heart, the butterflies in his stomach, as he brings his mouth to the other man's. This means nothing, like every other seduction. Steve is a mark and nothing more.
Right before their lips meet, Steve's breath hitting his face and making his head swim with want, a strong hand grips his chin, the blunt edge of fingernails digging into his skin.
"You think I don't know what you're doing here, Eddie Munson?" Steve asks.
"Wha--"Eddie blinks, the words not making a ton of sense when his entire body is focused on kissing the beautiful man before him; takes him too long to realize that Steve's called him by his legal name.
He wrenches himself out of the man's grasp. "Who are you?" Eddie demands. "FBI?"
The look Steve shoots him is devoid of the dim party boy lethargy Eddie's become used to. It's calculating, quick, perceives way too much. It's also packed with sneering disdain. "Of course I'm not. I'm here for the same reason you are."
Eddie scoffs. "That seems unlikely."
"You know nothing about me, Munson. Just stay away from me and my mother and we'll be fine."
"Just your mother? You don't care about protecting any of your friends?"
"You heard me. Everyone else is fair game."
Eddie's head is too scrambled to protest, and his heart--his fickle, too-easily-swayed heart--throbs with longing.
"Fine," he manages. He flees the room, already refortifying the walls he's spent most of his life building.
At 16, Steve Harrington was everything Eddie expected; spoiled, vapid, cruel, lazy, his entire life handed to him on a silver platter. His life of no consequences changed over night after his father found him in bed with another boy. He got thrown out, no money, no prospects, no life skills. Like so many before him, he fled to the city, but he was barely surviving. That was until he literally ran into one Robin Buckley fresh from poorly pickpocketing a finance bro. Robin took him in, taught him the ropes, and he devoted himself to making the rich pay for their sins.
It's no wonder that Steve and Eddie wind up targeting the same mark, Jason Carver. Jason is the worst of the worst. Handsome, entitled, clever only in ways that hurt, egotistical, desperate for power and prestige. Has a fiancee he treats like office furniture.
Steve uses their similarities to try to get close to Jason, but Eddie plays on his differences, on his nerdiness and confidence, hoping that Jason will find Eddie's fundamental weirdness too intoxicating to ignore.
Eddie's winning. And when he's not planning his slow seduction of Jason Carver, he's unwittingly learning more about Steve. The country club is running a summer youth program, open to the kids of all the citizens of Roane county. There's one feral group that Eddie has a soft spot for, made up of a bunch of dnd-playing nerd children, a quiet girl named El, and a fierce red-head named Max. He's surprised, one day, when he comes upon Steve and curly-headed Dustin Henderson, as Dustin explains some deep dnd lore to a bemused, but clearly attentive Steve. Next, he finds the man sitting with El and Max. El braids his hair while Max paints his nails a charming teal. Later, he sees Steve playing basketball with Lucas Sinclair, coaching him through some improvements on his form, fingernails still glinting with color.
He's so busy trying to put the pieces of Steve Harrington together, rich boy, con man, kind to children, that he doesn't recognize how dangerous Jason Carver is.
Steve steps from the shower when there's a knock at his hotel room door. He's not expecting anyone, and that makes him nervous. He hasn't survived this long on his own without being cautious. He doesn't hesitate, though, when he sees his visitor is Jason Carver's fiancee, Christine Cunningham. They know each other, sort of, but they aren't close, and he's even more stunned by the tears streaming down her face.
"Chrissy?" He asks as he opens the door.
"Steve, you have to help. Jason's going to hurt him!"
Lead settles hard in Steve's stomach, no need to ask who the "him" is. "Where?"
"They went to Addison's Steakhouse. You know it?"
Steve nods. "I'll get him."
"Please," Chrissy begs. "I didn't think Jason would go through with it, but he kept talking about making Eddie pay, and--and--"
"I know," he says, because he does. "I'll get Eddie. He'll be okay."
When Steve slams into the private dining room of the steakhouse, Jason already has Eddie sprawled on the floor, lip split and bloody, and something inside Steve explodes. He launches himself at Jason, throwing the other man across the room.
Jason staggers. "What, you protecting this freak, Harrington? You know what he wanted with me?"
"I don't care, Carver, just get out of here."
"I heard rumors you were just like him," Jason spits, advancing on Steve.
"Seriously, man, I don't want to hurt you," he clenches his hands into fists.
Jason sneers, taking another step forward. "Like you even could. Everyone knows your dad kicked you out for being a fucking pussy."
It's all the motive Steve needs to punch him across the face with a sharp left hook. Jason collapses, clearly not having been punched anywhere near enough, and then Eddie is all Steve can see.
"Are you okay?" He drops to his knees, angling the man's jaw to get a better look at his injury.
"I was handling it, Harrington."
"Were you?" Steve asks.
Their eyes meet, linger, warmth growing in Steve's stomach.
They move in at the same time, Steve doing nothing to stop it this time, slotting their lips together with practiced slowness. Eddie's blood smears on his mouth, his chin; he gets some on his tongue and moans, pulling the other man closer, burying his hands in all that curly hair.
They fall into bed together like it's the most natural progression of things and, Steve thinks, it probably is. That moment all those weeks ago in his mom's dining room was just a prelude to this, to Eddie taking him apart so slowly, so carefully that it wrecks him, realigns his worldview, makes long dormant emotions surge to the surface so hard and fast that he's helpless to resist. By night's end, he's gone, totally enamored, heart snatched from his chest by Eddie's greedy, careful hands.
Eddie wakes the next morning naked and in an unfamiliar room. For a second, he thinks his seduction of Jason Carver was a success, but then he feels the soft lips pressing against the back of his neck, and he remembers Steve. Steve lying under him, stars in his eyes, smiling up at Eddie; as he made the prettiest, neediest sounds; as Eddie moved inside him, as all his walls came tumbling down, as Steve Harrington ruined him for anyone else.
His mouth aches, the split in his lip still a little bloody. Without Steve around, Eddie would've noticed the danger Jason posed. Would've stopped the con before it got to the point of them being alone together, of Jason having the power to hurt him. If he hadn't been distracted, he could have avoided the very real threat of a beating.
He lurches out of the bed, away from Steve's soft touches.
"Eddie, what..." Steve starts, his voice all gentle.
"Don't," Eddie hisses.
"Talk to me like we're in love." Eddie rips his hands through his hair.
"I--don't you--aren't--"
He makes the mistake of meeting Steve's eyes, see the love brimming in the golden brown.
"C'mon, Harrington. You're a great fuck and all, but it didn't mean anything."
Eddie watches as all that emotion, all those feelings are packed away, as Steve's pretty face relaxes into a careless blank.
Nausea twists at Eddie's stomach.
"Yeah, whatever," the other man says.
Eddie finds his clothes strewn across the floor, can't stand to watch Steve for another second. Needs to squash all the things rocketing around in his chest."You can't catch feelings so easy in our line of work. You should know better."
Steve snorts. "Don't waste your time worrying about me, Munson."
"Right," Eddie agrees. He stuffs his feet in his shoes. "Well, see you around, Harrington."
Steve doesn't respond and Eddie can't bear to look back.
Once in the elevator, he collapses back against the wall, driving the flat of his palms into his eyes to force away the tears that want to fall. Guys like Steve aren't for him; love isn't for him. He needs to drill that back into his head before someone gets even more hurt.
It's the day of Miriam Harrington's mid-summer party and Eddie's skipping town. This whole endeavor was a bust. He's going home to lick his wounds (both mental and physical), and start over somewhere else. He hasn't seen Steve much since their night together, and that's just another reason to get out of dodge.
He shows up to the party, though, about two hours late. It's foolish, dangerous, but he can't leave without saying goodbye to Steve.
It's one of those black and white balls, and Eddie's in fitted black trousers and a velour suit jacket the color of fresh blood. The guys at the doors don't want to let him in, but Eddie doesn't care, just walks past them, ignoring their protests.
Big, white tents are stretched over the country club tennis courts, and the dancing is already in full swing. Eddie sticks to the edges of the ballroom floor, eyes skipping over swaying couples, searching out the only one he wants to see.
Steve is there, easily found by his chestnut hair that's swept into an artful swoop. He's dancing with Nancy Wheeler, sister of one of the feral dnd children, holding her close as they sway to the mid-tempo song. Eddie watches as the music draws to a close, as Steve smiles at Nancy with soft fondness, and his heart stutters. That's what Steve deserves, who he deserves it with, not someone like Eddie, all rough edges and layers of barbed-wire protecting his too-soft heart.
Nancy walks off, leaving Steve alone in the middle of the dance floor. Eddie is quick to take her place.
"Dance with me, Harrington?" He asks.
Steve turns and when he spots Eddie, his face does many complicated things before falling into the mask that Eddie's now too familiar with.
"Dancing is a dangerous game," Steve responds. He raises an eyebrow, carefully bland.
"I think I'll risk it." Eddie pulls Steve close and they slip together like they had that night in Steve's hotel room.
They dance and everyone else in the room falls away, until it's only them, only this, only the the stars dancing in Steve's eyes as he gazes at Eddie like Eddie's precious, special, worth something.
They're close enough to rest their foreheads together, but Eddie can't bring himself to make any move that will take Steve's eyes out of his view. The song plays, and they hold each other, and they don't speak, neither wanting to ruin the moment with words. Eddie lets a hand trace the strong contours of Steve's jaw, and he knows he's in love. Hopelessly, helplessly.
As the last note of the song swells, Eddie presses a thumb to Steve's pouty bottom lip, and he feels the rush of air as the other man gasps.
Eddie lets himself smile, just a bit, before closing the remaining distance between them, slotting his lips to Steve's in a sweet, soft kiss.
He pulls away without a word, turning and disappearing into the crowd before Steve opens his eyes.
It's for the best, Eddie tells himself as he drives away, knowing he's leaving his heart behind forever.
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loveshotzz · 1 year
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All I Really Want Is You
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older!neighbor!widower! steve x fem!reader chap six/ten - a slow burn series of blurbs - updated every wednesday
I Don’t Know You, But I Want To
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summary: Sometimes curiosity has consequences.
wc: 2.8k
warnings: 18+ series for future chapters, mentions of death, hints on how Steve’s wife died, bouts of self consciousnesses.
authors note: sorry guys, you knew this chapter had to happen. i promise i’ll make up for it! enjoy a few more easter eggs from @carolmunson ‘s orange colored sky in here. I’ve had so much fun talking about these two old men’s friendship with you!
🌇 <- chapter five -> chapter seven
The Masterlist / The Playlist / The Tune:
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End of June
You didn’t realize when Steve asked you to water his plants, that he meant in just three short days after the almost kiss in his kitchen. The opposite schedules the two of you seem to always work made it so you hardly got a glimpse of him before he and Bandit disappeared to Starved Rock for what you learned was their annual camping trip.
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The Good Morning Tough Girl texts started the next day after your number exchange, waking you up with a kaleidoscope of butterflies twisting and turning in your stomach and a smile so big it made your cheeks hurt. It helped you get over only getting to physically see him one time through your living room window before he left. Your phone had vibrated at your feet while you watered your now flourishing Ivy thanks to the new curtains you were proud to say were installed by yourself. You chanced a glance down at your lit up screen, his name flashing with a text that said: How’d I never realize how pretty my view is from the front yard?
The corners of your mouth twitched, flames licking underneath your cheeks when your eyes caught his out your window. The big dopey smile that took over his face made you giggle as he waved eagerly, dressed nice like he had been the morning you ran into him last week. You wiggled your fingers, biting your bottom lip at the way his dark navy button up looked tucked into the waist of his black slacks. The leather belt looked nicer than the last one, the silver of the buckle blinding in the setting sun. His hair was freshly done, free of any signs of those big hands of his. The stubble on his jaw was gone again, but you learned that was never for very long. 
Another buzz: Going to dinner with a client, wish it was fish tacos with you instead.
Steve feels like he won the lottery when he can see the way your face lights up from his spot in his front yard. Eddie’s voice rings loudly inside his head, sticking to every single one of his negative thoughts like glue telling him it’s okay and he finally starts to believe it, especially when he gets a text back from you.
Maybe next time 😉
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It’s thunderstorming the day you go over, the key tucked away in a lockbox by his door. He gave you access by texting the code the night before with a promise to take you to dinner as a thank you when he got back. The nerves that dance inside you feel like they did the first time you came here when you stand in front of the stained glass of his front door even though he’s five hours away. 
It’s quiet, the lively energy from a few nights ago gone with the man. The cedar of his candle still lingers thick in the air and you can’t help but inhale deeply. It smells like him. You leave your shoes and umbrella on his front porch, closing the door gently like you were scared to wake someone up. The pattering of the rain on his windows fills the silence, your shoulders dropping in the serenity. Pulling your phone from your back pocket you look through your texts with the list of the rooms the plants were in. 
Only three — his office and living room on the first floor and his bedroom on the second.  
The coffee white oak floors creak under your socked feet as you take your first apprehensive steps past the entryway. He left the watering can on the kitchen island just like he said he would, your skin pebbles when you’re brought back to the last time you were in here. The sun fights to shine through the thick storm clouds outside, making the lighting that bleeds through his windows soften everything up. The water from the sink hits the metal of the can, mixing perfectly with the rain. 
You wish he was here.
The can is heavy in your hands when you stop at the doorway of the living room, the contents inside sloshing around and daring to spill onto his floor. You curse under your breath with a pause to take in the room you only got a glimpse of before. There’s an electric fireplace, tall black steel that takes up most of the wall next to the sliding glass door that leads to his small backyard. 
Two large beige area rugs cover most of the wood floors in here, a cream frayed trim lining them. Bandit’s bed sits big, fluffy and dark brown nestled by the fireplace, giving him a perfect view out the window. Strands of his lighter hairs leave behind evidence that this might be his favorite spot in the house. A woven basket filled with various chew toys that look freshly tossed in isn’t very far from it. The rain comes down harder but you can still see the spots of lime green littering the grass where the rambunctious German shepherd left his tennis balls. Spoiled.
The cognac color of his leather couch set is rich, and it shines even in the dim lighting like it was freshly lotioned. It looks like the kind of comfortable where the cushions mold against the weight of your body - soft, inviting, the one in the middle looking a little more worn in than the rest. This must be Steve’s favorite spot. 
Your eyes meet the 65” TV mounted to the wall in front of it and realize why. The coffee table matches the dark color of the floors. The candle that was the culprit for the smell of his house sitting in the middle next to three remotes lined perfectly next to each other.
There’s a long, taller companion table that sits at the other doorway that leads back out to the landing of his staircase. Framed pictures, bottles of various liquors of all shades and crystal cocktail glasses cover the top of it. 
What does he think of your place?
You try to push the intrusive thought down as you make your way to the lush Monstera plant that sits in a white pot on top of wooden legs next to the sliding glass door. Its leaves hang heavy, clearly taken care of. The deep emerald of it reminds you of what Steve’s eyes look like sometimes. The soil takes what you give it greedily, barely leaving enough for the few smaller plants that rest on shadow shelves along his gray walls. A few of them make you stand on your tiptoes to reach.
Curiosity wins on your way to refill the can, crossing the room to look at the framed pictures. You aren’t surprised when you see one of Eddie and Bandit as a puppy, it looks like the first day they brought him home. Eddie’s dimples show in a bright smile as he looks at the camera with Bandit’s big bubble gum pink tongue pressed sloppily against a clean shaven cheek.
The other is of Steve and a curly haired boy at a college graduation, they both look like they were caught in the middle of laughing at something. You can’t help your own smile when you look at it. Steve looks a little younger, a little less gray in his hair like it had only just started. He’s wearing wire rim glasses, and that crisp white dress shirt you like him in so much. He looks happy.
The last one is of Steve and Bandit. A selfie taken at sunrise, Bandits tongue sticks out and you swear he’s smiling just like his handsome owner that has him pulled against his side. A part of a tent peaks over his shoulder and you wonder if this is where they’re at right now.
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You’re hit with the smell of his cologne when you open his office door, your thighs pressing together when you imagine him sitting in the big black leather chair behind an even bigger, matching colored desk. Glass cased baseball memorabilia takes space on one of his walls, along with plaques of achievements from his job. There’s framed pictures of him shaking hands of baseball players you couldn’t name, but you’re sure a normal person who liked sports could. There’s a tall bookshelf on the other side of the room. The spines all glossed, bright bold wording of sports memoir’s, marketing guides, and what looks like college course advertising books.
The floor of this room is carpeted with the same color as the area rugs in his living room. Your footsteps are a little more careful as you try not to spill any water on it as you make your way to the three hanging spider plants in the window that overlooks his front yard. 
Your nose catches a hint of the cigars you know he smokes as you get closer to his desk. He must keep them in here. A silver closed MacBook sits on top of it, another baseball — only this one is signed and kept safe in a glass case. There's a Polaroid of Bandit with a cubs hat on his head with a laughing Peach barely visible behind him. The obvious closeness of the three of them makes you realize how much he let you into his world the other night. 
A world where he wanted to kiss you.
You curse under your breath when you almost spill water on the carpet, too lost in realization of what this could be.
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When you reach your final destination on the second floor, you stop at his closed door. Your hand hovers over the knob, heart hammering so hard in your chest like he was waiting for you on the other side. Taking a deep breath through your nose, you exhale through your lips - willing your nerves to give you mercy. There’s a soft click when you turn the knob and the quietest noise from the hinges when you push it open.
The crisp white of his fluffy duvet that covers his king size bed, mutes the gray of his walls. The olive green throw at the end of it that matches the area rug under the bed, the warmth of the color relaxes your senses. Your breathing evens out, your heart rate slows down. 
There’s another dog bed at the foot of his that matches the one downstairs and you wonder how often Bandit really sleeps in this one at night. The lack of hair on it compared to the other one tells you not very often. Your cheeks tingle fiercely when you see the mirror you got a glimpse of his bare chest through, your eyes quickly finding the bathroom he had come out of. 
“Jesus Christ,” you grumble to yourself, trying to push back the memory while standing alone in his bedroom. 
There’s another Monstera by his window that you can see your bedroom out of. The last one on the list. You have to pass by another large dresser on your way, even more pictures sit on top of it, taking up the space that was left next to a cherry wood watch box. Another cedar candle sits behind the framed pictures, the scent lingering in the air despite not being lit.
The plants take what’s left in the watering can, and you peek out the window just to see what he sees. The navy curtains you’d hung up are half open giving you a perfect glimpse into your room, the pile of dirty laundry you plan to do after this perfectly visible. You gulp audibly.
The can swings loosely in your hand when you walk to the dresser, a smirk already forming on your lips at the thought of what these ones will tell you about him. Your eyes land on one of him in between Eddie and Peach on what seems to be their wedding day, both of them placing sloppy kisses on either cheek. The big dopey grin face doesn’t hide the tear stains. The White Chapel sign behind them tells you it’s Vegas, and the way Steve is dressed as a much sexier Elvis only confirms your suspicions. 
Next to that one is a picture of Steve, only he looks really young- fresh out of high school young. Biting your lip into a smile at the volume of his hair, he’s leaning against a maroon BMW with pants so tight you're sure they made all the girls flustered. You shake your head with a roll of your eyes before taking in the brown curly haired girl sticking her head out of the back seat window. Another girl with honey waves pushing her head out in the small space next to her, you swear you can hear the giggles that are so evident on their faces.
Thunder cracks loudly outside, bringing you back with a jump. You’re dreading the short walk home. You glance out the window wearily before bringing your attention back to the little bit of Steve scattered over the top of his dresser. Then you see it. You see her.
The frame that holds the picture is silver, the words ‘always and forever’ etched across the bottom. It’s taken somewhere tropical and Steve looks like he’s your age in it, his jaw somehow sharper, his hair blonder. His smile is so big it shows all of his teeth, a bright yellow short sleeve button up that makes his skin look golden. The top two buttons undone revealing the chest hair you’d gotten a few glimpses of. He’s glowing. 
She’s just as beautiful, big bright green eyes and dark chestnut hair that falls in effortless curls down to her chest. They look natural, like she didn’t have to do it herself. She’s tucked into his side in what looks like seats in the back of a boat, the coral dress that flows over the curves of her body makes your stomach turn. The big rock on her hand rested purposefully on his chest tells you exactly what this picture is.  
Jealousy twists green in a tight knot inside of you, guilt you weren’t expecting makes you feel nauseous when you see what’s hanging off the corner of the frame. A dark teal rubber bracelet with the words Team ALS Chicago 2022 in white font.
Lightning flashes white hot, making something gleam and catch in the corner of your eye from his watch box. Taking a closer look, the tightening of your chest at what you find makes the air leave your lungs all at once when you see their wedding rings tucked in between the soft white cushions inside the box. 
The reality of the situation hits you like a ton of bricks. Steve had a whole life before he met you. A life with someone beautiful, someone he didn’t fall out of love with, someone who didn’t break his heart, someone who, if things were different he’d still be with.
If you moved next door in that reality, you’d just be someone he’d maybe wave to from time to time, not paying any mind to the thirty year old girl already suffering through a midlife crisis next door. The girl who moved to the city with no friends and no plan. The college drop out. The opposite of the well put together woman that belonged hanging off his chest like that, with a ring on her finger that could pay off your credit card debt and then some.
How can you compete with a ghost? The nagging feeling that you’ll always be second best already stings and he hasn’t even picked you yet.
You try to blink away the tears that threaten to spill out, feeling stupid for being this upset over what started off as a silly crush, it really shouldn’t hurt this much. The cedar that comforted you feels like it's suffocating now. Like he’s here. The thought of bringing the watering can down doesn’t even cross your mind when you leave it on the dresser to make your escape.
The breath that comes out through trembling lips is shaky, still, you're proud of the fact that you haven’t cried yet. 
Tough girl. 
When you open the front door, it's windier than when you first got here, the sun starting its disappearing act for the moon. It makes the summer storm match the one brewing inside of you. You shove your feet into your shoes before pulling the door shut behind you. You lock the key back into the box, before grabbing your umbrella. Your vision goes blurry but you don’t give into it, telling yourself it’s stupid to be so upset. The buzz of your phone in your back pocket is what stops you from taking the first step off his porch. 
Found a spot with some service on our hike, just wanted to check in. Hope you got into the house okay. Bandit says he misses you.
The dam that you’d worked so hard to build breaks, tears falling down your face like the rain falling from the sky. You sniffle, wiping your cheeks with the back of your hand before you reply to him for what you tell yourself is the last time. It’ll hurt less like this, it’s better for both of you this way. At least that’s what you try to tell yourself before you hit send.
Plants are watered 👍
beta’d by: @superblysubpar
dividers by @newlips
chapter seven
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uglypastels · 1 year
Not Wholly Evil / Pirate!Eddie au - Series Masterlist
'Do not worry; we shall release you straight back into your father's arms– for a reasonable price, that is,' he looked around at his men, who all once again erupted in a jolly sea of laughter, matching his much softer depiction of humour. 'But for now….' He bend in a bow, dramatically removed his hat as his unbrushed locks grazed the floor. When he rose back up, his grin had spread to the widest corners of his mouth, and his dark eyes were filled with menacing mischief, freezing your core at the thought of what he could possibly be holding back in his mind. 'Welcome aboard the Hellfire.' 
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"semi dark fic" - READ the warnings:. (gun/sword)violence. blood. mention of severe wounds. minor character death. allusions to suicide. kidnapping. imprisonment. alcohol. open and deep sea. pirates are pigs: mentions of non-con, but it does not actually occur. malnourishment and weight loss. paranoia. mention of poisoning. abuse. manhandling. lying.
Chapter 1: The Death of the Red Tail
Chapter 2: Asphodel
Chapter 3: An Affair of Honor
Chapter 4: Columba
Chapter 5: Flintlock
Chapter 6: Shiver Me, Timbers
Chapter 7: Four Corners of Heaven
Chapter 8: Earthshine
Chapter 9: Paragon - [18+ version]
Chapter 10: Lock and Key
If you want to see any more of pirate Eddie [or Steve] requests for one-off oblurbs are open!!!
Chapter 0.1: The Treasure of Old Man Jim Chapter 0.2: Eddie and Tabitha Chapter 0.3: A Ceremony of Love
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 5
Hello! This story is coming along nicely and we're getting close to Eddie's reveal.
Steve goes on a roller coaster of emotions in this one. We get a peek on how even in one week that he could have a bad time and then a good time. And Robin is the bestest friend a boy could have.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Steve unlocked the door to the alphas’ apartment and let himself in. He had everything setup in mere minutes. He changed into the outfit he would be wearing. It started with the lacy underwear. Just a shade more pink than white. Tasteful but sexy.
Then chinos and polo. No belt. It was an extra item of clothing that would get in the way later. The polo was pink. A bright baby pink. He tamped down on the feelings of disgust at the stereotype. He had a job to do and he would do it well. A pair of loafers that would be able to be kicked off later.
Steve was practically seething when his clients walked through the door. Not only were they not dressed in similar attire, they were dressed in the exact opposite. They were punks. Both men were in ripped jeans, sheer tank tops and a shit ton of metal and leather jewelry. Kyle had the side shaved ‘do with it dyed bright red. Monty had a neon green mohawk.
But they had specifically asked for him to be in the polo and chinos. He was upset that they didn’t fully explain that the fantasy wasn’t about a regular threesome. No...it was about them fucking a prep.
Steve straightened up on the inside, all steel spine and iron core. On the outside, his shoulders rounded, his features softened, and he went full tilt diva.
Kyle and Monty licked their lips in anticipation.
It started slow. Hands and feet rubbing against Steve’s body over his clothes at dinner. Wine and loose limbs as those same hands slipped under his clothes.
Dessert was chocolate dipped strawberries as Kyle and Monty made out, using Steve as catalyst. Hands and mouths roamed as they finally made it to the bedroom.
Sex was searing hot and just this side of gentle romance. Once they were done and out cold, Steve got dressed and slipped out under the cover darkness, Robin and Xander cleaned up after Steve and gathered all the things he brought with him.
And only when they had pulled away from the curb and started for home did Steve relax.
“I want them on the blacklist,” Steve bit out. “And I want homemaker removed from my list of roleplays. I refuse to do it from now on.”
Robin quickly and quietly did as she was told. She would have asked if it was any other time, but she had known going in that this very thing could be the consequence.
“You’ll be happy to know that the gang bang has been cancelled,” she said in lieu of asking.
Steve turned to her slowly. “What do you mean?”
“Apparently the lead singer got wind of the gang bang and threw a fit,” she said pulling up the email on her tablet. “He did not consent to such a thing and neither did any of the other members in the band.”
He winced. “Ouch. I wonder why the manager thought they would go along with it in the first place.”
Robin rubbed her lower lip with her finger. “My guess?” Steve nodded. “I think this manager was hoping to get in on the action himself and write it off on his taxes as a business expense.”
“Gross,” Steve muttered. “Well I’m glad the singer caught on before I went to the gang bang and it got awkward fast.”
She nodded. “So you’ll have plenty of time to recover from tonight before Lenny’s rut.”
He breathed out a sigh of relief. “I think I’m just experience a rash of bad luck lately. I can’t wait for Lenny’s rut. It’ll be nice to have a nice routine session without all of this drama.”
Robin couldn’t help but agree.
Steve relaxed the minute he got into Lenny’s presence. The comedian was still cognizant enough to be laughing and joking the minute he walked through the door.
Slowly as Lenny slipped into the mindlessness of the rut, Steve grew more confident. This was what he was made for. The alpha’s brain turned to fucking the pretty omega and he preened under the attention.
The possessive growling, the scenting, and the burying his cock into Steve’s body was like a dream. He didn’t have to guide Lenny like he had to with Dillon. Lenny’s body knew what to do. What it wanted. And what it wanted in that moment, was Steve. Nothing but Steve.
Steve had gotten up to make them something to eat as Lenny’s rut had ebbed for the moment. He had pulled on a pair of shorts and had padded out to the kitchen.
That was another reason he loved Lenny. Since he was an older alpha his moments of clarity lasted long enough to make full meals instead of trying to shove calories into the raging alpha as quickly as possible.
He felt arms wrap around him and chin hook over his shoulder.
“You know I don’t like it when I wake up and you’re not there, Steve,” Lenny rumbled against his back.
Steve chuckled. “My apologies, alpha. I thought I had a few more minutes. I was going to bring you breakfast in bed.”
Lenny scented along Steve’s chin. “Such a good omega,” he rumbled. “Good enough to eat.” He nibbled on Steve’s earlobe.
Steve full on laughed at that. “Still in the rut then. That joke was terrible.”
Lenny laughed too. “What’s for breakfast, then?”
“Your favorite,” he murmured, fighting the urge to let Lenny have his way with him on the kitchen counter. He could feel the heat from the alpha radiating into his bones. “Full English breakfast, complete with tomatoes and black pudding.”
Lenny cooed. “You know how to treat a bloke.” He reluctantly pulled away from Steve, who immediately missed the warmth.
He filled up two plates and carried them over to the table. He pulled out Steve’s chair and let him sit first.
“This is divine, Stevie,” he murmured after he took his first bite.
Steve preened under the attention. He was a good cook. Not because of his job, but in spite of it. Most of the time he didn’t have the time to fix full meals, relying on protein shakes and bars, fruit snacks and smoothies, to get as much nutrition in in the shortest amount of time.
So he learned to cook for himself and for clients like Lenny who’s ruts were more spread out so that they could enjoy a fine meal or two. Watching Lenny savor every bite was well worth the time Steve had taken to learn the skill.
He didn’t have time to clean up, unfortunately as Lenny’s rut came back in full force toward the end of their meal.
He casually picked Steve up and tossed him over his shoulder to Steve’s absolute delight.
Lenny kicked the door shut behind him and flopped Steve down on the bed.
Steve’s inner omega trilled in anticipation as the alpha advanced on him, the dark earthy smell of a field after the rain enveloping Steve’s senses.
That scent would be all he knew for the next couple of days. Not once did Lenny’s scent turn sour like he had known with other alphas. Steve wasn’t sure if it was because Lenny was older or if it was because Steve was genuine friends with the alpha, but it was always a pleasure spending his rut together.
“Always a joy,” Lenny said as he watched Steve pack up.
Steve grinned and came over and kissed the alpha on the lips. “It is for me, too.”
The alpha growled playfully. “Are you sure the tickets are the only favor I can do for you?”
“I’ll let you know if there is anything else,” Steve cooed.
Lenny laughed. “Go on, get!”
Steve wiggled his ass as he sauntered out of the comedian’s apartment.
Robin walked into the suite and found a note on the counter next to an envelope.
“Stop procrastinating!
Ask her out! Lenny gave me two tickets on the front row. Not center. But close enough that Vickie could count his freckles.
I know you used my news about Nancy and Jonathan’s coming pup to chicken out last week.
You have no more excuses. She wants to go out with you!
She let out a huff of laughter. She opened the envelope and sure enough there were the tickets she had jokingly asked for for Vickie’s birthday.
She looked down the hall where she knew Steve would be sleeping off the rut and smiled fondly. She loved her best friend.
She grabbed his duffle bag and threw the clothes into the laundry. She then made a list of the things he used up on this job and put it up on the fridge for Steve to see.
Robin then opened the drapes and the doors to the terrace so that Steve would be woken up to soft natural light.
Then she sat down and started going through Steve’s schedule. Sometimes he was booked several weeks in a row, sometimes he didn’t have anything until two or three days before an event.
That was the nature of the job. She personally liked it when there wasn’t anything for Steve to get ready for. She knew he liked his job and did it well, but there were times where she thought he was just trying to fill the silence in his head with sex.
When he got like that she made sure to schedule dinners with friends and soulmate days. To show him he was more than just a hole to be fucked.
Thankfully Lenny Goodwin was the perfect antidote to Steve feeling used. Lenny liked Steve. They hung out outside of Lenny’s ruts. Steve went to his comedy shows all the time and they got along great.
The only reason Lenny didn’t buy Steve’s contract is that there were just too many times when Lenny would be on tour out of the country. And he didn’t want to drag any omega through that, let alone one as social as Steve was.
Robin rubbed her chin thoughtfully. Steve’s breakdown about not being able to have pups got her brain whirling. She wanted to help him the best that she could. And if that meant finding an alpha who would want to buy Steve’s contract because they adored Steve, then so be it.
She exited out of Steve’s schedule and pulled up Steve’s client list. His regulars.
She immediately crossed out any who had attempted to buy Steve’s contract in the past. She knew they were only looking for sex slaves. She narrowed down the ones that had a variety of things they requested from Steve.
Ones that only wanted rut servicing or just arm candy for events got crossed off, too. They weren’t interested in Steve as a person, just an omega to look pretty or fill a need.
Robin chewed on her thumb as she went through the list and found that she had crossed off every one of Steve’s clients.
She tossed her tablet to the side with a huff. This was harder than she thought it would be.
Theoretically she knew she had the time. Steve was still young. He was barely twenty-eight. Way too early to think about retirement, really. But on the other hand she worried what would happen to her best friend the longer he went without finding that connection.
She looked at the tickets and sighed. He was right about that, though. She was procrastinating.
Robin picked her phone and dialed Vickie’s number.
“Hey, darling,” she cooed into her phone. “Your birthday is coming up and I wanted to do something special. Just the two of us.”
She smiled wide. “Yeah, baby. A date.”
She held the phone from her ear as Vickie squealed her excitement. She could worry about her best friend later, right now?
She’s got a date to plan.
Just a BTS the band that cancelled the gang bang is Corroded Coffin. ;)
Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @lexirosewrites @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @yikes-a-bee @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @nburkhardt @apomaro-mellow @yellowdevilkitten @eyehartart @rememberthatiloveyou @demolvr @ellietheasexylibrarian @slowandsteddie @mangoinacan13 @r0binscript @y4r3luv
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2024 Kinktober Masterlist
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I'm so sorry for not posting like at all this year but it's been a very long year. College classes started up again this fall and I'm swamped with work. This is my list for Kinktober this year. I will do my best to keep up but anywho, I hope you enjoy!
Banners by @vase-of-lilies
Key: Fluff; 🌙 // Angst; 👿 // Smut; 🔥 // Dark; 🕸️
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Day 1: Deepthroating/Facesitting (Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader)
Day 2: Semi-Public Sex (Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
Day 3: Knotting (Alpha!Jim Hopper x Assistant!Omega!Fem!Reader)
Day 4: Phone Sex (John Winchester x Hunter!Fem!Reader)
Day 5: Squirting (Obsessive!Perv!Billy Hargrove x Bimbo!Fem!Reader)
Day 6: Cuckolding (Shy!Jake Jensen x FemmeFatal!Fem!Reader x Franklin Clay)
Day 7: Biting/Marking (Possessive!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader)
Day 8: Morning Sex (CACW!Steve Rogers x Avenger!Fem!Reader)
Day 9: Praise Kink (Insecure!Geralt of Rivia x Healer!Fem!Reader)
Day 10: Mommy Kink (Needy!Bratty!Johnny Storm (CE) x Mean!Mommy!Fem!Reader)
Day 11: Caught (Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader)
Day 12: Sex Toys (Lawyer!Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader)
Day 13: Virginity Kink (Oldman!Grumpy!Logan Howlett x Sunshine!Virgin!Mutant!Fem!Reader)
Day 14: Shotgunning (Needy!Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
Day 15: Tentacles (Part-Kraken!Steve Rogers x Princess!Fem!Reader)
Day 16: Spanking (Brat!Johnny Storm (CE) x Dom!CEO!Fem!Reader)
Day 17: Breeding (Wolf-Hybrid!Geralt of Rivia x Fem!Reader)
Day 18: Tittyfucking (Wade Wilson x Plus-Sized!X-Men!Fem!Reader)
Day 19: Hate Sex (Robin Buckley x Cheerleader!Fem!Reader)
Day 20: Edging (Young!Logan Howlett (X-Men1) x Professor!Mutant!Fem!Reader)
Day 21: Dub-con/Non-con (Grumpy!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Sunshine!Innocent!Fem!Reader)
Day 22: Stripping (CEO!Nick Fowler x Stripper!Fem!Reader)
Day 23: Anal Sex (Dark!Steve Kemp x Innocent!Fem!Reader)
Day 24: Pegging (Brat!Wade Wilson x Mean!Dom!Fem!Reader)
Day 25: Lactation (Dad!Steve Rogers x Mom!Pregnant!Reader)
Day 26: Age Difference (Older!Daryl Dixon x 20s!Sunshine!Fem!Reader)
Day 27: Gagging (Mob!Bucky Barnes x Bimbo!Fem!Reader)
Day 28: DP in One Hole (CEO!Married!Stucky x Assistant!Fem!Reader)
Day 29: Gloryhole (Jim Hopper x Fem!Reader)
Day 30: Panty Raid/Panty Kink (Shy!Perv!Jake Jensen x Slight!Perv!Fem!Reader)
Day 31: Videoing (Camboy!Eddie Munson x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader)
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starryeyedjanai · 11 months
no better time than now
kinktober prompt: edgeplay | steddie + gareth | explicit
read on ao3
When Gareth sees he has a snapchat video from Steve as he's walking out of his office to go to an all staff meeting, he doesn't think anything of it.
Why would he?
Steve's not the one who routinely sends him lewd or sometimes nude pictures of himself.
That would be Eddie - the menace who somehow conned Gareth into joining his harem of men.
That's a bit dramatic, but he thinks having a minimum of four paramours he's fucking is kind of excessive. But he digresses.
Steve is definitely the tamer one of the two, but that's not to say he isn't into all the same stuff as Eddie. Gareth sometimes joins in on their little romance, fucking himself on Steve's cock while Eddie looks on and tells him how fast to go. Or sometimes Eddie fucks Steve as Steve is sucking Gareth's dick, both of their eyes on him.
So he knows how Steve is separate from Eddie and he knows how they are together.
The point is, Steve sending him a video during the work day is usually some story about something Eddie did, so he doesn't think twice about opening it as he's walking down the hall, earbuds plugged into his phone already from a previous call, but not in his ears, the wires bunched up in his hand.
Gareth's face flushes red so fast his head spins and he immediately turns on his heel and walks directly back to his office, closing the door behind him.
Because he's looking at a video of Steve's mouth wrapped around Eddie's cock, his eyes all hazy with pleasure as he looks at the camera.
He presses a hand down on his cock, as if that'll stop it from getting hard as he watches the series of videos of Steve sucking Eddie off.
The last video ends with Steve pulling off Eddie's cock, a line of spit lingering between his mouth and the tip of Eddie's dick.
Gareth stands there with his back to the door, his hand pressing on his dick, wondering what he did in a past life to deserve this.
In the middle of a work day???????? he puts in the chat, waiting for a response.
His phone pings several times in a row as the next set of videos comes in.
He closes his eyes and debates just leaving his phone here in his office and walking to his meeting. It's what he should do.
He should leave and go to the meeting.
But the temptation is too strong. He opens his eyes and presses the purple square because he has no self control and he's already a little half-hard.
The video starts with the front facing camera on Eddie and he's saying something so Gareth quickly shoves his earbuds in his ears as he turns the volume up, walking over to his chair to sit down.
"Sorry, Gare. Steve has been so impatient this afternoon. We're working on his patience and he needs an audience for all his good work. Jeff and Grant got these too, so at least you're not alone," Eddie says, a twinkle in his eyes.
The sound of sucking in the background makes Gareth's jaw clench.
The camera flips around onto Steve, laying on his stomach on their bed, one hand on Eddie's dick, stroking it gently, as he sucks one of Eddie's balls into his mouth. His eyes are closed and he looks so fucking content slobbering all over Eddie's balls.
The video ends and Gareth feels lightheaded.
He opens up his text thread with Grant and Jeff and texts them if you plan on getting anything productive done today, do not open the snapchat videos from Steve.
From Jeff, he gets the message: too late 😔
Grant says thanks for the heads up. we can all watch it together on my phone later if you want?
Gareth texts them back: I am definitely taking you up on that Freak. And: Jeff, I cannot believe you saw it and let me open it at work.
It JUST happened. I'm also compromised here is Jeff's reply.
He's about to send something back when a slurry of pings and notifications tell him that Eddie's sent them more videos. Because it's obviously not Steve sending these videos. He's going to kill that man one day.
He opens up Slack and messages his boss that he's suddenly not feeling well and has to miss the meeting. The thumbs up on his message he receives is more than enough, so he gets up and locks his door.
He sits back down and opens up the snapchat video and the camera is still on Steve, who's back to sucking Eddie down his throat. With the noises in his ear - the loud slurps, Eddie's soft moans - it feels like he's there, almost. Like he's in the room with them, watching as Steve's gentle mouth on his cock pulls noises from Eddie's throat.
Eddie reaches down with the hand not holding the phone and taps Steve's hand on his hip. Steve pulls his mouth off him with a loud pop.
"What's the lesson here today, sweetheart?" Eddie asks.
Steve lets out a sigh and says, "That I can't always have your come when I want it."
Gareth has to clench his hand, his nails digging into the palm of his hand, so that he doesn't groan out loud at that.
"You're impatient," Eddie's voice says. "It's so much better when you work for it, right honey?"
Steve isn't glaring up at the camera like Gareth would be if Eddie used that condescending tone of voice with him - he's looking up reverently, even though Gareth can tell he's a little frustrated.
He types in the chat How long has it been? because Steve getting frustrated is a sign that it's probably been going on for far longer than Gareth would have the patience for.
The next video, Eddie tells Steve, "Gareth wants to know how long it's been."
Steve looks up and drags his mouth off Eddie's cock. He says, "It's been hours," with a whine.
Eddie laughs behind the camera. "It's been one hour tops."
Has Steve come? he asks them after the video ends.
"No, he hasn't come yet either. He's being so good today," Eddie says, stroking a hand through Steve's hair as he sucks hard on his dick, hollowing his cheeks. "He's just been between my legs, sucking me until I say stop and then biting me when he gets frustrated."
Eddie's voice is so fucking fond as he says that, laughing and petting Steve's hair.
Gareth can see the bite marks. Eddie's thighs are littered in red and purple marks from Steve's mouth on him.
"You wanna show him how nicely you ask for-" Eddie starts to ask and the video cuts off.
Gareth reaches down to adjust his dick in his pants.
The next video starts with Steve saying, "Can I bite you please?" with his mouth hovering above Eddie's thigh.
"Why do you wanna bite me?" Eddie asks.
"Because this is hard!" he says, annoyance seeping into his voice.
"It is hard, baby," Eddie says with a laugh, using his hand to tap tap tap his hard cock against Steve's cheek.
Steve pouts up at the camera.
Jesus fucking christ. They're ridiculous.
But Gareth is sweating, and his dick is straining against his slacks.
He can't jerk off at work.
He can't jerk off at work, right?
Everyone, the entire staff, is at the meeting in the conference room on the first floor, so it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to whip his cock out here and jerk off to this, would it?
There's the off chance that someone might leave the meeting to go to the bathroom, but would they venture up to the third floor for a bathroom break? He doesn't think so.
He weighs the options in his head as he waits for the next set of videos to come.
The worst scenario is that someone might hear him, but he's really good at being quiet - years of sharing a wall with the living room of his house and then years of sneaking off to the bathroom to jerk off in college with just the door separating him and his roommate has taught him how to be near silent when he comes.
He thinks he could do it.
He could watch and listen to what's probably the end of Eddie and Steve's "lesson" and jerk himself off slowly, like he's a part of it too, like the lesson in patience is for him too.
Fuck, that's probably part of the reason why Eddie sent it to him. He's also too impatient sometimes, and Eddie makes sure to punish him for it.
The next set of videos comes through and he unzips his pants, decision made, and gets his cock out. He grabs the box of tissues on his desk and slides it closer.
Eddie's hand is in Steve's hair as Steve sucks a mark into his thigh, biting and pulling the blood under his skin to the surface. Steve pulls back and presses a kiss to the new mark.
"Good boy. You wanna get on your knees and show your boys how good you are for me, not coming this entire time?"
Steve eagerly nods and pulls himself up between Eddie's legs, tucking his knees under him. His cock is hard and red and dripping.
He strokes it slowly, angling it up so Gareth can see the cock ring around the base of his cock.
Gareth thinks he needs one of those right about now. He strokes his cock as he watches Steve stroking himself, spreading the precome down his cock until his cock is shining with it.
He probably isn't going to last very long despite just starting, between the need that's coursing through his veins and the fact that he's doing this in his fucking office.
Steve shudders as he speeds up a little, the slide slick as he humps up into his hand a little. He fists his cock for another few moments before pulling his hand away. He's breathing heavily as his cock twitches and more precome drips from the tip.
Gareth's cock twitches in sympathy.
He gets back on his stomach between Eddie's thighs and Eddie says, "Open your mouth sweetheart."
Steve opens his mouth and Eddie's cock thrusts inside. The choking noise as he hits the back of Steve's throat is so loud, but the video cuts off a second later.
This is torture, seeing these little snippets and not having the real thing. He loves watching them together. He never really knew he was into voyeurism until meeting them. He didn't know he was into a lot of things before he met them actually.
And being so far away from them, seeing these videos that end abruptly, having them talking and moaning in his ears- it's not enough. He wishes he was with them right now - between them, watching them, anything.
He sets his phone on his desk and leans forward in his chair so he can see it and so that when he comes, he won't get any of it on his clothes. The chair mat beneath him is much easier to clean than his pants if he accidentally gets any on it.
Eddie's thrusting comes to a stop as Gareth opens the next video a minute later.
"You've been so good. Do you think you deserve it now?" Eddie asks and Steve nods slowly, pulling back to nuzzle into the crease of his hip. "I think so too. Go ahead, sweetheart."
Fuck. Gareth starts stroking himself faster, tightening his fist around the head of his cock on every stroke.
Steve sticks his tongue out and licks a stripe up Eddie's cock before sucking the head into his mouth. He uses his right hand to stroke Eddie's cock fast and tight, licking around the head, tonguing the frenulum.
"Fuck, Stevie," Eddie says, his voice strained. He thrusts up into his grip, and into the warmth of Steve's mouth.
Gareth grips himself tighter, knowing Eddie's going to come soon.
Steve takes his hand off Eddie cock and opens his mouth wider, relaxing his jaw as Eddie thrusts up into his mouth roughly again.
Gareth can hear the way Eddie's cock fucks into Steve's throat. Eddie's guttural moans are loud in his ear as he chases his orgasm in Steve's mouth.
Gareth speeds up his hand in time with Eddie's thrusts, his breathing getting heavier. He almost can't bite back the groan that forms in his throat when the video cuts off. His phone pings almost immediately with more videos, so he doesn't even have to slow his hand down before he's seeing them again.
Eddie continues to use Steve's throat like a fleshlight and Gareth's balls draw up as he watches on.
Eddie moans loudly as he comes, the first spurt probably going directly down Steve's throat. He pulls back and jerks himself through it, his come pulsing out over Steve's tongue, on his lips, on his chin.
Gareth shudders, looking at Steve's face, and he comes hard as Steve's tongue darts out to lap at the head of Eddie's cock, digging into the slit like he wants more. Another glob of come spurts out onto his tongue.
Gareth cups the head of his cock in one hand as he comes, stroking himself through it silently. He pants through it as the video ends, shivers running through him.
He leans forward and puts his head on his desk as he comes down.
He can't believe he just did that.
He picks up his phone and sends them a snapchat of his hand still coated in come, the text across the screen reading I hope you're fucking happy.
He cleans himself up, but still feels so dirty afterwards.
He's lucky he only has another couple hours of work and no more meetings today. There's no way he could sit in front of any of his coworkers and look them in the eye knowing that a wad of tissues coated in his come is sitting in his trash can, buried between random flyers.
He's also lucky his boss thinks he's sick, because that means she's probably not going to be beating down his door after the meeting ends. He opens the window in his office to air it out
He gets a snap back from Eddie a couple minutes later, a picture this time.
It's Steve, on his back, come streaked up his chest, coating his chest hair. He looks so fucking blissed out, his cheeks red as he smiles at the camera. Gareth's heart pangs in his chest. He can't wait to see them later.
There's no text on the screen, but he knows they'll probably make fun of him for jerking off at work later. Or at least Eddie will. He's such a menace.
He opens up his text thread with just Jeff and sends Do you wanna get Steve and Eddie back tomorrow for making us horny at work?
I thought you'd never ask is Jeff's immediate reply.
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imfinereallyy · 2 years
The Long Con
I saw this tik tok edit of Rachel McAdams in the movie Hot Chick where she gets a milkshake on house (and she's just totally playing the guy) and for some odd reason this spiraled me into thinking about Conman!Steve and Mob Boss!Eddie. So here is my brainrot I guess. Maybe I'll do more parts or make something longer on ao3 if people like it.
Steve wasn't one to not think things through. Yes, he was aware that it was a double negative. He played up the dumb part quite often, but Steve wasn't actually stupid. So it was all part of the game, really.
Steve loved the game. The rush, the push, and the pull of tricking someone, getting them for all their worth. Steve loved the game because it was fun. Steve loved the game because he got to use horrible people for his very lavish lifestyle. There was nothing like living rich by feeding off the rich. Well, he was trying to do that, at least. See, Steve, although good at what he did, he burned through money faster than you could say savings. It wasn't his fault, really. He used to be better at keeping track. Always made sure to have enough, just in case. Hadn't needed to worry about anyone but himself. Because the only thing Steve truly loved for a long time was the game itself.
But then he met people along the way, misfits and criminals like himself that he couldn't help spoiling. The only person who seemed to catch his problem was Robin, but even she couldn't resist a new hard drive for her computer. It's how she made her own money, after all.
Despite his problem with spoiling everyone, Steve always thought things through. He followed the rules of the game without rules and continued to fill his pockets, scamming the deserving and cruel. But sometimes, sometimes for Steve... his abilities and bad habits sometimes, well, overlapped. Sometimes, Steve could have been better at choosing the right people to care about. He was getting better at it, he swears. He let go of the wrong ones a long, long time ago.
But sometimes they came back begging.
Tommy had been someone from his life before. Before being on his own, back when purple and blue were his father's favorite colors to paint him with. It was a time before the game, a time that, although he tries to forget, had a grip on him.
So when Tommy called, seeking forgiveness, seeking help, Steve caved quickly. He would always be that same little boy, looking for love from a past that wasn't there. Tommy wasn't his parents, sure, but it was as close as he would get.
So, yes, steve normally thought things through, but there was the rare occasion, there was the exception to the rule, where Steve majorly fucked up.
He was in Boston when it happened. Even though years ago, Steve swears he would never be going back. He's in a small diner two blocks away from main street. And he had just finished getting Tommy's money back. Steve always celebrated with one of three things: drinks, sex, or milkshakes.
And Steve wanted out of Boston as fast as possible, so he went for his quickest and sometimes tastiest tradition.
"How much do I owe you?" Steve smiled innocently at the waiter, giving his best babygirl face.
The waiter bit his lips as he tried not to stare at Steve's mouth, "It's okay, it's on the house."
Steve licked part of his free milkshake off his finger, "Really?" Steve's voice was an octave higher just for the waiter. He could tell he was someone who had a preference for men, and most likely had a problem with letting go of his masculinity. So Steve knew the more feminine, the better. Steve couldn't help the sly grin that stretched across his face when the waiter got flustered. He was an attention whore; sue him.
His waiter—huh, Andy, according to his name tag—looked like he was about to say something when a throat cleared behind him.
"Andy, doll, you might be wanting to get back to the kitchen for a minute." A deep voice said behind Andy. It sent chills down Steve's spine. The Boston accent with a slight tilt of Irish was enough to captivate him. Andy moved faster than the speed of light at the command.
When Andy disappeared, with his tail between his legs no less, the most beautiful man Steve's ever seen revealed himself. A tall, pale, curly brunette stood before him in a suit with a ripped-up band tee underneath. It shouldn't look good, and it shouldn't look professional, but it did. Steve saw tattoos peeking out from exposed skin, piercings all over his ears, and enough jewelry to start a store. Steve was bewitched.
The mystery man smiled, hands in his pockets, and leaned down slightly into Steve's space. "Oh, sweetheart, I have been looking for you everywhere."
Steve stayed silent, drinking him in; he smelt of mint, smoke, and morning rain.
The man slid into the booth, put his arms on the table, and made a little beat with his knuckles on the plastic. Then, Steve noticed the words "Hell Fire" across his knuckles. Steve's heart sunk to his stomach. He had heard of those hands before. Those hands were famous.
The man leaned his face against his right fist. "Hell" pushed into his cheekbone. "The name is Eddie Munson, love." Eddie looked Steve up and down. "But I think you've already figured that out by now, haven't ya?"
Steve steeled himself. He should be okay. He hadn't wronged this man before, but something, something was telling Steve that he most definitely had. The look in his sweet abyss of eyes told him as much.
A smirk stretched across Eddie's face, and suddenly he kicked the leather bag next to Steve's feet under the table. Steve's cheek twitched slightly for a millisecond, but it was enough to give him away. "It seems here... like you and Hagan have stolen quite a bit of money from me." Eddie tsk-tsked while Steve's heart dropped from his stomach to his feet. Tommy screwed him.
"And that love, well, that just won't do."Steve had never seen such a sweet smile feel so deadly. "So, Sunshine, I am going to make you a deal, and you would be smart to take it."
Steve wasn't actually dumb, but yes, he most definitely did not think this through.
Sooo thoughts? I was going to write more but if this was a flop, I didn't want to put my heart in soul into it. But I did spiral a bit with it. Whoops!
edit: I made some grammatical changes but that's it. I realized I kept switching tense changes when I was writing in present, so I changed it to past. I'm much more comfortable with it. Let me know if there are any more errors.
part 2: here
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Eddie likes painting his nails. He paints them any color he can, but usually ends up with black for shows since that’s his whole aesthetic.
Steve wants to try it. He likes the way El and Max and Eddie and Robin take turns picking colors for each other, how much fun they have painting each others’ nails, how relaxed they all seem.
But he knows that’s not what “strong men” do.
A strong man doesn’t walk around with pink nails, even if it does bring out the color of his eyes.
A strong man doesn’t let a teenage girl paint his nails purple because it makes his skin look a little more tanned in the winter.
And he’s let go of a lot of those ridiculous stereotypes his dad shoved through his head from the time he could understand words, but this is one thing he can’t let himself enjoy.
It’s stupid. But he can’t. So he watches from the couch as they gather on the floor once every two weeks to freshen up their colors, doing his best to hide his jealousy and sadness.
But he must fail because Eddie asks him to join them one night after the girls have already gotten their picks in for Eddie’s next color.
“Wanna paint them for me, Stevie?”
Steve searched his brain for any reason not to paint someone else’s and finally settled on allowing himself this one thing. If he couldn’t have pretty nails, he could give them to Eddie.
He nodded and sat cross legged in front of Eddie, waiting for further instruction.
“Doesn’t have to be perfect, okay? You’ll probably get a little on the skin around the nail and that’s okay too, it’ll come off.”
Steve nodded again.
The nerves were catching up to him now that he was holding the brush in between his fingers, leaning over where Eddie had placed his hand on Steve’s lap.
The girls were distracted, but Eddie noticed his pause.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Just looked like you wanted to.”
Eddie’s soft tone made Steve relax. He could do this.
So he started.
It was pretty easy on Eddie’s hand, his nails being big enough that he could mostly avoid getting any on the skin. He knew it’d be harder on the girls with their dainty hands or himself if he dared ever try.
Eddie was humming something while Steve worked diligently.
“This is a nice shade of blue. Did you pick it or did the girls?”
Eddie stopped humming and smiled. “I did. I could do yours next if you want.”
God, did he want.
But he shook his head.
“I can’t. Thanks though.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed.
“What do you mean you can’t? Why can’t you?”
Steve shrugged.
“Well it’s just that like. Men can’t really paint their nails.”
Steve was so focused on finishing up he didn’t notice that Eddie was going through every emotion a person could.
Finally, he looked up with a smile that quickly fell when he saw the angry look on Eddie’s face.
“Am I not a man?”
“What? Of course you are.”
“So you would still be a man with painted nails, then.”
“It’s just different for me.”
“Different how?”
“Like, a real man who wants to be a provider or whatever can’t exactly walk around with his nails painted fun colors, ya know?”
“I guess I don’t know.”
Steve was feeling a bit overwhelmed at trying to explain the words his father had always said to him growing up. How any time Steve seemed too focused on his appearance, he reminded him not to cross the line into “what those queers do” as if maintaining self-image was at all based on a person’s preference in men or women. How when Steve said he liked Madonna, his dad told him she was an artist for girls and women who haven’t found a husband yet and to try listening to some classic rock.
“It’s just that you’re you. You’re confident and you can pull it off. Like it goes with your whole…thing. It doesn’t really work for me. Even if I wanted to.”
“Do you want to?”
Steve could’ve lied. He could’ve just said that he’d only thought about it out of curiosity, not that he actually thought about what color might look best on him or how he could maybe learn how to do designs.
Instead, he checked that the girls were still wrapped up in conversation before turning back to Eddie and responding.
“Yeah, I want to.”
Eddie gave him a smile that could only be described as proud.
“You wanna match?”
Steve felt his hands start shaking. He nodded despite the nerves.
“Alright. Give me your hands, sweetheart.”
Jesus. Eddie gave pet names to everyone, but he’d never called him anything but Stevie. That hit hard.
He placed both his hands on Eddie’s thighs, focused on watching him paint them the same blue as what was on his own hands.
It was over much faster than Steve wanted it to be, his brain finally quiet after months, no, years, of constantly fighting his own thoughts with worse ones.
He didn’t even notice Eddie was picking up his hands to blow cool air on his nails until he felt the breath against his fingers.
He couldn’t hide the shiver that wracked his body.
He looked up at Eddie, who was smiling softly at him between bursts of air.
Finally, he held Steve’s hands up between them.
“This is a good color for you. You like it?”
“Mhm. It’s pretty.” He gulped. “I feel pretty.”
He hadn’t really meant to say it aloud, but now that he had, he felt nothing but relief.
“Yeah, sweetheart. You are pretty.”
The girls chose that moment to crawl over to where they sat, exclaiming about their nails and how cute it was that they matched.
Steve agreed.
And he made sure to match every time Eddie painted his nails just so he could hear him say “You’re so pretty, sweetheart.”
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ameliora-j · 2 years
therapist bf forcing subby reader to ride and suck off her bully in front of him to prove that she’s forgiven him (the bully).
𐐪𐑂 it’s twisted tuesday ! send in ur dark au requests :>
content: therapist!steve, bully!eddie, oral (m!receiving), voyeurism, exhibitionism, humiliation, impact play, public sex, dub-con (kinda), DARKFIC, THIS POST IS 18+ MDNI
𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂
"in order to continue your sessions, you need to prove to me that you have truly forgiven him. so i can see that you're truly healed" dr. harrington explains as he walks over to the door. "so i have a guest with us today."
steve doesn't explain further before he's opening the door to his office. your jaw drops and you quickly drop your gaze as eddie--the man who had made your entire high school life completely hell--saunters into the room. "hey, princess" he smirks.
"hi, eddie..." you mumble quietly.
"we look at someone when we speak to them... don't we, sweetheart?" steve mocks gently. you nod softly, picking up your head and repeating the phrase. it had been over two years since you had graduated high school and seen eddie. he got taller... more built than you remember. your eyes scan his body, taking extra time to look at his muscles and the pretty veins on his arms.
eddie feels you analyzing him, and smirks before flexing softly. "i dunno, dr. harrington... the way she's gapin at me i'd say i'm forgiven" he nods softly.
"you're right, eddie... but there's only one test that will tell" he smirks softly. you look between the two men, who obviously had some sort of unspoken agreement that you hadn't been made aware of. you squirm, shrinking back into your seat in an attempt to shy away from their gazes.
dr. harrington closed the door, locking it before turning his eyes to you. "crawl to us" he orders lowly. you quickly drop to your knees, crawling to the two men. you sit back on your haunches and gaze between them, squeezing your thighs together as you await further instructions.
dr. harrington walks back across the room to his seat, leaning over and grabbing his clipboard to finish taking his notes. "are you daft?" eddie questions raising a brow. you furrow your brows in confusion, slowly shaking your head. "well get on with it, then" he nods, gesturing to his pants.
you only become more confused after he speaks again. you look back at dr. harrington before turning back to eddie, once again waiting for an order. "god, you're stupider than i remember" eddie rolls his eyes. he reaches forward and gathers your hair into a ponytail. he tugs harshly, causing you to shriek as he drags you towards the thick bulge in his jeans. "take my cock out, and put your lips around it idiot" he smiles--a condescending smile--as he speaks to you slowly, almost like one would do to a child.
you pout before nodding slowly and undoing his belt. steve sits back in his chair, clipboard on his lap as he waits for you to take action. you pull eddie's cock free from his pants, spitting on your hand before jerking it a few times. you open your mouth, slowly pushing his cock into your mouth.
you grimace at the salty taste of his precum on your tongue, but push through. your mouth stretches wide to accomodate eddie's immense length and wide girth as you push your head as far down as it could go. you look up at eddie, and are surprised to find that he already has his eyes on you.
"that's it, slut. i always knew you's look so much prettier with your mouth full of cock" he groans. "what a perfect little free use hole" he groans, beginning to move your head up and down on his cock. you slurp quietly at your saliva that was making a complete mess of his cock, gagging as you suck him off.
you swallow around the head of his cock and eddie practically whines at the feeling of your throat contracting around the sensitive head of his cock. he groaned as he fucked your mouth slowly--but in no way was he nice. he abused your throat with his cock, holding you down as you swallowed him whole and laughing at your loud gags and pathetic attempts to move away from his cock.
"this is all you're good for." he growls. his voice cracks as he fights off his orgasm. you know you've got him when you reach up and begin pinching and playing with his balls. he lets out a gasp, followed by a loud moan before pulling back. he left just the tip in, beginning to paint the inside of your mouth with his cum as he jerked himself off.
you coughed, gagging at the sickly salty taste of him. you sputter around his seed, leaning over and spitting it onto the carpet. "you stupid ungrateful bitch" eddie growls, slapping your cheek. you shriek, whining as you tear up. you're trembling as you stare up at him before hearing dr. harrington tutting behind you.
you turn to look at him and furrow your brows. "good girls who have forgiven their bullies swallow, and say 'thank you for giving me your cum, sir'" he tsks. "i guess eddie will just have to keep coming back until you learn to be grateful and forgive" he taunts, smirking darkly at you.
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mid-80s · 9 days
steve's new apartment was all but comfortable.
or rather, steve and eddie's new apartment.
steve had finally convinced eddie to move in with him after a long back and forth of pros and cons. he even offered to pay for the whole damn thing so eddie wouldn't have to worry about potentially getting a new job (the car shop he worked at barely paid him enough to scrape by in school). steve hated living alone, but the dorms on campus were full and robin already had one that was paid off by her scholarship.
they eventually came to a compromise. steve would pay electricity and water, and eddie would pay for the phone and groceries. it was fair.
but it also meant no furniture.
or decorations.
re: the uncomfortable apartment.
the only substantial furniture the men had were beds and desks in either room, a promise of saving for at least a couch lingering in the air each time someone steps through whats meant to be a living room.
but it wasn't too bad, within the almost four months they had lived together, steve and eddie had grown a odd connection that challenged the one of steve and robin. it had come to a point that they rarely slept alone.
eddie had stumbled into steve's room one night around their second month in the apartment, clutching his neck and sides with bags under his eyes that almost perfectly matched steves own. he couldn't breathe let alone talk, but steve didn't need any words for him to rush over to where eddie had crumpled on the ground and hold him until his breathing slowed and face was near dry.
eddies voice was dry and sleepy by the time he spoke again, lifting the comfortable blanket of silence that hung over them as steve held eddies head against his chest from where they sat on the floor. "i don't know how you do it man." things even as simple as the cold air in their apartment sent him back to the slimy ground of that cursed place, the blood filing his mouth as the bats had their feast.
steve uses the hand stroking eddies curls to scratch his head a bit, relishing in the way eddie melts into him. "do what, eds?"
"sleep. eat. function like normal human being. its been a year and i still can't can't sleep without feeling like i'm dying again."
"they'll get better. they won't go away, but they'll get better. mine did for a while after my first go around. it takes time." steve rests his head on the wall behind him. "you don't think i'm in the same boat as you are right now? but i have to be here, so no one falls off the deep end. thats what i'm for."
"steve." eddies voice is still drowsy, like he's falling in and out of sleep. "it's not all on your shoulders."
steve doesn't reply. soft silence fills the space as eddies breathing slows. his face is wet now too.
"i know." his voice is shaky, the words to quite reach his mind as he kisses eddie on the head.
"i know, eds."
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hairmetal666 · 2 months
Eddie doesn’t make any real effort to get ready to meet Chrissy. Throws on jeans, a Metallica hoodie, and black Converse that Edwin Dooly would never wear. It hardly matters now, keeping up the ruse.
The restaurant she picked is a little bistro in a quiet neighborhood just outside of downtown. The small patio is shaded with trees, the warm, wood interior bright and inviting. Chrissy waits for him on a  wrought iron bench by the front door.
She pulls him into a hug as soon as he’s out of the car, and he finds himself clinging to her comfort.
“I’m so glad to see you. I’m so glad you’re okay” she murmurs.
“I’m okay,” he agrees. “It’s okay.”
Her face crumples a little, and he holds her tighter.
“It’s not your fault, you know?” He asks. He presses a kiss to the top of her head.
“I know but it’s—” she shrugs.
He nods. “I know. You aren’t responsible but now you can put all the pieces together, and it’s hard to figure how you didn’t see it before. But Chrissy. You didn’t know. You couldn’t have done anything.”
“How’d you get so wise?” Her smile is small but genuine.
Chapter 20!
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Title: demons are a girl’s best friend
Pairing: Incubus!Eddie Munson x Incubus!Steve Harrington x Female Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ MDNI)
Chapters: 1/1
Read on AO3 | Join the tag list | Masterlist
Since returning from the Upside Down, something dark exists in Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson. Something that is satisfied by only one thing - sex.
And they've set their sights on you.
Tags/warnings: explicit sexual content (18+), f/m/m threesome, p in v, masturbation, choking, pet names, dirty talk, degradation, praise kink, oral (m/f receiving), mild dub con for incubus magic ya know?, rough sex, dom/sub, demons still believe in aftercare. Let me know if anything is missing!
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You can’t sleep. You’ve tossed, you’ve turned, you’ve flipped your pillow over chasing the cool side, but sleep just still won’t come and put you out of your exhausted misery.
It’s been a rough week. As a senior at Hawkins High School, you and the other one hundred-something students in your class are all feeling the impending weight of finals. You’re up later and later every night, hunched over your worn out desk as you write yet another essay, hoping that the words you’re coming up with are still making sense. Your eyes burn as you stare up at the ceiling, the one lone glow in the dark star that’s remained affixed to the paint glowing dimly.
With a groan, you turn over again. All your pent up energy is starting to fizzle beneath your skin, in your blood, and you feel flushed all over. You shift your legs, the friction of your pajamas against your sensitive core making you bite your lip. You slip your hand beneath the waistband, sliding your fingers through the slick that’s built up between your thighs. You whimper at the sensation, giving another swipe, and another.
Your brain starts to wander back to a scene in one of the naughty books you swiped from the thrift store you work at part time. In it, the heroine was rescued by two strapping young knights, whisked away into the forest, where they took care of her needs.
Her every need.
You picture it in your head - four hands gliding over your body, two sets of lips leaving imprints of heat across your skin. A tongue diving between your lips, tangling with yours, while another swirls over the soft skin of your tummy before traveling lower, lower, lower.
Your hand moves faster, your back arching slightly off the bed as your hips chase a rhythm that will bring you the release you desperately crave. In your mind, the scene has shifted and you’re naked, the blunt head of one cock sliding into your channel as another thrust into your mouth.
With a choked off moan, you tip over the edge, your orgasm spreading through your limbs and making them grow heavy. As you lay there in the afterglow, your eyes fluttering shut, your only thought is how desperately you wished that was real.
Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson have not always been this way. Something about them, to the very core of their beings, had been changed when they last went to the Upside Down. Something dark existed in them, begging for release, and it was only satisfied by one thing.
It didn’t matter who it was with, not really, though so far nothing compared to when they were together, satisfying the urge with the give and take of their own energy, feeding off each other. Occasionally, they’d branch out, bringing home women and men alike for a night of pleasure that kept them satiated for a few days. Hawkins, unfortunately, had a limited number of people to tempt and lure. They’d traveled as far out as Indianapolis a couple times, but financially, it wasn’t the most feasible option.
As it was, tonight, Eddie lounged in bed beside Steve, cigarette dangling between his lips, when he felt that familiar tug in his belly. A side effect of that darkness, Steve and Eddie were more in tune with the carnal desires of the town, the threads of lust that stretched from people’s minds and vibrated enticingly.
Eddie sits up, tilting his head back as he blows out a hazy cloud of smoke. Beside him, he feels Steve tense.
“You feel that, too?” He asks. “Shit, that’s good.”
Steve nods, plucking the cigarette from Eddie’s fingers and bringing it to his lips. Eddie watches with rapt attention, eyes trained to his lips.
“We gotta find that one,” Eddie says. “I don’t think we’ve felt one that strong before.”
“Not even those twins from Marion,” Steve agrees. He purses his lips, blowing the smoke into Eddie’s face with a cheeky grin.
“You’re a tease, Harrington,” Eddie growls, leaning forward and shoving him back into the mattress.
“What are you going to do about it, Munson?”
“I have some ideas.”
It’s Friday afternoon, and you’re in the drama club room, painting one of the set pieces for the next production. You’re alone, having stayed back when the rest of the cast and crew decided to call it a day. You needed to get another coat of paint on this fake tree before the weekend so that you could start putting the leaves on it on Monday.
You’re so focused on the task that you don’t hear the door open, or the sound of footsteps punctuated by the clink of chains. It’s not until a hand is pressed to your shoulder do you realize you’re not alone.
With a surprise shriek, you turn, wielding your paintbrush like a weapon. Eddie Munson stands in front of you, hands held up in surrender, a smirk on his face.
“Woah, didn’t mean to startle you, sweetheart,” he says. The smirk spreads into a grin as you blink at him. You drop the arm wielding the paintbrush and press your free hand to your chest, over your pounding heart.
“Christ, Eddie! Give a girl some warning!”
“I did! I called in to ask if anyone was in here but no one answered!” He laughs, a hand running through his hair. “What are you doing here so late, anyways?”
“Wanted to finish painting so it could dry over the weekend,” you tell him. The conversation stalls at that, the two of you just staring at each other curiously.
Eddie Munson is an enigma. Even before that massive, unexplained earthquake Hawkins had about a month ago, he was always on the periphery of the social classes at Hawkins. When he was initially blamed for Chrissy Cunningham’s murder, but found not guilty, it turned him into a greater social pariah.
Apparently, inciting a massive witch hunt because the whole town believes you’re a homicidal satan worshiper doesn’t exactly help your reputation.
He still hangs out with the younger students in his Dungeons and Dragons Club, a couple of freshmen who worked tirelessly to clear his name with local law enforcement, providing him an alibi that cleared him of all charges. You even see him with Nancy Wheeler on occasion, which is a surprise given her popularity.
You’ve always found Eddie to be a nice guy. Severely misunderstood, a victim of the small town hive mindset. You’ve had a couple classes with him over the last two years, and while his work ethic left a lot to be desired, he wasn’t a bad guy.
And, if you’re being really honest with yourself, you’ve always found him kind of cute, with his wild curly hair and darker sense of style.
It’s when that thought passes through your mind that Eddie tilts his head, eyes darkening.
“You need a ride? I was gonna head out soon, I can drop you off somewhere?” He offers. “I just gotta swing by Family Video and pick my friend up from work first.”
You’re surprised by the offer. You didn’t think you were at offering-rides-level friendly. A ride from Eddie Munson does sound way better than walking around Hawkins near nightfall, though.
“Uh, sure. Thanks, Eddie, that’s sweet of you to offer.”
There is nothing sweet about Eddie’s offer to drive you home.
He’d been searching for that thread of lust all day. Skipped half his classes to do so, slipping into random classrooms as he tapped into that otherworldly perception.
It wasn’t until he went to the drama classroom after school, intending to grab something from the cubby he keeps for Hellfire Club, that he felt that familiar tug.
And there you were, hunched over a plywood and paper maché monstrosity, painting the details of tree bark while being oblivious to your surroundings. Everyone else had already cleared out for the weekend and it was just the two of you in the room, no other distractions.
When you didn’t respond to him calling out, he’d pressed a hand to your shoulder.
And what an enlightening experience that was.
That brief contact was all it took to be flooded with images of you in what he assumes is your bed, hand between your legs as you writhe around on the sheets, chasing the euphoria your body has been building to.
When you turned, his hand breaking contact, he couldn’t help but smirk, excitement and hunger coursing through him in equal measure.
Then he got another surge of lust as you looked at him, pupils dilating in that delicious way he craves.
He can definitely work with this.
He offered you a ride home without another thought. It was a half baked plan on his part, but the longer he got to spend with you, the lower your inhibitions would go.
Add Steve to the equation, and he could speed this process up ten fold.
Eddie glances at you, seated in the front passenger seat with your hands folded in your lap, fingers twisting nervously. Every so often you shift in your seat, your thighs rubbing together, and Eddie has to bite back a groan.
“You gettin’ excited about graduation?” He asks casually. You jump slightly, like you weren’t expecting him to speak, but you recover quickly.
“I guess. Will be nice to see someplace besides Hawkins for a while.”
“I know what you mean. Soon as I finally have that diploma, I’m outta here.”
You giggle, and he knows what you’re about to say before the words even leave your mouth. “Is this the year the great Eddie Munson finally graduates?”
“Hey, now,” he says, pressing a hand to his chest in faux insult, “I’ll have you know that I was just waiting for the right year. ‘86, baby, am I right?”
Another giggle, and Eddie risks another glance at you. Christ, you’re pretty. You’re wearing one of those long skirts with little flowers on it, a black sweater, and a pair of black boots, and the whole outfit just does it for him. His fingers dig into the steering wheel as he fights the urge to dig them into your thigh when you smile at him.
“‘86, baby,” you repeat. He’s grinning as he pulls into a parking space in front of Family Video. He sees Steve’s head lift in his direction and throws him a wave.
“You know Steve, right?” Eddie asks, watching you closely for any reaction.
“Uh, yeah, who doesn’t know Steve Harrington?” You ask with a nervous giggle.
Eddie doesn’t even need his other sense to see what’s plain as day in that response and he mentally fist pumps in excitement. God bless Harrington for being one attractive son of a bitch.
Speak of the devil, Steve picks that moment to pull your door open, startling you. While surprised, Steve recovers quickly and slips right into the role of teen heart throb, leaning against your open door and giving you a smirk.
“Well, hello,” he says. “Wasn’t expecting a beautiful girl this afternoon but I am pleasantly surprised.”
Your cheeks turn pink with a pretty blush and Steve’s eyes find Eddie’s over your head. Eddie licks his lips, eyes going dark as he gives a single nod.
The sound of Eddie saying your name catches your attention, head turning to look at him. “She was hangin’ out late after drama club so I offered her a ride.”
“Always the gentleman, Munson,” Steve quips before shutting your door and climbing through the back of the van. “I’ll let stealing my seat slide this time, sweetheart,” he tells you with a wink that you catch in the rear view mirror.
Eddie pulls the car out of the parking spot, looking at you as he does. “Where to, m’lady?”
You open your mouth to reply when Steve inserts himself between the two of you, leaning his arms on the center console. “I have an idea, why don’t you join us at my house? We can watch a movie, smoke a little, if you’re into that kinda thing.”
“Oh, uh, sure?” You reply, a little uncertain. But when Steve gives you a million dollar smile, Eddie feels a trickle of your lust flow through him.
Thank fuck for Steve, Eddie thinks as he routes the three of you to Harrington’s house.
You don’t know what made you agree to hang out with Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington. You’ve never exchanged more than a handful of conversations with either of them, but like most girls your age in Hawkins, you’re not immune to Steve Harrington’s charm.
Then there’s Eddie, rougher around the edges than Steve, with his leather and chains. But like you noted earlier, he’s always been kind, despite what the small minds of Hawkins have thrown at him, and you find him cute in a mysterious kind of way.
You sneak a glance into the rear view mirror, your gaze immediately meeting Steve’s. You look away, embarrassed, but the man in question leans forward, lips close to your ear.
“So, how’s Hawkins High been treating you?” He asks, warm breath tickling your face and making you shiver. “You still doing yearbook with Nance?”
The questions are innocent, nothing more than small talk, but his proximity makes your blood heat.
“Yeah, still in yearbook. We’re waiting for the prints to come back,” you tell him. You turn your head to look at him and you see his eyes flick to your lips as you draw in a sharp breath, surprised at how close he is.
He leans back just enough to give you some breathing room. “You were always my favorite photographer. Always made sure to get me good side.”
Eddie scoffs, an arm shooting out to knock Steve’s shoulder, throwing him off balance until he lands back on his ass.
“Do not feed his ego, it’s big enough as it is,” he jokes, dodging Steve’s hand when he reaches forward to smack him. “Don’t assault the driver!”
Their bickering makes you laugh, some of the tension leaving you as you continue to watch them interact. They’re an odd pair, but as you watch them you’re struck by how their juxtaposition is exactly what makes them work.
Eddie pulls up to a familiar two story house in one of the nicer neighborhoods of Hawkins. You’ve been here for a couple famous Harrington parties, but the home seems daunting when there’s not one hundred other people milling around as a buffer.
Engine killed, Steve and Eddie hop out of the van. Eddie jogs around to the passenger door and pulls it open, gesturing for your exit with a wide arm and a slight bow.
The two of you trail after Steve into the house after he unlocks the door. Steve runs upstairs to his room, excusing himself to change out of his work clothes. As he disappears on the landing, Eddie takes you hand in his, tugging you forward.
“Come on, let’s pick out the movie before Steve can complain about me picking a horror movie,” he says.
Steve’s voice chimes in from upstairs, “It’s May! You don’t watch Halloween in May!”
Eddie rolls his eyes, but you’re too fixated on the feel of his hand in yours to react to Steve’s joke. You’ve read about feeling sparks before in some of those romance novels, and you think this may be what they’re talking about. Your skin tingles where it connects to his, your smooth palm in his rough one.
You’re so lost to your thoughts that you don’t even notice when he stops walking, causing you to crash right into his chest. An arm wraps around your waist to steady you.
“Woah, tiger. You okay?” He asks.
Your arms are pinned between your bodies, hands pressed to his chest, and when you look up into his eyes, your fingers reflexively curl into the fabric of his t-shirt. Your mouth goes dry as your eyes flick to his face, his eyes trailing down to your lips.
“Yeah…yeah, I’m okay,” you whisper.
You don’t know what’s happening. You don’t understand why Eddie is looking at you like this, like he wants to devour you. Your pulse beats wildly as his eyes meet yours, his brown eyes nearly black.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks quietly.
When you nod, you hear him murmur what sounds like thank god before his lips connect with yours.
It’s not a soft kiss, by any means. His lips press to yours with purpose, with demand, his tongue sliding against yours is when you let out a small whine. His hands frame your face, fingers curling into your hair.
“Couldn’t even pick a movie?” Steve asks. You pull back from Eddie, turning to look at Steve where he’s leaning against the door frame of the den, arms crossed, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Don’t stop on my account.”
“You heard the man,” Eddie says, leaning in to pick up where he left off.
“I…wait…I don’t-,” you stammer, looking between the two of them. “What’s going on?”
Eddie releases you, allowing you to step back and give you some much needed breathing room. Your mind is racing, struggling to give you all the reasons why you need to leave, but somehow you keep coming up with reasons to stay.
Steve steps up behind you, a hand trailing lightly from your shoulder and down your arm, making you shiver. “Nothings going on that you haven’t thought about before. Isn’t that right?”
You’re quiet as he leans in, pressing a kiss to your neck. Your eyes flutter shut, your skin on fire where his lips had been.
“I don’t…I’m not-,” you try to say, but Eddie makes a shushing sound, closing the distance between you once more, pressing you firmly between their bodies. Eddie’s hands join Steve’s, skimming your waist until his fingers toy with the band of your skirt.
“Pretty, isn’t she, Stevie?” Eddie asks. “And such a naughty thing, touching herself while thinking of taking two cocks.”
“H-how did you…,” you start, your words disappearing in a gasp as a hand reaches under your sweater, a palm roughly grasping your breast.
“You called out to us last night. Don’t you remember? As you played with that pretty little pussy?” Steve whispers into your ear, punctuating the statement with a nip of his teeth. “We’re at your service, sweetheart. Just say the word.”
You finally manage to pry your eyes open, heavy lidded though they are. Both of them are staring at you hungrily, eyes black as night. You feel like prey, like a rabbit in the woods that’s about to become dinner.
“Okay,” you whisper, even as your brain screams at you to run.
Steve doesn’t know when he’s felt a greater victory than hearing you give in. That pull of lust, that energy in your very core, just begging to be released, consumed, ravaged.
Eddie is immediately on you, lips dancing with yours in a slick slide that makes Steve’s mouth water. His cock is painfully hard as he watches Eddie’s hands pull your sweater up and over your head, leaving you in your simple black bra.
Eddie drops to his knees, gently lifting one foot to tug your boot off, then the other. Steve busies himself with finding the zipper of your skirt and tugging it down, the fabric dropping away from you as Eddie stands.
“Kneel on the couch, lean your arms on the back cushions,” Eddie commands. Steve watches as you obey, limbs shaky as you do as he says. “Such a good girl.”
The praise makes you whimper, the sound music to Steve’s ears. He watches as Eddie steps up behind you, a hand pressing to your back to make you arch deeper, your ass tilting up gorgeously.
“You ever have someone lick your pussy, baby?” Eddie asks. Steve watches you shake your head, but he knows Eddie well enough to know that won’t suffice. “Words, princess. Use your words. We’ve barely gotten started, you can’t go all cock dumb on us yet.”
“N-no,” you manage to say.
“No, what?” Eddie asks, voice teasing as his hand slides down your back, over your ass, between your thighs.
Confused, you glance over your shoulder. While Eddie’s focus is on his hand between your legs, on the fingers digging into the meat of your inner thigh, Steve meets your gaze.
“Eddie has a particular taste. He likes to be in charge,” Steve explains. Your eyes widen. “You should call him ‘sir’, if you want him to keep going.”
“Oh…no, sir,” you whisper, cheeks flushing a pretty pink in your embarrassment. Eddie groans, the sound going straight to Steve’s dick where it presses painfully against the zipper of his jeans.
“Good girl,” Eddie says, fingers curling into the elastic of your panties and tugging them down your thighs until they sit at your knees.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” he says as he presses a kiss to your low back. “I’m going to make you cum with my tongue, maybe my fingers, too, if I’m feeling generous. Then, you’re going to show me how well you can take Steve’s cock. Alright?”
“Y-yes, sir.”
“Oh, she’s a quick learner. I think that deserves a reward.” Eddie uses both hands to spread your cheeks, giving Steve an unobstructed view to your glistening pussy that makes him groan, a palm sliding over his dick to give him a fleeting moment of relief.
Eddie leans forward, licking a broad stripe from your clit to your quivering entrance, making you shout. With that encouragement, he turns you into his own personal feast, fingertips digging into your hips as he works to hold you still as he circles his tongue over your clit, down to your hole, and back again.
Steve strips himself of his sweater before tugging his jeans off. He rounds the couch, coming to stand before you.
Christ, what a picture you make. Your eyes are clenched shut, mouth dropped open as you moan, fingers digging into the couch cushion for purchase. You don’t even notice him standing in front of you until he laces his fingers through your hair, tugging sharply.
Your eyes pop open in surprise and Steve smiles at you. “That feel good, huh? Having your pussy licked by Eddie? He’s got a talented tongue, right?”
You nod, the movement limited by his hold on your hair. Steve glanced past your shoulder, locking eyes with Eddie as he sides two fingers into you, pumping roughly.
“Oh my god,” you gasp, muscles tightening.
“Are you going to cum?” Steve asks, releasing his hold on your hair to hold your chin. “Come on, sweetheart, give Eddie want he wants so I can fuck that tight little cunt.”
Your mouth drops with a shout, eyes rolling back as you obey. Steve groans at the surge of power that slides through him. Eddie stands as your body sags against the couch. He holds his fingers out to Steve, sliding them over his tongue.
“Come on, Stevie, don’t keep her waiting.”
You think you might be dead. Or dreaming. Maybe some combination of the two.
The orgasm that Eddie pulls out of you is like nothing you’ve experienced before. The way it coursed through your whole body, lighting you up from head to toe, all your other fumblings under your covers at midnight paled in comparison.
You’re boneless against the couch cushions until two sets of hands start to maneuver your body on someone’s lap. You blink, staring dazedly down into Steve’s face.
His hands grip your waist, grinding you against his hard length, the sensation near painful on your sensitive clit. Steve’s face is familiar, yet not at all at the same time. Like something shifts beneath the surface of his smile, his eyes darker than you remember them being.
“Hey there,” he says gently. He brings one hand up to cup your cheek, pulling you closer to plant a surprisingly chaste kiss to your lips. “You good?”
You give a shaky nod, moving your hips over him again, without his guidance. He groans, head tipping back against the couch cushions as his eyes flutter shut. Movement to your right catches your attention, and you turn to see Eddie, now naked, slowly sliding his hand up and down his cock. He leans in closer, using his free hand to grip your chin and tug you to him, lips slamming against yours hungrily.
His tongue sweeps into your mouth to tangle with yours as Steve lifts you slightly, positioning himself at your entrance before urging you down onto him. You gasp into Eddie’s kiss, the stretch overwhelming in the best way possible. Eddie pulls back with a sharp smile.
“That feel good, princess?” He asks, voice gravelly.
“Yes, sir.”
“Why don’t you thank Steve for giving your greedy pussy his cock?” He turns your head back to Steve.
“T-thank you, Steve.”
“Good girl,” Eddie praises. “Now, I want you to make yourself cum.”
Tentatively, you begin to move your hips. Forward, back, forward, back, adjusting to the sensation, familiarizing yourself with the body beneath yours. Steve groans.
“I think you can do better than that,” Eddie teases. He moves off the couch, positioning himself behind you. His hands rest on top of Steve’s as he grips your hips, urging your movements on. His dick presses to your back and he groans into your ear every time he drags you against it.
Steve leans forward, one hand digging into Eddie’s wild hair to pull him into a kiss over your shoulder. You gasp, tightening around Steve as you watch them.
When they break apart, panting, Steve smiles at you. “She liked that, Eddie. Her pussy got so tight just now.”
“Yeah?” He smooths your hair away from your neck, peppering you with kisses and bites.
“Eddie, please,” you moan on a particularly rough bite that Steve punctuates with a sharp thrust of his hips.
“Please, what?”
“Wanna touch you.”
He laughs. “You are touchin’ me.”
“N-no,” you stutter. “More.”
His hand moves from your hip to your belly, trailing down until his fingers graze where you and Steve are connected. His calloused fingertips trace circles around your clit, featherlight and not nearly enough. You give a frustrated groan, grinding harder to chase the friction both men are providing you.
“Tell you what,” Eddie says, with a pointed swipe of his fingers directly where you crave them most. “Cum for Steve, and I’ll let you suck my cock. How’s that sound?”
All you can manage is a whine as Steve starts thrusting from below you, making you tip forward until you’re flush to his chest. Eddie keeps his hand wedged between your bodies, pressing to your swollen clit until the dual sensations cause you to tip over the edge with a shout, limbs shaking as you cling to Steve’s shoulders.
“Jesus Christ,” Steve groans as you flutter around him. Both of them slow their movements as you come down from your release, until finally they release you.
Steve lays you on your back, pushing your legs apart and settling between them, sliding his still hard cock through your folds. Eddie positions himself by your hand, a hand fisting his own length as he stares down at you.
“This is what you wanted, right, princess?” He asks.
“Y-yes, sir,” you say, eyes fixed on his hand. He’s gorgeous, lithe frame covered in tattoos and scars that you want to explore.
“Such a good little slut,” he praises, before tipping your chin back so that the crown of your head is on the cushion. “Now, open up.”
You do as you’re told, dropping your jaw open and moaning when he traces your lips with his tip.
“Aw, don’t tease her, Munson,” Steve admonishes, slowly slipping himself back inside your sensitive pussy.
“Can it, Harrington, I’m working here,” Eddie snaps, his words lacking any real heat. Despite his response, Eddie begins to slide his cock past your lips. He takes care not to push too far, pumping his hips in short thrusts that counter Steve’s deep ones.
“Christ, the mouth on you, sweetheart,” Eddie bites out.
“Her pussy’s even better,” Steve taunts as he slips a hand beneath your knee, pushing your leg up to your chest and opening you up to him further. The deeper angle makes you groan around Eddie, eyes shutting as you give yourself over to the sensation.
Eddie’s hand wraps gently around your throat, squeezing the sides tenderly. You can feel Steve lean forward, can hear the slick sound of their tongues meeting even among the noise of their bodies pounding against yours. Steve’s thrusts grow erratic, until he’s pressing deep, his own orgasm running through him like a freight train.
He pulls out and Eddie follows suit, leaving you feeling empty. You frown at them, until Steve pulls you up, urging you to turn around until you’re laying with your back against his chest, facing Eddie.
“Fuck,” Eddie growls, hand reaching out to trail his fingers through Steve’s release as it slips out of you. “You’re so gorgeous.”
You feel your cheeks heat from blushing and Steve’s chest rumbles beneath you with his laughter. “After all that, you’re going shy on us now?”
Eddie chuckles as he shuffles forward, sliding himself through the slick mess between your legs. Without warning, he slams into you, jerking you against Steve and making you cry out from how sensitive they’ve made you.
He withdraws slowly, slowly, until just the tip of him is barely inside you, and with a wicked smile he sets a punishing rhythm that has you crying out with every thrust. It’s not long before you’re cresting another wave of euphoria, this one almost painful as it crashes over you.
“Fuck, that’s it, baby, just like that,” Eddie says through gritted teeth as he picks up his pace. He leans closer, pressing his lips to yours. He bites at your lips, hard enough to make you yelp, as he thrusts deep, deeper, until he spills into you as well.
Eddie collapses onto you, pressing you uncomfortably into Steve. You weakly smack him on the arm.
“Eddie, off, you’re crushing me,” you whine. You feel him chuckle before he lifts off of you, sitting back on his heels and helping you sit up.
“Come on, let's get you to bed,” Steve says as he stands, sliding an arm around your back and another beneath your knees and lifting you from the couch as if you weigh nothing. “Eds, grab her some water?”
Eddie walks unabashedly towards the kitchen as Steve heads for the stairs. Your head rests on his chest as he carries you up the steps.
Once he’s in his room, he sets you gently on the bed. Eddie walks in, handing the glass to you as Steve disappears through a door to what you assume is a bathroom, if the sound of running water is anything to go by.
You chug the water in greedy gulps as Eddie watches you intently. He’s got his jeans on again, the fly unbuttoned over his boxers. Steve emerges from the bathroom in a pair of sweats, a washcloth in his hand that he uses to slowly clean you up with.
“I’d offer you something to wear, but I kinda like the idea of you naked in my bed,” he says with a wink.
“Are you feeling okay?” Eddie asks as he lays beside you, propped up on his side with his head in his hand.
“I’m way more than okay,” you tell him with a grin. “I’m not really sure where all this came from, but I’m definitely not complaining.”
Eddie smiles, reaching out to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. “You feeling tired?”
“Little bit. I swear, Eddie, I’m fine.” You stretch your arms above your head. Shyly, you look between them. “Should I…I can go?”
“Absolutely not,” Steve says without hesitation. He slips into bed beside you. “You’re staying.”
That gets no argument from you. You yawn, the desire to sleep growing stronger with every passing minute.
Eddie wraps an arm around your middle, settling in closely with his face pressed into your chest with a happy sigh. Steve curls up behind you, his arm looping over Eddie’s to touch you both.
“‘Night, guys,” you murmur, before drifting off in the comfort of their embrace.
When your breathing slows and evens out, Eddie lifts his head to look at Steve over your sleeping form.
“Steve,” he whispers. He watches Steve’s head lift from the pillow as well.
“I feel like I’m floating,” Steve whispers back, voice giddy. Eddie nods his agreement.
“I haven’t felt this good since…ever, probably. Even before Vecna.”
“What do you say we keep this one?” Steve asks.
“I’d say you read my mind, Harrington,” Eddie replies.
He looks down at your sleeping form, and for the first time he thinks maybe being a demon isn’t so bad after all.
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sadboyeddie · 2 years
Some Like It Violent
October 17th: Blood + Knifeplay
Kinktober 2022
Summary: Steve and Eddie prove that you belong to them
Warnings: (Minors DNI 18+ only) smut, non-con, violence, dub-con?, dark!steve, dark!eddie, Stockholm syndrome, blood, gore, mutilation
A/N: This one gets dark my loves, please heed the warnings, blood play and mutilation is marked by ‘⇨ 🩸 ⇦’
This is Part 2 of ‘Things That Go Bump In The Night’
Part 3 Here
4.8k Words
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You sit on your “bed” in the small, cement room. It was cold but they gave you lots of blankets.
The cellar was big enough to fit a double bed, a small tv and a dresser but not much else, there is a walk in storage closet that’s closed tight with several different locks, you have a bit of room to walk to the partially closed off bathroom but other then that it’s pretty cramped.
Not the you minded the size, it was how impersonal it was, there was no posters on the wall, no pictures or any of your things. Steve promised once you’ve proven to been good you’ll start to receive your stuff in small doses.
You have no idea how long you’ve been stuck down here, there’s no clocks on the wall and they took your watch. You tell time mostly by their food schedule, three meals a day.
Your wrist has healed and the bruising and swelling in certain areas of your body has lessened since that night.
That horrible night that everything changed.
Two men who you trusted more then anything, loved more then anything had turned around and hurt you in such a horrible way.
You sit on the bed and absentmindedly rub over the tender wounds on your stomach, they’ve closed over but they’re still red and raised. You stand and walk to the mirror in the bathroom, it sits behind a thick layer of hard plastic so you can’t smash it, you raise your shirt and trace the new formed scars with your eyes.
On one hip in a messy scrawl is the initials E.M that has been carved into your skin, and on the other hip is a slightly neater set of initials, S.H.
When you woke on the first day it was to a cold, empty room. Your entire body was on fire and you could barely move without feeling the need to throw up.
When you heard a metal door creaking open your eyes shot to the cement staircase as the room began to flood with outside light, unfortunately you weren’t able to hold back the vomit as Steve and Eddie descended the stairs.
It hit you all at once.
The eery feeling of being watched, the familiar voices, their insistence that you were only being paranoid.
At least you had the forethought to lean over the bed and vomit on the floor instead of on the comforter.
Due to your lack of food the only thing that came out was acidic bile that burned your throat on the way up, tears sting your eyes at the pain, your throat already hurting from the rough treatment from last night.
You think you’re done vomiting but Eddie is instantly by your side, grabbing your hair and rubbing your back as you empty what remains in your stomach onto the floor which only causes a fresh wave of nausea to hit you.
Steve disappears up the stairs before returning with a mop, meanwhile you’re openly sobbing and trying to push Eddie away as he forces his comfort onto you.
You already hate yourself for giving into pleasure last night, you don’t need to hate yourself more for actively seeking out comfort from your abuser.
Unfortunately your body is sore and a lot of the fight was snuffed out of you last night so after a half-assed struggle Eddie manages to pull you into his lap and rub soothing circles on your back.
If your stomach wasn’t empty you’d vomit on him just to be petty.
You shut out the two men as best you can as you try to figure out just what the fuck is going on.
You start to cry harder into Eddie’s chest, your mind is firmly against this, them, but your body is seeking out the warmth and comfort that Eddie is providing and it’s driving a wedge through your mental state.
You’re not aware of how long you’ve been crying in Eddie’s lap, at one point Steve joins you both on the bed and presses his cheek against your upper back. You end up dozing off in their shared embrace, mind and body currently at war with one another.
You're pulled out of your self examination by the, now, familiar creaking of the cellar door. You walk back into the crampy room just as Eddie skips down the stairs with an extension lead. Every day, night?, he comes down and watches a few movies with you, Steve usually joins him but not always, not when he has work.
“I got ‘Back To The Future’,” Eddie smiles as he chucks the tape on the bed and pulls out the keys from his pocket before heading to the comically locked closet.
When it’s open he wheels out the small tv and places it in front of the bed before setting everything up. You sit at the head of the bed and leave room for Eddie to climb in besides you, when he does he pulls you into his side before kissing you gently on the forehead.
You don’t fight his touches, not anymore, the punishments were swift and severe when you did.
“We’re doing this for you, baby,” Steve kissed away your tears as Eddie applied cream to the raised welts across your thighs, “you have to behave for us.”
“The world will treat you worse then this,” Eddie pipes up, “we love you and want to protect you.”
When you did behave their treatments weren’t too bad, and even when they punished you the aftercare was soft and thorough.
The worse punishment was when you screamed at them to leave you alone, and they did.
They still gave you three meals a day but they never lingered, touched or even spoke to you, barely even giving you a second glance. You felt so alone that only days later you craved their attention.
The walls of the cellar felt like they were closing in and you couldn’t take the loneliness anymore.
After the third day you were begging, pleading with them to talk to you, you even tried latching on but they’d gently remove you before exiting the small cement room.
You swear you’ve never cried so much in your life.
Finally after a week you were apologising to them, promising to do better. You had never been so happy then in that moment when Eddie smiled and wrapped you in a hug.
You barely let him go for almost two days, only releasing your hold when Steve came in to take over for a while.
The more you became to depent on them — the more you didn’t mind.
You let out a small hiss as Eddie runs his fingers over his initials, the movement bringing you successful back to the present.
The sci-fi movie was a good distraction, one of Steve’s favourites, not that you minded. Eddie had put on a horror a few days ago and it triggered a pretty severe panic attack so they decided to stick to safe movie options for the time being.
The longer Eddie’s finger outlined the scar the more your mind starts to drift back to the night he gave it to you.
You were cowering at the head of the bed, room barely illuminated by the dull glow of the small globe on the wall but it did manage to calm your panicked state just a little.
Unfortunately the moment doesn’t last as the door is thrown open and two pairs of eager steps quickly defend the stairs. You pull your knees closer to your chest and wrap your arms around the shins, trying to make yourself as small as possible, as Eddie comes bounding towards you.
It throws your mind into a spin, he’s acting the exact same way he always does when he sees you, full of happiness and excitement, somehow the fact that just days prior he and his pal assaulted you doesn’t seem to hindered the pep in his step.
Eddie ignores your poor attempt to push him away and he tugs your legs from your hold, your whimpers and small cries only make him giggle, the same childish giggle he had when you two used to play fight in his living room over who got to pick the movie.
The distant memory has tears stinging your eyes as you fail to push him away, Steve all the while watches from the side with a smirk.
Steve was the more serious one, the firm hand, while Eddie was more playful. You’ve noticed that Eddie tends to get carried away in how he acts and Steve has to step up to reel him in.
Once your legs are away from your chest he pulls you down until your back is flush against the comforter, he straddles your hips with a triumphant grin, happy he conquered you, before leaning down and blowing a raspberry on your cheek.
You turn your head away from the action but that was a mistake because that just gave him access to your neck which he gladly takes advantage of. He starts licking and sucking around the soft skin, leaving marks and slobber across your throat as he nibbles and bites.
Eventually when he pulls back he keeps his face close to yours, the tip of your nose lightly grazing against his.
“Get off, Eddie!” You cry, once again trying to push him away but to no avail.
“Don’t be bratty, princess,” he chuckles with a smirk but there’s a dark warning behind those big brown eyes.
You don’t listen as you inwardly start to panic, the beginnings of a anxiety attack starting to grow in the center of your chest.
You distantly hear a frustrated sigh coming from beside the bed but you ignore it as you manage to use all your strength to push Eddie completely off you to the side, your knee makes contact with his ribs and you’re positive it was only the shock and slight pain from your actions that distracted him  enough for you to throw him off.
Your small rush of glee is short lived as Eddie’s guard dog steps in.
“Hey!” Steves voice is booming as he takes a few menacing steps towards the bed.
In a fight or flight moment you choose flight.
You slide to the edge of the bed to make a run for it, if you had taken a moment to think your actions through you would have realised that there was no escape and nowhere to hide in the storm cellar.
Unfortunately that doesn’t really matter because before your feet can even make contact with the floor there’s a hand in your hair and your being dragged back across the bed.
You let out a pained screech as you reach up to grab the hand tangled in your locks but it’s no use. You’re pulled completely to the other side as you come face to face with a very irate looking Steve.
He’s kneeling on the bed and his breath is hot against your cheek, you wince when he snaps your head back, your scalp burning, so he can have better eye contact with you.
“That wasn’t very smart of you, sweetheart,” he sneers, you try to turn your head away, not liking the intense look in his eyes but he uses his spare hand to pinch the bridge of your nose.
You let out a high pitched nasally cry as he squeezes the tender appendage cruelly between this fingers.
You can hear Eddie’s mean chuckle as he watches Steve mistreat you, clearly enjoying the sight in front of him.
When you stop struggling Steve let’s go of your nose but keeps a firm hold of your hair, just in case.
“Where were you planning to run, babe?” Eddie snickers as you sniff to clear the passage in your nostrils, “doors locked,” he shrugs, “and even if you did get out there’s a whooole lotta woods out there,” his smirk is right in your face and you feel your heart drop with each word from his mouth, “you might be able to outrun me, sure, but you think you could get away from Hawkins Highs star athlete?” His laugh is sadistic and it causes you to slump in your spot.
When you don’t answer Eddie taps your cheek, it’s not hard enough to be a slap but it’s not gentle either.
“You belong to us,” his voice is quiet, “stop fighting it.”
You don’t think before answering, a reoccurring issue you seem to be having lately, as you snap, “you don’t own me!”
Instead of this angering them like you assumed it would they laugh, and not the short cruel laughs, no these were full belly laughs until they were almost keeled over.
Confusion and humiliation fills your body as you try to think what was so damn funny?
“Silly girl,” Steve gasps for breath, his grip no longer tight in your hair, “I guess you’re gonna need more of a reminder, huh?”
Before you can protest you’re thrown down on the bed and Eddie takes the liberty of restraining you while Steve goes over to the storage closet. You don’t see what he’s doing but after a few minutes of rummaging around he comes back over to the bed with restraints in hand.
You watch in horror as he fastens them to the bed posts before securing your hands through the scratchy cuffs.
Steve notices you screw your face up at the feeling of the material and he scoffs, “you don’t get the nice stuff until you start to behave.”
You whimper as you’re locked in place and completely left to their mercy.
“What should we do first, Eds?” Steve asks as he slides behind Eddie who now sits between your open thighs.
“M’not sure,” Eddie watches your chest fall and rise in a rapid pace, “but she’s wearing too many clothes.”
Steve hums in agreement as he kisses Eddie’s cheek, then neck, then shoulder, before pulling out a sharp blade that he had hidden behind him, tucked into his belt.
He hands the weapon to the metalhead who graciously accepts it with a kiss to Steve’s chin.
He returns his attention to you and brings the knife to the collar of your shirt and a cold terror spikes down your spine. You let out a high pitched whimper as he starts to cut away the material, deliberately leaving it in tatters, you suspect as some sort of power play.
You’re only wearing a shirt and panties, all that you were given from your captors. Every item of clothing is slashed away and discarded beside the bed until you’re lying naked and exposed in the cool air of the cellar.
Steve rests his chin on Eddie’s shoulder and wraps his arms around his midsection as he observes the Dungeon Masters movements, eyes following the tip of the blade as it’s brought down from your clavicle to your sternum. You try your hardest to keep your breathing shallow, not wanting to get nicked.
You bite your lip to muffle your cry as the cold edge of the metal grazes across your nipple, goosebumps line your arms as you keep your eyes trained on the knife.
You let out a breath as Eddie sits aside the knife so he could use both hands to pay attention to your legs. He rubs his palms flat against the flesh of your thighs as he ascends upwards, stopping his movements when his hands are close to your heat.
He pulls the hood back from your clit and you mewl at the contact, you’re not given much time to do anything else before he’s lining his fingers up with your entrance and plunging two inside.
You jerk your hips, trying to push him out but his other hand keeps a firm hold on you, you let out a defeated sob as slick gathers around the opening of your hole, cringing when you hear the wet sucking of your pussy as your arousal starts to drip down towards the bed.
You’re mad and confused as to why your body responds to their cruel touch, you don’t want this… right?
Just as desire starts to build in your lower stomach and you can feel yourself being forced to the precipice of your climax Eddie removes his fingers completely from you, the empty feeling tears a whine from your lips and you instantly pale when two sets of laughter mock your disappointment.
What is wrong with you?
Before you can open that Pandora’s box, you suck in a breath as Eddie picks up the knife, you watch as he grabs a scrap of clothing, that was teetering near the edge of the bed, and wraps it around the blade of the weapon. Your confusion is short lived as he gives you a smirk before moving the knife down to your entrance.
You shake your head and plead out protests as tears glide down your cheeks, you’re already humiliated enough. Steve chuckles at your expense as his eyes remain trained on Eddie’s hands.
When the thick base of the knife touches your folds you choke out a sob, seconds later the entire hilt is being impaled into your pussy. You wince as the sharp ridges catch on your sensitive walls but you’re not given much time to adjust before Eddie is pulling it out and ramming it back in.
While your pussy is being abused you will yourself to focus on something, anything, other then the object inserted into you.
Movement from Steve catches your eye and you watch as the younger of the two grinds his lower half against Eddie’s backside, his arms are taught around the metalheads waist, his chin is resting firmly on his shoulder and his lower half never actually leaves contact as he humps against him.
A fresh wave of tears and confusion wash over you as a pang of desire shoots right to your core at the sight. Before any of this happened you always hoped something would transpire between the three of you. Just not like this.
Steve’s pace matches the movements of the knife and Eddie’s smug expression lets you know how much he’s enjoying this. He speeds up his movements and you audibly cry out as the hilt knocks against something inside you.
Your mind starts to go hazy as your body starts to convulse, your pussy clenches around the wooden base inside you and you let out a wail as you’re pushed over the edge. Pleasure pulses through every inch of your body and you grind down against the inanimate shaft of the weapon to ride out your high.  
Your pleasure dissipates quicker then you’d hoped it would and all your left with is ice cold shame. The looks of smug pride mirrored on each of the men above you only adds to the rotten feeling swirling inside your chest.
Before you can spare any more time focusing on your conflicted emotions Eddie pulls the knife from you as Steve untangles himself from the man. Eddie moves to the side as Steve replaced himself between your legs.
He leans down and briefly sucks a nipple between his lips before suctioning his mouth and flicking his tongue over the peak. Steve has an obsession with your tits.
He pulls back and discards his clothing in haste before slotting himself in his previous position. He pulls you down the bed a little more and your arms burn at the uncomfortable stretch, you’re not given much time to focus on that however as Steve drives his hips forward and spears you on his cock.
You clench your hands in tight fists, your nails cutting into your palms slightly, and you let out a harsh whine. Steve is much thicker then Eddie and a whole lot bigger then the knife.
His pace is brutal and has his cock stabbing against your cervix, pain and pleasure fill your lower stomach as you screw your eyes shut at the overwhelming feelings. Every snap of his hips has you pushing harder into the mattress, the scratchy comforter starting to chafe the underside of your body.
While physically you’re not in as much pain as the last time they fucked you, but mentally you’re in agony, you know you should hate this, you do hate this, but what if you don’t hate this?
As the turmoil rages through your mind, pleasure rages through your body. You feel the familiar pressure throbbing through your clit and you know you’re close.
Would it really be so bad to enjoy this? You’re in an impossible situation so you may as well get something out of it… right?
Steve makes contact with your clit and instantly starts rubbing circles into the engorged nub, your hips jerk at the touch as a white light bursts behind your closed eyelids. You feel Steve’s cock throb against your insides, his heavy breathing turning into low moans as his thrusts become shorter but deeper.
You open your eye as the pressure builds and you look at Steve before turning to Eddie, who lounges beside you stroking his cock as he watches Steve fuck you, when he senses your eyes on him he turns to face you.
His gaze is intense and full of heat as he locks eyes with you, his gaze flickers to your slightly opened lips before he’s lunging forward and connecting his lips with yours.
You snap your eyes closed and pretend for a second that the searing kiss with Eddie, filled with passion and lust, is happening under different circumstances. And for a brief moment you’re sitting on your bed at home making out with Eddie as a movie plays in the background.
The stuttering rhythm coming from Steve followed by guttural moans is like a bucket of ice cold water and you’re instantly brought back to the current situation.
When you stop responding to the kiss with Eddie he pulls back and watches you with slight confusion. Before he can open his mouth to say something Steve’s loud grunt fills the room as his cum fills your pussy.
You whimper at the burning hot feeling of his seed painting your walls, he thrusts a few more times, the cum that’s not being forced deeper in you is spilling out around the base of his cock and you wince at the feeling.
Steve pulls out and slumps down with a huff on the other side of you, his face is dazed and he looks happy and your heart flutters at the sight. He looks peaceful, like your old Steve.
While you were distracted with the former jock Eddie takes his place between your legs and wastes no time before pushing forward. You hiss and whine at the new intrusion but your pussy welcomes him inside. You’re still on the verge of cumming and instead of fighting it maybe you should take advantage of it?
Eddie lifts your legs until they’re dangling over his forearms before leaning forward, you’re practically sandwiched against the man and the new position has him driving deeper into your hole.
You cry out at the feeling, deciding in your haze addled mind that just letting go this onetime won’t hurt.
His pace is punishing as he slams his lower half flush against yours with every thrust of his hips. You throw your head back against the bed and let out breathy whimpers and moans at the pleasure beating against your core. Eddie pulls back suddenly and drops your legs, you let out a whine that’s turns into a groan as Steve slots his mouth over your left nipple.
You fight against the restraints, the urge to run your hand through Steve’s soft hair almost overwhelming. He hums around the stiff peak and the vibrations send waves of pleasure down your spine.
With all your focus on Steve’s action you don’t pick up on what Eddie’s doing.
He keeps ups his steady rhythm as he unwraps the cloth from around the blade of the knife and drops it beside his leg before abruptly stilling his movements.
You let out a mewl of confusion as you turn your attention to the metalhead, as you see the knife in his hand you almost wished you didn’t.
“This is still a punishment, babe,” is all he says before bringing the knife to the flesh of your left hip.
⇨ 🩸 ⇦
Before you can process what’s about to happen Eddie cuts into your skin, you lets out a scream at the sting and instantly jerk your hips, the motion causing the man to mess up the ‘E’ a little bit.
Steve sits up and holds down your hips as the metalhead ‘tsk tsk tsk’ your behaviour, slightly scolding you for messing up the first initial. You look pleadingly up at Steve, realising Eddie is getting a sick enjoyment out of this and out of the two Steve is the more responsible one. The younger man at least has the decency to look a little shocked at Eddie’s actions as a brief look of pity? guilt? crosses his features but it’s gone as quickly as it came.
Eddie finishes his carving and you let out pained cries at the burning in your side, sobbing harder as you feel the warm blood start to trickle down your hip.
“A box cutter blade would’ve looked neater,” Eddie sounds sickly calm as he observes the fresh wound.
“Do you want me to go grab one?” Steve offers and your blood turns to ice in your veins, you’re starting to choke on your tears and you’re finding it harder to breath.
“Shh shh shh,” Eddie rubs soothing circles on your cheeks, smudging your tears, as Steve slings his arm around to the other side of your waist and snuggles in close to you.
You sniffle and twitch closer to Steve’s warmth and you hate yourself for seeking out his comfort, you hate yourself more when you realise that it’s actually working to calm you down.
Once you’re no longer on the verge of a panic attack Eddie resumes his previous movements, you let out a startled cry as the tip of his cock nudges the spongy bundle inside you, he shares a smirk with Steve and continues to hammer into the spot causing your breath to catch in your throat and black splotches to hinder your vision.
You hiss out in pain as Eddie drags his fingers through the blood, that’s pooled over the wound, before using the sticky liquid to write his name on your stomach below your breasts. He continues to dip his fingers into the blood and retrace the lines until ‘EDDIE’ is very clearly printed across your skin.
Steve follows suit and writes his name over your chest, you can’t really see the letters but you can smell the iron from the blood as he layers it on thick.
You feel slightly nauseous as you feel them continue to play in your blood. Drawing hearts and stars across your body like it’s a living canvas.
Eddie places his hand over the wound and covers his whole palm in blood before grabbing your chin with his clean hand and smearing the blood across your face, you gag at the warm, sticky feeling followed by the strong metallic smell filling your nostrils.
When they’re both done Eddie’s pace starts to pick up, he rubs his dirty, sticky fingers over your clit and you jerk your hips against his crotch. You’re momentarily shocked that you’re somehow still turned on.
Eddie’s cock batters against your cervix as Steve suckles a nipple back into his mouth and hums in content.
Moments later you let out a high pitched shriek and your orgasm rips through you, more pain then pleasure but it starts to equal out when Eddie presses harder against your clit. He lets out harsh grunts of his own as he follows you over the edge, his cum spurting deep inside you and mixing with Steve’s.
When he pulls out he collapses beside you and wraps his arms around you before nuzzling his head into your neck. The soft? moment is cut short, as your breathing starts to level out and Steve’s gruff whine can be heard.
“What’s up, big guy?” Eddie chuckles.
“I didn’t get my initials on her skin,” Steve nods to your bloody hip.
You start to panic and stutter out protests but Eddie’s voice cuts you off, “it’s only fair, princess.”
Seconds later Steve is hovering over you with the knife in hand and you’re stuttering out cries as you beg for him not to. It all falls on deaf ears as a searing burn, almost identical to the last one, makes itself know on your skin as Steve carves his initials into your right hip.
⇨ 🩸 ⇦
Looking back on the incident you’re at least happy that Steve’s writing is much neater then Eddie’s.
You snuggle in closer to the metalhead who happily cuddles you closer as ‘Back To The Future’ continues to play and you feel yourself start to drift off. 
Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all?
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skepsiss · 11 months
His People. Chapter 2: Like. Lust. Love
No one asked for this, but the idea wouldn't get out of my brain so I wrote it. I need to take a break tho but don't want to leave this without sharing. It's almost 3,000 words, so breaking it up into part 3 should be fine.
Lil' Monster Eddie. In the first chapter we see how Eddie has come back as something less than human. He doesn't have his memories and he is struggling a lot to interact with people "appropriately." In this chapter, Steve and Eddie are spending one on one time together and Eddie might... get a little carried away.
Chapter 1
Rate: T CW: Slight non-con/con, mention of gore, memory loss, miscommunication.
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They were seated on the bed in Steve’s room, the smells and warmth almost oppressive. Everything smelt like Steve with a tinge of chemicals behind it. Clean. Eddie liked it. He liked the differences even if it was a lot, and he got used to it soon enough.
Eddie was stretched and lounging with his arm under his head and his chest to the mattress, flipping through one of Steve’s magazines. He found them fascinating, even if he didn’t really care for the subject matter. It was more the high gloss images and the way the men and women were positioned across the page. How he’d flip a page and there would be a wall of text, but wedged in beside it would be a man holding a baseball bat, the words perfectly blocked out around him. He liked them a lot and Steve had been kind enough to invite him over so he could look through his collection. 
Steve himself was seated with his back to the headboard, his legs stretched out so his feet were near Eddie’s head. He was reading one of the magazines, not flipping through the images nearly as quickly as Eddie was. Steve was reading and considering the page while Eddie watched his brows pinch in or raise with interest every once and a while. Expressive. He was taking his time to move from page to page and Eddie wondered if the subject matter was really all that intriguing, staring unabashedly at him.  
Eddie liked looking at Steve.
He wasn’t sure why exactly, but he’d stare sometimes at Steve and feel at peace looking at him. It was different from how he felt when he looked at the rest of the party. He felt possessive of all of them–protective and soft–but Steve was different. It was as if he had a calming presence to him. It felt the opposite compared to how Eddie felt after he ate. How he’d feel energetic and moody as if he was excited in the most destructive way possible. But around Steve, it was the opposite. 
Eddie didn’t remember a lot about Steve. 
He could remember Dustin–Henderson, as he was supposed to call him–and shared many memories with him. He remembered the band and he was often charmed by the memories that randomly popped up when he was around them. He could remember Mike, Lucas, Erica–he remembered a lot of them, but for some reason, he couldn’t remember anything about Steve. 
He wanted to be around Steve though, he liked it, and he liked it when Steve looked at him too. 
Steve must have felt his eyes on him because he glanced up from the magazine and looked at Eddie.
Eddie smiled, keeping his mouth shut so his teeth wouldn’t show, but still wanting to express his joy in Steve looking at him. 
“What?” Steve chuckled, flipping the page of his magazine as he smiled back at Eddie. 
“I like watching you. You look nice,” Eddie complimented as a means to explain why he was staring. 
“Uh… thanks,” Steve replied, the hesitation in his voice obvious before he looked back down at the page.
Eddie blinked at him and slowly sat up, feeling a little anxious all of a sudden. 
“Is that weird?” he asked, uncertain. He hadn’t really nailed this whole… social interaction thing. He’d often overstep or overshare and someone would have to explain why to him. He was learning all the rules slowly, but it was a lot to keep track of.
People liked compliments. Saying them was fine, right? Was calling Steve ‘nice’ not appropriate? 
“A little,” Steve replied to Eddie’s question, but he sounded good-humored even if there was a bit of awkwardness in his tone. “You’re not supposed to say that stuff out loud.” 
Eddie frowned, not really understanding what he meant by that. He had to keep it to himself? That didn’t seem fair. 
Steve must have caught on to Eddie’s confusion because he looked up from his magazine again before sighing lightly through his nose. 
“You shouldn’t really say ‘I like looking at you,’ a lot of people find that creepy,” Steve explained, pressing his lips together. 
“Oh,” Eddie answered, feeling badly, “did I creep you out?”
“It’s fine, just be careful who you say that stuff to.”
Eddie nodded and sat back with his legs crossed, trying to commit the ‘taboo’ to memory.
“Was the compliment okay?” Eddie asked, feeling like he needed the clarification.
“Uh… sure,” Steve replied, hesitating before trying to explain better. “Guys don’t really… say that stuff to each other.”
“Oh… why not?” Eddie asked, feeling like he was being annoying. Steve’s face was turning a bit red and Eddie didn’t really understand why. 
“You just… don’t?” Steve frowned, obviously flushed, “you save it for… someone you like.” 
“I like you,” Eddie replied quickly, not wanting Steve to think he disliked him for some reason, especially not when Eddie wanted to be around him so badly. 
“No, Eddie,” Steve sighed, sounding a bit exasperated, “not like that. Not like how you like Mike, or Dustin, or Nancy or someone. It’s different, you like them differently.”
Eddie frowned, not really understanding what Steve meant by that. There were different levels to liking someone? He supposed that made sense. He had felt a difference between people when he was around them. He felt differently when he was with Nancy compared to Mike. He liked being around Mike more, but he liked Nancy fine; he wanted to listen to her and didn’t feel as resistant to doing the things she asked compared to Mike. He liked them both, but he couldn’t really compare the two of them–but they were still nothing like Steve.
“I like you different,” Eddie explained, shifting onto all fours to crawl up toward the headboard where Steve was sitting. “Different from everyone else.”
Steve frowned deeper and Eddie tilted his head with curiosity at that. Why wouldn’t Steve want to be told he was liked?
“I mean, how you’d like a girl,” Steve tried to explain, shifting one of his legs so it was tucked up closer to his chest. 
“A girl?” Eddie asked, continuing his ascent up the bed before kneeling by Steve’s hip. 
Out of all the girls he knew, he didn’t feel any specific way about them. He liked Robin, he liked Nancy, he liked Max and the mothers of the people he knew, but nothing specific stuck out to him about them. “So… I’m supposed to tell Robin that she looks nice?” He asked, not thinking that compliment was untrue, but he had never felt compelled to tell her something like that.
“No, not Robin,” Steve sighed and Eddie watched as he shifted away ever so slightly, the motions almost imperceptible. Steve wasn’t looking at him anymore and Eddie felt a pit form in his stomach because of that. He wanted Steve to look at him, he liked that better. 
“I like you more than girls,” Eddie offered as an explanation, “look at me…”
He could see red breaking out across Steve’s face, making his freckles look darker and the lines in his face look softer. Eddie had never seen something like that before, red…. 
He reached for Steve slowly, wanting to see him properly as Steve lulled his head a bit back in Eddie’s direction. 
“It’s a different kind of–” he began saying, stopping when Eddie held his cheeks. His face got redder and Eddie felt his eyes go a bit wide as he felt how warm Steve was under his touch. It was different than other times–then when he’d touched Robin’s face to retrieve a loose eyelash or poke fun at Dustin. He was so warm. 
Eddie felt his breathing get a bit heavier and his pulse pick up, the feeling a muddled mixture of how he felt after he ate and how he felt just being around Steve. It made his eyelids droop and his skin prickle, his mind reeling as it started to connect dots. 
He could… remember something. It was ephemeral and hazy, different from how he usually remembered things, but it was there. He could see it in his mind, especially as his gaze shifted to look Steve in the eyes. 
He’d done this before. He’d held Steve like this. He could see it–he could see them–the two of them pressed against one another, the vague outline of Steve’s body in a dark room. The thrill and excitement of wrapping his arm around Steve and feeling him tug his hair. His body–their bodies–unclothed as Eddie touched him. He could remember Steve’s face being red just like this and he could remember kissing him. Oh… he wanted to kiss Steve. 
“I remember…” Eddie said quietly, the sound of his own voice odd to his ears. 
Steve was staring at him, not moving, and Eddie could hear the sound of his heartbeat pounding away in his chest. He wasn’t scared, but there was some kind of emotion there that Eddie didn’t understand. He couldn’t really focus on that though, his body felt electric with these memories, with how dreamy they made him feel. 
Like. Lust. Love. He didn’t really know, but he understood those words–had them in his brain all of a sudden. Steve was different… very different. 
Without delaying anymore, Eddie closed the distance between them, kissing Steve on the lips and feeling him recoil slightly in his hold. 
“Eddie–” Steve sputtered slightly, his hands going to Eddie’s shoulders. 
“It’s okay,�� Eddie breathed, kissing him again, licking his bottom lip, “my teeth–it won’t… it’s okay.”
He wouldn’t hurt Steve, he never would, and he knew unless he bit down Steve didn’t have anything to worry about. 
He leaned in closer, pushing his tongue into Steve’s mouth and feeling his stomach clench at the sensation. He’d done this before. He’d felt this before. It was so familiar; he knew what he was doing without having to think about it. 
He was shifting closer to Steve, moving so he could almost lay on his chest as he sat against the headboard, feeling so at peace and so excited at the same time.
“No–Ed–” Steve started to say between kisses, his hands still on Eddie’s shoulders. 
“It’s okay,” Eddie reassured again, letting his hand drop to Steve’s waist and brush up and under his shirt, feeling the roughness of his skin. 
Steve squirmed, his own hand dropping to Eddie’s wrist to hold it. 
Another memory filtered through Eddie’s mind, one that felt sharper and tinged with fear and sorrow. He could remember Steve getting hurt and he could remember how scared he had been to see Steve like that. The blood and the gore of it all. How he had wanted to comfort Steve and kiss him as they walked through the forest together. He had wanted Steve to be okay. To take care of him. 
“Does it hurt still?” Eddie asked quietly against Steve’s lips, raising his hand away from the rough skin, afraid that he wasn’t healed enough to be touched there. 
“What? No, Eddie–” Steve replied and Eddie kissed him again, glad to hear that as he brushed his thumb over Steve’s stomach. He loved the feeling of Steve’s stomach: the softness of his hair, and the smooth skin underneath that made way for raised, rough patches of scars. 
“That’s good,” Eddie mumbled into the kiss, his eyes already closed without realizing it. Steve was still squirming under him though, restless and energetic.
Steve had been right. Liking someone was different than liking someone and Eddie wanted to reassure him that it was the latter. He couldn’t say he lusted him, so Eddie scraped his brain for the phrase he needed to express his feelings. 
“I want you,” Eddie breathed, the phrase sounding appropriate enough as if it communicated the right feeling. 
“I like you–different,” he tried to speak between kisses–between having his tongue as deep as it would go into Steve’s mouth–as he easily moved against Steve’s hold. “I want you… I wanted you… I remember… I wanted you when you got hurt, I wanted you.”
Steve’s squirming lessened slightly and Eddie shifted closer, letting his legs splay out behind him so he could hook his knee around Steve’s leg. 
“You were–” Eddie breathed, breaking the kiss, but continuing to hold Steve’s face so they were nose to nose, “--nice to look at… then too. I thought you were nice to look at.”
He remembered giving Steve his vest and how he had thought he looked good like that. How he was bloody and bruised, filthy and wet, but Eddie had wanted him so badly. He had settled for looking at him and he had thought he looked amazing. Badass. He liked Steve. 
Steve was frozen in his hold as Eddie stared at him, breathing against his mouth as he felt this flurry of remembered emotions. It was so much to process, but every second he remembered more it made his body tingle with warmth
He pecked Steve quickly before moving his hand over one of Steve’s scars and ducking down towards his stomach. Steve jolted and Eddie gasped as his lips touched his waist and he felt the skin break out in bumps under his touch. That was new. Goosebumps. They were contagious and Eddie felt the hair on his arm stand up as his skin was painted with them. 
“I’ll be gentle,” Eddie said softly, speaking against Steve’s skin before he felt Steve’s fingers in his curls. He made a sound in the back of his throat, approving of the touch until suddenly Steve’s grip tightened and he was yanked back by his hair.
Eddie hissed with pain and he watched as Steve brought his legs up to cover his stomach, one of his knees wedging firmly between their chest. 
“Eddie!” Steve exclaimed, holding Eddie’s head back and away from himself.
“Ow—Steve,” Eddie whined, frowning deeply, noticing the wild look in Steve’s eyes for the first time.
“Stop!” Steve said firmly, sounding angrier than Eddie had ever heard him.
“All…alright,” Eddie mumbled, a little shell-shocked as he stared at Steve. Had he hurt him? He didn’t mean to. Touching like this was supposed to feel good. He had felt good touching Steve, but maybe Steve hadn’t?
“What are you doing?” Steve asked, finally letting go of Eddie’s hair and pushing back and away from him until he was standing beside the bed. 
Eddie stared at him, unsure how to answer that question or if he was supposed to. 
“Kissing?” Eddie replied, shrinking in on himself slightly. Maybe he had just been doing a bad job of it. So bad that Steve didn’t even know what he was doing. 
“No—-Eddie,” Steve sighed, putting one hand on his hip while the other went to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
He was panting and Eddie could still hear Steve’s heart pounding, even from where he was seated. Steve smelt different too. He smelt… heavier. He liked the smell, it made him want to get closer… but he stayed seated, starting to squirm slightly as he waited for Steve to explain.
“I thought…” Eddie started, feeling as if he needed to explain, “since we’ve done it before…”
Steve looked up at him sharply, his brows creased and pressed in. He fumbled for words, his mouth opening and closing as if he was trying to push the sounds out of himself. 
“What?” he asked finally and the question made Eddie’s back straight and his shoulders bunch up to his ears. 
“We what?” Steve asked, his tone sharp and starting to truly frighten Eddie.
“Kissed… and… more,” Eddie explained, leaning back as he pushed across the bed, away from Steve, some of the magazines clattering to the ground behind him. 
“We’ve—” Steve started, staring at Eddie with wide eyes once again. “No, we haven’t!” 
“We haven’t?” Eddie asked, unsure of himself, his heart pounding out of his chest in a completely different way than it had been moments earlier. “I thought—I remembered us…”
He didn’t like the way Steve was looking at him, it was intense and nothing like how he usually was. He didn’t like this Steve. 
“That—-we’ve never–” Steve groaned and turned away from him, rubbing his hands over his face a few times. He was pacing in the room, the sound of his groans muffled by his palms as Eddie continued to push away until he was in the corner of the bed. He tucked up against the headboard and pulled his knees up, making himself smaller. 
That didn’t make sense. He could remember kissing Steve. He could remember touching him and seeing his body–he could remember all of it. The memories weren’t sharp–they felt wispy almost–but they were there. They were different compared to Eddie’s other memories, but Steve was different so it made sense for them to feel different too. But he couldn’t put a time or a place to these memories… he couldn’t produce the adjoining lead-up to them kissing. It was as if these memories were removed from time and space… why didn’t they make sense?
Eddie's eyes snapped up toward Steve, his blood running cold as he realized what all of this meant. 
Fantasies. They had been fantasies. 
These memories hadn’t actually happened, they weren’t real, they were things he had conjured in his own mind. They had been private. They were never things he was supposed to act on….
Eddie felt his face heat up and he touched his own cheeks as he realized that the sensation was. Embarrassment. Shame. Overwhelm. He had been embarrassing to Steve. He had kissed—
“Fuck!” Eddie yelled, the word jumping out of his mouth and shocking him slightly before he pushed his face into his knees. 
His shout had surprised Steve and he had seen him turn towards him before Eddie was covering his face from shame.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Eddie muttered, his voice loud but muffled still by his own hands. “I’m sorry—forget about it—you can just forget about it. Please forget about it. I’m sorry–”
--To be continued in Chapter 3. Picking right back up from here--
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powderblueblood · 10 months
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i love all my children equally but bold are characters i am always super keen to write, italicised are characters i have less experience writing but am always happy to explore. this list is constantly evolving.
STRANGER THINGS — eddie munson, robin buckley, steve harrington, ronnie ecker, al munson, nancy wheeler RIVERDALE — veronica lodge, jughead jones, cheryl blossom JUSTIFIED — raylan givens, boyd crowder THE BEAR — carmen berzatto, sydney adamu, richie jermovich POKER FACE— charlie cale SUCCESSION — roman roy THE VAMPIRE DIARIES — bonnie bennett, damon salvatore, katherine pierce
SHIPS I'LL WRITE FOR — every single one of the characters above x reader, ronance, platonic!steddie, platonic!stobin, platonic!rennie, boydraylan jeronica, choni, sydcarmy, sydrichie,
TROPES I GO FERAL FOR — enemies to lovers, partners in crime, divorced couple energy, reluctant soulmates, grumpy + sunshine, pathetic lovedrunk moaning men, high status cunt women, mischievous little bastards, witches, vampires, ghosts, psychics, religious trauma, low-rent criminal enterprises, parental issues that are almost biblical, small towns with secrets that are too dark to keep
WHAT I WRITE — snark, angst, smut, fluff, dick jokes — i'm certifiably canon divergent in... almost everything
WHAT I DON'T — rpf, anything non-con, ddlg (but i'm not opposed to a reasonable age gap let's be real), m x m smut (couldn’t do it justice, could just do it dick jokes)
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bigbangharringrove · 8 months
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Heaven and Hell
Author: @lorifragolina (Ao3: TheMadCapLaughs) Artist: @akichania
Summary: Billy is beautiful, perfect and he dances in a wonderful way. He travels the land dancing with his sisters, for nobles, kings, and princes; many men and women want them and they have to fight to maintain their fond family safe. But when Prince Steve is captivating by the beauty and grace of Billy, he knew that princes can have whoever they wants and he has to face a menace to his live and to everyone he loves. Prince Steve’s guard (and lover) too has to deal with his prince’s desire and his own, and Billy doesn’t know if it would be good, or bad, for him. Rating: E Pairings: Billy/Steve; Eddie/Steve; Eddie/Steve/Billy Content Tags: potential non con
After the dance, the prince invited Billy and Chrissy to his apartments, as usual. The prince could not take his eyes off of Billy and kissed him sweetly when they entered the room. He didn’t usually do this, and Billy returned the kiss looking at Eddie a little worried. The guard raised to him his glass, smiling sincerely. After a glass or two, Chrissy grabbed his arm and said she would go home. Steve and Eddie looked to Billy, waiting for his decision. Billy nodded. “I’ll walk you… and then I’ll come back, right?” Eddie took a step. “I’ll walk you, milady, if you want. You can wait for me there…” he tilted his head to Billy and Steve, with a kind smile, and Chrissy nodded. Prince Steve approached Billy and grabbed his hip, kissing his cheek. Billy was confused, he felt he was a part in some play, or some agreement or so on, but he agreed with Chrissy to just enjoy the time. The prince was particularly hot that night. “Eds told me about your little… talk” said driving him to the bed. “You’re not a toy for me. You’re not a thing, nor for Eddie, I promise you. We… we like you” ended Steve caressing his hair. He went down on his shoulders and opened his shirt. When Eddie returned, they were hugging in the bed, partially dressed yet, but kissing hard and hot. Both of them were covered with love marks and scratches. Eddie took off his clothes. Steve lended him his hand and he climbed the bed taking Billy in his arms. He just decided to let himself go and enjoy their touches and kisses and love. He opened his eyes again, after a while. The orgasm left him shaking, blanked out and flushed, his legs were spreaded and his body had been gently manipulated in the last hours. Eddie was soft and sweet and attentive with him as with Steve, and, for once, he had no fear and had no worries, just pleasure and comfort. Steve took him in his arms, while all them calmed down and Eddie turned off the lights. He entered the bed at Billy’s other side and took him also in his own arms. Billy laid his head on Steve’s chest, Eddie kissing his shoulders and Steve’s lips at a time. It was the first time they took Billy in bed between them. He could feel the heartbeats of both around him, their warm bodies and their affection. Maybe it would be just once, maybe they still considered him an amusement in their relationship, but that night he felt happy, and hugged, and loved.
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