#steve harrington is a proud daddy
idiotcurls · 5 months
a place I call my home
What are we dealing with here, you ask? We got hurt/comfort, Steddie as dads, friends to lovers, domestic fluff, A PROPOSAL?, Eddie wants to be a cat dad too. After Vecna Universe. Found Family. All the things I love. It's very sappy
chapter 1 to build a home - the cinematic orchestra
It's a warm night in early summer. The door to the patio is open, faint sounds of crickets and frogs from the nearby creek make their way into the little family home, a small orchestra, to provide a soundtrack for the evening. The light on the wooden patio is on, attracting some moths, which are circling the bulb. The blanket and the book Steve was reading yesterday night are still on the Hollywood swing Dustin and Eddie repainted last spring. A flower is sticking out the well loved pages of Steve's copy of "pride and prejudice". Steve is using one of the flowers as bookmark he dried. He usually keeps one from every bouquet Eddie brings home. The kitchen curtains seem illuminated by the light from the lamp outside. Plants and burned down candles on the window sill. A worn down acoustic guitar leans on the wall, the strings sticking out the head. Eddie never cared to clip them. He has to change them at one point anyway, you know. Eddie is on sleepy time mission, convincing the little one to go to sleep, while Steve is cleaning up the kitchen. They had made Spaghetti with tomato sauce, the Italian recipe from Steve's grandma. He likes to press the garlic with the flat side of a knife before he peels them. It makes them easier to handle and also smells amazing. Eddie loves the recipe and basically bathes his plate of spaghetti with olive oil and parmigiano at the table. Steve thinks it's disgusting, but let's it happen anyway. Maybe he somehow grew fond of the whole ordeal. Maybe because he likes, that Eddie hums when he tastes something he enjoys. Steve likes to hear him hum on the dining table as much as he loves to hear him hum between their sheets, intimate moments exchanged like in a movie, which is shot on warm film, grainy but authentic. A child has some different ideas about eating noodles, than most grown ups do. Steve smiles at the little bit of chaos left on the dining table. He is almost certain, Eddie must have some bits of noodle in his hair from feeding their daughter, Rosie, who laughs loud and bangs her little hands on the table, full of joy about the plane of food flying towards her. Her dads making plane noises and pretending to be pilots making announcements about the destination. Flight noodle 237 ready to land, the weather is mild with chances of tomato sauce, please fasten your seatbelts for take down. Chaos means a house is lived in. Dirty dishes mean people shared a meal with each other. Happy and nourished. Like home. And it does feel so for Steve. Maybe for the first time in his life, it finally does feel like home, for Steve. He plugs the drain and lets the water fill the sink, soap creating bubbles that shine and pop. There are lots of plants in their living space, with big, green, juicy leaves. A picture that Will painted, hanging on the wall over the couch. Snapshots of Robin and Nancy, a picture of Argyle and Jonathan sitting on the couch, laughing with Erica, Lucas and Max on the fridge. A picture of the kid's graduation.
Little trinkets Eddie likes to collect on the filled bookshelves, lots of black cats somehow. A framed ultrasound picture. Some drawings. Letters, Postcards from Dustin when he was abroad for college. Toys on the ground. It's a little house, but it's enough. It never feels empty.
Soft light falls from of the small bedroom's dimmed lights, onto the wooden corridor floor. Eddie is reading a book to his stepdaughter. Not that he ever saw her as a step-anything. Those are just technicalities. Eddie adores that small human more than he previously thought he was able to adore someone. Eddie sees Steve's big brown eyes in her eyes, which are so kind and curious about the world around her. He wants to lay the world at her feet. And at her other dad's feet too. He likes to do Dungeon and Dragon voices, when he reads to her, but he tones them down a bit. Makes them less scary for her. Steve can hear Eddie's rumbling "dragon voice" and small giggles from their daughter. He shakes his head fondly. His heart is full. Almost overflowing.
He is standing by the sink, washing the night's dishes, when Eddie sneaks up behind him and wraps his arms around Steve's waist. He nuzzles into Steve's neck to drink in his scent. Eddie hums and Steve smiles, knowingly. "Look at you!", Eddie says softly. "My little home-maker. Maybe we should get you one of those frilly aprons, hmmm?" Steve puts a clean dish on the drying rack and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, sure. Maybe you can wear it next time you vacuum the living room." Steve is a bit snarky, but with no ill intent. Eddie had forgotten to vacuum that week, because he got carried away with his anniversary campaign. All of their lives were busy and full, so of course finding a date that worked for everyone to meet up is basically impossible. So, Hellfire D and D sessions became a rarity. But for the big 10 year anniversary, they decided to come together at Joyce and Hop's farm. Eddie begins to sway Steve's hips from side to side, to a melody that plays in his heart. “Maybe I can wear it with nothing under it.” Eddie smiles into Steve's neck as he hears Steve's little scoff. “I'm trying to do the dishes here, Eds...” “I can wear the apron and you can pretend to be my boss and you're going to be really strict with me and oh, no, I dropped my, uh... feather duster and then-” “Eddie...” “Fiiiiiine...” Eddie kisses Steve's shoulder before he sighs dramatically, as he goes to sit down on their big green couch with his guitar. Steve heard the tuning process so many times, he thinks he too could tune a guitar by ear, if he tried. Eddie likes to serenade his man with the songs he wrote for him, or Steve's favourites. He plays quietly, plucks lightly, as not to wake a certain someone, called Rosie. “Is she asleep?” “As much as she did not want to go to sleep, she is asleep now.”, Eddie says smiling into himself. The last bit of sunlight has faded completely and stars covered the sky. A summer breeze rustled through the trees and moved the curtains around softly. “Do you think we're going to have a thunderstorm?” Eddie looks out the window, furrowing his brows. “I've been waiting for one for a while, but I'm afraid it'll wake her...” “I hope not, I've got all my stuff outside and I really need a quiet evening... But uh hey, did you call the guy about the thing?” Steve unplugs the sink and dries his hands, before throwing the towel over his shoulder. Eddie smiles at that sentence. But he knows what Steve means. “Yeah, I called the car-insurance guy. We're all good.” “Good. Thank you. I don't want to drive to east-jesus-nowhere and like, something happens and then we'd have to deal with the bureaucracy of it all and I don't want to pay for a whole new car...” Steve gets two glasses out of the cabinet and grabs a bottle of wine for them, while he rambles. White for summer, Red for Winter. He switched a while ago. Steve smelled the air the other day and decided it smelled like summer enough for the change. Same in autumn. He calls that “going with the flow”. Eddie puts the guitar down and grabs the Swiss army knife from his leather jacket's pocket, that hangs on a chair, to help open the corked bottle. “Don't worry. It will all be fine. I know it's a long ride to Joyce and Jim. But we're going to travel like royals, compared to back then.”
Eddie saying Jim instead of Hopper or Mr.Officerman was a big step in their relationship. Eddie was a scared of cops, given his history, his dad's history more like, that was understandable. ' But Hop had always had a fleeting suspicion that it was Eddie's old man, who was the real culprit in the situation and for Eddie, he was just a kid back then, a kid who risked it all for the party and the world. Eddie is and always was a good kid in his books.
Steve gives one of the elegant white wine glasses he picked to Eddie and sighs deeply. “I know, we've just never drove that far with her...I know she's not sooo tiny any more...” Eddie fills their glasses and puts the bottle back on the couch table, puts his hand around Steve's shoulders.
“I bet you 10 bucks, she's going to sleep through most of it. Remember when she was really, really tiny and wouldn't stop crying because of the colics and you drove with her for hours, in your old BMW? She was asleep in minutes.” Steve leans into Eddie and takes a sip of his wine. He remembers those days. The Beemer's engine sounds relaxed her as much as it relaxed him. “Yeah. That's true. And I have to worry less, because you don't drive like a maniac any more.” “Exactly. I drive like a real gentleman, use my blinkers and everything.”, Eddie says smugly. Steve snorts and Eddie presses a kiss to Steve's cheek. “What's going on, really? Are you not happy to see the gang?”, Eddie asks. “Now that we are Dads we don't have to sleep in the pool house any more too.” “The pool house” is really a garden hut, that they renovated in a community effort. The kids didn't sleep on mattress forts any more, so a couple beds more isn't a bad move. “Well...” Steve begins. “Every time we are near Indiana, or drive through it, I feel my scars more than usual. It's probably psycho... somatic. Or whatever the doctors always say.” The doctor did say that. But doctors used to say a lot of things back then. Eddie nods and his eyes wander towards Rosie's door. Is there any way to know for sure, their collective scars flare up, just because they all remember. Like an anniversary effect? They remember so very well. Or is it some sort of poison that just took a place in all of their bodies, that calls back to the split up town, with it's craters and scars, the landscape endured, like their bodies and minds did. Some insane evil in the endless woods, still lurking. It's scary, no matter if it is real or psycho...somatic. “I think, that even if there is something out there. We're not our parents. We basically raised ourselves and then each other. We're like, professionals, at this point.”
Steve nods as his fingers trace along the faint scars on his neck, which healed and faded long ago. “You know, now that we have her, I understand Joyce's horror and her constant worries better.”, Steve says. “Yeah, I wasn't really around when Will- when it started.” Eddie leans forward to put his glass on the table, to wrap his arms tighter around Steve's shoulders, melts into him, as if he was able to suck the sorrow out of him, somehow. Steve looks up into Eddie's eyes. They are still as big and bright as they were, when they were younger. Big, sad deer eyes, Robin said. But they seem glazed over. “We were just kids then.”, Steve's voice feels small. “We were.”, Eddie answers, swallowing heavily. No kid should be left alone like that. Even though Eddie always had Wayne to believe in him, when there were cars full of people looking for “the freak”.
There is nothing more to say to that statement. No use to talk it away or make it feel smaller. That would not do justice to their collective past. An unused kitty litter box, filled with cat food, toys and other bits and bops a household with a cat needs, stands in a nook of the garage. It pops into Eddie's mind. Somewhere in the garage is another small box hidden, that Steve has never seen before. It pops into his mind too, like a lightbulb that was lit. Eddie's heart starts racing. It feels like now or never. “You know...”, he begins. “When we come back from Joyce and Jim's, we could finally go to the shelter and look for a kitty. I know, I love black cats, sue me, but honestly, I just want to give a cat a home, I don't really care about the colouration, or if it has stripes or not. It could have an amputated tail, or no ears, I would love it.” Eddie rambles and Steve tries to follow, furrowing his brows, given the sudden change of topic. “It doesn't have to be a kitten either, every cat needs to be loved. And during summer, you're off school and I have less work, probably. So, we can spend time with it. So the cat can get used to us. It's a good opportunity, to teach our little princess about animals and that we love them. And after that, when we mastered the cat-baby stuff, maybe, I thought, we could get married, you know. I don't think the cat can be a ring bearer, like dogs sometimes do though. But wouldn't that be nice?” Steve freezes for a second there, sits up and looks at Eddie and every muscle in Eddie's body tenses. He stopped breathing for a second there too. All Eddie can hear is the wind outside and the wind chime on the patio and his own heart beat. Eddie was never a religious guy, but in that very second, he reached out to some sort of deity. Anyone who would listen to him, really. Steve's mouth falls open, still staring at his boyfriend. Eddie is looking anywhere but him, just sort of stares ahead. “What?”, Steve manages. “I thought, that if the cat doesn't have a tail, it maybe have some problems with, I don't know, balance or something... but there might be therapy...”
“No, Eddie. No. Not the cat!!” Part two "toughter than the rest" coming soon <3
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soulmatecashton · 2 years
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i am screaming crying throwing up
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scoops-aboy86 · 1 month
I just saw a post about a sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship but with the ages switched, so the one with money is in his twenties and the financially struggling one is in his forties. And I thought, wouldn't that be GREAT as a Steddie fic. 
Like, heir to the Harrington fortune Steve is just itching to dump his parents’ money down the drain on something. Or someone, because. You know. His parents tried to buy his love without ever being around to deserve it and that worked out Great, might as well continue the Harrington tradition (he thinks, while rolling his eyes). 
Enter Eddie Munson, walking disaster. Who sells weed for a living but spends most of his time planning and running dnd campaigns for underprivileged kids. Who is still trying to make it with his band, but meanwhile he’s the only member who can’t get a decent steady job because of bullshit murder charges when he was 19. (Which didn’t even stick, but it’s a small town… or maybe his dad just pissed off that many people.)
Eddie has the muscle tone of a slim jim and the hair of a tormented barbie doll, but the one physical feature he’s incredibly proud of are his tattoos. They’re all obviously home done, but when Steve realizes they’re all Eddie’s own work he’s (a) grudgingly impressed and (b) now has TWO great ideas for pissing off his parents. 
So Steve gets a tramp stamp in an apartment that he pays for but has Eddie’s name on the lease, and a grungy older boyfriend to parade around whenever he feels his parents need keeping in check. And maybe Eddie kind of makes it his unofficial job/personal undertaking to look into Harrington family dealings (he has his sources; his dad also schmoozed a lot of people and everyone knows his uncle is a stand-up guy) and alert Steve to things they’re being assholes about that Steve, more through fault of his upbringing than his own, wouldn’t have noticed. 
Like, maybe they own some medical buildings and are thinking of raising the rent on a pediatrician practice that offers sliding scale to low income families. At first, Steve is a little dismissive…
Steve: What’s the big deal? There are other pediatricians in town.
Eddie: Yes, but not everyone can afford to take their kids to them. 
Steve: Oh come on. 
Eddie: No, seriously. 
Steve: But… What if the kid gets really sick or hurt? 
Eddie: Sometimes they die, Steve.
Steve: ………………………. Okay yeah no that’s not happening. 
The next week, that practice has their rent lowered and a new lease locked in to keep the space (maybe even expand it into the plastic surgeon’s place next door) pretty much indefinitely and there’s an elite charity event that Steve and Eddie pointedly do not go to. 
(He can’t always get away with not going. Sometimes he plays the cards he’s dealt and goes with some pretty girl on his arm, but he has her home by midnight and he’s riding his boyfriend into the mattress by 1am.)
Eddie’s bandmates are dubious, but Eddie keeps swearing up and down that Steve isn’t a bad dude, he just has a lot of blind spots that he’s working on. Some harder than others, sure, but overall his cause seems to be just. Ish. A lot of what Steve does is motivated by petty revenge, but his parents are kind of shitty people so it tends to work out. “Plus,” Eddie adds brightly, “he’s a firecracker in the sack.” And is pelted with things for the crime of rubbing his sex life with a catch almost half his age in their faces. 
At some point they meet Steve, who has been specifically coached by Eddie to NOT buy out an entire restaurant or bar for the night just for the occasion. They come away with the general impression of, “He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit.”
Maybe they met in the first place because Dustin is one of the underprivileged kids Eddie was running campaigns for, and Steve has always had a soft spot for Dustin (and by extension all of Dustin’s friends and their families) since Mrs. Henderson was one of his nicer nannies growing up. Maybe Steve sets up a whole community center and tries to put Eddie in charge of it, but Eddie doesn’t really want to be anyone’s boss; he just wants to help kids excel at a game he loves because its one of the things that really helped keep him steady through his rough childhood and adolescence. But he does work there, because that way he can keep playing dnd AND teach guitar lessons. 
(Steve offered to help get the band signed to a label but Eddie was adamant, if they were going to make it they’d do it on merit, not money, or not at all. It’s really become more of a hobby for the other guys anyway.)
So Eddie is finally OKAY. He has a good income, a decent amount saved up from while Steve was covering all the bills he can now pay himself, and his Uncle Wayne hasn’t been more proud of him since the day he finally graduated high school on the third try (which was pretty good, for a Munson). 
And Steve… isn’t sure what to do with himself now that Eddie doesn’t need him anymore. He can’t think of anything he’s good for other than money—though his best friend Robin tells him that’s just because he’s a dingus, there are PLENTY of things. (They’ve been best friends since college, and there’s a story there but someone else is gonna have to fill in that blank because I’m getting sleepy.) Dustin chimes in that yeah, he can totally tell that Eddie has been sneaking Steve into campaigns as an npc (which he has to explain to Steve, again, even though they’ve been over this many times) for ages and is clearly so in love with him it’s ridiculous, has been for a while. 
Maybe Steve panics and does something dumb after that, but not so boneheaded that they can’t work it out dramatically in the rain after a brief period apart. Like in one of those romance movies that they both pretend they think are silly but genuinely get them choked up sometimes because they’re both kind of saps underneath it all. 
Eddie goes on to become a well respected tattoo artist, while still pitching in at the community center a few days a week. Steve continues his philanthropy work with the guidance of Eddie, Robin, his ex and investigative journalist Nancy, etc., and his own shaky-as-a-baby-giraffe-that-landed-on-its-head-straight-out-of-the-womb-but-getting-steadier instincts. They get married while skydiving (because Eddie joked about it and Steve held him to it), build the found family of Steve’s dreams, and live happily ever after. 
… Anyway, if someone could write all that out in actual prose I would love to read it. But with the sex dialed up to eleven because that’s important but I think I only actually mentioned it twice, a travesty.
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fettuccin-e · 2 years
Take Care of Me
I'm back with more big dick daddy!steve everyone (i think i have a problem) but yeah this one is BIG on the daddy kink because i am very horny all the time (Tags: Steve Harrington x Reader, daddy kink, size kink, fem!reader, dirty talk, slight degradation)
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Steve makes you feel so small sometimes. Not a bad kind of small; but a cherished, delicate kind of small. The kind of small where you know he’ll take care of you, love you unconditionally.  
It’s in the way he brings you flowers, and presses soft kisses all over your face while you giggle and try to push him gently away. It’s in the way he tucks you into his side while you’re watching a movie, stroking your hair when you cuddle into him; the way he surprises you with little dates, remembering the smallest little celebrations like the anniversary first day you held hands, or celebrating you turning in an essay you were nervous about.
It’s in the way he bends you in half as he fucks you, your legs over his shoulders while he drives his fat cock into your squelching pussy.
“So fucking sweet, baby. Love your little pussy, so fucking tight around me,” Steve mutters into your mouth, and he’s got your hips hitched up off the bed, leaving your head in the pillows and hands clutching desperately at the sheets while Steve forces you to meet him thrust for thrust.
Your sopping cunt is making a puddle on the sheets, drool dripping out of your gaping mouth, eyes blurry as you look at Steve, at his pretty face with his flushed cheeks, his brows furrowed as he concentrates on slamming into you again and again. And you feel so taken care of, so small under him.
“Fuck, oh god,” you whine, his cock feeling like it’s pressing into your lungs. “Steve, Steve, oh shit, harder, harder,” you don’t have control over anything anymore, your legs feel like jelly, your brain fuzzy. Steve just looks so big, so powerful, his big body looming over you like a god. You feel stretched out and ruined, Steve's cock bullying into your little pussy, making a space in your body to take his pretty cock again and again, owning you.
And then Steve shifts your hips up again, shoving into you so hard, and it's so good, tears rolling down your face as your hips jerk and your stomach clenches and-
“Fuck, fuck, Daddy,” you wail, not even realizing that you’ve said it, but Steve hears.
Steve hears and his heart stops, hips stuttering for just a second, before he’s driving into your body again like a man possessed. 
“You like that baby? Fuck, you’re so fucking pretty sweetheart.” And it’s true. Steve loves you like this, all sweet and dumb and at his mercy, perfectly pliant on his cock. He loves making sure that you feel loved, safe to drop all of your guards and inhibitions. He loves turning you into his perfect cock slut, begging to take him deep inside at the drop of a hat. 
“Gonna be your Daddy, baby, take care of you so fucking good. Fuck, who am I sweetheart? Who’s fucking you so good right now?” Steve grunts, reaching a hand up to brush away one of the tears that had leaked from your pretty eyes.
You barely even feel real anymore, tears continuing to streak down your puffy cheeks as you whine, “Daddy, oh god, daddy, you’re s’big, feels so good inside me.”
And it makes perfect sense, you realize. Steve’s the one to take care of you, making you feel sweet and loved and cherished. You want to worship him, kneel at his feet, make him proud of you. The title feels fitting, dominating and strong, just like Steve. He keeps shoving his cock into your abused and dripping hole, and you can’t stop yourself from slurring out, “daddy, daddy, oh god,” with every thrust.
“You wanna cum baby?” Steve says, snaking a hand between your slick bodies to press his thumb to your clit, the rest of his big palm resting on your lower stomach. And he can fucking feel his cock, moving in your tiny pussy, rearranging your insides around him. 
You choke around a scream when Steve’s thumb presses hard onto your clit, barely able to whimper out a, “please, Daddy, shit, please make me cum, need to cum so bad.”
And Steve smiles at his sweet girl, so perfect and dumb and pliant, leaning down to your ear to mutter, “Go ahead and cum, angel. Wanna feel you squeeze around your Daddy’s big cock.”
You don’t need to be told twice, a high-pitched whine escaping your throat with a, “Yes, daddy, yesyesyes,” as you gush around Steve’s, daddy’s, giant cock.
Steve rocks into you once, twice, three times more before he’s grunting, “fuck, baby, love this little cunt, Jesus,” and spilling his hot cum deep into you.
You whimper softly through your sticky throat when Steve slips out of you a few minutes later, your brain still mushy and malleable. Steve leaves and comes back with a warm, wet rag, wiping the sweat off your body. You flinch in overstimulation just a little when he brings the rag over your leaking pussy, but he just shushes you gently, pressing soft kisses to your lips.
It’s several minutes after that that you manage to come back to yourself, looking up at Steve with a soft smile.
Steve smiles back at you warmly, brushing a finger down your cheek. “You back with me, baby? You feeling okay?” he asks, gentle and loving.
“Yes, to both questions,” you whisper, giggling almost deliriously.
Steve seems to contemplate his next words for a moment, before smirking, eyes alight with a strange mixture of teasing and adoration. “So, ‘daddy,’ huh?” he asks.
You can’t believe you had forgotten about that, cheeks burning as you nuzzle into Steve’s chest, muttering a “shut up.”
“No no no, baby,” Steve chuckles, “it was fucking hot, honey. I’d love to be your daddy.” 
You pull yourself out of the safe haven of his warm chest to look up at him again. “You would?”
“Of course, baby. Gotta take care of my girl.”
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doomsdaybby · 5 months
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crown of thorns - werewolf!steve harrington x fem!reader (2.7k)
co-wrote by calicojack11 (who is very very unfortunately not on tumblr) & doomsdaybby
content/trigger warnings: blood & wound description, hurt/comfort, size kink, daddy kink, breeding kink, dubious consent, steve is a teensy bit mean but it’s okay!
Steve is never in the mood the day after a moon, but he knew what you were doing while he was gone. He could smell you all night. He can smell you now, too. By the time he’s done with you, you’ll know not to tease him next month.
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You’re awake long before the turn of the front door down the hall causes your eyes to snap open. Hazy morning light sifts in through your bedroom window.
Your apartment always seems to stand still the morning after the full moon, like you’re suspended in time as long as you remain between these old walls.
Maybe it’s just the apprehension.
There’s no telling what will walk through that door come sunrise. Sometimes it’s a naked, blood covered body, on other occasions Steve has returned as causally as if he’d just run out for coffee. More often than not, it’s something in between.
Today it’s something in between. You sit up in bed with your legs hanging over the edge, the hem of Steve’s shirt pooling loosely around your waist. There’s no time for you to get the door for him, he’s already flinging it open before you can even stand up.
“You’re hurt.” You observe with a hitch in your throat. It’s been four years since he was bitten. The two of you were just friends back then, just teenagers trying to save the world. It never gets any easier.
“Barely.” Steve responds, and the shadows on his face melt into the bags under his eyes to make him look that much more ominous.
“You’re bleeding.”
“They’re just thorns, baby.” He limps into the room, shirtless and speckled with blood. His gray sweatpants sit low on his hips to show off the dimples at the small of his back as he surpasses you on his way toward your master bathroom.
You swat your hand out to catch his, and he stops at the corner of the mattress while gazing down at his feet. Thick, nail-like thorns protrude from his ribs. He does this shit every month, this pity party of shame.
Always too proud to ask for help or love or softness, but you give it to him anyways. And of course he adores it, the way you touch him so tenderly, but God forbid he ever admit to that fact.
Steve glances at you out of the corner of his eye with a defeated frown.
“Come on.” He reluctantly gives in, and you take his hand to lead him toward your bathroom.
Once there, you run the bath. He likes it hot on the morning after the moon, as hot as the tap will run. Anything to soothe his tired, overworked muscles.
When the water runs cold, you’ll pull the drain and start it all over again, stroking his chest and scratching his head from outside of the tub while he drifts in and out of unrestful, broken slumber.
Steam begins to fill the small room as Steve stretches his arms above his head. His hands latch onto the top of the doorframe, giving you unbridled access to his injuries. You lower yourself to your knees and begin the reaping.
Steve tenses with the plucking of the first thorn, and a small stream of blood begins to flow freely from his torso. You press your thumb over the hole to stop the bleeding but he jerks away from your touch.
“Don’t — Just get it over with.” He grits between clenched, “It’s worse when you go slow. Just do it.”
His words rip at your heartstrings. You know it’ll hurt him, and it’ll hurt you too, but what sort of help would you be if you were to only give it on your own terms?
Two thorns sit near each other at the lower section of his abdomen. You don’t warn him before yanking them out simultaneously.
Steve grunts, and more blood flows. You continue to pluck the miniature railroad ties from his flesh and his composure never breaks.
The most he gives you is a few pained grunts, a couple of low moans and whimpers, his thick fingers clench the jut of the doorframe and he never offers any indication that it feels like he’s being ripped apart.
By the time you’re done, he looks like something macabre, all stretched out and dripping with blood. Crimson stains the right side of his joggers and sweat clings to the hair on his chest as his lungs heave.
He looks down at you on your knees like he hates you, like you’re the one who caused his suffering, while you’re looking up at him with a palm full of thorns ready to be fashioned into a crown. Like he’s a god. Like he’s your god, and you are here to worship.
He releases the door frame and pushes his sweatpants over his hips, down his thighs until they’re in a pile at his feet. Steve’s cock stands at attention before you, right in front of your face.
Slick with precum, veins throbbing and head just as burgundy as the blood painting his skin. Drool fills your mouth immediately. You try to look away but it’s hard.
Maybe he can smell that you’re fertile, maybe that’s what has him going. In the days leading up to this moon, Steve had been ravenous.
His hands grabbing you every chance they got, tossing you around this apartment like you were just a chew toy for him to clench between his teeth and shake.
He’s had you every which way, wherever he wanted, whenever that primal need hit him. And you were still thinking about it; his name slipping off of your tongue like a prayer, the metronome of your headboard hitting the wall, how you’d woken up to him already inside of you…
Steve is already stepping past you by the time you shake your head clear of those memories. He settles into the bath water and lets out a groan of relief, one not unlike the sounds he’d been making yesterday afternoon.
Steam dampens his hair and causes it to stick to his face, but you think he looks nice like this — a little vulnerable. He always likes when you sit by the edge of the tub and cup water in your hands to pour over his chest, so you do just that.
You move to the side of the porcelain basin and ease your hands into the water, getting comfortable with the temperature before ladeling a handful of it over his skin.
Steve settles back against the wall, finally accepting your touch. He closes his eyes and allows you to alternate between scoops of steaming water and rakes of your fingernails across his chest.
Eventually you abandon the hand back, instead navigating your palm from shoulder to shoulder, tracing your nails down his sternum and over his stomach, from hip to hip, repeating the process in reverse and then all over again.
You know what the man likes. He’s taught you well, refusing to accept your care on any other terms.
You think he’s dozed off — hell, you’ve nearly done so yourself — when you feel the roll of his hips. Steve shifts against your touch, coaxing your hand further down his abdomen to brush the dark curls that float there.
“Mm… feels good.” He whimpers.
Steve is never in the mood the morning after a moon. He’s always too sore, too cranky. You don’t want to push your luck, so your hand roams back up the trail of hair that leads to his bellybutton, hardly making it halfway before you feel his loose grip circling your wrist.
Your eyes snap up, and Steve’s bloodshot gaze is fixed on you. He looks very much like a wounded animal, ready to bite at the threat of danger but still begging for relief.
Slowly, without muttering a word, Steve leads your hand beneath the surface of the water.
He closes your fist around the base of his cock and then allows himself to relax again, but you feel the strain of muscles between his hips, how tight they’re strung. You want to give him that release.
Beneath the tinted pink bath water, you begin to move your hand. Slowly, ever so slowly, up and down his length. Squeezing just as tightly as you know he likes. And he rewards you with a gentle sigh, a sign that you’re doing good.
“That’s it, baby.” He breathes.
Heat rushes between your legs. This isn’t about you though, so you suppress that need. You squeeze your thighs together and focus on the feeling of his slick skin beneath your fingertips, how velvety soft and warm he is to the touch.
Your thumb drags over his swollen head as you finish your first stroke, and Steve rewards you greatly.
“Fuck…” His voice is deep and raspy, fingers clenching at the edge of the tub as he holds onto his composure. “Fuck, yes. Good girl. Faster.”
Your heart dips in your chest and you stutter for a moment before obeying his order. Then you pick up the pace, your hand moving more quickly down the thick, wet length of him and back up again.
With every dip and curve of his shaft, you can’t help but to imagine how it feels inside of you. He could choose any hole. Wherever he wants you, he could have it.
“Was thinkin’ about this all night, you know.” He muses, his breathy voice that of a siren pulling you beneath the waves. “Could smell your wet fucking cunt from the edge of town. Every time you slipped your hand into your panties I felt like I was going fuckin’ feral. Lucky I didn’t do something we’d both regret.”
That heat between your thighs spreads up your abdomen, radiating throughout your core. Steve can smell everything during werewolf week; when you’re horny, when you’re ovulating, when you’re bleeding. You should’ve known better than to tease him like that.
You twist your hand around his girth, jerking him off just as you typically do when he’s halfway down your throat.
You prefer him in your throat. There’s something cathartic about it — about your eyes welling up with tears as you struggle to take it all, gazing up at him through bleary vision and watching as he pumps himself into your mouth.
“Get in.”
You don’t hear him, you’re too preoccupied with the view of his cock throbbing between your fingers.
Steve’s hand shoots forward, circling the back of your neck and jerking you toward him. Before you realize what’s happening, his lips are smashed against yours. Teeth and all. Tongue slipping into your mouth. It takes you a beat to respond, and then you melt into his touch.
“Get in, angel.” He repeats, words honeyed and saccharine against your lips. As if you need convincing. “Make me feel good. Fucking please. Only you know how.”
You hardly break your kiss to pull the shirt over your head, losing your panties along the way as you climb over the wall of the bathtub and sink into the water that’s far too hot for your flesh. It burns. You’ll be pink when you get out, but the pain is diluted by the overwhelming pleasure of Steve slipping his hands beneath your ass and moving you exactly where he needs you to be.
His cock bumps against your core, sliding between your slick folds to nestle against your swollen clit. TV static begins to fill your brain and you’re moving on impulse, instinct. Lovemaking is an art that the two of you have perfected together.
“I want it.” You whine with your head laid against his chest, bloodied water drifting up and down your chin with every subtle movement like the push and pull of the tides.
“What do you want? Tell me.” He asks, fingers digging into the meat of your thigh.
Steve grips the base of his cock with his other hand and teases your entrance, sliding the head through your arousal and pushing himself inside of your weeping pussy just enough for you to feel his stretch.
You drag your teeth along his collarbone, hips burning as you hold yourself above him. You know better than to take before being given permission.
“Want your cock, daddy.” You press a chaste kiss to his throat, searching for the artery there that’s pumping with hot, nectarine blood.
A baritone growl rumbles from his chest, it vibrates you so nicely. He pulls his palms from beneath you, encircling them instead loosely around your waist and tilting his forehead down to meet yours.
“Take it, baby. It’s yours.” He whispers, pressing his lips too briefly against yours.
He opens his mouth to say something else, but you’re already sinking down on his cock. Opening yourself up around him. Stretching to your absolute limits just to accommodate his satisfaction.
Steve’s veins drag along your inner walls with every disappearing inch, his nails digging into the small of your back as his mouth parts slightly and eyes glaze over with want.
“Mine?” You repeat, nearing the base of his cock.
You can feel him in your stomach, head stroking that perfect spot at the back of your pussy with every gentle rock of your hips. You’re just waiting for him to say it.
Steve nods. “All yours. Fuck, it’s all yours, angel.”
You need no further instruction, especially when the heat of your clit brushes against the collection of sodden hair at the base of his cock. It’s that tiny fraction of extra attention you crave to dull the ache.
Steve grunts low when he bottoms out, surrounding you with a gentle wave of steaming water as he flexes his hips up, up and up again. Trying to somehow fit even more of himself inside you, bullying his way in, carving out a hole in your abdomen.
You anchor yourself to his chest, pushing as he pulls, the splashing of the now overflowing bath water surrounding you both being a companion to the collective shaky huffs and bitten curse.
Steve sighs, something so sweet, that gentle part of him you miss a little too much during this stage of the cycle. He flexes his arms then and pulls you in real close, chest to chest, your skin tacky against one another.
You place a kiss along the column of his throat, and you can taste the dirt and sweat and blood that’d been brought to the surface the night before. It’s dirty. It’s raw and a little bit feral, but you stick your tongue out anyways just to taste it because it’s part of him.
“Gonna cum inside you…” He bites out your name a little mean, and it’s almost a warning.
You feel your sleek inner walls contract around him at the thought and on instinct try to lift yourself away, but Steve has you in a stronghold.
“No.” He thrusts up again, water spilling onto the floor. “Let me, baby — ah — let me fill you up. I just need to smell your pretty, fertile cunt full of my seed. Lay still.”
Against your better judgment, you do as he says. You lay still against his chest, taking his thrusts, moaning his name into the atmosphere and riding out the ethereal swirl of stars and colors bursting in your vision as your eyes roll back in your head.
The rope in your abdomen is being pulled tighter and tighter with every stroke of his cock, with the slam of his throbbing head against your cervix. You can feel it threatening to snap.
And then it snaps.
Steve grabs your hips and pushes your core as far down as he can, stuffing his cock into your womb, releasing the first of many ropes of cum deep into your cervix.
He lets out a guttural moan that drowns out your shallow breaths, fingers digging into your flesh as his load overflows and spills out around his girth.
You float in that state of Nirvana for some time, longer than you can keep track of. By the time the fog clears from your head, the water is lukewarm and dirty.
Steve is stroking your pink skin with the tips of his fingers and you can feel his steady breaths blowing through your hair like a gentle spring breeze.
He kisses your temple every few seconds, aware that you sometimes need just as much care on these days as he does.
“It’s gonna stick.” He says.
He’s still inside of you, and you don’t have any plans of making him pull out.
“I know.”
- - - - - -
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eds6ngel · 11 months
Hello lovely I was hoping you could do a Steve with a kid fic! Reader is Steve’s kid’s teacher and they have a parent/teacher meeting and Steve falls for her!
Love you and your writing 💋
✎ when i kissed the teacher | part one
firstly, thank you so much for the compliment darling!! secondly, you are one lucky person as i've decided to make this into a multi-part series! i've always been a massive fan of dad!___ x reader, so i've taken it upon myself to create a series out of it! i'm aiming for four or five parts, but we will see where it takes us <33
warnings: dad!steve. singledad!steve. 90s!au. fem!reader. mentions of bad mother. deep talks about life. swearing. slow burn. mutual pining. pet names. fluff. comfort. steve's daughter is the cutest. more warnings as the chapters commence! [4.9k].
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“All right my loves!” you yell calmly to the children, them waving at their parents from the glass window, the group excited to head home after a tough day of school. “Come and sit on the rug for me, I have one more thing for you all before you get to go home!”
A bunch of chatter and pattering feet can be heard as the six-year-olds bounce over to the colourful, spotted rug, each plopping themselves down and crossing their legs as they look up at you with eager eyes.
You cross your arms and put your finger up to your lips, the children copying you and nudging their friends to look up at you and replicate your action. The final kid finally turned his eyes towards you and copied you, you shaking your head and smiling, “What took you so long Harry?”
He frowns slightly, “I’m sorry Miss, I wasn’t paying attention.”
If there’s one thing you could call a success in your teaching, it would be the ability for your kids to reflect on where they went wrong. It was one of the most important things they could learn as they grow.
“It’s okay honey, just remember to use those listening ears to hear your friends quieten down next time, okay?”
He nods as all of the kids sit with their hands tucked between their crossed legs, you now knowing that everyone was completely focused. “Firstly,” you smile softly, “You have all made amazing progress today, I’m very proud of each and every one of you.”
You can see each of them smile brightly, bouncing in their sitting position, especially the less-able kids, they deserved some extra love with all the hard work they put in to improve.
“Secondly,” you say, leaning over and grabbing a neat stack of papers, “Next week is your parent-teacher meetings! So, I’m each going to give you a letter and I want you to give it to your mommy or daddy, okay?”
The children nod, you smiling and standing up, giving each of them a letter. Once you put the spare sheets on the side, you say to them, “Okay, as always, stay seated and I’ll call you up if I see your mommies or daddies, okay?”
You walk over to the window, peering out to see two different parents stood next to each other: Mr. Byers and Mr. Harrington. Mr. Harrington, who from day one insisted you call by his first name Steve, waved at you, you giving a small smile back as you turn towards both dad’s daughters, “Okay, Ashley! Alena! Your daddies are here!”
The two girls stand up, toddling over to their tables to grab their backpacks, you giggling to yourself as you see how huge they look on their small figures. Ashley is the first to stand in front of you, smiling as you open the door, “Go and see daddy. See you tomorrow!” you say, the girl rushing over as Mr. Byers picks his daughter up, grabbing the sheet she was holding in her hand and heading out of the gate.
As you turn your back, Alena is standing there, grinning at her dad through the open door. Alena was a spunky character. She was super friendly, always willing to help out the other kids and almost always had her hair styled in two un-even pigtails. But, she wasn’t fussed, her hair usually a mess by the end of the day after tumbling around on the grass in the playground. The amount of times you had to bring in the poor girl when she had scraped her knees or elbows was insane, but she always put a brave face on. She was a very cute kid and you were lucky you got to teach her.
“Hello!” you say, pretending to jump at her sudden presence, making the young girl giggle, “Oh, come here my love, your backpack strap is twisted.” You lean down and un-twist the purple backpack strap, swiping the few bread crumbs off of it as you signal to her dad. “There’s your dad, honey. Have a great rest of your day!”
She bounces over to her dad, smiling as she passes him the letter, him taking a quick glance over it as he realises what it was.
He had to spend time talking with you. Just you, him and Alena. Alone.
It was no doubt that Steve knew of his little crush on you. He tried his best to push it to the back of his mind, but with seeing your gorgeous face five times a week, how could he ever forget about your beauty?
Now, he had to practically spend time alone with you. Sure, it was still under professional circumstances, but how was he supposed to concentrate? It was a meeting to talk about his daughter’s school progress, yet his mind treated it like a first date.
Steve looks up from the sheet to see your back turned attending to the other students, Alena tugging at his leg, “Daddy, come on! I wanna go home!”
“Yeah, okay, okay,” he replies, waiting for the moment for you to turn to face the window again, which you do. He can’t stop staring at you as you give him a small wave, Alena waving back at you as you giggle, the girl not knowing that you were in fact waving at her dad, who weirdly couldn’t stop looking at you. Strange.
You divert your eyes to attend to the next kid, Steve snapping out of his trance as Alena continues tugging at his jeans. “Okay pumpkin, I’m going, I’m going.”
He grabs his daughter’s hand as he heads out to the gate, him trying to compose himself at the inevitability of you two talking in private. Hopefully his daughter being there would be enough of a distraction.
Until she wasn’t…
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You were setting up your classroom for the day. It was the start of a brand new week, so you knew it was going to be a little bit more tough on your end to get the kids to be quiet. They had curious minds, so they would definitely want to go into excruciating detail about their weekends to their friends.
A knock on the door can be heard as you lay out a worksheet full of math problems on the children’s desks. You turn around, smiling as you see Alena standing there with her dad, sheet of paper held between her small hands. “Good morning Mr. Harrington, and good morning to you too Alena!” you brightly say, her dad replying, “Please, just call me Steve.”
“Well,” you chuckle, “Good morning Steve and Alena. How was your guys’ weekend?” you ask, turning your back as you put out the final worksheets.
“Daddy and I went to the aquarium!” she beams.
“Ooh, that sounds like fun!” you smile widely, “Did you see lots of fish and sea creatures?”
“Uh huh!” she chirps, “I saw clownfish and seahorses and turtles and octopuses!”
“That sounds like you had a great time! But, remember, what do some plural nouns end in?” you ask her, trying to correct her on her simple mistake. Even you didn’t have the answer to why some end in ‘I’ instead of ‘Us,’ it was just another weird variation of the English language.
“Um…” she thinks, “They end in ‘I?’”
“Good job! So, it wouldn’t be octopuses, it would be…”
“Octopi!” she smiles brightly.
You put your last worksheet down as you walk over and ruffle her hair, “Well done!” You look down to the sheet of paper in her hand, “And what is this?” you ask, taking it from her delicate hands.
“Parent-teacher meeting letter,” Steve tells you, “Is it alright if I bring her along? I chose some of the earliest slots as it’s just easier for me to come straight from work to here instead of hiring a babysitter. But, if you just want parents alone, I’ll get a friend to pick her up.”
“No, it’s totally fine Mr. Har— Excuse me, Steve,” you reply, “I’m sure a lot of parents are in the same position as you. You can totally bring her along! It’s also an opportunity for her to hear how she can improve first hand, which is great. So…” you mumble, walking over to your computer and opening up Excel, “Alena… 3:45PM. Is it just you coming or is your wife coming also?”
He freezes up at the mention of his ex. His ex-girlfriend’s name wasn’t on the school system at all as he frankly has nothing to do with her. But, you’re Alena’s teacher, how were you supposed to know his life history? Steve stutters as he thinks of a reply, “I, um… I don’t have a wife…” Shit. Not the answer.
“Oh my Gosh,” you frantically say, looking up at him where he had now entered the classroom and was stood in front of your desk, “I am so sorry. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had the chance to go through the student’s personal files yet. I apologise for assuming, I really am.”
God, you were too kind. It just made you all the more attractive.
“It’s okay,” Steve sighs, “It’s not even on the record. Well, her mother isn’t mentioned on there for… reasons, so it’s fine really.”
You sympathetically smile, “I may teach children Steve, but I know when an adult is hiding a pain too. Whatever happened, I truly am sorry, and you shouldn’t have to pretend that everything is okay to make others feel comfortable.”
He knew you were right. But, you were the first person to ever say it out loud. To be completely honest with him. No beating around the bush and just accepting his passiveness, you understood how he felt about Alena’s mother, even without the backstory. You’re exactly the kind of person he needs in his life.
You turn your head, sighing with a smile, your head leaning against your intertwined hands. Alena was sat at her desk, grabbing a piece of paper and a couple of crayons from the centre and doodling away. It was a rule in your classroom that no kid was to start their early morning worksheet before the bell rang. That way, no kid felt left behind.
“She’s such a good kid,” you smile, “She’s kind and brave and always completes her work. I’ll obviously tell you more of that on Wednesday, but you’ve done an amazing job raising her, especially as a single dad. I hope you know that.”
Steve looks into your gorgeous eyes, fumbling over his words, stunned at the comments that easily flow out of your mouth. You weren’t afraid to be kind, and that was a beautiful quality. “I try my best,” he awkwardly says, not used to the compliments, “I have a hard time accepting that, but, thank you anyway.”
“Of course,” you softly reply, “You deserve to hear it.”
The two of you stay in silence, the quiet sound of Alena’s crayons scraping across her paper being the only noise in the brightly decorated classroom. Steve rubs the back of his neck and coughs, “Well, I should get going. Head to work and all…” he says, pointing his thumb behind him towards the door.
“Uh, yeah…” you awkwardly reply, “Don’t want you to be late,” you quietly laugh.
“I’ll see you later,” he finalises, referring to when he would pick up his daughter at the end of the day. You nod, Steve heading over to Alena and asking for a kiss which she gives him, before he turns around and heads towards the door, exiting the classroom.
You sit there in contemplation, how did you compliment him so easily? You didn’t do that to other parents, and you knew that a few of them were single moms. Why just him? Why did you feel different towards him?
Steve was feeling a similar way as he pushed the door open out to the main entrance. He swore he wasn’t going crazy, he felt something between the two of you. It couldn’t have just been his crush on his daughter’s school teacher convincing him that. He’s dated women in the past and even they haven’t complimented him to that extent. Even the women he tried to date as Alena was growing up hadn’t dared say anything complimentary about his parenting skills. You were different. You showed him the kind of praise he always wanted.
He was falling in love with his daughter’s teacher.
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Your day had gone pretty well. As predicted, the students were extra chatty because of their busy weekends, but you didn’t mind. All of them getting along with minimum bullying in your class is what made you most proud. If they were kind to each other, a little extra talking was good for the mind. They were developing, which means their brains were super busy. It was a sign of healthiness.
All of the parents had shown up on time to collect their kids, which was the biggest accomplishment for you. Usually, at least one parent was running late, so you had to take on the task of guiding them to the front desk to wait for their mom or dad. But, today you were free, meaning you got to go home a little earlier, or so you thought.
As you led the last kid out to their parent, you shut the door, beginning to tidy up the classroom before you drive home. However, a faint knock can be heard against the glass, you turning to see Steve and Alena patiently waiting outside, his larger hand holding her smaller one.
You open the door, you smiling and saying, “Hi guys!” Steve speaking up, “Hi, um… I know you’ve probably filled up a lot of your slots by now, but is it okay if I could change the time for our parent-teacher meeting? Work asked me to stay an extra two hours.”
“Of course!” you reply, walking over to your desk, “I’ve shut down the computer for now, but I’ll make a note in my planner, okay? I keep everything stored twice in case this thing decides to play up.”
“Sounds great.”
You flip through the pages, finding Wednesday’s date and opening the cap to your pen, “Okay. How late are we talking?”
“You have anything after 6PM?” Steve asks, “I can do slightly earlier if it’s a problem for you, but I don’t want to accidentally run late and mess everything up.”
“Not to worry,” you reply, “I’m pretty sure I have after six,” you look down through the list, finding some empty slots after 6PM, “Yes, I do. I have 6:15 and 6:25. Any preference?”
“6:15 would be great, thank you,” he says with a sigh, thankful that his change of work schedule hasn’t messed up yours. You cross out Steve’s 3:45 appointment and re-write him in for 6:15, making sure to update that in the school system tomorrow.
“Also,” he starts, “Is it alright if I get my friend Robin to pick up Alena on Wednesday?”
“Um…” you think, “If you could give me a description of them, that would be helpful. You know, keeping the kids safe and all. Don’t want to give your daughter to any stranger who claims they are your friend, you know?”
“No, I totally get it,” he replies, “She has a dirty blonde coloured hair that, I guess is shoulder length? She has a fringe too, slight wave to her hair. A little shorter than me, so I guess like 5’9-ish. Blue eyes, freckles on her face, she had black painted nails the last time I saw her which was like three days ago. Is that good enough?”
“Yes, let me just write it down so I don’t forget. I’ll confirm with Alena on the day anyway, she’ll probably be excited to see her,” you say, making a note underneath your column of parent-teacher meeting times.
“Oh yeah,” Steve chuckles, “She calls her Auntie Robin, so if she yells that, you have the right person.”
“Great,” you smile, mumbling out, “Okay… Alena picked up by ‘Auntie’ Robin — short, dark blonde hair with fringe, blue eyes, freckles, black nails. Okay, all written down.”
“Thank you,” Steve breathes out, “I’m still on for dropping her off tomorrow and Wednesday, it’s just picking her up Wednesday afternoon that’s the change. Hope it’s not too much of a fuss.”
You wave your hand, “You’re fine, trust me. It’s only one day, you pick her up every single other day on time. Plus, you told me in advance, which many parents have failed to do in the past,” you softly laugh, reminding yourself of the endless days of random people claiming they’ve come to pick up a certain child, you having to go through the endless hassle of contacting the parent to confirm the stranger is who they claim they are.
“Yeah, well, I thought it was best you should know. Hawkins is a scary place, I’m sure you’re well aware,” he awkwardly smiles, trying not to focus of the events that happened just under ten years ago.
“Yeah, not got the best reputation around here,” you laugh, brushing your hair behind your ear. “Well, I guess I will see you in the morning.”
Steve smiles, lifting Alena up onto his hip, “You will. And again, thank you for letting me change the time.”
“No problem at all,” you smile, “Bye Steve. Bye Alena!” you shout, her giving you a big smile and a wave from over Steve’s shoulder. God, she was a cute kid. And her father… Well, he wasn’t bad-looking either.
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The parent-teacher meetings had been going well so far. You had conversations with parents that were brave, their kids little mini-me’s of them, to kids you just wanted to save from the inevitable attitude they would someday inherit from their parents. As a teacher, it sometimes felt that you were becoming the mother that the children wish they had.
No parent had actually booked after 6:15, so Steve was your final parent to speak with, and you couldn’t wait to gush about how beautiful of a girl Alena was.
As you bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell, you sigh in your seat, leaning far back and placing your hands on your face. A voice interrupts you, “Not the nicest, huh?”
You move your hands away, leaning forward once again and softly laughing, “Yeah, bit of a silver spoon shoved up there.”
Steve enters the classroom and takes a seat in front of your desk, “I hate parents like that. I heard them from outside saying that you were lying about Rhys. Like, come on man, just accept that your child has flaws. You didn’t even say anything bad!” he exclaims, arms flailing up in the air.
“Right?” you smile widely, “All I said is he needs to improve on his spelling and suddenly I’m the worst person in the world. I never even said it was a bad thing, they came to that conclusion. I don’t expect every child to be perfect at everything, I wouldn’t even say that about Alena, it’s normal for children to have a few tough spots in their education.”
Steve softly smiles, “Well, you’re lucky I won’t complain even if Alena was bad at everything.”
You laugh, “I certainly won’t be doing that. Speaking of, shall we start?”
“Of course.”
“Okay,” you say, flipping through your grade sheets and coming across Alena’s name, “Firstly, grades. I don’t really do a typical grade system, your A-F kind of thing, I actually do it in stars. A bit weird, I know, but it actually helps the kids understand their current learning levels, so I just adopt it as well,” you smile.
Steve grinned at your explanation, actually preferring your way of grading. So what if it was weird? It was different, and he liked that.
“Her spelling is spectacular, 10/10 on her spelling bee last week, 9/10 the week before. Pretty consistent in the top levels there. That would land her in adult talk around an A, so that’s five stars in child’s talk,” you say, turning the page over to the reading section, “Are you aware of our reading levels?”
He furrows his eyebrows, “I can’t remember what the highest level is again.”
“Not to worry,” you reply, looking him in the eye, “So we do levels 1-6. One obviously being the lowest, six being the highest. Six is very rare in this class, just for warning. I think I only have two students on level six, so don’t panic that Alena’s not there yet. She’s on level four, which is just above average, a B grade if you will. Plenty of room for improvement, so I’m not overwhelmingly worried.”
Steve laughs, “Definitely a change from me. I can’t spell for shit,” he freezes, “Sorry, I shouldn’t curse, should I?”
You chuckle, “We’re technically out of school hours, curse all you want honey.”
Honey. That was new.
“Now,” you say, flipping over to the next page, “She is struggling a little with math. I’ve noticed that she gets her numbers confused around a little. When counting on her fingers, sometimes she skips a number or goes ‘3, 2, 3.’ And that has sadly affected her in other subjects. We sometimes do timelines in history, and her switching up of numbers means she’ll put a date from the 1500’s in front of the 1600’s. So, she’s currently on two stars, which is sadly a D in normal grades. But, it is only simple mistakes. If she doesn’t get those numbers mixed up, she’ll naturally bump herself up to a B, possibly even an A. I was wondering if you could help me out with this next part.”
“Of course,” Steve replies, “Anything to help my pumpkin.”
You smiled to yourself. What a cute nickname.
You pass him over a couple sheets of paper, “Since I have fifteen kids to teach, sometimes it’s a little hard to notice the mistakes Alena is making before I mark her work, and the markings do equate to the grades. So, I have some math problems here, and I was wondering if you could maybe help her at home? Try and get her out of the habit of skipping numbers or mixing them up. That way, if you know they’re right, you can bring them in, I’ll mark them, and they’ll bump up her grade. Also, the affect of you getting her out of the habit will probably help her in class too.”
He takes the sheets off of you, “Totally, I’m on it. She’s still doing better than I ever did at school, so that’s always a bonus,” he slightly chuckles.
You smile, shaking your head, “To be honest, as humans, we’re not supposed to be good at everything. I shouldn’t really tell you my thoughts on this, but the education system is designed for competition. The idea is that kids are supposed to be good at everything, which is utter bullshit to me. Alena is probably just not gifted at math, and that’s okay.” You sigh, “But, because of the system design, if she wants to graduate first grade, she’ll need to get at least a C in math.”
Steve smirks, “Ain’t that the truth. But, I understand. Math homework will be on the agenda for this weekend,” he smiles.
You close your book, “That’s the main grades done. Writing is also very on point, she can trace the letters almost perfectly. It’s just removing that guide now and seeing how she does without it,” you smile.
“Great,” Steve agrees.
“Now, I’ve done this with every parent tonight, so I’m just going to talk about how Alena is as a growing human, because no amount of grades will ever outweigh personality, and it definitely won’t for Alena. She’s is such a sweet girl. She’s always willing to help others, easily makes friends due to her kind persona and has really respectable manners,” you explain, “I mean, you saw what she was like on Monday morning. Instantly came in, followed my rules about not starting any tasks until the bell rings, and just sat there drawing. She’s amazing at being honest and respectful, but also has just enough spunkiness to set her apart in a crowd. What I’m saying is, you’ve done an amazing job raising her Steve, and I’m sure she gets her beautiful personality from you.”
Steve can’t help but let a small blush rise to his cheeks at your compliments. Again, it was just something about you. You take notice, but don’t point it out, smiling widely at his reaction.
Steve sighs happily, “Well, I’m glad she’s like that. I wasn’t the most… nicest person at school. I let the popularity get to my head, all that shit. Treated everyone lower than me like they were a second-class citizen. Even did that to Jonathan, Mr. Byers, for a while. His wife is actually my ex,” he chuckles, “She pretty much got me out of that shitty popularity ordeal. So, I think I just want my daughter to be the opposite of me. Be the me I could’ve been when I was younger, you know?”
You nod, “I get that. I’ve learnt that parenting can either be one of two things: you don’t want your kids to end up like you, or you want them to be exactly like you. Based on how you described yourself, I’m glad you chose the first option. Although,” you shrug your shoulders, “I would give yourself some credit. It seems like you’ve done the inner healing and reflection to give your daughter a chance to become a kind human being. A shit person can’t create a nice one.”
“Yeah,” he thinks, “Maybe you’re right. I do still say mean stuff every now and again. Judge people before knowing them, all that kind of shit. I’m not proud of it, but it’s just engrained into me by now.”
You look into his eyes, “I think that’s more a generational thing. I mean, I try my best to see why people act the way they do, but even I judge people. What I said for Alena also applies for you too, Steve. Humans aren’t meant to be this definition of perfect. We’re always gonna have a flaw. You can try and work on it as much as you want, but there’s only so far you can go. Sometimes, it’s just easier to accept that’s who you are and it’s actually doing you more harm than good the more you critique yourself for it.”
You were so goddamn smart. You couldn’t have been more than twenty five years old, and yet, you had a better understanding of life than he ever did. Maybe it was seeing life through a kid’s lens, but he feels that can’t be all to the intellect. Life experiences make you understand the world. It sure helped him understand it. He was intrigued. He wanted to understand your mind, get to know you better than just his daughter’s teacher. You were such a beautiful soul and had such a fascinating mind.
Steve has no words as he stares at you in awe, unaware that he hadn’t even said anything as you clear your throat, “Um… anyway…” you begin, grounding Steve back to reality, “Do you have any questions for me?”
His mind did go to asking you out on a date. But, you were his daughter’s teacher, was that even allowed? Was that breaching any rules or codes?
And little did he know you were asking yourself the same questions. Your brain was itching to research into the questions. Why did he have to be one of your student’s dads?
“Uh, no, no I don’t,” he stutters out, taking this as a queue for him to leave as he raises from his chair. You hold out your hand, him taking it as you shake it, each basking in the warmness of the other’s palm.
“Well, thank you Steve for being here. I usually do another one of these around March time, so I hope to see you here for one of these again then!” you smile.
“Of course,” he replies, “But, really I should be thanking you. Supporting me and all when I basically rambled about my life.”
“Just because it’s a parent-teacher meeting doesn’t mean I have to lose all my kindness to be professional,” you sympathetically say.
Steve hums in agreement, you weren’t completely wrong. He’d take you any day to compliment and uplift him. If only he could somehow have that…
“Yeah… Well, see you tomorrow morning,” he smiles, turning his back and heading out the classroom door.
You stand up and start to pack away your folders and planners into your bag, thinking about Steve. You could tell that he wanted to change, wanted to shape his daughter into the man he never was. Give her the opportunity he only wished he had. But, there was something about him. Sure, he had a gorgeous mop of hair and the prettiest hazel eyes, but there was something inside too. A sense of kindness, warmth, comfort. Something you’d never felt so intensely with a man before.
Shit. You were falling for your student’s father.
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thank you for reading!! i can't wait to write for the rest of it! i'll try and get a chapter out every few days amongst other smaller fics, so please be patient <;33
→ next chapter.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 6 months
I do love clueless Eddie, but he probably is aware that he's not exactly straight. Like, he's probably made out with Jeff a few times. He's just not aware that there's a word for it. He likes men, and he likes women. He's always called himself a little bit gay though which is what he told Robin and Steve when he came out to them.
"Eddie, babe, you know there's a word for that. . .," Robin said.
"Yeah, I'm bisexual," Steve said.
"I think you mean bilingual. I didn't know you spoke more than one language," Eddie said.
"I mean, yeah, but also, no!" Steve exclaimed. "I speak more than one language, so yes, I'm bilingual. I like more than one gender so I'm bisexual."
"Oh! Oh, I am an idiot," Eddie said.
"You said it, not me," Robin said as she continued to paint Eddie's toenails neon pink.
"Robin!" Steve exclaimed.
"What? He literally said it," Robin said.
"I did say it, Steve," Eddie said.
"Oh, is Jeff alright with you telling us that you two used to make out?" Robin asked.
"Oh, yeah, he doesn't care," Eddie said, shrugging. "He's very proud of his kissing prowess."
"Yeah, I'm sure he's very good," Steve said rolling his eyes.
"He is. It's ridiculous the things that man can do with his mouth," Eddie said. "You won't find a better kisser than him."
Steve growled, grabbed a fistful of Eddie's hair, yanked his head back, and slammed his lips to Eddie's. Eddie moaned against his mouth, lifting his hand to curl his fingers into Steve’s hair as he deepened the kiss. Steve broke the kiss, breathing heavily.
"I stand corrected," Eddie said, gasping for breath.
"Steve! This was supposed to be girls' night!" Robin shrieked. "This is where we're supposed to talk about our crushes! Like, I talk about my crush on Vickie!"
"Oh, by the way, I have a crush on Eddie,' Steve said.
"And you didn't tell me this before. . .why?" Robin asked.
"We were all becoming friends, I didn't want to make things awkward," Steve shrugged.
Robin and Steve looked at Eddie expectantly, waiting for him to say something.
"Oh! Yeah! I've been crushing on Steve too," Eddie said, grinning wickedly. "Who, by the way, was totally jealous of how good a kisser I think Jeff is."
"Yeah, keep talking about that, and I might have to find out for myself," Steve said.
"Don't you dare!" Eddie scowled and squeezed his knee. "My boyfriend!"
"Excuse me, that is not how you ask my platonic soulmate to be your boyfriend, Munson," Robin said, waving her brush at him.
"Steve Harrington," Eddie said, taking his hand. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend?"
"Yeah, you dork," Steve said, slapping his chest and kissing him.
"Better," Robin said, capping the nail polish.
"Okay, I said you could paint my nails whatever color you wanted as long as I could paint your nails whatever color I wanted," Eddie said, grinning as he grabbed the black nail polish. "Now, tell mummy and daddy all about your crush."
"Ew, never call yourself that," Robin laughed before launching into details about Vickie.
Steve smiled at the both of them, happy that they got along so well and that everything was sliding into place perfectly. Everyone figured out things at their own pace. As long as they got there, it didn't really matter how long it took as long as there was time left to spare. It all works out in the end.
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eddiernunson · 1 year
Halloween Party | Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader | 18+
Blurb from my long form Eddie x Fem!Reader story Trapped (go check it out if you're in the mood for a long read)
I am really proud of this part of the story so I thought it might deserve to stand by itself.
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: It's a threesome with less experienced Eddie. No aftercare, daddy kink, faceriding, praise kink, double penetration, and hooking up under the influence. Eddie and Reader are in an established relationship for about a month at this point.
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Halloween in 1985 is on a Friday, lucky fucking seniors. Steve Harrington has some words about this, seeing as his senior year’s Halloween was on a Thursday.
You, Eddie, Nancy, Robin, and the rest of the seniors at Hawkins High spent all week buzzing about the upcoming holiday. Sure, some think Halloween is invented by the candy companies to make more money, but no senior can deny the value of getting absolutely wasted at Steve Harrington’s house. When you’re a young child the very appeal of Halloween comes from the free candy and running amok the neighbourhoods, but to a horny teen in rural Hawkins, Indiana in 1985 the appeal is free alcohol and many rooms to hook up at the Harrington’s. The incentive to have a sickening costume and have genuine excitement for the holiday.
On Monday you and Eddie drive over to the local costume shop to grab your costumes, giggling as Eddie suggests you be a sexy witch, or even worse, a sexy pig. How the hell is that even sexy anyway?
When the two of you go to the front desk with the costumes landing with a soft plop, the front counter girl giving you two a one up as she witnesses the downright irony of the freak of Hawkins High being an angel for Halloween. “Please tell me you are going to Harrington’s party.” She says, entering the prices into her computer.
“Yep.” Eddie says, giving you a look.
“Thank God. I cannot wait to see the Freak dressed in all white as a fucking angel.” She giggles, excitedly placing your costumes in a plastic bag.
Eddie grabs your hand, holding you back from swinging at her for outright insulting your boyfriend.  “Not worth it. She means well.” He whispers, then giving her a fake smile and tugging you toward the door.
On Friday during lunch Eddie announces that for one time and one time only he is cancelling Hellfire for Halloween, claiming he doesn’t have any time to go to the party and lead Hellfire.
Of course, he was met with groans of how hypocritical he was and how lame it was to cancel Hellfire when Halloween fell perfectly on a Friday. He didn’t care, smirking at you across the cafeteria as he places his two pointer fingers on his head to mimic a devil. You place your hands together as if you were an angel in response, igniting laughter out of him.
This leads to you standing in front of your mirror tugging on the short yet leathery red dress you were wearing, your fingers rubbing against the bright red nail polish you wore. You self consciously rub your tummy, the dress much lower cut than you had expected. Your hair was teased and curled, sprayed into oblivion as you knew the devil horns was going to get all tangled up in your hair.
The plastic tail that came with the horns occasionally brushed up against your legs, something you weren’t used to. You wore red flats as to not hurt your feet through the night, your eyeshadow a bright red blended out to your brows to high heavens and your lipstick glossy and ruby red. This was as good as it was gonna get.
You went downstairs, your mom offering you a ride, so you didn’t drive, Eddie getting a ride from Wayne for the same reasons. “You look amazing!” Your mom shouts, causing you to shy look at your feet as she looks at you in a new way.
“Is Eddie going as a devil, too?” She asks as she grabs the keys. The two of you walk to her small car, a car she bought for herself when she was no longer driving you around anymore in a big van.
“No,” you say, keeping your knees awkwardly together as you get into the car. “He’s an angel.”
“Funny.” Your mom deadpans, rolling her eyes as she rolls out of the driveway.
You pull up to the party a half hour late, basically on time for Steve’s parties. You saw a few groups of people making their way up the driveway of Steve’s massive house, the sight of it feeling almost alien as you’re now used to the quiet of his parents out of town and you, Robin and Steve hanging out in his living room.
She drops you off, making a half a joke about staying safe, but you heard the truth behind it. “Love you!” you call, waddling over to the front door.
You hear the music as soon as you get out of your mom’s car, hearing the loud voice of Whitney Houston asking to dance with somebody. Reaching the wide-open front door, the heat of the house already radiating from the dancing teens hitting you as you walk in. You almost regretted wearing faux leather now. You scanned the room, seeing Steve and Robin in the corner. Steve was dressed as Peter Pan and Robin as Tinkerbelle. Her outfit wasn’t nearly as revealing as the blonde cartoon character, but it was clear from the green shirt and cargo pants with the fairy wings on her back and glitter on her face she was Tinkerbelle. “Hi Peter!” you say, shouting over the music.
“Oh, shit!” Steve says as he gives you a one-up at your red and daring get up. “You look.” He gives a look to Robin and manages to gain the breath you took away from him. “I think Eddie will cream his pants on the spot let’s just say that.”
 “I hope not I want to wait until we get to one of the rooms.” You joke and turn towards the counter where red solo cups are sitting pretty waiting for new consumers.
Steve leans back in exasperation, mad at his dick for betraying him. “Okay, well I’m gonna have a drink, did you want something?”
“Hell no,” you mutter, grabbing your own. “Last time you mixed me a vodka soda you nearly made me tipsy one drink in.”
“That was the goal!” He yells, laughing as the vodka glugs into his cup.
“So, where’s Wendy?” you ask, yet understanding the irony of their costumes and why Robin isn’t dressed as Wendy for the night.
“Oh, she’s my date!” Steve says, nodding his chin over towards a girl in brown hair dressed in a blue pajama dress that was only down to her thighs. “Brittany, you’ll meet her later! You’re gonna love her, I promise!”
“Can’t wait!” you say unenthusiastically, already having met many of Steve’s latest dates. You mix your own drink, knowing Steve will let you drink any of his alcohol.
You dance absentmindedly to Thriller, your eyes rolling as it plays at a Halloween party. By the time song #6 plays and your inhibitions are somewhat already gone, you’ve gone through two drinks and can feel some the affects of alcohol affecting your system.  
You have your hand with the drink up in the air, side stepping to the beat now in a circle with Steve, Robin, and Brittany, and suddenly you feel an arm snake around your midriff. “Hi, my sexy little devil,” you hear low in your left ear.
You have half a mind to tell the mysterious man to back off because you had an awesome boyfriend who would kick his ass, but your train of thought was stopped in its tracks when it was him. Eddie was there, two arms laid on your shoulders, and you take in Eddie dressed in all his angelic glory. He had his hair slicked back into a ponytail, a white button-down shirt and a white pair of paints with a halo head band resting on his gelled up hair and a small pair of angel wings on his back. To top it off, he had some glitter on his cheek bones, and the only thing you see that’s normal about your boyfriend is his rings. Thank God he’s still wearing the rings.
“Jesus, who are you and where is Eddie Munson?” you ask, your words partially slurred. “Is that glitter on your cheeks?”
Eddie laughs at your slurred speech, astounded you were already so intoxicated. “One of my bandmembers LARPS in his free time, he has way more glitter than you could imagine.”
Your face is awestruck to this information. “That’s very resourceful of you.”
Eddie laughs, walking over to the table to pour himself a drink. He looks up anxiously, wondering if any of his classmates were giving him dirty looks. So far, so good. He pours too much baileys into a coke, wanting to get on your level, so to speak. “Well, give me ten minutes, ok? I need to catch up.”
“Ten minutes? Good luck with that.”
Ten minutes later, the two of you are dancing in the living room, both of your cares gone. He was right. It only took ten minutes for him to get as drunk as you were, but by the time he got there, you were another drink and a half in, your drunk competitiveness shining through. He has his arm wrapped around you and if he was sober enough to care he would blanch at the pop songs that seem to be exclusively playing through the speakers, but he only knew the beat and his thigh placed between your legs as you two grinded.
You can’t tell how much time goes by as you’re lost in the beat with him, noting the sweat gathering on his forehead and the light pain burning into your thighs as you stay half bent for a good while. You were lost with his hands placed on your ass when you hear from someone, loud and clear. “Why is the freak here? When Harrington said the rules, I didn’t think he was being serious! God, I don’t want to see that shit!”
Eddie, in his drunken haze is pulled out of the intoxication that was your body against his and scans the room quickly to find Steve going through his tapes. “Harrington!” He calls, his arm leaving your waist as he stumbles across. “Harrington!”
By this time, Steve Harrington is also drunk and, in his haze, had to keep his eyes from roaming to you across the room desperately grinding on what he wished was thigh, but was Eddie’s. Shit was getting complicated, and he was not a big fan. “Uh yeah?”
“You said point, ya? Point and they’re gone?” Eddie clarifies before making a fool out of himself.
It takes a moment for Steve to comprehend what Eddie was going on about. “Uh, yeah. Point, and they’re banned.”
Eddie points dramatically across the room to where one of the jocks was chatting up a girl dressed as a bunny (predictable) and raises is eyebrows at Steve.
“Oh! Shit, Okay gotchya.” Steve walks as confidently as he can over to the jock, even in his own drunken and confused haze, and grabs the over towering jock by the shoulder. “Get out.”
“Wait, what?” He asks, turning to face Steve.
“Get. Out.” Steve says, pointing to the door. “You knew the rules. You even so much as look at Munson wrong, you’re out. Out!”
“You were serious about that shit? He and his little slut girlfriend were grinding all over the room, you expect me to not say anything about that? Bullshit!” He yells, making a big scene.
Eddie saw red as soon as he heard him call you a slut. Yeah, he calls you a slut all the time, but that was for his enjoyment alone. He runs across the room to him, and his hands are in fists ready to throw punches.
“Hey!” Steve yells, pushing him lightly off the bewildered jock. “Let me handle this.” He looks back to the jock and holds back his own want to pummel him into the dirt. Steve doesn’t have good track record with picking fights, but each time it was for a noble cause, and this sounds noble enough. “Get the fuck out of my house. No more hook up parties for Bongo.”
Steve has a few other friends of his that were his age help him yank the asshole outside, now much easier with the help.
“This is almost too much power.” Eddie mumbles as people are no longer shooting him anything remotely close to a dirty look. He glances to you, and your arms are now across your stomach, and you’re hunched over. “Hey.” He mutters, too drunk for this he decides as he tries to calm you down.
“Hi.” You whisper, the gloss of a tear forming in your eye. “Does everyone think I’m a slut? Is that why you call me one?”
Fuck. Eddie shushes you, pulling you into his arms. “No, no. He’s an asshole with asshole opinions. I call you one because I thought it would be sexy and fun. I only call you one when we’re both enjoying each other, yeah?”
“Oh. Okay. Can we get more drinks?” You ask, missing the buzz you lost from the adrenaline of watching your boyfriend defend your honour.
“Sure, baby.”
The two of you down two more drinks each, ending up on Steve’s couch as Steve is telling a story about something that happened in the pool, he worked at with a shithead kid. “I’m telling you! This kid lived to make trouble. I had to beg our manager to let me ban him, but every time Don would come for evidence the kid was a fucking, well Eddie I guess.”
You and Eddie giggle as well as the ones who were listening to him. Logically, there’s no possibility you should be able to hear him with the music still bursting through the speakers. Yet, there were about nine or ten of you gathered on the couch and you could hear every word. You were sat on Eddie’s lap, stroking his hair, however gelled and gross it may feel while you were sober. You didn’t care.
Steve wrapped up his story, talking quietly to Brittany and Robin. You barely had spoken to Brittany all night like Steve had promised, but from the “eeugh” looks he kept giving Robin about what she would say you guessed you wouldn’t be getting to know her anyways.
You looked at your boyfriend, and noticed his brown eyes were turned downward at your red (smeared) lips. “See something you like, handsome?” you ask, voice low and feeling his boner underneath your thighs.
“I see a lot of what I like.” He mutters, and you swear in your drunken haze he is slowly getting closer to you. You feel your eyes close, and Eddie’s lips are on yours, his tongue forcing it’s way into your mouth, feeling electric as you move to straddle him. He kisses you with fervour, his hands finding their way frantically into your wild and teased hair.
Your hips grinds itself to his, and you hear a wolf whistle coming from a couch cushion right next to you. You look over, your red lips even more smeared and Eddie has his own share of it on his.
“Get a room.” Robin states, still only lightly buzzed and sipping out of her red solo cup. “Seriously I don’t wanna see this. Go.”
You look at Eddie, his lipstick-covered lips barely even registering to you, you’re too fucking horny and drunk for that to even register. You grab his hand and tug him up the stairs. You knock on three doors, each one of them someone yells out it’s occupied. Finally, you get to the one at the end of the hall, and no one answers when you knock.
You hesitate to open, scared to see some live action porn but Eddie opens it for you, impatient, and wanting your devil costume on the floor. He shuts it behind you and thank God there’s a fucking bed in here. The lack of light is providing a vision impairment, but you didn’t really care, your lips latched onto his like the answer to world peace is in the back of his throat. You frantically start unbuttoning his shirt, your intoxicated body stumbling through each one. You’re on the last button when Eddie rips off his shirt, the button rolling across the hardwood floor. He reaches behind you, unzipping your dress and letting it slide down your waist.
You step out of your costume, the tail going with it. You reach up to take out your horns but Eddie places his hand on your wrist, stopping you. “Wear them. They’re hot.” Eddie mumbles, leaning in to kiss down your neck.
“Does that mean you wear your halo?” You ask, giggling as you look at the sparkly overpriced pipe cleaner.
“How am I supposed to eat you out with this on?” He asks, pushing you to guide you towards the four postered bed. He hanks the halo off, tossing it with the busted button.
You lie down on the bed, your legs spread showing the lacy black panties you wore and the strapless bra for the strappy dress. You shivered in anticipation to what he was going to do to you, your chest heaving.
“Roll onto your stomach, baby.” He mutters. When you silently listen to his command, he slaps your ass lightly, causing a moan to escape your mouth. “That’s my good girl.” He slips your panties down your ass, and you hear his belt buckle and fly being zipped down. “Daddy is gonna fuck you for a little bit then I will make you cum, okay baby?”
Eddie slips into you, bottoming out with no time to let you adjust. “Holy shit, baby, you are so wet.” He mutters, already starting to thrust into you slowly. “Are you all revved up, my little devil?”
You nod, but Eddie barely sees as your face is pushed into the pillow, headbanded devil horns slightly too rough against your scalp. “C’mon tell me with your words.”
You lift your head, forced to use your hand as support. “Was so horny. You look so fucking hot. I love your cock, daddy, feels so good.”
“Love your fucking pussy, baby. So pretty, so tight, so wet, just for daddy. Fucking love my little slut’s pussy.” In Eddie’s mind he cannot stop thinking how much your wet heat just feels so good around him. He needs a taste, wanted to be drunk on your greedy little cunt. Without warning you his cock leaves your pussy, and he gives you a big lap down your pussy lips. “Holy shit, baby. Your pussy tastes,” he pauses, giving another lick to your wet slick. “Fucking good. Oh my god.”
Eddie’s tongue contacting your pussy sends pleasure waves down your body, despite your intoxication. You lean back into the pillow, moaning loudly so no one in the next rooms can hear you. Even with the pillow muffling you, he can hear you loud and clear, digging into it like a man starved. He wraps his ring-clad fingers around your thighs, grabbing onto them harshly.
As Eddie gets into your pussy and takes in every drop he can possibly swallow and you hike your ass up more and moan louder into the pillow, either of you hear a heavy set of footsteps walking down the hall and closer and closer to the unlocked door.
If you did hear what was transpiring, you would hear Steve Harrington knocking on his bedroom door, wondering if any of the couples had made his way into the room. He heard faint moaning, but he was too drunk to understand it had come from the other side of his door. He opened the door, seeing no light on and no other reason to think anyone was in there and walked on in, only to stop dead in his tracks. The sight of you bent over the very pillows his head was leant on thinking about you with his cock in his hand last week caused his already slight hard on to get harder, the sight of Eddie eating you out doing nothing to help his situation. He knew he had a light attraction to Eddie, something he had put off for years, but the sight of the two of you so emersed in it not to even notice him had him gawking in his doorway.
Eddie places his thumb on your clit, slowly rotating it on your swollen bud and Steve sees as your thighs tense up immensely and you can barely support yourself on your knees. Eddie moves his head back to rub his two fingers on your folds, watching as they caused more slick to gush out of your folds. Eddie is so entranced by his fingers against your pussy, he suddenly notices the light from the hallway and a very specific shadow in the doorway.
He looks back over his shoulder to see Steve Harrington, slips his two fingers into you, your ass hiking up in response. “Oh shit!” You yell into the pillow are oblivious to any light cascaded onto the bed.
“Hi.” Eddie mutters, fucking his fingers into you and shooting a darkened glance to Steve, who was unashamedly watching his limber fingers moving. He looks down to where Steve is watching and smirks. “She’s pretty, ain’t she?” he asks, licking his lips as he switches his glance between the two of you.
“Y-yeah.” Steve mutters, his hand moving to palm himself in his green Peter Pan costume. “Very pretty.”
“You wanna taste?” Eddie asks, somewhere a sober version of him asking what the fuck he was doing, but his inhibitions already flown away and not coming back until tomorrow.
“U-uh, what?” He asks, making sure he heard Eddie right.
“Her pretty little pussy. You wanna taste?” Eddie says and leans in to give a long stripe of wet up your folds. 
“D-daddy feels so good.” You should in the pillow still unaware your pussy was on full display for the man who you’ve been accidentally dreaming about for a week.
“Holy shit.” Steve mumbles. He looks at Eddie and nods his head, and Eddie is suddenly put into action. He moves you easily so you’re on your back, and when you face the light and the man silhouette in front of you, your eyes take a moment to adjust to him.
Suddenly Steve’s presence is known by you, and you want to close your legs in embarrassment despite Eddie still having two of his fingers fucking into you. “Baby.” He says, crawling up your body. “Can Steve have a taste?”
“Wh-what?” you stutter, starting at Steve who was palming himself and staring openly at between your legs. Despite your protests, Eddie feels your pussy gush and become wetter at the sight of Steve, and he understands your body wants what is immoral to have while you are dating him.
“Can Steve taste this nice wet little pussy of yours?” He asks kissing your neck to butter you up. “I felt you get wetter at seeing him look at you. It’s okay if you want it.”
“Yes.” You whisper, afraid he would get mad at you and claim to set you up as a test.
“C’mon, Stevie.” Eddie grabs him and reaches in to kiss Steve harshly on the lips, his tongue colliding with Steve’s as soon as they start kissing, Steve starting to lead him, noting the lack of experience and confidence in kissing someone besides you for the first time. You watch them make out, your fingers latching onto your clit and rubbing it as you Steve and Eddie get lost in each other, Eddie palming Steve as Steve moans loudly.
“C’mon, have a taste.” Eddie mutters, grabbing Steve’s hand and escorting him to sit in-between your legs.
Steve needs no more encouragement. You shiver in anticipation as you had heard the stories of Steve’s expert tongue for the last two years, both from Nancy and the girls he had slept with when he realized nothing else was there for him.
He leans in with more confidence than Eddie, his tongue longer and wider in size. He licks a long stripe up your pussy, licking onto your clit hard, causing a red heat to burst from it and down your thighs. You hike your legs up and around his head, the shaking of your thighs uncontrollable and the moans from your mouth loud and sinful.
Steve’s hand makes it way up your body, latching underneath your bra and grabbing your nipple. “You taste so goddamn good.” He sighs, his hot breath erotic on your puffy pussy lips. “Way better than I even imagined.”
You open your eyes to see Steve’s eyelashes fanned across his cheeks, fully immersed in the taste and feeling of you. You look up to face your boyfriend who was jerking himself off at the sight of you and Steve together. “You have no idea, Stevie. Wait until she squirts all over your fucking face. There’s nothing like it.”
“Can’t fucking wait.” Steve’s other thumb makes its way into your asshole, something Eddie has never even thought to do.
“Oh my god” you squeal, your eyes opening wide in response. “Stevie feels so fucking good.”
Eddie makes his way to one side of the bed, his cock right by your face. “Suck on my cock, princess.”
You reach out, jerking him off and tugging him towards your mouth. Eddie pushes his cock into your mouth, fucking your throat slowly as you can feel a slow heat start to creep from your stomach and through your legs. “Holy shit, that mouth of yours you suck so well.” Eddie mutters, keeping eye contact with Steve lapping up the juices coming out of you faster.
Your hole puckers around Steve’s thumb, it takes time to adjust. He feels your hole start to cling onto it, as if begging Steve’s thumb to creep further in. “Little cunt is very greedy.” Steve comments as he starts to fuck his tongue into your pussy hole.
The raw feeling of Eddie’s cock fucking now relentlessly into your mouth, Steve’s thumb in your ass and his tongue fucking into you became too much to bear. “Oh shit.” You whimper around Eddie’s cock. “I’m close”
“Is she allowed to cum, yet Stevie?” Eddie asks, placing his ring-clad fingers in your hair harshly against your scalp.
“Has she been good?” Steve asks, huffing as he can feel your stomach tighten up and your legs tense.
“Such a good fucking girl.” Eddie mutters, still fucking your throat. You can start to feel tears threaten to fall down your face from the feeling of his cock becoming too much in your mouth and your jaw start to hurt.
“Okay.” Steve mutters, sounding almost bored, the very tone almost hurting your feelings as you’re so fucking overwhelmed by everything they’re giving you. Steve sucks on your clit harshly, the familiar feeling of a heat spreading from your clit, through your stomach and floating into your head and the same little voice tells you to let go. You gush all over Steve’s face, moaning around Eddie’s cock and careful not to bite down on how good it feels.
Steve licks his mouth, not expecting you to squirt on him right from the get-go, but loving the feeling nonetheless. “Holy shit. Ed, you were right. Nothing like it. I’m gonna fuck her now.”
“Tell me how the slut’s pussy feels, Stevie.”
Steve asks Eddie to bring his cock out of your mouth and yanks your ass, so your back is now right on top of your stain you made on Steve’s bed. “Oh, I will.” Steve brings his pants down to his ankles, and you drool at the sight of his cock. It’s bigger than what you were accustomed to with Eddie, but the very image of it made you pray he would put it into your mouth.
Steve lines himself up to your pussy, the slick from your squirting making you wet enough for him to slide right in. Your jaw drops as he enters, Eddie jerking himself off from the sight of it. Steve leans down to finally kiss you, and you attempt to lead him like you’re used to but quickly get scolded into Steve leading you. He expertly uses his tongue on yours, bucking his hips harshly against yours all the while, not stopping to do either one like Eddie might do sometimes.
“Jesus,” you mutter, your mouth hanging open as you can’t concentrate on kissing him.
Steve stops his movements. “Kiss me. You can do it, baby. Keep kissing me.” You do what he says, moans coming from a guttural place in the back of this throat as his holds his hand around your neck.
Eddie comes up beside you after watching this, almost perfectly content in this threesome becoming a twosome with him watching from the corner. “Baby I’m gonna fuck your ass.” You nod at him, letting go of Steve’s kiss and reaching for the familiarity of Eddie’s. “Gonna fuck you so good.”
Steve gets up, knowing Eddie won’t be able to properly fuck you if he’s lying on top of you. You whine at the loss of Steve’s cock, but he barely gives you a chance to even revel in the feeling of it. He grabs you by the hand, yanks you off his bed without any effort. The blanket is torn off as well, now covered in your slick, but he just wanted the light sheets instead of his heavy comforter.
Steve lies down, getting you to crawl on top of him. “Put my cock in your pussy so Eddie can fuck that tight little asshole of yours, baby.” Steve commands, soft and barely showing that any of this is affecting him like you and Eddie both desperately are. You do as he asks, lying so your ass is perfectly in perfect aim for Eddie to slide into and sinking down onto his cock. “That’s a good girl. Now Ed slide into that little asshole of hers.”
“Does she need lube or anything?” Eddie asks, watching and jerking himself absentmindedly as he watches you get fucked from below. He gets to fuck you every day if he wants to, but he never gets to see you get fucked quite like this.
“Oh my god you really were a virgin.” Steve says, hearing your moans loud in his ear as he continues to fuck you. “No just spit on that little hole and ram into her, she’ll adjust fine.”
Eddie listens, licking your asshole for a few moments, spitting generously onto it. You can feel him lining his nice cock to your second hole, and you close your eyes, excited to be filled by both men who have been in your fantasies in recent years. Eddie barely gives you time to register the head of his cock in your hole when he continues in, and you feel so full.
Full is a word, but it barely describes it. You are so filled to the brim that your body shakes and convulses, Steve stopping his movements to let you adjust to the feeling. “How’s that feel, baby?” Steve asks, looking in awe at your pleasure-stricken face. You open your mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. You lean onto Steve’s body, his nipples peaked as one of your pinkies tugs onto it with out realizing. “Baby is so cock drunk she can’t even speak.” Steve comments, looking over your shoulder to see Eddie.
“Oh, she’s not that dumbed out on cock is she, Stevie?” Eddie asks, waiting until Steve tells him to start fucking you.
Steve chuckles, leaning in to kiss your neck with little kitten licks in between each bite. “Let’s find out.”
Steve’s hips start moving and Eddie takes it as the go ahead. If you thought you felt full before, it was nothing compared to the two men’s cock moving in sync, your mouth opening involuntarily at the overwhelming, all intoxicating pleasure they were thrusting into you. Every part of your body, every inch of your skin was covered in fire. You couldn’t even tell if you were close again or not because your body has never felt this good. Steve notices the slack jaw of yours, and places who of his fingers inside your mouth. “Aw, poor baby.”
“How’s her pussy, Stevie?” Eddie’s gruff voice asks, and by the look of his mixed-up face and stuttering thrusts Steve can tell he’s already close.
“Fucking fantastic. You should see her face. All fucked out. Never seen such a pretty little face.” He compliments you, bringing his spare hand to frame your face, tangling his hands in your teased hair. “Fuck you looked so fucking hot tonight. Whoever told you to dress like a devil I wanna fucking kiss them”
“Already did, Stevie.” Eddie chuckles, doing his best to hold back from cumming but doing a terrible job on his face.
“Eddie, you need to cum, baby?” Steve asks, absentmindedly continuing to fuck you.
“Mmhm.” He mutters, his hands fierce on your hips and even you can tell he’s really holding back in your dazed out brain.
“Then cum.” Eddie stops resisting, and shoots his cum right into your ass, a heavier load than you have ever received from him. Steve stops thrusting too, kissing you as Eddie finishes shooting his gooey white substance into you. “How is our fucked out little baby?” Steve asks, looking at you with half lidded eyes.
“Mm. Good.” You mumble kissing Steve back with more energy and enthusiasm than you knew you had in you still.
Steve sits up, silently commanding Eddie to leave your ass as he takes his own cock out of your pussy. “I’m going to eat you out and Eddie is going to suck on my cock,” he looks at Eddie, “and swallow every drop. Understood?”
“Yes.” Eddie says, already somewhat hard from being ordered like this.
“Good boy.” Steve moves the three of you effortlessly so he’s lying down on the bed, you’re sitting on his face, and Eddie is sucking his cock. You sit on Steve so you’re facing your boyfriend, watching as he’s jerking Steve off and about to suck a cock for the first time. “Has Eddie ever sucked cock before?” Steve asks, noting the hesitation.
“No.” You answer for him, watching as the same wonder you had staring at Eddie’s cock is on Eddie’s face.
“Baby, be a good girl and teach him, will ya?” Steve asks, latching his tongue onto your pussy lips without a second’s hesitation.
“O-okay,” you whimper, the feeling of Steve’s expert tongue already sending you fast over the edge. You take a moment to reel the heat spreading from your sensitive pussy, not sent over the edge from the double penetration but almost too fucked out to understand if you were.
“Teach him.” Steve barks out, running out of patience.
“Sorry.” You whimper. You look to your boyfriend, who looks up at you for all the answers. You sucked his cock well after all. “Okay. Take-ah” you take a moment to whimper as Steve rewards you by sucking onto your clit. “Take his cock into your mouth but be careful of your teeth. I don’t bite, but I do use my teeth to suck on your cock harder.” You whimper, Steve now building a slow rhythm as a reward. “Fuck, Steve,”
Eddie tentatively starts sucking on Steve’s cock, his cheeks hollowing out, copying something he saw from you, and understanding what you meant by not using your teeth to bite but to suck. As soon as he has the feeling of Steve’s big cock in his mouth, he looks to you for more help.
“Bob your head up and down but roll it almost for a really good rhythm.” You teach him more, as the coil starts to form in the pit of your stomach from both the feeling of Steve eating you out unapologetically and watching Eddie work hard on pleasing Steve. Teaching Eddie led to Steve moaning, which lead to a vibration being sent up your pussy. Steve’s hips start to move on their own accord, and you watch as Eddie struggles to regain his rhythm. “Eddie, let him fuck your throat. As soon as your hips start moving, I let you do all the work.”
You leant down to grab onto Eddie’s ponytail, holding on to it to help Steve fuck his throat better. You didn’t expect to be so turned on by it, but Steve could feel the juices leaking out of you, faster as you get closer.
“Fuck, Stevie, I’m close.” You say one hand still on Eddie but your nails clawing into Steve’s chest.
“Wait til I cum, baby. I’m close too.” Steve says, and for the first time since he walked in he sounded like he was enjoying himself.
It was just less than a minute of Steve thrusting into Eddie’s mouth when he finally finishes, giving no warning as his mouth was still on you. “Cum, baby.” He mutters, and the coil in your stomach finally snaps with what felt like an actual snap in your tummy. The orgasm is all consuming, and flutters all around your extended limbs and crosses your eyes. Eddie swallows around Steves cock, and you cum into Steve’s mouth as you watch him, Eddie leaning up and showing you all Steve’s cum in his mouth. You lean in to kiss Eddie, lapping some of Steve’s cum into your mouth, wanting to share the taste of him. Steve bites your thigh to get off his face and you and Eddie look up at him to show him what you’ve been doing.
Steve leans up onto his elbows, laughing in disbelief as he sees the two of your cocked out faces visibly and audibly swallow his cum. “Fuck. That went better than I could’ve expected.” Steve laughs, wiping some sweat off his forehead.
You climb off him, grabbing Eddie’s hand to do the same. “I mean, I pictured it, but never expected it to come true.” You admit, looking around in the dark for your costume.
“I knew you did.” Steve mutters, glad of the confirmation of the lingering touches that’s been occurring more often and more recently. “I fucking knew it.”
“What now?” Eddie asks, and you and Steve look at each other, a mutual agreement.
There was nothing past this. No lingering need for Steve to be your boyfriend and you, his girlfriend. The need and desire the both of you had was purely physical, and now you had it out of your systems. “Honestly, I think we both agree it’s physical.” You admit, hoping Eddie wasn’t ready for a full throuple.
“Okay good. I’m a bit relieved, then.” Eddie admits, also shallow enough to admit for him it was only physical to Steve. “Now I know you’re willing to bat for the other team though.” Eddie laughs.
“Ditto.” Steve retorts, stretching in his bed. “Alright. I’m going back downstairs. I’ll see you both later.” Steve gets back into his costume, fixes his hair and feathered hat in the mirror and gives you both a gentle forehead kiss to trot on downstairs.
“Fuck.” Eddie mutters, looking for the light switch by feeling up the wall in the dark. “That was..”
“Intense.” You mutter, waddling into his arms, still naked.
“Any regrets?” you ask, the memories of your double penetration sharp in your mind and all the over stimulation that came with it.
“God, no. That was sick. Plus, not everyone gets to say within the first dozen times they’ve had sex one of them was a threesome.” Eddie chuckles, now scanning the room so the two of you can get dressed.
“Hate to break it to you, baby, but your hair is so messy.” You tell him, his baby hairs flying away from the jail of the gel on his head.
“Eh. They didn’t think we went up for snacks.” Eddie shrugs, passing you your dress and panties.
You mutter a thanks and the two of you get dressed back into your couple’s costume, and you wonder what he will think of next year, too. Every Halloween, you couldn’t wait until the one where you had your first kid, when Eddie is a middle-aged long-haired metal head and you’re passing out candies with all your teenagers out doing whatever.
It was a scary thought considering how new your relationship was, but it was intense and something you’ve never felt. The longing to be with someone. Forever.
The two of you went downstairs, your red lipstick now entirely gone, some of it on Eddie’s mouth, some on his cock. Some of it was even on Steve’s mouth. As you reached the couch, sitting the same way you were before but without hormones kicking in.
Robin sits next to you two and makes an astute observation as she just left a conversation with Steve for him to let Brittany down gently. “Hey, Eddie. Your lips look just like Steve’s. He has the same red on his-” Robin’s eyes widen and her mouth slaps across her face in astonishment.
“You didn’t!” she says, leaning in not to grab attention. As if it were possible, the party still going strong and the music bumping.
“Sorry Robin,” Eddie shrugs the back of his hand slowly rubbing against your lower back. “I don’t suck dick and tell.”
Robin’s eyes go wide at this, and she runs to go ask Steve the same thing for confirmation. The two of you don’t pay attention to their conversation, too wrapped up in a bubble of falling but not quite in love. You two kiss, the tension of wanting to fuck no longer there. Just, absolute care and affection. You swear you could hear Nancy fake gag as she sits next to you on the couch, but Eddie responds how he usually would.
A white painted middle finger high, not care in the world. 
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superblysubpar · 1 year
Dad Steve Options
- dad steve wants to/asks to baby wear his little infant girl and it's just about the fuckin most adorable thing. Maybe he goes out on the town doing something domesticated with her strapped to his chest. 🫠
- his kiddo (boy or girl) plays basketball and he's all mushy proud dad at their first game (esp bc he knows what it's like to play with no one in the stands) 🏀
- dad Steve has a daughter and she asks him to her schools father daughter dance 🤵
- dad Steve gets heart eyes at you just after you give birth and are a trash mess in the hospital (and/or other first time mom things that are otherwise not glamorous but he's just so amazed. 🤱
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dad!steve harrington x mom!fem! reader
a How Sweet It Is story
Summary: It's hard to stay mad at Steve when he's just being a good husband and dad | even if a fic is not marked 18+, my blog is
Warnings: reader is pregnant
3.6k words
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Winter, 1996:
The house was in chaos, but what else is new? 
Steve can't even keep track of what day of the week it is, so it was a very real possibility (or entirely one hundred percent a fact) that he forgot to change the wet clothes from the washing machine into the dryer last night.
Normally, not a big deal - he'd rewash it or he'd smell test and toss it in the dryer anyways. However, this load was important because it had the basketball jersey in it.
The basketball jersey his daughter is supposed to wear in less than a half hour for her game. 
"Dad! Where's my jersey? You said you washed it right?"
The basketball jersey said daughter is screaming down the hall for. 
"Oh shit," he whispers before realizing the little lady who barely comes up to his hip is standing next to him as he carefully pulls another daughter from her crib. 
The noise of her sucking in a deep breath alerts him of her presence. Watching out of the corner of his eyes as she rocks back on her heels and chirps out happily, repeating it back to him, "Oh, shit!"
He spins to face her quickly, hand on the back of the sleeping one year old cradled against his chest, "No, no, no Liv, baby don't-"
"Shit!" She laughs as she repeats it again, happy to have her dad’s attention on her.
"Dad!" Nora shrieks down the hall and he groans.
When did the "dy" get removed? Why don't fathers get notified? Have ample time to prepare from being called Daddy lovingly by their baby girl to Dad like they’re public enemy number one suddenly. 
He calls out, squeezing his eyes shut, "Nora, sweetie I forgot-"
"Folded on the counter in the bathroom!" your voice echoes up the stairs, interrupting the meltdown that was about to occur. You are a saint and his shoulders fall down with relief as Nora shouts back a thank you - much too loud, but he’ll take the win. 
He watches Liv untangle her braids absentmindedly and she sings "Shit!" again as they walk out into the hall.
Grace gasps from the bottom of the stairs, "Mommy! Liv said shit!"
"Grace, don't repe-"
"She what?"
Steve groans again, his permanent state lately, as he makes his way down the stairs one at a time, his jeans in the firm grasp of his three year old as she takes her time. Julie stirs in his arms, that furrow of her eyebrows deepening and tiny fists forming from all the yelling. 
God, please don’t wake up and start screaming. Steve pleads down the stairs with the one who can maybe understand him, "Grace, baby, she doesn't know it's a bad word yet okay? She doesn't-"
"Shit!" Liv hops off the stairs from the second to last one, grinning proudly at you.
Steve closes his eyes and peeks them open as he takes the last step to see you trying not to smile.
"Liv, sweetie, bad word don't repeat," you squat with your arm outstretched for her and groan the whole way down and wince when she slams into you with a giggle.
Steve's nerves on high alert as your face scrunches in pain, "What? What's wrong? Are you okay? What hurts?"
Your laugh is loud as you look up at him, rolling your eyes. You slip on Liv's shoes as Grace uses your shoulder to balance while she gets her own on. Grace manages to trap some of your hair between her fingers as she tugs and he watches you physically fight off the wince that wants to come out as you huff, "Steve, I'm fine. I have a doctor’s appointment nex-”
“Yeah, not till next week. You should stay home and-”
Fury burning in your eyes towards him as you frown, “I’m not missing her game Steve.”
He swallows and nods. He totally understands, it’s the championship game. Nora’s first season. He’d literally have to be bleeding out to miss it, and even then he’d probably fight you on it. But this - you - it’s different. 
This pregnancy is so unlike the others already, your symptoms much worse and far quicker than the other four and he felt guilty and more worried than usual. However, the main feeling buzzing through his body is absolutely fear. Your mood towards him has been far more on the ‘you did this to me and I hate you’ side of the spectrum than the ‘wow I can’t believe we’re having another one’ he was normally used to. All of which has him convinced it’s a boy this time. Destined to be a pain in the ass just like his father. Or worse, it could be another daughter, but one who comes out calling him dad immediately with disdain dripping from her lips while she sneaks out of her window to go sleep with-
Nora’s feet slamming on the steps pulls him out of his spiral and he turns, a wide smile pulling at his lips. Decked out in green and orange, bright green glasses to match and her dark brown curls in a ponytail, she beams at him. 
He raises his hand and pretends to snap a picture and she poses, sticking her tongue out just like Uncle Eddie and he laughs. 
She jumps down the last few steps and as Steve bends to kiss the top of her head, Nora ducks to kiss Julie on the forehead softly. As Steve stands up, brushing a stray baby hair that fell from Nora’s headband, she peers up at him looking like his little girl and an adult all at the same time as she asks, “Ready to watch me kick some Cougar’s butts?”
He laughs and Grace cheers, causing Liv to join in and run around in a circle whooping and tugging on your jeans. Your hand falls to your stomach, not really showing at all yet, but your habit of resting it there from past pregnancies already returning. You smile at your daughters before making eye contact with him, nodding towards the front door with a roll of your eyes, “Well what are we waiting for? Time to go watch the best team in Indiana!”
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“Steve, come on, I can just hold her,” you huff as you lean against the car, watching Robin push Grace and Liv on the swings across the parking lot.
“Baby, just-ouch!” buckle pinching his fingers again and he grits through his teeth, “This way we both have free hands,” he grins as it clicks together and he tugs harshly, making sure it’s secure before he motions with his fingers for her to hand over Julie. His youngest, who’s now awake and happily munching on her own hand as she peers at him with big brown eyes. 
You smile, kissing the top of her head, not releasing her and looking out the corner of your eye, “You look like such a dork.”
“Ah, but an efficient dork. This way my hands are free for foam fingers and popcorn. Plus it’s practice. What’s gonna happen when it’s park day and we have two that can’t walk and one of us is at work?” he snaps the band over his shoulder with a grin and raises his eyebrows.
You snort and he reaches for Julie, she squirms and shrieks, kicking her legs like it’s a fun game as he tries to place her in the opening. Steve mumbles, “Jules, come on now-”
“Would you like some help?” you ask with your arms crossed, hiding your amusement as he huffs and nods. 
Julie reaches for you again as you help tuck her legs in, her back to Steve’s chest. Her shriek breaks his ear drums as you pretend to bite the air around her, chasing her hands and pressing your nose into hers. 
Eyes sparkling as you look up at him from under your lashes, hair blowing lightly in the wind Steve was sure if you weren’t already pregnant he’d ask you for another one right then and there. 
Snorting, you stand up and raise your eyebrows at him and he feels the heat blooming under his skin as he asks, “What?”
You laugh, pointing an accusing finger in his face that Julie makes quick work to grab onto as you scold, “You’re giving me your baby eyes!”
“I-what?” Damn, you were good. Steve looks up at the sky, hands on his hips, “You’re ridiculous. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He starts to walk away, turning to reach out his hand, “Look at that,” yours slips into his and he squeezes, kissing the top of Julie’s head, “Another benefit to free hands.”
“Yes, I suppose that’s a fair argument,” you squeeze it back, locking eyes with him as you step closer to the playground. Your thumb rubs against the back of his knuckles, “I’m sorry I’ve been so awful lately.”
He stops you, hands reaching up to cup your cheeks and he shakes his head, “Woah, woah, woah, who said anything about you being awful?”
You roll your eyes, leaning into one of his palms and kiss his wrist, ready to protest when Robin interrupts.
“Hey! Lovebirds! If you’re done making googly eyes at each other, I think we have a very important game to get to!”
Steve sighs and you smile, stepping onto your toes to kiss his cheek and letting his hands hover in your absence as you start towards the girls. 
Robin hangs back until Steve catches up, yanking his arm harshly, “I cannot believe you.”
“Hi Robin, I missed you too,” Steve rips his arm out of her grip and frowns. 
She pokes at him, walking backwards with a hiss, “Did you really get her pregnant again?”
Steve stops, mouth dropping open and Robin groans, “Steve, you’re actually disgusting. Can you not keep it in your pants? I mean, my god, you just had this cutie,” she tickles Julie’s cheeks as she reaches for her and Robin raises her eyebrows, snapping the band of the pack as he had just done, “Dork.”
He rubs at his temple, “Will you -first of all, Y/N hasn’t even been to the doctor yet, so will you just cool it? The girls don’t know and actually, why am I even telling you?!” he throws his hands up, “You probably already know since you have a wire tap into my house or some shit.”
Robin snorts, turning back around, “No Stevie, you’re just very, very…” she flutters her fingers around, eyes scrunching before snapping, “Predictable?”
Annoyed at her use of the nickname and ready to argue with her, he’s interrupted when you turn with both girls' hands in yours to look over your shoulder and you frown. Any sweet moment the two of you just shared over as you scold, “Steve! Did you just tell her?!”
Steve holds up his hands, eyes widening, “No, no, no, I-”
You narrow your eyes and his voice squeaks, “She guessed!” he hits Robin’s shoulder with the back of his hand, “Right? You guessed. Tell her that I didn’t tell you.”
“Ouch,” Robin hisses and then shrugs, enjoying the game, “I don’t know, did I guess Steve? Or did you just confirm a suspicion?”
Steve can see the steam coming out of your ears and Robin winces, hands motioning just like Steve’s, “No really, I did guess. Not his fault. Can I get you a pretzel? How about a Sprite? You look beautiful today, doesn’t she, Steve?”
You roll your eyes and walk away with the girls and Steve’s shoulders slump, and Robin pat his arm, whispering as they trailed in behind you, “What the hell did you do to her?”
He looks at the back of your head and then at Robin and shrugs before whispering, “I don’t know, but I think a mini version of myself is coming out this time.”
Robin shivers, making a gagging noise, “Ew, gross, don’t say-”
“Aunt Robin!” Nora shouts, waving wildly from her spot on the bench. 
Robin screams, waving just as frantically and holds up two thumbs before blowing a kiss that Nora jumps up to catch. 
As you sit, Liv wastes no time, crawling onto you, her foot digging into your stomach as she maneuvers to a comfy yet restless position and Steve winces, “Baby, why don’t you come sit on Aunt Robin’s lap?”
You frown, “Steve, I’m fine,” but Liv is already crawling across your lap and into Robin’s who takes her arms and waves them and gets her shouting for Nora too. Grace standing on the bleacher next to her, holding up a sign decked out in glitter that’s raining on the people in front of her as she waves it back and forth too quickly. 
You’re on your feet suddenly, making your way past him and he grabs your wrist, “Wait, where are you going?”
Glaring at him, you remove your wrist, “To go get a Ginger-ale.”
He starts to stand, “Are you not feeling good? I can get it, you sit and-”
“Steve, I also have to pee, are you going to do that for me too?”
He sits, pulling his cheek in and nods once, “Right. Have fu-good lu-” he closes his eyes and shakes his head and nods again as you leave the stands. 
Robin whistles, “Dude, this is bad. I haven’t seen you this frazzled since before you started dating.”
Steve slumps against Robin, forehead to her shoulder, “I don’t know if she’s actually pissed or it’s just the-” his voice drops quieter, “hormones, or-”
Liv spins in her lap and pulls at his cheek and he smiles until she grins back and shouts, “Pissed!”
Grace gasps, “Daddy! Liv just said-”
Steve straightens, finger pointing at her, “I know! Don’t repeat it!” he boops Liv’s nose, “Not a good word. Don’t repeat.”
Liv grins, opening her mouth and before she can say it again, Robin blows a raspberry into her neck, distracting her in perfect time to you climbing the stairs with Dustin and Eddie behind you. 
Julie has a hold of his fingers and you smirk, “So much for free hands.”
Dustin stops in front of him, “You look like a mega dork.”
Steve pushes the bill of his hat down, “Takes one to know one.”
Eddie and Dustin plop in the now vacant and completely littered in green and orange glitter spots in front of you and Liv climbs from Robin’s lap onto Eddie’s shoulders. Dangling, her face upside down in front of his, she beams and shouts, “Shit!”
Eddie laughs but quickly covers it up with a cough, “Well, that’s a new word,” he looks over his shoulder at you and grins, “For the record, I was not the one to teach that one to her.” He pulls her forward until she’s balancing a foot on each of their thighs and beaming back at you.
Sighing, you shake your head, “Nope that one was all Steve.”
Liv chooses then to repeat her other new word and Steve hides his face in Julie’s hair. Grace gasps again, “Mommy, did you hear-”
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It’s extremely hard to stay mad at Steve Harrington. 
Not a new realization, in fact it’s something you’ve been highly aware of since the day you met. One look at his stupidly adoring face and anger just seemed to dissolve from you. So, today was no different of course. 
The way he nudged his knee against yours when you returned to the stands, a silent ‘we’re okay, right?’, his sudden jump up when Nora got the ball and he shouted, “Elbow, baby, keep your elbow in!” and his fist pump as the ball swished into the net. The stupid ( and fine, very logical) baby carrier that shouldn’t look good on him but did. The way he handed Julie off to you so he could race down the stairs and catch Nora who jumped into his arms as he spun her shouting something about pizza for everybody. 
It was all so incredibly and unfairly endearing. And it’s not like you were actually mad at him. You couldn’t wait to have another baby with him. No, the problem is that once Steve finds out, he’s not going to let you out of bed, out of his sight or allow you to do a single thing for yourself. Because you know that’s how he was with the other four and this will be worse, you just know it.  
Having four girls is already a lot of work. His promotion at work and your job keep you both busy aside from being parents. He already insists on doing most of the chores since you work longer hours some nights. But it’s chaotic. Both of you forget loads of laundry, leave dishes in the sink, and you get take out far too many nights because the thought of cooking is too much. What’s going to happen when he finds out? When it’s already chaos and you’re helping, how much worse is it going to get when he refuses to let you do anything?
So, when he insists on getting up at dinner to go get you another slice and go refill the girls drinks and his pizza sits cold and uneaten in front of him you snap, “Steve! Stop it!”
The table falls silent, a thing you actually thought impossible for your family. Even Julie, her pacifier placating her into silence. The arcade game’s dings and whistles are the only sound for what feels like forever before you blow out your breath and push back from the table. Mumbling some sort of an apology and you step outside taking a breath of fresh air. 
Though your vision is blurry, you can see through the front windows that they’re all trying and failing to look busy instead of watching you, and Steve is outside and in your space because of course he followed you immediately. 
“Baby, you gotta tell me what’s going on. Hey, come on,” he cradles your cheeks, thumbs brushing over them and wiping your tears as his forehead presses to yours, glasses sliding down his nose. 
“So-sorry,” you hiccup, hands tightening on his forearms and squeezing. 
“Will you stop apologizing? It’s my fault and I know we talked about it, but maybe you don’t want this fifth one and-”
“Steve, please stop. You have to…” you take a step away from him and wipe at your cheeks and cross your arms, “I need you to listen. Really listen. Let me get it all out before you go into overprotective hero mode okay?”
He grimaces, “That is not making me feel better, babe.” His shoulders relax at your raised eyebrows and he nods, leaning against the window, raising his right hand with a small smile, “I promise, okay?”
Taking a deep breath, you start pacing in front of him, “I love you. So much. And I love our family. It’s chaos, but it’s our chaos, you know? And, seriously, I love you, but you have to let me do things for myself and trust that I know my body and my limits because, Steve,” your hands are in your hair as your eyes stay focused on the sidewalk, “It’s already hard to stay on top of stuff when I do help. So I need to hear you say it.”
He straightens, eyebrows furrowed and you reach forward on instinct to soften the wrinkles with your fingers just like you do for the girls as he asks, “Say what?”
“That you promise to let me help. That unless I ask for help or to not do something, that I can…” you wave your hands around, “That I can go get my own slice of pizza. That we both help with the girls, that-”
He nods, hands finding yours, “Okay, I promise.”
He leans in to kiss you, nose pressing into your cheek and lips hovering over yours as you sigh, “Thank you, but there’s one more thing?”
His lips twitch up on one side, “Yeah? Do I need to start using a swear jar?”
Blowing out your breath in a shaky laugh, you watch his eyes carefully as you whisper, “Remember how you said you wanted six kids?”
He smiles against your lips, not fully listening you’re sure, since this is the closest you’ve been in weeks but he nods. Swallowing and licking his lips as he presses closer to you. 
“Well, uh, about that,” his hands find your cheeks as you push through it, “We’re having twins.”
Steve’s thumbs freeze, his shoulders tense and his gulp is audible, “Wh-what?”
You shrug, biting your lip as your vision turns blurry from more tears, “Surprise?”
His arms move around your waist and before you can say anything else he’s holding you up, your toes barely touching the ground as he laughs through his own tears and kisses you. Breathless and kissing all over your face as he spins you around and the door opens, the girls running out, Julie in Nora’s arms and Grace holding Liv’s hand. 
Nora cocks her head to the side, a mirror image of Steve as she frowns, “What’s going on? Why are you crying?”
Steve’s behind you, head pressed into your neck as you laugh and wipe at your eyes, holding up two fingers, “Well, mom’s having two babies!”
Shouting and running around in circles and kisses on every cheek you can find as they all celebrate loudly and are filled with too much energy for such small bodies. Steve doesn’t remove his arms from around your waist, squeezing you lightly and laughing into your shoulder as Liv yells, “Shit!” again. 
It’s chaos. But what else is new?
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Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you thought, and I hope you consider reblogging my work to get it circulated to new readers - thanks for being here 💛
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hornyhornyhimbos · 1 year
save a horse ride a cowboy was amazing oh my god i've reread it like 3 times the smut was perfection 😫 please tell me that the reader stayed with cowboy!steve they're so cute together
hehehe i gotchu girly
"A Lucky Shot" ~ S. Harrington
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gif not mine
Summary: The aftermath of falling in love with a certain bull rider in a certain bar in a certain city in Indiana.
Pairing: Bull Rider!Steve Harrington x AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 3,990
Content Warning: MINORS DNI (18+ content) protected piv sex, cowgirl activities, oral m!receiving, boot humping 🤭 oral f!receiving for like a split second, tiny mentions of food and alcohol, nicknames (sweetheart, princess, cowgirl; cowboy, daddy if you squint), blasphemy if you squint, explicit language, lmk if i missed anything!
Extra Notes: the Eddie, Tommy, and Byers' cameos have me crying 😭🤚🏻
Based On: the first part of this, which you can find here!
Originally Written: 03/16/2023 through 03/18/2023
Beta Read By: @dungeons-are-too-cold (thank u for putting up with me LMFAO)
stranger things masterlist can be found here!
hornyhornyhimbos ask box can be found here!
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Your legs carried you as fast as they could to the locker room. A mix of adrenaline and sweat was pumping through your veins. You didn't know much about bull riding, but you did know that a 90 was good. Really good.
The locker room was surprisingly empty when you ducked in. You figured the room would be filled with big, sweaty bull riders, but instead, you only found one—Steve. Just to make sure there was no one else around, you let your eyes dart through the room before sprinting toward him and jumping up into his broad arms.
"Jeez!" he shouted, though his hands were quick to meet your butt. Your lips met his, showering him with a thousand loving kisses.
"Mmm," he chuckled into your lips. He pulled away and met your pride-filled eyes. "What are you doing?"
Your lips traveled down to his neck, suckling on the spot you knew was most sensitive. "I'm initiating celebratory sex," you said straightforwardly.
His chest rumbled out a low laugh as he helped you back onto the floor. "Not in here, you're not."
"No buts," he argued, his palms settling on your hips. "This is a public locker room."
"Exactly! Which means it's open to the public. I am a part of the public. Therefore, I can do whatever I want in here."
He shook his head in disbelief before leaving a kiss on your hair. "It also means it's open to other people of the public. Anyone could walk in at any time. I want my eyes and my eyes only to see what you have to offer."
You pouted, and he kissed it away just like he always did. One of his hands traveled up your hip, toward your ass, slipping inside your back pocket. "Plus, some of the other riders will probably be done with interviews soon. Not to mention, I need a shower real bad."
A cheeky gleam appeared in your eye. "Can I at least help you with that part?"
A light huff escaped his nose. "Go," he insisted, giving your butt a light tap. "I need you be there if they call my number while I'm gone. Go wait for me in the stadium."
You gave him a scowl, but pulled away toward the door. "You're cruel, Steve Harrington. Just cruel."
"Love you too."
You rolled your eyes before heading back in for a tight hug. "You did really good today. I want you to know I'm proud of you."
His hands rested on your face as he pulled you in for a soft kiss. "Thank you, sweetheart. I love you."
You pulled the cowboy hat off his head, setting it on your own. "Love you too, cowboy."
You sprinted toward the door as he hollered after you, "Hey, you better take care of my hat!"
The next forty-five minutes were absolute torture. Sure, you had Steve at your side after the first twenty, but it was killing you that the judges hadn't announced the winners yet. Steve urged you not to fret, telling you that whatever happens will happen, but you couldn't stop wondering if Steve had won first place.
Steve's hand rested on the small of your back, his lips pressed against the top of your head. "It's OK, really," he urged.
"It is not!" you argued, your leg bouncing nervously against the concrete floor. "What if you didn't score high enough?"
He chuckled, pulling you in close. "Since when did you care so much about bull riding?"
"Since I met you," you rebutted. "And since the grand prize is $25,000. Think about what you could do with-"
Feedback sounded over the stadium's loudspeaker, breaking you from your previous conversation. Your eyes went wide with wonder as a man's voice broke through the feedback.
"In third place, with 89.75, we have Eddie 'The Freak' Munson riding Radagast," he announced. The stadium was overcome with thousands of screaming fans, and your heart vibrated in your body from the noise. Eddie Munson was a crowd favorite for many reasons. He was never too busy to talk to his fans, he was probably the nicest rider aside from Steve, and his whole image was dedicated to being yourself. From the bright yellow Stetson he wore, to the flame red cowboy boots on his feet, even his costume was about being different.
Your hands flew to your mouth in surprise. "Babe, you beat Munson!" you exclaimed. Your feet kicked and bounced like a teenage girl who'd just been asked to prom. "That's huge!"
He let out an amused huff, kissing your head. "We don't know that. They suspected I would get a 90. Hasn't been confirmed yet."
You shrugged before turning your attention back to the announcer. "Don't ruin my hopes and dreams. You've still got a shot at winning this thing."
"In second place, with 91.5, we've got Tumbling Tommy Hagan riding Monster," he said, and once again, the arena rattled with screams. Hagan had a lot of fans too, but nowhere near as many as Munson. If there was one thing to know about Hagan in the arena, it was that he was the most competitive rider in the league by far, and his fans were nearly as competitive as he was.
Your heart thrummed inside you and your ears rang like they never had before. He just has to win. He's gotta.
The presenter's voice filled the speakers one last time, and you felt your fingertips go numb as you waited to hear the winner. "And, at an even 92, with the highest score we've seen all season, for a grand prize of $25,000 and a draft into the PBR if he accepts…" his voice drifted in suspense.
"Oh, fuck this guy!" you shouted in frustration.
"Baby," Steve whispered into your ear, leaving a loving kiss there. "It's OK." However, you knew by the way his eyes were darting around that he was just as nervous as you were. He never would've admitted it though.
You swore you heard the fans screaming before the man ever announced the winner. It felt a bit like slow motion as you jumped up from your chair and screamed along with them. The announcer's voice echoed, "Riding Sundae, Steve 'The Hawk' Harrington!"
Your lips met Steve's for a long, passionate kiss. He smelled like fresh linen and men's deodorant, tasted like the lemonade he'd been sipping on, and still felt just like the Steve you'd fallen in love with the year prior. His preparation for this tournament had been hard, but it was that moment when you'd realized it had all paid off.
The afternoon was filled with interview after interview, question after question, but you didn't care. Your cowboy was beaming, and your heart was full. His hands had stayed protectively on your waist, like he was afraid the interviewers would snatch him up and take him away from you. You just smiled, knowing it was his way of saying, "You'll always have me, no matter what league I'm in."
He all but floated to the car and the wide smile didn't even think about leaving his face. He'd leaned you against the car, peppering your face in excited kisses, and all you could do was smile. His nerves had washed away, and he knew it would be just you and him until the last ride. And unsurprisingly, that was all he needed.
Steve's hand stayed in yours the entire ride home, and you couldn't help but be reminded of the year prior. That first night, his hand stayed attached to your skin, like he was afraid if he let go, you'd disappear. And even now, after the honeymoon phase had passed, even after petty arguments about toothpaste brands and television shows, even a year later, he still couldn't keep his hands off you.
The air was filled with excitement, the windows cracked and blowing wind through your hair, only aiding your senses. Steve blared his playlist of post-competition songs, screaming along to every word. You couldn't help but sing with him, feeling a pleasant sensation in your belly every time he'd sneak a glance at you. With the windows rolled down, you could smell the freshly mown grass as you drove past the Byers' house, some family friends of Steve's, and wondered if they'd been at the tournament to see him win.
You made your way into the house, and an exhausted Steve plopped onto the couch to pull off his boots. You kneeled in front of him to help him out of his shoe, but both of you knew exactly what you were doing.
He ran a tired hand through your hair, giving you a sideways smile. "Whatcha doin' down there, sweetheart?" he asked, even though he didn't need an explanation.
"I was hoping," you said, running a hand along his denim-clad thigh, "I could help you celebrate?" You smirked as you watched him squirming to readjust his hardening cock.
His hands met the button of his jeans, undoing the fastening for you. "You don't even have to ask."
You pulled him out of his boxers, and your mouth drooled at the thought of tasting him. It wasn't like you'd never tasted him before, but with the big championship, he'd been hyper focused on his diet, so you knew he was going to taste good.
You placed his head on your tongue, licking small circles around it and already he was a mess. Like putty in your hands.
You licked a long stripe up his length, and his dick became even harder. "Oh, princess," he sighed, nearly squirming when your mouth moved down to his balls, sucking them slightly.
You left a trail of kitten licks from his balls back up to his tip, finally taking him into your mouth. Your cheeks hollowed around him, and he let out a soft groan. "Needed this," he sighed, slotting his hands into your hair.
You whined around him, your way of letting him know you needed it just as much. His head fell back as you inched closer to the hilt.
"God, you're so good at this," he grunted. He tugged at your hair, longing for you to take all of him.
You released for a moment, long enough to say, "Yeah? Am I your god tonight?" You took his cock back in your mouth, one of your hands moving to his balls.
Steve moaned as he nodded. "Always. You will always rule me."
Your hips rutted against the boot he hadn't taken off, searching for any friction you could find. You gagged around him as you finally took the entirety of his dick, your nose resting softly in the thatch of hair under his belly. His heavy balls hit your chin, and you moaned around him at the feeling.
"Fuck, I'm close," he grunted. He gripped your face, pulling you up and down his length. You whimpered as drool oozed down your cheeks, your hands moving to wipe it away. Your hand purposely slid from your chin to his balls, twisting them in your palm.
His cock jerked inside your mouth, his saccharine seed spilling down your throat. Your eyes watered as he rode out his high, fucking in and out of you. "Shitshitshit," he muttered, his grip tight around your hair. Your hips chased friction on his boot, winding against the leather.
Despite desperately needing to finish, even after you considered getting yourself off right there on his boot, you forced yourself to release his cock. You slowly pulled off of him, licking your lips where his cum had dripped out. He bent forward for a kiss, moaning at the taste. His tongue slipped into your mouth, running along your teeth and savoring the taste of what only you could do to him. You rocked against his boot, eliciting a chuckle from Steve that rumbled from his mouth into yours.
You forced yourself to move away first. You stood, practically throwing yourself into his lap. He leaned back on the couch, your legs on either side of his waist and your arms around his shoulders. "Congratulations," you giggled, still giddy from the high you'd provided him with.
"Thank you, sweetheart," he sighed. He pulled you back in for another kiss and trailed his hands down your body. Once they'd reached your waist, he pulled you up, lifting both of you from the couch. He managed to kick his boot off the rest of the way before walking out of the living room.
"Hey!" you pouted, but tightened your legs around his waist.
"Cowboy hat rule," he simply said as he carried you through the house.
You rolled your eyes, gripping the hair at the nape of his neck. "What if I said, 'Fuck your cowboy hat rule.' What then?"
He shook his head and pulled you in for a desperate kiss. "I don't make the rules, sweetheart. I just follow 'em."
Steve swiftly carried you into the bedroom, laying you down on the mattress with ease. His lips met yours for a dominating kiss as he reached toward the bedside table, presumably pulling out lube or a condom. His other hand worked at the fastening of your pants.
You keened at every swift motion of his limbs, your body arching as his mouth dragged down the front of your neck. His lips ended at your collarbone as he stopped to suck a spot he knew you loved.
After a moment, both his palms were on you, his fingers making quick work of your jeans. He pushed them down your legs to reveal you'd nearly soaked through your panties.
"Might not need that lube after all, huh?" he teased, his hand cupping your clothed core. Steve’s digits pressed your clit through the wet fabric, eliciting a low mewl from you as you opened your legs further for him. You wanted to give him complete access, let him have free reign of your entire body. He chuckled as his fingers played with you through the cotton. "So wet already, filthy girl."
You keened at his touch, your hands palming at his hair. "Please," you begged. "Need you, Steve."
"I suppose you do deserve a reward after being so good to me, yeah? So sweet of you to put me first." he teased, slipping a finger underneath the soaked material. Your eyes fell shut in pleasure, letting out a whimper as the digit teased your entrance. "Well then, your wish is my command, princess."
He pulled your jeans off your ankles, tossing them toward the general direction of the hamper. He then tugged his own jeans and his boxers off, his dick springing up as he tossed the clothing in the same place. Finally, after much too long, he slid your panties down your legs, and his mouth met your cunt for a split second, just long enough to lick up a stripe of your wetness, his tongue lingering on your clit. You moaned, hips bucking toward his face. "Uh-uh," he tutted. "As good as you taste, I think I need to be in you first."
You could never say no to that. You threw your shirt off as he reached for the condom he'd pulled out, making quick work of the foil before rolling it on. Your heart pumped fast with every passing moment, pure excitement running through your veins.
He removed his own shirt too and hurled it toward the slowly growing pile, while you reached for the lube. You squeezed some into your hand before pressing it to Steve’s cock, spreading the lube down his length.
He grunted and hung his head as your palm worked up and down his cock. Your hands never ceased to amaze him. He was the clay, and your hands were nothing short of a potter's, the way you had him.
Your digits met your cunt, mixing what was left of the lube with your slick. Steve moaned at the sight, wishing he'd taken you up on that offer of letting him go down on you.
Steve slowly pushed inside you and you went glassy-eyed at the feeling. You couldn't count how many times you and Steve had had sex in the past year, but no matter how many times it was, his size never ceased to amaze you. He slowly inched inside you, uncontrollable gasps and moans tumbling off your lips. You were sure all of your senses had gone awry in that moment, positive that you couldn't speak, couldn't think a single coherent thought.
He hovered over you, every inch of his abs marked with sweat. His lips met yours for a heated kiss, your mouths molding into one. His hands traveled down to your hips and gripped them tightly. He counted down a quiet, "One, two, three," before flipping the two of you over, giving you a moment to settle. A cheeky grin appeared on his lips as his eyes met yours, and you found yourself getting lost in his fanned-out lashes. He pushed a hair behind your ear, smirking, "Well, giddy up then."
No matter how many times he made that joke, your stomach still did flips every time. It truly amazed you how someone so dorky, so sweet, could manage to be the sexiest man you'd ever known.
You slowly started to rock against him, letting out a quiet whimper as you were still adjusting to his size. Steve could stretch you and fill you like no one else ever could, and it was pure heaven every time.
He chuckled and planted his giant palms on your love handles. "Damn. And they say I look good riding things."
Your hips rutted against him and the friction was absolute bliss. "Hey, that reminds me," you sighed, eliciting a chuckle from Steve.
"If I had to pick a favorite thing about you," he said, "it's that you're a talker during sex." His words were filled with sarcasm, but you still managed to take it as a compliment. You kept grinding your hips into him slowly, pulling noise after noise out of Steve, his head hanging low.
"Thank you," you replied in a whine. "Anyway, I was- fuck- I was wondering what you wanted to do with the money."
Steve sighed a soft, "Shit," as your hips bucked at his, hands tight on your waist. "Two things."
"Yeah?" you said, rocking against him, your fingers running soft circles along his happy trail. "That's not a lot of things considering you just won twenty-five grand."
"Well," he started, bouncing his legs and shoving himself further inside you, "first thing I want to do is buy this cute, little- fuck- local business. You might've heard of it. It's called The Lucky Shot."
You stopped mid-roll. Your eyes widened as your face filled with shock. "Full stop, are you serious?"
"Don't tease me like that." He all but whimpered, fucking up into you harshly.
Your hips rocked along with his, like two metronomes ticking in time with each other. The past year had been like that. The two of you were puzzle pieces, made to be slotted together. "Seriously though, are you really buying The Lucky Shot?"
"Owner's an older man who had a heart attack earlier in the year. He's having trouble- shit- keeping the place up and running. Figured I'd- oh- take it off his hands. Told him I knew a young couple who'd love to take over for him."
Your lips found his for a long, loving kiss. He bounced you on his cock, and you moaned into the kiss, but somehow the noise just made it even more sickeningly romantic. "I love you, Steve Harrington."
"I didn't doubt it for a second, Y/N Y/L/N," he mumbled against your mouth, inhaling and taking you all in. "Hey, you're wearing that perfume I got you."
"Mhm," you smiled against his lips. "Thought it might- oh, god- bring you some good l-luck today." You leaned back up, your hips rutting with extra force as you chased down your high. You let out a low mewl. "What's the second thing?"
"That-" his voice hitched as he led you along his cock, "depends."
"On what?"
"I need your- ah- permission first."
The rolls of your hips slowed and your eyebrows furrowed in some mixture of pleasure and confusion. "OK, shoot."
His hands stilled your waist, his eyes soft as he looked up at you. "Marry me."
You knew it wasn't humanly possible, but you were fairly positive your heart flew out of your chest as you processed his words. "What?"
He tipped his chin toward the nightstand. "Look in the drawer."
Your eyebrows creased even harder. You were just still, somehow managing to completely ignore the current task at hand.
He let out a light huff, running his hand up to the small of your back. "Just trust me, princess."
You pulled at the handle of the drawer, looking around for anything that could be a clue as to what he was talking about. Your vision began to blur with happy tears, though you still weren't sure what you were searching for.
He watched as your concentration face became apparent, a chuckle tumbling off his lips. "Trojan box."
Your hand flew to the little black box, lifting the top. With a flick of your finger, you flipped open the box, inspecting the ring that was hidden inside. Tears started to slide down your cheeks as you registered what was happening.
Steve stole the box from your hand, holding it as though he was proposing normally, as though he wasn't balls deep inside you. "Will you, Y/N Y/L/N, marry me?"
"You hid my engagement ring in a condom box?" you asked, still flabbergasted.
"Well, I figured what better way to propose to you than by doing something that reminds you of the first time we met?"
You placed your hands on his cheeks, tugging his face toward yours and meeting him for a kiss. He tasted like your slick and his sweat, and somehow, it was the most amazing aroma you'd ever experienced. You took all of him in, letting him fill your senses like a breath of fresh air. His chest heaved underneath you, and his lips moved in sync with yours like he couldn't get enough.
You parted from him, lying down his chest and raising your hand. He chuckled at your speechless form as slipped the ring onto your finger. The band fit perfectly, just like he knew it would. Puzzle pieces.
"It's so pretty," you smiled. By the tone in your voice, Steve was convinced you were either cock-drunk or delirious. Probably both.
"Anything's pretty when you're the one wearin' it," he said, kissing the shell of your ear.
"Awww," you beamed, your hand combing through his deep brown hair. "Hey, you do realize that one day, when our kids ask, 'Mommy, how did Daddy propose?' we're gonna have to explain that your dick was inside me and you hid my engagement ring in a Trojan box?"
"Let's not get the cart ahead of the horse now," he chuckled. "You're the only one I want callin' me Daddy for a while."
You giggled, meeting his lips for a blissed-out peck. "Just think. You and me, together forever. Just like this for a lifetime."
"Just like this?" he teased, earning him an eye roll.
You pushed yourself up, your hands on either side of his head as you hovered above him. Your lips connected to his like magnets, this time for a steamy kiss, one filled with pure want. "Hey, you wanna know something, cowboy?"
"What's that?" he huffed in amusement, his thumbs caressing small circles on the fat of your hips.
"I say yes. To a lifetime of your love, your kisses, your stupid cowboy hat rule, all of it. I say yes a thousand times over."
"Can't argue with that, cowgirl."
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I wish I had a good reason. I think I really just kept putting it off and didn't wanna read through it because I was overwhelmed (not with the fic, just with life) but I forced myself through it and I'm so happy with how it turned out!
Special thanks to @dungeons-are-too-cold for staying up with me until 5 am again to make sure this fic was at its best! Love you forever!!
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @rupsmorge @writer-in-theory @esoltis280 @liberhoe
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justmeinadaze · 11 months
Take It Out On Me Part 16 (Steddie X You)
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Warning with some notes: Please enjoy this Steddie story that I desperately need right now.
Daddy Steve and Sir/Master Eddie and Sub Fem reader and all that implies (I regret nothing) SMUT, restraints, slight degrading, dirty talk, over stimulation, THE SCOOPS AHOY UNIFORM (yes daddy), Not a whole lot of ANGST (saving that for the next chapter :P), reader mentions diabetes in her family very briefly, expresses being stressed and asks Eddie to help her relieve it, FLUFF (a lot of it; just come cuddle me please and tell me you're proud of me. )
Word Count: 3315
Steve smirks over at the booth you’re sitting in at his store as you do your homework. He loves watching your face scrunch as you focus, biting the end of your pen while you’re thinking. He could seriously just stare at you all day if you would allow him to. What you didn’t know was he had actually spent a lot of his high school years doing that very thing. 
Like he had told Masie during your prom, he always found you attractive and not just physically. For those first years, you were always so quiet so when he saw you cracking up with Masie at the lunch table or making jokes with the other basketball girls, it made him swoon. That day he heard you shout at Carol junior year; he was so proud of you but at the same time angry with himself. Steve had also heard her picking on you beforehand and he didn’t say a word. He never did. 
You had told him a few months ago how he had been tightly wound at the time you two officially met and that was part of the reason. Beside the fact that his dad was always on his ass, the popular kids were pushing him, and he was struggling at school, he hated who had become. For a boy who liked to be in control, he seemed to have very little if any. 
That first night when Eddie insinuated that you hated him, it made Steve furious but at the situation. He didn’t want you to hate him. For a moment he thought he would never have a chance with you but then you kissed him, igniting a fire he had never felt before. Even if your relationship with him ended up being purely sexual he knew he’d do anything to take care of you and protect you.
“Hey. Take a break.”, he commanded as he slid a boat of your favorite ice cream in front of you and took a seat. Steve tenderly pushed some hair behind your ear and you exhaled as you leaned against his shoulder. 
“Thank you. I’m so exhausted. I can’t wait for the semester to be over.” 
After taking a bite of the snack he brought you, you offered him a spoon but he politely declined. 
“I have to stay in shape.”
“For who?”, you cackled. “Steve Harrington, first off you always look amazing. Second, you eat all that fruit back there. I see you!”
“He does.”, Robin grins as he playfully scowls at her.
“There’s nothing wrong with fruit.”
“A little bit yeah. Too much of it, no. Fruit is loaded with sugar. My uncle’s a diabetic and he can only have so much because it raises his levels.”
“I didn’t know that. Is that the uncle in New York?” 
“Yeah, I don’t talk about it much because usually I get the ‘Oh, you should really watch your weight’ speech even though most doctors do tests and find out I’m healthy.”
Steve reaches out to pet your head as you offer him your spoon again and this time he smiles as he takes an obnoxiously big bite. 
“Hey, sexy.”, Eddie grins as you enter the apartment and throw your bag against the wall. “Long day?” 
You heavily nod as you stride over to him and wrap your arms around his waist, happily sighing when he kisses your forehead. 
“May I ask you for a favor?”, you ask as you push your face into his chest.
“Of course, baby, anything.”
“Can you calm me down? I’m so stressed out and I just…don’t want to think about anything for a while.”
“I think I can do that. Do you want to wait for Steve or…”
“Hmmm…Daddy gets off in an hour. I’m sure you can find ways to fill the time until he gets home.”
Eddie chuckles as he leans back and cranes his neck to find your lips. “I definitely can. Come on, sweetheart. Let me help you relax.”
A little over an hour later, Steve finally came through the door, kicking off his sneakers as he entered the apartment. 
“Took you long enough!”, Eddie cackled. “Get in here, Steven.”
The man rolled his eyes as he sauntered towards the bedroom preparing a sassy comment that completely left his brain when his eyes landed on the scene before him. The metalhead was sitting in a chair across from the bed in just his jeans holding the vibrating wand in his hand. You were restrained in the bed, him using belts as handcuffs again that chained you to the headboard. 
“Pretty girl asked for a little break so I just gave her some water and before I knew it she fell asleep. Perfect time for you to come home.”
“What, uh, what’s going on?”
“Y/N came home saying she needed some help releasing some stress. I asked her if she wanted to wait for Daddy and she said that I could fill the time however I chose until you got home.”, he wickedly grinned in the other man’s direction. “So out of curiosity, I wanted to know how many times I could make her cum before you got home. Right now, I’m at…12?” His fingers gesture towards the markings he had made on your tummy with a marker. “Yeah, 12.”
“We were talking and she kept saying how much she wanted to fuck you in that uniform.” Eddie rises from his chair and pats it for Steve to take. Hastily removing his pants, he climbed onto the bed and tenderly kissed up your body. “Princess, wake up. Daddy’s here.”
You groaned sleepily as you turned towards his voice and drowsily kissed his lips. 
“Hey, honey.”, Steve cooed as he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. “I’m home. Has Master been helping you clear your brain?”
Eddie climbed up further, placing his own knees by your head as his hand reached out to pet you while you nodded. 
“Can you verbally answer me, babe?”
You purred like a cat as it stretches after a long nap. “Yes, Daddy. Sir has been taking real good care of me.”
They both moaned at your high-pitched tone as your eyes fully opened to find Eddie’s cock inches above your lips. Your tongue darted out to lick along one of his veins towards his balls. 
“Fuck me, sweetheart. Don’t move, ok? Just…keep that mouth open for me while I make you cum again while Daddy watches. If you…you be a good girl for me Daddy can fuck you in his uniform just like you want, angel.”
“Yes, Sir.” Obediently, you open your lips, flattening your tongue as he slides his length down your throat. His palms slide down your skin, stopping to play with your nipples as you whimper around him. You jump as he lightly smacks them, squeaking at the sudden feeling causing Steve to salivate at the sound as his own palm finds its way to the bulge in his shorts.
Eddie grins as his hip gradually thrust against your face, his fingers sliding further down to glide through your folds and breach your core. 
“Fuck, Harrington. She’s so fucking tight. I—jesus—I love how tight you get after you cum, princess.” As his digits work their magic inside of you, you whimper around his cock as he mewls above you. “That’s it. Good girl. J-just clear your mind and let go. Focus on—mmm—focus on my dick in the back of your throat. God, you feel so good.”
The sound of your slick fills the room as he trusts his fingers into you faster, his other hand behind your head gripping your hair and holding you still. When he felt your pussy clench around him, he stopped moving his hips and held you in place as your throat constricted around him. 
The moan that left his chest was enough to send you over the edge as you came again and he promptly pulled himself out of your mouth allowing you to feel your climax. 
A small chuckle escaped him as he kissed your forehead when you started to cry. 
“Color, baby?”
“G-g-green, Sir. I just…I love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank—”
Breathily, you kept repeating your last sentence as Eddie reached above you to release you from the headboard. 
“I love you to, princess. You’re doing so good. Stevie, hand me that marker, please?” The man does what he asks and the metalhead marks another dash on your tummy before handing it back. “Are you ready to take my cock, sweetheart?”
“Please, Sir.”
“How are your wrists? Not to tight or cutting your skin, right?”, he asks as he positions you on all fours with your head facing Steve.
“No, Sir. Hi, Daddy.”, you grin drunkenly in his direction. 
“Hey, honey.” His hand reaches out tenderly brush your hair out of your face as you fall flat against the mattress while Eddie utilizes one of the belts to tie your hands behind your back. 
After widening your legs a bit more, his chest leans against you back as he grinds himself against you. 
“Do you trust me, baby? Do you trust me to take you however I want to?”
“Of course. I’m yours.”
He mewls into your ear at your words. “It’s been a while since we’ve heard you say that.”
Craning your neck, you kiss his cheek till he turns so his lips can meet yours. “I’m yours, baby. Yours and Daddy’s. Make me feel good, Master, please. F-fuck me hard till I—”
While you were speaking, Eddie slowly slid his cock into your entrance, erasing almost all thought from your mind as he stretched your tight walls open. He growled in his throat at the feeling and you watched as the metalhead disappeared and Master fully stepped forward in his eyes.
“Keep going, little one.” His lips traced your shoulder and your eyes rolled back as he pumped his hips roughly into yours. “I said…keep…going…”
“Mmm—I want you to fuck me till—ah—till I can’t walk straight. I want to f-feel you both for days.”
Leaning back on his knees, he gave you what you wanted while taking what was his. You tried to keep your eyes on Steve in front of you as he licked his palm and stroked his cock but you struggled as Eddie hit every sensitive spot deep inside of you.
Slowly descending to his knees, he laid his face down in front of your own as you turned your cheek to lay your head flat on the mattress. 
“How does it feel, baby girl?”
“S-so good, Daddy.”
“Yeah? Are you feeling less stressed?”
When you only nodded, Eddie’s palm came down hard on your behind. 
“Yes, yes Daddy.”
The metalhead abruptly pulled out, tugging on your ankles till you were fully flat against the bed. Placing his knees on either side of your thighs, he guided himself back into your cunt as both his strong, tattooed arms came into view. When his hips slammed into yours, you swear you see stars.
Eddie was so deep inside of you, punching all the right places with his thick cock you didn’t even hear Steve asking you questions until you felt the other man’s sweaty skin against your back and his hand loop around to grip your throat. 
“You’re not behaving, little girl.  Daddy asked you something.”
“I can’t…I didn’t…”
“I guess you don’t want to fuck him in his outfit after all.”
“I do, I do. Please…”
“It’s ok, Ed. Little baby is just drunk off your cock. Isn’t that right, honey?”
“Feels so good. So deep.”
“Is Master just too much for your pretty little pussy?”
Eddie’s hand released you to allow his arm to wrap around until your head was resting in the nook of his elbow. His breath warmed your ear as he rolled his hips hard and fast making the bed jostle underneath you. 
“Cum, princess. You can do it. Cum on my cock so I can fill you up, pretty girl. Goddamn…”
Your hands tugged against the belt while your lower half pushed back against him as you came. He grunted loudly and with a couple for hard thrusts released rope after rope of his seed into your body.
You both panted heavily as you continued to twitch underneath him.
“You…you did so good, sweetheart. Fuck. Do-do you need anything?”
“Can we unhook my arms for a little bit, please?”
Eddie smirked at your small voice as he lightly kissed your shoulder before climbing off you and unhooking the belt. When you rolled over onto your back Steve was waiting, delicately lifting you onto his lap as he leaned against the headboard. 
He smiled to himself when your damp forehead leaned against the side of his face as he ran his palms over your arms to massage out any pain you may be having. He paused for a moment when he heard your giggle.
“What are you laughing at, honey?”
“You smell like bananas.”
“To be fair, I have cut back after what you told me.” His grin grew as you nuzzled your nose into his neck. 
“It’s ok, Daddy. I like the way you smell.”
“Lay back, babe.”, he whispered. 
Doing what he commanded, you lay flat on your back with your head on the pillow as he reaches for the marker and draws another line next to the others. 
“Well look at you, little miss. One more and you’ll be at 15.” Your eyes flutter as you flash him a slanted sultry smile. “Are you ready for me?”
“Always, Daddy.”
Chuckling, he rolls till his body is on top of yours. Allowing you two space, Eddie moves to sit in the chair by the bed, watching as everything unfolds. 
“So, you want the whole uniform? Do I need the hat?”
“No.”, you giggle as you run your hands through his hair. “No hat.”
“Why do you like this outfit so much? All the other girls seem to think I look like a dork.”
The way you smile up at him makes his heart melt. No one had ever looked at them the way did; with so much love and adoration. You didn’t know but it scared Eddie a bit the first time he saw it. After your fight with Carol junior year when he brought you food, he had found you snooping around his room. When you asked about the photo of his family, your eyes reflected that adoration and his wall went up. 
The last woman who said she loved him abandoned him and for so long he was afraid of losing you. He thought maybe if he continued to be a prick and act like the tough scary bad boy then when you did leave it wouldn’t hurt so much. A part of him thought when you got back from New York, you wouldn’t want them anymore but when he slid into the classroom that morning and your big, beautiful eyes met his he knew. He knew you missed them as much as they had missed you. 
“I don’t know. You just look so sexy to me.” Your hands gently run down his chest, your fingers grazing that little bit of chest hair that peaks above his shirt. “Maybe it’s just you in it.”
Opening your legs wider, you allow him more access as he begins grinding his hips against yours. 
“We can test that theory. Let Munson try it on.”
“Steve Harrington, there isn’t enough money in the world you could pay me to put that uniform on.”
You both laugh as Steve reaches between your bodies to push down his shorts a bit more and grip his cock as he runs the tip through your folds. 
“Fuck. Always so warm.” His head falls beside yours and your pussy clenches as his needy pants heat up the skin on your neck. “How do you want Daddy, baby? Tell me. Tell me how you need it.”
“I just need you. Please, Daddy. Take what’s yours. I don’t care if it hurts.”
“Jesus Christ.”, he groaned, lifting his head to watch himself guide his hard length into your cunt. Your tight, sore walls clung to him like a vice and it was almost to much for even him. “Fuck. I don’t think I can be fucking gentle.”
Placing your palm on his cheek, you bring his lips to yours.
“Then don’t.”
He growled as Daddy fully took control and he collapsed against you thrusting roughly into you. Your hands clung to him tightly, pulling and yanking at his clothes as you caressed him anywhere you could reach. Pushing up on his arms, one of his legs slid your own higher up the mattress forcing him deeper into you making you mewl. Reaching for your wrists, he held them above your head as he pounded into you, his cock hitting your overstimulated sensitive spots that Eddie had stuck numerous times that evening with his own cock and fingers. 
“Open your eyes, baby girl. You—mmm—said you wanted to fuck me in this. You can’t see me when those beautiful eyes are closed.”
“Feels…so—fuck—good…”, you whined. Steve released your wrists as he leaned back onto his knees and lifted your legs over his shoulders.
“Cum, Y/N. Cum on my dick, baby.” His thumb reached down to play with your clit, making you cry out as your hand shot down to try and stop him. It was no use; he was stronger than you and all you did was egg him on as he rubbed your aching bundle of nerves faster. “Come on, honey! You can do it. Number 15. This is the last one! Make it count.”
Eddie bolted up from his chair to cover your mouth, muffling your scream as you came.
“Good girl! Yes, that’s our good girl.”
You barely heard his praises as your hooded eyes watched as his head hung and with a few more rough thrusts warmed your insides. You felt the cold tip of the marker glide the final tally on your stomach before two sets of lips tenderly kissed the sides of your throat. 
A little while later your eyes slowly opened at the feel fingers caressing your face. 
“Hey. There she is. You doing alright, princess?” You nodded as you scoot your body closer to his. “Steve ran out to pick up some food really quick. He wanted to have everything ready for when you woke up and after we took a shower. He’s not as disgustingly sweaty as we are.” He grins when you laugh. “I wish I knew you before junior year. Sometimes I get jealous that Steve remembers you before we met.”
His comment fully wakes you up as your eyes search his. 
“You don’t remember seeing me at all?”
“No because I’m pretty sure if I had I would have pursued you as soon as I did. Do you remember me?”
Wrapping your arm around his waist, he sighs pleasantly as your fingers trace down his back. “I knew of you but I never believed what I heard. To be fair, my head was always down 99% of the time.” He smiles, nodding to himself. “Where did that come from, Eddie?”
His movements stop as he gives you his full attention.
“I don’t have a lot of people in my life that I love and trust. My life…has been rough…pretty much until I met you. I love you, Y/N and I’m so fucking proud of you. I know school has been stressing you out but you’re just rockin’ it, babe. I hope you realize that.”
Tilting forward you place your lips on his before pressing your face into his chest. 
“I do, Sir. Sometimes I just need to be reminded.” 
Some people did ask for more tags but I think I forgot some. If I did let me know!
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @eddiesguitarskills
@needylilgal022 @local-stoner-bitch @katethetank
@strangerfreak @sidthedollface2 @mandyjo8719
@bexreadstoomuch @chelebelletx @ima1986 @perdopascalslilbaby
@shayeddie @emsgoodthinkin @anaibis @wroteclassicaly
@fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @siriuslysmoking @raptorbait529
@miarosso @micheledawn1975 @paleidiot @mrsjellymunson
281 notes · View notes
puppy-steve · 5 months
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january fic rec
so i figured that instead of waiting until december to make a big long post of all the fics i read throughout the year, i'd break it down into monthly recs instead. i barely read anything at all last year, and it makes me feel awful every time i think about it, so hopefully this method keeps me on track so i can make some headway on the hoard of fics i have saved.
this also helps to boost fics that might've been missed or overlooked in the chaos and carnage brought by the passage of time.
these will include tumblr fics as well as ao3 fics!
general warning: smut will be included in these so please read at your own discretion and heed any warnings and tags!
▸ january fic rec - b sides
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break the ice (i can't take anymore) - T, 2.2k, complete @matchingbatbites
tags: hockey au, established relationship, shower sex, secret relationship
“I’m surprised you’re still here,” Steve says as he leans into Eddie’s creeping touch, the little bit of contact more of a tease than anything. “Thought you’d be back at the hotel by now.” Eddie grins up at Steve and tugs him closer. “And miss the chance to congratulate you properly? To show you how proud I am of you?” Steve full on shudders at that, his mouth drops in a soft gasp and his hands push up into Eddie’s hair. “Eddie…” “I am, Stevie. So proud of you, my baby.” He leans in and presses a kiss to Steve’s jersey-covered sternum. “Tell me what you want, princess. Anything, and it’s yours.”
what's mine is yours (to leave or take) - M, 8.2k, complete @thefreakandthehair | througheden
tags: modern au, baker eddie, nurse steve, waitress-inspired, getting together
Eddie's an amateur baker who desperately needs a healthy dose of hope. He finds it in the bottom of a pie dish and the hands of Steve Harrington.
Tax Time - T, 922, complete @simplebtromance
tags: modern au, established relationship, domestic fluff, competence kink, appalachian eddie
Eddie throwing his hair back into a hair clip he stole from Chrissy, face determined as he opened up his laptop on their coffee table, that used to be his Memaw's, and got the binder of bills and receipts out to do his and Steve's taxes. (He still feels gooey and not very metal when he sees Steve Munson on any paperwork or mail, they've been married for over 3 years now and he doesn't think it's gonna stop any time soon)
group hangout - E, 3.3k, complete plutorose
tags: modern au, college au, dom/sub, first time
When Steve and Eddie start seeing each other, Robin meets Eddie's roommate for the first time.
A Little Show - E, 4.1k, complete ItCanBePalped
tags: exhibitionism, pre-threesome, dom/sub
Chrissy and Robin can't wait to get their hands on each other. Unfortunately, the room they find is already occupied. Or maybe that's "fortunately".
BABY SAID - E, 3.8k, complete dartlekey
tags: t4t steddie, transmasc eddie, transmasc steve, college au, bathtub sex, scissoring
Drenched by a sudden downpour and locked out of the youth hostel they were supposed to be staying at, university students Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson find themselves unwittingly and very much against their will trapped in night-time Rome together, and sharing a cramped hotel room. And a bathtub. Things kind of escalate from there.
Love from the other side - M, 6.2k, complete @sidekick-hero
tags: modern au, nurse steve, vampire eddie
In his mind Steve goes over the things he knows. Eddie is a vampire. A vampire who killed another vampire to save Steve’s life. To save Chrissy’s life. Eddie is dying. He may already be dead, but it looks like vampires can die again. Permanently. Eddie wants his blood.
the devil's water, it ain't so sweet - E, WIP hesjustlikemefr
tags: modern au, sugar daddy eddie, sugar baby steve, transmasc steve, slowburn, age difference
After Steve's parents cut him off financially, Robin comes up with a brilliant plan for Steve to be able to pay his bills. SweetShoppe, the most professional sugaring app on the market. Steve is skeptical, until he comes across the profile of Eddie Munson, a music producer and the hottest guy Steve has ever seen. Maybe this wasn't the worst idea after all…
like rabbits - E, WIP crybaby
tags: alpha eddie, omega steve, daddy kink, dom/sub, established relationship, pussy drunk eddie
Steve shaves his pussy and dresses up as a Playboy Bunny. Eddie handles it well.
usa hockey is do or die - E, 4k, complete @steddieas-shegoes
tags: hockey au, dom/sub, established relationship
“Everyone expects a lot from Team USA captain Steve Harrington and his first alternate, Tommy Hagan, but everyone’s a bit shocked at the choice for second alternate. What do you have to say about Eddie Munson being the pick, Jack?” Steve already felt anger bubbling under his skin, the annoyance of the last few weeks finally reaching a boiling point. “Well, we all know he’s one of the best goalies out there, but it’s rare to see a goalie with an A or C. I’ll be honest, I was surprised he was chosen over Gareth Emerson, who showed us three shutouts in the last month at Boston University. Eddie’s been proving himself in the AHL, but I don’t think he’s got what it takes to get the boys to gold. I hope I’m proven wrong, but his careless attitude makes me think he isn’t leading these boys to a victory they want.” The tv in the hotel room snapped off and Steve stood up, pacing the carpeted floors with his fists clenched at his sides and a scowl.
driver roll up the partition please - E, 4.5k, complete @steddieas-shegoes
tags: modern au, rockstar eddie, bartender steve, semi-public sex, light dom/sub
The bow tie around Steve’s neck was choking him. It had to be made for children, but when he’d asked one of the waiters before they went on the floor, he shrugged and said they all were like that. But the lack of oxygen to his brain didn’t excuse the way he nearly dropped a glass of a half-shaken, half-stirred -yes, really- martini when the hottest man he’d ever seen walked up to the bar. He was chatting with a few people, smiling at them like he was truly happy to see them even though he was dressed like someone who was crashing the party. Steve had done a few events like this before and was never disappointed with the eye candy, but this guy was something else. His curls were perfectly maintained, falling just right along his shoulders. Did they say the hair was the curtain to the soul or was he just that enamored?
steve tells eddie about his fight with billy - T, 4.6k, complete @solarmorrigan
tags: post-s2, canon racism and violence, mentions of drug use
“Motherfucker,” he hisses, shaking his hand out, because it had hurt, and then he winds up to do it again, to make it hurt more, because at least he’s in control of that much, at least it’s anything but what he’s feeling right now. “That’s a good way to break your hand, y’know,” a voice comes from the doorway, startling Steve into pivoting and aiming his fist at whoever is coming after him now.
doesn't have to be anything, but i could be everything - E, 4.1k, complete | part 2 @steddieas-shegoes
tags: camboy steve, rockstar eddie, modern au, daddy kink, dom/sub
Steve being a content creator ( cosplay, streamer, YouTuber, onlyfans, webcam boy, illustrator anything in that ballpark) that keeps on getting these messages and blocks them only to be accosted at a convention by this person and Eddie being a low key fan or what ever randomly stepping up to help out
first kiss - T, complete @mcdynamite
tags: first kiss, pet names, getting together, fluff
Kissing has never done all that much for Steve, if he’s honest. It’s just not really something he’s ever given much thought to before - the way someone kisses - despite the fact that he’s locked lips with plenty of people. For him, kissing has always been something nice, but not particularly special. It’s never been earth-shattering. Never taken his breath away, the way people talk about in movies and books. It’s just a way to be closer to someone, and it’s nice, but it’s never anything more than that. Then, Steve kisses Eddie for the first time, and suddenly he gets it.
Good Morning, Daddy - E, 906, complete unholy_forest
tags: dom/sub, morning sex, daddy kink
A short and sweet oneshot of loving, sleepy morning sex between Steve and Eddie.
girls of your dreams (you know what i mean) - E, 2/2, complete @maxineholtzmann
tags: figure skating au, hockey au, threesome, established ronance
The two of them continued, kissing quietly. Chrissy wondered how far she could let this go before they realized she was awake. She ached to touch herself, listening to the panting and low moans now coming from the other bed. Fuck it. Chrissy rolled onto her back and Robin and Nancy froze. She looked over at them, Robin on top of Nancy, pinning her hands above her head. The kissing sounds Chrissy had heard were clearly actually Robin working on Nancy’s nipples with her mouth–both of the cups of the negligee had been pulled down leaving breasts exposed. Chrissy sighed. Slowly moving her hand down her body between her legs she said, “You don’t have to stop as long as I don’t have to stop.” Chrissy started circling her clit with her fingers, arching her back. “Are you sure?” Nancy asked, still panting. “Does it look like I’m not sure?” Chrissy said, using her other hand to fling the blankets back, spreading her legs and making sure Robin and Nancy could see where her hand had traveled.
Your Love Calls Me Home - T, 1.8k, complete @simplebtromance
tags: modern au, long distance relationship, online dating
Steve and Eddie have been in a long distance relationship for three years, and they're finally meeting.
Buckingham revenge program™ - E, series, WIP thequeermoon
tags: oral sex, strap-on sex, dirty talk, semi-public sex
It was all murmurs and unsteady breaths between them, and they barely touched. Outside the door the group laughed suddenly, startling the both of them. Just then they realized how close they were. Just a little step and their bodies would've touched. "Right, okay… " Robin coughed a bit, going slightly backwards. " …do you want to-" She didn’t get to finish that sentence. Chrissy, in full panic of losing the only chance she might have, threw herself at her lips, kissing her. It lasted so little that Robin had no chance to answer it, but it felt like eons. Chrissy opened her eyes, watching at her. Her cold hands on her face, her lips red, slightly parted to show these little teeth Robin thought were so endearing.
Swift Wings and a Brave Heart - T, WIP @paperbackribs
tags: werewolf steve, bat eddie, shapeshifting, found family
The beast stops, gaze narrowing at the pulse pounding in Eddie’s neck, and he quickly slaps a hand over it, trying to limit the temptation of the tasty-blood slash fresh-meat vibe he must be giving off. Robin scowls at Eddie, stepping forward to bury her hand comfortingly into the plush of its furry neck. “Don’t listen to him, Steve. He’s just being a big baby." Eddie has never been a normal type of guy, but he's owned it: he's a gay metalhead in the heart of small-town America and nothing's going to phase him. Nothing except being told that his recent demo-bat injuries might turn him into a shapeshifter like Steve Harrington.
safe and warm - E, 958, complete @steddieas-shegoes
tags: dom/sub, cock warming, pet names, coming untouched
Steve on his knees was a sight he would never get tired of. Something about the way his eyes closed, a rare sign of relaxation spreading over him, made Eddie wish he could be like this all the time, that they could always be like this.
new year's kiss - G, complete @steddieas-shegoes
tags: new year's eve kiss, getting together, pining
He hides in the bathroom, looks at his reflection in the mirror and tries to smile. He used to be so confident, used to be able to tell himself to make a move and make it successfully. But it used to not matter, not like this does. No one has ever mattered the way Eddie does.
first choice - G, complete @steddiealltheway
tags: nye, getting together, pining
Steve runs a hand through his hair and turns back to his abandoned stack of tapes only to turn back around as soon as the bell above the door rings. He turns around with a heavy sigh as soon as he realizes who it is. "Great to see you too," Eddie says with a humorless laugh. Robin cuts in before Steve can. "Don't take it personally. He's just unsuccessful in his mission to woo a lady and get a New Year's kiss." "Really?" Eddie asks, leaning across the counter. "I think I'm coming across as desperate." "Because you are," Robin adds unhelpfully.
holes on the house - M, 404, complete @cranberrymoons
tags: modern au, meet cute, food truck owner steve
There it is: a bright pink truck with an open side, glittering under the streetlight with a loose line of people waiting to order, The Hole printed on the side in white stylized script.
alpha/omega true mates - G, complete @stevieschrodinger
tags: omegaverse, alpha eddie, omega steve, true mates, canon divergence
Eddie, fucking excited as all hell to meet his Omega finally, opens his envelope to find Steve Harrington's name starring back at him and Eddie just. He just can't. Steve's one of the biggest bitches at Hawkins high. And even if Eddie can, sort of, get past that, Steve's a snob. He lives in a fucking mansion and has a nice car and preppy clothes and yeah...Eddie is going to get rejected stone cold and that would be fair because he doesn't have a single thing to offer and Omega like Harrington. Eddie burns the envelope.
henderfam - G, complete @loveinhawkins
tags: canon divergence, eddie lives, steve and dustin behaving like brothers, pre-steddie
God, I love you, Eddie thinks. Maybe some would say that’s too big a declaration to have even in his own head for a mundane, sleep deprived afternoon in hospital. He doesn’t care.
play nice - M, 387, complete @wormdebut
tags: daddy kink, dom/sub, possessive eddie
Eddie has died and gone to Heaven. (If that Heaven is covered in leather and latex…that’s his business.) This is the only explanation, he thinks, as he stares at his boyfriend. His very hot, very muscular, very unclothed boyfriend. Decked out in only a strappy harness and the sluttiest little leather shorts Eddie has ever seen.
need - E, 404, complete @wormdebut
tags: dom/sub, anal fingering, hot boys whimpering
His eyes flick all over Steve’s perfect fucking body, stopping to admire that beautiful cock. “Christ—I’m gonna tear you apart.” His eyes snap up to look into Steve’s perfect blown out ones. He’s perfect, Eddie’s boy.
bake off - G, complete @hairmetal666
tags: gbbo au, baker steve, rockstar eddie, tv host eddie
Steve who goes on a Bake Off type show after Robin, Dustin, and Max set him up as a contestant. He doesn't want to, doesn't think baking or cooking should be stressful, but he's been wallowing since his knee surgery took him out of work and basketball, since his divorce. His first day on set, he's totally gobsmacked by the sexy host with all the tattoos and long, curly hair. Just, cannot take his eyes off the guy, blushing and stammering whenever he comes around to do interviews, obviously can't stop starring.
talk it through - G, complete @strangersteddierthings
tags: established relationship, insecurities, future fic
“I think we should break up,” is what Eddie blurts the moment Steve opens the front door to reveal him. Steve’s first reaction is anger -how dare he?- but he doesn’t do anything with that anger. Instead, he takes a deep breath through his nose, crosses his arms, and looks Eddie over. He’s breathing heavily yet his van is parked along the curb. He didn’t run here. His hair, while never tame, looks rougher. He is fidgeting but in a nervous way, not his usual too much energy way. His eyes are wide and scared. It’s the last bit there that drains Steve’s anger. Something’s happened. He drops his arms and says, “well, you’re not dumping me on my porch. Get in here.”
frat steve - G, complete @strangersatellites
tags: college au, established relationship, frat steve
when he gets there he’s met with two guys, freshman surely. letters emblazoned across their cutoff muscle tees and hats turned backwards and perched, very stupidly if eddie shares his piece, atop their heads. they stop him with a hand up and friendly smiles and mock bravado “three actives,” bro number one states. eddie barely holds back an incredulous laugh. “you cannot be serious.”
flirting - T, complete @jewishrat420
tags: pining, pet names, flirting, "first of all my name is baby so jot that down"
"Don't call me that." He chances a look over at Eddie, at the risk of appearing as vulnerable as he feels, and to his distress, he can't get a read on the man. His dark eyebrows furrow, brown eyes squinting slightly, and his lips part like he wants to speak. He licks them. Steve's eyes follow the motion unintentionally. "Call you what?" Eddie says on an exhale. "A brat?" Steve shakes his head. "Harrington. Don't like it when you call me that."
kink discovery - M, complete @eddywoww
tags: hair pulling, dom/sub, getting together
He touches him the second time. When they’re all hanging out and the lights are low and Steve does it again and Robin only halfway gives him a weird look. It doesn’t stop Steve form blinking tired eyes up at Eddie, watching the way he gulps and hovers a hand over Steve’s face. “I like when people pet my hair,” He says unhelpfully, so high he can barely concentrate. Eddie makes a soft noise and blinks down at him. “You should- you should do that.”
cherry - M, complete @eddywoww
tags: omegaverse, tattoo artist eddie, alpha eddie, omega steve, age difference
And then he gets into Eddie’s studio and like- okay, Steve has always had a type. Older men, men who wore suits, men who worked with his father. Unattainable, already mated. Steve sort of assumes this guy is mated too. He looks like it, has a bite that’s weirdly faded on his neck. But Steve can’t smell an Omega on him. Or a Beta or an Alpha. No one. So sue him if he gets a little flirty. It fuels his self esteem, knowing they can look but he won’t let them touch.
eddie lives - T, complete @bonitabreezy
tags: canon divergence, steve carries eddie out of the upside down, eddie lives (but not without consequence)
Any part of him that had leaned into the idea that it was over and that they were safe was immediately washed away at the sound. His blood started to zing with adrenaline once more and he became hyper aware of everything around them, scanning the trees for danger. “Was that--” Nancy started, her shoulders a hard line, her hands no longer shaking. “Dustin,” Steve said, and he took off running.
4+1 - G, complete @steddieas-shegoes
tags: 5+1, steve carries eddie, eddie carries steve, eddie recovering from the bites
four times eddie gets carried and one time he does the carrying
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tartarusknight · 1 year
The Fallen King and the King of the Freaks | Part 2
Ao3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
Eddie pulled Steve into Hellfire because the man looked liked he needed someone to reach out. And sure, Steve used to be one of the people that made fun of Eddie’s little group of freaks. But seeing the wild look in Steve’s eyes as he calmed down and the way each comment Eddie made looked like a slap to the face to the teen. He didn’t look like someone who would make fun of someone. In fact, he looked like someone who’d be pushed around. So, Eddie brought him in and his friends took one look at Eddie and followed his example. 
In all honesty, Eddie didn’t realize that inviting Steve into Hellfire was actually going to bring Steve into Hellfire. Sure, he thought that Steve would turn to them during moments in class where you need a partner. Or maybe Steve will stop by at lunch. But he didn’t think Steve “The Hair” Harrington was going to stick around. He wasn’t even on Eddie’s radar. Who cared about a fallen king who still had enough of daddy’s money to never be at rock bottom. 
Well, that’s what he thought anyway. Until he found Steve in the middle of a panic attack in the janitors closet. (Honestly, if the dude didn’t look so lost and scared, Eddie would’ve made so many closet jokes.) He had heard Hargrove laughing about pushing that loser around again and made his way towards where they group of assholes had left. After, all it was common knowledge that Eddie had a soft spot for outcasts, for people who had been turned away. So, Steve became his newest project. He never thought Steve would trigger than emotion in his chest but he felt the need to help him.
But now he’s sitting at the table and notices Steve glance over before he’s stopped by the basketball team. Eddie’s moving before he even thinks about it. He stops next to Steve and places a hand on his shoulder. The teen jumps, like he wasn’t aware of Eddie until then. He pushes Steve towards his table and the teen goes willingly. 
“Turning Harrington queer now?” Hargrove spits and he looks annoyed. Like Eddie interrupted his favorite show. 
Eddie huffed a laugh, “why, would you like him if I did that?” He drawled, watching Hargrove’s face grow pink. 
He doesn’t wait, he just heads over to his table and sees Steve awkwardly sitting next to Jeff. Eddie doesn’t go back to the head of the table instead, he drops down next to him. “One of these days, you’ve got to tell us what you did to piss him off.” He jokes and Steve smirks, it makes the cut on his lip stretch to the point Eddie’s worried it would start bleeding again. “He’s the one that beat your face in, right?” 
“Yeah, he’s a fucking asshole.” Steve replies and picks at his food. He moves everything around but doesn’t eat a single bite. It makes Eddie’s eyes narrow. Maybe Steve’s a bigger project than he thought. 
Steve points his fork at Eddie’s shirt. “So Hellfire, what kinda club is that? Mostly I’ve heard that it’s a cult that worships Satan but...” Steve just shrugs like he couldn’t care less. 
“You interested? You aren’t a virgin so I think you’re probably safe from our sacrifices.” Gareth jokes and Steve actually laughs at that. Like he wasn’t worried one bit and it was nice. Even Jeff had been wary of them at first.
Steve leans his chin in his palm and waits for them to explain. “We’re a Dnd club.” Jeff offers and Eddie watches Steve’s face twist for a moment. 
“Uh, Dragons in Dungeons, right?” He questioned but didn’t wait for a response. “It’s got the Mind Flayer and Demogorgon, right?” Eddie’s jaw dropped and couldn’t tear his eyes away from Steve. “The kids I babysit play it.”
“Y-yeah, uh, Dungeons and Dragons.” Eddie nods and Steve looks proud of himself for knowing it. 
“So you all play it?” He questions like he actually wants to know and all Eddie can think is FUCK. 
It’s one thing to help Steve survive his final year of high school. But seeing him actually look like he wants to know about them is too much. He cannot fall for Steve Harrington. Not even as Steve laughs at something Grant says, ripping his food some more. He is not going to fall head over heels for him just because his smiles are soft and he’s making an attempt to befriend them. No way in hell. He’s just seeing a new side to Steve. A side where Steve admits to driving a group of middle schoolers around and how he’s listened to one of them (someone named Dustin) ramble about their campaign. 
Eddie snaps out of it when Steve huff, looking a little annoyed. “I’ve got swim practice or I totally would. I’m curious to see it in action. I’ve heard enough good things about it. I mean if you don’t mind, I could stop by afterwards to watch?” It’s directed towards Eddie and he blinks. 
“You want to watch us play Dnd?” He asks and hears Gareth snort. 
Steve’s face grows pink, “I mean I guess. Is that weird? I don’t have to. I was just curious.” He shrugs and Eddie sees his friends behind Steve nodding their heads, trying to get him to okay it. 
“Nah, darling, it’s not weird.” Fuck did he just say darling? “Might be boring though, are you sure you’d want to?” He questions and watches Steve’s face brighten as much as it could all bruised up. 
“Course I wanna,” Steve shrugs and Eddie’s not sure he’ll survive this if Steve keeps acting like a golden retriever. 
Eddie grins, “I suppose you can come watch but it’s only going to end in with you wanting to play yourself.” 
Steve laughs at that, “I’m not smart enough to join.” He says it like a joke and it sounds like a joke but his eyes say it’s what Steve actually thinks. 
Eddie leans closer, “I always take it easy on first timers.” It’s a lie but his friends seem to catch on and don’t call him on it. “Don’t worry we’ll corrupt you sooner or later.”
Steve looks at him, like he’s trying to get a read on him. “Sure, whatever you say, Munson.” He says and it feels like a promise.
(I’m not sure how much I’ll write for this cause it’s really just for fun lol.)
@zerokrox-blog @cyranyx @adaed5 @the-redthread @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring
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azrielgreen · 1 year
The Way It Shouldn't Be - Part Two
It doesn't happen again for weeks.
Actual fucking weeks.
Steve hates that ever since the last time, when Eddie completely gave him the slip (sneaky fucker) he's been actively looking for him. Scanning the hall during lunch, listening out for any sign of Eddie's voice.
Looking for him.
With zero fucking results because Eddie just skipped school for a week apparently. Steve's never known anyone to do that. No matter how bad shit is, you go to school.
But that first week, Eddie's just absent in Steve's periphery. Gone.
And the world is duller for it.
School is almost unbearable in comparison to the times before when Steve could at least look forward to lunch because he'd grab Eddie, fake some bullshit and then drag him away.
Fuck him wherever was nearest, flimsy excuses disintegrating beneath the heat of a desire that was never quelled with indulgence, but galvanised.
Eddie's back in school the following week but he doesn't meet Steve's gaze once. Avoids him entirely. Steve doesn't stage anything, he doesn't even try to get near him but he burns to. He aches to run into Eddie and smash this distance between them.
He's angry. Confused.
Irrationally horny.
But most of all, he's sad. Guilty. Knows he fucked up and even if he can't understand the degree of it, he knows he did something he shouldn't have. Crossed a boundary.
Steve can't stop thinking about him.
And Eddie's made it clear this thing between them is done, to stay away.
He's respecting it.
He's respecting is so well the day it all goes to hell.
It happens in the parking lot, as most scuffles do. Steve's on his way to the Beemer, a weekend of drinking and moping ahead of him when he hears the unmistakable sounds of male violence and he turns to see a bunch complete wannabees kicking Eddie while he's down.
The jacket, the hair, his high tops. He'd know him anywhere and Steve is running before he knows what he's even gonna do and then it's just happening.
There are five of them and Steve doesn't think (never does, it's not his style) he just swings his best right hook and it lands so well, the guy goes right down, knocks into a station wagon. Steve is going fucking wild, he hasnt felt anger like this in years. Swinging, smacking, punching.
They don't fight back, they scatter and throw their stupid fucking hands up.
'Whoa, Steve, STEVE!'
With no one near Eddie now, Steve crouches low, hands on his shoulders. Eddie flinches. 'Hey, you're OK, it's me, it's Steve. You're OK.'
Eddie unfurls slowly, doesn't look at Steve but he nods.
The first guy Steve hit gets to his feet.
'The fuck, Harrington?' he demands breathlessly. 'He's not even-'
Steve draws himself to full height, invades the other boys space and them slaps him. Hard, demeaning, it hurts more than a punch, Steve knows.
The guy, Alex, closes his eyes, cheek red.
Doesnt fight back.
Wouldn't dare.
Rare days that Steve throws his weight around but today, oh he's happy to be King fucking Steve today.
'He's my dealer,' Steve tells Alex Carver, voice low and deceptively soft. He grips the lapels of Alex's shirt, expensive polo that Steve then uses all his strength to rip, to tear right down the V of the collar. Exposed, messed up. 'You don't touch him, understand?'
Alex endures Steve ripping his shirt open to the naval, eyes closed. He nods.
Steve then rearranges his collar so it's neat, brushes his shoulders off. 'You want a fight, come to me next time, you fuckin' pussy. I'll smack you silly and send you home to your Mommy looking like you got rolled again and that's a mercy. Now say sorry.'
Alex's jaw tightens. 'Sorry, Steve.'
'No, to him.'
Ugly blue eyes open, brow furrowed. 'He's trailer tr--'
Steve slaps him again, harder, uses the other hand so he doesn't see it coming. Both cheeks red and ruddy.
'Now you look like you got fucked up by a bitch you tried to ask out, huh? What's your Daddy gonna say if I piss on your sneakers? Think he'll be proud? Apologise to him, now.'
Alex shoots a venomous glare at Eddie, who's leaning against a car to stand. 'Sorry, Munson.'
Steve really wants to press, he wants to stay in this sickly space and make Alex regret it even more. Fuck him up, teach them all a lesson. No one touches Eddie ever again.
But Eddie touches Steve. Hand on his arm, like he can tell what he's about to do.
Steve jerks his chin at the others, giving them leave to scurry away and spread the word. Alex goes last, backs away like he's scared to turn his back on Steve and yeah, too fucking right, bitch.
When they're gone, Steve turns all his attention on Eddie and the anger melts like French vanilla ice cream during that one unbearable week in August.
'Fuck, that looks bad,' he says, hands hovering over Eddie's face. 'Split lip too, OK. Come on, I've got a first aid kit at home.'
Eddie eyes him warily. 'What?'
'Or straight to hospital? What about your ribs? Let me--'
'Steve,' Eddie says, tone stern. 'What the fuck are you doing?'
'You're hurt,' Steve says like that should explain absolutely everything. He blinks, maybe it's a little slower than it should be but he feels alert, feels powerful.
'Yeah, so?' Eddie looks like he's about to unload all these reasons Steve shouldn't care.
Steve rolls his eyes. 'Don't be a brat. Come on, I'll drive.'
Eddie's silent the entire way there.
Steve too.
He's thinking of what injuries he saw, which ones looked the worst. If Eddie's needs butterfly stitches, maybe.
'Your folks home?' Eddie's asks warily when they're outside the house.
Steve snorts. 'No. They're never here. Come on.'
Inside, Eddie lets Steve sit him down and clean the worst of the injuries. It's only when Eddie takes careful hold of Steve's wrists, seeks out and holds Steve's gaze that Steve even realises Eddie was talking to him.
'You're shaking,' Eddie says, voice low, eyes moving between Steve's own. 'Steve, you're shaking.'
'Am I?'
'Is it like...?' Eddie licks his lips nervously. 'Adrenaline?'
Steve looks down at his own hands, sees Eddie is completely right. He feels weird too, like he's seeing through a tunnel and there is only Eddie at the end.
'I uh... I don't know,' he laughs, vaguely astonished when he blinks tears down his face. 'Feel kinda fucked up, actually.'
Eddie's all drawn in shades of concern, of unreadable thoughts in those dark eyes and his lip is still bleeding a little. Steve wants to kiss it better, kiss it worse.
'Why did you do that?'
Steve's teeth are chattering slightly, but he manages a smile. 'Do what?'
'What you did.'
Steve wraps a light bandage around Eddie's knuckles, evidence he fought back hard enough to split skin. 'What, with Alex? Anyone would have done that.'
Eddie says, 'No one did. No one ever does.'
'Yeah, well. I guess that's changed now.'
'You made it sound like we were fucking.'
'I don't care, so long as he doesn't touch you again.'
'Why do you care who touches me?'
Steve can't take it a second long, leans in like he's falling and softly presses his lips against Eddie's; against the split, still wet with iron ore and red salt from the flesh vessel that contains Eddie Munson.
Eddie isn't rigid, he doesn't push away, but when he kisses Steve back, he makes this sound like maybe he's gonna cry.
He doesn't, though.
And Steve keeps the kiss gentle, soft and wet, devouring the red to keep what little of Eddie he can inside himself, where it's safer.
'I care. Isn't that enough?'
'Too much, Harrington,' Eddie whispers in a trembling exhale. 'You're too fucking much.'
Steve pulls away, swallows thickly, Eddie's blood and spit go down with his vague hopes and painfully specific desires.
'Yeah, I know. I'm sor--'
Eddie kisses his hard, knots his fingers in Steve's hair to tight it hurts, pulling him close and keeping him there.
'Lucky for you I'm a greedy motherfucker, huh?' he gasps, licking deep and dirty. 'God, you're fucking crazy, you know that? They call me freak, but what you to did to Carver-'
'Don't say his name while we're making out.'
Eddie laughs, low rumble offset by the way he sucks on Steve's tongue. 'Don't want him muddying the waters?'
'Can't believe he even touched you,' Steve pants, kneels in front of Eddie, goes for his belt buckle. 'Need to kiss you clean, all over.'
'Oh my god,' Eddie grits out. 'Steve, we shouldn't--'
'Then you can fuck me, yeah?' Steve leans up, kisses him again, mind spinning, heart cranking like a cog. Fucked up, feral, he'll never forget how small Eddie looked curled up like that. 'Take my virginity?'
Continued next Saturday...
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staygoldwriting · 2 years
🏊 Coach Harrington
Steve Harrington x single!mom!reader
Warnings: single mom, pregnancy, fluff
Word count: ~2.4k
A/N: I wrote this after I saw a post from @mcueveryday asking about Steve x single mom reader fics! I really love writing for Steve, and I loved writing this story! I hope you all enjoy, and as always, please show love and support ❤️✨
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“Okay, five seconds more! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! And rest!”
Steve smiled proudly at his students. He originally wanted to be a swim coach for only one summer, but it soon turned into a career. He absolutely loved teaching kids of all ages how to swim, but his 3-5 class was his favorite. According to him, they were always the most enthusiastic group, and because the kids were so young, he had to keep the classes small to keep an eye on them. They were only a few lessons in, but some kids had already mastered treading water, which Steve was immensely proud of, not to mention relieved since it was his least favorite task. 
“Okay, I think that’s all for today, kiddos,” Steve smiled. “Great work today! Go ahead and dry off and find your mommies and daddies.”
As Steve toweled off, receiving many soaked “thank you, coach Harrington!” hugs, he saw a familiar woman approach him. He gave a friendly smile, waved, and walked over. As he got closer, he realized it was Y/N, an old friend from high school.
“Hey, Y/N!” he said.
“Oh my gosh, Steve!” you said in surprise. “I didn’t know you were the coach Harrington!”
“You’ve heard of me?” Steve asked in surprise.
“Yeah, yeah! I’ve been trying so much to get Daisy—Daisy, honey, come on,” you said, lightly pushing your daughter from behind your legs, “I’ve been trying to get Daisy to learn how to swim, and nothing I’ve done has worked, so one of my mom friends suggested I come see you about classes.”
“Oh, wow,” Steve smiled, “I didn’t know that I was so famous! Hi, Daisy,” he said, kneeling down, “I’m coach Harrington, I used to go to school with your mommy.”
“Hi,” Daisy whispered.
“You look a lot like her,” Steve smiled, making Daisy hug your legs. 
“I can’t believe you’ve got a daughter,” Steve said. “It feels like just yesterday that you and I were sharing notes in Mr. Hayden’s class.”
“I know, time is funny that way,” you smiled. “It’s good to see you, Steve.”
“It’s good to see you too,” Steve smiled back. “So, are you still with—”
“No, um, sorry to cut you off, but I can’t really discuss it with, you know,” you trailed off, looking down at Daisy. 
“Oh, I’m very sorry,” Steve apologized, but you shook your head.
“Don’t worry about it at all,” you smiled, looking at Steve. He looked back at you, a bit of blush appearing on his cheeks, then he snapped himself back to reality.
“Swimming lessons!” he yelled.
“Right, right, swimming lessons, the whole point of me coming here,” you said, feeling a bit foolish.
“It’s easy to get caught up in nostalgia,” he smiled. “But for lessons, we’re only about three lessons in, so Daisy can join this class if she wants,” he offered. “And I can also meet with you both sometime this week to catch her up before the next class.”
“That would be great, thank you, Steve,” you smiled, holding his arm. “So, when are the class?”
“Every Tuesday at four.”
“Okay, I think we can make that work,” you smiled, looking at Daisy. “I’m actually Daisy’s teacher, so we can leave right after school’s done.”
“You’re a teacher? That’s so great, Y/N,” Steve smiled. “What grade do you teach?”
“Kindergarten,” you said.
“Kindergarten, huh?” Steve said, kneeling down to Daisy again. “So, how old would that make you, Daisy bud?” he asked sweetly, making Daisy giggle. 
“She’s a sucker for nicknames,” you chuckled. “Tell him, sweetie,” you encouraged.
“Five,” Daisy said quietly.
“Five years old! That’s a great age to be,” Steve smiled. 
“How old are you?” Daisy asked Steve, her big eyes sparkling.
“I’m 26,” Steve replied. 
“Just like Mommy!” Daisy exclaimed.
“Yes! Mr. Harrington went to school with Mommy,” you said. “He was really nice!”
“Your mommy has always been very kind,” he winked at you, “and smart too! Your mommy was the smartest girl in her class.”
“Wow,” Daisy gasped, looking up at you in awe. You kissed her forehead softly, then looked back at Steve.
“I’m still just as unathletic though. Between you and me, I still don’t know how to swim properly.”
“Well, I can teach you!” Steve offered. 
“Really? I feel like it would be so embarrassing!” you said bashfully.
“We can make it a private Mommy and Me class! Only if you want to, of course,” Steve said.
“You’d really do that for us?” you asked quietly. 
“Of course I would,” Steve said quickly. “You’ve always been kind to me, it’s about time I paid you back.”
“Well, thank you, Steve. But, I-I don’t have a lot of money—”
“It’s free.”
“I couldn’t, Steve—”
“It would be my pleasure, really,” Steve said, holding your arm. “Please, I want to.”
You sighed as you looked down at Daisy, who was playing with the zipper on your bag. You brushed her hair back softly and looked at Steve, whose eyes were warmly fixed on you. How could that look still have power almost a decade after being in high school? 
“Okay, let’s do it.”
“There are my girls!” Steve smiled as he stood by the pool. Daisy released your hand and ran over to Steve, who picked her up and twirled her around. 
You both had been taking lessons from Steve for two months now, and it had provided you and Steve plenty of time to reconnect. For the most part, he was a brand new guy; he was sweet, caring, and hardworking, but he was just as handsome as always. What struck you most, though, was his relationship with Daisy. In all of your lessons, he was patient, understanding, and clearly loved being with kids. You thought that maybe he was just being nice to Daisy for your sake, but when you not-so coincidentally visited the pool the same days as his other lessons, you soon realized that he loved every single kid he taught. No one was deprived of his attention. One day, you decided to ask him about it.
“So, you really love kids, don’t you?” you said as you helped Daisy fix her water wings so she could swim around on her own. 
“I really do,” Steve chuckled. “I blame it all on Dustin Henderson, actually.”
“How in the world?” you laughed.
“Well, he sort of… latched? Onto me when he was thirteen or something. You go through life and all the sucky things, and I sort of turned into a babysitter for him and his little friends. Then, they grew up, but I wanted that feeling back, that feeling that I’m needed by the kids. So many kids need a parental figure that’s not going to be judgmental or overbearing. My parents were like that, and it was miserable. I just want to bring some joy to my kids’ lives, you know?”
“I totally understand, Steve. It’s hard to keep this little one happy all the time,” you said, poking Daisy’s side. “But that’s really great, I’m glad you’ve found your calling. The kids obviously love you—I mean, Daisy, Daisy loves you,” you stumbled.
“Well, don’t tell the other kids, but Daisy’s my favorite,” he smirked. “And I like her mom, too,” he winked, making you blush. 
“Do you, now?” you asked, trying to be flirty.
“Yeah,” he admitted. “Not exactly the best time to tell you, but, hey, I thought I’d be honest.”
“Well, I like my daughter’s swim coach, so,” you trailed off, smirking. 
“Don’t tell him, it’ll go to his head,” he chuckled. 
“Mm, well, he better prepare for this, because I was going to ask him if he’d like to come over for dinner tonight.”
“Oh, really?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Well, Daisy asked, so don’t let your ego get too big.”
“Are you kidding me? Daisy bud asking me is so much cooler,” Steve joked. “I’m never going to live that down, I’m walking on air. Did you hear that, Daisy bud? I’m coming over for dinner!”
“Yay!” Daisy yelled, making a big wave that splashed on your face. Steve chuckled as he went to move the hair out of your face, his laughs soon softening as he looked at you longingly. 
“Sorry, Mommy, you’re still pretty,” Daisy said bashfully.
“She sure is, Daisy bud,” Steve smiled. 
You fiddled with your outfit as you waited for Steve to arrive. Daisy had already decided on her outfit, wanting to wear a bright green tutu with her favorite t-shirt, a striped one with a dog on it. She added a pair of jean shorts, rain boots, and a hat with bear ears, and you really had never seen her look better. You loved her fun, individual style, and she was the cutest child you had ever seen, in your not-so-biased opinion. You, on the other hand, were just settling on your fifth outfit when you heard your doorbell ring. Smoothing out your blouse, you ran downstairs to open the door. Steve was standing there, holding two small packages and a bouquet of flowers.
“Hey there,” he smiled. “These are for you,” he said, handing you the flowers.
“Oh, Steve, thank you so much,” you said, kissing his cheek. “Come in.”
“Mr. Harrington!” Daisy squealed, running to hug his knees.
“Hey, little one,” he chuckled. “Here’s something for you,” he said as he handed her one of the small packages. She opened it up to see a fuzzy stuffed rabbit, which made her squeal again.
“Thank you, Mr. Harrington, thank you!”
“Of course, Daisy bud. And hey, you can call me Steve if you want.”
Daisy blushed as she hid herself in Steve’s knees again. 
“Well, you two can hang out while I finish up dinner, if that’s okay,” you said, looking at Steve.
“Oh, absolutely! Daisy bud and I have plenty to discuss, and she promised me she’d show me The Big Comfy Couch show.”
“You’ll enjoy that,” you smiled.
“Oh, and this is for after dinner,” Steve smiled, handing you the other package. “Made it myself,” he said happily. 
“Blueberry pie, wow! Thank you,” you smiled.
“Of course. Now, go ahead and do what you need to. I’m off to my happy place,” he chuckled, holding Daisy’s outstretched hand. You giggled to yourself and walked into the kitchen.
You soon finished preparing dinner, and as you passed by to set the table in the dining room, you saw Steve looking down with intense concentration. You set the plates down and walked over to them, hearing their conversation.
“And then I have to put glitter on so that we can match,” Daisy said quietly as Steve nodded. You felt your heart melt as you saw Steve gently painting Daisy’s nails, messy polish all over his own. As you walked over, they both looked up at you excitedly.
“We’re becoming beautiful,” Steve beamed.
“Mommy, you have to match us too!” Daisy exclaimed, holding her hands up to see.
“Wow, Steve is better at nails than Mommy,” you chuckled. “You guys are adorable, I can barely stand it!”
“Steve, will you paint Mommy’s nails?” Daisy asked.
“Maybe after dinner, if Mommy wants me to,” Steve smiled, looking up at you.
“It would be a pleasure,” you replied. “I haven’t had a decent manicure in years.”
“You deserve it,” Steve said, smirking.
“You deserve it, Mommy!” Daisy giggled.
“Okay, my little cuckoo bird, go ahead and get yourself cleaned up for dinner,” you said, holding her hand. “I think your nails are dry enough, but be careful, okay?”
“Okay, Mommy,” Daisy smiled as she hopped off of the couch. You took her place and sat down in front of Steve. He held up his pink glitter-polished hands for you to see.
“She’s going places,” he chuckled. 
Without thinking, you leaned forward and kissed Steve, holding the side of his face with your hand. It was long, passionate, and an explosion of your emotions. He kissed back, leaning forward towards you, and you could feel him start to smile. As you broke away, he let out a soft laugh.
“I don’t know where that came from,” you said apologetically. “I just—you’re just so great with Daisy and me and—I  just—haven’t felt this much love from someone in a while. It’s so hard being on my own with Daisy, and it gets lonely at times, and I just want to find someone who cares for both of us the way you do and I—”
Steve held your face and kissed you again, deeply. A tear fell down your cheek as you returned the kiss, feeling overwhelmed with love.
“I never thought that I’d be able to find this kind of love either,” Steve said. “I’ve always felt like such a failure, like no one wants me—”
“You’re not a failure,” you whispered.
“You and Daisy make me feel like I’ve won the lottery,” Steve said, holding your face. “I know that Daisy isn’t my own, but the more I get to know her, the more I want to be in her life. And I really want to be in your life too, Y/N. What do you say?”
You kissed Steve again, softer this time. 
🏊 -Two Years Later-
“So, what color?” Steve asked, holding up four polishes for you to see.
“I think I’d like the dark blue please,” you smiled.
“I couldn’t have selected a better one myself,” he said cheerfully, then began to paint your toenails. Daisy walked over with her favorite glitter polish and rested her hands on your very pregnant belly.
“Mommy? Will you paint my nails please?”
“Of course, sweetheart! It’ll be like a nail polish train,” you said, making you both giggle.
“But who will paint Daddy’s nails?” she asked with concern.
“Mm, maybe you can paint them when I’m done with yours?” you suggested.
“Okay!” she giggled, handing you her polish. 
As you and Steve finished up, Daisy gave you a hug, admiring her new nails. Steve closed the polish bottle and grabbed your hands, pulling you closer to him.
“Payment!” he said, puckering up. You laughed, kissing him softly. 
“Okay, Daddy, time for your nails! What do you want this time?” Daisy said, pulling her box of manicure equipment closer to him.
“Hmm, can I just have some stickers please?” he said, looking at the stickers with little fruit on them.
“Sure!” Daisy said cheerily. “Payment?” she asked, making Steve chuckle. He kissed her forehead, then pulled her in for a hug.
“I love you, my Daisy bud.”
“I love you too, Daddy.”
Taglist: @tillkummer @mlle-ayka @fanficfanatic204 @klaine-92 @aurumbelis @onlyangel-444 @beep-beep-sherlock @morishitoshi @onceuponathreetwoone @toomanybandstocare @underthebatcape @zeldaknight @fieldofsecretss @prettyinpunk85 @igotbasicdrag @gothicfaires @thatonecurlygirl @luvthatlovestolove @loliakeoghan23 @dearelliewrites @mslunawinchester @efvyqrs @simonsbluee @inkedaztec @dumplinshee @pastel-abyss-x @frozenhuntress67 @hawkins-hs @witheringawayagain @theshinyrock @highpriestessfae @pinkgothiccprincess @persephone13 @katsukis1wife @murnsondock @fictionlandslanddreams @srapalestina @babyghouly @madformunsonsstuff @harrys-tittie @middle--fingering @urmomgov @maybankstarkey @jbetches @stardustmunson @maltinonka
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munsonsmixtapes · 2 months
Teach Me
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Steve x bi!fem!reader
word count: 8,046
Part Four: Lesson Three
“Can’t believe this is the second weekend in a row that you’re ditching me,” Eddie scoffed as he lay across your bed. He was on his stomach with his feet kicked up as he flipped through yet another one of your magazines, swinging his legs back and forth. You swore that he liked them more than you did. He loved the gossip and all the little quizzes. For the last twenty minutes, he had been trying to figure out who his dream date was going to be and was trying to decide between the final two.
“And I can’t believe you’re complaining when you claimed that you were a “proud daddy” because I was hanging out with people who weren’t you,” you retorted, throwing on a pair of shorts.
“I’m still a proud daddy, don’t get it twisted,” he stood up from the bed. “But now I feel like you’re replacing me for Harrington,” he jutted out his bottom lip. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately.”
“We work together, Eds,” you crossed your arms over your chest. “And I’d never replace you. You’re my best friend.”
“You know you’re allowed to have feelings for him, right? I’m not upset.” The more he thought about it, the more he could see you with Steve. And it didn’t upset him in the slightest. In fact, he couldn’t have been more happy.
“I don’t like him.” Eddie thought it was cute how in denial you were of your feelings. How it was so obvious that you liked Steve but you were the only one who couldn’t see it.
“Right,” he nodded. “You don’t have feelings for Steve in the way that I’m one hundred percent straight,” he winked. Your sexuality was one of the things that bonded you. You both had realized that you were bisexual at very young ages and had been the first people that you each came out to.
“Don’t try to deny it, babe,” he nudged your shoulder. “Own it. He likes you too.”
“How can you be so sure?” Eddie gave you a look as if to say “really” with a hand on his hip.
“Because I can see hearts forming in his eyes every time he looks at you.” It was almost sickening, how much love Steve looked at you with. The way his brown eyes would soften and his lips would turn up into that stupid, dopey smile.
“No you can’t.” You almost wanted to believe that he was lying, but Eddie was a terrible liar and he most certainly would have never lied to you.
“Oh, please,” he scoffed. “That man is totally in love with you.” That was a hard concept for you to grasp. That anyone could love you. Especially in a romantic sense. You had always been a last choice to people so why would you have ever been anyone’s first?
“Whatever.” You turned back to your closet and went through the rack one more time before deciding on one of your old tank tops. You really needed to update your wardrobe.
“Now, let’s talk about something more important,” he reached for the magazine and held it out to you. “Do you think my dream man is Harrison Ford or Johnny Depp?”
“I can’t believe you’d even ask me that,” you rolled your eyes as you threw on the tank top. “We both know you like men old enough to be your father so you’re definitely going to choose Harrison Ford.”
“You know me so well,” he grabbed hold of your face and pressed a loud, smacking kiss to your cheek. You quickly wiped your cheek with the back of your hand with a grimace. “Damn,” he let out a whistle. “Looking to get some tonight?”
“No,” you glared. “Robin will be there too. Are you gonna be okay here tonight?” He was watching Callie for you yet again which you always appreciated. “I can stay.”
Eddie knew exactly what you were doing. You were trying to seem like you were concerned about him being able to take care of Callie, but you both knew that you were hush trying one last time to get out of your plans.
“Nope, you’re going,” he grabbed your purse and shoved it into your hands.
“No. Callie is going to try a fishtail braid on me and you are not going to ruin that for me.” You thought that it was cute that he always let her play with his hair.
“Oh, so you have big plans,” you let out a laugh.
“That I do. Now get out of here.” He handed you your pager before giving your ass a slap.
“Alright, I’m going.” You headed for the door but he grabbed your wrist before you could. You could have sworn that he was going to give you a kiss goodbye, but he didn’t.
“Wait, hold on.” He grabbed hold of the front of your shirt, pulling the front of it down to show off some of your cleavage. “There.”
“Eddie, for the last time, I’m not getting some tonight.” You knew that he was up to something, but you were afraid to ask what.
“Sure, sure,” he winked and you made a beeline for the door, scared to know what he had been up to.
You pulled up to Steve’s once again and this time, you were grateful to have Robin there so you wouldn’t have wanted to get close to Steve. You would have wanted to snuggle close to him as the movie played; to stare at him instead of the screen, your eyes drifting to his lips, wanting to know what they tasted like.
You couldn’t let things progress with him, you just couldn’t. Denying your feelings was the way to go. Even if you had started something with him, he would just find someone new, leaving you in the dust. Everyone else did, so why was Steve an exception?
You rang the doorbell and the door opened in record time, Steve on the other side. He was dressed in a hoodie and a pair of basketball shorts, something that was definitely more casual than what he usually wore. You liked the look on him.
“Oh,” he said in surprise. “So you still decided to show up. Come on in.” You stepped inside, unsure of what he had meant. Clearly you were missing a vital piece of information.
“Yeah, we made plans, or did you forget?” You let out a laugh, but quickly stopped when you saw that he wasn’t laughing with you.
“Robin canceled and said that she was going to call you.” He closed the door before turning to face you. Now it all made sense; Eddie being weird about you “getting some” and pulling down the front of your shirt. He had been in cahoots with Robin to set you and Steve up.
“She didn’t.”
“Oh.” Steve was now finally in the loop, realizing what had happened. He couldn’t believe that he had fallen for his friend’s tricks once again. “Well, you’re already here. Do you still want to watch the movie? Or we can play a board game.”
“Or we could practice some more.” Steve liked the way you thought. He couldn’t sit next to you in that kind of setting and not think about how he wanted you cuddled up into his side. He couldn’t think about how pretty you looked and how much he wanted to run his hands along your body. How he wanted to press kisses to every inch of skin he could find. If he was teaching you how to behave on a date, then that would give him something to focus on other than your pretty, soft skin.
“That works too,” he shrugged. “I already have the whole lesson plan written out.” He wasn’t going to tell you that he wouldn’t have done that for anyone else. That you were special.
“Since when are you so thorough?” Literally never. But he would be for you. He would have been whatever you wanted.
“This is important to you and I want to make sure that I don’t leave anything out.” That was true, but he also wanted you to know how seriously he took it. He didn’t want you to think that he didn’t know what he was doing, and he definitely didn’t. At least, not when he was around you.
“That’s sweet.”
“I mean, I can’t have any potentially bad advice lead back to me.” You just laughed, giving his shoulder a shove.
“So, what’s on the agenda?” His mind went blank. Everything that he had written down in his notebook had completely vanished from his brain.
“This is the perfect opportunity to show you how to go on a date to the movies.” You didn’t like the sound of that. You hadn’t heard a single good thing about going to the movies on a first date.
“Isn’t that known to be a bad first date?” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Sure,” he shrugged. “To amateurs.”
“And you’re not one?” You joked and he just rolled his eyes.
“Clearly not since you asked me to help you.” He had a point. You wouldn’t have asked him if he didn’t have so much experience. You wanted help from someone who actually knew what they were doing.
“Touché. So what are we watching?”
“Whatever you want.” He headed over to a cabinet that was by the biggest TV you had ever seen. You turned the cabinet and you could have sworn that it was filled with every single VHS tape ever made.
“I’m gonna grab us some snacks real quick.” Before you could answer, he fled to the kitchen. You turned to look around while he was busy with his task and your gravitate over to the sliding glass door that led out to his backyard. You got closer and realized that he had a pool. Of course he did. Rich people always had pools. The moon reflected off the water, making it look so inviting on that summer night. It looked so much cleaner than the public one in town. It looked prettier, bluer. And probably cost a fortune to keep up with. You were going to have to invite yourself over to use it sometime.
Steve came back in record speed with a tray filled with all sorts of different snacks and a couple of sodas. He set them on the coffee table and turned to your with a smile.
“Help yourself,” he gestured to the tray with his hands and you stepped forward to see what all the options were. In the center was a giant bowl of popcorn and there were smaller bowls of candies surrounding it. He took one of the sodas and cracked it open before taking a sip then headed over to his movie selection.
While Steve was going through the tapes, all you could think about was how fucking pissed you were at Eddie for his little schemes and you were definitely going to tell him as such as soon as possible. There was no way he was getting away with something like that.
You could get a date on your own. You didn’t need your best friend to help you and especially not behind your back. You supposed that in the grand scheme of things, what he had done wasn’t so bad, but it was more so that you had been caught off guard and that Steve had been dragged into it as well.
“I’ve got literally everything so take your pick.” Steve moved out of the way so you could see his collection. You stepped forward and couldn’t help but admire the way that everything was not only alphabetized but also categorized by genre.
It felt weird hanging out with someone who had things like that. You had grown up with practically nothing and so did Eddie. The two of you were eating TV dinners or food from cans and playing with old toys that were hand me downs from your parents and Wayne while kids like Steve were getting home cooked meals and the newest electronics. Being friends with Steve was like entering a whole new world that you had no idea how to be in.
You felt envious that he could have anything he wanted just by asking when you knew that just having your own bed was out of the question. You wondered what it would have been like to have your own room and where your next meal would be coming from while those were things that Steve never even had to worry about.
“Do you have any horror?” That had definitely been your favorite genre, but you were never able to watch it because Callie was always around and you definitely didn’t want her to subject her to that.
“Yeah, of course.” You squatted next to him, your hands accidentally brushing as you teetered towards him, losing your balance a bit. You liked the way his skin felt against yours and wondered if the rest of him was just as soft.
“This section isn’t as big as your others.” There had to be about ten movies on the entire shelf when the others had at at least thirty.
“Because Robin bought them all. It’s honestly my least favorite genre.” You let out a gasp, putting your hand up to your chest and he just glared at you.
“Aww, Stevie,” you rested your hand on his shoulder. There was that nickname again, but this time, he didn’t mind it. Actually, he was starting to prefer it to his actual name, but only because it was you who was saying it. “Do they scare you?”
You let out a laugh and he could have sworn he had died and gone to heaven because that would have been the only reason why he was hearing something so angelic. He didn’t care that it was at his expense, he was honestly willing to do whatever he could to hear it again.
“No,” he grumbled and you almost thought the blush creeping up on his cheeks was adorable. Almost.
“C’mon, you tell me,” you nudged him. “I won’t laugh,” you held up one of your pinkies. “Promise.”
He looked down at your finger then back up to your face, suspicion in his eyes. He didn’t know why you were offering him a pinky promise since they often meant nothing.
“Why would I believe you?” He raised an eyebrow. “Pinky promises never actually mean anything.” You only scoffed at him. You couldn’t believe that he actually thought that.
“Excuse me?” You glared. “Pinky promises are actually very serious and I would never break them.” You truly meant the words that were coming out of your mouth. You had made countless pinky promises with Callie and you’d have been damned if you had broken any of them.
“C’mon, Stevie,” you leaned closer to him so that your faces were almost centimeters apart. He was resisting the strong urge to close the small space between the two of you, slotting his lips between yours. “I won’t tell anyone,” you whispered and he thought for a second before holding his own pinky up.
Your fingers wrapped around each other and the two of you each gave your hands a shake before pulling away from each other completely.
“Fine,” he let out a sigh, letting his hand fall to his lap. “They’re a little scary.” He felt a little embarrassed about his confession and was hoping that you really wouldn’t laugh like you had promised. Robin and Eddie had already given him shit and he really didn’t need it from you too. He was just a baby at heart. He hoped that if he milked it enough, you’d pull him into your arms and let him cuddle into your side. That seemed like wishful thinking, though.
“See?” You asked. “Was it that hard?” You gave him a pointed look.
“No, but I think my ego is a little bruised.” He put his hand up to his chest and rubbed the spot as if he had been wounded. He was almost as dramatic as Eddie sometimes.
“Well, it is a bit too big so I think you can stand to be knocked down a few pegs.” His mouth fell open at your words and he realized that he kind of liked being insulted by you, feeling a little turned on by your jab. He noticed that a lot of girls felt like they needed to walk on eggshells around him as if they were afraid that they would have insulted him. It was as if he was some fragile thing that needed to be protected from any possible deflation.
“You’re mean,” he glared and you just let out a chuckle at his cute pout.
“And you’re a dingus. Oh!” Your face lit up as you reached for a movie from the shelf, turning it around so he could see the title. “This is a classic!” Steve had never even heard of the movie so he assumed it was Robin’s.
He had never seen you so excited about anything, but he supposed that it was due to a horror movie just made sense for you. He liked seeing that side of you. He liked seeing the bright smile on your face as your eyes lit up like a kid’s on Christmas morning.
He was nervous, however, to see just how scary the movie was and hoped that there weren’t going to be any jump scares. He couldn’t embarrass himself even more in front of you. He knew that you wouldn’t judge him, but he couldn’t help but want to be the protector. And maybe it wasn’t very feminist of him to want that for himself, but he didn’t care. He wanted you to bury your face into his neck, holding onto him for dear life. He was really just looking for any excuse to get close to you.
He turned the TV on and reluctantly put the movie into the VCR, putting the cover out of his line of sight even though he knew the thing would haunt him in his dreams. He turned to the couch to see that you had already made yourself comfortable there. You had curled yourself up against the left arm; the spot where he usually sat. You just looked so pretty there that he supposed that he could let you have the spot just this once.
He slowly sat down on the cushion next to yours and made sure to keep some space between the two of you. He wanted to be sure that he wasn’t crossing any of your boundaries. You pushed yourself further into the arm even though you wanted nothing more than to tuck yourself into Steve’s side and rest your head on his chest
“Alright,” Steve let out a sigh once he was seated. “Let’s get started.” He fully turned to face you, resting his hands on his thighs, trying his best to wipe his sweaty palms without being obvious.
“Let’s,” you agreed with a nod.
“So, I’m going to go through this as if you’re the one calling the shots.”
“Got it.”
“So, really, going to see a movie is a great way to get close to the person you’re going with.”
“Really?” Your features scrunched in confusion.
“Well, physically,” he specified. “Is it okay if I scoot closer to you?” You appreciated that he asked even though that was the bare minimum.
“Yes.” Your heart rate picked up at the thought of you actually being that close to him and you hoped he couldn’t hear it in the silence between the two of you.
The two of you moved into the center of the cushions so you wouldn’t be pinned to the armrest and you realized that he was one of the only people you had sat that close to anyone outside of your family in a non-sexual context. It was nice. That there wasn’t any pressure to make any moves and be smooth.
Steve’s bare thigh touched yours and your found your mind yet again wandering to thinking about his legs being tangled with yours as he laid on top of you, pressing the most gentle kisses to your lips.
You knew you shouldn’t have been thinking about it, but you couldn’t help it. Sex had become such a big part of your social life that it had been hardwired into your brain. It was a switch that automatically turned on when you were alone with someone that you felt physically attracted to.
You turned to Steve and he was already looking at you, patiently waiting for you zone back into the conversation. He always got concerned when you got that into your head, knowing that you were overthinking something or adding something to your ever growing list of responsibilities.
“So, a great way to initiate touch, if you’re up for it, is to,” Steve paused when he realized that you hadn’t been paying attention. You had turned your head to the left, afraid to look him in the eye, which he thought was odd considering you were always so good at making eye contact.
He slowly lifted his hand and hooked his finger under your chin, taking it between his pointer finger and thumb. He turned you to face him and he didn’t miss the light pink tint covering your cheeks.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, hm?” He asked, softly. Your cheeks only turned more pink and he tried to hold back a laugh at how adorable you looked.
You avoided his gaze, your eyes settling for staring at his shoulder. You had never felt this embarrassed in your life and it was in front of Steve. You were now just like everyone else and you hated that. You weren’t immune to the feeling of being emotionally attracted to people anymore. You were developing a crush, and it was on Steve Harrington.
“Nothing, Steve,” you finally got the guts to look him in the eye. “I swear.”
“Okay,” he , letting go of your chin, letting his hand fall back to his lap.
“You’re not going to press me for an answer?” Perhaps you were so confused because your parents would never let you get away with keeping information from them when they asked you a question. Keeping quiet was usually met with marks that you had to cover up with makeup and long clothing.
“No,” he shook his head. “Because if you don’t want to tell me, then I’m not going to insist.” Your heart warmed at hearing those words. It meant a lot to you that he respected that you didn’t want to tell him.
“Oh.” Your lips parted, wanting to say something else, but you weren’t sure what. You felt weird thanking him for something like that.
“Do you want to continue?” He gave you a small smile and you returned it along with a nod.
“Yes, sorry,” you shook your head, moving your hair away from your face. Steve had never seen you so out of order. Was he-was he making your nervous? No, there was no way. You didn’t get nervous, especially not around him. He was usually the nervous one.
“Nothing to be sorry for.”
“Promise?” You asked and he responded by holding up his pinky. You hooked yours around his and you both gave your hands a little shake before pulling away.
“Okay, so, again, the best way to initiate touch is just holding your hand face up, like this,” he held his hand up just like he was saying then laid it on his thigh, slowly inching it towards you. “See? This way, you can offer your hand without saying a word and you put the ball in their court.”
“Does this actually work or are you just fucking with me?”
“I can confidently say that it has a one hundred percent success rate.”
“That’s because you’re you. If just anyone tried that, they would have to relocate to a different state out of embarrassment.”
“Will you stop critiquing and just take my hand?” He gave you a pointed look and you looked down at his hand that was waiting for yours. It looked nice and soft and you wondered how it would have felt in other places.
“I didn’t know I was supposed to hold it. I thought you were just showing me.” You gingerly slid your hand into his and he was quick to slot his fingers in between yours, giving yours a reassuring squeeze.
Your heart rate picked up as you both turned to the TV screen to watch the movie that you had completely neglected. You were so aware of how his hand felt pressed against yours and it was causing your to internally panic.
It didn’t mean anything. It didn’t mean anything. You repeated the words in your head as he gently stroked your hand with the pad of his thumb. At that, all of your thoughts left your brain and for once, the thing was empty.
“See?” He asked, turning to you. “Just like this.” He continued to stroke your hand, keeping his eyes on the screen. You watched the scene before you and tilted your head to the side, noticing that you didn’t recognize what was happening despite having seen the movie more times than you could count.
“Oh my god,” you turned to face him, giving him glare. “You switched the movie!” You pulled your hand away from his in feigned disgust.
“Wow,” he rolled his eyes in a dramatic nature. “I invite you into my house and this is how you treat me?” He put his hand up to his chest in offense, shaking his head at you.
“Admit it, Steve.”
“I’m not admitting anything, honey.” The sudden use of the nickname made you want to melt. It was so soft and sweet just like him.
“Then how about I remove the movie and we’ll see?” You stood up from the couch but he grabbed hold of your waist and pulled you back down. The feeling in the air suddenly shifted as you locked eyes. His shifted to your lips then back up to your eyes so quickly that you might have missed it if you hadn’t been paying so much attention to him
“You know, I’m doing a nice thing for you and I’m not even getting anything in return.” His hands slipped from your waist and he crossed his arms over his chest. He did have a point, but you weren’t sure what you could have offered him.
“Well, you never told me what you wanted.” You leaned closer to him and he mimicked your actions, hypnotized by the flirty look on your face.
“How about this? I teach you and you teach me.” You didn’t know what he was getting at and were afraid to ask.
“And what could I possibly teach you?” There was nothing. You really didn't know how to do anything except draw and you didn’t think teaching him that was a fair trade.
“You’re kidding right?” He let out a laugh as he raised an eyebrow. You were still unsure of what he was getting at and just wanted him to come right out and say it.
“Just tell me,” you gave him a nudge.
“Sex,” he gave you a nudge in return.
“What?” You scoffed. Nope. Absolutely not. You were not having sex with Steve Harrington. That was where you drew the line.
“That’s the area you’re an expert in and clearly I’m lacking.” You let out a laugh at thinking about Steve lacking in sexual experience. He definitely didn’t get the name “King Steve” from being a virgin.
“Steve,” you moved away from him, tension rising in the air. There was a hesitance in your voice and he immediately regretted asking. He had definitely crossed a boundary.
“I’m sorry,” he shook his head. “I’m so sorry. Just forget I said anything.”
“Let’s do it.”
“What?” His eyes widened at your suggestion. He hadn’t actually expected you to agree. The whole thing had been a joke, after all.
“You’re right,” you shrugged. “You deserve something in return, so I’ll teach you everything I know.” You knew the mess you were getting yourself into, but you were slowly realizing that you’d do anything for Steve.
“Y/n, I was just joking. You don’t have-”
“I know,” you cut him off. “But I want to.” You rested a hand on top of his. You gave him an assuring nod but he was still unsure. He began to chew on his lip as he weighed his options.
On the one hand, he could have really used some pointers from someone who really knew what they were doing, but on the other, he knew how easy it would have been to cross a line where fake could easily become real.
Without putting much thought into it, you reached up and pulled his lip from between his teeth with your thumb before resting a hand on his cheek. It was warm and soft and you had to resist the urge to press a kiss to it.
“I teach you, you teach me?” You asked and he just nodded in response.
“Use your words, baby.”
“Yes,” he responded with a nod.
“Good boy.” He didn’t like how hard his dick got hearing you say those words.
“Well, since I taught you something tonight, it’s only fair that you do the same.”
“What do you want to know?” You were curious as to what he was
“I mean, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I’d say I know my way around a make out session, but it’s like-” he cut himself off, trying to find the right words.
“Like what, honey?” He could have sworn that he had melted hearing that nickname fall from your lips.
“It’s like I don’t know how to go all the way anymore.” He wasn’t going to tell you that you were the reason why. That he always envisioned your face anytime he would make out with a girl, automatically making him not want to continue. You were taking up every inch of his brain and he didn’t want you to stop.
“So you haven’t…”
“No,” he shook his head, hanging it low so you couldn’t see his face. “Not in a while.”
“How long is a while?” Steve knew you were just trying to get all the facts straight so you could really help him, but he still felt embarrassed. He also knew that you wouldn’t judge him, but he couldn’t help but compare his sex life to yours.
“Three months,” he let out a sigh. He hadn’t been sleeping with people too often, but even that was a dry spell for him. It was frustrating, especially since he was trying. Especially because the one woman who he actually wanted to sleep with couldn’t have been less interested.
You didn’t say anything in response. You just sat there, trying to figure how to approach the situation. You thought that maybe he had been exaggerating and that it had really only been like a week, but three months was a long time. Especially for Steve and how many dates he seemed to go on.
You felt bad for the guy. You felt bad that he had gotten so desperate for your help. If you were being honest, you had no fucking clue how to teach him without actually participating in the act. And you couldn’t. That would be a breach of your nonexistent contract.
“Do you want to start now?” He was caught off guard by your question. He thought he had more time, but he supposed that it was better to go for it then just panic for its anticipation for your next lesson.
“Can we?” He hadn't even thought that was an option right in that very moment. He was supposed to be helping you, not the other way around. But he had agreed, so he was going to have to go through with it no matter how much it scared him
“Whatever you want,” you shrugged. “You call the shots.” He didn’t like making the decisions. He just liked being told what to do.
“Okay, let’s do it. What’s first?” He was curious to see what you were going to suggest, if you would describe it or if you would actually touch him. God, did he want you to touch him.
“Well, before all of the sex stuff, we have to figure out what’s going on with your make outs and why they’re not working out.”
“How do we do that? Are we-are we going to make out?” He was trying to hold back his excitement but a small smile was evident on his face.
“Not if you don’t want to.” You swore you weren’t going to do anything but listen to his advice, but now here you were, about to make out with him and you were sure that you were going to like it. You couldn’t, though. Because then you’d want more and you couldn’t have it. It was just going to be a one-time thing.
“I want to.” So badly, he wanted to add, but he didn’t. He didn’t want you to know just how desperate he was to press his lips to yours. How much he was looking forward to sliding his tongue into your mouth.
“We’re doing this.” You scooted closer to him, hoping that he couldn’t hear your heart hammering in your chest. You had never been so nervous to makeout with someone and for once, you were afraid you were going to screw it up.
“Yep,” he let out a nervous chuckle.
“Can I get on top of you?” His eyes widened at your question and he wanted to tell you that you could do anything you wanted to him and he’d happily take it.
“Please,” he responded a little too eagerly and you took no time to straddle him and place yourself on his lap.
He couldn’t believe it. You were actually straddling him, about to make out with him. It wasn’t one of his fantasies he thought about when he was falling asleep.
You slowly rested your hands on his shoulders while his went to your lower back, right above your ass. You slowly inched your face towards his, giving him a chance to back out if he wanted to.
When he made no objection, you pressed your lips to his in a lingering peck. You pulled away for a second only to dive back in, capturing his bottom lip between your two. Steve was quick to return your kiss, your lips moving together slowly as you wrapped your arms around your neck to pull him closer to you.
Your hands ran through his hair and he didn’t even care that you were messing it up. If he was being honest, you were the only one who he’d let touch it.
Steve was honestly surprised he was able to react since his brain had short-circuited. Your lips were just as soft as he had hoped they would be and your hands were in his hair. He was just living the dream and hoping that he’d never wake up.
His hands pushed up the back of your shirt so he had access to your bare skin. Your tongue ran along his bottom lip and he opened up, letting you inside. Your tongue moved around his mouth in a messy manner, as if you were trying to taste every part of it. He tasted like the grape soda he had been drinking and for once, you didn’t hate the flavor.
His hands moved higher up your back, underneath your bra, but he made no move to remove it. Your shirt was moving higher up your waist and you were so close to just taking it off. You pulled away from him, the kiss getting too heated for your liking.
“I don’t see what the problem is, you’re doing great.” He knew that was only true because now he had the real thing.
“I think that’s because you’re a great teacher.”
“Haven’t taught you anything yet, Stevie.”
You pressed your lips to his cheek and moved your way down to the column of his neck, making sure to give each of his moles a kiss as you did so. You got to his neck, giving the spot a little love. You pressed gentle, open mouthed kisses to the skin before giving it a hard suck.
Steve let out a small whimper and that sounded like an invitation to continue. You continued to suck even harder then grazed his skin with your teeth which was followed by a moan falling from his lips.
His fingertips dug into your back and it arched at the sensation, bringing you closer to him. His nails moved down your back, scratching at the skin, just hard enough to leave a mark, but soft enough to not break the skin.
You diffused the bite with your tongue then moved back up to his lips, slamming yours to them. You took no time to stick your tongue back into his mouth, desperate to taste him more, sliding it roughly against his.
The kiss was rushed and messy as you tried to take what you wanted from him and he was there, pliant underneath you. He was going to let you have whatever you wanted, all he needed was your pretty lips.
You reluctantly pulled away for air and the both of your stared at each other, chests, rising and falling as you did so. You looked down into his eyes and could suddenly see what Eddie had been talking about. You could see the hearts. He had a dopey smile on his face and his brown eyes were suddenly the color of honey. Fuck, you were falling just as hard as he was.
His pupils were blown and his lips were swollen and pink from your kisses and you hated that he looked so goddamn adorable. So adorable that you wanted to kiss him all over again and tell him just how cute you thought he was.
“Was that okay for you?” You asked, flipping some of your hair over your shoulder, trying to play it off like you wouldn’t have been content kissing him all night.
“More than okay,” he smiled, his hands slowly slipping from your shirt. You were disgusted that you were actually starting to miss his touch. “You were-you were great.”
“You weren’t half bad yourself, Harrington,” you winked and he was trying real hard to not pull your back in for more. It was getting late and you should have headed home, but you still sat there in his lap.
His cheeks turned a shade of pink and you loved how easy it was to make him blush. How you could make him fold in just a few words. You were always flirting with people for the sole purpose of sleeping with them so you felt out of place flirting with Steve just because you wanted to. Because it was adorable seeing him stutter and become all flustered at hearing your words.
You reluctantly climbed off of Steve’s lap and he stared up at you, unmoving. Almost as if he was hypnotized. If you were able to do that to him just by making out with him, you wondered how he would’ve been after sleeping with you.
But you weren’t going to sleep with him. You couldn’t. Making out was one thing, but actually being intimate was off the table. You couldn’t do it. You wouldn’t. As much as you found yourself wanting him to lead you upstairs, you had to cut it short. Maybe it was because you felt weird because he was your friend or maybe it was because you were afraid of how emotionally connected to him you would have become afterwards.
“Well,” you sighed, grabbing your purse from the coffee table. “I should probably go.”
“Now?” He asked, quickly standing from the couch. You thought it was cute that he wanted you to stay but not cute enough to actually do it. You had to leave him wanting more and clearly from the way he was acting, you had been successful.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I need to get back to Callie.” Technically, you weren’t lying. You wanted to make sure that Eddie had actually gotten her into bed on time. He could never say no and always ended up letting her stay up because she wanted to see you before she went to sleep
“Right, yeah,” he nodded in understanding. “I’ll walk you out.”
You headed for the door and Steve trailed behind you like a lost puppy. A couple of kisses and he was already willing to do whatever you asked him. Not that he needed the kisses to do it, but they definitely helped. All you had to do was tell him to jump and he’d ask you how high.
Steve was in a daze as he followed you to the door. Your make out session was playing in his head on repeat. Your hands in his hair, your tongue in his mouth, his hands underneath your shirt, your lips on his neck. It almost didn’t feel real with the floaty-feeling state he was in. It was almost as if he had taken one of Eddie’s edibles with the way he was feeling.
He opened the door for you and leaned against the doorframe when you got out onto the porch. He was looking at you so dreamily, almost as if he had been under the influence of something. It was almost cute. Almost.
“Well,” you reached into your purse for your keys. “I had a good time tonight.”
“Me too,” he nodded. A really good time.
“You can just give me a call when you have the next lesson planned and we can work around my schedule.” He already had it planned out but he wasn’t going to tell you that. He didn’t want to let on that he was actually crushing on you. That would’ve blown the whole mission.
“Sounds good,” he nodded once more and you stepped forward to plant one final kiss on his lips before heading down the steps and to your car.
He waited until your car was on the road before heading back inside. He couldn’t keep the smile on his face as he put the videotape away and cleaned up all the snacks, putting them all in containers to save for later.
He honestly couldn’t believe that had happened. Not only had he finally kissed you, but it had also more than lived up to the hype. Your lips were so soft and tasted sweet from the lip balm you had been wearing. You had your way with him and as much as he liked a soft and gentle make out, he was beginning to think that maybe he liked it rough. He actually liked the way you weren’t treating him nicely, that your were just taking what you wanted, having no regard for him at all. He was surprised that you couldn’t feel how hard his dick was. Well, if you did, you hadn’t said anything about it, and thank god for that.
He headed into the foyer and caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror by the door. He stepped up to it and could see a bruise forming on the side of his neck where you had your way with him. He turned his head to the side to get a better look and nodded to himself in approval before heading up the stairs to bed to dream about you just like he had every single night.
You headed into the trailer, immediately hiding the smile on your face. You couldn’t give Eddie any sign that his stupid scheme had worked. Despite you actually not even caring that much anymore, you still wanted him to know how upset you were with him for putting you in that position.
As predicted, Eddie and Callie were on the couch, watching her favorite cartoon when you walked through the door. They both turned to you for a split second then immediately turned back to the screen.
“Time for bed,” you said and they both whined, making no move to actually get off the couch. “C’mon, TV off.”
“Can we at least finish this episode?” Eddie asked as if he hadn’t been a full grown adult who could decide when he went to bed.
“Nope,” you shook your head. “It’s late enough as it is. C’mon, chop chop.” You clapped your hands and Callie reluctantly turned off the TV then both she and Eddie stood from the couch.
“G’night, bug,” he squatted in front of her, ruffling her hair before opening his arms for a hug.
“‘Night, Eds,” she responded with a pout.
“Oh come on. You know you can’t resist my hugs,” he still held his arms out, giving her one last chance to give in. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and his wrapped around her back before they gave each other a tight squeeze.
Eddie then stood back to his full height and headed over to you, offering you a hug as well. You took it and felt his lips right by your ear.
“Don’t think you’re getting out of telling me all the gory details. I want a play by play tomorrow,” he said before pulling away.
“No promises,” you responded as he pushed the door open and headed across the way to his own home. There was no way in hell you were telling him about your night with Steve. If you did, then he would have won. And there was nothing you hated more than admitting that you were wrong.
After Eddie was gone, you headed over to Callie who was rubbing her eyes with her knuckles, desperately trying to fight getting sleepy.
“I’m not even tired,” she whined, still rubbing at her eyes.
“I know you’re not, bug,” you replied, letting out a chuckle. She would be asleep in five minutes with how tired she seemed to be.
Once you approached her, she held up her arms as if asking you to carry her. Without protest, you picked her up and she was quick to wrap her arms around your waist, resting her head on your shoulder.
You carried her to your shared room and laid her down on the bed gently, grateful that she was at least wearing her pajamas so you wouldn’t have to fight her on changing into them.
You changed into your own pajamas and crawled into bed with her. She was quick to scoot closer to you, wrapping her arms tightly around you, resting her head against your chest. Your arms pulled her tightly to you, stroking her hair with one hand while the other rested at your back. She always insisted that the two of you sleep like this, leaving no space between you. You were convinced that she would have been attached to you if she could have been.
“I missed you,” she murmured, snuggling further into you.
“Missed you too, bug,” you stroked her hair some more before hearing her light snores coming from her lips. You were always envious at how quickly she was able to fall asleep. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out. You couldn’t say the same. You would lie awake for hours, thinking about all of your issues and your never ending to do list. It plagued your brain constantly, but especially when you were trying to go to sleep.
That night, though, all you could seem to think about was your pretty coworker. Your pretty coworker that you had formed a strange agreement with. Your pretty coworker that you kissed. And you actually liked it.
You found yourself quickly drifting off to sleep, dreaming of nothing but Steve and his pretty lips that you found yourself wanting to kiss forever. Maybe if you played your cards right, he would have let you.
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