#steve Harrington x single!mom!reader
staygoldwriting · 2 years
🏊 Coach Harrington
Steve Harrington x single!mom!reader
Warnings: single mom, pregnancy, fluff
Word count: ~2.4k
A/N: I wrote this after I saw a post from @mcueveryday asking about Steve x single mom reader fics! I really love writing for Steve, and I loved writing this story! I hope you all enjoy, and as always, please show love and support ❤️✨
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“Okay, five seconds more! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! And rest!”
Steve smiled proudly at his students. He originally wanted to be a swim coach for only one summer, but it soon turned into a career. He absolutely loved teaching kids of all ages how to swim, but his 3-5 class was his favorite. According to him, they were always the most enthusiastic group, and because the kids were so young, he had to keep the classes small to keep an eye on them. They were only a few lessons in, but some kids had already mastered treading water, which Steve was immensely proud of, not to mention relieved since it was his least favorite task. 
“Okay, I think that’s all for today, kiddos,” Steve smiled. “Great work today! Go ahead and dry off and find your mommies and daddies.”
As Steve toweled off, receiving many soaked “thank you, coach Harrington!” hugs, he saw a familiar woman approach him. He gave a friendly smile, waved, and walked over. As he got closer, he realized it was Y/N, an old friend from high school.
“Hey, Y/N!” he said.
“Oh my gosh, Steve!” you said in surprise. “I didn’t know you were the coach Harrington!”
“You’ve heard of me?” Steve asked in surprise.
“Yeah, yeah! I’ve been trying so much to get Daisy—Daisy, honey, come on,” you said, lightly pushing your daughter from behind your legs, “I’ve been trying to get Daisy to learn how to swim, and nothing I’ve done has worked, so one of my mom friends suggested I come see you about classes.”
“Oh, wow,” Steve smiled, “I didn’t know that I was so famous! Hi, Daisy,” he said, kneeling down, “I’m coach Harrington, I used to go to school with your mommy.”
“Hi,” Daisy whispered.
“You look a lot like her,” Steve smiled, making Daisy hug your legs. 
“I can’t believe you’ve got a daughter,” Steve said. “It feels like just yesterday that you and I were sharing notes in Mr. Hayden’s class.”
“I know, time is funny that way,” you smiled. “It’s good to see you, Steve.”
“It’s good to see you too,” Steve smiled back. “So, are you still with—”
“No, um, sorry to cut you off, but I can’t really discuss it with, you know,” you trailed off, looking down at Daisy. 
“Oh, I’m very sorry,” Steve apologized, but you shook your head.
“Don’t worry about it at all,” you smiled, looking at Steve. He looked back at you, a bit of blush appearing on his cheeks, then he snapped himself back to reality.
“Swimming lessons!” he yelled.
“Right, right, swimming lessons, the whole point of me coming here,” you said, feeling a bit foolish.
“It’s easy to get caught up in nostalgia,” he smiled. “But for lessons, we’re only about three lessons in, so Daisy can join this class if she wants,” he offered. “And I can also meet with you both sometime this week to catch her up before the next class.”
“That would be great, thank you, Steve,” you smiled, holding his arm. “So, when are the class?”
“Every Tuesday at four.”
“Okay, I think we can make that work,” you smiled, looking at Daisy. “I’m actually Daisy’s teacher, so we can leave right after school’s done.”
“You’re a teacher? That’s so great, Y/N,” Steve smiled. “What grade do you teach?”
“Kindergarten,” you said.
“Kindergarten, huh?” Steve said, kneeling down to Daisy again. “So, how old would that make you, Daisy bud?” he asked sweetly, making Daisy giggle. 
“She’s a sucker for nicknames,” you chuckled. “Tell him, sweetie,” you encouraged.
“Five,” Daisy said quietly.
“Five years old! That’s a great age to be,” Steve smiled. 
“How old are you?” Daisy asked Steve, her big eyes sparkling.
“I’m 26,” Steve replied. 
“Just like Mommy!” Daisy exclaimed.
“Yes! Mr. Harrington went to school with Mommy,” you said. “He was really nice!”
“Your mommy has always been very kind,” he winked at you, “and smart too! Your mommy was the smartest girl in her class.”
“Wow,” Daisy gasped, looking up at you in awe. You kissed her forehead softly, then looked back at Steve.
“I’m still just as unathletic though. Between you and me, I still don’t know how to swim properly.”
“Well, I can teach you!” Steve offered. 
“Really? I feel like it would be so embarrassing!” you said bashfully.
“We can make it a private Mommy and Me class! Only if you want to, of course,” Steve said.
“You’d really do that for us?” you asked quietly. 
“Of course I would,” Steve said quickly. “You’ve always been kind to me, it’s about time I paid you back.”
“Well, thank you, Steve. But, I-I don’t have a lot of money—”
“It’s free.”
“I couldn’t, Steve—”
“It would be my pleasure, really,” Steve said, holding your arm. “Please, I want to.”
You sighed as you looked down at Daisy, who was playing with the zipper on your bag. You brushed her hair back softly and looked at Steve, whose eyes were warmly fixed on you. How could that look still have power almost a decade after being in high school? 
“Okay, let’s do it.”
“There are my girls!” Steve smiled as he stood by the pool. Daisy released your hand and ran over to Steve, who picked her up and twirled her around. 
You both had been taking lessons from Steve for two months now, and it had provided you and Steve plenty of time to reconnect. For the most part, he was a brand new guy; he was sweet, caring, and hardworking, but he was just as handsome as always. What struck you most, though, was his relationship with Daisy. In all of your lessons, he was patient, understanding, and clearly loved being with kids. You thought that maybe he was just being nice to Daisy for your sake, but when you not-so coincidentally visited the pool the same days as his other lessons, you soon realized that he loved every single kid he taught. No one was deprived of his attention. One day, you decided to ask him about it.
“So, you really love kids, don’t you?” you said as you helped Daisy fix her water wings so she could swim around on her own. 
“I really do,” Steve chuckled. “I blame it all on Dustin Henderson, actually.”
“How in the world?” you laughed.
“Well, he sort of… latched? Onto me when he was thirteen or something. You go through life and all the sucky things, and I sort of turned into a babysitter for him and his little friends. Then, they grew up, but I wanted that feeling back, that feeling that I’m needed by the kids. So many kids need a parental figure that’s not going to be judgmental or overbearing. My parents were like that, and it was miserable. I just want to bring some joy to my kids’ lives, you know?”
“I totally understand, Steve. It’s hard to keep this little one happy all the time,” you said, poking Daisy’s side. “But that’s really great, I’m glad you’ve found your calling. The kids obviously love you—I mean, Daisy, Daisy loves you,” you stumbled.
“Well, don’t tell the other kids, but Daisy’s my favorite,” he smirked. “And I like her mom, too,” he winked, making you blush. 
“Do you, now?” you asked, trying to be flirty.
“Yeah,” he admitted. “Not exactly the best time to tell you, but, hey, I thought I’d be honest.”
“Well, I like my daughter’s swim coach, so,” you trailed off, smirking. 
“Don’t tell him, it’ll go to his head,” he chuckled. 
“Mm, well, he better prepare for this, because I was going to ask him if he’d like to come over for dinner tonight.”
“Oh, really?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Well, Daisy asked, so don’t let your ego get too big.”
“Are you kidding me? Daisy bud asking me is so much cooler,” Steve joked. “I’m never going to live that down, I’m walking on air. Did you hear that, Daisy bud? I’m coming over for dinner!”
“Yay!” Daisy yelled, making a big wave that splashed on your face. Steve chuckled as he went to move the hair out of your face, his laughs soon softening as he looked at you longingly. 
“Sorry, Mommy, you’re still pretty,” Daisy said bashfully.
“She sure is, Daisy bud,” Steve smiled. 
You fiddled with your outfit as you waited for Steve to arrive. Daisy had already decided on her outfit, wanting to wear a bright green tutu with her favorite t-shirt, a striped one with a dog on it. She added a pair of jean shorts, rain boots, and a hat with bear ears, and you really had never seen her look better. You loved her fun, individual style, and she was the cutest child you had ever seen, in your not-so-biased opinion. You, on the other hand, were just settling on your fifth outfit when you heard your doorbell ring. Smoothing out your blouse, you ran downstairs to open the door. Steve was standing there, holding two small packages and a bouquet of flowers.
“Hey there,” he smiled. “These are for you,” he said, handing you the flowers.
“Oh, Steve, thank you so much,” you said, kissing his cheek. “Come in.”
“Mr. Harrington!” Daisy squealed, running to hug his knees.
“Hey, little one,” he chuckled. “Here’s something for you,” he said as he handed her one of the small packages. She opened it up to see a fuzzy stuffed rabbit, which made her squeal again.
“Thank you, Mr. Harrington, thank you!”
“Of course, Daisy bud. And hey, you can call me Steve if you want.”
Daisy blushed as she hid herself in Steve’s knees again. 
“Well, you two can hang out while I finish up dinner, if that’s okay,” you said, looking at Steve.
“Oh, absolutely! Daisy bud and I have plenty to discuss, and she promised me she’d show me The Big Comfy Couch show.”
“You’ll enjoy that,” you smiled.
“Oh, and this is for after dinner,” Steve smiled, handing you the other package. “Made it myself,” he said happily. 
“Blueberry pie, wow! Thank you,” you smiled.
“Of course. Now, go ahead and do what you need to. I’m off to my happy place,” he chuckled, holding Daisy’s outstretched hand. You giggled to yourself and walked into the kitchen.
You soon finished preparing dinner, and as you passed by to set the table in the dining room, you saw Steve looking down with intense concentration. You set the plates down and walked over to them, hearing their conversation.
“And then I have to put glitter on so that we can match,” Daisy said quietly as Steve nodded. You felt your heart melt as you saw Steve gently painting Daisy’s nails, messy polish all over his own. As you walked over, they both looked up at you excitedly.
“We’re becoming beautiful,” Steve beamed.
“Mommy, you have to match us too!” Daisy exclaimed, holding her hands up to see.
“Wow, Steve is better at nails than Mommy,” you chuckled. “You guys are adorable, I can barely stand it!”
“Steve, will you paint Mommy’s nails?” Daisy asked.
“Maybe after dinner, if Mommy wants me to,” Steve smiled, looking up at you.
“It would be a pleasure,” you replied. “I haven’t had a decent manicure in years.”
“You deserve it,” Steve said, smirking.
“You deserve it, Mommy!” Daisy giggled.
“Okay, my little cuckoo bird, go ahead and get yourself cleaned up for dinner,” you said, holding her hand. “I think your nails are dry enough, but be careful, okay?”
“Okay, Mommy,” Daisy smiled as she hopped off of the couch. You took her place and sat down in front of Steve. He held up his pink glitter-polished hands for you to see.
“She’s going places,” he chuckled. 
Without thinking, you leaned forward and kissed Steve, holding the side of his face with your hand. It was long, passionate, and an explosion of your emotions. He kissed back, leaning forward towards you, and you could feel him start to smile. As you broke away, he let out a soft laugh.
“I don’t know where that came from,” you said apologetically. “I just—you’re just so great with Daisy and me and—I  just—haven’t felt this much love from someone in a while. It’s so hard being on my own with Daisy, and it gets lonely at times, and I just want to find someone who cares for both of us the way you do and I—”
Steve held your face and kissed you again, deeply. A tear fell down your cheek as you returned the kiss, feeling overwhelmed with love.
“I never thought that I’d be able to find this kind of love either,” Steve said. “I’ve always felt like such a failure, like no one wants me—”
“You’re not a failure,” you whispered.
“You and Daisy make me feel like I’ve won the lottery,” Steve said, holding your face. “I know that Daisy isn’t my own, but the more I get to know her, the more I want to be in her life. And I really want to be in your life too, Y/N. What do you say?”
You kissed Steve again, softer this time. 
🏊 -Two Years Later-
“So, what color?” Steve asked, holding up four polishes for you to see.
“I think I’d like the dark blue please,” you smiled.
“I couldn’t have selected a better one myself,” he said cheerfully, then began to paint your toenails. Daisy walked over with her favorite glitter polish and rested her hands on your very pregnant belly.
“Mommy? Will you paint my nails please?”
“Of course, sweetheart! It’ll be like a nail polish train,” you said, making you both giggle.
“But who will paint Daddy’s nails?” she asked with concern.
“Mm, maybe you can paint them when I’m done with yours?” you suggested.
“Okay!” she giggled, handing you her polish. 
As you and Steve finished up, Daisy gave you a hug, admiring her new nails. Steve closed the polish bottle and grabbed your hands, pulling you closer to him.
“Payment!” he said, puckering up. You laughed, kissing him softly. 
“Okay, Daddy, time for your nails! What do you want this time?” Daisy said, pulling her box of manicure equipment closer to him.
“Hmm, can I just have some stickers please?” he said, looking at the stickers with little fruit on them.
“Sure!” Daisy said cheerily. “Payment?” she asked, making Steve chuckle. He kissed her forehead, then pulled her in for a hug.
“I love you, my Daisy bud.”
“I love you too, Daddy.”
Taglist: @tillkummer @mlle-ayka @fanficfanatic204 @klaine-92 @aurumbelis @onlyangel-444 @beep-beep-sherlock @morishitoshi @onceuponathreetwoone @toomanybandstocare @underthebatcape @zeldaknight @fieldofsecretss @prettyinpunk85 @igotbasicdrag @gothicfaires @thatonecurlygirl @luvthatlovestolove @loliakeoghan23 @dearelliewrites @mslunawinchester @efvyqrs @simonsbluee @inkedaztec @dumplinshee @pastel-abyss-x @frozenhuntress67 @hawkins-hs @witheringawayagain @theshinyrock @highpriestessfae @pinkgothiccprincess @persephone13 @katsukis1wife @murnsondock @fictionlandslanddreams @srapalestina @babyghouly @madformunsonsstuff @harrys-tittie @middle--fingering @urmomgov @maybankstarkey @jbetches @stardustmunson @maltinonka
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Finding Forever With You - Steve Harrington X Female Reader
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Title: Finding Forever With You
Steve Harrington X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Astrid (daughter), Reader's mother, Reader's father (Mentioned), Robin, and unnamed ex boyfriend (Mentioned)
WC: 5,000
Warnings: Post-Season Four events, Reader has a mother and father, italics, Reader is a single mother, teen pregnancy mentioned, very briefly mention of abortion, cursing, nicknames, banter, flirting, teasing, very brief mention of dresses, brief mention of crying, slight angst, and fluff
With your four-year-old daughter resting carefully on your left hip, you pushed the glass door of the Family Video store open, the bell above you ringing throughout the establishment as it closed behind you. Your daughter - Astrid - wiggled around in your arms, kicking her around her little feet as her bright blue eyes frantically - curiously - looked around the room filled with VHS tapes of various TV shows and movies.
She was lightly muttering the same part of 'The Final Countdown by Europe,' though she wasn't singing the actual words, per se... For the past week or so, she would only sing the instrumentals; your home was constantly filled with like 'dum-da dum dum da-da da da da's', and it didn't help that you often did the same thing. For the past month and a half, Astrid always sweetly demanded to listen to the song, so your house was constantly filled with that one song. But you loved singing with your daughter, and you never minded the constant singing, or the constant replaying of the song at home. If your daughter was happy, you were happy. And you were incredibly happy. 
Astrid was the light of your life. 
You were still so young when you had her. You had just turned fifteen a couple of weeks before you had her. Nine months before, you and someone whom you had trusted - your then-boyfriend - had been dating for less than seven months. At that point in your life, you had thought that you were in love... Or what you had thought love was as a teenager - that you and your ex would go through high school together and eventually marry after graduation. You had dreamed about a life living in a nice suburban home, with a white picket fence, and maybe a few pets... Maybe, eventually children. You hadn't expected that children would come quicker than you ever imagined. 
You often wished you could've gone back in time and taught your younger self the things that your not-so-there mother had not. When you had first found out that you were pregnant, it felt like the end of the world. You were terrified, for lack of a better word. You didn't know what to do in the beginning, sticking to going about your days until you figured out something to do - or something to say to your mother and your - at the time - boyfriend. Well, you had gained the courage to tell them only a month after you found out, and... It didn't go so well.
Your mother, though terribly disappointed, made sure you were taken care of. More so than usual, which slightly unnerved you. You were so used to her going off to Bingo nights, or falling asleep on the recliner during Jeopardy. You were not used to her actually staying home and spending time with you, albeit worrying over you and her newfound growing grandchild.
She did sit down with you, and you both had a conversation that included a long apology from your mother, along with a conversation that involved the possibility of terminating the pregnancy. Though, you couldn't find it in yourself to go along with it. During the month before you told your mother, you had spent many late nights thinking everything over. Yes, things were scary, and yes, you knew your future was going to change drastically, but you also knew that you could survive through it all. With that knowledge came a certain resolve - you wanted to keep your baby. 
And the moment you got to hold her in your arms - nine months later... You had never known so much love until you looked at your daughter for the very first time. The very moment you heard her cry, the very moment she was placed in your arms, the very moment she opened her little eyes... You felt like nothing else existed but this tiny, little person in your arms. Everything else was suddenly irrelevant. Though you regretted a lot of things in your life, you never, never regretted having your daughter. 
Now, the ex... Well, he became an ex for a reason. You had told him of your pregnancy after you had told your mother. And things did not go well. In short, he was not present at the birth of Astrid, nor did he partake in naming her, or her first birthday, or anything else after that. You didn't really know what happened to him, and you didn't really care. However, before you had to drop out of high school, you had heard from some friends that he moved to Hawaii with his family.
You continued to study at home, teaching yourself various subjects, and picking up books from the library when you had the chance. You soon found yourself above high school level before long. That, and taking care of a newborn, was enough work on its own. The first couple of months were hectic, but you - as always - survived. And with the help of your mother, who was more than willing to assist you and her grandbaby, it slowly settled into a routine for you. And for the next four years - now in your early twenties - you did whatever you could to make sure your Astrid was happy, healthy, and safe. 
"Mommy! I want a Disney movie!" Your daughter exclaimed in your arms, becoming a bit restless not being able to run around. You paused your movie searching, bringing your eyes away from the shelves of children's movies to look over at your daughter resting restlessly on your hip. You couldn't help but smile, seeing her bright blue eyes and even brighter smile as she tried to reach out with her arms, her little hands trying to grab at 'The Little Mermaid' VHS box on the lower shelves a few inches away. "Down, please!" She then asked, looking back up at you, her smile unwavering. 
"Alright," You nodded, lowering her to the ground, "But, please do not go far from me, okay? You can choose two movies," You emphasized the fourth word, watching as Astrid became more and more animated; jumping up and down. Before you could say anything else, she was off; going down the aisle, a couple of feet away, and still in your sight. You didn't have to wait long, before Astrid came barrelling down the aisle towards you, holding two VHS boxes in her arms. "Those are your two?" You asked and the young toddler nodded, her curls bouncing as she did so. "Alright, let's check out." You took the two offered VHS boxes from her, before taking her hand. 
Astrid took your hand with a smile, skipping beside you as you walked up to the checkout counter. She went back to humming 'The Final Countdown' when you gently tapped the small silver bell on the counter; the sharp ringing echoing throughout the store. You waited for a moment, hearing a door in the back open and close as you felt a soft tug on your hand.
Looking down, Astrid looked up at you, tugging your hand again for good measure. "May I have up?" She asked, and you nodded, placing the VHS tapes on the counter, and picking her up; resting her back onto your hip. "What is for dinner?" She then asked, making you hum.
"Mimi is making her homemade pizza," You responded, earning a small cheer from her, her arms stretching up into the air before wrapping around your neck. 
"I love Mimi’s pizza," She said quietly, leaning her head against the side of your head. 
You smiled softly before answering, "Yeah, her pizza is pretty amazing."
"I want a pep slice," She mumbled.
You chuckled fondly under your breath at her pronunciation of pepperoni, "Alright."
"Sorry to keep you waiting" You heard a voice, making you turn back to the counter and away from Astrid. You watched, shocked, as the Steve Harrington walked behind the counter. You did your best to hide your surprise, and you had guessed that you had done a good job since he didn't bring your odd expression up. You had known... Well, had known about Steve Harrington in your first year at Hawkins High, before you dropped out for the preparation of your daughter's birth. But, during that first year, you had known about him - and seen him out and about in the school halls. 
You remembered Steve as King Steve - the young teenager with a charming and energetic personality, one that lured in everyone within a ten-foot radius of him. He had the power to make all eyes turn to him, making him seem to be the center of attention. People seemed to gravitate to him, especially the ladies... He loved to spend time with his friends, leaning up against the lockers during passing periods, talking and laughing. He was the party king... Always at a party, no matter if it was a school night. He was carefree... Doing what he wanted, drinking what he wanted, smoking when he wanted... Being what he wanted.
You didn't fully care much for him then. He was loud, a bit of a bad boy in some of the teachers' eyes, and he was a bully. Though, despite yourself, you thought he was cute. Above all, you really liked his hair. Especially now, as you looked at him, you couldn't help but admire his hair... You wondered what hair spray he used, if any... "Find everything alright?" He asked, looking up at you after flipping the VHS tapes around to see their covers.
You slipped out of your thoughts quickly, nodding, "Oh, yes. Thank you." You shifted Astrid on your hip, adjusting her as you grabbed your wallet, "How much do I owe you?" At no response, you looked up, meeting Steve's confused gaze.
His eyebrows were heavily furrowed, his lips in a slight pout, as he simply stared at you before seemingly snapping out of his own thoughts, and letting out a nervous chuckle, "Sorry," He slid the two VHS tapes over, before looking back up at you, "Do I know you?"
You let out your own nervous laugh, breathing it out as you gave him a small awkward smile, "I used to go to Hawkins High for a while." You shrugged a shoulder, "I only went for Freshman year though."
With a smile, he snapped his fingers, "Yeah! That's where I know you! You had Mrs. Johnson's class right? Second period?" His brown eyes sparkled with recognition.
You nodded, your smile growing slightly, "Yes, I did. I’m Y/N."
"Y/N... Beautiful name." He tried out your name, and you had to admit, you loved the sound of it coming from him. Steve hummed before running a hand through his hair once, "I'm Steve, but you probably already knew that." His gaze then shifted to Astrid, who was peeking out from the sleeve of your shoulder, her little hand clutching onto your shirt. "And who might you be?" Steve's voice softened a bit.
Astrid, being a bit shy around strangers, buried her face against your neck, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "Her name is Astrid. She's a bit shy around new people." You gently bounced her, your free hand rubbing against her back.
“Pleasure to meet you, Miss Astrid.” Steve spoke, continuing to smile, "Well, that'll be two dollars.”
Over the past couple of months, you and Steve had grown closer with every visit to return the VHS tapes. Each interaction was filled with laughter, each of you sharing your common interests; you found yourself spending a lot of time just standing at the counter, getting lost in your conversations with Steve; hell, you were also getting lost in his eyes, but you weren’t going to admit that to anyone.
It was evident that a bond was forming between the two of you, the usual anxious nerves in the pit of your stomach were replaced by something warm, something that made your heart beat a bit faster, and made you unable to wipe the smile from your face. You hadn't felt this happy, just talking to someone, in a long time. 
"How much do I owe you this time?" You asked, pulling out your wallet, only for Steve to shake his head.
"My treat," He began, "I insist, sweetheart." He flashed you a smile, and you felt your heart flip in your chest - Steve’s insisting had become somewhat reoccurring. Throughout the week, every couple of days, Steve would insist on paying for however many VHS tapes you wanted to rent. No matter how much you protested and insisted, he'd insist right back; ever the gentleman he was. In your head, the whole, "I insist," reminded you of the book 'The Princess Bride'. It was one of your favorites, and you couldn't help but be reminded of it whenever Steve said those three words.
Gathering the four VHS tapes in your hands, you smiled, albeit sheepishly; you still weren’t used to that nickname he started giving you only a month ago, "Thank you, Steve. That's very kind of you."
From the backroom, your smile widened slightly at the sight of Robin walking out, her backpack on one shoulder. She paused at the counter, returning your smile; though with a look over at Steve, her grin turned into a smirk; a knowing look in her eyes. “Hello, Y/N… Dingus.” She greeted the both of you.
“Buckley,” Steve sounded slightly annoyed, but after seeing the two interact for a while, you knew that was just how their friendship was; you thought it was funny - endearing - like siblings.
“So,” Robin looked over at you, “How are you?” She asked you, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her windbreaker.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Good, how about you?”
Robin glanced over at Steve, who had his arms crossed - impatient - her smirk widened slightly, “Oh, I’m good… Just heading home to work on some homework. I’ll see you both tomorrow?”
You could help but chuckle, “Probably, good luck, Rob!” You waved to her, and she waved back, leaving the Family Video. Turning back to Steve, you froze slightly, seeing the look on his face. You couldn't place it, but there was an intensity about it. Almost like a soft glint in his brown eyes - an unreadable emotion hidden deep in them. 
Before you could think too much about it, he cleared his throat, shaking himself out of whatever trance he had been in, becoming suddenly nervous; the complete opposite of his usual charming and confident self. “Y/N, I was wondering..,” He paused, swallowing thickly as he dropped his gaze to the counter, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. You waited, patiently, allowing him the time that he needed to say whatever it was that he had wanted to say. “I was wondering if you’d be interested in going to dinner with me… Or catching a movie?” He finished, daring to look up at you with those brown eyes of his, seemingly hopeful, though you could still see how nervous he was.
You blinked… Once, twice, feeling your face become incredibly warm and your heart begin to race at the very sudden and unexpected question; though, deep down, were you hoping he’d ask you out? Maybe.
As Steve shifted his weight from one foot to the other, waiting for your response, but your mind was racing with conflicting emotions. On one hand, his charm and genuine interest in you made your heart flutter in a way you hadn't felt ever before in your life. And on the other hand, the thought of revealing your biggest secret to him – that you were a young mother to Astrid – filled you with a deep sense of apprehension.
You couldn't deny the attraction you felt towards Steve, but the thought and fear of him rejecting you once he found out about Astrid loomed over you like a dark cloud. What if he couldn't handle being with someone who already had a child? A toddler no less. What if he saw you differently, or decided that he didn't want to be a part of your life completely because of it?
You pushed those negative thoughts away. 'It would be nice to go out with Steve though. Maybe he'd take me to a nice restaurant... Candlelight, classical music... Or maybe he'd take me to a small diner down on Eagle Way. Burger and fries, maybe sharing a chocolate milkshake...' You let your mind wander, 'He’d drive me home, listening to ‘Soft Cell.’ He’d drive slow, to spend more time with me… Maybe even a kiss goodnight...' You knew that Steve was incredibly sweet, charming, funny, and so on, but going on this date would give you more time to get to know him better - in a more personal setting, and to see where this relationship might go. You definitely didn’t mind seeing where this relationship could go. You knew that your mother would probably watch Astrid for the night if you asked. And so, you decided to go for the risk. 
"Actually, Steve," Steve subconsciously held his breath as you began, his nerves sizzled, "I'd love to go to dinner with you." You answered, a mix of nervousness and excitement swirling in your stomach. You took in a deep breath and forced yourself to look up at him, smiling softly when you noticed the grin spreading across his lips. 
"Awesome- I mean, shit, uh, cool. Yeah, cool," Steve fumbled, trying to play it cool obviously, and failing spectacularly as a bright red blush spread across his cheeks and ears, his hand coming up to run his fingers through his hair once more. "I can pick you up. Is seven okay? Is Friday good?" He asked, trying to keep himself from rambling on too much.
You chuckled lightly, taking note of how adorable he was - his perfect hair as his fingers ran through the soft strands, his big, hazelnut brown eyes that shone with excitement as he grinned. You swallowed, forcing yourself to keep your voice even as you spoke; your own cheeks burning. "That works for me."
It took a few hours to figure out what to wear. From a cute long-sleeved dress to just jeans and a soft sweater, you chose the latter. There were other options too, but you quickly sent them out of the running. You knew that Steve wouldn’t care what you wore, but you wanted to look nice. This was your first real date in years. 
"I'm happy for you, honey," Your mother voiced from your doorway as you fidgeted with the fabric of your sweater. Your mother watched you, a gentle smile on her lips as you let out a sigh, turning around to face her. "You look beautiful," She told you, stepping into the room.
You hummed, grabbing the small pile of dirty clothes from your bed and tossing them into your hamper by your full-length mirror. "Thanks," You said, the butterflies in your stomach seemed to grow bigger with each step that you took and with each second that passed. "Is Astrid asleep?" You asked, staring at your reflection in the mirror, fiddling with your hair as your eyes met your mother's through said mirror.
"Yeah," She nodded, "Out like a light." She wandered further into the room, standing beside you; her arm wrapped around you, pulling you into her side. "I hope you have a good night out. It's been a long time since you've gone out anywhere." Her voice held a hint of sadness in it. 
You chose to say nothing in response, only nodding before you slid out of her hold. "I should get my shoes on... Steve will be here soon." You grabbed your bag, and your mother hummed, nodding as a somewhat sad smile graced her lips.
"Don't stay up too late." She tried to joke, lifting the small tension and your nerves slightly.
"I won't, mom." You spoke, giving her a small smile before walking down the hallway; she followed as you paused in front of Astrid's door. Carefully opening the door, the light from the hallway sprinkled in; you let out a sigh, seeing Astrid sleepy peacefully in her unicorn themed room, ner nightlight in the corner of her bedroom softly beaming a pinkish color. "I completely trust you with watching her, mom, but I can't help but worry."
Your mother sighed, "I was the same with you," She spoke quietly as you shut your daughter's door, "It was really hard for me to leave home without you in those first couple of years... But after your father… I'm sorry, again, for not being there for you in your later years. If I had only-"
"It's fine, mom, really." You paused at the bottom of the stairs, "We talked about this, I'm fine. Perfectly happy. Yes, I wish some things were different, but we can't change the past." Slipping on your shoes, you let out a small shaky breath, looking over at the clock on the wall. Five minutes to spare. Checking through your bag, you huffed, rolling your eyes. "Shit. I'll be right back, I forgot my wallet." You turned and headed back up the stairs. 
Your mother stood by the door, watching the upstairs landing for a sight of you, before the doorbell rang. She cringed lightly, hoping that the doorbell wasn't loud enough to wake her granddaughter. Opening the door revealed Steve, dressed in a striped polo shirt, brown slacks, and brown shoes; looking a bit more formal than usual. Your mother immediately smiled, seeing the two bouquets of flowers in his awaiting hands.
Steve hid his tingling nerves behind his charming smile, offering one of the bouquets - white lilies - to your mother, who's smile widened at the gesture. "These are for you, Mrs. L/N." He said, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Pleasures all mine," Your mother took a small whiff of her flowers before resting them carefully in her arms, "My daughter talks a lot about you. You must have made a good impression." 
"Must have," Steve let out a small laugh, his eyes then finding you past your mother’s figure, walking down the stairs; his expression softened, completely taking you in.
"I'm sorry, I forgot my wallet-" You paused at the end of the stairs, looking up as you stuffed your wallet inside your bag. "What?" You asked, seeing the way that Steve was looking at you, you bit your lip, your brow furrowed in confusion.
Steve’s eyes widened slightly as he watched you walk down the stairs. Then, there, Steve saw his forever with you. He cleared his throat before he spoke, "Damn… I mean, nothing, nothing..." He said, offering you the bouquet in his hands. “You just… You look beautiful.” Your eyes widened, at his words and seeing the colorful bouquet - your favorite flowers were situated perfectly in the light blue paper that wrapped the bundle up.
"Oh, Steve," You muttered, taking the bouquet and bringing it up to your nose, "These are beautiful." You inhaled deeply, smelling the flowery scent. "And thank you." You gave him a warm, grateful smile before reaching up and planting a quick kiss against his cheek. “For the flowers and the compliment. You look rather dashing tonight as well.”
"Anytime, Y/N." He responded, his cheeks flushed. "We should probably get going-"
"Mommy!" You, Steve, and your mother's head whipped around as Astrid came running down the stairs, tears streaming down her cheeks. Steve, frowned a bit, seeing the young toddler in distress, and that sympathy turned right into pure confusion as Astrid instead of leaping into your mother's arms, came right up to you.
You quickly sat the flowers down on the small table by the door, your motherly instincts taking over, before reaching down and taking her into your arms. You lightly bounced her, trying your best to calm her as her little fists rubbed at her wet eyes, "What's wrong, honey bunny?" You asked, only receiving little sniffles in return, until a moment later, she spoke. 
"I had a nightmare," She mumbled, before digging her face into your shoulder, her arms wrapping tightly around your neck.
You sighed, “It’s gonna be alright,” You spoke, before you remembered Steve was right beside you. Turning, you looked up at him, seeing the confusion written all over his face; his eyebrows were furrowed, and a small - still confused - frown painted his lips. Your mother took one look at the both of you before leaving the room entirely, not wanting to intrude on your private conversation; muttering that she needed to put her flowers in a vase. You shifted Astrid a bit so you could see her face better. "Do you wanna talk about it?" You asked softly, your hand rubbing soothing circles onto her back. Astrid shook her head quickly, letting out another sniffle as she clung onto your shirt.
“Nuh-uh,” She only muttered back.
Looking back up at Steve, you knew that it was time to tell him; you couldn’t hide it forever. "Astrid's my daughter." You spoke quickly, gently as you tried to remain as calm as you could, for yourself and your daughter; though you couldn’t help but feel tears burn the backs of your eyes. Those words fell from your lips without hesitation, a feeling of relief washing over you, the heavy weight being lifted from your shoulders. "I had her when I was really young, that's why I dropped out of high school; so I could better prepare myself for her, and to better take care of her." You turned your gaze away, your free hand coming up to brush through Astrid's curly hair; during the short while, she had grown quiet, peeking her head out between your shoulder, her cheek pressed up against it. "I was worried about telling you at first. I didn't know how you would handle the information." You paused, swallowing the lump forming in your throat, "I should've told you... But I wasn't ready... And now it's happening." You laughed quietly, "I'm really sorry." 
"Y/N," Steve began, moving closer to you and placing his hand on your cheek; your eyes met his.
"I would understand if you want to cancel our date."
"Cancel our date?" He asked, his thumb brushing against the apple of your cheek, "I wouldn't dream of it."
Your eyes widened, "You- what?"
The corners of his mouth tugged upward, and your heart swelled in your chest. "Y/N," He spoke softly, "This changes nothing for me. I wouldn't care if you had one kid or six, I still want to spend time with you, and get to know you more." His voice went quiet, "I really like you, more than I have ever liked anybody before."
You blinked, your eyes beginning to water slightly. "... Really?” You questioned, your voice slightly trembling as you stared at the man in front of you. Your heart nearly stopped. It felt like you were drowning, unable to catch your breath, and all of your thoughts flew out of your mind - completely blank. The world seemed to freeze, and you could hear everything; every sound, each beat of your heart. All you could see was him. If this was love… Well… "Steve-" Your hand came up to grab his hand from your cheek, he interlaced his fingers with yours.
"I’m serious," He interrupted, "Plus, I am reportedly great with children. I babysit them all the time." He grinned, his statement making you laugh. “They don’t call me ‘Mama Steve’ for nothing.”
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, shaking your head lightly with a small chuckle. "God," You breathed out, "I can't believe you."
Looking back over at Astrid, your daughter stared right at Steve - quickly forgetting her nightmare, before she pointed a finger at him, "My mommy told me that she likes your hair."
Well, that was certainly an ego boost for Steve, as his smile turned into a smirk, glancing at you before looking back at your daughter. "Oh, really?" He asked, and Astrid nodded, "Well, that is great information to know, Astrid. Thank you for telling me."
"You're welcome," She nodded, before her blue eyes suddenly brightened, seeing the bouquet of flowers on the small table by the door, "Oooh! Flowers!" She exclaimed, reaching out from your arms to try and grab them, and you couldn't help but laugh. “Pretty! I want them!”
"Alright," You sat her down, handing her the bouquet, "Could you bring these to the kitchen for Mommy? Mimi is still there, I believe."
Astrid nodded fervently, jumping up and down in her ‘Rainbow Brite’ pajamas, holding the now seemingly large bouquet in her arms, "Okay, Mommy!" You then leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead before she ran to the kitchen, yelling out an ecstatic 'I love you.'" And Steve mentally took note to bring Astrid her own flowers when he picked you up for your next date.
You mimicked her ‘I love you’, letting out a small sigh before turning back to Steve, "Well," You spoke up, "Are you sure you're not weirded out that I have a daughter?"
"I would never be weirded out by something like that," He shrugged, "And to answer any questions that might pop into the gorgeous mind of yours, yes, I am curious, but in a positive manner. But, again, this changes nothing." He stepped closer to you, gently squeezing your hand in his. "It would be an honor to go out on this date with you, truly, beautiful..."
You felt your cheeks flush, biting your lower lip, smiling, and laughing - almost giddy - at his statement. "Well, if we’re using nicknames, Mama Steve,” You teased lightly, feeling as if you were floating. "If you insist." You smiled softly.
Steve raised a brow, his smirk widening, "If I insist?" He questioned, causing your cheeks to heat up even more, if that was even possible. "Oh, I insist, sweetheart."
Main Masterlist | Stranger Things Masterlist
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mysticmunson · 9 months
new beginnings
summary: after a great first date, steve is relieved to have met you, but you're hiding something.
single mom!reader x steve
tw: nothing :)
wc: 700+
author's note: i want to make this a series so please let me know what u think and thank u to @andvys for talking with me about this and giving me amazing ideas. love u :))
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After many failed dates, tonight was going far too smoothly. 
It happened after running into you at a supermarket, his cart accidentally hitting your foot as he looked at cereal. You turned around, not upset, only startled, and he began to ramble apologies.
Through this, he noticed how pretty you were, the lines by your eyes when you smiled, and the scrunch of your nose.
Meanwhile, you felt embarrassed in your jeans and tank top with a flannel thrown on, taken aback by the man who caused an ache in your ankle.
In a spark of confidence, he asked to make it up to you by going out the following night, casually walking through the park and going to get pizza.
Which is why walking you to your apartment door felt so irritating, he wanted to stay out late, getting to know you more and look into your pretty eyes. He understood that you needed to be home by a certain time, you had made that evident since the beginning of the night.
“I had a really great time, Steve.” You sighed, a smile hanging from your lips, but he was confused by the slight melancholy.
As he nodded, a strand of hair fell before his eyes, “I did too, would you want to go out next weekend?”
Before you could reply, the door swung open to see a girl with curly black hair holding a baby. 
“Hey, I’m sorry, but I have to go-” The friend began, looking over at Steve, “Wait is this Steve?”
He threw a small wave, smiling, but she cracked a grin, “I can see why you were so nervous about tonight.”
The remark made your cheeks feel warm, playfully glaring at her and catching Steve blush himself.
“I’m Tasha, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” The friend announced to Steve then you, handing you the child before giving you a kiss on your forehead, and scurrying off.
Wrapped in the fuzzy feeling that you had been as excited as he was, he looked down at the little girl as she reached a hand to your face. 
“This is Eleanora,” You stated, hesitant, “She’s my daughter.”
His eyes slightly largened, taking in her chubby cheeks and long eyelashes, how her hair was slightly darker than yours. Her attention finally went to him, seeing how her eyes were a near copy.
“Oh, I didn’t know you had a baby.” He concluded, too focused on looking at her to notice your defeat.
A wobble in your voice is what made him look up, though it was only for a brief second, it made him think that this may have caused problems before.
“Um, I get if you don’t want to see me again.” You admitted, but you were lying through your teeth, you felt amazing with him.
He took a deep breath before smiling, waving to the girl whose eyes followed him closely. 
“Hi, I’m Steve.” He introduced, making you stifle a chuckle, lifting her hand to wave it back, “I was wondering if I could have your blessing to take your mom out again?”
You bit back a smile before letting it free, adjusting your arm beneath her bottom.
“She says yes, I know it.” You laughed, “Are you sure?”
Seeing your distress, he decided to be painfully honest, “I haven’t dated anyone in a few years, not since high school, this is new to me. All I know is I like you and I want to hang out with you more. I like kids too, to be honest, middle schoolers swarm to me with their problems.”
He felt pressure alleviated when you giggled, already knowing the stories of the few kids who befriended him after his last relationship. Typically bringing up an ex is a red flag, but it was years ago and he spoke of her like a friend, one who was very much taken and on the opposite side of the country.
“Well, I will ask Tasha to come over Friday.” You smiled, bouncing slightly when Eleanora began to fuss. 
“Eleanora should come,” He proposed as your eyebrows raised, not used to a guy not only being cool with the baby, but also wanting her around, “We can go to dinner, somewhere casual.”
You felt warm all over as you agreed, giving a side hug in your open arm before heading inside. 
Standing in the cold hallway, Steve wavered emotions on whether this was necessarily a great idea, but all he could focus on was you. Especially with your daughter. For the first time in months, he headed home with the windows down, the radio playing loudly as he grinned.
He couldn’t wait for Friday night.
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tagging mutuals: @lilacletter @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @lesservillain @munsonsreputation
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xoxoavenger · 1 year
Steve's Problem Masterlist
main masterlist wanna be added to the taglist?
Everyone knows Steve loves kids. It’s not a problem until he meets Eddie’s hot neighbor who has the cutest kid Steve’s ever seen.
Steve's Problem
Head Over Heels
The Holiday Party
In a Frame on the Highest Shelf
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swiftieblyth · 3 months
Steve Harrington
Is anyone else an absolute sucker for single!dad Steve or is it just me? Like I just want to sit and bench read single!dad Steve x reader that’s just filled with so much fluff and love, and it’s so sweet. But I feel like I’ve already read them all 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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ashes-writing · 1 year
stranger things ● forever, pt 2 ● s.harrington
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{ part 1 } <- can be found by clicking. everything else I've started will be updated asap. this just grabbed hold and i had to lean into it, that's why there are two updates for it in one day.
Angst, hurt comfort, internal angst (because reader/you and Steve apparently love to overthink fucking everything), baby talk (your kid is 3. she's still grasping speech.), so much dad!steve fluff omg, robin has a crush and might get the girl, (Barb. it's barb and i am fully prepared to die all alone on this hill.), small town judgment and rumors and shit ( if curious.. this has both to do with eventual Robin/Barb and also bc stevie, in my mind, looks like she could be steve's actual daughter bc drama ), huge changes to seasons 1 thru 4 (Everyone but Jason lives, Max is not in between life or death, Billy's brush with death has redeemed him.. slightly, starcourt is rebuilt, the portal to the upside down is closed PERMANENTLY), vaguely hinted at that Vecna may have mentally tortured Steve and it may have gotten in his head a little when Vecna 'attacked' his mind in my version of events for this, alcohol/smoking mentions, eventual filth (probably gonna have Steve's known breeding k*nk front and center, fwiw.), swearing, arguing, roommates trope eventually, slow burn (as slow as I can tolerate tbh ), reader has not had a very good life prior to Hawkins, ( more will come on that later trust me )
Reader/you are Robin Buckley's cousin. Reader/You was born female and you identify as female with female parts and a 3 year old daughter named Stevie and reader/you have personality + a past and backstory. This is self indulgent and I do not apologize.
word count
5302 exactly. I uh.. got carried away.
“Okay, but.. For whatever reason, she’s attached to your friend. It might get annoying, Robin.” you point out after turning your attention back to the television for a few minutes and having a little more time to think about it.
Robin thinks what you’ve just said is hilarious and she’s doubled over laughing as she pauses to look at you and shake her head. “You don’t know Steve. Trust me. This will not get annoying for him. And anyway,” Robin rolls onto her stomach and looks at you, “He likes her.”
aka, the one in which Robin -and Steve also Barb watch Stevie while you try to interview for a job.
taglist + shoutouts
-- taglist is here. if you wish to be added click the bolded part to be taken to it. if you're here for eddie/gareth or other guys from ST and don't want to be tagged please let me know.
@chaoticcancer - just wait. my heart was also like ahhhh.. writing these two parts. I really hope you like this, thank you for reading!
@tbmunson bestie. babe. babesss. i had to do this okay? we needed it. and i proceeded to go ham. oopsies.
other links
masterlist ● steve's masterlist ● about + rules
You must've put in an application at every place imaginable all over town. It's been a week and the phone lines have been silent. You're starting to wonder if you'll get any callbacks.
"Will you relax? Someone will call, okay?" Robin speaks up from the doorway of her room. You sink down to sit on the bed. "I'm seriously having my doubts."
"They will." Robin is unwrapping a bomb pop and holding it out to Stevie. Stevie takes it and climbs up onto your lap. You grimace at her reddened shoulders from an afternoon spent in the kiddie end of Hawkins pool and she leans back against you as Robin leans forward to hit play on yet another movie Steve Harrington rented for your daughter. Tonight it's Alice in Wonderland and as the opening credits roll, you're surprised to find yourself wondering what he's doing at the moment. It's a thought quickly buried as deep as you can.
As Alice finds herself in Wonderland on the television screen, your aunt's landline rings and you slip off the couch so Stevie goes to sit in Robin's lap. Until she remembers the glittery 'picture' she drew earlier and goes to get them both because she's made one for Steve too, a little thank you for being so nice to her when she knows she might be annoying at times.
"Who's this one for?" Robin asks, looking at the squiggles, circles and squares covered in glitter and drawn in vibrant red marker beneath. The purple glitter is falling off the page, settling on Robin’s bed. 
"Steve. I make him dragon. Only he doesn't breathe fire, he breathes toasts."
Robin laughs and smiles. "I see that. I'm gonna put mine right here. On my bulletin board." She hugs Stevie again and Stevie is hugging back, playing with her hair.
"'Kay!" Stevie laughs, looking up at Robin. “I like Steve. He’s sooooo nice.”
“Oh you do, huh?” Robin laughs again. Stevie nods. 
You wander back in and Robin speaks up. “Well?”
“That was the secretary job I applied for? I’m a ‘risk’ but they’re willing to give me a shot?” you’re still a little shocked because when you applied for the secretary position at some office in town, they were literally the last stop. You didn’t think they’d even look at your application, let alone hire you. “They want me to come in for face to face interviews tomorrow.”
Then it hits you. Your aunt Janet has to work. “Shit.”
“I can’t, Robin.. Your mom has to work.”
“And, I can’t take Stevie. I also can’t leave her alone.” you bite your lip as you mull it over.
Robin speaks up. “I’ll take her to Family Video with me. I’ve got a shorter shift tomorrow and it’s gonna be slow as hell anyway.”
“Robin…” you eye her warily.
“I’ll take her.” Robin repeats, firmer. “It’ll be fun. Won’t it, Stevie?” Robin gazes down at Stevie. “A little help here?” she asks, fluffing Stevie’s hair. Stevie is nodding. “Please, mama? I be so good.”
“Okay, sweetie, but aunt Robin is working. You have to be a good girl.”
Robin laughs. “Relax. She’s an angel.” she looks over at you and now both of them are begging.
“Okay, alright. Fine. The second I have money again I’ll pay–” you start to tell Robin you’ll pay her but she’s already shaking her head. “You’re not. I wanted to do it.”
“Okay, but.. For whatever reason, she’s attached to your friend. It might get annoying, Robin.” you point out after turning your attention back to the television for a few minutes and having a little more time to think about it. You’re grasping at straws because you’re already seeing Stevie form a little bit of an attachment to Robin’s best friend slash co-worker and you’re just so afraid that sooner or later, the novelty is going to wear off for the guy, leaving your little girl heartbroken and missing something she’s never actually had and most likely never will.
A father.
Robin thinks what you’ve just said is hilarious and she’s doubled over laughing as she pauses to look at you and shake her head. “You don’t know Steve. Trust me. This will not get annoying for him. And anyway,” Robin rolls onto her stomach and looks at you, “He likes her.”
“Yeah. Now, in theory, when he only has to deal with her a few minutes here and a few there. A whole day with her underfoot is different.” you take a deep breath. “I’m just..”
“I get it. You don’t want Stevie to get too attached.” Robin mumbles quietly, nodding in agreement. “You need the job, right?”
“Well, yeah, I’d like to find an apartment sooner or later. I’d like to be able to do things for Stevie..” you trail off, letting the rest of your sentence go unsaid. Because Robin knows exactly how awful your mom was now, the two of you had a really long talk recently. You finally told her everything that’s been going on, full honesty. Instead of letting her believe everything was fine like you’d done before.
Robin nods. A grim look on her face as she shakes her head. “I wish you’d told me and Mom everything way sooner.”
“I didn’t want you guys to worry.” you answer, going quiet. “Okay, alright. Don’t let her annoy him, please?” you give Robin a pleading look and Robin nods. “I’m telling you though,” she insists, “Stevie is not annoying to him. Like… not even a little.”
“Robin.” you laugh and shake your head. “He’s probably got an image or something.”
“Yeah, as a giant dingus.” Robin states, laughing. “I know what you’re thinking. Just stop overthinking already, okay? Steve Harrington is a good guy. He’s not going to treat her like dirt because she’s three.”
You blow at damp strands as they fall down into your eyes. “I just.. She’s never really like.. Attached herself to a person like this before.”
“Could have everything to do with her mommy being stingy.” Robin teases gently, laughing as she looks up at you. Stevie wanders back in with a yogurt cup and spoon. Robin reaches out, pulling her up before you even get the chance. “Guess what, sparkles?”
“Your mom finally gave in. We win. You can come to work with me tomorrow.” Robin and Stevie share a laugh and Robin takes Stevie’s spoon and takes a bite of yogurt for herself. “We can watch movies all day.”
“Yay!” Stevie claps her hands together in excitement. “Will my fwiend be there?”
Robin laughs softly. You tense up slightly. Look at your daughter with a soft smile as you warn, “Sweetie, you don’t need to bother him too much, okay?”
“Otay.” Stevie nods. But she has no intention of listening because she likes being around Steve. He’s nice. Really nice. And he gives her piggyback rides sometimes. He tells her stories about dinosaurs and some weird thing called basketball that he used to play and really likes a lot. He showed her how to tie her favorite purple sneaker earlier when he dropped off her aunt Robin after work, because her shoe was untied and he said he didn’t want her to fall on her face.
The morning comes too early. And it’s off to a not so good start. You’re rushing around because you forgot to set an alarm the night before, and the button’s popped off the only ‘suitable’ shirt you own for an interview.
Stevie’s missing her shoe and she can’t find her current favorite stuffed animal, a stuffed husky that Robin won out of the claw machine outside of Big Buy when they went in to pick up groceries for your aunt Janet. So she’s upset. Robin spots the shoe and holds it up. “Aha! I knew it was in here somewhere!”
“Fank you!” Stevie throws her arms around Robin’s neck. Robin grabs the hair brush from her dresser and motions for Stevie to sit in front of her. You laugh. “She’s tender-headed.” you warn as you flip over your own hair and try to make something out of the wild and thick mess of curls you have going on now, no thanks to your old reliable blow dryer quitting earlier. You’re in the midst of scrunching your hair to create a more defined curl pattern when Stevie wanders over, bending down to look up at you through a curtain of hair. “Mama! Mama, your skirt dirty.”
“Shit.” you say it without stopping to think and just as Stevie looks as if she’ll repeat it, you tack on quickly, “Mommy didn’t mean t’ say that, cupcake. You’re still a baby. That’s an adult word.”
“I know.” Stevie answers, giggling. “It sound funny.”
“It’s not, though.” you smile at your daughter and laugh softly. “You’ll let your aunt Robin braid your hair but you won’t let me? I might cry.”
“Don’t, mama. It’s just aunt Wobin do it better!”
You pout a little, flipping your hair over to stand and look in the mirror. Robin notices the stain on your skirt too and nods to your aunt’s room across the hall. “My mom’s got a suit or something? I think?”
You nod. After digging through your suitcase, you happen to find a modest -and totally shapeless, t shirt style black dress, you grab that and rush down the hall into the bathroom of the trailer to change. 
“This looks like I’m wearing a trash bag. If I wind up working at this place I’m gonna have to get dressier stuff.” you wrinkle your nose at the thought. Because it’s money you don’t want to have to spend, but if you could luck into getting this secretary job, you’d be thrilled because it’ll be more money than you’ve ever made at once before.
And the job actually has insurance.
Robin’s friend Barb pulls to a stop outside and Robin’s giddy, laughing and smiling as if she could float. She drops a quick kiss to Stevie’s head and hugs you, lingering in the doorway. “I’ll see you in a little bit!”
You laugh and nod. “Yeah!”
After Robin’s gone, you scramble some eggs and squeeze an orange to make some juice for Stevie and as she eats ketchup covered scrambled eggs and a piece of fried ham, you try to finish getting ready.
You hate the shapeless dress, it’s one of your least favorite articles of clothing and even adding a belt to it doesn’t do anything to make it look better. You laugh at yourself in your cousin’s full length mirror on the back of her closet door and you toss the belt at your open suitcase on the bed. “Just get it over with. You’re probably not getting the job anyway, they said you were a risk to hire.”
Stevie’s sitting on the floor watching you. “We go, mama?”
“Yeah, we should get going,cupcake. Turn off the tv.”
Stevie pushes the button to turn off the television atop the dresser at the foot of Robin’s bed and you scoop her up,carrying her out. As the two of you walk out of the trailer, the girl with red hair is outside skateboarding again.
Stevie gives her a wave and the redhead waves back, quick to turn back to her skateboarding. The muscular blond with the mullet is leaned in the open door again, you can feel him staring. When he grins at you, cigarette smoke billowing out of his mouth, you manage a stiff wave and turn your attention to getting Stevie fastened into her car seat.
It’s a hard pass on the guy for you. He’s exactly the type of guy who fathered Stevie when you were 17. You are not going down that road again. And as you slip into the driver seat, a thought pops up out of nowhere. Surprises you a little when it does.
,, he’s not as handsome as Steve Harrington, either.” and as soon as this thought rises, you’re quick to shove it back down.
He’s definitely not an option.. You know, if you were even considering anything. The last thing any guy your age is going to want is to get a package deal and you’re just not willing to settle for anybody who won’t love and cherish your little girl as much as you do.
As you drive into town, you hum along with the radio, watch as the tree lined blacktop turns to buildings and houses. You pull to a stop in the parking lot of Family Video right around the same time that Robin and her friend Barb are pulling to a stop. You watch as Barb leans in closer to your cousin and you smile softly to yourself.
Robin mentioned someone in her letters around Valentines Day. You’re wondering if Barb might be the girl she mentioned. You hope so, because the way Barb looks at your cousin when she’s not looking is the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen with your own eyes, hands down. Robin spots you as the two pull away from their super close conversation and she grins brightly, waving.
As Robin and Barb wander over, Stevie’s already grumbling as she fusses with the way her upper harness in the seat likes to hang up. “I just wanna get out! Stupit buckle.” as she fumes and keeps trying to work with it, you lean over and unfasten it. Gently caressing her chubby little cheeks as you look into big brown eyes. “Mama will be back later to get you, alright? Be a good girl for aunt Robin.” you go quiet, adding a second later, “And don’t bother Steve so much when he’s working, please?”
“But mama..”
“Stevie Robin..” you using her first and middle name has the  desired effect, but she’s pouting and not happy about it. “Otay! I try not to bother him! But if he wants t’ play, I not stop him.”
You laugh softly and press a kiss to her hairline. As Robin opens the door and scoops up Stevie, she’s laughing. “Ready for a big adventure, sparkles?”
“Uh-huh!” she laughs and smiles, hugging against Robin. One of her braids is already trying to come undone. You smile at Barb. She smiles back as she reaches for the old backpack you use to keep everything Stevie needs inside when you have to leave her with sitters and you fight down the usual guilt that comes rushing up when you’re thinking about just how well used that backpack is by now and how it means you hardly get to spend any time with your daughter like you always dreamed you would when you were little.
The time your own mother refused to spend with you.. Unless, of course, she took you along with her to try and ply single men by playing the single mom who needs sooooo much help card. 
“She’ll be fine, ___.” Robin’s gentle teasing and the reassuring grin she gives you has you nodding. Smiling at her even though leaving Stevie with them while you go off for an interview is the last thing you want to be doing.
You’d rather be spending all day with your little girl. Making a blanket fort in the living room of your house. Making crustless peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as you both lie around, you reading her book of Grimms fairytales to her. Cuddling. Until the man you love comes in from work, where you’d have a nice home cooked meal, not something frozen or canned or even burned beyond recognition.. The life you didn’t have and always longed for as a kid.
,, you really need to accept the fact that this is your reality. Unless you want to turn into her, parading an endless string of faceless and nameless ‘uncles’ in and out of your life, always leaving you hurt and confused when they were gone and she was mean and bitter all over again.” the thought comes and you shove it out.
You watch as the three of them disappear into the video store, door banging shut behind them. And then you put your car into drive and pull out, merging with traffic. Journey is playing on the radio so you hum along and you hope it’ll distract you from a full to bursting mind. You’re just focused on doing your absolute best at this interview. Because you have to get money coming in somehow.
Steve’s flipping through the channels on the old tv set that sits down on the counter out of sight. His legs are reclined and he’s just.. Fighting the urge to pass out from exhaustion.
To say sleeping through a full night since March has been a struggle would be a gross understatement. It’s been literal hell on Earth for him because every time he starts to doze, he can feel the earth rumbling beneath him. The sensation of free falling and then a hard thud as he connects with solid. And then he can hear Vecna’s evil laugh all over again. The way Vecna forced him to watch his worst fears and deepest secrets play out in front of him just to torture him. He had to watch everyone move on and leave him behind. He had to watch as his parents just went on with life as normal after his ‘death’, totally unaffected. He had to hear every single dark thing he’s ever thought or felt but never given a voice to, on repeat. 
It’s not until his alarm’s going off every morning that the torment stops as Comfortably Numb starts to play and brings him rushing out, into another long day.
It was the same this morning and yet somehow, it wasn’t. Because Robin let it slip that Stevie was going to spend the day with them while you were interviewing at one of the offices in town for a secretary position. And somehow, knowing the little girl was going to be around to distract him all day just made things a little better.
She’s eating gummy bears that Robin and Barb stopped at the gas station in town to buy her as she makes her way over to him and motions for him to pick her up. “Tell me more about baske..About the game.” Stevie asks, holding out her bag of gummy bears to Steve as she smiles. “I wanna play too.”
Steve chuckles.
“Hang on, little bit.” he reaches for the remote, “Maybe there’s a warm up game on or a replay.” he flips through stations until he finds the channel he’s looking for. “That’s basketball.” he nods to a replay of an old Bulls game. “I used to play in high school.”
Stevie’s eyes fix on the television and she holds the bag out to him again. Steve takes a handful of gummy bears and pops them into his mouth as he arranges Stevie on his lap a little better. 
As this is happening, Barb nudges Robin. “I never thought I’d see this happen.”
Robin laughs softly and nods. “Me either. From what __ has told me, Stevie doesn’t meet strangers though.” she shrugs, “Does he seem off to you too lately? And it’s gotten a little more obvious since Nance and Jonathan left town.” 
“It has.” Barb admits, leaning against Robin slightly. Not enough to be obvious or invateRobin’s personal space but enough that she can feel the slight weight of the other girl and just..be close.
She wishes she could be so much closer. But she doesn’t know how to even begin telling her.
Robin feels her cheeks burn at the slightest hint of contact and she bites back the smallest whimper threatening to break free. She forces herself to pull together and calls out to get Steve’s attention. “Dingus, don’t get her into sports!”
“Looks fun!” Stevie is grinning and she’s turned herself to face Steve. “Open your mouth.” Steve opens his mouth as the little girl’s asked and Stevie tries to toss a bear in but she misses. The blue gummy bear settles on the front of his new polo shirt and he picks it off, eating it.
The bell over the  door jingles and Robin glances over to see who it is.
“Harrington! Yo! Dude!” Billy’s calling out Steve’s name as he wanders the aisles to search for his former enemy turned friend. He finally gives up the search and stops in front of Robin and Barb. “Either of you seen Steve or do I need t’ go over and drag his broody ass outta bed again?”
“Right here, Hargrove, jesus.” Steve speaks up. Billy nearly chokes on the gum he’s chewing as he sees Steve sitting behind the counter with the cute little 3 year old daughter of the hot mom living across from him and his stepsister and her mom in Forest Hills. “You stealin kids now, Harrington?”
“I came t’ him.” Stevie sasses, leaning in against Steve just a little. Steve laughs and shrugs. Robin speaks up. “Yeah, he stole her from me! It took two hours to convince her mom I’d be able to watch her today when she went in for the interview. He’s had her since Barb and I got here.”
“You get her all the time, Robbie.”
“And? She’s my sparkles.” Robin argues back with Steve playfully. Billy chuckles. When he spots the game on tv he laughs to himself. “Girls don’t like that sh–”
“Mama said that’s adult word.” Stevie warns, giving Billy a very stern little look. Billy snickers. “It is, huh?”
Steve looks up at Billy. “She wanted to watch it, actually.”
“I did!”
“Anyway, what’d you want?”
“You’re comin with me tonight, dude. Munson’s band’s having a gig at the new bar. Told him we’d go.”
“I don’t have a choice, do I?”
“Fuck no. No you don’t, Harrington. I’ve got tomorrow off, I’m not gonna waste th’ night sober.”
Steve grumbles but shrugs. “Not like anything else is going on. Okay, fine.”
“I guess you can drive the Camaro because I’m not gonna be seen in the grandma mobile.” Billy smirks, he’s purposely being a shit now, hoping that maybe if he just keeps treating Steve like the way he treated ‘old Steve’ it’ll eventually piss Harrington enough to bring out just a little of the fight and spunk that’s been gone completely since March.
He’s really worried about Steve. He figured him out fairly easy right after he hit Hawkins their senior year. So he knows that walking out of the station with Eddie to his waiting car after everything played out in March.. Seeing the girl he wanted to be with more than anything reunite with a guy she claimed she ‘wasn’t sure about anymore’ when they looked like they’d reconnect. Billy knows this killed Steve.
And then there’s the whole Vecna thing, something Steve absolutely refuses to talk about with anyone. Even Robin, his best friend.
Billy just doesn’t want to see Steve go down the path he’s been down already.
“You loud.” Stevie mutters, giving Billy a dirty look as she leans against Steve’s chest and nods to the little television set. “We watch baske..” she gives up, “the ball game.” and Steve chuckles.
“Bas-ket-ball. C’mon, try it.”
“It’s big word! I 3.”
“And you’re really smart for 3, Stevie. C’mon, try it.” Steve coaxes.
With a little grumbling, he gets her to attempt sounding out the whole word. When she finally says it, she’s laughing and smiling, clapping chubby little hands together. “I said it! Aunt Wobin! I said it!”
Steve laughs. “You did.”
Billy snickers. “Try this one, shortstuff.. C-a-m-a-r-o.”
Stevie gives him a blank look and places a hand on her hip. “What that?”
Billy gestures to his haphazardly parked car outside the store and grins proudly. “The best car ever.”
“Uh uh! My mama’s car is best.”
Robin and Barb laugh. “Oooh.. a three year old just burned you, Hargrove.” Barb taunts and Robin laughs, " How'd that feel, Billy?"
“Shut it, both of y." Billy grumbles. "I'll be over at 9, Harrington. You're going if I have t' drag you."
"I said I'd go. Jesus." Steve gives Billy a dirty look. The guy has gotten it in his head lately that he's gonna make it his daily goal to find ways to annoy Steve.
Billy leaves and Stevie scowls at the door before looking up at Steve. "He's loud. It scare me."
Steve smoothes a hand over her hair. "He does, huh?" he looks down at Stevie and smiles, "I'll tell him to calm down, 'kay?"
"Fank you. I gonna go to aunt Wobin now. But I come right back." Stevie slips off his lap and makes her way over, instantly picked up by Robin. As she sees the movie Gremlins, she reaches for it and Robin laughs. "Sparkles, they don't stay fluffy the whole movie."
"Why not?"
"Because someone fed them after midnight." Barb answers, laughing. "Did you get tired of watching the basketball game, bub?"
"No. Just wanted to come t' you for a while."
The afternoon is dragging by for him. Hardly anyone's come in since 9 that morning and the pattern seems destined to continue. Then there's a steady drizzle from a surprise afternoon storm as the rain drops pitter patter against the stores tin sheet roofing. Robin and Barb went to get the four of them some lunch and Steve flips the sign on the door from open to closed.
Stevie is asleep in his chair at the circular desk, huddled into a jacket he kept in back in case the store got too cold. The bag of gummy bears is dangling from her fingertips and about to settle on the floor when he decides maybe she'd be more comfortable on the couch in the office besides the break room.
But he's so damn tired, the 2 to 3 hours he's been getting a night since late March, those are catching up to him. He tells himself he'll just sit there and read a magazine while she naps but it turns into him laying down too, on the opposite side of the couch. And at some point, Stevie wakes up, comes over to where he's laying and crawls onto the couch with him, laying on his chest with her little arms around his neck.
This is how they're still sleeping when Barb and Robin come back a few minutes later. Barbs the one to find them and with a finger to her lips, she gestures for Robin to come to the door of the office. Robin peers in over Barb's shoulder, smiling to herself.
"Hang on. I actually think I have my camera with me out in the car." Barb hurries out to go get the camera and Robin stands in thr doorway watching the two of them sleeping on the old leather sofa. "___ is totally wrong in thinking Stevie is going to annoy Steve and I think this is exactly what he needs right now."
After Barb takes the picture, she and Robin decide to put the fast food they picked up for Steve and Stevie into the microwave and just let them sleep.
You make your way in, a brow raised at the silence. You're still processing the fact that somehow, you impressed the office interviewing you so much that you got the job. Robin grabs your wrist and practically pulls you to the office in back so you can see the way Steve and Stevie are sleeping on the couch.
"I hope she didn't bother him all day."
"She didn't. They crashed while we went to pick up food. Steve hasn't been sleeping at all and I think Stevie playing with Will when he came in with the other kids earlier tired her right out." Robin smiles, "by the way, Steve's kids have adopted her.. well, Max, she's still warming up to her but..pretty sure if you want a sitter all you have to do is say so."
"Steve's kids?" you question, brow raised. This leads to Barb and Robin sitting you down in the little break room and as they tell you everything, from the start to what’s only just come to a close -hopefully for good, as of March, you're gaping. “You..He.. Oh my god, why did nobody stop it? Like.. they had to know, right?” you’re looking at your cousin in concern and if you thought Robin Buckley  was a badass before, you really believe it now. Because all she does is shrug it off as if it were nothing. 
"The running joke is that Steve's kind of adopted them all..because we've been through so much." Robin goes quiet. Weighing how much she can tell you without you freaking out on her. Even thinking about the insanity she’s been through the past few years is still a lot for Robin to get her own head around, let alone try explaining it to someone else. 
"Wait..back up." You're trying to process it all, from secret government science labs to these kids -and their teenage counterparts, including Steve and Robin, having to fight as if they were in a war just to save the town. Robin can see you freaking out so she explains quickly, "Billy,Dustin Eddie and Steve saw the portal close because Eddie almost didn't make it up. That nightmare is over now, thank God."
,, well, you think to yourself, now I'm really fucked when it comes to finding a reason, any reason at all to keep from getting feelings for the guy." and of course, this is quickly overruled by one thought.
He's in the prime of his life. He probably wants to enjoy that. He probably doesn't want you and all your baggage plus your daughter. And thankfully, this is just enough, for now, to keep you from letting yourself get in too deep. 
Steve wanders in with Stevie on his hip and his hair sticking up everywhere. Stevie has never liked waking up before she's ready so she's got her sour face on. Steve hasn't said a word to anybody, he possibly hasn't noticed the three of you sitting at the table in the break room or the way you're staring hard right now yet.
He heats up Stevies food and then his own and when he turns around, he finds himself being watched intently by the three of you.
You smile at your daughter. Everything Robin's just gone into detail to tell you comes rushing back and in light of it, you decide that maybe he needs this. Maybe it's okay to let her seek him out until he says otherwise.
"Did you have a nap, cupcake?"
Stevie is still yawning. Steve sits her chicken nuggets down on the table and Stevie climbs into your lap to eat them. "We did, mama! And we watched movies and this boy came and he gived me crayons!" Stevie digs in the old and faded backpack until she finds the crayons that Will gave her earlier.
You laugh softly. 
"How'd the thing..the interview go?" Steve asks, locking eyes with you as he bites into his own double cheeseburger. 
"How did that go?" Robin asks.
" I got the job. And they're willing to let me bring Stevie if I need to." You smile. 
Steve is staring. And as you smile, he feels himself smile too because there is just something beautiful, something contagious about your smile that he can't help but do it too. 
"That's great!"Robin hugs you and you both laugh. 
"I start tomorrow. I'm working in the mornings, so open to 2?" 
You're excited. Maybe everything will finally start to go better for you and your little girl.
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trashywritestrash · 2 years
Pairing: Steve Harrington x single mom! reader
Word Count: ~2.6k
Warnings: no season 4 spoilers, reader has a named child, child’s father is not around, child cries/kicks/throws a tantrum, some light cursing, Lucas may be a little OOC but I tried my best.
A/N: i literally did this now in one sitting and it has not been edited at all and is not going to be. i just started and didn’t stop, so enjoy the experience i guess lol
also my birthday is on sep 17th and i’m gonna turn 21 so i kinda wanna do a big celebration with y’all but idk if y’all would want that or what we would do?? opinions pls
also this gif just seems to fit the vibe of this fic lol
gif by cloudsongs
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You hadn’t had to hire a new babysitter in years. Unfortunately, your long-term trusted babysitter had just left for college out-of-state. So now you have no other option but to try to find someone else. And, somehow, you ended up hiring Lucas Sinclair.
Lucas was not someone you knew well, but he seemed like a responsible kid. And your daughter Emmie was (according to your last babysitter) an easy child to take care of. She was polite and clean, and overall very cheerful. You knew Lucas didn’t have any experience babysitting, but Emmie would be a good learning experience for him. Still, you left him the number of the bar and he promised to call if he needed anything.
So you went out with your friends in a dress that was only a little too tight, more makeup than you usually apply, and heels that you’d regret later. You had to go all out because your friends would tease you otherwise. You had given birth to Emmie fresh out of high school, so you had to ditch them a lot in order to take care of her. They understood of course, but they made it clear that they wanted you to enjoy your twenties— no matter how many times you’ve told them “I am enjoying my twenties! I love my daughter, and she makes them fun”. They insisted that it wasn’t the same.
You gave Emmie one last kiss as you said goodbye, leaving her in Lucas’ capable hands.
Or so you thought.
Unbeknownst to you, as soon as your friends had picked you up, Emmie had completely changed. She was mean to Lucas in the way a three (almost four) year old can be. She refused to eat, wouldn’t take her nap, threw her toys around the living room. Worst of all, she told Lucas that she didn’t want to be his friend. All of this happened within 15 minutes of you being gone.
Lucas couldn’t call you. You probably hadn’t even made it to the bar yet, and he didn’t want to ruin your entire night before you could have any fun. So he called the first person he could think of.
“No way in Hell, man! You’re on your own!” Lucas heard Dustin’s laugh as he spoke.
He groaned, “Please, Dustin! I don’t know what to do, she doesn’t listen at all!”
“How am I supposed to help? I don’t know shit about kids! Call someone else.”
“Like who?” Lucas asks, threw his hands up even though Dustin couldn’t see him. “I tried Mike already, but he’s busy.”
“He’s not busy, he just doesn’t want to. Call Steve, he’ll know what to do.”
Lucas heard a thump from the living room and his heart almost stopped beating. “Shit— I’ve gotta go! I’ll call him!” He hung up the phone and ran to the other room. Emmie was standing on top of the coffee table, looking down at her cup of juice that she had just knocked onto the carpet.
“Juice!” She cried.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ll get you more juice! Just get off the table.”
Emmie clenched her fists, “No!” She stomped on the table, causing the vase on it to shake. Lucas’ eyes widened and he rushed forward. He picked Emmie up off of the table as she kicked and screamed, trying to beat him off of her. “No! I want down!”
“I’m sorry, but you can’t be up there! You’ll get hurt.” He brought her into the kitchen and sat her on the floor. Emmie started to kick his leg out of anger. Lucas ran to the fridge for more juice, but found that there was no more left. “Shit.”
Emmie froze when she heard Lucas swear. He turned around, startled by her sudden stop. Her eyes watered as she stared at him before she burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. “I want Mama!” She plopped down to sit on the tile floor and kicked Lucas’ legs whenever he tried to get closer. He grabbed the phone off of the wall, forced to deal with the kicking as he called Steve.
The second Steve answered, he couldn’t get a word out as Lucas cut him off. “Steve! I need your help, it’s an emergency!” He gave his older friend your address and Steve promised he’d be there as fast as he could. Before he hung up, Lucas added “And bring juice!”
Ten minutes later, Steve knocked on the door. Lucas ran to the front door, immediately opened it, and pulled Steve inside.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked as Lucas dragged him to the kitchen by his wrist. Emmie was still on the floor, still crying.
“She’s been crying and fighting me this whole time, I don’t know what to do— Did you bring the juice?” Lucas grabbed the jug out of Steve’s hand and smiled at Emmie. “Look, Emmie! Steve brought you more juice.”
“Don’ want juice! I want Mama!”
“Your mom will be back later. But right now you’ve gotta eat something.” Lucas tried to get closer again, but Emmie kept kicking.
Steve stood there with wide eyes, taking in the scene in front of him. “Don’t just stand there, man, do something!” Lucas shouted at him.
“I don’t know what to do either! I’m not a baby whisperer!”
“I’m not a baby!” Emmie insisted, still kicking and crying.
“Then stop acting like one!” Lucas snapped. Emmie started crying even harder.
Steve rolled his eyes at the younger boy, “Nice job, doofus. What did you think was gonna happen?”
“Just help me!”
For a moment, Steve just stood there thinking. Then he crouched on the floor so he could be level with Emmie.
“You’re Emmie, right? I’m Steve. I’m Lucas’ friend.”
“Nobodies his friend ‘cuz he’s mean!”
“Well, I’m his friend. He’s nice after a while, I promise.”
Emmie seemed to calm a bit, but only a bit. “Pinky promise?”
Steve nodded and held out his pinky to the little girl. “Pinky promise.”
She held out her pinky and locked it with Steve’s before she quickly pulled it back. Emmie had stopped kicking, but still cried. “I miss my Mama.”
“I know you do, but what would she say if she saw you acting like this? Would she be happy?”
That made Emmie frown. “No. Mama would be mad.”
“She probably would be. And we don’t want Mama to be mad, so you have to eat and listen to Lucas. Okay?”
“But he’s mean! He said a bad word!”
Steve frowned at Lucas. “Did you seriously curse at a child?”
“No! It just… Slipped out when I saw she was out of juice.”
“He has to say sorry!” Emmie crossed her arms and pouted, but her tears slowed.
Lucas frowned, feeling ashamed. “I’m sorry, Emmie. I shouldn’t have said that word.” Emmie huffed in response.
Steve turned back to her. “Now you have to apologize to Lucas.” She goes to argue, but Steve cut her off. “You’ve been kicking and screaming at him all night. And you said some pretty mean stuff to him too.”
She looked down at the floor and grumbled out. “Sorry.”
“Say it like you mean it,” Steve ordered.
“Sorry, Lucas.” Emmie looked up at Lucas as she apologized. She sounded a lot more genuine the second time. He gave her a small smile and a nod.
“Now,” Steve started, “What do you want to eat?”
Emmie was quiet for a moment before she decided she wanted mac and cheese. Lucas nodded. “I can make that for you. Do you want to stay with Steve while I cook?” The girl nodded at that. She had completely stopped crying already, but her face was still red and wet from tears.
“Come on, Emmie. Let’s go get you some tissues.” Steve stood up from the floor and waited while Emmie twisted around and struggled to get up. She stopped wiggling and looked up to Steve, not saying anything as she held her arms out. “You want me to pick you up?” She nodded, so Steve carefully lifted her off the floor, being as gentle as he could be with her. He carried her to the living room and sat her on the couch. Steve grabbed the box of tissues from a side table and handed Emmie one.
“Here you go. Can you wipe your eyes?” Emmie nodded and wiped her tears with the tissue and then her nose. “What do you want to do until dinner is ready?”
“Munch Bunch.”
Steve quirked a brow, “Munch Bunch? What’s that?” Emmie got down from the couch and walked over to the television set. She grabbed a VHS tape off of the shelf and handed it to Steve.
“Munch Bunch.”
He nodded and put the tape in the player, then started it and sat on the couch. Emmie got back on the couch and sat next to Steve. She looked up at him. “How old are you?”
“I’m twenty. How old are you?”
Emmie held up three fingers, “Three.”
“I see.” Steve exaggerated his reaction, sounding more impressed than he was.
“My mama’s twenty. You’re the same.” Emmie smiled, proud of herself for making that connection.
Steve brushed it off, assuming she got her mother’s age wrong. “How old is your dad?”
Emmie shrugged, “I don’ know. I don’ have a dad.” Steve froze, not knowing what to say.
“I’m sorry, Emmie.”
“It’s okay. My mama is the best, so I don’ need a dad!” Steve had the fleeting thought that Emmie wasn’t going to feel that way in a couple years, but he didn’t say it out loud. He didn’t have to say anything because Emmie’s full attention was focused on the television. A couple minutes later, Lucas brought dinner out to them and they ate on the couch.
When you got home after your outing, it was almost eleven o’ clock at night. You entered the house and saw Lucas with someone else, picking up toys in the living room.
“Hi, Ms Y/L/N!” Lucas smiled, stopping his work.
You looked between Lucas and the other man carefully. “Hi, Lucas… Who’s this?”
“This is Steve. He’s my friend. I called him ‘cuz he has experience babysitting.”
Steve didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what to say. Emmie hadn’t been wrong when she said you were about his age, but she didn’t say anything about you being pretty. His brain started working at half capacity as soon as he saw you. “I’m Steve.”
“Hi, Steve,” You tried to stop your voice from wavering, but you were sure that your unease was clear. “Where’s Emmie?”
Lucas was the one who responded again, “Asleep in her room. She kind of had a fit earlier and it tired her out.”
You nodded, “Okay. Wait right here, okay? I’ll be right back.” You went down the hallway to Emmie’s room and walked in. You found her sound asleep in her bed, dressed in her day clothes instead of pajamas. She looked safe and content, which eased your nerves a little. When you went back to the living room, Steve and Lucas were right where you left them.
“Steve, could you stay here for a minute so I can talk to Lucas in the kitchen?”
“Oh— um, yeah, of course.”
Lucas followed you into the kitchen and you turned to him once you were out of earshot. “I’m not upset or anything, but I wanted to let you know that if you ever babysit for another family, you should ask the parents before you invite anyone over. I know Steve is your trusted friend, but I don’t know him at all, so I was thrown off when I came home and saw him in my house.” You spoke gently, doing your best to convey that you weren’t angry.
Lucas’ eyes widened a little, “I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about that. I was just in over my head and didn’t know what to do… Emmie was out of juice, so I asked Steve to pick some up and then he helped calm her down. I’m so sorry…”
“It’s okay, really. Emmie’s okay, that’s all that matters to me.” You gave him a smile and he instantly relaxed. “What did she do during her tantrum? And do you know why it happened?”
“She threw her toys, screamed and cried a lot. She also started kicking me whenever I was close enough. But I think she just missed you.” You could physically feel your heart break at those words. “It started as soon as you left, it was just a complete switch.”
You frown, “Jessica was her babysitter for basically her whole life… Maybe having new people here with her scared her. Stranger danger and all that. Still, I’m sorry she acted that way. That’s not how she is usually.”
“It’s okay. Once she calmed down, she was really good the rest of the night.”
“Thank you, Lucas.” You smiled and reached into your purse, finding the envelope that you had already put together as Lucas’ payment. “Here you go. Is your mom still coming to pick you up?”
Right as you said it, you heard a car in your driveway. “That must be her now.” Lucas followed you to the front door, which you opened to be greeted by Lucas’ mom. “Thanks again, Lucas. If you ever want to babysit again, you have my number.” He said his goodbyes and was out of your driveway in only a few minutes. That left you with Steve.
“Hey, sorry about all that… Um, let me grab my purse really quick and I’ll pay you Lucas’ rate.”
Steve is quick to shake his head. “No, you don’t have to do that. It’s all good.”
“At least let me pay you back for the juice. Unless you want to take the bottle back home with you?”
He chuckled, “Nah, I’m alright, thanks. But you don’t need to pay me back for it. It’s just one jug of juice.”
“I feel bad,” You frown. “You came all this way and helped take care of Emmie all night. I don’t want to just not pay you.”
Steve gave you a charming smile, but you could tell he was still a little nervous. “Instead of paying me, you should let me take you on a date. It’ll give Lucas some more experience without me to fall back on.” As soon as he finished saying it he grimaced at his own words. “I’m sorry if that was weird. I’m usually a lot more smooth than this, so I totally get it if you’re weirded out right now and think I’m crazy or something.”
It was your turn to laugh. “It’s okay, Steve. It was weird, but in a cute way.” You saw him blush a little and that encouraged you to keep going. “I’d like to go on that date.”
Steve smiled wide, chuckling a little in relief. “Good. Cool. Great. I’ll, um, I’ll write my number down so you can call me?” You nodded and grabbed two pieces of paper and pens so that you could both exchange numbers.
And just like that, you had a cute guy’s phone number. Plus, he was good with your daughter, which was a big green flag for you. You parted ways, promising to call each other soon to set up your date. As you watched his car pull out of your driveway you started to think. Maybe Steve could be more than a babysitter.
If you enjoyed this or would like to read more of my work, please consider liking, reblogging, or tipping my Ko-fi!
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Happy Father's Day to these Dorks™
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theoldsports · 11 months
i wanna write smthn about steve harrington romancing a single mom
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terry-perry · 2 years
Y/N: I'm on permanent hiatus in the love department.
Nancy: Really? I find that hard to believe.
Y/N: I guess I'm old-fashioned. I believe that each of us only gets one. And I got mine already.
Robin: Well, if you ask me, you know what comes after the one? The next one.
Y/N: Oh, yeah. Well, I don't really see that happening any time soon.
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A/N: Used this incorrect quote before, but thought it was perfect for @ladyfluff and her Strangest Things AU lol sorry girl, had to!
Nancy and Robin giving John’s mom some sound advice
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xhoneygirlxx · 9 months
In My Feels
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Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
summary: Steve’s heart now belongs to the pretty woman who always comes in with her two adorable kids. When he finally decides to make a move, he’s shocked to find out she’s not their mom.
warnings: fluff. Barista!Steve. Reader and Steve are both in their 20’s. Nanny!Reader. Modern!au. Readers ethnicity/skin tone is not mentioned. Pictures above are used for aesthetic purposes only. Shitty writing/grammar errors, not proofread.
*if I miss anything please let me know.
a/n: day two of my birthday bash has finally arrived!! I’m so grateful for the amount of love and support you guys have given me. Although this is my birthday week, I wanted to spend it with you guys and give us both something we can enjoy :) I love every single one of you guys and I hope you like this!
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Now I’m in my feels 
Way up in the clouds somewhere now 
Don’t know what’s real 
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Working at the Java Cup, Steve dealt with a lot of different people. Tired students, doctors and nurses coming and going from shifts, and everyone in between. During the six months of his employment there only one customer seemed to catch his attention, you. 
From the moment you walked in he knew he was fucked. With one kid on your hip and the other in the stroller, you already had him in the palm of your hand. No matter what, rain or shine, you and your two kids always came in with bright smiles. Although a lot of your interactions were small talk or your older son trying to, his heart infatuation for you every single time. 
You were so fucking beautiful and Steve was nothing but a fool for you. So many times he would go home and just pray that you weren’t taken, that maybe somewhere written in the stars there was a chance for him. 
Steve wanted to ask you out but every single time he chickened out, throwing out multiple cup sleeves that had horrible puns written on them in the process. Ever since getting broken up with by Nancy, his self esteem and confidence dropped. No matter how many times his best friend and coworker, Robin, tried to talk some sense into him, he just couldn’t do it. 
It was comical watching him stutter and blush scarlet every time you would speak, tripping over his words like it was his first time ever talking. Because he was so smitten with you, his insecurities grew and poking fun at him any time he would think about possibly asking you out.
Here you were, a pretty mom with two adorable kids that he adored, so sweet and kind to him, and so far out of his league. There was no pot at the end of this rainbow for Steve, but he continued to chase it in hopes that maybe, just maybe he was wrong.
Now it's been six months and Steve has run out of steam, his legs growing tired and his lungs burning with exhaustion with how long he's been running. So, he's decided that it's time to give up on his mission to of getting to the finish line.
There was no point to continue trying, not when you're probably more than happy with the father of your children, going home to your white picket fence and happy home. So he pulled back, watched from behind the counter, and continued to daydream about the life he's always wanted.
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“You know you could just go talk to her, right?” Robin’s voice is louder than she thinks, the low music and hum of the espresso machine doing little to cover it up. 
“Say it louder, why don’t you.” Rolling his eyes, Steve continues to wipe down the counter that he’s been working on for the past ten minutes. 
“I’m just sayin’, it’s kind of pathetic and creepy that you’re always staring.” Shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly, the brunette girl runs her hands down her black apron. “Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?” 
“What’s the worst-” Turning on his heel quickly, Steve stares at his best friend with wide eyes, “Robin, there is a laundry list of things that could go wrong.” 
“Yeah? Try me.” Crossing her ankle over the other, Robin leans on the sink with a waiting look.
“Firstly, she could be married,” Steve starts counting on his finger. 
“No ring on her finger.” Robin counters. 
“Well she’s a mom with two kids, I doubt she has time for a twenty something, no good, barista that barely has his life together.” 
“EEEEEEEE WRONG,” She makes a loud buzzer noise, “One you aren’t no good, you’re actually a really great person who needs to see just how amazing he is. Two, you may be a barista who can barely keep his life together but, you’re reliable and take care of yourself, not to mention you have your own car and place, more than other twenty somethings. And lastly, you’re also a mother to a group of teenagers, so it works perfectly.” 
Dropping his hands down to his sides, Steve lets the words settle into his heart. He was a good person, he did have a good impression with the gaggle of kids he sometimes watches, and he did have some of his life together.
“Okay well, she could reject me and I will not only lose more of my confidence but I’ll also lose my favorite customer.” Sighing in defeat, he whips the rag that still sits in his hand over his shoulder. "Either way, I gave up on that dream a long time ago."
Robin shakes her head, stepping forward to the boy she calls her best friend and shakes him by the shoulders. “You are Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington! There was a reason everyone called you king Steve and it wasn’t just because you were a huge dick.” 
“Hey!!” Steve raises his voice in defeat and she waves him off continuing her peptalk. 
“Listen, I know that lady killer is somewhere in there,” She pokes at his chest, “So you’re gonna put your big boy panties on, walk up to her and ask her out! I’m sick and tired of watching you look all sad and depressing, so you’re going to do as I say or I’ll do it for you.” Smiling brightly at him, the girl taps him lovingly on the shoulder.
Robin may be a lot of things, including annoying, but a liar is not one of them. Steve knows that she will one hundred percent walk up to you, throw him under the bus, with a mega-watt smile as she does it.
Watching his friend walk around the counter with a broom and dust pan in hand, her head turns to wear your sat at a table by the front window, talking to your older son, rocking your baby in the stroller with your foot. Turning her attention back to Steve, she smiles wickedly and turns slightly like she’s heading your way. Anxiety rises in the back of his throat, heartbeat picking up and banging hard in his chest.
“Fine, I’m going just- fuck off.” It comes out through gritted teeth. Running a shaking hand down the front of his apron, Steve rounds the counter muttering something under his breath.
As he walks to the table, Robin gives him two thumbs up and an exaggerated smile to which he replies by simply throwing a middle finger up at her.
As he steps closer to your table the thought of turning back around and hiding in the back room comes into mind.
There’s no pot of gold here, only gray clouds and roaring thunder. He can turn back now and continue his sorrowful journey of pining.
But then he looks at you, smiling and laughing at something the young boy next to you said, eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back. What a beautiful way to die, Steve thinks. The thunder and lightning is all worth it when he gets to see you as he takes his final breaths.
“H-hey,” His voice is wobbly, nervousness clearly showing as he speaks.
“Hi Steve.” Your eyes meet his, saccharine smile tugging on the corners of your lips.
“Hi steeb!” The young boy next to you waves while clutching a red crayon in his tiny hand.
“Hi Aidan. How are you little man?” Steve seems to loosen up a bit, the presence of your son lets him exhale just slightly.
“M’colorin a pixture.” The small boy’s tongue pokes between his lips, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he draws what looks like a demented stick figure.
“It looks good, little dude.” Steve encourages, cooing sweetly at him.
“Fanks.” Still focusing on his picture, the smaller boy grabs a different crayon from the box that sits on the table.
“What’s up, Steve?” You ask, still rocking the stroller back and forth with your tennis shoe covered foot.
“Oh-h yeah, um I was just gonna ask, ah what you were doing.” Just like a switch, he’s back to being a fumbling doofus.
You giggle at him and he feels his cheeks tingle with heat. Looking between the two kids, you look back up to the older man in front of you.
“Well, I’m enjoying a coffee while Aidan colors and Bella naps peacefully.” You nod your head slowly, eyeing the barista questioningly.
Steve wants to slap a hand on his forehead, embarrassed by the fact he can’t even formulate one sentence.
“Yeah, no I see that. Seems fun, I mean not fun but like ya know, seems-“ His stammering is cut off by your soft voice.
“Are you okay? You seem really nervous.” Your eyebrows are pinched together, worry painted on your features.
“Me? I’m great, fantastic!” It comes enthusiastic and way louder than he intended, so loud that Robin hears and instantly facepalms.
“Well, that’s great Steve.” You’re still eyeing him suspiciously and he really wants to jump ship.
“I’m just gonna go and do my ugh, my stuff.” Hooking a thumb over his shoulder, spinning on the ball of his feet leaving before he can say anything else embarrassing.
No, he can’t leave now, not when he’s made it this close to the finish line. This is what he’s been waiting for, the treasure he’s been searching for. It’s no or never and he can’t go back to praying the same prayer that somewhere in this universe you two were destined to be.
With a new found confidence, he turns right back into the eye of the storm and faces it head strong.
“Actually, I came over here because I wanted to know if maybe you’d like to go out sometime.” His chest is puffed out like, more sure of himself than he’s ever been.
The confidence that’s surging through him starts to falter when he reads your expression. You, and Aidan who has now stopped coloring, stare at him with bugged out eyes and gaping mouths.
“Only if that’s okay with you and all. If you want you can bring the kids along and we can go get ice cream and stuff but if you need it I have some friends who are great with kids and who will be willing to babysit for you.” He’s back peddling, trying to give you a way out in case you want to reject him it won’t hurt so bad.
“Oh Steve,” it’s said with pity and he knows the lighting strike is about to hit, “I-I’m not their mom.”
“Yeah no I get it, sorry if I- wait..” Stopping in his tracks, he looks back and forth between you and the small boy, connecting the dots in his head. “You’re not their mom?”
You and Aidan share a look before giggling together. Gazing back up at the flustered man in front of you, you smile kindly at him.
“No, I’m their nanny, Steve. Although I love them like they’re my own, they’re not.”
“Oh.” Steve continues to stare at you, his pretty pink lips in the shape of an O.
“Yeah, I just watch these little guys.” You shrug your shoulders.
“That’s still cool, I mean the offer still stands.” Even though he’s confused, his voice is a little shaky when he asks.
“Do the kids still have to come?” You ask and Aidan shouts an offended “hey”.
“I mean they can if you want, it’s all up to you.” He eyes you, waiting for your reaction but your expression doesn’t give him much to go on.
“Hmmm, I’m going to have to ask my trusted right hand man.” Holding a finger up at him, you leave over to the smaller boy next to you.
Aidan covers you hear with a small hand trying to cover the movements of his lips, even though Steve can still his his muffled whispers from where he stands.
Shaking your head, you repeat back uh huh’s to him, taking everything that’s being said seriously.
Moving back to your upright position, you stare at Steve with a serious gaze.
“Well, my counsel says I should go but you have to buy me ice cream. No buts about it.” Your straight face begins to falter when Steve’s white teeth shine at you.
“Yeah, I’ll get you whatever ice cream you want.” Steve bobs his head, cheeks flaring pink and eyes shining brightly.
“You can’t kiss, only mommies and daddies do dat stuff.” Aidan pipes in and Steve can’t help but chuckle with how the little boys face is scrunched up with intensity.
“Yes sir.” Steve gives the little boy a solute, while sending you a sneaky wink, and the kid quickly accepts.
“So, I’ll text you?” Steve asks
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Your bottom lip is tucked between your teeth as you say it.
“Okay, cool cool. I’ll ah, see you later.” Steve nods his head, backing away from the table slowly.
Sprinting to the backroom, he sees Robin who pretends like she hasn’t been listening in.
“Robs, I fucking did it!” Steve whisper yells, still cautious knowing your still out there.
“I honestly thought you were gonna back out for a second! I’m so proud of you for hanging in there!”
The two of them start hopping around like jumping beans, beaming so brightly they can outshine any star in the sky.
“So you got her number?” Robin asks, heavily breathing from all their excitement.
“Fuck-“ stopping dead in his tracks, Steve bolts to the door and back out to the front.
That’s where he finds you’ve already left and he’s heartbroken. The only memory that you were even there is your lingering perfume that sticks to the air.
You’ll probably be back some time soon but he’s still a little let down knowing he didn’t fully seal the deal. Looking closely at the table, he notices Aidan left one of his drawings.
Picking up the paper, he looks at it closely realizing Aidan didn’t leave it, you did.
You left before I could give you my number. I didn’t want to disrupt your little party or anything.
Can’t wait to get that ice cream.
-your favorite customer
Folding up the paper, Steve sticks it in the pocket of his apron.
“Don’t worry Steve, she’ll be back.” Robin calls out from behind the counter, apparently not seeing the little not that was left.
“I know she will.” It’s said quietly but the smile on his lips isn’t.
It’s beautiful on this side of the rainbow, Steve thinks, the pot of gold was so worth all the work. Robin was right, he still had it.
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Thank you all for joining me on this second day of my celebration!!! I hope you all enjoy!! Love you all ❤️
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stvharrngton · 5 months
hii! i don’t really request things but i was thinking about something with steve and i had to share it
dilf steve.
imagine if he’s dropping off your kid at daycare or something and he keeps getting hit on by other moms, and gets invited to a party and obviously he brings us along
and he keeps getting hit on at the party and we’re jealous the whole time and very touchy with steve 🤭
i love this idea i just hope i did it justice 😭
pairing: dad!steve x mom!reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: none really, some flirty behaviour, kissing
requests are open!
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“Yes, baby?” Steve asked, eyes darting to the rear view mirror to get a glance of his daughter strapped safely into her car seat in the back.
“Where’s Mommy?” your inquisitive and curious baby girl, Ivy, asked. Her tiny hands fiddling with the straps of her car seat.
“Mom works early, remember, bug? So Dad takes you to daycare.” Steve said with a chuckle as he pulled the car into the parking lot of the daycare.
After setting the car in park and unstrapping your daughter from her seat, he scooped her up in his arms, spinning her round before settling her on his hip. She giggled wildly and it was music to Steve’s ears every single time.
“You all set for school, baby?” Steve asked, hiking up her backpack that was slung over his shoulder. He was about to set her down so she could run off and play before he was approached by one of the other moms.
“Oh, Mr. Harrington!” Ms. Burkley, Phoebe’s Mom chimed sweetly, waving her manicured hand around frantically to catch his attention.
Steve pursed his lips together in a polite smile, thinking of nothing worse than engaging in this conversation right now. Ms. Burkley was part of a group of Moms at the daycare that took a particular shine to Steve. Flirted with him at every opportunity they got, despite the ring that so obviously sat on his finger.
“Oh, hey, Ms. Burkley.” Steve replied, nevertheless, offering a wave and a polite smile, your daughter still clutching at his side.
“Please, it’s Amanda, how many times have I told you!” she joked, playfully slapping him on the shoulder. Too many times, Steve thought as his eyes glanced to where the woman’s hand had just been.
It was almost as if they sniffed him out one by one. As soon as one of them had seen him arrive at daycare, the rest of them sensed he had arrived. One by one the group became larger, the Moms surrounding Steve, each and every one shamelessly flirting with the man.
One of the older ones piped up, Steve thought her name was Karen or Kelly maybe, “Oh, Steve,” she chirped, “we’re having a get together at my house on Friday. You should come! We’d all love to see you there but leave the little one with a sitter.”
Steve raised an eyebrow in suspicion, his head turning to glance at your daughter who was babbling to herself and something or other. Karen, or Kelly, handed Steve a small piece of paper which he assumed was some sort of invitation with her street address on it.
“Right, thanks,” Steve murmured, shoving the card in his jacket pocket, “well, I better get going, ladies. Best get Ivy into her teacher. Say bye, honey.” Steve urged her but she wouldn’t budge, still clinging onto Steve’s side for dear life.
The day soon rolled to a close and you and Steve were getting ready for bed. Steve heard you click the light off in your en-suite, rubbing the last of your moisturiser into your skin, Steve already settled in your soft bed.
“Hey, honey?” he called out to you, his thumb rubbing over the piece of paper he was given earlier, “You’ll never guess what happened to me today.”
You appeared through the threshold as you made your way to your side of the bed, “What’s that, babe?”
“I got invited to a party,” he smirked as he handed you the makeshift invitation.
“Did you go to pick up girls whilst Ivy was in school?” you teased, your eyes scanning over the name and address on the paper, written in pink cursive.
“Oh, come on, baby,” he cooed, scooting up closer to you, “you know there’s no one else for me.”
You couldn’t help but giggle as you felt his arms wrap around your waist, his lips smattering kisses over any skin he could find. His fingertips digging into the skin beneath your pyjamas. You whisper-shouted for him to stop between your fit of laughter, careful not to wake your sleeping daughter.
“Is this from one of those Moms at the daycare?” you asked, reading the swirly pink writing on the paper once more. Steve nodded.
Steve had told you previously about the flirty Moms at Ivy’s daycare, how they’d oggle him up and down, laugh at anything he said, even if it wasn’t funny. You laughed it off, but this seemed a little odd. It caught you off guard.
“Are you gonna go?” you asked, voice quiet as you set the invite on the side table next to your bed. 
“We’re gonna go,” Steve insisted, “so I can show off my pretty wife.”
You were by no way insecure in your relationship, in your marriage, with Steve. You knew he worshipped the ground you walked on, you knew he didn’t have eyes for anyone else. But you couldn’t lie, the thought of rubbing their faces in it did sound kind of fun.
Friday soon rolled around, you dropped Ivy off at Robin’s and made your way to the address that was written on the paper. You stood side by side with your arms linked as you rang the doorbell, Steve with a six pack in hand and you with a plate of muffins you’d baked.
Kelly or Karen answered the door, a huge grin on her face when she saw Steve. Her gaze panned to you and the smile softened, you could see the confusion behind her eyes that he didn’t come alone.
“Steve!” she chirped all shrill like, “I’m so glad you made it.” She reached a hand out to clutch at his bicep before taking the six pack from his arm. “And who’s this?” she asked, her gaze casting towards you once more, her perfectly painted red lips pursing together.
Steve began to speak before you interjected, extending your hand for her to shake, “Oh, I’m Steve’s wife.” You answered matter-of-factly, a smug smile on your face.
The party seemed to be in full swing, as boring as it may be. Steve kept getting carted off, dragged from pillar to post, by someone different each time it seemed. To look at a classic car stored away in the garage, or old basketball trophies that Steve didn’t really care about. So you nursed the same glass of wine you’d had for the past hour, accompanied by one of the other Moms from the daycare you actually knew well.
You were mid conversation, laughing casually at something someone said when you caught a glance of Steve to your side in the kitchen. The lady whose house this was, you still didn’t know her name and frankly, you didn’t care to either, was leaning over the kitchen island in her low cut dress with everything on show. They were talking about something, you had no idea what, but she had a look in her eye and kept twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. You all but lost it when she moved from around the counter, her hand on Steve’s bicep once more but her other on his chest this time.
“Excuse me.” You mumbled, smiling to your company politely. You watched as you got closer, how Steve tried to back up step by step, to shirk himself away from her touch, his shoulders tense. He soon faltered when he felt your hand smooth across his back, your fingers travelling downwards until your hand was snuggly in the back pocket of his Levi’s.
“Oh, hey, honey!” Steve exclaimed, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He slung his arm over your shoulder, beer bottle in hand, pulling you closer.
“Hey, handsome,” you purred, your fingers reaching up to his chin, tickling the light scruff that resided there before they settled on his cheek, pulling him in for a slightly over the top kiss. Steve smirked against your lips, knowing exactly what you were doing. You licked your lips when you pulled away, a glint in your eye, “oh, sorry,” you chuckled, “am I interrupting something?”
“Not at all,” Steve hummed. You both cast your eyes to the poor disgruntled woman standing on the other side of Steve, a scowl on her face as she sulked in her pretty red dress. She stormed off and you both sniggered in her wake.
“Can we go outside? I need some air.” You entwined your fingers with Steve’s larger ones, pulling him outside through the already open patio doors. 
The spring air was cool on your skin, Steve noticing the chill that shivered through you, immediately shedding his jacket and draping it over your shoulders. “You okay?” Steve murmured, fingers stroking at your cheek, tucking a stray strand of hair back behind your ear.
“Peachy,” you hummed. Big doe eyes blinking up at your husband before you peered back inside of the house, catching a glimpse of the famous group of flirty Moms.
“You’re not– you’re not jealous, are you?” Steve posed, holding your face in his large hands so softly, chuckling in disbelief. “Oh, honey,” he cooed, “you know you have nothing to be jealous about, I’m yours.”
“I know,” you shrugged, hooking your arms around Steve’s neck as his moved to your waist, pulling you flush against his body, “but I still don’t like it.” 
A pretty little pout formed on your lips, your eyes still wandering inside of the house to see if they were still watching. Steve turned to where your gaze was focused, noticing the other ladies watching your every move, rolling their eyes in tandem. Steve sighed, his eyes falling back on you.
“C’mere,” he whispered, pulling you into him. Steve brushed his lips against yours softly, your lips fitting together perfectly. You melted into the kiss, momentarily forgetting where you were, stood in some stranger’s backyard, making out with your husband. Steve licked into you all pretty, sighing into your lips, “Y’know, Robin still has Ivy for a couple hours… Wanna get outta here?”
You felt the heat creep up on your cheeks at his suggestion, pondering it over in your mind. “Actually, can we stay for a little longer?” you asked, your finger drawing shapes across his firm chest, “Making them jealous is kinda fun. You could have me sit on your lap in front of them all whilst I laugh hysterically at all your bad jokes, Stevie.”
Steve feigned offence, his eyebrows raised in shock as his hair shook with the sudden takeback. “You’re saying you don’t really find my jokes funny? Well, honey, I’m offended.” “Oh, shut up, Harrington.” you giggled, swatting at his chest, “Let’s go back inside, then you can take me home.”
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andvys · 11 months
Love of my life | E.M.
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Warnings: hurt/comfort, slight angst, Eddie is a little mean for a second but he makes it up to reader right away, happy ending, grumpy!Eddie x sunshine!reader
Pairing: Eddie Munson x female reader
Summary: Eddie gives you the cold shoulder because he fears his feelings for you after you confront him and he realizes that he could lose you, he makes a confession. Based on this request, also combined it with this one.
Word count: 4.2k+
stranger things masterlist
Eddie had always been good at reading people, it always came easy to him to see right through someone else’s intentions. He knows when someone is trying to play with his feelings, he knows when someone pretends to be nice only to make fun of him later on, he knows when he gets asked out for a bet or just for the fun of it, he knows that the girls he sells weed to only play nice so they can get a discount– in reality, they hate him and think he is weird, he knows it, he knows everything. 
It was always hard for him to trust people that tried coming into his life, knowing that they always wanted something from him. 
Then, you came along. 
Your family moved to Hawkins two years ago and you settled in pretty quickly. You joined the cheer squad, befriended the popular girls, went to every single party that you got invited to, hung out with King Steve and his then girlfriend Nancy Wheeler, you always wore fancy clothes, expensive boots and designer leather jackets, it was pretty clear that your parents had money. 
But you weren’t– aren’t stuck up, rude and snotty like Jason Carver or his group of friends are. You don’t brag about the wealth your parents have, the house you live in, the car you drive or the clothes you wear. You don’t put others down, you don’t bully people, you don’t look down at the ones that have less than you do. No, you aren’t like the other rich kids in school, you are kind and sweet, you are helping, always cheerful and there to make everyone smile. 
The popular girls are always feared, you aren’t. 
He likes you but he struggles to show it, he struggles to let you in because despite knowing about the things he can clearly see, he struggles to read you, to see through you and your intentions.
He knows you aren’t like the others that came into his life to play with his feelings, to hurt him and take something from him, you aren’t like any of those hungry vampires that came just to suck the energy out of him. You are not like them. Yet, he struggles to give you a chance. 
Despite being friends with girls from the cheer squad or guys like Steve Harrington, you always come back to him. Since your very first day in school, you have been trying to befriend Eddie. Why? He doesn’t know. As far as he knows, there isn’t much that you have in common. 
Eddie lives in the trailer park, you live in a big house with a pool. Eddie drives an old van, you drive an expensive car, Eddie is hated, you are loved. Maybe it’s superficial of him to judge by these things. He doesn’t know much about you personally, he never even gave you a chance, he never gave himself the chance to get to know more about you. He was scared to do it. He was scared to let you in, to give you a part of him that no one ever gets, to be vulnerable and risk getting his heart broken, knowing that you would break his heart if he gave you the chance to. 
He likes you, despite telling himself that he doesn’t. He likes the clothes you wear, he loves the leather jacket especially, he loves the cute dresses and the pretty skirts, the rings on your finger that remind him of the ones his mom would always wear, there is one on your middle finger, one with an emerald stone, it’s almost identical to the one he still has in his drawer, hidden in a little box that has her belongings. He loves the way your nails are always painted a new color every week. He loves your sweet perfume and the way it fills his senses when you walk past him, he loves the way you do your makeup and the way you always greet him with a smile even when he doesn’t give a proper one back. 
But he hates the way his heart flutters when you sneak notes into his locker or into the pocket of his jacket during class– he keeps every single one of them, he hates the way his heart beats faster when your hand brushes his when he walks with you to your next class on a rare occasion, he hates the way butterflies fill his stomach when you wave at him from across the room despite sitting with the girls from the cheer squad, the ones that always glare at him and talk in hushed whispers when they pass by him in the hallways. He hates the way you keep trying to get to know more about him, he hates the way you get along with the guys from the Hellfire club, he hates the way Wayne asks about you after he only met you once when you brought over homework for Eddie after he missed a school day when he was sick. Eddie hates the way you always take over his mind, the way you are always there, even in his dreams, the way you sneaked your way into his heart.
You are everywhere. When he doesn’t see you in school, he runs into you at the record store, at the diner or even the hideout. One night when he was drunk on beer and high on weed, his filter was gone and he let his emotions out, he found the note you slipped into his locker, the one that had your number written on it with your nickname and a small heart, he called you– if he wasn’t so drunk, he would have heard how cheerful your voice had gotten when you realized that it was him. He invited you to watch him play and you agreed to come right away. Ever since then, you came every Tuesday to watch him play and cheer him on, his friends teased him for it, just like the Bartender who knew Eddie since he was seventeen. Eddie pretended to be annoyed but he secretly loved that you were there just for him. 
He started warming up to you, the longer you stuck around, though he was still apprehensive and careful, still expecting you to reveal that your kindness towards him was only a part of a huge prank. Deep down he knew that it wasn’t the case, you have been there for longer than anyone else has, yet he was scared and continued to close himself off from you not realizing that he was hurting you. 
You are always smiling, you are always cheerful and happy, sometimes it irritates him– not because he doesn’t like it but because it makes him feel guilty for being so grumpy when you are nothing but sweet to him. 
The closer you both get, the more he becomes a part of your life. He finds out more about you and realizes that you have much more in common than he thought, he finds some cassettes of his favorite bands in your room, his favorite book on your bedside table, you both share a love for horror movies– especially Halloween. He finds out that you can play guitar and he swore, the moment he saw you play and heard your pretty voice, he fell in love. 
But while you let him in closer, he still kept pushing you away and it was hurting you. 
“Do you have any plans for spring break?” 
Eddie shakes his head, leaning back in his seat, he places the empty milkshake glass on the table and looks around the diner before his eyes settle on you, “no, what about you?” 
You shake your head, “not really,” you mumble. 
Eddie doesn’t notice the sad look in your eyes, he is only focused on the smile on your face, the one he doesn’t realize is fake.
“Rich and popular girl has no plans for the summer?” He snorts. 
You restrain yourself from rolling your eyes, you never minded his little jabs or snarky remarks but lately it’s been getting on your nerves. Why are you here? Why are you still sticking around when he clearly doesn’t want to spend time with you? He never wants you around, anyways. He only came to the diner because Gareth and Jeff canceled their plans with him and you were already here when he got here. 
“I mean I’ve been asked on a date,” you shrug as you play with your straw, staring at the pink liquid in your glass, you don’t notice the way his face falls or the way he tenses up and swallows harshly. 
“A-A date?” He asks. 
You nod. 
Eddie stares at your black nails, at your pretty makeup and your soft red lips that always look so kissable to him, your dress is new, he wonders if you put it on for someone or just for yourself. 
“Who asked you out?” He asks, digging his nails into his palms. 
“Mason,” you mumble as you finally look up at him, “you know, the guy from the school band?” 
Eddie clenches his jaw, suddenly his chest tightens and an ugly feeling rushes through him. He doesn’t want you to go on a date with someone else, he doesn’t want to see you with someone else, you are meant to be here, with him. 
“Yeah, I know him.” And he can’t even hate him, Mason is nice, not just to you but also to him and everyone else, his dad owns the record store downtown, the one Eddie always goes to, Mason works there after school and he always gives him discounts and even supports his band. 
“S-So are you going?” Eddie asks, nervously. 
As you look into Eddie’s eyes, you notice something that you haven’t seen there before. Possessiveness, jealousy and sadness. Maybe you should feel joyful to know that he hates the thought of you going on a date but it angers you and it makes you scoff in annoyance. 
Eddie keeps giving you the cold shoulder, he keeps pushing you away, he keeps treating you with halfhearted kindness while you give him nothing but love and kindness. 
“Why not?” 
“Because I don’t like him like that.” Because you like someone else. 
The tension leaves his body right away and he sighs in relief, his face visibly relaxes and he chuckles, “thought I’d lose my favorite girl.” 
On a different occasion, it would have made your heart flutter and your smile would be big but not today. Today, you are overwhelmed by your emotions, the realization that you have fallen in love with him, laid heavy on your heart because you know that he doesn’t feel the same and that it will only end badly for you. 
“Right,” you scoff as you tear your gaze away from him and reach for your purse, taking out your small wallet, you pick out the $20 bill and place it on the table, “like you would care.” 
Your sudden outburst and the snappy tone in your voice catches him off guard a little, you have never snapped at him before, you have never glared at him, you have never rolled your eyes at him, you have never walked away from him. 
But now, he frowns in confusion and watches you rush out of the diner with your purse and jacket in your hand, not even sparing a single glance at him before you push the door open and walk out. 
“What the hell,” Eddie mumbles, jumping to his feet and running after you without a moment of hesitation. He rushes out of the diner, running through the parking lot before you can get into your car. Just as you open the door, he reaches for your arm and pulls you back, shutting the door before he pushes you up against your car and steps right in front of you. 
Your eyes widen a little when you realize just how close he is to you, you have never been this close. 
“What’s gotten into you?” 
You put your hands on his chest and try to push him away but he won’t budge, he grabs your wrists and holds them tightly but gently. 
“Let me go!” 
“No, tell me what’s your problem, why are you acting so rude? You’ve been doing it all night.” 
“Oh, I’m rude?” You scoff as you keep trying to push him away, “you are the rude one!” 
He chuckles at your words and shakes his head, “you are the one who just stormed out for no reason.” 
You furrow your brows as you look up at him. His eyes are filled with curiosity and his lips are pulled into a smirk, he irritates you. You’ve had enough of this, of him giving you the cold shoulder, of him teasing you, knowing damn well that you have feelings for him. 
“I mean in general, Eddie! You are always cold towards me, you always act annoyed when you’re with me even when you are the one coming to me!” You say angrily, tears well up in your eyes. 
Eddie’s smirk begins to fade when he sees the tears in your eyes. 
“Whenever I’m at the hideout, I’m there just for you and you don’t even seem to want me there, not even when you were the one who asked me to come in the first place!” 
For the first time, Eddie watches tears roll down your cheeks, the look in your eyes is one of anger and sadness but also longing. You are longing for him. You are longing for him to apologize to you, to pull you into his arms and tell you that he will do better but he can’t, not when he messed up so bad, not when you are crying because of him already. 
The angel on his shoulder tells him to apologize but the devil tells him to push you away the way he should’ve done a long time ago, for your sake or his? He doesn’t know. 
“A-At first, I didn’t even care that you were being s-so cold but now it just hurts. I wanna be your friend but you make it so damn hard,” you whisper as you try to blink your tears away, “you know everything about me but I don’t know anything about you–” 
“Is that what you want?” Eddie asks, “to know things about me?” 
His brown eyes flash with anger, his voice is laced with bitterness. He lets go of your hands and takes a step back. 
“So you can make fun of me, right? You wanna know things about my family, about my dad? About what he did to my mom?” He snaps, “that’s what you wanna know? So you can run back to your asshole friends and tell them all about the trailer trash gossip?”
Your bottom lip quivers and your shoulder slump, a look of disappointment crosses your features. You would never do this, you don’t even consider those people your friends and he knows it, yet he can’t stop himself from spewing all those ugly words to you. 
“That’s why you kept running after me and that’s why you stuck around for so long, right?” Eddie asks, “tell me, was it a bet? Did they set you up to this?” 
You shake your head, the wind picks up a little, blowing through your hair and messing up your bangs a little, you don’t bother pushing them away, you keep staring at him through your blurry vision. 
That’s what he thinks of you? 
You have given him nothing but kindness, you dropped some of the people you used to call friends, because you realized how badly they treated him, because he is more important to you than anyone else. 
You stare at him in disbelief, his eyes that usually give you comfort despite the coldness he only ever gives you, make you shudder in pain, his lips are set in a frown, his skin looks pale beneath the moonlight and you hate yourself for thinking that he is still the most beautiful person you have ever laid your eyes on. You hate yourself for still longing for him and you hate yourself for loving him when he clearly hates you so much. 
“Why would you think that?” You whisper shakily as you clutch your purse tighter.
He blinks, he shifts a little, taking in the sight of your tear stained face, the hurt in your eyes and the quivering lip, your voice sounding so heartbroken. 
He was wrong but he knew that already, he doesn’t know why he is ruining things for himself, why he is hurting you so much. 
He hesitates, his hands itching to reach out to you and pull you into his arms, to hold you and hug you for the first time but he can’t. 
“You’re my friend, I dropped them all because I realized how awful they all were, especially to you! You’re important to me, Eddie. And I would do anything for you, anything! I-I knew you never wanted me around but I tried because I wanted you so badly, I really really wanted you and I kept running after you like some lovesick fool but it was for nothing,” you whisper, watching the way his eyes widen at your words, he stares at you in disbelief. 
Lovesick? He wishes he could speak now but all he does is stare at you in shock. 
Your one sided friendship is over, you don’t have to keep any of those secrets that you thought would ruin this thing between you anymore. 
“I love you, Eddie,” you whisper, biting back the sob that rises up in your throat. 
His lips part in surprise and his heart leaps to his throat as tears well up in his eyes just the way they did in yours. You are telling the truth, you have always been telling the truth.
He built walls around him to defend himself from all the pain that you could cause him if you broke his heart but right now as he stands here in front of you and he looks into your soft eyes, he realizes just how big of a fool he always was. 
You would never break his heart. You love him. Why? He doesn’t know. You are this sweet angel that waltzed into his life and chose to give all her love to the guy that didn’t even know how to accept it. 
He doesn’t deserve you, at least that’s what he thinks. 
Your sniffles break him out of his trance, his heart breaks at the sight of you. He made you cry, he broke your heart. The girl that has done nothing but bring joy into his life is now crying because he messed it up. 
You wipe your tears and turn away from him, you open the door and throw your purse and your jacket into the car. 
“Goodbye, Eddie,” you whisper. 
Panic fills his chest and his eyes widen as he looks at you. You are leaving. You are leaving him. His heart screams at him to do something, to pull you into him, to wrap his arms around you, to kiss you and apologize over and over again, to make it up to you. 
His heart starts beating faster, his hands begin to shake. 
He can’t let you go, he can’t let his stupid fears control him, he can’t keep listening to the lies, his anxiety keeps telling him about you, he can’t keep doing this to you. 
“I love you too!” 
It was loud and probably a little dramatic but he doesn’t care, he finally said it. A huge weight falls off his shoulders and suddenly he feels free. 
You freeze, shock ripples through you and you stare into blank space for a moment. 
Eddie takes a step forward, staring at the back of your head with a soft look in his eyes, he reaches for your arm and he slowly turns you around so he can see your face again. When your eyes finally lock, you notice the adoration in them, one that you have never seen before because he always hid it from you. 
“I love you, y/n,” he whispers softly as he tugs you closer, he raises his hands towards your face and cups your cheek slowly, touching you the way he never did before– he should have done it a long time ago, “please don’t leave me,” he whispers with a hint of fear in his voice.
You stare at him wide eyed. 
“I know you wouldn’t do any of those things,” he whispers as he strokes your cheek, “I-I was just, fuck, sweetheart, I’m scared.” 
“Of what, Eddie?” 
“Of this,” he whispers, pointing between the two of you, “y-you’re so perfect and amazing, you do all these things for me. You support the band that no one gives a fuck about, for fucks sake! A-And I’m just a–” he pauses, sighing, “I’m the town freak!” 
“Yeah and I freaking love you!” 
His heart flutters in his chest, warmth fills his body, a kind he has never felt before.
“Why?” He asks softly. 
You grab his wrists and step closer to him so your chest is pressed against his, “you are perfect, Eddie. You are so talented in so many ways, you are so good to the people around you, you protect your friends, you are always there when someone needs you and you always made me feel safe, even when you kind of acted like a dick. You are better than any of these people living in this shitty town, you are better than those assholes you called my friends! Y-You are just perfect to me, Eddie,” you pause, raising your hand towards his face, you brush away the curls from his face, “and you’re not a freak, by the way.” 
A tear rolls down his cheek and you quickly wipe it away, letting your hand rest on his cheek, “and you’re so beautiful, Eddie.”
His heart soars at your words. He leans into your touch and closes his eyes for a moment. He could have had this for so long already but his fears have led him to push you away, to hurt you, to make you believe that you aren’t anything special to him. Like he didn’t create D&D characters based on you, like he didn’t have a bunch of drawings of you at home, like he didn’t spend every second thinking about you.
Like he isn’t utterly in love with you. 
“Please forgive me for pushing you away, for saying all these horrible things to you, sweetheart,” he whispers as he opens his eyes again, “I-I know that I’m really fucking bad at showing this but, I’m so crazy about you, y/n.” 
You smile at his words, blushing and biting back the excited giggle as your eyes shine with happiness again. 
How could he ever be scared of you? You will never hurt him, you will never break his heart, you will never leave him. You will always be the one to stay, like he will be the one to stay with you. 
“I’m crazy about you too, Eddie,” you whisper as you wrap your arms around him and place your head on his chest, hugging him the way you always craved to. He sighs at the feeling, this might be the best feeling in the world, feeling you in his arms. He spent so many moments thinking about this, finally, he gets to do it. He wraps his arms around you and leans down to kiss the top of your head. 
It’s only the first time that you are in his arms, yet it feels so natural. You can feel his heart racing, it matches the beat of your own heart.
“This is so much better,” you murmur. 
“Better than what?” He asks, squeezing your arms. 
“Better than you being grumpy.” 
“I’m sorry, sunshine,” he says as he pulls back so he can look at you again, cupping your cheeks again, he gives you a soft smile, “let me make it up to you?” 
“I’d like that,” you whisper. 
His eyes light up, he looks down at your lips and tucks your hair behind your ears, “you’re too good to me.” 
You stand on your tippy toes and wrap your arms around his neck, “it’s what you deserve, Eddie, you deserve to be loved,” you whisper and lean in to kiss his cheek. His breath hitches in his throat, the feeling of your lips on his skin might make his knees weak, “so please, let me love you.” 
He lets all his walls crumble, he lets the love in, your love. He smiles sweetly and whispers a desperate, ‘please’. 
You kiss his other cheek and place your hand on his neck, “I’ll love you forever if you let me.” 
“Only if you let me love you,” he says with hope in his eyes. 
“It’s all I ever wanted,” you smile.
“Me too,” he admits, finally. 
“I’ll love you forever, you’re gonna get sick of me,” Eddie says, making you giggle. 
“I could never get sick of you, Eddie.” 
“Good,” he smiles before he finally kisses you for the first time ever, letting himself fall into your arms completely, knowing that he and his heart will always be safe with you. 
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superblysubpar · 6 months
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dad!steve harrington x mom!fem!reader
a How Sweet It Is story
summary: Your husband and you have a Christmas Eve night to yourselves while the six little nuggets are asleep in their beds. | 18+ / NSFW
warnings: | the kids are mentioned in this as well are dad/mom things, but def not a part of this - just a night for you and your hot husband okay? | SMUT (dry humping, making out, dirty talk, fingering - clit action, steve cums in his plaid pajama pants)
1324 words
the prompts: [single lip] - a sucking or nibbling of one of the partner's lips [GRIND] - one muse teasingly grinds against the other
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Winter, 1999:
“Steve,” you laughed, back arching as the back of your thighs hit the couch he was guiding you towards, “Steve, we should go to bed. They’re gonna be up in like three hours.”
Your husband’s teeth scraped against your racing pulse, tongue licking before he mumbled into sweat kissed skin. “Bed is for losers.”
His mouth kept its assault up, lips skimming higher, chasing your mouth as you shook your head from side to side. “Careful,” Steve squeezed at your hips, and you spoke into his cheek as he sucked at the curve of your jaw. “Last time you said something was for losers-oof!”
Back against the couch as he laid between your legs, landing softly but letting his weight fall against you as you both laughed. A little giddy off of a few hours of absolute silence from your zonked out monsters, a little bit of wine, and a lot of chocolate chip cookies. The stockings hung, presents wrapped, the tree glittering in the corner, the living room dark save for the warm glow it gave off. 
“You were saying?” Steve’s nose nuzzled into your neck, breath warm and leaving goosebumps in its wake. 
“Mm,” your eyelashes fluttered as he found the spot that made your hands jump to his shoulders, mouth kissing it sweetly as you stuttered out, “Melt down. Glasses. Losers.”
Steve’s tongue flicked at your skin, dirty and teasing making your stomach burn, causing your hips to roll against him searching for friction. 
“Oh, speaking of,” he reached over your head and you nipped at his arm, fingers scraping down his abdomen so he twitched away from the tickling. Face returning into your field of vision with glasses falling down the slope of his nose. His palms pressed to the cushion on either side of your head as he stared down at you. Cinnamon and emerald and gold framed by the new wire set he got, a little bit of stubble dotting his jaw and above the curve of his lip that you ached to feel scrape along your skin again. That is, until he spoke again, voice going a little higher and scratchy, face contorting into a character. 
“All the better to see you with my dear.”
You groaned, swatting at his chest as he smiled, white teeth on full display, cheek pushing up the two moles that dotted it. 
“Ew, gross! Don’t do that voice.”
Steve laughed, quiet, but deep from his chest, chain falling loose from his pale blue shirt as he propped up again, the new angle causing his hard length to nudge at your cunt through the layers. His eyes sparkled, eyebrows going up as your lips parted at the feeling. 
“You don’t like that one?” He pouted, bottom lip jutted out, hovering over you and rolling his hips with a little more pressure to get your eyes to flutter, “The babies love that one. Luke always turns the page back and Annie smacks my nose till I do it again.”
Thinking about him reading to your children was not helping your act of pretending he wasn’t slick - you knew what he was doing, chain bumping your chin as he leaned closer, red wine and chocolate on his lips just out of reach for you to taste. 
“Oh,” breathless, fingers digging into the couch so you wouldn’t grab him, “Well with that rave review, please, Steve, talk dirty to me in your big, bad, wolf voice.”
Steve let his lips brush against yours, holding your top one between his as you parted for him, squirming beneath his body. He tapped his nose to the end of yours, rolling his lower half slowly, dragging his dick up and down you as he swallowed. 
“Want me to talk dirty, baby? You sure? Last time we ended up with twins.”
“You,” your teeth scraped against your bottom lip as he thrust a little, tip nudging at your clit, his hand grabbing onto your waist as your stomach flipped. “Y-you always talk dirty.”
“Yeah?” Steve’s hand roamed down your thigh, dragging his nails across the skin under the sleep shorts, hitching it higher on his hip so he could drag himself over you harder. “What’s your favorite?”
He kissed over the corner of your mouth, tongue swiping over your bottom lip as your back arched and his fingers dug into the plush skin of your ass, pushing under the hem of the shorts higher. Steve kissed you, one tiny chaste peck, voice low, a gravel and rasp behind the murmur, “When I tell you, you taste so sweet?”
The whine that leaves you just encouraged him, but he teases, drawing away only to push against you harder in a way that made your skin hot, toes curling into the couch. Steve’s mouth pants against your cheek, both of your hips grinding in a shared rhythm, the tip of his cock pushed at your clit in the same spot, over and over, his cheeks turning pink as your neck extended, his name leaving you in a gasp.
He kissed your cheek, lips dragging to your jaw, mouthing at you hungrily. “No? Is it when I tell you to be patient? That you can’t,” he thrusts harder and your teeth bit hard on your lip to suppress the moan that fights to come out when he exhaled, “Cum yet?”
His lips pulled at your bottom lip, freeing it so he can bite, teeth scraping before he sucked, moaning into you. Releasing you with a pop as you both fought for deeper breaths. His hand pushed at the band of your shorts as yours curled up the soft cotton of his shirt and he swallowed, babbling,  “Is it honey? Baby? Just your name? You like it when I say your name? Tell you what you do to me?”
Steve drags himself over you faster, your hips rolling hard, and your entire body lit up, stomach burning, ready for him to just let you have it. Your clit was throbbing as he laughed, dark, lips parting easily, tongue swiping over yours filthy as he grunted. “Fuck, look at you, angel. You’re gonna cum from just this aren’t you?”
“Ye-yes,” your hands grabbed at his jaw, bringing him into you, needing to taste him as the heat started to swallow you whole. 
He cursed into your mouth, fingers sliding under the soaked cotton between you two until he was pushing circles into your nerves, your body a taut band as his mouth parted over yours, “Make a mess all over me, yeah? Tell me how much you want it.”
You gasped out his name, babbling another breathless yes, begging for more even as your thighs started to shake around his hand, and Steve nodded into your kiss, “That’s my girl, take what y-you want.” His hips and fingers matching the frantic way his mouth moved over yours.  
You were asking him for harder, more, yes until he was swearing into your lips and your back was arching off of the couch. His fingers were faltering, messy circles against your slick and his hips lost their rhythm, as you felt him twitch against you, he gasped out your name and a desperate please.  
Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as the orgasm crashed over your body, fingers tingling and head feeling dizzy as he kissed you deeply. Your hands wrapped up and grabbed at the back of his head, fingers lazily moving through the soft brown waves. He held you closer, palms against your spine as he stayed between your legs, your kissing growing slower, noses pressed to cheeks, mouths drawing in and out for more until you couldn’t breathe anymore. 
It’s quiet aside from heavy panting when you part, bodies soaked in sweat and buzzing. Steve’s glasses askew on his face has you laughing, reaching up to fix them and he beamed, forehead knocking against yours. 
“It was the voice, wasn’t it?”
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ashes-writing · 1 year
stranger things ● forever pt 5 ● s.harrington
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[ multi chapters ] your daughter calls Steve daddy + baby talk -cannot stress enough that she's 3 and she's still grasping speech and language but like.. writer doesn't want to overdo it so... yeah. robin and barb and robin trying to muster up the nerve to make a move -it's not fun having to hide your true self and being gay back then was not a picnic so.. angst about that. heavy sexual tension/physical attraction (mutual, duh), swearing, things seem like they're moving fast but there is a good time lapse between each part so.. yeah. having a kid written by a person who does not... female reader with female parts / a connection to Robin and a past/personality + an adorable lil kid.
word count + prev. part
5452 exactly
part four <- can be reached by clicking.
“It’s not!” you’re laughing. But there’s this small part of you that cannot deny that lately, since you and Steve have gotten closer and opened up to each other more, there’s something different between you.
He’s more touchy. He teases you more. You caught yourself flirting with him on more than one occasion because you couldn’t resist doing it and it happened before you could catch yourself. There’s the way you seem to lack a sense of boundaries when he’s around.
And Robin isn’t wrong, you’re starting to find it really hard to resist just going for it.
“Everybody hasn’t noticed because it’s not like that.” you insist.
taglist + shoutouts
<< taglist here >> just click & add ig. if you're here for gareth/eddie or other ST men, lemme know and I won't tag you on this.
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masterlist ● steve's masterlist ● about + rules
“ She told me she wishes he was her daddy.” you’re munching on some french fries from Wendy’s as you watch Steve and Stevie down at the pond, feeding the ducks together. Steve has Stevie sitting on his shoulders and you can hear her laughter as it echoes through the park.
You can’t stop staring. Your eyes roam freely. You tell yourself that if you can’t be with him, you can stare as much as you like but honestly, you’re not stupid. All you’re managing to do is torture yourself every single time you wind up doing it.
Barb laughs softly and Robin snickers at the faraway look in your eyes as they glue themselves to Steve’s body all over again. You’ve been stealing glances a lot more lately. 
You got so caught up in it when everyone met to hang out at the pool two afternoons ago that you nearly face planted the door to the women’s restroom just because he went off the high dive, answering a dare that guy across the street who works as a lifeguard gave him.
“Pick your jaw up off the table, woman.”
You jump a little, broken out of your daze by your cousin’s teasing so you flip her off. The two of you share a look and while Barb is busy grabbing herself a soda from the vending machine nearby, you smile at your cousin. “You need to do something, okay? Who cares what anybody thinks? Screw them. And I don’t see aunt Janet being as horrified as you have yourself believing she will be. Now grandma Ethel.. Possibly. But she clutches pearls at everything, Robbie.”
“You do something and maybe I will. You’re the older one. Lead by example.”
“Robin..” you sigh and shake your head, taking another bite of your double cheeseburger. Groaning at the taste as it fills your mouth because you haven’t really eaten anything today. It’s been busy at the office.
In a desperate bid to change the subject because you’ve told your cousin so many times exactly why you can’t just  throw caution to the wind and the more you have to tell her, the more convincing her arguments are as to why you can -and should, do that very thing are starting to become.. In a desperate bid to get off the current topic and on to a new one, you speak up.
“I think I might have found an apartment. We can go look at it later.. If you wanna come with me?”
“You and sparkles should stay with mom and I longer.” Robin shakes her head. Pouting a little. “I don’t wanna lose my little buddy.. Or you and our nighttime talks. C’mon, it hasn’t been that bad.”
“It hasn’t. But I need to stand on my own again too. Like.. I know this is putting a huge strain on aunt Janet as far as money goes. And if I’m living in my own place, it won’t be as bad. They just gave me a raise and more hours.”
Robin’s still not thrilled, but she nods. “Yeah, okay. But you’re still stuck with me, woman.” “Duh.. We have a blood pact. Remember?” you laugh and so does she. “Where is the apartment?” she asks after a second or two. You’re distracted, watching Steve and Stevie again, he’s pushing her on the swings now. “Hm?” you ask as you take a sip of your vanilla Frosty.
“Woman, oh my god.. If you don’t do something it’s going to drive you insane. And lately, whenever you two are around each other, the air’s almost heavy enough to choke somebody. Everybody notices it.”
“It’s not!” you’re laughing. But there’s this small part of you that cannot deny that lately, since you and Steve have gotten closer and opened up to each other more, there’s something different between you.
He’s more touchy. He teases you more. You caught yourself flirting with him on more than one occasion because you couldn’t resist doing it and it happened before you could catch yourself. There’s the way you seem to lack a sense of boundaries when he’s around.
And Robin isn’t wrong, you’re starting to find it really hard to resist just going for it.
“Everybody hasn’t noticed because it’s not like that.” you insist.
Barb laughs as she slips down onto the bench right next to Robin and hands her a Tab. “Okay, am I allowed to call bullshit? Because that is exactly what you’ve just said is… Total bullshit. Everybody’s noticed it, ___.”
“There’s nothing to notice! We’re friends.” you insist.
“Friends don’t look like they’re a second away from kissing each other, ___. Which is exactly what you two looked like the other night when we all went to see that movie together at Starcourt.” Robin is patient when she says it. Laughing as she remembers turning to find Steve dragging his thumb over the butter smeared on your cheeks. Or later, finding you leaned against him, the two of you and Stevie whispering back and forth as you all stared up at the screen and shared popcorn from the same mega sized bucket.
Or even later, when the crowd leaving the theater as the movie ended got so thick that Robin watched as Steve pulled one of his patented Harrington moves out, resting his hand against the small of your back as you all wandered out.  
She’s annoyed that neither of you are willing to budge but it’s oh so painfully obvious.
“Even Eddie’s asked if you have something going on! And Eddie, he’s practically the most oblivious guy on Earth!” Robin insists, throwing up her hands in exasperation as you calmly shake your head no and insist all over again, “He’s not into me like that. I’d know it if he were! Body language expert, remember?”
“My ass you are.” Robin grumbles, the two of you flipping each other off as your laughter dies away.
“Where’s the apartment?”
You cringe a little because you know your cousin well enough to know that when you tell her it’s over that one bar on the wrong side of town, she’s not going to be thrilled. And honestly, you’re not either.
But you refuse to keep burdening your aunt and you know it’s putting a strain on her  having two more mouths and more of a mess to keep up with. You help as much as you can. And you really love being there, you just know that you need to stand on your own again.
“Okay, there’s a teeeny flaw with the place.”
“I’m not liking it already.” Robin’s shaking her head, taking a sip of her  soda after she’s opened the tab. 
“It’s over that bar on the way out of town. The owner.. He uh.. He came in to the office for a consult and he mentioned that he was going to open up the empty units and start renting them out. He told me if I did all my own repairs and stuff he’d knock it off the rent, too. And he’s only charging like… I think he said 400 a month for a two bedroom?”
“Absolutely not. Do you know how often the cops are called to that place? And Eddie’s band, they played there once, said there was a brawl in the middle of their set so bad that an ambulance had to be called.”
Barb speaks up. “Wasn’t Steve looking at a place, Robbie? And it’s near the school. It’s one of the two that the guy who owns the Post just opened up and completely remodeled.”
You give both of them a playful dirty look. “Mhm, like it’s not obvious what you’re getting at.” you laugh as you finish off your Frosty. “I’d fold like a deck of cards if I had to live with him.” you’re doing it again, staring at him openly as you fan yourself with a stack of napkins. “And it’s not even like.. Okay, he’s fucking gorgeous, don’t get me wrong. But that’s not even why I fell in the first place.” you nod to the way he’s waiting on Stevie at the end of the big spiral shaped slide on the playset, “Its the way he is with her. It’s the way he treats everybody.. Like.. I can’t explain it but god, it just turns me on.”
“Because he’s a good guy. He has changed a lot since high school. But anyway, why not look at the place Steve is looking at? You guys are getting to know each other and you’ve gotten to be really good friends.” Barb’s looking at you, giving you a smirk that only makes you stick out your tongue at her. “I just told you why, B! If I live with that man, I will fold like laundry.”
“That’s kind of why she suggested it. One of you needs to, jesus.. The tension is getting to the rest of us outside the little bubble the three of you have formed lately…” Robin laughs and shakes her head. “So stubborn. Why keep fighting it? What if it ends up being amazing? I mean, you said it yourself. He’s good with her. He’s good to you.. To everyone, actually. Why not just go for it?”
“What if it completely blows up though?” you counter, biting your lip. “I can’t.. I won’t put her through what Jenna put me through.”
“Speaking of.. She called last night. I dunno what she said to Mom but Mom exploded. It was great. She told her she was the worst mother to ever exist and hung up. Told her to call back when it wasn’t about something she wanted or something she needed.”
“She didn’t even ask about Stevie.” you guess, frowning and rolling your eyes when Robin’s look confirms it. You shrug. “It’s her loss. We’re fine without her.”
“Definitely.” Robin agrees, reaching out to steal some of the fries you have left.
“Will you guys just come with me to look at the place? Please?” you ask them both, giving them a pleading look.
“Fine.. But I’m not gonna like it.”
“And I agree with her.”
You laugh and slip off the bench, making your way over to where Steve and Stevie are by the swings again. Stevie loves the swings. The day before, you brought her to the park and she refused to leave until she’d spent at least an hour swinging. An hour that you happily obliged because one day, she’ll be older and you already know that you’re going to miss this.
You take advantage of every little moment you’re allowed because they’re moments you won’t ever be able to get back.
“Daddy! Higher! My feet almost touch clouds!”
When she says it, she’s giggling. Her eyes squeezed shut against harsh afternoon sun. Smiling so big that it’s probably ten times brighter than the sun itself. Steve is frozen and at first, he doesn’t know how to respond.
All he knows is that when she calls him Daddy, he finds himself wishing that it wasn’t just an accidental slip-up. That he really was her father. Because that’d mean he got both of you, all to himself for the rest of your lives. If it were true, nothing would make him happier.
The swing comes back down, Steve catches it and brings it to a stop. "Higher, huh?" he laughs as he locks eyes with you because you're standing nearby, watching. He's gazing down at Stevie now and he chuckles. "Dunno if it's a good idea, scout." 
"Pwease?" She's begging and it's adorable. He still can't decide what to do about her calling him Daddy, so for the time being, selfish as it might be, maybe he just pretends that he is. And that she's his little girl, the two of you are his girls.
Everything feels better, he notices, when he pretends like it's true and he acts like it's true. He doesn't feel as alone until later on when he actually is alone and the realization sets in all over again.
A brunette nudges you in your side, nodding to Steve as he pushes your daughter in the swings.
"Hey." you turn your attention to her after calling out to Stevie not to hang the way she is off the swing. "Something you want?"
"Is Steve her father?"
You shake your head. Smile fading a little. One, because you're pretty sure her entire reason for asking has everything to do with her interest in Steve and this makes you just a little jealous and two, without even realizing it, you were kind of imagining what it might be like if things were totally different. If Steve was actually her father. If the two of you were together.
"She called him daddy. Just now." the brunette states. "Either he is or he isn't." and she's pretty sure he's no, after all they were close friends, there's no way he could've hidden something this massive from her and Tommy. And she likes to think he wouldn't have attempted it, either. But the little girl calling her best friend daddy did make 
"He isn't. Closest thing she's known t' one though."
"She looks like he did when we were all kids." and it hits Carol that she hasn't actually introduced herself yet. She laughs quietly and palms her face. "I'm Carol. Steve is an old friend. The two boys on the slide are mine." she points out her sons and you smile. Stevie is racing towards you and you drop, holding your arms out for her as Steve jogs over behind her, laughing. 
Carol watches as you scoop up the little girl and cover her face in noisy kisses. Steve is staring at you, oh you can bet she picks right up on that. And she's thinking about the way you were all soft eyed and staring as he pushed the cute little girl on the swings just now.
,,this is what he deserves. He needs to find the confidence he had in high school and just go for it already because the air is so thick between them I cannot breathe." 
"Steve." she smiles, giving him a thumbs up as she nods to you and Stevie. Steve raises a brow because usually, Carol is nothing if not a harsh critic of anyone he dates or shows interest in and it only doubled down after things ended with Nancy.
"What's her name?"Carol's attention turns back to you and she's smiling. Curious, with the strong feeling that Steve is definitely falling hard and fast for you because he's gone into protective mode without even seeming to realize. She knows because he's stepped closer to you and Stevie as if to shield you both. 
"Stevie." you answer. She smiles, nodding towards the slides again. "Tommy and Hunter."
Carol makes her way over to the slide where her sons are and Steve gives you an apologetic smile. "She wasn't like…rude or anything, right?"
But you're distracted, between what she revealed to you about Stevie looking a lot like Steve and Carol revealing that Stevie called Steve daddy, you have a lot on your mind at the moment.
Steve repeats his question and you smile, you shake your head no. "No, she wasn't."
You're just wondering.. how did Steve react to your little girl calling him Daddy? 
And more importantly, how should you react to it?
"Yeah, I don't like this place." this is said by Steve who offered to come over and really look at the little two bedroom apartment you were told about earlier in the week. Robin speaks up next. "What is that smell?" and Barb asks the same question. "I'm agreeing with them."
"It's not that bad." You're wandering around the empty space. It's bigger and brighter than your old apartment. And considering it's over a bar, the floor is so thick that barely any noise seeps up through worn hardwood flooring. "It's bigger than the last one."
" I just don't think this is a good idea, __." Steve repeats. The door lock isn't the best but honestly, that's the least of the things he's noticed. He can tell you're determined but so is he. "There's other places, ___. Maybe we should look at em before you decide anything."
"Yeah, I'm going to agree with the dingus here."
"I'm agreeing with Robin. And Steve."
You're not entirely sold on the place either but you're determined to find something soon. You've never been the kind to wear out your welcome and you're just so used to doing everything alone that you don't know how to take help when it's offered.
Or this is what both Robin and your aunt keep telling you.
"Okay. Alright. I'll look a little more." you promise the three of them. Stevie stirs in your arms and buries her nose down in your neck. "Mama, somethin stink."
"We're leaving now, cupcake." you laugh softly. "Good. Smell make me wanna barf." she grumbles. “Don’t wanna live here cos it stinky. Like old cheese. Feet.”
All of you wander out, Robin and Barb getting into Barb's car and after you've fastened Stevie into her carseat, you get into the passenger seat of your Mustang. Steve's driving like he usually offers to whenever everyone goes out together lately and you decide to take your car. As he merges in traffic, he speaks up. "You'll find somethin better."
"Not at that price. And it's two bedrooms."
"There was a murder in the alley behind the place..this guy I know..Jim..he worked the scene. I think it was like..my junior year?"
"Oh. Yeah, I didn't know that."
"People don't talk about it a lot." Steve answers. "That place is dangerous. Just trust me."
You nod before you even realize you've done it. You, the headstrong and argumentative, stubborn one. You, the one who always does whatever she wants whenever she wants. And when you realize that you're just going along now, you're stunned to a state of silence. 
He pulls into the spot next to Barb's Volvo and kills the engine and nods to the car seat in your back seat. "She's out."
"She sleeps so well when she goes for a ride." you tell him as you quietly pull open your door. As you're unfastening her seatbelt, she looks up at you all groggy from her nap. "Wan' daddy t' carry me."
Your breath hangs and you're frozen. It was fine when she'd do this, call him that whenever it was just you two. You usually just gently remind her that she can't blurt it out and she needs to call him Steve or Mr.Steve. But she's just done it all over again right in front of him.
Steve is about to speak up and say something strictly because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, and he figures you're about to anyway. But then, instead of saying anything, you turn to him with an apologetic smile. "I keep telling her she can't do it when we're not alone, that you might not like it."
As he starts to realize what you're getting at, he's stunned speechless. The implication that she's done this before..that she does it a lot when it's just the two of you and the further implication that you're okay with it.. the smallest glimmer of hope is in bloom and the wheels are turning in his mind. 
"I got her." he reaches out to take Stevie and she wraps little arms around his neck and yawns because she's beginning to wake up. "Good nap, wasn't it?"
"Mhm." Stevie answers. "Now I sooooo hungry."she giggles. You gape at him. "How is it she's not a little grouch right now? She's a grouch waking up for me?"
Steve shrugs. Smirks a little as he pulls open the door to the diner just in time to come face to face with Nancy, Jonathan and Jonathan's friend Argyle as they come out with grease stained bags. Upon seeing him, Nancy is kind of frozen, definitely shocked to see Steve with a little girl in his arms and even more shocked that she's seeing just a hint of the side he opened up to her when they were together.
,, everyone kept telling me he met someone. They all said he was finally happy again. And that weird rumor that he had a kid and somehow nobody knew.. I can see why it started."
"Hey Steve."
"Nance. Hey. You haven't left yet?" and it's honestly no an act to make her think he's okay this time, this is what shocks him most. He's honestly just been so busy lately, he's been so preoccupied with fighting the nightmares, the mess Vecna left in his head when he was done with him and since the end of April, his feelings and the attachment he's forming with Stevie and you that honestly, he hasn't given her a whole lot of thought. Lately, he's given her none at all and when this hits him, he's more than a little shocked. 
"We leave next week.. Monday?" she looks to Jonathan as if she's not sure and he smiles and nods. "Yeah. Monday…hey, we're having a get together with everyone this weekend. You guys should come." Nancy looks from Steve to you as she says it. Her gaze lingers on you just a little longer. Taking in the way you’ve molded yourself right against Steve’s side and you’re standing just a little taller. As if to protect him.
Steve starts to say no. But between the tension you're picking up on and you'd die before admitting it, the slightest bit of jealousy and anger you feel upon meeting the ex girlfriend, you speak up before he gets a chance. "We can if you want to, Steve. It's up to you." you’re trying to act as a buffer. 
Pretending things between you and Steve are more serious. More intimate than they actually are all while coming to the realization that his ex girlfriend is a very good and clear reminder as to why he’d never willingly settle for you. Nancy’s beautiful and she’s got this good girl look about her. Not to mention, her life is together and yours, well.. You make yourself stop thinking too hard and picking yourself apart before you get too deep into doing it.
His brow raises. And he tells himself there's no way, you can't be jealous, but there's just something about the way you melt into his side just a little more..and of course, the tiniest hint of mischief in those beautiful eyes of yours as you look up to hold his gaze as you're doing it, as if you do it all the time. He chuckles. "We'll try, Nance. I'm not promising anything."
"Mama, can you take me to bathroom?" Stevie speaks up, reaching for you. "Wait for you inside?" you ask Steve, glad your daughter needs to use the bathroom because the more you stand there, the more you compare yourself to his ex. The more you tell yourself there's no way he'd just settle for you and your jealousy -as well as the knee jerk reaction it caused just now, are pointless.
You go in with Stevie and Steve is left to stand there. This is made further awkward when Jonathan steals a kiss before walking away to Argyle's van. This leaves the two of them alone.
Nancy laughs. 
"What?" Steve raises a brow.
"She really likes you. A lot. Robin said it was obvious but wow.." Nancy smiles up at him and keeps laughing, " You feel something too. Didn't almost dying teach you anything, Steve?"
Steve blows out a breath and shifts his feet. "Yeah."
"So do something! You could have your dream life. Don’t you want that?"
He nods.
She fluffs his hair and goes to step past him, pausing for a few seconds. "You'll be okay.. i.. I was worried about you after…you know.. I just want you to be happy. Like me." and with a smile, she's gone. Rushing over to the van just as the rain starts.’
 Steve lingers for a minute, trying to figure out where she came to the conclusion that you like him as much as she seemed to think. Mulling over the advice she gave that he didn't ask for.
You're sitting in the booth with Robin and Barb, feeding Stevie fries as you watch the two of them outside but try to make it seem as if you're not. And of course, Robin picks right up on it and clears her throat. You nod to them. "Yeah, if that's not a reminder of why I need to ignore the way I feel…" you muse as you take some fries for yourself. Barb and Robin share a look and then they're both looking at you.
"What? You see her! She's a knockout and she's got her life together."
"She really doesn't, though." Barb speaks up, laughing to herself. Robin agrees. "You need to stop ignoring it and do something about it. What happened, huh? You used to be the brave one?"
You laugh and roll your eyes. "Yeah, when it comes to dumb stuff. Emotional risks have never been my thing."
"The fact that you sit here so confidently convinced that he doesn't feel the same way when everyone knows that he does. I can't. You're the single most stubborn.." Robin laughs and Barb laughs with her, slipping fries out of the shared tray between them.
Steve wanders in and as he makes his way over to the table, Barb nudges Robin and leans in, whispering against her ear, "Okay, whatever Nance said to him… he's looking more like King Steve right now than he has in a really long time.."
"Maybe he's finally going to do something." Robin adds, nodding in agreement. Your breath hangs in your throat when instead of grabbing a chair and pulling it to the booth like usual, Steve seats himself in the space beside you. As his designer cologne envelopes you and your sides brush, you need to go pull yourself together. "I'll be right back."
You hurry to the bathroom and when Robin peeks in a few seconds later and sees you visibly flustered, trying to pull yourself together, she doubles over laughing and steps inside. "You okay?"
"I, uh… never better?" you're trying to pull yourself together because the way he looked at you when you locked eyes before you rushed in the restroom to cool down.. you can still feel it's effects. And the scent of his cologne surrounding you, the way he sat down and got as close to you as he could get.
It's all combined to do a number on you.
"You're in for it now." Robin muses,  giving you a smirk. She knows something you don't, of that, you're certain.
Robin shrugs. "Oh trust me. You'll figure it out. Especially if what I think is about to happen actually happens."
"Oh no.. no, because if I do that, you won't believe me."
"As a heart attack."
Your red Mustang pulls to a stop in the driveway of your aunt's trailer. Stevie is sleeping in the back, in her car seat and as Steve kills the engine and holds out your keys, he closes his hand around yours when you reach for them. Steps as close as he can and when he does, your breath promptly hangs in your throat.
"If Stevie calling you that earlier…if it bothers you.."
"It doesn't." Steve looks over at you, "does it bother you?" and for a few seconds, he's searching your face for something..any indication that Nancy..Robin, Dustin and even Billy, that they're all completely wrong.
He doesn't find that. Instead, what he actually finds is just enough for the flimsy bit of hope to grow just a little more because you're looking up at him and . You're unfastening Stevie from her car seat and he gets out, holding your aunt's front door open for you as you walk through with Stevie asleep on you. 
You can feel the air getting thicker. Something is different. It's not bad, only intense. So intense you almost feel like you can't breathe. 
,, I have to be imagining it. This is just wishful thinking because i want to let it happen so bad that it's driving me crazy." 
"You're sure it doesn't?" you question, tilting your head to look up at him and he chuckles quietly, shrugging as he answers, " I actually like it. If it bothered me at all, I swear I'd say something. Are you sure it doesn't bother you?" and then he steps closer. Pushes open the bedroom door for you as you step inside to put Stevie to sleep for the night. " It doesn't. If it did I would have stopped her the few times she's said it when it's just the two of us." you answer, looking up at him. Holding his gaze and God help you, squirming just a shade when it feels like he's looking deeper at you as he does the same. 
"See you tomorrow." he finally manages to pull himself out of his daze and the temptation to touch you is so strong that he clenches his hand at his side.
You fall back into the bed beside your sleeping daughter and take several very shaky deep breaths.
The whole drive across town to his parents empty house consists of him having the mother of all internal dilemmas. Instead of going home, he winds up at Dustin's house.
Dustin raises his window and gives Steve a concerned sleepy look. "Something wrong?"
Steve immediately starts the pacing as soon as he’s climbed through Dustin’s window. And rambling as he paces. And when Dustin figures out what's causing his best friend to pace a hole through his bedroom floor, he's snickering about it. 
" She does it like all the time, man. You're just noticing Stevie calls you daddy?"
"Today is the first time she's actually said it to me directly." Steve answers, gaping as Dustin's statement sinks in. "Wait..she's done it in front of you then?"
Dustin nods to the chair at his desk and Steve sinks down to sit. "Yeah. She actually started like..a week ago? Two, maybe?” Dustin yawns and smiles, falling silent for a few seconds before picking up where he left off, explaining the situation to Steve as Stevie explained it to him, “ This girl in her daycare group named Sadie has her convinced that if she picks her dad then whoever she picks automatically just..is. I tried t' talk to her but she's stubborn and she plugged her ears, started to hum. She said her mind was made up. That even if she couldn't tell you, she still knew and that was okay with her. She was afraid you might be mad so her saying it directly to you man.." Dustin pauses, rubs his eyes as he chuckles quietly, "That's huge."
Steve's chuckling too. "Yeah, the uh..the stubborn thing, that’s like 1000 percent her mom." he drags a hand through his hair. "I saw Nancy earlier. We talked. Well, she talked. I thought I'd have more to say but I didn't."
Dustin nods. Looks up at Steve in concern but Steve shrugs. "It's over. It's been over. I get it now."
"Okay, so what about ___?"
Steve rubs his chin as he thinks about it. He knows he can't keep fighting it, not with everything he's either accidentally overheard or he's figuring out only just now. He wants to fight. He wants to win.
"I'll figure it out. The uh.. the letting Stevie call me daddy thing though.. that won't mess her up, right?" and he wants to laugh at himself, he's asking a literal teenager for advice right now but…Dustin Henderson is the second person he trusts the most in the world. Robin Buckley is the other person and he's definitely going to bounce all of this off her tomorrow.
Because he's determined that this time..this time the ending he wants most in the world is absolutely going to stick.
"No? Why would it? Her father is some asshole who didn't even want her to be born, man. If anything, it's clearly for the best this way, Steve."
Steve nods quietly. "To not fucking this up, right?"
Dustin grins even brighter. "You're finally going to do something then?"
Steve takes a shaky breath and laughs quietly. "I think so, Dustin. I have t' try or I'm gonna lose my fucking mind."
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hellfire--cult · 8 months
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SoftDom!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
wc: 4k
+18 MDNI, SOME fluff, smut, p in v, fingering, blowjob, rough sex, bondage, breeding kink, dirty talk, non-safe sex, reader being a bratty fiancé
Plot: The pandemic had its ups and downs. One of the good things it brought was the fact that your husband can forever work remotely from home. But you sometimes get a little needy.
A/N: Just filth. Pure filth.
please always reblog, thank you
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The pandemic had its ups and downs.
You for one, didn’t mind staying home, but you did miss your friends and family terribly. You’ve always worked online and remotely at home for a company outside the country, so that wasn’t something that changed for you like it did for many others.
In those many others, it includes your husband.
You thought he would return to the office as soon as it was declared that you could head outside, but no such thing happened. It seems that there’s more productivity from people working at home rather than going physically to the workplace. You don’t work 9-5 like your husband does, so you have time to clean the house a little bit, cook lunch and dinner. 
He would always be so grateful for the food. Sometimes he would be in a meeting and you would come in very quietly and place the plate of food and a glass of water on the corner of the desk and then head out. Twenty minutes later your husband would rush out of the room as soon as the meeting was over to pepper your face in kisses as if to say thank you for the attention. 
But there were times when your husband wasn’t having the best of days. 
Working from home also stresses you out sometimes, because you are overwhelmed with stuff because, since you’re more productive, they give you more things to do. That’s just what they do to your poor husband. But there are times that he overworks himself just because he thinks he needs to.
Like today.
“Baby, you should’ve gotten off work two hours ago…” You cooed at him from the doorway, wearing a silk robe on your body and just that. For the past week your husband has not been paying attention to you, and it’s because he is just being a people pleaser. 
“I’m just trying to finish this sheet sweetheart, promise I’ll get off soon.” That wasn’t the answer you wanted from him at all. 
“Steve…” You were whining now, and his head turned to look at you for a second, and that’s when you saw the instant click in your husband’s eyes.
Your husband was overall sweet, and very dutiful. He was always considered the mom of your group of friends, even though you were right there. Always taking care of others before himself, and always being one step ahead of stuff in order to say ‘already took care of it’.
But there was a side that only you knew about your husband. You got to know it when you two were one year into the relationship, three years ago. You two had just moved in together, and you were cranky for not being able to sleep comfortably in your new bed, taking your time to adjust into it. 
So of course, you were snappy at everything your husband did wrong, even if it was leaving the toilet seat up, or leaving one single used spoon in the sink. That night, you got to meet a side of your boyfriend you never expected from him, yet you were delighted, and your mood instantly got better afterwards.
This side of him is only triggered… when you’re being a brat.
“I am working. Don’t whine.” Steve said in a very stern voice, a voice that only ignited the heat between your legs even more than before. His eyes returned to the computer as he began typing away. 
You licked the inside of your cheek and you strutted towards the desk which was in the middle of the room, putting both of your hands on the edge that was on the other side of him, and you leaned forward, looking down at your husband.
“I whine cause you haven’t been paying attention to me for the past week.” He only gave you one glance, not caring for how much you were showing your cleavage to him, and his eyes went back to the screen in front of him, his fingers never stopping from typing. You could see the reflection of the computer on his glasses, and it just irritated you even more.
“You know there’s always a week that I’m full of work. We’ll do whatever you want tomo–”
“Now!” You stomped your foot with a whiny cry, as if you were a child, but you were tired of being pent up because of this, and he closed his eyes with a sigh, but you could also hear a groan in his throat.
“Don’t be a fucking brat.” He called your name, a threat, and you straightened up after that, and he didn’t say anything else. He resumed his typing and you were angry. Seething. You had two options right here: One of them was to walk out of the room, take care of yourself in the room, and then go cook dinner…
You dropped on your knees and immediately crawled under the desk, finding his legs that were covered in grey sweatpants as your hands started from his ankles, and slowly gliding them up, biting your bottom lip as you reached his thighs. You heard him take a deep intake of breath, but the typing never stopped, which only made you even more frustrated.
You hummed as you reached his bulge, and you smirked as you found some hardness in the pants. You did rile him up when you walked into the room. You pressed your hand onto it and you felt him move, even if slightly, on his chair. You started rubbing onto it, slowly, and you could feel his cock getting harder by each stroke, a tent starting to form under the cloth.
Your hands then went to the hem of his pants and you bit your lip, not knowing if he will comply and help you take his sweatpants off, but as you tugged, you saw him raise his hips up and in a quick move you pulled both of the pants and boxers down, letting them pool around his ankles.
His dick sprung up, hitting on his stomach with a smack. You bit your lip as you scooted closer, your nails scratching onto his thighs as they moved up and up. He was still sitting straight as he typed away on his computer, but you didn’t care any longer. You just needed him in your mouth.
You leaned forward in order to spit right at the pink tip and then your hand ran all over it to gather your saliva, and use it as lubricant as you started pumping him, slowly, up and down, causing his dick to twitch in your hand as it became fully hard in your grip. A smile appeared on your lips as you heard the typing stop for a second and then resumed as if he had never stopped.
You then guided your mouth close to the tip, running your tongue all over the slit, and then you did the one thing that makes him crazy, which is licking on his frenulum, right under the head. You flicked on it going from side to side in a fast motion. You heard a growl above you, and you smirked as you finally took him into your mouth.
You used your hand in order to help yourself as you started bobbing your head up and down on him, slowly, at your own pace in order to taste him as you liked. The hint of saltiness started and you knew that he was starting to leak precum as you kept moving, your other hand grabbing onto his thigh for leverage.
You pulled him out of your mouth so you could press soft kisses along the shaft, to then lick from the bottom and up, giving a kiss to the head and then gliding your tongue onto the slit, giving a soft press there. You took him back into your mouth as you started becoming wetter at each bob of your head.
And then you heard it. Or well, you didn’t hear it anymore. The typing had stopped, and then a slam happened, making you pull away from him, hand still wrapped around his dick as you sat there, waiting for whatever was happening. He sat back on his chair and looked down at you underneath the desk.
You shivered as you looked up at your husband who had a frown in his eyebrows and his jaw was completely clenched, going slightly to the side that displayed his anger. His hand immediately went to the back of your head, grasping tightly onto the hair there, making you wince as he pulled your face towards his dick again, smashing it against your cheek.
“You want to be a slut? Fine. Put my cock back into your fucking mouth.” 
You whined as you complied, opening your mouth to take him in again, but you couldn’t even  wrap your hand around him to help you as you felt him guide your head down on him. He was being rough, and it almost hit the back of your throat, but he pulled on your hair to bring you back up again, only to make you plunge you back down again.
Your hands gripped onto his thighs as his other hand went to untie the tie that was on his neck. Just like everyone that works remotely does, he dresses nicely on his upper body, and then comfortably on his bottoms for the online meetings where his camera has to be on. He slid the black tie off and threw it on the desk as he kept bobbing your head up and down on him.
“You couldn’t fucking wait for a few more minutes.” You hummed against his cock as he put both of his hands now on each side of your head. “Through your nose.”
And you knew what this meant, so you started taking in air through your nose and that’s when he shoved your head down as he pushed his hips up at the same time, making him hit the back of your throat. Your eyes become teary as your face flushed, a gurgle of saliva vibrating in your throat as he pulled you back up and put his hips down, only to repeat the previous action again.
You were gagging on his cock as he throat fucked you intensely, feeling the walls of it already bruising from how rough he was being with you as he gripped onto your head, his fingers clenching on your hair. Your nails were digging into his thighs as you kept yourself on your knees.
“Look at those fucking tears.” You heard him chuckle in between his groans as his hips kept thrusting up into your mouth. “You wanted my cock, so you are going to take it how I like it.”
Said tears were running down your face like a waterfall from the intensity of it all, feeling your throat becoming sore and the gags were already making your stomach turn a little bit. You gave him a tap on his thigh and he took notice of that, stopping his movements all together, and pulling your head up.
You took a sharp intake of breath with a gasp. Saliva mixed with precum was sliding down from the corner of your lips as you huffed for air. His face came close to yours, and he didn’t even look fazed by what he had done to you. 
“Color?” And behind the roughness, your husband was still there. The sweet husband that always took care of you first beyond everything else. You gulped in order to get saliva in your throat once more, letting you talk clearly.
He stood up abruptly from the chair, making it fall back behind him and he raised you up on your two feet by the hair. You yelped in pain but before you could continue with a whine, his lips clashed against yours. You moaned against the kiss and you wanted to wrap your arms around him, but you knew better than that, so you kept them dangling on your sides. 
His tongue invaded your mouth without permission, making you whine in need and then you felt his hand rip open your silk robe, shoving it away from your body with his big hands. The chill air hitting your breasts, perking the nipples up instantly, hardening the bud. One of his hands immediately cupped one of your tits, and pinched onto the nipple, harshly.
You yelped onto his tongue and he chuckled as he moved his hand downwards while the other gripped onto your ass, pulling you closer. Your body was on fire as his fingers instantly found your clit, slowly moving them in circled motions and then went down in between your folds. He pulled away from you, finally letting you moan out into the room.
“So wet for me. Did sucking my dick turn you on this much?” You could only nod at him and then your eyes widened when he landed a slap against your clit, causing you to whimper. “Answer me.”
“Y-Yes–” You could only gasp as you felt two fingers plunging inside of you in one motion, and your hands shot up in order to hold onto his shoulders as you moaned out a cry at the sudden stretch.
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?” You nodded at his words as he pumped his fingers in and out of you and you moved your hips against them, trying to follow his rhythm. He was guiding you with the hand that was on your ass, pushing you further into him at each thrust.
“S-Steve, baby– Please–” You begged. You needed him inside of you, right this second. His fingers are not doing justice to what he could do to you. He growled, biting back a come back, but he was already frustrated himself, and he wanted to cum. He desperately needed to cum.
He pulled his fingers out of you, making you sigh from disappointment only to be manhandled into turning around, and then he pushed your upper back onto the table, bending you completely with your ass in the air. He grabbed onto the tie he left on the desk before.
“Arms behind.” You were breathing a little bit heavy as you complied to his wishes, putting your arms behind your back. He tied your forearms together, and you knew that your shoulders were going to be sore tomorrow, but it was going to be so worth it. “What do you need?”
“Hngh–” You wiggled your ass towards him, but the only thing that earned you was a loud smack onto one of your cheeks, making you whine.
“You acted like a fucking brat to get it. Have the decency to tell me what it is and I will give it to you.”
“I– I need your cock Stevie, please– Please, I need it…” And he didn’t need any more indulgence. He grabbed onto both your plump cheeks that were wiggling at him and he spread them open. He smirked at your puckered hole, and it was a shame he didn’t prep you for that tonight. Maybe tomorrow.
He lined his cock up towards your wet pussy, sliding against your clit a few times, making you moan in need, and then with no warning, he pushed inside of you, and your eyes widened when he didn’t take his time to let you adjust. He just kept going, knocking the air out of your mouth as the side of your head rested against the desk.
“So fucking tight…” He groaned out. “Even after all these years you’re still so tight for me baby…”
“Steve–” Your words were cut short when in one sharp thrust he pushed forward, completely seething himself inside of you, and your mouth fell into a wide ‘o’ shape as your eyebrows frowned at the friction of it all. It was too much, but it felt so good. It always feels so good.
He got hold of your tied forearms, and just like a cowboy would ride his horse and your arms were his reins. He straightened up, his other free hand dangling on his side, looking down at you, with his glasses still on. The reflection of your ass was the one that was over the crystals, and he smirked as he pulled his hips back, and then pushed forward again, and pulled on your arms to bring you to him.
You let out a loud moan and cry of his name, feeling him hit onto your spongy part that resided inside of you, but then went deeper than that. Your husband has always been on the bigger side, and feeling him splitting you like this only added fuel to the fire that was inside of you.
He started a brutal pace, skin slapping constantly as his balls hit against your clit, his hips against your ass that jiggled at each movement. He was trying to hold in the groans in his throat as he slapped one of your ass cheeks with his free hand while the other kept pulling you to him.
“Baby, did you come here for another reason?” You heard him ask, but your mind was still gone as he kept pistoning his hips against you, earning another loud smack on your ass that will probably leave a bruise, making you cry and snapping you back into reality. “Is it because it’s the perfect time? It is, isn't it?”
“Y-Yes! God–” You had come with two missions today, and one of them was being fulfilled, the other will soon happen.
“You came for me to fill you up? Have you all full of my cum so it takes?” He moaned as he felt your walls clench around him at his words. You nodded against the desk as tears rolled down and hit the wood under your face. You were going to cum without him touching you at all, just from his dick hitting your g-spot repeatedly.
“Yes, yes, please, Steve– Make me pregnant, fill me up–” He groaned behind you as his thrusts became harder, the slapping of skin even louder than before and you could hear grunts coming out of his throat as you whimpered his name many times, your walls clenching each second that passed.
“I can’t fucking wait to see your belly all round with my baby, fuck– sweetheart I can’t fucking wait…” That was enough for you to cum around him, letting out a loud yell of his name, legs trembling as his pace stopped for a second because you were clenching too hard all around him. “Fuck– Sweetheart–”
He winced at the friction of your cunt around him, and when he felt you start to relax, just slightly, he took a deep breath in and started his pace again, not letting you come down from your orgasm, wanting to drive you straight to another one thanks to overstimulation. 
“St–Steve, baby, stop–” But it wasn’t a true plea. You knew it wasn’t something you actually wanted, and he knew it too, so that’s why he didn’t stop at all. He smacked your ass once and he felt himself twitch inside of you, making him groan loudly.
“I’m gonna fill you up– You’re going to be so full.” He groaned when his glasses started to fog thanks to his jagged breaths, and he took them off to throw them onto the desk, beads of sweat coming down his forehead. You were choking on your moans as you tried to move your strained arms again, when you felt your walls start clenching, and you felt like you were dying from how hard your orgasm was going to be.
“S-Steve– Steve!” You couldn’t warn him fast enough that you were cumming onto his cock again, right after the last one you had because he didn’t let you rest from it. This time, your g-spot was so overstimulated that it made your juices gush out on him, drenching your legs and his. 
“F-Fuck, shit!” He was too overwhelmed with the view that he pushed you onto his cock as he thrusted deep inside of you, and he let out a loud moan as the ropes of his white spent filled your walls. You whimpered through a moan as you felt the warmth invade your insides.
You two were left panting in the room, trying to get your breathing back to normal. He was the first to regain his composure again as he untied the tie around your arms, and thanks to feeling the relief from being able to move them again, you snapped back into reality. You took a sharp intake of breath as you blinked and pressed your hands against the desk in order to pull yourself up. 
Your legs were shaking and you didn’t have time to recover yourself that he was turning you around to sit you on the desk. 
“What–?” You managed to breathe out for a second before you felt his fingers gather your juices and his cum that was already dripping out of your cunt, and plunging them inside like a plug. You let out a whimper at the sensation and he leaned forward to press a kiss on one of your stained cheeks.
“I know baby… I know…” He didn’t move his fingers, he just kept them there. “I’ll prepare dinner tonight, you just lay down on the couch, okay?” 
Your lovely husband was back, the rough demeanor already gone and you smiled as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close. Steve and you had been trying for the past few months, and today was another month you were going to try and you were ovulating. 
“God, I hope it takes…” You sighed out dreamily and he nodded at that, wanting nothing more for you two to finally become parents. He pressed a soft kiss against your forehead and then sent a smile your way.
“I hope so too. Also, way to rile me up.” You giggled at him as he wiped your cheeks lovingly with his free hand. 
“Maybe we just needed to do it roughly…” You wiggled your eyebrows at him and he tsked at you with his tongue, lightly slapping the side of your thigh, making you chuckle. 
“There’s no way that the way we have sex influences it.”
To Steve’s surprise, it does, because a month later your pregnancy test came out positive.
God bless working from home. 
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A/N: I never wrote a just steve fic before, so here it is, welcome to my dirty thoughts
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