#sth 79
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polling-sonic-fans · 1 month
What do you think Shadow's Air Shoes are made of? (Excluding the wiring and propulsion system)
Completely metal
Partially metal, partially fabric
Completely fabric
Partially fabric, partially plastic
Completely plastic
Partially plastic, partially metal
A combination of all three
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Thank you for the submission chickenwaffles17!
Polling Sonic Fans for their opinions on all manner of things. Share good questions to indicate what you want asked. Submissions open.
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chouxsardine · 7 months
the absolute urge for me to be tied down and get railed by Jake now
NSFW below cut, this is unedited, just sth. I write under influence of my DESIRE
the hoop, the eyeliner, the hair. Lord this man is EVERYTHING.
79 days since he was last on stage and all the pent up energy is pulsing through his body. It was only standing on stage and holding his guitar that he truly feels that he's alive, that music is his calling and his fate. Only for music has he the imperceptible urge to drop down to his kneels and sacrifice his everything. Meanwhile, it is a source of reassurance and a constant reminder that what he is doing is correct, that he has come a long way, that he still has many more days to come and a longer way to go. He can feel the adrenaline rush while sitting in the golf-cart as the band leaves after the show. He was being louder and more talkative than usual, laughing more frequently with such genuineness that he can feel it rumbling in his chest.
he was touch-starved, craving to hug someone with his whole body like craving for a scrumptious cheese burger after a hangover. He knows you are waiting for him back in his room.
"baby you're awe-----" your sentence ends in a yelp as Jake rushes towards you, and nuzzles his nose against your neck and together you stumble backwards, his hand comes just in time behind your head to cushion the thud against the wall. His other arm is fully wrapped around your midsection. He is breathing heavily, lighting little fires everywhere around your collarbone, your neck, your chin. You snake your hands into his still damp curls, combing through and brushing it backwards in comforting strokes. You fully understand that he needs a place to vent it out, needs something to ground him. This is truly the moment where physical and mental needs can't be separated. And you are prepared to give him whatever he needs, whatever he wants.
You love the moment of clear give and take under moments like this, where you know instead of being used, you are being needed and chosen under the premise of love.
"You're fucking unreal." He grunts as he fully sinks into you. You control the urge to throw your head back, kissing up and down the side of his head.
"I'm here, baby, and I am so, so proud of you.”
He was there faster than usual, his teeth sinking into the flesh of your shoulder as he spills and trembles. You hug him in your arms like he is a throw pillow you hold onto when watching a horror movie. He is a panting mess, quiet involuntary moans and whines occasionally escape from his breathing. Time stands still, you blink away the tears that are pure physiological reaction from all the stimulation and do your best to talk him through it.
It feels good switching to the other end of care taking, knowing that you are the perfect and the only fix to the problem, that you are offering the help like no other.
He was sinking, or more like gliding down to his knees when you firmly tug on his elbow to pull him up.
"No," you put a finger against his lips, following by your lips, "tonight it's all about you. You did so good up there for everyone, and here for me."
You see the flush on his cheek turning a shade pinker. His features soften. His puppy eyes dreamy and dilated. Pussy-whipped, you'd say.
"I'll go start a bath for you, alright?" You said, but he was hanging himself on you, holding onto you like a baby koala. You laugh, ruffling up his hair.
With Jake dosing off leaning his whole weight on your back, his face a little squished, his lips pouty, you got the two lines of some tunes stuck in your head as you turn on the faucet,
Let me love you like a woman /(let me hold you like a baby)
Take you to infinity
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linghxr · 1 year
75 MORE essential single-character verbs (单字动词)
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People seemed to really enjoy my recent post 75 essential single-character verbs (单字动词)...so here's 75 MORE VERBS.
It was really difficult to put together the first list. I had a spreadsheet of literally hundreds of characters that I had to whittle down. So I was happy to give some of the eliminated characters a second chance.
Definitions are from MDBG. For some characters with additional meanings, I have bolded the meanings I want to highlight.
(76) 欠 qiàn - to owe / to lack / (literary) to be deficient in / (bound form) yawn / to raise slightly (a part of one's body)
(77) 顿 dùn - to stop / to pause / to arrange / to lay out / to kowtow / to stamp (one's foot) / at once / classifier for meals, beatings, scoldings etc: time, bout, spell, meal
(78) 逗 dòu - to tease (playfully) / to entice / (coll.) to joke / (coll.) funny / amusing / to stay / to sojourn / brief pause at the end of a phrase (variant of 讀|读)
(79) 沉 chén - to submerge / to immerse / to sink / to keep down / to lower / to drop / deep / profound / heavy
(80) 挡 dǎng - to resist / to obstruct / to hinder / to keep off / to block (a blow) / to get in the way of / cover / gear (e.g. in a car's transmission)
(81) 晒 shài - (of the sun) to shine on / to bask in (the sunshine) / to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun / (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share") / (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to
(82) 聚 jù - to congregate / to assemble / to mass / to gather together / to amass / to polymerize
(83) 派 pài - clique / school / group / faction / to dispatch / to send / to assign / to appoint / pi (Greek letter Ππ) / the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926 / (loanword) pie
(84) 叠 dié - to fold / to fold over in layers / to furl / to layer / to pile up / to repeat / to duplicate
(85) 缠 chán - to wind around / to wrap round / to coil / tangle / to involve / to bother / to annoy
(86) 嫁 jià - (of a woman) to marry / to marry off a daughter / to shift (blame etc)
(87) 逼 bī - to force (sb to do sth) / to compel / to press for / to extort / to press on towards / to press up to / to close in on / euphemistic variant of 屄
(88) 喊 hǎn - to yell / to shout / to call out for (a person)
(89) 躲 duǒ - to hide / to dodge / to avoid
(90) 抓 zhuā - to grab / to catch / to arrest / to snatch / to scratch
(91) 藏 cáng - to conceal / to hide away / to harbor / to store / to collect
(92) 瞒 mán - to conceal from / to keep (sb) in the dark
(93) 挑 tiāo - to carry on a shoulder pole / to choose / to pick / to nitpick
(94) 扑 pū - to throw oneself at / to pounce on / to devote one's energies / to flap / to flutter / to dab / to pat / to bend over
(95) 踏 tà - to tread / to stamp / to step on / to press a pedal / to investigate on the spot
(96) 断 duàn - to break / to snap / to cut off / to give up or abstain from sth / to judge / (usu. used in the negative) absolutely / definitely / decidedly
(97) 捡 jiǎn - to pick up / to collect / to gather
(98) 拖 tuō - to drag / to tow / to trail / to hang down / to mop (the floor) / to delay / to drag on
(99) 肯 kěn - to agree / to consent / to be willing to
(100) 挖 wā - to dig / to excavate / to scoop out
(101) 摔 shuāi - to throw down / to fall / to drop and break
(102) 伸 shēn - to stretch / to extend
(103) 摸 mō - to feel with the hand / to touch / to stroke / to grope / to steal / to abstract
(104) 绕 rào - to wind / to coil (thread) / to rotate around / to spiral / to move around / to go round (an obstacle) / to by-pass / to make a detour / to confuse / to perplex
(105) 飘 piāo - to float
(106) 碰 pèng - to touch / to meet with / to bump
(107) 染 rǎn - to dye / to catch (a disease) / to acquire (bad habits etc) / to contaminate / to add color washes to a painting
(108) 搁 gē - to place / to put aside / to shelve
(109) 铺 pū - to spread / to display / to set up / (old) holder for door-knocker
(110) 托 tuō - to trust / to entrust / to be entrusted with / to act as trustee
(111) 捧 pěng - to clasp / to cup the hands / to hold up with both hands / to offer (esp. in cupped hands) / to praise / to flatter
(112) 剥 bō | bāo - to peel / to skin / to shell / to shuck
(113) 挠 náo - to scratch / to thwart / to yield
(114) 填 tián - to fill or stuff / (of a form etc) to fill in
(115) 瞅 chǒu - (dialect) to look at
(116) 蹲 dūn - to crouch / to squat / to stay (somewhere)
(117) 溜 liū - to slip away / to escape in stealth / to skate
(118) 坠 zhuì - to fall / to drop / to weigh down
(119) 撩 liáo - to tease / to provoke / to stir up (emotions)
(120) 牵 qiān - to lead along / to pull (an animal on a tether) / (bound form) to involve / to draw in
(121) 装 zhuāng - adornment / to adorn / dress / clothing / costume (of an actor in a play) / to play a role / to pretend / to install / to fix / to wrap (sth in a bag) / to load / to pack
(122) 望 wàng - full moon / to hope / to expect / to visit / to gaze (into the distance) / to look towards / towards
(123) 编 biān - to weave / to plait / to organize / to group / to arrange / to edit / to compile / to write / to compose / to fabricate / to make up
(124) 冻 dòng - to freeze / to feel very cold / aspic or jelly
(125) 抛 pāo - to throw / to toss / to fling / to cast / to abandon
(126) 喷 pēn - to puff / to spout / to spray / to spurt
(127) 刻 kè - quarter (hour) / moment / to carve / to engrave / to cut / oppressive / classifier for short time intervals
(128) 逃 táo - to escape / to run away / to flee
(129) 偷 tōu - to steal / to pilfer / to snatch / thief / stealthily
(130) 吐 tù - to vomit / to throw up
(131) 摁 èn - to press (with one's finger or hand)
(132) 瞪 dèng - to open (one's eyes) wide / to stare at / to glare at
(133) 递 dì - to hand over / to pass on / to deliver / (bound form) progressively / in the proper order
(134) 扭 niǔ - to turn / to twist / to wring / to sprain / to swing one's hips
(135) 轮 lún - wheel / disk / ring / steamship / to take turns / to rotate / classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn
(136) 混 hùn - to mix / to mingle / muddled / to drift along / to muddle along / to pass for / to get along with sb / thoughtless / reckless
(137) 揪 jiū - to seize / to clutch / to grab firmly and pull
(138) 卷 juǎn - to roll up / roll / classifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc)
(139) 瞧 qiáo - to look at / to see / to see (a doctor) / to visit
(140) 刺 cì - thorn / sting / thrust / to prick / to pierce / to stab / to assassinate / to murder
(141) 搜 sōu - to search
(142) 遮 zhē - to cover up (a shortcoming) / to screen off / to hide / to conceal
(143) 争 zhēng - to strive for / to vie for / to argue or debate / deficient or lacking (dialect) / how or what (literary)
(144) 撤 chè - to remove / to take away
(145) 闪 shǎn - to dodge / to duck out of the way / to beat it / shaken (by a fall) / to sprain / to pull a muscle / lightning / spark / a flash / to flash (across one's mind) / to leave behind / (Internet slang) (of a display of affection) "dazzlingly" saccharine
(146) 耍 shuǎ - to play with / to wield / to act (cool etc) / to display (a skill, one's temper etc)
(147) 忍 rěn - to bear / to endure / to tolerate / to restrain oneself
(148) 摇 yáo - to shake / to rock / to row / to crank
(149) 戳 chuō - to jab / to poke / to stab / (coll.) to sprain / to blunt / to f*ck (vulgar) / to stand / to stand (sth) upright / stamp / seal
(150) 晃 huàng - to sway / to shake / to wander about huǎng - to dazzle / to flash past
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forcesavetheclones · 5 months
🎉New OC just dropped🎉
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this here. this here is my first somehow finished (bc we know art is never finished) piece in YEARS (around 2). it took me about 8 hours:) becouse I lost my skill.
Let me introduce you to Tala Termoon.
she's a Togruta as you can see (guess what's our favourite species), and she's about 56 years old here.
In my head she works as an assistant for Cody. I am aware this kind of job doesn't exist in star wars, but in my opinion it's a crime how few women work in the GAR, so I'm here to fix that (there is like 5 other oc in my head that work in the army).
Tala is here to help, she is always a step behind Cody. she knows when he has his appointments, she's organising reports, picking up comms and keeping him sane (it's not a one person job, she and Rex take turns). She's incredibly proffesional, that stick up her ass is not only stiff but also tucked really deep. AND she doesn't like Cody (try me. it's my oc).
Cody on the other hand does everything to get her to like him. this man brings her flowers and chocolates on every occasion he can. tried inviting her with Rex to a little Jazz bar (not 79's, pls, that's a classy woman), but nothing works. Eventually shit hits the fan and he fires her :).
But I gotta explain her personality a bit. She's not a bitch. She worked hard her whole life to get a job in the army, in the institution led by men. it's not that she doesn't like Cody becouse she thinks he's annoying or sth like that. she has a hard time accepting him trying to bond with her becouse in her mind, creating a something of a personal relationship with her boss is not only unprofessional, but can get her fired (ooh look how the tables turned). Beside all that she's a lovely person, very loyal and helpfull.
Good night Vietnam.
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
Oh I have an idea for Mereel x Reader ! So he is always flirting with Reader (as he does) and they brush it off because it’s Mereel and he doesn’t mean it. But! One night they’re at like 79‘s or sth similar, either by plan or they meet by accident, and reader gets jealous seeing him flirt with other people so she starts flirting with someone and then Mereel kinda snaps and 💋
I hope this isn’t too detailed or stifling your creativity, feel free to change whatever you like!
I'm Not Jealous
Summary: You're bothered at how much Mereel flirts with everyone, including you, but when you flirt with someone else, Mereel decides to change things.
Pairing: Mereel Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 808
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
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Mereel is going to be the death of you. 
He’s always there. Leaning against your desk, leaning over your chair, flirting with you, teasing you. Making your face heat with his suggestive comments and the way his gaze sweeps across your body, like he actually means the things that he’s saying.
He doesn’t. Of course he doesn’t. 
This is just what Mereel does. He finds a new target and flirts with them until he gets tired of them and their reactions, and then moves on to the next woman.
You’re just his most recent fixation.
It’s fine. He’ll get bored of you soon enough and move on to the next person. 
Which is the problem. You don’t want him to flirt with other people. You want his eyes on you and only you. You want him to keep flirting with you.
Honestly, you want more. You want all of him.
You sigh silently as you pack up your work for the day. Castles in the air. Never going to happen. You’re hardly pretty enough to keep his attention for long periods of time, let alone for a proper relationship.
Whatever. It’s fine. All you need is a night out. To get your mind off of Mereel and his charming smile and his deep voice and-
Yeah. This isn’t helping.
You exhale slowly, and push to your feet. You already have plans to go to the club tonight. You just need to get there.
Yes. This is going to fix everything.
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When you arrive at the club, dressed in a new black mini-dress, and leather boots that come up to your knees, you think you’re going to have a good time for all of thirty minutes.
And then Mereel shows up with his brothers.
He finds you with an ease that shouldn’t really surprise you. He seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to finding you in a crowd, and yet when his gaze lands on you and a blinding grin crosses his face you are surprised.
You smile back at him, slightly weakly, though the smile fades when he turns his blinding grin towards a woman who approached him. You watch, almost absently, as the woman giggles and brushes her fingers against his chest, and you feel sick.
Of course he came here to hook up with someone. Someone prettier. Someone better.
You absently stir your drink and jump when someone leans against the table near you. He’s handsome, you suppose, with long hair and a blinding smile, and he seems very interested in you, so you offer him a small smile.
And when he flirts with you, you hesitate for a moment, and then flirt back.
And then you nearly jump out of your skin when a hand slams on the table between you and the stranger. Mereel beams at you, though he seems to be glaring daggers at the man who was flirting with you. You press your hand against your racing heart, “You scared me, Mereel.” You scold.
“Ah, sorry cyare! I didn’t mean to.” His gaze softens as he looks at you, and he smoothly slides into the booth next to you, pushing himself between you and the stranger with such ease that you don’t realize what he’s doing right away, “Is that a new dress? You look amazing.”
“Oh, yeah.” You smooth the skirt, “I used my bonus to buy something nice.”
Mereel’s fingers slide against your shoulder and you shiver, “You look stunning.” He says quietly, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dress up like this.” 
“Oh, well I normally don’t,” You don’t even realize that the blond man has left, you’re so distracted under Mereel’s attention, though by the smug little grin playing on his lips, he has and he’s thrilled by it. “I just wanted to try something different.”
“Something different?” He prods.
“I…well…it’s not exactly like my work clothes are overly attractive, so if I want a boyfriend-”
Mereel’s smile falters, “You’re hunting for a boyfriend? Here?”
“I-I mean, where else am I going to look? It’s not like anyone at work is interested-” You say with a self-conscious laugh.
“I am.”
“I’m interested. Why do you think I’m always flirting with you?” Mereel asks.
“I just…that’s just what you do-”
He huffs out a frustrated noise, and crashes his lips against yours, his hands coming up to cup your face. And you react immediately, leaning your whole body against his and pressing your hands over his.
He breaks the kiss slowly, and lightly presses his forehead against yours, “Be my girlfriend?” Mereel asks, “Don’t flirt with anyone other than me.”
“Are you jealous?” You ask, sounding slightly breathless.
“So kriffing much,” Mereel mumbles, “Please, cyare-”
“Yes,” You interrupt, your voice soft.
He smiles at you then, and then his lips are against yours again.
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rygoespop · 5 months
Thomas and Friends: Legends of Sodor (Story 30): Thomas and The Railway Museum (79th Anniversary Special)
Since May has arrived, here’s this story to commemorate 79 Years of Thomas and Friends, Enjoy
Scene opens at Evening, as Percy puff down line pulling 2 Mail Cars and Bruno, puffing past Eagle, who is pulling 2 Lynton Vans, a 12 Ton Van, and 2 NER Vans, as they blew their whistles to greet each other
Narrator: Thomas and The Railway Museum
Scene shows Percy racing through the level crossing as George waited
George: Railway hog!
Percy: Sorry George!
Bruno: We’re sorry!
George rolled down through the Level Crossing
George: Tch! The mail would be done delivered if it’s by road!
Scene shows Percy arriving at Knapford
Percy: Sir sir! I got a letter!
Sir Topham Hatt was surprised as he knew he received a letter
STH: This letter
Bruno: What can it be sir?
STH: It’s from the Mainland Controller
Gordon/James/Molly/Rosie: *excited* The Mainland Controller!
James: Is he coming to see us again?
Gordon: Who will be pulling the special train this time?
STH: Hang on, let me read it *he opens the letter and he reads* “Dear Sir Topham Hatt, you are invited to come to the Railway Museum in London for a New Addition”
The engines cheer
STH: Quiet! There’s more *he reads it again* “And by the request of the Railway Superintendent, he requested”
The engines wait to see who it is
STH: Thomas the Tank Engine
The engines gasp in surprise, but Gordon was flabbergasted
Gordon: What?! Thomas?!
Thomas puffed in
Thomas: Sorry I’m late sir, I took long enough with Jack and the Pack and- I’m not late am I?
STH: No Thomas, I want you to have an early night, because tomorrow, we are off to the Railway Museum in London!
Thomas was surprised as he puffed off to Tidmouth Sheds
Narrator: The next morning, it was time
Scene shows Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt both getting ready, with Thomas having a wash and having the Coat of Arms on him, while Sir Topham Hatt chose his best suit and Top Hatt
Thomas and STH: Perfect!
Scene now shows Thomas at Vicarstown, now pulling one of Spencer’s Coaches
Percy: Wow Thomas, look at you! All fancied up!
Emily: Yeah, those Coat of Arms suit you well
Gordon: Pah, I don’t know why they didn’t chose me, I know the way
Toby: Oh not again with the stations again Gordon, you remember the last time
Gordon: Still, that didn’t answer my question, why Thomas? He doesn’t know the way
STH: The Superintendent has requested it and I must comply *he enters the coach*
The guard blew his whistle
Thomas: Well, time to get going, bye everyone! *he blew his whistle and sets off to London*
Percy and Emily: Good luck Thomas!
Thomas puffs onto the Vicarstown Drawbridge and puffs into the Mainland
Narrator: Soon, they were off to London
STH: Dear Superintendent, it’s with great pleasure *hears a duck quacking* Uuuhhh, Thomas, are you sure you know where you’re going?
Thomas: Yes sir, but I seen this canal before, and yet it looks-
Before Thomas can finish, a boat dropped in front of him
Beresford: Halt! Who’s goes there?!
Thomas: Beresford?!
Beresford: Hold on, is that? *he lifts Thomas up* It is! It’s my little friend Thomas! I’m glad you came back to see me again! Oh, what’s with the shields? *he shakes Thomas*
Thomas: *sees one of his Coat of Arms came off and splashes into the Water* My coat of arms!
Beresford: Coat of Arms?
STH: Thomas? What are you doing with that crane?
Thomas: Sorry sir, this is Beresford, and he-
STH: Nice to meet you Beresford, but we are in a hurry and can’t be held up *chuckles*
Thomas: So Beresford, is there a shortcut to London?
Beresford: Yes! Go right and go left! *puts Thomas down and lifts the boat up*
Thomas: Thank you Beresford! *puffs off*
Beresford: Right on Thomas!
Scene transitions to Thomas puffing down the line as he sees a familiar location
STH: Thomas, are you sure that Beresford gave you this way?
Thomas: Yes sir, but I seen this place before- *bumps into a familiar engine*
Lexi: Well hellooooo- Thomas! You came! *rang her bell* Merlin, Theo, Hurricane, Frankie! Thomas is here!
Theo: Thomas! *he puffs up*
Merlin: I don’t believe it, Thomas came from the Island of Sonar to see us!
Frankie: Thomas!
Hurricane: Good to see you again!
Thomas: Merlin? Lexi? Guys?!
STH: Thomas? Who are these engines?
Thomas: Oh! Sir, meet Merlin, Lexi, Theo, Hurricane, and Frankie!
STH: Oh yes, I remember them from Last Year!
Merlin: *see STH* Oh, hello Sir TopHat Hatt!
Hurricane: So Thomas, what’s with the coat of arms?
Thomas: I’m off to London, the Railway Museum is adding a new addition
Theo: Ooooooh
Lexi: Sounds nice
Frankie: Well you better get there!
Thomas: I will, and it’s nice seeing you guys again! *blew his whistle and puffs backwards*
Scene transitions to Thomas puffing down the line through a forested area, he was getting his paintwork scratched, and a branch knocked his other Coat of Arms off
Thomas: Oh no! My other Coat of Arms!
STH: What’s the matter Thomas? *a branch ripped his suit* Ah! My suit! I gotta hide it so the Superintendent doesn’t see it!
Scene shows Thomas puffing into a junction
Thomas: Well sir, we’ll be in London at no time!
Duchess of Hamilton puffs down the line quickly and splashed mud on Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt
STH: Oh bother…
Scene transitions to Thomas arriving at a Station, Sir Topham Hatt got out of the coach, and Thomas’s Fireman got out of Thomas’s cab
STH: Well Thomas, I’m gonna find out where’s the next tailor for a new suit is when we get to London *he enters the station with Thomas’s Fireman*
Thomas: I wonder if this is Doncaster, or Crewe where Henry was-
Soon, Duchess of Hamilton puff up next to him
Duchess of Hamilton: And just what do you think your doing with my coach little tank engine?!
Thomas: Your coach? This is my coach, well it was borrowed from Spencer
Duchess of Hamilton: I don’t have time for this, just couple it up to me-
Stationmaster: Pardon me Duchess of Hamilton, your coaches are at the Carriage Sheds being checked over
Duchess of Hamilton: Oh, right! *puffs off*
Thomas soon puffs off to the Washdown at a nearby yard, where Splatter and Dodge were shunting cars
Thomas: Now, I can get a good wash *he unknowingly gets bumped into a coal car*
Duchess of Hamilton: *sees Thomas* Oh, I’m so sorry! I’m sorry for my behavior earlier!
Thomas: It’s alright, I was about to go first, but I’ll let you go first, uuuuuhhhh
Duchess of Hamilton: Duchess, Duchess of Hamilton, and you are?
Thomas: Thomas, Thomas of Sodor
Duchess of Hamilton: Nice to meet you Thomas of Sodor, now I must collect my important passengers *blew her whistle and puffs off*
Thomas: Now then *puffs up to the wash*
Washer: Sorry chap, but we’ll have to refill the tank before we can clean you
Thomas: Awwww *puffs backwards to the station*
STH: Oh there you are Thomas, did you get- *sees Thomas covered in Coal Dust*
Thomas: There was, an incident
STH: Ah, well it’ll not be long until I find a new tailor when we get to London, at least my Hat is in One Piece *chuckle*
Caitlin raced down the line with her coaches, her speed caused Sir Topham Hatt’s hat to fly off, causing a Passenger to knock a suitcase down
STH: *slow motion* Noooooooooooooooooooo!
The suitcase crushed Sir Topham Hatt’s hat
STH: What?! Ah! Doh, my hat! *picks up his crushed hat*
The clock struck 2:00 and chimed
STH: Oh no! 2 O’clock, we have less than one hour to get to London! Thomas! We got to get going!
Thomas: But sir! We have to wait, the Fireman!
STH: Lets go!
Thomas: But sir!
STH: Now Thomas, now!
Thomas blew his whistle and puffs off without his Fireman
Thomas’s Fireman: *came outside and sees Thomas* Wait a minute! Come back, come back Thomas!
Scene shows Thomas down at a countryside, he was puffing very slow, as Thomas’s Driver had to shovel coal in his firebox
Narrator: Without his fireman, Thomas was moving at a slow pace, as his driver has to do all the hard work
Duchess of Hamilton, now with her coaches, puffs up next to Thomas
Duchess of Hamilton: Oh, hello Thomas!
Thomas: Oh, hello!
Duchess of Hamilton: Heading to the Railway Museum?
Thomas: Yeah
Duchess of Hamilton: Well, I’ll see you there! *puffs away*
STH: Come on Thomas, can you go any faster?
Thomas: Yes sir, I mean No Sir! The thing is, you were in such a hurry we left my Fireman at the station
STH: Oh dear.. *his Top Hat pops up* Then I’ll be your fireman!
Thomas: *stops as he sees STH walking up to his cab* But sir, you’ll get dirty!
STH: You can’t run a railway without getting your hands dirty, but what’s important is that we get to London on time! *enters Thomas’s Cab*
Thomas smiled
STH: Right! Hand me that shovel my good man, and let’s make pace! We got no time to lose! *he shovels in coal into the fire*
Thomas blew his whistle and puffs off again, this time in a fast pace
Narrator: At last, Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt were finally up to full speed
Thomas sees the Duchess of Hamilton, who has stopped, this made Thomas come to a stop
Thomas: Oh, hello Duchess of Hamilton? What happened?
Duchess of Hamilton: My safety valve broke, I am unable to get my passengers on time
STH: Thomas, what are you doing?
Thomas: Sir, this is an emergency! We must help this engine! *puffs backwards and onto Duchess of Hamilton’s line*
Duchess of Hamilton: I appreciate your help
Thomas: Of course, because little engines can do big things! *buffers up to Duchess of Hamilton’s coaches and pushes her*
Scene shows Thomas shunting Duchess of Hamilton into London, as they puff pass Patriot the Big City Engine who taking 3 Red Express Coaches, when the 2 engines arrive at the Railway Museum
Duchess of Hamilton: Thank you Thomas of Sodor
Thomas: *puffs onto the other track next to Duchess of Hamilton* Your welcome
STH: *exits Thomas’s cab and pulls out his watch* Just in time! I wonder if there’s a tailor nearby *sees the Duchess of Hamilton’s nameplate* Huh? *gasps as he sees a British Policeman open the door on one of the Duchess of Hamilton’s coaches* Thomas, do you know what train we saved
Thomas: No sir, what?
STH: The Superintendent’s Train!
Thomas: What?! We saved the Superintendent’s Train?!
STH: Shh!
The Mainland Controller: Ah, Thomas!
The Railway Superintendent: Sir Topham Hatt?
STH: Oh, hello Mr. Superintendent!
The Railway Superintendent: I see you look a bit of a mess
STH: Y-yes, and there were some delays
The Railway Superintendent: Well, it is known to be hard work, for you and your North Western Railway
The Mainland Controller: And since your here, we are ready to unveil a new addition to the Museum
The workers remove a tarp, revealing a Replica of Thomas without a face
The Railway Superintendent: I present to you, our replica of Thomas, to our Museum!
The crowd cheered
Thomas: Oh, thank you sir
The Railway Superintendent: Knowing this, you are a Really Useful Number one on Sodor
The crowd cheered again
Duchess of Hamilton: Hooray! *blew her whistle*
Thomas blew his whistle too as the camera pans to the Flag of the UK as the scene fades to black
Story End
Happy 79th Anniversary to Thomas and Friends and The Railway Series
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lyricthecat-12 · 1 year
Sonic The Comic- Reading Order
Si bien Sonic The Comic de Fleetway Editions no llegó a contar con tantos spin-offs como lo hicieron Archie o incluso actualmente IDW, de igual forma llegaron a producir algunos en paralelo a la serie principal que no estarían de más tener en cuenta a la hora de leer el cómic
Asique me tomé la libertad de armar mi propia guía de lectura tras ver que nadie más lo había hecho;
Issue 0/ STH Lauch Advertisment (opcional)
Sonic The Comic 1-20#
Sonic The Poster Mag 3#
Sonic The Comic 21-32#
Sonic The Poster Mag 5#
Sonic The Summer Special
Sonic The Comic 33-34#
Sonic The Poster Mag 6#
Sonic The Comic 35-44#
Sonic The Poster Mag 8-9#
Sonic The Comic 45-52#
Sonic The Holiday Special 1995
Sonic The Comic 53-72#
Knuckles Knock-Out Special
Sonic The Comic 73-79#
Sonic The Holiday Special 1996
Sonic The Comic 80-184#
Aparte de los números aquí mostramos, como extra, antes del inicio oficial de la serie la compañía Grandreams Ltd lanzó 2 libros titulados 'The Official Sonic The Hedgehog Yearbook' en 1991 y 1992 respectivamente los cuales contaron con sus propias tiras cómicas autoconclusivas. Si bien estas no guarda relación directa con la continuidad de Sonic The Comic, si llegaron a contar con la participación de ciertos miembros de su futuro Staff por lo que si a alguno le apetece hecharles un vistazo por curiosidad, puede empezar por aquí o incluso después de terminar con la serie ya que como digo no guardan continuidad con la historia de Sonic en el cómic.
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siflovesbuddie · 2 years
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Ich habe 1.129 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 27 more posts als 2021!
23 Einträge erstellt (2%)
1.106 Einträge gerebloggt (98%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 1.007 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
Nur 11% meiner Einträge hatten keine Tags
#911 fox – 914 Einträge
#911 spoilers – 412 Einträge
#buddie – 367 Einträge
#eddie diaz – 327 Einträge
#evan buck buckley – 262 Einträge
#911 season 5 – 168 Einträge
#911 season 6 – 79 Einträge
#bobby nash – 65 Einträge
#fire fam – 52 Einträge
#christopher diaz – 49 Einträge
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#im so sorry op your gifset is delightful but rn im mostly laughing while asking why the hell this gifset is in the trendingides of marchtag
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
"Buck. You need to move on. I have."
Oh what. This. I get why it's being said. But. It sounds like there's more being said👀
22 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 22. März 2022
This episode really served sth for everyone... we had Madney, Buddie, Hen being in med school and becoming interim captain, May in her college journey... 👌🏻 mwah, chef's kiss!
25 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. September 2022
Y'all are always mad at Athena for breaking protocol (rightfully) and then will be mad at Josh for calling Eddie out on breaking protocol and telling him not to do it again
28 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 22. März 2022
Being a 911 fan and a Top Gun fan at the same time is so hard cause I can never remember which of the "You can be mine" dialogues belongs to which fandom😩😩
68 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 20. November 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
I get why Buck put the armchair in the spot of the couch and all, but my first thought was still "there's not enough room for three, where are Eddie and Chris gonna sit?"
84 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. September 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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I know Ken Penders is pretty much a hack but are there any stories by him that you like?
A decent chunk actually: Knuckles Miniseries 1-3 Knuckles' series up until issue 22 + STH 58 Endgame (STH 47-50 + SSS 6) Tales of the Great War (STH 71 - 74 and STH 76 - 79) Reunification (STH 106 - 109) Ultimate Power (STH 114 - 118) The Quest (Sonic In Your Face) Bunnie Rabbot: Upgrade (SSS 11)
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mobius-prime · 5 years
144. Sonic the Hedgehog #79
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The Discovery
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: FRY Colors: Frank Gagliardo
Welcome to the beginning of the Sonic Adventure adaption! Now, as you know, the world of the comics is very different from that of the games, which means right away we're faced with the task of finding a way to fit the story of the game into the world of the comic. We have three stories ahead, two of which do just that, and the third of which is the conclusion to the long-standing Tales of the Great War arc. Time to dive in!
Sonic awakens from his sleep early in the night to find Nate tapping away at his computer, explaining that he's trying to hack into Robotnik's computer network to spy on his current doings. At that moment he's successful, and finds a worrying message about invading the Mystic Ruins, prompting Sonic to immediately take Nate to warn the king about this situation. Apparently Nate is even more familiar with what's going on than he let on, telling the king that Robotnik appears to be invading the Hidden City of the Ancients.
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Despite Sonic's worry, the king insists he's fine and merely tired, walking off to get some rest, which Sonic does as well. The next morning he awakens to find his house full of his friends, all working together to cook a huge breakfast, as they've all been chosen by the king to go to this city and act as official liaisons from the Kingdom of Knothole. Amy, being part of the group helping to cook breakfast, has a fairly reasonable request given the situation.
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Now, can we just recall that Tails joined the Freedom Fighters at its inception when he was like, four? I get that the others tried to shelter him from dangerous missions and whatnot even back then, up until the events of his miniseries, but now Amy is asking, based on a precedent set by someone her age, if she can be allowed to prove herself as well, and immediately finds herself getting shot down. Honestly, I'm with her that they're being totally unreasonable here.
While everyone packs up for their trip, the king and Elias watch from a high up walkway among the trees, noting how happy and carefree Sally seems at this moment. The king is happy for her, wanting her to have a little bit more time to feel happy before he tells her about her mother's worsening illness, and is surprised when Elias already knows due to overhearing him and Dr. Quack talking about it previously. Elias then suddenly gets an epiphany, realizing there may be something he can do to help cure the illness, and rushes off as a suspiciously Overlander-looking group of girls fawn over him from the sidelines. (I know they're not Overlanders, but damn, they could have at least added extra fur or something to make it more obvious.)
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Oh, boy…
The Chaos Factor
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Frank Gagliardo
Knuckles has found himself plagued with dreams lately - nightmares, more like - of a strange, watery being absorbing the Master Emerald, the Floating Island falling into the sea, and everyone he cares about on the island perishing because he failed in his duties to protect them. He wakes up with a jolt, still perturbed by what he saw in his sleep.
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Well, that's probably not good. Man, Knuckles must be the heaviest sleeper of all time if he somehow slept through his entire island the size of Delaware plunging violently into the ocean from eight miles up. Back in his HQ, Robotnik is ecstatic at how well his plan has gone so far, conveniently recalling it all in detail for the benefit of us readers. Apparently, he found all his information on an obscure data file that his previous self overlooked, about a mystical being with immense power made of living water, locked within… yeah, you thought I was gonna say the Master Emerald, right? Nah, man, this is the comics! No one's in the Master Emerald except ol' Mammoth Mogul. The being is locked instead within a black emerald hidden in the Mysterious Cat Country, which if you'll recall all the way back to the map in Sonic Super Special #2 is located at the equivalent of South America's east coast. Robotnik had his roboticized slaves excavate the emerald for him and smashed it to let the being out…
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Well, he let something out all right. He decided that looking for seven Power Emeralds was totally lame, and instead decided to fly to the Floating Island, where he found himself briefly surprised to see Echidnaopolis filled with, well, echidnas, since his data files indicated Knuckles was the only echidna on that island. Yeah, your files are a liiiiiittle outta date, buddy. He broke through the force field erected to keep intruders out of the Chaos Chamber with ease, and shattered the Master Emerald before anyone could retaliate, flying off with the pieces as the island fell from the sky. But remember who we just said was in the Master Emerald in this universe?
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Once again, with feeling: oh, boy…
Tales of the Great War (The Conclusion): Life Under-Ground
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Chris Allan Colors: Frank Gagliardo
It's time to finally finish up this story, still being told by Jules and Bernie around the campfire to their eager listeners. When Uncle Chuck left to start up his chili dog stand, Bernie still tried to reason with him that he should try to find a cure for her husband's robotic state, but he was firm in his feelings of failure and refused to try anything for fear of making it even worse. Frustrated, Bernie tried to take matters into her own hands by heading to the lab, only to see Julian using her husband as a lab rat. She yelled at him for being so disrespectful, but Julian, true to form, had other plans.
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That's honestly horrific. Chuck went looking for Bernie when she went missing, and found her as a robot within the lab, where Julian "helpfully" informed him that she tried to mess with the roboticizer but foolishly set it off while inside. Of course, this only ensured he was even more guilt-ridden than before, and now he faced the daunting task of trying to raise Jules and Bernie's infant son, trying to figure out how to explain to him when he was older what had happened to his parents. In the end, we already know that his explanation of them being "lost in the war" stuck with Sonic throughout his life, and that his uncle was roboticized as well before he got any real answers. When Chuck regained his free will, however, the first thing he did was take a power ring to a handful of other roboticized individuals within Robotnik's factories, including Jules, to help them regain their free will as well. He built a small secure base within the sewers of the city for his new spies, and soon freed Bernie's mind as well, leading to a tearful-in-spirit (because they're robots, remember) reunion between the two. They both told Chuck not to tell Sonic of their state, wanting him to remember them as they had been when he was young until the war was over, which as we know kind of ended up being a bad idea given how betrayed Sonic felt as a result. But hey, everything is all right now - well, I suppose not everything, since Chuck is a slave once more…
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Two problems - first of all, y'all had months to dig into this zip disk when Chuck was still a free man, during the period of peace in between the two Robotniks. Why the hell didn't he help you decode it then? Second of all, this disk is never mentioned again in the comic. They just completely forgot about it and never brought it back. I suppose it was full of nothing but him talking about random goings-on within Robotropolis while he was a spy or something, since it ended up not being important at all. Ah well!
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thankskenpenders · 5 years
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You’ve gotta admit, Eggman hitting the emerald with a mallet to release Chaos (and probably Tikal, judging by that little orange spark) is a very Eggman thing to do
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erizee · 4 years
guess whos emotional about Found Family Akatsuki again because they watched an episode where pain calls hidan and kakuzu annoying and smiles
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Noragami fandom right now: ❗🕵️who👀killed☠️kiyotsugu✍️?❗
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every-eggman · 4 years
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lucifermeo · 2 years
Personal wishlist for future anime adaptations of BSD (assuming S4 can come out this year?? @/Bones hello my guy??)
(very light out-of-context spoilers for 55 minutes + stormbringer)
Season 4:
2-3 eps for The Untold Origins of the Detective Agency (only Fukuzawa/Ranpo part)
10 eps to cover from where S3 left off until the ADA reunites in Anne's room*
*manga chapters 54-79 which seems a lot but the manga chapters've been getting shorter & not longer, plus their poster did show the sky casino. also it'd be such a nice, hopeful note to end the season on (before everything went to hell :v)
Season 4.5**:
4-5 eps to cover 55 Minutes light novel
7-8 eps to cover Stormbringer light novel
idk call it Bungou Stray Dogs: Nobody likes Europeans Singularities or something***
**i think there's enough to kinda plan a S5 right now but at the same time we (and Bones?) don't know when and how exactly the DoA arc will end. it does look like it's reaching climax (maybe a two-front final battle aka airport+prison?) and iirc Asagiri said he's done with the draft to wrap this arc up, but if it can end fast enough Bones might just want to wait and cram its conclusion into S5 because tbh letting one arc, nevermind one that takes place in ~10 days canon time, drags for 3 seasons isn't really great for viewer retention
**(+) speaking of viewer retention, i think wan! is cute and all, but if they're waiting out the manga they could do so much more with actual content that enriches the worldbuilding aka, 55 minutes & stormbringer. tbh i could see 55 minutes as a single movie, but stormbringer is wayyy too long to shove into 100 minutes of film with any coherency and doesn't lend well to being split in a two-parter either, so why not do both in single season? we can get atsushi (the, y'know, main character), akutagawa, dazai & ada adventure AND chuuya, dazai & port mafia adventure, which will definitely sell well while not having to sacrifice the narrative trying to shove either into a "main" season, so win-win-win?? (@/Bones)
***i know 55 minutes and stormbringer are like two separate timelines/stories, but they both touch a lot on European skill/singularity weapons and singularities in general, so it might not be that hard trying to link them together. they could start with 55 minutes, then at the end when they're reflecting on the events have atsushi ask dazai about gab/verne and dazai would be 'sike, arent i too familiar with that shit', or have ango (give the man some sleep) type up a report and retelling both events together or sth. not to mention we already have mentions of singularity weapon in the main manga so it'd be a nice idea to introduce all the foundations before S5. plus, verlaine mentioned h.g. wells by name in stormbringer so that'd be a nice tie-in
Season 5:
(hopefully) concludes the DoA arc
dunno what other light novels Asagiri plans on writing, but if Bones hopes to cram the DoA conclusion here maybe it's better to not have any LN content at all and picks straight up from S4
misc thoughts: i dont think DoA will be the last arc of BSD, there's still a lot not touched on about the European side of things (Clock Tower hello?) and world war might or might not pick back up so im sure asagiri still has some wild ideas to write. fukuchi dies for sure which will probably signal the end of DoA arc, but just because dude's a trainwreck doesn't mean he didn't have some good points about govt-sanctioned horrors, so that might lead us into the next arc. fyodor's dying is 50/50? somehow hes both been here too long and i still feel we havent done enough with his character yet. anw im more than ready for DoA arc to end, please asagiri have mercy 🥺
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