#still a 10/10 amazing game thou
therealtsk · 7 months
What I'd Like To See From CONTROL 2
So, it's been over a week since Alan Wake 2 launched (dw, no spoilers!) and it's awesome! I absolutely love this game, and it's alongside CONTROL as one of my favorite video games. And since CONTROL 2 is (iirc) confirmed, I thought it would be fun to talk about what I'd like to see brought to the sequel based off of the improvements to their signature gameplay we saw in AW2. 1. Non-Human Enemies. Aside from the Hiss Warped, Mold-1, The Third Thing, and FORMER, Remedy has yet to really add non-human enemy designs to their games, and considering the New Weird/Horror genre they've leaned their current universe into, it feels like a major missed opportunity to get truly wild and creative with character design. One of my few criticisms of AW2 is that there are no truly monstrous enemies, only more corrupted humans and regular looking animals. While the design of the Mirrored Taken are a step in the right direction, I want Remedy to go further. 2. Better Finale This relates to my earlier point, but a problem that Remedy's games have had since, frankly, Alan Wake 1 is that the final "boss" fights are lackluster. While I enjoyed the boss fights in AW2 (especially the one with the well and the one with the flooding, you know who I mean) the last boss (and the final encounter in general) does feel a bit anticlimactic. CONTROL had FORMER, The Third Thing and esseJ as very unique fights, but again, the main campaign of CONTROL has another final encounter that struggles to feel exciting and unique, especially compared to the incredible Ashtray Maze sequence.
Remedy mentioned taking inspiration from Resident Evil 2 Remake for inspiration for how Alan Wake 2 would play (and mechanically, what I believe is the final boss encounter in AW2 plays out somewhat similarly to the final encounter with Nemesis in RER2), so hopefully they'll continue looking for more inspiration. I would mention a game that does boss fights well, but I honestly can't think of any third-person shooters with good boss encounters I've played at the moment. Something to discuss later.
3. More Unique Set pieces. This is more of "nice to have" more than I think something that Remedy could improve in their games, but given the extra-dimensional setting of CONTROL, having more moments of reality distorting and reforming around us ala the TV Set in CONTROL and many of Alan's segments in AW2 would really further the bizarre, unique atmosphere they've carried into their existing works.
I also think from a gameplay perspective, having sequences similar to Uncharted 4's tower collapse or Dead Space 2's train crash would provide some diversity.
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foxgirlpuddle · 7 months
Revised intro post thingy
Hello Tumblr! I'm Thera!~
I'm a 19 year old transfem polyamorous lesbian disaster that currently has 3 girlfriend/wives and they're all fucking amazing and despite not being with any of them for a super long period of time we cannot currently envision an even remotely happy existence without them!
My hobbies include video games, random crappy stuff on the internet, reading fantasy stuff, and chatting with cool entities online(and also being horny as all bleeding hells online)!
If I had the option between a button that instantly turned me into a girl and one that gave me freeform shapeshifting to my own overpowered desired specifications I'd pick the latter and then start with the basis of normal human girl and then slowly mutate into an eldritch monstrosity that's nonetheless cute and cuddly(the tendrils are for cuddles and lewd stuff too admittedly) and feminine!
Shapeshifting eldritch monstrosity is gender
So is soft cute foxgirl
Anyways! I'm rambling!
Words o words where art thou words!~
I'm loaded with social anxiety and stuff but i do like making new friends!
Feel free to DM me if you want, I'm bad at conversations alot of the time but I'll try!
I still don't comprehend alot of Tumblr but i have a slightly better comprehension now
This blog has 0 theme to it, i look at whatever and reblog random stuff i like
Be warned that I'm a very horny individual and my blog will reflect that
Bigots and the like begone from this place, your foul ilk are not welcome here!~
Welp that's my 2nd version of a self introduction post, slightly better than the first I think?
Hello to whoever reads this!
We wish a nice day upon any who read this~
Edited in addition
Our brain spontaneously split us into 2 heavily blended together cognizant entities that are almost always both present in some capacity if we aren't currently so blended together as to not bother distinguishing (this is surprisingly not actually that common) or if one of us is too focused for there to be spare mental energy to have the other present
A subby cuddly foxgirl
And a Dominant Dragon Anthro who just loves reducing cute girls into molten puddles~
I swear Dragon can't go 10 minutes of interaction without trying to tease someone 🤭
This is a weird but fun thing going on with our brain
Anyways uh
That's that
Bye everyone!
We hope you all have nice times!
Even the assholes out there!
Though we hope they learn and grow as individuals
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crusherthedoctor · 9 months
Your hottest Sonic takes?
Most of these are ones you'll already know, but here goes. I'll number them in no real order because bullet points always get lumped together when I use them no matter how I space them, which bothers me lol. And as always, these are just the ones that come immediately to mind, as I'm sure to have plenty more (I'm not a contrarian for contrarian's sake, I swear D:).
1. Just because I take faithfulness to the game canon seriously - hence my disapproval for adaptations that change shit for the sake of changing shit out of a misplaced sense of superiority - doesn't mean I think the game canon is perfect. Putting aside the obvious questionable quality of certain installments, there are also certain traditions in the games that I don't exactly appreciate, and refuse to tolerate them just because I'm apparently expected to (ie: the friends standing around being cheerleaders while Super Sonic does his thing, Eggman being usurped and/or forced to team up with Sonic so damn often, characters having a limited range of interactions with other characters, certain characters being rather obnoxiously OP, etc).
2. IDW Sonic is still a holier than thou asswipe whose actions and overall behaviour don't line up with how great and virtuous he supposedly is. Prime Sonic is still an unbearable dumbass, and the show and characters are grilling him for the completely wrong reasons.
3. If your only idea for redeeming Tails is making him a yes-man for Sonic, then I don't think you actually care about Tails aside from how good he makes Sonic look.
4. Shadow coming back after his not-death doesn't undermine SA2's ending. But him coming back so soon afterwards kind of does. They should have waited a lot longer before bringing him back.
5. Rouge is not a villain. Rouge is not a villain. Rouge is not a villain. And outside of her jewel obsession, she's not even that majorly anti-heroic after SA2.
6. Eggman is a villain. Eggman is a villain. Eggman is a villain. And you can flesh him out without softening him up. Pre-Frontiers games already did it FFS.
7. Just because Cream is a little girl, and acts appropriately for the most part compared to Tails, doesn't mean she should be infantilized by the other characters and by the writing. She's more capable than she's given credit for.
8. Merlina isn't that amazing. Better than the Mephiles-tier villains of course, but she still fell short of her unique concept.
9. Erazor Djinn AKA Qui-Gon Djinn AKA Tonic Djinn AKA Other Djinn Pun is the best villain who isn't Eggman, an Eggman robot, affiliated with Eggman, or Chaos.
10. I've made my apathy for Silver well known during the last few days cause of all the IDW Silver discourse, but I'll take it one spicier step further: when people defend him by saying he earned his place, I think "...Did he?"
Make no mistake, he absolutely does not deserve to be treated like garbage by the IDW crew either way, but compared to other recurring game characters, including similarly divisive ones like Shadow, I've always felt as though he was shoehorned into later games because he was already set to as the hot new character of the initially anticipated '06, rather than earning his place more organically if you get me. And when people say how awesome it was that he almost killed Sonic effortlessly twice in '06, I ask myself when Sonic getting textbook Worf'd in a game with his name on it was considered a good thing. I mean, is that the level of '06 stanning we're at now?
Or maybe I'm just letting my bitterness at (IMO) better characters remaining one-offs do the talking. I'm willing to admit that I am indeed bitter about that. :P (Also, I'd like to apologise to Silver fans for harping on about him like this a lot as of late. I really have nothing against his level-headed fans, and I still sympathise with them on his poor treatment in the comics despite my apathy towards him.)
11. Forces is one of Eggman's best showings despite the underutilized premise. That fans' only idea for "fixing" the game is usurping him with Infinite and/or the Phantom Ruby says a lot about how much they want him to be out of the way.
12. I don't understand why the in-game racing banter in TSR is taken so seriously. Speaking as someone who otherwise takes characterization very seriously, this is like if people started shitting on Mario Kart because of Luigi's death stare.
13. Other games are objectively worse (like '06 and Chronicles), but Frontiers is my personal least favourite Sonic game for... well, nearly everything about it. And neither Sage or The End are as deep or as fans make them out to be.
14. At this point, I separate the IDW characters into two categories. The first category consists of the characters who I just hate or find lame full stop (Surge and Kit, Rough and Tumble, Mimic). The second category consists of the characters that I think could have had potential if it weren't for the awful writing, that I begrudgingly feel somewhat bad for as a result, and as such would be willing to attempt to redeem if I could (Tangle, Whisper, Lanolin, Starline before he got turned into Toothpaste Snively).
15. I respect Daniel Barnes, his work and understanding of Sonic's character in particular is certainly of a higher quality than that of Flynn and Stanley, and he also has more integrity to be sure. But I can't currently buy into the full hype since I wasn't that interested in Scrapnik Island, and since I'm very cautious of the golden pedestal mentality, since that's how people like Flynn got as far as they have in the first place, I really wish the fans who are as tired of Flynn and Co's antics as I am would keep that in mind.
16. I prefer What I'm Made Of over Live & Learn.
17. I'm not a literal "Classic Good, Modern Bad" type of fan, but the things that I appreciate most about Sonic games tend to be associated more in the public consciousness - at least in terms of gameplay, use of playable characters, and aesthetics - with classic and classic-in-spirit games.
18. AoStH is better than SatAM because it had Long John Baldry. *dab* And SatAM was the first serious split in the franchise, and the influence of said split continues to this day with the Freedom Fighter stans and their desire to make everything like SatAM/Archie, meaning I wholeheartedly wish this show never existed. *double dab*
19. I don't have a guilty pleasure, because that would imply I feel any guilt for enjoying them. I enjoy 3D Blast as a fun little time waster without any shame, and I have ironic enjoyment for ShtH, also without any shame.
20. If you use mandates as an excuse for bad writing, I officially cannot trust anything you have to say on the writing, the characters, and probably the entire franchise.
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heeee-hoooo · 2 years
SAGAU: 4 More or Less Pt 3
Warning: swear words, two trucks by lemon demon is mentioned
Reverse isekai time yall!!!!
Characters: Fischl, Bennett, Noelle
• ================================== •
to be honest, you’re a lot less surprised than you were expecting
‘characters from your favorite franchise pop out of the game/show/movie and into the real world, hijinks ensue’…
.. you feel like you’ve read this before
your friends? unsurprisingly not as chill as you
“SOMEONE SLAP ME I MUST BE DREAMING” “gladly—” “____ don’t.”
depending on who’s the most into roleplay or dnd, they’d be the closest to Fischl
ya’ll this girl would absolutely love larping and cosplay
I imagine she’d first find out about it when you and your friends get ready for a cosplay and dnd convention (which I plan on writing properly)
“Oh great creators, I request thou may give thy Prinzessin more of this bubble te- Uhm.. am I interrupting something?”
they’d, of course, bring her along and tell her alllll about it
and lemme tell you, first day of the con, she’s already hooked
and within days, lo and behold! she becomes a regular cosplayer and the resident tumblr girl
you might wanna save up a bit more for tickets
right off the bat, you hear a plate break in the kitchen
most of you rush to see what happened
aaand Bennett is frantically trying to sweep all of it out of the way while apologizing
ofc, you can’t be m a d at him
so u just help him bring the bowls to Noelle so she can make her pancakes :D
he’d be a bit bummed out bcuz of the lack of adventuring areas
I imagine he’d like korean bbq tho
whether you decide you all go out to eat, or you decide to make the food at home, he’d absolutely love how easy it was to cook it himself!
even with a few burns here or there, he’d still rate it at least 8/10
don’t give him any soy sauces with chilis tho
his absolute favorite thing though? online rpgs ofc
adventuring entirely other worlds??? without any hurt????? sign this precious boy up!
all in moderation ofc, he still loves exploring irl
I imagine he’d think of it as a break from the hurt
he always runs out of stamina tho :(
she would try to do everything for you
laundry, cooking, cleaning, you name it
“as a token of gratitude for letting them stay” she’d say
she’d be amazed by the washing machine, lets be honest (aren’t we all to an extent??)
I feel like she’d always cook breakfast and some snacks, but that’s about it
anything else and she’d give ya’ll food poisoning /lh
but like, make sure to let her rest every once in a while, y’know?
bby needs her R&R
• ================================== •
@simpagettits (sadly it wouldnt load ur user 😔) @shizunxie
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royaltozaki · 19 days
I got excited when I saw that you had posted about this tbh I SAW IT OMG???? the adds had me horrified omg like, the "You know full well a vow of celibacy is not the answer" like the 'you know full well' honestly got me a bit angry? cuz who even are you to say that?? there was another that said "thou shalt not give up on dating and become a nun" the disrespect???? and fr? from Bumble. An app that is self-proclaimed as being a "woman's app" cuz it has a certain empowerment to it (tbh i have beef with bumble and have had it for a while now)
Bro I watched it cuz I love Mark Ruffalo and I regret it. Even tho I think it was amazingly made in terms of design, the art direction was amazing, I can't like it cuz the main character was brought back with the brain of a child and then they categorized her new curiosity and her adventure as being "erotic". Tbh movie made me sick sometimes. I actually had to leave the theatre mid-movie cuz some parts just had me so shocked I couldn't watch them. The idea of lust in this was also so uncomfortable?? cuz she wasn't lusting for knowledge of these new things that she didn't know (cuz again, brain of a child) but she had a lot of sexual lust too, and therefore she had a lot of sex. And cuz there was so many sex scenes relating to her "liberation" and how she was becoming more mature and finding herself it seems like the people making this film really just think of sexualized feminism. And maybe this is cuz I love children and a younger cousin (a 10 yr old but still just a little kid in my eyes) but the way they kept reminding the audience that she had an immature brain, that she was essentially like a kid and then proceed to sexualize her was awful (me having a good relationship and loving kids should not be the only motive for being repulsed by the ideology of this movie tho, it should be common sense idk) And i know, that the brain was not accompanying the body cuz the body was of an adult, still, I don't think it's an excuse for using it as a way of saying that she's a character is an empowered woman because of her sexuality. The comments I saw after the movie also had me questioning the media literacy of some people cuz they were all "omg this is like the barbie movie but for adults" UH???? and "omg, this was such a good movie, feminism being in so many movies right now is so good" why do people only find women having sexual freedom as being feminist, and by sexual freedom (ex: this movie) is just the mc having a lot of sex. Like yes, it's good that they portray sexual freedom in movies, but the way that it's being portrayed in some of them is not a stamp for feminism imo. There were responses to people who didn't like the movie saying "it's supposed to be a commedy". It wasn't a funny movie bro???
Idk if you saw the "I have no mouth and I must scream" popularisation on tiktok but it being popularized right when this bear vs men is still in discourse had me logging out of tiktok. There's this character (ellen) that is imprisioned but AM that is AI. She goes through so much, like she has to literally use her body in so many ways to "calm" the others (who are men) AND PEOPLE ARE CALLING HER SO MANY DEGRADING THINGS LIKE- people are saying she's the one who has it easy when she's the one that has to at one point sell her body for the sanity of the others. Obviously this discourse against her is done by men and people who only see the edits and go all "oh there is only one woman in this entire story? lets villanize her even though she's one of the biggest victims out of all the characters!". In the video game i think you can choose who gets the happy ending or smt and I saw people saying that they were not gonna give it to ellen cuz she wasn't worth it because of how she used her body. This is one of the many reasons I hate popularization of certain books, movies or smt on tiktok, it always ends up like this
I'm sorry this is so long😭😭
omg no its fine i love to rant sorry it took me so long to reply and RIGHTTTTTT EXACTLY LIKE EVERY SINGLE THING UVE SAID IS LITERALLY WHAT I THINK ASW and omg ur so real for leaving halfway thru poor things AND YEAH NO LIKE U DONT HAVE TO HAVE A GOOD RELATIONSHIP W KIDS TO KNOW ITS WRONG TO WANT TO HAVE SEX W THEM??????? like one of the main problems i have w the film is the fact that she IS a child and the way that bcs she is one, men fawn over her bcs she’s basically stupid and easily impressionable and easy to ‘own’ and dominate which is disgusting bcs that means that ltr most mens ideal types is children?? and okay like sexual liberation and all but ur still talkijg about a CHILD rn a CHILD that is being sexually liberated like even the dad when the husband was asking like r u raising her to be ur sex slave and he was like i cant have sex (LIKE HE DIDNT SAY NO??? HE WOULD FUCK HER IF HE COULD??) ugh i hate this film sm
no i havent seen that but omg?!?!? I FUCKING HATE THAT ARGUMENT like when men call sex workers whores or wtv bcs excuse you?? its actually YOUR demographic that created that industry and YOUR demographic that keeps it alive and keeps fueling money into it. like yes it is some women’s choice to go into sex work but a lot of women also go into sex work just bcs u can make a decent amount of money if u cant find any other work and u need to support people at home or idk theres lots of scenarios where people are essentially forced into sex work and men think its a choice?? recognise ur privelege do u know how many more opportunities, whether its gaining citizenship, getting promoted at work, gender pay gap (WHICH STILL EXISTS ive heard men say it doesnt but thats naiive) how much easier it is to function as a society member if ur a man? if ur gonna shit on the sex industry go shit on the men who are raping women everyday but ‘its not rape bcs we paid them and thats their job’ pls (again nuance some women choose this and more power to them theyre taking advantage of the patriarchy) but others are doing it bcs they HAVE to they wouldnt fuck u if they just saw u on the street get over urself
0 notes
eriellesudario · 7 years
How this whole thing started
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Unless you follow me in social media or we’ve talked in DM’s and such, you should know that there are multiple opportunities happening to me right now! I was selected to go to Fiji for a university work and study tour, my creative writing piece ‘Waiting For You’ will soon be in production and become a short film, and indie alternative band Far Away Stables asked me to film and take photos of their Sydney gig! I didn’t know that I would be able to do these things… but I am. I didn’t know someone like me would make it this far. This girl who has average knowledge on how things works and has to self learn every single thing in order to make it to where I am; I find it hard to believe that I’m standing here doing the things I enjoy doing and people are willing to give me opportunities for me to improve and promote my craft. I don’t care if it’s volunteer work, it is a start of something amazing!
So how did someone like me made it this far?
Well… Back then
In the beginning, I was really not interested with this whole media, film production, photography thing. It just wasn’t me and even if I do attempt to give it a shot, most of the time, I get discouraged and sometimes being told to stop. But I did have some interest on being in front of the camera when my family creates their home videos. ​ But the telltale signs were there because around 2008, I wanted to give film making a shot but I had no idea where to start + my family wasn’t really happy with me watching YouTube videos (I was banned for 3 months just because I was watching Club Penguin fan videos). I also joined this blogging site called ‘Multiply’ and I consistently write stuff about my interest plus I contribute to a Club Penguin page when a new mission comes. ​ But I still had no interest or intension on pursuing it in the future.
I soon gained a bit of more interest when I was in high school, around year 9. There was a student film contest and I wanted to join. I got a group ready but unfortunately, not many people were interested plus we wasted a lot of time that we’ve done nothing. Then in year 10, I gave it another shot but stuff happened that I was unable to be there during the filming but I was there during the planning. ​ It was also around 2011-2012 that my friends convinced me to try making youtube videos. So on October 2012, I uploaded my first YouTube video which was a recording of my pet slime’s funeral in Minecraft. My early videos were just really bad gameplay recordings of my favourite videos games but it did grew my channel a bit. ​ Then came year 11 and I had to do photography because I was missing 1 unit. It was really fun and I enjoyed taking photos using my dad’s camera. It was also by that point that I was re-evaluating my life as I wasn’t enjoying the subjects that I was doing. Around this point, I’ve decided to put more effort onto film making and uploaded my first vlog which talked my experience in Vivid Sydney. ​ Two more vlogs later and I soon found enjoyment and decided to do media as a career. ​ Eventually, word has spread about my hobby of mine when I recorded my classmates goofing off in the music room. People started to watch my content just to see this other side of me that I don’t publicly share offline and they gave me tones support and told me to don’t stop doing this strange hobby that soon became a part of my life. ​ But then a lot of drama and misunderstandings occurred that I was forced to start over. It did hurt but it did make me stronger and I started improving on what I’ve been making and I wanted to do more with this. ​ So I’ve improved with my videos, I tried to take more photos when I’m on the go, I started on my own small projects like my song writing and my blogging hobby that I knew that if I work hard, I can make use of these skills. It took a lot of convincing to my family thou that I wanted to make this my future as they fear that it won’t be a stable path for me to take. ​ 3 years later, my friends and family were convinced about my decisions as my videos that I made using my iPad got me 2 early entry offers for university plus my grades don’t lie when my assignments requires me to make or write something. And as my channel is still continuing to grow, that my parents we’re willing to try to accept that this is a thing I want to do.
University was really supportive about this hobby of mine that it was one of the reasons why I try to improve with the skills I’ve got. They encourage me to start early and keep on practicing as it will be useful in future assignments plus perhaps in my future endeavours. ​ The music side of my story… it’s just hobby that I just want to share to the world. ​ If I could give any advice about doing this, even if it’s just a hobby, I would say the following.
Start of small – Figure out on why you want to do this. Just post a few things from time to time and see what happens. I have friends who tried to do this but gave up eventually.
Don’t buy the expensive gear… yet – I started out with an iPad air and editing them with the iMovie app and my earlier gaming videos are recorded using Hypercam, edited using Movie Maker and my mic was just old headphones. Even if the quality is shit, you can make something out of it. If you think you are ready to tackle the harder techniques, by all means spend your money wisely. I currently use a Canon 70D, a rode videomic and edit using Final Cut Pro (and sometimes Adobe Premier).
Don’t set up high expectations – You’re just starting and you have no idea how people will interpret your work. Starting off with a simple introduction is a good start and keep practicing as you go.
Have fun with it – The longest time I’ve been trapped in my bedroom just to edit was 9 hours. It was really hot and it was annoying rewinding the scene time and time again but I was at least having fun when doing so. When doing stuff like this, you need to be enjoying it as it determines the quality and content of your projects.
Don’t stop and keep practicing – If you want to make this a thing, you can’t stop learning. This is why I’m doing a university course about this. Sometimes, I look back in my videos and think, how can I make this better? I take note if it and make sure I imply these in my next project. At the moment, I’m trying to learn how to use After Effects and Adobe Premier so I’m taking my time and learning new programs because I know it will be useful in the future. ​ I do hope this gives you a better understanding on why I do this and why I want to keep on doing this! I do hope someday that I will find some sort of success as I do this and if that day comes, I can always look back and remember where I started…
A girl who started vlogging using an iPad.
0 notes
Hello i was wondering if i could have a demon slayer + jjk matchup please if they are still open ofc!! I hope this is enough and i hope you have a great day :D thank you!!
-My pronouns are she/her
- Im bisexual but prefer girls
- Im an infp
- My hobbies include art, cooking, playing the ukelele, watching movies, and some sports such as football (soccer), netball, volleyball and badminton, playing video games (such as pokemon minecraft and genshin impact)
- Appearance, im 5”9- 5”10, i have long brownish blondey hair with messy ass fucking bangs i cant straighten for the life of me (they dont ever stay straight) I have freckles and hazel eyes, with dark circles under them. Im sort of insecure about my body so i’d prefer not to describe it ty
- Personality- Im ambiverted, around new people im quite shy snd quiet and awkward as fuck but if i get to know you better im pretty extroverted. I also randomly say “meow” for some random unknown reason. I can be a little bit down sometimes ig and i find it hard to do certain things too which i hate burdening people with. On good days im pretty sarcastic but in a jokey way, and i also love talking about interests i have but get scared im being annoying. As mentioned before i am pretty nocturnal and falling asleep isnt that easy. I get on better with children younger than me rather than mine my own age. They’re just so cute
- I like listening to music and animals too (i recently discovered honduran white bats and oh my god theyre so cute) and i also like octoposes alot for some reason im unsure of
- I dislike the dark, and loud noises, so i keep headphones in alot of the time
- My love languages are probably just all of them as i wanna make my parents as happy as i can
Hello Lovely, my apologies for this taking so long. How are you? I hope life is good for you. Here are your matchups! Please enjoy!
Your Jujutsu Kaisen Match Up is...
Todo Aoi
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As the queen you are, you deserve a S-Class Simp to worship you.
The first thing that drew Todo towards you was definitely your height. Compared to other girls he knows, you're a lot taller.
He thinks that it's a bit weird for someone so quiet around others to be a jujutsu sorcerer. He thinks that you are fairly weak and doesn't think much of you at first.
However, as he gets to know you, he realizes that isn't quite the case. As he becomes actual friends with you, he's pleased to find out that you are rather fun and not afraid to throw a few quips at him.
He also likes that he can talk to you about your favorite type of women, as long as it isn't boring of course.
He realizes his feelings for you when he catches himself thinking about the next time he will see you rather than when he will see Takada-Chan again.
He isn't sure how to deal with these feelings since he never really felt that way about anyone he was really close to, so he will put it off for as long as possible.
However, when you two do start going out, he will treat you like the best thing in his life, because you are.
He loves to spoil you a bit with snacks and such, but he really just loves to give you all of the time he has to offer.
Todo doesn't truly understand what it is like to be insecure, so it takes him a bit to be able to see how you feel about yourself. Not to worry thou, he will always be there to tell you how beautiful and tall you are.
He does like to tease you for your fear of the dark. Not in the sense that you are a child or weak, but that he will always be there to protect you so he doesn't see why you have the need to be afraid.
As a present, he bought you a batman night light thinking that it was an actual bat night light. He tries his best.
All in all, he may be a bit rough around the edges, but he will work the hardest to make sure that you are happy, safe, and loved.
Your Demon Slayer Match Up is...
Mitsuri Kanroji
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When Mitsuri first met you, it was love at first sight. However, that didn't mean much to you since she loves everything and everyone.
She thought it was amazing you were so tall, taller than some of the other pillars. She looked up to you, quite literally.
She loved that you were quite shy around people that you didn't know. She thought it was adorable and that you were intriguing.
As she got closer, she fell more in love with your louder self. It reminded her a lot of how she was before she became a demon slayer. She wanted to drag you more out of your shell.
She made it her mission to become your best friend.
However, she developed feelings beyond that.
She realized her feelings for you late at night when she woke up after having a dream about you. She only ever dreamed about food, thus to see you in her dreams made her realize her true love.
The next morning she immediately asked you out to go get sakura mochi. What better to do in life than to have the things you love right at hand?
She understands perfectly what it is like to be insecure with your body. She will always be there to comfort you and tell you how perfect you are because you are perfect.
Mitsuri loves to listen to you play instruments, even if you're not the best at them. She'll sing little songs to go with them with really obscure lyrics.
Her favorite pastime with you is to listen to music and make food with you.
When she's away on her missions, she'll send you letters describing different animals that she finds and asking you questions about them, even if you don't know the answer.
Overall, she is very caring and supportive and she will always be there to comfort you.
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sothischickshe · 3 years
ship game
Movie/TV ship questions; answer with a GIF; no repeats
ok i was tagged by @whiskeyjack @juuuunaaaaoooo @bourbon-ontherocks (ty!!)
but like answer with a gif?! pfff, im gonna answer with words, u wanna see a gif go find it yourself like a grown up
also these r HARD!
1. First Ship:
?!! I kept thinking of things but they were BOOKS 😱
The real answer is idfk, but.... Maybe clara/doc brown from back to the future 3?? SHE JUST WANTED TO GO ADVENTURING OK I'M WEAK FOR THAT. also it's the best film of the trilogy, do not fucking @ me I AM RIGHT
2. First OTP:
I mean i am very multishippery at heart so my genuine otps are few and far between. Maybe pacey/joey (Dawson's creek)?
3. Favourite Current Ship:
Oh well that's easy, dean/rio obvi (good girls)
4. Shipped from the first minute:
Rebecca/og Greg (crazy ex girlfriend)... Just about from the first minute anyway
5. Wish they had been endgame:
Mae's character and chloe's character who both presumably had names in the remake of valley girl (feel like it was fairly implied but I was expecting MORE)
6. Wish they had been canon:
Angel/Spike (buffyverse)? I mean there's a lot of heavy implication and handholding but still
7. Ship everyone else hates:
8. Don't even watch the show but still ship:
Idk ummm I've never seen moonlighting but cybill n Bruce appaz had amazing chemistry so in a pinch maybe I can claim that...?
9. Wish they had a different storyline:
Annie/abed/Troy (Community)
10. Actually endgame:
Mack/elena (aos) 😭
I'm fashionably late but I!! Tag!!! @cemeterydreamer @nexttimeemptytheclip @monibolis & if u wanna do it, THOU
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moveslikebucky · 3 years
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12 Days of Blasphemy Day 10 - “Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.” (Proverbs 23:14)
Every once in a while, when the moon is high, Aziraphale and Crowley steal away to the barn to spend a night together.
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This one is for my main cowgirl @sosobriquet!  I love you so much my friend and I’m so glad I got to know you this year!  <3 <3
There’s also a real treat at the link, as this fic has art by my amazing, wonderful, and incredibly talented friend @ran196242 <3 <3
Snippet is below, full fic is on AO3
“And this’ll teach you,” Aziraphale sneers in Crowley’s ear as he tightens the rope around his wrists, “To go sneakin’ around barns after dark, watching what you ain’t supposed to.”  Aziraphale bites Crowley’s shoulder, hard and fast with no warning, making him yelp and strain at the rope binding him.
“I’ll sneak around whatever barns I want to, angel,” Crowley says as he rolls his hips, as he kicks at the dirt covered boards.  “You think this is gonna stop me?”
“I think I have ways of dealin’ with rapscallions like you,'' Aziraphale growls low in his ear, voice dropping to a whisper, “What do we say? If it gets too much?’”
Crowley pulls at the rope wound around his wrists, held fast by a nail in the old wood beams.  Aziraphale is pressed into him, closer than sin.  Doesn’t matter how thick his jeans are, Crowley can feel him well enough, hard and ready for him in his Levi’s.  Aziraphale’s fingers hook through the loops in Crowley’s jeans, his grip is tight on Crowley’s scrawny hips.  It sends a thrill through him like nothin’ else, this game of theirs.  Burns hotter than any whiskey, stings like bull nettle; keeps him on his toes and coming back for more.
“Amarillo.  Fuckin’ hell, get on with it!”
“Impatient and a smart mouth, that’s fine, I’ll give you somethin’ to smart off about.”
All at once Aziraphale’s steady weight is gone and Crowley is left hanging by his wrists.  The nail is up just a bit too high and he has to stand on the tips of his toes to keep from straining.  But the anticipation is half of the fun.
They steal away, in these stolen moments in the night.  Just the two of them, away from the camp and the other men.  They can do what they want, give in to their urges.  No witnesses except a few unfortunate horses.
Crowley likes Aziraphale’s hands.  They’re coarse and rough from life on the range, worker’s hands.  They’re dry and cracked and scratch at his skin when Aziraphale touches him, but the honey is still sweet despite the bee sting.  He likes giving Aziraphale control, letting him use him.  Likes letting Aziraphale think he’s asleep after; that he doesn’t hear the whispered confessions.  No use for the two of them, not in a life like this.
There’s a swishing sound in the air, quiet, from the other end of the barn.  Crowley feels his cock fill in anticipation.  The swishing gains a rhythm.  Swish, swish, tap.  Swish, swish, tap.
“Yes, I reckon this will do nicely.”  There’s a loud crack of leather hitting wood and Crowley barely manages to strangle a moan.  “We’ll see how the lashes treat you.”
Aziraphale walks back over slowly, boots clicking against the wood, muffled lightly by hay.  He’s foregone his spurs for the night, and Crowley almost misses the jingle of them.
“Now then, are you gonna repent, apologize for your misdeeds?”  It’s a last question, a last chance for Crowley to back out.  But Aziraphale’s breath is hot on his neck, facial hair coarse against Crowley’s skin; his thumbs are skirting the edge of Crowley’s jeans, and Crowley has never had a single doubt in his mind about his answer.
“Do your worst, cowboy.”
[Read it on AO3]
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gleekto · 4 years
Anonymous submitted:
Since people want to make BLM all about Darren. we don’t know what Darren is like BTS we can only go by what people have said and so far i don’t think we’ve had a bad story even before Lea had some horror stories about her. Harry shum commenting on Darren’s picture saying love you brother. He was at Harry’s baby shower. Kevin and Chord are on his new show. He was also at Kevin’s 30th birthday party something Lea wasn’t invited to. Let’s be real if we really think Lea hasn’t hung out with any of the cast apart from Darren even than it all came back to work. Darren has at some point hang out with nearly everyone from glee even Naya was at the opening of his bar. Alex was at his birthday party actually A lot was at Darrens party back in February. God there’s even a picture of Chris and Darren speaking at Halloween and Mia was in a picture with Chris that Ashley posted. The closest Lea got was Kevin and Jenna asking her to be on their podcast but that’s more to help them. I checked your Samantha ware tag and she was nothing but nice about Darren said he welcomed her ect. Do i think Darren is perfect no of course not but as Amber said people are dying stop making this about “what celeb is next to be cancelled”
Anonymous said:
Thanks for your response. You’re right that it doesn’t really impact him. I was mostly commenting on how toxic twitter feels right now. The people saying they’re unfollowing him are people I’ve been following for years and I just find it really frustrating and, honestly, kind of sad. I really don’t enjoy the holier than thou attitude of a lot of people on Stan twitter and I find it difficult to understand how they can be so incredibly judgmental while preaching messages of acceptance and love
Anonymous said:
Hi! I just wanted to share this nice clip from 5/31/2020 www youtube com/watch?v=8yXFLPU-fDs from 13:52 - 15:11 and 16:57 - 17:14 this former Warbler, Patrick Darab Hartigan, praises Darren profusely, and it's really fun to hear him excitedly reminiscing about the beginning of Darren's meteoric rise, and how impressed he was with how kind and respectful Darren was towards everyone on set. He said that Darren really set an amazing example.
Anonymous said:
instagram//com/p/CAQ_HTnpUHd/?igshid=1h8fe5ifaxpx8 I’m looking through Ryan’s pictures in Instagram and Amber has liked every picture Darren is in even the newest one and liked Ryan’s picture about BLMs. I know people want drama but they need to projecting glee had problems that’s for sure. That said even in Nayas book she didn’t say anything about Ryan it was Brad. They forget there was more than one Producer on that show
Anonymous said:
Isn't this week supposed to be their anniversary (obviously not their wedding anniversary, but 10 years is still big), maybe they're taking some time away? Or maybe he wants a break from the news/social media because it's awful to be immersed in it 24/7? I don't get why everyone is questioning him and his intentions lately. He probably let people know so his mentions weren't filled with people questioning how genuine his activism was when he disappeared.
And one answer for you all:
Yes of course. It goes without saying that Darren’s reputation in terms of how he treated people on set is the opposite of all this (I mean how many times am I saying - this is not about Darren - that should be my tag). You don’t need to go through my tags or old instas or whatever  - if you’re in this fandom, you know that Darren is kind and helpful to everyone he meets and we have heard so many stories of him on set from Warblers, Grant Gustin, Becca Tobin, the other shows he’s worked on, etc etc...
From my observations here in fandom gallery, Darren wants to rise to the top (yes he cares imho), is willing to play the game, and knows how to play it. Maybe that’s a thing to criticize or find irritating etc...Maybe there’s something else that bugs you about Darren. But for goodness sakes, after all these years - being an active asshole to people he works with is certainly NOT one of Darren’s flaws. I mean HONESTLY. 
Also I have no idea about celebrating an anniversary but yes, like I said, I suspect Darren’s tweet was to pre-emptively prevent the “where do you go/why aren’t you tweeting” barrage that he got when the protests started and he hadn’t tweeted yet. As an anon said, dude hates being misunderstood.
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
#CHADWICKFOREVER: Ryan Coogler, The 'Black Panther' Cast, Former Co-Stars, Politicians, Athletes & More Make Beautifully Heartbreaking Statements About Our Fallen King
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We're still heartbroken, and the only fact giving us some sort of solace is knowing that seemingly everyone, everywhere, feels the same way.  Let's remember Chadwick Boseman through the most beautiful words we've ever read from his co-stars, friends and stars that give us the most intimate look at the king we all loved.
  It's been two days since we learned a king had fallen, and it hasn't gotten any easier.  43-year-old Chadwick Boseman had given us so much of himself and his legacy, both before and during the toughest years of his life.
If that doesn't show us exactly who this man is, those close to him and those who admired him can drive that notion home even deeper. 
The stars of Black Panther and the Marvel Universe, politicians, athletes, fellow actors, directors and more have been pouring out their hearts about the amazing man that is Chadwick Boseman.
Danai Gurira, who played Chadwick's on-screen right hand woman and leader of the Dora Milaje, shared a special off screen bond with Chadwick that the world easily saw.  She wrote a touching post about his leadership in Black Panther and him changing the game of black representation and being a profundly generous:
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                  How do you honor a king? Reeling from the loss of my colleague, my friend, my brother. Struggling for words. Nothing feels adequate. I always marveled at how special Chadwick was. Such a pure hearted, profoundly generous, regal, fun guy. My entire job as Okoye was to respect and protect a king. Honor his leadership. Chadwick made that job profoundly easy. He was the epitome of kindness, elegance, diligence and grace. On many an occasion I would think how thankful I was that he was the leading man I was working closely with. A true class act. And so perfectly equipped to take on the responsibility of leading the franchise that changed everything for Black representation. He made everyone feel loved, heard and seen. He played great, iconic roles because he possessed inside of himself that connection to greatness to be able to so richly bring them to life. He had a heroic spirit, and marched to the beat of his own drum; hence his excellence as an artist and the incredible courage and determination as he faced life’s challenges; while still guiding us all. He was zen and sweet and funny (with the very best laugh), attentive, and truly, truly, good. I can’t even wrap my mind around this loss. A loss resonating in my own heart as well as around the globe. The children he inspired, my heart aches for them, to lose their hero just as they finally found him. I am so thankful to have taken the Black Panther journey with him. To have known him, spent time in his light and leadership and to call him forever a friend. Lala Ngoxolo Kumkani.
A post shared by Danai Gurira (@danaigurira) on Aug 30, 2020 at 4:26pm PDT
  Her last words, Lala Ngoxolo Kumkani, translates to Sleep in peace, O King.
BP director Ryan Coogler had us in tears as he recalled how their friendship began and blossomed both on screen and off, saying that we have all gained an "ancestor" now:
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                  #BlackPanther Director #RyanCoogler honored #ChadwickBoseman in an incredibly deep statement about their friendship and Chadwick’s work ethic. We’ve posted it here in full.
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Aug 30, 2020 at 11:26am PDT
  Chadwick's on screen little sis Letitia Wright, who clearly was almost like a little sister to him in real life, could barely formulate words:
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                  #LetitiaWright #ChadwickBoseman #BlackPanther
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Aug 30, 2020 at 10:20am PDT
  Chadwick's good friend who he was actually often closest to off screen since they shared a love for complete privacy, Chris Evans, posted about his Avengers & Captain America co-star:
I’m absolutely devastated. This is beyond heartbreaking.
Chadwick was special. A true original. He was a deeply committed and constantly curious artist. He had so much amazing work still left to create. I’m endlessly grateful for our friendship. Rest in power, King pic.twitter.com/oBERXlw66Z
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) August 29, 2020
The rest of the Marvel Universe co-stars - Don Cheadle, Angela Bassett, Sterling K. Brown, Forest Whitaker,  Chris Pratt, Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Josh Brolin and Zoe Saldana:
i will miss you, birthday brother. you were always light and love to me. my god ... forever and ever ... https://t.co/9pORaKZuQN pic.twitter.com/awX3DiTVwn
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) August 29, 2020
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                  “It was meant to be for Chadwick and me to be connected, for us to be family. But what many don’t know is our story began long before his historic turn as Black Panther. During the premiere party for Black Panther, Chadwick reminded me of something. He whispered that when I received my honorary degree from Howard University, his alma mater, he was the student assigned to escort me that day. And here we were, years later as friends and colleagues, enjoying the most glorious night ever! We’d spent weeks prepping, working, sitting next to each other every morning in makeup chairs, preparing for the day together as mother and son. I am honored that we enjoyed that full circle experience. This young man’s dedication was awe-inspiring, his smile contagious, his talent unreal. So I pay tribute to a beautiful spirit, a consummate artist, a soulful brother...”thou aren’t not dead but flown afar...”. All you possessed, Chadwick, you freely gave. Rest now, sweet prince.” #WakandaForever
A post shared by Angela Bassett (@im.angelabassett) on Aug 28, 2020 at 8:43pm PDT
  I don’t have words. Rest In Peace, Bruh. Thank you for all you did while you were here. Thank you for being a friend. You are loved. You will be missed. https://t.co/8rK4dWmorq
— Sterling K Brown (@SterlingKBrown) August 29, 2020
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                  Your light brightened our days. It will continue to brighten our hearts and minds. Let the heavens be blessed as you illuminate the sky. Sending my love and prayers to the family. May god continue to hold you in his everlasting embrace. RIP Chadwick
A post shared by Forest Whitaker (@forestwhitaker) on Aug 29, 2020 at 12:22am PDT
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                  My prayers go out to Chadwick’s family and loved ones. The world will miss his tremendous talent. God rest his soul. #wakandaforever
A post shared by chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) on Aug 28, 2020 at 8:25pm PDT
  Our hearts are broken and our thoughts are with Chadwick Boseman’s family. Your legacy will live on forever. Rest In Peace. pic.twitter.com/DyibBLoBxz
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) August 29, 2020
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                  I was lucky enough to spend some time with @chadwickboseman on the set of The Avengers. I was so struck by his presence. He was the embodiment of the modern man; strong, intelligent, graceful, self-possessed. I am deeply sad to hear of his passing this morning. What a beautiful legacy he created in such a short life.
A post shared by Gwyneth Paltrow (@gwynethpaltrow) on Aug 29, 2020 at 9:08am PDT
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                  Mr. Boseman leveled the playing field while fighting for his life... That’s heroism... I’ll remember the good times, the laughter, and the way he changed the game... #chadwickforever
A post shared by Robert Downey Jr. Official (@robertdowneyjr) on Aug 29, 2020 at 11:14am PDT
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                  Gonna miss you mate. Absolutely heartbreaking. One of the kindest most genuine people I’ve met. Sending love and support to all the family xo RIP @chadwickboseman
A post shared by Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) on Aug 28, 2020 at 8:40pm PDT
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                  Shattered to see you go. Our paths have felt linked since the day we met many moons ago. Always, your ascension felt like mine too. I suppose its because your dreams were rooted in those around you. Thank you for showing all of us the way. Rest well, friend.
A post shared by Tessa Thompson (@tessamaethompson) on Aug 30, 2020 at 1:19am PDT
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                  I am absolutely floored. Such an amazing, beautiful person. RIP Brother. @chadwickboseman
A post shared by Josh Brolin (@joshbrolin) on Aug 28, 2020 at 8:39pm PDT
  I’m gonna have to tell Cy, Bowie and Zen that T’Challa has passed. What other king can I tell them about now? pic.twitter.com/AFEFxJOFd5
— Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) August 29, 2020
Beyond painful. Rest in Power, King. https://t.co/jonGfW15i7
— Black Lives Matter (@Blklivesmatter) August 29, 2020
Chadwick's former Get On Up co-star and upcomig co-star in Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, Viola Davis, had touching words as well:
A photo a friend sent from backstage at the 2016 NAACP Awards. Touched my broken heart to see this today. That smile...that lifeforce... pic.twitter.com/6JaVA7HxAm
— Viola Davis (@violadavis) August 30, 2020
Chadwick.....no words to express my devastation of losing you. Your talent, your spirit, your heart, your authenticity........It was an honor working beside you, getting to know you....Rest well prince...May flights of angels sing thee to thy heavenly rest. I love you! pic.twitter.com/6abglPBOsh
— Viola Davis (@violadavis) August 29, 2020
His Get On Up movie screen love Jill Scott posted:
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                  Ever so thoughtful. Ever so profoundly kind, motivated and clear. You touched my heart and the hearts of millions. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Rest well friend. Rest well Nelsan. You two ARE MISSED!!!!! #sincerelygood #sincerelydopehumanbeings #sincerelyKINGS
A post shared by Jill Scott (@missjillscott) on Aug 29, 2020 at 12:18am PDT
  The black directors and creators we love, who have been in a tight knit circle with Chadwick for years, expressed how broknhearted they are - Issa Rae, Lena Waithe, Ava Duvernay & Spike Lee:
What the fuck is happening? My God.
— Issa Rae (@IssaRae) August 29, 2020
This broke me.
— Issa Rae (@IssaRae) August 29, 2020
  Black Hollywood is small. Like a small village. When you think about it, there’s really a handful of us working actors, writers, HODs, crew, directors in a massive industry. One absence devastates. Chad loomed large among us. We will miss him, never forget him, love him - always. pic.twitter.com/yB3S9q8L40
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) August 29, 2020
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                  You loved us. And we will always love you.
A post shared by Ava DuVernay (@ava) on Aug 29, 2020 at 8:32am PDT
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                  Gutted at the loss of you. We needed you now more than ever. I loved you, man. We all did. You will be missed. Our little black boys lost a superhero today. Black Panther has wings now. It’s as if we all gained an angel. This man made sure our heroes would live on forever. Heroes like: Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall, and James Brown. You loved us. May your life remind us to always love on each other.
A post shared by Lena Waithe (@lenawaithe) on Aug 28, 2020 at 7:24pm PDT
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                  No matter how hard I tried I could never stand as tall as you. Thanks for reminding all of us to reach for the skies. Love y’all. Let’s be kind to each other.
A post shared by Lena Waithe (@lenawaithe) on Aug 28, 2020 at 8:52pm PDT
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                  #SpikeLee speaks on directing #ChadwickBoseman in #Da5Bloods.
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Aug 30, 2020 at 9:11am PDT
  Actors Lance Gross, The Rock, Mahershala Ali, Cynthia Erivo, Janelle Monae & Cory Hardrict paid their respects:
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                  This wasn’t the news any of us wanted to hear today. You’ve moved the world with your gift and presence. Gave a lot of us hope and something more to be proud of. Tonight I pray for your family and loved ones. You will be missed man
A post shared by lancegross (@lancegross) on Aug 28, 2020 at 8:24pm PDT
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                  “Press on with pride. Press on with purpose” - Chadwick Boseman This was hard to hear about. Hard to imagine the quiet pain and struggle you went thru all these years, yet still shined your powerful light and talents to inspire the world. Especially, our kids who finally saw themselves as a superhero — because of you. Rest in power, brother. My love and strength to your family. You will always press on with pride and purpose. @aspictures
A post shared by therock (@therock) on Aug 28, 2020 at 11:39pm PDT
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                  A gentleman that was the kindest superhero I have ever met. Took my hand and walked me down the steps, had a hug every time we met. There was only ever love. A real one. We lost a real one. I’m truly crushed. We lost the Black Panther, the hero that gave our babies a hero to aspire to. Just fucking heartbroken. Dearest Chadwick You will never be forgotten. Rest In Power!! God Rest your soul kind man. Can we please just love on each other now, we are losing each other!!!
A post shared by Cynthia Erivo (@cynthiaerivo) on Aug 28, 2020 at 7:27pm PDT
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                  Peace King... Thank you for your extraordinary work, your exemplary character and leadership. Love you Brother.
A post shared by Mahershala Ali (@mahershalaali) on Aug 28, 2020 at 8:25pm PDT
— Janelle Monáe, Cindi Mayweather (@JanelleMonae) August 29, 2020
LeBron James hit the Wakanda salute during this weekend's playoff games in the bubble:
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A post shared by LeBron James (@kingjames) on Aug 29, 2020 at 10:18pm PDT
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                  Rest In Paradise King ! #TheHellWith2020 #FCancer
A post shared by LeBron James (@kingjames) on Aug 28, 2020 at 8:27pm PDT
  The Obamas, Joe Biden and fellow Howard University alum and VP nominee Kamala Harris all poured out their hearts in shock:
Chadwick came to the White House to work with kids when he was playing Jackie Robinson. You could tell right away that he was blessed. To be young, gifted, and Black; to use that power to give them heroes to look up to; to do it all while in pain – what a use of his years. https://t.co/KazXV1e7l7
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 29, 2020
  Only Chadwick could embody Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall, and T’Challa. He, too, knew what it meant to persevere. To summon real strength. And he belongs right there with them as a hero—for Black kids and for all our kids. There’s no better gift to give our world. pic.twitter.com/t2tjZDMxNT
— Michelle Obama (@MichelleObama) August 29, 2020
  Heartbroken. My friend and fellow Bison Chadwick Boseman was brilliant, kind, learned, and humble. He left too early but his life made a difference. Sending my sincere condolences to his family. pic.twitter.com/C5xGkUi9oZ
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) August 29, 2020
  The true power of @ChadwickBoseman was bigger than anything we saw on screen. From the Black Panther to Jackie Robinson, he inspired generations and showed them they can be anything they want — even super heroes. Jill and I are praying for his loved ones at this difficult time.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 29, 2020
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                  We’ve lost a great one. My heart is truly broken. #ChadwickBoseman
A post shared by Octavia Spencer (@octaviaspencer) on Aug 28, 2020 at 7:13pm PDT
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                  I have to say this because it’s on my heart. We all must do and be better about how we discuss people aesthetically. I remember reading things people were saying about Chadwick’s dramatic weight loss without ever considering his circumstances. Now, my heart is breaking because a young and vital talent has ascended, and I pray he never felt the withering assault of public scrutiny. I pray that his family knows just how beloved he is. That he was always a perfect gentleman with strong convictions. Always gracious. Graceful. Many of us are inconsolable right now; but I’ve put my mother on the case. I’ve prayed and asked her to show him around heaven and to look in on us every once in a while!!
A post shared by Octavia Spencer (@octaviaspencer) on Aug 28, 2020 at 10:22pm PDT
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                  Your Legacy will live on forever, Rest in Paradise King ...
A post shared by Cory Hardrict (@coryhardrict) on Aug 28, 2020 at 11:43pm PDT
  Pics we love from the rest of cast:
Chadwick Boseman presenting Daniel Kaluuya for Get Out winning best feature film at the independent spirit award pic.twitter.com/eOuzmFMc6J
— the famous rick grimes Dianne Wyntet (@ldiannew) March 4, 2018
  This picture of Chadwick Boseman and Michael B Jordan pic.twitter.com/si5PJTuRa9
— Marta (@xdiordepp) August 29, 2020
Even Soccer players paid their respoects during their weekend games:
and he hit them with the Wakanda
RIP @chadwickboseman. pic.twitter.com/vmnJ3X7mDc
— Sporting KC (@SportingKC) August 30, 2020
For you #ChadwickBoseman.
Wakanda Forever. pic.twitter.com/C92bf51QRh
— Major League Soccer (@MLS) August 30, 2020
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang scores, and hits us with Wakanda Forever #RIPChadwickBoseman
(via @FA)pic.twitter.com/oXR1h2N2uV
— Yahoo Soccer (@FCYahoo) August 29, 2020
We love to see it.
  Photo: Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/08/30/chadwickforever-ryan-coogler-the-black-panther-cast-former-co-stars-politicians-more-give
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youngboy-oldmind · 4 years
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“Try to take a walk up in my shoes/A n**** rapping like I really got something to prove, Cause motherf****er, I do/I climb hills, n***** was sleeping, on Nyquil/ Paint a picture vivid, dawg, on everything, my life's real”
Overall Thoughts
Maryland rapper YBN Cordae plants a solid footprint in the rap game on his debut album The Lost Boy: a 45 minute masterpiece filled with excellent storytelling and production combined with a unique style that proves he’s definitely an up and comer to look out for in years to come.
The Lost Boy was my favorite rap/hip-hop release of 2019. Cordae’s first studio album is contender for one of my favorite debut albums ever. In my opinion, related artists’ (Chance the Rapper, Logic, Bas, J Cole, Kendrick, Amine) debut album’s fall to The Lost Boy. And at 21, his debut releases at an age younger than everyone in that group. To have an excellent project at such a young age is another feat on its own.
One commonality I notice with debut albums is that new artists tend to sound like their biggest influencers; the biggest culprit being Logic. But Cordae stands out with his own style that doesn’t sound too similar to any of his numerous influences. His delivery, word choice, and flow (while not always mind blowing), is not a carbon copy of a rapper from the 90s-00s. Here, Cordae’s sound is his own.
His pen game on this project is consistently above average, but rarely mind blowing. Tracks like “We Gone Make It” and “Thousand Words” exhibit his strongest lyricism. However, Cordae’s story telling abilities are consistently powerful. Tracks like “Bad Idea”, “Thanksgiving”, “Nightmares Are Real”, “Family Matters” all have Cordae illustrating his experiences. He emphasizes his perspective as a young man who’s finding himself through all these experiences. Even his most bragging and banger tracks still feature great humility and storytelling elements, the stand out being “Broke as F***”.
The features on The Lost Boy are all top notch. Cordae includes Chance the Rapper, Ty Dollar $ign, Pusha-T, Anderson .Paak, and Meek Mill, all of whom bring elite verses to their features. It’s even better that the guests don’t completely outshine Cordae. Cordae brings enough weight to each song that its not completely engulfed by the feature. Songs like French Montana’s “No Shopping”, Logic’s “Homicide”, Chance’s “Handsome” all suffer from a feature that outclasses the main artist. But Cordae goes toe to toe with each feature.
I should also mention the two skits, “Sweet Lawd” and “Grandma’s House”. Both are pretty good as far as skits go. I can’t help but assume they were influenced by Kanye West’s “I’ll Fly Away” from The College Dropout, both of which sound very reminiscent to. They display Cordae’s singing abilities and soulful sound. And its touching to hear Cordae’s grandmother on the latter track.
Overall, I can’t really find a weak spot on this project. The runtime, theme/tone, uniqueness, production, and lyricism are all excellent. As far as debut albums go, Cordae made has created one of the best I’ve ever heard.
Album Breakdown
The common theme throughout this project is Cordae’s experiences being young and lost in a chaotic world. I love this theme because it doesn’t limit the scope about his topics. He can make fun tracks, political commentary, and emotional deep cuts while staying tonally consistent.
1. Wintertime
"Wintertime” features a smooth, mellow, jazzy beat; The vibe feels like a instrumental off of J Cole’s 4 Your Eyez Only. Cordae introduces himself, compares where he started to where he’s at now, and discusses some everyday plagues that stress him (anxiety, maintaining success, pressure to appear problem-free) while also aiming for the top and hoping nothing he creates fades away. Great intro.
2. Have Mercy
This next track is lyrically nothing deep or profound, just a banger track with a dope instrumental. The echoy, bassy sound that develops on the last leg of the song is especially great. I also found Cordae’s music video technique interesting. He released two videos, Path A and Path B, that illustrate opposite tones. Path A brings more zainy, flamboyant visuals while Path B is much more dark and eerie. I personally think Path A is the more appropriate for the track. Overall, not a bad banger.
3. Sweet Lawd- Skit
This skit features Cordae singing the hook off “Have Mercy” over a church-like piano. As I mentioned early, strongly reminds me of “I’ll Fly Away” off Kanye West’s The College Dropout. Cordae’s voice is soulful and pleasant to listen to as well. The first gospel-esque track.
4. Bad Idea
Chance the Rapper and Cordae team up to create one of the best songs on the album. They both deliver great verses, Chance’s middle verse being the best. Here they talk about the downsides of Home and the impact those experiences had on them. They borrow the beginning chorus lines “It might not be such a bad idea if I never went home again” from Gil Scott-Herman’s “Home is Where the Hatred Is” and heavily styled like Kanye West’s “My Way Home”. Although Cordae is the main singer on the chorus, he layers his voice to make it sound like an ensemble of singers. A great stylistic choice. And the heavy piano X light strings perfectly end the track. Between the strings at the end, the Kanye West sample, and Chance’s (a huge fan, supporter, and protege of Kanye) involvement, I definitely smell influence from West’s sophomore album Late Registration.
5. Thanksgiving
“Thanksgiving”, the first deep cut on the album, has Cordae introducing a girl to his family during Thanksgiving. However, she’s fake and never stays around, making him question their relationship while remaining hopeful they can maintain it. Cordae demonstrates his powerful storytelling abilities. The overall mellow tone in the production allows his lyrics to fit perfectly in the instrumental; it doesn’t outshine but it doesn’t get over shadowed either.
6. RNP
Anderson .Paak has collaborated with Andre 3000, J. Cole, Rhapsody, Kendrick Lamar, BJ The Chicago Kid, Pusha-T, and Q-Tip, so I wasn’t surprised when I saw Cordae would be collaborating with the talented singer. However, I couldn’t prepare for the amazing back-and-forth chemistry between them. You wouldn’t think when listening to them trade bars that they have a 12 year age difference between them. Also fun fact: J. Cole produced the track.
Both these artists are just having fun over a bouncy beat, talking about the “problems” they’ve experienced being rich. Definitely be favorite fun track so far.
7. Broke As F***
This is tied for my favorite track on the album. Cordae’s lyrics aren’t necessarily the most complex and deep, but he brings such a indescribable energy to his storytelling. He basically tells the story from him being a baby, being in high school appreciating hip hop, where he came from, and where he’s going to go. The great thing here is that its not solely bragging about his possessions. Its a commentary on what he’s GAINED. This adds a touch of humility. And at the end, he comments on how he’s lost, still searching, and doesn’t “really have a lot of answers”, tying into the theme of the album. Perfect.
The spacey instrumental on the chorus, the beat drop after the first line of the first verse, and the beat change midway through makes this one of the best instrumentals on the album. And the ending drums transition to the next song perfectly.
8. Thousand Words
“Thousand Words” has some best verses on the album. Here Cordae talks about the toxicity of social media and how people create false perceptions to hide true pain. While already an intriguing topic, Cordae goes a step further by admitting he’s not holier than thou. He admits everyone lowkey wants to be a little famous, and nobody wants to be “nameless”. I love that. It’s easier to say Instagram and Twitter are toxic (Logic on Confessions of a Dangerous Mind). But to admit there is some validity and positivity to social media...very profound for someone so young. My favorite lines are:
“Living in this false reality that's in this picture gallery/ Based on a n***** profile, we guessin' salary/ The lifestyle you advertise was quite strategized/ Make a minimal amount and then we maximize/ These n***** cappin' with lies how they capitalize/ Creating they own perceptions, what a massive facade/ Digital marketing schemes even broader regime/ Live how you want on the internet, who thought of this thing?”
Tumblr media
9. Way Back Home
Ty Dollar $ign stands out on the feature, talking about not letting fame and success pull him from reality. Cordae sings the chorus and most of his verse. Admittedly, I wasn’t a fan of Cordae’s parts; It felt underwhelming. But the instrumental and Ty’s verse carry a significant part of the song. I especially loved the high pitched melodic voice that pops in the beat throughout the song. I also love the sci-fi, techy “WORP” effect throughout the instrumental. But ultimately, this felt more like Ty’s song than Cordae’s.
10. Grandma’s House- Skit
Between “Grandma’s House” and “Sweet Lawd”, I prefer this skit. The harmonious vocals that echo Cordae’s grandma’s vocals give off an amazing gospel vibe. The simplistic yet soulful and intimate aura of this skit makes it one of my favorite interlude-skits off any rap album.
11. Been Around
Another mellow song on the project, “Been Around” has Cordae talking about the development of his career and how he’s going to keep moving forward and not let doubters or bad situations slow him down. I like the chorus more than the verses, but overall its not a bad track. It maintains the tone of the album and flexes Cordae’s pen game a little.
12. Nightmares Are Real
This was the most intriguing collaboration on the album. Pusha-T and Cordae have very different sounds and styles; Pusha-T brings much more aggressiveness whereas Cordae is softer. Cordae’s hardest verses don’t compare to Pusha-T’s baseline intensity. Although they don’t demonstrate strong chemistry, they both bring solid verses. Both tell stories of how they started in the rap game, however, Pusha-T’s wordplay and lyricism is a step above Cordae’s. He talks about dealing with selling crack while developing his skills in rapping. Particular set of lines had me shook.
“Asterisk, skipped school, recorded with The Neptunes/ We was makin' high school classics/ Before I took a kilo and I wrapped it, I rapped it/ Around the funeral with the casket/ Coke avalanche, like a landslide/ Only grew my hair this long because my man died/”
I don’t wanna go too far into explaining these lyrics cus genius will do better job. But Pusha-T brings fire to this track. The tone of the instrumental matches Pusha-T’s intensity as well. As solid of a collaboration this is, its not in my top 3 collabs. That goes to show how amazing this project is.
13. Family Matters
"Family Matters” is tied with “Broke as F***” for my favorite song on The Lost Boy. Cordae talks about the stress of witnessing family traumas and difficulties while experiencing his own success. He expresses feelings of guilt and selfishness when his family hides things from him so he can focus on achieving his goals. He talks about abandonment from baby daddies, aunt’s raising kids that aren’t theirs, a cousin in an abusive relationship, a cousin addicted to xanax, and another aunt who’s a prostitute. All of this is happening while he’s worried about “plays and streams”. It’s an interesting sentiment. Is it selfish to focus on yourself when your family has a load of obstacles and difficulties? Every time he succeeds he has to look back at where he came from and be reminded his family does not share his accomplishments. Nearly brought me to tears when I first heard it.
As I already stated, lyrically this is one of Cordae’s top songs. Arin Ray brings a choir on the chorus that sounds amazing, adding to the gospel sound sprinkled throughout the album. And the light violin strings at the end encapsulate the emotional turmoil Cordae expresses.
14. We Gone Make It
Another top track, “We Gone Make It”, features a collab with Meek Mill to make political/social commentary on todays world and encourage others to keep pushing to succeed. Unlike the other three collaborations “Bad Idea”, “Way Back Home”, and “Nightmares are Real”, Meek Mill’s verses are actually equal with Cordae. Although I’m not a huge fan of Mill, he brings in a succinct, powerful 12 bars and a hook so dope he, as Cordae puts it, had to “sing it twice”. Also fun fact: Cordae used a modified version of the first verse on H.E.R’s “Lord is Coming (Remix)”.
Instrumentally, the beat accompanies the message without overshadowing it. The piano melody and vocal chops throughout mix well with the verses. I personally love the piano keys in the final minute. It adds an aura of delicacy to a song with such an intense message.
15. Lost & Found
In the perfect closing track “Lost & Found”, Cordae displays pride, stating “I was lost boy, now I’m found”. Over a bumpy, bassy beat with epic trumpet harmonies, he comments on everything throughout the project. However, now he has assurance he’s not lost nor insecure from his experiences. And he knows things are going up from here. Like the rest of the album, he’s lyrically above average, reflecting on his life while introducing a fun, braggadocios vibe. Kinda like a “the balls in your court” to the rest of the rap game. Loved it.
Final Thoughts
I look forward to Cordae’s next album. This was a near perfect debut solo album. At 21 years old, Cordae displays strong lyricism and production skills. His ability to story-tell and introspect indicate incredible feats in career. The lowest parts of this project are still amazing, and the high points put this project as my favorite of the year. I don’t know how else to say it. The rap game better watch out for this Maryland born “Lost Boy”. If The Lost Boy indicates the trajectory of his future, Cordae will have the crown in no time.
Top 3 Tracks:
1) Family Matters
2) Broke As F***
3) Bad Idea
Overall Grade: A+
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mearcatsreturns · 4 years
Self Rec Game
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) & link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want so we can spread the love & link each other to awesome works!
I was tagged by the lovely @extasiswings!
I felt like I was in a slump wrt writing for a lot of 2019. That said, I did some stuff I’m really proud of, and I started making gifs too! Without further ado:
1. Luka’s “Nice...wtf” edit I did. I honestly don’t remember if I made it in 2019 due to losing my original blog, but I’m pretty sure. And I always love it and am proud of how thoroughly I mocked my idiot darlings.
2. Hope for Dummies. This is quite possibly my favorite thing I’ve ever written. It was originally intended to be a one-shot, but I realized how intensely one small change could affect Luka and Abby in late season 9-season 10. It’s emotional and fluffy as hell.
3. We Part Only to Meet Again, co-written with @somekindofflowergirl. It started, as our separate fics often do, with an idea that one of us has and that we bounce back and forth until we don’t remember who started it. We had the thought “how did ER never go for marriage of convenience/getting married for immigration purposes” when it was. RIGHT. THERE. I was going to write it, but I really wanted to read it instead. So I asked if she wanted to work on it together so we’d both get our ideas in but there would be awesome new material for us that we didn’t make ourselves. It’s still a WIP, but it’s at a good place and we do intend to finish it.
4. Listen, I don’t take myself very seriously, and that shows nowhere more strongly than my thick/thicc gifs I made for Luka. I have no explanations and I’m not sorry.
5. thou, sun, art half as happy as we. It’s a slight fix-it/episode addition for Abby and Luka in 13.07, because they clearly had conversations and tender moments we didn’t see. It started with something that irritated me and ended with them in each other’s arms, as it should be.
Tagging @frankiebleu @ununpredictableme @squidproquoclarice @docjen and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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wearesorcerer · 4 years
How about a Rakshasa/Serpentine crossblooded analysis?
Oh sweet child follower Tumblrista asking-person: wouldst thou like to live deliciously furrily squamously hybridly?
I really should not be amazed at how well these two bloodlines synergize, as D&D!Rakshasa and Yuan-Ti (etc.) are so similar as to be nearly the same. Since they are, I’m going to try to keep this short.
Class Skills: Diplomacy and Disguise. Many of your spells will make maxing these out these less important, but it’s still good to have ranks in them them. Even polymorph effects will make you roll Disguise checks, after all.
Bonus Feats:  Both bloodlines give you Deceitful (+2/+4 Bluff and Disguise) and Stealth (Escape Artist and Stealth), while Serpentine also gives you Deft Hands (Disable Device and Sleight of Hand), Persuasive (Diplomacy and Intimidate), and Skill Focus (Bluff), which should tell you pretty much everything you need to know about these bloodlines. (It’s odd that neither gives Skill Focus in its bonus class skill.) Serpentine’s other feats want you to be an Arcane Trickster, while Rakshasa’s want you to be an Eldritch Knight; since there’s no real way to advance Crossblooded either way (to my knowledge), I wouldn’t bother, though if you choose one or the other, they’re not bad choices. Rakshasa is a bit bizarre for going Eldritch Knight with a scoundrel-type, but I’ve seen weirder.
Bonus Spells:  3rd - charm person/hypnotism, 5th - invisibility/delay poison, 7th - suggestion/summon monster III (reptiles only), 9th - detect scrying/poison, 11th - prying eyes/hold monster, 13th - mass suggestion (both), 15th - greater polymorph/summon monster VII (reptiles only), 17th - mind blank/irresistible dance, 19th - dominate monster (both).
I’d focus more on Rakshasa in this case: either, invisibility, suggestion, either, either but leaning towards prying eyes, duh, greater polymorph, mind blank, and duh.
Delay poison is only useful until someone gets neutralize poison and is, in my opinion, a stupid spell to have in the first place (but that’s a digression). If you wanted it, you wouldn’t want it as a bonus spell.
You get all summon monster spells on your normal spell list; you don’t need to limit yourself mechanically, though you can still choose to do so when roleplaying. Both suggestion and greater polymorph are far more useful anyway.
Because of your Arcana, you don’t really need any verb monster spells.
Mind blank pretty much shuts down Divination (not to the same extent as true seeing does to Illusion). Irresistible dance is basically the stunned condition (the biggest exceptions are that the target auto-fails Reflex saves [why don’t they with stunned?] and provokes Attacks of Opportunity). It’s a fun spell, but shouldn’t be 8th-level.
Arcana:  Rakshasa’s arcana is basically Spell Thematics (either version) but using the PF Trapfinding mechanics (and the two boni stack!), while Serpentine’s lets you skip on the -monster upgrades to spells (because the other types are either much more difficult or outright impossible without a feat to affect anyway) and not have to learn too many exotic languages. Together, you can pretend to be a Druid (well, an arcane one; maybe there’s another feat to disguise casting type…), which goes with the themes.
Bloodline Powers:
1st - Silver Tongue or Serpent’s Fang: defeating truth-forcing spells could be quite helpful to you (and I doubt you’ll need 3 + Cha/day uses of it), but the bite attack’s poison deals Con damage (!!!), you get upgrades later, and you can use it in other forms. Either.
3rd - Mind Reader (detect thoughts compressed into and lasting a single round, up to 5/day at 20th) or Serpentfriend (viper familiar @ Sor level -2 and speak with animals [reptilian creatures only] at will).Don’t get me wrong, having a very quick-acting detect thoughts before you can cast 2nd-level spells is nice, but there are other ways of getting that and you’ll want more uses. Meanwhile, speak with animals has a gajillion uses and there aren’t very many places in the world which aren’t home to reptiles. AND THEN you get a familiar.Seriously, take Serpentfriend.
9th - Constant nondetection or scaling scales. Unless you find another method of getting it, take constant nondetection.
15th - Alter self at-will or creeping doom 1/day but you summon snakes with Con-damaging poison and which entangle anyone but you in the same square.The main reason you might not want alter self is that if you take the Serpentine capstone, you get it at-will (but only into reptilian humanoid forms). If you didn’t take Serpent’s Fang, though, this gives you a similar poison – it’s 1d4 Con damage per round for six rounds (unless the opponent succeeds at a Fort save against one of your 7th-level spells), so it could be tempting.
20th - This one’s a bit iffy.
Outsider: you become a Rakshasa. You don’t change your racial stats, but you turn into a furry (which is fluff, pun intended), change types to Native Outsider (there’s some benefits here, but not many at this level), and gain DR 10/piercing (that’s too easy to overcome). Meh.
Scaled Soul: This is full of pluses and minuses.
Serpent’s Fang becomes at-will and you can choose what ability score you target. Noice!
Alter self at-will into reptilian humanoid forms. If you took alter self at-will, this isn’t worthwhile, and it’s probably not even if you didn’t due to how limited that is. (Canon PF: Kobold, Lizardfolk, Nagaji, and Troglodyte. d20pfsrd’s Monster Database also lists something called a Chike, whatever that is; it’s Large, NE, and doesn’t show up on a site search.)
Beast shape III into any snake form from Dimunitive to Huge. Great for the same reasons that wild shape is great, but at-will makes it soooo much better.
While so shapeshifted, you can still speak (better than Natural Spell) and use somatic components (worse: it says nothing about material components or foci).
Immunity to paralysis and poison. Okay.
Shapechanger subtype. This game is full of spells and effects that deal extra damage to shapechangers and force them out of their shapeshifted forms into their natural ones. THAT’S A MAJOR LIABILITY.
So the question is going for a kinda meh capstone (Rakshasa) or going for one that’s pretty awesome but has a significant drawback (Serpentine)?
You could take the alternative capstone feature, which would grant you a third Arcana and the first three bloodline powers. That could be quite interesting depending on your choice.
If you find a prestige class that suits you, dropping the last five levels of Sorcerer will only lower your Rakshasa Arcana by +3 (+1 at 16th, 18th, and 20th class levels) and would skip the capstone issue. (There are feats to get the bonus spells known, hence why I’m not treating it like quite as bad a problem.) That’s enough time to take something like Archmage, which admittedly is 3.5 only, but is phenomenal. Maybe not genie-phenomenal, but close enough.
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73 Questions
I mas tagged by: @mrs-machinegun-norris about two centuries ago sorry
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
• 5
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
• #sadbicht
• Cause I'm a bad bicht you can't kill me, only I do that
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
• Aaron Taylor-Johnson
• Colson Backer
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
• The crazy bisexual is on the loose
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
• That I cant handle silence
What’s your wake up ritual?
• All my cats and family yells at me till I roll of take my meds and stare at the wall till I'm late
What’s your go to bed ritual?
• Make sure I cleaned the litter box and that my cats have food and water then is up to bed and reading anything and everything till I fall a sleep
What’s your favourite time of day?
• Night time (I get the zoomies), or when I'm home alone
Your go to for having a good laugh?
• I really like comedy and some that make me laugh even when I watched 1000 times: John Mulaney, Daniel Sloss, Russel Howard and Sarah Millican
Dream country to visit?
• As many as I can! I have an extensive list
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
• Last semester 3 professors at university were really supportive and understanding and I didnt expect them to be so kind or belive in me that much.
Heels or flats/sneakers?
• Sneakers everywhere all the time for any given reason
Vintage or new?
• Vintage bits and pisses of different eras but late 80s early 90s give me live
• And I'm obsessed with 70s buildings dont know why
Who do you want to write your obituary?
• An creative stranger - go nuts dude freak people out
Style icon?
• dont have one I guess
What are three things you can’t live without?
• My cats
• My phone
• My guitar
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
• I'm crazy about mustard
• My dad always says anything salivary can be better with cheese and anything sweet be better with chocolate - not that far from the truth
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
• Elvis Presley
• Jane Fonda
• Janis Joplin
What’s your biggest fear in life?
• Failure
• The dark
Window or aisle seat?
• Window: you can look at the view, it's better for sleeping and during the day sunlight for reading
What’s your current TV obsession?
• A have many, it's a problem, but right now mind hunter
Favourite app?
• Instagram and tumblr
Secret talent?
• I like to lie to myself and say acting but maybe just weirdly good at pretending to be good at things (ain't that the joke huh)
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
• I would say it was dumb, stupid and streamly dangerous but when I was 16 a friend and I went to some guys house in a very weird neighborhood and lied to our parents about it and only 1 other friend new (also our taxi couldn't find the house). We meet those two guys at a friends party and they said that they were throwing one and that we should go, and our dumb selfdestruting alcohol hunting minds though, why not. It was not a party. It was just a hang out with us and one other guy and to this day I dont know how we left at 7am (the only way to get out of there was the first bus because uber wasn't a thing yet and me and my friend were to scared of what kind taxi driver we would find) unharmed and not sexually harassed, given that one of the dudes that our friends new more hated me for a few months for not putting out for him, cause you know, men.
• I'm absolutely sure they wanted a sex party that didnt happen. But I did show my unasked skills of knowing every single black veil brides lyrics.
How would you define yourself in three words?
• Anxious
• Laud
• Loyal
Favourite piece of clothing you own?
• The stolen 80s tshirts from my dad
• High waisted shorts
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
• A comfortable pair of jean shorts that you feel pretty in
Superpower you would want?
• To stop time
• I get to anxious trying to time manage and it just snowballs from there. And sleeping in without being always late.
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
• Machine Gun Kelly (I stared listening to his stuff a few months ago)
• But always and forever is the passion that moves people
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
• Be/do to other people what you wanted to be done for you
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
• It's not just on your head it's a real thing, you're lot alone, and it ok to need help.
A book that everyone should read?
• Harry Potter: that even thou I have read multiple times it still is amazing and full of symbolism that people brush through some times.
• Women who run with the wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
• My older sister made me start this book and its absolutely live changing and I belive should be obligatory to all women in this world. This book is a live long work by this psychologist and through miths, legends, folk tales and stories she puts together what she calls the wild women archetype and what is the feminine instinct is and how those tales teach us about it and how to have a healthy relationship with her.
What would you like to be remembered for?
• For being kind
How do you define beauty?
• It's an powerfull force within
What do you ~love most~ only love about your body?
• The shape of my eyes
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
• Listening to music and dancing around
Favourite place to view art?
• I dont understand sorry
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
• Static supernova
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
• Guitar and piano cant choose only one
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
• My planned ones:
• Orca
• Felix felicis
• Tree
• Mother earth
• Penicillin allergy (I dont trust nobody)
Dolphins or koalas?
• Dolphins
• Did you y'all know that orcas not only aren't whales but belong on the same family as dolphins?
What’s your spirit animal?
• Orca
Best gift you’ve ever received?
• My cats (even thou there are rescues they're my little special gifts from nature)
Best gift you’ve ever given?
• On my best friend wedding my friend and I gave a performance as siluetes (it was private beach and all the light were off and we had the car headlights behind us) I played the song you are in love by taylor swift while she did an beautiful performance on silks the song represented their relationship and how she shared it if us in a very sacred way and the silks was a representation of her herself and how the 3 of us saw in the last few years her transformation from a very broken person to the women she was born to be.
• Yes we were crying the hole time but was the most genuine and beautiful think I ever done so yeah
What’s your favourite board game?
• Dix it, its awesome go play it pls
What’s your favourite colour?
• Petrol blue
Least favourite colour?
• The color of lentil soup my mom makes it looks like a baby have serious digestive problems
Diamonds or pearls?
• Diamonds of the symbolic value of "the pressure that could've break us made us into diamonds insted"
Drugstore makeup or designer?
• Drugstore makeup, the one I know that are real brands hauahauahs
Blow-dry or air-dry?
• Air-dry
Pilates or yoga?
• Pilates even thou I must prefer sports mostly
Coffee or tea?
• My blood is coffee at this point
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
• Wolrd, because English is not my first language and specially in an American accent the pronunciation of wolrd if simply the worst and is absolutely obnoxious and unsettling.
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
• Dark
• But my absolut favored is a 70% cacao white chocolate. It's incredible but I only got to buy it twice :(
Stairs or elevator?
• Stairs, I also love to sit on them
Summer or winter?
• Winter. I only like heat if I'm inside very cold water
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
• If nutrition value doesn't matter, ice cream
A desert you don’t like?
• Orange cake. Bad memories and I vomit every time I try to eat it.
A skill you’re working on mastering?
• Singing and playing the guitar
Best thing to happen to you today?
• I think I made a online friend :D
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
• That I'm kind
Favourite smell?
• Buttering sugar
Hugs or kisses?
• Hugs i Iike to be permanently attached to some people at times
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
• Domestic violence
• Parenting
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
• Today I was trying to play this song called Ronan and cryed my eyes out like all the other times I tried before It's a song of child cancer in the mother's perspective
Lipstick or lip gloss?
• Lipstick
• I'm a red matte lip stan
Sweet or savoury?
• Sweet
Girl crush?
• Billie Elish
How you know you’re in love?
• The only time I think I've been in love I only realised it because they left and I didnt understand why i was severely hurt by it and changed the way I created all relationships after that. And then it hit me
• So pain and heartache.... yeah that's depressing as shit
Song you can listen to on repeat?
• When the sun goes down - Arctic Monkeys
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
• My own self but not a anxious depressed mess just to feel what it's like
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
• That I dont need to make decisions
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itsallavengers · 6 years
“Liar, Liar, Pants on-”  “Oh shut up, Harley.”
Tony bit his nails as he dialled, and then when he put the phone up to his ear a second later, he briefly wondered to himself why this was the level he’d somehow managed to stoop to.
Oh yeah. It was because he was a panic-ridden infatuated idiot who didn’t know when it was time to stop running his mouth.
God, how he wished he could just dial back the clock and erase the morning from existence. Well- maybe not the part where he’d bumped into Steve in the corridor and got to meet his amazing son for the first time- just the part where he’d decided to go and make up the most bald-faced lie in the history of bald-faced lies just so that he would have something to talk to Steve about.
It was because of the stupid ‘take your child to work week’ thing. Why had he decided to give that the go-ahead again? It was stupid, the workplace was for adults, not... not-adults. God, why couldn’t he have just made it a 24-hour thing like every other company did- he wouldn’t be in the Goddamned mess if it had only been one day.
The phone beeped five times before going to voicemail, and Tony groaned. Yes, he could just try again in a few hours, but still. He wanted a solution now, or he was going to have to move out of the country and never be seen again.
Stupid Steve. Stupid Steve who had just started working in advertising a few weeks ago and who Tony had been absolutely smitten with since the first glance. Stupid Steve who turned Tony into some bumbling fool whenever he walked into a room. Stupid Steve with his even more stupid son who was absolutely adorable and not at all stupid and who Tony had already fallen in love with because he was the stupidest of them all.
Man, that was a lot of stupid’s. He needed to calm down. Relax. It was all going to work itself out.
And it wasn’t like this was going to risk anything- he and Steve barely even spoke. Tony was the boss and Steve was just some employee that he’d had a grand total of four conversations with (five, if he counted the time one week six days and about thirty minutes ago when he’d bumped into Steve in the corridor and then they’d both apologized to one another). They weren’t friends or anything. He was just being ridiculous. 
God, he really hoped he hadn’t blown it. 
Luckily, not a moment after that quiet little plead with the universe, his phone rang. Thanking his lucky stars and sighing in relief, he jerked forward and picked it up off the desk, hurriedly ramming it up to his ear.
“I’m sat hiding in a dirty school toilet cubicle for this, so it better be good,” Harley hissed down the line at him, before adding “and if it’s some new invention of yours, I want at least 10% of your earnings for my contribution.”
“What? No.” Tony squinted and ran a hand over his face, “A) skipping class to answer a phone call does not justify 10% cut of the profit, and B) it’s not even an invention.”
“Then what is it?”
“Uh, well basically you’re my son now.”
There was a short silence. Then a sigh. “I mean, I’m game, but why?”
Tony rubbed his hand over his forehead again. God, this was a mess. “Because I accidentally told someone I had a son in order to make them think I was a mature and vaguely competent adult and also like me more, except he said he’d love to meet him and he was all smiley and looked so happy about it and so I was like ‘yeah, sure, I might bring him into work tomorrow seeing as it’s Take Your Child To Work week for some stupid reason’ and then he just nodded and arranged to meet me at lunch, and it was the first time we’d ever actually arranged to officially meet up anywhere and so I jumped on that chance because I temporarily sort of forgot I don’t actually have a son-” Tony took in a deep breath and finally paused, resisting the urge to just plant his face into the pile of paperwork and hit his head against it until he ended up in some sort of coma. It would be better than having to deal with the consequences of this.
Harley didn’t speak for a while, obviously trying to work through the vast array of garbage that Tony had just handed him. “I’m twelve,” he said in the end.
“Yeah, so?”
“Shouldn’t you be teaching me not to lie, and to definitely not try and overcome the lie by just piling on even more lies onto the original lie-”
“Well I’m not an actual parent, am I, dumbass,” Tony said snappily, “and if I want to lie about my fictional son in order to score a date with the hot guy in IT then I damn well will.”
There was a long silence, and then a dramatic sigh. “I’m not sure I can condone this on morality grounds-”
“I’ll give you fifty bucks.”
“Sure okay, what do I have to do?”
Tony swivelled on his chair, looking out of the huge glass windows and sighing. “I don’t know- pretend your last name is Stark, that I’ve been carefully shielding you from the limelight for years but you’re still an amazingly developed kid who is a true representation of me and a shining example of how much of a mature adult I am?”
“Uh, sure, I can do that. Harley Stark, yeah? My mom can be estranged and I’ve been secretly trying to find her my whole life, but just never told you because I fear what it would do to the family dynamic if I introduce my mysterious and slightly unstable mother into the picture,” Harley reeled off immediately, jumping into the adventure with his usual blind enthusiasm, “oh, and I’m part robot because of a laboratory accident-”
“Yeah, sounds great,” Tony told him absently, “I’ll pick you up at eight tomorrow. Don’t talk about the robot part to him though, people generally don’t respond well to being told a child is part-cyborg.”
“See you tomorrow, kid!” Tony ended the call quickly before the menace could say anything more, and then flopped back onto the chair tiredly.
His mind wandered back to Steve- the soft smile he’d been wearing as he introduced Tony to his son, quickly turning to mild horror when said son had shaken Tony’s hand and then blurted ‘you must be frickin’ loaded’. The little squeal that had fallen from Steve’s mouth in that moment was something Tony wanted to remember for ever and ever.
Of course, he’d just laughed- he liked people with character, and it certainly seemed Peter was bursting full of it. And it had resulted in a truly adorable blush spreading across Steve’s cheeks, so there really was nothing to be offended over. The man had shoulders sculpted like a Greek God’s, and yet he was softer than a damned teddy-bear. Tony just wanted to...
Well. There were a lot of things he wanted to do. Most of them weren’t very tasteful.
He sighed for the millionth time, wondering how on earth he was going to swing this. What if Steve wanted to meet for a second date? A third? What if Steve wanted to be in a relationship with him? God, Tony had wished for this for so long; he’d spent more time down in advertising in the weeks of Steve’s employment than he probably had in his entire career. He’d showered every damned day, just in case they bumped into eachother- even when he’d been spending hours and hours in his workshop and he’d been exhausted, he’d still gone and cleaned himself up, just on the off-chance that Steve would spot him. But now he’d gone and ruined everything by telling a stupid stupid lie about a non-existent child. Wow. Responsible adult his ass- when Steve found out about it, what the hell was he going to think? 
And this is why thou shalt not fucking lie, he thought miserably as he let his head fall once again into his hands.
“Who are you?”
“Harley Stark.”
“Where have you been for the past twelve years?”
“Living with relatives somewhere far away from the limelight, but it’s okay, because you visit me every weekend and you’re super involved in my life.”
“And why is it important that you do not fail me today?”
“Because I’ll lose fifty bucks, and I can buy a shit-ton of candy with fifty bucks.”
“What?” Tony looked at him incredulously as he swung his legs on the desk in his office and looked utterly unbothered, before just huffing and waving a hand. “Alright, fine, okay, that’s your incentive. Just remember that, okay? All that candy is at stake here, you don’t want to fuck up. Also , that reminds me- quit the potty mouth for an hour, okay?”
“What?! You seriously think I can go an hour without saying fuck?”
“Steve’s kid isn’t allowed to swear, and so neither are you. It’s called good parenting.”
Harley rolled his eyes, muttering some unsavoury things under his breath. Tony let him get it out of his system, waiting patiently until Harley huffed in annoyance and then tilted his chin back to Tony. “Fine. But I want an extra ten bucks for psychological damages.”
“Oh, so holding back on foul words that children your age shouldn’t even know is now called psychological damage, is it?” Tony asked with a raised eyebrow. When Harley just nodded solemnly, Tony inwardly asked himself why he’d ever thought this was a good idea. Harley was probably going to have bled him dry by the end of the goddamned hour. “When I was your age, I had to call my father sir. And if I swore like you did he’d have probably disowned me-”
“Do I get the ten bucks or not?”
“You’re going to bankrupt me, boy.”
“I’m sure you’ll survive, what with owning like, a quarter of America’s wealth and all.”
Tony rolled his eyes, before shuffling around in his pocket and then slamming another bill on the table. “Fine. But you better act your little ass off, let me tell you-”
“Yeah yeah yeah,” Harley waved a hand and hopped off the table, checking his watch, “let’s go, he’s gonna be there soon. Hey- can I quit school and take up a permanent position as the actor who plays your son for the sake of the single dad you’re so desperate to impress?”
“Okay A) I’m not desperate, shut the hell up- and B) What would your mom say to me just stealing you away like that, huh?”
“Thank you, probably,” Harley shrugged, looking down at his shoelaces for a moment as they both wandered down the hall. Tony looked at him with a grimace for a moment, before snaking a hand around his shoulder and drawing him in tight. 
“Well, her loss,” he declared, “you will undoubtedly become a famous actor after this performance today, and then she’ll be wishing she could live the luxury life with you and your eighteen dogs.”
Harley considered this for a moment, before grinning. “17. I want a cat too.”
Tony just rolled his eyes again. “You pull this off, and I’ll buy as many fucking cats as you want, kid.”
He saw Steve, sat with his son in the canteen and smiling down at the kid fondly as he ruffled the little guy’s hair- and suddenly all his bravery deserted him.
“This is a terrible idea,” Tony blurted, hand reaching for Harley’s shoulder and halting them both, “I can’t... he’ll be able to tell I’m not- he’s a goddamned single amazing parent doing all this on his own and I’m just... I can’t fucking do this, God, what was I thinking-”
“Hey, look, we’re here now!” Harley hissed at him, grabbing his hand and squeezing, “don’t pussy out Tony, you’ve already fucked up, so you gotta just keep lying until you come out the other side now-”
“That’s not- that’s not how this works, okay, adults don’t do tha-”
“Tony!” A voice called out across the canteen and Tony’s head whipped up, fingers clutching tight to Harley’s shoulder in mild panic. 
Right. So that was Steve, waving over to him across the room. Wow, that was a... that was a big ol’ smile there. God, Tony wanted to kiss him so bad. And there- there was Peter too, waving next to his father and beaming. They looked adorable together. Holy mother of God, Tony was out of his depth here, what the damn hell was he playing at? Pretending to be anything like the sort of man Steve Rogers was, Good Lord, he was an absolute pathetic idiot-
“Hey, look, it’s Steve!” Harley jumped up and down by Tony’s side and waved, tugging Tony forward with a happy smile on his face. When he turned back to Tony for a second, his face scrunched up and he jerked his head back to Steve. “Come on man!” He whispered, “he’s seen you now, you can’t back out.”
Fuck, the kid was right. With a quick blink and an internal smack over the head, he looked to Steve and then smiled weakly. The man was in a suit- not even an expensive suit, at that- and yet he still looked so damned perfect. Neatly styled hair, sleeves rolled up his forearms- dammit, the man had glasses, and glasses were not hot, they weren’t, and yet... 
Tony had never wanted to mess someone up so badly in his entire life. It was quite frankly ridiculous, how soft he was over one stupid guy from advertising. 
He let himself be pulled forward by Harley’s hand, until his shins hit the chair and suddenly he was right in front of Steve and Peter, both of them looking up at him with identical soft little smiles on their faces. 
“Hey,” he waved an awkward hand and then sat jerkily on the chair, “uh- this is my son, Harley.”
Fluidly, Harley leaned forward and stuck out a hand. “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard all about you, Mr Rogers.”
Harley held back the wince as Tony spluttered and then quickly stepped on his foot. However, it did prompt a rather delicious blush from Steve, so it wasn’t entirely terrible. “He means I’ve- I’ve, uh...” 
unable to formulate a proper excuse, Tony just huffed, tapping Harley lightly over the back of the head, “okay, busted, yeah, I may have talked about you occasionally-”
“Three times over the course of last night,” Harely butted in with a smile, and yeah, choosing him had most definitely been a terrible idea, he should’ve just hired some child actor or something, that would’ve been far less hassle.
Steve just laughed, though. Tony felt himself react spontaneously to that sound, heartbeat flittering and fluttering in response like some lovestruck teenager upon spotting their crush in the hallways. He figured right about now would be when the narration came in and the cameras panned in on Steve Rogers and his perfect face-
“It’s great meeting you, Harley,” Steve leaned over and extended a hand, shaking Harley’s warmly, “Tony had a lot of great things to say about you earlier.”
“He did, did he?” Harley turned and looked up at him smugly, and Tony held back on the urge to call him something unsavoury. He was supposed to be a good parent. He bet Steve never swore at Peter.
“Apparently you’re top of the class in math and science?” Steve parroted Tony’s words from before, which was... surprising, really, he hadn’t expected Steve to actually take it all in, “and already involved in the Stark Internship program? That’s really impressive.”
“Well,” Harley shrugged, rubbing his neck a little sheepishly, “I mean, I guess I’m just-”
“Don’t be silly, you’re not ‘just’ anything,” Steve waved a hand and rolled his eyes, leaning back on his his chair, “I have to tell Peter that all the time. Too modest, both of you. Peter can do all the sciencey stuff too, can’t you buddy?”
Peter looked up at his dad and grinned nervously. “I mean, I guess so.”
“Yeah, definitely too modest,” Tony sat gingerly on the chair and winked over at Peter, “your dad’s told me all about you as well, you know. All those ideas and designs you got in that head of yours? I could make an inventor out of you in a few years, I bet.”
Steve nudged Peter at that and wiggled his eyebrows, before pushing his glasses back up his nose a moment later. Tony just tried not to swoon.  Good God, since when had he found good parenting to be so fucking attractive?
“Harley,” he didn’t take his eyes off Steve as he poked his ‘son’ in the shoulder, “why don’t you give Peter the tour, huh? You know the way ‘round, and I bet he’d love to see everything.”
Steve turned back to him and noticed him staring, and Tony watched a little pink blush bloom across his cheeks again as he glanced down at the table and then obviously attempted to bite down on a bashful smile. 
Oh, Tony was so totally going to hit that.
In the corner of his eye, he was aware of Harley staring at him, almost certainly using the power of telepathy to try and ask Tony what the fuck he was doing, pairing him off with an 11-year-old he’d never even met before. He just glanced over for half a second, trying to convey the sentence ‘there’s an extra hundred bucks in it if you do this for me’ with only his eyes. 
Whatever face he pulled, it seemed to end up doing the trick, because Harley’s face suddenly relaxed, and he nodded happily. “Sure, I can do that!” He agreed, and Tony knew he was faking, because it was incredibly rare that much enthusiasm ever filtered into that boy’s voice. He’d been less emotive when Tony had agreed to let him into his workshop for the first time. “Come on, Peter. I know the coolest places in here!”
The little rascal grabbed Peter by the hand, beaming at him widely as he began to tug them both off. Peter seemed surprised for a second, and he looked back to his dad in confusion, but Steve’s face was soft and he just made a gesture for his son to go and have some fun. Tony watched his hands intently, because... well, they were very nice hands. Long. Elegant. Angular, like an artist’s. He really couldn’t be blamed for appreciating them. They belonged in a gallery- not that he liked the thought of just having Steve’s severed hands on display, oh God, how had his brain managed to fall down into that spiral-
“Tony?” Steve asked, leaning forward a little, and Tony’s eyes snapped back up to meet him. He swallowed down the small urge to whine at the way Steve’s fingertips were brushing his forearm to get his attention, and instead chose to smile.
“Yes, hello, back on Earth,” Tony said, zoning back in, “sorry I just-” he tapped his forehead and then laughed nervously, “it’s a big place up there. Get lost sometimes.”
Steve pushed his stupid glasses up the bridge of his nose and smiled. His fingers still rested, feather-light against Tony’s forearm. Those three points of contact felt impossibly warm. “I can imagine,” he murmured with fondness in his voice, “probably lost enough, in fact, that you forget to eat now and then, hmm? Don’t even try to deny it, Mr. Stark,” he chuckled and shook his head before Tony could even begin, “I’ve seen Miss Potts berating you for it more times than I can count. You stay here for a second, alright?”
Steve stood smoothly, and Tony watched him. “Where are you going?”
“To get you a sandwich,” Steve glanced over to the vending machine and then frowned, “and a kit-kat. That’s... that is your favourite snack from those things, right?”
Tony just blinked, watching Steve’s cheeks begin to go that adorable red shade again. “Do you watch me at vending machines, Rogers?”
“Well- I mean, I have happened to see you at vending machines, yes, but it’s not like... I’m just observant, that’s all.”
Tony smiled, shuffling in his pocket until pulling out some dollar bills. “Alright then, Mr. Observant- if they do the cookie kitkats down here, I’ll have one of those, thanks.”
But rather than take the money, Steve just pushed his hand away gently, and then... then he winked. “My treat. Don’t worry. I’ll just be a minute.”
Then he was gone. Gone like... like a perfect single-father working an Advertising job and offering to pay for kitkats for the richest man in America. And who was so gorgeous that Tony wanted to dip him in chocolate and lick every square inch off his body.
And who was under the impression that they were about to bond over their sons. Which Tony did not have.
He sighed and let his head fall against the table, groaning quietly. 
He was so monumentally screwed.
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