#still have fond memories with them tho
lilac-cat-draws · 2 years
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Well, well, well, if it isn’t my old obsessions...
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @jann-the-bean!!!!!
you know i had to draw this lil precious baby again because my GOSH-!!! too adorable<333 (i believe she is capable of murder with how full of rage she is tho- gremlin behavior<;3333)
there's only so many ways i can say how much i adore your art and writings before i become a broken record because SERIOUSLY!!!! you are my biggest inspiration when it comes to writing and i swear if i hear you saying ANYTHING otherwise i'm breaking into your house no matter how far away you are cause i'm not tolerating such lies!!!! you are an AMAZING bean and i would hug you to death if i could >:'Dc <333
mocha belongs to jann
mobster au is both by @help-im-a-gay-fish and jann
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stephantom · 8 months
old friends from my adolescence whom I’ve barely spoken to in 10 years, my beloved
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maverickflare · 2 years
huh. 2012 tmnt was really really bad actually.
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seosracha · 4 months
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OUR SUMMER- jake sim x reader
SYNOPSIS- after 4 long years, this was the end. This was the last summer before everyone went off to university , and to fully honor it, you all decide to make a bucket list, completing every point through the entirety of summer while also discovering feelings that were hidden for so long.
PAIRING- jake sim x fem!reader
GENRE- teen romance, friends to lovers, summer fling?, fluff, highschool/college au, oneshot
WARNINGS- sexual jokes, alcohol use, underage drinking, suggestive content (no smut tho)!
PERM TAGLIST (and normal taglist)- @bubblytaetae @qghosty @viagumi @strwberrydinosaur @enhacolor @rendezrei @shinsou-rii @notrosemary @tocupid
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You knew this was the last summer. You knew because after 13 hard, long and excruciating years of education, Jake finally got accepted into his dream college, leaving you alone in this sad, miserable town. 
As he was about to move on, live a happy, fresh, new life at university, you were going to be left all alone with your feelings for him. 
It was sad. But while he was here, you tried to enjoy every moment spent together.  It was also extremely hard to not just fly into his arms and tell him how much in love you really are. But your brother was always watching. He was always there. 
Lee Heeseung, your brother who you swore you hated, was the reason you got to meet Jake in the first place. They met in freshman year, when Heeseung decided to take soccer more seriously and actually pursue that career path. He would notoriously make fun of Jake for having pictures of soccer players plastered all over his walls. That's when Heeseung, Jake, Jay and Sunghoon became an inseparable friend group, doing quite literally everything together. 
You remember everything so well. You still laugh about the time when they watched The Conjuring, and got so incredibly scared, they couldn't even go to the toilet alone. Heeseung, being the oldest, would be some sort of watcher, bodyguard, standing still in front of the bathroom doors, as all of them took turns using the toilet. As disgusting as it was, it's a fond memory for both you and them. 
Heeseung used to always complain about you tagging along with them since you were a year younger than all of them, constantly latching onto them, but he got used to it. Jake was the only one who would always invite you in the beginning, and fight with Heeseung whenever complaints started spewing from his mouth. That was probably the first thing that made you fall for him. 
Heeseung chose a college in town, deciding to do pedagogics on the side while he still pursued his soccer career. Jay and Sunghoon also chose a college nearby, only one town away, meaning the three of them would always be here. 
Jake on the other side had some sick ambitions. When he set his mind on UCLA, he did everything in his power to get in. There was nothing wrong in that, but how could he leave them? How could he leave you? 
"Let's make a bucket list" Jay said as all of you, plus your best friend, Yunjin, hogged the living room couch in Jake's house. 
Another reason you didn't want Jake to leave. That damn couch. Everything in the 4 years of your friendship probably happened or started on that couch. 
"We make one every summer" Heeseung said, shoving some popcorn into his mouth "And always end up freestyling it" he added unclearly, hence all the food in his mouth. 
"You're disgusting," Yunjin inquired, pointing out Heeseung's disgusting habit. 
He just mumbled a 'fuck you' in response and shoved another handful into his mouth. 
"But this summers different, '' Jay said, reminding you once again that this was the last truly youthful summer your friend group would share. 
You knew very well that everything would change when they went away to college. Obviously, they could come home for summer, but new friends, a buzzing, new, shiny social life were only a couple of reasons for them to not visit so often when summer comes around next year. The adult life they were about to step into was only gonna allow them to finally party all night long, go on road trips across the country and meet people who they would prefer to spend all their time with. So Jay was right, this summer was different, cause it was the last one. 
"I'm down" Jake said, grabbing a pen and paper from the drawer. He passed it to Jay, who wrote a big, and definitely sloppy, 'OUR SUMMER'. 
"Skydiving" Sunghoon said excitedly, pitching in the first idea. 
"You know damn well" Yunjin said "Let's make it a tiny bit more realistic" Sunghoon just furrowed his eyebrows and continued to put on his thinking face. 
"Let's do a sleepover. You know, like the ones we'd do in our childhood. Blanket fort and all'' you said, turning your face to Jay, as he was the designated leader for this bucket list making. 
"I like that," Jake said, giving you a cheeky smile. 
You'd rather he be rude towards you than give you all these weird signals. None of the guys would  be as nice to you as he was. What man would agree with you on everything, bring you anything you wanted at any time, give you rides at the latest hour, handpick flowers for you on a random Wednesday and buy you things just because they reminded him of you, if he didn't like you like that. Yet still, you were too slow to catch on. 
"Sleepover. Blanket fort and all" Jay mumbled as he wrote down the first point to your list. "How about we drive down to that lake, get some beer, talk and shit?" he asked after he finished writing. 
"With your wackass, dodgy looking fake ID, I'm guessing" Yunjin said, laughing. 
"Give me some credit, it works every fucking time" Jay answered, pulling it out from his pocket. 
"Okay James Blunderbuss, write it down" Heeseung, said examining the ID "Anton really did you wrong with that last name" 
"Blackout drunk at Hanbin's birthday party" Sunghoon pleaded, pushing Jay to quickly write that down. 
"Do you really need an excuse to get drunk that bad?" you asked, and Sunghoon hurriedly nodded his head. You laughed and told Jay to write it down. 
"Kiss at least 20 sexy ladies," Heeseung said, puckering his lips. 
"No way" Jake shaked his head "You can go be a slut on your own" 
"Write down kiss Heeseung’s sister for Jake, cause I know he wants to so bad" Sunghoon laughed, emphasizing the 'so' part. 
Jake playfully pushed him with his elbow, visibly getting red. You tried to laugh it off, but deep down you knew how bad you wanted it, unlike Jake, who took it as a funny joke. 
"Let's do an early Secret Santa" Yunjin said. 
"Yo, that's gonna be dope. I'm gonna get you that pink vibrator we saw at the store yesterday" Sunghoon said, turning to Heeseung. They honestly thought it was so hilarious. 
"Not sure that's how it works, but i'll write Secret Santa down" Jay said
You all brainstormed ideas for the next hour. Some were honestly pretty bad, but the time you spent coming up with the list, will always be a good memory to you. 
Near the end of May, in a room eloped in extreme heat, covered with sheets that clanged onto your skin, with a faulty air conditioner running that tried to keep up with the temperature, your phone buzzed. 
Pulling you out of a trance, you quickly grabbed it hoping it was your delivery man, yet Jake's name decorated your home screen. It was getting late, the night crawling closer and closer, so the notification surprised you. You unlocked your phone hurriedly, wanting to see his message as fast as possible. 
Jake: You wanna go on a drive in an hour? 
If your brother wasn't home you'd honestly scream. 
What had gotten into him? You've been trying to send him signals for the past four years, and suddenly after all that time he'd picked up on them? Or was he just trying to be friendly, knowing well he wouldn't be here next year. 
You quickly replied with a 'sure' and got up to get yourself looking as pretty for him as possible. Maybe it was a little sad, the fact you were trying so hard for a man who didn't care, but it made you happy. 
"What you getting all dolled up for?" Heeseung laughed as he stood in your doorway. 
"Going out with Yunjin" you mumbled, delicately applying your lip tint. 
"In a miniskirt and full beat on your face? You ain't slick young lady" he pointed out. 
"We're taking photos for Insta. And this really isn't a miniskirt" you came up with yet another lie. 
You honestly had no idea why you were lying to him. He probably wouldn't bat an eye if you just said you're going out with Jake. He's too dumb to even think twice about it. 
"Can you just get out?" you turned to him, motioning for him to leave your room. 
He put his hands up chuckling, and closed your door. 
Your phone buzzed once again, signaling it was time for you to leave. 
He parked his car just around the street. Heeseung called him earlier asking to hangout, but he already had plans. With you. 
Obviously he couldn't tell Heeseung that, afraid your brother would blow up at him. If only he knew how dumb Heeseung really was when it came to stuff like this. He'd probably think you two are getting a surprise gift for him. 
"You look pretty" Jake smiled, as he got out to open the door for you. 
A light rosy tint decorated your cheeks, as you quietly thanked him. 
"Didn't you want to hangout with Hoon and Hee? I saw them playing Fifa when I was leaving" you asked the boy next to you. 
You couldn't help but stare at his face. He was so perfect in every way, so perfect you couldn't even put it into a cohesive sentence if you wanted to. 
"I'd rather hang out with my favorite girl," he smiled, taking his eyes off the road for a moment to look at you. 
"Woah okay, what about Rei then?" you questioned sarcastically. 
"You will never let that go, will you?" Jake laughed, reminiscing about his freshman year crush. 
"Well you were the one that couldn't stop yapping about her freshman year" you said, and he just put a finger to your lips, begging for you to stop talking about that embarrassing time in his life. 
Rei was a senior, and honestly you envied her so much back then. Even though she was so incredibly nice, you couldn't help but blame her for 'stealing your man'. 
"If you wanna talk so bad, we can talk about Jungwon" he inquired, turning the table on you. 
Jungwon was like your own Rei. Except this time, he was younger than you. 
"We really don't need to though" you pouted playfully. 
"Oh I really think we do though" he did the same "I was so jealous of him back then" he added with a small smile. 
"You were? Why?" you asked curious why The Jake Sim would be jealous of some random guy. 
The street lamps illuminated his face, making him shine brighter than ever. It still didn't feel real to you. Alone in a car with your older brother's best friend turned crush. 
"He was the only thing you talked about. I guess I just didn't really like that" he answered, a fabricated confidence evident in his tone. 
"Did you cry?" you asked with a pout. 
"Obvi" he answered with a wide smile, looking at you. "You're so pretty Y/n, I hope you know that. And Jungwon is an asshole for rejecting such a gorgeous girl" 
You believed he only said that to make you feel better about yourself, but it still made your insides swarm with butterflies. 
He had looked at you differently that day. Not different in a 'you really need to let me go' way, but a 'i wish we were something more' way. His demeanor had changed for everyday going forward, and you would lie if you said you didn't like it. 
"Why did Heeseung call me to ask if I'm hanging out with you?" Yunjin asked over the phone. 
She called you just minutes after Jake dropped you off home. 
"He wanted to check if I didn’t go hook up with some random guy probably" you answered, thanking god for such an intelligent best-friend that knew when to cover for you. 
"Well, were you hooking up with some random guy? Oh my god, please tell me it was Ricky, that senior" she asked “Or Song Eunseok! He’s so fucking sexy, to be honest” 
Yunjin had some odd obsession with Shen Ricky and Son Eunseok, seniors at your high-school. She loved finding people that she could treat as celebrities. 
"I wish. Jake just wanted to hang out, and I guess I didn't feel like telling him the truth" you answered, painting your nails a dark red color. 
"Did you two kiss?" Yunjin asked excitedly. 
She was the only one that knew about your feelings for Jake. She was pretty awful at keeping secrets but this is something she swore she'd take to the grave with her, unless you two didn't work out. 
"God no Yunjin, we didn't kiss. We just talked and got some food, nothing special" you answered chuckling. 
If only she knew how much you actually wanted to kiss him. His lips, so plump and soft, begging to be kissed. 
"If you ask me, I'd tell you to make a move on him," Yunjin said, voice calm. 
"I know, you've already told me that a million times. But you know he's going away, and even if somehow he did want me, it wouldn't work out with him being so far away" you honestly didn't believe in long distance relationships. How could one fully trust their significant other knowing he's thousands of miles away from you? 
"If anyone could make it work, it would be you two. But I don't want to pressure you into anything, just saying" she replied and you could feel the honesty in her tone. 
On the 8th of June, Sunghoon decided that the group needs to start preparing for Hanbin's birthday party and execute the second point of your shared bucket list. He's the only one that didn't mind getting sloshed on a random Thursday. 
"Do I really have to sit in the trunk?" Sunghoon asked, examining Jay's dirty trunk. 
"Count the seats in this car, and you'll have your answer" Jay replied, stuffing the blankets into the trunk "I'm even making it more comfortable for you" 
"Wow, thanks so much" Sunghoon mumbled, and with an angry expression got into the trunk. 
"You look like an idiot in there" Jake said walking out of his house with a various arrangement of everyone's favorite snacks "And I'm pretty sure that's illegal" 
"It's illegal only if they catch you" you said and covered Sunghoon with a thin white blanket. 
"That makes it so much less obvious" Jake laughed and got into the backseat of Jay's car "How's my baby doing in the back there?" he asked, turning around to take a look at Sunghoon. 
"Shut the fuck up" Sunghoon mumbled from under his blanket, and sticked out his middle finger. 
"I'm calling shotgun, Heeseung" Yunjin glared at the purple haired boy, and quickly sat on her reserved seat. 
"Are you really making me sit next to thing one and thing two over there" Heeseung asked his hand resting on the hood of the car in front of Yunjin. 
Yunjin just shrugged and connected her phone to the aux. Thank god she was the dj for this trip cause you wouldn't physically and mentally be able to handle two hours listening to 'Heeseung's handpicked UK drill mix'. 
Unlike others you liked the middle seat. It felt the closest to everyone in the car with great access to the beautiful view in front of the windshield. 
"If only Heeseung wasn't next to you" Jake whispered, as you sat down next to him. You smiled and playfully nudged his shoulder. 
"I can hear you" you heard Sunghoon's annoying voice behind you. You could also hear him playing the watermelon game. Sunghoon's screen time was for the most part that stupid game he wasn't even good at anyway. 
"First we have to hit up my good friend Yeonjun at the gas station. Please call me James Blunderbuss for now, I really need to get in the role" Jay announced as everyone already got comfortable in their designated seats. 
"No ones calling you that," Heeseung declared. 'James Blunderbuss' couldn't even get past your lips if you tried to. "Plus Yeonjun goes to our school you fucking dumbass" 
The dazzling, hot sun sets on your skin, a soft wind blows in your face as Jay opens up a bottle of beer for everyone. The cold glass cools you down. 
Something about this landscape and the surroundings was so refreshing and inviting. You've been here before, but this felt like a first. 
"Drink up fast Heeseung, we're playing spin the bottle" Sunghoon declares and takes a long sip of his beer. 
"You're a freak if you want me to kiss my own sister," Heeseung said with disgust in his voice. 
"Then you're not playing. More chances for me to kiss the beautiful ladies in front of me" Sunghoon beamed, and chugged down the rest of his bottle. 
"Can you sit or something for like one minute?" Jake asked, glaring at Sunghoon. 
Sunghoon rolled his eyes playfully and turned to Jay next with a pleading look in his eyes. 
"You fucking champ, chugged that bottle down like a pro. Good thing it was your last one for the next hour" Jay pouted, and continued scrolling through his playlist. 
"First y'all make me sit in the trunk, and now I can't even drink some beer in peace" Sunghoon grumbles, and lays down on the soft material of his blanket. 
"You going for a swim?" Jake turns to you, voice low. 
He didn't know what was happening to him. Ever since the realization hit him that this is your last summer together, he wanted to spend everyday with you. Even if you were to sit in complete silence, it's the fact that you're together which made his heart feel fuzzy and warm. 
You smiled and nodded "You want my beer Hoonie?" you asked Sunghoon who had already given up on his alcoholic dreams. His face lit up as he grabbed the bottle from you. 
Jake grabbed your soft hand, and dragged you towards the glistening water.
 You didn't exactly catch the moment when you fell for him. When you first saw a scrawny, Australian boy in your house, you well remember thinking he was just another one of Heeseungs dumb friends. Some things as simple as that made you question everything about your friendship with Jake. 
"Is it cold?" you asked, covering your eyes with the palm of your hand. Jake had already gotten in, and you'd noticed a slight disappointment in his expression. 
"A little. But I'll keep you warm if needed" he smiled and gestured for you to get in. 
You took off your blouse and pants quickly striding towards his toned figure. The water was indeed freezing (which was odd taking in account the warmth of that day), but Jake didn't let you get used to the temperature change, pulling you into his embrace as soon as you got close enough to him. 
"Is it that bad?" he asked with a wide smile. 
"Yeah, it is," you answered, your body trying to adjust to the water's temperature. 
His eyes were shining, tanned skin glowing under the sun's warm embrace. He had the brightest smile plastered on his face, and you just couldn't help but stare. 
"I wish you didn't have to go away," you hummed. 
"You are always welcome to come visit me in LA. Alone, with Yunjin, Heeseung, just hit me up" he replied calmly. 
You wondered how he could be so unbothered by this. He was about to embark on an individual journey, all alone in a big city, yet managed to remain calm. Or did he just not want to ruin it for everyone? 
"If you pay for my transport, sure" you gave him a small smile, and slowly started pulling him towards the land. 
"Anything for you" he replied, and you almost start to descend in the golden hope of his words. 
In a matter of 10 minutes, bottles managed to surround everyone on the sheer blanket. Jay, who was supposed to refrain from drinking, was tipsy beyond repair. Yunjin and Heeseung looked fine, Sunghoon was the problem. His alcohol tolerance was so bad that two beers managed to take him out. You wondered how he was going to survive Hanbin's long awaited birthday party. 
"I guess you'll have to drive tonight my boy" Heeseung beamed, turning his head towards Jake, and patting him on his his shoulder 
Jake just laid down on the blanket letting the hot ground and sun burn into his skin. 
He knew these were the last moments that he'd get to spend with everyone where everything will still be normal. Yes, he'd come back, his whole family is here, but it'd just be awkward and weird next summer. Everyone would have a different life, without one another. Next time, all of you will be different people. 
“Who knew completing this bucket list would be so tiring,” Sunghoon said, throwing himself on the couch. 
It was the 13th of June. Today was the day everyone, especially Sunghoon, has been waiting for. Sung Hanbin’s 18th birthday party. 
So far you’ve completed only one thing, well unless someone has actually kissed ‘20 sexy ladies’, which you highly doubted. 
“Are you taking a piss, we’ve only done one thing” Jay answered angrily, looking Sunghoon up and down “Well unless Jake has finally kissed Y/n” he added with a slight laugh, looking over at you and Jake. 
Jake just rolled his eyes, and stuck his middle finger right into Jay’s face. 
“Can we seriously not talk about them, they’re disgusting,” Heeseung pleaded, hating the sudden romantic interest between you and Jake. He didn’t really take it seriously though. 
It seemed like everyone noticed something you two didn’t. Even though you’ve liked Jake for a while, you were fine with the fact that he would never reciprocate. But maybe you’ve just gotten so used to it, you couldn’t see through his actions. 
“Hanbin asked if we’re pulling up today,” Yunjin announced. 
“Why the fuck is my brother, my boy, my bae texting you and not me” Sunghoon suddenly rose from his comfortable position on the couch. 
“It’s because they’re fucking on the low” Heeseung answered, completely unbothered, scrolling through Youtube shorts on his phone. 
You knew very well that Hanbin and Yunjin have been talking for some time now, and to be completely honest, you thought everyone knew. But at the end of the day, you couldn’t really expect much from Sunghoon. 
“That’s bullshit, he prefers pretty girls” Sunghoon said smiling widely at Yunjin 
“Oh isn’t someone just so jealous I stole their boyfriend?” she answered, frowning sarcastically. 
Sunghoon just rolled his eyes and returned to his previous position. Yunjin laughed and since no one disagreed, she replied to Hanbin with a quick confirmation. 
“I can drive if y'all don't have a ride” Jake said, sitting next to you on the edge of the couch. Deep down he hoped Yunjin hadn’t already offered you a ride. 
“No thanks, I am not sitting in the trunk again” Sunghoon said, reminiscing on the back pain he had to endure after the lake trip. 
“As if I wanted to take you anyway” Jake replied, and turned his head towards you “What about you?” he asked, giving you a small smile. 
“Yunjin is already driving me. But you can come with us if no one needs a ride” you smiled, and he was about to say yes until an annoying voice filled the room. 
“My boy, who’s gonna go with you if not me?” Heeseung said, crushing Jake’s dreams in a second. 
Even though it wouldn’t be the two of you alone, the mere thought of watching you get ready, and walking into Hanbin’s house with you like you're all his, made him excited. His mind was making up the wildest scenarios, and he would lie if he said he didn’t like it. Something inside him has changed, and Jake had a seemingly hard time figuring it out yet. 
“Yeah sure” he nodded towards Heeseung, who was happy to score yet another free ride with Jake. 
“So what, are you gonna finally talk to Ricky or Eunseok, or is your precious little crush on Jakey holding you back again?” Yunjin asked, as the two were getting ready in your bathroom. 
You loved the girl but her nagging was like a punishment from the devil himself. She’s been begging you to ask out Shen Ricky or Song Eunseok ever since they just slightly smiled at you, or asked for your help. You never took any of those things seriously, but she seemed to see the situation differently. 
“Yunjin honey, they are not interested in me. Plus, isn’t Eunseok dating Kazuha?” you asked, trying to turn the attention away from you knowing Yunjin loves gossip more than anything else, and she probably knew all about their breakup. 
“They broke up two weeks ago. She cheated on him or something” she answered “So he’s single and ready for you” she added with a cheeky smile. 
‘Yeah sure, sure. Well, I’m still waiting for Jake so it’s going to be a no” you responded, hoping she’d just let go of the whole Ricky Eunseok thing. 
“Y/n you’ve been waiting for him way too long. I think it’s time to move on, literally so many cuter boys have asked you out and you’ve turned them all down. I don’t want to say you’ve been missing out, but you kinda have been.” 
“I know, Yunjin. But something just tells me it’s not over yet. If he doesn’t ask me out this summer I promise I’ll hit up Eunseok, or Ricky, or Anton, whoever you want” you answered, another attempt to just end the topic all together. 
“God, not Anton. Isn’t he like a Con Artist or something?” 
As the long road came to an end, you had yourself double checking the address, cause no way in hell Sung Hanbin lived in an apartment complex so luxurious. Everything about it, from the bodyguard standing still in front of the large metal gates, or the tall, perfectly clean windows. 
“You sure this it?” you asked Yunjin. It was stupid, she’s probably been here more than anyone else in the past month. 
“Nah, I just drove all the way out here for fun” she chuckled, and unbuckled her seatbelt, stopping the car. 
Another car had just pulled up next to you, the radio turned up to a max, music spilling from it. You shook your head, expecting it to be Jake and the rest of your friends. 
“Wonbinnie!” Yunjin screamed, racing towards the black vehicle. 
Yunjin wasn’t the type of girl to commit to any relationships. She liked a quick hookup, or the feeling of having more than one boy pinning for her. In some way you envied her confidence and mindset. 
“Y/n!” you turned to see Eunseok’s gorgeous face yelling out to you. You smiled and quickly made your way towards him. 
You couldn’t lie and say you didn’t like Eunseok just a little bit. He was such a sweet and caring person. Sometimes you wished he wasn’t so nice and handsome at the same time. He gave you a short side hug, and a pretty smile. 
“How have you been? I heard you and Kazuha are through” you asked, hoping it wasn’t too early for those type of questions. 
You waved at Seunghan and Anton who were stood behind him. 
“Yeah, honestly I don’t really care” he laughed, and you could see it was genuine. You guessed they weren’t that serious after all “I see your date has left you already” he said, looking around the parking lot. 
You turned around to see that Yunjin, along with Wonbin, was completely gone. 
“Yeah, cause your fuckass friend took her. Doesn’t he know her and birthday boy have a thing going on?” you asked, pulling him towards the gates. 
“Everyone knows,” Seunghan inquired, walking right behind you. 
To be honest, you didn’t really know Hanbin. He was practically a stranger to you, never getting to really interact with him outside of school. Knowing Sunghoon and Jake, two of his best friends, made you feel at least a little closer to him. 
“Yoo, look who showed up” Hanbin cheered, holding a red solo cup in his hand, greeting Eunseok with the other “I hoped your annoying asses wouldn’t pull up” he laughed, his tone laced with alcohol. 
They just laughed and handed him a bottle of whiskey, you assumed that was their idea of a good gift. 
“Happy to finally meet you, Y/n” Hanbin smiled at you, and put his hands up, signaling you to hug him, since his hands were already full. “I thought you’d come with Jake. Kinda surprised to see you pull up with these weirdos” you two laughed, and you let go of him, handing him yet another gift bag. 
“Aren’t they here already?” you asked, looking around his place. 
“Nah, Sunghoon probably did some stupid shit already, and they’re running late again” you fully believed that was the reason, a flood of odd memories with Sunghoon coming back to you. 
“Yall can help yourself to anything, it’s all in the kitchen” Hanbin motioned all of you to the kitchen, a wide variety of beverages waiting to be digested. 
You decided to text the group chat, a little concerned as to where they all went. All you got in reply was a picture of Sunghoon sitting on the toilet, face red. 
“I’ll go look for Yunjin, see you guys around’ you turned to Eunseok, Seunghan and Anton smiling. 
“Y/n! Before you go, Jay told me you’d be interested in a fake ID, you know, for a pretty girl like you I can make it 30$. Just hit me up” he smiled, pulling out his own counterfeit document. 
‘Nicholas Flubbernoodle’ 
“Mhm, sure. I’ll text you” you smiled and left them in the kitchen. What was wrong with him, seriously. 
The dining room wasn’t so crowded, only a couple people keeping a conversation going while sipping on some liquor. Guess this was their escape from the lively living room. 
“Have you seen Yunjin anywhere?” you questioned the black haired boy who sat opposite from you.
“She was just here, I think,” Gunwook answered, not-so-helpfully “You want some?” he asked, pulling out a half empty bottle of Vodka. 
“Sure” you answered, tired from searching for the only person you fully knew here. 
“You’re with Jake, right? Yall cute or whatever” Gunwook said pouring you a cup of Vodka with cranberry juice. 
“Nah” you said taking a large sip “Not yet though” you added. 
“Damn you like him and shit? He don’t wanna ask you out though, huh?” he questioned. 
You laughed. It was such a simple concept yet Gunwook was finding it so hard to understand. Yet it did make your heart beat faster when he initially thought you and Jake were dating. You looked over at the already empty cup next to you on the wooden table.
“The king is finally here” a faint voice you knew very well screamed into the crowd next door. 
Sunghoon finally beat death in your house's bathroom, it seemed. 
“You finally came!” you beamed as Jake’s pretty face appeared in the door frame.
You pat down the stool next to you, and he happily sat down placing his cup next to yours. 
“I’ll leave you guys at it” Gunwook said, standing up from his seat, pulling the boy next to him with him “Good luck, Y/n” he added and left the room. 
“What the fuck did that mean” Jake asked as his eyes followed the two boys out of the room. 
“He’s drunk, that’s all” you smiled “Half an hour late, not cute Jake” you added quickly. 
He laughed and pulled out his phone. With a few swift clicks he showed you a video of Sunghoon begging for mercy on the toilet. By the way he’s screaming you’d think he was getting brutally tortured. 
“We gave him spicy noodles with a shit ton of lactose,” Jake laughed. 
“Isn’t he like intolerant” you laughed, replaying the video one more time. “He’s never gonna live this down” you added and handed the phone back to Jake. 
You spotted the juice and vodka Gunwook had left behind “You want some” you said pointing your head towards the bottles. 
Jake nodded and chugged down his drink to make space for something else. You reached over for the bottles, and poured it in his empty cup. 
“This is nice,” he said after taking a sip. The alcohol burned his throat a little bit, but he’s gotten used to it by now. 
“Well no duh. Made by a girl like me, so obviously it’s nice” you smiled and poured yourself another cup. 
“A hot girl, right?” he slurred, and looked at you “You look so good in that dress”
“You bought it for me after all” you smiled, trying to contain yourself from doing something you’d regret. 
“And you’re letting other guys see you like this? Should’ve kept it for me and only me” he moved closer to you. 
You knew it wasn't the alcohol making him act like this. He’s only had two drinks after all. 
“And why would I do that, mmh?” you asked, with a sly smile, riling him up just a tiny bit more. 
“Cause you're mine, yeah? All of this is mine” his eyes scanned you. 
You felt his breath down your neck, and that’s when the self restraint you had flew out the window, as you pressed your delicate lips against his plump ones. Your heart heaves uneasily as you give into his soft touch, hands pressed against your hips, as he pulls you closer to his chest. 
The kiss was lustfull, full of built up feelings that’ve been stored up in your hearts for ages. His lips were like a magnet; just when you thought it was over they pulled you back in for more. He tasted like vodka and cherry chapstick, and you just couldn’t resist him. 
“Fuck, no one can make you feel this good. Only me, remember that” he said breathlessly, holding you up against his chest. “Don’t tell anyone about this, yeah? It can be our little secret” he said, planting kisses down your neck. 
“Mmh” you answered out of breath, your nails digging into his back. 
“I guess another point of the bucket list completed for me” Jake muttered. 
“Vivienne Wooblegooble, what do you- What the fuck” Anton beamed, walking into the dining room. 
It’s been two weeks since Hanbin’s birthday party. And you kept your promise. Apart from Anton who desperately wanted to sell you a fake ID, nobody knew. You were good at keeping promises and secrets. 
It didn't quite hit you when it happened. Maybe because some part deep inside you expected it to happen. Or maybe because you subconsciously we're preparing for that moment to finally come. No matter what it was, you didn't care. You could finally enjoy having Jake all to yourself. 
You found it fun, the fact no one knew. Your brother, Lee Heeseung, had a head of bricks, not even budging when he caught Jake leaving your room, alone, in the middle of the night. He just dapped him up, and asked if he wanted to play Fifa. 
But everyday you were getting closer to the start of the school year. That meant that not only everyone would leave, but most importantly, Jake was going to leave. 
“My boys, we gotta go hunting. Twenty sexy ladies won’t kiss themselves” Heeseung announced as all of you, alongside Hanbin and Anton, gathered to watch movies at your house. 
“This is exactly why you have never seen a woman naked” Yunjin commented, and once again averted her attention to the TV. 
“That’s lame as fuck. I’m not doing it” Jake said, focused on the movie playing in front of him. 
“Can someone tell me what’s gotten into him suddenly” Jay asked, a weird look on his face as he turned to Jake. 
Jake tried to laugh it off, hoping he can just make up a stupid excuse to not go ‘hunting’, but Jay persisted. It wasn’t the first time, since Hanbin's party, that Jake has been making up excuses to not go hang out with different girls. 
“I’m just trying to look for something serious. Plus I’m tired of hoeing around, Jay” Jake answered, and to be completely honest, it was the worst excuse you’ve ever heard. 
“Well you’re no fun” Heeseung said, picking up his keys “Boys, we have a mission to complete. Without his horse looking ass” he added, pointing to Jake. 
“Hanbin, you not coming?” Sunghoon asked, but quickly noticed Yunjins grasp on the boy's arm, “Oh, I see, you’ve become a kiss ass just like Jake” he laughed and took a zoned out Anton with him. Hanbin just muttered a quick ‘fuck off’, and continued to entertain your bestfriend. 
You heard the door shut, with that, loud screams coming from outside. 
“We’ll leave you guys alone maybe, no one’s coming anytime soon, so do whatever you want” you smiled at Hanbin and Yunjin, leaving to go upstairs with Jake. 
The staircase creaked under your feet, as you quickly pulled Jake to your room. You knew that your friends downstairs would easily entertain themselves alone. He smiled as you pulled him inside, he drew you closer to his body, heat radiating off him. 
“I’m impressed, they’re gonna flame you later for that, you know?” you said, sitting down on his lap, as he placed himself on the edge of your bed. 
“I really don’t care. All I need is this” he gave you a sly smile, eyeing you down. 
You smiled, and hugged him tightly, enjoying every second you got to spend with Sim Jake. Maybe this was gonna end up just like any other summer fling, but that didn’t matter. You had him now, and you weren’t gonna waste that. 
“God, I wish I told you earlier, maybe we’d have more time together” he said, his hands wandering on your back, as he tried to close any room between your bodies. 
“We don’t have to worry about that now” you said, removing yourself from the crook of his neck to look at him “You just have to promise to call me everyday. And visit whenever you can, okay?” you asked, and he happily nodded his head. 
Keeping secrets from your brother was fun. You’d do it all the time. Seeing his reaction when he did actually find out, was the funniest thing ever. Although real, he'd have the wackiest reaction ever, expression close to the ones in fake 3am youtuber pranks calls. 
But this time it was different. 
Heeseung had come home early from soccer practice, you didn’t even hear him come in. He had wanted to surprise you with some sweet treats, knowing you were sick. But he had been welcomed with an even better surprise. 
Jake wanted to cheer you up knowing you weren’t feeling your best, and since no one was home, you invited him over. Heeseung wasn’t supposed to be home until late. 
So that’s when for the first time in your life, your brother had sat you down to have a serious talk. 
“How long has this been going on? Ever since you met him? How could I be so stupid to not notice? Oh my fucking god Y/n, why didn’t you tell me?” he asked thousands of questions at once, and you didn’t even know which one to answer first. 
“Heeseung stop freaking out. It’s only been a couple of weeks” you said, not even being able to look at him. You didn’t want to see an expression of disappointment on your brother's face, all because of you. 
“And I’m guessing no one knows?” he asked, and to your surprise his tone was calm. 
“Anton does, he caught us while trying to sell me a fake ID” you answered, as stupid as it sounded, you had to keep a serious face on. 
“That fucking wackass scammer. What name did he come up with for you?” Heeseung asked, and that’s when you finally had the confidence to look up at him. 
“Vanessa? Or Vivenne Wooblegooble. Something like that” you laughed slightly, and so did he. 
“God can’t he just come up with something normal for once. Mine was Ethan Flapdoodle, but he wanted me to pay 100$ for that shit” he laughed, and turned his whole body towards you “Look Y/n, I’m not one to decide what you do, you know? But I just hoped you’d tell me about something like this” he added, and gave you a small smile. 
“I know Hee, I’m sorry. I should’ve told you” you said. 
“Don’t be sorry. Jake is like for real, my best friend. Like you know, brother from another mother and shit. So I’m glad it’s him and not that knob Eunseok or something. Seunghan told me ya’ll we’re up to something” he voiced with a chuckle “I’m happy it’s Jake actually, he’s a really good fucking dude. Like for real, and you know that too” 
You smiled at his answer, and for the first time in a while, hugged your brother. He was surprised but hugged you back, tighter than ever. 
“How long have you liked him?” he asked, his voice muffled by the material of your sweatshirt. 
“Like four years” you answered, and he quickly pulled out of the hug, and that idiotic expression decorated his face. 
“Damn you’re loyal as fuck” he said, shocked. 
“Now tell me what’s wrong with Eunseok” you questioned, since all the signs so far pointed to Song Eunseok being a good match for anyone. 
“Yunjin probably told you that Kazuha cheated on him, right? Yeah that’s bullshit, Kazuha called him since he couldn’t find his phone, and saw herself saved as ‘Girl 4’. Turns out he had like 8 of them” he answered “And then that dumb fuck had the audacity to brag about it to us, saying some shit along the lines of ‘Oh I guess I gotta go find a replacement for Girl number 4’” he added, with a horrendous impression of Eunseok. 
You felt bad for believing the fabricated story everyone had passed on about Kazuha, making a mental note to tell Yunjin about the truth later. 
“Anyways, here’s some medicine and your favourite snacks, I hope you feel better so my little sister can smooch Jake again soon” he said, getting up from your bed. “Not thrilled to find out this way, but I’m happy for you two. I’m not gonna tell everyone else though, you should do it yourself” he said with a slight smile, stepping out of the room. 
That’s how your dumb brother found out. And honestly, it couldn’t have gone any better. 
The summer had gone by in a blink of an eye. The memories you made were going to stay with you forever. 
You had eventually told everyone about you and Jake, and it shocked you to see that no one was really that surprised. Well expect Yunjin who stalled you on a phone call for three hours to ask you millions of questions. It was nice to know someone cared. And it was nice to know that people you treated like siblings supported you more than anyone. 
You had finished the bucket list a week before school started again, a week before everyone had to move out. 
Jake had already sent out most of his stuff to his new roommate in Los Angeles, leaving a couple things behind for you. 
Sunghoon and Jay had moved out a little earlier than you thought they would. The first time you had visited them in their new apartment, you were surprised by how ugly it was. But finding out Sunghoon picked it cleared everything up for you. 
Heeseung decided to stay home, since it made no sense for him to move out. You could lie and say you hated it, but in all honesty you were happy. At the end of the day he was your older brother. Your older brother who you loved more than you’d like to admit.  
Yunjin’s idea, Secret Santa, was probably the best thing on that bucket list. 
When you opened the box to find a jar of gherkins and used up lotion, you knew who picked the paper with your name. You had picked Jay, gifting him a Paris Saint-Germain jersey and a gift card. 
The blanket fort sleepover at Yunjin’s house turned out to be a disaster. No one could fall asleep in the neatly built fort, because Sunghoon’s snoring problem had everyone up till 6AM begging for it to stop. 
The bonfire Seunghan had hosted was also a shining memorie that you knew you’d look back on until next summer. You didn’t expect to get close with so many new people this season, but you guess the distance that was about to separate you actually brought all of you closer. 
Anton had begged you then to purchase the fake document since he had already made it, and you didn’t have the heart to say no to him,  the pleading look on his face pulling you into his scam gig. Guess this was his trick to get everyone involved in his illegal business. 
You spent the last week hanging out, having deep talks (which was honestly extremely rare), and looking back at old photos from past summers. It was sweet, seeing everyone so grown up. 
“Look at your uglyass outfit. You loved that shirt so much” you pointed out. 
You played with Jake’s hair as he lying down in between your thighs. It had grown a lot, and you honestly liked it more than you thought you would. 
“There is quite literally nothing wrong with it. All the ladies loved it” he protested, chuckling. 
It was horrendous. 
“Whatever you say. I’m just glad you stop wearing these tacky tie dye t-shirts” you said, scrolling through the album again. 
“Look at Yunjin! You called me ugly, but she looks like a virgin loser in this one” he called out and you slapped his arm for even having the audacity to offend your best friend like that. 
“At least someone had a glow up” you answered, and scrolled once again. 
“But you liked me. Even with the tie dye minion shirt” he smiled, and turned over to look at you. 
“And I still like you. But a little less without the minion shirts” you replied, a smile on your face. 
“So do you like them or nah? Cause I think I still have them” he questioned with a curious expression on his face. 
“If you like it then I like it too, I guess” you answered, and he moved up a little to be at level with your face. 
“Then I like you. More than anything else in this world. Even more than the minion t-shirt” he said, honesty lacing his tone, a pretty smile decorating his face. 
You grabbed his face, and placed a sweet kiss on his forehead. 
“Remember what you promised me?” you asked, as he lied back down, still facing you. 
“Enlighten me once again, please?” he said, nervous you wouldn’t like the fact that he forgot. But you just laughed. 
“You promised to call me everyday. And visit, anytime you could” you told him once again, and he smiled, the memory coming back to him. 
“You got it baby” 
And so he did. He called every day. He visited anytime he could. He was there every time you needed him. Cause he was yours. He was your Jake Sim, and that summer was yours truly. 
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wheeboo · 1 month
mine | joshua hong
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SYNOPSIS. in which joshua is the best thing that's ever been... yours. PAIRING. joshua hong x gn!reader (ft. cheol, jeonghan, soonyoung, mingyu, chan - they don't rlly have dialogue tho lol) GENRE. fluff, some angst, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, established relationship WARNINGS. a very very brief shirtless joshua moment LMAO, implications of reader having a toxic ex, mentions that reader's parents have a rocky relationship and separate, kissing, terms of endearment, reader and joshua have a lil argument WORD COUNT. 3.6k
requested from @staranghae: joshua + mine by taylor swift for the 2k followers event please 🩷🎀
notes: i am fluent in this song!!!! whenever my love playlist comes on and this plays i literally scream lungs out!!! and shua fits this vibe so much <3
join the 2k celebration!
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ONE. "i was a flight risk, with a fear of falling / wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts..."
Maybe you've always underestimated how the feeling of fresh air hitting your lungs makes you feel so replenished, free, like a single whiff blows away those gusts of worry in an instant.
Your fingers carry a tight, secure grip on Seungcheol's surfboard𑁋you volunteered to carry it for him so he could unload the other things from the van𑁋soft sand meeting your toes the second you step onto the beach for the first time of the summer season. Salty air tingles at your nose, the late afternoon sun baring down on your shoulders, and the expanse of the ocean opens up right before your eyes.
This place had basically watched you grow up. It carries a lot of memories that you hold dear to your heart.
You see Soonyoung already digging into the sand with an abnormally large stick, and Mingyu carrying a bunch of firewood in his arms before dropping them down onto the ground (and accidentally one on his foot, but you won't say anything about that).
However, your eyes drift and land on a figure running up from the beach shore. His dark hair is wet and sticking to his forehead, chest and arms revealed in all its glory before quickly covered up by a white, somewhat lacy button-down shirt that still doesn't do much in concealing the muscles underneath. For a moment, you nearly loose the grip on Seungcheol's surfboard.
Joshua Hong seems to spot you from even a mile away. He's running up to you before you even have the minute to breathe, a grin splitting his face that's as warm as the setting sun. Sand clings to his damp flip-flops and the hem of his black shorts as he nearly skids to a halt in front of you, chest heaving and out of breath. His shirt isn't even buttoned, dammit.
"Hey," he greets you breathlessly, letting his eyes take you in for a second. "Glad you could make it."
A soft smile of your own blooms on your face. "It's good to see you too, asshole."
A flicker of feigned hurt plays across Joshua's features. "Come on. That was so two years ago! I didn't want to push you in the water. You should know that by now."
"Wow, you care so much about me, don't you?" You nearly swing Seungcheol's surfboard playfully in his direction. "You listen to Jeonghan more than your own little brain."
"I swear, it's changed. Everything's changed since then," Joshua reasons lightly. "You have my ears for the entire night, I promise."
His words hang in the air for a moment, and there's perhaps a sliver of fondness in his eyes that you catch when your gazes meet. You feel a certain warmth spread through your chest that you try so hard to ignore each time he's around you.
You brush it off with a roll of your eyes before strolling past him, hoping that Seungcheol's surfboard was enough to cover up the slight flush creeping up your cheeks. The smile to your face still lingers as you walk towards to where Soonyoung and Mingyu are, whom dash up to you the moment they see you to engulf you in a welcoming hug.
Mingyu is almost done setting up the bonfire by the time you and Seungcheol bring all the food and supplies from the van. Jeonghan and Chan had arrived by the time the fire is lit up and crackling, casting a warm, inviting glow on the beach scene. And it isn't long when the yearly traditions of a group bonfire and beachside barbecue commence.
The smell of grilled food fills the air, mixing with the salty breeze and the crackle of the fire. And just for those moments, you forget these fuzzy feelings swirling around you as familiar laughter and camaraderie take over instead.
You've known all of your friends for different amounts of times, but being here with all of them makes it feel like time hasn't passed by at all. Inside jokes are exchanged, memories from as far as childhood resurface, and stories are told that leave you all doubled over with laughter (and Soonyoung nearly choking on a marshmallow).
It's almost natural in the way your eyes seem to search for Joshua's every single time that feeling of happiness threatens to overflow within you. The fire flickers upon his face, his eyes crinkled deeply when he smiles. Happiness looks good on him, you think. It always has.
...does his eyes search for yours too?
By the time the fire dies down, you find yourself sitting near the edge of the beach, with your legs stretched on the sand and the waves barely lapping against your feet. Seungcheol and Mingyu are already out on the ocean on their surfboards, then there's Chan and Soonyoung struggling to get their sandcastle to stay up, and Jeonghan is already knocked out on a beach towel. It's just you, and wherever the hell Joshua is.
"Something's bothering you, isn't it?"
The voice snaps you away from your thoughts, and you pick your head up to see Joshua walking up to you. A cool breeze flows through his strands of his hair as he approaches.
You blink at him. "What?"
He sits down beside you on the sand, close enough that the warmth of his body brushes against yours. "You were too quiet earlier."
You face back towards the water, cowering your head down as if guilty of some sorts.
"Oh," You murmur, somewhat to yourself. "Sorry."
"Sorry for what?" Joshua asks, nudging you lightly on the shoulder. "I told you earlier that I would be all ears for you."
You smile faintly at that. Would you still be all ears if I told you that I've been such a coward with my feelings for you?
"It's... just boy problems, I guess," You respond, though you feel a twinge of regret for wording it like that. It's more than just simply boy problems.
Joshua's jaw seems to tighten at that. "Did that jerk contact you again?"
You know who exactly he's talking about, and you let out a sigh. "No, not him. I... I blocked him a few months ago when he tried spam calling me again. Sort of gave me a good scare, to be honest."
At the corner of your eye, Joshua's hand digs aimlessly into the sand, clenching and unclenching a fistful before smoothing it out again.
"I'm glad you're okay," he says softly, gaze fixed on the grains of sand slipping through his fingers. "You deserve someone way better than him."
You chuckle at that, and a bittersweet pang shoots through your chest. It's true, you deserve better. But really, the problem isn't just jerks and bad relationships. It's the thought of falling for someone again and it all comes crashing down... again.
But it's not like you could hold back from falling when you've already fallen. The truth is undeniable at this point𑁋your heart already beats a little faster for the boy right next to you.
"Guys! Look at the sunset!" Chan's voice rings out into the cool, evening air, pointing an excited finger towards the horizon.
Simultaneously, you and Joshua bring your eyes up tot the sky together. The last rays of the sun are painting the sky in a breathtaking display of fiery oranges, pinks, and purples, like a fleeting masterpiece before nightfall takes hold.
"Wow," You mutter out in awe. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Joshua cocks his head to the side, a low hum leaving his lips. "Hmm, I could think of something more beautiful than that, honestly."
You scoff, hitting him lightly on the shoulder. "You ruined the sentimental moment, idiot."
Joshua lets out an amused laugh, a sound that sends those flutters blossoming in your stomach, one you haven't realised you've missed until this very moment. A small giggle of your own escapes your mouth as you bring your eyes back to the sunset together.
Then a low yawn stifles out of you. Maybe everything that has happened the past few hours are finally catching up to you. You let out another yawn, hoping Joshua doesn't notice. But of course, he does.
"Getting tired?" he asks you.
You give a small nod. "Just a little."
A few moment pass, before you feel an arm drape casually over your shoulders. The scent of Joshua and his warmth seeps within your bones. You almost want to protest, but the words get caught in your throat, and you lean your head on his shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest with each breath.
Perhaps you could spend a long time staying in this position and hope the silence is able to spill all the words you've been meaning to say for all this time, but you know it's easier said than done. Because what's the point of confessing anymore if you know it won't ever last? That you know it'll ruin everything you've built up to get this far?
You've seen it happen around you𑁋with you, your parents, hell even strangers online. It's taught you nothing but to run. That's what your mind tells you to do, but not your heart. And maybe you listen to your mind more often than not.
"Yo, Josh!" Mingyu's voice hollers out from the ocean, and you feel a certain pressure be lifted up from your head (when did he lay his head on yours?) as you catch the sight of Seungcheol and Mingyu motioning to their surfboards. "Wanna hop on?"
Joshua briefly glances down at you, and you meet his gaze, seeing the indecision in his features.
"I don't mind," You tell him. "I'll be fine here."
He hesitates. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, don't worry about me." You pick your head off from his shoulders. "Go have your boy-fun."
Joshua gives you a small smile, though there's a hint of reluctance in his expression. He shouts back to Mingyu and Seungcheol before standing up and brushing the sand off his shorts. You could hardly pull your eyes away from him as he does so.
He starts trotting away as you face back toward the ocean with a sigh, relinquishing the moments you get to have to gather up your thoughts.
"Hey, Y/N?"
You pick your eyes back up to Joshua marching back towards you. He stops in front of you, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips.
"You look beautiful today, by the way." Then he gives shoots you a wink before turning back around. "Just wanted you to know."
The kiss you leave to his cheek later on was really worth the risk.
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TWO. "you learn my secrets and you figure out why i'm guarded / you say we'll never make my parents' mistakes..."
A picture frame of a four-year-old Joshua is staring back at you. He still has that same silly grin on his face, the one that has his own eyes smiling as well and makes your heart feel lighter every time you look at it. You reach out to touch the frame, tracing the outline of his little face with your fingertip.
Sometimes, you wish you could experience what he was like at this time𑁋to grow up with him, to know what exactly led him to meeting you. But then again, he's already here with you now, and maybe that's all that matters.
"All ready for bed?" Joshua's voice popping in makes you swiftly place back the picture frame back on his desk. You turn around to see him leaning against the doorway with a soft smile playing on his lips, clad with a simple white t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants.
"Mhm," You hum out in response as you settle back under the covers of his bed.
It isn't the first night you've spent with him at his place, but you seem to seek the feeling of his comfort more often than sleeping in your own bed. Jeonghan has been kind of nagging you the two of you to move in together at this point, but that's a leap you're a bit hesitant to jump right now. But the drawer of your own clothes in his wardrobe is a bit of an argument that's hard to defend.
Joshua crawls his way into the spot right next to you, slipping under the duvet and wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you more into his embrace. You feel his breath meet the nape of your neck, warm and soothing against your skin, and your eyes flutter to the feeling.
You shift your position so that you're facing him. His eyes are already closed, lips pursed up slightly, and even then he still looks absolutely stunning. But you know he isn't asleep. Not yet, at least.
"My parents had uh... another argument today," You confess lowly, hesitantly.
Joshua's eyes open up slightly, adjusting his head so he can look at you better. A faint crease of concern appears between his brows, the arm around you tightening imperceptibly.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You bite at your bottom lip anxiously. There are times you feel as if the only thing that could get you talking is always something revolving your parents, and you wonder if Joshua ever gets tired hearing about all of it. The thought courses insecurity to crawl in your veins, tightening your throat.
But Joshua's patient gaze towards you cuts through the uncertainty bubbling in your chest.
"Just same old, same old, you know?" You attempt to explain. "It just feels like they can't see eye-to-eye anymore. There's like... I don't know... nothing left between them, I guess. And it scares me that... it'll happen to us."
The last sentence suspends thickly into the air. Even then, you know it's more than the truth𑁋you've grown up witnessing and overhearing arguments from your parents that laid down this pessimistic view on the world around you.
You could feel your heart racing from all the anticipation. There's a wave of emotions that washes over Joshua's face, then he takes a deep breath and squeezes you tighter in his hold.
"Hey," he mutters. "Look at me."
You hesitantly meet his eyes.
"We're not like them, okay?" he assures you simply, bringing his hand up to cup your face oh-so gently in his hold. "We may argue sometimes. But the difference is, we communicate. We listen to each other. And we may not have all the answers to everything, but we'll figure it out together, alright?"
You swear you can feel the way he's holding your face also on your heart, like he's protecting you in a way from any doubts that might creep in. A small sigh escapes you, the tension leaving your shoulders as his words wrap around you comfortingly. The faintest, appreciative curve appears to your lips as you feel Joshua's thumb brush against your cheek.
He dreamily smiles at you as well, despite his face being half-buried in the pillow. And the thought of being able to wake up to this sight every single day suddenly feels a lot less like a leap and a whole lot more like a promise.
Somehow, the gap between the two of you disappears as your lips meets his. He kisses you so tenderly, mouth moving against yours with a delicate urgency, and the tiny sound that leaves you brings that smirk you could feel forming on his face.
You feel almost dizzy when you pull away, nothing but a shy look gracing over your features.
"Feeling better?" Joshua asks softly, brushing a stray strand of hair away from your face.
You could only gaze at him, wondering to yourself how he's even in real, how someone like him could exist with his sleepy smile, messy hair, and perfect features carved by the angels above, yet cherish you so dearly.
"Can you..." Your eyes flicker from eyes to his lips. "Can you... keep kissing me?"
It feels really silly to ask that, however Joshua just chuckles, the sound rumbling from deep within his chest as he peers at you with nothing but adoration.
"Of course," he replies, leaning back in. "Whatever you want."
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THREE. "braced myself for the goodbye, 'cause that's all I've ever known / then you took me by surprise / you said, 'I'll never leave you alone...'"
The tears streaming down your face burns through the concrete below like acid.
"Y/N, wait𑁋"
"I told you that I-I can't do this right now."
The leaves crunching at your feet echo in your ears as you walk away from Joshua, each step feeling heavier than the last. It's around two in the morning or something, and you can't remember the last time you felt this lost and broken ever since your parents' separation. It's like the ground beneath you has crumbled away, leaving you suspended in midair, grasping for something𑁋just anything𑁋to hold onto.
You've been here before, standing at the edge of this cliff of vulnerability. It's easier to leave before you get left, easier to build walls than to let someone in only to watch them walk away.
But you've come to understand that Joshua isn't one to give up easily. He catches up to you quickly, his hand gently grasping your arm to stop you in your tracks. You try to shrug him off, but his grip only tightens slightly as he turns you around to face him.
"Talk to me," he pleads insistently, and the subtle tremble to his voice has your chest clenching. "If you're just going to keep pushing me away, then𑁋"
"Then leave." The words leave you before you can stop them, fueled by the ache in your chest and the fear in your heart. "You don't have to stay with me when all I-I do is push you away. Don't you think you deserve someone better?"
Joshua's grip on your arm loosens at your words, but it doesn't fall. His eyes scan over your tear-stained face, the quiver to your lips, and all of it has you bracing yourself for the inevitable, final blow𑁋for him to turn and walk away like so many others before him.
But instead, he just steps closer to you.
"This isn't about me staying because I have to, Y/N," he explains. "It's about me wanting to stay because I love you. I knew what I was getting into the second I realised I was falling for you. So no, I'm not going to leave you. And I'll never leave you alone because I know you're worth fighting for."
Your breath catches in your throat, his words piercing through you like a bullet straight through the heart. Even Joshua appears out of breath himself, as if he's poured his own heart out to you in those few simple sentences. The silence stretches between the two of you.
With a quiet sigh and a faint smile, he lets the tension simmer down by trailing his eyes over you.
"When I look at you, I think... I think I fall in love with you all over again like the first time I saw you," Joshua admits shyly, followed by a sheepish chuckle to himself. "It's cheesy, I know. But I can't help it. It's hard not to look at you."
You feel the heat crawling up your face as you blink away your tears clumsily, peering up at him inquisitively. "Really?"
This just draws another laugh from him. Joshua steps closer to you, trailing a hand to cup your face and the other to slide to your back to shorten the gap between the two of you even more. He places a soft kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment before he pulls back slightly to meet your gaze.
"Really," he confirms, voice gentle yet firm. "I meant every word I said, darling."
This brings a genuine smile to your face as if it was the first one that night. You instinctively lean more into Joshua's touch, letting your eyes close for a moment to the simple feeling of him holding you.
"I'm sorry," You mumble, voice barely above a whisper. "for pushing you away like that. It's just... I'm scared."
Joshua takes one of your hands into his own to bring up to his lips, pressing a reassuring kiss to your knuckles.
"It's okay," he assures you. "We can be scared together."
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FOUR. "do you believe it? / we're gonna make it now / and i can see it / i can see it now."
A pair of arms snake around your waist from behind, the relaxing melody of a piano floating through the air of the kitchen. You take in a deep breath, leaning back into Joshua's embrace as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
"Smells amazing, honey," Joshua murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
You smile contentedly, feeling the peace of the moment wash over the two of you. The enticing smells of the pasta you were cooking waft around the kitchen, mingling with the scent of fresh herbs, garlic, and Joshua's presence right behind you.
"It should be ready soon," You say, clutching the wooden spoon in your hands to give the sauce a final stir.
Joshua's eyes arms tighten around you, pulling you even closer as he sways gently to the music. You hear the sounds of his hums hit your ears as you turn to the heat off to the stove. And as you attempt to pull away from him to grab for some plates, Joshua's grip on your waist hardly budges.
You groan exaggeratedly. "Shua, I need to𑁋"
"Marry me."
You freeze immediately, and you swear time halted right at that moment. Turning around in his hold, you're met with the sight of Joshua's eyes on you. You try to pinpoint any doubt in them, any sign that this is some sort of joke, but his gaze remains unwavering, dark eyes serious yet painted with a shine of hope that tugs right at the strings of your heart and the walls of your hesitation.
There's always that fear gnawing at in the back of your mind. But beneath it all, a warmth spreads through your chest, a certainty that feels as natural as breathing.
And perhaps, you see nothing but forever in him.
You can see it in the way his eyes soften, in the way his hand trembles anxiously against your waist, in the way his lips part ever so slightly as he waits for your response. You can see it all in him. You've made it.
You kiss him just seconds later. It's a question your heart has already answered long before the words left Joshua's lips. You lean more into his touch, feeling your heart overflow past the brink of joy, and the feelings all melt together into the singular realisation that he's the best thing that's ever been yours.
When the two of you finally break away, a single word escapes your lips, "Yes."
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another note: sorry this ending was slightly rushed T-T
taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9 @roziesmei @mirxzii @bookyeom @parkjennykim @melodicrabbit @bewoyewo @honglynights @bananabubble @treehouse-mouse @tanya596carat @starshuas @totomoshi
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hi! can you do a percy jackson x daughter of hera!reader? she's supposed to not have children but it would be pretty interesting if she did, and im curious🤍🤍
⋆⭒˚.⋆ percy jackson x daughter of hera! reader hcs
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content: percy jackson x daughter of hera! reader hcs warning: i was about to say none all happy like but literally the second line has 'fuck' so...language author's note: okay okay still rereading rn and i have vague memories of hating hera for some reason that is alluding me but i've made the excitative decision that all of whatever she did that was so bad to piss 12 yr old me off...doesn't exist???? if i ever write anything that agrees with canon, kill me bc it's NOT me yall it is an imposter fr
forbidden girl with forbidden boy????
i like to imagine zeus pissed off hera, as he often does, and she was just like 'okay fuck you' and slept with a marriage counselor
but also connected with him on an emotional level bc like i feel like she needs that??? idk, not a huge fan of hers but whatevas
i just know as the daughter of marriage, you value loyalty about everything else
which is why percy, who's fatal flaw is loyalty, is perfect for you.
you know he's loyal, so loyal it'll kill him
that's the kinda man you need
also, the princess treatment is real
hera has her eyes on you, always
youre her only child, like, ever.
of course she's watching you every second of every day
zeus can't even kill you if he wanted too, hera having grown too fond and would surely destroy all of olympus if he tried
your cabin would have a very soft and pastel aesthetic and honestly percy prefers it to his cabin
also i feel like you would be vegetarian at the least bc like...that's fucked up if you eat cow...like your mom would not be happy with that
if you are, percy goes out of his way to make sure your comfortable
"oh, is that vegetarian?? no?? then get it tf away from me and my precious girl???"
forces (she would do it willingly) sally to fill the freezer with vegetarian snacks just for when you come over
also, you like always look put together.
even in sweatpants and one of percy's shirts, your hair manages to fall in just a perfect way and your eyelashes look like they have mascara on but you don't
just a pretty pretty princess fr
percy goes out of his way to spoil you just because he wants to, no other reason
"why are you giving me a peacock??"
"...do you want it or not?"
"hEY! mr. prince would like you not to refer to him as an 'it' anymore." you huff, crouching down and instantly pulling the peacock into your arms, cooing at him gently
"wait, wait, you can talk to it??"
so in love
also your father??? best man ever
loves percy
loves you
in that order too
jk jk i kid
not really tho
he's just a man who's really in touch with his emotions and he was just such a good father to you, subtly making you comfortable with the concept of greek gods and whatnot as a child
also, jason and thalia?? best step siblings ever
they just welcome you into the family without even thinking about it
one second you weren't there and then the next you were.
when percy comes around asking for permission to marry his daughter, your father just smirks and shakes his head at percy
"you're asking the wrong parent, percy."
which is exactly what percy didn't want to hear
he didn't want to talk to your mother, the GODDESS AND PERSONIFICATION of marriage, about marrying her only daughter.
surprisingly, hera took it pretty okay, instantly gushing about how pretty you'll look at your wedding.
percy joined in and then it was just the two of them raving about how pretty you were
which was a topic percy could talk about all day
actually, anything to do with you, could leave him yapping for days or weeks or months
that's just how enamored he is
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thrutheruins · 2 years
i used to absolutely adore mcr video edits that were set to very generic hot girl music let’s bring those back
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(I'm feeling kinda angsty today, I guess. If there's a fic/prompt like this already tho, please link me. 👀)
next →
Reaper of Heroes
Once crowned as the High Ghost King of the Infinite Realms, Danny gains some grim reaper-like abilities and dominion over a specific subset of souls.
People who don masks and capes to protect the innocent from those who would harm them, just like he once did in the beginning of his existence as a halfa. He's was horrified by the responsibility but is eventually resigned to it. Due to bittersweet nostalgia, he quickly grows fond of the heroes that rose up after he took the throne and packed away the suit. Responsible he may be for the collection of their souls, but with council from Clockwork and the Ghost of Time's knowledge of the most desired paths, sometimes he'll just... let a soul slip through his fingers and return to it's vessel before it's chain is completely severed. He doesn't care that the observants complain constantly about those particular actions. If there's still room for a soul to do good for the better of everyone else, they can hardly stop him from straying from their plans. Much less with him as their king and protection as his obsession.
Only he is responsible for the reaping of these specific souls, unless delegated to one of the more common reapers at his command of course. Sometimes he follows his favorite heroes around, invisible to them unless he wishes them to see him or they're very close to death's door. He's trailed them so closely that some heroes have reported seeing a kind but sad looking man with white hair and aurora green eyes when they've nearly been pushed past the limits of their mortal bodies.
Ones who have passed through the veil but came back report vague memories of a similar sort; a kind man who cradled the very essence of their being with hands so gentle it's worth a few awe filled tears once he released them back amongst the living. The JL give him the moniker Grim, for his black and white coloring and for the shadowy scythe he carries not as a weapon but more like a key that unlocks the chain that binds them to their flesh. He never speaks to any of the heroes he interacts with tho. Always silent with a calculating, but sorrowful gaze.
At least until now.
When he appears before a bruised and beaten, young Jason Todd with whisper soft words in his ear as he comforted the concussed boy about to be killed in a fiery inferno at the hands of Gotham's mad clown.
As the explosion comes to a close, an unseen figure cradles the star-like light of a soul close to his chest as he wept and apologized for being unable to save the young soul from such a painful end but was thankful the poor boy this light belonged to could feel it no longer.
What do you think? Angsty enough? I might have a little more to add to this but I'm gonna stop for now. I injured my hand yesterday, so it hurts to type for too long.
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Reader comforting aegon cuz he's just so broken after the treatment he's been through 🤠
A Lovers Comfort
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Character: Aegon Targaryen (HOTD)
Warnings/Notes: mentions of parental neglect/abuse, Viserys slander, mild Alicent slander (i love her tho), soft hubby Aegon, your Rhaenyra's daughter (you can chose adopted or not), war doesnt happen, aemond still looses his eye.
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When you where first told you where to marry Aegon you were worried to say the least. Having heard many stories from your brothers and mother, not to mention the not so fond memories of him when you were all kids. But it had been years now, surely he had matured into a man? Perhaps he hadn't with the outrage you could see of your mother's face, your whole family's faces.
Yes, your mother had long ago proposed Jace marry Helaena, to solidify the bonds between the greens and blacks. But to her this? This was different. You were her baby, her only girl and she couldn't let them take you from her. Make you bare his children. No she had to stop this.
Which led to now, all of you on dragon back heading to kingslanding. Your mother and Daemon leading on Syrax and Caraxes, while you and your brothers followed. Being greeted by the king and queen upon landing you remained silent as you were all led inside.
There you watched as your mother and Daemon enter the council meetings room along with the king and Alicent, Your brothers being sent to the training grounds and Aemond accompanying his wife, Helaena back to their chambers with a soft nod to you. Leaving you alone with a half drunken Aegon.
"You don't want me." he laughs, deeply amused at the scrunch of you face when he slumps in the seat next to you. "You've never liked me, no one does"
Rolling your eyes you take the wine from his hand, pushing him back in his seat. "Your family likes you Aegon, your mother, surely" your voice is short, seemingly bored of his presence already. Not something he's unused to.
"No.. They don't like me" It comes out soft, and barely audible but you hear him. It makes you turn slightly, staring at him unsure of how to proceed. Your heart aches and you find yourself reaching for his hands, the action makes him look up unshed tears filling his eyes.
"Father does not care for me, us. he spent so long wanting sons and dreamers yet now he finds himself with two songs and a dreamer in my sister and he still views your mother as his only child." You wince at that, sure you had seen it growing up you weren't blind to the kings dismissal of his children or fondness of your mother. you had no idea just how little he cared.
"Your mother must love you though, i've seen her with Aemond she seems rather loving?" Your carful with your words not wanting to offend your prince its his laugh that startles you. "I am no son of hers, she made that clear after aemond lost his eye. He and Helaena are all that she cares for. I'm just her drunken, ungrateful son."
You understand him now, understand his anger, his drinking. He's hurt and lost and crying out for help when no ones bothered to listen. You feel yourself move towards him, unsure why, you pull him into a hug.
He nuzzles his head into your neck and releases a breath he didn't know he was holding, letting his eyes close and his body relax in your hold. "I'll marry you." his head shoots up at your words, confused as to why you would give your life to him. "But, reduce the drinking. You don't have to stop, just drink less okay?"
"Okay." He smiles then, a true genuine smile and you lean down to press a soft kiss to his nose laughing when he scrunches up his face in protest. "Good. I'll hold you to that."
Feeling him hum against you, you move to run your hands through his hair. "Ser Christen, please in form my mother and the rest of the council that the meeting need not proceed as Aegon and I are accepting the terms of our betrothal."
"Of course Princess."
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Should this be a series?
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zu8her · 11 months
✧・゚Hands | Sakusa Kiyoomi — we all got a hand kink.
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✧・゚tags— hand kink, dom!Sakusa, penetrative sex, consent, cum eating, foreplay
✧・゚notes — I want to credit @tsukiboo as inspiration. They made a post about Tsukishima's hands that I could not get out of my head. In the end tho, I thought I would be best if it was Sakusa Kiyoomi ff. Anyway- I hope you enjoy this. Keep in mind I have not been writing for long so give me grace.
✧・゚— word count: 2.3K
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Taking a sip of her coffee, she sits next to him. Taking in the morning sun as it sneaks through the window, the calm of finally resting after working her ass of at work and the man in front of her, typing away at his laptop. Unfortunately, unlike her he didn't get off but works remote so he's always at home. That is her point of contention. Him being here but not actually being able to be here, with her. To actually spend time together. Instead she reminisces, her head flooded with memories of him.
With every passing memory she grins to herself and continues to survey him. His black strands still dishevelled because he did not feel the need to deal with it and y/n had already occupied the bathroom moisturising her scalp and combing out her afro.
She surveys him as he casually licks his lips, his puffy red nose that always accompany him when he wakes up and to his distaste overstays it's welcome.
But what instantly grabs her attention, is his arms. Inwardly, salivating as she gawks at them. At his rolled up grey sleeves that outline the slight tone of his muscles and reveal them. His hands decorated with veins and the ring she was hesitant to give him because she assumed that he 'wouldn't be into something like that'. Determined to prove to her that he was, that he actually loved the thoughtful gift, only taking it off to clean it or showering, always wearing the silver ring. She presses her thighs together as she thinks back to the sensation of him tracing the cold ring all over her body.
Her thought drift her to the start of their relationship. Before this started she knew he was not very fond of just anything/ anyone touching him. He is still slightly particular of hygiene. She noticed how he would tense every time any part of her body would so much as graze his. So, she stopped trying and became distant. He noticed, and made an effort to touch her more.
In the end, he ended up craving it, though he would not show it openly. His hands remember every one of her curves. To the extent where he feels the sensation tingle across his hands even when he is not touching her. He would close his eyes and let every part of her body, that he ran his hands across, drown his thoughts while grinding his hands together in an attempt to replicate the sensation.
She sits waiting to spend time with him. She sits spending time with him. Observing, his long slender fingers gracefully gliding across the keyboard. She sits patiently, ogling his hands, relieved that he is too busy completing his code to question her, giving her the opportunity to respectfully, observe his sculpted hands.
"Y/n," he calls as he continues to work at his code.
"Mmmh?" She mumbles, raising her eyes to meet his, still planted on his screen.
"Do you need anything?"
"No." She lies, cupping her cheek. "Actually," he raises his eyebrows. "Do you have a hand to spare?"
He immediately gives her his right hand. Typing with his left. She smiles, tracing her warm fingertips across his cold veins, comparing their hands by pressing them together.
"Baby, I kinda need my hand if you're done." She lets go. "I don't know why you like them so much."
"My hands."
"No, I don't." She cheekily retorts.
"You've been staring at them again." She smiles in defeat. "I don't know," she steals his hand back, connecting it with hers. "Their just so..."
He removes his eyes from his screen looking down at her tilting his head. She mimics his movement with a grin. His mouth corner rises before falling and him returning to his computer. She mumbles something about getting breakfast ready to detract him from further questioning her as she continues to stare at his hands. The hands he loves wrapping around her thighs, torturously slow.
Those hands that make her think back to the times she'd tape his fingers for him before every match.
Sitting at a bench as wondering eyes walk by and she would nervously look up at them. "You're nervous" Her eyebrows knot as she glares at him. "I'm not- it's just- nevermind." She simply sighs and continues to tape his fingers. Gently twirling the sports tape around his fingers. He attentively watches her as she does so. Done, he gets up. He throws his jacket over her shoulders, looking down at her, his taped hands cupping her face, before regrouping with his team.
Getting up she retreats to the fridge. She could feel his eyes on her as she grabs some milk and cereal from the cabinets below. Taking a spool full of cereal she walks past him into the living room. She hops on the couch, taking another bite. Switching the TV on, she flips through before settling on a show she regularly, quite intentionally procrastinates watching to the end. She absentmindedly watches the show. Her eyes planted on the tv but mind preoccupied with his hands.
The hands that gently wraps around her throat. The hands that holds her waist and pulls her to him. The hands that holds hers. The hands that holds firmly as her hips as he fucks into her.
Hands. His hands, drown her thoughts. Those hands she wants caressing every part of her body. That's all she can think about. Her mind consumed with his large calloused hand. She groans in frustration slightly shifting picking up the remote to rewind. He looks over his shoulder before returning to his screen.
Hours later, she hears him finally shut his laptop and the shuffling of his slippers as he shuts the curtains before making his way toward her. Looking up from her phone, the sun had gone down. Lifting the comforter he sneaks next to her.
"Week's work is done." He gives a tired smile. "I'm all yours."
At the start of their relationship, he had noticed how she would stare at his hands. As he turned the page of the book he was reading, her staring down at him from the spectators seats as he practiced and him simply washing his hands. Her eyes would fixate on him and his so-called perfect hands. Always "observing" as she puts it.
Sakusa knew she liked his hands. Maybe it is because after he started to really get comfortable he became completely enamoured with her. Touching her. He grew addicted. Though it was beyond him why she liked his hands, the arrangement worked for them both. He most certainly used it for his pleasure and most importantly hers.
Turning to face her, he sneaks his hand onto her thighs. Smiling, when she faced him. “Very interesting show. Don’t you think?” “Yeah…”
He continues to rub as her soft thighs, placing emphasis on scars and dark marks by pressing softly and gently rubbing. Gliding his hands up and down. She attempted to pay attention to the TV but her eyes settled on his hand. Rubbing and squeezing, his large hands caressed her thick thighs. Her breath shortens with every caress. His hand inching closer to where she desperately wants his fingers to entertain.
Abruptly, his hand comes to a halt. Her eyes shoot forward at the TV screen. Removing, his hands on her thigh he brings it to her face. Placing it as the side of her cheek turning her head toward him. Her brown eyes settle on him with her chest softly rising and falling. Her cropped t-shirt outlining her chest delicately. Pulling the comforter off he stands staring down at her.
He stands awkwardly for a bit before gathering his words. “Would you like it if I- uhmm…?”
“Yes,” she jolts. Extending his hand he helps her get up.
The walk to their bedroom down the hall was tense as she tilted her head to glance at the man behind her. Entering the room, his scent with a hint of perfume hits her. She relaxes looking back as the door clicks closed. He walks her way, towering over her. He cups her chin his eyes darting across her face. “Sit on the bed and face the mirror.”
She crawls onto the bed staring at herself through the mirror. At her gown draped over her, then at him climbing behind her. Their eyes meet and she gives him a nod. Touching her shoulders, he pulls off her gown. She shivers as his fingers slide down her arms. Discarding it, he groans glancing back at the mirror. His eyes taking in her body.
Leaning forward he presses his chest against her back. She lays back relaxing into him as he cups her chest. He runs his hands over her shirt rubbing at her tits underneath. Her back slightly arches as she feels the silk fabric of her shirt press and slide across her nipples. Gasping as he brushes his thumb against them and gently pinching. Kissing along her neck as he gropes them. Toying with the hem of her shirt, he helps her pull it over her head, discarding it.
She sits on her knees, lifting a bit as he wraps his arm around her waist continuing his indulgence by cupping her tits once more. She desperately pulls for his right hand. “Want to keep going?” He whispers against her ear. She nobs. Staring into the mirror, she impatiently moves his hand to her panties. He rubs her through the fabric. She moans gripping his arm, watching him look down, his black hair falling forward, and his hand between her legs.
Pulling down her panties, he simply glides his fingers across her wet folds. She mewls as his fingers sink into her. He slides his fingers into her cunt as her wetness rolls down her thighs and drips onto the bed, staining his sheets. She tightens around his fingers pushing down into them in an effort to get more friction. She whines when he pulls out and latches his wet fingers onto her clit.
She breathes, feeling the warmth escape behind her. Watching him walk to his closet. “I bought you something.” Closing his closet he reveals a wand, similar to hers. “Get on your back, baby.”
On her back she watches him settle above her, between her legs. “You always use one of these when I’m not around.” Pressing the toy onto her clit, she shivers at the cold sensation. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot. How you fuck yourself with this.” When he turns it on a silent gasp leaves her lips and she grips the sheets, an orgasm washing over her as he squeezes her hips.
He bucks his cock against her, rolling the wand onto her clit. His hand flexing as he pressing it down. Staring down at her as she comes undone once more. His indulgence continues holding firmly at her hip as she attempts to escape.
Only after cumming several times more does his hold loosen and the wand put aside. She lays beneath him dazed. Drool running down the side of her mouth, twitching. His fingers run across her cheek, her drool coating them. He moves forward, his hands at the side of her head and his crotch against her leaking cunt. He rolls his crotch onto her sensitive clit. Her hips jerk as he presses and grinds his bulge against her.
Getting up, he pulls off his pants. Her breath hitches as he wraps his hand around the base of his cock stroking. Rubbing her saliva all over his shaft. He captures his lower lip between his teeth but fails to prevent his moans from slipping out. “Fuck.” Her hand sneaks between her folds. Gripping her writs, he pins her stern stare.
Staring at herself through the mirror, she moans delightfully, as he holds her wrists and fucks her from the back, watching as his veins become more prominent as his grip tightens. As he pulls her back onto his cock with every thrust. Beads of sweat rolling down his face and his breath can be felt against her skin.
His mouth agape as he plunges into her cunt. He lets go of her wrists, bringing up his fingers into her mouth. She moans against them. Sucking as she tasted her cum. With his right hand, he rubbed her swollen clit purposefully sliding the ring down a bit to press against it. A feral moan rips through his throat as he feels her clench around cock.
The sound of skin connecting becoming more lewd with her cum coating his pelvis. He holds onto her as she cums with her griping his forearm. Pulling out, he cusses at the sensation and her cum running down his thighs onto the sheets.
Laying back against the headboard he watches her sink down onto his cock. She looks down at him. At his hands on her hips and his thumb rubbing at her stretch mark. She grinds into him. His tongue grazes his lips looking up at her throwing her head back on his cock. She lowers her eyes at him when one of his hands leave her hips and rubs at her clit.
She leans into him as he fucks up into her. Her nails digging into his shoulder as she cums. Gently laying her down he positions himself between her cunt. Restlessly, she watches as he fists his cock. Watching as his precum trickle down his hand and onto her. He glances down at her as she tries to close her legs with a grin planted on his face. He releases a raspy moan as his cum spurts on her stomach.
He releases his cock heavily breathing. He presses his cum-smeared cock against her wet cunt. Leaning forward his digits enter her mouth. Collapsing next to her he sighs, his breath still heavy. Rolling off his bed he enters the bathroom before returning with a wet clothe which he uses to clean his cum off. "I still don't get why you like my hands so much."
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99-kroi · 1 year
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sharing this little thing I did for my oc x canon ship 👀 This is Khro’a Tsrafmi, my oc, and recom Mansk from the movie Avatar The Way Of Water! more info will be posted about them soon maybe idk hehe quick summary of their story so far tho: Mansk survives the events of Avatar 2 and is found and imprisoned by Khro’a and the others. Khro’a and Mansk get closer etc. neytiri jake moment buT mansk still betrays khro’a in the end and gets rescued by the rda cause angst is yummy LMAOO 🤪 🤪 🤪 ❤️ ❤️they also obv like each other but wont admit it ha h a ANYWAY I also wrote a thingy for this illust too  🤪 ❤️ ❤️ ‎  ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ ‎ 
Khro’a had expected this. He had told himself that he would prepare for the worst case scenario. Yet when the worst had arrived, he was full of uncontrollable anger and also…something else he dared not to admit- He was heartbroken. As ridiculous as it sounds, he has become fond of the mysterious and silent man. Khro'a thought he saw more in him than simply another dangerous recom warrior but I guess he thought wrong.
Memories of them getting closer and even almost knowing each other to a really personal level, flashed through his mind as he stood there in the middle of the burning forest as everyone’s frantically trying to escape the sky people’s attacks.
Mansk stands next to Lyle Wainfleet across the chaos from where Khro’a is at. They were far from each other but not far enough to see where both of them were standing. “Good work, Mansk!” Lyle shouts, patting Mansk on the shoulder to make sure he heard him over all the loud noises of gunshots firing and crackling wood in the fire. “Lets get you the fuck out of here.”
Before they leave, Mansk and Khro’a make eye contact. Khro’a, doing his best not to get swayed by his emotions, stops himself from running headfirst towards the man to finish him in one go with his blades. All he could do was hiss back angrily at their direction as hot tears streamed down his face. If only he had been carrying his gun, he would have already shot Mansk by this point. You could only see a mixture of disappointment, rage, and despair on Khro'a's face at that moment.
Mansk witnessed everything. But he held a blank expression. At least that's what Khro'a, whose vision was already a little fuzzy, could see. Even though a lot of things happened so quickly, everything still seemed to move slowly.
Mansk still looking at Khro’a’s expressions and taking it all in, Its clear to see that he had completely broken his “friend’s” trust. Khro'a claims he never trusted Mansk, but Mansk didn't buy it because he could generally read Khro'a right away. Mansk was aware that Khro'a had some faith in him and hoped, deep down in his mind and heart, that this wouldn't happen.
The two took a second after khro’a looks away and immediately helps out other na’vis escape as they run deep into the woods, away from the sky people. Mansk turns his back from the forest and finally follows Lyle, who was standing by one of the RDA's gunships for him. “Everything is a part of the mission. It's what I have to do as a recom soldier." Mansk quietly reminds himself the most basic cliche ass shit ever. (SorryLMAO)
These kinds of situations don't allow for feelings. You must be an absolute fool if you fall for any of that nonsense. Khro'a and Mansk knew that very well. They shouldn't get involved, so they never expected anything to happen between them.
So why does it still hurt a little even when you expected THIS to happen? Why hope that things might change at all?
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icyjelli · 6 months
imagine kung lao is your childhood friend (and crush) that you lose connection with because you move away
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Okay so this has been sitting in my notes so I think I’ll post it as a warm up for my eventual works LMAO
ofc you two eventually meet again when you come back home to visit your grandparents
and man, you thought that crush would have been gone by now but NOPE
definitely still there, the way you fumble over your words when you bump into him at the market speaks volumes
as for kung lao, being the cheeky mf he is, teases you about it but is actually internally screaming bc holy shit he never thought he’d ever see you, one of his childhood friends (and crush) again
would immediately invite you to have dinner with him at madam bo’s
there’s a catch though, whoever gets there last has to pay the bill
you both are fueled by competition so it’s def serious business
not to mention man does not mess around with his food
cue a series of yelling and laughter filling the dusk air as the two of you race down the bustling streets
probably very nostalgic, fond memories of doing similar things when you both were kids
would say he let you win bc he wanted to pay for dinner (definitely wasn’t because he got distracted by you)
a lot of catching up ensues, a few longing looks and touches along with a familiar feeling settling between you two
the type of goodbye hug you guys have is one of those hugs where neither of you wanna let go and when you both pull apart there’s that tension of wanting to say/do more
but kung lao does demand that next time you come to visit that you stay longer and for a rematch
“you really wanna lose again, lao?”
“oh you’ll be eating those words, city girl. and paying for them too.”
I might make this into a little series for certain characters but we’ll see🧐 (def will be making one for raiden tho hehe ;3c)
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FR tho how long after the main films events was that ending scene meant to take place? because the Bros really do just act like their suddenly the ideal family its kinda disturbing tbh 😕😕
these guys were ripping chunks out of each other with seething hatred only a few scenes prior to this one and none of the previous scenes actually had any meaningful development that would explain this level of love suddenly being between them
like did they all just get stoned off screen and that's why their all so happy now? 😂😂😂😂
the scene really does seem like it should take place like 5 years in the future or something after they've had all this meaningful development with each other and ya know actually bonded a bit.
at the moment tho these guys barely know each other 20+ years is most of their lives and all of Branch's life pretty much.
so Floyd saying that he likes the new them just feels kinda tone deaf like Floyd can you name one thing about any of the people around you that you know for a 100 percent fact is still true of them in present day and isn't just something your remembering from when you were kids?
I really hope the writers don't think they did all the development they needed to do and that Brozone are just fully fleshed out characters now.
because they ain't frankly they didn't even have the Bare minimum development their on the same level as cloud guy in the tv shows just massive jerks who didn't get any comeuppance in the end.
they still need to go a long way with these characters for them to not be toxic frankly.
personally I'm kinda Hoping in the future we see them make an effort in some way like maybe due to the age gap between them Branch feels somewhat left out in the family.
like the older bros all talk and fondly remember all these events from when they were younger from before Branch was born and they all laugh and get along easily pretty much picking up from where they left off.
and Branch slowly starts to feel awkward trying to laugh along with the rest of the bros but feeling kinda down since he keeps on not knowing about any of the things they are referring to.
and overall just not knowing even basic things about them that they still remember about each other like maybe he asks Floyd about them going for a ride on those hover bike things.
only for the other bros to remind him that Floyd's always been deathly afraid of Hight's.
and Branch cooks a special meal for everyone as a surprise only for one of the bros to be allergic to something he used in the meal which is pointed out by the others.
and Branch just well and truly feels like the odd man out in the family and his bros do notice this and actually make more of an effort for him to feel included.
maybe bringing up some memories from when he was a baby that he'd actually remember and taking more of an interest in his current interests.
that's one idea and I'd actually like to see something involving their Grandma as well that doesn't involve her being made into a comedic punchline 😞😞
like maybe the bros go to hang out with Branch only to find him hold up in his Bunker with worse off colours and he eventually tells them its the anniversary of her death. and despite the Bros wanting to help or just spend the day with him he tells them he'll just deal with it on his own like he's always done.
as its just what he's used to but after talking the Bros do come back more determined to help.
and they try various typical Troll things to try and cheer him up only for it to obviously backfire and result in Branch just getting angry with them and being more determined to just deal with it on his own.
but eventually the Brothers do figure out how to be there for him maybe they just hang around the outside of the Bunker and all share their own fond memories about Grandma and the things they miss about her. while not necessarily trying to cheer him up or anything but just being there like they never were before.
which does get Branch to open the Bunker and let them inside so they can all just get through that day together.
just a couple of ideas I just wanna see Brozone redeeming themselves by actually working and making an effort to be more supportive in the future ya know?
the fandom loves doing short fics and art of them just behaving like normal siblings light heartedly teasing Branch and whatnot but honestly those ideas kinda bug me as.
their not normal siblings frankly they will never be normal siblings way too much happened for them to ever be that and in Branch's case they missed out on the most important years of his life that form who a person is. their never going to be able to just come back from that entirely to the point they have the same sorta relationship that you do with your siblings who you've most likely known your whole life and in most cases have grown up with. yes large age gaps exist with siblings and in some cases you can not discover you have a sibling until later in life but those relationships are frankly a whole different area. 2. leaving aside the fact that the Brothers simply haven't earned the right to act like that towards Branch or even each other. there's also the fact that literally one of the main conflicts in the third film was them not respecting Branch as a person aka behaving in childish manners towards him. childishly teasing him and not respecting basic human boundaries. so the fandom doing all these cutesy arts of them behaving the same way towards him is actually kinda ironic given its ignoring one of the points of the film. basically what I'm saying is the fandom is really jumping the gun with Brozone imo. sorta like how everyone got annoyed when that TBGO episode had Creek come back and be instantly given another chance and accepted back into the village. despite no real effort on his part its the same with Brozone both with how their Treated in the film and how their Treated by most of the fandom. I just wanna see some actual meaningful development and effort way way before we see them playing happy families and partaking in comedic gags with each other and whatnot. we should still have a long way to go before we're even close to seeing that sorta stuff. anyway Rant over I guess thanks for reading 😅😅😅😅😅😅
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AITA for not wanting to wear matching Halloween costumes with my younger sister?
So my little sister (5f) is OBSESSED with the tv show Miraculous Ladybug and wants to dress up as Ladybug for Halloween. The issue is she also wants someone to dress up as Cat Noir (Ladybug and Cat Noir are a superhero duo and love interests for each other for those unfamiliar with the show). My sister always makes someone pretend to be Cat Noir when she plays pretend and I usually go along with her shenanigans. My mom suggested that I dress up with her as Cat Noir, an offer I turned down. Not because I don’t want to dress up at all or anything like that. I really love dressing up for Halloween and it super important to me to make the most of it! 
Part of this comes from when I was younger and didn’t get much (if any) choice in my costume so I desperately try to make up for it when I’m older. For context here is a list of costumes I was made to wear and still bother me; any other years were my choice of 2 Costco on sale costumes that my mom and grandma liked best (never included my first choice and alway looker weird because my parents made me cram them over a thick set of pajamas to stay warm, sometimes with a coat of top)
3rd grade: matching with my toddler (at the time) sister, hella glittery and extra Rainbow Dash dresses, including bright blue face paint that stained my face 4/10 made the nursing home we trick or treated in super happy (fond memory) but made me super embarrassed at school 
6th grade: neon pink one piece pajamas that had a neon purple tail and a raccoon face on the hood. 1/10 Got me made fun of, i literally didnt have any choice my mom brought them home from the clearance section at target and made me wear it, i got called a furry and my middle school banned hoods so it was practically useless, was too hot to be comfortable. 
I had begged to dress up as a Hamilton character and have my 2 little sisters match (one also loved Hamilton and the other was an infant) i even found costumes online and stuff but my parents rejected it because they dislike the fact Hamilton had hip-hop music and were annoyed at my obsession (understandably annoyed but still hurtful) 
7th grade: my moms old cat pajamas, a clip on tail that was all bent out of shape, and a uncomfortable cat headband, all covered in cheetah print and pink sequins on the seams 6/10 still got made fun of, got forced to take off the tail at school because it didn’t fit in the chair properly 
In 8th grade I compiled a collection of things to dress up as a newsies, all from my grandma’s closet or my own. 8.5/10 I loved it at the time, looked bad because i did my own makeup to look dirty and like i had been beaten up. 
In 9th and 10th grade i wore the same elf costume that i begged for 6 months for to match my friends, 10/10 it was pretty and I love it, wasn’t too stoked to have to wear it twice tho bc my favorite part (the corset) didn’t fit last year. 
This year i want to choose something different and new, and something I wont be made fun of for and feel confident in. I’m 16, almost 17 and  have bad self esteem issues. Halloween is like my favorite holiday because i love being all dressed up and being like a character i enjoy. I usually pay for part of my costume and do my own hair and makeup. 
BUT my mom is dead set on the idea that I match my little sister because “i’m getting too old and should just be nice instead of being selfish” or “had plenty of years to have fun, that i should make her Halloween memorable”. When my dad or other sister (11f who also like the show, not to the same degree but does enjoy it) hell even SHE could do it with her but she insists that I should. 
AITA for not wanting to? For potential messing up my little sister’s Halloween?
What are these acronyms?
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cabin10diaries · 7 months
im so im so. obsessed with jason but specifically what other people think of him
reyna oh my beloved reyna <333 she knew him the best of everyone and then he disappeared, came back brand new? new friends, new girl, new person, and shes glad he's happy but where did HER jason go ? the one she trained with, spent years getting close with, spending all her time with? he was taken from her, and as happy as she is for the new jason he can never fill her heart the same
piper my lovely was basically coerced into a relationship built on false narratives with him, and she broke up bc that wasnt right !! what were they now? ofc, they were friends, but the tension of fake memories and fading feelings was still effective. it was so hard to talk to him but she wanted it to be easy again like in her fake memories
leo (this is valgraced bc im a valgrace truther ok?) hated him but loved him as a friend and more. jason was what leo wanted to be; respected, smart, listened to, not seeming like a burden. he wanted that so bad, which made him want jason, too. stuck between do i want my best friends boy or do i want to kill him and take his place? he was soo jealous but guilty of the jealousy bc it wasnt like it was jasons fault the way ppl treated the two differently. and jason was the same to leo, he wanted leos humor and be able to make a room laugh instead of having them glare at him for being to stern, even tho thats what he had been taught to do. they found a unique bond with each other by wanting aspects of each other while liking the parts they didnt want to be
cohort5/new rome [bar hazel and frank] etc looked up to him so much. he was their role model, their leader, their voice of reason, the person to turn to, THE guy. they basically idolized and dehumanized him to nothing but the boy who was raised to lead them, especially bc he was the son of jupiter. the first in so long, ofc he was important and special, why treat him like normal ?
percy ,,, he respected jason eventually. they clashed but they learned how to work through the clashing and fight alongside each other instead of against each other. they had similar yet dif personalities, percy fighting to be listened to while jason had been forced to speak. both leaders, respected, treated like leaders but in dif ways bc of the way their social groups functioned. they both wanted what each other had; percy wanted the stability of new rome, knowing he'd have people that would come back alive every summer. jason wanted the close bonds of camp halfblood without being put into a heavy spotlight
thalia loved him. he was her younger brother, how could she not? she pitied him, tho, from the way he lived in new rome. she knew the life well, being thrown into the spotlight and everything bc she herself was a daughter of zeus (like how chiron and camp treated her, esp if u compare it with how they treated percy after she came back) and hoped he would find a place better. her arms were always open for him but she had another life she wanted to live, too
octavian. pure hatred and jealousy. jason was everything he wanted. he was in leader positions, respected, listened to. octavian thought of him similarly to leo, but without the good bond. he despised jason because he wanted everything jason got just for being born from jupiter. it was unfair, and octavian decided to take advantage when jason disappeared. he wouldnt have another chance to take the spots that belonged to him
nico grew fond of him. he couldnt not have, esp after how jason treated him after the cupid incident. immediately showing his trust, backing him up, etc etc, it was finally someone nico could trust and talk to after years of running from camp and monsters and guilt of dead sisters and tense/awkward friend?ship with his very happily taken crush. nico found someone he could depend on, even if he didnt want to
beryl damn. she had some love for him. deep down, she knew she did, he was her son. but she couldnt focus on him, she had her life to take. her downfall started with thalia and zeus, jason made it worse. even if he was her son, the little love she had for him was so hard to find. too hard to even try. so, she left him, maybe hoping for a better life for him, or wanting to get rid of him. she knew both reasons were true
hedge isnt too talked about in general but he loved jason okay. the son he never had, before chuck. he was him and leos and pipers protector, and he would lay down his life for any of the three. they were his children, even if he no longer talks to them, theyll hold the spot in his heart
hazel and frank and annabeth had similar thoughts about jason. none were really close; hazel and frank looked up to jason like the rest of new rome, but could see him as a person because they actually talked to him. they thought positively about jason, he was friends with all three. even if they werent as close as tlh trio, they still liked jason. how could you not, after a war stuck with them? they think of jason like one does with a friend who used to be close, but grew apart simply because of time. they like him, but theyre not close
hera oh !! he was her son. he was her champion. he was hers, even if he was caused by the reoccuring infidelity of her husband. he was her champion and she loved him like a son. she had a genuine bond with him, one thats hard to form with a god and mortal/demigod. she was the better beryl, and him the better heracles
lesterpollo. he thinks of jason so. much. i firmly believe jason was a big big big part in lester changing, i mean, watching someone know they were going to die and WILLINGLY go into the situation? he had nothing but respect and admiration towards jason. jason was like a mentor to him, showing and reminding him of the right thing to do
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