#still kinda nervous to upload this but we will see how it goes
danieyells · 3 months
Seeing how handsome the faculty is (even the janitor!) it wouldn't surprise me if they did what my girls-only highschool did, making a private Instagram account where the girls would send pictures and upload them, for context we were only taught by women all but 2 classes and said teachers were admittedly cute. I'm just imagining Hyde living it posing when he sees a student taking photos, Nicholas's are ones he thinks are for health posters, like with vaccines and hydration, Moby gets sad because he is the one with the least photos. (I would send it out of Anon but that highschool anecdote is far too cringey for it to be linked to my name hshs)
Lmao that's really clever actually. Kinda creepy but also a nice safe place for everyone to get their feelings out! It'd probably be a sub-hive(or whatever they call the subreddit equivalent subdivisions of wickhive) and not be girls only by any means but. I can absolutely see this happening lmao
Hyde posing and being unexpectedly photogenic even if you try and capture him candid. Looking over their shoulders like "oh are you posting it are you posting it? That one came out bad take another one!" He does pics with the students too, like one arm around them, making hand hearts lol.
Nicolas doesn't even realize it's happening most of the time until he hears the shutter go off lol but even then he assumes the picture being taken isn't of him. If he catches you he scolds you for taking pictures without consent, but if ask for one he'll also decline unless you convince him it's for something relevant(photography club practice or posters like you said--when he doesn't see any of those posters though he starts to get suspicious--)
Moby doesn't have as many but he's also got some of the most ravenous fans who're saying the dirtiest stuff about him because monsterfucker students would be out of control. There are actually a lot more posts of him but they get deleted due to the lewd commentary. . . .
Dante. . .heard about this practice and will suspend you from his class if he finds out you're doing this. He saw the board once. . .how are they getting so many pictures without him noticing. . .some are comments about how attractive he is of course and those are flattering but still strange and some are. . .crude. He declines to check the board anymore, it's embarrassing and makes it hard to look at his students without judgement. Hyde keeps showing him stuff though--
Cornelius spends so much time in his office there aren't a ton of pics of him either but plenty coo over how cute he is and how young he looks(do you think he uses skincare products or is this just an anomalous thing?) and, like with Moby, there are a lot more "OKAY HEAR ME OUT"s than he expected. He's flattered! Honored even! He's just glad they contain it online where he doesn't have to hear it!!! He doesn't have the board deleted simply because he worries over where the energy would go if not there. . . . Occasionally he checks it for a little pick-me-up. And because there end up being a lot of pictures of him and cats.
The janitor is also aware of it and embraces it like Hyde but he doesn't pose or anything. If he sees you trying to sneak a pic he just smiles to himself and goes back to working. He will take pics with you if you ask and he's not busy though. Calls you sweet and asks if you really wanna stand so close to him considering what he does all day. Since he's a pretty accessible member of the faculty there are a lot of pics of him floating around.
Benkei(the campus store shopkeeper) is a lot less worried about being the target for sexual harassment than being the perpetrator. He's shocked at the shamelessness but whenever he sees students, especially girls, on their phones around him/coming into the store he starts to panic in excitement like. Are they taking pictures of him??? Does he look messy???? Is he making stupid faces????? He just has to act natural!!! He gets too nervous to check it too. He thinks about trying to approach suspected fans of his but. . .what if he's wrong or they get mad and report him for harassment and--
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hospitalterrorizer · 11 months
monday - tuesday
did some recording.
shredded my throat a tiny amount, exported another song too. so that's 2 songs recorded, today, that's pretty good i think. i also started a new song, i want a really short song on the record where i don't scream really, just seems like a good idea. something like a short burst of dancy stuff. now i'm listening to crystal castles unreleased stuff. evil band but i like them , it's like, a sickness or something. also apparently they stole some music from people doing chiptune.
anyway i made myself upload those pics of myself, there's a few i really like here and maybe will use for some kind of album art or somethinggg:
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i really love this belt, apparently a lot of other people do becuz i keep seeing it on tik tok, so it's gotta be an ali express thing (my gf says so at least) but we got it in japan at this store called we-go, i think, anyways like, maybe we got fleeced for it (not really i think it was like 800 yen lol). anyways that was an inordinately good day for selfies, i think all the ones i got are good. which make me happy. like even the random ones,
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it's rare for me to like my own face so this feels like a win, even if it's just polluting the internet with my stupid face. and look, my stupid legs!!
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any way i am feeling #dumb and #cute tonight i guess. or something. stupid is actually kind of there as a feeling, has been for a little bit. i should focus on that until it goes away (said knowing this is not how anything goes away). anyways i'm sure i will feel not happy about how i look tomorrow. or maybe this working out will help with that. the sweating is probably kinda good for me. i guess i should post these on instagram or something. that's what people do with photos of themselves. maybe i'll do an experiment on here, and make another post with some of these pics and tag it like #me #fashion or something. i don't know. how do you tag shit like that. thizzat. my friend had this dream involving another one of our friends where he kept saying lizzo was pronounced "lit-zo" like she's italian or something. fascinating stuff. i kind of want someone to bite into my face and rip all my skin off, and dig huge claws into my belly, erotically. something is wrong with that but like whatever i guess. i'm doomed to think things like that for the rest of my life probably.
it's not really doomed though, i'm a fan, i like it so much i'll even talk about it here. i feel dizzy sort of. guhhhh.
anyways i just posted the #experiment. i feel like it's done really annoyingly but whatevs. my garbage is for others to contend with, kind of, maybe. or definitely. that's what making anything is about, knowing it's going to be an eyesore or irritant somehow, embracing that, loving that, you know.
i wonder it would be like to be mostly shredded alive and at those final edges of consciousness, where like, your nervous system has given up and all you've got are those final few quadrants firing off, abstract thought and the spinal column met where they should not, inventing entirely new approaches to problems you can't solve, or somethinggg. or like, being put through a giant machine, and god picking you up last minute, placing you facefirst against some giant machine, a new life support, your life saved by his hands, and him quietly, absentmindedly, leaving you there, post-grinding, pet or bauble that will ceaselessly continue to happen, how rocks do in the landscape, and there will be tremors that knock them around, volcanic spurts that absorb them, make them into new islands, but they're still there basically, and as i grow old, age, whatever aging looks like turned to a kind of jerky and on life-support, i will unfold and remain, never far from where i was before, or not even a step. for some reason, aging in these circumstances is not wrinkles or long grey hair, but a lengthening spine, new vertebrae to count the years. i become a snake, the tube supplying oxygen and i are one now. a new and total system kinda i guess. i'm not in a bad place, this thought just came to me. it's gratifying to think of my mutilation. there was another thought here but i turned it into writing. that's good. it's i guess messed up that anyone would really let this stuff enter their head without any kind of disavowal but it's happened so long i really can't help it anymore.
just found out that wework is going bankrupt. trying to fathom what the point of that was in the first place, i can't understand how that went anywhere it seems so utterly useless and without any kind of use case. hopefully some people score some furniture and computers and shit. do they even have computers? i hope so. i hope people rob those buildings or something. we've got one in vegas, maybe multiple. i hope i can go see it as it is crumbling, it would be really funny.
weird final note: gf's mom bought us all these plain flavorless seltzers the other week, and gave them to us when we came back from holiday (hellish), they're kind of great because i mostly just like seltzer as a textural thing. plus there are so many and my gf doesn't like them because they are boring. the store brand one kind of hurts in a good way too,
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mythgrippa-blog · 1 year
Day ??? - unresponsive
Well today... more like yesterday was the actual demo for the app... it took a while but finally deployed the backend on google cloud run. This video was very helpful
The initial plan I had for deployment was to just host an ec2 instance however the url link was over http instead of https, since we were using firebase hosting which has a policy against http content. It didn't work, so I had to re improvise and tried a lot of different ways which include:
Getting HTTPS manually using openssl, this didn't work as most browsers don't allow self signed certificates and firebase was no different
Using Netlify to host our NodeJS however their libraries were and documentation were either outdated or no longer working, and they updated their website so I wasn't sure on how exactly to deploy
Using firebase functions, this didn't work because of the way firebase preprocesses requests, it does some stuff to it like turning the request body into like a buffer so I would have to decrypt it on my end by adding like a middleware or switching from using multer to busboy, because my services need to handle image uploads so I gave up on that idea
Cloud Run, this actually worked well! Thanks to the tutorial I sent before, I wouldn't have understood the video if I didn't know much about docker. You can still follow along however it gets tedious, takes about 5-10 minutes to deploy and its effective and you have full control which is amazing! Running a docker container in the cloud is awesome. I did run into an issue during the video, and it was because my docker client wasn't authorized to push to gcr.io, a simple command to fix it was all I Needed thankfully it was fixed with one command
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The rest of the day was spent with my team preparing for the presentation, our 3rd one. We were working and I was happy the backend was deployed, I feel like I'm getting more familiar with GCP. We were implementing features left and right, polishing whatever needed to. And when the demo came... well...
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Just before the demo, we met up our client who was happy to see us and we were happy to see her, we wanted to show off all the features which took a while to make but yeah. There was a whoopsie, thanks to my miscommunication, I forgot to tell my stallion that we're using a shared variable that stores the apiUrl link and so he hard coded the localhost:8000, so some of his api wasn't getting used because it was trying to access localhost:8000 instead of the deployed links. We couldn't redeploy in time of the demo so we went in nervous.
The demo starts and everyone looks so scary, however my lecturer who I think may not like our team just left. The demo goes on and on, and one of the guys leaves. They ask me questions, I try my best like one was why do RabbitMQ's AMQP for communication between services instead of Restful HTTPS, the question was around security and I panicked and out right said something kinda not true but also true.
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It ends, and they say our app was just too simple and needed more AI (not more features but more AI). The faces they gave, it was almost as if they were looking at poor helpless dumb little pups or people who worked last minute to finished. Our client, for the second time said that she was worried about us on whether we can finish the AI.
I'm a bit sad honestly... yeah the app was simple by my design... I'm just so sad... it doesn't help that I'm also going through a repetitive phase in my life where I start liking someone because we're so close and comfortable with each other only to find out that we were just very close friends and nothing romantic was built up.
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I'm like really depressed because I can't really seem to catch a break. I want to improve the website but I'm just really sad now. Well... I honestly am trying to lose faith or what not,,,
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hardtchill · 4 years
How is your Gender oneshot going? I'm really looking forward to reading it
Pretty good actually. I changed course a couple times but have settled on making it a one shot that i can make into a series if people are interested. This first story will have a global overview of issues and basically her life, from early childhood to now. If people are interested i will write more detailed fics about certain time periods or moments.
I’m almost done, will probably upload today. 
Note: before people jump on me for the pronouns i have already used, i will explain why it’s she/her and not something other than that. Please trust me to know what i’m talking about, i wouldn’t be writing it if i didn’t. 
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voidaus · 4 years
Part 3 of the Grocery Shop series
I am so sorry It took me so long to upload! I've been having a really bad writers block.
Genre: Fluff?
Warnings: Swearing
Requested? Kind of
Word count: 1150
"Well then, Y/N. Let's go stargazing!"
You have all of your food wrapped up in a thick blanket and hold your phone in your other hand. You turn it on to look at the time. 20:24 (8:24 PM). As you're climbing up the stairs in your house, you almost slip, causing Corpse to laugh. A smile grows on your face as you hear this. "you know, your laugh is so cute, Corpsie!"
He sighs, not believing you. You know that he doesn't, but keep complimenting him in the hope that one day he will see for himself how amazing he is.
Every time you have the chance to compliment him, you do so. The same goes for Corpse. You have only known each other for a month now, but it feels like forever. You've grown very close, and Corpse thinks he's actually comfortable with speaking to you in real life now. Of course, he'll be nervous, but it's worth it.
"You okay there?" He asks laughing, his voice laced with concern.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Almost fell, though." When you said you were clumsy, you really meant it! Corpse thought. You finally arrived at the top of the stairs and opened the door. A warm breeze greeted you as the fresh, California air filled the hallway. Corpse hears the wind blowing on your microphone and informs you he's almost at his roof. After a few seconds, he arrives too, the wind coming from both of your microphones now.
You set everything up. The blanket is probably gonna need a wash after this, but who cares. At the other end, Corpse finished setting up just now. His blanket is lying on the roof with a water bottle and his snacks beside it. "Hey, Corpsie?" He hears the voice he adores so much ask. "Yeah?"
"Do you know that song about the stars?" 
"Y/N. Are you kidding me? Do you know how many fucking songs there are, about the stars?!" Corpse laughs.
"Yeah, but like, the Uhm... Ugh fuck, The stargazing one!" You huff out, frustrated.
A Smirk grows on his face. "Well then, how about you sing it for me, babe?" Hell fucking no. If this dude thinks you would do that, he doesn't know you at all! "Corpse... No."
"But how else would I know what song it is, darling?" He speaks up. "Corpse, you know I can't sing! I won't fucking do this." You're whining at this point.
"Oh, but I don't know. You just said that you can't. C'mon, just sing. You know I wouldn't judge you!"
It's quiet for a minute before you finally give in. You softly start singing.
"And I will still be here stargazing  I'll still lookup, lookup, lookup for love  Stars don't disappear; they keep blazing  Even when the night is over, That's how I find the light"
Silence fills the air again, and you immediately regret singing that for him. Corpse is quick to react as if he knows how you feel. "I loved it." Just a little bit of doubt leaves your heart and is replaced by happiness. That warm feeling that was always there if Corpse was there too. "Really, Y/N, it was amazing! I was expecting something, but wow... That was just-" He cuts himself off with a chuckle.
"Thanks, Bubs. I really appreciate it."
**Time skip to 01:17 brought to you by Heehoo (You wouldn't get it)**
"Why did we even grab blankets?" Corpse asks with a puzzled look on his face.
"Well, otherwise, it would be weird. You don't go stargazing without a blanket!" He laughs at your dorkiness. "You know what?" He says, hands up in surrender. "That actually kinda makes sense."
A satisfied smile grows on your face as you pop a cookie into your mouth. You lay on the roof in silence for at least 10 minutes, just enjoying each other's presence. That tends to happen a lot during your calls lately. You have both grown very comfortable with each other, and it's a nice feeling.
"You know what this night reminds me of?" You ask whilst looking at the stars. You kind of get lost in their beauty for a moment when Corpses' voice snaps you out of your trance. "Tell me, babe."The smirk on his face is clear in his voice. You let out a gasp, "I thought I told you to stop fucking calling me that! If I were with you right now, I would've hit you!" you huff. The man stays silent for a while, and you quickly get concerned. "Corpse?" It's still silent, although now you can hear his breaths, calming your concerns a little.
"You there, bubs?" You softly spoke up. Corpse awed at your voice. He'd always found it adorable. His nerves grew again as he spoke up with a hesitant tone in his voice.
"Would you... Uhm, fuck. Uhh, would you maybe wanna err.. come over?" He stuttered, scratching his neck.You were taken aback, not quite expecting him to ask that. Your surprised expression quickly turned into a smile. "Yeah. Yeah, bubs, I would love that."
He smiles, quickly grabbing his phone in his hand to text you the address. You immediately got it and packed your stuff up, eager to meet the man again. His apartment is about a 20-minute drive from your house if there's no traffic along the way. You had hung up when you started to get your stuff. Both of you, wanting to prepare yourselves for what's about to happen.
Corpse is busy trying to clean the whole apartment before you come over. He doesn't own a lot of stuff, but there are glasses and takeout boxes everywhere. After hastily checking over the whole place three times, he reapplies his eyeliner in the bathroom and checks his hair in the mirror. "Okay, dude, you got this. It's just Y/N. You've been talking to her for weeks. WHAT ARE YOU NERVOUS ABOUT!?" He yells at himself as he spays himself with a nice smelling deodorant.
At that same moment, you are in your car, stressing out about what you're going to say to him. Do you hug him? Do you just wave? "Oh, for fucks sake, I'm way too awkward for this! I'm gonna mess it up within the first 5 minutes, bet!"
You park your car in the driveway. It doesn't seem too busy, seeing as there are only a few cars. So either, a lot of teens live here, and they're still out. The people that live here don't own cars. Or there's just not a lot of people living here. You sit in the car for a few seconds in attempt to pull yourself together. You pull your phone out again. It reads 2:04. Finally your heart rate slows down a little, and you step out of the car, locking it.
Here goes nothing.
Hey guys! Again, I'm so sorry it took me so long! I hope you enjoyed this chapter though! If you found any mistakes, please point them out. Also, I love to read your comments/opinions on the story, so keep commenting!  Take care, lovelies :)
If you liked this, the taglist is open and so are my requests
@persephone-sideblog @reinyrei @cherry-piee @alienvarmint @divine-artemis @milanienne @struggling-with-time @insanedeathwish @134340cm @airwaveee
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jumbojamba47 · 4 years
I Love You
Pt. 2 of Guest Room
A/N: Thank you for loving my little ball of garbage enough to warrant a second part. I’m feeling warm and fuzzy. Also... I kinda.. sorta.. really got carried away with this. I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry. Shout out to my irl friends who had to deal with my gleefully rubbing my grubby little paws together all day. 
A/N PT. 2: TUMBLR QUIT BEING A BITCH AND JUST LET ME UPLOAD MY STORY IN PEACE PLEASE I’M BEGGING YOU. The last try uploaded to my main and my stomach dropped out of my ass lmao. Fifth and hopefully final time. (I’m so sorry for the notifications spam for everyone I tagged)
PAIRINGS: Natasha Romanoff x Reader, Stucky 
Warnings: 18+, Angst (like so much I’m sorry), Smut, Swearing, Mentions of Alcohol Consumption
Word Count: 5702
Hollow. It’s the only way she can describe the feeling of deep-seated emptiness that settles in her as she watches the quinjet disappear in the distance. What’s that noise? She casts her eyes around her surroundings when she suddenly feels a dampness on her collarbone. Reaching up a hand, she feels moisture on her face.
The sounds were coming from her. At the realization of her sobs, pain wracked her frame with nowhere to go.
What was she thinking?
She wasn’t.
When she left Clint in a hurry, she hadn’t even paused to consider what she would say to you if she caught you. What did she feel for you? What could she have told you? Her life conditioned her to believe love was for children. She wasn’t one.
And yet…
She couldn’t deny that there was something about you that always drew her in to you. Every hidden interaction with you pulled onto all five of her senses demanding her full attention until there was only you in front of her; drawn straight into your orbit like a moon of Saturn. Each and every private encounter made it more difficult for the hardened assassin to pull herself away from you only to act unaffected by your presence in public.
Was that love?
It doesn’t matter.
You were sunlight. You were the warm embrace of home calling out to every damaged member of this family seeking acceptance for their past sins and a place to belong.
And she?
Well, she was damaged beyond repair.
She refused to be the one to tarnish your light. And she knew, if she gave in to her weaknesses, you could never really shine. You meant too much to the team. To her. A part of her could also admit to fear. Fear of what would happen if she hurt you.
If you hurt her.
She could live with never knowing what it felt like to call you hers. To hear you whisper her name in the early morning light your sweet features the first things she lays eyes on in your shared haven.
But she knew. She’d never recover if she could have you and lose you. If she were to tear her walls down, only for you to look inside and decide it wasn’t worth it.
That she wasn’t worth it.
With a steely resolve in her eyes, Natasha turned on her heels and began to make her way back towards the gym. She had a few weeks to get her head screwed on straight. She’ll lock away and bury anything she might have felt for you if given the chance. When you’re back, she’ll apologize for the hurt she’s caused you and maybe, just maybe, you’ll let her stay a part of your life.
If, along the way, she refuses to let her mind wander to thoughts of you with someone else, well, that’s her prerogative.
You sit in heavy silence on the quinjet. Thoughts of last night’s interactions with the red-headed assassin plaguing your mind. You still feel a pang of pain when you remember her rejection. With a mental shake of your head, you resolve to table your emotions for now to focus on the mission at hand.
You’ve been tasked with leading a team to infiltrate an underground drug trafficking ring disguised as a bi-monthly art auction. Once you arrive at your destination, you’ll be allotted two months of integration and data retrieval before another team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents will be sent in to assist in the take down. You’re leading the team with Scarlet Witch and Falcon following your lead. Agent Hill was chosen to tag along strictly for backup and onsite supervision should the worst come to pass.
Sam and Maria sit up front; you can hear the sounds of quiet banter trickling back towards you while they try to respect your privacy, believing you to be mentally preparing yourself for the road up ahead. Wanda sits opposite you. Your emotions scream at her from across the jet, but she has the decency not to read your actual thoughts.
Still, she can’t help the concerned glances she sends your way.
Noticing her attention on you, you shift your body to turn towards her.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“I could ask you the same. Where did you disappear to last night? I tried to find you after you were pulled away by Natasha, but I couldn’t find you.”
You let out a soft sigh.
“I’m sorry. My heads been a mess lately. I didn’t mean to leave you on the dance floor like that. It was a rough night.”
A hand rises to nervously play with the hair on the back of your neck. You look to the floor.
“I also owe you a bit of an apology for how carried away I got last night. You’re amazing Wan, and I don’t want to lead you on in any way.”
She lets out a light laugh.
“Don’t worry about it, draga mea. We were just two friends who had a little too much to drink, having a little fun. No hard feelings whatsoever.”
You wince and she instantly knows that was the wrong thing to say.
“You know, I’ve been told I’m a pretty good listener. Pietro used to say it’s because I had big ears when we were children.”
She reaches out a hand across the aisle to let it rest on your knee. After an internal debate, you decide to divulge everything to her. From your first interactions with the assassin and your instant connection to the fallout from last night.
Listening patiently, Wanda’s eyes widen slightly when you mention what the events that occurred in the ex-soviet’s room.
By the end, Wanda is livid with righteous indignation on your behalf.
“Well, she’s a fool for letting you go.” She squeezes your leg.
“I can’t claim to understand what’s going through her head, but you have to know her feelings aren’t a reflection on your worth. You are the glue that holds this team together and we all love you. Natasha, she…” she pauses, “she’s been through much. More than any of us will ever know. Her experiences have closed her off. But you’re both strong. Maybe you’re not meant to be, but I know you can bounce back from this. We have a few weeks before we’re due back and, in that time, I guarantee you we can get your spirit back up and bouncing like usual.”
“Damn right, we can!” You hear Sam interrupt from the front of the plane.
You release a breath you didn’t realize you were holding and let out a light laugh.
Yeah, things weren’t okay.
But maybe they will be.
The mission goes off without a hitch and it does wonders for your confidence. As soon as you landed at the safehouse, you and your team had set to work securing the perimeter and preparing for your upcoming roles in the undercover mission. Sam moved first, infiltrating the ranks of the dealers as he uncovered the hierarchy of the operation and fed maria intel to pass on to headquarters. You and Wanda were posed as a wealthy young couple from new money, tasked with getting close to the heads of the drug ring in order to gain access to the final auction where you ultimately took down the entire operation with the aid of several agents.
Despite the smooth execution, you all still found yourselves with extra downtime between stakeouts and it led to the four of you growing closer. One of your favorite pastimes became group binge-watches of The Fairly Odd Parents and Wanda had taken to calling you Cosmo, the husband of her cartoon namesake.
           “ETA: 5 minutes,” called out Hill.
From your seat, you could see the compound looming over the horizon. You take in a nervous breath and release.
Next to you, Wanda can feel your apprehensive tension and takes a moment to give your hand a firm squeeze.
“You’re okay, Cosmo. Remember our talks. You have strength. You know your worth. You’ll be fine.”
You send her a grateful smile and a nod. Your fingers squeeze her back briefly before you move to stand by the doors of the ramp as you hear the jet begin to touch down.
She’s right. During your time away, you came to terms with the fact that it’s not Natasha’s fault that she doesn’t feel the same way as you do. You know you have no control over other people’s feelings, and you owed it to the both of you to face this head on, maturely.
As soon as the jet’s ramp meets the floor of the hangar, you’re met with a wall of pure muscle that really should come with a warning label. Your feet are lifted off the ground and suddenly you’re swinging in circles. You laugh as Bucky’s long hair tickles your nose.
Wait a second.
Is that?
“James Buchanan Barnes. Put me down this instant.”
He stiffens. That’s his name. That’s who he is. He is James Buchanan Barnes. Former sergeant and integral member of the Howling Commandos. The Winter Soldier. Melted down and reforged by Hydra. He was a legend. He was a nightmare. He was feared. He was… terrified.
Christ. Hearing his full name falling out of your mouth in that tone never failed to instill the fear of God into him. Not even his ma, bless her soul, could quite measure up to the intimidating aura you exuded when he knew you were ready to tan his hide.
You stood before him, hands on your hips, feet shoulder width apart, stance strong, eyebrow peaked… and deadly.
“Did you break into my room and steal my hair mask… again?”
The others stand back, watching in amusement while he starts to sweat.
“D-doll, of course not! You explicitly told m-me your room was off limits while you were go-”
You cut him off as you step closer.
“Don’t you lie to me, Barnes,” your eyes narrow and he gulps when you push your face closer to his.
“I can smell the macadamia oil, you heathen.”
Just as you’re about to launch into a lecture about respecting other people’s belongings, you’re interrupted by the sound of Steve’s voice.
“You gotta admit, at least it’s better than smelling the greasy mop he always ends up with after training.”
Your entire demeanor lightens up as you whip around to take a running leap at your favorite Man with a Plan.
He catches you in his arms. “Good to have you back, sugar. We missed you around here.”
You hear a soft exhale of relief come from behind you.
Tilting your head back from where you’re perched in Steve’s arms, you narrow your eyes at Bucky and make a silent gesture to indicate you’re watching him. This is far from over.
He gulps.
“Well, c’mon then, we’re all dying to hear how the mission went. The others are waiting for you in the lounge.”
You stay wrapped around your friend’s dorito shaped torso but make the effort to wriggle your way around him so you’re clinging to his back like an infant koala. He rolls his eyes but does nothing to deter you, choosing to move his arms in support of your legs instead.
“Onward, my trusty steed!” you giggle.
As one, you all make your way towards the main common area, taking the time to drop off your luggage in your respective rooms as you go. Eventually, you make your way to the lounge and as you’re carried in, F.R.I.D.A.Y. blasts the loud trumpets of a herald through her speakers.
Huh, Tony must’ve upgraded her sense of humor.
Greeting the others, you use your hands in Steve’s hair like an oversized rat with a penchant for cooking to guide him towards your favorite lounge chair. Sam and Wanda move towards the kitchen to look for the good snacks they couldn’t have undercover while everyone else gathers around the remaining lounges.
From the corner of your eye, you can see Natasha hovering off to the side near Clint but you can’t quite get yourself to make eye contact yet. You wait for everyone to settle in. Wanda approaches you with two mugs of tea in her hands offering you one with a “just the way you like it, Cosmo”. It’s punctuated with a wink and she perches herself on the arm of your seat, bringing her own around to rest across the back. Her hand finds its way to your hair playing with a few strands to keep you grounded while you purposefully train your eyes away from a certain side of the room.
Wanda really did become your rock in the weeks away. While you never repeated anything from the night of your party, you fell into an easy companionship with the young mutant that led to you each being comfortable around the other. She knew how hard your return would be for you and made it her next mission to make sure you knew you had a solid support system in place.
Seeing the close interaction between the two of you, Bucky and Steve both shoot you cheeky grins and eyebrow wiggles that have you holding up a throw pillow just under Wanda’s current line of sight. She glances down, smirks and hurls the pillow at the two men using her powers, ensuring she adds a boomerang effect to ricochet off the face of one in order to hit the other stunning both of them.
“Nice!” You give her an enthusiastic high five as she wiggles her fingers at the recovering men.
“I just learned that one on the job. I have to keep practicing for muscle memory.” She states in a faux haughty tone while you snicker at the indignation on your Brooklyn Boys’ faces.
Across the room, Natasha watches you. She knew she missed you while you were away, but nothing could have prepared her for the onslaught of emotions that crashed into her when she finally laid eyes on you after weeks apart. You still had the same mischievous spark in your eyes. Your nose still crinkled just the slightest bit when you laughed. Your smile could still light up an entire room like the Fourth of July.
God, she missed you.
She watches your raucous banter with the resident super-soldiers with a fond smile teasing the corners of her lips. She takes note of the casual arm slung across your shoulders, the hand tangled in your hair, and something inside of her burns. Her jaw clenches.
She’s not yours to have.
Clint nudges her shoulder with a pointed look. She realizes she’s been emitting a soft growl. Focus Romanoff! Where is your training? She strains but ultimately fixes her posture until she’s the posterchild for casual aloofness. Her best friend snickers but chooses not to comment on the slight rigidity he can see in her shoulders.
Tony claps his hands to gain everyone’s attention.
“Alright alright, Hermione’s new parlor tricks aside, we all know why we’re really here.”
In his best imitation of Fury’s gruff voice, he growls out, “Hill. Debrief report. Judgement on (y/hero/n)’s execution?”
Rolling her eyes but playing along, “All objectives executed to perfection. Leadership skills exemplary, sir!” she tosses in a mock salute.
It’s quiet before everyone breaks into cheers and congratulate you and your team on a successful job well done. You’re beaming when you hear Sam chime in with, “You better watch out Cap. (Y/l/n) could give you a run for your money as team captain. We might be shipping you to a retirement home sooner than we thought.
Your best friend grins at you with pride and mirth shining in his eyes and you feel warm inside.
“I think we could come to a truce and work together. Co-captain sound good to you doll?”
“I don’t think so Steve. I’ll leave the captaincy to you. I don’t think I could handle dragging the metal chicken wing over there back in line every day,” you respond with a laugh, sticking your tongue out at Sam. You draw out a squawk of offense and everyone bursts into laughter.
You turn your head slightly and find yourself making direct eye contact with the very same pair of vivid green eyes that still visit you in your dreams. You swallow down the rising emotions and offer her a small smile. She looks startled at first but relaxes slightly and gives you one of her own in return.
Maybe you could do this.
You spend a few more minutes catching up with the rest of the team, learning about what everyone has been up to while you were away. Checking the time, you slowly pull away from Wanda, who still has her weight resting on you, and announce that you’re going to head to your room to wash off and settle in before you have to fill out your mission reports.
Everyone bids you goodnight and you exit the room, walking the familiar pathway towards your own residence. Your ears pick up quiet footsteps behind you causing you to turn your head slightly.
A small sharp inhale escapes your lips. Your eyes betray you with a quick scan of her nervous form standing in front of you. Her hair is a little longer and the circles under her eyes are just the slightest shade darker. She still looks just as breathtaking as the day you walked out of her room. Her presence instantly brings you peace and you curse yourself under your breath.
Mentally slapping yourself, you plaster on a casual smile.
“Hey Nat. Been a while.”
You cringe.
Really? Been a while? Really?
She steps towards you, “Hi (y/n/n),” she responds softly.
“Listen I-”
“Can we-”
You both let out a nervous chuckle.
“Sorry. Go ahead, you first,” she says.
“Listen, Nat. I owe you an apology.”
She stills. What could you possibly have to apologize for? You’re not the one who broke the heart of the love of your life just because you had commitment issues.
Stop that. She’s not your love of anything.
She opens her mouth to interrupt but you press on.
“It wasn’t fair of me to try to push you into something you clearly weren’t comfortable with. You made it clear that you didn’t love me the way I loved you. I never wanted to make you feel like I would demand anything of you. You’re more than entitled to your own feelings and it wasn’t okay for me to project what I felt onto you.”
Frozen in place, her mind could only focus on two words.
Loved? Felt?
And didn’t that sting?
She can feel her throat start to constrict but she goes along with it.
Maybe it’s for the best.
“It’s okay (y/n/n). I understand where you came from and I’m partially to blame for letting things go on for as long as they did without taking your feelings into consideration.
A small, okay large, part of her brain screamed in agony that this was wrong.
Instead, she smiles and nods opening her arms.
You gingerly step into her embrace, one arm comes up holding her shoulder while the other gently cups the back of her head in a familiar hold.
Her arms come up to wrap themselves around your middle, squeezing slightly.
If either of you noticed the other inhale just a little deeper, neither of you chose to comment.
Several weeks go by and you’ve settled back into a familiar routine. Wanda has officially been adopted into you and your boys’ infamous trio and the brunette witch could often be seen joining in on your foolish antics around the compound. At first, the three made a pact to ensure you would never be exposed to prolonged periods of alone time with the woman who damaged your tender heart. Often times, you’d catch yourself alone with the assassin only for one of the others to immediately swoop in to whisk you away and drag you into some activity before you could draw each other into a prolonged conversation
It took you a few days to catch on to what your friends were doing. While the sentiment was greatly appreciated, you couldn’t miss the slight look of hurt that crossed Natasha’s face whenever you were pulled away from her. Eventually, you had to put your foot down, taking them aside one day. You told them that you loved them and appreciated their concern. But you’re an adult and you can handle your affairs well enough on your own.
They backed off but still continued to keep a wary lookout. They couldn’t help it. You were their favorite.
Your interactions with the devastatingly gorgeous avenger were still a little stunted and you both miss the longing stares you direct towards each other on occasion. Still, you’re getting better.
It still hurts sometimes but you’re okay as long as you still have her in your life. In any capacity.
You think you’re getting better. It stills hurts but you’re okay as long as you still have her in your life.
You’re in the gym talking to Sam one afternoon as he spots you in the weights section while Natasha and Clint are sparring on the mats.
“The team’s decided to make an appearance at a new nightclub Aluminum Alloy Man bought out on a dare tonight. You in, sugar?”
You laugh at the latest nickname he’s given Stark but shake your head no.
“Sorry Sam but I’ve got a date.”
You hear a particularly loud grunt come from Clint and turn your head slightly to see Natasha apologizing while he’s doubled over catching his breath.
“Oh? Anyone we know?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
You roll your eyes.
“With myself, you dork. I’ve been dying to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail and I finally have the downtime to sit through it. There’s a bottle of wine and a couch calling my name and I intend to capitalize.”
He laughs but nods understandingly.
“That’s fair. You good here? I better head out to get ready.”
“Yeah, yeah, you go ahead. Have fun tonight!” You wave him off wiping the sweat off the back of your neck with a damp towel.
“(Y/L/N)!” You hear your name called out from across the gym.
“Care to spar? Clint’s tapping out. He’s a wuss.”
You start to hesitate but choose to nod instead, stepping into the ring, setting your towel on the rope to dry.
You begin to circle one another assessing each other’s weaknesses. She makes the first move lashing out with a swift kick to your ankle, aiming to leave you off balance. You dodge out of the way and retaliate with a series of jabs towards her torso. This goes on for several minutes each of you landing several hits when Natasha launches herself off your bent knee, intending to use her signature thigh grip of death to bring you down.
Not today, Satan.
You bring your arms up, wedging them between your neck and her legs before she can get a grip. You latch onto her legs tightly before you swing her around your body, tackling her to the floor. You move your hand to cradle the back of her head to ensure it doesn’t smack into the ground, bringing yourself much closer to her body in the process.
You’re both panting heavily, stuck, mesmerized by the intense look in each other’s eyes. You have one leg between her thighs, knee pressed to her core, puffs of air intermingling between you.
Is she? Leaning towards you?
Oh, you definitely felt that wiggle of her hips against your knee.
You wet towel drops to the floor with a wet smack and just like that, the spell is broken.
You both scramble apart and you move to pick up the offending object.
Behind you, Natasha clears her throat sheepishly.
“So, I couldn’t help but overhear your big plans for tonight while you were talking to Wilson. Is there room for one more? I was actually planning to do the same, but I hear Monty Python is much funnier with good company.”
Everything inside of you screams that this is a terrible idea. But here’s the thing, you thrived off of terrible ideas.
“Sure, why not? We can start when everyone else heads out?”
Sure you would have declined, she brightens considerably and throws you a grin.
She starts walking backwards towards the door.
“Great! It’s a date! I mean- not a date-”
She smacks herself right into the door.
You let out a small laugh.
“I know what you meant.”
“Right. Yes. I’ll see you tonight!” She scurries out the door.
You stay standing there in the ring watching the space she just occupied.
On the other side of the door, Natasha leans heavily against the metal.
What have I gotten myself into?
You bid goodbye to your friends and make sure to tell them to call you should they need anything. Once everyone is out the door, you turn around, inhale deeply, and set to work.
Despite everything, and your unfailing determination to not fall down the same rabbit hole, you can’t help but want to take care of Natasha in any capacity you can.
So, you take extra care to grab her favorite snacks, her go-to brand of wine, a couple glasses, and an oversized hoodie you always kept in the back of the closet, on hand just for her. She had a tendency to relax in thinner loungewear, but you knew once she settled in, she stubbornly refused to get up for anything no matter how cold she got.
As you set everything down on the coffee table in front of the oversized, plush couch in the center of the movie room, the beauty in question makes her way towards you in, surprise surprise, a thin tank top and shorts.
You roll your eyes but toss her your sweatshirt and she grins at you before hastily throwing it on, snuggling into the warmth. You both settle onto opposite sides of the couch, the wine and snacks split between you. The movie plays and you find yourselves relaxing. Like magnets, you eventually gravitate towards each other, sharing jokes and snacks, yelling at the large screen in front of you as the Black Knight stubbornly refuses to die.
Without realizing each other’s movements, she winds up leaning against you while your arm is wrapped around alternating between playing with her hair and rubbing soothing patterns across her shoulder and biceps.
You feel a shudder come from the deadly ball of fluff in your arms and only then do you realize your positions. You can’t bring yourself to move.
“Yeah,” she nods. Attempting to burrow herself further into your clothes.
You pull her closer to you until her legs are resting over yours, head tucked under your chin, puffs of air tickling your sensitive neck.
Bad move (y/l/n).
You forget how to breathe. Natasha turns to look at you when she feels you still beneath her.
Oh. Oh god.
She didn’t realize how close she was to you and from this distance, she can see every detail of your ethereal beauty in the dim light of the movie lighting.
You turn your head to take a quick peak at her but suddenly you’re drowning in a sea of green. Your breath hitches when green is replaced by red and suddenly plump lips are crushing your own.
You moan and your hands scramble for purchase as the angel in your lap twists to straddle you. Fists tighten in your hair while she nips at your lower lip, close to drawing blood. She tugs at your shirt and you get the message. You desperately rip away your top while she follows suit before she pushes you onto your back spreading out on top of you.
A loud groan escapes your lips as the vixen in your arms finds the sensitive space right below your ear. Unwilling to be out done, you wrap your legs around her hips and gracefully flip yourselves over, trailing kisses down the crevice of her breasts, mapping your way down her body. Like Copernicus charting the stars. Reaching your destination, you pull apart the draw strings of her shorts with nothing but your teeth, earning a moan of approval from the writhing redhead. You smoothly slide back up her body, meeting her desperate lips in a searing kiss while your hand finds her center, already feeling the slick wetness ready for you. Natasha’s limbs fly to wrap around you as you set a steady pace pushing her closer and closer to the edge. Knowing she needs the extra push, your other hand moves to pull aside her bra before you deliver a harsh nip and a firm curl of your fingers.
She sees stars.
She sees galaxies.
You continue to move, determined to prolong her pleasure for as long as possible.
You’re rewarded with the crack of her voice as she hurdles into the abyss.
“God, I fucking love you.”
It slips out of your mouth completely unbidden.
But it’s too late.
The damage can’t be undone.
Just like that, she snaps back to reality.
She hastily sits up. Your hand falls back into your lap as she quickly stands picking up her shirt.
“We can’t do this.”
“Natasha, I-”
“Natasha, would you jus-”
“I said no!”
You feel like you’ve been here before.
She turns to make a hasty retreat, but you catch her hand in a tight grip before she can get too far.
“Why do you keep running from me? Am I so repulsive that the thought of being with me has you running for the hills?”
“Not everything is about you, (y/l/n),” she bites out.
Neither of you hear the team returning but all of them can hear the yelling coming from your direction and they run towards you.
“No. You always do this! Every time I think we’ve gotten to a good place; you freeze me out.”
“That’s the thing! We were in a good place! We were having fun. We had each other when we needed it and nothing more! We were so good like that. We can still be like that!”
Tears fill your eyes.
“It’s not enough.”
“Why can’t this be enough?!” she cries.
“This has to be enough,” she whispers looking at anything but you.
A hand moves to grip hers gently. The other rises to cup her chin to guide her eyes to yours.
“This could be so much more. Let me love you the way you deserve.”
Staring into your eyes, she can see you dying a little more inside the longer she stays silent.
She pulls away from you.
You thought you could be fine with just floating in her orbit. Maybe you underestimated how long it would take for you to heal enough to allow it. Or maybe you couldn’t do this at all.
Your head tilts towards the floor. Your lips break into the softest, most heart-breaking smile she’s ever seen.
“I’m always going to love you Natasha Romanoff. But I owe it to the both of us to know this won’t be enough for me. This can’t be enough for me.”
A whimper is caught in her throat but she can’t bring herself to move when you step back away from her.
“I love you. I don’t want to,” you breathe out.
Natasha swears she hears something inside her shatter.
“I’m sorry I don’t give you the strength you need to pursue your own happiness. I really hope you find someone who does. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy.”
You make me happy.
Just say it!
Her body screams in protest with every fiber of her being.
“Bye Tasha.”
You turn and only then do you realize that the two of you aren’t alone.
Wanda steps forward. She wraps her arms around your shoulders as she leads you away throwing a glare at the assassin.
Natasha takes a step in your direction.
“(Y/n) wait-”
She stopped by a metal arm blocking her way.
“Haven’t you done enough?” Bucky growls.
“And what do you know about what I’ve done?” She shoves him away.
“I know you hurt them! AGAIN!” he snarls, “You need to get your shit together before I’ll even THINK about letting you come anywhere NEAR (y/n) again, Romanoff.”
Her blood boils. She scoffs, “Big surprise, their guard dog immediately snaps to attention at the first sign of trouble. Tell me Barnes, does your master feed you well?”
She regrets her outburst immediately, but she’s too angry, too frustrated, too exhauseted to take it back.
“Don’t forget who trained you, Natalia,” comes out in a menacing hiss.
Frantically, Clint’s eyes snap from her to the ex-soldier advancing on her. He immediately steps between the two, placing a hand on her arm and turning towards the larger assassin.
“Whoa now, you know she didn’t mean that. Emotions are just running high right now. Let’s all take a step back. I could use a hand, Cap.”
Despite his own roiling emotions, he needs to maintain his professionalism as team captain, releasing a heavy puff of air, he moves to place a firm hand on Bucky’s shoulder, pulling him to his side.
“Clint’s right. We can’t do anything to fix this right now. Everyone, disperse. We’ll regroup in the morning.” He sends a piercing glare at the redhead.
Hearing another growl, Clint whips his head back around, “As entertaining as it would be to make a compound wide betting pool with Tony on a wwe rumble between you and two tag-teaming super soldiers, maybe we should take a second to cool off outside, yeah” he hisses at her.
Gritting her teeth, she nods, allowing Clint to pull her down the hall and out the door.
As she catches a glimpse of the hall leading to your room, all she can think is one thing.
She let you slip through her fingers… again.
Tagging some incredible people who expressed an interest in pt. 2:
guys im so fucking sorry this keeps showing up in your mentions.
@natasha-danvers , @thelastavenger-3000 , @ohfuckno , @imnotasuperhero
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: I kinda had a difficulty thinking a scenario for this trick. I can’t upload my own gif because the file was too large gosh! But I hope you like it!
“Guys! Where is Sangyeon?” Jacob asked the members.
"Probably he went to meet the fan and I think you should just start your fan contest," Changmin said and smiled at him and Jacob nodded and smiled back at him. Then Jacob was having a hard time thinking what fan contest can he think for his trick, set the mood, and decided to go to Kevin and ask for some help.
“Kevin, can you help me out thinking a good fan contest for my trick?” Jacob asked.
"As for your trick, I think playing a song or music that suits your current mood for today," Kevin said.
"Oh! You have a point, Kevin! It means they can send me their favorite song that can at least hype up their mood?" Jacob asked.
"That will be easy for your fans but at least you will know their taste in music," Kevin said.
"Ok! I will go with the simple fan contest and I don't want them to have a hard time preparing so many things to them." Jacob said and Kevin agreed. Then he decided to announce his fan contest and he stated that it was ok if it's not their previous songs from the album they can send any songs and Y/N's friend named, Yerin saw it and…
“Y/N, do you have any biases in The Boyz?” Yerin asked.
"To be honest, I am having a hard time choosing between Jacob and Hyunjae." Y/N said and both of them laughed.
“You want to join on a fan contest of Jacob or you just gonna wait for Hyunjae?” Yerin asked.
“What was Jacob’s fan contest?” Y/N asked.
“You will just send a song that makes your mood hype up. It was a simple fan contest and it seems he is doing this contest because of their comeback.” Yerin said.
"Oh! Wait I kinda get it because in their recently released video his trick was to, set the mood. Now I get it! I will join his fan contest." Y/N said and smiled at her friend. Then Y/N is scanning her playlist and she decided to send one of the songs that make her hype up and she send it to the link provided for the fan contest. Then as the fan contest was about to close, Jacob was the one who is sorting the songs that are in Korean and English. As the fan contest closed, one-by-one he listened to it, and sometimes he is kinda shocked by their choices but he had fun listening to their favorite songs. Then after listening to all the songs, he already decided who made his mood hype up. Then as for Y/N who is waiting for the announcement of the lucky fan, she suddenly had a message and she checked out what was it and…
“OMG! It’s Jacob!” Y/N said and covered her mouth from being shock and she played the video that was sent to her by him and he said…
"Hi Y/N! I hope you saw this video of mine! Congrats you are the lucky fan that I will meet at your house and I will definitely set the mood in many ways tomorrow. Get ready for having fun with me tomorrow in the evening Y/N! See you! I love you!”
Then as Y/N watched the whole video, she blushed and…
“I can’t believe it he will go here tomorrow!” Y/N thought and Yerin saw her reaction.
“Congrats girl! Good luck meeting Jacob tomorrow!” Yerin said and Y/N smiled at her friend. Then the next day, Y/N was preparing for Jacob’s meeting with her in the apartment and she received a message and it was Jacob.
"Are you ready to party tonight at your house? - Jacob"
Then Y/N slightly laughed at his statement but she just replied.
“Of course! Even though I am not that a party person but don’t worry I will definitely have fun with you. - Y/N”
"That's great! Also, you are alone too, right? -Jacob"
“Yup! My friend is not here in the apartment - Y/N “
“Oh! That’s good we can have fun ourselves there and forget our worries. -Jacob”
“You’re right! To be honest I am preparing some food for us. -Y/N”
Then suddenly someone rang the doorbell and she left her phone in the table and opened the door then Y/N was frozen in her position when Jacob is now in front of her and smiling brightly at her.
"I am your stealer, Jacob is here now!" Jacob said and winked at her.
"My gosh! I think I will not be having a hard time choosing between you and Hyunjae. You already stole my heart today!" Y/N said and still staring at Jacob and he laughed at her words.
“Just think of me, OK? Since I will be here with you right now.” Jacob said and Y/N blushed then Jacob went inside her apartment. Then as he looked inside…
“Wow! Did you prepare all this?” Jacob said as he saw the decorations and the food that was already served in the table.
“Yup! Of course! I prepared for this because you are my special guest here and you are gonna set the mood, right?” Y/N said and smiled at him.
"You're right! We will have a party at your apartment. I will set my playlist and we can first have dinner since I am hungry because we did many things today in the building." Jacob said.
"Oh, sure! I didn't have dinner too because I am really waiting for you." Y/N said. Then Jacob set his playlist and played it and they started to eat dinner and had a little conversation.
“By the way, who are the other members you are eyeing, right now?” Jacob asked.
“Hyunjae and Juyeon but mostly you and Hyunjae that’s why I told you earlier that I had a hard time choose between the two of you.” Y/N said and became shy at him.
"Oh! Don't be shy Y/N. I know how you feel but you chose me, right? instead of waiting for Hyunjae's fan contest?" Jacob said and Y/N nodded and both of them smiled at each other. Then as time goes by, it's getting late and both of them are singing and dancing in the songs that are playing and they are slightly drunk.
“I feel that I am really partying in the night club tonight!” Y/N said and Jacob smirked at her.
"It's fun, right? Even though just the two of us are here in your apartment." Jacob said and because he was drunk he suddenly stared at her intensely that made her shiver down from her spine.
“You’re drunk Jacob. You can rest here just this night and it will be dangerous for you to leave at this hour.” Y/N said and still getting nervous at his intense stare at her.
" I will definitely stay here with you tonight Y/N," Jacob said and smirked at her.
Then suddenly a sexy and dirty song played in his playlist and she felt a tension between them.
"Oh shit! He has this kind of song in his playlist and this is bad timing for us! " Y/N thought and Jacob's face became closer to her and…
"The song that was just playing now really set the mood right for us! Don't you agree Y/N?" Jacob said and Y/N blushed at his words then when she was about to move backward, but Jacob holds her head and kissed her with hunger and passion that made her weak and give in instantly and he laid her in the sofa then he kissed her neck as he licks and made some marks on her and Y/N moaned at his action. Then Jacob went back to her lips and his hands went under her shirt and cupped her clothed breast that made her moan in the kiss and that time Jacob had the chance to explore her mouth and he also bites her lips that made her yelp at his actions. Then as time goes by, their clothes were all on the floor and he sucks and licks her breast delicately.
“Ugh! Ah! Ah! Ugh! Jacob! More please!” Y/N moaned and Jacob smirked at her.
“You want more huh? What if I do this?” Jacob said and inserted two fingers to her and pumped it at a fast pace.
"FUCK! YES! LIKE THAT JACOB! UGH! AH! SHIT!" Y/N moaned and tried to look at him and he was also looking at her in a seductive stare and he pumped it more fast and hard that made Y/N screamed and arched her back and her toes curled because of the intense pleasure she felt.
"LET IT GO Y/N! SEEING YOU LIKE THIS I AM BECOMING MORE IMPATIENT!" Jacob said and smirked at her and in a few minutes, she cum in his fingers and he pulled it out and seductively licked his fingers and looked at Y/N.
"You are a scrumptious meal Y/N," Jacob said and smirked. Then he put a condom in his cock and hover above her and leans on her neck.
"You're so fucking sexy Y/N and that made me want to devour you tonight," Jacob said and licked her earlobe and she moaned at his actions. Then without warning, he inserted his cock to her…
“SHIT! JACOB! IT HURTS! UGH! AH!” Y/N screamed and that made her gripped his shoulders.
“You are a virgin huh? I am honor to be your first Y/N. Don’t worry I will make you feel so good tonight.” Jacob said then he just waited for her to adjust and in a few minutes she suddenly moving his hips to him that made a go signal to Jacob to move and he went fast and hard.
“SHIT! SO TIGHT Y/N! UGH! AH! YES!” Jacob moaned.
“UGH! AH! JACOB! MORE! PLEASE! SHIT! UGH! FUCK!” Y/N moaned and his pace became faster and harder thrusting to her.
“YES! LIKE THAT JACOB! OH! YES! YOU’RE SO GOOD AT THIS!” Y/N screamed and arched her back and gripped the edge of the sofa. Then he raised one of her legs in his shoulder and thrust at a harder pace that made a lustful skin slapping sounds in the room.
“I WILL GIVE YOU MORE THAN THIS Y/N! UGH! AH! YES!” Jacob said and he went rougher to her.
“OH SHIT!RIGHT THERE JACOB! UGH! DON’T STOP! AH!” Y/N screamed on top of her lungs and her nails dug in his back.
“SHIT! FEEL SO AMAZING INSIDE OF YOU! I WILL NEVER STOP DOING THIS TO YOU Y/N! FUCK! UGH!” Jacob said and as have a stable pace at her, Y/N felt that she is getting overstimulated and…
"WAIT FOR ME Y/N! SHIT! UGH! AH YES! FUCK!" Jacob said and in a few minutes both of them cum and scream each other's names. Then he laid beside Y/N on the sofa and looked at her.
“My gosh! This was my beyond imagination Jacob.” Y/N said and Jacob laughed at her.
“But you liked it right?” Jacob said and winked at her.
“ I liked it and it was unexpected. But how can you do that from being wild and you went back to an innocent angel?” Y/N said and pouted and he laughed again at her.
“Just get used to it Y/N. Did you have fun with our party tonight?” Jacob said and smiled at her.
“Yup! I had fun with our party tonight and this was a memorable moment for me with you.” Y/N said and smiled back.
“Me too, Y/N! We should sleep now I know I made you tired and sore tonight.” Jacob said and both of them laughed.
“You’re right! I am almost getting to the edge awhile ago when you became rough to me.” Y/N said and pouted again and Jacob pinched her cheeks.
“You’re so cute when you are like that! Let’s just sleep now and it’s late. Good night Y/N! I love you!” Jacob said and kissed her lips.
“Good night and I love you too Jacob!” Y/N said and both of them cuddle each other as they went to sleep.
“I am happy that Y/N will not have a hard time to choose now between me and Hyunjae! I know she will choose me over and over again.” Jacob thought while he was asleep.
Thank you for reading my one-shot smut fan fiction of  THE BOYZ’S JACOB!
Stay tuned for the next member! :)
고마워요 여러분! (Thanks, Everyone!)
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
Among Us: CR3WM8TS
Updates Required (part 2)
With the ship launched and crew settled, it’s time to get to work. Which, for Bunbun, means updating. How smoothly that goes depends on the crewmates in charge… Bunbun’s hoping she’s in good company.
Featuring appearances by Junior, Laser, and Rose!
Among Us archive/askblog Fic chapters post
Ok so originally I wanted to keep all this together, but decided it’d be better to chop it into pieces. That way I can keep my momentum, keep posting for y’all, and still intro y’all to the crew as things get moving! 
Yes, I’m aware this chapter is coming out 3 days after the last one. I do not control the will to write but my motivation knows no bounds rn! Enjoy the fruits of my hyperfixation labor lskjfsdf
Mission Log 4
Location: SECTOR F Ship Status: IN TRANSIT Course: PLANET 326-OCE-894 - SECTOR G Systems:
Supplies: FULL
Storage Chutes: CLEAR
Vents: CLEAR
Notes: Many systems functioning on reserve power temporarily, as updates are needed. PINK identified systems in need of updates. PINK has commenced updates under DARK BLUE supervision. Updates still in progress. RED has been admitted to medbay for minor injuries. Other crew performing normal activities.
The soft thump of boots on metal accompanied two crewmates as they meandered down the hall. Bunbun trailed after River, taking a look at her task list. The tasks from Reactor and Security glowed green. Five other tasks still remained white. More updates in one day than she’d prefer, sure. But she’d had a nice send off by the reactor monitor. Lemon’s kind words were only a minute behind her. And, if Lemon was right, she and River were off to meet his son. Hopefully he was just as friendly. 
River reached upper engine first. If his disgruntled huff was anything to go by, it meant there was company. He got himself settled near the doorway as Bunbun caught up to him. She stepped into the room nervously. Amid the hissing and noise of clunky machinery, she could just hear someone shouting. It took her a minute to locate the source- half hidden by the steam, a crewmate in a lime suit was waving near the system monitoring panel. Bunbun waved back hastily, moving closer to make out their words. “-ey! Hey! Over here!” the crewmate called, waving steam out of their face. “Got it! I’m here!” Bunbun shouted back. Squinting, she did her best to swipe away some of the steam, stopping next to the stranger. From the shock of red hair she saw through bits of fog, she had a feeling he was Lemon’s son. Though she did wish she could see him better. And hear him better. It was so loud and so misty in here. “One sec! Let me just- set this thing on low for a minute-!” He coughed, tapping at the monitoring panel. “All good! You do what you need!” Bunbun replied.  Soon enough, the clanking and roaring of metal died down to a low rumble. The mist cleared out as the noise quieted. Once it faded, Bunbun got her first good look at the crewmate. He had a bright green suit- lime, as HQ called it- and a brown paperboy’s cap. His large square glasses were still unfogging with the room. He had a smattering of freckles across his peachy skin, especially over his nose. The square of gauze taped to his cheek had a couple dark fingerprints against it. Oil, if Bun had a guess. As she’d noted before, his hair was just the same shade as his father’s- though it was longer and more tousled. He took off his glasses to polish them, giving a glimpse of dark blue eyes, and a brief glance at heavily pierced ears. He was definitely on the younger side for a crewmate. If she had a guess, he was out doing field work for space academy. He flashed a nervous smile at Bunbun, fidgeting as he pushed his glasses back on. 
Ah, she knew that look. Seems she’d found her fellow timid crewmate.
“Er- hi, sorry about that,” he chuckled sheepishly. “Things get pretty hectic in here, a-and i’m not used to other people doing engine maintenance…” “It’s ok,” Bunbun said, “I know how that gets, believe me.” “Eheheh, right… I’m, uh Lemon Junior by the way. But you can just call me Junior.” Holding out a hand, Junior tried for a smile. “It’s nice to meet you, uh…?” “Bunbun,” Bun replied, taking his hand for a gentle shake. “I take it you heard about the updates I need to do?” “Yeah, uh, I did,” Junior nodded. “Lemon sent me up here to help out after we finished refueling.” Gesturing to the panel, he looked to her uncertainly. “If, um, I’m allowed to ask… what kinda updates are you… y’know… gonna do…?” Bunbun was sensing a theme with the engine monitors on the ship. “Just a couple things to make alignment reports more accurate,” she explained. “The engines are a little old, so giving them an update just lets the records be more accurate. Helps HQ make sure they won’t need any big fixes.” Junior nodded along as she spoke. Relief shone on his face. That made Bunbun relieved too. Any soothing she could offer in the ways of tech was nice. “Yeah, ok. That’s ok. You can, um, do what you need to,” he sighed, stepping back. “Just let me know when you’re done updating here.” “Of course!”
With that, Bunbun settled in, once again, to take care of the software. She could feel Junior watching her as she worked. It wasn’t… horrible. It didn’t feel like how river watched her. More like those curious interns she encountered sometimes. A glance over her shoulders said Junior was keeping more of an eye on the screen. He looked away quickly when he saw her watching, looking like a kid caught with the cookie jar. He must have an eye for software, she thought fondly. Kid after her own heart. She moved to the side nonchalantly to give him a better view as she worked. She could see him smile out of the corner of her eye. One of her own tugged at the corners of her mouth. Maybe they could talk code later. That would be nice. Across the room, River was grumbling to himself. When he wasn’t staring holes in the wall or his fellow crewmates, Bunbun could hear him shuffling around impatiently. Engine aligning just took a little longer. The patch would have to be replicated exactly, after all. Can’t be too careful. River’s grumbly restlessness was more of a nod to his lack of patience. From Junior’s nervous fidgeting, he’d taken notice. “... um… you can wait outside… if you want…” Junior called hesitantly, looking to River. “Can’t,” River said bluntly. “Oh- why?” Junior perked up. “Did you need something?” River shook his head with a grunt. “Gotta watch the newbie.” “Er… oh.” The lime-suited crewmate seemed to deflate a little. “Ok. Just. Thought I’d offer,” Junior mumbled. “Whatever,” River snorted. Bunbun just bent her head lower over her tablet. The green upload bar ticked forward at a snail’s pace. Though the process only took a minute or two, it was still the worst part of working with tech. Not to mention the sooner she left, the sooner she could get River out of Junior’s hair. He was fidgeting with his hands enough that she knew he was self soothing. C’mon, c’mon… almost there… she begged internally. 
When the green finally filled the bar, she let out a long sigh. “Ooookay, upper engine’s all done,” she reported. “Thank the lord,” River drawled, exasperated. “All of it?” Junior blinked. His face lit up with awe. “Sheesh, that was fast!!!” “Well, yeah,” Bunbun chuckled, hiding a smile, “I wouldn’t be so highly recommended if I was slow.” “Fair ‘nuff, fair ‘nuff.” Humming contentedly, Bunbun turned back to the system monitoring panel. Oh yeah, she’d definitely talk code with him later. For now, she leaned forward to study what she’d just done. Now came the tricky part. Reuploading the exact same fixes on the other engine. How to go about this…? “Hey, Junior?” She asked, waving her crewmate over. “I have a quick question before I head out.” Junior tilted his head to the side, hat nearly slipping off his head. “Head out?” he echoed. “Well, yeah, I’ve gotta do the same thing down at lower engine. I just wanted to know if-” “Oh! Oh, nonono, lemme save you the trip-” Junior broke in. Rushing to her side, he reached for the manual alignment slider. “Y’see, I figured out this little loophole awhile ago- just a sec-” Bunbun watched with increasing confusion and concern as he expertly centered the slider, eyed the screen, and gave the slider a rather rough slam with his fist. The monitor sputtered a minute, and so did she. What was he doing? Where had her work gone??? “Wh- what did you-?” she managed to squeak, falling silent as her tablet made the distinctive thrum of a task finish notification. The screen stabilized a moment later. Junior pulled back, looking quite pleased with himself. “Aaaaaand- there!” he chirped, smiling. “I just sent your code down to Lower Engine. No need to walk down yourself.” “... how in the world did you… find that?” Bunbun wondered, baffled. “I-it’s an old system,” Junior replied meekly. “It was a bug my dad found out on accident awhile ago. We just found a way to make it useful.” “... huh.” Bunbun nodded thoughtfully. Useful bugs. An old idea, sure, but it worked just fine here. “Fair enough. Thank you!” “‘S no problem, glad I could help,” Junior beamed. “You ready to go now?” River called. “My legs are gonna give out if I stand here much longer.” Bunbun and Junior shared a look. They may have properly met a few minutes ago, but… well. They’d both seen enough of River. “Coming, coming,” Bunbun sighed. Waving at Junior, she plodded after her dark blue crewmate. “Hope the engines behave for you and lemon!” “Thanks, miss! Hope the systems behave for you too!!!” 
Behind her, the engine slowly started roaring back to life. Its noisy growling echoed off the walls as she followed River once again. It might’ve just been her optimism, but she thought the sound was smoother now. Meanwhile, River seemed to have chosen a path for her this time. They were headed straight to Medbay. The noise didn’t necessarily decrease as they approached. It just changed from machinery to voices. Bunbun could only make out the conversation once she got close. River had parked himself outside of the door, looking inside a bit warily. Bunbun hung back uncertainly. What was he waiting on? “Will you please sit still?” a voice begged, clearly exasperated.  “I’ve been sitting still for five minutes now!” another whined, equally as annoyed.  Curious, Bunbun edged around River to peek in the room. The medbay looked as it usually did- four beds and equipment in the back. The scanner and computer monitor looked a little old, sure, but they’d been polished so well they looked new. Movement from the back right bed caught her eye- it was the source of the voices. 
Sitting on the end of the bed was a crewmate in a red suit. Her pack was leaned against the footboard, a pair of red and black headphones sitting atop it. Both objects nearly got kicked over as the crewmate squirmed. Her straight dark hair was cut a little above shoulder length, a long swoosh of it nearly covering her right eye. Her brows were furrowed over her earth-toned gaze, expression quite put out. Her skin was a tannish beige, with plenty of bandages littering her face. Evidently, she was not a stranger to Medbay. A black choker was visible as she shifted again, grumpily trying to free her hand from another’s grasp. It’d been stripped of its glove, revealing some painful, blue tinted blisters. The one hanging onto the crewmate’s hand was wearing a white suit. Her long coppery hair was partly tied up in two buns, the rest of it spilling fluffily past her shoulders. Her bangs hung so low they almost covered her olive green eyes. Of course, the heart shaped glasses she wore did a better job of that. Bunbun admired how they matched her earrings, though- pink hearts adorned the crewmate’s ears. A flower pin was rooted near the right side of her head. She looked somewhat annoyed by her patient, but not angry. She was doing her best to maneuver her gently, giving her all the care of an electrician fixing sparky wiring. 
“Five minutes isn’t enough for me to examine your hand,” the one in white pointed out. “Rose, babe, come on,” the one in red groaned, “it’s nothing serious, just a little plasma burn!” “You may think so, but you’re not the medic, are you?” White retorted. “But- I- you-” Red sputtered. White raised a brow. After a minute or two of stumbling over excuses, Red’s shoulders slumped. “Ghhh. Fine,” she grumbled, “have it your way.” “That’s what I thought,” White said smugly. “Now, about that hand of yours…” 
A knock from the doorway drew everyone’s gaze instantly. River hadn’t moved from his spot, though his hand was now raised. He rapped his knuckle on the doorway a few more times. “Hey. Rose. Laser,” he nodded to white and red respectively. “Mind if we come in?” “Oh! River! And- you’re Bunbun, right?” Rose asked hesitantly. Bunbun nodded, giving a tiny wave. “Er, yeah. That’s me.” “Well, I wasn’t expecting either of you today!” Rose said, head tilted. “Come right in. I’ll be finished here in a little bit.” “Just don’t take the bed next to me,” Laser huffed at River. Rose gave her a look, and her patient stuck out her tongue. 
River walked almost cautiously into the room, going over to stand by the left side beds. He stood straight and proper there, hands by his sides. Bunbun trailed after him. She got herself comfortable leaning on an empty bed close to the group. Rose busied herself wrapping Laser’s hand in some gauze. The two whispered to each other- something about dinner plans- as she worked. Once all was said and done, the medic straightened back up. “Now! What can I do for you two?” Rose asked them warmly. “Nothing for me today,” River replied, nodding in Bunbun’s direction. “I’m supervising Bunbun. She can give you more details.” Bunbun blinked a bit at the sudden and calm introduction. That was the most polite response she’d heard River give all day. It honestly caught her a bit off guard. Scrambling to compose herself, she held her tablet close to her chest. “Um- yeah, I’m just g-going around the ship to update some systems,” she explained timidly. “Your ship is a little out of date, but i’ve got plenty of patches and software updates to help out.” “Ah! I was wondering when HQ was going to send someone here,” Rose sighed softly. “About time, if you ask me,” Laser snorted. “We’ve been needing someone to help this bucket of bolts for lightyears.” Rose gave laser a little pat in agreement. Even River seemed to nod, albeit he rolled his eyes a little. “Yeah, so, I’ve just got a couple updates to do in medbay. I’ll try to be quick, but… y’know. No guarantees,” Bunbun continued. “That’s ok! And entirely understandable.” One finger tapped her chin thoughtfully, her gaze bouncing around the room. “What needs to be updated in my little corner?” “Ooone sec-” Bunbun mumbled, opening her task list. There were two tasks listed in medbay. “It looks like just your scanner and computer monitors? If that’s alright?” “I don’t see why not,” Rose hummed. “Go right ahead, miss. Let me know if you need anything.” “Will do, thank you,” Bunbun replied. She’d hardly taken a step towards the monitors, though, when Laser broke in. “Whoa whoa whoa- hooold on a sec there-” Laser burst, holding up her hands. The action made her wince, but she made no other signs of pain. “You’re here for updates, right?” “U-uh-” Bunbun stammered, confused and alarmed, “y-yes-?” “Are there any updates assigned to Weapons or Shields?” Laser pressed. “Let me… check…?” Bunbun said warily. Looking down at her task list, she gave it a quick scan. Surprisingly, they were both absent from her tasks. Huh. Well, that’s odd, she thought. Out loud, she answered Laser’s query. “No, there’s n-nothing for Weapons or Shields.” “Yes!” Laser whooped, pumping her bandaged fist. An action she immediately regretted. Hissing in pain, she still managed a wide grin. “I told you guys updating your stations often was a good idea!!!” “You did say that, didn’t you, firecracker?” Rose chuckled softly, a gentle smile on her face. “Mmmmhm…” River hummed, lips pressed tightly together. “W-well, it does keeps the systems running up to HQ code, not to mention upping their efficiency,” Bunbun explained timidly. Laser gestured to her enthusiastically. “You! I like you!” Laser grinned, “cuz you get it!!!” “Don’t mean to interrupt, ladies,” River spoke up- almost gently, giving Bunbun another momentary bluescreen- “but Bunbun does have a job to do.” Luckily, Laser and Rose’s voices snapped her out of it. “Oh. Right. She does, doesn’t she?” Laser echoed. “Sorry bout that, Bunbun.” “Indeed she does,” Rose agreed. Smiling apologetically, she nodded towards the scanner and monitor. “They’re all yours for as long as you need, Bun.” Giving the two a grateful nod, Bunbun strode towards the scanner. “It’s no problem,” she replied, pulling up her code. “I’ll be done in just a tick…”
The updates in medbay took much longer than expected. Around thirty minutes in total. There was a lot to get to. Not only did Bunbun find herself tripping over incorrectly stored files from previous medics, but the outdated medical system kept trying to override her new input. The whole thing was confusing, frustrating, and very difficult to work with. 
Fortunately, she found herself in good company. 
Rose’s level head and gentle tone helped keep her distress down, and she knew all the work arounds for the computer. Laser offered plenty of encouragement. River, to his credit, actually stayed quiet. He added input only once- when a security bypass code popped up. Other than that… nothing. He just sort of. Stood there. It was odd. But Rose and Laser were enough to distract Bunbun from it, and enough to keep her on task.
When she finally pulled back from the equipment, the other ladies gave a little cheer. “Good job, hon! It’s running like a model made yesterday,” Rose beamed. “You wrangled the hell out of that code!” Laser grinned. “That’s a perfect job in my book.” “Thank you, thank you,” Bunbun laughed, waving a hand. “You’re too kind- both of you!” “We do our best,” Laser winked. “Anytime!” Rose hummed. “... yeah. Glad you got that figured out,” River finally spoke up. Bunbun gave him a quiet nod of thanks. Was he just… warming up…? She really hoped so. Shifting in place, River jerked his head towards the door. “You ready to head out, Bunbun? Just a couple more stops.” Bunbun paused. Holding up a finger, she flipped up her tablet. Both the tasks she’d had for Medbay now glowed green. Perfect. She nodded quickly. “Yeah, I’m good,” she replied. “M’kay. Let’s get a move on,” River sighed. “See the rest of y’all around.” He turned to go, pace a little slower as he left the room. Bunbun waved over her shoulder to Laser and Rose. The two smiled and waved back, free hands gently entwined as they gave their well wishes. The sight left Bunbun smiling all the way down the hall. 
The more of her crewmates she met, the more at home she was starting to feel. It was… nice. Really nice. A good assignment so far. She hoped it’d stay that way.
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beatsfortheillperth · 4 years
Words with Jetson
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Our next interview is with a producer and rapper out of a beautiful place known as Tauranga, in New Zealand, This creative is known as Jetson.
He happens to be one of my cat, Rain's personal favourites for sleep time and regardless of the amount of thumping bass Jetson's music creates and picture frames it knocks over, I understand why he sleeps so sweetly.
Probably a lot to do with the fact that bass has rhythm, just like the sweet sweet words Jetson correlates with his word-plays in tracks such as "Milk" and "SENSEI". Not only impressing cats, Jetson has made moves and connections beyond the long white cloud, proving isolation doesn't always silence brilliance. Jetson brings words any generation can hold some sort of relevance to, words that allow one to notice life moves fast and slow and sometimes you just have to chill and become an observer rather than an instigator.
This is something I feel Jetson has accomplished with his rather low-key approach to releases and interviews.
Jetson is a natural, a true prodigy of sound and a sharer of moods, and to me, is a reminder that with a little bit of passion and persistence, great things can happen, whatever your field.
Jetson’s collective and label - Chill Children is evidence of that, as through it , Jetson is able to work and release with producers and beat-makers all over the globe.
emo the optimist, BACKWHEN, fuyu, eets, and junyii are just some of the diverse talents working with Chill Children and everyone on the catalogue are game-changers that make music that’s anointed in chills. 
Creators that push boundaries and portray emotion through sound in the most soothing way, one must check Chill Children.
So with that I hope you enjoy rare words with the nuance wonder, and in his own words.
Sit back, relax, get baked, create, f**k it.
Enjoy and much love.
Hey man thanks for the opportunity to share words. Let's start with a few random quick questions to get things going. Favourite Beverage: Lemon water. Favourite thing to do in your down-time: Make music/skate. Views on Reincarnation: It will be cool if it is true but I guess it doesn't really change anything if it is 🤷‍♂️ Favourite Food: Sushi. Favourite Album of All Time: Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders A song to break it down to: Ethereal & Playboi Carti - Beef A song to chill to: Durand Jones & The Indications - Cruising to the park Do you prefer Sunrise? or Sunset? Why?: Sunset, because I'm never awake for sunrise. A childhood memory in regards to music: I remember saving up to buy Graduation by Kanye West and listening to that shit front to back for weeks straight. Favourite Place to be: Probably on an island.
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Thanks for that, so let's start by asking what inspires you to produce and not only produce but continually produce, what to me is an array of tunes fitting so many genres?
Do you have a set of goals in place when you release a track or do you just hit upload and just hope people are feeling your sound?
What I like to listen to is constantly changing so I like to challenge myself to try and make the things that I'm inspired by.
I like to think that you never know what you're gonna get when you listen to my music but I've still got so much to learn and experiment with. I just try have fun with it and not think about it too much.
How long have you been producing music, and what did you find was hardest to get the hang of when it first came to producing beats?
I had no music theory knowledge or anything when I started making beats (I still don't have much) so there was a lot to learn right away.
Probably the hardest thing that I still battle with is knowing what you should release, what you shouldn't etc. It's hard to balance knowing when something is finished and when it still needs work.
Could you give a quick run-through of the process you follow when it comes to making a beat?
I try to change my process as much as I can to keep things fresh and fun for myself. But I really enjoy hearing a sample somewhere like keys, a quote or a rapper I want to remix, then I start working with that piece and see where it goes.
I'll mess around with the beat for a while and sometimes a track comes out. It can take one day, it can take months. Just depends.
Oldies are always goodies in my books and I have to mention your "bumps from 2014" mixtape, it truly is something special.
What inspired those little bumps? What were you doing back then? Also, can you remember the mood you were in when you made them?
I'm glad you like it haha. That was when I really had no clue what I was doing in terms of making beats, I was making all of those 'off the grid' in Ableton so I was placing drums in random places, I had no idea what bpm the samples were or anything. I really didn't know wtf I was doing, just going off of a vibe. 
My mood was really just being excited about making music, I was living in the basement at my mum's house blasting beats on the speakers all day.
[bumps from 2014] - https://soundcloud.com/sleepgodd/bumps-from-2014
You are also a rapper. My favourite NZ rapper to be more precise so thank you for the vibes you create. How did you find out you had it in you to rap and how old were you?
Damn, I appreciate that ✌️ I started rapping with a friend of mine, Jesse aka j cafe when we were around 20. We'd sit in my room smoking weed, and free-styling over beats on Soundcloud all night. 
Then we decided to make a track, so we found a beat and jumped in the closet to record some vocals on the laptop microphone.
We put it up on Soundcloud and I've been addicted to making music ever since.
Link to j cafe’s Soundcloud here - https://soundcloud.com/j-cafe
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Cover art for Jetson’s 2019 rap release - bluntscraps
Album cover art by Takuroh Toyama
When did you first start rapping in front of others? What did it feel like in the beginning compared to now when you perform live?
I was insanely nervous the first time I ever did anything live and that feeling really hasn't left me lol.
Except now I know how to deal with nerves a bit better and actually enjoy the whole experience of doing something live.
I definitely think I'm a lot better now than my first time doing it, but I still kinda suck 😂 Staying on topic with your rapping, material-wise you have mad skills, your music is forever helping me chill out so thank you.
When did you start writing down your words and turning them into structured songs? Do you have any other artists that inspire your writing style?
When I was younger I really liked the flow of rappers rather than what they were actually saying.
Dudes like MF Doom and Earl Sweatshirt really influenced me at the start wanting to come up with lines that were catchy and different.
To form an actual track I usually just mumble over beats to get the flow, then I start placing words in the spots where I think they fit.
Does your family know you make music? If so what do they think of it, any dance parties in the Jetson Family Household? 
My immediate family all know and support my music. My mum used to have one of my tracks as her ringtone for years lol.
No jetson dance parties yet, but seems like every year more people in my extended family know about my music.
You were also a member of NZ Duo, Chill Children of which you rap and produce with yet another kiwi talent, both having low-key approaches when it comes to presenting yourselves through social media. What happened with that?
Me and J Cafe started Chill Children as a rap project in the early days but we moved to different places in the world and started doing our own solo projects so things sort of stopped happening with it.
I still credit those times with really getting me started on music though. He's still making dope shit and we'll probably link up on a track soon.
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So then it became a sort of collective community, and through your Chill Children Soundcloud, you allow a platform for other artists to have their music heard.
Much Love on the concept, What inspired you to start sharing other artists music and what keeps you sharing? I'm very grateful btw, too many gems.
I work on music a lot with my friend emo the optimist (aka kodama) and we always wanted to run a label/collective kind of thing so we could release music from artists that we really liked.
After me and Jesse started doing our own thing, Chill Children seemed like the perfect place to start doing that.
It's one of my favorite things to work on as we have a hand in working with the artists on every release. I just love that we're able to share so much music that we really like with the world.
Check Chill Children here -
Bandcamp - https://chillchildren.bandcamp.com/
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/chillchildren
Instagram - @chillchildren
Any new Chill Children material we should keep an eye out for?
We always have new music from new artists dropping so definitely follow our instagram/twitter if you want to stay updated on it.
We're currently working on a phonk compilation with guys like DJ Yung Vamp, Genshin etc. It's gonna be crazy 🤯
Back to your solo releases through your alias Jetson. What made you want to start putting out your material alone? Also, do you have a favourite Jetson release?
I really felt like I had to release music solo to see what I could do.
I've learned so much about myself through that process, became more confident and a better musician.
Probably my favorite rap track I've made is called 'Escape'.
Not many people have heard it but it's on Spotify and other places.
My favorite beat I've made is probably 'dylan rieder'.
Have to ask, are you working on any new releases we should keep an ear out for? If so, what can we expect with your coming releases?
I just released an album on Bandcamp called THROWED TAPES which was really influenced by DJ screw and other phonk producers.
I'm working on a lofi R&B tape for Bandcamp, a lofi beat tape, and I really want to release a rap EP.
Who knows when those will come out though haha
Taking it back a little to your rapping again I have to mention "Milk". What inspires the words in this track?
Also please share the story behind your track "Melancholy"? The words are somewhat mesmerizing, thank you!
With milk, I just heard the beat from bsd.u and really wanted to make something weird that just followed the flow of the beat.
On melancholy I tried to think about what I was saying a little more. The instrumental is so introspective and smooth I knew I had to come correct on it.
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THROWED TAPES By Jetson, released August, 27, 2020
Musical Recommendations?
junyii - emo the optimist - knxwledge - j cafe - jesse james solomon - the smiths - dj yung vamp - shuggie otis - hm surf - alicks - MIKE - baccyard - meraki soul - steve hiett I could go on for days though lol
Creatives to keep an eye out for in music and art? Takuroh Toyama (photography) Moebius (visual art) Steve Hiett (photography/music) Any Last Words?
It really trips me out that people enjoy something I love to do so much.
So just thank you for vibing with me, I have a lot more to share ✌️
Support Jetson here -
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/highimjetson
Bandcamp - https://jetsonbumps.bandcamp.com/
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/2bkf2PmiVyfCqg2uzIFIqJ
Twitter - https://twitter.com/jetsonbumps
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jetsonn/?hl=en
Milk by Jetson (Production by bsd.u)
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
35,40, and 50? 🥺💕 ( i just wanna know what kinda reviews give you serotonin 💕)
Anon, you just made me SCREAM 😘 All kinds of reviews give me that sweet sweet serotonin boost, I’m not picky! As long as you’re telling me your thoughts I’m good! ☺️
35. What is your favorite review?
I have three favorite reviews for three fanfics by three people.
My favorite The Golden Age review is by @simpforannabeth​:
“i read this on tumblr a couple nights ago and i really really loved it!! i think it’s interesting how you made percy and annabeth older than ive ever seen them in an au, it was refreshing and honestly a little more realistic. also how the fuck do you have the power to make criminals seem super hot to me?💀 i really loved their dynamic in this one and how they threw all caution to the wind to be together despite the consequences cause that is extremely on-brand for them. it was a really great read, can’t wait to see what u do next :))” 
My favorite The Fool review is by MissunderstoodPoet on FFN:
“This story doesn’t have nearly as many reviews as it deserves. I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far and I am very excited to see where it goes from hear. The plot is really creative and original, I’ve never read anything like it, even in other fandoms or novels. The writing itself is also spectacular. It is easy to follow and has a consistent style. I cannot wait to see what else is in store for Annabeth and Percy, especially seeing as it currently leaves off with a bit of a cliffhanger. No rush, but I certainly hope that the wait isn’t too long for the next chapter. Great job! One of my new favorite stories!” 
and lastly my favorite How Could You Review by YellowWomanontheBrink as well on FFN:
“listen here.
i cry a lot. especially during fics or movies or whatever. but fuck. this hit me right in my quarter life crisis. i love percabeth cuz i love the happy ever after feel of it. but shit. this is the headcanon i low key accept as headcanon but will fucking deny because my stupid romantic heart cant handle it. like damn. i especially love how you handled the abortion - how percy took it harder, how he didnt have all the right words. the callousness of Athena, how Annabeth struggled so hard with the decision, and decided a child want worth the sacrifice. i read the prequel to this fic and i have to say your writing has improved as well. absolutely brilliant.”
I really love it when people either appreciate the creativity behind a work or just say how they’ve felt while they were reading and what was on their mind. It’s like a little peak into their soul as they nourish on something that you’ve created. But when it comes to How Could You I also appreciate straight up insults when people are upset lol.
40. Do you have any rituals before uploading a fic?
Tbh I’m just a nervous sloppy mess? My heart starts racing, my fingers can’t be still, my feet force me to move and ugh... it’s so stupid? But then again, dozens of people are going to see/read your work and you don’t know what kind of impression will last! So there’s that! Closed eyes and counting to three.
Then I’ll hit enter to publish and write up a cute post for Tumblr which I’ll put into the queue as I can’t do live posts on Tumblr when it comes to my fanfics. Oof.
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
Alright anon. You made my heart go boom boom 🥺💖 You deserve a treat! I haven’t worked on it in a bit but I will tomorrow! Here are the very first two paragraphs from the second act of The Fool!
His shift came finally to an end. He laughed and chatted with his colleagues while he changed his attire back to his comfortable streetwear. He grabbed his backpack and left to do some grocery shopping. The clouds were torn apart by the sun giving some of its warmth to the New Yorkers to introduce a pleasant March.
A smile rested on his lips, he almost started to whistle. The young man had been in such a good mood lately. Almost everything was going perfect for once in his life. Friendships, work, family and one could even say love. He was looking forward to seeing her again. He wanted to dream. He took one step out of the establishment and froze before he could take another. That was when he heard her voice. Her beautiful bell-like laughter, a laughter which he loved so much. Impossible he thought. No. How could this be. His eyes searched for her.
Thanks for asking me! 💕
Asks for fanfic writers 
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mimymomo · 5 years
Orphydice Weathering With You AU Part 2
I’m just gonna get straight to it!
Eurydice’s standing outside the backdoor of the bar. The alleyway is barely lit under the cloudy sky. She’s holding a bag filled with cheap snacks, deli sandwiches, and chips she bought at the store.
And she’s nervous af
What was she doing here? She was in an alleyway behind a bar where she’s supposed to be meeting a boy she barely knows (a cute boy sure) who can also control the weather?!
“Hello, Eurydice!” The girl jumps as she notices the backdoor she’s been staring at is wide open and being held by the boy plaguing her brain. “H-hey, Orpheus.”
The boy leads her inside and up the stairs to the house section of the mixed-use building. He and Mr. Hermes live above the bar. Once they reach his room, Eurydice holds out the bag she’s been gripping, “I bought these. Sorry I didn’t know what you like so-” “No, no this perfect! Thank you Eurydice,” he smiled causing the girl to unwillingly blush. Wth was wrong with her today??
Orpheus pulls her into the kitchen/living room hybrid and starts prepping their lunch while Eurydice looks around. There are pictures on shelves and on the walls of Orpheus in varying ages. Baby, a toddler with baby food painted across his mouth, cheeks, chubby fingers and even forehead? A picture of him standing outside of a classroom holding a sign that said “first day of kindergarten,” school photos, photos of him playing a guitar, writing, at the bar, nearly every picture is of him smiling. She even sees photos of a familiar man she can’t put a name on and...Persephone and Hades? She has to ask Orpheus about that.
Then she sees something. Eurydice reaches out to grab a frame that’s been knocked over and hidden, facing photo down. Carefully flipping it over, it’s an old photograph, the corners bent and worn with some discoloration from the years. It a picture of a woman holding a months old child. She’s smiling but eleven from the photo Eurydice can tell it’s not genuine. The baby is staring at someone, not looking directly at the camera. It must be Orpheus but who was the woman? 
“That’s my mother.” Eurydice whips around to see Orpheus, smiling slightly but there’s a trace of sadness behind his expression. “My dad left before I was born and that sent my mom into a downward spiral. She never wanted a kid, especially not one who was...“difficult to raise,” he emphasized with air quotes. “So she left me with Mr. Hermes when I was about 5 months. That’s the last pic we have of her and me together.”
Eurydice didn’t know what to say, she knew that Orpheus didn’t live with his mother but that was... “I’m sorry Orpheus.” Orpheus shakes his head, “no it’s fine. I think it worked out for the better. I love Mr. Hermes and my family and life here.” He said all that with a smile, no sadness to be found. “Do you have any family Eurydice?” Caught off-guard by the question, Eurydice ponders what to say. “No, no I don’t.”
The two eat and Eurydice pitches the idea she originally came to discuss: starting a partnership with Orpheus. “You want me to start changing the weather for money?” Orpheus is extremely hesitant at first because it doesn’t seem right to charge money for it but Eurydice convinces him (it will help him raise money for Hermes/expenses, spread joy for others she will handle the business part and all he has to do his the singing/weather changing). The two come to an agreement and even upload an ad on Craigslist for their services.
As they’re finishing up Mr. Hermes comes up and asks them what they’re doing. Eurydice finally figures out where she recognized the man from- she met him at Seph’s shop. “You’re Mr. Hermes?” she screams, less at Hermes and more at her own stupidity for not putting two and two together.
Suddenly a notification for their Craigslist ad pops up: someone hired them to clear the weather for an upcoming farmers market. Said farmers market is tomorrow.
“We already got an offer?! Eurydice I don’t think I can do this!” “Orpheus, you’ll be fine! I’ll be there with you tomorrow.” “It’s tomorrow?? Please let there be clear weather tomorrow...” “What would be the point of us showing up if the weather is already clear?!”
The next day, Orpheus is a mess. Eurydice brings him gloves with hand warmers in them, an umbrella she scribbled music notes in sharpie on and a thermos of hot tea. Orpheus appreciates the gesture (sure he cant use the close with he plays, nor hold the umbrella but the gesture is sweet all the same)
When they get to the market and set up, the rain is pouring furiously. Orpheus is shaking, partially from the cold, but mostly from nerves. He’s under an awning away from the crowd and mostly our if the rain but Eurydice still covers him with the umbrella as a precaution. His fingers are shaking as he starts playing, constantly stopping to tune the ancient guitar.
The runner of the market is not amused (it was one of his workers who hired these children). He tries to tell Eurydice and Orpheus to go home but Eurydice convinces him to wait. Orpheus begins his song, “la, la la la, la la la~ la, la la la, la la la~”
As he performs, the rain slowly comes to a stop, the clouds parting to reveal a beautiful crystal blue sky. The golden sun coming out to say hello. Murmurs from all around can be heard, fingers pointing to the sky, people shocked by the return of the sun.
The man is shocked and ends up paying the kids double than what they charged for proving him wrong. “You got a gift kid, voice ain’t half bad either.”
For the next month, the two get job, after job, after job. The run around the whole city and sometimes even further out, clearing the sky, for birthday parties, weddings, competitions, even for a daycares field trip to the park. Orpheus is never a stickler for payments (he did the daycare job for $20 (the teacher forced him to take it) and a bunch of stickers and snacks).
Orpheus and Eurydice get closer and closer through their job and all the travels they do (they both have crushes on each other but they’re teens. They stupid with love). Seph teases her for how much she hangs out with Orpheus (“I’m losing my apprentice to my cute nephew!”) while Hades gets more annoyed than anything (he misses her and all the stuff she does around the house. She makes hades and Seph ultimately get along better).
One of their biggest jobs is to clear the sky for a 4th of July firework show. Since they are hired by the event coordinators, the two have to dress up. Eurydice shows up in her black dress, Seph had got it tailored to fix any holes, tarnished hems, and other rips. While Eurydice talks with a few event workers, Orpheus shows up.
He looks absolutely adorable. Still, in his suspenders, he replaced his cream shirt and signature bandana for a white button-up with a red bow tie. His pant legs are rolled up to reveal red socks and fancy shoes.
Orpheus performs and the sky clears. The firework show goes off without a hitch. The event planners let Eurydice and Orpheus have a private area to watch the show as a thank you.
“It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen fireworks in person before,” Eurydice says. “Yeah, Mr. Hermes and Aunt Seph used to take me to watch these fireworks how’s for my birthday when I was younger. Haven’t been able to in years since Hermes has gotten sicker and Aunt Seph and Hades haven’t been getting along as well...”
Eurydice grabs his hand, “Orpheus when is your birthday?” “Oh,” Orpheus pauses for a second, “next week? 4 days to be exact.” “Oh my birthday is before yours,” Eurydice says.
“Wait, how old are you?” Orpheus asks. “I’m...1...8...” Eurydice says slowly. ‘You liar!’
“You don’t look 18,” Orpheus unintentionally counters. “You saying I’m lying?” Eurydice smirks. ‘You are!’ “No! I just meant you look young.”
“How old will you be next week Orpheus?” “Oh, um...17.”
‘Shit he’s actually older than me!’ Eurydice thinks to herself. Then sit there the rest do the night watching the fireworks but in all honesty, more time was spent between the two staring at each other secretly then actually watching the colorful display in the sky.
Over the next few days, Eurydice tries to figure out what to give Orpheus as a present. She tried asking Persephone and Hades but...they were absolutely no help. Then she tries Hermes. While Orpheus is busy, she slyly tries to question Hermes on what Orpheus would want for his birthday.
“So girl, how many secret jobs do you two have left?” Hermes asked while wiping some glasses. “Just one more next week, the day before Orpheus’ birthday actually.” “Really now?” “Yeah, since the job offers have been getting kinda overwhelming we decided to take one more offer then go on a break.”
Hermes nods and goes back to work. Perfect opportunity! “Speaking of Orpheus’ birthday-”
“You love him, don’t you girl?”
Eurydice then proceeds to freak the eff out. “What?? No! No, no! I mean, he is very cute and a talented musician and I love to hear him perform or laugh...or when he turns pink after cracking a joke. But I just wanted to think of a birthday present NOT BECAUSE I LIKE HIM OR ANYTHING! Just for a friend! Yeah, a friend...what the hell is wrong with me?”
Hermes smiles at the girl, “Eurydice.” The girl shuts up immediately. “I’ve been watching over that boy since he could talk. And I can tell you he would love whatever you’d give him. Even if you decided to give him nothing but a hug or a few sweet words. He would treasure it all. But I can tell that this goes deeper than you just wanting to surprise a friend with a present.”
Eurydice’s quiet, she knows he’s right but she wasn’t planning on be confronted on it today. “I... I like him...?” She raises the end like a question. Making sure that it’s okay.
Hermes nods, “aight, I give you my blessing.” Eurydice’s chest lightens. “Now about that gift idea...”
“Stop running!”
“Shit!” the man runs for his life. He hadn’t done anything wrong but with police, it never was innocent until proven guilty. It was guilty until proven innocent.
He ran down the slick streets, nearly falling as he turned the corner down a backstreet.
Suddenly he was corned by three detectives from the downtown police department. “Wait officers, I didn’t do nothing!” the man tries to reason with them.
“We know,” one says. “What?” the man asks. They hold out their badges: Detectives Atropos, Clotho, and Lachesis.
“We tried to tell you that but you just went and started running,” detective Clotho said with an amused attitude.
“Are you the guy in this video?” detective Lachesis held out her ooh one displaying a shoddy video of surveillance footage of the night a month ago when a girl fired a shot that nearly blew his head off.
“Hell, that kid nearly shot me in the fucking face!”
“She’s apart of a missing child’s case,” detective Atropos states, not acknowledging what the witness just said. “Parents filed her as a runaway. She also may have possession of an illegal stolen firearm. A firearm that actually looks eerily similar to one that went missing from a previous unrelated case that wasn’t solved a few weeks before this incident.
“We need to find the girl. Have you seen her around?”
Seph is working at her Anthomania. The rain is drizzling once again and the streets are starting to flood. She’s arranging an order when an older woman steps through the door.
“Welcome in!”
“It’s really pouring out there ain’t it?” the woman asks. “Sure is,” Seph agrees. “Kinda frightening.”
“Frightening? Child ain’t nothing but a lil’ rain. The world was covered with water before humans were got involved. It’s all just a cycle. Reminds me of a story I dudes to hear as a child though.” Seph silently encourages her to continue. It’s a slow day, one old tale can’t harm her.
“There used to be ones that could control the weather. Children of the earth and sky, chosen to bring balance to nature. By their voices alone, they could end storms and disasters. Blessed beings they were. But they were also cursed with a heavy and heartbreaking burden. Those poor children.”
Seph back straightens, a chill running up her spine. Dread pooling in her stomach. “What kind of burden? What happened to those kids?”
The old woman gazes up at Persephone, “death.”
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
bts reaction - a video of the two of you goes viral
A/N: requested by a lovely anon :) 
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the two of you were always cooking together at the boys’ dorm so you didn’t think any different when some of the others asked you to make them some dinner
little did the two of you know that jungkook and hobi were conspiring against you by placing a little camera they had borrowed off staff and filming the whole thing
as normal, the two of you found your rhythm in preparing and cooking several meats and vegetables, completely unaware that your every movement was being live-streamed on v-live
as you waited for the hot water on the stove to boil, you snuck over and slid yourself under Jin’s arm so that he was trapping you against the bench 
“i can’t see the carrots anymore, honey”
“oh, jinnie, who cares about carrots when your beautiful girlfriend is in front of you” 
weirdly enough, just like jin loves complimenting himself, he also loves it when you’re confident about your own looks, and you know how to use that to your advantage
jin smiles sweetly down at you and leans in for a kiss, murmuring against your lips “mmm, you’re right, those boys can make themselves dinner for once, i’m in the mood for a little private eatjin”
just as he begins to start grinding his hips against you, jungkook scrambles into the kitchen, just about slipping in his socks
“hyung stop! stop!”
you watch in bewilderment as he opens a slightly ajar cupboard and pulls out a camera, which was pointing straight at you
“what’s going on?” 
jungkook waves at the camera with a little laugh and then looks back up at you “we just wanted to prank you guys, but then you had to go and do...that. eugh, it’s burned onto my retinas now”
you blink in shock but your boyfriend doesn’t seem nearly as surprised. “jin..?”
“i saw the red light beeping when i went to get the chopping board”
“you knEW? and you still were going to-”
jin grins cheekily “i wanted to show off my beautiful girlfriend, is that so wrong?”
you keep a neutral face, but you can’t help but blush. “...fine, but let’s continue this show in private, okay?”
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when it came to righting serenades to lovers, rap wasn’t generally the best medium
yoongi knew that, so for a while he had been asking jin in secret to help him improve his singing
he knew his hyung had been through trying to learn everything, and he was a great teacher
now, yoongi sat you down on his lap as he sat at the piano, delicate hands wiping down the keys nervously
he’s set up a little camera in the corner because he wanted to record the audio as a demo to send to namjoon, but he couldn’t track down the voice recorder, so a decent camera was just easier
he can just convert it to an audio file later anyway
you lean back and crane your neck around to watch him, but he pushes you back softly so that you’re eyes aren’t on him
he’s nervous as fuck, okay? he’s way out of his comfort zone here
his voice is quiet and a little wobbly but there’s a genuinity there, and it sounds so beautiful with the piano to accompany it
the lyrics are beautiful, and as you feel yourself fall in love with him more and more, you wish you could see his face right now, but you obediently watch him manipulate the white ivory instead
luckily, or perhaps unluckily, a couple of weeks later namjoon accidentally uploads the video version instead of the mp3 version on the official twitter, and it immediately goes viral
you watch it yourself, melting at the way yoongi’s eyes barely glance at the keys as he sings, fixated on you
the song is messed with a little before the release of the next album, but when he performs it in concert, the whole audience sings with him
after hearing the lyrics and seeing the real love that it stemmed from, army have taken it on board as the official song of their love towards BTS
yoongi is over the moon that people have really connected with his song, but still, the best performance of it he ever gave was that first time, when it was just him, you, and the piano
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you can’t dance
you know this. hobi knows this. the rest of bangtan won’t let you forget it.
but unlike the other members who just laugh at your awkward attempts to mimic their choreo during sound check, hobi wants you to be able to enjoy the thing that he loves so much, so he takes it upon himself to teach you
unfortunately, bighit smell profit like blood in the water, and they decide hobi should start doing it as a hope on the street series
so every second tuesday, like clockwork, army get to enjoy a video of (in your c o r r e c t opinion) the hottest guy on the planet deal with the dancing equivalent of a trainwreck
“honestly, seokie, just give up now. it’s been three months and my dancing still looks like i’m fighting a ghost and losing”
“i told you if you stopped flailing so much and just slowed down your arm movements you’d be much better!”
“didn’t you say i should find something that made me unique?!”
and so the sixth episode of this special edition of hope on the street becomes you and hobi pettily arguing and making zero progress
fans in particular tweet a million times about the moment that hoseok gives up, chases you around the studio and then tackles you and straddles you, forcing your surrender
it’s a very suggestive position, so you kinda can’t blame them, but now the problem is that army won’t shut up about getting more of it
they want you to suffer so that they can see how sexy hoseok looks when he gets angry
because holy fuck is he sexy when he gets angry
episode nine has him slapping you in the ass every time you miss your cue
episode eleven features him manhandling you into position when you insist you’re too tired to dance
maybe one day you’ll improve but for now you’re destined to showcase your lack of ability on an international scale with your unbelievably talented boyfriend
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unfortunately as namjoon’s girlfriend, your viral video moment isn’t as pg
namjoon is a real horndog, so it’s become pretty run of the mill for you two to send pictures back and forth
normally it’s on snapchat so that there’s no trace
but namjoon tells you he wants a video he can keep before he goes on tour, so he asks you to send one on your basic messaging service, that way he can save it to his camera roll
namjoon is doing a fanmeet, and they’re playing a game where one of the members streams their phone to the screen behind them and the fans have to guess who it is
most of the other members use mirroring, where the whole screen shows up exactly as it is on the phone, so namjoon assumes its all or nothing
he does his, and once he’s done instead of turning it off like he thinks he has (because his screen is no longer showing up) he’s just turned it to the setting where only videos stream
the fanmeeting is boring af (no offense army) but maybe it’s just because namjoon is missing you rn
he pulls out his phone to take a sneak peek at the video, making sure volume is down, but then your moans blast through the speakers
yup. namjoon is streaming a video of you getting off to the entire hall
fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfcufkcufckuckfuk
his heart is beating so hard in his chest and his fingers shake as he desperately tries to mess with the settings and stop the video playing, but by the time he does, the whole room is chaos
fans are screaming and squealing and the members are either crying with laughter or look like they just want the ground to swallow them whole
namjoon is certainly the latter
but he laughs awkwardly, apologizes and tries to change the subject
army feel kinda bad for him and the way his cheeks are bright bright red so they let him move on, but you best believe shaky hand-cam videos of namjoon freaking out while his girlfriend’s sex tape plays on the big screen are going viral for MONTHS
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in this case, it’s not a single video, but rather a compilation, that goes viral
we been knew that jimin is a slut for attention but one dedicated army scrounged up clips from all over the internet to put together a twelve minute-long video of all the moments of jimin being a needy boyfriend
there’s an entire three-minute section dedicated to his heart-eyes stare when you’re not watching
there’s a low quality video of you which all fans of bts have seen a million times where jimin straight-up grabs your hand and puts it over his dick behind stage after their comeback show
about a million different instances of him feeling you up as a way for you to stop what you were doing and look at him
and then of course there was a supercut of moments from the various Bangtan Bombs you had featured in where he whines and pouts and wiggles his shoulders when you’re chatting with namjoon and not him
the two of you see the video when you keep getting tagged, and while it just makes jimin even more whiny, you have a good laugh over it
in fact, you take it upon yourself to start tweeting some screenshots of jimin being needy, exposing him yourself
“it’s tiring being the girlfriend of an idol, but it’s even more tiring when it’s jiimin!” you tweet
of course, jimin’s feelings are a liiiittle hurt and you have to make it up to him for weeks
(and don’t think the fans don’t notice how jimin suddenly starts acting like he has the biggest dick in town)
(they’re well aware some shit has gone down every time he comes out from backstage only to have red cheeks and a dopey grin)
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this is 100% percent tae’s fault
he thought it would be fucking hilarious to post the drunken voicemail you had left him one night when you were out partying with your girls
to be fair, if it was anyone else but you, you would’ve laughed too
but that’s your voice in bubbling sobs confessing your undying love to him so it is most certainly Not Funny, thank you very much
“...and i hope you get a good sleep because you deserve it and i hope that you know how much i love you because when i look at you it’s like all the stars left the sky and they’re in your eyes and you’re so beautiful and i love you so much and sometimes it hurts me inside because you’re so wonderful and magical and. oh also, did we get milk the other day? we’re almost out of milk i think. anyway i just called to let you know i’m staying over at unnie’s place so don’t wait up. okay i love you. no, you hang up first! oh, you don’t wanna hang up on me because you looooooove me too much! goodniiight baby”
and then a solid 43 seconds of you breathing because you forgot to actually hang up, and eventually the recording stops
army think it’s the cutest thing in the world, and tae does too, but of all the beautiful things you’ve done for him in private he chooses to share the drunk one? just rude
#[your ship name]needmilk is the new trending hashtag, and army literally start bringing milk cartons to fanmeetings, telling tae to give it to you
you have too much milk, and not enough dignity
you tell fans this on twitter and then #toomuchmilk replaces it
next time you get drunk, you are determined not to call tae
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of all the things you could do with your time, become anonymous amateur porn-stars probably wasn’t the most productive or advisable
but being an idol had given jungkook both a desire to do something without being recognized as the maknae from BTS, and simultaneously a huge fetish for exhibitionism
he’s a performer, it’s in his blood, so why fuck when you can fuck and have people get off to you? that’s what he figures, so the two of you create an account
you’re obviously extremely careful about not showing your faces, and the current system you have set up is putting down a strip of tape on the bed (or wherever you’re fucking as it most certainly varies) where the edge of camera shot reaches
you keep your heads above that line, and no one can see a thing
you also try to keep out any identifying materials in the shot like clothes you’ve worn in public before, or the many figurines jungkook has lying around
maybe what makes the eventual discovery even worse is how long it takes
nobody finds out for well over a year, so there’s a preeetty hefty backlog of videos
in the end, it’s your own stupid mistake that gives it away
jungkook shoots a v-live shortly after the two of you film a video of you two doing it in his studio
you had cleared out the wall so it was just plain black, and even brought in a chair from a different room so that no one for whatever reason would recognise jungkook’s gaming chair
but he’s so blissed out from you riding him and giving him one of the best orgasms of his life that he makes a rookie mistake
he forgets to take off the blue masking tape that lies in a rough square on the wall
when he returns his studio back to the way it was and goes live, one army who clearly was also a fan of your porn videos notices the tape and mentions it in the comments
soon enough the numbers of the chat peak and fall crazily as fans leave the live to go check the pornsite and your most recent vid, and come back to compare it to his studio
jungkook tries to pretend like he’s not noticing the stream of comments talking about how hot he looks and how good his moans sound, but he realises he never wanted it to be this way
he wanted to keep this and his videos separate, and now he’s made an irreversible mistake
he shuts off the v-live without warning and runs down to namjoon’s room in tears, asking what to do
in the end the issue is resolved by deleting the channel immediately, and very few people actually thought to take anything more than a screenshot, but jungkook knows he won’t be seen as a baby boy maknae ever again
(namjoon also realizes that for the past five months he’s been unwittingly jacking it religiously to jungkook fucking his girlfriend)
(he doesn’t tell jungkook this)
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josiewinters1999 · 5 years
When Ice Melts: A Loki Fic
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When Ice Melts: A Loki Fic
Loki x Original Female Character
Chapter 1
Contains: Mentions of blood and injury, post endgame Loki, original characters
Summary: After stealing the Tesseract in 2012, Loki finds himself stranded on a planet of intense gravity, blistering heat, and red people. He is taken prisoner by the natives, only to find the chieftess of this civilization is oddly familiar...
A/N: This will be the first chapter in what I hope will be a long slow burn fic. It’s kinda short but I don’t want to bombard you guys with too much at once lol. Luckily I already have a few chapters ready and I hope to continue writing. The chapter art was done by myself and I would really like to make something new for each upload. Hope you all enjoy!
Yet another boring day in court, Willie thought to herself. As she sat upon her throne of red stone, expertly crafted thousands of years before she was born, each carving intricately detailed with care, she stares off into space, faking her attention on the people in front of her. Can they not take care of anything by themselves? She wondered, her large headdress feeling heavier with every passing second.
She shifts in her seat, the long red robes dragging the stone floor as she does so. The Galfreskan chieftess is pulled from her thoughts as one of the representatives from the farming district gives her an almost loud look for approval.
Only half paying attention to what he had said, she waves a tired red hand to him, “Yes, yes,” she mumbles in her native tongue, “rotate the wheat. If you don’t the fields will dry up.” He nods, wringing his hands and looking down nervously. “I don’t really understand why you felt the need to come to me with this issue,” Willie groans, “I made sure you were more than capable and intelligent enough to manage the fields.”
He bows slightly, his own robes swaying as he does so, “I’m sorry Miss. Forgive me for wasting your time.” He stands, “I’ll see to it as soon as possible that crops are rotated for the next planting.”
Resting her cheek on her propped up palm, Willie sighs, “Yes, now please leave. Your company is growing tiresome.” Straightening himself, the man scurries out of the throne room, through the stone archway into the corridor beyond.
On his way out, a familiar face speed walks in, worry and confusion plastered on his face. The dim lighting of the various candles and torches in the room allow Willie just enough lumination to see the features of the approaching figure. Sitting up she smiles and lets loose a relieved sigh, “Ah,” she exclaims, “Voorsha! My sweet apprentice, what brings you to me at this time of day?”
Voorsha is a young man standing about six foot tall with the same atheltic build and red skin of his leader. The only things that differentiate their physiques are their hair color- the chieftess having a golden blond and Voorsha having long, dark brown tresses.  
He, covered in a thin sheen a sweat, something common for a planet with an average temperature of 100 degrees, pants, struggling to get his words to spill to the chieftess before him.
Catching on to his nerves, Willie’s smile fades, and she leans forward more in her seat, not yet getting up, “Voorsha? What’s wrong?”
He looks up at her, chin tilted down to swallow the lump in his throat, “Miss, I’m not sure how to bring this news to you…”
A feeling of slight fear clutching both her hearts, Willie is now on the edge of her seat, feeling herself beginning to perspire, “What?” she demands desperately, “out with it kid!”
Clenching his fists, the man, clad in traditional warrior clothing, the intricately tied belt around his waist signifying his loyalty and servitude to the chieftess, takes a deep breath, “We’ve captured a prisoner.”
Furrowing her brow, Willie’s tense shoulders fall slightly, “A prisoner? What type of prisoner? A Galfreskan  prisoner? Because, truthfully boy, that’s nothing to bother me with I trust your judgement-”
“No,” he interrupts, shaking his head, “A foreigner. A white man. I don’t know what he is, but he’s not human or Galfreskan .” There is a moment of silence between them, Voorsha studying his master’s face and Willie wracking her brain to think of the possible unexpected guest her guards have just captured.
“However,” Voorsha continues, “He speaks English. I heard him.” Taking another deep breath, he goes on, “When I was out along the canal, making the inspections you ordered, one of my men claimed he heard a voice from the treeline. We go to investigate and find a man with white skin and black hair stumbling around like he couldn’t walk.
“Seeing that, I knew he had just arrived and isn’t accustomed to the increased gravity yet. I ordered my men to stay hidden but alert as I watched him. He was grumbling angrily to himself. Finally, he noticed me. He shouted and began attacking. He didn’t wield any weapon I had ever seen before, not even on our visits to Earth.
“He held a glowing blue box, and I could sense the power from it was immeasurable. I ordered my men to shoot his hand, to get it away from him. They did as they were told and he became powerless. From that point, it was fairly easy to apprehend him. After knocking him unconscious myself, my men and I brought him back here and he should be in the dungeon by now.”
The events of Voorsha’s story only made Willie even more confused, it was simply too much information to process in such a short time. “I don’t understand. Why is this so hard to tell me?”
Swallowing one last time, Voorsha closes his eyes before uttering, “Before he lost consciousness, he yelled at me. None of the other men understood him but I knew his language. He said, 'Do you have any idea who I am? I’m Loki, son of Odin'.”
All the color from Willie’s face drained immediately and she almost felt herself faint. Loki was a name that, for the past almost decade now, she had only heard in her dreams. The grip on her stone armrest instantly loosened as her face filled with even more confusion, words not bearing to pass her lips.
“I’ve heard enough of your stories, Miss,” Voorsha continues, “that even I know who that is and what he means to you. I wanted to be the one to personally deliver the news to you.”
Shooting her head up and snapping herself from her daze, Willie pleads to him desperately, “Take me to him.”
Nodding quickly, Voorsha steps back as Willie emerges from her throne, long, regal, red robes flowing behind her. “Yes, Miss,” he says, “as I said before, I made sure he was taken to the dungeon.”
Without another word, Willie pushes past Voorsha, him hot on her heels, as she races down the Great Temple’s corridors. He wrapped feet slap against the stone, the wind created by her swiftness shaking the flames of the torches behind her.
Dashing through the temple and occasional stairs, Willie’s mind races, mostly with fond, romantic memories of her long lost love. How she yearned to even see him one more time, if for nothing else than to have her last vision of him be a pleasant one and not of him lifeless on the cold floor of a spacecraft, neck snapped in two.
For once in your miserable life woman, listen to me and stay hidden. I’ll be back for you. His last words to her echo in her head, the feeling of his bloody hand gracing her cheek making her eyes water.
She nearly trips on her robes running down the final set of stairs to the dungeon. Catching her headdress before it falls, she regains her composure. Taking a moment to breathe before passing through the final arch to the dungeon’s main room, she pauses. Voorsha finally catches up, himself also slightly out of breath.
Noticing the chieftess’ nervous state, he places a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “You can do this Miss. You mustn’t let yourself fall in front of your people.” She nods at his words, finding the courage to make the steps into the darkness.
In the black of the dungeon, she sees a light by the former preparation area for sacrifices. Since the discontinuation of that practice, the space had lain bare. Approaching the light, Willie sees him, her mouth falling slightly open.
He was on his knees, two guards with large spears holding him to the ground by his shoulders. His hand was clutched to his stomach, bleeding through the bandages the third guard off to the side has presumably put on him.
The prince wears his typical green and black armor, something it seemed he never took off. The coolness of his clothing and his pale skin contrasts much with the warmth of the room and the red of everything around him.
Sensing the chieftess’ presence, all three guards straighten themselves. Loki seems to not notice anything happening as they speak to her in a language he can’t understand. “Your honor, he was injured in his apprehension. The wound is still bleeding but he should be fine.”
She nods, remembering Voorsha’s story of him being shot in the hand with an arrow. Willie steps forward, a small pebble beneath her rolling forward and making just enough noise for Loki to notice.
He looks up, wincing in pain and covered in sweat from the intense heat of the planet he found himself on. “Who’s there?” he asks to the darkness, unable to see the two people before him, “Show yourself.”
One of the guards shoves Loki to the ground hard and he grunts loudly. Sitting back up, he watches a woman emerge into the dim light. She was tall, fairly muscular, her build showing even under her loose robes. Her red skin and strong facial features matched those of the other natives he had seen thus far. However, her golden hair, as well as the large thing adorning her head, indicated to him she was special.
“Who are you? The queen of this kingdom?” He asks with cynicism lacing his voice, once again wincing in pain after he spoke.
Willie’s heart drops. He doesn’t recognize me. Stepping back into the darkness, she hears him complain as she gathers her thoughts.
In the events with gathering the infinity stones through time and space, Willie remembers Steve Rogers telling her that Loki, a Loki from another time, took the Tesseract from that world and left without a trace.
Since that day in New York, she had changed so much. She looked absolutely nothing like she used to. She is taller, more tan, has gained weight, and simply just older. It was no wonder he didn't recognize her, even after all their time together. However, it didn't diminish the pain.
Her eyes dart to the third guard to the left of the prisoner on the floor. He holds a blue box, the light it gives off illuminating his face full of confusion. She then looks back to Loki. Young, full of anger, a fire in his eyes she hadn't seen in him in ages. Since that day in New York.
The pieces begin to slowly fall into place. This wasn’t her Loki. This wasn’t the Loki who knew this aged, war torn, face. This wasn’t the Loki who grieved the loss of his mother and vowed he would make her proud. This wasn’t the Loki she got the privilege to see change into a better man. It wasn’t the Loki she got to fall in love with for a second time.
This Loki was angry. This Loki knew only betrayal, lies, and a need to prove himself to a father he felt abandoned him. This Loki was from a different time.
“Don’t you speak English woman?” He shouts through gritted teeth. He demands, “Answer me! Who are you?”
Taking a deep breath, Willie steps back into the light, knowing what she must do, “The better question” she answers in English, “how did you get here?”
He sighs, slightly relieved there is some communication going on, “Thank the gods, you people can speak English,” he looks up, still clutching his bloody hand, “If I knew how I got here, I wouldn’t have come.” Looking around he notices he never figured out exactly where here was.
“Speaking of which,” he says venomously, “Where am I?”
Raising her chin and looking down upon him, the headdress clad woman answers, “This,” she starts slowly, “is The Great City of Galfreski, a place nearly impossible to find if you aren’t invited. So needless to say, your arrival is very concerning.”
Loki raises a brow in confusion, “Galfreski? How is that possible? Galfreski was destroyed over a thousand years ago.”
The chieftess chuckles, gesturing around her, “It would seem that it is indeed still here.” This Loki wasn’t there to hear her tell him she had found it, miraculously and inexplicably back from the dead, and she planned to return home. That had happened in another time.
He shifts on the cold, dry, stone, “In that case, there is someone I would like to speak to.”
Swallowing and using all her willpower to keep her composure, the woman almost stutters, “Who would that be?”
Through sweat soaked black hair, he spits, “A woman named Willie. She is of this planet and I’m sure she will kill you where you stand for doing this to me,” he gestures to his injured hand.
Thinking for a moment, Willie speaks, “She has no jurisdiction over me .” If she wanted to change Loki the way he had changed in the other timeline, the chieftess had no choice but to pretend she wasn’t herself. She continues with pride, “You have no right to complain about getting an arrow through your paw, either. My men told me what you were accompanied with.” She looks to the tesseract then back to her prisoner.
“Then you should know how much power that thing has and it belongs in my hands,” Loki barks, “none of you possess the needed power to wield it.”
She scoffs, “And you do? I know exactly what that thing is and I also know exactly who you are, Loki of Asgard.”
He is taken aback by her words for a minute then he smiles, “See, that is where you are wrong. You know nothing of me you cruel wench. I’m not of Asgard. I’m-”
“Yes, you were born in Jotunheim but raised by the allfather,” she interrupts, waving a hand in dismissal, watching the shock on Loki’s face with a smug smile, “Again, Loki Odinson, I know exactly who you are, and what you’re capable of.”
Looking to his hand once more, she notices the blood pooling on the ground around his knee, “You should be lucky my men didn’t kill you. Had it been my call, I would have ordered it.”
Stepping towards him, he scoots back, stubbornly clutching his wound. Willie squats, “Let me see it,” she holds out a red hand to him.
“Why?” he asks, smugness dripping from his simple question, “You want to see me die.”
Biting her tongue at the mere thought of seeing that again, the chieftess sighs, “I don’t want to have to burn your body when you're gone. So for the time being, I’ll keep you alive,” Thrusting her hand toward his pale one, she demands, “Let me see it.”
He cautiously gives his bandaged hand to her. She just as cautiously removes the bandages, occasionally looking up into his beautiful green eyes. More than anything, she wants to throw herself into his arms and weep tears of joy. It had been so long since she’d been this close to him and her body ached to touch him more.
Removing the last bit of fabric, Willie sees what damage had been done. A small hole goes straight through his hand, an entry and exit wound allowing light to pass through. Feeling guilty for causing him this much pain, she bites her lip.
“Voorsha,” she calls to her assistant, switching to their native language. “Go fetch one of the healers. It’s bad.” She looks up to the guard that originally cared for Loki, “You, go get some water and clean this out once more,” she looks back to all the blood, it beginning to coat her own hands, the reds mixing together in one big mess, “You’ll need more bandages as well.”
Switching to English to speak to her prisoner, Willie raises her head to make eye contact with him, “I’m sending for some people to treat this.” Standing to her full height once more, she steps back, “After your cell is prepared, I’ll have some food brought to you as well. You must be very weak after losing all that blood.”
His eyes widen, “Cell?” he scoffs, “you can’t expect to keep me here. I demand you call my father and have me sent home.”
Willie shakes her head laughing, “That won’t be happening my dear. You’re staying here on this planet until I feel you’ve repented for your actions against Earth.” She leans down slightly, staring him down with vengeance, “I know what you did Loki and don’t think you won’t pay for it.”
With that, she flicks a hand, her guards knowing exactly what she wants done. They pull Loki to his feet, them now being eye to eye with one another. His knees go weak and they have to hoist him up again. He frantically looks between the large red skinned men and then to his captor, “You can’t do this, the allfather will have your head for this!” he spits.
“I don’t think he’ll see an issue with it.” Willie says, a bit of sorrow in her voice as she watches her love get carried away to be locked up once more.
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spacejew · 5 years
Doctor who spoilers, beware
Okay holy fuck that episode
also so so sorry for all the typos, not used to their keyboard and too sleepy to correct them all
Some quick comments (and then my THEORIES)
- first of all very fun episode I was SO INTRIGUED
- good ass vfx
- absolutely adore the gang and their irl consequences of doctor travels. Maybe this season they have to rethink their "easy" choice to travel with her?
- I was loving the mystery but. As soon as master reveal I'm now very worried that the explanation to these mysteries won't be as satisfying? I was so pumped for a brand new, totally original serious threat , and suddenly the master being involved kinda dampens that. You know? I hope it still ends up being super creative and cool and satisfying
- the last five minutes left me confused straight up. Where'd the Vor guy vanish to? The house ourside the plane? Did they like. Teleport? Was it like, evidence of a weird simulation type of thing? Just a little lost, I need to rewatch. (Edit: OH the house was flying, probs the Masters TARDIS then, got it)
- must reiterate, GREAT ACTING AND DIALOGUE, I love team TARDIS holy fuckkk my babes. Ready for some juicy juicy conflict.
Okay theory time bitches
- they are Inside the Masters TARDIS!! Too many references to our beloved TARDIS being insanely gigantic on the inside. Karaoke buses? Water slides? Rainforest?? Chibs is hitting the audience over the head with "the TARDIS contains multitudes". It would make sense as a reminder or foreshadowing that either the whole episode or some portion like the evil dimension being actually inside the Masters TARDIS, all part of a simulation of some sort. Hence weird happenings, and a dampened sonic, and things breaking into thirteens TARDIS. "Everything is a lie", so everything may or can be fake and simulated by the Masters TARDIS
- alternate universes, an obvious one based on that alien code decyohefing projection bit. Like, duh, multiple Earths means multiple Earths, doc.
- the master is either: from an alternate universe himself, or at least a master before Gomez . I loved Missy and her character development was a real emotional journey for me. I would hate it to be neglected or retconned. An earlier master would be interesting, and respect Missy's death.
- the Light Aliens exist in some kind of computery way. All that talk about Vor and data and technology? They say they blipped around those windows like lights on a server or visual code computations? That evil dimension Yaz was in being full of stuff that could either be DNA strands or Data cores or like giant neural pathways? With the light aliens manifesting as electrical pulses running through them? Very evocative of brains/computers. Either they're projections of code, or exist as energy and have a computer hivemind going on, I think it's their big "thing". Also lends well to the simulation bit.
- obviously parallels to The Army of Ghosts, Cybermen, alt universes, etc. But personally, really hoping it's completely unrelated aka definitely not Cybermen. Even though the shaped do fit? But A. Don't act like Cybermen B. Their head shapes are also reminiscent of that Raknos looking aliens from the trailer. So hey. Maybe it's those?
- when Yaz came back from the evil dimension, she was like downloaded to their computer thing, and when she was re-uploaded to our reality, she may be augmented with extra "code" -- just like The Vor ceo guy, she may not be 100% human. 7% not human can mean there's not totally rewritten dna, but just extra dna, from the aliens, full of code. Like a sleep agent almost?? As SPY?????? HMMMMM????? trust nobody!!!! Yaz could be a sleeper agent or unwitting spy with extra alien stuff in her now, is what I'm saying.
- going off of that, that's what happened to all the dead spies - the aliens were experimenting with getting their own spies onto earth via human spies, but they accidentally rewrote too much of their dna, totally killing them. They've perfected it now?
- aliens are obvs from a diff dimension entirely. Lie the Boneless were! I hope maybe they're relayed? Would be sick as hell I loved that episode
- here's a fuckin Longshot! Last seasons thirteen mentioned scary stories she was told as a child. Referring to the Frog Universe, what was it called? The Anti-verse or some shit? Y'all know what I mean. What matters is that my fav Chibnall episode, The Power of Three, set up another "scary story told to gallifreyan children" that the doctor couldn't believe was real, and seemed to be coming from like another dimension? The Tally!!! It was never followed up on even though I thought it was an amazing setup, so maybe The Tally is involved somehow. Or, god willing, they'll come back later this season in an unrelated plot.
- trust nobody! Everything you know is a lie, says the master. Maybe Yaz was replaced entirely? Who else is a fake? Alternate universes? So many ways things could be totally faked. No concrete theory here but, I'm going into the next episode literally not trusting shit. All a simulation? Simulated time travel? Who knows.
- Masters TARDIS is one of the cool sets we saw in the trailer that was tardis-like
- Vor ceo guy is actually a good person trying his damn best to help stop the aliens and assist the doctor, but cannot let anyone know he's actually helping. So he just lets them get away with snooping, investigating, but really needs to keep his distance. Also he probs thinks he's helping with some technology trade with the aliens? Y'know, in a capitalist way lol.
- oh yeah duh, the aliens could all literally be made up by the master as part of a totally unrelated plot to take over earth, as he does. Killing spies is just part of the misdirection and to draw in the doctor. I'd be a little bummed by this tho
Im honestly nervous it may be a let down, but, I'm really hoping everything that was set up this episode was important and relevant and will pay off with a really cool villain, new concepts to play with, and the master being a real good threat and an enjoyable version of himself. (I'm not sold and I'm a little sad after seeing him play it so.. cringey? It's like a Simm impersonation but a little hokey idk. But we only had five minutes of him so I'm excited to see how it goes!!! Maybe I'm legit just salty that it's not Missy or a lady or something. I'll give him a chance!!! I'm hoping for the best. I WAS legit totally surprised, even tho I knew something had to be off about O... Good reveal!)
Hopefully I get time off work this weekend to see Part 2 in theaters and have a grand ol time. Legit very pleased and hooked by this premiere. So fun
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Unforseen Chasm (part 8)
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 Part 8 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count:  1537 Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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It’s good to know you are receiving the letters. Trying to find a raven was rather difficult, but Thor managed to borrow his father’s. This feels almost like Harry Potter, doesn’t it? Writing via letter, and sending it through magical realms on a bird? Hehe.. I wasn’t sure the raven would even know how to find you.
I miss you and Lucky very much… I hope you’re giving him a kiss every night for me.
I am going to go mad. But I take solace knowing that Tony will ask you on a date very soon. Believe me, Shannon, that man is head over heels for you. It will be any day now.
That is good about Jane. She will be a great asset to the team, I’m so glad my data helped you.
I am sending the phone back with the raven. I hope you can upload the photos and see what I see. And as a matter of fact, King Odin has asked for my help. He is looking into getting me a job with some elite scientists. Thor told him of my work on Earth and he felt my skills should not go to waste. I am looking into studying their atmosphere.
Shannon, this world is incredible. They have fruit sweeter than candy, meat that needs no seasoning. They use and believe in magic. Queen Frigga and Loki are well versed in magic, probably what we would call witchcraft back home. I tried to take a picture of them performing magic, but the energy won’t show up. But yes, Frigga and Diane would get along great! 
Funny story, I got a “formal” portrait of the royal family. It took a lot of begging on my part, and convincing on Thor and Queen Frigga’s. It looks amazing. Odin is on the throne… you’ll see. Thor lets me take all the pictures I want. Frigga is shy, but she allows photos so long as it is in the evening. Odin forbids them except for the portrait. He was not amused when I tried to take a selfie with him. Loki, I tried to steal a few photos of him, but he is clever and wise to me.
I decided to drop a note at Loki’s door. He seems to be quietly brooding, constantly on edge. I thought maybe if I reached out, and gave him the chance to approach me, it might be better. I basically told him in the note I know what it’s like to be overlooked, to be unwanted. I told him that it doesn’t matter what his father thinks of him, or his brother. What matters is what he feels his worth is. I dropped that at his bedroom door this morning, so we shall see.
He hasn’t spoken to me since I broke up their fight two weeks ago. It’s killing me. I can’t explain it but I desperately wish to get to know him. I want to help him, and I don’t know how to get him to open up to me.
No promises about the battles, hehe. My footwork is getting better, or so Thor and Sif tell me. Tomorrow I will practice against Fandral, which makes me very freaking nervous. Wish me luck.
The books about Asgard actually aren’t foo far off the correct path. There are a few things I need to revise but so far we’ve gotten it mostly right. I am going to have to stress how stunning this world is. I may even update some of the politics. They run things somewhat differently.
I will ask Thor what he would like from Earth, for his gift, haha.
The news on my parents is promising. The data team here has been going through records and they’ve found birth records for my month and year. When they find a female baby with my similar characteristics they’ll let me know… I hope to know something soon.
I miss you.
Love, your bff,
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Dear Y/N/N,
It’s so good to hear from you again, I was hoping to get a letter soon enough you have no idea what’s been going on over here.  It feels like im awaiting my letter from Hogwarts except this is so much better! I’m sure Odin doesn’t mind that we’re using his raven. The raven thing works well, although it did give Lucky a good scare when it flew over his head to land on the lab table.
Speaking of Lucky, he’s been doing alright there’s a few times where he’ll cry because he misses you but I’ll be sure to let him know you asked for him. Ever since I snuck Lucky in and Tony caught me giving him a bath, he’s arranged for us to have a room to stay in. Although Tony won’t admit it, he does like seeing Lucky in the morning. Bruce even makes us have breakfast. Lately Lucky’s been disappearing a lot from my side, he usually lays down under my desk and watches me work, and you won’t believe where I found him. I found him sleeping in Tony’s bed. Seems he’s gotten Tony to actually get to bed most nights.
Speaking of Tony, you can take solace because I overheard him talking to JARVIS about planning a dinner date for us two but he’s unaware that I heard. He asked me out the next day to say I’m nervous is an understatement i have no idea what to wear I wish you were here to help me pick my outfit. I don’t know about head over heels for me but he did seem different after he asked me out.
With looking at the research I was able to retrieve for her, I showed Pepper the results and was given the go ahead to fund any further research she makes so as long as I’m able to read through and add to our file. She’ll be getting a letter soon. I’ll let you know how she reacts seeing as you two are good friends.
I’ll be sure to upload the pictures onto the system and try to locate the heat signals off the energy from their magic. I’ve made some changes to the system. Just make sure its secured on to the raven good so we don’t lose it. Seems like Odin is a bit of a stiff man. Does he ever smile?
Good to hear that even on another planet you’ll be helping further some sort of research. They are very lucky to have you there. You have to tell me more about it when you start working.
It must look formal with how Sif and the other warriors were dressed it must be something out of a story book. In sure Queen Frigga is private about herself which is quite normal, are you planning a way to get pictures of Loki in anyway? Don’t tell me you plan on asking to be taught magic by either of them as cool as it would be there must be some risks.
Glad to hear your still trying to help Loki but I’m not sure he’s looking to connect just yet maybe give him some more time? Try and get to know him rather than just getting him to see you two are equals?  
Y/N, so help me I will find a way to get to Asgard, don’t you go riding into battle unaware of whether or not your truly Asgardian. Sounds to me like Sif has her work cut out, you always were a quick study kinda girl. Wish you the best of luck and that you knock Fandral off his feet.
I could send you the book to you so you can make the changes as you see? I’ve finished reading through it and with what you know now it’ll be even better.
Maybe I’ll send him poptarts he did seem to enjoy those when you told me. Haha
I’m sure you’ll get the answers you need soon enough, Y/N, try not to stress too much about that.
Lucky and I miss you too.
Your sister,
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ @georgialouisea​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​ @livelikeawinchester​ @sammysbuttcheek​ @bran2015 @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @depressed-moose-78 @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​ @weclassygirl​ @adefectivedetective​
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azure-wolf-227 · 5 years
Rosebird Week 2019: Day 3
Here’s the one-shot for the Dat 3 Prompt: Mother AU. In this AU, Raven didn’t leave and Summer never disappeared, so they are both here to raise their daughters. Tai is the girls’ donor though he treats Yang and Ruby as his daughters and they, in turn, see him as their father. He did have a crush on both Summer and Raven but accepted that the two loved each other.
A/N:  Some dialog at the beginning is taken from the episode Ruby Rose from the show but I changed it enough to not make it too similar.
Day 3: Mother AU
“I still can believe my baby sister is coming to Beacon with me!” Yang Xiao Long’s ecstatic shouting fills the air as the curvaceous blonde girl hugs her younger sister, a huge smile on her face. “This is the best day ever!”
The the older girl didn’t seem to notice how hard she was squeezing the red-hooded girl. “Yang…ugh… please stop!” Ruby pleads, wheezing.
“Yang let your sister breath, please,” Summer chides lightly as she walks up to her daughters with a smile on her face, the rest of her team following. “We’ve told to be careful with your hugs since you’re stronger than most people.”
“Oh, oops,” the blonde girl looks sheepish. “My bad!” And she releases her sister, allowing Ruby to breathe again. “Sorry, but I’m so proud of you!”
“We all are,” clarifies Tai.
“Yeah,” Qrow agrees as he takes a swig from his flask. “It’s not every day that you get admitted into Beacon two years early.”
“Personally, I’m not surprised,” says Raven as she crosses her arms. “Afterall, children tend to take after their parents.” And she directs a proud smirk at Summer, who’d blushes at the praise, feeling embarrassed but also pleased.
“Really everyone, it was nothing.” Ruby was trying hard to hide her red face in her equally red hood.
“It wasn't nothing!” exclaims Tai.
“You’re being too modest,” Raven glances at Summer as she says this, as the older, hooded woman also tends to downplay her accomplishments.
“Yeah,” adds Qrow. “Not many 15-year-olds can singlehandedly stop a robbery.” He takes another drink from his flask. “Sure, you didn’t catch that Torchwick guy but it still impressed Oz.”
“Yeah, it was incredible!” exclaims Yang. “Everyone at Beacon will think you’re the bee’s knees!”
Ruby didn’t seem to find that to be a good thing. “But I don’t want to be the ‘bee’s knees’, or any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees.”
“That expression doesn’t really have anything to do with knees,” Tai points out, but he’s ignored.
“What with you?” yang was confused by her little sister apparent lack of enthusiasm. “Aren’t you excited?”
“Of course I’m excited… I just…” the red-hooded girl sighs, looking down. “I don’t want people treating me weird just because I got moved ahead two years. What if I’m not as good as they expect me to be?”
Looks of comprehension came to everyone’s face as they realize what is really bothering Ruby. Summer especially understands better than anyone what her younger daughter is going through. So, she walks up to Ruby and cups her cheek, making the young girl lifts her head so that their matching silver eyes met.
“I get it, Ruby,” Summer says with a reassuring smile. “I was nervous about going to Beacon early, too.  I was scared that I might not live up to the expectations that were placed on me and disappoint everyone.”
That surprises Ruby as she couldn’t imagine her mother fearing anything. She was one of the best Huntresses that had graduated Beacon and had destroyed many powerful Grimm, either by herself or with her team.
“But I didn’t let that nervousness overcome me because I remembered all of the people who believed in me and I knew that I wouldn’t let them down.” Summer places her hands on Ruby’s shoulders. “You too have people who believe in you, Little Rose, so I know that you won’t let anyone down.”
Ruby stares at her mother in awe for a moment before her smile widens until it is as bright as Summer’s, and both hooded Roses hug, the rest of their family joining a second later.
The speakers suddenly announce that the flight for Beacon is now boarding and the Xia Long-Branwen-Rose family disengages from the hug. With one last good-bye, Ruby and Yang join the other passengers in boarding the airship, and a short while later the aircraft has flown away towards Beacon.
The four members of Team STRQ watch the airship leave and once it’s out of sight, the quartet heads home, Tai and Qrow taking the lead while Raven and Summer hang back.
Summer sighs, “I already miss them.”
Raven rolls her eyes but smiles. “It hasn’t even been half-an-hour.”
“I know but now I’m thinking how empty the house will be without them.”
“I know but we should enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts since it will be noisier than normal on the holidays.” Raven points out. “Especially if the girls decide to invite their future teammates over.”
“Hmm, you do have a point,” Summer then gasps as something occurs to her. “What if they bring a special someone over?” she seems excited at the prospect.
Raven’s eyebrow raises. “Well, I can see Yang doing that, Ruby?” she scoffs. “That’ll be a surprise.”
“Well, I did find you,” they stop for a moment and Summer kisses Raven, the dark-haired quickly reciprocates. Separating, the lovers hold gazes, small smiles on their faces. “So, I don’t think that we should be worried about that.”
“Hmhm, you’re right as always,” Raven chuckles and goes back to kissing the love of her life.
This one was kinda hard to write even if it’s not as long as the previous two. With luck, I might be able to write and upload the next one-shot later today and I’ll be trying to finish the rest by tomorrow.
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