#I had to make this part super long or this au would be like 5/6 parts long
sparrowrye · 7 months
Alastor x Fem! Reader {soulmates} Part 6
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies, you die too. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes.
Part 6: expanding horizons
Part Pilot | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Husker spent the next morning teaching me how to hold my human appearance. It took several practice tries before I could switch between Human me and Demon me. Afterwards, I spent the rest of my time outside staring off into space.
I still didn't know how to wrap my head around...well, myself. Husker had been right, holding a human appearance took effort. I couldn't hold it for long and ended up letting my demon side out most of the time. It was cool, yeah, but scary. What else did I not know about myself?
"Hey," Husker called from the door. "You busy?"
I scoffed. "Does it look like it?"
He padded to his chair and sat down facing me. "Do you...want to talk?"
"About what?" I stared at the tree line.
"About...this new side of you?"
"What's there to talk about?"
We both fell silent. I felt bad. I knew Husker was trying to help. It made me uncomfortable to talk to him, though. Would he spill to Alastor some of the things I said? Did Husker himself have motivations against me? It didn't seem likely but there was always the probability.
"Have you been to hell?" I finally asked. I didn't want to talk about myself but there was a whole other world I supposedly came from.
"Yeah, a few times," he replied, "I mostly grew up on the surface though. In the gambling district."
"So you play cards, huh?"
"A few." He slipped a card into his fingers, spun it, and made it disappear a second later. I chuckled.
"What's it like?"
"Dark. Creepy. Lawless. And a fuck ton of red."
"Is it really...hell or just..."
"It's really hell."
"I thought demons were just a form of spirits."
"I wouldn't know the specifics of things like that," he waved his hand, "but I do know that demons have their demonic look and hid among humans when they first crawled on the surface. Our history is supposedly recorded in some fancy library down in hell."
"What uh...does this mean I'm a Full mage?"
"Mmhm," he nodded.
"So I can do things like you and Alastor."
"Well, things like me sure. Alastor is a bit different."
"How?" I pushed.
"Well, in hell, demons who rise through the ranks are called Overlords. They own hundreds and thousands of souls down there. They all seem to have some kind of...super magic. Something specific to them. But Al...he's a completely different monster."
"Why does no one know that you exist?"
He shrugged. "We phased out. Everyone has magic now from the first demons so it's not really...important I guess."
"True but how come demons aren't taking over places like the Overlords?"
"Our powers are dampened a little up here. We're governed by the laws of Mother Nature. In hell, it's a different story."
I fell quiet as my mind made a map with all the information he had given me. I looked down at my black claws and rubbed my fingers together. It felt like I was still in a dream of some sort.
An idea sprung into my head. "Can you teach me how to fly?"
Husker's eyes widened as he looked at my black wings. Then he touched his chin as he thought for a moment. "Sure, why not? But not now..." he motioned for me sit back down. "It's too breezy and there's a storm coming in. Not the best air for learning."
I sat back in the chair and felt the wind. He was right. The wind was stronger and the air smelled more earthy. Speaking of smells, my nose curled when Husker opened another bottle. The alcohol ran straight for my nose and I rubbed at it furiously with the back of my hand.
That's when I noticed my heightened sense of smell. I could smell the old wood of the house, the small fire in the fireplace, and a bunch of other smells I hadn't noticed before. My ears flicked as I picked up the sound of a bird's wings flapping overhead. It flapped its way into the tree line and disappeared back to its nest.
"What is it?" Husker asked.
"I can...I can hear and smell everything." I probably looked like I was in a trance as I walked into the old home to discover the little smells and noises. Everything that was normal sounded so incredibly loud. The small fire crackling sounded like it was right next to me. And of course I could hear Alastor's footsteps as he walked around upstairs.
Husker taught me how to dampen loud noises like the faucet running or the door squeaking open. He made a comment about how I had the most sensitive hearing he’s ever heard of. His tricks helped tremendously to clean up dinner that night.
"Can you show me how you fixed the floor?" I asked him, tapping my clawed feet on the new tile. He looked between me and the floor before agreeing. He always seemed to be a little unsure when I asked him something like that. Was he worried I would use it against him? Or was he worried what Alastor might do?
He went to the study/library and ran his paw across a dusty side table. The top of it came back squeaky clean like it was freshly bought. "Try with one of the legs," he instructed, "Imagine your picking up all the dirt and dust."
The first and second time did nothing. I knew how to use Slight magic so why was Full magic so much harder?
"Use your imagination," he tried next. "And take your time. This is something new."
I clenched my hands into fists for a second before releasing the anger slowly. I took a deep breath. Wrapping my claws carefully around the wood, I dragged my hand down the leg and imagined the wood turning shiny. I opened my eyes and found a clean leg at the very least.
"Keep practicing. You have to exercise your magic muscle," Husker said. 
"You have time tonight. Alastor told me he and Rosie had something to take care of tonight."
"Oh, okay." I tried to hide my disappointment. With every meeting I had with Rosie, the more I discovered about my past. I wanted to remember my mother's face so badly. At the very least I knew she didn't purposefully leave me in the rings. Her hand had been forced.
"Try with something simpler." He held out an old lightbulb.
As Husker helped me learn and relearn my physical and magic abilities, I started to notice Alastor watching. If I was outside learning to fly, he was on the porch watching. If I was learning to use Full magic in the field, he was watching from one of the many windows. If I was in the library practicing on different objects, he somehow managed to appear in the sitting room observing me quietly.
I mentioned it to Husker but he simply brushed it off as one of Alastor's weird habits. That didn't mean I had to be okay with it.
Husker was fixing the electricity in the dinning room while I was practicing lighting the fire in the sitting room. I had seen Alastor and Husker snap their fingers but when I did it, nothing happened.
"It's all about intent, dear." I jumped at Alastor's voice. He stood behind me with his hands behind his back like always. The stupid cane was like a third eye for him.
"I've got it." I turned my back to him and stared down at the dead logs. I heard him walk past me and sit in one of the chairs, his red eyes never leaving me. I let out a tense sigh. "What do you want?"
"Absolutely nothing."
I scoffed. "I find that hard to believe." I tried again with the fire but nothing happened. "Why are you always watching me?"
"What ever do you mean, dear?"
"Stop calling me that. And I mean every time I'm doing something you're hiding somewhere watching me."
"Is it a crime to watch my soulmate?"
"Don't call me that either." My tail whipped hard against the floor. I was getting frustrated with him and myself. I knelt down and grabbed one of the embers. I could ignite my own hand but how could I not ignite a simple stick?
"Sometimes it's all about imagination," he said, drumming his claws against his cane. "Surely that's not something you're lacking in."
My lip curled in a snarl. I looked down at the hot ember and put it in the corner of the fire place. I looked at one of the logs and closed my eyes. I remembered seeing Full mages lifting air when they wanted to move something. Maybe I could do something similar.
I turned my hand palm up and pictured small flames sticking out from under the wood. They slowly grew bigger until they were catching the neighboring logs on fire. I felt the heat on my face and snapped my eyes open to a working fire. My shock turned into a smile. I had done it.
"Nicely done," Husker said from the stairwell. I stood up and brushed off my pant leg.
"Yes well done," Alastor commented from his chair. "You've got a lot of potential. We just need to harness it properly."
"Yes, we." He stood and stepped up to me. He always came ridiculously close, forcing me to take a step back. I noticed that I had grown an inch or two in my demon form, putting me exactly at his shoulder height. “You and me. And Husker of course. But even he has his limits." I heard an angry cat growl from Husker in the dinning room.
"So now that I have power you're interested all of a sudden."
"Of course," he chuckled. "Before I thought you were a meager human with no redeeming qualities. But now I see you have some sweet secrets hidden in that mind if yours."
"I expect nothing less from the Radio Demon. Everything's some kind of string you can benefit from."
"I'm sure you'll come to understand me the more you discover about your power." He put a hand on my shoulder again.
"I don't think I will." I pulled his hand off.
I met with Rosie again but I made zero progress. She told me to write down any dreams or memories I had and to keep practicing with my magic. Apparently, I had gotten over the biggest hill but now everything was slow and steady.
I spent the following days restoring the old house to its proper glory. As slow and tiring as it was, I felt accomplished at the end of every day. I had restored all the flooring so they didn't creak so loudly and cleaned up the walls. Thanks to Husker, working electricity reached all over the house.
The library was the next room to be restored properly. I hated spiders but having magic solved that problem for me. I started practicing with using magic from afar so I didn't have to deal with them. Husker thought it was funny.
"My, I love what you've done to the place." Alastor manifested in the middle of the room. I rolled my eyes and shook the curtains until the dust had disappeared and their true colors shone through. Using magic was getting easier but it still made me exhausted. "I knew this old house just needed a woman's touch."
"Well you sure weren't going to do it," I said as I passed him. I took off the color glass shade of a lamp and ran my hand across it.
"I must say, this type of work suits you better than running about on the streets."
I placed the clean shade back on the lamp and took a deep breath. "You ought to remember I'm not your fucking housewife." I turned to find him barely an inch from me. I tilted my head back to stare up at his angry red eyes. My horns were the only thing that were taller than his shoulders.
"You ought to remember my rule about such foul language. It doesn't suite you."
I licked my lips and swallowed hard. Everything in me tensed as I straightened, closing the distance between us. My hands were sweating. "Fuck. You."
His hand grabbed my jaw and shoved me into the bookshelf. I pulled on his wrist as spit dripped out the corners of my mouth. I couldn't swallow with his hand pressed so tightly under my jaw. Breathing felt like I was sucking air through a pillow.
"Let this be your last warning, darling," the radio static coated his words, "Next time I will silence your defiance for an extended period of time. I'm sure you wouldn't want that." I looked up at his yellow smile with half closed eyes. "Now apologize, dear."
My tail whipped against the bookshelf and I pressed my claws into his wrist. I couldn't understand how someone of his stature had the strength he had. I wanted to swallow so bad.
"I'm waiting, love."
I felt something sharp poke above my lip. He dragged his claw along my upper lip and pressed it painfully in the corner of my mouth. I whined and tried to drop my weight to no avail.
"Three..." he started counting. I wanted to cough but I didn't dare. He pressed harder into the corner of my mouth. I pushed my foot against his leg but something pulled it back down. I couldn't see what had done it.
"Two..." I could see a mark on the corner of his smile that matched the injury he was giving me.
"What was that dear?" He turned his head and lessened his assault only slightly.
"I'm s-sorry," I sputtered.
"For what, love?"
"For...for cursing."
"Thank you for the apology, darling." He let go and I stumbled to my knees. I swallowed first before coughing a bunch. I touched the puncture wound in the corner of my mouth. "I do hope you've learned your lesson." His feet melted into the shadows and the next second he was completely gone.
My face was hot with embarrassment. I went to the kitchen and padded my lips with warm water. Husker came to check on me but I waved him off. I know he had witnessed it. Even if he wanted to interfere, I don't think he could.
As terrifying as it was, I wasn't ready to give in so easily. Alastor would learn that he still had to treat me like a normal human being. If there was one thing I had learned from the rings, it was how to never give up.
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[5] James Takes Liam to School
Summary: The month following your birthday sees you and Liam growing closer with James outside of school, and when you're stressed and in a rush, James offers to help.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam). Last one was really long and this one is kinda just regular length, sorry :/
A/N (26/7/2024): ok I made a small change since I first posted this ... just figured a little Tonks cameo would be fun lol so now Tonks watches Liam before school :)
Previous Part: Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift Next Part: You Get A Visitor in the ER Series Masterlist here
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Okok first lemme explain something really quick
Your apartment building has a lobby sort of thing on the first floor right as you walk in
And this lobby doesn’t really have a ceiling if you know what I mean? Like the building is hollow above the lobby area, and there are like balcony/hallway things inside the building for each floor where you can enter the apartments
(idk if that makes sense but please just bear with me on this one pls)
So you and Liam’s apartment is on the second floor of the building, right above the post boxes for the building
And you, Liam, and James have figured out that James’ apartment is the one right above yours
You’re not 100% sure how you feel about this yet … but so far it’s only brought good things (read: cookies for your birthday and seeing James get his mail every day while you’re on your way out the door for work)
James, on the other hand, is lowkey super thrilled
Bc he loves (LOVES) to see you in your scrubs early every morning
The two of you have made a habit of making light conversation for a couple minutes in the morning
(Or sometimes James just waves at you with the sweetest, prettiest, kindest smile if you’re in a rush)
It’s the highlight of James’ day tbh
Maybe tied with seeing Liam at school
You and James have actually become pretty good friends through these small interactions
Over the month or so since your birthday, James has learned, little by little, what constitutes a regular day in you and Liam’s household
Mornings are rather chaotic since you usually work 12-hour shifts from 7 to 7, so you pay one of the high school girls that lives in the building to watch Liam for an hour and drive him to school
You leave at 6:30-ish, which is right around the time James gets his mail (fucking morning person)
(He's started putting an alarm on his phone for 6:20 to remember to see you get the mail every morning)
Tonks is the girl who watches Liam in the morning (she insists you call her that and who are you to say no), and she also picks him up from school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and drops him off at Ms. Hope’s house across the street for a few hours before you can pick him up from there and take him home (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Ms. Hope can pick Liam up herself)
It’s a couple evenings a week that James crosses paths with you and Liam as you’re walking across the street back from Ms. Hope’s house
He always takes fifteen minutes or so (as long as you and Liam have the time) to talk with Liam about his day, what he enjoyed at school, if he had trouble on any homework (which is rare), and what he and Ms. Hope got up to after school
(Secretly, James hopes you’ll be impressed with how good he is with kids even though it’s literally his job lmao he knows it’s backwards thinking but he’s just so smitten)
But James knows better than to ask the same boring “what are you doing today” during your daily morning chats
Every morning, he asks you a random question about yourself
The second morning you and James talked (he hadn’t thought to ask you much more than “what are you doing up so early” the first time around), he’d asked about your favorite color
Then it was whether you prefer cats or dogs
James knows a bunch of random trivia about you now, like your favorite food and how you hate working in the med-surg unit and the name of your favorite stuffed animal from your childhood
And every morning, James tells you his own answer to the question of the day
His favorite color is red (which you think fits him, but he specified that he likes a dark wine color or a maraschino cherry best), he likes cats but prefers dogs (he laughed to himself when he told you like he was making an inside joke, but you didn’t ask questions), his favorite food is his mom’s recipe for biryani (you noted that he used the past tense when speaking of her), he loves bringing his kids to the library because one of his best friends is the librarian (James mentioned Remus, and you nodded because he’s Ms. Hope’s son), and his favorite stuffed animal is a plush rabbit named Miss Beatrice, who he still has in his apartment (you bullied him into admitting that he still sleeps with her on occasion, but it's so sweet you can't really laugh)
It’s become almost a sort of game, and you’ve come to know each other quite a bit more in these little five- or ten-minute interactions
It’s fun :)
And it’s normal and regular and consistent, and you and James like it that way
So James is rather alarmed when you come rushing down the stairs and into the lobby at 6:40 one morning, Liam running along with you with his school bag, trying to keep pace
You heave a sigh as you come to stand James’ side, checking your own mailbox (which you usually don’t do in the morning, and it makes James all the more concerned)
James can tell you’re trying not to brush him off but it’s obvious you’re in a rush
You’re halfway through explaining to him that Tonks came down with bronchitis and can’t watch Liam, and on top of that, your alarm didn’t go off this morning because you’d turned it off yesterday for your day off and forgot to turn it back on so you’re already running late, and you hate asking Ms. Hope to watch Liam at the asscrack of dawn—
James doesn’t really think about the words he says before they’re coming out of his mouth
He just offers to take Liam to school
It’s not like he’d be going out of the way for it anyway, I mean he and Liam are going to the exact same place and Liam has already been in James’ apartment before and knows it relatively well, so what’s the harm?
And you kinda … freeze … for a second
And at this point, James knows you pretty well, you know?
He knows you’re gonna refuse, say you can’t ask that of him, so he reassures you that it won’t be a problem at all and says he and Liam will have fun and get to school on time and everything
Just for added effect, he winks at Liam, who giggles and tugs on the sleeve of the shirt under your scrubs and asks with the sweetest, widest eyes if he can stay with Mr. Potter for the morning
And ever the thoughtful little boy, Liam reasons that then you won’t have to be stressed about bothering Ms. Hope or about where Liam might be for an hour in the morning
You’re considering the options, looking between James’ and Liam’s wide, excited eyes, until you finally sigh quietly
Just to be sure, you ask James if he’s sure he doesn’t mind
And of course, James doesn’t
(It took a while for James to convince you to stop calling him Mr. Potter and he’s always seen how you hesitate for a moment before calling him James, but he surprises himself with just how hot he feels under the collar when you don’t hesitate to call him by his first name this time)
You look down at Liam again and nod lightly, and your son is just all smiles and buzzing with excitement immediately
He gives you a hug around one of your legs, which you reciprocate as best as you can, and you exchange ‘I love you’s before you’re thanking James profusely on your way out the door
James watches you get in your car and drive away through the glass front doors of the building
And he must have an awfully fond look on his face
Because Liam just looks up at him with the cutest scrutinizing eyes you’ll ever see and asks “Do you like-like my mom?”
James just about chokes on his spit lmaooo
But Liam isn’t letting James off the hook without an answer, so James tries to be as tactful (and evasive) as he can be and says
“Your mom is very sweet, Liam. I can see where you get it from.”
Your chaotic morning was truly a warning for the rest of the day, because work really sucked
And by the end of your shift, you realize you didn’t tell James where Liam should go after school due to the unforeseen circumstances of the morning, so you’re hoping you won’t find your son sitting on the welcome mat outside of your apartment
But you figure you’ll go to Ms. Hope’s in case James kept to the usual schedule
But when you arrive, Ms. Hope says that James had actually called and told her he’d be taking Liam to his apartment and to tell you that’s where your son would be when you got home
So ofc that’s where you go next
You sort of hesitate to knock on the door at first, just because you’ve never been in or even around James’ apartment and it makes you strangely nervous
(Which is weird because you assisted with surgery on a man who’d been in a motorcycle accident earlier that day, and you’d come out on the other side of that alive and mostly mentally intact)
But your fist kinda just acts for you and knocks on James’ front door
There’s silence, then a high-pitched giggle (Liam) and a sweet chuckle (presumably James) before the door is yanked open and your son is flying into your arms
Well, more like into your legs bc he’s six and short lmao
But you pick him up and rest him on your hip like he’s a lot lighter than he is
And he’s immediately babbling away at you about all the fun things they did at school and how he wants to hang out with Mr. Potter every morning and afternoon and he missed you and look what he made for you during art class today!
You’re already feeling better from your shit day at work, and when you finally get the chance to look towards the doorway again, James is there with the softest, most … ugh he's just the sweetest
Because he looks so in love
And you sort of hate that you can see it in the way he looks at you and Liam
James is truly the kindest, most compassionate man you’ve ever met, and you know that at the end of the day, even when he looks at you and your son like that, you’re already counting the obstacles in your head
Because first and foremost, you’re a mother, always, and your son will always come first no matter what
And James is literally Liam’s kindergarten teacher, and there’s no way you’d even entertain the idea of putting your child’s education anywhere near your own entanglements
And even if that wasn’t a problem, and as much as James makes lovie eyes at you, you haven’t dated since Liam’s father
It would be an enormous change, both for you and Liam
And again, you don’t want your son to get hurt
You hope you’re not as transparent as you feel and that your thoughts aren’t being projected onto your forehead, but the way James reacts to you looking at him makes you think that maybe they were
But … maybe not, because you give him a tight-lipped, sort-of-melancholy smile, and all James does is smile back, and there’s a sort of understanding that passes between you as your son babbles in your arms about his class’ dioramas of the jurassic period
Not now, but … Maybe.
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Next Part: You Get A Visitor in the ER
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aerequets · 2 years
Hello again!
I was wondering if you had any spy x family fic recs that are twiyor centric? AUs? I’m having trouble finding ones that are what I’m looking for. Ratings don’t matter. Anything from G to E would be appreciated! Thank you!!
boy oh BOY do i have twiyor fic recs !!!! it's like basically all i read LMAO and i am always on a hunt for more. i feel like i have read through a good chunk of what's on ao3 and i still feel starved. there's always my bookmarks you can sift through for twiyor fics, but for some more curated recommendations (and this is not gonna include all the ones i've lost my mind over, that's far too many, this is just what i can remember off the top of my head):
the living blues by @nire-the-mithridatist
GOD it would be such an understatement to say i am a huge fan of not only this work but EVERY WORK by this author because SHE HAS A WAY WITH WORDS OKAY. i avoid angst like the plague but i saw the happy ending tag to this fic and IT DIDN'T DISAPPOINT (chapter 6 is gonna be an epilogue)!!!!!!! AUGHHH this isnt even a good review im just yelling but yeah this is really good and also pretty much everything else by this author, i'll say it now so this list doesn't have numerous fics by the same person just do yourself a favor and read through what she's got if you haven't already
rated T, 5/6 chapters, currently 14k words
(edit: completed!)
With Kid Gloves by crownofrosegold on ao3
4 words: Mr Darcy Hand Flex
rated G, 1/2 chapters, currently 2.5k words
(edit: completed!)
the most yearning, pining, longing fic ever with the least physical touch ever. loid traces yor's gloves in his pocket with his thumb and its somehow intimate. yeah
it's been a hot minute since it's updated but the first chap can kinda be read as a standalone (to me) which is why i rec, even though i personally only go after finished fics for my own sanity :^) also its just too darn cute how can i not
How to Be a Supportive Husband by @nemaliwrites
rated T, 1/1 chapters, 910 words
short and sweet drabble of the most simpiest loid post reveal. what more could you want
MISSION: Bottom Feeder by SilverSupa on ao3
rated T, 2/4 chapters, currently 9.5k words
this one is just too good and funny LMAOO yor and loid are Peak Stupid and also Peak Attracted To Each Other so it's just. mm good mix. this one's also been a hot second since it's last update but i love it too much so its on this list
even when we're not together (will you stay with me?) by JaMills on ao3
rated T, 1/1 chapters, 4.5k words
gosh this is another one of those super good reads that make you sit and think after you're done. soulmate AU where they swap bodies as children until they meet. personally i'm not the most dedicated reader of aus where yor and loid meet as kids, but the way its handled here is just so good and adds to the story. it's also part of a series and the next installment is equally as good. this is another one of those authors that has a lot of quality stuff (although there's a good dash of angst which i keep my distance from JKFHISDH) so look through their page!
Enough by Frotu on ao3
rated T, 1/1 chapters, 4k words
EHEHE THIS ONE HAS ME GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET FR it is soooo cute. typical thing of yors coworkers getting into her head, she asks loid if what they have is enough, and... well.... you can read what happens from there ;] (spoiler: it's very cute)
a dream in charmeuse by selfetish (@selfetishizing ) on ao3
rated T, 2/2 chapters, 12k words
oh gosh, the prose in this is just?? so insanely good??? its such a pretty read. this is twiyor, yes, but it's also a deep dive into femininity and yor's understanding/rediscovery of it. i remember the first time i read it the opening scene of the first chapter was just so GOOD to me, i was like OMG i am not gonna forget this this is so iconic AND IT IS!!!!! i love me a good yor centric fic. we usually get more of twilight contemplation (i mean he has got the whole mission thing going on and hes our resident overthinker so, understandable) but this was such a nice look into yor's..,, like, fundamental building blocks?? if that makes sense?? its just good ok read it
"The Five Times Loid Forger Went Topless In Front of His Wife and the One Time She Reciprocated" Or “Bare-Chested in Berlint” by Talik_Sanis on ao3
rated M, 6/6 chapters, 17.5k words
that title should tell you all you need to know right LMAOOO it's just yor being incredibly horny, like embarrassingly so. she lacks a grip
again this is just 8 fics, where my bookmarks list are over 200 (yeesh) so feel free to look through those. i've also got some fics, most of which are twiyor lmao (brainrot i told you). and don't forget to show these awesome authors some love!
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rozonrozark · 26 days
1- soooooo about Bread growing feathers... Was it a one time thing or something permenent? Since Adrien alergic to feathers will he get sneezy around her? That might be one last fuck you from wish lmao.
2- We know wish forces cat miraculous wearers to always be against Order, since Order is gone does that mean they can finally take some steps to fix their relationship?
3- I feel like every hero's secret identity (other than Bread and Adrien) is known by their family. Nora seemed like she was about to punch and drag her sister in safety but held back because of... reasons...
4- (Early Discovery au) Can we say marriage counseling can save the Paris? That au spesificly is very funny to me because its just a rich family failing to communicate properly while looking for an underage girl with most inconvient ways possible so they can recieve magic macarons. Meanwhile Adrien stares at his parents who is one argument away from divorce, nods then leaves. Magical chibi sized gods are here too i guess.
5- Watching inside out then reading the series made me realise if we could see Mari's head anxiety would hold the reins in her head. Poor girl.
6- (joke) How much more time needs to pass for Plag to be able to ask for child support? Can he claim he raised his kitten? Will he and Tom fight against each other? Will he get much much emotional during important events in Bread's life compared to canon Adrien's? (okay last one wasnt really a joke)
7- (Early Discovery au) I noticed Mari was quite nervous while talking to Adrien... Was it because she is afraid of possible backlash or she is really uncomfortable about trying to decieve him? I feel like it's more likely social awkwardness but there is more...
8- (Early discovery au) Emilie seems very insecure as a mother. Is there any spesific event that caused that?
9- Let's assume Wishmaker gave Mari her childhood dream. How much different it would be compared to canon? And how much knowing it would screw Luka?
1: The feathers are magic so, maybe they are non-allergenic. Yes it is a partial F U from the wish but it is more just the punishment of using the combined Catalyst.
2: Misterbug is no longer under the Wish's influence that does not mean that the Wish is gone. Remember Feast was defeated...
3: Nora held back at that time due to not being a hundred percent certain and needing to confirm it. It would have been very awkward/rude if she was wrong after all.
4: For the most part yes, marriage counseling could save Paris. At least for a bit, I won't say much but Emilie does still need her medicine. Adrien is in the background with the kwami getting there help.
5: Anxiety is working overtime in Marinette's head. Meanwhile Fear has a conspiracy board set up and Sadness's has a room full of memories.
6: Plagg will have a full legal battle so he can get custody! His lawyer, a clever fox named Trixx is more than ready to help! The rest of the kwami are getting tissues and will have a party for her at each major millstone.
7: A bit of both. She was walking into a situation that could have easily backfire, Marinette hates lying/deceiving people but there was also a third thing. This Marinette hasn't had any good social situations with anybody in a long time.
8: Well, she is slightly insecure because she started to release that she wasn't the best mother before the events of the series. Remember she was fully onboard with essentially isolating her son and now whenever Adrien has trouble with social situations or connecting with people Emilie blames herself.
9: Hmm, now that is a question. On one hand younger Marinette would still have the wish of being the knitting fairy due to how young she was back then. However, that wish would be overshadowed by her other childhood wish of being the best cat hero and making Plagg proud of her! So she would become Super Cheshire! As for Luka if the first situation happened he would investigate who Cheshire's civilian identity is then proceed to be horrified by what is going on followed by being beyond pissed at Juleka for her part in this girl's broken heartsong.
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palfriendpatine66 · 8 months
Making of Monday aka why is Criminal Minds taking so long!?
Let’s talk Criminal Minds - my obikin serial killer au - which features the most planning I’ve ever done and will probably ever do again for a fic. More specifically, over the choice to use a nonlinear timeline. I'm going to break it down below the cut:
The premise of the story was always Anakin becomes obsessed with serial killer Obi-Wan while he’s in prison through sending letters back and forth. I knew the letters were going to be an important part of the story, showing how their relationship developed before they really met. I started writing everything chronologically, where at first the story was told in a large part through their letters back and forth (and also had a lot of being in their minds and seeing their reactions to the letters) and their own separate experiences. Then the story shifted when Obi-Wan was released from prison, as it was told through their experiences together. 
It went something like this: 1. Intro (Post breakup Anakin watching a true crime special and deciding he’s going to write to reporter/imprisoned killer Obi-Wan) 2. First Letter /  Obi-Wan’s WTF reaction 3. They meet for the first time in jail 4. Anakin makes his first kill, calls Obi-Wan to tell him about it 5. Obi-Wan is released from jail 6. Anakin drags him back into a life of killing - they become partners in crime 7. They become partners carnally 8. Anakin outgrows Obi-Wan’s mentorship 9. They run into Padme 10. The End
Then I decided I wanted to have a “flashback” chapter that showed Obi-Wan’s first kill. I wanted to contrast his first with Anakin’s and at first I just slipped it in before Anakin’s first kill. But once the idea of flashing back and jumping forward was introduced it was easy to realize I could do it with the whole story. I knew @sendpseuds would tell me to go with it and tell the story I wanted to tell - that there was no reason to stick to chronological order just because it was easier. I argued with them a lot in my head because I knew it was going to be a giant pain in the ass once I started messing with it. But I finally got lots of advice from them, and they were right of course, it was so worth the effort. I played with the order of events A LOT, tore my hair out, and ended up with this (at one point):
Phone call - Obi-Wan finds out Anakin has killed
First letters / they establish a relationship
Obi-Wan is released from jail and doesn’t want to kill
Flashback to Obi-Wan’s first kill
Anakin convinces Obi-Wan = Partners in Crime
Their first meeting (in jail)
Partners Carnally
Anakin’s first kill
Obi-Wan’s descent to killing
Anakin’s descent to killing
Anakin outgrows Obi-Wan’s mentorship
Padme run in
The end
I didn’t love it, but it was closer. 
Once the outline was in this order the letters I had already written didn’t make quite as much sense anymore, at least not in the order they were in, and it was hard to figure out where to put them in relation to different events. I started rewriting some of them and reached the major turning point in writing this fic. I shifted my focus from using the letters to introduce the main events of the chapter to highlighting a theme within it. I turned the purpose of the letters into showing the reader something I wanted them to learn about Obi-Wan or Anakin (or their relationship), and then have that element be at play in the “event” half of the chapter. It didn’t change the story I wanted to tell but it shifted the shape I wanted it to take. I was super super excited by these changes and took them to @yourfavoritefridge who helped me reorder and draw out specific themes.
I ended up with something like: 
Anakin’s First Letter / Anakin’s Phone call
Obi-Wan writes: Don’t Be Like me / Flashback to Obi-Wan’s first kill
Anakin writes: I Know Your Secrets / Their first meeting in jail
Anakin writes: I’m Not Enough / Obi-Wan’s decent to killing
Obi-Wan Writes: Prove Yourself / Anakin’s first kill
Obi-Wan Writes: Chill Out Kid / A killer is born
Anakin Writes: Identity / Obi-Wan is released and reluctant to kill
Anakin Writes: You’re A Part of Me/ They become partners carnally
Obi-Wan Writes: Better Yourself  / murder competition
Anakin Writes: Poor Me / Padme run in
Obi-Wan Writes: Commitment / The End
Some of these chapters have been consistent from the get go. For example, Partners Carnally (soon to update as chapter 6) was one of the first scenes I wrote for this story, and I ended up writing a letter to compliment the unhinged sentiments of the chapter that’s basically been the same ever since. But largely as I’ve written the letters they’ve really driven the events of the story, sometimes changing the events of the chapter themselves to reflect the theme, or change the order I wanted the chapters presented in. 
My current working outline (complete with asterisks) is:
Phone call
expectations vs. reality - Obi-Wan’s release/reluctance to kill
[anakin: they’ll regret it] – Obi-wan’s first kill
[Anakin: Identity] – Partners in crime 
[Take control] —Obi-wan’s descent into killing
[Anakin: you’re a part of me] - - - partners carnally
*** 7-10 subject to change??? ***
7. [Anakin: I know what you did] --- 1st meeting in jail
8. [Obi-Wan: Prove yourself ] ---  Anakin’s first kill
9. [Obi-Wan: chill out,] --- Anakin becomes a killer and ironically chills out
10.[ ?better yourself? ] --- Murder competition / fuckfest
11.[Anakin: Padme/sob story] ---Padme encountered
12.[Obi-Wan: you deserve more] --- commitment/the end
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yakultii · 6 months
@alwayschasingrainbows hi hi thank you sm for all the questions <33 I appreciate u sm ik u accidentally asked on my main but I’m gonna answer them here :))) also thank you for sending ur own answers too I loved reading them and learning more about you and found them super interesting!!!!! <3
1. What is your favourite childhood movie and why?
Strangely I’d never been big on movies or tv as a kid or even now (I want to get more into it now but my adhd still says no) my mum even told me that when I was young she could sit my brothers in front of the tv to be entertained but not me, I’d lose interest hella quickly… probs the first time I got into anything tv related was when I was 10-12 and was invested in the drama of the tv series “dance academy” on abc3 Ive actually met the producer! other than that I didn’t mind a reality show as a kid but then most of that wore off after I studied media in school and we went as live audience to “reality” shows and I realised how set up everything was and couldn’t care less afterward -
If I had to pick any movie that I loved and that still strangely brings me some sort of comfort.. it would have to be the 2010 Jaden Smith Version of Karate Kid ahahaha idk why (well I kinda do there’s lots of reasons but then I’d go on another whole tangent so I won’t) I was like 11 when it came out so I think that can count :) I can weirdly watch it over and over whereas most other movies I watch once and never again.
2. Do you have a favourite book or book series and why?
I talked about this in some previous posts on here but my fav book of all time is “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” by Gail Honeyman !!!!! I also am very passionate about “The uncaged sky: my 804 days in an Iranian Prison” by Kylie Moore-Gilbert (the audiobook version narrated by Kylie herself) and fav wholesome series has gotta be the Heartstopper graphic novels!!!! AHAHA again I could go on and on and on about why I love them all individually as they are all VERY DIFFERENT from each other, but I’ll literally be writing like 3 giant essays so I’ll stop myself now!! I will say, while it’s important we consume and love media that we don’t relate to to broaden our perspectives of life, it’s obviously easy to consume and love media that we see a small part of ourselves in and think this has a lot to do with why I love these so much!
3. The colour that makes you happy
Probably a dark green which reminds me of the rainforest:))))
4. Your favourite cereal?
I honestly don’t eat cereal and never really have :,) cereals were kinda demonised in my house as a child (almond mum tings?) but then eventually they weren’t anymore but I never rlly enjoyed their taste - this is such a sad answer but probably Kelloggs sultans bran LMAO. I haven’t had it for years but I rlly don’t mind it … I think it’s probably very different to American cereals cause it’s not sweet … one time I went to an American food store here in Aus and everything I tried taste like pure sugar and hurt my stomach so bad LOL never again I’m hoping and praying that Americans have other food options not featured in this store 😭 cos I understand some of it as a one off dessert but like everyday breakfast omg noooo I hope ur stomachs are ok
5. Your favourite gemstone?
I’m ngl I don’t have a super passionate answer about this one off the top of my head (sorry I’m such a boring person!!) I think they’re all so pretty!!! I gave them a google to try decide which I like most but it’s impossible .. I think I love any of the blue ones!! I’ll tell you one thing I rlly don’t love the yellow topaz cos I’m born in Nov and I see it on everything and I swear it’s the worst one imo like liteeally any other one I love! But I can still appreciate it ig :,)
6. Any activity you liked as a child and do you still like it now?
My biggest pain as a child was athletics!!!! I used to be competitive in 100m, 200m, long jump and triple jump :) sadly I no longer do athletics or compete but my passion for running/competitiveness lived on and by 15 I ran my first half marathon.. but from 17 onwards I got quite sick and was unable to run (minus a few little months of getting back into it over the yrs only to have to stop again) and now I’m 24 and finally getting back into it again.. kinda.. cos my health is still kinda shit but I’ll go for a lot shorter runs a couple times a week and hoping and praying my health gets better so I can proper get back into it.. not to compete anymore just for myself cos it’s one of the only things in this life that brings me joy :) I’ve also always loved taking photos although I’m not professional or anything it’s just been a fun little hobby I guess.. I have a few diff cameras but in currently trying (failing) to save for this new different one.. just waiting for my uni scholarship money this tri bc I’m too unwell to use it to go on a holiday atm I’m gonna use it to buy this camera I’ve been wanting oop :,) I’m a much bigger a fan of film photography over digital but the camera I’m planning on buying is kinda a combo of both eg. It produces images of a similar vibe to film photography but is actually digital so u don’t have to worry about wasting film :) it’s also a point and shoot, super small and can be taken anywhere which is much better than my current digital camera which is bulky and has a million settings idk how to use lol.
7. Have you ever read Lucy Maud Montgomery books?
I was about to say no I’ve never heard of her but then I googled it and saw Anne of Green Gables which I read when I was like literally 8… and as I’ve said in a previous post I never remember what I’ve read even if I read it two minutes ago bc adhd tings but I always remember how it made me feel - and I remember really enjoying it! Maybe I should give it a reread cause I barely remember what it was about :,) as for the rest of her books I don’t think I’ve read any! I love so much that you have a fandom page omgggg I wish I was that passionate about something !!!! PLS PLS give me recommendations if someone were only to read 1 of her books .. okay maybe 2 for now!!!!! I might actually give them a read :)))
Thank you thank you again for all ur kinds words I hope u have the most amazing day/night <33333 I appreciate u a lot!
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ahhhsami · 9 months
AO3 Writer 20 Questions
Saw @thatonebirdwrites answer these questions focused on AO3 writers and thought it'd be fun to answer them too!
1) How do you keep getting ideas for your ship/fandom?
Day dreaming, music, and other media (books, movies, TV series).
2) Which authors inspire you in your fandom, and why are they so freakishly good?
This is the main question I wanted to answer because I wanted to just praise people and share their works!
A_M_Nicholson since I really adore their AUs and amazing vibes you get from their settings. The characters are always so interesting and they're able to maintain the characters' personalities and traits even though they are in an AU.
RaeDMagdon since her stories introduced me to omegaverse. She also cranks out solid works consistently and it's extremely impressive and admirable.
Xaibaugrove's writing makes you feel things through her words. Each chapter, paragraph, and even sentence is so well thought out and her story telling is to die for. Plus the depth and details she goes into for the surroundings is beautiful and immersive.
Tabsbee writes for Genshin Impact and I adore her style of writing and the modern AU settings she uses. Everything she posts is a banger. Plus they feed my need for more JeanLisa stories!
AnotherShotofBourbon was one of the first fic writers I ever read in the korrasami fandom. They started a series of soulmate AUs and I adore them so much! Their new works are also just as exciting!
Velvet95 has super unique and fun AUs. They're working on their sequel to a galactic sci-fi story that they had created a while ago and just as the first part, it's super enjoyable and creative!
AsamiOnTop has a behemoth of a fic (I think almost 300k words) and it's such a fun read. I loved seeing her growth from chapter 1 to the ending and it's always so admirable seeing people wrap up long fics like hers!
kittymannequin is another OG korrasami writer that inspired me to write fics myself. Whether her stories are for TLOK or Arcane or another fandom, it's always a delight to read.
tumblr blogs: @raedmagdon @xaibaugrove @tabsbee @abronzeagegod @kittymannequin @asamiontop
3) Aside from the characters of your main ship, who are the characters you love to write?
There's a handful but here are the ones that come to mind; Vi & Caitlyn from Arcane, Jean & Lisa & Beidou & Clorinde from Genshin Impact.
4) Are there pairings or tropes you know for sure you'd never write about? Which ones?
I lean away from tropes that delve into Family dynamics. Mainly pregnancy since I actually don't like babies...
5) What is your writing process and why is it cursed?
Get an idea
Jot down a rough plan
Start writing and stray instantly from the plan
Get a new plot bunny and fight with myself whether to continue what I've written or scrap it for a new shiny story
Obviously the 4th step is where things become truly cursed.
6) What is your favorite part of your writing process?
Since I write so many AUs, the world building aspects are my favorite.
7) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve had to research for a fic?
I've had to research a lot of things... but the weirdest usually revolve around bodily injuries or time period research to keep things as accurate as possible when needed. If you need to know how to prepare opium like they did in the 1800s... I got you.
8) Is there a particular writing rule you struggle with (grammar, spelling, tense, reality in general)?
Grammar 100%. But I also think breaking grammar rules are okay for vibes, bruh.
9) What was your hardest scene to write so far and why?
It's one I'm currently working on and have been for years. It's the next chapter of Start Again and I'm struggling to progress the story in a way that I like. I've written and scrapped it so many times that I've lost count at this point.
10) Have your characters ever done something you didn’t expect, changing your plot completely?
All the time...
11) If you could converse with any of the characters, who would it be and why?
It'd have to be Korra. She's got such a special spot in my heart that I don't think I could choose anyone else.
12) What are some of the tropes or themes that you find yourself returning to in your writing?
College AUs just keep coming back even when I think I've had enough of them.
13) What's your most important resource as a writer?
Other books. I don't have a book in particular, but just reading other books and fics is helpful. I've also joined a local writer's guild that has been helpful too!
14) Can you share some of your strategies for editing and revising your work?
I read/mumble my stories aloud to myself to see if things come out clunky. I also have a wonderful partner that betas the majority of my stories and I couldn't be more grateful for her.
15) Which is worse: making the summary, picking the tags, or the anxiety when you post your fic?
SUMMARY. God damn, I will spend more time on a fucking summary than the story. I will also be lazy at times and just copy and paste an excerpt if I'm at a real loss.
16) How do you define success for your fanfic - hits? Kudos? Comments? Bookmarks? Or just if you like it?
A huge factor for me is if I personally like it, BUT hits/kudos/comments are always appreciated. The goal is to share my stories with people and for them to enjoy their time reading, so it's always nice to receive all of those. I don't gauge much off of bookmarks since I often write explicit fics, which tend to be privately bookmarked or not bookmarked at all.
17) Do you have a playlist for your favorite character/ship?
I make playlists for stories/chapters. I don't do them individually for characters. I wouldn't be surprised if I have 50 or so playlists for my writing though.
18) If fan art was going to be made from your work, which fic would you pick and which fan artist would you like to create it?
When it comes to the story, I'd want the artist to do art for one that resonates with them. One that somehow inspires them. And oh man, when it comes to specific artists, I'm not sure since there are so many amazing ones. I've recently been inspired by @seijousai and am writing a story inspired by their Clorivia art. @ppyuuingles art is super wholesome and adorable. I love their JeanLisa stuff. I also have always adored @persnickety-doodles style of drawing when it comes to Korrasami. In the past I had the pleasure to collaborate with @unii-outlawed and later commissioned her. If you don't know her, then definitely check out her stunning artwork! Other amazing artists that deserve a follow are @ttanaart, @kf1n3, and @mimiendos (follow their twitter).
19) How many WIPs do you currently have?
Erm... posted on AO3 there's 20 unfinished stories BUT I also have over 100 completed ones. As for the WIPs that are written and not posted... that's also probably in the 20s. It goes back to all of the plot bunnies that I get and the battles I lose which results in partially written stories.
20) What's your advice to new fanfic writers?
Write what you want. Even if you feel that it may be niche there'll definitely be people out there that will read and enjoy it!
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kinniie00 · 3 months
HEY BUDDY :D !!! lion, maine coon, american shorthair, tiger, cougar, and fishing cat !!
HIIII!!! 👾
This is so many omg
Lion - I'm probably most proud of how far I've come over the last few years, I went through a lot and am still learning to live with some of it. It's definitely shaped a bit of who I am now, but I'd like to think I have grown from it and carried it with me rather than living in that dump forever :) AND MY FRIENDS IM SO SO SO PROUD OF THEM AND HOW MUCH THEY'VE DONE AND I WISH THE BEST FOR ALL OF YOU :((
Maine Coon - Honestly I'm not too sure how others would describe me, or even how to encapsulate my personality into one word--I'd like to say I'm energetic but I also have my moments of not being as much, I'm nice but I know I can be a bitch, I'm a lot of things but I'm really unsure of what word could describe me, plus I don't remember any good descriptive words rn :') (I'm so tired)
American Shorthair - I have many things that comfort me, id say my friends are my biggest comfort, as cheesy as it is. My friends remind me I'm not alone and have reasons to keep going, even when it feels impossible. I also often tend to latch onto games and streamers/YouTubers for comfort (a big one is hermitcraft!! :D), many of the people I watch now are people who practically raised me and I love them dearly. Another few smaller things that I find help comfort me are things like music, tea, or small things like animals (my cat!!!) or stuffed animals :3
Tiger - Another one that I'm not entirely sure how to answer :( "Being cute and being mine" -☀️ I think I went through the 5 stages of grief trying to come up with something that's all you're getting, oh yeah and my worst is probably the fact that I'm indecisive or like impulsive idk
Cougar - Hehehe fandoms 😇 Definitely undertale, fnaf, and sanders sides in the later years. I was (unfortunately) an aphmau kid back in 2015 but that was more watching her content and less fandom stuff. The undertale and fnaf ones definitely didn't ever stop, I got really into sans aus back during covid and relied on all three of those fandoms for comfort during the quarantine too. Sanders sides definitely helped me over the years before and during covid, it was definitely a rough time in my life as I was learning new things about myself and others around me, and it helped me so much with learning how to be me and accept myself as I am. As for a fandom I'm really active in now, id say the one I'm most active in is Hermitcraft (so surprising!!! 🙀) I got super into it back in season 6 when grian joined because I watched his content before he joined, and now I watch most of the hermits, I do tend to focus on a few each season while watching the occasional stream/video from the others though! I also listen to the imp & skizz podcast, and I find it rather comforting when I'm stressed, I love the hermits so much and they've definitely helped me so much without even knowing :) (and the fandom is so silly I love everyone)
Fishing Cat - I have so many I'm definitely going to forget some, I love learning new things and it's led to many hobbies that I do and will probably get back into in the future! :) I do crochet, it's something I have been learning since I was really young but couldn't get the hang of it for the longest time because my mom had a hard time teaching me it since she's left handed, I love reading, I read all kinds of things from old novels & poetry, romance and mystery, to nonfiction and sci-fi, I enjoy reading anything as long as it can keep my interest, and I loveee getting reccomended books (even though my to-be-read list is SO long), I like small crafts like jewelry making but it hurts my hands (especially the more intricate ones like fancy necklaces, bracelets, earrings), i love gaming, its a big part of who I am seeing as I grew up doing it, and even though i dont it as much anymore I still enjoy it and love playing games with my friends!! I enjoy drawing, but it's stressful because I'm not great at it and am way too perfectionistic over it. I used to paint but I never got too good at it and never had proper supplies, it was very fun though and I'd definitely get back into it sometime down the line. I listen to a lot of music, and watch youtubers/streamers. I like to go on walks, but with some of my health issues I don't go on them as often (I definitely will do more this summer though!!) and hanging out with my friends and animals. I plan on getting into sewing and possibly cosplay sometime so that will be fun to learn! I love creative hobbies, despite how stressful they can be when they don't go how I wanted it to :) I love seeing things I'm able to make evolve and get better and I get better at doing it, and I love consuming information and seeing people be people!!
I'm so sorry this is a lot of yapping even for me 😭
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cedarbranch · 3 months
twenty questions for fic writers!
tagged by @sunriseverse thank you!!
tagging: @figbian @shark-myths @stoplightglow @zipegs and anyone else who wants to participate (with no pressure if you don't!) questions below the cut :-)
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
currently 65! i've orphaned several over the years though. unfortunately i am an Extremely Slow Writer so i always wanna see this number go up and it never goes as fast as i want it to :') we can hit 67 this year... surely....
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
847,778! used to be higher (more in the 950k range) prior to orphaning, i'm not sure if i've actually written over a million words or not at this point? v excited for the day that milestone actually shows up in my stats though! my current wips could tip me over, we'll see how it goes... 👀
3. what fandoms do you write for?
currently hannibal and stranger things! i've bounced around many fandoms in my day, but my most significant contributions thus far have been for mcr/bandom and the magnus archives. really hoping i end up writing enough for my current fandoms that i can consider them part of that shortlist too!! :-)
4. top five fics by kudos
like a moth to light (like a beast to bait) / 2117 kudos, save that heart for me / 1480 kudos, how particular, my fondness of you / 1445 kudos, convicted criminals of thought / 1177 kudos, and questionable decisions / 847 kudos! wow, that last one took me by surprise, it was such a jokey little fic i often forget about it. nice to look back at these and see things with over 1k kudos though, i remember that being an unattainable pipe dream back when i was writing mcr in the dead era that was 2017 :')
5. do you respond to comments?
i often do! i try to respond to every comment i get when a fic is published, and i like to respond much later on as well, it just tends to slip my mind if it's an older fic. stuff gets lost in my inbox. i certainly read every comment though, and the comments left on older fics are often the ones that make me happiest!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm... i mostly write happy endings unless they're character studies. the true angstiest ending i've written is for a fic i haven't posted yet (hint: it's a sequel to a oneshot of mine!) but i do have short fics about both michael and gerry's deaths in tma? i'll go with the gerry death fic, thinking of the sun.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
they're mostly happy!!! but the one that ends most on a note of Joy, i think, would be rosemary and thyme, my fae!martin au :-)
8. do you get hate on fics?
nah. i have an extremely vague memory of getting a comment that made me go "omg my first hate comment" but like it's so vague that i can't tell if it's a false memory or not 😭 people have always been quite nice to me, thankfully!
9. do you write smut?
i do! i tried to avoid it whenever i could when i was younger but these days i've actually become super interested in sex as a vehicle for character studies. that tumblr post that's like "the plot of this smut fic is that character A believes himself abandoned by god" is one HUNDRED percent my approach recently, definitely expect some of that upcoming on my ao3 lolll
10. craziest crossover?
i don't really write crossovers! i like them in comic/fanart form, but i tend to be less interested in crossover fic (unless it's HEU, i do quite like spacedogs)... the only times i've ever thought about creating crossover content myself were for a couple pacrim fusion ideas!
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
eh, not really. a long time ago i did have someone basically rip the worldbuilding from one of my AUs with the serial numbers filed off, but they did ask permission - i said yes because i was like 16 and felt too awkward saying no. so that was weird! but not quite stealing.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!! to steal a kiss from borrowed lips was translated into russian, such an honor :D
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have, a really long time ago. i don't think i would do it again (unless it was with, like, one of two specific irls) bc i think i'd struggle with figuring out a collaborative workflow. part of me also thinks it could be a fun exercise though...
14. all time favorite ship?
OUGH..... mannnn what a question. it changes every few years and i feel like my response is influenced by not just the source material, but the quality of the fan content and the fandom interactions i've had... you know what? i know i have current-hyperfixation bias, but for now i am gonna say hannigram. it's just too peak.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Too Many Of Them - but in particular, my chrissy cunningham-centric longfic. it's an entire treatise on sapphic loneliness and small-town queer isolation and i do think it'd be a fucking masterpiece if i ever managed to commit to it, but it's on the forever back-burner i think.
16. what are your writing strengths?
hmm... characterization through dialogue is the main thing, i'd say. i'm always thinking about how to match a given character's speech patterns and i think i tend to capture their voices pretty well!
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i'm my own biggest critic so i could list a bunch, but pacing is a big one. i tend to let things run too long and i feel like i've only just managed to balance it better in my current wip... only took a decade of fic-writing to get there 😭
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
depends a lot on context. honestly too many thoughts to condense well into an answer for this djglfg but in short: usually nice if it's just a few words, but can get unwieldy otherwise
19. first fandom you wrote in?
kuroshitsuji 💀 self-insert and OC-centric fic. how very unlike me
20. favorite fic you've written?
moth to light has been the reigning champ for a while now, but i think several of my current wips could potentially unseat it!
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starkfish · 4 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @meduseld! Because while I haven't written in awhile, I sure do love *talking* about writing :D Under the cut
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
A nice round 50.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 337,459
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Nowadays not really any, lmao, but BACK IN THE DAY I was obviously primarily an ASOIAF writer, but I've also written for Harry Potter, Law and Order SVU, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Taken, and American Horror Story. And I loooooove talking about those fandoms that I write less frequently about so feel free if anyone had any questions, I would lap that shit right up.
4. Top five fics by kudos:
we're men of snow (we melt one day)
Rivers and Roads
this house no longer feels like home
And Maybe Someday Love
to stand outside your virtue (this one is probably the biggest surprise in the top 5 for me)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I was/am good at responding when a fic is newly posted but I'm not very good at it now, which is a shame on me because I still read and love every comment and I think people who take the time to leave comments on fics that are years old are super super rad. Usually I see it and get all giddy and then forget to respond and then feel weird responding much later, which is silly of me. I don't get a ton of comments anymore but I'm going to try and be better about answering because I do appreciate them!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Measures, that one is just an angst fest in general. Or hmm, A Myth of Devotion is a close second.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Aahahaha this is just making me realize how death is involved in like...all of my fics? So maybe Rivers and Roads since Ned and Cat get to be together at the end, despite the DEATH AND WAR around them? Or maybe that my lips would build a castle which finds Jon and Sansa together in Winterfell despite all the DEATH AND WAR THAT WAS AROUND THEM. Or maybe Wedding Bell Blues which is a fun modern AU despite the fact that Lyanna is unhappy in it. What can I say, I enjoy my angst.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not a lot, although I did just recently get someone angry that I tagged Ned/Ashara in 'Wedding Bell Blues', and honestly they weren't completely wrong but they were so obnoxious about it that the tag is staying there out of spite. And of course I used to get the requisite Catelyn hate but even that was pretty few and far between. My stuff is usually what it says on the tin and AO3 is a little bit more self selecting than other sites of the past.
9. Do you write smut?
Awwwww yis especially SMUT WITH FEELINGS.
10. Craziest crossover:
I'm not really a crossover babe, alas.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, someone took 'Measures' and basically rewrote it word-for-word as a Downton Abbey fic and someone recognized it as my work (...actually was it you, @meduseld??) and brought it to my attention. Lmao also back when I was on a Desperate Housewives livejournal (BACK IN THE DAYS) I had a couple of ESL writers take parts of my fics and use them in theirs and the mod of the LJ community got SO MAD at me when I was like "...hey please don't do that!" But the incident with 'Measures' was definitely the most blatant.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, and I think it's very cool! I would never attempt to translate it back though lol. But it is very touching to me that someone would like my work enough to want to take the time to translate it so others can enjoy it. I'm always fine with it as long as proper credit is given. I have also had a podfic done on a Lyanna comment fic and that was also extremely cool! The person who did that had a lovely reading voice. =)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not a published fic but I've done roleplay-y writing with a few friends before which was always fun!
14. All time favorite ship?
I don't know if I've penned more words, thought more thoughts, spent more time for any other ship more than Ned/Cat. <3 A close second to Elliot/Olivia in Law and Order SVU for goddamn longevity though. Still dragging me along, twenty years later.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sadly I doubt I'll ever finish 'these are hard times for dreamers' because back in 2019 I only had the vaguest idea of where I wanted to go next and that has only gotten worse with time. I have also had a Lynesse fic half-written on my computer for probably like...five years at this point, BUT I think that's more likely to get finished at SOME point just because it is already around 4k words. But who knows WHEN.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character work, especially internal thoughts, setting a mood/scene, etc.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes, getting from point A to point B to point C, especially concisely versus needing ten thousand words. I also think my dialogue is hit or miss, especially in a longer back-and-forth conversation.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'll reference it if need be but usually try and avoid because I don't speak any other language fluently and don't want to make any foolish mistakes.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Lmao SAILOR MOON (Geocities 5ever) and also I wrote some Pokemon stuff. I'm not even a little sorry.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I think it's 'we're men of snow (we melt one day)' which makes it especially gratifying that it is my most popular. There are still bits I would clean up if I were rewriting it but on the whole I'm so pleased with how it turned out and it was also really nice that it was a gift for a friend for FandomAid (@catelyngrant) who gave me pretty free reign to do whatever I wanted. So I'm glad I was able to deliver something that I'm very happy with because she deserves it! I am also very partial to my Lysa Heroine Big Bang fic, 'The Girl in the Mirror'. I love writing Lysa and this was the most complete thing I ever wrote about her, and I loved getting to flesh out her backstory. Much as it is super fun to play in the AU sandbox, it is also a ton of fun to examine a part of canon that is left uncovered in the source material. Tagging @catelyngrant, @apprenticemockingbird, and anyone else who may be interested!
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deviousfatestudio · 8 months
hi it's me with the copy and paste comment i realize i could of just copy and paste “BroZones talent in a bottle” part. anyway, i have questions so heres 6.
are the bros just evil or do they have guilt and stuff?
did the bros do something to grandma to you know keep branch?
will the bros ever break out of the crazy mindset the perfect harmony put them in?
i know you mention due to branch being so young when they manage to hit the perfect harmony, he not crazy, however come he not crazy like the bros in the future did they no use it at all during Thos 20 years?
does poppy make an appearance in this at all or is it just the bros?
how long was branch trapped in the bottle was it a few months like floyd was or years?
i have more but i cant think of anything.
You can just call it Bottle Branch au or bottle I’ll understand 😙
1) full fledged fuckers. Under the family stability rating they’re at -45% which means the brothers are not allowed anywhere NEAR their branch or any other. (Maybe…)
2) grandma is the reason branch knows of other trolls and becomes friends with them! She managed to get away with branch for a bit and that’s how he knows of poppy and the others. Creek is who tattles to the brothers about it. (Fuck creek. All my homies hate creek)
Grandma doesn’t make it through the winter. Branch blames himself
3) so by crazy mindset I mean they kinda act like canon!velvet. They go mad with fame and power and want more and they do not. At least how I have it currently. In the multiverse fic I have in mind they’re actually the main villains.
4) branch isn’t crazy because to him he just wanted to sing with his brothers. I’m realizing now what I meant was a bit misleading
More so- the perfect family harmony really pushes emotions to a high. The brothers were all thinking different things and different emotions. JD with perfection, Floyd with wanting to be famous, clay wanting to be taken seriously, and Spruce wanting to be cared for. The family harmony kinda made those go haywire but isn’t controlling them. It just pushed them over the edge they created for themselves. Think of it like drugs… kinda
Branch however was only thinking of playing with his brothers. This is one of the main reasons that even after nearly dying he still believes his brothers mean him no harm. That boy needs so much therapy.
More family harmony means more pushing those emotions and just making them sink deeper and deeper into that hole. Branch, by the time he’s the age of canon branch, quite literally obeys his brothers every command. Spruce has actually broken his arm on multiple occasions and branch apologizes to him.
5) she does! Grandma rosie puff would bring a young branch over to play. She warned poppy to not let branch’s brothers know. Poppy didn’t understand until she saw the brothers pick up branch. Branch was bruised.
6) it’s over the course of 10 years on and off. They plan to build up stock since they know too much all at once will kill branch. They also know that branch learning from other trolls boosts the talent he gives so they have him travel around. This is where some of the other trolls we know and love start noticing some shit. Especially 4 trolls branch had been super close with. (Kismet found family is a HILL I WILL FUCKING DIE ON)
By the end of it when veneer and velvet manage to save branch with the aid of p much every other troll branch is in bad shape. All the other branch’s tend to go visit him instead of him traveling around.
Branch came to full crystallization ( but reversed back like Floyd as the brothers knew how to time it) multiple times over the course of those 10 years and THAT led to a lot of damage. He usually feels cold and tired. His energy drains quickly and his singing voice, while still beautiful, is very weak. He can barely participate in dancing and singing. Most times he can walk but there are times he can’t at all. It’s bad and the slow realization his brothers actually did mean him harm makes him lose his colors possibly. Still working it out.
Kinda thinking of having viva be the whistle blower?? Or she could be fucked up like them. Not sure.
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shitouttabuck · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @thewolvesof1998 thank u bud i’m procrastinating packing and this was fun
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
129,484 which is a fake number to me
3. what fandoms do you write for?
nothing has made me as insane in my life as network television procedural drama 911 on abc, so
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you can start a family who will always show you love
let the world have its way with you
my hearts over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance
like a dog with a bird at your door
i like the summer rain (i like the sounds you make)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try very hard to because they make me so happy and it’s unbelievably kind of people to take the time to leave them!!! However i sometimes leave it too long and then worry it’s weird to reply after like. a month. which as a fic reader i wouldn’t give a shit about so idk what my problem is!!!! i will reply i will just maybe take a hot sec to do it
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t have any i’m a happily ever after or bust kinda guy in my own head if nowhere else…… angstiest is probably the sound of love astounds me if only because it ends post-feelings realisation but still pre-relationship
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
they’re all so happy omg. i will say with great personal bias it’s my heart’s over-pumping but also i have. a sequel in the works….
8. do you get hate on fics?
no people have been very very very lovely but also sjjsjsjs i’ve not been here super long. the funniest comment i’ve gotten was on my first fic where someone was like i liked this but it is jarringly inaccurate as mcdonald’s in california doesn’t have a veggie burger option 😭 i cried laughing im so sorry to u americans. pls petition your local mcdonald’s to stock the mcplant it slaps
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
have written two e-rated fics….. it’s very fun but i don’t think i’m very good so i’d like to practice actually (maybe some sexy prompts after i finish the bed-sharing ones?) just the regular kind for now like i love buck and eddie desperately and am myself into a million things but i don’t know how kinky they would actually get in my own head. so just a little gross with it for now i guess
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no that would be SICK. @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove is podficcing bucket list fic which is so very cool of her!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no omg i don’t know how y’all do it i’m bad at group projects but also this sounds soooooo fun. if also deeply stressful
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
if that’s synonymous with most likely to get you institutionalised, uh. gestures around us. otherwise mulder/scully and i am just now right as i’m typing this realising i’ve never ever in my life actually read x files fic what the fuck. also steve/bucky but i haven’t read fic since 2017 probably
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
listen i have not written a word for x files au past that one snip i shared forever ago. i want to soooo bad i’ve talked about it to some of you very rabidly but. it does not want to be written and if it did it would have to be so fucking long which is very daunting to me. not saying i’ve put her in the ground yet but. we might need some necromancing
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m pretty good at writing in character? mostly? sometimes i struggle with buck just because i think we’re very similar and i project a little and then have to go back and fix it lmao but for the most part i think i’m good at that! and i have a lot of fun writing dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
plot!!!!!! and pacing!!!!!!!!!!! also my inability to write non-linearly omg if i get stuck i just get Stuck i can’t jump ahead
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
oooh i love it and would love to include more than the teeniest bits i have but i’m so conscious about it sounding natural and not stiff to people whose language it actually is (shout out and a million kisses to @eddiebabygirldiaz for fixing the spanish in i love you like a dog!!!!!)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
911 babey!
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
my heart’s over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance !!! not just because it was the first fic i posted after joining tumblr fandom but. idk it is so so so special to me like it makes me so happy and when i think about it i’m like. hey u wrote that. good for u my dude. and also maybe i just associate it with meeting a bunch of you whjsjssjsj
tagging @callaplums @eddiebabygirldiaz @housewifebuck @rewritetheending @try-set-me-on-fire @onward--upward @anxieteandbiscuits @devirnis @athenagranted if anyone wants to do this i’m nosy soz if you already have !!!!
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silvereddaye · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,415,727 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've only written for Star Wars
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Tinies
In the Past
Between the Light and Shadows: Luke & Vader One-Shot Collection
Of Silk and Gold
Seduce a Senator
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Generally I do not, mainly because I feel like I don't have something to say back. If I feel like there is something to say, I'll comment back.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
So uh . . . I don't have a whole lot of finished multi-chapter fics. *cough* *cough* I'm also not super big on angsty endings, but if I did pick it is between these three: The Last Mission, Traitor (which is a four part), and It was Leia. Each has a different type of angsty ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Stop making me pick favorites. I guess I'd go with Seduce a Senator (which a smut fic and rated E). Only because I feel like the happy ending is well deserved after everything that happened. Also I feel like Godhood had a good happy ending. But I also write a decent amount of fluff. For example the one-shot There You Are, which has a very sugary ending.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
I've gotten in on In the Past. Mostly people complaining about either how I wrote was inaccurate or wasn't up their personal view of Star Wars. In the first chapter (or two) I mention Anakin and Luke's midicholorian count, and I made Luke the lesser of the two. People hate that. (I do stand by that decision in that I do believe Anakin would be stronger as the chosen one, but that's just me.)
I got a whole of angry comments on Godhood and some on For A Sith to Love a Jedi. Basically about ships and romance. People are . . . very passionate about that kind of stuff . . . and hate when anything goes against their ship.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
As in characters from one fandom interact with another fandom? No. I strictly write Star Wars. I may put Star Wars characters in situations based on another fandom like when I wrote a Luke and Vader Anastasia AU.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I know I once read a fic from an obvious amateur writer whose fic was very similar to Runaway. It wasn't an exact copy, but it was clear it drew some aspects and inspirations from my fic. I suspect that writer was young and exploring writing. I commented on it saying it was a good fic. I'm not one to get angry about that such a thing that this one thing is "my idea."
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I translate The Tinies into Spanish myself with the help of a great Spanish checker, but that's the only translation of any of my fics I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes, but they've all mostly been due to round-robin popcorn writing games we do in my server from time to time. Where one person writes a bit of a fic then another then another.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Padme and Anakin/Vader
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Tumblr media
In all honesty, I don't know. There are some of my WIPs I have permanently shelved and don't intend on ever finishing. (Mostly my old Obikin stuff.) But there are still some that I really do want to finish. I've just been unable to write.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
World building, especially with fantasy.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Currently? Writing.
Also finishing long multi-chapter fics. help.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
As in just a whole scene where they're not talking in English and it's not translated into English? I have never done that. I don't think I've even seen that done. Do people do that? I've done a line or two where people will speak to each other in a different language. I then switch the words back to English so my reader can, you know, read them.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Don't make me pick my favorite child. I have different favorites for different reasons. I can't just pick one.
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last-capy-hupping · 2 years
I thought that I’d make a post with random trivia details for my modern Silmarillion AU, Anywhere With You, which focuses on Russingon. Feel free to ask for more, and I’ll answer it as long as it doesn’t contain spoilers.
Warnings: some vague discussions of Maedhros’ relationship with Melkor, which was abusive, and some non-graphic discussion of various characters’ sex lives.
1) Fingon claims to be 5’10”, but he’s more like 5’8.5”. Maedhros is six and a half feet tall and can’t tell the difference.
2) Fingon, Turgon, Aredhel, and Argon are all major sporty kids. Fingon plays soccer, though now only as part of a club, and enjoys running and rock climbing. Turgon played football up until he got into the masters section of his accelerated bachelors/masters program in architecture. This allowed Fingon to finally become buffer than his brother. Fingon is not at all smug about this. Aredhel plays softball and volleyball and loves going rock climbing with Fingon. Argon plays high school basketball and has already made the varsity team, even though he’s only a sophomore. He’s already close to Turgon’s height, and he will be taller. All of the Fingolfinions can ride horses and shoot (guns and bows).
3) Quenya is basically this verse’s version of Irish. Fingon is the Americanized name for the semi-legendary St. Findekáno Astaldo, this world’s version of St. Patrick. Fingon’s birthday is March 17, 1999. Even though the lines of Míriel and Indis are completely desperate in this verse, Fëanor, Fingolfin, Finarfin, and Nerdanel are all basically Irish. Anairë is Ghanaian, and Ëarwen is Greek/Cyrpiot.
4) All of Fëanor’s sons have their Quenya names as their middle names, while Nerdanel gave them Sindarized first names. She deliberately combined “Maitimo” and “Russandol” for her first son’s name because he was the prettiest baby she’d ever, and she totally wasn’t biased.
5) Maedhros (b. May 1, 1995) was an extremely well behaved toddler who was very good at self-soothing. He loved being read to, memorized a few children’s books before he was able to read, and used to build elaborate block towers. He loved being a big brother from the start and only tried to return Maglor to the baby delivery place once, after Maglor lost his copy of Goodnight Moon (his favorite book) and destroyed his block formation, a replica of the semi-legendary city of Tirion. Maedhros immediately regretted this and climbed into Maglor’s crib to apologize to him. There is video of this. For a solid three years, Maedhros believed that baby Celegorm was his punishment for not appreciating Maglor enough. Maedhros had an awkward, gangly teenage phase that swimming helped him overcome. His high school team encouraged him and other swimmers to push their bodies to the limits of endurance (getting out of the pool to puke was not an uncommon occurrence during practice), which explains his running habits. His best stroke was the butterfly, which he can no longer do properly due to his rotator cuff injury. He’s had two surgeries to correct some of the damage done by Melkor and to keep it from dislocating easily.
6) Maglor (b. 1997) was very handsome from the time he was a teen and never had acne problems, but he was also a short, skinny band geek. This is why he didn’t believe that Malthenes, his tall, beautiful blonde classmate with a teen modeling contact, was into him. Maedhros had to convince him that Malthenes was serious and drive him to the date. Maglor was a child piano and violin prodigy, and Fëanor encouraged this until it became clear that Maglor wanted to be a professional musician instead of a lawyer. (Fëanor would have also allowed him to become a doctor, but Maglor was always a squeamish boy.) Fëanor blames Malthenes for this because he knows that he raised Maglor to be more reasonable and responsible. Maglor is shorter than his girlfriend/fiancée and thinks that that’s super hot. Malthenes is 5’9” and suspiciously slightly taller than Fingon.
7) Celegorm (b. 1999) was an extremely rowdy, energetic child who broke everything in sight, especially Maglor’s things. He used to smash Nerdanel’s work when he got his hands on it. At the age of two, he gave six-year-old brother Maedhros a permanent hairline scar when he smashed a clay pot over his head. Maedhros made the mistake of trying to take it away from him. The injury required eight stitches, and Celegorm was extremely proud and kept bragging to the hospital staff. (No babysitters were available, so Fëanor and Nerdanel had to drag all four of their kids to the ER.) Celegorm grew up into a rowdy teen who only avoided expulsion by ensuring his high school football team’s continued success. (Maedhros still had to attend some meetings on his parents’ behalf while he was in college and Celegorm was a high school junior/senior.) Celegorm switched to rugby in college because it had more booze and more queerness. He is proudly bisexual and aromantic. He also got his wolfhound Huan from his grizzled elderly mentor (aka Oromë) at the local shooting range in Formenos, Maine. Fëanor is shocked/pleased that Celegorm got a real job, but he’s embarrassed that his son lives in “government housing,” i.e. a park ranger’s house in the national forest outside Alqualondë where he works.
8) Caranthir (b. 2001) is a mathematical prodigy who graduated high school two years early, the same year as Celegorm. He also completed college in two and a half years. He recently got his CPA. He enjoys investing, and frequently tries to influence Maedhros’ investment decisions regarding his own trust fund from their grandfather Finwë. Caranthir is also Angrod’s ex boyfriend. According to Angrod, Caranthir has the best ass that he’s ever seen (“you could serve coffee off of that thing”), and that’s totally the only reason that he’s upset that Caranthir abruptly dumped him over text messages, Finrod. Caranthir is currently dating Haleth. He fell in love with her at first sight at the gym and decided that he had to break up with Angrod immediately and pursue this gorgeous female body builder, who (to Angrod’s despair) has better biceps than anyone Caranthir has ever dated. Caranthir is absolutely devoted to his girlfriend and she to him. He is also her 24/7 sub, which is why he proudly wears the leather collar that she gave him along with his fancy suits. Caranthir is the only son whom Fëanor will not randomly visit because the last time that he dropped by unannounced, Caranthir answered the door wearing the collar and nothing else. He’s very anxious and finicky and carries around a fidget cube. He also helped Curufin uncover Melkor’s tax crimes and blackmail him into leaving the country so that Maedhros would it have to testify against an ex at an abuse/sa trial.
9) Curufin (b. 2004) is also a genius and started taking community college courses early. He is currently looking into the most prestigious college programs available. Fëanor was so impressed with his son’s affinity for computers and coding that he pulled him out of school to homeschool him personally, based on a special curriculum that he designed. He has never dated because he’s too busy, but he’ll probably got out with his father’s business partner’s daughter at some point because Fëanor thinks that they’d be a good match and Fëanor knows him best. He is a very skilled hacker and got into Melkor’s device to steal back all digital copies of sensitive media that Melkor was using to blackmail Maedhros into staying.
10) Amras and Amrod (February 2009) are twins. Amrod is shy and Amras is outgoing, but they support each other in everything. They are particularly devoted to Maedhros, who served as a sort of third parent to them while Fëanor and Nerdanel went through a divorce when they were toddlers. Amrod was scared of storms and loud noises and used to sleep in Maedhros’ bed for “safety” as a child. Amras and Amrod have a twin language, and Maedhros is the only one who knows some of it. Both twins are major fish, amphibian, and reptile enthusiasts, and Fëanor has allowed them to have their own massive aquarium as well as a reptile room. They’ve been promised an iguana as their Winter Solstice present from their father.
11) Fëanor is a brilliant, charismatic local real estate developer and builder from Formenos, Maine who followed in his wealthy father Finwë’s footsteps and became mayor of the small city. He is the only child of Finwë and Míriel, both of whom are still alive and married in this universe. He is so beloved that the citizens voted to abolish term limits so that he could keep running for mayor. Fëanor also owns a local lake resort, as well as a ski resort in the northernmost parts of the Pélori Mountains (my version of the Appalachian Mountains). He also makes jewelry as a side hobby. He and Melkor, a estate developer and a successful political from the neighboring town of Avathar, got into an intense rivalry when Melkor attempted to bankrupt him and buy out his businesses and lands.
12) Nerdanel is a world-renowned sculptress and the only child of the independently wealthy Mahtan. She and Fëanor bonded over their shared ambition and passion for crafts. They married straight out of college and had Maedhros a year later. Nerdanel loves her sons dearly but grew tired of putting up with her husband’s neuroses. She divorced him and moved to Tirion, New York (named after the semi-legendary ancient city) when the citizens of Formenos almost universally sided with their beloved mayor.
13) Fingolfin is the older son of Indis and Ingwion, who are not cousins in this verse. He inherited his parents’ love of fine wines and the Northern California countryside. He and his wife Anairë bonded over their shared love of art and wine and managed to secure investors to buy and start a vineyard in Valmar. They’re currently very wealthy and successful, and they have enough money to give all of their children generous allowances. They’re extremely indulgent and supportive parents who are so happy to have such happy, good-looking, athletic, and academically successful children. They didn’t openly push traditional gender roles on their kids, but they always rewarded and praised their sons for being tough, resilient, and generally traditionally masculine. Also, they never made their kids so much in the way of chores.
14) Fingon was the happiest, friendliest baby ever, and well-meaning but clueless adults often made jokes about him flirting and being budding ladies’ man. He was also an extremely friendly, easygoing; and popular kid from elementary school until basically the start of the fic. He was really smart and never had to work too hard for good grades and academic success. He did well in college and generally got away with partying and procrastinating because he works well under the pressure of impending deadlines. He is also a bit of a fuckboy.
15) Finrod is bisexual, though he’s more likely to be attracted to men than women, and homoromantic. He’s in a very happy QPR with Amarië, who is in the same boat. He’s a very happy writer and budding journalist, who also makes good ad revenue off of his anonymous online blog, where he discuses and opines upon the relationship dramas of his friends and family. His most popular series deals with Andreth and Aegnor, though his cousin Fingon’s stories are forming the basis of a series that’s garnering loads of interest already.
16) Angrod is totally over Caranthir, Finrod!
17) Aegnor is in a high drama, constantly on-again/off-again relationship with Andreth. He’s scared of going out of the honeymoon stage and stupidly keeps breaking up with Andreth, even though he loves her. Andreth keeps taking him back because she loves him and he’s gorgeous and goes down like a champ.
Anyway, if you’ve got other questions, feel free to ask and I’ll answer.
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beri-allen · 11 months
fic tag game
got tagged by @burntblueberrywaffles. thank you <333 doing this while i'm in a good mood lol.
How many works do you have on Ao3? 31 published ones (i have deleted at least 1 and orphaned 4 or something).
2. What's your Ao3 word count? 161,653 in total.
3. What fandoms do you write for? wednesday (the latest one), some kdramas, and i have also written for ouat and hannibal. back on lj, i used to write a lot for house md.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Slow, Long, and Excruciatingly Painful (Wednesday (TV 2022))
You Have Shrunk to the Size of My Thoughts (Wednesday (TV 2022)) 
I Predict a Riot (Wednesday (TV 2022)
Stop (Wednesday (TV 2022))
I Carried You for Aching (Crash Landing on You) 
5. Do you respond to comments? yes! comments always make me happy and i appreciate readers who take the time to drop comments, so i want to take the time to respond to them.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? maybe... Stop (wednesday)?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? omg, i just realized most of my fics end happily, so idk what to pick lol. but maybe either I Carried You for Aching (crash landing on you) or Magic Hours (memories of the alhambra) because they're both fix-it fics where i resurrect a character from literal and figurative canon death lol.
8. Do you get hate on fics? i'm not sure i can call it a full-on hate, but someone got snippy under one of my "wednesday" fics once. i already deleted it because it made me upset but i still remember what it said and who it was from because i'm a libra and petty, lol.
9. Do you write smut? What kind? when i think smut is needed in a story, i will write it. not an expert, though, so i tend to write super vanilla smut scenes lol.
10. Do you write cross-overs? no, because i don't really read cross-overs, so i don't write it.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes. my old house x cameron (house md) fic that was posted on lj got translated to italian.
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? no.
13. What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will? i talked about it before. the first line is still incomplete, and it goes like this:
"Three goddesses walked into a cave. The monster who lived in it asked,"
the monster is tyler galpin. i doubt i will ever write it because i don't have the motivation right now and i need a lot of motivation to write it, because the story is supposed to be kind of... filthy lol.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? oh, oh, dear. umm. for now, i will choose philip x elizabeth from "the americans" because the show is already ending and it's a happy one, sort of.
15. What are your writing strengths? i'm basing this entirely on comments i got, lol. i think it's my prose? feel free to refute this, lol.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? i can't write long fics. so far, the longest one i've written "only" has 7 chapters.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? why not?
18. First fandom you wrote for? ig the first one i religiously wrote for is house md (house x cameron). but the last time i checked on these fics, i completely, utterly forgot the plots etc lol. i don't think i want to associate myself with them anymore.
19. Favourite fic you've ever written? maybe i will choose my wednesday x tyler "practical magic" au, I Put a Spell on You, because it's my longest one so far and i'm proud to have finished it. and not sure it's my favorite, but Oh God, I Think I'm Falling (wednesday) has the longest smut scene i've done so far, and i had fun writing that part, so. 
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day? none, i think.
i'd like to tag @badmoodbatflowers, @cosmic-lullaby @nouklea, @transitat, @therulerofallpotatos & of course anyone who wants to do this.
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leviadraws · 1 year
Can you please talk more about sdra actor au? It's super interesting and I would love to hear more!
For particular consideration, How did the actors for Tsurugi, Rei and Teruya react to the twist for the trio in sdra2? Were there words? Were those words coming from any particular person?
Side question you don't have to answer, are any of the actors dating doesn't have to be with each other.
Oh man, I'm gonna have to actually sit down and think about this properly /lh I'm really happy people like it!
Under cut, since game spoilers and that
I'm... not actually sure which twist you're referring to with the trio? Rei's execution in the prologue, Teruya's actions in chapter 4, or chapter 5/chapter 6 in general. So, I'll just write a bit about them in general filming the series.
So, because of the nature of the series in that its an overarching mystery the cast are only given the script of the episode they're filming. So like each episode would be prologue/ch1 daily/ch1 deadly etc. This meant that everyone thought that Rei was killed in her execution, but she knew to return for the filming of chapter 4 onwards.
So like, Rei, Tsurugi, Akane, and Utsuro knew that they would be returning for chapter 5/6. Teruya knew he was returning for chapter 2, but didn't know of Rei's role (or the rest) until chapter 4.
They had to keep the details of the later chapters hidden from him as Teruya is so bad at keeping secrets and would've told the rest of the cast immediately and production didn't want details leaking out to fans before filming had finished. He caught on a little when everyone stayed around after filming the prologue but figured it could be they'd be filming flashbacks like in the original series.
I think Teruya's actor would've had words about how chapter 4 panned out. It's just such a turn without foreshadowing (imo) so I can't imagine he'd be super stoked about it. Especially since his character was pretty heavily slammed in the fan reception of the first series and so during filming he was pretty convinced that the turn in character was just so they could kill him off as the least popular from the first games cast.
He gets pretty down about it when he goes to get dinner with the rest of the returning cast, they have a pretty hard time cheering him up since they know what's going to happen but can't tell him yet either.
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He's unaware that his character becomes a lot more popular until after series 2 airs. He's very confused by this.
I think, Tsurugi's actor was a little disappointed with how he is in chapter 6, when you've played a character for so long it's a little disheartening to see them change so much off-screen. It didn't help that fans blamed him a lot in the reception of the show's series two, while the reception of the first series still had him 50-50 from the rather open ended ending. Like Kanade, he gets a fair few unpleasant mails from more unhinged fans.
Rei is less bothered by the writing changes, she's working on other projects between the second series and so her part was reduced to a couple of days work before chapter 6. She's the kinda actor that would normally go to the script writer with questions and an annotated script. But she has so little to work on in the second series that she only works to make Rei a little more compassionate over that time.
They had huge problems with the effects in her prologue execution, and they didn't have the budget to CGI her burning, so they use that close up of her face and then cut straight to ash. It got quite a few laughs in early screenings with how b-movie it looked.
Both Rei and Tsurugi are really glad that the bonus episode (ova 2) let's their characters shine a little more.
As for ships, I kinda wanna leave that to each their own! Whoever you want to be dating can be dating.
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