#still pissed that Netflix cancelled it
demadogs · 1 year
ok the rate at which shows are being canceled after one season is becoming more and more ridiculous and excruciating to the point where they dont even give people TIME to watch the shows anymore!! i will be recommended a good show by a friend and think “ooo im excited to watch when im not super busy” and then just a month later before i even had the chance to watch it, its already canceled.
and these days whats considered a “successful show” has to surpass hundreds and hundreds of millions, sometimes over a BILLION hours streamed to be worthy of renewing but when shows get somewhere between 50 million and 100 million theyre treated like they were a complete flop even though that is STILL MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO WERE INVESTED IN THE SHOW AND WOULD WATCH FUTURE SEASONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was going to watch that show. i was so beyond excited to watch that show. it had one of my favorite actors in it and it was produced by the same creators of my favorite show of all time. but because i have responsibilities from work and school like a normal fucking adult, i couldnt make the time to watch it and now only a week after i was recommended the show, it was already canceled.
i am used to mourning stories that ive become attached to that will never be complete, but this is altogether different. you didn’t even give me a chance to meet these characters or watch this story. a story that an entire cast and crew of probably thousands of people put all their hearts and soul and TIME into and yet you gave it just a fucking month before you decided it was unworthy of pursuing. even though tens of millions of people who were lucky enough to have been available to watch it at the time thought otherwise.
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niroke · 1 year
Are you fucking kidding me?
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mzcain27 · 3 months
Finished the live action avatar
It’s not a perfect adaptation, I think the biggest thing is they have taken a lot of the fun out of it, Aang doesn’t wanna go do kid stuff, Iroh is way more serious, BUT I don’t necessarily blame like the series itself as much as I blame the current state of tv being in constraints of like 8 episodes and wanting people to binge it in the first few days and everything.
I hope they let Azula be as scary as possible next season, I think they just wanted her introduced a bit earlier since everyone was gonna be waiting for it, I hope they let Iroh chill out a bit more, but in general from my point of view if you see people bashing this series with as much vitriol as the movie then they’re being super dramatic. There are parts that could absolutely be better but like I said those issues go hand in hand with issues with all of tv right now. I think it’s decent at least, I know it’s a beloved series but some people are being HARSH
#bring back filler and characters just hanging out#and stop expecting people to watch shit in the first 30 seconds before you cancel it#for reference I think it’s a better adaptation than the new Percy Jackson tbh#same kinda vibes in the exposition dumps and kinda treating the audience like idiots but avatar just slightly bumps above percy for me#other minor issues are the acting at times but some of those times are literal children#a lot of people seem pissed at the zuko portrayal but season one zuko is dramatic af a lot of the time#and I think Dallas Liu just turned that up a bit and made him angrier which I’m not mad at#I wish katara was a little snarkier I saw someone mention her rage being kind of hamstrung and they were kinda right#it’s not entirely gone but it’s not there as much as I’d like#cgi is kinda whack at times too but that’s everything atm as well not avatar specific#the martial arts pretty good too esp fire bending they still clearly took from Shaolin kinda styles#I do wish they’d speed aang up a bit though#both in general but also stop using slow mo when he’s doing shit#anyway#I’m not super mad at it#if they don’t fuck up toph and do some better characterising of azula and iroh we might actually see it to the end#and some more episodes for like actual development but I feel like that’s wishful thinking with Netflix rn#even like 10-12 would be better and then sokka could’ve had his development with the Kyoshi warriors#and aang can show more of his reluctance and fear because he’s a twelve year old pacifist#avatar#avatar the last airbender#avatar live action#atla
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whumpypepsigal · 5 months
I just feel like I need to personally thank Freddy Carter for delivering the most delicious whump of the decade. The flashbacks? The panic attacks? The absolute earth shattering poisioning scene? Being bloody half of the season? I've singlehandedly devoured the entirety of the hurt kaz brekker ao3 tag to have more of whatever crack Freddy put in his performance. And I can't even begin to speak about kanej - my h/c feels are literally not stable enough to handle them
I KNOW RIGHT! THE WHUMP WAS DELICIOUS. freddy carter did an amazing amazing job as kaz. ahhhh kanej- they have my heart.
i can’t fucking believe netflix, YET AGAIN, robbed us of another good fantasy show. i pray for netflix’s downfall, truly!
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God I miss Julie and the Phantoms
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mybrainproblems · 6 months
Cancellation of Resident Evil (2022) truly my villain origin story
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cleolinda · 2 months
I’ve read a few of the umpteen thousand upset comments about the paid Watcher service, and I’ve read comments angry about the upset comments. There’s one thing I want to point out, and it’s that this isn’t, or shouldn’t be, “You’re saying people don’t deserve to earn money for their work.”
The Watcher guys do deserve to earn money. I already give them money. I give them $5 a month on Patreon, not because I think they do or don’t give me $5 worth of media, but because I want to support them. I canceled Netflix for pissing me off with its price hike/ad tier, but I give Watcher Entertainment money.
They’re saying now that the Patreon will be solely about the podcasts, and they understand if people leave. I’m perfectly happy to switch the support I can afford to the streaming service. With the early adopter 30% discount, I’d actually save money. In fact, I tried to subscribe, but the site didn’t work.
Watcher wanting to profit from their shows isn’t the problem. It’s that they’re now discovering that their fanbase is young and broke in a terrible economy, judging by tens of thousands of comments on multiple platforms. I can throw them $5/month, so I do. But the Patreon only has (checks notes) 5874 paying followers, and there’s a reason for that. $60/year upfront would not be “accessible.” Patreon is literally patronage from the people who can afford it.
If the guys had said up front, “ONLY new shows and episodes will be exclusive to the service,” I think we’d be having a different conversation right now. But at first they did say, “We’re pulling all our content from YouTube,” to the point where Variety had to issue an update. Like, that’s in print and I’m pretty sure it was on video. Now they’ve backtracked to ONLY new etc.—but most people haven’t heard, and they feel crushed. And the trust is probably gone regardless.
So now four years of back catalogue will stay public. And now, you’re paying $6.99 a month for one episode, maybe two, of something a week, and now, not an exclusive back catalogue. I would pay for Watcher shows before I’d pay for anyone else, but I just don’t think the company is big enough yet for a SVOD at that price. They’re not Dropout size. They needed to build more programming and get a higher follower count first, or at the very least, charge less.
The international price/exchange rate situation is a nightmare and I don’t know what it is they’re not doing to make it… not… be like that.
I don’t know what they should have done instead of a full streaming service, but surely there were alternatives? I’ve seen comments from people suggesting they GET a Patreon. Lean on that more! Do the shows exclusive for a month and then let them roll onto YouTube! I don’t know! Anything but One More Fucking Streaming Service, which enraged me, and I was willing to move my support to it!
And I shouldn’t say this, but I will. In the “Goodbye YouTube” video the guys posted, they say that setting up the streaming service has allowed Steven to do a remake of Worth It where he and his cohosts travel the world and eat expensive food. This is the first new show they announce. Not “We have always been committed to diversity and we’re now able to bring on new creator(s) to expand our programming.” No, a redo of an old show that by definition has got to be expensive. Commenters are saying they can’t pay for the streaming service because they can’t make ends meet in this economy. The optics are terrible. I genuinely question what the thought process even was here.
I love the guys and I still watch their shows. I want to see Watcher succeed. I started watching Buzzfeed Unsolved in 2018 while recovering from surgery—as with a lot of people, their shows got me through a tough time. I’m as attached as anyone. If I can continue to afford monthly support—this is not a certainty—I’ll give it to them. I’m not a ~hater who doesn’t want Watcher to make money. But I am absolutely BAFFLED by every single decision here. I want them to figure out how to turn this around and go in a better direction, because right now, this ain’t it.
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screeching-bunny · 9 months
Helloooo my fave yandere!character writer! I hope your having a wonderful day! Can i request yandere!jock with male!reader and he finds the reader crying bc someone was bullying them or said smth mean or smth like that? Ik he would be pissed but i was thinking something along the lines of this:
*Reader explains what happens*
*Yandere!Jock absolutely pissed and turns to go beat the shit out of them*
Then the reader would grab is arm to stop him and say smthing like: “wait!…please…..please just….stay with me….please?” Like EEEEEEE I LOVE YANDERE!JOCK SMMMM AND IMA PASS OUT IF YOU DO THIS! OKAY THANKS BYE
(Also plz ignore if your requests are closed rn)
Yandere! Jock x Male Reader
Asks 2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Reader is specifically going to be Male in this post!!!
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Asks 1
Yandere! Jock liked looking at you whether it be intention or not his eyes were almost always on you. He loved looking at every expression you made throughout your day to day life and practically memorized every fine detail on your face. So it was no surprise that he was instantly alerted when he saw a hint of sadness appear on your face when you came in for your afternoon class. Like a little leach he started attaching himself towards you with a concerned look on his face to find out what had happened to his little darling but alas his attempts reamied futile as you refused to give him an answer that he accepted.
“I’m just tired and just didn’t get that much sleep last night.”
Tired his ass. Yandere! Jock knew for a fact that you fell asleep early last night while watching an animal documentary. How does he know this? Well, he was stalking I mean watching over you last night. Anyways the sentence “The giant horse cock weighs over eight pounds” was still fresh in his mind but that's not the point! The point is something or someone made you upset! This is honestly so absolutely unacceptable!! When class finishes he ends up cornering you to try and figure out what has happened to you. Soon you start to give in and tell him the exact reason as to why with tears bawling out of your eyes.
When he finds out the reason he is beyond pissed. A bunch of npc bullies had the audacity to go and bully you! There is nothing he wants to do then skin those losers alive for making you cry like this. How fucking dare they. Yandere! Jock immediately decides that at that moment, he would go on a manhunt. He genuinely believes that it’d be a good riddance, no way in hell is someone going to miss them. As he tries to get up, he is immediately stopped by you as you grab ahold of his arm.
“Please stay, I don’t want to be alone right now.”
Holy shit! That sentence damn near put him in a coma. He just can’t believe how adorable you are. With that, he decides right away to bring you to his home in order to comfort you. The rest of the day is spent with just the two of you guys together while watching Netflix and ordering out to eat. All of his plans that he had before were canceled in favor of being by your side. He does his best to make you happy and laugh as much as possible. That smiling face of yours suits you better than a teary eyed expression. Although he can’t do it now, he vows to absolutely destroy the lives of your bullies. The mental and physical wellbeing of yourself matter more than anything in the world to him. Anything that causes harm to you he quickly deals with even if it means people. All that he wants is that you’ll be safe in his arms and by his side whenever he wakes up.
He makes it a point to prove the words of you tormentors were false and does his best to undo their claims. He’d be so appalled by the whole situation and just can’t wrap around his head at how someone could be mean to you. Like just look at you! You’re literally perfect what the hell were they smoking when they decided to verbally assault you. Yandere! Jock would be so overbearing and clingy towards you. Wherever you went he was close behind you. You’re going grocery shopping? Cool he’s right by your side. You gotta go to class? He’s right by you. Even if he doesn’t have the class he’s still coming. Showering? Move over and make room, he wants to shower as well. Is totally the type to throw a fit when you say no which causes you to relent and let him follow you.
In a few weeks after this incident there were missing people reports all over town of local college students. The same ones who coincidentally were vicious towards you. Everytime Yandere! Jock walks past these posters, he has a hidden smug look on his face. Justifies it by saying that he’s doing it in the name of love and that those people were the spawns of Satan. Besides, they're not even dead yet. They’re just trapped in a cabin in some random woods that only he has access to. Content with himself he spends his days by your side and pledging to himself that he’d never let anyone bother you ever again.
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petitprincess1 · 4 months
I hope Hazbin Hotel gets 2 more seasons. Not only to solve the fast pacing and mystery plot-points getting solved too soon criticism, but because I would find it unfair that Helluva Boss gets 4 seasons, but not Hazbin.
Yeah, I'm not sure if I've said this in a post already, but the Hazbin crew didn't know they were getting a second season until the middle of production. Not only that but they had a limited budget to fit with the limited episodes they were given. So, if anything seems rushed, they were working with the fact that they thought they only 8 eps to work with.
So, I wouldn't really place all the blame on Viv and/or Adam, since they were unaware. I would place the blame more on Amazon. I mean, is it really surprising for streaming services to just drop info like that at the worst time? Still pissed at Netflix for canceling Inside Job like that
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kd-heart · 1 month
Saw a post last night, begging people to watch Dead Boy Detectives or it will be canceled by Netflix.
I am so tired of seeing this every time a new show comes out.
It's a streaming platform. I should be able to watch it any time i feel like it! (i haven't had the time to watch anything in over a month!) They're metrics should cover more than the first two weeks after a show is dropped in its entirety! They should count months of streaming and repeat watching. People have lives! No matter how much we love a piece of media, we can't just drop everything to make sure Netflix knows we're interested in a thing.
Fuck you, Netflix! And HBO. And Amazon. And every single streaming platform who does this.
And I am still pissed they canceled Lockwood and co.
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I am pissed. 1899's story deserved to be told. It deserved an ending. It deserved to resolve all of its lose threads. In an ocean of shows that hesitantly ask for the evantuality of a second season 1899 went all out and told a story that demanded one. And it delivered on every metric you could possibly want and it still got cancelled. Meanwhile we're getting Emily in Paris season 40 soon, fuck Netflix I hate this
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whosthatfunkyrat · 7 months
Okay so,
I had my PEEVES with shadow and bone.
I had SO MANY. But that’s besides the point. The point is I’m so FUCKING DONE with Netflix not going 100%. DO IT OR DON’T. DON’T TIP TOE AND WRITE A WHOLE FUCKING SCRIPT FOR A SPINOFF BUT NEVER GREENLIGHT IT BECAUSE YOU’RE ADDICTED TO CANCELING SHOWS PEOPLE LOVE. You know how many goddamn shows I loved that netflix up and cancelled for literally no reason??? Too many!
And they act like they’re so amazing for gifting us with precious jewels every time they release a new show. Yeah, Scott pilgrim DOES look good. But will it be cancelled?? WHO KNOWS! Nobody ever THINKS they will! So Why give us these jewels- these gems, if you’re just going to take them away??? What good does it do but fuel the hate we already have for this stupid system??? Why is Stranger Things literally the only survivor?????? It’s great sure- but we KNOW Netflix isn’t just spending its money on Stranger Things. They prove so every time they launch something they’ll inevitably cancel.
It’s just that Netflix is only the money provider- it’s the PEOPLE who make the jewels. It’s the cast and crew and everyone who actually WORKED on it. It’s not the company itself. If a show can be remade somewhere else- maybe the shitty company wasn’t even worth our time. Maybe it’s not worth anyone’s. Because let’s be real- how many people haven’t cancelled their subscription out of habit bc they’re just waiting for the next season of Stranger Things?? Yes, there are plenty of wonderful people working for Netflix- but whoever is consistently and persistently making these decisions clearly needs to be in a different position.
Yes, I had many problems with the show coming from someone who read the books first- but it was still enjoyable to watch! and the people who made it looked like they were having a blast! But beyond how I feel about the show- The point is- NO MORE. Netflix thinks it’s like- all powerful and shit- but the powers in the PEOPLE. And the CUSTOMER is king- so WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING?!?! They’re not the only streaming service anymore. And their popularity has been declining for a long time ever since there’s been so many more options for streaming. Competition is coming at all sides and yes, the competition looks better and more appealing but STILL they pretend they’re the king.
I’m just PISSED. And it’s been brewing for a while.
DO IT OR DON’T. Don’t say you will when you won’t.
Commit to the bit or get out. Someone will take it if you don’t, we will be sure of it. This fan base is a tempest.
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pessimisticgh0st · 1 month
how are you going - hoping its slightly better than its been recently - random question but ive been trying to find some movies or tv shows to watch that are not the same 7 that ive seen like 50 million times - could you mayybe give me some media recs?? idk you seem like you have taste??
sorry to bother you though :)
I'm overwhelmed rn but I'll sort it out soon and thank you - how are you?
Yeah okay, sure and thank you though I'm not so sure about how true that is, and you don't need to apologise for bothering me, you really aren't :)
(also I'm not quite sure what you're into but I'll try and make it as varied as I can - though most of them will probably be depressing in some way, so a little heads up for that I guess)
For TV shows:
FLEABAG!! - I honestly love this show so much though content warnings for some nudity, swearing, sex (not extremely explicit but still)
YOUNG ROYALS - I will never get over this, it's honestly amazing
I am not okay with this - a great short show to binge and then be pissed off with Netflix for cancelling it
Normal People (same content warnings as fleabag tbh)
The Queen's Gambit - (content warnings for drugs, death, and there are probably a few more but I haven't watched the show in a while sorry)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off - it's so much better than the film
The Sandman - (content warnings for some nudity, violence)
Umbrella Academy
Shadow and bone - the books are better but still
As for the films:
Nightmare Before Christmas
Corpse Bride
Princess Monoke
The Half of It
Spiderman Into the Spiderverse
Spiderman Across the Spiderverse
I hope that helps @justquietcorners and I would love to hear if you have any recs too
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thequietesthing · 7 months
I woke up with the news of Shadow and Bone cancellation, which includes the Six of Crows spin-off never happening, so not a great way to start the day. Honestly i’m really pissed. They have at least some of it written and ready to go, so I don’t understand what’s stopping them from continuing. It really really really makes me sad because for once in a blue moon they were actually doing kind of a good job. Was it equal to the books? No, but it was still enjoyable and the actors were absolutely brilliant and they deserved to see their characters story told just as much as we did. To be completely honest i had lost my hopes on Netflix the second it cancelled Fate:The Winx Saga and this is just proof again of how that network apparently is not able to make sound decisions. I hope they never pick up another book adaptation to anything because clearly, SAGAFTRA and WAG strikes asides, they not able to see anything through.
There might be only one minuscule hope: that is picked up by another network, but honestly, as they have just come out of a huge pause due to the strike, I think it may be unlikely.
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benjinoff13 · 1 year
A few days ago I was in the car with my mom and a friend who also loves warrior nun, my friend and I were talking about kty and how awesome it is that she’s doing all those interviews to promote the show while netflix won’t spend a single cent on promotion
We also talked about alba and how we admire her passion and commitment to the show and the fans despite her being less vocal about it than some of the other cast members considering what she’s been facing in her private life
My mom heard a lot of things she didn’t understand so we started to explain the situation to her, we explained that shows (on netflix) that have minorities in the lead role often don’t even get a chance to develop nicely despite their obvious succes and that this is primarily the case with queer female characters and sapphic couples (mind you I’m not out to my mom but I think she knows, we don’t talk about this subject a lot but I needed her to understand)
Then we started discussing whether we thought a renewal was realistic, I told my friend I was carefully optimistic, I knew netflix’s trackrecord with shows like this but I also knew how succesful season 2 was, I considered the 99% and 100% on rotten tomatoes, I considered the amount of weeks it spend in the top 10, I considered the fact that even season 1 reached the top 10 again because so many people started watching it and I thought there was no way in hell netflix could actually be so stupid and cruel to cancel this show
Then I read simon’s tweet last night and I know it sounds dramatic but I actually felt my heart break, I was watching tv with my dad and went upstairs without saying a word, I sat in the dark in my room alone for what felt like hours, I cried, I punched my wall (still hurts like a bitch), I texted my only friend who could possibly understand what I was feeling and then I stayed up for most of the night not being able to fall asleep
This morning I woke up and immediately felt nauseous because of the cancellation again, after hours I went downstairs grabbed my coffee and told my mom what happened, I said
“Remember when we were in the car a few days ago and we talked about that netflix show I love and how shows with minorities in the lead role don’t often get a fair chance”
She said yes and so I told her about the cancellation, I told her it’s the best rated netflix show ever on rotten tomatoes, higher than the crown, higher than stranger things, and that the reviews and viewing numbers were unexpectedly high and she responded by asking why netflix would cancel this show because I told her netflix only cares about money and warrior nun seems profitable, I explained to her that there’s two women who are in love with each other and one of them is the main character, last season this wasn’t the case and then we got a season 2, now their love for each other is confirmed and netflix cancelled the show even though season 2 was way more popular and successful than season 1, to which she responded the following
“It sounds like discrimination to me, it’s almost like there’s someone at the top at netflix who wants to stop all these shows because they don’t want to make stories about gay people”
This is my CATHOLIC mother, my mother who really doesn’t understand queerness, who sometimes still says things about being queer that piss me off so much I consider packing my bags but she understands this
This is obvious to her
It’s obvious to fucking everybody
If you don’t see the problem you’re either in denial or just plain stupid
I am pissed beyond belief, I will never ever forget this
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traceytonight · 6 months
Will forever regret that my Netflix is Dead post was true in that they dropped $200 in stock from losing out on some big streaming deals, shuttered their animation unit in such a hostile way that the whole industry was pissed at them, added an ad tier reinforcing the Streaming is the gentrified Cable outlook, and they greenlit several extra seasons of Big Mouth all within the span of two days;
Resulting in them having their lowest stock value in 4 years, after already just losing their Record Peak Value when their new suits layed off so many employees and cancelled projects left and right during the main Pandemic period, bringing them down an additional $300.
Which by the end of it all left them with not enough yearly revenue to cover the costs or debt they accrued over that time according to multiple sources reporting on it in real time.
Yet they suddenly and miraculously rebounded in under a month seemingly out of nowhere. And since have clawed their way back up to almost $500 in less than a year. Which has resulted in so many people continuing to reblog the post to either
A) Tell me Im wrong and Netflix aint dead (Obvious)
B) Use this as an opportunity to disparage things about me (Mean & Unwarranted)
C) Tell me I need to improve on reporting things, site sources better, and not spread misinformation (Wasnt intended as misinformation, but Ive already taken the other two to heart long ago thank you and please stop now)
D) Falsely believe Netflix is about to die, not realizing I made that post just under 2 years ago (Ruh Roh)
Now I'm sitting here watching all these companies starting to ditch and begin shutting down their streaming platforms and aggregate behind Netflix again to stop Disney+ from becoming profitable, and just really eating all those words I typed once again.
Still on the edge of my seat waiting for WBD to fall apart either 2025-26, you cannot operate a company at an $8 Billion yearly loss with the revenue they got.
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