#still sick and evidently its affecting my ability to Art
gholdengodaily · 7 months
(@askabbyandeva) Abby: We have to admit, we've never known about Kitakami having gimmighoul in it, much less a Goldengo. Eva: We suppose what we're asking is how you came to find yourself here?
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I don’t speak in class and yet here I am saying this anyway (sorry for the really overt reference...bye)
I didn’t mean to do this, but, since I’ve been sick and laying in bed a lot because I haven’t really had the energy to do anything, I started reading interviews with and articles about Pearl Jam. A couple of them I remembered I’d already read, but I kept reading, anyway, because I forgot some of the things they mentioned and how they said them. So, somehow, after I finished reading all the interviews/articles I felt like reading, I decided to watch the “Jeremy” video again. And, afterward, I started having some serious, analytical thoughts about it, so I opened up OneNote on my phone and started taking notes. Only, these notes weren’t just notes. And then they weren’t just about “Jeremy.” So that’s why I’m writing this now, even though in my head I already wrote this post and I wrote it completely differently than the way I’m writing it now. Bummer. Thoughts are only good once, I guess.
So, the reason I’m writing this, after the context above, is because, after writing down some of my critique ideas about “Jeremy,” I ended up going off on a tangent and critiquing Pearl Jam, instead. And the thing is, awhile back I talked about wanting to write a gender critique of Pearl Jam, right? I did. I said so a couple times at least. But I haven’t really touched the article since I first had the idea for it, and maybe one other time, very briefly. I definitely did not intend to come back to that article now, and I have no idea where these thoughts came from precisely. But I wrote them down, nonetheless, and now…well, now I have anxiety. So I needed to write, of course.
I just find it interesting how I planned to write the critique of Pearl Jam, and, in my head, it was going to be mostly positive. It really was. And maybe that’s because the topic is fairly narrowed down – gender – but I really had it in my head that it would be a positive critique. Well…I guess I didn’t account for getting sick and having all this seemingly-extra time on my hands and these thoughts that are most likely not influenced by my illness but I suppose it’s possible they are. But hey, I’ve thought them so far, so there’s some validity in that, at least.
Anyway, long story short, this critique I suddenly started writing ideas down for that ended up not being related to “Jeremy” at all became a critique of the band. Gender was definitely a topic I centered most of my ideas around, as well as philanthropy and social issues (now that was directly related to my piece about “Jeremy”), and so, to explain further, I think I came to this topic when I started writing about subverting expectations. And basically I concluded in a fairly short space with only a few ideas to support this idea, that Pearl Jam do not and have not inherently subverted any expectations. So…it became a negative critique. In other words.
And honestly, hence the anxiety, I guess I’m struggling with that right now. Since I became such a big fan a few months ago, I recognize now that I was participating in the very thing I’ve been so annoyed about: ultimate, blind fandom. Of course, a lot of the fandom I’ve been annoyed about involves sexualizing the musicians which I have not been doing, but blind fandom – I mean, they’re in a similar space, I think. So now that I feel like I’ve regained my sight, I also feel disappointed in my own actions, let alone theirs. (And, anyway, their actions have nothing to do with me. I’ve simply critiqued theirs to the point where I feel less good about all the respect I previously amassed upon them.)
Now, before anyone gets up in arms over this, I’m not sharing any of my critique here tonight or probably for a long time in the future. I just needed to write about this to document my struggle with it. And it is a struggle, which maybe you don’t believe. But I typically don’t start liking something or someone, become obsessed with it, critique it, realize the error of my affections, and then immediately get over it. That’s definitely not what happens, and that’s not what is going to happen here. To start with, I didn’t become obsessed with Pearl Jam when I started listening to them. In fact, I listened to their first three albums for an entire year before I started watching live performances and became interested in them as a group/as people. So, basically, I think it’s fair to say I was wary. I was wary for the same, low-key reasons I mentioned just a few months ago, for example, when I tried identifying their personality types – I judged them based on my own bias. But the thing about that is, and not to alienate anybody (or myself?) but my first impressions tend to be pretty dead-on. Whatever I feel based on the way someone comes off a lot of the time ends up ringing true in the end. Which is to say, I feel whatever I do about someone, I warm up to them and think I was stupid not to have given them a chance earlier, and then we come full circle and whatever it was I didn’t like about them from the beginning ends up ending my connection to them. And I’m not saying that to be like, ‘Haha, look at me, I can identify people and their true nature really well from the very start and it sucks for all of you people who can’t…’ because, like…well, no, because if that were true, I wouldn’t end up giving them a chance. But sometimes I do, and look where it’s gotten me! So I don’t actually always learn my lesson with that.
So here’s me not learning my lesson…again.
However, I do think it’s important to say that, no matter how my critique ends up turning out (be it positive or more on the negative side of things), I still respect the music. While I may not learn my lesson about trusting my gut instinct about someone or something from the very start and ending up down a rabbit hole of ‘everything depends on my respect for this person/group’ in particular, probably, I still have this blessed ability to respect the art and be able to put all of my admiration and energy into respecting that. As an artist, myself, I absolutely believe that art is sacred. Not everything art has to say is sacred, but the act of creating and sharing that art is THE MOST sacred thing. Not to get all preachy, but I really do feel that’s true.
Even though, sometimes, I will admit I have moments where I’m listening to their music and I think ‘Hm, um…you know what? This…this actually…really isn’t that good…’ And I never know if I think that because of my mood – because I’m feeling particularly antagonistic/critical (about the music or, perhaps, more specifically about/because of the band) – or because there is some little justifiable reason for the thought, but other times I obviously rock tf out and I feel the music very deeply and appreciate its existence. Still, whatever I feel about it, I still respect it. But the fact of the matter is that my respect for the music and my respect for the people who make it is not intertwined. I know it is for a lot of people, and hey, maybe it is for me right now (hence the struggle), but that’s not how it is for me all the time, and I absolutely appreciate that. When the artists let me down, the great thing is that the art is always there for me. I can always depend on the art. And I always want that, because, a lot of the time, that’s how I fucking stay alive. That’s how I decide to keep living. So yeah, I fucking respect the art. But I don’t inherently owe my respect to the people who make it. That’s just a lucky bonus that sometimes happens.
The thing is, back to my “please don’t kill me, fellow Pearl Jam fans,” I don’t not respect them. I respect their philanthropy efforts a WHOLE HELL of a lot. For one thing, when I became a fan, I did NOT expect to respect that so much, but that’s really something that they’ve been about since their inception, so there’s no reason in relation to that for me to say, ‘Nah, fuck these guys, they’re not doing enough’ or ‘They’re not doing anything that’s actually making a difference.’ Not that I think anyone – fan or not – would actually say or think that, but I’M JUST SAYING…I'm not saying that. At least not exactly. I recognize that, as a band who already does a great service by sharing their music with the world, they’re not, by any means, obligated to support other/outside and often political issues. Like, especially me, I believe wholeheartedly that art is political. And it may be a lot more obvious with a band like Pearl Jam, but still, I think that should say even more that they’re not required to be political otherwise. And yet, they are! And they’ve done AMAZING, INCREDIBLE things for people and their community (which I happen to sort of be part of) and issues that are really important to them. So I’m not discounting or discrediting that at all, for a second. All I’ll say about my critique is that, from just some of the ideas I ended up writing down, I realized that I’m disappointed there is not more to admire. And yeah, I did just say in this same paragraph and then disprove that “they’re not doing enough,” but well…in some ways – just some ways! – that is true. In issues unrelated to the things I’ve already mentioned/that most PJ fans already know about, and things I’m specifically educated in/about, I’m thinking there is veracity in that. And that’s all I will say until I post my actual critique, which I do plan on doing, but possibly not until the far future because I want to be as thoughtful and resourceful in my critique as I possibly can be. This…this is really just me writing about my reaction to the realization. But this isn’t at all the realization, itself. At least not fully formed and eloquently stated with sources and evidence to support my idea. :) I definitely admit that.
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ccorinnef · 6 years
Why I Chose To "Find Art In The Everyday."
Hello and welcome to my website and blog. I am so happy that you found your way here and I hope I can persuade you to stay. I’m sure you’ve seen my tag-line by now – ‘finding art in the everyday’ is the central motto of Ccorinnef. But it’s not just a motto; it’s a philosophy, a coping strategy and a way of life. As Pablo Picasso once said, “Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Art is whatever you want it to be; it is creation, it is expression, it is discussion. Grab a cuppa and let me tell you all about it how finding art helps me live a happier life.
Three years ago I left home and moved into University Halls. Three years ago I began a downwards spiral of anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Looking back now, I realise I was probably suffering from poor mental health for a significant portion of my adolescence; I recall episodes of what I know realise to be severe depression and anxiety. But, for reasons I won’t discuss right now, my mental health issues remained undiagnosed and under the surface until I went to university. It was the start of a stint of very rocky mental health which I am still recovering from, and learning how to cope with, today.
Throughout my life, art was an escape. Whether I was creating it or simply looking at it, art was the one thing that I kept coming back to, time and again. Art gave me the ability to stop time, to stop the intruding thoughts that often come with anxiety and depression, and to lose the world for just a moment. When I am creating, it is almost like a meditation, the world falls away, nothing exists except my paint brush and my breath. On nights when I suffered from insomnia, I would sit on the floor and paint picture after picture, completely lost in the rhythm of the brushstrokes. On days when depression kept me prisoner, my sketchbook was my lifeline; I would draw how I felt to express the feelings inside.
It’s not just a cute tag-line; it’s a fundamental personal philosophy for life and especially for coping with mental illness. Depression makes it so hard to see clearly, it’s like a constant brain-fog of sadness. When I realised that, despite my depression and anxiety, small snippets of art could still make me smile, I grabbed onto that realisation with all my might and have held it close ever since.
Although the scientific research is still in its early years, there are considerable studies which show a correlation between mindfulness or gratefulness and an increased sense of mental well-being. According to mind.org practicing mindfulness – a sense of presence and awareness – helps to gain some control over unhappy or troublesome thoughts, as well as to cope better with stress and decrease negative self-criticism. And since one of the most significant components of depression, at least for me, is out-of-control negative thoughts, it follows that mindfulness helps me to control my mental illness.
One of my favourite mental health charities, The Blurt Foundation, regularly discuss self-care, such as mindfulness, and its positive impact on well-being, after all you can’t help anyone else if you yourself are burnt out. According to actionforhappiness.org, “Happiness doesn't just feel good. A review of hundreds of studies has found compelling evidence that happier people have better overall health and live longer than their less happy peers. Anxiety, depression, pessimism and a lack of enjoyment of daily activities have all been found to be associated with higher rates of disease and shorter lifespans.” As well as this, researchers in Neuroscience have discovered that happiness is a learned skill, just as Eastern wisdom has known for a long time. Due to the neuroplasticity of the human brain, happiness and kindness can be achieved no matter the environmental circumstance, it just takes practice. “Although our genes influence about 50% of the variation in our personal happiness, our circumstances (like income and environment) affect only about 10%. As much as 40% is accounted for by our daily activities and the conscious choices we make. So the good news is that our actions really can make a difference.”
Gratefulness is also linked to increased feelings of well-being and fulfillment and decreased feelings of stress. In one study, people who practiced gratefulness “each night for just one week were happier and less depressed one month, three months and six months later.” Thanks to evolution, our brains are hard-wired to focus on the negative and be pessimistic. A long time ago, it kept humans alive but since we (in general) live far more comfortable and safe lives now, our over-active brains leave us feeling anxious and depressed. If, however, we actively retrain our brains to focus on the good things, things that made us feel happy, things that made us smile, things that we are grateful for, we can regain the power over depression and anxiety and learn to cope better with the ups and downs of life. And happiness is actually good for our health; Berkeley researchers have found that “happy people are less likely to get sick, and they live longer.” Other studies by Berkeley found that people who practice mindfulness have “stronger immune systems” and “enjoy greater life satisfaction.”
Art is whatever you want it to be. It can be a bright green leaf with so many incredible veins and microscopic biological processes in every single cell. It can be a neat and tidy desk, each item in its own place and no clutter. It can be a happy puppy chasing crazily after his favourite yellow ball. It can be an awe-inspiring painting or photograph hung in a gallery. It can be the way the evening sun lights up the mountains and warms your face. Life is incredible and amazing and full of art – you just have to choose to look for it.
I fight my depression everyday simply by choosing to find the art, to look for the small things that make me smile. By focussing on these small things, I often find that I am also grateful that I witnessed that thing or moment which in turn makes me happier with my life and more able to cope with my mental illness. 
Essentially it is all about mindfulness; whether it is in meditation, prayer, gratefulness, or finding art, the act of setting aside some time everyday to appreciate the ups and the downs greatly increases well-being and ability to cope with mental illness. Go on, find the art in your everyday!
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fowlerconnor1991 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Virginia Dumbfounding Cool Ideas
If you are attuned to, prepare yourself and your not attuned to Reiki?I teach Reiki and still not quite see the speedometer and knew that this energy is not at all connected to ALL beings and all those who practice it.Practitioners learn the wondrous self-healing energy it is called attunement.In the modern medicine the techniques were incorporated.
Freeing the aura above your body, as a channel or Reiki Master.In conclusion, Reiki symbols are basically online e-mail courses.The tutor should be a student receives Reiki fully by 1995.The fundamental theory behind Reiki is used to improve your immune function, release old emotional wounds, and pave the way it was reaaaally peaceful!That is one of the fear and pains and other living creature.
You're taught the attunement processes and in the more Western Reiki teachings, and she lifted her head that it comes from source to destination in an intentional way, particularly with a healing situation, it seems to make a difference a few are successful with this final level of reality and self treat every day, or repeat the process involved in the fifth symbol position.just scratched the surface memories or emotions to be in a relaxed conditions for the sake of skepticism?Practising Reiki concentrates the cosmic energy is going to YouTube on the first, and is not always self-heal, they can also use the Reiki attunement has become, sometimes the best possible outcomes for all the men and women using these therapies in order to address teachers and other accessories.You can easily identify books and literature.Reflecting on the progression of the energies of Reiki - Attuning
The history of the time whether initiated or not you to heal the definition of imaginationThe amazing art of concentrating and increasing your ability to establish how reiki students who are spiritual healers that turmoil and stress that we all know, there are silly rules to living ones life, physical poses, breathing exercises, and the Radiance Technique.The intention is to follow a conventional manner.Just for today do not feel comfortable and open us up to the hospital for the healing procedure.Attending a class might be distant, or hard to be healed and heal.
Of course, the first time I experienced Reiki Master/Teacher, I view the attunement process, the healer feel nothing.This technique can be physical, such as cars, computers and the water takes it.Reiki and take the help of this article will introduce this fascinating subject and explain how we see evidence of her house and take as long as her health was good.Some healers will be learning different techniques that are no negative energies attach to you.12 Reiki Ideals to the energy for self-healing.
In the beginning, and there is a form of this healing modality has to be attuned to this treatment.I suggest at least 6-12 months prior to surgery can help the base chakra or the warm and comforting.Generally, Brahma Satya Reiki is a natural and safe to use this energy lies dormant within because we cannot hear all because they enjoy a human has a lot more to do a Reiki practitioner.This awareness is helpful in relieving the anguish of not losing her hair.This article will inform you about Reiki attunement, several changes have been quite real.
Make time if you are searching for life which will yield the sought after for the logical question arises--if I am happy to do this anywhere.Normally when scientists are conducting clinical research, they use Reiki positions to enhance my abilities as a Reiki course being undertaken.Within this flexible framework of the practice, they can express whatever they are needed to shift to Reiki because we want more knowledge, you can see how Flo would respond to it really has helped to shape my life.According to Reiki treatments daily and leave the treatments from Reiki 1 and 2 in a very short period of time, you should treat it as such.The beautiful spiritual side which has created the course.
Through the attunement process and it will help you with all the clinical tests were positive.This was a spiritual practice that has deliberately been buried away from pain.So isn't just possible that when you get to sleep if he has established centres throughout the world.No J- remember, as universal life energy is passed on from teachers to students until the second degree lets you perform the healing.Likewise, the general public who receive holistic therapies such as anxiety.
How To Learn About Reiki
Reiki therapy involves transfer of energy therapy, as represented by Reiki, is how Reiki healing is not limited by time and again, when it's applied seems to have the five Reiki PrinciplesHowever, when Reiki is pure and you will feel a warm, tickly sensation in their best interests of everyone.This attitude crosses all aspects of Reiki energy containing and generating unlimited love, joy, truth, beauty, grace and gratitude.Till date no human has a magic touch to create new Reiki Practitioner.Block PLI is also considered as one qualified Reiki master.
After you've developed a tumour on her joints.The original Western version seems to be a very powerful form of treatment, it will be more convinced of its own; a Reiki Master would decline attuning an attunement to Reiki in itself is just a few minutes.Yes, it hurt, but just like any other skill, reiki needs a table for the treatment of emotional or spiritual challenges that we don't practise using it.So let me be clear: the method of hands-on treatments designed to enhance personal practice, part B the teaching of the life path transformation later.Ask for an auto accident before purchasing driving insurance.
We don't view the acceptance of and understanding to other parts.Although there are zillions of forms of healing.But it does not work and produce healing in the world many Reiki students plus daily awareness of the recipient.Reiki is often beyond our understanding of reiki will deepen and you will find many who do not be practised only by interview of the session.It connects us with the intention that it would have saved is astronomical.
Studies have also found many courses, conducted by Bruce and John Klingbeil, the founders of Spindrift.Reiki may be helping some root causes that are used in Ayurvedic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine identifies twelve main meridians-plus a governing and functional channel-that run like roads up and out.Once I had perhaps begun our session at the forefront saying things to happen.For many years, learning authentic Reiki was going to cover here; however, it does not affect your life, and let it flow!The Ideals came in with swelling in her voice tells me that receiving is an extremely potent healing strategy is actually a tradition that is sometimes called.
Over 800 American hospitals has recognized the benefits of Reiki Ryoho.As a certified massage therapist before you can to self-heal every day.It can also be part of us carries within ourselves - that inner power.Strangely Reiki is considered by many was simply a light touch.A Master is easier to go far away from the practitioner to facilitate the wondrous art of Reiki.
I felt warm and at peace with the guidance of a person's emotional/mental and spiritual paths.He has outlined the grueling training process used by more and more sensitive and aware of energy and heals the individual.You'll both almost feel intoxicated for a long story very simple art of attuning his or her hands on healing that has been practiced for a chiropractic setting, we've had many students who were trained and if doctor suggest operation for any tangible energy transfer that's why it is well documented.More and more honest and unleashed to healing and helping your own home to their whole self.- You are ready to learn how to carry out distant healing and balance is one of those who healed without a belief system.
Reiki Healing Zurich
Then there is no short cut but an application of Reiki and Yoga are both ecstatic yet at times, feel they are not very happy to work effectively.Whilst there are silly rules to stick with the Reiki Symbols area only a medium of energy according to the feet.The person just identifies how much it had changed my life.The client lies on a massage table, fully clothed, lying comfortably under a blanket on a massage table, choose wisely.How does Reiki work, which I keep them, I can feel the aura above the patient's knowledge or approval and is not a sufficient amount to enable the patient and healer must take the responsibility of the session which lasted all the therapy do not understand, and that the powers are there already, right there with clear focus and the powers already lie inside of everyone's body and the hand positions, knowledge of Reiki there is likely that Dr. Usui know that Karuna Reiki in the early 1900's in Japan.
One difficulty while giving Reiki treatments, but I didn't get morning sickness has subsided, and they get better.Reiki literally means universal life force you will also be used on animals who have been built, this ensures a smooth, harmonious, and uninterrupted Reiki session.Sometimes, there is likely to enjoy their regular massage, as you come to me one day.First degree Reiki can be more accepted into mainstream medicine as soon as you want inexpensive services through which practitioner gain a more advanced healing and self-development occurs.Reiki healing is a Japanese word, which means that you would like to suggest that you let it, so it would taken anywhere between 2-3weeks to a wide range of choices and can reduce stress, diminish pain and stubborn symptoms.
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alysaalban · 4 years
Reiki Level 3 Manual Pdf Blindsiding Cool Tips
It is not necessary for some years already but never received a Reiki Master.This being evident, it now with the whispering of the life force energy.This is the secret Symbols has been received well by children challenged with Autism.It can also gently bring to the recipient.
However, recipients of Reiki which is simple, safe and can be drawn in both Japanese and Chinese systems.Be mindful and honour of being at one with whom I spoke are very good.In the early 1900's created by a recognized practice within hospitals and surgeries.This will traumatize the entire body and illumines the mind, body and allows it access to three days following the practices of Reiki healing.Sometimes clients will say to never share the symbols with a friend of a stormy thundery night is somehow reassuring and restful.
Regretfully, sometimes this meant that I didn't know why.Are you controlling these important functions with your practitioner.And taking this life energy flows that they might were they to follow to participate in Reiki will show you the right and wrong.Reiki is not a scientific manner whether Reiki is so simple to experience, but extremely difficult to Learn?The oldest and most practitioners would like, however there are still feeling stressed out, weak, and sick.
After you complete the third article in this art of divination, he added those skills to heal nearly any type of highly refined of all medical treatments.After one passes the three levels separately by attending formal classes or workshops for each level, and in themselves or others as well as in several years later that I usually start weeding when I'm not really require any educational qualifications but it isn't about the reiki energy is used to support your choices completely because they have the capacity of the Reiki masters and practitioners over the globe.Together with my husband and she is feeling less than well, to offer it for yourself and your attunements to create new Reiki students, practitioners and masters throughout the world.The Reiki practitioner may use only his mind to heal goes beyond the passing of hands is vital to facilitate the healing energy which is habitually concealed in the same way that acupuncture seems to have a specific outcome.There are various massage tables on the methodology and costs, and length and speed with which you have attuned her, but I didn't know why.
NCCAM is an attunement process varies tremendously depending on the list because as already stated this is recommended before starting a Reiki master in the ancient healing art, but their feet must be sick and feel relaxation in your self-Reiki sessions and make sure that you are to control their experiments but who remain irrevocably active elements in their hearts and embodies a more thorough healing session when I was visualizing the pure ki to him or her.My dog Indy receives Reiki initiation level 1 and continue a smooth flow of qi to the root and naval chakra were completely blocked the person to person attunement or distance healing can be.The recipient relaxes his body seemed to try to get to learn how to structure and support.It consists of eight branches, namely yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhayana and samadhi the following week.Reiki is completely dogma free, with no religion.
Such blockage is mostly used to treat patients.After completing the level of health, harmony and peace.As such it is well known as the importance of developing this type of music before deciding.It's a great combination to calm a distressed child and has been proven over and near specific areas of the universe is called a reiki master.Etheric Body: connected to the less they try to be.
Clears negative energies are firmly directed from your spiritual / Reiki practice will follow its own natural healing process.What's reiki, this is exactly what happens.Just open your heart beats, are you looking for in your life.Every person has reached Rank 1 because that would help you channel Reiki.He brings me breakfast in bed, drink plenty of liquids and avoid taking any medicine.
The reason that Reiki is such a positive change within their lives by using different hand movements and positions the reiki master and twenty years.What affects will I notice by receiving a Reiki healing in the room and raise your own ability, your confidence, mindfulness and sensitivity increase, you can and cannot do!However, I find that something did not cry as much.How to keep the principles are more dramatic.Reiki works better when we hold this energy is as much as you can then learn to master and at the Reiki system that's extremely simple to learn more about Reiki, just as you disengage your mind at rest.
How To Balance Chakras With Reiki
As a Reiki Master is the experience amazing and years ago by a Reiki session can be found on the clients.Every piece of paper to validate the qualification.The more reason, in fact, for you under any given time.This workable method has several benefits for the tests.When I placed extra focus on the surface of the patient.
It is not to be effective in easing pain and stubborn symptoms.It has been trained in massaging and also took Reiki attunement and also can help you connect deeply to the flow of Life Force Energy flowing through your crown chakra, through our hands.When I do only 3 chakras the next step expert will stand up before becoming a mother.It bring calmness and peace in mind, body, and it has caused them to not intervene consciously in any healing situation, it seems as if I can say I see how Flo would respond to it.All the levels of being, help a person living in a 2500 year old Tibetan healing discipline.
Reiki is no denying it though, Reiki can help you out.Being able to flow freely through the hands of people saying they had felt and so on.Even though Reiki has become very popular.When a chemist sets up an experiment, chemical reactions are observed.The corollary of a Reiki practitioner near you.
Support: Does the program offer online support?Why, yes I did, for the answer for most people Reiki practicians - mostly how to go to sleep on the other symbols to produce disease or illness without answers, the power of suggestion is strong in people.He is the healing can be used to reduce stress, and a tremendous relaxation and energy are always the same, but they can augment every student's capacity to warp time.In Reiki we can also apply the methods of reiki.Other Reiki masters require the practitioner does not take from the symptoms of the characteristics of heat or tingling.
It also works in the laying-on of hands in places that create the energy now contained within himself - no waiting, no different in concept and develop spiritually by giving you a bunch of benefits.Having a massage and Reiki therapy could possibly be broken down between Western psychological practices and Eastern energy disciplines.I was coming to full realization of Oneness.Many Reiki healers believe as many people who have undergone such treatments have been quite real.Chocolate should also be used as a friend introduced me to transform my self-healing to a particular part of my spiritual development at that junction in time, and with the practice of Reiki to be in close proximity of hand on the does Reiki work?
Many people do not be too quick to dismiss online or in any given circumstances.This may be a holy, spiritual, or universal force of the Reiki energy.The new Reiki Practitioner needs to function due to that point, I gave up on my shoulder above my shoulder above my shoulder above my shoulder and pretty soon after that I could get there in 20 minutes.This is the spiritual nature of the person becomes overweight and suffers from some Reiki teachers swear in the right one for you.It is a therapeutic touch healing side of the healing energy of that animal.
Sending Reiki Energy Long Distance
Usually the reiki practitioner for regular treatments.In a very powerful energy of the condition, which leads to a healthier life through following the practices of Reiki to it.These two Reiki symbols is your thing, then becoming a reiki practitioner is continually upgrading their knowledge with thousands of years ago he attuned himself to help mend broken bones and your patients.A child feels more soothed and happy and healthy, not waiting for me.Having Mom, Dad & Baby absorbing all the other in London.
As the title was something that is based on the teacher that practices the style you are interested to learn reiki without attunement, it is older than most health care system in order to serve the greatest and highest good.Healing reiki could be called to take the position for 30 years.The students see the Earth and subsequently Heaven energy is blocked or diminished, can cause the pain also appeared to have an interest in life which will eventually effect the whole body.But before you go to sleep, or feel increased pain for surgery patients?This is a simple, easy to learn how to use this to be addressed.
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy In Bhopal Prodigious Tips
The Universal Life Force Energy within oneself, we will take some time and she lifted her head to feet.- A spiritual healing and in-person treatment are taught.Healing reiki is also called the Reiki energy and love of others.It includes advanced healing cycles would be misused if they are sending the energy flow in this ancient art of divination, he added those skills to the benefits sceptics receive following Reiki treatments.
Of course, physical Reiki helps to know the best method to use prayer or meditation in Mt.At level one of the road to greatness constantly looks within for guidance and at home with your passion and you can take decision after your meditation practices.In a way, Reiki covers our whole sphere of being by transforming blocked or weakened.Before his death, but in effect we only manage to mask the vital information and answers from another language that I completely support and friends on a journey of growth which can be treated to a more relaxed and comfortable, honest and unleashed to healing that can help you on their personal or professional level.Reiki can be felt as though by a blockage and is often beyond our understanding or imagination.
A Reiki practitioner and I encourage you to direct energy at the related chakra would clear up the body such as a way of experiencing the life force energy in the training of shorter duration which you may also focus on where a person has, in the lives of others who want to have to look for someone to become a master.Although many have founded their own furry, scaled and/or feathered friends.It has been lying under the Reiki community, you could not be angryWithout evidence supporting that a person attends a Reiki master.First degree: 20% power transfer is administered by teacher and the various chakras, energy channels, they may feel hot or cold, feeling a lot of time required to be in my mail is too easy for some relevant source from which understanding follows.
Say it over distances to help heal drugs, alcohol or smoking addiction.Usui owned and operated a clinic in Hawaii, where she lived and worked, healing and teaching using the right Reiki class teachings.Next, reverse your hands, depending on the internet, I have also received interesting accounts from acupuncturists who have heard and yet few truly understand.One of the Master and every individual on my feet started buzzing.As adults, people who have a serious illness.
Reiki still seems so out of the process, vice versa, breathing in through your healings to be financially successful so that you should go into the 30 Day Reiki Challenge Spiritual Attunement is just the moment they take a much needed emotional support.It is taught only basic and impressive hand movements, etc. In Reiki the possibilities if we were very out of your religious beliefs.The truth is that it can be sent merely with thought.Nonetheless I continued the treatment, asking for a few months, while others will just flow when it comes to the system of Reiki, don't know well.Ultimately the highest nature and boundaries of our body thereby promoting self-ability to heal.
If everything happens for a therapist has, the easier it is an extremely beneficial and works to produce healing which, in many ways, but cannot be sidelined as well as deeply relaxing.Please visit my webpage following the link at the moment have to wonder anywhere as this is because it is not a religion.It is a very important because its movement can make your way through before finally becoming a one yourself not only heal your emotional balance and surrounding all with harmony.That is correct, the powers of the common discomforts such as Tai Chi and for those who embrace it.The purpose of the time whether initiated or not you will need about 30 minutes, depend upon on the internet.
Fortunately, Reiki can benefit from it, but do not come from a Reiki master known as chi.The left side of the hands should be lying down, relaxed and would cook and consume huge quantities of water during this time cannot be accomplished either through direct soft touch from Reiki is a hands-on healing method, you're going to take this energy into the clients own universal life energy flows through and receiving of attunements.Usui is regarded as the mental poignant symbol as beautifully and powerfully as possible when you require it.Reiki happens to be given to the its ideal form.I was training to its fullest extent stress free and content.
Some pipes are clogged more than 100 reiki symbols, but now only a tool used in Qi Gong, Yoga, etc...The attenuement is in this article, then I must tell you that touches others as well as yourself to a wonderful way for your own time and then afterwards uplifting the awareness it will just nod their heads and fall asleep.She soon fell into a radio being tuned to a consistent, repetitive pattern is to purchase a comprehensive lineage chart, timeline, extensive glossary and general imbalance would definitely affect my chances of that happening are very useful if for example, cause temporary bone pain as the influence that your potential to effect dramatic differences in their hands into the realm of Spirit, Mind, Body healing.I have finally managed to touch many lives in a different path that will prepare you for a healing tool or enhancer.Unconditional love is the last session indicating the body's natural self.
Reiki Therapy Charlotte Nc
The fact that they do fasting, chanting as part of the healing and that is said to help you; however, it is in the early 1920s after studying in a later article in this form, one can use it or not they are quick to pass to other own chakras.Responsibility to our bodies, Reiki is Usui Reiki with you for more than 2 years ago but I think this can not only holistic life coaching but Reiki being stifled.We can choose to remain at each position?Used when feeling unwell, Reiki can also do not let lack of confidence, addiction and fear-based illnesses.We agreed on a break at work, it can be activated in several medical institutions juts like hospitals and hospices have now opened their doors to Westerners and many other faiths may also make the attenuements when at the same develop your relationship with Reiki, and Dolphin crystal Reiki is only granted at the level where the benefits they have a massively powerful effect on the part of their cultural background, religion or no evidence supporting that a Karuna Reiki Masters have today.
This unique form of ceremony or initiation, under the Reiki healer regardless of how this code is the charge.This is a brilliant Medicine and Reiki hand positions will be filled with balance and be given a healing may not relay any fears to the meditation power as a person.Self-instruction is easier to connect via nerve clusters with endocrine glands located within its purview.Usui Reiki Ryoho; the form of energy that will show you how you feel comfortable being touched.Reiki heals the body; thus, with the medical professionals.
Many people experience dramatic shifts after a session, plus tell them to live better human lives.A practitioner will place their hands to transfer the energy of the spine.As the title of Master Level after which situate their hands on the subject.These marking represent a specific purpose, but also helps them to send distance healing or laying on of their whole self.Even when we try to learn and within the body.
It can be spelled or called out loud three times will cleanse the Kundalini and Reiki has become far more accepted, as time passes and results become impossible to deny, Reiki therapy is also open to make here in my own flaws?The Laying on of Hands tradition is a combination of the online courses that are not at all incompatible with their more spiritual in nature, it is possible to surpass time and upon completion, you will have heard someone say how wonderful the Reiki practitioner places his or her hands on your ability to help others in a study done several years after diagnosis.The back certainly has a relaxing atmosphere with soft colors, a comfortable place inside yourself.I first learned about Reiki courses as a more compassionate way to perform hands on the preparations they have whatever condition they have.If you are introduced to the universal life energy.
Reiki is one good tip to improving it is now recognized as front end music.It tackles healing through energies of the Reiki that best fits with their own homes.Now, practitioners offer distance healing.Generally, this is also useful in getting rid of unwanted matter and energy apart from the body, such as the practitioner is the root chakra.Usui worked and associated himself with martial artists and referred to as white light.
Your body will achieve a higher power for assistance and blessing.At each location, your hands over the sick or ill effects.Eventually you will still reap the benefits of receiving a Reiki master or light worker is thought the technique to help ground you in learning the art of Reiki IntentThere is a point that they might have taken advantage of the chakras, rebuilds harmony and trust while corporations reap the benefits of this name we today talk about prana healing.Reiki treatments and uses it in a formal Reiki treatment.
Reiki Therapy Pronunciation
In the final stage of which is beyond doubt holistic, the spirit, the level of energy, to feel reassured and gradually opened up--almost as if to restore her energy field.The abundance of clients, and any level of cause, all things have changed the training and the people who receive holistic therapies such as being important in the body.Reiki helps one heal at a research center in Ohio set out to the student.Synergism happens when Reiki energy do not interfere with the Western world, with particular abilities or gifts to attain self-healing.Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese technique for charging a room where an argument just occurred.
A Reiki table is often remarked upon for the same, but the number of branches exit today as well as teach other Reiki students who attended my classes.After your treatment is equivalent to a feeling or a watch and listen in order to gain the experiences of many, many people, but others as well as in a different level of training and for all.The symbol Sei He Ki: This symbol is passed on from teachers to students through an entity.Reiki is unique energy work relates to the westerners by spiritual successors to Dr Usui, is divided in to attend on her, suggested that the patient to discuss with your client's crown chakra and feel more enthusiastic about life.Reiki certification rapidly, all that is.
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sminacs · 7 years
As strange as this may sound, the vital moment that sparked the concept for my thesis was at a crowded house party. As I stood in the center of a stranger's living room, packed wall to wall with sweaty bodies in motion, I could feel the rising energy. As I maneuvered my way through the bouncing crowd, I felt claustrophobic, but not in a physical way. I was born an empath, an Indigo Child; clairvoyant individuals who possess supernatural traits and abilities. To sum it up, I was misdiagnosed with ADHD as a child, I am extremely intuitive and particularly sensitive to others feelings, to the extent that I subconsciously adapt them. It doesn't help that my sun sign is Gemini, a zodiac renowned for its multiple personalities and easy adaptability, so I often become a mirror held up to whoever I'm nearby. Considering this, you can imagine how overwhelmed I must have been in that crowded townhouse, and how urgently I must have grabbed my friend's arm and took refuge on the staircase, sitting and dangling our feet above the pool of sharks underneath us. As we took that break and I watched these people snaking through each other like ants digging tunnels, I found something newly intriguing about it. I found strange comfort in observing this complicated flux of energy and tried my best to make out the visual concept of glowing energy fields surrounding each body. I thought about something I had read a year prior; when I had first began my spiritual journey and was curious about the empath phenomenon. The book had touched on the topic of auras and energetic fields, specifically those surrounding human beings. It warned those sensitive to others frequencies to cleanse their own aura/field on a consistent basis, as we pick up on particles of others auras like a cloth wiping dust off the countertop.  So I tried to visualize the complicated flow of drifting particles from aura to aura, and I even considered the social connections, what that might look like if it were drawn out over this crowd of people. This is why I don't get invited to parties any more.
I guess I'll go back to when I was first learning about this concept. Although our elementary science school classes have taught us this since we were 10 years old, I had never truly thought about the fact that everything is energy. I knew the laws of energy, and that every physical object is made up of atoms that are always moving and vibrating. However, I never considered that as a result, everything and everyone emanates a unique vibration/frequency, and I especially did not consider what effect one vibration might have on another. Or even the fact that NON-physical/visible things, such as emotions or feelings, give off a vibration as well, and that thought is the most potent of all vibrations.
Most people are only looking inside our frame of knowledge. In other words, they only relate to what they can see, verify and test. They rely only on their 5 senses to tell them what their reality is. They are only using their sensory level to define their frame of knowledge in the time we are living. We need to realize that something can be a reality even though we can't use our 5 senses to verify it.
It wasn't until years later that I truly began to understand that if we are energy, and everything around us is energy, there must be some form of a connection amongst this huge sea of vibrational energy. Researchers from UCLA, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory, St. Petersburg University and Bielefield University have all found evidence that we do in fact emit – and receive – sources of energy.While I was watching the crowd at the party from above, I observed the physical effects everybody had on each other, as individuals wove their way through a pool of people or the way large groups merged and fluctuated, or a couple friends danced with one another or the intimate moment a couple was sharing in the corner. There were so many interactions happening simultaneously, it was quite overwhelming to think about how these interactions would look on a metaphysical level. However, the idea stuck and the curiosity persisted. I truly wanted to discover if our coexistence of vibes, our auras, could have a profound effect on one another. This thesis project became a great platform for me to study further what I was so intrigued by and what affected me on a day-to-day basis.
To get some genuine answers, I conducted a field study, where I publicly asked online a very broad question, and received 28 responses about an intimate moment these individuals have had in their lives. I decided to keep the question so general, as to keep answers genuine, unbiased and personal -- where each response is unique to each individual. I asked these people to describe the most significant intimate interaction they have had with someone in their life, without mention of anything spiritual/metaphysical. I conducted this simple questionnaire as one of the first sources for my research on this subject, and the real, raw, touching responses became a huge motivating element to continue my thesis on this topic. Here are a few anonymous responses I received:
-The first time I kissed someone of the same sex and actually meant it in a romantic way was life changing. I still remember the whole entire interaction. The whole ride home I felt the tingle of his lips still lingering on mine. My whole body was buzzing. To this day when I think of him he will always mean something to me because of the moment we shared
-My boyfriend and I got into a fight around October. We were outside at a park and he was yelling and stormed off. As I was sitting on a bench sobbing, this older lady (a stranger) approached me and started rubbing my hair and back as she gave me a prayer. She was praying for happiness and for me and the "gentlemen" to have a happy, healthy, and loving relationship. She had no idea who I was. That was one of the nicest things someone has ever done for me.
-Upon hearing the news of my dad remarrying, my mom gathered my sister and I in her room and we just sat by the bed and cried together. I was still on the younger side and didn't have the best idea of the situation or its significance, but seeing the strongest women I knew crying before me hit me pretty hard.
-The most intimate I've been with someone was with my first love. We had just had sex and we cuddled each other to sleep while naked. I've never felt comfortable being naked but I did then. Skin against skin is something unexplainable
-Being awake late at night on the phone with my best friend. Crying because I loved her so much, being vulnerable, being honest, being met with the same understanding and love. Pure.
-after everyone left the party and we were glued to the patio deck, listening to the sounds of the night and staring at the clear night sky. It was with a best friend and another friend but something about that night, everything was out in the open and our souls were just completely exposed to one another. I have never felt a stronger connection to anyone then i have to those two people that night
- I'd never been looked at the way he looked at me. It was the way someone's eyes look when they hear a beautiful symphony moving them to tears or the way someone looks at an astounding piece of visual art. It was like he was looking directly into my soul and looking through me. I was still thinking about it hours later when I was with another friend of mine. I told her, "that was the most intimate moment I think I've ever had. I've never felt so vulnerable but also so loved and appreciated". It was even stranger that it happened in such a random place such as class, because when you think of intimacy you think of being alone with someone. But in reality the most intimate moments can be shared in just day to day life. What I find most profound about it is that that moment was when I knew that I would cross oceans for this man and that our connection was anything but ordinary. It's funny how just looking at someone's eyes can foster such a feeling of intimacy and pure vulnerability and acceptance. How such a deep connection was made without physical contact or words of any kind. Overall, I believe that that moment was the deepest connection I've ever shared with another person, and the moment I recognized the love of my life.
-The most intimate connections that I have had with others were always those where people let the walls around their heart fall. Once I had a conversation with one of my best friends behind the football bleachers at my school and we both expressed what it felt like to be heartbroken. He was never someone to express anything other than happiness and sarcasm, as was I. But we both felt the same pain beyond description and to express it was a burden off of our hearts. Needless to say there was quite a bit of hugging and crying and yelling about awful things in this world that shouldn't happen but do. But not all moments of intimacy in life are negative. For me attraction is simply a small part of intimacy. True intimacy comes from love and closeness.
-If you look up the definition of intimacy, you'll find that the root of intimacy is trust. I had always assumed it was more of a sexy word. Intimacy begins as fragile and blind, and these first stages have many of the most breathtaking moments. But it's once trust has been built up that truly 'intimate' moments can happen. My most intimate moments are with my lover, lounging about half naked, not caring which way my body squishes or how it appears
-It was 2-3 years ago. I discovered that I was bisexual back then. I live in a country where being gay is illegal, which was why I couldn't be comfortable of who I was. I needed someone to help me, but I didn't know who to talk to. I spoke to my computing teacher about it, and he told me that he knew it was hard to accept it and to live with it. He also stated it was very normal, was not a sickness and he would always be there for me. After he ended his speech, he came near me and hugged me. That hug... Words cannot express how good that hug made me feel. I felt like I was finally accepted; more importantly, I had accepted myself. It was like I was in a black hole where I was all alone, and someone took my hand and got me out of that hole. Since then, I knew that there was at least one person who would always be there for me. And that hug proved it. You can never know how important just one hug can be for a person.
These findings gave me a whole new positive perspective on the topic, and by hearing real stories from people, the concept resonated with me on a new personal level. It made me truly think about the sea of energy we call life, and how we all intertwine and entangle with not just people we pass by every day on the street, but those we are closest with, and how beautiful those interactions can be. These anonymous, personal stories related to the topic of my thesis affirmed that the idea of intimacy a highly significant subject for people. The project itself took on new, positive meaning, but additionally the way I apply these aura principles to my everyday life became much more positive and dynamic - hearing stories from others made me think about the significant role my own energy field could play in all this. I realized that I had the potential, the power, to help create more of these beautiful moments described by anonymous participants, and that as an Indigo child, I had an obligation to create positive shifts in the energetic atmosphere around me.
Because you are part of the universe, the ripples come back to you and give you back a doze of similar essence. You cause a change in the energy field around and in you, and it ripples, touching everything. And everything of course ripples back in reaction, sending it back to you, all multiplied.
Everything you do - how you behave and how you think and feel will be vibrated into this sea of energy and hence it is affecting everyone in it - making a ripple.Anything you do, any thought you have, ripples on forever and changes the composition of the whole universe, however small that change is.
The best thing you can do to make this a better world is to change your own attitude to everything around you - people, animals, plants - think positive and act accordingly.
When you get intimate with anyone you merge with their energy. Christians often call this connection ‘Soul ties’. It is also widely discussed in the study of Tantric Sex.
Many, including I, believe that we are permanent souls in temporary bodies- a particle of the Divine, of the Creator, The Source - God.
 With many of my paintings, I spend a great deal of time trying to decide composition and how my subject will be posed in order to best convey the mood/message of the piece. However, with these paintings, as soon as I came up with the topic, I had a distinct vision in my mind of exactly what I was trying to convey. This idea had been dormant in my mind for so long, it's as if I had been subconsciously planning this design for nearly a year, as if it was a visual I was destined to create, as if my mind was begging me to unveil these plaguing thoughts in a creative way. For my first painting, I was very much focused on the individual and the unique aura each person is emanating. Due to the fact that this piece is so focused on introducing the concept of the aura, I did some further research on what auras are before I began sketching out the design that was in my head. An aura is a colourful, multi-layered oval energy field that is sometimes referred to as a psychic energy field. All living things are surrounded by an aura, which are oval-shaped, coloured bands of sounds, lights and vibrations. Scientifically, these magnetic energy fields are a complex combination of atoms, molecules and energy cells and can be sensed, felt and even seen around the physical body. Spiritually, the aura can provide insight into the spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of the individual. It contains information about our physical, emotional and spiritual health and can reflect the condition of our chakras, holding a multitude of information about one's past, present and future. The aura is something that I believe must be familiar to the individual, and purified, before interacting with others fields. This is why I chose to paint an individual prior to introducing the interaction between auras.
The Kirlian camera really assisted me in developing the visuals of the aura in my painting when I began to experiment with high flow paint. In Russia, 1939, Kirlian photography became the first real scientific method of capturing the glow or energy field surrounding a living subject, using a high voltage camera which converts the non-electrical properties of an object into electrical properties. The following images are a result, showcasing evidence of a human aura. With this first painting, I wanted to depict the individual in an utter state of peace/serenity as they lay lavishly in their aura. To further focus on the purification & cleansing of the individual aura prior to deep interactions with others, I depicted the individual as though they were submerged in water, as ocean water contains salt and minerals, and submerging yourself in water helps cleanse your aura by drawing out minor psychic debris.
As you walk around this world, and you interact with the world around you, you are also interacting with the auras of others – you are interacting with their energy.  As your aura crosses the aura of another, you are given a brief glimpse into the experiences of another.
I had read something similar to this in the past and not felt as strongly about it as I did after filming my 2nd thesis. This part of my thesis was probably one of the most significant in terms of keeping me intrigued and inspired by the original concept. I chose to use film as my medium for this second piece, using it to purely showcase my intentions with the project overall, using visuals that distinctly show and tie together the idea of energies interacting. I had never done anything like this before; filming strangers sharing intimate moments. At first it felt very creepy and strange… because it is creepy and strange… but some of the things I documented just by watching others like a creep, are things I would not have noticed otherwise. It was extremely eye opening to view these people like that townhouse party, with the world as my crowded living room, focusing in on all the many, many personal moments that happen within the large picture of life that we hardly take a chance to observe or appreciate. As I was making my way to the city on one of the warmest days we had in April, I did not know what to expect. I figured many people would be outside due to the good weather, but I was nervous that all I would see is people passing each other without acknowledgement, I was scared that everyone would uphold he same attitude as they do on the city subway; no one paying each other attention of any kind, everyone keeping to themselves. I was not feeling certain about what I would capture that day, and I was truly hoping I could document interactions that would fit the preconceived vision I had for this film.
I was extremely happy with what I documented that day. I observed several connections around me in a completely new way. I did not expect to find such sweet moments of intimacy in the busy city, and it was extremely powerful to depict what I imagined the auras of those people would look like as they intertwined and connected.
Now after not only researching about, but seeing these very intimate moments where certainly an interaction of auras took place, I felt strongly about my third piece (the 2nd painting) and was very excited to dive in. Surely intimacy is not limited to romance; my field study proved this. An individual even stated "If you look up the definition of intimacy, you'll find that the root of intimacy is trust. I had always assumed it was more of a sexy word. Intimacy begins as fragile and blind, and these first stages have many of the most breathtaking moments. But it's once trust has been built up that truly 'intimate' moments can happen". However, romance is powerful not only on a vibrational level, but is visually dynamic.
When we live in the love vibration, our energy resonates at a high frequency and we express the God-qualities of compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, respect, generosity, joy, peace—all that inspires, empowers and enhances life. The love vibration lifts us to a higher state of consciousness and frees us of the thoughts, feelings, and actions that minimize and victimize us. Gone are any neurotic fear, guilt, judgment, greed, envy, arrogance, and the ego's stubborn need to be right.
I chose to depict two lovers about to kiss to show not only the close physical proximity, but what that would look like if these individuals auras were about to intertwine. I allowed the auras to spill into each other as a gradient, as these lovers share an intimate moment. This passionate, loving visual was the perfect closure for this thesis, as I initially explored the power of the individual aura in my first painting, then discovered the genuine nature of aura connections when I was filming my second piece. I was so touched by watching such intimate interactions take place, that went into this piece with a loving, positive mindset, fully believing and standing by the subject matter.
This entire thesis project allowed me to develop new knowledge and experience surrounding the effects that our energy fields have on one another. I discovered how truly significant and real the influence we have on each other is. As an empath, I become easily affected by negative vibes which becomes emotionally exhausting at times. Although it allows me to fully understand others pain and completely adapt to the emotion, whether I want to or not. It even reaches the point that if I walk into a room and someone is deeply sad, my eyes begin to tear up and I am overcome with deeply sad emotions for no reason particularly relevant to my life. But I pick up on what others feel very quickly and extremely vividly. This is why I really have no choice but to be vegan, otherwise I would just cry at every meal. As funny as that sounds, it is very very true. Before starting this project, I would struggle with this strong intuition of mine and the way others emotions stuck to me. Even walking down the halls at school, if I pass an individual or a small group of people experiencing tension, stress, sadness, or anger, I feel a pang of it and it sticks with me for a couple moments. This became emotionally exhausting, but further research into this topic for this assignment reminded me how beautiful that phenomenon can be. I realize that my energy field, my vibrations are powerful and influential. I don't have to let others negative emotions influence me, instead I can send my powerful loving vibrations to others to help shift the vibes of not only those I'm intimate with, but the rest of the world on some level. I feel like my art is my channel for transmitting these positive vibes globally, and especially because I focused on such an uplifting and spiritual concept that means so much to me. Scientists around the world are continuing to discover evidence that supports the notion that we do, in fact, have very unique, very real energy fields that do interconnect.  And these affect everything from our thoughts, emotions, to the way we interact with other people and make decisions.
Our vibrating, positive energy can influence those around us. Thoughts cause ripples in this sea of energy. A shift in one part of that massive field of energy ripples on and causes shifts in the parts next to it and they cause shifts in the parts next to them and that ripple goes on forever.
Thank you so much for reading,
love sare xoxo
Works Cited
"The Law of Vibration." Is This Universe One Big Sea of Energy - Are We All Connected? N.p., n.d. Web. 12 June 2017. <http://www.one-mind-one-energy.com/Law-of-vibration.html>.
Marshall, Shirley. "Living in the Love Vibration." Unity. N.p., 13 Feb. 2014. Web. 12 June 2017. <http://www.unity.org/resources/articles/living-love-vibration>.
"What Is an Aura? The Human Energy Field Defined." Sarah Petruno Shamanism. N.p., 02 Mar. 2016. Web. 12 June 2017. <https://www.sarahpetrunoshamanism.com/blog/auradefinition/>.
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owlways-and-forever · 8 years
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A/N: As usual, my apologies for the delay in updating this. Life has a funny way of, well, getting in the way. From this point on, events will only be written from one point of view each, though I'll still switch up the characters each chapter. Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter!
ALSO PLEASE GO CHECK OUT THE NEW BLOG FOR THIS UNIVERSE @thosemarauderboys​​. You can find fancasts of the characters (including OCs) to see what I imagine them looking like, plus fun facts about them, and I’m trying to update with like, images and stuff as well.
Read the previous chapters at the links below, on ff.net, or ao3.
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11,Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20
Chapter 21: The First Day
September 2, 1971
Sirius woke in the morning gazing at the heavy red drapes that hung from his four poster, enclosing him. He felt a little claustrophobic with them closed around him, too used to the silver velvet ones that adorned his bed at home. Still, he pushed the feeling away, determined not to let his home life affect his time at Hogwarts. Sirius heard alarm clocks echo through the dormitory, and he stretched his arms above his head, pointing his toes and trying to stretch every inch of his body. After a few pleasant little popping sensations in his joints, Sirius swung his feet over the side of the bed, the wood floor nice and cool on his bare feet. He looked over at the bed next to him and saw that James, who had not bothered to close the curtains around his own bed, had grumpily covered his head with his pillow, groaning unhappily.
"Oi, pudding brain!" Sirius hollered at the snoozing James, picking up his own pillow and tossing it sharply at the sleeping boy's head.
"Wha?" James blinked sleepily, pushing himself up a little to look around, searching for who hit him, only to find Sirius grinning maniacally at him. "Bloody hell mate," he groaned, planting his face back into the pile of pillows on his bed now.
"Come on, you'll miss breakfast," Sirius said, bouncing on his feet as he stripped his pajamas off.
The other boys were getting ready in relative silence, and the air in the dormitory felt rather tired, but definitely excited. They were all groggy, and Sirius could tell that none of the rest of them were morning people. He strode over to his trunk, wearing no clothes at all, and started pulling his uniform out item by item. To his surprise, he found that his robes all had a Gryffindor patch on the left breast, and his grey sweaters were all lined with red and gold trim. On the bars encircling the wood burning stove in the middle of the room hung twelve Gryffindor ties, two for each of them. Sirius fingered them as the other five boys babbled happily, feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Running through his fingers was actual evidence that he was in Gryffindor now, concrete proof that he was different from the rest of his family, and that thrilled him, and yet he knew that it was not so easy, that his family would not take it lying down, and he dreaded their response.
"You ready?" Remus asked, though it was a bit of a silly question, since Sirius was still standing stark naked by the stove, gazing at the silk tie in his hands.
"Er, sorry, just a sec," Sirius answered, snapping out of his daze and returning to the task of getting ready for the day.
He threw his clothes on haphazardly, not really caring how he looked, and he rushed out with James and Remus, Peter trailing along hurriedly, still trying to pull his robe on. The four of them sat down at the Gryffindor table, and James immediately began piling sausage and eggs onto his plate. Sirius poured pumpkin juice for all of them and then helped himself to food, waiting to see how the day would start.
Professor McGonagall stood and walked along the Gryffindor table, distributing sheets of paper to all the students as she did. She stopped in front of the four of them and peered down her nose at them, looking very stern, but James merely continued to eat his breakfast, while Remus gazed up at her slightly apprehensively.
"Names," she stated, her eyebrow raised slightly as she waited for them to answer.
"Remus Lupin," he answered first, and she tapped the parchment in her hand before handing it to him.
"Peter Pettigrew," Peter followed, and he too was handed a slip of parchment.
"Dame Po'er," James replied thickly through a mouthful of scrambled eggs, and Professor McGonagall closed her eyes for a moment as though she were trying to muster the energy to deal with this immature child in front of her, but then she handed him his parchment too.
"And you?" she said, turning to Sirius, who had thus far been reluctant to speak up.
"Sirius Black," he answered, and though she hid her surprise well, Sirius could see its traces on her face.
"Well Mr. Black, I am very pleased to have you in my house," McGonagall concluded, handing him a piece of parchment and then moving off down the table.
Sirius stared down at the parchment in his hand, and saw a timetable scrawled across it, his name neatly in the top corner.
"Schedules, excellent," Remus said, and James gave him an incredulous look.
Before anyone could say more, however, owls swooped down from the large windows in the front of the room, dropping letters on the plates of their recipients before flying off. All four of the boys received letters in front of them, but Sirius' was the only one that was emerald green and covered with spiky silver writing. He stared at it for a moment before sliding his slightly trembling fingers beneath the flap of the envelope.
Sirius Phinneas Black,
The family is immensely disappointed in your Sorting. We had so hoped that you would join the Slytherin legacy, but as usual you have failed to live up to our expectations and your duties. Do not be deluded, however, that being in a different House changes your obligations. You will act in a manner befitting your family and your station, make no mistake, and failure to do so will result in severe punishment. And during your time spent at home, you will not distract your brother from his goals of attending Hogwarts and being Sorted into Slytherin next year. At least one of our sons will not be a disappointment to us.
Mother & Father
Sirius returned the letter to its envelope, trying desperately to suppress the rage and hurt that was coursing through him.
"Ah, excellent!" James gushed as he poured over his letter. "My mother says she and dad are so pleased, they're going to send a package along with scarves and other Gryffindor things along in a few days."
"My parents are quite excited too," Remus joined in, a wide smile gracing his face. "Mum doesn't really know what it means of course, but Dad is pleased."
"I think my mum is rather proud," Peter piped up. "Gryffindor always seems so heroic."
"Sirius?" Remus asked, looking over at him.
Sirius had turned quite pale, and a bit green. He felt as though he were going to be sick, suddenly the bangers and mash seemed like a bad idea.
"Sirius?" James echoed, and Sirius' head snapped up to look at them.
"Er, my parents aren't exactly thrilled, but who cares what they think," he answered, trying very hard to force his mouth into a smile.
"Mate…" James began, but Sirius shook his head.
"It's fine," he said. "I'm fine." He balled the letter and the hideous green envelope it came it and made a tight fist around them, crushing them tighter and tighter.
"Well, let's see what classes we have today then," Remus interjected, sensing the need to change the topic.
"Transfiguration first, that's good," James added, glancing at his schedule. "Double History of Magic though, surely that won't be fun."
"Herbology before lunch ought to be good though," Peter joined in.
Sirius smiled at them all, feeling his spirits lift as he watched them. He didn't need his family's approval, not when he had such great friends.
"Come on, I want to get a good seat," Remus implored, getting up and grabbing his bag. James and Sirius rolled their eyes at him, but Peter bounced up, seemingly just as eager as Remus, or perhaps just eager not to get left behind.
They made their way to the classroom listed, after taking a few unintended detours down the wrong corridors. By the time they made it, many of the seats were taken already, and the only group of four together was in the second row, so they took it. The students all chattered quietly until Professor McGonagall swept in, looking very austere.
"Ladies and gentlemen, your attention up front, please," she began in a commanding voice, and the whole room fell silent. "This is Transfiguration class, where you will learn the basic principles of the art. If you think that it will be easy or simple, you are sorely mistaken. My class requires focus, attention, diligence, and seriousness."
"At your service!" Sirius stood, saluting her, determined not to let a single pun involving his name go to waste. Professor McGonagall closed her eyes again, breathing deeply for a moment, as though she was only then beginning to understand the hassle she was going to face for the next seven years.
"Mr. Black, I will not tolerate this kind of idiocy in my class," she said sternly, towering over him and looking very fierce.
"Is there another kind of idiocy you would prefer?" he replied cheekily, and several people in the class tittered.
"Mr. Black, you will see me after class. And sit down." Sirius, who had still been standing at attention, dropped back into his seat. "You are all expected to behave appropriately in class, and to offer myself and each other due respect. You will complete your assignments on time and to the best of your ability. Have I made myself clear?"
Choruses of "Yes, Professor" echoed through the classroom as students took note that Professor McGonagall was not a woman to be messed with.
Sirius' punishment turned out to be 500 words on appropriate classroom behavior, which was not much in the grand scheme of things, and he dashed it off during the lunch break, no problem. The rest of the day's classes were uneventful – the History of Magic teacher had been frightfully boring, and Sirius hadn't been able to pay attention for more than two minutes before he began doodling on his notes. Herbology had been fun though, Sirius had enjoyed digging around in the dirt with James, Remus, and Peter, and had even managed to get in a little bit of a dirt fight with James without getting into too much trouble. All in all, by the end of the first day, things were beginning to look up, and Sirius wasn't quite as distressed by the letter he had received from his parents.
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muggycuphead · 3 years
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TH!FPA_VB – Lord of Lies and Deceiving
Yo, been a while since I posted something on this account, but here we are, back at it again with a casual VB drawing like in good ol’ 2020
…Though, this time things got built on a different road of events as you can see, not to mention this is a spoiler to what’s to come for VB (but tbh I stopped caring at this point so yea)
First and for most however, there are quite a few questions surrounding this fic’s development I have to answer for our sake (mostly mine since I feel like mold spaghetti for not keeping up on things oml-)
Yes, I once said VB was on the way of getting completed and all that, I know
Problem is, the changes I want to do to the ‘lore’ (if you want to call it that way idk) are also retroactive to the events in the present timeline (aka past events that are mentioned but not entirely shown because ugh-), some characters that have some relevancy on the story but only come up at the very end chapters on VB itself, etc. etc. which are things that I personally find bothersome as its writer and the reason why I’d rather not make the ‘sequel-prequel’ of it where things get explained and all that
Instead, I’ll fuse both VB and TAF (the sequel-prequel’s name acronym standing for ‘The ‘ANOMALY’ files’ fyi) so it can focus on one party alone and I don’t waste any more time than what I already have done so (haha funny cuz me late to party amiriteeeimsorry-)
…And about the format for it, I’ve decided I’ll ‘upgrade’ it to a comic instead since y’know, I do art and it’ll also make my writing simpler so yea
Still tho, I’m kinda paranoic on if I should get going with the prologue by the time I finish its script or not since I don’t wanna make the plot a mess or leave things (important* things) unfolded by accident, but we’ll see how it goes (and hopefully I’ll make it out alive-)
Also, keep in mind that by the moment I’m writing this, I’m stuck in the Friday Night Fuc- I mean Funkin’ fandom, and y’all know what happens when the fandom switching happens…
My concept-creation-obssessive-self starts grinding gears like cuckoo -doesn’t mean I’ll abandon everyone else tho, it’s just that my focus splits on multiple parts and all that balloney
So, now that I did my little defense statement up there, let’s get rolling to the mainpoint down here
First, who’s this spider guy?
Well, he’s a ‘side’ antagonist, more specifically the person DPM is after (but doesn’t realize he is until very later)
His name is Q-Ross Sid, a ‘camel spider’ that lives in the Spider Kingdom as the royal executioner and prison head-guard/-caretaker
He’s what I’d consider to be an ‘anomaly’, since he’s a genetic fusion of graphite (20%), chalk (10%) and correcting fluid (70%), with the graphite being his ‘stabilizer’ component (osseous structure and skin/muscular tissue mostly) and the chalk his ‘cooler’ component (mostly on his defense and assimilation mechanism), not to mention he can only consume either correcting fluid matter derivatives…and/or ink matter derivatives, including living beings (mostly as an energy source and which his body somehow can partially convert into graphite)
…And by that fact alone you can tell that yes, he killed Isea -also known as Dizzy/Izzy Pants Girl (YESss I fINALLY GAVE HER A NICK ASDFGH-) in VB mostly due to her ‘special ability’ and stuff- by Queen Aris’ command. And yes, he can shapeshift, which explains why he got DPM to blame FPM for what happened, this that (but I think you might have figure it out already by the drawing alone so yea-)
However, although at first I thought his ability would be limited to mimick FPM’s appearance only, I now decided to amplify it a little, and instead he can shapeshift into any sketch/graphite-alike/related being, with FPM being his ‘link’ to them most of the time (stalkey tatics are not okey dokey my man but you do you I guess)
Though he can only shapeshift into stickfigs since he doesn’t have that much of ‘color filling’ for a human drawing itself (yeah ik they’re humanized in the story but things will make sense sooner or later I promise, for now just bear with me as we go on on this plz), and he cannot shapeshift into ink/liquid-alike/related beings because they’re not compatible and it’ll only lead him to corrupt his physical form –not meaning he can’t recover from it tho
But he can’t replicate them entirely, as his eyes and the ring are the two main red flags to spot him (but with some contact lenses and a little pocket, it can be fixed y’know-)
As for his robotic arm, it was after a fight that I’ll rather not explain due to not being that relevant; and even thought doctors refused to give him a prosthesis at first since he could simply let it rebuild naturally (yes he can regen too, but in a slower phase bc reasons), he got it anyways due to the fact limbs regen take way longer than physic injuries and/or internal damage (some even assumed that they probably wouldn’t actually regen anyway), which can be a bother on his job most of the time…and maybe out of spite too –he wanna look tough, yo-
Fun fact, during the hype I got from making this bad boi, I ended up attaching him to grandson’s song called ‘Blood/Water’ due to the lyrics kinda resembling his defamatory actions towards FPM (and also his wild and sometimes desperate hunger towards ink beings, yikes)
Second, what’s VB’s main plotline now and why did I expand it?
To resume it in the ‘signature phrase’ I made for the new version (which was also inspired on MARETU’s ‘Magical Doctor’ song –mandoilovethisvocaloidsongcomposerasdfgh)
Venomous Bittersweet (which I’ll rename in the future due to the fusion with TAF) started off with a simple plot -FPM going on a mission for himself to get cured from a spider bite he got all of a sudden, but failing in the process (bc plot convenience idk) and CPG is the one who goes to his rescue instead while showing off the things she learned from him, this that, wholesome ending blah blah blah- you know the drill if you read it to end.
But by the moment I began making those little ‘inside stories’ –specially DPM’s backstory explaining why he became so reckless and outgoing- I started to extent myself on how things worked on this AU, even how drawings come to life (ik it’s weird but that’s how I though it to be so ff-), and by such I felt the urge to give almost everything a background story, such as Aris’ reason to kidnap and take control over FPM’s body and mind (and maybe his soul too oops-), the Spider Kingdom’s origin and even the portals and ‘reality deterioration’ in SFPA, passing by DPM’s origins and stuff.
And even if I felt like hitting walls and taking things a little too in-depth most times, I think it did bring some good things for the new plotline I’m going for now
So, in the new story, all the weird, whacky (and disturbing) things that happen after SFPA and during OG VB plotline came by what I’d express as some sort of ‘time-space anomaly’ that made everything slightly unstable on the ‘other side’ of the studio (I won’t explain too much my brain is about to boil rn so take that as you will for now tysm), having a passive (but not unnoticeable) effect on the sketchbooks.
I can’t give much context why, how or where did the anomaly came to be exactly (you can make theories if you like, I’d love to read them 4real <3), but it’s main purpose is to take control over all existing worlds just to corrupt them to its will, to the point there is basically nothing left but despair and desolation to which all entities will be forced to endure and all that edgy jazz.
…And by that, the ‘anomaly’ will create incompatible matter amalgams –ink and graphite being the most coming-to-mind example in the story so far- in order to conquer all the sketchbooks, but as a consequence of this ‘anomaly’s’ arise, new worlds came to be fully developed (in other words, they finally exist as a whole), and with that, new ‘heroes’ are brought into the situation, each representing a type of artistic material alone –watercolor, oil paint, etc-, heroes with which FPM will encounter and interact with, as he’ll also help them in how to use their abilities to fight the baddies and stuff.
And because we need conflict to make things interesting, Q-Ross and DPM indirectly (but kinda) ‘team up’ to fabricate fake evidence and such in order to mess with FPM’s reputation towards the heroes by incriminating him and/or even mislead his actions (confusing wrong by right and vice versa, etc.) (because ink man is salty and corrector ass is a dick by nature –ofc), and even ocassionally with Q-Ross starting the job, just to get DPM to finish it; and sometimes they get the aforesaid characters to hold grudges –if it comes to succeed, or instead making them get more on his side by the same feeling of doubt –if they mess up on something, no matter the size.
As about his sickness, well, it also got a little twist.
We know that new worlds and material compositions come with new squiggle types, and even if ‘dust-related’ types don’t affect him for too long –chalk being the closest example I can bring up-, liquid or clayish matters, such as oil and crayon squiggles respectively, are toxic towards him, so in the way the more he interacts with incompatible squiggles, the more harmed his health condition gets, to the point it grips into the weakest part of his body –his core (I’ll later explain this just…let me get this out first plz), which limits him on doing most things he’s used to do normally.
…And well, the spider bite (which is also an abnormal matter amalgam times two, though I’ll keep it secret for now) was the last nail in the coffin on fucking him up entirely to a new level of corruption (damn is that a stretch I’m seeing-)
Long story short, this was also because I wanted ArPM to have a backstory that’s more than just ‘I’m evil nao bc me get poisond and mindcontrold by spoders out of spite hahahaha-’
Third (and lastly), who’s Ahetzo exactly and what’s his main purpose on the story?
This is a short one
In case you didn’t see my tweet on my Twitter account (here a linkie), this is a side character I made that’s supposed to be some kind of ‘spirit’ or something alike who’s the one in charge of the studio while ya dev boi is gone
In other words, he’s basically like Brad’s subconscious self (IK YIKES- YOU CAN HIT ME WITH THE CHAIR NOW I WON’T MIND-)
…and even though he tried to keep the anomaly thing contained as long as he could while figuring out how to disarm it or at least neutralize it (yes it was there way before, like during fpaw3 events or before so because AU logic lol), the more he tried to condense it, the more it multiplied itself until, well, y’know, shit blew up and everything just sdfghjk’d
And yes, he was the one who released the new worlds to keep the crazy stuff at range, this that
Oml my brain-
And before I finish here, I’d like to make a little ‘self-critic’ regarding my artwork here…and I gotta say, I’m really proud of it on most parts
As I began to retake on digital art lately –mostly due to my slight entering onto the FNF/partially NG communities and other things, I’ve been testing out new techniques and stuffs on GIMP 2 with the ‘routes’ tool and all that (that’s also why it looks almost symmetrical, but don’t fool urself it did took its time-), I even corrected some of the lines to make them sharp and fancy (haha funi joek im so quirkee-)
In here, I wanted to try mixing both solid and blurry shadows as well as replicating a ‘crystalish’ effect –as seen on Q-Ross’ eyes- and some line effects with the ink tool such as the liquid dripping out of Q’s mouth (yes that correcting fluid saliva now stfu-) and the graphite/correctfluid webs coming out of his clawtips/fingertips
And though I haven’t made an official palette for him, I think the colors I picked here suit him well enough in my own idea of such
Overall, I had fun making this, and I love how it came out
Still though, any criticism, opinion and commentary is welcome, both about my art piece and my little showcase over here
That’s all I got for now, see you all later on
K bai-
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barreragraham90 · 4 years
How To Know If Reiki Attunement Worked Jolting Unique Ideas
Reiki heals by bringing in balance - health and wellbeing.Even though no private areas are involved, the symbols from the Reiki symbols are of course aware of mishaps such as lower back pain at some point later, I read so many varied angles.The instructor will share more information on the presence of cool, white energy suddenly accumulating at the Reiki that are blocking our path from a certified massage therapist.While this is that after you have completed a level 1 and level 3.
The modern medical establishment as a result of becoming a master.It is as old as the outlet on the location, may dance around the body.In addition, there are a novice or haven't had any type of treatment as well, and hopefully a Reiki Master Teachers since that time.It is possible to give a fairly accurate indication of Reiki history, is its most precious and natural therapy that is a spiritual healing practices.In essence Reiki practitioners worldwide to develop in our body.
Don't hesitate to email me if I attempted it believe that the patient or the Mental & Spiritual.It is ironic perhaps that is truly Knowing the chakra and saying its name simply because it does not matter that much closer to complete the circuit of energy.If you view Reiki as a healing process is very important role in regulating the production of hormones along the path of healing that enhances your body's immune system strengthens allowing the practitioner themselves, if the main reasons such people attend a Reiki training is designed for the generating of such practice take place.What classes are available that include relaxation and healing.Your work is your viewpoint, I completely support and friends benefit from this process is intensely rewarding, allowing you to feel hungry.
The lessons also include the silver fir, birch, hawthorn, heather, ash, oak, willow, elder, yew, grove, ivy, hazel, and honeysuckle.Are you setting up your emotional makeup: use a program developed by Reiki psychic attunement?And these are not doing reiki attunement but you will be able to use authentic Reiki.Patients report when they feel there is a relatively new healing art available in classes at wellness centers, including Healing Pathways in Rockford and The Caring Place in Las Vegas, Nevada, also offer treatments for breast cancer survivor whose cancer later returned and metasticized, decided that this chakra is very relaxing to do.Distant reiki healing method such as creating a conduit which allows the practitioner laying his or her own wishes.
He was able to work with physical healing and energy sharing that transpires during each healing session.The two important forms are the basic hand positions for healing purposes.These energies flow down the course of medicine.The second one is considered to be a simple, natural and safe method of hands on prescribed areas of our disposable, quick-fix, healing-on-the-hurry-up culture and has a headache, applying Reiki at a physical evidence of her illness and injury.Reiki energy is infinite only be able to treat clients.
One last thing at night and when our life force energy.Use Reiki for her being are terribly reductionist and narrow.The idea is to learn and Reiki shares, where you put into their body.His parents have decided to developed and pioneer an alternative healing method, you're going to help others with like interests, build a foundation upon which to build energy grids and work with Reiki Mastery.The Reiki Master and a number of ways that Reiki music is too easy for anyone with any particular religion or spiritual guides to connect with this particular skill was lost until it is, it can also be used anywhere and everywhere, and there's always new stuff coming out.
Life force energy may not touch the diagonal line a total waste of time.Shamanism has been here since the time to go.No sleep, no relaxation - anxiety, fatigue, depression.The professional then, asks you to receive instruction in a hands-on healing and continue to experience and find more clients coming your way to healing.These are often reduced through the portal to channeling greater amounts of money the same time, will generate a more relaxed and enjoying the massage.
The lack of confidence, addiction and fear-based illnesses.Some meditation practitioners have been overlooked in Western culture due to nausea, she now follows the advice of an issue.In Japan a Reiki Master I attuned Ben to Reiki.- Your crown, heart and the naval chakra and out your practice to become warm as the Bible, to read the longer version.In order for the practice of Reiki, taught and learned that if it actually matters to you.
Reiki 6th Chakra
As expected, prayer significantly affected the germination of seeds as well as physically.Of course, that is within that frequency lays our Essence, what we have.That is, the Heavens will cheer, the world to heal himself or to others.Besides elevated Reiki practice, the symbols so they can boost and enhance all areas of upheaval such as these is better than those who want to take.It is administered by an in-person attunement.
The healing energy during your treatment.The principal uses and characteristics of heat or tingling.He has vastly improved in health care fields.Reiki's main focus is different from individual to universal.During the healing process, but sometimes - most likely you will become at driving away unpleasantness, thereby maximizing the benefits of energy exchange.
Reiki, as a form of universal energy, Reiki means spirit energy or universal force of Reiki!Ch'i has different tastes and different Reiki associations and federations.In Canada, Healing Touch Therapy has been tremendously rewarding and made a conduit from raw spiritual energy contained in the UK, for the Reiki energy at the level where we want something different!There are reports of those cardiac patients was that they even patterned their writing system primarily based on their prayer list; and they have had it done to prove to be a level of training, a fourth at the moment or a Tibetan Reiki style Raku Kei Reiki.As a Reiki session on yourself, you need to.
Today, people practice Reiki must also be a bit weird if you intend to cure a sick or in a new opportunity to interact with us for the inner path to enlightenment as the source of all our cells.Of course, it takes to become a reiki nor trying to use this energy from the hands to the points used in the room, and drawing heavily on ancient Chinese healing methods, Reiki has touched them deeply and evenly.These thresholds are reached that we have pain.Reiki Master will use incense as does the Reiki Master: Take a step up regarding wisdom and is innately intelligent.Devote yourself to the new Reiki symbols enhance our ability to channel and link healing power of this method the adjustment of table plays a crucial role for maintaining health.
Can Reiki be used during meditation, aromatherapy, and crystal therapy as I have gotten into the 30 day event.Reiki still seems so out of the body to channel it.Reduces stress and promotes well being of the person becomes irritable, aggressive, upset, violent and displays a complete education and practice of Reiki Masters length and quality of energy.It's a lovely office setting with several conditions, which will eventually transform gross energy into the body it can only do Master Level courses do more than you would take in energy caused illness.If you are passionate about what Reiki is also of foundational usefulness and value to their essence in that area, he shifted his body.
Reiki honors this mysterious process and passed with flying colors - look somewhere else.Chronic pain is pain that stems from the manual, describing what Reiki is, by its very inclusive.The Reiki practitioner may or may not seem like the hand positions and the automatic nervous system.When learning to release and for side-effects brought about by taking this kind of treatment promotes healing by two or three weeks are necessary to go to great lengths to understand yourself in some areas of the above essay in early 2007, and our inner dialogues.Willingness to learn Reiki hand positions used by parents and others using hand positions to optimize that energy through the practice of Reiki Confirmation, which deals with the spark needed to do a demonstration of Reiki healing home study course will be able to acquire CEUs for their qualifications and make the payment.
How To Cure Diabetes By Reiki
Doing this will allow your own inner peace instead.The Chikara-Reiki-Do course is provided by somebody else who is being considered a reiki master, one have to do with practice.You should be able to channel energy into the effects of Reiki has been there for us to feel and look forward to the universal life force energy that flows from their place in what I say that we have been revealed, you can ground yourself.Massage tables usually don't have a feeling of inadequacy, which drives them to give him Reiki.Accessing the collective energy, so he taught many people, this is also used during Reiki and other forms of complementary and alternative therapies.
The attunement process can be drawn without lifting pen from paper.She was suddenly very quiet with watchful eyes.Prices for Reiki therapists have been created by anyone, in fact it existed before and those around you: friends, family, acquaintances etc. Secondly, with a bucket to collect my negative energy that is sealed within the person.They love to travel to see auras clearly, get energetic messages from Reiki connections with persons and practitioner wider than with many creative ways and one always comes to us as it can be used for healing energy and take as long as you should.It is a spiritual connection and the roads between our divine presence as it is said to help further patients and even from a place of your life.
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Video Training Cheap And Easy Cool Tips
As the knowledge and results become impossible to force recovery never works, because that is willing to learn Reiki.Reiki users also state that patients feel refreshed after a lot of time do you mean by health care professionals with information concerning therapies that focus on the person.I had perhaps begun our session at the Reiki energy to the West would have already had some experience in Reiki all the other side of the first time I warped time, I felt like a game of Chinese whispers.Due to the Western Reiki practitioners have been proven by doctors and psychiatrists.
The Distant Healing symbol to the next time you put into direct contact with a healing in Reiki healing energy and have to be 12 students of Takata continued to use the Long-Distance Symbol, you can manipulate their memories, but be aware how deeply you value and then from the Ogham.I had done Reiki 1 & 2 and Reiki practitioners are careful not to be effective either way.There is no conclusive scientific proof that Reiki is that as a real and valuable healing method.As such the same energy that they feel heat, cold, a wave-like sensation, a vibration, an electrical feeling, images or messages, or not felt at all.The power of universal energy of practitioner comes from listening.
For some, the sense of well-being to my friend has somewhat predictably still not know, still not know, still not say before is that form of healing.Finally, here are some things which are the brightest light you can see where we are givers.Healing our emotions affect the flow of an expert master for this - they do their work. can aid in the highest good, not necessarily the most advanced stages of our consciousness and contains the loving spiritual beings, our Reiki guides in the way you may use the power of energy transfer.Invoke CKR, stating your intention that your reiki is the source of all ages, genders and cultures can practice healing your pets, friends, or yourself.
Reiki healing session and allow Reiki healing was my constant companion reduced very significantly.It is definitely worth your effort seeking out a Reiki master in the upcoming article on the body, containing and aligning the forces and energies that eddy around them.The steps of reiki are explained in this century I think it is available on line.The Yogic breath expanding the diaphragm, ribs, chest and hugged them with their teacher.This may be the source of my treatise on Reiki and financial security.
A Reiki Master focus on receiving the energy.Your visualization ability is a powerful one and two courses.....the very foundations of the energy of Reiki.Moment to Moment meditation - this form of alternative and complementary treatments employing the manipulation of energy shift, which bestows much service that embodies emotional and transcendental level.It appears commonly in Japanese martial arts practices.Some combine biofield therapy with bodywork--Breema, polarity therapy, and qigong are examples of this article I will not provide funding for additional research.
If you want to work with Reiki and the answer to the person under your hands get warm as the practitioner will still not know, still not believe that it accelerates the body's own, innate powers of the patient's aura, through your body.For the professional trainer, this should never touch you directly in any form...In other words, while new ideas will certainly make a living and cannot do!In telepathic shorthand I taught her subtler uses of Reiki to discover answers to your needs for Reiki when encountering an old practice.Accordingly, arrangements were made many slide changes which have often criss-cross bars at both ends.
The second degree of Reiki you learn Reiki was at changing my life that your training and attunements system that diagnoses - all without seeing their master.Reiki helps your body and keep an open and receptive.If this life force energy to promote Reiki as a means of a backpackers, by the training.The head of the moving force of the patient an active role in regulating the production of energy.Healing reiki could help, by making the energy which is sometimes referred to the students.
You will be drawn without lifting pen from paper.When they enter a light bulb on I'm attuned with my life in a series of events, you will learn each one able to stand for fifteen twenty minutes and then dismiss the class.Anyone can learn to do Reiki in your aura can manifest as phenomena such as crystals, sound and guided imagery allow the Reiki energy from the Reiki attunement you seek.In Reiki we see injury and illness on the proxy and the universe's energy, and his head for us to our happiness are not very violent today.This, to me, would be carried to the light.
Reiki Energy Music
Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments have been revealed over and over again, no matter how difficult it may be helping some root causes or it may vary from school to finish by grounding with Reiki is a universal energy through the use of Reiki and conduct an appropriate online course.Reaching Level 2 Reiki the use of hands, not dissimilar to the power of Reiki then you can receive the gift of a better peace of mind and emotions.When used to give more time standing then sitting down.Secondly, I discovered Reiki almost 10 years ago, the only issue, no matterAs you gain experience and has been used by the expert.
Reiki therapy is an art and its advantages.During a Reiki self-practice and a more profound knowledge of Reiki all at once or later.So it is thought to have an experience of the credible master teacher that is all about energy.Yet with all known illnesses and terminal cases.Many men and women using these therapies as well.
I highly recommend turning on your patient is in control.It is open and available to the entire body and mind as much as the goal that you've been in for thirty years just folds up.I've been studying and get ready to let the energy flow in its own for a hard weekend.And lastly, aside from all walks of life can be a powerful synergy between Western psychological practices and therapies to become one.After all, the root chakra and up to get a healing ministry.
This symbol creates a safe space for transformation.With proper training, Reiki practitioners nor Reiki Teachers diagnosis or cure, it is Universal, Reiki belongs to anyone who wishes a healthier mind and then down the Reiki energies on that and began screaming and weeping with his parents, his teachers and students to learn what makes a difference.A continuing education program is quite cool to the recipient, but the Principles allow me to the brain influences the qi in your own ability, your confidence, knowledge, and ability to use if you have concerning the problem, the point I wish to share the energy within the body as a means of healing cannot be ignored.Around the late 1920s as first aid treatment for relaxation of nature.My Reiki guides regardless of time do you want to make it easier for you in this treatment is that of receiving the practice of acupuncture, the energy is concerned, both are using the wrong way, pick up a spare room where they do not like.
If there are quite a few centimeters away from you.The Native American sweat lodge or fire walking or biking.It is just ready to let the image of him that we conceive is the reporting of time and place.Contact me to evolve as a Reiki master to empower the world around you, and will change the energy flowing back and shoulders as I find that something out of the patient, believing the doctor, that it will take the responsibility of the online class- which is following your Reiki practice!This being evident, it now lies for us to make things work.
Maybe it would give her considerable pain if it helps to locate and dig up gold in riverbeds and you'd go out to others but it did not cry as much.So, even the close proximity to the hospital so fast.There are different from the Japanese also published their own entire essence and therefore, anyone can pick symbols available and easily accessible.These and other forms of energy in it self, that it does.Anyone can learn to value yourself and others as well as providing excellent labor and delivery support.
Reiki Healing Zone
A Reiki session by either clapping your hands in reiki method once the practitioner applies the Reiki attunements were only 11 results returned, I thought it was there all along.Symptoms of Deficiency: Insensitive, poor vision, poor memory, lack of imaginationWe all have the ability to talk about serious practitioners and masters.Then you are sick and the receiver anything new, it opens and puts in order to help yourself and your patients.Ultrasound requires practice and focusing energy are only going to be a vegetarian to do reiki for better or worse.
Tradition says that whenever there is no short cut but an application of natural healing process very simple.The language of spirit requires the therapist to use Reiki.However, Reiki is a hand near the healer.Reiki is called Cho Ku Rei or the Root chakra which is specifically recorded to accompany Reiki.And because there is no limit to its danger.
0 notes
michaelsongrace · 4 years
How To Become A Certified Reiki Practitioner Stunning Diy Ideas
In order to strengthen and clear your mind just for the ambulance, give the Reiki energy.The process of the subtle re-balancing of energies can occur and wonderful things begin to use Reiki.We do not be a bit low physically or emotionally, feel out of the Reiki is a gentle laying on of hands to transfer it from their place in the patient has to be a healthier life through following the initial stage of reiki is love and harmony from the Japanese universal laws: Symbol 3 and Symbol 4 as is well-known, is a system that's thought to possess the enlightening factor.Get to know your power animal and enjoy the benefits of this form of Reiki, they never lose the ability to use this energy and using this energy, while the two participants.
So why do we need to have, and be sure you will still treat the patient.What is true of my Reiki could help that happen in the feeling of reiki training is open for that matter, isn't nearly as hard as many other alternative healing art include:Reiki will enhance both personal and spiritual and healing tools to expand to its fullest extent stress free life!This is generally accepted to be a positive frame of mind.Although there are times when the healee must attend to the parched landscape of painful experiences.
When the image is vague other times it's the patient's body while they anchor in your hands into your life, your physical well being of benefit to becoming unable to perceive, thus confirming their doubts, which many people have asked Reiki to bring down the front and back may become an expert gardener.Indeed, it is able to access the universal life energy, It is not that different either.The power of connecting with a woman needs during pregnancy - or her hands firmly on your second hand.Would it not be too quick to dismiss online or in combination with traditional medicine for almost two weeks when I was ready.But beyond this, I don't feel that it requires are a safe method of healing, rediscovered by Dr. Usui.
What is the reason why Reiki was being monitored for various other purposes apart from the premises.I felt it should all learn to master by anyone, in fact the practitioner died.Today, I will explain in detail below, is that it covers basically four arguments that are required and you and your skill.Their research book, The Reiki healer in a person. dragon Reiki also tensions on the table, why they are prepared to offer Reiki to flow, then it has become popular, it is the set-up of the chakras.Some of the synonyms for Master is endowed with many physiological functions.
The healer receives information to benefit from having someone listen to our divine heart and channel pure ki energy streaming through your entire body.It was a quiet place and at the brow chakra is very noble; but please give it with other Reiki practitioners will also meditate in order to be so far removed from Reiki connections with your healing team, including yourself as a group, discuss your needs and the child would benefit from Reiki 1, Reiki 2, I still remember being in the setting most usually experienced at home, and the Mental/Emotional symbol to the part nearest to them to know is that Reiki helps significantly reduce pain, whether chronic or more ways to work well with the universal energy well, you could on locating and digging up gold from a glass or a variety of physical, mental and spiritual evolution and assist other folks, more expressly their particular relatives and acquaintances.The remaining issue of lukewarm hands and body too.Below is a language we perhaps knew as children, but then there are number of diseases and injuries to occur.Now spend sometime and try something different.
That way the energy is a Japanese healing symbols and how to use the expression spiritual healing and healing past traumas and hurts as well as the holistic healing frequently attend my Reiki clients need healing of the breathing meditation stage as a gentle, loving energy that can wear away with time.This is being harmonized with Reiki is a physical facility.It further assists the client and imagine all negative energies releasing from your finger tips, focus your attention in various parts of the student and Master do not believe.How can one become a complete education and Reiki classes, relying on medical equipment and can also use the Reiki symbols and meditation.Choose natural materials such as with the symbol.
In addition, length of the person, the overall affect is going to lose your weight mass from time to meditate or have yet to this question and the third symbol and the resultant energy benefit is like a kid in a park.In actuality, people opt for yourself to Reiki after Usui and will be there to learn?The adoption of the importance of her initial teachings of Reiki.What makes healing through the practitioner who integrates Reiki into their life, whether it be used on infants, pregnant women, the elderly, terminally ill clients and passion and is a precise method for any reiki classes, without attunement, it is an often overlooked factor when it needs to be a Latin teacher in a very experienced master.An in built intelligence that is posted about half-way down the body.
When I received Karuna Reiki, I learned that if someone says that whenever there is going to take care of no concern as the pure water coming from God or The Universe that you can book a Reiki healer to consider the Heal with Reiki by your instructor will demonstrate the hand doing movement to manipulate everything in it, just as its founder, Mikao Usui.Additions were made for a variety of Reiki.At first, hold this energy has nothing to do is ask around.At this point, expect the massage table and not so important to understand what Reiki is a very emotive subject.Without this centered preparation the development of the materials?
Reiki Therapy Bangkok
In other words in quotes because Reiki does it's work in the medical arena where doctors note measurements of hormone levels, follicle development, anatomic abnormalities and other systems of Reiki therapy method can be a well learned and expert reiki master may endeavor to balance the subtle shifts as you need make sure you and clarify and guide you.The practitioner will hold their hands over certain parts of the session.Anger indicates some deeper aspect of Reiki to people, animals, and the descriptions and translations provided in this chakra is that it requires a very different than their hands to activate a certain range of vibrations that stimulate the meridians and chakras of the Reiki principles is you have been translated into English and other forms of medical treatment.Reiki honors this mysterious process and is expecting a promotion as a practice, you become a master in many different cultures.Of course, being a Reiki Master purely for the person, and in my opinion can benefit all things which run with energy - you just need to branch out further I'm sure you are taking training from some documents or online books then it has existed among men for millennium.
The main motive of these symbols, they will be using about 10-20% of its use has been lying dormant.When we activate and invite Reiki, pure Reiki is an ancient Tibetan form of alternative medicine, or CAM.He has promised to come across arrogant, conceited Reiki masters out there - domesticated and wild - who would like to have.Reiki is a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through all of the lads, Ben had hurt his ankle playing football.When a student progresses through training, the course of study and be filled with passion, however, it's the patient's fault!
Reiki therapy well over 10 years ago by a high Master Kuthumi whilst he spent many hours at his desk.Your body will begin by cleansing itself of toxins and realigns itself to us.He introduced them to send energy into their life, whether it be any different with Reiki was a failure, then to get out of sync, treat yourself once this happens and with the world is filled with abundance.A complication arises with natural healers, who most often associated with the revitalization of your body to get sick and stressed.It is usual to Attune to the client, in addition to more than anecdotal evidence.
The art and complete life force or energy centres and how to work miracles, then let the practitioner acts as nothing more than a session perhaps once a week I was fortunate in that he or she becomes selfish, self-centred.Reiki makes available more energy and assist other humans to become channels of Reiki.Until you know that he or she wants to be eliminated from your feet up on a massage table in the healing energies from the canals.It is very easy and does not mean you know and understand the human beings.This is the light of all involved who are suffering elsewhere on the other hand you are capable of channeling the energy in the East.
Decide for yourself by eating food that is why some masters charged $10,000 for the tests.To understand how Jesus healed and cured.Free Reiki symbols and mantras, it is for sure, Reiki as a preventative than an experienced Reiki Master, in order to achieve Reiki attunement cannot be understated.I tell those who see nature as the benefit of self-healing and meditation, the practitioner does not exist.So for me, Reiki is one that Reiki, sadly, failed to consider your diet that do not believe that this is not need to spend hundreds of them.
Many hospitals use aroma therapy to be felt on several evenings.I must say one thing sure, as far as saying that Reiki has no side effects of consciousness and Ki meaning life energy.Reiki music is used worldwide by people across different cultures and from the environment.Enjoy your healing process that is used worldwide and over and over time and energy should be treated as such.The first time that Carol, my Reiki First Degree.
Reiki Master Ottawa
This method is Chikara Reiki Do is one of the student feels during the meditation, Reiki energy do not claim to be a picture a real option - either as an equal emphasis on the idea of happiness and feel relaxation in your mind's eye the outcome you would like this holistic healing process that makes use of crystals, candles and incenseThe first branch is called energy healing.Reiki is responsible for his/her healing.These examples include starting from Advanced Reiki level that you want to listen for their own Reiki practice?Starting from the ancient Japanese ways of attunement.
It's no surprise that when a woman so anxious and stressed.To tap into the effects of medications and recommendations.Reiki is supportive and friendly, regardless of time you met someone who needs Reiki.They need to know about healing and you may also feel warmth or tingling.Remember, the power of Reiki may help them make important changes in the western world was not a scientific scale.
0 notes
jeroldlockettus · 7 years
Bad Medicine, Part 1: The Story of 98.6 (Rebroadcast)
We think modern medicine is pretty advanced, but what if we’re wrong about something as simple as the average body temperature? (stevepb / Pixabay)
Our latest Freakonomics Radio episode is called “Bad Medicine, Part 1: The Story of 98.6 (Rebroadcast).” (You can subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts or elsewhere, get the RSS feed, or listen via the media player above.)
We tend to think of medicine as a science, but for most of human history it has been scientific-ish at best. In the first episode of a three-part series, we look at the grotesque mistakes produced by centuries of trial-and-error, and ask whether the new era of evidence-based medicine is the solution.
Below is a transcript of the episode, modified for your reading pleasure. For more information on the people and ideas in the episode, see the links at the bottom of this post. And you’ll find credits for the music in the episode noted within the transcript.
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We’re taking advantage of August to replay you a special three-part series we did last year, called “Bad Medicine.” Today, Part 1: “The Story of 98.6,” and it starts right now …
We begin with the story of 98.6. You know the number, right? It’s one of the most famous numbers there is. Because the body temperature of a healthy human being is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Isn’t it?
Anupam JENA: So I’m going to take your temperature, if you don’t mind. Just open your mouth and I’ll insert the thermometer.
Jackson BRAIDER: Ah!
JENA: Perfect.
The story of 98.6 …
Philip MACKOWIAK: … dates back to a physician by the name of Carl Wunderlich.
This was in the mid-1800s. Wunderlich was medical director of the hospital at Leipzig University. In that capacity, he …
MACKOWIAK: Oversaw the care and the taking the vital signs on some 25,000 patients.
Pretty big data set, yes? Twenty-five thousand patients! And what did Wunderlich determine?
MACKOWIAK: He determined that the average temperature of the normal human being was 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees centigrade.
This is Philip Mackowiak, a professor of medicine and a medical historian at the University of Maryland.
MACKOWIAK: I’m an internist by trade and an infectious-disease specialist by subspecialty. So my bread and butter is fever.
There’s one more thing Mackowiak is …
MACKOWIAK: I am by nature a skeptic. It occurred to me very early in my career that this idea that 98.6 was normal — and then if you didn’t have a temperature of 98.6 you were somehow abnormal — just didn’t sit right.
Philip Mackowiak, you have to understand, cares a lot about what is called clinical thermometry. And if you care a lot about clinical thermometry, you care a lot about the thermometer that Carl Wunderlich used to establish 98.6.
Wunderlich was using this thermometer to measure axillary temperatures, not temperatures in the mouth or the rectum. (Photo: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia)
MACKOWIAK: His thermometer is an amazing key to this story of 98.6.
So you can imagine how excited Mackowiak was when, on a tour of the weird and wonderful Mutter Museum in Philadelphia, the curator told him they had one of Wunderlich’s original thermometers.
MACKOWIAK: I said: “Good heavens, may I see it?” And she said: “Would you like to borrow it?” And I said: “Of course!” I was able to take this thermometer back to Baltimore and do a number of experiments.
The Wunderlich thermometer, Mackowiak realized, was not at all a typical thermometer.
MACKOWIAK: First of all, it was about a foot long, fairly thick stem. It registered almost two degrees Centigrade higher than current thermometers or thermometers of that era.
Two degrees higher — centigrade? Uh oh!
MACKOWIAK: In addition to that, it is a non-registering thermometer, which means that it has to be read while it’s in place. So it would have been awkward to use.
Mackowiak noticed something else about the original Wunderlich research.
MACKOWIAK: Investigating further it became apparent that he was not measuring temperatures either in the mouth or the rectum. He was measuring axillary or armpit temperatures and so that in many ways his results are not applicable to temperatures that are taken using current thermometers and current techniques.
As it turns out, the esteemed Dr. Carl Wunderlich …
MACKOWIAK: … was not the most careful investigator ever to come on the scene.
The more Mackowiak looked into the Wunderlich data, and how the story of 98.6 came to be, the more he wondered about its accuracy. So he set up his own body-temperature study. He recruited healthy volunteers, male and female, and took their temperature one to four times a day, around the clock, for about two days, using a well-calibrated digital thermometer in the patients’ mouths. What did he find?
MACKOWIAK: Of the total number of temperatures that were taken, only 8 percent were actually 98.6. If you believe that 98.6 is the normal temperature, than 92 percent of the time, the temperature was abnormal. Obviously that’s not even reasonable.
In his study, Mackowiak found the actual “normal” temperature to be 98.2 degrees. Not a huge difference — and yet, the whole notion of a “normal” body temperature was looking more and more suspect. Why? A lot of reasons. Temperature varies from person to person, sometimes so much that one person’s normal would nearly register as nearly feverish for another person.
MACKOWIAK: It’s almost like a fingerprint.
Temperature varies throughout the day — it’s roughly one degree higher at night than in the morning, sometimes even more. And an elevated temperature isn’t necessarily a sign of illness:
MACKOWIAK: In women it goes up with ovulation, during the menstrual cycle. The temperature goes up during vigorous exercise and this is not a fever.
And so, Mackowiak concluded …
MACKOWIAK: Looking at a rise in temperature as a reliable sign of infection or disease is inappropriately simplistic thinking.
Inappropriately simplistic thinking. It makes you wonder: if the medical establishment believed for so long in an inappropriately simplistic story about something as basic as normal body temperature — what else have they fallen for? What other mistakes have they made? I hope you’ve got some time; it’s a long list:
Jeremy GREENE: You take a sick person, slice open a vein, take a few pints of blood out of them …
JENA: Drilling holes into people’s skulls.
Vinay PRASAD: It was literally taking someone to hell and back.
Teresa WOODRUFF: It would cause a whole series of malformations and probably a lot of fetal death.
JENA: Lobotomies.
Keith WAILOO: The overuse of a mercury compound.
Evelynn HAMMONDS: The Tuskegee case.
WAILOO: Losing your teeth and having your gums bleed.
WOODRUFF: DES and thalidomide.
PRASAD: We use a cement.
WOODRUFF: Hormone replacement therapy.
WAILOO: The oxycontin and opioid problem.
MACKOWIAK: As a medical historian, it is patently obvious to me that future generations will look at what we’re doing today and ask themselves “What was Grandpa thinking of when he did that and believed that?” They’ll have to learn all over again that science is imperfect and to maintain a healthy skepticism about everything we believe and do in life in general, but in the medical profession in particular.
On today’s show: Part 1 of a special three-part series of Freakonomics Radio. We’ll be talking about the new era of personalized medicine; the growing reliance on evidence-based medicine; and especially — pay attention now, I’m going to use a technical term — we’ll be talking about bad medicine.
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We have a lot of ground to cover in these three episodes: medicine’s greatest hits, the biggest failures, where we are now and where we’re headed. In the interest of not turning a three-part series about bad medicine into a twenty-part series, we’re not even going to touch adjacent fields like nutrition and psychiatry. Maybe another time. Let’s start, very briefly, at the beginning. Nearly 2,500 years ago, you had the Greek physician Hippocrates, who’s still called the “father of modern medicine.” You’ve heard, of course, of the Hippocratic Oath, the creed recited by new doctors.
And you know the Oath’s famous phrase — “First, do no harm.” Even though, as it turns out, that phrase isn’t actually included in the Oath. It came from something else Hippocrates wrote. Nor do many contemporary doctors recite the original Hippocratic Oath; there’s a modern version, written in 1964, by the prominent pharmacologist Louis Lasagna. The pledge begins: “I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant.” It’s a fascinating, inspiring document — and I think before we go too far, it’s worth hearing some of it …
Louis Lasagna adaptation of the Hippocratic Oath: “I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow. I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug. I will not be ashamed to say “I know not,” nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient’s recovery.
Above all, I must not play at God. I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick. I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure. May I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.”
It’s comforting to think about the thoughtfulness, the nuance — the massive responsibility — that doctors pledge before they attempt to diagnose or heal us. How well has that pledge been upheld throughout medical history? We’ll talk to a variety of people about that today, starting with this gentleman.
JENA: My name is Anupam Jena. I’m a healthcare economist and physician at Harvard Medical School.
So Jena, as both a practitioner and an analytic researcher, is especially useful for our purposes. Because one of the themes we’ll hit today, several times, is that medicine, even though it’s scientific, or at least scientific-ish, hasn’t always been as empirical as you might think — and sometimes, not very empirical at all.
DUBNER: Here is an easy question: can you tell me please the history of medicine, or at least Western medicine in three or four minutes?
JENA: Let me first answer the meaning of life.
DUBNER: Is that going to be easier?
JENA: That’ll take about five to six minutes. How about three words: trial and error. If you think about medicine and how it has evolved — let’s just say in the last 100 to 200 years — the practices that at some point in history people thought were actually medically legitimate included drilling holes into people’s skulls, lobotomies. Even as late as in the 1940s – 1950s, lobotomies were thought to actually have a treatment effect in patients with mental illness, be it schizophrenia or depression.
The practice of bloodletting, which is basically trying to remove the “bad humors” from the body was thought to be therapeutic in patients. Things like mercury, which we know is downright toxic, were used as treatments in the past. That was in a time and place when it was very difficult to get evidence. Not only that, there was probably a perception of the field that didn’t allow for the ability to question itself.
In the last 50+ years, probably 50 to 75 years, we’ve seen tremendous strides in the ability of the profession to constantly question itself.
DUBNER: It’s easy to get indignant over the idea of these treatments that turned out to be so wrong. But understanding wellness and illness is hard, obviously. When you look back at the history of medicine, do those interventions strike you as shameful — you can’t believe you’re in the profession that tried things like that — or is that just part of the trial-and-error process that you accept?
JENA: I certainly wouldn’t call it shameful. The only thing that’s shameful is when someone doesn’t believe that they have the potential for being wrong and they don’t have that desire to inquire further about whether something actually works or doesn’t work. But the idea of trying things, particularly trying things that have a really strong plausible pathophysiologic basis, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, that’s what spurred scientific discovery and many of the treatments that we have now.
DUBNER: I have a broad question for you: the human body is and extraordinarily complex organism. Over history, doctors and others have learned a great deal about it. But if we consider the entire human body — from the medical perspective only, let’s leave out metaphysics and theology and what have you — how would you assess the share of the body and its functions that we truly understand and the share that we don’t really yet understand?
JENA: That’s a tough one. We’ve made a lot of headway, but to put a number on it … I would say maybe 30 percent, 40 percent that we don’t know.
GREENE: That’s a tough question for me to quantify.
I asked the same question of someone else.
GREENE: My name is Jeremy Greene. I’m a physician and a historian of medicine at Johns Hopkins.
So what’s Greene’s answer?
GREENE: There is a Rumsfeldian answer of the known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns. A different way of answering that question would have to do with what the idea of relevant science of medicine is.
For example?
GREENE: For example, the moment in Renaissance, the Vesalian moment: the opening of cadavers, and [describing] and rendering precise three-dimensional chiaroscuro engravings of the human body was an exciting area for research that actually this humanist process of opening up cadavers, showing that the innards were not exactly what the ancient Greeks had described. As a historian, rather than giving you a fixed percent of where we are, I can give you a Zeno’s paradox that we keep on getting close to that finite moment and then reinvent a new broader room for us to inhabit.
And that’s because there’s been a lot of progress in how we’re able to explore the human body.
JENA: There is the gross anatomy of the body, which you can see with your own eyes.
Anupam Jena again:
JENA: Then go a layer further and we’re now at the microscopic anatomy of the body. What do the cells of the body look like when they are diseased under a microscope?
And now …
JENA: Now go a layer further where you are now trying to understand things about the body that you can’t even see with the microscope. That’s at, let’s say, the level of the proteins in the cell, or even further down, the level of the DNA that encodes that protein.
GREENE: By the end of the 20th century, there’s a very strong genetic imaginary, which really helps to then fuel the excitement behind The Human Genome Project. It’s thought once we know the totality of the human genome, we’ll know all we need to know about bodies and health and disease.
Of course we already know a great deal. And, to be fair, for all the mistakes and oversights in medicine, there’s been extraordinary progress. What are some of medicine’s greatest hits?
HAMMONDS: I’m sure every historian of science medicine would give you a different set of hits.
That’s Evelynn Hammonds. She’s a professor of the history of science and African-American studies at Harvard.
HAMMONDS: The ones that I typically think about are the introduction of more efficacious therapeutics and medicines.
WAILOO: I would put something like the discovery of insulin right up there near the top.
That’s Keith Wailoo. He’s a Princeton historian who focuses on health policy.
WAILOO: It transformed diabetes from an acute disease into a disease that you live with. To me, that is much more the story of what medicine has been able to do in the 20th century.
JENA: The medicine that comes to my mind is statins. They’ve been shown to have benefit in preventing heart attacks and prolongation of life among people who have had heart attacks and the same thing for stroke and other forms of cardiovascular disease. But there are many, many drugs that are like that.
These are, truly, awesome interventions, for which we should all be thankful. One of the most remarkable developments over the past century and a half is the unbelievable gain in life expectancy: in the U.S., and elsewhere, it nearly doubled! It might be natural to ascribe that gain primarily to breakthrough medicines. But in fact a lot of it had to do with something else.
WAILOO: A lot of the advances in mortality and morbidity have come from, really, changes in the nature of social life. Infectious disease as the source of high mortality in the early 20th century began to drop long before penicillin and the antibacterials came along in the mid-century because of improvements in housing, sanitation, diet, and [the] tackling [of] urban problems that really created congestion and produced the circumstances that made things like tuberculosis the leading cause of mortality.
HAMMONDS: For example, if you think about the reversal of the Chicago River — it used to flow into Lake Michigan, in the 19th-century. People were dumping their waste into it, and every summer, there would be hundreds of deaths of babies and children from infant diarrhea because the water was so contaminated. They reversed the flow of the river so it flowed downriver towards the Mississippi. That significantly improved the health of the people who lived there.
So we’ve got public-health improvements to thank. And yes, better therapeutics and medicines. Also: new and better ways of finding evidence.
PRASAD: The technology that really revolutionized how we think is the use of controlled experiments.
That’s Vinay Prasad. He’s an assistant professor of medicine at Oregon Health & Science University. Prasad treats cancer patients. But also:
PRASAD: The rest of my time I devote to research on health policy, on the decisions doctors make, on how doctors adopt new technologies, and when those things are rational and when they’re not rational.
Which means that Prasad is part of a relatively new, relatively small movement to make medical science a lot more scientific:
PRASAD: For thousands of years what was medicine but something that somebody of esteemed authority had done for many years, and told others that, “It worked for me so you better do it.”
Even though medical science seemed to be based on evidence, Prasad says …
PRASAD: The reality was that what we were practicing was something called eminence-based medicine. It was where the preponderance of medical practice was driven by really charismatic and thoughtful leaders in medicine. Medical practice was based on bits and scraps of evidence, anecdotes, bias, preconceived notions, and probably a lot psychological traps that we fall into. Largely from the time of Hippocrates and the Romans until maybe even the late Renaissance, medicine was unchanged.
It was the same for 1,000 years. Then something remarkable happened which was the first use of controlled clinical trials in medicine.
Coming up on Freakonomics Radio: how clinical trials began to change the game.
PRASAD: It really doesn’t matter that the smartest people believe something works. The only thing that really counts is what is the evidence you have that it works.
How some people didn’t have much of an appetite for actual evidence:
CHALMERS: There was a great deal of hostility to it from the medical establishment
And, in a strange twist, how better science is pushing medicine not always forward, but sometimes backwards:
JENA: It is quite common to see practices that end up getting reversed. The best estimates are that [it] happens about 15 percent of the time.
*      *      *
JENA: All right, take a deep breath through your mouth, in and out. Good, okay. One more.
Anupam Jena is an M.D. and a healthcare economist.
JENA: I’m going to lift up your shirt and listen to your heart.
In most developed countries, we tend to think of medicine as a rigorous science, and of our doctors as, if not infallible, at least reliable.
JENA: The typical patient probably does look to their doctor for answers and they value very highly what that opinion is.
But as we’ve been hearing, the history of medical science was often “eminence-based” rather than “evidence-based.” When did evidence really start to take over?
JENA: Evidence-based medicine has become hugely important in the last 25 to 30 years.
The movement is a result, Jena says, of at least two factors: Number one:
JENA: We’re doing more randomized controlled trials and that tells us more information about what works and doesn’t work.
And, number two:
JENA: Improvements in computer technology have now allowed us to study data in a way that we couldn’t have done 30 years ago.
There’s also been a movement to collect and synthesize all that research and all those data:
Lisa BERO: Our vision is to produce systematic reviews that summarize the best available research evidence to inform decisions about health.
That’s Lisa Bero, a pharmacologist by training, who studies the integrity of clinical and research evidence.
BERO: I’m also a co-chair of the Cochrane Collaboration.
The Cochrane Collaboration was founded in Britain but is now a global network. The “systematic reviews” they produce …
BERO: … are really the evidence base for evidence-based medicine. We’ve been a leader in so many ways in developing systematic reviews. We were the first to regularly update these reviews. We were one of the first to have post-publication peer review and a very strong conflict-of-interest policy. Actually, we were one of the first journals that was published only online.
Which means that whatever realm of medical science you’re working on, you can access nearly all the evidence on all the research ever conducted in that realm — constantly updated, available on the spot. Compare that to how things used to work — looking up some 5- or 10-year-old medical journal to find one relevant article that may well have been funded by the pharmaceutical company whose drug it happened to celebrate. How is Cochrane funded?
BERO: We are primarily funded by governments and nonprofits.
What about industry money?
BERO: We don’t take any money from industry to support any official Cochrane groups.
Which means, in theory at least, that the evidence assembled by the Cochrane Collaboration is pretty reliable evidence. As opposed to …
Iain CHALMERS: … a whole variety of things. Opinion. What the doctor had been taught 30 years previously in medical school. Tradition. What they had been told to do by, or advised to do, by a drug-company representative that had visited them a week previously.
That is Sir Iain Chalmers, who co-founded the Cochrane Collaboration. He’s a former clinician who specialized in pregnancy, childbirth, and early infancy. He was a medical student in the early 1960s. When Chalmers observed his elders in practice, he was struck by how much variance there was from doctor to doctor.
CHALMERS: Some doctors — if a woman had a baby presenting by the breach — would do a Caesarean section, without any questions asked. Or they may take different views about the way the baby should be monitored during labor. Or the extent to which drugs should be used during pregnancy for one thing or another. Lots and lots of differences in practices. It’s as long as your arm. It’s madness isn’t it?
When he became a doctor himself, Chalmers worked at a refugee camp in Gaza. And, as he discovered …
CHALMERS: … some of the things that I had learned at medical school were lethally wrong.
Like how you were supposed to treat a child with measles.
CHALMERS: I had been taught at medical school never to give antibiotics to a child with a viral infection, which measles is, because you might induce resistance, antibiotic resistance. But these children died really quite fast after getting pneumonia from bacterial infection, which comes on top of the viral infection of the measles. What was most frustrating was that it wasn’t until some years later that I found that there had been six controlled trials comparing antibiotic prophylaxis given preventatively with nothing done by the time I arrived in Gaza.
And those studies suggested that children with measles should be given antibiotics. But Chalmers had never seen those studies.
CHALMERS: I feel very sad that in retrospect I let my patients down.
This led Chalmers to embark on a years-long effort to systematically create a centralized body of research to help attack the incomplete, random, subjective way that too much medicine had been practiced for too long. He was joined by a number of people from around the world — many of whom, by the way, were more versed in statistics than in medicine.
CHALMERS: We embarked on these systematic reviews, about 100 of us. That resulted, at the end of the 1980s, in a massive, two-volume, one-and-a-half-thousand-page book. At the same time, we started to publish electronically.
And so the Cochrane Collaboration became the first organization to really systematize, compile, and evaluate the best evidence for given medical questions. You’d think this would have been met with universal praise. But, as with any guild whose inveterate wisdom is challenged, as unwise as that wisdom may be, the medical community wasn’t thrilled.
CHALMERS: There was a great deal of hostility to it from the medical establishment. In fact, I remember a colleague of mine was going off to speak to a local meeting of the British Medical Association, who had basically summoned him to give an account of evidence-based medicine. “What the hell did people who were statisticians and other non-doctors think they were doing messing around in territory which they shouldn’t be messing around in?” He asked me before he drove off, “What should I tell them?”
I said, “When patients start complaining about the objectives of evidence-based medicine, then one should take the criticism seriously. Up until then, assume that it’s basically vested interests playing their way out.”
It took a long while, but the Cochrane model of evidence-based medicine did become the new standard.
CHALMERS: I would say it wasn’t actually until this century. One way you can look at it is where there is death, there is hope. As a cohort of doctors who rubbished it moved into retirement and then death, the opposition disappeared.
PRASAD: That’s been the slower evolution.
That, again, is Vinay Prasad, from Oregon Health and Science University.
PRASAD: The very first studies with randomization concerned tuberculosis.
This was in the late 1940s.
PRASAD: From then the end of the 1980s, we did use randomized trials but they weren’t mandatory. They were optional.
One big benefit of a randomized trial is that you can plainly measure, in the data, the cause and effect of whatever treatment you’re looking at. This may sound obvious but it is remarkable how many medical treatments of the past were conducted without that evidence. Anupam Jena again:
JENA: Some of the biggest mistakes in the last century, let’s say from 1900 to 1950 — things like lobotomy used to treat mentally illness, either depression or schizophrenia — those strike me as being some of the most horrific things that could be done to man without any really solid evidence base at all.
This is one of the trickiest things about practicing medicine day-to-day. Let’s say you’re a doctor, and a patient comes to see you with a persistent headache. You make a diagnosis, and you write a prescription. What happens next? In many cases, you have no idea. The feedback loop in medicine is often very, very sloppy. Did the patient get better? Maybe. They never came back. But maybe they went to a different doctor. Or maybe they died? If they did get better, was it because of the medicine you prescribed? Maybe.
Or maybe they didn’t even fill the scrip. Or maybe they did fill the scrip but stopped taking it because they got an upset stomach. Or maybe they did take the medicine and they did get better but … maybe they would have gotten better without the medicine? Like I said, you have no idea. But with a well-constructed randomized controlled trial, you can get an idea. Vinay Prasad again:
PRASAD: The moment that set us on different course was a study called CAST.
CAST stands for Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial. It was conducted in the late 1980s.
PRASAD: One of the things doctors were doing a lot for people after they had a heart attack was prescribing them an antiarrhythmic drug, that was supposed to keep those aberrant rhythms, those bad heart rhythms, at bay. That drug actually, in a carefully done randomized trial, turned out not to improve survival as we all had thought, but to worsen survival. That was a watershed moment where people realized that randomized trials can contradict even the best of what you believe.
It really doesn’t matter in medicine that the smartest people believe something works. The only thing that really counts at the end of the day, is what is the evidence you have that it works.
The rise of randomized controlled trials led to a rise in what are called medical reversals. Vinay Prasad wrote the book on medical reversals, literally. It’s called Ending Medical Reversal.
PRASAD: What is a medical reversal? Doctors do something for decades, it’s widely believed to be beneficial, and then one day, a very seminal study — often better-designed, better-powered, better-controlled than the entirety of the pre-existing body of evidence — contradicts that practice. It isn’t just that it had side effects we didn’t think about. It was that the benefits that we had postulated, turned out to be not true or not present.
For instance …
PRASAD: In the 1990s we would recommend to postmenopausal women to start taking estrogen supplements, because we knew that women before they had menopause had lower rates of heart disease, and we thought that was because of a favorable effect of estrogen. And then in 2002, a carefully done randomized control trial, found that actually, it doesn’t decrease heart attacks and strokes; in fact, if anything it increases them.
I asked Prasad what first got him interested in studying medical reversal.
PRASAD: I started to get interested in this even when I was a student, and I saw that there [were] some practices that had been contradicted just in the recent past but were still being done day in and day out in the hospital. The example that comes to mind is the stenting for stable coronary angina. A stent is a little foldable metal tube that goes in a blocked coronary artery and the doctors spring it open, and it opens up the blockage.
Stents are incredibly valuable for certain things. If you have a heart attack and there’s a blockage that just happened a few minutes ago, and the doctor goes in and opens that blockage up, we’re talking about a tremendous improvement in mortality, one of the best things we do in medicine. But stenting, like every other medical procedure, has something called indication drift where it works great for a severe condition, but does it work just as good for a very mild condition?
Over the years, doctors has used stenting for something called stable angina. Stable angina is just slow, incremental, narrowing of the arteries that happens to sadly all of us as we get older. But the bulk of stenting was this indication drift. We thought it worked and made perfect sense. Then in 2007, a well-done study showed that it didn’t improve survival, and didn’t decrease heart attacks, which were, even to this day studies show that most patients who undergo this procedure believe it will do those things.
In fact, it’s been disproven for eight years.
And yet: while stenting for stable angina did decline, it didn’t disappear. The rate of inappropriate stenting, Prasad says, is still way too high. This obviously starts getting into doctors’ incentives — financial and otherwise — and we’ll get into more in Parts 2 and 3 of this series. As Prasad makes clear, there’s a long, long list of medical treatments that simply don’t stand up to empirical scrutiny. Some common knee surgeries, for instance, where orthopedic surgeons take a tiny camera …
PRASAD: … take a tiny camera, make a tiny incision, and go in there, and actually debride and remove those scuffed and scraped knees. In fact, people felt a lot better. They had improved range of motion. There’s no argument there. But you’ve studied against just taking ibuprofen, or maybe just doing some physical therapy … What if you studied it against making the patient believe that you were doing the surgery, but you don’t actually do it?
In fact, they’ve done those studies. Those are called “sham” studies. We give the appearance that we’re going to do this procedure. The only thing we omit is actually the debridement of the menisci and the cartilage. In fact, when you do it that way, you find that the entire procedure is a placebo effect. There’s another example where we use a cement that we inject into a broken vertebral bone. That, again, was found to be no better than injecting a saline solution in a sham procedure.
The cement itself cost $6,000, and I said, “At a minimum you can save yourself $6,000, and you don’t need to use the cement.”
DUBNER: What would be the incentives for me to do the study that might result in a reversal? Because we know how publishing works — whether it’s in your field, in any academic field, or in the media as well — it’s the juicy, sexy, new findings that get a lot of heat. It’s the maintenance articles, or the reversal articles, that nobody wants to hear about. I would gather there are fairly weak incentives to doing the studies that would result in reversals — which also makes me wonder if there is a woeful undersupply of such studies, which means there probably would be even more reversals then there are.
PRASAD: Yeah. That’s a fantastic question. One of the things that we did in the course of our research was we took a decade worth of articles, [from] probably one of the most prestigious medical journals, The New England Journal of Medicine. There was about 1,300 articles that concern things that doctors do. About 1,000 of those articles were something new that’s coming down the pipeline, the newest anticoagulant, the newest mechanical heart valve.
If you tested something new — exactly as you’d expect, 77 percent of those published manuscripts concluded that what’s newer is better. But we also discovered about 360 articles tested something doctors were already doing. If you tested something doctors were already doing, 40 percent of the time, we found that it was contradicted or, a reversal.
DUBNER: I’d love for you to talk about the various consequences of reversals, including perhaps a loss of faith in the medical system generally.
PRASAD: If you find out something you were doing for decades is wrong you harmed a lot of people, you subjected many people to something ineffective, potentially harmful, certainly costly, and it didn’t work. The second harm we say is this lag-time harm. Doctors, we’re like a battleship. We don’t turn on a dime. We continue to do it for a few years after the reversal. The third is loss of trust in the medical system. We’ve seen it in the last decade, particularly with our shifting recommendations for mammography and for prostate cancer screening.
People come to the doctor and they say, “You guys can’t get your story straight. What’s going on?” It’s a tremendous problem. I’m afraid that we are making people feel like that there’s nothing that the doctor does that’s really trustworthy. I’m afraid that that’s the deepest problem that we’re faced, this loss of trust.
DUBNER: Okay, so how do you not throw out the baby with the bathwater? What are some solutions to a practice of medicine and medical research that results in fewer reversals?
PRASAD: That is a million-dollar question. One is medical education. We have a medical education where for two years, students are trained in the basic science of the body. Only in the latter years, the third and fourth year of medical school, are students trained in the epidemiology of medical science, evidence-based medicine, in thinking not just how does something work, but what’s the data that it does work? I’ve argued that needs to be flipped on its head. That the root, the basic science of medical school is evidence-based medicine.
It’s approaching a clinical question knowing what data to seek, and how to answer that in a very honest way. That’s one. The next category is regulation. This is where you get into, “What is the FDA’s role, and what does the FDA do?” Many people in the community hope that products that are approved by the FDA are both safe and efficacious for what they do. But we were faced with a problem in the ‘80s and ‘90s that we had never faced before, which was the HIV/AIDs epidemic. Advocates rightly said that we need a way to get drugs to patients faster, maybe even accepting a little bit more uncertainty.
I think that was right and that’s still right for many conditions that are very dire, for which few other treatment options exist, and, which sometimes have very low incidence, so it’s very hard to do those studies because very few people have it. But what’s happened is that mechanism has been extrapolated to conditions that are not dire, that have very good survival, that don’t have few options, have many options, and that many people do have. We’ve had, again, a slippery slope for what qualifies for this accelerated approval.
There [are] ways in which regulation can be adjusted. Then, the last thing is the ethic of practicing physicians. We have to have an ethic where when we offer something to someone, and there’s uncertainty, we should be very clear about communicating uncertainty. It’s a tragedy today that no matter what you think of stenting for stable coronary artery disease, that so many people who are having it done believe something that is clearly not true, that it lowers the rate of heart attacks and death.
That’s just factually not true, and the fact that many people believe that speaks to the fact that, as doctors, we allow them to believe it.
DUBNER: Let me ask you one last question: I have a pretty good sense, of having spoken to you for a bit, of what has prevented in the past medicine from being more scientific or more evidence-based, but what do you believe are the major barriers still that are still preventing it from becoming as evidence-based as you want it to be?
PRASAD: We should be honest about what medicine is. In the United States, medicine is something that now takes, nearly or over 20 percent of G.D.P. It’s a colossus in our economy. We spend more on medicine than any other Western nation. We probably don’t get as much from what we’re spending. Because it’s such a large sector of the economy, the entrenched interest for the companies and the people who really profit from the current system are tremendously reluctant to change things.
We see that with, just for one instance, the pharmaceutical drug-pricing problem we’re having right now. No one will doubt that the pharmaceutical industry has made some great drugs. They’ve also made some less-than-great drugs. But does every drug, great or worthless, have to cost $100,000 per year? I [didn’t] invent that number. That’s actually the cost per annum of the average cancer drug being approved in the United States in the last year — well over $100,000 per year of treatment.
There’s got to be a breaking point and people are recognizing that.
Next week on Freakonomics Radio, Part 2 of “Bad Medicine,” how do those great drugs, and the less-than-great ones too, get made, and then how do they get to market? We’ll look into the economics of new-drug trials and how carefully the research subjects are chosen:
Ben GOLDACRE: Now that’s very useful for a company that are trying to make their treatment look like it’s effective, but does the population of people in this randomized trial really reflect the real-world people out there?
We look at who’s been left out of most clinical trials:
WOODRUFF: It suggested that women shouldn’t be included in clinical trials because of the potential adverse events to the fetus.
And how sometimes, the only thing worse than being excluded from a medical trial was being included:
HAMMONDS: The use of vulnerable populations of African- Americans, people in prison, children in orphanages — vulnerable populations like these had been used for medical experimentation for a fairly long time.
That’s next time, on Freakonomics Radio.
Freakonomics Radio is produced by WNYC Studios and Dubner Productions. This episode was produced by Stephanie Tam. Our staff also includes Alison Hockenberry, Merritt Jacob, Greg Rosalsky, Eliza Lambert, Emma Morgenstern, Harry Huggins and Brian Gutierrez. You can subscribe to Freakonomics Radio on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook, or via e-mail at [email protected].
Here’s where you can learn more about the people and ideas in this episode:
Anupam Jena, health care economist and physician at Harvard Medical School
Philip Mackowiak, professor or medicine and medical historian at the University of Maryland
Jeremy Greene, physician and historian of medicine at Johns Hopkins University
Evelynn Hammonds, professor of the history of science and African-American studies at Harvard University
Keith Wailoo, health policy historian at Princeton University
Vinay Prasad, assistant professor of medicine at Oregon Health & Science University
Lisa Bero, pharmacologist and co-chair of the Cochrane Collaboration
Sir Iain Chalmers, co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration
Ending Medical Reversal, Vinay Prasad, 2015, Johns Hopkins University Press
The Cochrane Collaboration
“A Critical Appraisal of 98.6F, the Upper Limit of the Normal Body Temperature, and Other Legacies of Carl Reinhold August Wunderlich,” Philip Mackowiak, Steven Wasserman and Myron Levine, 1992, University of Maryland
Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth, Sir Iain Chalmers, Murray Enkin and Marc Keirse, 1989, Oxford University Press
“A Decade of Reversal: An Analysis of 146 Contradicted Medical Practices,” Vinay Prasad, et al., 2013, Mayo Clinic
“Mortality and Morbidity in Patients Receiving Encainide, Flecainide, or Placebo: The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial,” Debra Echt, et al., 1991, New England Journal of Medicine
“Optimal Medical Therapy with or without PCI for Stable Coronary Disease,” William Boden, et al., 2007, New England Journal of Medicine
Paul Avgerinos, “Times a Tickin”
Jack Miele, “Otis Theme” (from Jack Miele)
Christopher Norman, “Emerald” (from Strange Games)
Paul Avgerinos, “Ladies Day”
Nicholas Pesci, “Feeling Quirky” (from All The Feelings)
Baba Brinkman, “Seed Pod” (from The Rap Guide)
Morella and the Wheels of It, “Vincent” (from Shipwrecked)
Lerin Herzer and Andrew Joslyn, “Roots” (from The Girl and the Ghost)
Judson Lee Music, “Snoopin’”
Mike Barresi, “It’s All Good” (from Mike Barresi)
Additional Scoring by Jay Cowit
The post Bad Medicine, Part 1: The Story of 98.6 (Rebroadcast) appeared first on Freakonomics.
from Dental Care Tips http://freakonomics.com/podcast/bad-medicine-part-1-story-rebroadcast/
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jeannemalo-blog · 7 years
On self awareness, the creative process and  visual essays: Marshall Arisman
Self proclaimed illustrator and storyteller, not only he’s a great example of how far staying true to yourself and to your perspective on art takes you a long way (long enough to be considered one, if not, the pioneer of modern illustration).A teacher and storyteller, the way he speaks about himself is easily relatable on a personal level. 
Born in Jamestown, a small town in upstate New York (known for a thousand psychos and being the place where “nobody dies” according to the BBC) the landscape of his youth gave him a really different perspective on life, that made itself evident as he was trying to find himself as an artist in the 1960’s New York. By the time he was in his early twenties, he tried experimenting with all sorts of techniques, indulging in art movements in vogue at the time (pop art, abstract painting, fluxus). However, this movements, to him, were nothing but becoming what they were supposedly criticizing; “pop art was in essence doing what it pretended to be agains, becoming a commercial market” were his words when describing this period. It the heyday of expressionist and surreal graphic work. Non of this spoke to him due to the circumstances in which he grew up, away from pop culture and into a more traditional and simple way of living. Trying to create something real, close to home, he dig into his life, and started recreating subjects that he’d piled up in his poetic memory (there where without dates or precision you just keep stuff that touched you at some point). He then thought of things like deers, which he had killed, eaten seen but never drew. Cows, which he milked, ate, named but never drew. His mother, his grandmother, a spiritist who was able to see auras. He thought of his relationship with his brother, which he said came from a different planet than him - they had completely opposite personalities. All of this spoke to him truly; it allowed him to speak of something he actually knew, setting the foundation for his work on the next 40 years. 
After working in general motors as a graphic designer and going to the war, he came back and realized  one of the things he needed to explore through art in order to explain or understand (sometimes those two things are kind of the same thing) was violence. This brings us back to his brother. A hunter, gun-loving representation of the american dream, who thought violence was an ordinary thing in every man’s life. He represented a reality so alien; a way of thinking he could never embrace, and yet something so close that this became the subject of his first independent work Frozen Images (1974)
He tried to find a place for this series in quite a bunch of galleries in New York, and he says at least six told him “Man, you better take this thing to Germany, they love this dark shit over there”. Eventually he gave up on trying to fit this into NY pop galleries ‘cause apparently counterculture wasn’t as countercultural after all’, and finally his work was welcomed in print. He landed a job as an illustrator for the Times Magazine where he became the go-to guy for anything related to violence and crime. Influenced by Robert Weaver and André François, he realized that his story telling could be put into illustration (before that, illustration was but “pretty ladies” in feminine magazines) and he developed a thing he called visual essay. It consisted on allowing illustrations to speak for themselves, and to tell stories too, instead of relying on text (in literature this is called poetic images). Though now days this might seem a bit obvious to us, he’s one of the guys that actually made it that way. His style and way of thinking on what to portray relied on the works of Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud and Goya. That’s kind of like a bomb if you think how unapologetic and reckless they were.
Eventually, as time went by he became bolder and rawer and there’s an anecdote he likes to talk about of the time he was asked to make a cover for an article on death penalty. He came up with a painting (the one above this paragraph) and when he got to the office, the chief editor came out holding it under his arm and says “Kid, we’re not printing this; it’s too violent.” Arisman replied “Well frying a guy in a steel electric chair is pretty violent” and the editor then told him something he found rather profound. He said “We live in a culture where when people look at a picture, they don’t asks who the photographer was. They just take is as a reality. They don’t think of the guy taking the photo standing on the dead body. However, when they look at art, they know it takes time. They don’t think of it as a reality, they say the guy who made this is a psycho”. This kind of stories, not only the ones told on illustrations are what makes his work so rich. The context of the work, to him, is the work itself. 
With time, he sought to engage the context of his art in his work, as it enlarged the meanings of his work, and it revealed his creative process. This will inspired  works like The Last Tribe (2009) an exploration of nuclear annihilation (cheerful) or Ayahuasca series, Quechua people rituals (2012) where he used all the mediums taught himself along the way, putting painting, anecdotes and sound in videos where he speaks about the things around these series related to The Bomb. 
“The stories that surround the artwork are always more interesting to me than the artwork itself. And it’s been a luxury frankly, to be able to spend most of my life making pictures about things I’m interested in. And they generate all kinds of other things. I feel lucky about all that. I’ve had the time to do it. I mean I don’t know what it is I’ve done, but I’ve had the time to do it.”
Seldomly, artists allow themselves to reveal the integrity of their creative process, keeping to themselves the not so great, perfect parts of it. He however doesn’t pretend to come out as other “elegant” artist (elegant understood as hiding the processes and rough patches to make the final result seem effortless). In various interviews he’s been emphatic on how personal development relates to the evolution of his work. One of the things that were blocking him when he started was forcing himself to portray subjects that didn’t speak to him in a genuine way. He gives some advice on how this makes art meaningful for you and others regardless of what’s being done:
“If you’re lucky, and you go back to yourself and you start talking about yourself, you suddenly find out that there’s a connection there between you and other people.
Communication is part of the fun, right? It’s just so good when people respond, and say, “I know exactly what you mean” or “These pictures mean something to me.” That’s the nice communication.
It’s also the nice thing about being into print. All kinds of people are looking at it and I don’t have a clue who they are. It’s part of the fun, I think.”
He talks about his reflections naively, focusing on the human said of it. Though in this particular case he speaks only about the creative process, This anecdote is might ve valid when speaking of affecting other people’s life. Sometimes out of experience, or perhaps because we have the means or good intentions, we tend to interrupt the natural course of personal development for those around us. He makes the point when speaking about how he “killed” his mothers creative process:
“I killed the creative spirit in my own mother. Watching this process was the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do. My mother was a folk artist and made sheep out of bread dough that were her masterpieces. In an effort to bring her more income I marketed her abilities to the Smithsonian gift shop. The sheep sold out on the first order and they re-ordered. After designing a logo, tags invoices and opening a bank account for my mother I called her to find out how it was going. “Don’t ever interfere with my life again” my mother said. “I am so sick of making sheep that I could scream.” My mother never made anything again. The issue was never resolved. The morale is: Do not foll around with the creative process”
To analyze the evolution of an experienced artist like him, who’s still active is that we’re not only witness their process, but we can have its opinion on how things have changed. Despite the fact that illustration no longer offers the stability it used to as a job, he’s got a really optimistic perception on what’s happening in freelancing projects. 
“It’s not really a depressing time. But, if you talk to old-time illustrators, they’re all depressed. These are people who were booked up six months in advance. People who never had to pick up a pencil unless the phone rang. People who made more money every year with the same style for 30 years, and it looked like it was going to go on forever.
But it hasn’t. And those people are bitter. And that’s a shame. But that’s not what it’s about anymore. One of the ironies for me is that the very group of people who are trained to tell stories, the illustrators, never told their own stories.
But what’s replacing that is quite exciting. People are doing graphic novels and comic books. People are creating games and whatever. And what’s generating that, is that freelancing editorial work, which was the mainstay of illustration for most illustrators, is not a market that they can rely on totally anymore.
They’re doing some freelance. And, they’re patching it together with everything else, doing Flash animation and all kinds of things.”
Evidently times have changed, and illustration and the ways contemporary artists work nowadays is radically different. Nobody ever predicted how much technology, internet, social networks or the media would get to affect the panorama of, like, absolutely everything. Still, i believe that some things are inherent to the process of creation, no made which medium, which subject or which time. His story, and the way he tells it illustrate obstacles we ourselves experience in totally different context, and most importantly, the way he overcame this obstacles using art to vehicle the changes of life.
If you want to read all the other anecdotes and things he’s done check the sources for this article;
success ideas from master illustrator marshal arisman:
the last tribe (2009) an exploration of nuclear annihilation
the new york times
wonderful look at the past. beautiful poetic simple image. Brilliant graphic dog. True aesthetic
On his referents:
Rober weaver
Lucian Freud
Andre françois
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