#stles stilinski
The second Sterek fic I am looking for Stiles goes to college and blossoms. Loses his virginity. I want to say Derek can smell that Stiles has partners when he comes to visit during the summer? Stiles gains confidence. He eventually brings a serious boyfriend (after bringing other partners I think) and it's serious. Derek's jealous but doesn't say anything wanting Stiles to be happy, but eventually it comes to a head and the bf goes away.
Hi @dbeaux99! @to-isengard-and-back found this one!
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Yes is a World by jezziejay
(1/1 I 10,207 I Mature I Sterek)
When the nemeton casts a protection spell over Beacon Hills, Stiles can finally go to college. Derek thinks this might be a good thing.
In which Stiles falls in love and Derek learns a lot.
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A single touch
https://archiveofourown.org/works/55154272 by Eerien_Ent29 Derek is there when Stles needs him... Words: 583, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski, sterek - Relationship Additional Tags: Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Good Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Human Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Derek Hale is a Softie, Derek Hale is Not a Failwolf, After the battle, Stiles Stilinski Needs a Hug, Supportive Derek Hale, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Fluff and Crack read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55154272
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sterek-ao3feed · 2 months
A single touch 💛
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55154272
by Eerien_Ent29
Derek is there when Stles needs him...
Words: 583, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski, sterek - Relationship
Additional Tags: Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Good Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Human Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Derek Hale is a Softie, Derek Hale is Not a Failwolf, After the battle, Stiles Stilinski Needs a Hug, Supportive Derek Hale, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Fluff and Crack
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graduateinsterek · 2 years
Nice Sterek Fics: A Rec
Some fics I've read recently
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*The Wolves Who Cried Boy - andara, SWlfangirl
5k, 1/1, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes, Scott McCall, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whitemore, Fluff & Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Pack Feels
In which almost none of the wolves know the true meaning of the word emergency and Stiles just wants to relax.
*when life gives you werewolves - piratetattoos
20k, 1/1, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Hale Pack, Happy Ending, Werewolf Culture, Good Alpha Derek Hale, Getting Together
Stiles gets bitten by a rogue alpha, who is then killed by Derek. Post Season 3b.
*spark a fire, burn the stars - graveltotempo
68k, 6/6, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Season 3A, Hale Pack 2.0, Scott McCall Redemption, Spark Stles Stilinski
Stiles accidentally wills a hunter dead while trying to save Erica and Boyd from the basement, unthreading a tapestry of magic, betrayal, power, lies, love and secrets woven all around Beacon Hills.
*Hoax - auntimoonshine
7k, 3/3, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, ANGST, FBI Stiles, Slow Burn
It's been 6 years since Stiles left Beacon Hills. For five of those he has met Derek Hale in a diner once a year, so they can catch up and exchange information that could help both of their jobs. But Stiles has his heart on his sleeve, and Derek would do anything to not hurt Stiles again.
*let's play pretend (who knows what it'll lead to) - EllaYuki
1k, 1/1, FBI Stiles, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Pre Relationship
Not for the first time, Derek finds himself in trouble with the police. Also not for the first time, Stiles finds a way to get him out of said trouble. Though maybe not it the most conventional of ways.
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The Pull (30/?)
Summary: The Ragnulf’s are one of the oldest lines of werewolves known. A gift from ancient times was given to the line. Though not all of the line will experience it. There are some who will experience a Pull. This Pull leads them to their true mate, a soulmate. The problem is, just because the wolf finds their true mate does not mean that they are the same for that person.
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective
Pairing: Stiles x Hale!Cousin OC (Reader)
Word count: 4281
A/N: PLEASE let me know what you think of this scene/ story! There’s a different writing style near the end I am not sure how I feel about so I hope you enjoy at least! Truthfully, interaction makes me so very happy and I love to hear from all of you! So, comment, reblog, send me smashed keyboards, anything works 😘
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You’re at lunch with Lydia, Isaac, and Allison. Isaac and Allison are talking about some weird voicemail she had gotten yesterday and Lydia seems like she’s lost. Every sound seems to make her jumpy.
Reaching out, you cover her hands with yours. She looks up at you and smiles sadly. Rubbing your fingers across her knuckles, you offer whatever support you actually can.
It takes her a moment, but she squeezes your hand back before she turns to Ally, “So what do you know about the recording?”
“Nothing yet. We’re going to ask Mr. Yukimura after classes today. Did you wanna come with?”
Lydia immediately shakes her head, “I should just head home.”
“Are you sure?”
Lydia nods her head before standing up from the table abruptly and making her way out of the cafeteria.
“What about you Tasha?” Allison asks.
You had watched Lydia walk out of the cafeteria, eyes still glued to her retreating form you nodded your head, offering an absentminded, “sure.”
Pulling your phone out you look at the texts you’d gotten.
Peter: I’ve got a possible lead. But let me stress this Little Wolf, there is no guarantee this is going to work.
Ro: Dad’s trying to get in contact with Mr. Akihiro
Aaric: T and I are trying to get in contact with Akimi and Asuka.
T: They’ve gone underground since their Tia got another tail. It’s apparently not a good idea to piss off a four-tailed kitsune.
You look at the texts but don’t respond. Of course, there’s no guarantee that anything would work. You were dealing with a damned Kukan. These weren’t like demons, not something to be excorcised by some holy person. You’re not even sure Constantine could help with this.
Kukan were a force of nature, like all other Kitsune they enjoyed mischief. But a Kukan derived its pleasure from chaos, from fear, and from the powerlessness those they played their tricks upon felt.
The boys, well you weren’t sure that you liked the idea of Aaric and T anywhere near Akimi or Asuka but that just may be because the two had been trying to secure what you saw as yours.
Hearing your name being called, you turn and see Derek coming down the halls. Waiting for him, it’s not long before he’s got a hand on your shoulder and is lifting your chin.
“Peter said you had a rough night.”
You made a hmm sound in the affirmative, “Bad enough I wanted to shift.”
“And today?”
“Back to the dull ache. Whatever last night was about it seems to have settled if only for now. Though, I’m not sure that means anything.”
“Wait, back to a dull ache?” Derek stresses the word back and you realize that you hadn’t told him that the ache was there. It was just always something you dealt with. Isaac knew but he hadn’t told Derek which made you smile.
Shaking your head at Derek you murmur, “It’s nothing. Leave it be.”
Derek’s face scrunches in that way that you know means he’s annoyed but there’s nothing to be done for it and you tell him as much. He merely makes a negative huffing like sound.
Wanting to change the subject, you step away and ask “So, were you able to get a hold of Kira?”
“Found her scent but she was at home.”
“Why didn’t you have Aiden knock and ask for her?”
“Because it was after midnight and you have school today,” he points out like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Truthfully, it should have been but you had been much too distracted with everything going on. Stiles’ well being had been the most important thing.
“Well then, we’ll have to find her. It won’t take too long. Classes are gonna be out in about 10 minutes. First, though I wanna check on Scott.”
He nods his head and the two of you make your way to the boys' locker room, Derek goes in and a moment later he’s out with Scott.
You shake your head, “Nothing concrete. Though not for lack of trying.”
“Deaton says he’s still looking into it too.”
Scott pulls his backpack tighter against his shoulder, “I’m gonna go check on him - in the hospital.  Make sure he’s doing okay. You wanna come?”
You start to say yes but the weight of your cousin's hand on your shoulder stops you.
“She can’t. We’ve got a few things to take care of first.”
Scott just nods his head. You reach out and squeeze his arm, trying to be reassuring. When he turns to you, you suggest “I can come by after.”
Just as the words leave your lips the bell rings. The sound seems to take Scott by surprise but he nods his head. He turns and begins to walk away. The sight of him breaking your heart, it’s as if every step carries the weight of the world with it.
You look at Derek and then back to Scott. It takes you a split second to make the choice but you do. Moving towards Scott you call over your shoulder, “Text me the details. I’ll be there in a bit.”
Scott’s not made it very far so you’re able to fall in step with him pretty quickly, “I’ll give you a ride to the hospital.’
“But my bike-” he begins before being cut off by your negative tsking sounds,  “You can have one of the twins get it for you or have someone bring you back when you’re in better shape but if you ride right now, you’re not gonna make it in one piece.”
Scott stops his walk and turns to look at you, his eyes are scrutinizing you and you wait for him to say something. He hasn’t struck you as the type to lash out but he’s going through a lot and, from what you’ve seen with Stiles, he probably hasn’t had a chance to recover from the issue with the sacrifices.
He nods his head and you motion for him to follow you towards your bike. As the two of you walk, he thanks you - for finding Stiles.
“It was nothing,” you brush off, uncomfortable with the praise. A part of you feels like you should have kept him from ever ending up there. It was something that you were gonna have to work on.
“It’s not nothing Natasha.  He could have died if you hadn’t found him! The rest of us were looking in buildings but you thought about the preserve.”
“Scott,” you beg, “it was instinctual and I got lucky.”
“But you listened to them.”
At this point, Scotts stepped in front of you and you can only nod your head as you bite your lower lip. You’re not sure what Scott sees on your features but he deflates and nods his head as well, “Let’s go.”
Hopping on your bike, you wait for Scott to get situated before the two of you are taking off. It doesn’t take you nearly as long as you thought it would, or you’re more distracted with your thoughts than you care to admit before you’re pulling up to the hospital.
Taking his helmet off, Scott asks you, “Are you sure you don’t want to come in right now?”
Grateful for the visor that covers your face gives you a moment, you shake your head before lifting, “I have to take care of something with Derek. Hopefully, it’ll help with whatever this is.”
“Have you ever dealt with something like this?”
“Not me… I don’t think anyone in my family has. But, they’re looking into it.”
Scott nods his head and walks into the hospital. You watch him go before checking your phone. Derek’s taken Kira to the substation to walk through what happened with Barrow. It’s a good idea, especially if that had been a vision of something more.
Revving up your bike, you pull up not too long after them.  The three of you are walking through the room and you have to work at controlling your breathing. The place is threatening to overwhelm you with memories of that night.
“It’s Stiles’ bat…” you hear Derek say.
Looking to where he and Kira are, you see that Stiles’ bat had, in fact, managed to get stuck to some metal box of some sort. Derek goes to pull the bat down but it takes him a moment and he actually has to put some strength into it.
“Der?” you ask softly,
“It’s magnetized,” he says as he moves the bat against what looks to be a scratch on the floor. The bat travels along the scratch when it gets pulled to the metal box.
Stepping back from it, Derek looks at you then at Kira. “Kira, I need you to tell me everything you know about foxfire.”
Kira looks at you, a terrified look on her face before she begins to shake her head, “I - I don’t.. I don’t know anything more than just the, just - um… children's stories.”
“Kira, it’s okay,” you reassure her, “Just tell us what you do know.”
They’re running tests on his host but the blood work is all coming back normal. The wonderful thing about technology is, the more the humans have evolved it, the less they believe in his powers. Which makes them more terrified when they’re unleashed.
The problem is he’s not a demon. He can’t just posses his host. No, he has to get approval since the man is still alive. Which means that he has to figure out a way to be allowed in. Threatening the girl hadn’t done anything so he would have to get more creative.  
They’re taking him to a new room and this one has a machine in it. Watching the group, there is his host's father, his best friend, and the mother figure. Another man, this one in white is talking to him, “... you’re going to hear a lot of noise during the MRI. It’s due to pulses of electricity…”
Void’s laughter echoes within his host's mind and he can feel the terror. The electricity is going to allow him to communicate. But, what to do with the gift he’s been given.
His father walks out and he observes as Stiles turns to Scott, “You know what they’re looking for right?”
Scott looks like he’s trying to put it together for a moment and Void needs him not to get it. He needs to know what this healer is looking for.
“It’s called frontotemporal dementia,” Stiles is saying and that’s when he has it. Quieting down, he listens to what Stiles has to say and begins to sift through the memories the boy has, “Areas of your brain start to shrink. It’s what my mother had… It’s the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers… There’s no cure..”
Sinking further into the memories, Void looks for the memories that involving the mother.  He can hear Scott promising to do something, to fix the situation should his host have this frontotemporal dementia. It makes no difference, he only needs his host to accept him and then there is nothing they can do. Stiles will be no more. Once he has the memories he wants just below the surface, he notices that Stiles is now in the machine.
Feeling the electricity crackling Void relishes in each pulse of electricity.
Pulling into the hospital parking lot, Derek’s lucky to get a parking spot pretty close to the front. He gets off the jeep quickly followed by you and Kira. While she hadn’t known a whole lot about fox fire, what she did know from her stories was rather terrifying and you needed to get the information to Scott.
You’re rushing but Derek calls your name and you turn to see Kira, standing nervously by the jeep.
“I don’t know if I should go in. You’re going to tell Scott that Barrow might have used fox-fire, created by me, to jumpstart the Nogitsune’s power inside Stiles”
The way she words it sounds awful and you nod your head but Derek looks like it hasn’t clicked so you point out, “We’re going to tell Scott that she basically helped a dark spirit take control of his best friend.”
You can see it click in Derek and he tells her she should probably stay behind. Tossing her the keys, the two of you make your way into the hospital building.
Finding Scott turns out to be pretty easy, grabbing his attention he comes to you and Derek. “I’ll let you two talk,” you motion. “Ummm, where’s Stiles?”
“They’re uh- gonna run some MRI stuff. If you wanna go check on him before they start or uh- let the sheriff know you’re here,” Scott informs you, pointing at a door just down the hall.
You look towards the door but decide against going in there. You’re not exactly sure that you’re welcome. Clearing your throat you inform them that you’ll just go get some water and be back in a bit.
You take your time getting the water. Figuring that you should check on Allison and Isaac you call. When Isaac doesn’t pick up, you try Allison. It would seem that the voicemail that Allison got was a prank of some sort from a Japanese internment camp. The problem is that the one on Allison's phone has to be a fake as the name of the internment camp, Oak Creek, wasn’t actually one that existed.
When she asks where you are, you tell her, you’re at the hospital waiting with Scott for them to do some tests on Stiles. She asks if you want her to come over and you agree, thinking that Scott would probably appreciate the help the most.
Not sure how long it actually takes but when you make your way back up to the waiting room their in, you hear Derek and Scott conversing.
“Think of it more like sharing a few trade secrets,” Derek is saying and you smile softly. It would seem that Derek is doing something for Scott. You’re willing to bet it’s a way of helping him. Derek, meanwhile, hasn’t finished his part of the conversation with Scott.
Coming to the waiting room, you lean against the door and watch as Scott nods, confirming that he knew Cora was back in South America. Derek’s telling Scott that taking Cora back, however, wasn’t the only reason he’d left.
You’re curious as to what else would make him leave and so you pay closer attention. Derek says, “I needed to talk to my mother,” and you stiffen.
He had used the claws to talk to his mother when she had told him about you. What else had he talked to her about?
Scotts asking Derek for clarification, “Your dead mother?”
Derek nods and you point out to Scott, “It’s actually possible to communicate with the dead if they were supernatural. There are ways that are less uncomfortable than others but they’re all there.”
Pulling the conversation back to what was at hand, Derek tells Scott, “She told me something that changed my perspective… on a lot of things.” You’re holding your breath, waiting to see what it is that he’s going to share.
“She said my family didn’t just live in Beacon Hills. They protected it. This town needs someone to protect it,” he points out and levels a look at Scott, “Someone like you.”
You’re somewhat embarrassed that you thought Derek would out you but at his words you can’t help the feeling of pride. Perhaps, if he trained up Scott, then he would come home with you, and possibly your mate.
Scott looks confused and asks why, Derek is about to respond but you cut him off, “It’s what we do. When we claim territories, it’s our job to be the protector of the lives within our territories. Allow people to live their lives but keep them as protected as you can.”
Nodding his head, Scott looks like he’s contemplating something when he says, “And someone like you to teach me a few trade secrets.” There’s a moment of calmness in this. Scotts trust in Derek something that you’re happy to see. Derek, unsurprisingly, shows no outward response but you can tell that he’s enjoying the praise.
The moment of calmness passes very quickly however when Scott's whole demeanor changes as he stands, “He was trying to protect us.”
“Stiles, Stiles was protecting us,” he says emphasizing Stiles’ name the second time around. Before you or Derek can get any further clarification, Scotts taken off running down the hallways. You both follow after him only to end up on the roof of the hospital.
Scotts standing there, looking around and you look at Derek only to see the confusion on his face. A moment later, he’s asking, “Scott, what are we looking for?”
Scott shakes his head and says he’s not sure.
“Okay guys, let’s think about it then. What kind of damage can someone do on the roof of a hospital? If Scott’s right, Stiles wasn’t just up here struggling with himself. He would have been struggling not to do something,” you point out. The feeling from earlier, though this time it feels as if it’s building.
The three of you begin to look around the rooftop. A loud clanging sound catches your attention and you turned to see that Scott’s pulled down a duffle bag. Partially open, the bag is full of different types of tools, one of which is a wire cutter.   
Stepping forward, you kneel down and pick up one of the cutters. “Guys, what…” you trail off as you turn the tool in your hand.
A whispered fuck gets your attention and you turn to see that both Scott and Derek are looking on top of one of the cages. Moving so that you can see, there’s an electrical cord that’s been cut into, the wiring now exposed.
The terror in the pit of your stomach suddenly feels like a tangible weight and before you realize it, you’re sprinting through the halls.
He’s never been so grateful for the curiosity of children. Though it’s not likely that Stiles remembered what his mothers MRI looked like consciously, but thanks to the curiosity of an 8-year-old, it was still in his subconscious.
Using some fox magic, Void layered a picture of Stiles mother’s MRI over Stiles own brain. The sorrow and hopelessness that began to sink in from the other room a welcome feast.
As they continued in the machine, Void could feel his host becoming restless. From what he’d noticed, the boy wasn’t one to be still for very long and this was frustrating him.
Good. Now the games could truly begin.
Stiles was blinking his eyes, trying to ignore the sound of the whirring machine he was in. The blinking turned into him squeezing them tight. Opening them, he found himself standing outside the machine.
He was dressed in regular clothing so he knew it had to be a dream of some kind. Turning, he saw the bandaged figure he’d seen yesterday. The one that had been haunting his dreams
“Have you figured out my riddle yet?” The bandaged creature asked as it walked around the room.
Following, Stiles tried to catch sight of the creature but it moved too fast.
Void watched as the brunette tried to catch sight of him and stepped closer to the boy, “If you answer correctly, we might consider letting them go.”
The two beings looked at each other. A sense of foreboding filling the space between them. One taking the foreboding sense as a gift to be cherished the other fearful of what lay before him.
The brunette, terrified of the answer questions, “Letting who go?”
The creature in the tattered bandages bares pointed, silver fangs at him, “Your friends, your family. Everyone who ever meant something to you,” it taunts. Moving towards the Stiles, Void continues, “We’re going to destroy all of them Stiles. One by one.”
Terror runs down Stiles’ spine. He can tell that the bandaged creature means what he says. Flashes of his friends and family dead fill his vision and all tears fall.
“Why?” he questions, his voice shaking from fear.
Void feels the fear and merely smiles wider, “Everyone has it, but no one can lose it,” he begins before turning to Stiles, “What is it?”
Stiles hears the damned riddle again and Stiles shakes his head, “I don’t know.”
“Everyone has it, but no one can lose it,” Void questions again, this time, the frustration evident in his voice.
“I don’t know,” Stiles responds again with shaking voice.
Void needs him to understand, if he doesn’t understand then there’s no way that he can get in. His voice drops into a guttural, demonic sound as he repeats, once again, “Everyone has it, but no one can lose it.” Pulling at the bandages around him he asks, “What is it?”
Stiles, who has turned away from the creature in front of him puts his head between his hands. He’s trying to push out the ice in his veins. Trying to focus on the words and what they could mean.
“What is it?”
Still, nothing comes and in desperation, Stiles screams that he doesn’t know.  When suddenly it hits him.
There was a night, after having figured out Anansi that he had sat down with Natasha for a movie. They’d watched Peter Pan and she had made a comment that she was curious if the thread would be enough to keep both parts of Peter together before she went on to ask how they’d been separated to begin with. That’s what it was!  
“A shadow,” he whispers and turns. The creature was taking off the last of his bandages and Stiles finds that he’s looking at himself. Except, there’s an unending cold depth in his eyes.
“Your friends, your family,” his mirror states, “Everyone who ever meant something to you.”
“No,” Stiles begs with a shake of his head.
“Your friends, your family. Everyone who ever meant something to you. Scott, Allison, Lydia, Natasha…”
Hearing her name, Stiles couldn’t explain the feeling of dread that ran through him. It was as if everything the world had ceased to be and he was being slowly flayed alive. A growl escaped him before he’d realized and he went to attack his mirror when suddenly he saw his friends dead on the ground before him.
Scott’s throat had been slashed open as blood poured out of him. Allison had been stabbed and an arm was missing as she lay covered in dirt. He could barely make out Lydia’s red hair but it was matted and there was bruising on everything he could see. There was a body that was strewn across the room in different pieces, skin charred beyond recognition but somehow he knew it was Natasha.
“Please,” he whispered softly as he closed his eyes to the sight in front of him.
Finally! Void had what he needed. Cackling, he stepped into the forefront and pushed Stiles back. Opening his hosts eyes, he found that he was back in the whirring machine.  He may have misjudged the boys feelings for the girl but it was not a mistake he would make again.
Laying there, he watched and reveled in the feeling of the world around him. The cold air of the hospital room and the metal of the machine. The lights flickered and he watched as his previous plans were proven to already be in motion.  
As you ran back through the hospital, the lights flickered in and out. You had to weave in and out of people. Just as you were about to make it to the door to the MRI room, the power went out completely. The lights come back on and you can hear Mr. Stilinski’s frantic voice as he asks where his son is.
Pulling the door open you pass the adults and both you and Mr. Stilisnki are the room that holds the MRi machine. Checking around and behind the machine, both of you confirming that Stiles isn’t there.
“Help me find my son,” Noah asks and you nod your head.
Making your way through the hallways you move down the stairs. Completely missing the sight at the end of a hallway in your rush.
Void watches as the elevator doors open and she appears. It has been a long time since he’s seen her and it's not a very pleasant sight now. She will have to pay for what she’s done.
“You know me,” she states and Void is tempted to scoff at the understatement. Instead, he merely nods his head and she continues, “Then you know I won’t be deterred by your choice of hose. Even if it’s an innocent boy.”
He’s counting on it. Instead of letting anything go though, he calmly asks her, “Are you threatening us?”
Smoke pops up around the Kitsune and her Oni appear. “Now I’m threatening you,” she smugly points out..
Void’s not sure of their strength at this distance but remembers the one from the other day and responds to her, “We’re not really afraid of your little fireflies.”
Having said what he needs, he turns around and begins to walk away, joining the crowd. The kitsune calls out that if she cannot defeat him she knows someone who will and Void merely keeps walking, taking in the fear of those in the hospital and the despair of those who know they are to die.
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tag list: @nicole-lynne @fandom-princess-forevermore @capandbuck @biles-bilinski-24 @stiles-o-dylan24 @fiveisadorable  @falling-stars-never-cry  @blueraindrops @its-livelovelife @screamxqueenx94 @ceceliaking-18 @jasmineshwayze1994 @dear-vista @fangirlbitch02 @riseandshinelittleblossom @jessicakimba @truthdaze @seninjakitey @kateeee0817 @squadkyoya @lucifersnipnips @niawoods @pansexualbitchesofhell @bloodrose-scythe @fox-in-a-mousetrap-8 @findingmyselfinthismessedupworld @shantayok @yougottalovefandoms @that-idiot125 @booklover240 @southsiderepresent @walkingdeadfan25 @cutiepiemimi13 @luckyfriess @all-will-be-well-love @marauderskeeper @peachyinparis @weirdbutjustme @-thatgirloverthere-
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all-you-need-knw · 7 years
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Riverdale S02XE02 “Nightthawks”
WE only know One
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ilvermourn · 7 years
Literally the only ships that actually matter at the moment are
Scott x Kira Mason x Corey Malia x happiness Lydia x strength/power control Stiles x ghost riders
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l-velylahey · 7 years
ap biology | stiles stilinski imagine
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prompt/request: stiles is offered an act of kindness that sparks a different side of him. 
pairing: stiles stilinski x reader
word count: 566
warning: none
a/n: I apologize for my little hiatus. I’m back :)
love this imagine and want to know what happens in part two?  request here !!
“I don’t know how to explain exactly what I’m going through at the moment…” 
“Mr. Stilinski”, Mr. Grover, your AP Biology teacher called out to the sleeping, drooling boy at the lab table southwest your table. “Mr. Stilinski”, he repeated, several times while making his way over to the desk. “Mr. Stilinski”, he repeated one last time before swiping a ruler against the book his head was comforted by. The boy shot awake; paper stuck to his face and ink marks in his cheek. “Thank you for joining us, Mr. Stilinski. Now, human anatomy …” your teacher continued, but you didn’t follow. You were too busy sending heartfelt, ‘I know how you feel’ eyes to this so called, “Mr. Stilinski”, everyone was now laughing at. Turning back to the blackboard, you looked above it to the clock reading thirty seconds before dismissal bell rang, and you took it upon yourself to close your textbook and replace your pen’s empty spot in it’s pouch. The bell shot ear piercing rings and no one could be any happier to be as deaf as they were at the end of the day. Picking up your worn satchel, it seemed like you would be walking home today; as a consequence of your fallen papers and binders, that is. You trailed behind your classmates, with another remaining at the request of Mr. Grover.
“Stiles, you knew what you signed up for when you enrolled in an advanced placement program, didn’t you?” he expressed with concern to your classmate you vaguely knew.
“Yes, sir. I- I don’t know how to explain exactly what I’m going through at the moment… but, I swear to you if I could, it- it’d be more than credible. I’ll copy the notes from someone, and I’ll make up the assignment I missed Tuesday. I’m sorry, Mr. Grover. I really am”, he seemed to be rambling on stressed and unable to focus.
You yourself found it rude to stick around the rest of the conversation, in the room at least. You waited in the hall for “Mr. Stilinski” to come out of the classroom, which didn’t take long.
“Hey…” you initiated, “Stiles, right?”
“Uh… yeah, that’s what they call me. I mean.. My real first name is ‘Yeesh!’”, he exaggerated, any you looked at him surprisingly amused. He continued, “Stiles. Yes, Stiles is right.” You handed him the notes he allegedly missed from today and Tuesday’s assignment he missed.
“I’m sorry Grover called you out like that. I hate when teachers purposely embarrass students. You can return the notes and assignment whenever you’re done. I hope you’re okay”, you spoke with a soft smile and intention of kindness. “See you Monday.” You turned and began to walk towards the North East doors of Beacon Hills High School; you began to walk home.
“Wait, the parking lot is this way, where are you going, (Y/N)?!” Stiles called out from what seemed like kind-struck silence, rather than starstruck. A halfway decent person in high school genuinely trying to help someone out without the tags of owed booze, pot or sex? This must be a joke, he thought.
“I don’t have a car, I’m walking home”, you spoke back endearingly.
“Well.. are you- are you far?” he asked.
“Just up the block parallel to the North East entrance” you responded.
“Cmon, I’ll give you a ride. I’m going that way anyways.”
You smiled back at him, accepting his kind gesture and gratefully thanking him.
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jasntodds · 6 years
Tbh, seeing you're chatting about characters who take care of everyone but themselves, I feel like I'm kinda that person?? Like, I'll check up on you to make sure you're doing things that are good for your mental health while my own mental health practices are pretty much nonexistent. And if I'm not helping other people with their problems, I kinda drown in my own.
Isn’t it just a fun time? (sarcasm) nah, but I get you cause I’m the exact same. It’s why I love those characters, it’s Stles Stilinski is my fave. Realistically, we should look AT those characters, notice “hey that’s not okay, buddy”, and then ya know, learn from it but here we are. Still a state of “LEMME FIX YOU” I wish I had some advice on how to not do that but tbh I got nothing other than try to breathe. Like shut your phone off and breathe for a day
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ao3feedstackson · 6 years
Siempre contigo
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2EgTTzC
by aoibird6
Cuando Stiles es humillado en una fiesta por algunos integrantes del equipo de Lacrosse, Jackson convence a la manada de vengarse, ya que no va a permitir que lastimen a la persona que le gusta.
Words: 11354, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Jackson Whittemore, Erika Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Peter Hale, Sheriff Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale, Tommy (personaje original), Christie (personaje original)
Relationships: Stiles/Jackson - Relationship, Erika/Boyd, Scott/Allison, Jackson/Lydia (pasado)
Additional Tags: Romance, Drama, Hurt/confort, Angst, Stiles y Jackson se quieren, Stles sufrimiento, Jackson protector, Toda la manada apoya a Stiles, incluído Derek, Jackson y Stiles son compañeros, El sheriff aprueba la relación de su hijo con Jackson, Venganza al estilo lobuno (sin sangre de por medio), sexo explícito, Top/jackson, bottom/Stiles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2EgTTzC
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wordsaboutwolves · 7 years
it’s finally time for another requested liveblog woop! this one happens to be a fic i’ve been eyeing off for a while now, Someone Else’s Starr written by the incredibly kind and talented @missjanuarylily featuring her lovely OC Tatum Starr. so here we go with a liveblog of Chapter 1!
[ read from the beginning ]
spoilers ahead as usual!
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fun fun fun what a cheery start... (jks i do love my angst let’s go!!)
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oh great! even better! 
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ahhhhhh scott being gentle never fails to make me swoon. everything will be okay tatum! you’ve got your wonderful cousin scott on your side!
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(i couldn’t resist!)
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scott apologising to a stuffed toy because he knows his cousin is grieving and he wants to help any way he can!!!!! it’s too much!!!! my heart!!!!
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yep this basically sums up my feelings towards stiles stilinski too.
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well okay if i wasn’t a mess already in this chapter, this ruined me! poor tatum!!! ugh how heartbreaking to have that cruel realisation of reality!
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same girl.
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i’m already so curious about tatum’s history with stles, like why so irritated? and why do i already ship them?? i can’t help it.  is that bad??? automatic irritation is my shipping kryptonite...
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i was not expecting such a great story behind that nickname omg.
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dun dun duUUUUUUUUUN!
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ahhh what an intriguing ending to a solid first chapter!! i’m so interested to see more of tatum and how she fits in with the mccalls as well as interacting with the rest of the pack, especially when things change again! something tells me there will be plenty of drama ahead and i can’t wait to keep reading! 
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nosierra · 10 years
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♥.♥ ♥.♥ ♥.♥ Derek and Stiles is le baes ♥.♥ ♥.♥ ♥.♥
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thearinagoma · 10 years
What a dumb idea DO IT !
Stiles Stilinski 
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pandycandy42 · 10 years
do you ship stalia?
yes, yes I do
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ranetat · 10 years
Lydia always has beautiful hairSTILES *ba dum tss*
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fashionqueen68 · 10 years
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