hcikas · 1 year
Aku makin menyadari, kalau kita lihat ke bawah pasti kita akan lebih mensyukuri apa yg Tuhan beri ke kita.
Hari ini di RS ditegur sapa duluan sama mbak-mbak cantik yg pakai cardigan warna cream. Ngobrol-ngobrol, usianya 24tahun, udah anak 1 usia 1 tahun. Dia bilang kalau hari itu mau kuret kandungan karena beberapa hari keluar darah. Ku tanya ke RS sama siapa? Sendiri katanya. Suaminya kerja jauh di Papua. Ku tanya lagi, nanti kalau rawat inap siapa yg jagain?
"Kakak ipar mbak, anak aku ku titipkan sama mertua. Waktu aku bilang suami kalau aku keguguran, suamiku marah mbak, katanya aku ngga bisa jagain."
Duh sedih aku dengarnya. Bikin aku jadi menyadari kalau Tuhan itu kasih ujian berbeda-beda ke masing-masing hambanya. Aku yg di setiap periksa kehamilan, USG, sampai dokter menyatakan harus rawat inap dan kuret, suami selalu ada.
Terakhir si mbak tanya, "Mbak, di kuret sakit nggak ya? Aku takut." Aku jawab kalau sebelum proses kuret nanti kita di bius jadi ngga kerasa apa-apa.
Semoga mbak nya dilancarkan ya urusannya, dan segera pulih.
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katkembley · 2 years
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You’ve only got one life. Stop complaining, start living.
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dwiasposts · 1 month
Pada suatu Sabtu di Bulan Ramadhan, ada satu nasihat dari ustadzah yang membuat hati saya merasa tertampar. Sebenarnya nasihat ini pernah saya dengar di tempat lain, tapi mungkin (ego) saya belum menerimanya saat itu.
Mengenai peran ibu di bulan Ramadhan.
Awalnya ini hanya sesi tanya jawab biasa, sampai pada akhirnya muncullah sebuah nasihat dari beliau
"Bu, jangan kita berkecil hati kalau memang tidak sempatki mengaji satu juz satu hari, nda bisaki pergi tarwih di mesjid bahkan nda bisaki ikut i'tikaf. Justru di bulan puasa ini perempuan banyak dapat pahala bahkan disaat dia haid sekalipun tetap dapat pahala.
Pahalanya dari mana? Dari rumah.
Mulai dari kita siapkan makanan sahur dan buka, urus suami, urus anak dan urus rumah semuanya bernilai pahala Bu. Suamita pergi tarwih dan i'tikaf di mesjid? Kita berpahala juga karena kita siapkan pakaiannya dan kita biarkan dia pergi ke mesjid sementara kita dirumah urus anak dan rumah. Berpahala semua itu Bu.
Jadi jangan kita beranggapan bahwa kita tidak akan mendapat malam "lailatur qadr" karena merasa kurang ibadahta. Semua orang bisa mendapatkan malam itu. Yang penting adalah, apa yang kita kerjakan dirumah, kita lakukan dengan hati yang ikhlas dan penuh suka cita"
Selesai dari kajian tersebut, saya mulai bertanya pada diri sendiri. Seberapa ikhlaskah saya dalam menjalani peran saya? Wallahu a'lam Bishawab. Semoga Allah memberikan kita hati yang ridho atas ketetapan-Nya dan rasa syukur atas pemberian-Nya.
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phoebebananas · 3 months
15 de febrero de 2024
“Pues no haber fumado”, esta fue la frase que me repitió tres veces mi doctora en mi cita médica de esta mañana. Que buena respuesta que me dio cuando le dije que tenía un ligero dolor en el pecho y para contextualizarla le dije que antes fumaba, pero ya no. Esa fue su respuesta tan empática y útil.
En una cita médica asignada por ella pero que ya no se acordaba ni para qué, ¿“para qué era?” me pregunta sin mirarme. “Ehhh la cita me la dio usted, para revisión de mi tos”. Yo también caí como millones más en España en la oleada de gripes, catarros y bronquitis del pasado diciembre de 2023.
Llevo siete días sin fumar, mi aplicación de seguimiento antitabaco me dice que llevo unos 50 pitillos evitados, que me he ganado 4 horas más de vida hasta hoy (cuatro horas, me da para una siesta más y el café de después), y unos 10 euros ahorrados también (tampoco es que fumara mucho). Realmente me siento bien, me siento en control de mí misma, al menos en este aspecto, y no se me pasa por la cabeza recaer ni siquiera dar una calada más, me siento muy estoica en este nuevo intento de dejar de fumar. Dije intento, es la única vez que lo llamaré así, porque no lo considero intento, lo considero cambio definitivo. Así que elaborando de nuevo esa frase, me siento muy estoica en este cambio definitivo de no retomar el uso del tabaco. Quizás si lo hubiera dicho de esa manera a la doctora, “antes hacía uso del tabaco, pero he dado un cambio definitivo a no consumirlo más en este tiempo presente y futuro”, ¡quizás la habría dejado “patinando” un poco más en su pista de esquí mental y no me habría soltado eso de “pos no haber fumao!”. ¿Cuántas neuronas habrán tenido que aproximarse para ocurrirle esa frase? ¿Fue una respuesta controlada o le salió del alma? Creo que, si me hubiese dejado, habría incluido unas palmaditas en el trasero también. Yo que a veces respondo en el momento y tiempo oportuno, y me quedo bien satisfecha, aunque las palabras no salgan tal y como me hubiera gustado si hubiese sido rodado, en mi película imaginada, no permití que siguiera con otro comentario arrogante. “Doctora, no he venido aquí para que me diga “no haber fumado”, eso lo sé, vine porque usted me dio la cita, para ver mi tos y ya que vengo, le comento que tengo un dolor en el pecho, y pensé que era lógico decir que fumaba, ya que es un antecedente”. Bueno, algo así me salió. La cosa es que la fiera de la condescendencia se calmó, me auscultó el pecho, me miró la saturación, me dio un par de lecciones de lo que iba a sentir, a escupir, a toser en estos tiempos ahora que no fumo, me preguntó cuánto tiempo llevaba fumando, le dije 10 años, me respondió con un “yo te mato” con un toque de cariño y una micro dosis de paternalismo (un leve rugido que no pudo evitar) y eso fue todo. Fin de la cita. Vaya mierda de cita. Fue mayoritariamente improductivo, al menos para mí, la doctora creo que se quedó pancha. Sigo con el dolor en el pecho, aunque mi auscultación salió limpia. Fue una pena que me nublara de ira ya que tenía otras dolencias que quería contarle. Quería pedirle medicación para el reflujo gástrico que me estaba pasando desde que me dio esa tos huracanada, eso se me olvidó. Quería mostrarle un grano-mancha que tengo en la pera desde hace un año ya, eso se me olvidó también. Aunque pensándolo mejor, creo que habría sido ya demasiado tarde para cualquier otra cuestión, el barco ya se hundió, creo que, si incluso le habría dicho después de todo eso que me dolía la rodilla, también me habría respondido con un “pues no haber fumado”. Cambio de médico.
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rajibielts · 9 months
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abilaksh · 1 year
Passive Income: How to Make Money Online Without Doing Much
Passive Income: How to Accomplish Money Online After Accomplishing Much Introduction:Passive assets is a dream for abounding bodies gluttonous banking abandon and flexibility. The internet has opened up a apple of opportunities to accomplish acquiescent assets online, acceptance individuals to acquire money with basal accomplishment and time investment. In this article, we will analyze assorted…
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isihatidankamu · 1 year
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Perlu beberapa tahun untuk lepas dari Tentang INI,dan hanya perlu satu kali Tuhan memberikan mimpi tentang INI, dan membuyarkan semua perjuanganku.
Mimpi itu seolah nyata.. dan ketika aku terbangun, bodoh.. rasa itu tetap ada!!!
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moodboardmemoir · 1 year
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Once upon a time, there was a tortoise named Timothy who loved to take his time in everything he did. He was the slowest tortoise in the entire forest, and he was always teased by his animal friends for being so slow.
One day, Timothy decided to enter a race against a rabbit named Roger, who was known for being the fastest animal in the forest. Timothy's friends tried to warn him that he didn't stand a chance, but he was determined to prove them wrong.
As the race began, Timothy started to crawl slowly towards the finish line, while Roger sprinted ahead. However, after a while, Roger got tired and decided to take a nap under a tree.
Meanwhile, Timothy kept crawling at his usual slow pace, passing by Roger, who was fast asleep. When Roger woke up, he saw Timothy crossing the finish line and winning the race.
Roger was stunned and couldn't believe that he had lost to such a slow tortoise. He asked Timothy how he managed to win, and Timothy replied, "Slow and steady wins the race!"
The moral of the story is that it's not always about being the fastest or the strongest; sometimes, taking your time and being consistent can help you achieve your goals. And of course, never underestimate the power of a determined tortoise!
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thesterlingstudies · 1 year
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Shoeless Story No. 45 Australia's Tim O. Inspiring Stories One (Bare) Foot At A Time Share Your Barefoot Stories -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Infographic: Created by @TheSterlingStudies Series: The Shoeless Stories -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ The Sterling Studies Exploring and Exposing One Page At A Time TheSterlingStudies.net -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ #Australia #explorepage #earthing #barefoot #grounding #barefootislegal #takeyourshoesoff #takeoffyourshoes #walkingbarefoot #mentalhealth #inspiration #story #storytelling #storyoftheday #health #wattpad #writersofinstagram #storytime #writingcommunity #prosepoetry #writersofig #positivevibes #selflove #selfcare #motivational #inspirational #nature #canada #work #home https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpi9iqrPH1k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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merpymac · 2 years
I remember this time in the hospital this girl was in their I'm 25 she's 20, and I ask before knowledge of her age..
"You have a Tumblr?"
She laughs and replies sounding offended,
"What? No! How old do you think I am?"
And walked away from...
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Um, Okay.
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lauravalencia83 · 2 years
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Stormy rainy autumn night...🍂⛈ ♡🙏🏻 #GoodNight #SaturdayNight 🌙🌌 #StoryOfTheDay #autumn #rainynight #stormyweather ⚡ #inspogirl #NightNight #SweetDreams ✨✨✨ (en Orriols) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjv5zJJj_ZH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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autumnsky222 · 2 years
Syn was disappointed to say the least. Europa had been another dead end. The owner of the company Lazarus, Hilt Fynel, had truly disappeared. Maybe he had been on Europa at one point but he was long gone by the time Syn had arrived. He let out a long sigh and began to mess with the controls of the old starship.
The Belt was at least a few days away, he needed something to drown out the chaos in his head. He settled on a station that played Eren music. He never really had a taste for the strange music that came from the dusty planet, but it was all he could find. It was all he could ever find. As he listened he leaned back in his chair and kicked his legs up onto the dashboard.
If he couldn't find Hilt Fynel, then Syn would have to settle with fixing the old man's mistake. His old starship rattled along, though space towards the Belt. He hoped the ship would make it a little longer. Syn didn't like to have to resort to stealing, however he was not above it by any means.
The Eren music played a rather catchy tune. Syn turned it up, "you know," he said out loud, "maybe I could get used to Eren music. Maybe I should move there after I fix my eyes and kill that bastard, what do you think, Cowboy?"
Cowboy, a scrappy, three-legged dog wagged his tail.
"Yeah, well, you like all my ideas," Syn said to the animal.
Cowboy jumped up into the passenger seat and looked out the window at the stars. Syn patted the dog's head.
"Or," Syn continued, "we could get ourselves a real nice ship...you know the kind. And fill it with enough fuel and supplies that we'd never have to land on a planet again."
The dog scratched his ear and gave Syn a long look.
"I wouldn't miss them," he said, crossing his arms. "Earthens are cruel pricks, Androids are boring, Norroks are entitled asses, Xerites are far too quiet, and Erens are-"
Cowboy barked and jumped off the chair.
Syn stood up and followed the dog into the back of the ship.
"Right, you're probably hungry," he said, giving the dog a preserved meat-stick from his pantry. "And you're right, I shouldn't generalize. They can all be boring, entitled, quiet, pricks....is that better?"
Cowboy ate the meat-stick, wagging his tale.
"All I mean," Syn said, pacing the length of the kitchen, "is that I don't need anyone...other than you of course."
The dog looked up at him, hoping for more food.
"Sorry, we're getting low, buddy," he said, scratching the dog's head. "We'll pick up some more supplies the next place we stop, alright?"
Syn sat back down at the pilot's seat. He took his hat off and put it on the dashboard. Slowly, he untied the scarf from around his eyes and opened them. It had been a long time since he allowed himself to use his eyes. As always, hundreds of readings popped up, displaying all kinds of information. Instantly, Syn felt a headache building. Something was wrong. It had always been wrong.
"Stars," he cursed, rubbing his eyes. "What did that crazy old man do?"
Cowboy sat down beside Syn with his head resting on the man's lap. Syn tried to look at something, anything, but it was pointless. The readings only built onto his headache. He could only last a couple minutes without going completely mad.
"I don't want to lose...myself again," Syn said to the dog. "Last time...was bad."
The dog only wagged his tail as Syn pet him.
Eventually, Syn covered his eyes back up with the scarf and placed his hat back on his head. He felt like he failed every time the headaches began. He often wondered if it had been something the old man did. Were they installed incorrectly? Or was he truly at fault for his failures?
Despite his frustrations, Syn didn't let the anger stay for long. There was no point. He would figure it out. He stood up quickly from the seat and continued to pace through the starship.
Continue reading here!
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samrat747 · 1 year
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Sa won on 27th by 27 scoring 298/7 #illustratilon #7eyewitmessnews #storyoftheday❤️😁 @nobelprize_org https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn8cqgfS1Dy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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motesofthegleam · 1 year
#braidingsweetgrass #storytime #storyoftheday
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beladi · 1 year
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#story #storytelling #storyofmylife #storyteller #storytime #storyofthestreet #storyboard #storymiami #Storybook #Storytellers #storyofmytable #storyportrait #storytellingphotography #storyboarding #storybrooke #storypromoter #StoryNightClub #storyboards #storyline #storyboardartist #storyoftheday #storybridge #storys #storybehindsquares #storyofistanbul #storybehindtheshade #Storyclub #storyart #storyofturkey #storygramtours
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purecanesugar · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Peter Hale, Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Danny Mahealani, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Alan Deaton Additional Tags: BAMF Stiles, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe, Emissary Stiles Stilinski, Bad Friend Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Alpha Peter Hale, Alpha Derek, Hale Family Feels, The Hale Family, Rich Hale Family (Teen Wolf), Mafia Hale family, BAMF Peter Hale, Bad Touch Peter Hale, Dark Alan Deaton, Dark Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, No actual Rape/Non-con Summary:
Stiles stilinski really really really wanted to be a pack emissary, but considering the various red flags on his emissary profile he knew this interview with his dream pack had to be a mistake. For years he hadn't gotten a single interview to be an emissary, and had resigned himself to working a mundane job to cover the expenses that came with being a magical jack of all trades on the side. Now he had two interviews for a possible position as an emissary and he was struggling to stop himself from getting hopeful.
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