#straight from da party to da bed
lovelettersfromluna · 7 months
Girls with belly piercings>>>>
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httpsserene · 9 months
i've been looking for weeks and months but can't find a single x male reader fic/au/etc... could u spare sum for the boys too😭🤲
ɪ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴡ/ ᴍᴠ33
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📖ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: max is over at daniel’s where they're supposed to be doing whatever best buds do. but somehow, the topic of his father comes up, and it brings max to a…realization of sorts. it also causes the two of you to argue, and for several discoveries to be made in the early morning hours; some of the depressing-kind, and some of the heartwarming-and-life-changing-kind. 📖ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ:  angst and fluff (hurt/comfort). argument. jos verstappen's a+ parenting. no beta we die like alphatauri's engines. 📖ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 4k words 📖ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: max verstappen x male!reader (race not specified) 📖ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: oneshot 📖ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅᴛʀᴀᴄᴋ: ivy • frank ocean
ᴘʀᴇꜰᴀᴄᴇ:  i *usually* don’t write for male readers (as a cis woman idk i think it’s sus? idk, but maybe it’s not since i do support and love mxm ships, so maybe that’s hypocritical?)....but since it is my first request and max’s birthday (when i started writing this) i figured i could spare sum for da boys :)))) i scrolled through the tag and most of it was f1 x platonic!male!reader which is lowkey depressing, the boys deserve to simp wholeheartedly with us girlies ✊🏽  i hope “the boys” enjoy this and it makes the f1 x male!reader life a lil better! (you also didn’t specify who you wanted, so i went with max bc of his birthday) big shout out to the best kitties in the world, jimmy and sassy, for being great sports in this fic ☠️ they were wonderful setting devices!  this is not an accurate description of max’s relationship with his father. we all don’t know what’s going on there, but it did become a wonderful plot point. so, it’ll probably be the only thing jos the boss is good for besides being max’s sperm-donor 🙂.
want to be added to my taglist? or my f1 kinktober taglist? send me a message !
prompts from @forestryprompts and @dumplingsjinson
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it’s 3:23 AM, and you’re brutally jarred out of your sleep by your phone ringing. you’re disoriented–still in that sleepy “where the fuck am i” stage–and don’t quite catch the first phone call. a few seconds pass by without another call, and you’re convinced you hallucinated. usually, there’s only two reasons for you to be disturbed in the middle of the night. number one, when sassy “accidentally” presses all ten pounds of her body weight into your spleen with one paw; and number two; when max returns from partying, a late flight, or streaming. glancing around, you guess sassy is the bengal curled up on max’s side of the bed, gravitating to where his scent is the strongest as max is over at daniel’s; missing her favorite parent. and you guess that jimmy’s the heat source curled against your feet under the duvet, as that’s his favorite spot to sleep and his favorite place to prey on your toes. you lay straight back, head resting on your pillow and shrug, dismissing it as a problem for the morning.
then another call starts ringing through. now, you’re awake enough to start processing the important information. you always set your phone on dnd when going to bed, and there’s only a few numbers that are set to bypass it during sleep. this ringtone in particular, identifies the caller as max, which is peculiar. max doesn’t disturb your sleep unless absolutely necessary, he already feels guilty enough for doing so when traveling. with that thought, you reach for the phone with a reaction time you’d only relate to your boyfriend’s occupation. 
you breathe out, “maxy, baby? are you okay? did something happen?”
a panicked and slightly desperate giggle slips out of the receiver, “heyyyy, it’s daniel, actually–”
“daniel?” you softly exclaim, sitting up in bed, worriedly continuing, “where’s max? did something happen? is he okay–”
“well,” daniel starts, “i wouldn’t say he’s ‘okay’, so to speak–” 
“oh my god! what does that mean, daniel? i’m coming over right now give me like, fifteen minutes–” you say rushedly, already leaping out of the bed. jimmy yowls in shock of being disturbed, panically darting out of the duvet, and sassy shoots up–airplane ears activated and all. 
daniel cuts you off, “NO! uh, no! i’m actually already on the way back to yours with him right now! he’s like- kinda drunk- tipsy i guess, one would say uh- but–”
“are you driving, daniel? if-if you’ve drank you should’ve let him sleep over, or called me to come get him if he’s being a menace!”
“no, uh-” daniel starts whispering, “we’re in an uber. ma- i mean- your boyfriend is kind of out of it, and not in a drunk way.”
“what the fuck,” you bite out, switching to hold the phone to your ear with your shoulder, as you pull on a pair of sweatpants (max’s) over your boxers, “does that mean, daniel?!”
“so, like,” daniel whispers even quieter, “hypothetically, we started talking about ma- sorry, his- wonderful childhood, and i guess me saying that seeing his father stabbing a mechanic with a fork isn't a normal thing to experience, kind of sent him into a spiral.”
“oh, fuck” you pause, while pulling one of max’s championship hoodies on. 
“yeah, that’s pretty much what i’d say,” daniel sighs, “but, then um, he tried to like rationalize it to me? like, he’d bring up different crazy memories, and i’d be like ‘no, mate, that’s not normal either,’ and everytime he’d bring up a positive interaction with his dad, he realized it correlated to how well he performed, and he kind of um-shut down.”
“oh. fuck.” you repeat. sassy, in a rare show of solidarity, winds between your legs and mews gently at you as if she’s letting you know that she’s here. “um, well,” you say, running a stressed hand through your hair, “you should be on max’s list to come up to the apartment, but i’ll call down to give them a heads up. text me when you get here, please?”
“will do,” daniel perks up, “i’m sorry by the way. i should’ve left it alone, or distracted him away from the topic. but you know how he gets, probably better than me.” 
now it’s your turn to let a depressing chuckle escape, “probably not, dan. i’ve known him for fourteen years and dated him for five of those, and he hasn’t done more than agree that his dad ‘isn’t perfect’” you wave your hand through the air, brushing the train of thought away, “anyways, i can get the spare room ready for you, so you don’t have to uber back?”
daniel nervously laughs, “forgive me for saying this, but i don’t really want to be present for whatever conversation is going to happen. or have to pretend like i’m unaware of anything. max would do his best to avoid me for as long as he can if he knew i was around, and i don’t want to risk that…after what happened when i left red bull.”
“yeah, you’re right. don’t forget to text me when you get here,” you state.
daniel’s text comes through when you’ve just gathered the ibuprofen and water bottles. you thumbs-up the message, and go to sit in the living room to wait for a knock on the door.  you plop down on the couch and your leg bounces anxiously. jimmy gracefully hops up into your lap, and he must be an emotional support cat because he sits down on that leg, and leans into your torso butting his head into your chest asking for pets. you indulge him, a shaky laugh erupting, “thanks, jimmy,” and you lean down to press a few kisses to his cheeks. silence overcomes the room, and then three knocks break the still air in the apartment, and both you and jimmy jump off the couch and race to the entryway. you push jimmy behind you with a foot as you open the door, knowing damn well he’ll sneak into the hallway if given a chance. 
max stumbles through the doorway first. his eyes are bloodshot with a cold and unseeing look glazed over them, red-rimmed and looking so distraught at tonight’s realization, that your heart aches for him. you wish you could take his pain away, or at least carry some of it for him. his hair is sticking out in different directions like he was anxiously tugging at it, but the most surprising observation is the tear tracks on his cheeks. max doesn’t cry, like at all. 
well, that’s not exactly true. he’s one of the men that says crying is “strong” and not a sign of weakness when you cry and even encourages you to cry it out on his chest. but, when it’s himself, he refuses to cry until everything gets too much. he’ll come up to you and sit or stand pressed right up against you, grabs at and plays with your hand to let you know that he needs comfort, before he looks at you and softly asks with a cracking voice if he can have a hug. you always set aside what you’re doing as quickly as you can, because you’re not going to let an opportunity of caring for max in a rare vulnerable time pass, and pull him into your chest. even though he’s broader than you, he appears to shrink himself within your arms, and presses his face into your shoulder while he cries. his tears are always silent, but his body is loud; he shakes, and his hands grab at whatever you’re wearing in fists like he’s afraid that you’d slip out of his grasp.
anyways, you’ve never known him to really cry with other people. with a soft, “max…” you reach out to him, but he brushes right past your hand and goes straight for the bedroom. jimmy trots after him, and sassy falls into step from whatever pocket she was hiding in. you freeze, shocked at his behavior while also understanding, he’s had a life-changing realization that he’s never allowed himself to address. you feel guilty that you're jealous of the fact that he had it with daniel. 
daniel clears his throat, still standing outside the doorway, “...you know he doesn’t mean to ignore you like that, right?”
you nod, “when did he start crying?”
“he held it together until we got into the uber, i think. he was turned towards the window the whole time and refused to look at me. i didn’t notice he cried until we got out.”
“are you sure you don’t want to stay the night? it’s late, dan. or at least let me get you the uber back” you offer again with a questioning look.
daniel refuses both options, “nah, don’t worry about it. i’ll make max take me to lunch one day to pay me back. i’d say good luck but that seems redundant. be gentle with him, alright?”
you sigh, “i’ll be gentle, dan. can’t say the same for him,” daniel’s face saddens more, “get home safe alright, dan? text me when you get there.”
“of, course,” daniel nods, “goodnight.”
you watch him walk into the elevator before closing the door. you turn the lock, and step forward until you can rest your forehead onto the cool wood. eventually, you push off the door and turn around to grab the water and ibuprofen from the settee and make your way to the bedroom. max is sitting at the foot of the bed, elbows on his knees and his head resting in his hands.
pausing, you place the water and meds on the nightstand first, then you sit next to him and lightly place your hand on his upper back, attempting to rub between his shoulder blades to provide comfort. max shrugs your hand off. you pause, blinking a few times trying to discover the best course of action. you decide to ignore the second blatant dismissal of the night, and pull his hand off his face and push him to sit up straight. you forcefully straddle his lap, ignoring his grumbles, and grab his face, thumbs resting on his cheeks and directing him to look straight at you. 
“max, you’ve got to communicate with me here. i was terrified, when daniel called me! you refuse to talk about your dad with me, which is fine, okay? but you have to talk to somebody. whether it’s me, daniel, a therapist, christian, or even fucking helmut marko—you need to talk to someone. you’ve repressed this shit your whole life, and when whatever film you had over your eyes when looking at your father slipped away, you shut down completely? that can’t happen again! i don’t want it to happen again…daniel sounded completely fucking terrified—like he was afraid he broke you or something. and if you’re scaring me right now with how-h-how out of it you look, i can’t imagine what it was like for him,” you finish, taking a few deep breaths. max doesn’t say anything, just stares at you blankly. 
you make a distressed groan, both hands releasing max’s face to rub at your eyes and drag down your cheeks. doing so, you continue talking, “max. you don’t even have to talk, baby, not to me at least. i don’t care if you journal, if you meditate, if you go goddamn axe throwing; but, you need to see a professional. cause, how your brain is coping, and how you’re rationalizing it isn’t good. you aren’t the problem, nothing you could’ve done differently would have made your dad change; you are not the problem, max, he is. okay? i’ve known you for fourteen years, and not once have i pressured the topic after you said that ‘you’re fine,’ but, you have to at least promise me that you’ll start doing something.”
max parts his lips, thinking about what to say, as you fully sit on his lap. you look at him with wide eyes filled with worry—with care— and you’re anxiously playing with the hairs on the nape of your neck. 
“i don’t want to talk about it.”
“that’s not an option,” you state, with a furrowed brow, “can you at least tell me what caused the breakdown?”
and, that’s what gets get’s max going. his cheeks flush, and his eyes darken, and he starts talking with a firmer voice.
“it wasn’t a breakdown, first of all. i was just overwhelmed and overreacting. it’s nothing serious, like you’re pretending it is. i don’t need this—this false worry, showing up all of sudden when you know how the relationship between my father and i has been for all of the time we’ve known each other.”
you pull away, retreating off his lap and stand in front of him with your arms crossed over your chest. 
“false worry?? that’s what you think this is,” you start with an exasperated tone, “max, ‘for all the time we’ve known each other’ all you’ve done is deflect from my questions about you two, or tell me that everything is fine when it’s clearly not! and i gave you the space you wanted, because i was afraid that you’d stop talking to me, that you’d stop trusting me. but now, as your boyfriend, i can’t let it go unaddressed anymore!”
“you already did for fourteen years! it shouldn’t be that difficult for you to keep ignoring it.”
“because you asked me to, max! you didn’t want to talk about it then, and you need to talk about it now! i don’t give a fuck if you don’t want to share it with me, but it needs to be with somebody!”
“i already told you I didn’t want to talk about it, yet you keep insisting!” 
“that’s because i fucking care about you!” 
“well, did i ask for you to care about me?”
you’re stunned silent. the room is filled with heavy breaths from the two of you. this might be the most serious argument you’ve had, in awhile, or ever. 
it’s the third blatant dismissal of the night, and you’re calling it quits, daniel did tell you to be gentle, and if you keep going like this you’re word choice will become less gentle.
“you’re right,” you exhale, relaxing your clenched jaw, “you didn’t ask for me to care. and you shouldn’t have to ask for anybody to care. and, for some ‘unbelievable’ reason, i do happen to actually care,” you finish, your words dripping with exhaustion and defeat.
you walk around to the side of the bed, grabbing a pillow off the top and point at the nightstand, “the ibuprofen and water are for you. at least, finish one bottle before you go to bed, please.” you start walking towards the closet. 
“wait,” max calls out, finally standing up with a confused look in his eyes, “why’d you grab a pillow?”
you grab a blanket out of the closet, and sigh, “i’m sleeping on the couch.”
“what? no-no you’re not,” max stutters out, disbelieving.
“uh, yes i am.”
“what, no! no, schatje, i’m sorry, please come to bed,” max utters out, looking absolutely heartbroken. 
“i’m going to sleep on the couch, max,” you repeat, “if i go to bed, i won’t be able to not talk about it, and we’re clearly going to talk in circles about it. both of us are tired, frustrated, and mad, and we’re going to end up even angrier, so i’m going to sleep on the couch.”
max, crossing the room quickly, grabs at your waist with his large hands, and pleads, “if you’ve made up your mind about it, you can at least take the bed, i’ll sleep on the couch, schat.”
you, grab his hands off your waist, having to fight him a little bit for it (you may be a man, but your man is a professional athlete, you’ll be outmatched any day) and press them into his chest, “you’re still pretty drunk, max. i’ll let you take the bed so you can be comfortable, you seem like you’re going to have a pretty bad hangover, i can smell the alcohol on you still.”
max looks upset, but eventually concedes. you press your lips to his cheek, “i’ll see you in the morning, babe. then, with clearer minds we can talk, ‘kay?”
sassy baps jimmy on the face before nuzzling in between max’s legs, while jimmy makes to follow you out as you shut the door gently.
situating yourself on the couch, you squeeze your eyes shut. usually you’d be hugging max’s arm to your chest but tonight, jimmy is benevolent enough to leave his usual spot at your feet to fill in for max. even with the comfort the bengal’s purring body provides, you know you’re only in for a fitful night of sleep.
you wake up a few hours later, your body not able to keep you under for long you guess, as the early morning sun has barely started lightening the room. you take a minute to get your bearings, not used to waking up on the couch (in the past when you have accidentally fallen asleep on the couch, you magically wake up in bed laying on top of your boyfriend, how weird), and jimmy is no longer laying with you. he’s with max, who’s sitting on his floor below you, with his back facing you.
you rub at your eyes and whisper, “max?” he startles, and turns around to face you. his eyes have fresh bags underneath, his hair is still slightly damp from a shower, and you can tell he hasn’t gotten any sleep. even though you got a couple hours of shut-eye, the matching bags under your eyes prove that your sleep was restless.
“hey,” he whispers back sheepishly, “i know you told me to go to bed, but i couldn’t fall asleep. i only came out here a few minutes ago though, and i was just going to wait until you woke up in the morning.”
you sit up straight, and pull max onto the couch with you, “max, what? you could’ve at least layed down on the other couch, and not sit on the–”
max cuts you off.
“i just…couldn’t go to bed alone tonight, okay? i still feel raw–i think is the word for it. i’m exhausted and cried out, and the only person who can make me feel better is you right now. so i was just going to sit here, and be next to you, without disturbing you like you wanted, because being in your general vicinity already makes me feel better, even if you're mad at me.”
your mouth is left gaping, and you feel guilty now, your chest aches. leaving max at a time where he was vulnerable, even if you were right down the hallway–
“and, don’t feel bad about your decision to sleep out here. you decided that space was the best course of action for you, and you are probably right, because i was ready to argue with you,” max continues rambling, “honestly, you sleeping out here made me realize that i never want you to be angry with me like that, ever again. at first, i was scared that if i opened up about my relationship with my dad you would think i’m weak, or that you'd judge me for it, or that you’d leave me. but when i was in the shower earlier, i got really…scared.”
he pauses, taking a few deep breaths and you don’t make to interrupt him.
“i got scared because i thought you left me right now. that you lied to me about sleeping on the couch, and you were actually planning to leave. and, obviously you did not, you are still here right now but, it made me realize that i do need to talk to you. and that the reason i thought you were leaving was because of how i thought i scared you away with my issues. but i realize now, that the way i’ll scare you away is by not talking about my issues,” he turns to look at you with an earnest expression.
“so, if you are okay with it, i will talk to you. about everything, even though it may take me some time to work up the courage. i am uncomfortable with talking to a…professional, but i will, if you truly think it will help me. but i do not want to risk the chance that my refusal to communicate costs me a lifetime with you,” he ends.”
you stare at him blankly, and max begins to fidget at your silence. you lean forward and pull him into a hug, tears gathering in your eyes. he nestles his head in the crook of your neck, and presses gentle kisses into your skin. 
“max, all i want is for you to talk to me about it. i want to share the burden you feel, and understand you better than the back of my hand. most of all, i hope having somebody who understands you to that depth makes you feel lighter, and validates your emotions.”
max says something, but it’s muffled by your body.
“what was that, baby?”
max pulls away to look at you with bashful eyes and pinkened cheeks, “you know i can’t imagine my life without you.”
“likewise,” you respond, just as meek.
“no, really. i've fallen in love with you,” he continues.
“max, you told me you loved me years ago,” you say laughingly.
“no, like, i’ve fallen in love with you again. everytime i think i can’t fall any deeper, you manage to prove me wrong,” he says intensely.
you pout at him, hands coming up to feel at your heated cheeks, “oh, max! stop, you’re going to make me cry. that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me. i fall in love with you again, everytime you finish a race, and come home to me. that you chose me as the man you want to see after a tiring race weekend, regardless of the outcome. 
max smiles all teeth, “there’s no other person i want to share my highs and lows with. well, hopefully more highs than lows. i have the ring for you already, but i at least need to win eight championships before i retire so you’re able to marry a record-breaking champion. i am proposing to you this year though, i cannot wait any longer.”
you stare at him unseeing for a minute, and he looks awfully confused for a man who just announced his plans to give you his last name. 
“max,” you start shakingly, “what do you mean you already have the ring?”
max’s carefree expression drops, and becomes pale, “what are you talking about? i never said anything about a ring–”
“you literally just did?! the part before you said you were proposing to me this year, and before becoming an eight-time world–”
max claps, cutting you off while standing up. he offers you his hand, “alright! we should go to bed now, right? together, yes that’s a great idea.”
taglist: @saintslewis @cherry2stems
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© httpsserene 2023
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cvnt4him · 7 days
i would request monoma x reader bc I'm literally going crazy about him but idk-- OMG NVM MONOMA X KIND/SOFT READER
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You know you wrong as hell for that picture tho.. bc why he look so goofy, bones js doing my man wrong this season😞
*˖°My heart.°˖*
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"I don't get what you even see in him, my love."
Mina scolds as she finishes crocheting your last butterfly loc into your hair.
It was 4 AM, you both had school in a couple hours and she had been doing your hair since 12 o'clock. Your head was pounding and was going to be throbbing for the next week. You can only imagine how bad it'll be once you put your hair into a ponytail...
You sigh from relief knowing that was the last braid you had to endure. She puts muse all over your hair, the soft yet cold air like foam covering your hair as she gently slides her hands down each braid costing it in the pleasant and calming scented hair applicator.
You stand and stretch deciding to just put your bonnet on without putting your hair up so you can just head straight to bed, not that you'd get much sleep since school started in like what less than an hour and a half? What's the point in even trying to sleep.
"he makes me laugh. he's a gentleman, he--"
"gentleman my ass."
She cuts you off with a scoff straightening up all of the things she used to do your hair, putting them away and washing the icky foam texture off of her hands.
"okay first of all, don't you ever in your life; he's a sweetheart, really he is. and I don't need you questioning my choices, you're like a sister to me so please for the love of God just fucking trust my choices for once, yeah?"
She hums and rolls her eyes putting her bonnet on and getting under her leopard printed covers. She sighs and wishes you a good night as you leave and head back to your dorm.
All you could think about while getting ready for school was how rude mina was. Sure he was quite unpleasant to your classmates but he's a sweet guy to you!! Well no.. he's just less of an asshole. You noticed that Everytime he would say some smartsss remark to your peers he wouldn't say anything even remotely bad to you. He wouldn't even look at you. It's like there was something about you that just made him go silent.
The way you looked at him however, that was a game changer. He would get all stuttery over his words and just get flustered to the point he'd live without kendo needing to assist. (Knocking his hardheaded ass out)
You figured he had a crush on you which you were completely alright with due to you reciprocating his feelings! He was so beautiful and rather charming in his own way. He was distinguished and quite dashing!!!
You had no idea how people could just say such mean things to him!!
You finish off your look with a silver necklace that makes everything pop so beautifully. Your many rings matching indefinitely. You wore a white turtle neck and a pastel pink plaid skirt with white opaque tights on underneath. Baby pink Mary Jane's accompanying your soft aesthetic.
Being in college was fun for you, the party's the sleepovers the random socks on other people's dorm handles. It was an interesting experience, one of the greatest parts about it was how you could wear whatever you wanted! No dress code, no uniforms just your own unique style!
You walked with a sway to your hips as you made it to your class, to your surprise seeing how there were different students there than normal.
You look around and see groans and laughter coming from somewhere, you turn your head out the classroom door to see some of your friend and peers angry and uncomfortable whilst a manically laughing monoma boasts about something.
Mina sees you and lights up nodding her head in monomas direction telling you in girl talk or whatever the fuck to "get your fucking man before I have kirishima walk him like a damn dog."Her eyes saying more than enough.
You chuckle which catches others attention, including monomas. He turns with a raised brow to see you, his eyes widening and a pinky tint slightly becoming visible on his features.
"hello, neito."
He clears his throat and turns to you dusting off his outfit and giving you a small grin looking to the ground, unable to hold eye contact.
"hi y/- ahem. Y/n."
His voice cracked whilst he tried saying your name instantly making him get flustered and asking a loud and entertained kirishima have a belly laugh.
Monomas turns to them and instantly shouts at them calling them "Imbeciles" and "incompetent losers" and such, the way he spoke with such sophisticated mannerisms was just amusing to you, even while arguing and being angry with people he disliked he still manages to not use foul language and be somewhat civilized. It's quite neat.
You giggle catching his attention again, he turns to you and bows his head lightly with a smile as an apology.
"what are you up to, neito?"
You ask with a tilt to your head.
"who me?! I- uhm-- y'know the usual, classes are just taking over my brain at the moment, haha!"
He jokes, making you giggle again. God you were so cute to him, the way you innocently giggled or laughed at anything, the way you dressed to adorably like an innocent little girl was oddly compelling to him.
"i see you've gotten your hair done. It looks very nice, y/n."
He says to you nodding his head to your hair, the way you had little sparkles raying off of it and how you had little star shaped clips in your locs just completes your outfit.
"awh thank you neito!! You're so sweet!"
You jump into his arms with a hug, snuggling your nose into his shirt. He blushed intensively, getting stiff and tense underneath your touch. You did such foul things to him, making him flustered and blushy like this. He never felt this way for anyone, he always wanted to be a hero and show everyone that he was just as capable of doing things his former class rivals could.
He slowly wrapped his arms around your shorter figure leaning his head down and resting it on your head, his nose burying itself into your locs and smelling the sweet smell radiating off of them.
It was an unfamiliar smell to him, yet it was so intoxicatingly sweet. Like he'd smelled it before, or like it was just something he couldn't resist. A smell he was sure he wanted to take over his senses all the time. For the rest of his life even.
The hug lasted quite some time, an angry kirishima faux clearing his throat to end the long hug. Mina rolled her eyes and nudged him, she didn't like monoma really, but if you had then she'd just have to thug that shit out. For your sake.
You pulled away first, having monoma realize where he was, which was not in a perfect mansion with a beautiful rose garden, white picket fence, and a golden retriever running around with happy and cheerful barks.
He looks down at you ass you peer up at him with beautiful eyes, the way they shine so brightly even without sunlight raying into them, the way you bat your eyelashes at him and smile innocently.
He blushed while staring deep into your eyes. Fuck he'd just imagined a whole entire life with you, making you his wife and you have his kids.
You were evil and putting him under your spell. Your evil, wicked, enchanting, perfect, beautiful, absolutely breathtaking spell. Wait what?!
He got flushed and hid his face with his hand as he looked away, his other hand still on your waist.
You put one of your hands on his neck causing him to snap his neck to look right back to your face. You look down at his chest and rub your other hand up and down it and slowly look back up to him. You smile and move your hand that was once in his neck to his flushed cheek.
He wss going to kiss you. Fuck he was actually going to kiss you, finally, after having a huge crush on you for all these years you were going to kiss him. He'd finally make you his!
"AHEM. So yeah uh, we have to get to class, right y/n? Wouldn't want kids to catch you guys Frenching in the middle of the hallway while classes are in right? Right?"
Kirishima interrupts, making up an excuse to get you away from him.
Mina face palms herself while pulling kirishima away from the two of you. Monoma watching while he gives kirishima an evil, shit eating grin. Kirishima was practically foaming out of the mouth like a raccoon with rabies.
You simply giggle before letting him go. No no no, that's not what was supposed to happen! Why'd you let him go?!
"he's right, we should get to class."
You say quietly, never taking a step back still being rather close to him, peering up at him with wide eyes and offering him a smile.
He sighs and looks away. He was extremely disappointed. Why'd that shitty shark toothed fucker have to get in his way? You were finally going to kiss him.
"but, we can hang out later, if you'd like."
"yes!-- I uhm.. yes, I would like that, if you would."
He answers quickly, before stumbling on his words and saving himself from eternal embarrassment, not that toud ever make fun of him. He was cute, and flushy. Most people didn't get to see him like that not even kendo. You were honored and wnsted to spend more time with him. So you agreed. The two do you made plans and agreed to meet and have lunch, he'd take you to see a movie and you'd go out on dinner dates.
He had so many plans for the two of you. And once you start dating you better believe you're not allowed to be around anyone without him, not that he's jealous.. he's jealous. He's so jealous, he hates anyone that's not him being in your presence. He loves you! More than anything and anyone.
He holds you with grace, being so gentle with you throughout everything. Making sure you don't have tod I anything, not lift a single finger. He holds you tight at night making you feel safe and warm. He loves matching with you, and eating with you, and doing anything to ensure everyone knows you're his. He isn't insecure or anything but he's not oblivious to the rather hot people that swarm your school. He has a hard time reassuring himself that you only have eyes for him!
You're so kind and nice to everyone it's hard to believe you're his girlfriend. Seriously, no one believes you two, but you are. You're his and he's yours. No doubt about it, he'd choose you over the world.
He loves showing you off, boasting and bragging about how cute you are, how you're his girlfriend and how no one can ever even compare to you. How your skin glows in the sunlight without any help. How you're so strong and are better than anyone who ever existed. You can be a bit of an airhead at times, he even teases you about it, but let someone dare say some shit about you, he's ready to throw words. Something tells me hes not the best at hand to hand combat..
Anyways, he loves you dearly, he makes sure to tell you constantly. He doesn't want you feeling like you're less than perfect. He has standard, rather high ones too, and you meet them to a tee.
AN: this is x black!reader bc I js got my hair done and I've become kinda obsessed w him so. Yeah!!! I'm definitely making more monoma and tenya content bc they've recently been clouding my head. Anyways love laugh love monoma!!!
This is kind of all over the place so come back later for more and much better content including him.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 11 months
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Give Me Everything You Have
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors.
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Emma: “...........”
Emma: “...........”
(Why aren’t you saying anything!?)
Emma silently waited for my birthday to come.
Silvio: “What happened to you earlier?”
Emma: “What are you talking about?”
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Silvio: “You have this intense gaze like you’re about to pounce on me.”
Emma: “Don’t worry about it.”
Silvio: “Don’t be ridiculous.”
(Damn it, just say it already.)
(You want to celebrate my birthday, don’t you?)
For the past few days, she’d been restless and unable to calm down.
It was evident that she was secretly preparing something for my birthday.
(Just tell me you want my time, and I’ll give it to you.)
Silvio: “By the way, it’s not good for you to stay up so late. It’ll affect your health.”
I thought if I urged her to go to sleep, she would tell me she wanted to celebrate my birthday.
Emma: “I’m an adult. I’ll be fine.”
But she wouldn’t back down.
Silvio: “That’s not an excuse. Should I put you to bed like an adult, then?”
Emma: “No, thank you!”
While we were having such an exchange, the bell rang to tell us that it was midnight.
(Damn it, time's up.)
(Well, whatever. I'll make you regret not asking me directly.)
(You probably have no idea what my birthday is like.)
As expected, the moment midnight arrived, there was a knock on the door.
(These people never get tired of doing this year after year.)
Emma was about to say something but gave up, and I opened the door.
What I saw was a long line of people.
Emma peeked out from behind me and glanced down the hallway, utterly speechless.
Emma: "This is…"
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Silvio: "It's always like this on my birthday."
Silvio: "Everyone tries to get my attention, resulting in fierce competition."
(This is such a hassle.)
Birthdays were nothing more than diplomacy and negotiations. Honestly, I wasn't excited about it.
(If only you had asked, I would've brushed all of this aside.)
(There are hardly any people here genuinely celebrating my birthday.)
Naturally, it wasn't always like this.
As the first prince, I have had glamorous birthday parties since I was a child, but their purpose was not for celebration; it was solely to maintain my mother's image.
That damn old man would only attend at first and then leave immediately, making it a laughably insincere birthday.
The number of attendees was small, and everyone celebrated out of obligation rather than genuine joy.
That changed when I gained money.
As my assets increased, more and more people came forward, expressing their desire to celebrate my birthday.
And that was how it evolved to the point where there would be long lines as midnight struck.
But those people, after saying “Happy birthday,” immediately shift the conversation to official duties and business matters.
Even though the number increased, in the end, it was still the same back then.
(But you’re different, Emma.)
(Hurry up and celebrate me.)
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Even the next morning, the celebrations continued without interruption. After finishing breakfast and heading out into the city, the situation worsened.
(It’s even worse than last year. Probably because it’s been decided I’ll be the next king.)
There might be some among them genuinely celebrating, but I couldn’t help but be skeptical.
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As I walked, trying to navigate the crowd, I suddenly felt someone firmly grabbing my arm.
It was Emma, desperately clinging to me, determined not to let go.
(Why are you so adorable like that?)
(Or not.)
Silvio: “You...!”
Emma: “If I don’t do this, we’ll get separated!”
Silvio: “Don’t do such things in public.”
Emma: “I was just holding onto your arm!”
Silvio: “That’s exactly the problem. “
Silvio: “Even though so many people are watching today, you’re too cute that I can’t keep a straight face.”
Emma: “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you!”
Silvio: “Ah, is that so? Then I won’t say it again!”
(Damn it. There’s no way I can spend the day as usual.)
(If you’re that desperately clinging to me like this, I’ll give you another chance.)
Using the knights to shake off the people, we managed to enter an alleyway.
Finally, we had a moment alone together.
Silvio: “Those guys should tone it down a bit.”
(How I behave depends on how this girl will act...)
(What's with this sad face?)
Contrary to my expectations, her face was filled with signs of worry.
(Where did that spirited attitude from midnight go?)
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Her determination to celebrate seemed to have long disappeared. Instead of displaying virtues like modesty or consideration, she appeared to be consumed by negative emotions, despite her audacious nature.
Emma: “Prince Silvio...”
(I’m pissed. Damn it.)
(Why do you look so resigned?)
I grabbed her chin in frustration and kissed her.
Emma: “What are you...”
Silvio: “You just made a face like you’ve had enough.”
Emma: “Huh?”
Her eyes widened.
Silvio: “You should come at me more seriously.”
Emma: “What do you mean...?”
Silvio: “*sigh* You wanted to greet me, right?”
(How could I not notice this, you idiot?)
Silvio: “Then don’t give up until you give me everything you got.”
(No need to be modest.)
(So reconsider.)
I messed up her hair and turned my back.
I returned to my official duties, suppressing the urge to take her away immediately.
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Nokto: "Hmm, you seem a bit grumpy this year."
Silvio: "You can tell?"
A party was being held in the dance hall as my birthday reached its final stages.
Since entry was only allowed with an invitation, familiar faces, including that fox-faced Rhodolite, were here.
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Nokto: “Do you want me to guess?”
Silvio: “No need.”
Nokto: “If you want to be with Emma, you should just say it honestly.”
Silvio: “Shut up.”
(He’s sharp in these situations, and I don’t like it.)
Nokto: “But if you continue like this, your birthday will be over.”
He looked over at Emma, who had a thoughtful expression on her face.
Silvio: “It’d be more worth it if she willingly asked me herself.”
Nokto: “Why?”
Silvio: “Why do I have to explain it to you?”
(Purely because it makes me feel good.)
(And it’ll show that she really wants to celebrate with me.)
Although I didn’t put it into words, Nokto seemed to have sensed something and shrugged his shoulders in exasperation before leaving.
Immediately after this, an incident occurred.
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Silvio: “What are you thinking, you idiot!?”
As soon as I returned to the room with Emma in my arms, those words slipped out uncontrollably.
Emma: "I told you it was a gift!"
Emma: "God, you're so shy!"
Silvio: "Who are you saying that to, you damn woman?"
(I was waiting for you to ask me to give you my time, but you chose that method.)
(And even did it boldly in front of so many people.)
Just remembering that embarrassing incident made me blush and feel overwhelmed.
(No, I can forgive "that", but not after what happened after that.)
Emma: "If I did that in public, I knew you would react this way."
Silvio: "You...!"
Emma: "Are you mad at me?"
Silvio: "Of course not. I'm just..."
(Aren't you aware?)
I gently placed Emma down in front of the mirror.
Even though she was confidently and cheekily saying those things, she seemed to have finally noticed that her face was completely flushed.
Silvio: "Don't make that kind of face in public. It's making me want to pounce on you."
(This face is something only I should see.)
Emma: "I-I'm sorry."
Silvio: ".........."
Emma: "........"
We gaze at each other through the mirror.
(Basically, you're late.)
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(If you're going to take me out like that, you should have done it in the morning.)
As the silence dragged on, her expression became increasingly uneasy.
Despite her usual cheeky demeanor, she couldn't fully maintain an arrogant attitude, which caused me to burst out laughing.
Silvio: "Alright, alright, I give up. Sorry for teasing you."
Silvio: "From now on, I'll give you all my attention."
Emma: "Really? But you still have guests."
Silvio: "You're more important than any guest."
Silvio: "Besides, I'm sure everyone took the hint."
Emma: "Prince Silvio, aren't you tired?"
Silvio: "I'm not tired, so bring me the cake already."
Emma: "Why would there be a cake?"
Silvio: "There's no way you wouldn't get me one for my birthday."
(To be honest, I've never eaten a birthday cake before.)
While there was usually food at my birthday parties, a cake has never been brought out.
Just like in Rhodolite, there was a tradition here in Benitoite to celebrate with a cake, but the fact that no one really celebrates it wholeheartedly became evident in situations like this.
(Though that fucking dog has one every year.)
Silvio: "I'm hungry, so hurry up and feed me."
Emma: "Is that the reason you didn't eat much?"
Silvio: "It'd bother me if I couldn't eat your food."
(You don't need to pay attention to that little detail.)
Feeling somewhat uncomfortable, I sat down on the sofa and leaned back.
Surprisingly, Emma's cheeky smile shone brilliantly.
Emma: "I suppose I have no choice. Today, I'll spoon-feed you."
Silvio: "*sigh* Is that all? It's not enough, you know?"
Emma: "What? Do you want me to feed you mouth-to-mouth?"
Silvio: "Why did you think of something like that? Well, maybe it's not a bad idea."
Emma: "It's a bad idea!"
Silvio: "Don't you dare challenge the birthday boy."
(I'm beyond help since everything you say and do looks cute.)
Despite being exasperated, I gestured for her to come closer.
Without hesitation, she approached me, and I grabbed her hand and pulled her into an embrace.
Silvio: "I told you earlier to give me everything you got."
Emma: “Ah...”
(I've been feeling impatient today, so a cake and a present won't be enough to satisfy me.)
Silvio: “Just so you know, I won’t let you sleep until you’ve completely celebrated with me.”
I teasingly stroked her back, and she responded with a nod.
Emma: “All right. As you wish.”
(No take-backs.)
(I ain't holding back, so prepare yourself.)
Afterward, I got excited over my first-ever birthday cake and the handmade embroidered amulet bag she had given as a gift.
I thoroughly enjoyed my birthday, which was usually nothing but a hassle.
As for the extent of that enjoyment一
Emma: “I can’t believe it.”
Silvio: “Ha?”
Emma: “Isn’t it already morning?”
Silvio: “Yeah.”
She hadn't moved an inch since earlier.
It was probably because of the fatigue and the slick wetness between her legs that was preventing her body from moving.
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(I didn't plan on holding her until morning.)
Contrary to my thoughts, I reached out from behind and touched her legs.
Even though I devoured her so much last night, the insides of my chest were still screaming that it wasn't enough.
Emma: "Your birthday is over."
Silvio: "It's not over until I say it's over."
(It's not really like me not to want my birthday to end.)
Just when I thought she might be surprised, I heard her soft laughter.
(I feel like she can see through everything.)
As if to express my discomfort, I buried my face in her neck, and her sweet voice further stirred me up.
Silvio: "I tasted a lot of you last night, but you're still so sweet."
Emma: "Prince Silvio..."
It looked like she was reaching her limit as she showed signs of wanting to escape.
I put my hand on her head and blocked her movement, not intending to let her run away.
Silvio: "I won't stop."
Silvio: "This gift belongs to me, and I won't let you take it away. If you understand, get ready to be loved."
Emma: "I don't want to."
Silvio: "Ha?"
Emma: "Because it's your birthday."
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Silvio: "So what?"
Emma: "In other words..."
Emma: "It's you who should be loved."
Emma turned around and surprised me by kissing my lips.
She was usually shy and only gave peck-like kisses, but today, perhaps due to her lack of shame, she actively intertwined her tongue with mine.
Silvio: "You've become quite the erotic kisser, huh?"
Emma: "Whose fault do you think that is?"
(Is it because of me?)
I found myself laughing again at her blushing expression.
(Receiving birthday wishes from someone feels so good. I never knew it could make me this happy.)
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(I wish this feeling could last forever. I’m already looking forward to next year.)
I’d realized for the first time how different it feels to be celebrated out of obligation compared to being genuinely celebrated from the heart.
No gift could match the emotions she had given me.
Emma: “I might just kidnap you next year.”
Silvio: “*sigh* I’ll make a special exception and allow it.”
Emma: “Don’t regret those words later, okay?”
(There's no way I'm going to do that.)
(Even if I receive anything else in the future, there's no treasure greater than you.)
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ His POV
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nanawritesit · 10 months
Chained Up - Choi San x Reader
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bodyguard!san x mafia-daughter!reader: contains NSFW content (18+/MDNI!) 🔞
tw: female reader, reader has a deceased mother and a neglectful/ abusive father, cursing, slight angst into smut into fluff
mentions of: guns, drugs, alcohol, violence, theft, death, and kidnapping
nsfw content: p in v sex, protected sex, spanking, hair pulling, hard dom san, making out, groping, neck kissing, nipple sucking, cat and mouse dynamic, predator x prey themes, nicknames “good girl,” “little mouse,” “baby,” and “sparky.”
“San, if you don’t put me down right now I’m gonna kill you!” you demanded from your position over his shoulder. You were pounding on his back with your fists as hard as you could while he carried you through the front door of your penthouse apartment.
He said nothing and showed no reaction to the pounding you were giving his lower back, having dealt with much stronger pain before. You knew this, but you still had to try your best to escape him. You always tried, but hardly ever succeeded.
Once you had reached the top of the marble stairs, he swiftly kicked open the door of your bedroom, tossing you down on your enormous lace canopy bed. In the few short seconds it took you to straighten yourself up, he had already locked your door, and was standing in front of it with his arms crossed, glaring at you with a straight face.
“You are unbelievable! I hate you!” you screamed, balling your fists as you felt angry tears prickle your eyes.
He knew you didn’t, still giving no reaction. “You wouldn’t get out of the limo.” he said curtly. “How else was I supposed to get you inside?”
“That’s not what I’m mad about, and you know it!” you huffed, getting up to go to your walk in closet. It had no door, so you could still see and talk to him. You began removing your jewelry and unpacking your designer handbag, placing them back in their respective places. It was a routine you did numerous times, so you were on autopilot, letting your rage be your main focus.
“I don’t understand why you’re upset with me. I was just doing my job. You know the rules, and you broke them anyway.” he replied, leaning against the door frame of your closet, arms still crossed. You hated that smug expression on his face. You would’ve slapped it off if you could, but you knew he would catch your hand and pin you down, exactly as he had done every other time before.
“You ruined my birthday party San! Is that part of your fucking job description?” you screeched, slapping your hand down on the vanity.
“No, but retrieving you when you sneak off is.” he explained, walking over towards you.
You were currently fiddling with the zipper on the back of your Valentino gown. It was a long, slender, black lace number, with a low cut chest and a high leg slit that perfectly showed off your diamond garter. The light that reflected off of it perfectly illuminated the serpent tattoo on your upper thigh, the one that was the symbol of your father’s mob. You got it when you turned 18, as a protection symbol.
“I don’t need your help!” you spat, swatting his hands away. He just put them on his hips, cocking his leg out patiently. He watched you struggle for another 30 seconds, tugging at the zipper to no avail. You dropped your hands and stared up at the ceiling in annoyance. “Damnit San, don’t just stand there, help me unzip this!”
You watched a satisfied smirk creep up his face through the mirror in front of you. It made your blood boil as he helped you step out of it. You huffed away, sitting down at your vanity to brush the curls out of your hair and remove your makeup.
He still didn’t seem to be bothered at all by the fact that he had destroyed your happiness tonight. He just went about your routine as usual, hanging up your dress and placing it back up on the proper rack.
“I just wanted to have a normal 21st birthday party, like a normal fucking girl.” you complained. “I just wanted to go to the club with my girlfriends, drink, dance, and have a good time.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me that?” he asked, sitting down on the plush sofa in the corner and crossing his legs nonchalantly. “I could’ve accompanied you.”
You snapped your head around and glared at him. “It was supposed to be a girls’ night. You know, something most girls get to do in their twenties.”
“You’re not most girls sparky, and you know that.” he replied cooly.
You scoffed at the use of his usual nickname for you, turning back away from him. “Yeah, I do. But you could’ve cut me some slack for once. Except for Lia, my friends aren’t the kind of girls who can let loose with a guy hanging around them.”
“No, I couldn’t have ‘cut you some slack.’ Your father would fire me for losing control of you, I’d get the shit beaten out of me, and then I’d be transferred to another gang. Is that what you want?” he asked, cocking his eyebrow up in question.
“No, that’s not what I fucking want!” you cried out, slamming your hairbrush down on the table. “I wanted tonight to just be me, Lia, Minnie, Liz, and Giselle. No guns, no fights, and no body guards.” You hissed out the last part since it pertained directly to him.
“Well, that’s not how things work.” he got up and stood beside you, even though you refused to look at him. “You’re the only daughter of one of the worlds’ most powerful and wealthy mafia bosses. You’re the heir to the throne so to speak. And it’s my job to keep you safe.”
“I was perfectly safe at the club…” you mumbled, fiddling with the diamonds on your garter.
He gave a cold chuckle, then stopped in front of you with his hands gripping the arms of your chair, caging you in. He pushed his head forward, prompting you to look up at him.
“Oh you were, were you? I would’ve thought otherwise, given the way that asshole was feeling you up.” he seethed in a growl barely above a whisper, a dangerous smile on his face.
Your heart was beating out of your chest, and your breath hitched in your throat. You hated how protective he was. Even more so, you hated how attractive he was when he got protective.
Remembering your current situation, you blinked and swallowed hard. “We were just dancing. Until you barged in and dragged me out of there in front of everyone.”
“Oh yeah? You had no idea that I would come find you?” he inquired, titling his head to the side in amusement. “You weren’t putting on a show to make me jealous?”
You bit the side of your cheek in annoyance at how easily he could read you. Five years of forced proximity will do that to you, but he didn’t need to be so damn cocky about it.
“Don’t act like you don’t like playing cat and mouse.” you teased, giving him a cute grin.
“I do. But the job comes first.” he said flatly.
You let out a small gasp as you felt a sharp pang in your chest. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes and a large lump began to form in your throat.
His eyes widened slightly at the realization of what he had just said. “No, Y/N, come on, I didn’t mean it like that-“
“Fuck you, San!” you cried, pushing him away from you and stomping off to your bathroom. “I’m taking a shower. Unless you want to do a fucking perimeter check, I suggest you leave me alone.”
You slammed the door behind you, then broke out into sobs. To most, what he said to you wouldn’t have been much of an insult. But to you, it was a painful reminder that your relationship wasn’t either of your top priorities, no matter how desperately you both wanted it to be. Your father would never allow that.
For the first ten years of your life, you knew your father as the kindest and most gentle man ever, despite the horrible things he did for work. He loved you and your mother more than anything, and he made sure you both knew it. He was always so affectionate and caring. But he got too soft. He stopped being careful, getting too comfortable in the role of a family man. And everything changed when your mother was kidnapped and killed right in front of him.
The day of her funeral, he held you while you both cried. Then when you woke up the next day, he was a completely different person. He never smiled, he never laughed, he never did anything but work. You hardly ever saw him, as he was always away on business. When you did see him, he was cold and distant. He would ask you how you were doing in school, and that was about it. No hugs, no kisses, nothing. He was just gone.
Your father also became paranoid about your safety. You got hardly any freedom after that, and your life as a normal ten year old girl was gone forever. You were under constant surveillance by a full security team, even while you were at school. If you so much as sniffled, your father knew about it. You were never allowed to go to sleepovers, or attend parties, or hang out with your friends outside of school. Which wasn’t really a problem until you became a teenager.
Being emotionally neglected made you act out quite a bit. The only way you could get any attention from your father was by getting into trouble. You snuck out, stole, went to parties, got into fights, did drugs, drank, smoked, got pierced… everything a typical delinquent would do. And every time, your security team would find you and bring you back to your father, who would punish you severely. Sometimes he would hit you, sometimes he would take away your phone, sometimes he would lock you in your room for days. But at least he was paying attention to you.
It was clear to your father that what he was doing wasn’t working. No matter how many times he punished you, you never learned. There was also the fact that you would be going to college in a few years, and there was no way your father could send an entire security team to your university. That was where San came in.
When you were sixteen, you decided to sneak out for a party. However, as you were halfway out your bedroom window, you felt a hand grip your ankle and drag you back inside. Obviously terrified because none of the security guards were ever allowed in your room, you began kicking and screaming with all your might, but this guy was way too strong. He grabbed your wrists and pinned you down to the floor in just a few seconds. Suddenly, your bedroom light clicked on. You expected to see some big, burly thug holding you down, but it was the most beautiful boy you had ever seen.
“Good evening, dearest daughter. I see you’ve met your new full-time body guard. This is Choi San. San, this is my daughter, Y/N.” your father introduced you to each other from the doorway. Your father decided that instead of having a team of multiple security guards watching you from a distance, you would have just one who was next to you 24/7.
You seriously doubted how San was going to replicate the protection of entire team of men. He was seventeen, had a smaller frame, and wasn’t very tall. But you quickly learned not to underestimate him. He was lethal, and would stop at nothing to keep you safe. His instructions from your father were simple: watch you at all times, never let you escape, and regularly report your safety back to him. He could use force if he wanted to. There was only one hard rule: absolutely no romance.
It wasn’t a hard rule to follow at first. The two of you actually hated each other. You were furious that you suddenly had to be followed around by a kid posing as your classmate who kept you from having any sort of fun. And he wasn’t thrilled that he had to be a glorified watch dog to a headstrong, misbehaving mafia princess. You even had to share a bedroom. You were totally and completely chained up together.
However, since you guys were forced to spend all of your time together, you learned every little thing about one another. You knew each others favorite foods, sleeping positions, movie preferences, most embarrassing moments, and funniest jokes. It was easy to gain admiration for each others strength, you learning about how he was thrown into the mafia at the age of 13, and him realizing you lost both of your parents all at once, your mother physically and your father emotionally. Admiration quickly turned into friendship, and when you were 19 and he was 20, things got complicated. You broke the number one rule. No romance.
Your father failed to realize one thing: just because he stopped being human when your mother died, didn’t mean that everyone else did too.
Neither of you had ever gotten to date anyone or experience physical intimacy since you were chained up together. You had shared a bedroom for years, but nothing had ever gotten physical behind the occasional platonic cuddle. It really couldn’t have with your dad home anyway. But everything changed when you went to college and got your own apartment together. It was really easy to start acting like a couple once you were out of your father’s house. And being adults, you had hormones just like anyone else. It wasn’t long before you shared your first kiss, and then your first time hooking up with each other…
The two of you did everything a couple would normally do, but you could never call yourself a couple. You couldn’t get too comfortable since the relationship was technically business. San worked for your father, who trusted him with his most precious asset: his heir. If anything threatened that, he wouldn’t hesitate to get rid of him. He wouldn’t care at all that you were in love with him, or that you’ve shared everything with each other for the past five years, or that you were the only reason the other was still alive. None of that would matter to him. He didn’t see people as human beings anymore, just assets.
Sometimes you were able to play the part of boyfriend and girlfriend. You got permission from your father to tell your friends that San was your boyfriend so they wouldn’t be suspicious of his proximity to you. However, that back fired on nights like tonight where he would show up and drag you out by force. Things like that get perceived as abusive and controlling. You’ll never forget the looks on your friends faces. Minnie looked like she was about to kill him, Liz was practically in tears, and Giselle was obviously annoyed that he had showed up again. The only one who understood was your best friend Lia. She was your fathers consigliere’s daughter, and the two of you had been close since childhood. Not too close obviously, since you were never allowed out without supervision, but close enough for her to understand what was going on.
Pretending to be together was even more painful in a way. You got a glimpse of what it would be like if you were two normal people in love, not the mafia boss’s daughter and her body guard. You understood your dynamic well, but it still hurt when San brought it up.
Now that you thought about it, you did overreact a little bit. You did know San would find you eventually, and it was kind of stupid of you to think he wouldn’t. You also knew it was childish to try to make him jealous. But you had a tendency to act like a kid, since you never really got to be one for very long. You began to feel bad for lashing out at him.
You blinked, remembering what you had originally set off to do. You removed the rest of your clothes, which was pretty much just underwear, tights, and your garter, and hopped in the shower. You imagined yourself washing away everything that was plaguing you. How you didn’t know how you would explain this to your friends tomorrow, your fight with San, and how you could never have a normal life because of your father. You wiped all of it away under the hot water, sighing in relief.
You came out of the bathroom wrapped up in your towel to see San sitting on the edge of your bed reading a book. It was something he did every night before bed. He glanced up at you, his eyes softening.
“I got you something for your birthday.” he practically whispered, still feeling guilty from what he said earlier.
Having cooled off in the shower, you sat down next to him and held your hands out. He reached behind him and grabbed a little white box, placing it gingerly in your hands. You opened it up, and your jaw fell open when you saw a silver ring in a zig zag pattern with little diamonds over the top.
“It’s supposed to resemble a lightning bolt.” he explained, taking it out of the box and grabbing your hand. “I got it as a promise that I’ll always be here for you.” He delicately slipped it over your ring finger.
You lifted up your hand and stretched out your fingers to admire it. “San, it’s… it’s perfect. I love it.” You couldn’t help the smile that broke out on your face as you threw your arms over him. He chuckled, wrapping his own arms around your back.
“I’m glad you like it, sparky.” he replied.
San had called you sparky for as long as you could remember. When his colleagues found out he was becoming a guard dog, they patted him on the back and told him he was on easy street now. But you proved to be the furthest thing from easy. Most people just saw you as a spoiled princess, but you were so much more than that. You were fierce, headstrong, independent, and savage. It was a defense mechanism, and San had somehow managed to slip through all your cracks. On one particular night, you were having an argument during a thunderstorm. Right as you shrieked at him, lighting struck a tree outside.
“Damn sparky, you don’t need to smite me with lightning.” he had said, holding up his hands in surrender. It made you laugh uncontrollably, forgetting your argument instantly. Since then, the name just stuck. It seemed to fit you perfectly. Like lighting, you were bright and beautiful, but also so terrifying and lethal.
“I’m sorry about what I said.” he confessed, running his hand along your back comfortingly. “I didn’t mean that the job was more important than you. I just meant that in order for us to stay together, there’s certain expectations that have to be met.”
“I know, San. I’m sorry for breaking the rules and lashing out at you.” you sighed, leaning your head into the crook of his neck. It was so easy to lean into his touch. It was comfortable and familiar, unlike many other things in your life.
“It’s okay, really. Our lives are unfair, and it’s understandable that you’d still want a normal experience. But we have to be careful if we want things to work between us.” he told you. You knew everything that he was saying was right, but part of you still didn’t want to accept it.
“Is it always going to be like this?” you whispered to avoid crying, feeling tears well up again.
He leaned back and placed a hand on your cheek, locking eyes with you. “We’ll figure it out baby. I promise.” Your heart swelled as a single tear fell down your cheek, but you smiled regardless.
He wiped away your tear with his thumb and slowly leaned down to kiss you. You met his lips halfway, bringing a hand up into the back of his hair to lightly tug at its blonde tips. You always loved when he grew his hair out into a shaggy mullet. The short, dark strands that fell in front of his face, and the long, bleached pieces that hung around his neck… it was the perfect hair for him.
The kiss began to deepen, both of you holding onto each other tightly with roaming hands. You both let out small little mewls as your tongues entered each others mouths. He pulled you onto his lap, spreading your legs for you to straddle him. You didn’t stop kissing for a second, simply pushing him down onto the mattress and pinning his wrists beneath you. You knew you could never keep him down, but it was nice to pretend you could. Plus, the fact that he let you showed he was willing to put aside his pride and submit to you.
His hands began trailing across your body, one reaching down to grope your ass and the other reaching up to feel your breast. You pulled away from his lips and began trailing kisses down his neck, licking and biting gently. He sighed in pleasure, his grip on you tightening.
“Y/N… be careful…” he panted desperately. “Don’t leave any marks…”
“Why shouldn’t I?” you smirked, not letting up at all. “You belong to me, don’t you? I should be able to mark you up if I want to.”
“Fuck…” he huffed, squinting his eyes shut. He knew you were right. Once you started kissing his neck, you could make him do anything.
Suddenly, he flipped you around, pinning you down beneath him. His chain was swinging in your face as he glared down at you hungrily, like a beast eyeing up its prey.
“Don’t forget baby, you belong to me too.” he growled, his hot breath hitting your neck and sending shivers down your spine. “You think you can run away from me?” He gripped onto your wrists tightly, pushing you further into the mattress. He leaned down even more, until he was mere centimeters away from your face. “You’re damn right I like playing cat and mouse. But you’re playing with a very big cat, with very sharp claws. Don’t you know what’s good for you, little mouse?”
Your chest felt like it was about to explode, and the adrenaline rush that surged through your veins made you feel so excited. You loved it when he got like this. It was scary, but also so sexy.
“Why don’t you show me what’s good for me, big cat?” you suggested, biting your lip.
Suddenly, it was like a switch flipped, and he began ravishing you. He tore your towel off, tossing it to the side. He began trailing sloppy kisses all over your body. Down your neck and chest, stopping to suck on each nipple, then down to your stomach and stopping above your core, where you needed him most.
“San please…” you whimpered pathetically. “No teasing tonight. I need you inside of me.”
“Why should I give you what you want when you’ve been so naughty?” he teased gripping onto your thighs. His finger traced over your serpent tattoo. “Sneaking out, drinking, dancing with another guy…” his nails sunk into your flesh at the last part. You inhaled a sharp breath at the feeling, the slight pain only making you more excited.
“I’m so sorry I was bad…” you whined, unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it off his shoulders as he crawled back up your body. “You’re always so good to me. I should behave better.”
“Yes, you should…” he pondered, glancing down at you condescendingly. “Maybe the only way to get you to listen is to punish you.”
You yelped as he pulled you up with ease and threw you over his lap, face down. Before you could even react, his hand came down on your bare ass, making you cry out. The sting was addictive, and you instantly wanted more.
“You think it’s cute to make me jealous?” he growled in your ear as he grabbed your hair and pulled you up. “I’m the only one who gets to touch you, understand?”
“Yes, I do! I- ah!” you shrieked as he spanked you a second time.
“If I ever see another guy touching you, I’ll break his fucking hands.” he seethed, rubbing your ass which was growing redder and warmer by the second.
“I promise, I’ll never let a guy touch me again!” you babbled incoherently.
“Oh I know you won’t, baby.” he cooed, inhaling sharply. His hand came down on your ass a third time, then a fourth. “I’ll make sure of that.”
Your legs fell out underneath you, making your face fall flat into the sheets. The sensation made you so dizzy that you barely felt him move you off his lap and flip you over again. You heard him unbuckle his belt and then shed his slacks and boxers. You opened your eyes to see him looming overtop of you, completely bare save for the condom around his member.
“Did you learn your lesson baby?” he asked with a false pout, tilting your chin up to face him.
You nodded frantically. “Yes, I did. I’ll be good from now on.”
“Good girl. Now let me give you a real birthday gift.”
With that, he began pumping his cock into your entrance, both of you moaning and grunting harder with every inch. Once he was completely inside of you, he began pounding into you, making the springs of your bed creak over and over.
You threw your head back as your pussy clenched around him, sucking him in further and further. “Fuck, San…” you panted, wrapping your legs around his back and moving your hips in rhythm with him. The added force made his head drop in pleasure, huffing into your neck.
He looked up to see your tits bouncing up and down as he slammed his hips into you. “God baby, you look so good when you’re getting fucked.” The light suddenly reflected off of the ring he gave you, making his cock twitch inside of you.
“Please Sannie, I need more…” you mewled, clenching your thighs tight around his hips.
“Oh, how bad do you want it baby?” he asked, slowing his pace down just to torture you.
“I don’t want it Sannie, I need it!” you screamed, throwing your head back in frustration. “I’d do anything for it, I need it so bad I want to cry…”
He chuckled, clearly pleased by hearing you beg for more of his cock. He sat up on his legs and grabbed each of your ankles, throwing them over his shoulders as he dipped his cock down into you. Your knees began getting pushed closer and closer to your shoulders, until they were almost touching completely.
“Fuck, San, this angle!” you cried out, placing a hand over your mouth.
“Don’t do that baby, I wanna hear you scream.” he demanded. gripping onto your ankles tighter. “Now, who do you belong to?”
“You San, I belong to you…” you whimpered. You could feel that knot in your stomach beginning to uncoil. He was hitting all the right spots, driving you closer and closer to your orgasm.
“Louder.” he grunted, his pace picking up until he was fucking you senseless. It was obvious that he was about to finish too.
“I belong to you San, and only you!” you cried out as loud as you could, your voice reverberating off the walls of your room. Thank god you had soundproof walls.
“Oh yes, yes!” he exclaimed as he finished inside of you, his thrusts getting messier. The way he was whimpering at how your pussy gripped his sensitive cock, the dark pieces of hair that clung to the sweat on his forehead, his mouth slightly open, his chain swinging in your face… the sight was simply divine. You pushed your hips up against his to get the friction you were missing, and in a few seconds, you came undone beneath him.
“Oh, oh fuck, I- ugh!” you yelled, eyes rolling back in your head as your toes curled up. His gaze was fixed on you, taking in every single one of your features. No sight in the world was better to him than the one of you finishing on his cock.
Once you were done, he collapsed on top of you, panting heavily. You brought a hand up into his hair to gently run your fingers through it as you collected yourself.
“Best fucking birthday ever.” you laughed. He chuckled along with you, sitting up to brush your hair out of your face.
“I’m glad I could make it up to you, sparky.” he grinned, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Wanna go to bed?” You nodded, and he got up to get your pajamas out of your dresser. He knew your favorite big shirt and shorts combo to wear to sleep. Then he walked back over to you and began dressing you. It was small acts like this that showed you how much he really cared about you.
Once you were dressed, he threw your blanket over top of you and tucked you in. He then went back over to the dresser to get himself a fresh pair of boxers, putting them on before getting under the covers to spoon you. You thought it was so funny that he was usually so brutal, but he couldn’t fall asleep without cuddling something like a baby.
“San?” you asked meekly, fiddling with your ring.
“Hm?” he hummed, burrowing his face into your neck.
“I love you.” you confessed.
You had never said it to each other once in the five years you had spent together. Not sarcastically, not platonically, and certainly not romantically. You both silently knew it was a dangerous thing to say. You could be ripped apart at any second. You weren’t even supposed to like each other, let alone love. It wasn’t smart to get too attached, or too comfortable, or too intimate. But here you were.
The silence between the two of you was deafening. You were about to get up and run away in embarrassment and shame, when suddenly he placed a tender kiss on your cheek. “I love you too Y/N.”
You sighed in relief, snuggling further into your blankets. You began to drift off to sleep, feeling completely safe and content with San next to you. Maybe what you were doing was risky, but right now it didn’t matter. Right now, you were just a silly young girl in love, not a mafia daughter. Maybe tomorrow you would wake up and regret it, but it wouldn’t change anything. The two of you would always be chained up together. It would be foolish to pretend you didn’t love it. And you both knew you would do anything to keep it that way.
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gay4harm · 11 months
pairing: Riri x black reader
warning: 16+, smut, cheating, reader has a boyfriend who treats her like shit, thigh riding, fingering, oral (reader receiving), cunnilingus and das it I think
song inspo: One night only by Sonder
A/N: I really don't know how to feel about this but it's just a filler until that Riri x troublemaker reader fic come out. Hope you guys like it!
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Before Tyler your current boyfriend you never realized that someone could be involved in intercourse and not have an orgasm.
Here you were doing missionary style with your boyfriend and you could barely feel anything, but at least he was enjoying himself.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum" and that's exactly what he did, in under five minutes he was able to come and you were still there feeling untouched. He got off of you and fell right asleep, guess aftercare wasn't his thing.
Tyler might have not the best in bed but he was still a pretty good boyfriend besides the fact that he cheated on you, but it didn't really count since you guys were on a break. He fucked at least three girls in that month of you two not being together and you got him tested right after you found out. Besides him not being good at sex and he did lie sometimes, he was still funny and he made you feel good most of the time, he was attractive, he had money and besides all the lying, manipulation and his angry issues he was really just a big old teddy bear on the inside. Although he made you feel used he was all you had, you two had been together since high school, he was basically your first everything.
You guys had only went on a break because you had realized you also liked girls just as much as guys, you had never been with a girl but there was just something about them that set you off, you told him that you wanted to experiment but he wasn't having any of it, you guys had went your separate ways for a month and in that month you met Riri Williams, your first impression was of how fine she was and she really made you realize that you definitely were into girls, you two took it slow at first but then Tyler came back and you couldn't resist so you went back with him.
But now you were slowly falling out of love with him so much so that you wanted to break up with him for real this time. Which is exactly what you were gonna do after a party that was going on tonight, so you got ready, you put on a short sleek black dress that stopped at the bottom of your ass and hugged your curves perfectly. You just wanted to get drunk and have fun and hopefully get laid but you weren't sure yet.
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Upon arrival you saw several people grinding on each other, you were hot and sweaty even though you had only been in there for a few minutes, the smell of weed lingered and you were sure mostly everyone was high or on the verge.
As you maneuvered through the crowd, you found yourself in the kitchen where you found enough liquor on the table and counter that it could be classified as a bar, half of it you had never even heard of. You grabbed a red solo cup and began to fill it up with the first bottle you saw. You downed it as quickly as you could and it burned as it went down your throat.
As you turn your met face to face with a familiar face, your best friend Nadia who had a cup filled with some mystery liquid. "Hey girl! I didn't think you were coming."
"Yea it was a bit of a last minute decision" You look down at the cup in her hand wondering what it was. "What's that?"
"Oh you want some? It's kind of strong." She hands you the cup and you take a big swallow, you cough due to the strongness taking you by surprise, the drink tasted like straight liquor. "I thought you said it was kind of strong! What is this?" Without answering you she just laughed in your face as she took the cup from you. "Here you wanna dance?" She leads you to the dance floor and you two begin to grind to the music.
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After several drinks and dancing with a bunch of randoms the party was starting to die down mostly everyone had already left or they were getting ready to go. One of your surprisingly mostly sober friends offered to take you and two other people home but due to the amount of liquids you had just downed, you needed to use the bathroom, every bathroom was occupied so you entered some random bedroom hoping there would be a restroom you could use.
You had expected the room to be empty but instead you were met with a familiar face, the one of Riri Williams rolling up a blunt. "Oh shit I'm sorry I didn't think there was anyone in here, I was looking for a bathroom." You begin to walk out but Riri's voice stopped you. "Wait if you need to go then there's one in here." She gestures to the door leading to one and you walk in closing the door behind you. You relieve yourself and clean up a bit.
Before you could leave the room she stops you again. "So how you been ma?" Your quite familiar with the pet name and you're also familiar with the pit it put in your stomach. "Oh yea I've been great, thanks for asking." There was a moment of silence before you spoke again, "um- how have you been?" She finished rolling her blunt and lighting it before speaking again, "Yeah I been good. How's your boyfriend? Tyler was it? I forgot" you look down before answering, "Yeah he's good I guess."
"Why you seem so hesitant about yo answer?"
"Oh no it's no reason, he's just a lot, you know?" You stubble a bit over to her clearly drunk, you had been slurring over your words a bit at first. "Nah I don't know, whatcu mean?" You look down at your hands playing with them, being around Riri made you nervous, which you hated. "He is just such a dick, I honestly don't even want to be in a relationship with him" Riri was a bit surprised by your honesty but she knew it was only a matter of time until you realized he was a shit boyfriend.
"He just doesn't know how to handle having a girlfriend, he's a liar and he's probably cheating on me right now. And you want to know the worst part about it, he is so bad at having sex. I don't think I've ever had a time were we had sex and he actually made me come." Riri was more than surprised now, she knew Tyler was a shit boyfriend but she didn't know he was a bad lover too, she had thought the sex is what brought you back to him. "So if he's a shit boyfriend why are you still with him?"
You laughed a bit at her question "Honestly I don't even know, he is literally so bad at sex that after we finish, I have to finish myself off, it's such bullshit, I haven't been fucked good in so long. It's honestly hurting me, he is such a little bitch with a small, tiny ol dick that can only last like three minutes, he can't even fuck me properly." You were slurring on your words, but everything you were saying was true, it's just that you never got the opportunity to say it.
"Damn I didn't know it was like that, must be pretty miserable for you huh?" Riri's question was pretty valid, you were miserable, you didn't like your boyfriend and you didn't know why you were still with him. "Yeah it definitely is miserable, I just need something better"
"Really, like what? Whatcu need" You didn't really need to think about your answer, so with no hesitation you said "I just need to be fuck, ya know."
Riri looks down and chuckles at your choice of words. "Yea I think I know what you mean, you just need someone who can handle you ma" That's exactly what you needed, you needed someone who actually knew how to pleasure you, someone like Riri, maybe. "Oh yea well who do you think could help me with my little problem?" Riri looked up at you with her low lidded red eyes and licked her lips, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth. "I think I have someone in mind." Before Riri can do anything you rush and lock your lips with hers, she immediately leans in the kiss clearly wanting this just as much as you.
The liquor flowing through your body gave you a new found confidence, you push Riri slightly so she was laying flat on the bed, you lift yourself up, straddling her. Riri repositions you so now your sitting on her leg, clit directly on her knee. She sits up so you can ride her leg better, she grabs your hips and guides you to grind on her leg. "You like that ma?" You could only shake your head in response but she needed to hear you say it "use your words y/n." Her sturness drove you to grind harder and faster on her leg. Your underwear definitely helped with the stimulation and you could feel that familiar pit in you stomach that you ever so rarely felt. "It f-feels so good ri."
your whimpers could be heard directly in Riri's ear only driving her to want to hear more out of you. She began to slightly bounce her leg up and down, drawing a low moan to escape your lips. "Fuck Ri, I'm gonna cum" Your breathy moans were the only thing to be heard in the room and before you knew it that same feeling of euphoria washed over you and you came all over Riri's thigh. Taking a few minutes to catch your breath, you realized what you just did and you immediately climb off Riri's leg sobering up a bit. "Oh my god, what the fuck did I just do" Riri looks at you confused as if she didn't know what you meant. "Whatcu mean? Whats wrong?" You look at her in disbelief, "Did that just not happen? did I not just ride your fucking leg?"
"Yeah but I mean I thought thats what you wanted"
"I-I mean I did but I have a boyfriend, I just cheated on him" You sigh in disappointment, you couldn't believe you had just done that "You acting like ol boy not cheating on you" She was right, Tyler was cheating on you but that didn't mean it was right for you to do the same. "Plus I'm not done, and I always finish what I start."
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Riri smirks at you, clearly plotting, "You tryna see?" You shake your head as a answer but Riri wasn't satisfied enough, she leans in closer only inches away. "You already know I don't be doing none of that shaking heads shit, I'ma need you to use your words ma"
"Sorry, I- uh yea, I wanna see" Pleased with your answer she lays you down, planting a small kiss on your forehead, she begins to place small kisses on your cheeks then your lips all the way down to your neck, you lift your head up a bit to give her more access, she begins to kiss and suck on your neck, you were almost positive she was leaving several marks on you. She pulls down your dress until your boobs spill out giving her access to your hardened nipples, she begins to suck and prob on one nipple while rolling your other one in between her cold fingers. She releases your nipple from your mouth, engulfing the other one in her mouth now.
Her hands began to travel up and down your body to your thighs gripping them hard, her hands slither up your dress, pulling it up until your whole dress is bunched up to your waist. Her nimble fingers begin to rub up and down your clothed clit, you whined due to the bare amount of pleasure she was giving you. "Riri p-please." You almost choke on your words desperate for her to touch you, "Please what ma?" She's still toying with your clit and it's making you wetter by the minute "Please fuck me"
She smirks down at you and begins to pull your panties down to your ankles. "Well since you asked so nicely" Her tone is a bit sarcastic, she starts to rub your clit in slow tight circles and you gasp softy due to the friction. She takes her fingers and teases your hole not fully going in yet, "Ri please stop playing and fuck me" Your whimpers fill the room again, she finally decides to stop playing with you and inserts two fingers in your pussy, slowly pumping in and out, she began to speed up a bit, lowering her head down to your clit. "You like that ma?"
"Yes Ri, please" She licks a fat stripe up your clit, she flattens her tongue engulfing your whole clit in her mouth and begins to suck causing a loud drawn out moan to come out from you, the sound of Riri sucking on your clit and her finger fucking you could be heard throughout the room. "Fuck Riri, oh my god" You moan out loud, you had never been touched like this, Tyler wasn't too fond on the idea of eating you out or really doing anything as long as it didn't give him pleasure.
Riri could feel you tightening around her fingers and by the way your moans were getting louder and more drawn out she could tell you were close. She lifts her head up a bit from your clit, "You bout to cum? Huh, make a mess for me"
"Yes Ri, god I'm so close''
"You gonna cum for me?" You could barely get a word out but you knew she would just egg you on and force a response from you, but before you could even attempt to get a word out your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks, it was one of those toe curling, eye rolling, back arching orgasms, your vision was white and blurry, your mind was wiped of anything else besides the ecsedy you were feeling . You drew out a long "Fuuuuck."
It took you awhile to come down from your high but when you did you could see Riri sitting right beside you waiting for you to come down, you were the first to break the silence that had fallen. "Um that was- I actually don't even have any words for it" Riri chuckles besides you and you join in. You look at your phone to see it had been at least an hour and a half since you had walked in on Riri, your ride had probably already left and you didn't exactly know who's house this was and you had classes in the morning, all this hit you at once and you let out a groan catching Rir's attention "Yo you ok?"
"Yeah I'm sorry I just realized I might have to catch an Uber home which is one thing I didn't want to have to do." You get up and begin to fix your dress. "Well I mean I can take you if you want" You stop and look up at her. ''You'd do that?"
"Of course" Before heading out you take the time to clean up, your hair was frizzy and not as kept as before, half of your makeup was now off your face and you couldn't walk without stumbling a few times but you got into Riri's car and she drove you home. Tonight might have been one of the best nights of your life, but the morning would be a nightmare, you would have a massive hangover and the guilt of cheating on your boyfriend, but Riri was worth it.
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dividers by: firefly-graphics
this took me FOREVER but nonetheless it's here, I'm not very proud of it and its probably trash but its whatever
Anyways hope you guys like it
And there are many more fics to come!
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crowpricorn · 1 year
Hi, I saw your ask game post! Could you maybe do 1 and/ or 15 for wesper? :)
1: good morning, 15: passionately
hi!! of course, thanks for asking & I hope you enjoy it🥰💗
Jesper doesn't like mornings. He is usually too tired or hungover to particularly enjoy them, it is. He can't help it. Nights have always been for heists and parties and shifts at the Crow Club, pushing himself to his limit. His nights used to last as long as days and his sleep used to come in spurts, a couple of hours here and an half an hour there. What was necessary for him to at least keep standing straight for another day, another game, another defeat. 
But now— Now his nights last as long as they manage to fall into bed in a tangle of bodies holding each other and grounding each other down. It's Jesper telling Wylan fairytales from his childhood so that Wylan manages to sleep. It's Wylan caressing Jesper's back and face, feather-like touches that make him swarm until he is lulled to sleep. 
Their nights dance around unwinding from the day — there's no heist or game to play, but they still rule an empire, and it can get on the verge of being too tiring. There's always something to be done — luckily, because for how much he is trying to live slower, Jesper is still Jesper and his body and mind are a storm. 
There's never too much to do, though, that they can't enjoy their nights. Sometimes they crawl back to the Barrel, spend a couple hours with Kaz and the Dregs, drink ale and chant vulgar shanties. Some nights they dance, or paint — Wylan — and practice zowa powers — Jesper. Some other nights it's soothing baths and laying on the sofa in front of the fire telling each other about their day. Communicating their hearts away, which is something Jesper is still getting used to and that Wylan requests from his partner — and rightfully so: communication makes their hardships look easier and their bad days turn into chances to better themselves. It's still impossibly hard to get all vulnerable and bare, even with Wylan — even for Wylan — but Jesper tries. 
Most nights, anyways, they fall into bed well before the day has completely ended. Jesper remembers that back in the day his nights would start around one bell in the dead of night: gangs meetings, brawls, gambling dens to try and hope not to be kicked out of, pretty people to flirt with and then run away from when they showed interest back. Running and running all the time, all the night, away from his Da and responsibilities and duties. Away from himself.
Nights are not so long and desperate now. They are for sleep and they are for peace. Sometimes they are for love, also, because Jesper likes to plead — beg — for Wylan to push him around, hold him close, kiss him senseless, and Wylan loves to push Jesper around, hold him close, kiss him senseless — until he writhes and gasps and Wylan smirks his devilish, sexy smirk that has Jesper's knees go weak. 
So — Jesper's nights are good, great even. And sleep full. Which means that, for once in his life in Ketterdam, he can bring himself to enjoy mornings — like he did when he was a kid at the frontier, waking at dawn to help Da with the cattle and Ma with the hens and house chores. When he would challenge the rooster into who woke first and then woke the rest of the house. When he would love to sit on the roof and look at the sun wake way later than the lots of them. 
It's winter now, which means that the streets of Ketterdam are battered in rain and that it's freezing cold — like it had never been in Novyi Zem. Their bedroom is usually warm, because Wylan adds some kind of chemical steam to the room that makes the air warmer than what a fire would accomplish. Without ruining the walls with the blacks of smoke, even. 
Nonetheless, Jesper wakes earlier than he would have liked to, feeling his body freeze from the exposure to the bare air of five bells in the morning. Wylan has huddled all the covers for himself — again, and somehow he pushed Jesper out of them even though they had fallen asleep entangled into a tight, warm embrace. 
Jesper would wake Wylan up and share a piece of his mind — really, he would! He's learning how to communicate his needs after all. But the sight of his beautiful, gorgeous boyfriend sleeping so peacefully makes him halt. 
Wylan is not as restless as Jesper on a daily basis. He knows when to slow down and he has ways to take time for himself: when he plays and songwrites, when he paints and when he has tea with his Mum. When he snuggles close to Jesper for cuddles, even when Jesper is busy reading the ledger or letters to him. He knows how to slow down, but his mind is always caught into something, trying to unknot new edges and possibilities, trying to understand more of this or that. There's often an adorable divot between his brows, caused by too much concentration and stubbornness. 
Right now, his face is as peaceful as possible, all distended into a relaxed sleep. Jesper takes his time to watch the way his copper-golden curls fall around his apple shaped face. He observes the shape of his brows and eyes, his button nose, his full lips, a bit pouty even in his sleep. The splotches of freckles dotting the expanse of his skin in galaxies, the line of his jaw and his ears — pierced, both of them, and that's something that sends Jesper (and the Merchant Council, for that matter) insane. For two completely different reasons. His reason is that his boyfriend is hot. And beautiful. 
And he is still clinging to all the covers while Jesper is out of them in a pair of loose trousers and no shirt, freezing. 
"Wy," he murmurs, sliding closer and trying to struggle his way under the covers — but Wylan has them hugged too tight to his chest for this to work. Jesper huffs, and he starts pestering Wylan's smooth skin with goopy kisses. "Wy," he repeats, firmer. 
Wylan starts stirring, brows furrowing before he even opens his eyes, and Jesper doubles his kissing effort, until Wylan grumbles and pushes him away with a firm, strong hand on Jesper's chest. Jesper goes like jelly — like he always does whenever Wylan shoves him around like that — but at least it gives him the desired result of waking Wylan up. 
"Wha'?" Wylan asks, voice hoarse from sleep. Jesper moans lowly at that and wow, peachy: another Wylan Van Eck thing to add to the list I love every part of my boyfriend and I am, maybe, also horny for every bit of him. 
"Sweetheart," Jesper says, leaning closer again. "You snatched all the blankets for yourself."
Wylan's eyes snap open, and Jesper is blinded by the intense, raw blue of those gems, even in the dim, dark gray morning light. 
"Mh," Wylan mumbles. "Come here then and make me warmer," he says, like he is the one that has been freezing for the Saints know how many hours, and not the other way around. Jesper listens anyway, scooting closer and under the covers, moaning at the sensation of warmth enveloping him — of Wylan's body pressing against his and urging him closer, stealing all the warmth off him, but also sharing it back in earnest. 
"You should tell me when I steal your covers," Wylan whispers, and his breath lands directly on Jesper's neck, making him writhe closer to his boyfriend. 
"I did as soon as I woke up," he promises. 
Wylan nods, eyes still open and set on Jesper. It's not even six bells in the morning, but they are now awake, which means that going back to sleep is near impossible. Not after their relaxing bath and mind-blowing sex from the night before — surely not after sleeping for more than seven hours already. 
Jesper leans his face level with Wylan's and presses his lips against his boyfriend's. "Good morning gorgeous," he says, already retreating back so that they can get comfortable until they are ready to get up. But Wylan surges forward and captures Jesper's lips into a proper, warm, slow kiss that makes him melt against Wylan's chest. 
The thing is — mornings used to be cold, and lonely. Mornings were part of the night until the heist or dice game was not ever, and waking time fell between two to three bells in the afternoons. When he slept. 
Now mornings are this: slow and tender, warm. He gets to watch Wylan and to revel in the warmth of his embrace. He gets to snuggle close and to brush their noses together and to kiss him awake. He gets this: Wylan kissing him passionately, a bit biting, until they are both breathless with a different, more urgent kind of warmth. 
Wylan shifts, straddling Jesper with his smooth thighs and kissing him into the mattress, pinning his wrists above his head with a hand. 
"We still have some time before we have to get up," Wylan says, heat entangled into his words. He smiles, full of mirth, brows cocked devilishly — and Jesper can do nothing else but smile back, raise his head up for another kiss, let Wylan have his way with him. 
Mornings are really something he looks forward to, now, willing to sleep earlier than his body would request just for this: whatever kind of closeness he and Wylan choose to share at the dawn of a new day — be it holding each other and talking their way until the sun raises, or kissing softly and still sleepy. Or Wylan leaving a trail of kisses down Jesper's body and promising him the world — "It's still early, we can go slow," he says. And Jesper thanks the Saints for early mornings.
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My weekly roundup CW 11
Well, I watch a lot during the week, as you all might know. I really want to write a little bit more about the stuff I watch, but time and work kind of get in my creative way. So I try to write down my thoughts after watching stuff to create a little weekly ranking on my, most of the times, quiet sundays (and because I love lists and this is a good excuse for me to create a new OneNote journal!).
☼ 1. Chains of Heart (Epside 5)
The series I am looking forward to the most every week. I just enjoy it to a healthy amount. Well, slowly but surely everything becomes a little clearer. The biggest mystery for me is indeed Mr. Lue's gloves! Why are you wearing them? What can people tell from your hands? And dude, yeah, you're scarred, I get it, but come on! It's warm and humid in Thailand and you're walking around with a turtleneck and jacket over it. I'd melt! But well, the plot, I don't really care much about it. I just celebrate Ken and Mr. Lue. I think they're cute together and I enjoy that awkward shyness between them! At least there was a confession. Now Ken just needs to finally take a proper look. And yes, the series looks just awesome! There were so many great shots again this episode too! Beautiful!
☼ 2. A Shoulder To Cry On (Episode 1+2)
A strong start. The character of Jo Tae Hyun is at first unsympathetic, even if you can notice that there is something grumbling under the surface. As a reader of the webtoon, I know roughly what will happen, but I hope that the series manages to change some elements and show some of the "love" between the two, which the author herself said was not so easy for her to create. The two members of Omega X make a good first impression and you can already tell that they feel comfortable with each other. In the second episode, the chemistry of the two is just great and I like how they get closer, almost become friends, how Jo Tae Hyun becomes calmer and nicer and Lee Da Yeol lets other people into his life, makes friends. We learn something about Tae Hyun's past, nothing really revealing yet of course, just that he seems to have a dark past. I like the two of them together.
☼ 3. Our Datin Sim (Episode 3+4)
I really like these two. They are awkward and cute together at the same time. We finally have a confession from Eddy at the end of the fourth episode, which of course we've known since the first episode, that he likes Wan too, still! The only fear I have is that Wan will run away again, but Eddy already said he won't let him go now. That's it, hold on to your man!
☼ 4. Unintentionally Love Story (Episode 1+2)
I love it. Could be because of the main character, but whatever. Our protagonists get to know each other and there is definitely attraction on both sides. Now the only problem is that our cute Ji Won Young just plays his future love interest. Sure, he wants his job back, but nope, that's just drama! I don't want drama with them, I just want cotton candy and smitten grins! Damn. Our second couple will provide enough drama I guess..
☼ 5. The Promise (Episode 4)
I love the series. Phu and Nan aren't really progressing at the moment and I could slap them against the wall. It's obvious that they like each other. So obvious! And I already can't stand the drama arising from Phu's secrecy. Granny's friend was definitely correct: lying gets you nowhere. Now Phu just needs to take a cue from Granny and her posse and put his balls back in his pants and finally talk straight to Nan. Otherwise it will really hurt in the end. Everyone sees it, just Phu apparently not quite yet…I still like the two of them together. However! Should Nan have enough of Phu at the end and look else where for a new partner and seek comfort in the arms of Party, he has my blessing!
☼ 6. Bed Friend (Epsidoe 5)
Okay, King marks his territory in front of Krit, the new boss - don't know if this was a good idea...he just woke up a hunter. I'm confused about the status of King and Uea. Are they no longer just friends with benefits, just because King kissed Uea in the parking garage? What is certain is that King is a bit in love with Uea and that Uea is not permanently rebuilding his walls and granting King access. Nice. Uea's mother? Not so nice. I wouldn't have a problem with her disappearing from the scene.
☼ 7. Jack o'Frost (Episode 5)
I knew that it would be unpleasant when the truth comes to light. Can trust be restored, can we start over together? We were left with these questions and I have no idea how it will turn out. I do indeed understand both sides, doesn't mean I approve of Fumiya's concealments. I liked that Ritsu listened to him, not everyone would have and I respect his decision in the end and didn't expect anything else. Let's see what next week's finale brings.
☼ 8. A Boss And A Babe (Epsiode 3)
If the intern takes you to the shower during a video call, I think you can be sure that he won't be embarrassed easily. It's a scene that sticks in the mind. The development between the two is surprisingly quick, after all Gun is just introduced to Cher's mother already. The two are definitely cute together, and I like the scenes in which Gun is a bit cooled down the best. He's a bit of a pain in the ass when he yaps without point or shame.
☼ 9. The End Of The World With You (Episode 8/FInale)
I have only one thing to say about this finale, and that is a gif:
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That sums up the absurdity of how this ended quite well. The series started really well and I was excited, but as it progressed it became a bit fantastic and that just wasn't implemented that well. Was Yuma a little god now and did he know it all along or was he a retelling of the little prince? I don't know. Was it a fever dream? Who knows. The end is open and gives room for reflection, all in all a quite positive end, in which it was once again shown that it is worthwhile to live on, even if the future may not look so rosy (I leave out here that you would have to have the perfect partner, because even without him you can come to this realization).
☼ 10. All The Liquors (Epsiode 5+6)
The alcohol, the alcohol…I can't quite get my head around the concept of this series. Now the previously abstinent boss wants to change and happily drinks alcohol along, has no problem ordering alcohol or with drunk guests. I don't really know. Yes, love can move mountains and if your crush is a heavy alcoholic (sorry, but I can't see him as anything else), then you have to change and start drinking yourself, right? This is a normal conclusion. After all, that's what etiquette wants. A beach scene could not be missing. Yes, the two are quite cute together, but somehow the alcohol brings me again and again away from liking this series…could be personal experience with the subject that I can not approve of this excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages…
☼ 11. Tin Tem Jai (Episode 3)
This was not the worst watch of the week! I am surprised myself and would not have expected it. But with episode three and Tin's cheerfulness dialed down a bit, the series is actually quite cute. The subtitles don't make sense some time, the dialogue and characters are a bit…simple-minded (you act so manly, I didn't think you had your period…), but it was quite okay this week. Tin can be really annoying with his flirting with Park, but you can also tell that Park isn't all that resistant to it. I still don't get a lot of the relationships, and I still don't understand why so many little girls are left alone somewhere by their mothers, or dropped off at the next best thing. And I also don't understand Tin's painting lessons.
☼ 12. PasSenger (Epsiode 2)
The series shines for me on an unimaginative script and acting performances that I already feared would not pick me up. The only positive was the portrayal of Bamee and his developing crush on Kiao. He did a pretty good job with that. Other than that…anyone who has seen My gear and your gown or My engineer will notice that not that much has changed in the acting power of the two mains…It's just not my cup of tea. I admit it, I watched it in double speed…not a good sign, maybe I drop this soon….
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meet-at-tycho · 1 month
dude ive been dissociating so hard specifically about monster hunter?? like i just laid down on my bed and i was holding my cat and. the organic wind from my fan IT. i couldnt imagine myself as anything other than vik in astera just snoozing somewhere and the wind is hitting their face like. ITS SCARY sometimes i can feel myself there thats how bad the autism is its . MY HOME THATS MY HOUSE!!!!!! im. im going insane just a little like IS PLAYING MONSTER HUNTER EVEN ENOUGH? would it EVEN be enough.. I WANT TO GO THERE!!!!! but i cant. im gonna think about it a whole lot against my will tho you better believe my brain is gonna be like wow. you just ate. this is like monster hunter!!! SHUT UPPP..... IM SAD the autism beast is like teasing me
never remind me how much monster hunter means to me cuz i WILL cry about it
i think its extra special cuz like. WE KNOWW ALREADY im agoraphobic the only times i go out is when im WITH A GROUP OF FRIENDS, or im going straight into a car and on my way to a different building. it makes me really sad cuz like. my sibling is mean about it, they pick on me for never going out and never getting sun but. YEAH ID REALLY LOVE TO. id love that more than anything, im just... scared
but when i play, im not!!!! im viktor, master rank hunter of the 5th fleet, i go out on expedition for DAYS just enjoying the beauty of life, the beauty of the new world.. i do whatever i want and i go wherever i want and im not AFRAID, because no one can hurt me out there. no one WOULD hurt me. monster hunter feels so. POSITIVE LIKE ive said it before and ill say it again, MHW its just you being awesome and a bunch of hot men praise you and are proud of you like OKAYYYY
AND never get me started on how i feel about the MONSTERS, no im. the autism is so severe . mhw is on par with FNAF in terms of how deeply engrained it is in me. like fnaf changed my life shaped how i grew up and who i am as a person, MH WAS A LITTLE LATE TO THE PARTY, BUT.... i dont have 700+ hours in fnaf do i 😼😼 ive played that game for 72 hours straight when i got back into it in 2020, i played that game til i RUBBED THE WASD KEYS OFF MY SIBLINGS KEYBOARD. i played til i got carpal tunnel and even after i put on a wrist brace to TRY and make it feel better I STILL PLAYED!!!!!!!! i literally wasnt taking care of myself NOT DRINKING NOT EATING LIKE. ONLY A LITTLE IN ALL THAT TIME I WAS OBSESSED...... can you blame me?
ive said it before, monster hunter is an autism special that like. HAS BEEN COOKING ALL MY LIFE, and it only was finally released on me in 2020 cuz like. i used to grow up watching my older brother play it!!!!! even if i was like 7 i still remembered names of monsters and they stuck with me FOREVER to the point where like. when i was 11 i named characters after some of them on my shitty dA art alright it was so. LIKE THIS WAS A LONG TIME COMING ive always been so drawn to it grGHGRGR
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gyoobies · 2 years
Voila Magic!
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Pairing: Kun x Fem Reader 
Genre: Smut, fluff, fated lovers, strangers to lovers
Warnings:  Minors DNI, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap folks!), first date sex. 
Summary: After You and your friends miss your flight back home you decide to spend your extra day in Vegas doing a little sight seeing, but when a peculiar stand attracts your attention you find yourself in a small magic show off the Vegas strip. (leave me alone I tried.  Y’all know I hate summaries lol!) I didn’t intend for this to be this long but Kun, I-  ...Dah welp!🤷🏾‍♀️ Word count: 5798
It’s kind of proofed but also I was a lil tipsy when I did it so.... yea.
     Oh come on! It's not that bad; so what we missed our flight, at least we were all able to book our rooms another night and we're in Vegas! Let's have one last hoorah before Tiffany jumps the broom next week!
You rolled your eyes at your friend, annoyance oozing from your pores at their statement. "Tiffany's not even here; she was able to make her flight unlike us."
"Sorry for enjoying sin city."
"Oh was that his name?” Your other friend laughed, breaking the tension.
You sighed, and laid back on your friend's bed. " I guess the silver lining is at least now I can see the things I wanted to."
"Uggghhh you mean the boring things don't you? Do we really have to waste our extra night in Vegas doing those kinds of things?"
You sat up with a smirk, "Absolutely not because You're not invited!" You got up to make your grand exit, dodging the pillow she chucked at you on your way out the door of her room.
Trying to make the most of your last day in Vegas you planned out your whole day, ALONE. It wasn't that you didn't love your friends but 4 days straight of partying was enough, today you had a mani-pedi booked, brunch at a tea house and a little shopping to do before picking what show you planned to see this evening. 
There was no shortage of entertaining messages in the group chat between you and your friends.
🎭: can you believe she ditched us to go to exhibits and shows?!!! It's Vegas! You're supposed to party!
👰: this is probably why she ditched you both.
🍒 : I like to believe that I had very little to do with her decision to fly solo today.
🎭: wooooow! Traitor.
🥱: lol!
🥱: da fuck?! Why is my cat emoji now the yawn emoji?
🎭: Because you're boring.
👰: 🤣
🍒: 💀 
🥱:  I would be upset if I wasn't enjoying my day so much ... you ass.
You shook your head, laughing to yourself, as you admired the shimmering rose gold color on your toes. You'd considered getting your  nails done in the same color but the wedding was only a week away so you decided to get French tips instead, as requested by the bride. As you exited the salon into the upscale surroundings of the shops inside the hotel, you took notice of a small stand, so small if it hadn't been for the colors you'd have easily overlooked it. Seemingly out of place with It's bold black color and red trim accompanied by pure white text that simply read "Voila!" Before you knew it your feet were moving in the direction of that oddly placed little stand almost on their own. Now standing before the little stand, you reached out to pick up the only thing displayed on it, a flyer.
"Voila Magic! shop & show."  You giggled a bit thinking about how there were promoters of every kind lining the streets of the strip and yet it was a simple stand, with a simple flyer that stood out in the oddest way amongst all the flashy, lavish shops surrounding it that captured your interest. You took the flyer with you folding it in half and tucking it in your purse before continuing on your way to do a little shopping.
As the day went on you didn't regret one second of your alone time especially when the "wish you were here" message came through your phone with a photo attached, and of course it was a photo of your wonderful friends in a pool with 2 attractive men, nothing shocking there. They had made it their goal to conquer any hot guy that crossed their path. You took a little while to send a reply, not because you had to think of what to say, but because someone in the background of their photo had caught your attention, much like the odd little stand had not too long ago. You couldn't see his face, but his vibrant red hair and well sculpted shoulders had garnered more of your attention from the background of a photo than anyone had since the trip began.
You typed a quick reply, “The strawberry in the back?” and hit send waiting briefly for a response. It didn’t take long to get one.
“HE’S SO HOT! But he’s not with our guys.” 🙁
You sent a simple response, “Unfortunate” before continuing on with your shopping. 
This was the way you preferred to enjoy “sin city”, spas, shopping and now a five star lunch. It wasn't at the Tea House like you had wanted, but you were in no mood to wait an hour to be seated and this place looked promising. You sipped your cocktail on the restaurant's patio while you waited for your food, the red umbrella sticking out of the drink sent your mind racing back to the handsome  stranger with the red hair in the background of the photo. Sure you'd never seen his face but you figured he had to be handsome, who would dye their hair such an attention grabbing color if they didn't have anything to show off? It also helped that your friend confirmed your suspicion. The voice of the waiter speaking to you as he placed your food on the table is what pulled you from your thoughts.  You quickly thanked him and began to eat, wondering why it seemed so hard for you to shake thoughts of a man whose face you couldn't see, and you'd never meet from your mind. The flyer you'd kept from the curious little stand fell to the table, once again grabbing your interest as you took out you wallet to pay for your meal.
"A magic show?!" Your friend yelled from the other end of the call you were currently on as you got ready to head out for the evening. 
"You're seriously not going to hang with us at all today?!"
"Well the two of you could always come with me."
"Pass" They replied in unison.
"Your show starts pretty early, just meet up with us after. I just sent you the address."
You groaned at the location but agreed to meet your friends at the club after your show was done anyway.  
You had no idea why but there was an almost electric feeling in the air as you made your way down the aisle of the small theater to locate your seat. Your heart raced wildly, adrenaline surging through your veins as the rest of the crowd filed in. You were almost overwhelmingly excited, although you weren't exactly sure why. Maybe it was all the time you'd spent as a child attempting to pull a rabbit out of a hat or master a card trick, whatever it was, you felt like it was meant for you to be there in that moment. 
The lights went dark and a booming voice came from the shadows of the stage. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement from the crowd as a spotlight illuminated the magician at the center. You, along with the rest of the audience were enthralled by the showmanship of the magician and you thought for a moment that if your friends had taken you up on your offer they'd have enjoyed the experience too. Oh well, their loss. All too soon the show was over, but not before the magician performed one last trick, seeming to make a door to the magic shop that was advertised on the flyer appear out of nowhere. Cautiously you followed the lights along the floor of the theater to the entrance of the shop.Inside, your curiosity was set free as you walked the aisles of the shop that was much bigger than the theater, your inner child was absolutely elated. You moved further to the back of the shop finding an area filled with books and miniature dioramas of magicians on stage performing different tricks. 
The warm lighting and the aesthetic of the shop called to you, begging you to indulge in a few well angled selfies for social media. You took a quick glance around to be sure there wasn't anyone around to see you be "that person", satisfied that you were alone in the area you snapped a couple selfies. Pleased with the outcome you continued to explore, stopping to admire the knickknacks and beginner friendly magic kits that filled the spaces of the bookshelves around you. You ran your fingers along the edge as you made your way through the aisles, only stopping when a book bearing a title that was almost exact to the name of the show caught your eye. "VOILA! And That's Magic" you felt the need to buy it, even if it was for nothing else but to have a physical reminder of tonight's enchantment. You reached out to remove the book and were startled when you were met with an eye looking back at you.
"Sorry, I  didn't mean to scare you." He laughed. 
"It's ok, I just wasn't expecting to move a book and see an eye."
"That's fair, the odds that two people would remove two different books, on opposite sides of a bookshelf, at almost the same time, from the same spot, have to be pretty low."
You laughed at his statement but agreed with his assumption.  
The single word caught you by surprise. 
"Beautiful, you're beautiful." The first part of his statement comes out a lot more confident than the last.
You couldn't help but to laugh at his sudden admission.  "How would you know? You can just barely see half of my face."
You watched as he slowly tapped under his eye, reminding you of the gems you had used to add a little something extra to your eye makeup tonight. 
"Your makeup. I recognize the eye makeup of the woman that sat two rows down from me, that's how I know you're beautiful."
You stood there speechless at his words, trying to think of what to say in response. Clearly malfunctioning, your lack of a timely response made the stranger behind the bookshelf feel like he may have creeped you out.
"I'm  sorry I didn't mean to come off weird or anything. I'll let you continue."  And as he stepped away you caught a glimpse of bright red hair and felt your heart begin to race. 
Almost immediately he was back at the narrow opening in the bookshelf. 
You narrowed your eye at him.
"Were you just waiting out of view?" 
He began to blush. " I- I didn't want to walk past your aisle after embarrassing myself."
Butterflies? Were you seriously getting Butterflies over a blushing eye?! 
"I'm not creeped out or uncomfortable, I was just surprised to know that I had an admirer, but it's not fair you know what I look like but I'm only acquainted with an eye." You said as you quickly glanced down at your phone screen to see a text from your friends, undoubtedly asking when you'd arrive at the club they gave you the address to earlier, when you looked back up he was gone.
"Hello! Are you there?" Nothing. Placing the book back on the shelf, you let out a sigh and began to make your way down the lengthy aisle to leave the shop. "Maybe he wasn't cute and didn't want me to know." You said to yourself as you stopped briefly to type a reply to your friend.
"Wow, did you just call me ugly?" 
You snapped your head up from your phone to see probably the most attractive man you'd seen this entire trip smiling down at you. That buzz, that electric feeling in the atmosphere was back and you could feel your heart thumping against your chest as he stared dreamily at you. 
"Where's your book?" 
"I- um, I wasn’t sure if I really needed it or if I just wanted it"
"Wants and needs, they’re basically the same thing. Wait here" he said as he made his way to retrieve the book. 
This was unlike you, how could someone you'd only just met have such an effect on you? Then again, he had this effect on you even before you'd met him. As he made his way back to you, you realized that there had been a magnetic feeling drawing you to him since you'd spotted him in the background of your friend's photo maybe even before then. You thought back to the way the stand advertising the "magic shop and show" you were now standing in the aisles of  seemed to pull you in, and just as you were finishing that thought he was back in front of you, book in hand.
"Thank you." You said as you reached for the book, only to have him pull away with it.
"Let me." he said, a beautiful smile beaming, dimples on full display.
You gave him a questioning look, confused by his actions.
"Let me buy it for you, this way when you look at it, you'll think of me."
"Wow! You are really taking it there and you haven't even told me your name."
His smile faltered and his face began to turn the softest shade of pink, as he shyly rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sorry, I'm Kun and I'm horrible at flirting apparently"
"I don't think you're horrible at it, you're just .... yeah it's bad I can't even lie." You laughed.
"Well you're bad at it too because you haven't told me your name yet."
"But who said I was flirting?" You quipped.
"Oh, that's how you wanna play it?"
The moment your phone rang, you rolled your eyes and sighed. "One second I should answer this."
Of course it was your friend yelling your name at the top of their lungs.
"That was highly unnecessary." you responded.
"We have a VVIP booth! When will you be here?"
"Isn't 10pm a bit early for you two to be this drunk already? You whispered as you looked over to see a very amused Kun.
"So that's your name?" He asked as he stepped closer to you after noticing the way you let your eyes trail over him. There it was again that feeling, like this is where you should be, you wondered if he felt it too. 
"WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Your friend yelled.
You didn't immediately answer because he was now leaning so dangerously close to your face.
"You going to tell her or can I?"
You quirked your head curiously, wondering what exactly he'd tell her, so you handed him your phone. He introduced himself and immediately the shrieking voices of your friends could be heard through your phone. He quickly returned it to you.
"What's wrong?" You giggled.
"I think my eardrums are vibrating." 
You turned your attention back to your friends, offering a quick "I'll text you." and  ending the call.
It was silent as the two of you stood there just staring at each other, neither of you remembering where your original conversation left off before your call.
"Um, so what brought you to this show tonight?" He asked.
"Actually it's a bit of a long story."
"Well this is a big shop, I've still got plenty I want to see, and if you're willing, I'd love to hear it while we look around." 
The two of you spent the next hour chatting, well, you did most of the talking, filling him in on how you missed your flight and how you ended up at the show. You explored many areas of the shop together, until a voice rang out over the speakers. "Can two lovebirds kindly make their way to the front checkout at this time? We'll be closing up soon."
You looked at each other and laughed. 
"I guess we've overstayed our welcome." 
Kun laced his fingers through yours almost instinctively and pulled you along to the front. The two of you apologized to the man at the register as Kun placed the basket on the counter.
"Don't worry about it, this place is so full of magic people could get lost in here for hours."
 You looked over at Kun as he paid for all the items that made their way into the basket throughout the evening, and found yourself admiring his features; the curve of his lips, the way his dimples appeared and eyes scrunched up as he smiled. You took one last look before turning to the man behind the counter and giving him a thank you before the two of you left to exit.
"Ah I love this feeling!" The man said before you reached the door causing you to both turn at his peculiar statement, though you were certain you knew the feeling he was talking about, the same feeling you'd been feeling since entering the theater.
"The electric feeling?" 
You snapped your head in Kun's direction, he had felt it too. The old man waved his hands in a grand manner and the doors of the shop opened behind you.
"Last time I felt the air filled with this much energy was when I met the love of my life." And with one final wave he disappeared in a cloud of smoke, the final trick of the evening.
You missed the way Kun stole a glance at you after the old man's statement, but felt the gentle swipe of his thumb over the back of your hand as he led you out the exit of the shop, the doors closing by themselves behind you.
As if right on cue you received a text from your friends. 
“At least send us a photo of what he looks like and where you're going for safety reasons.”
You stared at the message for a moment unsure of how to respond. He hadn't asked you to go anywhere with him, so asking him for a photo might be a little presumptuous. 
"There's a Yakiniku place nearby, I forgot the name but you can tell her when we get there."  
You looked up from your phone with wide eyes.
"Wow! Do you know what privacy is?"
"Of course!" He said as he bit his bottom lip.
"Did you just undress me with your eyes?!"
"Well, you did it to me earlier so I figured I'd return the favor."
"I did not!"
"If you say so."
You watched him as he moved about. "What on earth are you doing?"
Trying to find the best lighting for the photo you need to send to them so we can finish our date."
"It didn't start out as one but I'd say it's one now." He said as he put his arm around your waist pulling you close, and taking out his phone.
"Let's take one together" 
His scent was intoxicating, warm, inviting and you couldn't stop wondering if he'd taste as good as he smelled. You were obviously swimming in your thoughts because you hadn't even realized he'd already taken the picture.
"What were you thinking about so intensely?" He said as he showed you the photo of the two of you. It was pretty obvious your mind was elsewhere.
"Eww, delete that! Let's take another." 
He just laughed and wrapped his arm around your waist again, but this time you were determined to stay focused on taking a good photo and not on how delicious he smelled.
"Perfect!" He said as he examined the screen. "I'll send it to you. What's your number?" 
You scoffed at the realization of what had just happened. He had really just played that so smooth, you were almost annoyed at how easily you fell for it, especially when you noticed the smirk on his face as he waited expectantly. You took his phone and typed your number, rolling your eyes as you handed it back to him. 
"Thank you" he said as he grabbed your hand and began to lead you in the direction of the restaurant. Once you arrived you sent the name of the place along with the photo to your friends.
 The hostess escorted you to a booth in the corner of the restaurant at Kun's request. Just as you took your seat, your phone began to vibrate almost nonstop, and you were pretty sure you knew why. You excused yourself to the restroom where you quickly opened the messages from your friends.
🎭 : Biiiiiiiiiitch 
🍒: 😩 it's the guy from earlier
👰: I  opened this photo and almost got a divorce before I even got married 😅 
🎭: Omg it is him!
🥱: lmao you guys sent it to Tiffany?!
🎭: Fuck yes we did! Who would believe us if we said you met some sexy ass guy at some little magic show without receipts?
🍒: MOUNT HIM! He ignored so many advances from women at the pool today.
🎭: Seriously, he must have been waiting for the one.
👰: Not you finding a plus one for my wedding during my bachelorette trip!
🥱: we're done here. Bye! I can't stand y'all.
🍒: BYE! See you in the morning 😏
Little did you know Kun had also sent the photo to his friends and at the same time you were dealing with your friends, he was having a similar conversation with his.
Ten: Give her to me!
YangYang: I can't believe you actually found her!
Xiaojun: If he'd have approached her when he first saw her in the café that day, LIKE I SAID, he could have spent more than just tonight with her. You're just lucky she missed her flight.
YangYang: And of all places, a lame magic show. It must be fate.
Ten: I'm ok with sharing.
Kun: She was literally in the middle of a group of her friends giving the bride gifts, and magic shows aren't  lame!
Xiaojun: You act like it was the actual wedding. You literally spent almost everyday hoping to see her since.
Kun: I did not!
Ten: You did go to the pool hoping she'd be there when you saw her friends headed that way earlier.
Xiaojun: SIMP
"What's got your eyebrows all furrowed?" You giggled as you sat down, startling Kun a bit.
"Oh nothing! Just my friends being annoying as usual."
You hadn't realized until he said that, that you hadn't actually known why he was in Vegas and who he was there with. So, you decided to be as nosey as he had been. Kun was an open book, he told you about this being their annual friends trip and a little bit about each of them. You learned of each other's careers and hobbies, he was more than happy to show you a few magic tricks before your food came. He even taught you a card trick that you had wanted so badly to learn as a kid. 
Dinner now finished, you found yourself with a decision to make as the two of you made your way back to the hotel. Kun tipped the driver and got out first, extending his hand to help you out next. Hand in hand you entered the hotel lobby walking across the casino floor to make your way to the guest elevators. Just before reaching the guest checkpoint that leads to the hotel elevators, Kun stopped and turned to you.
"I know it's late, but do you want to go for a walk through the rooftop garden? I'm not ready to say goodbye just yet." 
That's when you made up your mind. You had been the responsible one this whole trip, made sure Tiffany’s itinerary was followed, kept watch over your friends when they got a little too drunk, made sure they stayed hydrated, not an easy task with a bunch of thirst buckets. Now you were going to do something a little out of the ordinary for you.
You gave his hand a gentle squeeze, fingers still intertwined with yours, and made your way through the guest checkpoint, scanning your key card to gain access. You didn't look in his direction as you waited for the elevator afraid you might not be so bold if you looked at him. The minute the elevator doors opened you pulled him inside, hit the number 7 and then the “close door” button. You had avoided looking at him since leading him to the elevators, but now inside one completely covered in mirrors you had no choice, and when you finally looked over to his reflection he was looking back at you. The elevator bell dinged signaling you had reached your floor, so you took a deep breath and finally turned to face him.
"You can say goodbye now or you can tell me in the morning."
It was dizzying the way he lifted you into a kiss so suddenly, as if he had been waiting for permission all night and once he got it, he let go of any restraint he had. Your legs immediately wrapped around his waist as he carried you out of the elevator. You pulled away from the kiss to tell him your room number clumsily making your way down the hall as he carried you. You left a trail of kisses up his neck running your tongue across his Adam's apple indulging in your curiosity about the way he’d taste. Kun groaned at the feeling of your mouth on his skin, knees nearly giving out when you nipped at the spot beneath his ear. Finally reaching your room he pressed your back against the door and stole your breath away with kisses. Blindly you searched for your room key as he returned your love bites, hardening dick grinding against you through the fabric of your clothes. 
"We'll never make it inside if you keep doing that, I can't focus."
He let out a soft laugh and put you down. You took a deep breath to calm yourself enough to find your key, the minute the door was open you were all over each other again. There was no time for foreplay, no time for words, only needy kisses and soft moans as you walked him backwards towards the bed. When the back of his legs hit the edge you undid his pants and pushed them down just enough to let gravity handle the rest. You pulled away from the kiss to give him space to remove his shirt and once he had done so you took the opportunity to push him back onto the bed, watching as his body fell into the plush blankets and his bold red locks danced away from his forehead. Undoubtedly  this mental image would stay with you forever. 
You peeled your shirt off and shimmied out of your pants, revealing red lace panties and a matching bra almost the exact same red as his hair. Kun let out a groan at the sight of you practically naked and climbing onto the bed to straddle him. You weren't on top for long before he rolled you over so you were under him. He gently ran his thumb over your lips and when you parted them to take his thumb into your mouth he let out a soft sigh as he watched you. You looked up to him with pleading eyes as you pushed at the waistband of his underwear. Taking the hint he pulled his thumb from between your lips and quickly discarded his underwear, ridding you of yours soon after. Now completely naked Kun hovered over you kissing along your shoulder as he unclasped your bra and tossed it to the side.
You wrapped your legs around his back and pulled him closer to you, drawing out a chuckle from him. He lifted his face to look into your eyes. "So impatient" he said as he moved his hand between the two of you dropping his head to the crook of your neck with a sigh when he discovered how wet you were.  He lifted from you slightly to line himself up with your entrance, letting his head fall back to the crook of your neck as he pushed into you.
You gasped as he bottomed out, the electric feeling that had been in the air now surging through you from head to toe. Slowly he began to move, thrusting in and out of you. Moans of pleasure flowed freely from your mouth sending messages that only he could understand, messages urging him to move faster, harder, deeper, to make you his, to keep you by his side forever. And so he did, he thrusted faster, harder, deeper. Enjoying the way your breast bounced with each thrust, the way you moaned his name was music to his ears, the way your fingers gripped him as your nails dug into the flesh of his back. Xiaojun was right, this could have been the two of you all week but he missed his chance, now he was determined to make up for it. He'd  give you all he had even if it was just for one night but he hoped for so much more.  
He kissed you with a tenderness that set your heart ablaze, a stark contrast to his relentless thrusts that were threatening to break you at any moment. He wrapped one arm under your thigh, giving him a better angle to thrust even deeper into you. Your mouth hung open as you threw your head back, gasping out praises, and he watched with hungry eyes as your chest rose and fell with each panting breath.
"I- I'm  gonna cum" you barely managed to form the words between breaths.
" You're so wet I thought you came already." 
He smiled against your neck as you whimpered, partly from embarrassment but mostly because you really were about to cum. 
A few more deep thrusts and your walls began to flutter around his dick, causing him to moan your name in response, filling the room with praises for you as your pussy sucked him in even more, soaking his dick and dripping onto the sheets as you chanted his name.  
Kun quickly followed, pulling out and painting your stomach with his cum. Kun took a moment to catch his breath before going to retrieve a washcloth to clean up his mess.
"Where are you going?" You pouted.
"To wash this out, I'd feel bad knowing some poor housekeeper had to pick up a towel covered in my cum."
You laughed as you closed your eyes, he had a point. You didn't even want to think about all the cum covered everything they had to deal with on a daily basis. You soon felt the bed dip as Kun snuggled up to you, adjusting your position so that your face was tucked into his chest. There was so much he wanted to say, but you were already half asleep. He was sure you had felt the connection, felt the electrical charge in the air that only seemed to get more intense the closer you got to each other, but a small part of him worried that maybe he was being a hopeless romantic, that all the things that happened leading up to your meeting was just a coincidence, that this was going to end up being one of those "the one that got away" stories. He was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't realized you were awake until he felt your lips against his.
 "What's wrong? You said barely above a whisper as you studied his features in the soft light provided by the reading lamp on the nightstand.  He looked at you with soft eyes and threw your leg over his hip, pulling you even closer.
 "Want to know a secret? I've been hoping to run into you for a few days now."
"Our first day here, I saw you with your friends in the café. I wanted to approach you then." 
You thought back to that day, you remembered that day felt strange, like something was going to happen although it never did. Now having felt that same feeling today, and learning he was in the café that day, you were sure it was him that you were feeling. 
"Why didn't  you?"
"I didn't want to be rude."
You nodded in understanding. "So you've been hoping to run into me?"
"Yea, I even went to the pool today when I saw your friends headed that way, thinking you'd probably be there too." He gave a small but nervous laugh.
Your heart skipped a beat at how cute and honest he was being. You got out of the bed to get your phone and he worried for a moment that he had said too much until you climbed back into bed and snuggled in close to him again. 
"Haven't been looking for you, but since I saw you at the pool I was drawn to you."  You laughed at the confusion on his face until you showed him the picture of your friends, and pointed to him in the background.  
"I even asked if you were friends with the guys they were with." 
You watched as Kun's face lit up with amusement just before he leaned in to kiss you, a smile still playing on his lips.  YangYang had to be right, this had to be fate.
Morning goodbyes came too soon for either of your liking, but sweet kisses and promises to call, text & visit made them seem slightly less bitter. The flight home was filled with thoughts of the man who had possibly stolen your heart with dimples and cheesy magic tricks. You were sure that when you slept that night he'd be in your dreams too. Finally arriving back at your home after a short car ride from the airport with your friends, they made sure to remind you that once you had all settled in you'd have to tell them everything about Kun. 
As you made your way into your front door, you remembered you hadn't taken your phone off airplane mode. The moment you did it your phone buzzed with 3 new messages, all from Kun. You smiled to yourself as you opened the 1st message. A simple "have a safe flight" on your screen. The next message was a photo of him out at breakfast, a mountain of French toast in front of him, and a big smile adorning his face. The final message sent a wave of excitement through your body.
" I hope this doesn't seem too forward, but we leave Vegas tomorrow and if you don't mind I'd like to extend my vacation by a few days and spend it with you."
Before you had a chance to respond you received another message. 
"Thank you for visiting Voila Magic! We hope you enjoyed your evening.  If you did, please take a moment to leave a review."
You took this as a sign from the universe to accept Kun's offer. You quickly pulled up his message again to respond.
"I'd love that"
You two spent the next few days together and by the second day you started to believe maybe magic was real.
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29 / 11 / 2022
NEYMAR, professional football player (1992)
Special guest-star : DRAKE, Canadian singer
Dear readers, this is already the 40th story in the series HUMILIATED BY A CELEBRITY 😁 !!!!!!! I wouldn't have continued if you hadn't been there, so please always be so many to like, reblog and comment on my stories so that I feel supported. I've written about many famous alpha males, whether gay or straight, black or white, French, English, American or otherwise. Whether they are actors, singers, sportsmen....
For this fortieth, I had to mark the occasion with a very handsome and well-liked muscular man. Brazilian professional footballer Neymar is incredibly handsome, I would love to kiss him. I have no chance of doing it, but I made up this story in which a man - whose physical appearance and age is not specified so that everyone can imagine themselves in his place - will become tiny. The hero is going to get tiny, and this is one of the first times I've written about miniaturization. I hope that you will like.
And see you in at number 41 of this series, I hope that many of you will still love this series, because I have ideas for yet another ten episodes of this history series. 😁
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Captain of the Brazil national football team, Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior, said Neymar Jr., more commonly known as Neymar, was a king in the eyes of his fans. Time after time, he had started to behave like one. His luxurious lifestyle reflected his taste for celebration and debauchery. As a player of the Paris-Saint-Germain (PSG) team, he was approached by luxury brands to be a model. As a professional footballer, his talent impressed his competitors. Arrogant and superficial, he was also funny and kind to the people he loved.
Neymar, this handsome Brazilian player, had a personal assistant. This one had been in the service of the star for a short time. The previous one had left for an unknown reason. Neymar therefore needed a new personal secretary, someone to manage his social networks and his appointments.
The new man chosen was called Elio, a young Parisian so happy to be behind the scenes at the club in his city. His knowledge of English allowed him to travel with Neymar on his professional and personal trips. His tasks were fairly standard: managing his boss's calls and appointments. Satisfied with his particular assistant's submission, Neymar gave Elio more specific orders, such as carrying his luggage, serving drinks at his parties, and washing his clothes.
But the worst was to come.
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One day, Neymar was on his big bed looking at several dozen shoes he had put on the blanket. It was just part of his large shoe collection. There were over 1000! Anyway, he looked at Elio with a smile.
NEYMAR: "Little Elio, I made you come to my room because I didn't know which pair of shoes to put on, so I tried them all. But now they're mixed up, so you're going to put them away in pairs. But to put them back together, my shoes will have to be licked! Yes, Elio, you will lick my shoes to put them back in pairs! Consider yourself lucky that I don't leave you a specific time, but if you take too long to lick them and put them back in pairs, I will have to punish you! Ahahah!"
Then Neymar put two socks over Elio's eyes and around his head to prevent him from seeing. According to his boss's will, his tongue would be his only way to find his boss's pairs of shoes and put them back together in pairs. Elio started licking the shoes, and the bright colors didn't help him given his blindness. He could use different textures, softer or rougher fabrics. The soles had different patterns, not counting those that had heels or studs. Neymar was amused to see Elio licking his shoes.
When Elio licked one shoe, he licked another until he found the one that looked like the one he licked first. He had to show memorization and speed, but his tongue hurt from licking everything. Neymar was spitting in his mouth so that he had saliva.
It lasted more than an hour and Neymar enjoyed this spectacle of submission.
NEYMAR: "It took you an hour to find my shoes and put them in pairs, I expect you to do it faster next time! It's with your tongue that my shoes will be cleaned from now on. both outside and inside! Now put them away, my little Elio!"
Some time later, Neymar forces his personal assistant to massage his feet. His long, hot, sweaty feet are even more tired after his practices or matches. Accustomed to directing others, to walking, jumping, running,... Neymar likes having his feet massaged. Neymar's height 41 (8.5 US) feet are impressive and Elio is quickly getting used to serving his master. But this one quickly tires of the obedience of his slave.
During a trip to Brazil where he is with the national football team, he enjoys a guided visit to an ancient temple of a pre-Columbian civilization. He is particularly intrigued by a book of spells. He asks the temple guide the meaning of a page where a normal-sized man can be seen becoming tiny. The guide explains that the page of the grimoire shown to her by Neymar represents a spell that reduces the size of a human to the point that they become tiny.
Neymar takes advantage of the guide moving away to take a picture of the page, goes to a site to translate the ancient Brazilian language, and realizes that the ingredients for creating the spell are all in Brazil. Neymar finds his personal assistant, who is carrying his jacket and his bag and had waited for him quietly outside the temple.
Neymar sends him to buy the ingredients he needs to create the miniaturization spell, without specifying the reason for these purchases. Elio does all the shopping possible to find the precious ingredients.
Returning to Neymar's villa, Elio brings him the ingredients and Neymar sends him to lick his shoes to occupy him. Obediently, Elio goes to his boss's shoe cabinet to lick them. Neymar takes the opportunity to prepare the spell. He mixes herbs, flowers and spices, boils the mixture in hot water and then lets it cool.
Once the potion is ready, the color red makes you thirsty, so Neymar pours red fruit juice into another glass to trick Elio into thinking it's the same drink. Then he takes the glasses and goes to his room where he sees this pathetic little Parisian licking the soles of his shoes.
NEYMAR: "How many have you already licked?"
ELIO: "40 pairs, sir."
NEYMAR: "40 pairs?! That means you just licked 80 shoe soles!! Ahahah ha!!!! Well, I served you a red fruit juice, drink it with me."
ELIO: "Thank you sir."
To Neymar's satisfaction, Elio drinks the shrinking potion!
Elio was very small, he was only 35 cm tall and he was under his clothes, which had become too big for him. Neymar took it in his hand and lifted it in front of him. Elio was very small and screamed when he found himself face to face with Neymar.
ELIO: "Boss, how did you become a giant?"
NEYMAR: "It's not me who's giant, it's you who's tiny! And now it's time for me to relieve myself."
A powerful burp almost took Elio's head off! The stench had gone straight to his face.
NEYMAR: "Ahahahahahahahah!!!!! Your face when my burp surprised you!!! Ahahahahahah!!!! Well, glad to have known you but now I'm going to eat you!"
Neymar opened his mouth and was about to drop Elio into his mouth to eat him alive, but he was struggling.
ELIO: "Please, boss, don't eat me alive!!!! I don't know what I did to make you turn me tiny, but I would do anything to stay alive!!!!"
NEYMAR: "Very well from now on you are mine! My feet sweat a lot so you will absorb the sweat from my feet."
Reluctantly, Elio had no choice but to be put against the sole of his former boss's right foot, who then slipped a sock over it. Elio was now glued to Neymar's right foot warm in his sock. Then the Brazilian footballer put his shoes on, and Elio was even tighter against the sole of his foot.
Throughout Neymar's football training, Elio was swallowing liters of sweat from his master's foot. He was a little under the size of his master's foot so all the sweat went straight into his mouth. The worst part was less the smell or taste of foot sweat than Neymar's weight on him because, despite the softness of the sock, Elio was crushed by Neymar. He was running, jumping and kicking the ball hard, which really hurt Elio.
When the training was over, Neymar did not take off his socks directly and waited until he was at home to order his tiny slave, who was completely naked, to massage his feet with his small hands, to lick the other foot in which he had not been. Despite his tiny size, Elio properly licked his master's feet and his tiny tongue passionately licked the sweat and dirt left by the socks. At night, Neymar made Elio sleep in his dirty sock.
The days passed like this for Elio: after a night's sleep in his master's dirty sock, he spent the day in his foot, a different foot each day. His new size had changed his eating habits: sweat from his feet and dirt was enough to be fit.
Neymar had fun with his tiny slave and enjoyed watching him lick his big feet.
One day, Neymar was invited to a star party, and he met the Canadian singer Drake, of whom he was a fan. The singer and actor Drake is a giant of 1 m 93, a manly bearded man very cuddly but very dominant. He put his muscular arm around the handsome Neymar's neck.
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DRAKE: "Hey Neymar! It's ok, man! By the way, tell me, where did your servant go? the one who often walks behind you like a dog!"
NEYMAR: "Why Drake, do you want to fuck him?"
DRAKE: "No, I already have slaves for that, and I can have anyone I want. But you told me he's good at cleaning shoes and feet. I thought you could have let me use it a bit, Neymar"
NEYMAR : "Yes, but he's not here."
DRAKE: "So where is he?"
NEYMAR: "In my foot. Come on, I'll show you."
The great Canadian singer and the beautiful Brazilian footballer went to a discreet room, where Neymar took off his shoe and his sock in order to show his tiny slave to Drake. Far from having compassion for the fate of the tiny slave, Drake burst out laughing!
DRAKE: "You mean to tell me that pathetic slave is stuck in your shoe during the day and in your sock at night?! Ahhahah, what a loser! I'm sure a lot of little white guys must be dreaming of being in my foot!"
NEYMAR : "Okay, I'll sell you the spell in exchange for your financial help for a political pyojet that I'm carrying. You won't have to donate a lot or do it officially, but I need the money. Of course. I am very rich but I would need money to spare in case my project fails, or even if it succeeds."
DRAKE: "I'm so rich I don't mind buying you this spell. The prospect of turning little white guys into footlickers excites me. What's your plan?"
NEYMAR: "Oh not much.... Just the restoration of the monarchy in Brazil. The last Emperor of Brazil was Peter II. He was deposed in 1889, and since then Brazil has certainly succeeded in becoming an influential country but it is plagued by lobbies and we must be more proactive in favor of ecology. I despite myself gave the image of a man who did not care about ecological problems, but I must help my country not only by being captain of the Brazil national football team!"
DRAKE: "If helping you become the new King of Brazil is the price to pay to get the shrinking potion recipe then I'll be happy to do it!"
To celebrate this alliance Neymar forced Elio to lick Drake's enormous feet, and seeing a tiny one trying to suck his toes confirmed Drake's desire for a tiny foot licker. He figured he could use it to lick other parts of his body.
Several months passed and, thanks to the financing of the sublime Canadian singer Drake and his own money, Neymar had made an electoral campaign to become the new King of Brazil. Supported by environmental activists and lovers of social justice, Neymar had succeeded in being elected King of Brazil. He was the first ruler since the ill-fated Peter II, who died in exile in France two years after his dismissal in 1889. Elio had lived through this election campaign stuck in his master's foot, in a different foot each day.
With Neymar's accession to the throne of Portugal, Drake had obtained the recipe for the shrinking spell from the former captain of the Brazil national football team. So it's with an Asian boy in his left foot, a White boy in his right foot, a White boy stuck in his left armpit, a Black boy in his right armpit, and a cute White woman in his ass. Three of them had been miniaturized against their will, but the other two had been shrunk on purpose in order to worship Drake and his sublime body.
It was therefore with his tiny slaves under him that Drake attended the coronation of Neymar as King of Brazil and founder of the Neymar Dynasty.
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At this event, Neymar wore a coronation coat representing his country, Brazil, and the city with which he achieved success: the long, thick fur coat was embroidered with the emblem of PSG and the flag of Brazil. It was with this outfit that he had himself represented on a huge royal painting.
Every day, King Neymar I of Brazil received subjects who came to thank him for his action in favor of the people, but he continued to play in the national team of Brazil. On his throne, he wore his sublime crown and had his feet massaged by his tiny slave. For his devotion, Elio received the honor of licking the body, the muscular and sweating torso of his King.
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Life was good for Neymar, who was improving the lives of his people, and it was good too for Elio, who had nothing to do but lick the King's feet, even if that also meant being crushed. under his feet or in his armpits. Long live King Neymar of Brazil!
NEYMAR, footballeur professionnel (1992)
Apparition spéciale : DRAKE, chanteur
Chers lecteurs, c'est déjà la 40ème histoire de la série HUMILIÉ PAR UNE CÉLÉBRITÉ!!!!!!! Je n'aurais pas continué si vous n'aviez pas été là, alors s'il vous plaît soyez toujours aussi nombreux à liker, rebloguer et commenter mes histoires afin que je me sente soutenu.
J'ai écrit sur de nombreux mâles alphas célèbres, qu'ils soient gay ou hétéros, Noirs ou Blancs, Français, Anglais, Américains ou autre. Qu'ils soient acteurs, chanteurs, sportifs....
Pour cette quarantième, je devais marquer le coup avec un homme musclé très beau et très apprécié. Le footballeur professionnel brésilien Neymar est d'une incroyable beauté, j'aimerais énormément l'embrasser. Je n'ai aucune chance de le faire, mais j'ai inventé cette histoire dans laquelle un homme va être miniaturisé.
L'apparence physique et l'âge du héros n'est pas précisé afin que chacun puisse s'imaginer à sa place. Celui-ci va devenir minuscule, et c'est l'une des premières fois que j'écris sur la miniaturisation. J'espère que vous aimerez.
Et rendez-vous dans au numéro 41 de cette série, j'espère que vous serez toujours aussi nombreux à aimer cette série, car j'ai des idées pour encore une autre dizaine d'épisodes de cette série d'histoire. 😁
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Capitaine de l'équipe nationale de football du Brésil, Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior, dit Neymar Jr., plus couramment appellé Neymar, était un roi aux yeux de ses fans. À force, il avait commencé à se comporter comme tel. Son train de vie luxueux reflétait son goût de la fête et de la débauche.
En tant que joueur de l'Équipe du Paris-Saint-Germain (PSG), il était approché par des marques de luxe pour être mannequin. En tant que footballeur professionnel, son talent impressionnait ses concurrents. Arrogant et superficiel, il était aussi drôle et gentil avec les gens qu'il aime.
Neymar, ce beau joueur brésilien, avait un assistant personnel. Celui-ci était au service de la star depuis peu de temps. Le précédent était parti pour une raison inconnu. Neymar avait donc besoin d'un nouveau secrétaire personnel, quelqu'un pour gérer ses réseaux sociaux et ses rendez-vous.
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Le nouvel homme choisi s'appelait Elio, un jeune Parisien si heureux d'être dans les coulisses du club de sa ville. Sa connaissance de l'anglais lui permit de partir en voyage avec Neymar dans ses déplacements professionnels et personnels. Ses tâches étaient assez classiques : gérer les appels et les rendez-vous de son patron. Satisfait de la soumission de son assistant particulier, Neymar donna des ordres plus précis à Elio, tels que porter ses bagages, servir des boissons lors de ses soirées, et laver ses vêtements.
Mais le pire allait venir.
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Un jour, Neymar était sur son grand lit et regardait plusieurs dizaines de chaussures qu'il avait posé sur la couverture. Ce n'était qu'une partie de sa grande collection de chaussures. Il en avait plus de 1000 ! Quoiqu'il en soit, il le regarda avec un sourire.
NEYMAR : "Bon Elio je t'ai fait venir dans ma chambre car je savais pas quelle paire de chaussures mettre alors je les ai toutes essayées. Mais maintenant elles sont mélangées, alors tu vas les ranger par paires. Mais pour les reconstituer par paires, mes chaussures devront être léchées ! Oui, Elio, tu vas lécher mes chaussures pour refaire les paires ! Estime toi heureux que je ne te laisse pas un temps précis, mais si tu prends trop de temps pour les lécher et les remettre par paires, je serai obligé de te punir ! Ahahah !"
Puis Neymar mit deux chaussettes sur les yeux et autour de la tête d'Elio afin de l'empêcher de voir. Selon la volonté de son patron, sa langue serait son seul moyen pour trouver les paires de chaussures de son patron et les reconstituer par paires.
Elio se mit à lécher les chaussures, et les couleurs vives ne lui étaient d'aucune aide étant donné son aveuglement. Il pouvait s'aider des textures différentes, des tissus plus doux ou plus rugueux. Les semelles avaient des motifs différents, sans compter celles qui avaient des talons ou des crampons. Neymar s'amusait de voir Elio lécher ses chaussures.
Quand Elio avait lèché une chaussure, il en léchait d'autre jusqu'à ce qu'il trouve celle qui était ressemblante à celle qu'il avait lèché en premier. Il devait faire preuve de mémorisation et de rapidité, mais il avait mal à la langue à force de tout lécher. Neymar lui crachait dans la bouche pour qu'il ait de la salive. Cela dura plus d'une heure et Neymar apprécia ce spectacle de soumission.
NEYMAR : "Tu as mis une heure pour retrouver mes chaussures et les mettre par paire, j'attends de toi que tu fasses plus vite la prochaine fois ! C'est avec ta langue que seront nettoyés mes chaussures à partir de maintenant, l'extérieur comme l'intérieur ! Maintenant vas les ranger, mon petit Elio !"
Quelques temps plus tard, Neymar oblige son assistant personnel à lui masser les pieds. Ses longs pieds chauds et suants sont encore plus fatigués après ses entraînements ou ses matchs. Habitué à diriger les autres, à marcher, sauter, courir,..., Neymar aime qu'on lui masse les pieds. Les pieds de taille 41 (8.5 US) de Neymar sont impressionnants et Elio s'habitue rapidement à servir son maître. Mais celui-ci se lasse vite de l'obéissance de son esclave.
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Lors d'un voyage au Brésil où il est avec l'équipe de foot nationale, il profite d'une visite guidée dans un ancien temple d'une civilisation précolombienne. Il est particulièrement intrigué par un livre de sortilèges. Il demande au guide du temple la signification d'une page où l'on peut voir un homme de taille normale devenir minuscule. La guide explique que la page du grimoire que lui montre Neymar représente un sortilège qui réduit la taille d'un humain au point qu'ils deviennent minuscules.
Neymar profite que la guide s'éloigne pour prendre en photo la page, se rend sur un site permettant de traduire l'ancienne langue brésilienne, et se rend compte que les ingrédients permettant la création du sortilège se trouvent tous au Brésil.
Neymar retrouve son assistant personnel, qui porte sa veste et son sac et l'avait attendu sagement à l'extérieur du temple.
Neymar l'envoie lui acheter les ingrédients qu'il a besoin pour créer le sortilège de miniaturisation, sans préciser la raison de ces achats.
Elio fait tout les magasins possibles pour trouver les précieux ingrédients. Revenu à la villa de Neymar, Elio lui apporte les ingrédients et Neymar l'envoie lécher ses chaussures pour l'occuper.
Obéissant, Elio se rend dans l'armoire aux chaussures de son patron pour les lécher. Neymar en profite pour préparer le sortilège. Il mélange les herbes, les fleurs et les épices, fait bouillir le mélange dans de l'eau chaude et laisse ensuite refroidir.
Une fois la potion prête, la couleur rouge donne soif, alors Neymar se sert de jus de fruits rouges dans un autre verre afin de faire croire à Elio que c'est la même boisson. Puis il prend les verres et se rend dans sa chambre où il voit ce pathétique petit parisien en train de lécher les semelles de ses chaussures.
NEYMAR : "Tu en as déjà lèché combien ?"
ELIO : "40 paires, monsieur."
NEYMAR : "40 paires ?! Ça veut dire que tu viens de lécher 80 semelles de chaussures!! Ahahah ha !!!! Bon bah je t'ai servis un jus de fruits rouges, bois le avec moi."
ELIO : "Merci Monsieur."
À la satisfaction de Neymar, Elio boit la potion de rétrécissement !
Elio était tout petit, il ne mesurait plus que 35 cm et il était sous ses vêtements, devenus trop grands pour lui.
Neymar l'a prit dans sa main et la soulevé devant lui. Elio était tout petit et cria lorsqu'il se retrouva face au visage de Neymar.
ELIO : "Patron, comment êtes-vous devenu un géant ?"
NEYMAR : "Ce n'est pas moi qui suis géant, c'est toi qui est minuscule ! Et maintenant il est temps pour moi de me soulager."
Un rot puissant faillit décoller la tête d'Elio ! La puanteur était allé directement sur son visage.
NEYMAR : "Ahahahahahahahah!!!!! Ta tête quand mon rot t'as surpris !!! Ahahahahahah !!!! Bon, ravi de t'avoir connu mais maintenant je vais te manger!"
Neymar ouvrit sa bouche et s'apprêtait à lâcher Elio dans sa bouche pour le manger vivant, mais celui-ci se débattait.
ELIO: "Pitié, patron, ne me mangez pas vivant !!!! Je ne sais pas ce que j'ai fait pour que vous me transformiez en minuscule, mais je ferais tout pour rester vivant !!!!"
NEYMAR : "Très bien à partir de maintenant tu es à moi ! Je sue beaucoup des pieds alors tu vas absorber la sueur de mes pieds."
À contrecœur, Elio n'eut pas d'autre choix que celui d'être mis contre la semelle du pied droit de son ancien patron, qui enfila ensuite une chaussette par-dessus.
Elio était désormais collé au pied droit de Neymar au chaud dans sa chaussette. Puis le footballeur brésilien a mit ses chaussures, et Elio était encore plus serré contre la semelle du pied.
Tout au long de l'entraînement de football de Neymar, Elio avalait les litres de sueur de pied de son maître. Il faisait un peu moins de la taille du pied de son maître donc toute la sueur allait directement dans sa bouche. Le pire c'était moins l'odeur ou le goût de la sueur du pied que le poid de Neymar sur lui car, malgré la douceur de la chausette, Elio était écrasé par Neymar. Celui-ci courait, sautait et donnait de grands coups de pied dans le ballon, ce qui avait pour conséquence de vraiment faire souffrir Elio.
Lorsque l'entraînement fut terminé, Neymar ne retira pas ses chausettes directement et attendit d'être chez lui pour ordonner à son esclave minuscule, qui était tout nu, de lui masser les pieds avec ses petites mains, de lécher l'autre pied dans lequel il n'avait pas été.
Malgré sa taille toute petite, Elio a convenablement lèché les pieds de son maître et sa langue minuscule léchait avec passion la sueur et la saleté laissée par les chausettes.
La nuit, Neymar fit dormir Elio dans sa chausette sale.
Les jours se passaient ainsi pour Elio : après une nuit de sommeil dans une chausette sale de son maître, il passait la journée dans son pied, un pied différent par jour. Sa nouvelle taille avait changé ses habitudes alimentaires : de la sueur de pieds et de la saleté suffisait à être en forme.
Neymar s'amusait avec son esclave minuscule et aimait le voir lécher ses grands pieds.
Un jour, Neymar fut invité à une soirée de stars, et il retrouva le chanteur canadien Drake dont il était fan.
Le chanteur et acteur Drake est un géant d'1 m 93, un barbu viril très câlin mais très dominant. Il passa son bras musclé autour du cou du beau Neymar.
DRAKE : "Hey Neymar ! Ça va, mec ! Au fait dis-moi, où est donc passé ton petit larbin qui traîne souvent derrière toi tel un chien ?!"
NEYMAR : "Pourquoi Drake, t'as envie de le baiser ?"
DRAKE : "Non j'ai déjà des esclaves pour ça, et je peut avoir n'importe qui que je veut. Mais tu m'avais dit qu'il est doué en nettoyage de chaussures et de pieds. Ça te dérangerait de me le prêter ?"
NEYMAR : "Oui, mais il n'est pas ici."
DRAKE : "Alors où est-il ?"
NEYMAR : "Dans mon pied. Viens je vais te montrer."
Le grand chanteur canadien et le beau footballeur brésilien se sont rendu dans une pièce discrète, où Neymar retira sa chaussure et sa chausette afin de montrer son esclave minuscule à Drake. Loin d'avoir de la compassion pour le destin de l'esclave minuscule, Drake explosa de rire !
DRAKE : "Tu veut me dire que ce minable esclave est coincé dans ta chaussure la journée et dans ta chaussette la nuit ?! Ahhahah, quel loser ! Je suis sûr que pleins de petits mecs Blancs doivent rêver d'être dans mon pied !"
NEYMAR : "D'accord, je te vendrai le sortilège en échange de ton aide financière pour un pyojet politique que je porte. Tu seras as obligé de donner beaucoup ni de le faire officiellement, mais j'ai besoin d'argent. Bien sûr je suis très riche mais j'aurais besoin d'argent de côté au cas où mon projet échoue, ou même s'il réussit."
DRAKE : "Je suis si riche que ça me dérange pas de t'acheter ce sortilège. La perspective de transformer des petits gars Blancs en lécheurs de pieds m'excite. Quel est ton projet ?"
NEYMAR : "Oh pas grand chose.... Simplement le rétablissement de la monarchie au Brésil. Le dernier Empereur du Brésil était Pierre II. Il a été destitué en 1889, et depuis le Brésil a certes réussi à devenir un pays influent mais il est gangrèné par des lobbies et nous devons nous montrer plus proactif en faveur de l'écologie. J'ai malgré moi donné l'image d'un homme qui se fichait des problèmes écologiques, mais je dois aider mon pays pas uniquement en étant capitaine de l'équipe nationale de football du Brésil!"
DRAKE :" Si t'aider à devenir le nouveau Roi du Brésil est le prix à payer pour obtenir la recette de la potion de rétrécissement alors je serai heureux de le faire !"
Pour fêter cette alliance Neymar obligea Elio à lécher les énormes pieds de Drake, et voir un minuscule tenter de sucer ses orteils conforta Drake dans son envie d'avoir un minuscule lécheur de pieds. Il se disait qu'il pourrait l'utiliser pour lécher d'autres parties de son corps.
Plusieurs mois sont passés et, grâce au financement du sublime chanteur canadien Drake et de son propre argent, Neymar avait fait une campagne électorale pour devenir le nouveau Roi du Brésil. Soutenu par des militants écologistes et épris de justice social, Neymar avait réussi à être élu Roi du Brésil.
Il était le premier souverain depuis l'infortuné Pierre II, qui était mort en exil en France deux ans après sa destitution en 1889. Elio avait vécu cette campagne électorale coincé dans le pied de son maître, dans un pied différent chaque jour.
Avec l'accession de Neymar au trône du Portugal, Drake avait obtenu la recette du sortilège de rétrécissement de la part de l'ancien capitaine de l'équipe nationale de football du Brésil. C'est donc avec un garçon asiatique dans son pied gauche, un garçon blanc dans son pied droit, un garçon blanc collé à son aisselle gauche, un garçon noir dans son aisselle droite, et une jolie femme blanche dans son cul. Trois d'entre eux avaient été miniaturisés contre leur gré, mais les deux autres avaient été rétrécis de manière volontaire afin de vénérer Drake et son corps sublime.
C'est donc avec ses esclaves miniatures sous lui que Drake assista au couronnement de Neymar comme Roi du Brésil et fondateur de la Dynastie Neymar.
Neymar portait un manteau de sacre représentant son pays, le Brésil, et la ville avec laquelle il avait obtenu le succès : le long et épais manteau de fourrure était brodé avec l'emblème du PSG et le drapeau du Brésil. C'est avec cette tenue qu'il se fit représenter sur un immense tableau royal.
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Chaque jour, le Roi Neymar Ier du Brésil recevait des sujets qui venait le remercier son action en faveur du peuple, mais il continuait à jouer dans l'équipe nationale du Brésil.
Sur son trône, il portait sa sublime couronne et se faisait masser les pieds par son esclave minuscule. Pour son dévouement, Elio reçut l'honneur de lécher le corps, le torse musclé et suant de son Roi. La vie était belle pour Neymar, qui améliorait la vie de son peuple, et elle était belle aussi pour Elio, qui n'avait rien d'autre à faire que lécher les pieds du Roi, même si cela voulait dire aussi d'être écrasé sous ses pieds ou dans ses aisselles.
Vive le Roi Neymar du Brésil !
@neymarjr-cf @neymarbrasil @neymaaah @neymarbrasil @neymarchrist @neymarrjunior @footballjock4life @alphamalesuperiority @tinygiant @giantxxx2 @giant-tiny-people @gianttinyboys @giantworshipper @tallmascsub @feetmakesmehard @bat-woodfeet-us @tidodore2 @innerpiratefun @lovefanfiction01 @rainykpoptravelcreator @leftprogrammingroadtripdean @awesomecrowdcontrol1 @drake8866 @drakenigga @tfstation @tfkinksterz
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trashexplorer · 2 years
BLCD Review: Unmei no Tsugai ga Omae da Nante
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Title: Unmei no Tsugai ga Omae da Nante (運命の番がお前だなんて)
Author/Artist: Haruta
Release Date: 2021/06/25
Okitsu Kazuyuki x Masuda Toshiki
Taito Ban
Tsuchida Reiou
Kobayashi Kousuke
Matsuura Yoshiyuki
Tanaka Tomomi
Watanabe Yoshimi
Synopsis: Free-spirited omega Shishikura and straight-laced alpha Kotani have disliked each other since middle school, so neither are pleased to learn they will both be working at the same company. Shishikura is even less thrilled when he discovers that he and Kotani are a fated pair! The two men take verbal swipes at each other every chance they get, yet still wind up in bed together again and again. Both chalk it up to biology and refuse to admit that deeper feelings might be involved, and Shishikura begins looking into other potential marriage partners. Will this tsundere couple ever get their act together, or will destiny be derailed by their own stubbornness?
Review Proper
Finally, the thing I mistook for Yukyuu Omega is here. *exhale*
If y’all know me, you’ll know that I absolutely abhor omegaverse (you can thank Kurui Naku Ban Beta, Sayonara Alpha, and Erito for that). Literally everything you could do in an abo has already been done. I don’t see a point in making more of these. Mangakas: Okay, let’s do domsub instead But hey, am I not a Okitsu whore? No. Anyway, even though I was excited about listening to this, I knew I was going to hate Kotani because he was an asshole. 
There’s only one thing worse than an abo.
But, in spite of myself, I actually enjoyed this. 
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I’m having a moral crisis, help.
JK. Unmei no Tsugai doesn’t sell itself as a serious plot, so it shouldn’t be taken seriously either. Unlike our deep try-hards. I mean, it’s your pretty run-of-the-mill dumbass gets an excuse to fuck the asshole, falls in love with him, the asshole becomes more of an asshole, the dumbass drags a third party to make him jealous, the asshole becomes more of an asshole, poor third party gets led on and dumped, and the dumbass and asshole finally gets together without the asshole even apologizing, medetashi, medetashi. But the way that Haruta wrote and movic set it all up was fantastic. 
Now this is how you do comedy. I initially had some doubts ‘cause the narration in the first track was kind of strange lmao. It went from medieval style to traditional Japanese and it was narrated by someone who sounded like a news broadcaster wth. Is this a densetsu??? The CD later turned out to be a whole vocal flex for Massuu and Okitsu ‘cause goddamn. 
Massuu, for starters, used a tone slightly above his Hirokuni but slightly smoother. I haven’t read the manga before, so I wasn’t sure how things were going to go, so I was very surprised that he pulled his shounen (aka his Kirishima) voice later! I loved it. His changes were dynamic, chaotic, and very fitting for Shishikura. AND! AND! JESUS CHRIST HIS SEXAY MONOLOGUES!!! HELLO??? WAS HE PAID EXTRA??? Y’ALL GOTTA HEAR ALL THE BEDROOM SUBJUGATIONS!!! I didn’t know he had that in him tbh. I was just blown away. He has never bottomed this chaotically before, if I recall correctly. It’s evident that he had a lot of fun recording this (as did Okitsu as per the cast talk) and I love that! It makes me wish this had a second volume so we could hear more of this kind of Massuu.
Onto Okitsu,
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Y’all already know what I’m gonna say. 
Is my bias over Okitsu making me like this? Who knows? But it’s undeniable that my man has, once again, slayed this role. I won’t talk about his perfect performance much ‘cause I’ve already run out of praises years ago, so just know that if you’re not an Okitsu bitch by now, you’re really missing out lmao.
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-Chesk, 25, hates abos but will listen if Okitsu’s in it
Anywho, these two also had great chemistry with each other. They’re more or less in sync during their mattress mambos, so I really wasn’t spazzing out during Smoky Nectar. I was thinking maybe I was asking for too much. 😂 Idk what to feel, knowing that this is Fatgum x Kirishima
In conclusion, get this. Get this if you’re a fan of the series and abo in general. And if you dislike abo like me, this still is worth getting if you’re an Okitsu/Massuu stan. If you want to see just what makes voice actors good, you’ll be in the right place. As for those who want to read the manga along with the BLCD, it is doable, but bear in mind that there is added and cut dialogue. I only have the magazine releases, and I’ve noticed that the narrations are rearranged, so do try buying the tank if you can (reading the Chrima release with it is doable too tho). Gosh, I really wish this wasn’t an abo lmao. Anyway, I’m afraid there aren’t a lot of gag abos like this out there, so I wouldn’t be able to recommend anything similar. Go Kashikomarimashita: Destiny and Re:birth for more Okitsu tho
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I’m With You - Chapter 1.3
Happy Friday, fellow Drukkari stans! Thanks again for the support on this fic. Took a bit longer, but I am here with another installment! Bringing in a couple more characters this time, hopefully you enjoy the dynamics. We’re finally bringing Day 1 to a close. I honestly did not think I would spend this much time on the actual challenges, but they’re surprisingly fun to write about. If you missed the first two parts, you can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here. Now, without further ado, here’s Part 3 of my Drukkari GBBO au!
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Druig was quite certain that technical challenges were a sadistic invention. He’d come in third place, but it was definitely pure luck that he’d made several Dorset apple cakes before, and it didn’t change the fact that it had been the single most stressful hour of his life. Having lunch with Makkari and Kingo had helped alleviate some of the nerves, but they had come right back once they were back at their stations. And even though he’d known what he needed to do, he’d still been on the verge of panic for most of the baking process. The judging and interviews afterward were a blur. Once they got back to the hotel, he was probably going straight to bed… or at least he would if he weren’t also incredibly hungry.
After another round of interviews, they’d piled back into the shuttle and were on their way to the hotel. This time, Makkari sat between Druig and Kingo. The two of them were so signing rapidly that Druig nearly missed it when Makkari asked him a question.
Do you want to eat dinner with us? Kingo says he can hear your stomach growling.
Yeah, thanks, he signed, feeling a smile tug at his lips.
Somewhere between the shuttle and the hotel, word had gotten out about dinner, and soon enough, they’d added two more to their impromptu party. After all, they could hardly turn Ajak away when she asked so nicely if she could join them, even if she did bring Kingo’s new (completely one-sided) nemesis, Karun, with her. It was too late to go out, but thankfully, the hotel’s kitchen was still open. They ordered room service and, at his insistence, had everything sent to Kingo’s room.
Druig thought all the contestants had the same type of room, but since Kingo’s was a corner room, it seemed a good bit bigger than his. Even with the extra space, however, the room hadn’t exactly been designed to accommodate more than two or three people, which led to the five of them sharing chairs and huddling around the meager table with their food. That said, Druig was crammed in next to Makkari, so he couldn’t complain. Ajak only knew a few signs and Karun didn’t know any, so Kingo sat across from Makkari so he could interpret.
“So, how was everyone’s first day?” Ajak asked once they’d settled in.
“Um, stressful!” Kingo threw out quickly. “I mean, I knew it’d be a lot of work, but that technical challenge is no joke.”
“Agreed,” Druig chimed in, at which point Makkari elbowed him in the ribs.
Says the guy who came in third, she signed, a hint of a smile on her face.
“Doesn’t mean it wasn’t stressful.”
“Congratulations, Mr. Druig,” Karun said warmly.
“Thanks, right back at you.” Karun had come in second. ”And just Druig is fine.”
“Ugh, I picked the wrong group to complain to,” Kingo lamented. Having not learned from his signature bake, he had again put way too much fruit in his cake and came in dead last.
At least you didn’t invite first place, then you’d look really stupid. The other early riser – Gilgamesh – had come in first.
“Oh, we should invite him next time!” Ajak interjected.
“If I’m even here for a next time,” Kingo said glumly.
“I wouldn’t worry so much,” Karun began gently. “I think that other handsome fellow might be in trouble as well.”
“Which one?”
“The one with the streak in his hair. What was his name… Ikaris!”
“Hm, you may be right,” Ajak replied, nodding her agreement.
That blue velvet cake was kind of a disaster.
Despite his numerous questions earlier in the day, it seemed nothing could’ve prepared Ikaris for the tragedy to come. Somehow, he’d gotten his sugar mixed up with salt. The resulting blue velvet cake had been nigh-inedible. On top of that, Ikaris had come second-to-last in the technical, leaving the showstopper as his only chance for redemption.
“I feel kind of bad for him. I wonder what happened…” Kingo trailed off before a glint appeared in his eye. “Maybe he was sabotaged!”
“And who would’ve done that? We all just met today,” Druig retorted.
“I don’t know, but how else do you mess up so badly?”
“Mixing up salt and sugar is a pretty easy mistake to make,” Ajak observed.
“Okay, yeah. Everyone mixes up salt and sugar at some point,” Kingo conceded. “It’s strange, though. He’s all the way in the back. That usually gives bakers an advantage.”
How so?
“Well, you remember how they told us not to cheat by watching each other? It’s easier not to look like you’re watching everyone else if you’re in the back and have to look forward at everyone anyway.”
“Thanks for the tip, Kingo. I can use it for the next technical,” Druig said with a grin. He’d been stationed in the second-to-last row.
“Ohmigod, I’m not telling you anything else!” Kingo exclaimed, as Ajak and Karun both tried to shush his sudden outburst. “You are uninvited from any future meals.”
You can’t uninvite him! He’s my guest, Makkari protested. While Kingo tried to argue, Makkari simply stared him into submission. After a solid thirty seconds, he let out a sigh.
“Fine. Druig, you are un-uninvited.”
“Appreciate it.”
As the others moved onto another topic, Druig gently bumped Makkari’s shoulder in a silent “Thanks.” She returned the gesture with a soft smile.
Who will be the first to leave the competition? My brain and schedule permitting, you’ll find out soon. Hope you enjoyed this! Likes, reblogs, and feedback would be much appreciated!
Part 4
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maxrev · 1 year
OC Interview
Tagged by the incredible @nightmarestudio606 *blows dust off tumblr and cracks knuckles*
Answer the questions from your OC's POV
Tagging: anyone else who wants to play because I'm pretty sure everyone has done it at this point...I'm always late to the party lol
name ➔ Niall Ronan Shepard
are you single ➔ *squints* Why d'ya care?
are you happy ➔ *silent for several...long...minutes* Aye, s'pose I am
are you angry ➔ *stares* Are ya daft? Dinnae you jus' ask me if I was happy?
are your parents still married ➔ *tenses* Move on...
birthplace ➔ Dunvegan, Scotland
hair colour ➔  *glares* Ya cannae see it? ...fine...Dark brown, almost black
eye colour ➔ blue
birthday ➔  April 11, 2152
mood ➔ irritated
gender ➔ male
summer or winter ➔ Hairst (autumn)
morning or afternoon ➔ Evenin' - the later the better, because no one be botherin' me
are you in love ➔ Love? *fidgets*
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Aye, in fairy tales and romance stories
who ended your last relationship ➔ *glares* Me
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Define...broken
are you afraid of commitments ➔ *pulls at imaginary string on shirt* I dinnae
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ *blush forms* Aye
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ *eyebrows furrow* mumbles...Conrad Verner
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ *long sigh* for fuck's sake...what's that got tae do with anything?
love or lust ➔ love *winks* Lust definitely scratches an itch, though, aye?
lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade
cats or dogs ➔ Both
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ Few. The better tae keep and eye on them
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Depends on my mood and the circumstances
day or night ➔ night *sly wink*
been caught sneaking out ➔ *smirks* Aye, da caught me and Bran when we were teens. He admonished us...then went back to bed wit' a grin
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ *shrugs*
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ *crosses arms and glares*
wanted to disappear ➔ *glares harder*
smile or eyes ➔ Eyes that smile, ya ken?
shorter or taller ➔ Doesnae matter
intelligence or attractive ➔ Why nae both? *ponders* Though, attractiveness can mean many things...
hook-up or relationship ➔ Each has their merits. Depends, I suppose
do you and your family get along ➔ *tenses*
would you say you have had a “messed up life” ➔ A colorful one, maybe. Nae 'messed up'
have you ever run away from home ➔ *jaw tenses*
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Nae
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ I might have disagreements with some but I doonae hate my friends. If I did, they'd nae be friends, aye?
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Dinnae I just answer that, ya walloper (idiot)?
who is your best friend ➔ *melancholy look* whispers...Bran. *fidgets and sits up straight* Kaidan
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misterier · 2 years
oh that was nice i just read that! thank you!
then maybe one with damian ? not him as dark but as himself. his a really underrated character imo. we know damian and DA went to the same uni, so maybe they were roommates and DA gets really sick and they take care of them ? idk im in mood for some hurt/comfort skskss
| Yeah fs! sorry for all the questions, I hope this is alright, I wasn't sure if this was romantic but that's what I'm used to writing so I'm sorry if there was some romance hints in there.
also, my apologies for taking so long 💀 I low-key forgot this and rushed the ending, hope it's at least decent. thanks for being patient<33
this is also super short sorry about that 
674 words, 3,714 characters
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| Damien had gone to a party hours ago, and Y/n was still stuck in bed, though by now they were finally signs showing they were sick and their hair was a proper mess, sticking in all directions. They sighed and brought their hand to their pounding, burning head; they were miserable. Just as they reached for the water on their bedside, the glass fell to the ground and shattered; they bit their lip to stop themselves from screaming in pure frustration.
They threw their heavy blanket off in a huff and slammed their feet to the ground, only to get a wave of dizziness that sent them falling back into their bed. Y/n rubbed their eyes and sighed once again, the urge to scream echoing in their mind, then suddenly the door to the dorm opened slowly. Damiens eyes brightened seeing them awake, “Y/n! Hey, are you feeling better?” He questioned, slamming the door out habit making them grimace and cover their face. He winced at their reaction, quickly apologizing. They blinked slowly from pure exhaustion, groaning slightly when Damien moved closer to them, the shattered glass cracking under his shoe. "Did you...Did you break the glass?" He questioned, looking down at the remains in concern. "Yeah, I'm sorry, it just tipped when I reached for it." He gave them a sympathetic look; as much as he wanted to scold them for not cleaning their mess, he couldn't help but feel bad for them, after all, they would have cleaned if normally if they weren't so sick. "I'll get it, no problem." His frown changed to a fake, quick smile, already walking off to fetch a hand broom "Hey! Can you get me a water bottle?" Damien hummed in the kitchen, easily hearable through the thin, poster-filled walls.
Damien plucked the short broom and the dust pan from the nail on the wall and he swung the fringe open, grabbing a freezing water. He stumbled back to Y/n, his hands full, they prompted up a bit, and weakly took the water, almost dropping it in the process. "Thanks," They mumbled with a sad smile, scooting up to the wall to keep their backs straight. Damien mumbled something under his breath with a gentle hint in his eye while he crouched to one knee and woodshed in the glass slowly.
Y/n looked up while sipping the drink, watching the glow in the dark stars they and Damien had put up on their first day. An even softer smile began on their lips before it was abruptly cut short by a throat scratching fit of coughs; they stirred the lid of the bottle closed with rattling hands and did their best to hide the coughs with their sleeve. Damien propped up quickly, cutting his hand on the glass but not even caring while he looked up at them with concern.
"Are you alright N/n?" They looked up at him with red, teary eyes and scrunched up brows "I'm just dandy Dame," they said, before being thrown into another fit. "Yeah, that was a dumb question. I'll get you some meds okay?"He frowned, staring at them before slowly walking off to the bathroom with blood pouring from his hand.
Y/n threw themselves back into their bed and sniffled. Being sick is so annoying, they thought to themselves while they looked around the room tiredly. Before they knew it, Damien quickly returned with a bandage over his hand and a bottle of pills. "Hey, here I got some water. Sit up a bit okay?" The said gently, pulling them up on a pillow and handing them two pills and a water bottle that crinkled as it was handled off. They threw the pills to the back of their throat and chugged the water, giving Damien a nod of thanks. He smiled at them, ruffling their hair as he sat beside them.
Y/n wrapped their arm around Damien's shoulders and pulled the man to their side, nuzzling their head into his chest while they rested their eyes. . .
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not a soldat | part 12.
Summary: Y/N L/N is not a superhero. No serums, no agencies. Just a civilian from a long line of family that’s served in the military. Y/N’s a history buff and bit of a spy in her own special way. This somehow lands her in trouble she never saw coming and straight into the hands of Falcon, Captain America, and Black Widow… if she doesn’t get caught in the unbreakable grasp of the Winter Soldier first.
Warning for the Series: violence, angst, slow burn
Pairing: Bucky x black!reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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Steve hugged Bucky as you two stepped off of the quinjet. The Avengers’ compound was very impressive. Tony and the others escorted you two around, giving the grand tour. You actually liked that everyone stayed together. Of course it was easier when each room was practically an apartment. You were also grateful that no one new was added since you’ve been gone— you had shed your more quiet ways with the team, especially after having to always ask Shuri or the Dora Milaje for help with translations; but you were still an introvert at heart and new people in your intimate settings made you feel some type of way. You were the only non-Avenger, S.H.I.E.L.D. worker that would be staying in the compound housing and not just leaving when office hours ended.
“So we have Buckaroo on Steve’s floor and Caliber, Nat and Wanda called you on their floor.”
“Oh, we’re not in the same apartment?” Bucky asked.
“You two?”
“It’s just we lived together in Wakanda, we both kind of assumed.” Bucky shrugged.
“We can always change that, Pepper and I are together on the top floor. What size bed, I’ll have F.R.I.D.A.Y. put in an order. Queen? King? I suggest California King, that’s what we have.”
“Um, we still need two rooms,” you said. “If it’s work don’t bother, Tony, it’s fine.”
“Yeah, I think I can take two floors up to see printesa. Not sure if she can handle the walk though,” Bucky said, cheekily.
“Love you too,” you said before muttering under your breath. “Cur.” (Ass)
“Ce?” (What)
“Hmm, nimic.” (Hmm, nothing)
You squealed when you felt yourself suddenly in the air, looking at the floor. Bucky had lifted you over his shoulder. The tags almost hit the floor as you kept dangling but you managed to catch them in time.
“Bucky, pune-ma jos!” you said, lightly hitting his back— no real feeling behind it. (Bucky, put me down!)
“Ia înapoi ceea ce ai spus.” (Take back what you said)
“Nu.” (No)
“Atunci nu te pot da jos, printesa.” (Then I can’t put you down, princess)
“Buck, everyone can see up my skirt.”
Instead of putting you down, Bucky adjusted his hold and used his free hand to cover the space where anyone could potentially see up your dress. He turned around to Nat and Wanda, asking what floor they were on. You screamed as Bucky jostled you a bit.
“Let’s go find your room, printesa.”
The other Avengers watched you two disappear towards the elevator down the hall.
“They do know what friends means, right?” Wanda asked.
Steve laughed. “If they were together, Buck wouldn’t hesitate to let everyone know. I’m just glad she’s got Buck back to the one I remember.”
Tony helped you set up your office very easily. You worked anywhere and everywhere but needed a place to store boxes and loose papers, not really wanting it all in your room. Bucky started training again, deciding to take Nick’s offer and sign to S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers. Much to Sam’s joy, Bucky at least tried to run at his pace or closer to it instead of being like Steve who constantly lapped them. Because you lived with them, you let the rest of the Avengers see you a little dressed down.
Since you and Bucky had returned, Tony wanted to throw a party to celebrate the homecoming. Rhodey told you it was better if you just rolled with it so you were on your way to the mall with the women of the team to buy a fancy dress. The men were also there too in the suits department, Tony insisting new outfits were necessary for everyone.
“I’ve been to a few military balls but nothing quite as fancy as this.”
“Yeah, that’s Tony for you. Too much money, no clue what to do with it,” Nat said.
“Already has five.”
“Oh, wow, okay.”
Sharon and Wanda found their dresses, leaving you, Nat, and Maria to keep looking. Your hand brushed along so many dresses. A few you liked but most weren’t your taste. While Nat was trying on dresses, you excused yourself for a minute from the group. Following the store employee’s instructions, you took the escalator to the lower floor where the suit department was. The men in their boxers tried to cover themselves as best as they could when your face peered from around the corner— except for Thor. You rolled your eyes.
“You boys aren’t that much of a sight, please.”
“You’re not looking at us even a little bit, darlin’?” Bucky leaned against the door frame of the dressing room, while the others still kept themselves covered.
“Lots of military men look like that. Just another set of muscles. Anyway, what color is your tux?”
“They showed me a dark green one, might go with that or just a black one. Is that helpful?”
“Yeah, I can’t find a dress but I figured I could start by matching it to your suit. I think we should complement each other.”
“Cause I like when dates match.”
“And you just knew I was going with you, printesa.”
“Do you know anyone else?”
“I know Stevie, Sam and I have been getting pretty cozy on our runs.”
“Hmm, okay, Buck.”
“Is that the sound of jealousy?”
“Of who? Sam and Steve having to stare at your ugly face all night instead of me?”
“I love you, too.”
Bucky lifted up the tags around your neck, pulling on them slightly that it moved you forward and closer to him. You had to place your hands on his torso to balance. You patted Bucky’s abs as you stood back up with proper balance.
“Okay, I’m gonna go find my dress now, I like the green idea, so you boys can stop huddling in the corner like school children.”
Bucky pulled you back in for a hug, your back against his chest, threatening to keep you hostage in the dressing room. You laughed as you struggled to get out of his grasp.
“Eww, you’re half naked,” you whined. “Let me go get my dress!”
He laughed but let you go. You playfully hit him and then bounded out of the dressing room to go back upstairs and continue looking now that you had some sense of direction. The others looked at Bucky once you had left.
“So, Caliber?” Tony asked.
“Yeah, guess I’m being forced to go with the green tux now,” Bucky huffed out a laugh while putting on his street clothes.
They all looked at each other, that wasn’t what they meant. Either Bucky was thick skulled or avoiding. Someone was going to have to take one for the team. Clint sighed, deciding he would be the one to do it.
“How long have you two been together?”
“Me and (Y/N)? Ha, we’re not together. You know you’re not the first to say that, think I heard one of the scientists say it while in cryo. Weird.”
“Yeah…” Steve wasn’t sure how to go about what he wanted to say next.
“I mean, I think we just all notice you two wouldn’t look bad together you know.”
“Hmm, I mean I guess. She’s just… my person, trust her with everything. Ha. Together, crazy. You guys are funny.”
They stood there as Bucky chuckled and walked out of the room, shaking his head.
The girls clapped as you exited the dressing room. You were in a body hugging champagne colored dress, the neckline plunging. Nat forced you to do a spin and added a pair of heels she thought would go great. You looked at yourself in the big mirror, nodding in approval.
“The slit in the dress is nice,” you said.
“Makes you look hot.”
“I just like that I can still wear the knife.”
“Right, Barnes’ knife,” Maria said. “So when did you two become a thing?”
“We didn’t?”
“Oh, no?”
“Does Bucky look like my boyfriend?”
“You two are just so close.”
“Of course, he’s my guy. Ha, together, that’s a good one. K, let me take this off and we’ll head to check out.”
The other four women looked at each other in disbelief as you headed back into the dressing room. Nat shook her head. You left the changing area and met up with the boys downstairs to pay for the dresses and suits. While in line, you were behind Bucky. He felt your head hit his back and reached behind him to pat your back as best as he could. You slipped your hand into the metal one hanging at his side.
The team watched as you two walked ahead of them out of the mall and into the parking lot. You were holding both of the bags while his arm was around your shoulder, tapping the door knock pattern. He stopped tapping your shoulder and moved to tap on your temple just to mess with you. You swatted his hand the first two times before stopping, forcing him to stop too. You tapped the door knock pattern back to him, on his forehead.
“Mai bine fugi, printesa.” (You better run, princess)
The team watched you throw the bags at him and start to run to the car. Bucky shook his head and picked up the bags before running after you. His pace was clearly a lot slower to give you a chance; but he caught up to you anyway and grabbed you. You took the bags back and you two walked like normal.
“So those two are idiots, agreed,” Tony said.
Of course, you had heard of Stark’s infamous parties but there was something about being there in real life. Despite living at the compound, Tony made you all enter from the outside via limo. He also forced you all to go through the big gates and the security checks like everyone else just for the formality of it all. Everyone knew who the Avengers were so pictures and a red carpet were a must. At one point, they used to hate it, especially Nat and Clint who started as secret spies. But the team accepted it and left secret missions to the CIA or other units and now dealt exclusively with HYDRA and other threats that required more than just regular humans to stop— of course there was always cloaking technology if absolutely needed.
Bucky didn’t expect people to want to talk to him but lots of people were intrigued by the Winter Soldier. More than once throughout the night he was pulled from your side by some senator or even a socialite. However, no matter how many people pulled him away, almost every slow dance was reserved for you.
You were sitting at the bar alone while Bucky was talking to someone. You smiled at the bartender, thanking her for the drink she handed your way when you felt a hand on your back. You turned to see who it was. No one you knew. The man talked and you tried your best to have a conversation but it was a struggle, he was clearly very outgoing and since you didn’t know him you felt yourself retreating again. Sam rushed in to save you, making you get up for a dance.
“It’s great to have you back.”
“It’s nice to see your face again, Sammy… and eat your breakfast.”
He laughed. “Did you just miss me for my cooking?”
“Would you be upset if I said yes?”
“A little.”
“Then it’s totally not.”
He smiled and dipped you. Sam was always so much fun to be around. On some days you wanted to curse him for ever bringing you into this Avenger world but at the same time you wouldn’t change it for the world and that was all because of Sam.
“Can I be honest with you, Caliber?”
“Is it bad?”
“No, but it’s about you and Bucky. I know you two can’t see it but we do, the entire team. You two have something between you guys.”
“Yeah, I mean we’re f—”
“No. Friends is Clint and Nat, me and Sharon, you and me. Even Tony and Nat in their own way. You and Bucky go past that.”
“Alright, Sam.”
“Just think about it.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Both you and Sam knew you probably weren’t going to think about it at all. Bucky was just your Bucky. Sam finished your dance, it being the last dance of the night. Happy and the other bodyguards helped clear out all of the other guests until it was just the Avengers on the balcony. There was no music, just a small fire and the conversations of the team.
“Manchurian Candidate.”
“Yes, Tony,” Bucky said with a roll of his eyes.
“I think your princess is knocked out.”
Bucky looked down at where your head was laying in his lap, he was gently stroking your cheek with his hand. The team collectively took a sip of their drinks to refrain from saying anything as they watched Bucky lean in close enough that his nose brushed against yours. You reached your hand up to tap the side of cheek twice. Before you got out the last tap, Bucky tapped your cheek instead.
“You tired?”
It was phrased as a question but Bucky knew the answer already. In the prime of Winter Soldier days he was a lot like you, instead of being the usual extroverted Bucky from the 40s. Lots of people could be draining. The rest of the team was still on high from the party and the mingling but you were officially on empty.
“Tony, why are your parties so big?” you asked, turning your head to where you assumed he was but still refusing to open your eyes.
“How else am I supposed to go, Caliber?” He chuckled as you groaned in defeat.
“Do you want me to take you up, now?” Bucky asked.
“Nah, enjoy your talking. Just take me up when you leave the balcony,” you mumbled as you turned over and wrapped yourself around him as best as you could in the tight dress. The last thing you heard was Bucky apologizing to Natasha about the Red Room.
Once they left the balcony, Bucky scooped you up and carried you towards the elevator.
“Can I stay in your room, Buck? I’m tired.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, I wouldn’t want to wake you with the nightmares.”
You sat up in his arms as best as you could. “Nightmares? When did this happen?”
“First day back in the compound. The fight in Wakanda triggered it all at once.”
“Bucky, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, I’ll be fine. Didn’t want to worry you, printesa.”
(Part 13)...
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