#straight wavy or curly hair can be braided as far as i know
ackermai07 · 2 months
hi there !! i hope you're having a great day so far ^^
i wanted to request the three musketeers (katsuki, izuku, shoto) that give prince/ss treatment to reader ! like the reader is just so tooth-rotting sweet that the boys can't help but treat reader that way ฅʕ◍·̀·́◍ʔฅ
you are so free to ignore this if its not up to your taste ^^ thank you in advance !! 💌🍰
girl you're crazy if you think this isn't up to my taste, you literally blessed me with this! Anyways I hope you have fun reading, enjoy!
𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: Todoroki, Bakugou, Midoriya, fem!reader
𝗪𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: headcanon, fluff!
Don't repost!
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The one thing we all agree on.
He'll cook for you.
No one argues with this; he's literally your personal chef.
He'll always make sure you eat well, whether you're a big eater or not.
This damn guy will literally stuff your stomach and cook for you anytime.
You can wake him up even at 2 a.m., and he won't mind, like:
"Hey, Katsu... I'm feeling kinda hungry... so-"
"Shut up, I already know."
And boom, he'll get up to cook a delicious meal for you and make sure you go to sleep feeling full.
He also loves styling your hair, no matter the type.
Straight, wavy, curly, it doesn't matter.
Just tell him how you want your hair, and he'll do it professionally.
He does most of the chores for you, like cooking, washing dishes, doing laundry, etc.
He absolutely hates seeing you tired or exhausted; he sees himself strong enough to do everything.
"You weren't created for exhaustion, not even your beautiful ass deserves to be tired from sitting."
Another reason he always holds you in his arms when you're alone together.
He always brings snacks for you at school.
At the end of each class, he turns around to give you candy or chocolate to keep you energized.
(He completely refuses to admit he brought them for you, always saying he got them by chance.)
When you're sitting in the dorm with others, he lets you rest your head on his shoulder if you're tired.
He absolutely doesn't let you go downstairs; he always carries you bridal style while going down while you're in his arms.
His excuse is that you're too foolish and will definitely trip and fall and hurt yourself.
(He loves you dearly and worries about you like crazy.)
Did I mention he's your guard dog?
Wherever you are, he walks behind you and gives death glares to anyone who dares to stare at you.
He also makes sure every day that he's the first person to say good morning or goodnight to you, whether in person or through messages.
He's not a big person with words, but he makes sure to say "I love you" enough times because he knows it makes you happy.
Believe me, he's just there for your happiness (I would die for this man).
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This boy is the epitome of sweetness.
He's not just a green flag, he's the whole forest.
One thing I'm sure of is that he'll take notes for you during classes.
Even if you've already taken your own notes, he doesn't mind.
He still brings your notebooks and edits your notes to make them look like his own.
If you ask him why he does this, he simply replies:
"Just to ensure our information is the same so we don't have any problems when we study together."
He just loves being the reason behind your intellectual growth and knowing that he's helping you.
Every night, literally every night, he braids your hair.
Because he simply read that braiding hair before bed helps keep it healthy.
(He loves touching your hair and smelling its scent.)
Speaking of nighttime, he takes you for walks at night when everyone else is asleep and lies on the grass to watch the sky just because you told him you love seeing the stars.
He's literally the kind of gentleman who lays his jacket over a puddle of water for you to walk on so you don't get wet.
He has a sixth sense about you, so for example, whenever something bad happens to you, he's already there to fix it.
He's 100% ready to defend you against anyone and doesn't feel embarrassed to stand up to them either.
He carries your bag for you on the way to school and back to the dorm, insisting on it even when you say it's okay.
He loves sharing his food with you; he always does.
No matter what it is, he always makes sure you take at least a bite of it.
"I don't taste the food's flavor until I share it with you."
He always keeps your hands intertwined and makes sure you're close to him, especially in crowds.
Every day, he makes sure to kiss you on the cheek and tell you how perfect you are, how lucky he is to have you, and how much he loves you.
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This guy is literally like a character from books.
He has a top-notch degree in princess treatment.
He buys you anything you want, no matter what.
Even if it's a car plated with gold, he'll always fulfill your desires.
He flirts with you, but in poetic ways.
For example, he reads a love quote or a poem and makes sure to dedicate it to you.
Either he writes it for you on a paper and places it on your desk in your room before you wake up, or he whispers it in your ear just to drive you crazy.
He loves seeing you shy and flustered.
He also buys you books, a lot of them.
The reason for that is your talk about a story or a novel.
Be sure that by tomorrow he'll present you with the entire book series along with a red rose.
"Shoto! You didn't have to do that!"
"If my girl desires something, she gets it."
(Help me... I'm melting while writing this)
He lets you do anything to him literally.
Braiding his hair, putting makeup on him, dressing him up as you wish... etc.
Just say the word, and he's like, "Yes, ma'am"
(Once you put your daily makeup on him, and literally you cried because he looked more beautiful than you by miles.)
This man is literally carrying your bags when he takes you shopping.
And he doesn't complain; it gives him a sense that he's your strong man.
He also allows you to try makeup on the back of his hand.
(He's as pale as hell.)
He carries you on his back if you feel tired from walking.
Or in other words, if he feels it, which means he always carries you on his back.
So you won't tire from something as silly as walking.
He knows that everyone is looking at both of you, but does he care? Of course not.
(I feel like he's read "The Art of Indifference" at least 100 times.)
He's the kind of guy who allows you to wear anything you want.
You might come to him not sure about your clothes, and he simply shrugs in indifference.
"Wear whatever you want; I can fight."
(But not too revealing because you won't get away with it.)
One of his greatest features is that he uses his quirk to either warm you up or cool you down according to the weather.
He always gives you his jacket even without you asking because he knows that his scent calms you down and also ensures that you're warm.
Like the others, he makes sure you eat well and goes crazy if he knows you haven't.
(I think this is an Asian thing...)
This might seem gross, but on the contrary, it's not the case for him, but he allows you to spit out the food you didn't like on his hand.
He tells you to do it in the most poetic expression ever.
He hugs you a lot, first because he loves being close to you and secondly to stick his scent to you, so people can smell you and know that you're his
(he has a special scent so..)
(I've written a lot for him, I know, and I'm sorry, but I love him so much that I couldn't stop!!)
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I hope you had fun reading! Please feel free to request more whenever you like!
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Hello, Erika! Could I please ask, for the current event, a Nozel Silva scenario, in which the reader has a very soft and pretty hair that Nozel asks to braid, please? Thank you! Have a great day/night!
Here it is, folks! The final request of the event! I honestly didn't intend for this request to be the absolute final post for the event but that's how it turned out!
I am in fact having a wonderful day when this is being posted so thank you for that.
And Anon, I must say I really like this request. Not just because it has to do with Nozel. It's because it's an inversion of what I usually see involving Nozel and hair. Usually, it's the reader doing his hair but this time... He's the one giving the reader soft and tender love.
Summary: After returning from separate missions, you and Nozel share a quiet moment of intimacy, something simple but beautiful.
Word count: ~850
You shook a hand through your hair, fluffing up its volume now that it had dried. After two weeks without proper care, having spent the time traversing a massive strong magic region, you were happy to give your long locks a proper cleaning.
The silence was broken by the door to the bedroom squeaking open. You turned your head to see Nozel stepping through the door. One moment he was staring at you and the next he had you in a tight embrace.
“Hello, my dearest,” he whispered so softly, so sweetly. “It’s good to have you back.”
After a moment of soaking in each other’s warmth, Nozel pulled away from you. But he didn’t fully let go, holding one of your hands and caressing your cheek. He smiled at you and you smiled back. Of all the luxuries you had in life, Nozel was the greatest of them.
“Did you really miss me that much?” you asked, part teasingly-part genuinely curious.
Nozel let out a sigh. “If I didn’t, I’d be a sorry excuse of a fiancé.” He paused to kiss your palm. “Winding down for the evening?”
You answered with a simple nod.
“Then how about I help you?” Nozel moved the hand he had on your cheek to your hair and twirled a lock around his finger. “I know how you like to do it.”
“It’ll be different from braiding your own hair.”
“Different but not a challenge,” Nozel chuckled. “Not that I’d mind a challenge.” He coaxed you into turning in your seat. “Now relax and let me take care of you.”
“Alright then.” You sat straighter while still managing to keep your body at ease to make Nozel’s job easier.
“So is this your first time doing someone else’s hair?” you asked as Nozel worked.
“No, actually.”
“Ah…” You didn’t need to ask who it was.
You felt his fingers barely touch the crown of your head as used them and a comb to part your locks into separate sections. You could practically feel Nozel eyeing the back of your head trying to figure out how to perfectly divide your hair into equal parts. Unnecessary but if he didn’t do it, you might’ve doubted that it was Nozel.
“Then it’s been a while.”
Nozel hesitated for a moment. “Yes.”
“Then I’m glad you get another chance to do it for me,” you replied.
You felt a kiss on the top of your head which you interpreted as Nozel saying “I’m glad, too.” This was the side of Nozel that few knew about and less have seen. It caused your heart to flutter and made you grin a little wider.
Nozel brushed his fingers through your hair, searching for any knots that may have formed while moving it about. He was so gentle about it. You hardly even felt a tug though your hairs tickled your cheeks as Nozel combed through them. It took some time for Nozel to check your hair. Though you suspected it had less to do with him actually searching and more to do with him appreciating the color and texture of your locks.
Then began the actual act of braiding. Nozel held your hair taut without yanking on it as he wove your hair together. As he went, you realized that his technique was a near perfect replication of your own. From the way he parted your hair to the braiding pattern.
You parted your lips to speak, Nozel spoke first.
“You have a peculiar way of braiding your hair, you know. I’ve asked around for techniques and none seem to match the way you do it.”
You felt the ghost of Nozel’s fingers against your scalp as he crossed the sections of your hair. Feeling it and watching in the mirror, you saw Nozel calculating his motion. He really was attentive.
“You came up with it yourself.”
“And you’re recreating it perfectly,” you said, breathless with awe. “You… I know you’ve seen me style my hair before but I never thought you…”
“Paid so much attention?”
You looked in the mirror where yours and Nozel’s gazes locked. He teased you with a little smirk. In retaliation, you reached behind yourself and jabbed Nozel’s stomach.
“Let’s not play today. It’s getting late,” Nozel faux scolded. He took a breath. “I’m serious though. I admit, I’m no good at grand gestures. But I still try hard to be good enough for you. So I pay attention so I know what you like and what I can do for you.”
As Nozel spoke, you could feel your hair coming together in the braiding style you had gotten so used to. And apparently Nozel had familiarized himself with.
The simple yet thoughtful action. The loving touch of his hands. His heartfelt words in the quiet room. It all came together as a genuine declaration of his feelings, ones that you knew he had trouble expressing but now…
“I finished.”
You rose out of your seat and turned to Nozel. As you cupped his face in your hands, you guided Nozel into a chaste kiss.
“I love you, too.”
“Mm? But I didn’t—”
“You did say it. I know you did.”
With that, you kissed Nozel again.
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you're the pink in my cheeks (i'm a little bit soft)
summary: "and i know we'll never grow old together / cause you'll never grow old to me / you're the pink in my cheeks / and i love that it means i'm a little bit soft / you're the pink in my cheeks / and i love that it means i'm a little bit soft"
- "monster," marceline (adventure time)
(OR: 5.4k of soft domestic lesbian!analogical, featuring lesbian!moceit, trans male!remus, trans female!roman, and Gay Shenanigans)
a/n: huge thank you to dandie for beta'ing this fic!
i just wanted to write wlw is that so wrong of me? no. no it is not.
CW: alcohol mentions, a few sex jokes, swearing, one implied instance of potential sexual activity (although it doesn't go any farther than making out; if you want to skip that part, skip the section that starts with "Did you get the right kind of popcorn?")
word count: ~5.4k
read it on ao3!!
“I think I may be going insane,” Logan says, squinting at her laptop screen. Virginia, hanging upside-down in the armchair, looks up from her phone and blinks.
“And why is that?”
“Because I am starting to agree with Rosie’s anti-Florida agenda.”
“I didn’t realize that there was an anti-Florida agenda.”
“Rosie has one, and I have always thought it facetious. However, if this laboratory does not start sending me my requested samples and information in a timely manner, I will be forced to concede that Rosie may have . . . a point.”
“You, agreeing with a lit major? I never thought I’d see the day,” Virginia teases. Logan initially resists the urge to stick her tongue out or flip Virginia off, because that would be childish, but then she remembers that Virginia does not care about her childishness, so she sticks her tongue out. Virginia snorts with laughter, and Logan feels warm, fizzy pop-rocks bursting in her chest.
Her phone buzzes next to her, and she picks it up. There’s a new message blinking for her attention on the screen.
[from: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
a, b, or c
[to: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
. . . What?
[from: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
*rolls eyes*
[from: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
i need you to make a selection, logan. a, b, or c.
[to: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
I am confused. What am I selecting between?
[from: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy
[to: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
Yes. I would like to know. That is why I asked you.
[to: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
Also, I am not a meteorologist. Or a boy.
[from: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
it’s a meme, i’m sure v will be happy to show you the og. but first: make a choice
[to: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
Option B, I suppose?
[from: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
vodka it is!
[to: snesbian (snake lesbian)]
Wait, what?
Her phone buzzes again, another text thread lighting up, and Logan abandons the now-fruitless conversation with Jan to see that her wife has texted.
[from: soda poppy]
y is jan fillin a thermos with vodka and sayin u gave her the go ahead? >:(
[to: soda poppy]
I am unsure. She texted me asking me to make a choice between “a, b, and c” with no context given. When I eventually selected “b,” she excitedly mentioned vodka and logged off.
[from: soda poppy]
her an remy r going 2 a pta meeting tonight an i guess they’re goin drunk
[to: soda poppy]
Is that a . . . normal occurrence?
[from: soda poppy]
sadly yeah
[to: soda poppy]
Wait, is she even allowed to attend PTA meetings? You two don’t have any children?
[from: soda poppy]
she’s on the school board so she has the right 2 attend. idk if she’s supposed to or not but its never stopped her b4
“Everythin’ good over there?” Virginia asks.
“I believe I may have just enabled Jan to attend a PTA meeting drunk.” Virginia snorts, swiping at her phone.
“Good for her, honestly. The only reason she and Poppy live in that neighborhood is so that Jan can flaunt her wife in front of all the capital-s Straight people, because she’s a petty fuckin’ bitch.”
“That is a strange word choice for your best friend.”
“I hate Jan, she’s a bitch,” Virginia says, smirking fondly at her phone. Logan knows her girlfriend well enough to know that this statement is disingenuous, so she stands up, stretching her arms above her head, and leans down to drop a kiss onto Virginia’s forehead.
Logan blinks awake slowly, feeling for the position of her limbs. She’s on her left side, left arm tucked up under her pillow to cradle her head, wrapped in the thick comforter of their bed. Her right arm is slung across Virginia’s body, and her girlfriend is pressed up against her, head tucked right under Logan’s chin and face nestled into her neck and chest. Virginia breathes, slow and deep and even, and Logan hums, huffing out a soft exhale.
She carefully wiggles out of bed, tucking the comforter around Virginia’s curled-up form. Virginia grumbles when the cool morning air slips against her skin, because she is a foolish woman who insists upon sleeping in short shorts and a spaghetti-strap tank top no matter the current weather patterns. Logan wraps her up, making sure that she’s shifted into the middle of the warm divot of body heat, and Virginia settles in, asleep again in a heartbeat.
Logan turns to the corner chair, where her early-morning outfit is already laid out: athletic leggings, a sports bra, a moisture-wicking quarter zip jacket. She changes quietly, lights off, and tugs on a pair of ankle socks before slinking into the bathroom. Once the door is shut, she flicks on the soft lights over the vanity and carefully undoes her sleep braid. Normally, Virginia does Logan’s hair, because Logan is not good at dealing with her wavy, tangled, curly mess, but she won’t wake up her girlfriend for that. She can, at bare minimum, pull her hair up into a high ponytail for running purposes.
They live in a small town only a short walk (and even shorter bike ride) from the beach, full of little two-story brightly-colored beach cottages. Logan steps off her front porch, pulls out her phone, and quickly shoots a text.
[to: ginny <3]
I am headed to the beach for my weekly run. I will likely return before you wake up, but in case I do not: I will be back before 9 AM.
[to: ginny <3]
I love you <3
Logan kicks up the kickstand on her bike, runs her fingers over the glossy dark-blue paint flecked with white and silver and gold to mimic stars, and swings one leg over the bike seat. She carefully pedals out into the narrow road and heads for the beach. The cool early-morning air whips past her face, and she chances a glance up at the dark-blue-turning-light-blue-grey sky and smiles.
She’s always been an early-morning morning person, anyway.
Logan’s sneakers dig into the hard-packed wet sand along the water’s edge as she runs. Seagulls scatter in front of her, and the podcast Virginia recommended hums in her ear. The sun creeps up, up, up onto the horizon, coloring the blue-grey into streaks of brilliant pink and orange and gold, light reflecting off the water in resplendent diamond sparkles.
Logan runs half a mile down the beach, turns around, runs back to where she started and then runs half a mile in the other direction before turning around and running back to her starting point. By the time she’s bent over, hands on her knees, huffing out breath while her legs burn pleasantly, the sun has emerged fully from the ocean, and Logan is beginning to wish she had worn a visor.
She takes a moment to appreciate the sensory experiences of being on a nearly-abandoned beach: the scent of salt water, the sound of waves crashing against sand, the errant cries of gulls squabbling over fish. Their little beach is not nearly pristine enough for a tourist attraction, and too far north along the Atlantic coast to be warm year-round. Still, Logan loves it, and cannot imagine living anywhere else.
She hunts along the water’s edge as she walks, briefly, a cool-down before the bike ride home. She finds a few things worth photographing, a few crabs to shoo back into the ocean, and a few things worth gathering: an intact clam shell whose smooth curve runs unbroken from the heel of her palm to the tip of her index finger when she lays it flat in her hand, a light gray rock worn smooth by the waves that turns dark-gray-almost-black when wet, a small spiral shell that she thinks may have broken off of the top of a snail shell. Logan wraps all three things carefully in a small handkerchief from the little bag she keeps in her bike basket, pulling out her phone to note the time (8:37 AM) and the message notification flashing at her.
[from: ginny<3]
dunno why you insist on being a morning person. stop by the dunkin on your way back and get us breakfast?
[to: ginny<3]
You had Dunkin for breakfast three times this week. You should consume something healthy.
[from: ginny <3]
>:( >:( >:( >:(
[from: ginny <3]
counterpoint: you bringing me dunkin is better than me not eating breakfast at all. which is the alternative because i do not want to get up and prepare anything
[to: ginny <3]
Your womanly wiles will not work on me in regards to Dunkin breakfast.
[from: ginny <3]
bitch (affectionate)
[to: ginny <3]
Would you like me to make you breakfast on my return, beloved?
[from: ginny <3]
. . .
[from: ginny <3]
will you make me an omelette? with all the cheesy goo an shit?
[to: ginny <3]
I will make you an omelette with some degree of “cheese goo.”
Logan slides her phone into her pocket, huffing out a laugh at her girlfriend’s behavior, and hops onto her bike again.
“Your omelettes are always so much better than mine,” Virginia says, moaning as she sinks her teeth into an enormous bite of egg and cheese. Logan, calmly dicing bell peppers to mix into her own omelette, smiles.
“All food tastes better when it is prepared by someone who is not you.”
“You’ve clearly never had anything the twins have cooked.” Virginia takes another bite, pops a multivitamin into her mouth, and chases it down with a gulp of milk. “Besides, it tastes better because you made it.”
“I am not the most accomplished chef in the world, certainly, but I am glad you enjoy my cooking.”
Virginia laughs softly. “Lo, I like your food because it’s prepared by someone who loves me. I can taste the love in everything you make for me.”
Logan turns back to her peppers to hide her blush. “Love is not a measurable ingredient when cooking.” Virginia laughs again, louder this time; when Logan sets the knife down, she hears Virginia’s chair scrape out behind her as she stands, feels her arms wrap around her waist, feels the cool skin of her face press into her neck.
“Love you.”
“Stressful day at work?” Logan asks, hearing the door slam.
Virginia kicks off her flats, sending them flying into the wall with a clatter. Logan sets down her crochet project and moves toward the entrance of their house, where Virginia is shrugging off her rainjacket to reveal a mint-green Peter Pan-collared blouse and dark gray dress pants. “The stressiest.”
Logan takes the jacket and shakes it out on the tiled entranceway before hanging it on the hook. “I am sorry, beloved.”
“Lots of assessments, lots of parents who don’t understand why I’m assessing their kid, lots of parents insisting that there’s nothing wrong with their kid, or that there’s no way their kid could possibly have the deficits that I’m seeing. Like, I wouldn’t make this shit up, you know? Literally, let me help your child. You came to me, remember? I’m not in the habit of imposing myself onto people.”
“That sounds very stressful,” Logan says. She tries to picture a life where she spends all her time interacting with people she doesn’t know on a regular basis instead of her little corner of the university biochemistry lab where she only has to interact with three or four known people and her immediate supervisor, mostly by email. It sends icy fingers skittering down her spine.
“It is, I hate it. I mean, Kitty’s my supervisor until I get my C’s, so if I have problems I can consult with her, but like . . . why are people the way that they are.”
Logan stretches up and presses a gentle kiss to Virginia’s cheek. “I love you, Ginny.”
Virginia exhales and folds herself around Logan, draping her body over her girlfriend and going limp and boneless. “I don’t wanna be a real person for the rest of the night.”
“That can be arranged.”
“But it’s my night to make dinner.”
“I do not mind switching and having you make dinner tomorrow,” Logan says. “This is an acceptable deviation from the routine.” Virginia pushes her face into Logan’s neck, and Logan nuzzles the side of her head, and she sighs like the entire world has lifted off her chest.
(This is how it starts:
Logan, taking a class on British literature in her sophomore year because she needs to meet her core requirements. Logan, meeting Rosie, disagreeing with her on almost every single point she raises in class, hating when they’re paired up for their midterm project but earning the best grade in the class overall. Logan, seeing a text from Rosie about how her housemate needs people to participate in a research study for extra credit. Logan, making the long trek down to the health sciences building and seeing Virginia for the first time, thinking that she’s pretty and not knowing that she’ll be thinking that for the rest of her life.)
“Hello, gorgeous,” Virginia hums.
“Are you talking to me or to the mint plant?” Logan says, aggressively stabbing her pointer finger against the Delete key. It clacks loudly, and she mutters an insult under her breath. “I am going to set myself on fire. I swear to god, I am.”
“Obviously the mint plant,” Virginia says, turning and dropping a kiss on Logan’s head. “You okay, honey?” Logan grumbles more and shoves the laptop away from her with a disgruntled noise. Virginia moves the laptop away and leans over to kiss her forehead.
“I am trying to politely word an email whose essence boils down to, ‘If you do not send me my fucking samples in a timely manner, I am going to be forced to commit an Atrocity the likes of which this earth has never seen’,” Logan says.
Virginia laughs so hard that she sits down on the tiled kitchen floor, wiping tears from her eyes. “You are so funny,” she wheezes. Logan feels her irritation fade a little under the brightness of her girlfriend’s joy. “Let me see the email, I’m good at professional bullshitting.”
“Braid my hair!” Rosie says, throwing herself down onto the couch. Logan lifts her laptop up just in time to keep Rosie’s head from slamming into the keyboard.
“Ginny is your best bet for braids, Rosie. I have limited experience.”
“It doesn’t have to be fancy, It just has to be off my neck.”
Logan saves her document and sets her laptop on the coffee table, poking at Rosie’s ribs until she slides onto the floor and settles cross-legged between Logan’s thighs. “A comb and some hair-ties would be appreciated.”
“REMUS!” Rosie shouts.
“I’m going to kill that man,” Rosie mutters, rolling to her feet. There are suspicious muffled thumping noises from the other room for a few minutes before Rosie emerges, victorious, hair somehow even messier than it was in the first place.
“You are the single loudest person I have ever met,” Logan sighs, taking the comb and the hair ties and beginning to drag it through Rosie’s curls. Rosie winces, just a little, at the pull of the comb, and Logan tries to be more gentle.
“Thank you!”
“I did not say that was a compliment.
Logan tugs her sweatshirt sleeves down from where she’d rolled them up previously, shivering a little. Part of her wishes that she had worn leggings instead of capris as she drags the folding chair a little closer to the bonfire, toes dragging through the still-sun-warmed sand. The speaker set up on the food table blasts some sort of current pop music, and Rosie and Poppy dance around each other, chanting the lyrics at each other. They are both very loud and very off-key and, Logan suspects, fairly drunk as well. Remus is in the ocean (definitely buzzed, potentially naked) and Jan is standing at the edge of the ocean, watching to make sure he stays alive.
“Hey,” someone says, low and rumbling in her ear. Logan does not flinch (just barely) and turns to see Virginia, holding a plastic cup with a poorly-drawn sketch of the state of Virginia on it. Her hair is starting to come loose from its messy bun, and her sweater sleeves keep sliding down over her wrists and nearly dunking into her drink, and her breath smells sweet and alcoholic. When she lifts her hand to Logan’s cheek, her fingers are cool, and Logan shivers.
“How’s my girl?” Virginia asks.
“Cold,” Logan answers honestly. Virginia laughs, tipping her head back and exposing the long strip of her neck. Logan wants to lick it.
“You’re adorable,” Virginia says, leaning in and pressing her mouth against Logan’s ear. Her breath is warm and slightly damp. “So pretty, my Logan, and so smart. I bet you know exactly what chemical compounds are making the flames turn that color, hmmm?”
Logan can feel her face burning hotter than the bonfire, but Virginia just sits languidly in her lap, feet propped up on the armrest. Her toes are painted pale purple, and the glitter sparkles in the firelight.
“How many drinks have you had?” Logan asks.
“Enough to feel all tingly,” Virginia says, swirling whatever’s in her cup. “How many have you had?”
“None,” Logan answers honestly. Virginia leans her head against Logan’s shoulder, and her wispy frizz tickled Logan’s nose. She sneezes, and Virginia giggles in the high-pitched, superficial way she only giggles when she gets really, really drunk.
“You sound so cute when you sneeze.”
“I do not.”
“Of course you do,” and now Virginia is looking at her, eyes glowing warm in the firelight. “You sound cute when you do anything. You’re cute when you exist. You’re cute no matter what. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone.”
Logan hates the taste of alcohol, but she leans in and kisses Virginia anyway.
“Pick a color.”
“I’m painting my toes again. Pick a color for me.”
Logan flops over onto her stomach, staring at the neat row of creme polishes sitting on their ottoman. Virginia’s bare feet are propped up in front of them, spread apart awkwardly with neon lemon gel toe spreaders, and she studies the nail polish like she’s trying to determine which vial isn’t poisoned.
“I like that one,” she says finally, pointing to a pale pink polish the color of the flowers Virginia brought her on their first date. Virginia hums, picking the bottle up and tilting it critically in the light.
“Not the one I would have picked, but I said you could pick, so I guess we’re doing it.”
Virginia tosses some bottles of toppers (or “tacos” as she calls them, slang from one of the YouTubers she likes) onto the bed while she paints her toes, and Logan sifts through them to settle on a blue-yellow iridescent one.
“I do not know how you can get behind wearing something called a Unicorn Skin,” Logan says. Virginia just shrugs and plucks the bottle from her hand. Their fingers overlap - Logan’s warm from where they’ve been tucked under her body, Virginia’s cool from where they’ve been gripping the glass bottle. Impulsively, Logan lifts Virginia’s fingers and kisses the tips.
“You’re going to smear the polish,” Virginia mutters, even though she painted her fingers earlier today and they’ve been dry for a while. She doesn’t bother to yank her fingers away, either, so Logan kisses them again.
Logan is fully aware that the only thing keeping Poppy from crashing into her like a floral-sundress-covered cannonball is the casserole dish in her hands. She counts her blessings and steps aside to let Poppy in.
“Where’s Jan?”
“Getting something from the car! It’s my turn to drive us home, so she brought something to drink.”
Jan primly kicks the passenger side door shut with her heeled ankle boots, a bottle of wine grasped by the neck in each hand.
“I hope you do not intend to drink both of those in their entirety tonight,” Logan says. Jan rolls her eyes and offers one of the bottles to her.
“This one is a gift for you and Ginia. The other one is for me.”
“None for Poppy?”
“Poppy is the designated driver, so she will not be drinking. And I know she already told you that.” Logan rolls her eyes, and Jan flips her off. “Are you going to invite me in or not?”
“What are you, a vampire?” Virginia shouts from the kitchen.
“Only one of us dresses like the undead, darling, and it isn’t me,” Jan calls back, stepping into the house. “Are the twins here yet?”
“They cannot attend. Remus has orchestra practice and Rosie is teaching a dance class. You already knew both of these facts, because you are in the group text.”
“I am not.”
“You responded to a message in the group thread fifteen minutes ago.”
“That was the NSA agent assigned to monitor me.”
“You are a liar.”
“What else is new?”
groupchat name: be gay do crime
soda poppy: hey every1! DONUT 4get to make ur bakesale goodies and drop them off at r house by 7 am on fri!
lo tide: Please use normal words. I am begging you.
snesbian (snake lesbian): then beg.
lo tide: I do not recall asking for your opinion.
snesbian (snake lesbian): and yet i give it to you anyway. am i not generous
virgin: if you don’t stop making fun of my gf i swear to god
virgin: also remus if you don’t stop changing my name i’m gonna end you
virgin has changed their name to gin(ny) and tonic!
gin(ny) and tonic: much better anyway
violets are blue rosie is me: i believe you meant anygay
gin(ny) and tonic: i said what i fucking said
ace attorney irl: you changed your name :(
gin(ny) and tonic: every day the Lord regrets giving all of us mod powers in this chat
snesbian (snake lesbian): i have no such regrets
lo tide: Can we circle back to the bake sale, please?
soda poppy: Whatchu wanna kno???
lo tide: I assume it is school related?
soda poppy: yep!
soda poppy: fundraising 4 this year’s art club field trip! since im the faculty advisor im in charge of approving and setting up 4 the fundraisers
lo tide: I see. And why, exactly, is it our responsibility to make things for this fundraiser? Should it not be the students’ responsibility?
soda poppy: they r makin stuff 4 it but also i gotta make sure some of the stuff will b edible yknow
lo tide: I see.
gin(ny) and tonic: listen i know that jan is like. a professional pastry chef an shit. but i’m not making anything fancy like a cheesecake or smthn
gin(ny) and tonic: i’m making like. fuckin brownies
snesbian (snake lesbian): smh don’t you care about the Children at all?
gin(ny) and tonic: no. they’re not my kids
ace attorney irl: i will make cookies
soda poppy: u cannot make them inappropriate shapes
ace attorney irl: :(
violets are blue rosie is me: do not worry, i will make sure they are an appropriate shape
violets are blue rosie is me: i’ll make cupcakes!
lo tide: I believe I have a recipe for lemon squares that I can make. Will lemon squares be sufficient?
soda poppy: yeah! just keep ur stuff free of common allergens like tree nuts
gin(ny) and tonic: so my plan to just yeet you a bag of reese’s peanut butter cups and call it a contribution is out then
Virginia throws a box of brownie mix into the cart and dusts her hands off. “There. Done.”
Logan raises an eyebrow.
“Don’t give me that look, we have the rest of the ingredients at home. We have tap water, we have oil, we have eggs, we don’t need anything else. What do we need for your lemon thingies?”
“Lemons, presumably.”
“You’re a comedian,” Logan deadpans. Virginia flips her off, and then leans in to kiss her cheek. “I do need lemons, though. Lemons, more eggs . . . I have a list in my phone.”
“What phone?” Virginia says, dangling Logan’s galaxy-patterned case above her head. “I think you’re too short for this, Lo.”
“Give me my phone,” Logan says, rolling her eyes. Virginia wiggles it above her head, laughing.
“Maybe you should give me something in return.”
“Like what?”
Virginia grins. “Like a kiss, perhaps?”
Logan rolls her eyes again, but she leans in and kisses Virginia gently, swiping her phone back when Virginia lowers her hand to cup her face. “Thank you for paying the toll, sweetheart.”
“You are ridiculous,” Logan says. It doesn’t stop her from gently kissing Virginia’s cheek before pushing the cart down the aisle again.
groupchat name: be gay do crime
lo tide: What time did you want us to drop off the baked goods, Poppy?
soda poppy: if ur gonna b in the area, u can just drop them off at my house!
ace attorney irl: i made some of the shapes inappropriate but those ones r 4 u and jan
soda poppy: what did u make 4 the bake sale?
ace attorney irl: . . .
soda poppy: what did u make 4 the children, remus.
ace attorney irl: nothin’ too crazy! jan had some normal summer shapes - suns, flip flops, etc. etc. used those
soda poppy: :D thx remus!
ace attorney irl: made some fishies too! but the octopi are just for u an jan.
ace attorney irl: i . . . may have painted dicks on them
soda poppy: well at least u warned me right
“Did you get the right kind of popcorn?” Logan asks.
“If by ‘the right kind’ you mean ‘your favorite kind,’ then yes, I did,” Virginia says, coming into the living room with a large yellow bowl full of fluffy popcorn. “What are we watching tonight? It’s your turn to pick, isn’t it?”
“Gay fish,” Logan says.
Virginia sets the popcorn on the coffee table and blinks at her. “That is . . . quite the description of Finding Nemo, sweetheart.”
“Not Finding Nemo, Ginny. Luca. It’s new, and it’s not explicitly gay, but there is a very obvious queer reading. I thought we could watch it together.”
“Anything with you sounds wonderful.”
“Sap,” Logan mutters. She leans in to kiss Virginia’s cheek, but Virginia turns at the last moment and presses their lips together.
“Are you sure you want to watch a movie?” she says. “We could just make out instead, if you want.” She pushes gently on Logan’s stomach, guiding her to lay on her back on the couch. Virginia lays on top of her, gently sliding a hand to rest warm and heavy on her stomach. She leans forward, pressing a gentle kiss to Logan’s neck, and then her jaw, and then rubbing their noses together.
“Tonight is movie night,” Logan says. Virginia presses their mouths together, and Logan hums, gently pressing up into the kiss. “We should be watching a movie.”
“Are you sure?” Virginia says. “I think we should pursue this avenue a little further.”
Logan squirms a little. “I - I would not - um - no, thank you.”
Virginia’s eyes, which were hazing over with something, clear as she blinks. “Okay, sweetheart.” She leans back, sits up, pulls Logan into a sitting position. “Are you alright?”
“I’m okay,” she says. “I just - I am not in the mood for that tonight. If that is okay.”
“Of course it’s okay,” Virginia says. She holds out a hand, and Logan takes it. Virginia kisses the back of it before settling herself on the couch. “I am so proud of you for expressing a boundary and telling me you were uncomfortable. I know that expressing boundaries is something that we’re both working on, and you did a wonderful job. Tell me what you want, Lo. Please?”
“I would like a kiss,” Logan says. “Just one. And then I would like to cuddle, and - and I would like us to watch Luca together. Is that acceptable?”
Virgil nods. “Of course, love. Come here, hmmm?” Logan settles next to her, and Virginia gently cups her cheek and presses their mouths together. “I love you, Logan. So much. Of course we can watch Luca now.”
Virginia lays an arm along the top of the couch, allowing Logan to cuddle up against her and rest her head on her chest. “I love you,” Logan says softly.
“I love you too, sweetpea.”
Logan rolls over, yawning, and feels a small weight displace itself from her thighs. She blinks awake slowly, lifting her head and pushing her curtain of curls aside to reveal a black cat mewing at her grumpily before settling into a sushi roll beside her.
“Did I wake you? I am sorry, Galileo . . .”
Galileo settles against her, purring softly, while the ash-grey cat at the foot of the bed pads slowly up to curl on Virginia’s back. “That’s your favorite spot, isn’t it, Andromeda?” The cat emits a soft “mrrrp” before settling back down to sleep. Logan yawns, smiles, and gently strokes her hears. “What should we do, girls? Shall we stay awake and be productive members of society?”
Neither cat responds, and Logan looks at Virginia. She’s haloed in the morning light, eyes tightly shut, mouth hanging open, drool leaking into a puddle on the pillow. She snores a little - one, two, three snorts before settling back into a deep sleep.
“No,” Logan decides, “we shall not.” She lays back down, gently nudging Galileo a few inches over so that she can snuggle up to Virginia. Galileo stretches out, pressing a paw directly into Logan’s cheek. Logan shoves her, and she resettles onto Logan’s feet with an indignant noise.
“You can sleep by my face when you do not kick my face,” Logan mutters, curling into her love.
groupchat name: be gay do crime
soda poppy: r u all comin 2 the bake sale 2morrow?!
lo tide: I was under the impression that we were only providing the baked goods. Is it not for the students at the school?
soda poppy: we got waaaayyyy more stuff than we thought so we r havin a 2nd bakesale 2morrow 4 parents an stuff!
soda poppy: we r gonna need sum help with setup though . . .
lo tide: Poppy, please do not even -
soda poppy: 🥺🥺🥺 p l e a s e
lo tide: Poppy.
snesbian (snake lesbian): logan
lo tide: If I agree to stop and pick up coffee for everyone, will that motivate you all to turn out?
violets are blue rosie is me: i’m always a slut for free coffee
lo tide: I’m sorry, where did I say that this would be free?
violets are blue rosie is me: D:<
ace attorney irl: eh i’m down for it. where you swingin’ by?
soda poppy: there’s a panera p close 2 where the bake sale is!!! it’s gonna b at the morning girl’s basketball game
lo tide: Does anyone have any issues with Panera coffee?
violets are blue rosie is me: nah. large iced coffee, add three ounces of half and half, two pumps of sugar syrup, two pumps of vanilla, and caramel drizzle.
ace attorney irl: complicated bitch much?
violets are blue rosie is me: why must the cain instinct betray me like this
ace attorney irl: the cain instinct started when we stole each other’s genders in the womb
violets are blue rosie is me: this is true this is true but you’re still a bitch
ace attorney irl: large hazelnut coffee, two sugars, please
snesbian (snake lesbian): large dark roast, black
soda poppy: medium decaf coffee, two ounces of almond milk, and two pumps of sugar syrup!
gin(ny) and tonic: large caramel latte
lo tide: You . . . are going to ride in the car with me to pick up the coffee, we can order our own coffees. I do not need your order, love.
lo tide: But I appreciate the information <3 <3
“We come bearing gifts,” Virginia announces loudly. “And by gifts, I mean we bought a baker’s dozen of cinnamon crunch bagels for everybody.”
“Well, there are twelve cinnamon crunch bagels and one plain bagel, bagged separately, for me,” Logan corrects, expertly balancing two coffee trays with a bagel container. “Also, we made more brownies.”
Poppy looks up from where she’s instructing two high-schoolers on how to hang a sign properly and grins, waving brightly. Jan is leaning on the table, hand on her head, sipping at a water bottle.
“Vodka or whiskey?” Logan asks dryly, handing over Jan’s black coffee. Jan blinks at her, flips her off, and drains a long swig from her cup.
“Water. Partied a little too hard with Remy last night, and now I’m hungover as shit.”
“We suspected as much, which is why we brought you an extra coffee.”
“Lifesaver,” Jan says, knocking back another long drag of coffee before taking a sip of her water bottle. (Logan suspects the bottle is actually Poppy’s, due to the sun-shiney stickers plastered all over it.) “You and Poppy both. But if you tell anyone that, I’ll gut you like a fish."
“No, you won’t,” Logan says, turning to hand Rosie and Remus their respective drinks. “You never do.”
Jan flips her off, but Virginia comes up behind her and leans her forehead against her shoulder. Logan turns, kissing her forehead, and smiles.
Life is good today, she thinks. Life is good.
(screen names!
virgin -> gin(ny) and tonic; ginny <3 = virginia (virgil)
lo tide = logan
snesbian (snake lesbian) = jan (janus)
soda poppy = poppy (patton)
ace attorney irl = remus
violets are blue rosie is me = rosie (roman) (thanks to @rosesisupposes for letting me borrow your screen name for this!)
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blueishccfinds · 4 years
Hello! I was just scrolling through reddit...and found this by theCCslug 😳 it is called "TS4 Hair Studio" (still in development) this is a game changer for cc hair creators! Feel free to reblog this so many people will get to see and support this lovely creator! The creator is looking for alpha testers!
(Update) Things we know:
1. Once you are finished, you just have to click the "Export the The Sims 4" and it drops into your mod folder.
2. The length and color of the hair can be changed, but of course, not only.
3. You just to drag a slider for the hair to go from straight, to wavy, to curly, to kinky.
There are many awesome features yet to come :
~ ombre, roots
~ hair shrinkage and volume
~ Braids, cornrows, twists, baby hair...
It also has a gallery that allow creators to share their creations with others. Creations can be made public, which means anyone can download them and export them . Creators can also give the right for their creations to be edited before export.
Sending lots of love to everyone, we all need it 🥺❤️
Tagging cc creators I know!
~ @gardenfinds @aharris00britney @motherplants @okruee @ridgeport @enriques4 @marsosims @oakiyo @simminginchi @simandy @vevesims @troublefind @maxismatchccworld @isjao @grimcookies @savvysweet @aladdin-the-simmer @wild-pixel
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please, if you’re in the mood......... tell us more about pre-trials geralt
sorry this got buried in my ask box for a few days i run an ao3 tag blog also and things tend to get a little lost sometimes
here are my pre-trials geralt hcs:
-first of all, his Looks
-pre-trials geralt is Hot
-like okay, post-trials geralt is hot too but like you know what i mean
-he has long brown curly/wavy hair
-bright blue eyes
-his voice wasn't nearly as deep and rough, it was more smooth and he was very good at using it to sweet talk himself out of anything
-obviously he was tall, but like lean muscular, not as jacked as he is later
-and he was always smirking
-essentially he looked like that picture of henry cavill in the sweater
-this one:
Tumblr media
-but his hair was a little longer and a little more curly
-and speaking of his hair
-he took much pride in it
-and he would do his best to upkeep his curls 
-he’d braid it, put it up, do fun intricate styles sometimes when he got bored and couldn’t sleep
-he wears leather bracelets
-and he always kept the laces or buttons on his shirt undone
-also he was a fan of just wearing the witcher equivalent of undershirts (chemises? idk)
-at that point he didnt have nearly as many scars, but he had a few from like training and shit
-in his opinion, they were enough to make him interesting and mysterious (and not a “monster”)
-he kept his shirts unlaced to show off the one slicing through his collar bone
-he would regularly work out shirtless (despite vesemir’s disapproval)
-and he’d put his freaking medallion between his teeth every now and then 
-his medallion is the equivalent of a fuck boys gold cross necklace
-essentially he's a fuckboy. a witcher fuck boy. 
-and everyone is in love with him
-and he knows it
-the younger baby witchers are so enamored by him (including one baby lambert) 
-and why wouldn't you be? he's attractive, he’s funny, he loves to pull pranks, and he can talk himself out of any situation
-oh thats the other thing about pre-trials geralt
-he talks. a lot.
-flirts with everyone. other trainees, the older witchers, even the mages (which comes back to bite him later)
-they claim he never uses the same line twice (he doesn't)
-he tries to learn as many languages as possible cause he knows people find it sexy when you speak another language
-and then there’s eskel
-he and geralt are Immediately Bros
-they look similar so they pull pranks on people 
-but it only works on the newbies usually cause everyone else can tell them apart by the fact that geralt’s far more outgoing and talkative and eskels a little quieter
-they know the whole keep inside out and backwards
-every secret passage, every room, every everything
-they hang out on the roof
-they have stashes of food and sweets and alcohol pretty much everywhere
-they “sneak out”
-and they throw parties
-well “parties” 
-which usually consist of getting a few other trainees together and drinking 
-they almost always get caught (cause hello they're in a keep full of fucking witchers) but geralt always talks them out of trouble
-they love pulling pranks on the mages cause they're so easy to annoy
-geralts the mastermind of all of them
-he steals their herbs, replaces them with other stuff, you know, classic hijinks 
-but they love trying to prank vesemir the most
-it never works
-but they still try
-and there are many rumors about geralt that circle the keep
-hes like the regina george of kaer morhen 
-people claim he's slept with everyone to the mages to trainees to witchers 
-he knows all these cool knife tricks and sword tricks
-part of witcher training at this point is being absolutely wooed by geralt
-so then the trials happen
-eskel and geralt have a big party the night before and for once vesemir doesn't try to interrupt because he knows most of them will probably die the next day
-and eskel and geralt are talking about how they're gonna have another big party after they all get through the trials 
-thats another thing
-most of the boys are at least a little terrified of the trials
-geralt is not 
-hes extremely confident and cocky
-he even picks his post trials name: geralt eric rodger du haute bellegarde 
-vesemir rolls his eyes, but knows there's no point in trying to change his mind 
-but anyway
-the trials happen
-geralt and eskel both survive along with a few others 
-and geralt’s eyes aren't blue anymore but thats okay cause he's still pretty much the same otherwise
-all the kiddos are relieved cause they likes geralt and eskel u know and if he can't survive the trials then what chance do they have?
-but then 
-one day a few days after the trials
-eskel notices that geralts not in their room and he's like hm cause they're still kinda recovering from the whole thing so where the hell would he go
-hes missing for a few days. maybe a week or two
-eskels freaking the fuck out
-no one knows where he is
-but then he's back
-but he’s not the same
-the mages got revenge on him for bugging them all those years by giving him extra mutations
-vesemirs pissed cause that wasn't what was supposed to happen
-geralts definitely different this time cause he lost more than just his eyes
-his long curls are gone, replaced by straight white hair
-he has fangs that make it awkward to talk cause he’s not used to them and he bites his lip
-even if he wanted to talk, that is, which he doesn't 
-cause during the extra mutations he had a potion that burned his vocal chords a little bit and now its all gruff and gravelly and it hurts to talk
-eskel realizes very very quickly that geralt is definitely not the same anymore
-starting with the fact that he refuses to look at eskel
-because they looked so similar before, so thats his biggest reminder
-eskel is extremely guilty and cuts his hair very short 
-but geralt still refuses to leave his room for some time
-cause now he thinks he looks and sounds like a monster, and he never wanted that
-everyone else though just falls more in love with him
-hes mysterious and striking and so different from all the other witchers
-he finishes his training as quickly as possible
-only speaking when absolutely necessary and otherwise just grunting (which everyone else finds incredibly sexy)
-he stops really caring about his body and just lets it gat scarred. it doesn't matter anyway what he looks like he's already a freak (in his head)
-and he doesn't flirt anymore. and he certainly doesn't smile. 
-and he changes his witcher name to something more simple and forgettable: geralt of rivia
-but the stories of him continue long after he's left the keep
-and on the occasion he comes home for the winter, the trainees all strain to catch a glimpse of the elusive geralt 
-every now and then when he gets really drunk he might crack a smirk or say one of his old pickup lines
-but other than that, pre-trials geralt is all but buried deep in his subconscious
-that is, until he meets jaskier
tag list cause i like these (hmu if you want on or off)
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smolfelton · 4 years
Draco secretly has curly/wavy hair, Harry loses his fucking mind when he finds out. Which is several months to a year after they start dating. How he missed it, nobody knows
I loved writing this! I’m a sucker for Draco’s hair, ya know? This drabble turned out a bit longer than I expected because I’m a whore for a good plot, but the more words the merrier, eh?
Harry loved Draco’s hair. It was probably his favourite physical aspect about his boyfriend. That, along with his dick, of course.
Harry and Draco had begun dating soon after Harry’s 24th birthday party, to which Draco had been invited to on a whim. They’d started working together as aurors the year prior, and Harry thought it would be a good idea to invite him to perhaps begin a friendship of some sort. The celebration had been held in a newly renovated 12 Grimmauld Place by Ron and Hermione, and all of his friends, some former professors, and nearly the entire aurors force had arrived. He didn’t actually expect Draco to show up to the party, but when he did, Harry was pleasantly surprised.
And show up, Draco did.
His emerald green robes had been tailored to perfection, with silver trim along the edges and a thin, hourglass-shaped waist that just screamed ‘squeeze me!’. But what caught Harry’s eye the most was Draco’s hair. His long, beautiful, platinum blond hair had been tied into a loose braid and was slung over his shoulder oh-so prettily, and Harry couldn’t keeps his eyes off of him.
“Potter,” Draco said with a nod upon entering.
“M-Malfoy,” Harry managed to stutter out, his face turning red with heat. “I’m glad you could make it.”
“Are you now?” Draco said more than asked. At that, he smirked, his silver eyes gleaming as he strutted away into the crowd.
Draco had never worn his hair down at work. Every day since he had arrived at the office a year ago, it had been tied up into a tight bun, not a single strand of hair able to escape it’s confines. Harry never bothered to wonder what it looked like down before, but now that he finally knew, he never wanted to see it hidden again. And it most certainly hadn’t helped him when it came to his long-rooted crush on the bloke.
Harry hadn’t exactly been subtle in his gawking at Draco that night. The blond man noticed his staring immediately, and instead of scaring him away, it only made him come closer. Draco would smirk and saunter around Harry, never more than a few steps from him throughout the entire party. Harry had watched him with intent, becoming jealous when Draco started laughing with Anthony Goldstein by the punch bowl, or fuming when Zacharias Smith slung his arm over Draco’s shoulder near the fireplace.
Harry hadn’t expected Draco to finally approach him again at around midnight that night. He especially hadn’t been expecting the way Draco was blatantly flirting with him, complimenting his clothes and his new glasses and his recent promotion and ‘My, aren’t you looking quite fit today, Potter.’” It wasn’t until after the two shared a few shots of firewhiskey, that Harry finally managed to summon his Gryffindor courage and pull Draco away.
“Where are you taking me, Potter?” Draco asked with a sultry voice.
"Just come,” Harry said, his mind buzzing.
“Oh my,” Draco practically giggled as he was pulled.
They ended up shagging in Harry’s upstairs broom closet later that night, at around half-past-one, protected only by a simple silencing charm.
A few days later, it was Draco who asked Harry out first. They went on a few dates, had a good shag or two, and were official boyfriends by the end of the month. Soon after, Draco quickly realised that Harry was quite taken with his hair, always looking at it and often running his fingers through it when he got the chance. Draco then took to wearing his hair down more often, just for Harry, though he would never admit it out loud.
A year or so passed and the two had moved into a flat out in muggle London. ‘Potter’s idea’, Draco would say, but deep down they both knew that he was just excited as well. Sometimes they both needed an escape from the magical world, to not be recognized as The Chosen One and a Pureblood Ex-Death Eater. At home, they were just Harry and Draco, and they were happy.
But Draco was hiding something.
It started immediately when they moved in together two months ago. Harry noticed that Draco would go into the bathroom perhaps four or five times a day, and wouldn’t come out for long amounts of time. Harry asked once, and was answered with a ‘Don’t be so nosy, Potter’ and didn’t ask again. At least, until one day he noticed something different about Draco.
Harry sat at the kitchen table, finishing his breakfast, when he looked over at Draco and realised that there was something different about him.
“Oh, I never noticed those before,” Harry said, slightly surprised.
Draco turned from where he stood by the counter, blowing delicately on his cup of tea, his sharp blond eyebrow raised in question.
“Noticed what, Potter?” Draco asked, his head tilting to the side.
“Your hair’s like... wavy at the bottom,” Harry said.
Draco seemed to freeze, his face turning even more pale than usual, which concerned Harry. It was true, though. Draco’s hair had grown far down his back over the last year, and Harry noticed that towards the end it turned into pretty waves, reminding him of sea. He’d never seen it look like that before.
Instead of saying anything, Draco simply sat his cup of tea down and walked quickly out of the room and to the upstairs bathroom. Harry followed and knocked on the door, worried by the way Draco was acting. It was only hair, after all, and Harry just thought that perhaps it had been a new hairstyle Draco was going for. But why would he get upset when Harry pointed it out?
“Love, are you okay?” Harry asked when Draco didn’t answer.
“I’m fine, Potter,” Draco replied through the door, his voice sounding very strange. “Now do go away, please.”
“What’s wrong?”
No answer.
“You can talk to me, Draco,” Harry tried once again. “If there’s anyth-”
“I said go away,” Draco suddenly snapped.
Harry frowned, but obeyed. He went back downstairs to watch TV, and Draco didn’t come out for nearly an hour. This time though, his hair was perfectly straight, as usual. Draco sat on the sofa beside Harry and cuddled up beside him, as if nothing had happened beforehand.
“Are you-”
“What are we watching?” Draco asked, cutting him off.
Harry didn’t bring it up again, knowing that he wasn’t going to get a willing answer out of his boyfriend. So instead, he set his plan in motion.
Two days later after work, Harry made his move. Draco sat at his desk, going over the last of his paperwork that needed to be finished, while mostly everyone else had left. Harry walked up behind his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around Draco’s shoulders, then planted a sweet kiss on his cheek.
“I’m going to the pub with Ron and Hermione. Want to come?” Harry asked, inwardly hoping that he would say no.
Draco sighed with a smile and shook his head. “As much as I would love to get shitfaced with you, Granger, and the weasel, I can’t. I have to finish the last of these, and tomorrow morning I’m having brunch with my parents.”
“Oh,” Harry said with a pout. “Are you sure, love?”
“Yes, dear,” Draco chuckled and turned to press a kiss to Harry’s lips. “Just don’t be out too late. And make sure you floo home safely, alright?”
“Okay,” Harry nodded. “I love you.”
“Of course you do,” Draco smirked and went back to his paperwork.
Harry quickly left after that, flooing home and changing into his normal muggle clothes before he grabbed his invisibility cloak and waited upstairs. Thirty minutes later he heard the floo roar, signaling that Draco was home, and ran into the bathroom. He positioned himself behind the open door and threw the cloak over himself, then waited patiently for his boyfriend.
Five minutes later Draco came into the bathroom and closed the door, still dressed in his auror uniform with his hair held in a high ponytail. He pulled his hair free from the band and shook it loose, the long straight locks that Harry loved so much shining beneath the bathroom light. Draco then lifted his wand and pointed it at his hair, and he whispered a quick finite incantatem.
Suddenly, gone was the straight long hair that Harry knew and loved. His green eyes went wide when the straight hair suddenly became wavy, loose curls. The curls made his hair appear shorter, now falling to the middle of his back rather than the bottom, but Harry could care less. All he could do was watch in awe as Draco undressed to take a shower, the waves swaying in the movement. He was so enraptured that he couldn’t help the tiny noise that escaped his lips when Draco pulled his shirt off.
Draco froze and looked up when he heard the sound, then threw his shirt to the floor and grabbed his wand off the sink counter. He held it in a firm grasp and pointed it in Harry’s general direction.
“Who’s there?” he asked, using his firm auror voice. “Show yourself!”
Harry quickly pulled the cloak off, knowing that his boyfriend wouldn’t hesitate to attack an intruder in the home. He held his hands up in mock surrender and felt terrible when he noticed the way Draco’s face changed into a look of horror, his body becoming stiff as he lowered his wand. The blond man then looked to the floor in what Harry could only assume was shame, his pale face tinted a slight shade of pink.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Harry asked, taking a step forward.
“You spied on me,” Draco gritted out, jaw clenched.
“Yes, and I’m sorry, love,” Harry said honestly. “But I had to know. Why did you hide your real hair from me?”
“It’s none of your business,” Draco said and turned away from him.
“Why, Draco?” Harry asked again, moving forward to gently put his hand on his boyfriend’s back. “Tell me. Please.”
Draco was silent for what seemed like eternity. Harry moved closer and wrapped his arms around Draco’s waist, then pressed his nose to the crook of his neck. He held him tightly, not planning to let go until he got an answer.
“It’s ugly,” Draco suddenly whispered.
“What?” Harry pulled his face back, surprised. “Your hair?”
“Yes, Potter,” Draco snapped, his shoulders beginning to tremble. “My hair is ugly and stupid and I didn’t want you to know what it really looked like! I didn’t want anyone to know! But n-now-” Draco cut himself off and put a hand over his own mouth, his voice beginning to tremble in the end, which was a telltale sign that he was going to cry.
Harry turned him around in his arms until Draco was facing him. His hand covered his mouth and his silver eyes were filled with unshed tears, and he looked anywhere but at his boyfriend. Harry’s heart ached for Draco, and he leaned forward to press a kiss to the man’s forehead.
“Oh, love,” Harry said as he pulled away. “Your hair is beautiful.”
“Stop lying,” Draco’s voice was muffled behind his hand, and a single tear fell down his pale cheek. Harry used a thumb to wipe it away.
“I’m not, Draco,” Harry insisted. “Your hair- your real hair- is so fucking beautiful. How can you think it’s ugly? Why would you say that?”
“Because it is,” Draco said, pulling his hand from his mouth and sniffing, doing his best to hold back his tears. “All my life I’ve hidden it. My father hated it when I was little, so my mother would use a spell every day to straighten it. Even when I went to Hogwarts I would have to fix it nearly three times a day, and if I didn’t and my father found out, he would... well, I don’t know.”
“Sounds like it’s your father who thinks it’s ugly,” Harry said. “Not you.”
Draco bit his lip.
“Look, love,” Harry said, taking Draco’s chin between his fingers and turning his head to face the bathroom mirror. “Look at your hair. It’s so bloody gorgeous, I think I could cry. I thought I loved it before, but now I don’t think I ever want to see it straight again.”
Draco finally looked at himself, his face filled with uncertainty.
“Do... Do you really like it?” Draco asked tentatively.
“I love it, Draco,” Harry said, unable to stop himself from smiling.
Draco said nothing. Instead, he returned Harry’s embrace and pressed his face into the crook of his neck. Harry felt a few warm tears soak his collar, but he said nothing about it. He simply rubbed Draco’s back as they held each other, ready to hold on for as long as it took. Even if he had to stand there all day.
“Thank you, Harry,” Draco said and pulled away after what seemed like forever. “Can I... Can I really wear it like this? Just at home, though?”
“Absolutely, Draco,” Harry nodded. “The real you is my favourite you.”
Draco sniffed and looked into Harry’s green eyes, almost as if he were searching for some kind of lie. For some untruthfulness, or for Harry to change his mind and tell him he was just joking. But when Draco could find none of these, he smiled and moved forward to kiss him deeply. Harry returned the kiss, his hands holding onto Draco’s perfect bare waist while his even more perfect, wavy blond hair tickled his brown cheek. When they pulled apart, their foreheads rested together comfortably.
“I love you,” Draco said.
“Of course you do,” Harry replied with a smile.
That night, Draco left his hair as it truly was. In bed, Harry ran his fingers through the long, silky waves until he was too tired to keep his eyes open anymore, and was happy when he woke up to a frizzy-haired Draco the next morning. Draco didn’t bother to straighten it, instead choosing to simply brush it before daring to face his parents during brunch with his blond waves.
When Draco returned home near noon with a smile so big that his cheeks had turned pink, Harry’s heart leaped with pride and joy. He kissed his beautiful boyfriend more times that day than he thought he ever had before, and no matter how many times Draco slapped his hands away, Harry’s fingers somehow always managed to return. After all, Harry loved Draco’s hair.
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Okey so Hi, me again! :)
I am actually wondering if the main characters are humans or/and other creatures?
Also, if you want to share it of course, I am wondering what relation are between them? Like how did they met and why? Maybe there's bigger purpose behind it?
*all their names have meanings and direct connects to who they are i just forget some of them 
here are their character sheets and a little worldbuilding mixed in
Name: Uriel
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race/Ethnicity: Angel, Caucasian
Age: Unknown (roughly 20 in human years if I had to give a number)
Family/Ancestry: An angel created by God, hierarchy system of angels (Archangels -> angels -> humans, this hierarchy system is only specific to their Realm), no "blood relatives", angels intended purpose is to protect and serve humans while providing knowledge, wisdom, and guidance
Realm: Realm of Angels (this name is a wip)
Appearance: light skin, blue eyes, silky long white hair, 6’ 1”, slender body, wears a pure cotton full body robe
Personality: quiet, observant, reserved, has a fascination with knowledge and learning about other cultures, is learning to have empathy for the other races however it’s not tolerated towards the Fallen
Hobbies: playing his harp, reading history books, (with his exploration in the book he develops the hobbies of talking walks in the woods/enjoying nature, collects plants and herbs for fun) 
Abilities: has the ability to heal, though healing only goes so far, wings can help him fly, trained at a young age to use a sword in combat if necessary 
Sexuality: Asexual 
Name: Azazel (Nickname: Zaz)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Race/Ethnicity: Angel (Fallen), Mixed (Caucasian/African)
Age: Unknown (roughly 21 or so in human years if i had to give a number)
Family/Ancestry: was created by God, no longer associated with the Angels, no “blood relatives”, considered to be a Fallen due to past transgressions, has a younger sister (not by blood) that he has protected ever since he lost his right to be an Angel
Realm: Realm of Obscurum (obscurum means darkness in latin)
Appearance: Brown skin, red (maroon) eyes , medium length dark hair with streaks of white, 5’ 10”, slightly muscular build, wears a thin black turtleneck sweater, black cargo pants, combat boots, and a hooded cape
Personality: withdrawn due to his outcasting, empathetic but doesn’t express emotions well, aggressive, doesn’t trust people well, protector
Hobbies: hunting, collecting herbs (natural healing remedies), sharpening knives, playing with his sister 
Abilities: was trained in sword wielding, but he prefers smaller dual wielding knives like daggers, hand-to-hand combat, used to have the ability to heal, knows a lot about the body
Sexuality: Gay (no this is not the reason he got cast out of the Realm of Angels)
Name: Mitis (Nickname: Tess) (mitis means gentle in latin)
Gender: Non-binary (she/they), they use their pronouns interchangeably, however in her human form she prefers (she/her) and in their fae form they prefer (they/them)
Race/Ethnicity: Faerie, Scottish or Irish i can't decide lol
Age: 300 (roughly 19 years human age)
Family/Ancestry: Faeries have been around longer than the comprehension of the human mind. Mitis comes from a large family, filled with more brothers and sisters than she can count. Fae culture is deep rooted in survival, family, and trust. In their nature states, the fae are easily controlled due to their small size, so over the years with their magic, they can now present as human if they so choose
Realm: Realm of Faes
Appearance: in her “human form” she’s 5’ 1”, red curly hair (wears a crown made of twigs, leaves, and flowers), freckles across their cheeks, green eyes, wears a short dress made of lilies, in her fae form, they look exactly the same but she’s an inch tall 
Personality: peacekeeper, kind and loyal, headstrong, pacifist, wants to be a hero, wants to be considered an individual, but since she has so many siblings, she gets referred to as “they” and the pronoun stuck but it's comforting for them, extrovert
Hobbies: reading, drawing maps, playing and talking with her siblings
Abilities: human form: bow and arrow (since being human is new and recent ability for the fae, she taught herself how to use a bow and arrow to defend herself), fae form: plant type magic (since they have developed their powers from birth, it's the strongest magic they possess)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Name: Sibyl (nickname: Sib) (another word for seer)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Race/Ethnicity: Human, Mixed (Filipino/Caucasian)
Age: 19
Family/Ancestry: Humans have been kept in check by the other Realms, but with that being said, they are the lowest Realm in terms of wealth and power. The Archangels in the Realm of Angels are in charge of looking after and governing the Realm of Humans as it is their duty to. She grew up without knowing her father, living with a single mother. She was blind at birth, but was also given the ability to see into the future. Maybe her father had magical abilities? But as far as anyone is concerned he was human too.
Realm: Realm of Humans (might change this name later)
Appearance: tan skin, short wavy black hair (neck length), grey eyes, 5’, wears a dark blue dress with see through sleeves (a slit down the middle of the sleeve), with a dark blue hooded cape, wears a belt with her essentials (weapons, food, water, etc)
Personality: Due to being exploited at a young age for her Seer Powers (as a way for her and her mother to make money), she has grown a distaste for people and beings in general, stubborn, manipulative, cold
Hobbies: Unknown
Abilities: can see into the future, can use her ability willingly when physically connected to the person in question, has some fighting abilities due to other heightened senses,, overexertion causes headaches and nosebleeds
Sexuality: Unknown (questioning) 
Name: Indra (means warrior god of sky and rain in indian)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Race/Ethnicity: Water Nymph, Indian
Age: 18 (water nymph years)
Family/Ancestry: Water Nymphs come from the ancestry of all women. Water nymphs are “born” during heavy rainstorms or thunderstorms. Heavy rainstorms/thunderstorms only happen roughly every few centuries due to water nymphs having a shorter lifespan (mother nature type of situation, in order to not flood the world). Water Nymphs tend to stay in one area, but the ocean is expanding drastically. Indra was born during one of the most destructive rainstorms of the century, she was the only one born that century and that’s how she received her name. She was raised by a community of Water Nymphs, she considers them all her sisters.
Realm: Realm of Nexus (Realm of Nexus is the largest of the physical present Realms on the planet)
Appearance: blue skin, plump cheeks, dark long wavy hair, purple/violet eyes, 5’ 3”, wears a tube top and high/low flared shirt, wear a bracelet made of grass and it has a little water lily attached to it 
Personality: positive, free-spirited, emotionally oriented, headstrong, mischievous
Hobbies: swimming, taking care of animals, sunbathing, having conversations with people close to her, training
Abilities: emotional based powers, powers are heightened when her emotions are heightened (both positive and negative emotions), negative emotions are more destructive while positive emotions are more creative, uses water around her as a weapon
Sexuality: Straight
Name: Lunar
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Race/Ethnicity: idk he's from the moon :), African
Age: 19
Family/Ancestry: Not much is known about space and anything beyond Earth (aside from the Realm of Angels), but what is being recently discovered is that there is a civilization on the Moon, a new peace treaty was introduced and now they are considered a Realm. No one really knows how they got there, but they are similar to humans except they use telepathic communication to reach each other. Talking vocally is not uncommon, Lunar has selective mutism which means at a younger something traumatic happened and he chooses not to speak.  Lunar was picked  to explore Earth and everything it has to offer. Lunar comes from a family of four; a mother, father, and a younger sister. Lunar uses telepathic communication, written communication, and USL (universal sign language) to communicate with others.
Realm: currently travelling between realms *an excuse to not call it Realm of the Moon 🤡
Appearance: long braided white hair, blue-grey skin tone, dark blue eyes, 5’ 5”, lanky build (but also stronger than he looks), wears white dress shirt with a dark blue vest, belt, and black pants, wears dress shoes, wears a satchel that holds his notebook and pen (his communication devices)
Personality: calm, quiet, reasonable, strategic, sweet, great listener
Hobbies: charting stars, playing with his younger sister, traveling
Abilities: telepathic, can communicate with others through his mind (with their permission), if there is a full moon, he can manipulate people’s thoughts though he's never done so, when communicating out-of-mind; he signs or writes it in his notebook
Sexuality: Straight
As for the next part of your ask, im completely fine talking about their relationships with each other and how they met (though as of rn, some stuff is set in stone and other aren't)
let's start with ships! so there are 2 ships out of the six and only one of them is romantic. lunar and indra will eventually be in a romantic relationship, they were the easiest to pair together. I first created what kind of being they were going to be. indra and lunar are inspired by the fact that the moon pulls the tides on the earth, so you could say its fate :') the second relationship is uriel and azazel, they are platonic soulmates. i had to give a lot of thought about uriel and azazel's relationship and what I wanted it to be or mean. all I can say is, is that uriel is asexual and comes to that revelation through self growth with zaz! I also thought about having mitis and sibyl have some kind of romantic relationship, but I didn't feel right so they are simply friends and who will eventually trust each other a great deal.
i like to think of them as a family: uriel and zaz are like the parents of the group (zaz will never admit it though), mitis and indra and the mischievous kids, they mess around and do dumb stuff because it looks fun, sibyl is like the brooding teenager (if this world had headphones, she'd never listen to anybody), and lunar is just the good kid parents always want lol
next is how they all met! this is actually what I'm trying to figure out in my writing right now, so its great that you asked this because I can think on it and solidify it more. the rough idea i have, is that uriel finds an old book hidden behind a wall or a bookshelf in one of the historical archives that tells a story of the future (Uriel's present) of the event of a catastrophe that hasn't happened yet, but six individuals from all 6 Relams needing to save the world. uriel is essentially the catalyst that gets the group together because curiosity got the best of him. in terms of the order they met: Uriel meets Sibyl because he was assigned to monitor her and guided her cause she was causing ruckus in the Realm of Human. Sibyl gets a glimpse of the future and decides to trust him enough to see this through, they then meet Azazel, Mitis, and Indra (though I don't know what specific order yet) and Lunar is last, and they literally just run into him as their traveling in the woods like "who are you 😳" 
also yes, them coming together definitely has more than its letting on, but I'll keep it to myself for now ;)
im still working out the kinks of the whole "saving the world" bit and whether or not I should introduce a villain to the story! but each of the main six do have problems of their own they have to solve and most importantly they have to learn to coexist because the fate of the world depends on it
im sorry this post was so long, it was probably a lot of reading, but I meant it when I said I'd talk your ear off lol feel free to ask more questions:) 
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coplins-packrunners · 4 years
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Marlon “Mar” Williams
Marlon is the ultimate villain. While generous, loving, and self-sacrificial towards people he loves, Mar is a fanatic who sees any sacrifice worth it if it serves to achieve his long-term goal. In the Packrunners’verse it’s his pack and kids he’s fanatic about, but in other ‘verses he’s part of, he’s been fanatic about other things, and then his kids pay the price instead.
Mar is intelligent and has a predisposition towards mental illnesses, that’s been enhanced by a lot of early trauma. He suffers from chronic insomnia since his brain won’t shut off, and regulates that by taking drugs on and off. He feels things more acutely than most, repressing his feelings until it instead comes out in explosions of violent anger. He’s got abandonment issues that makes him possessive and controlling towards people he loves. He’s aware of it, and tries not to let those sides of him take over. Despite his possessiveness, he will let a loved one go if they insist on leaving him. Instead, he’ll withdraw and stew in self-pity and feelings of abandonment. He’s prone to grand gestures, and there’s literally nothing he wouldn’t do for a loved one or the cause he’s devoted himself to. His intelligence makes him able to figure out far-reaching and long-term consequences for actions, and helps him set up goals that can span over decades or even centuries. However, he’s got a huge blind-spot for personal relationships, and often misreads people when his feelings get too involved.
He’s ambitious in everything he does, always striving to be the best. He hates authority and rebels any force trying to get him to conform, but will act proper if it suits his purposes. He’s vain, and loves clothes, makeup, and jewelry. When he’s young he wears a lot of flamboyant attire. As an adult he has a more conventional style to suit his goals, abandoning visible makeup, colorful skirts, and eye-catching jewelry in favour of three-piece suits with "acceptable” accessories.
Marlon’s the ultimate villain, not because he’s evil and wishes harm to people, but because he’s fanatic about his causes and has a limited ability to empathize with people he’s never met. That’s why, even if he’s fighting for a good cause, he’s very dangerous. Whenever I write him, he’s born into privilege on the top shelf of the upper class. 
Marlon is tall, has light brown hair, and intense ice-blue eyes, and his flare is lilac. His hair is wavy/curly. When it’s short he’ll comb it when it’s wet to force it straight, but when he’s got long hair he’ll let it be and allow the curls to do their thing. At that length it’s common to see corkscrew locks in his hair.
Artist’s note: When Mar’s young he changes style like other people changes underwear. Since I made this series to depict the gang at The Sanctuary, it made it hard to choose how to draw him. So, I didn’t. :) The top picture is of Mar devoid of makeup, wearing his short hair neatly according to the era and his social class’ proper ideal.  The other two I just had fun with. I failed miserably at making corkscrew locks in his hair, though. Instead, I let Clara make a braid with beads on it. You know he’d love to let her do that. <3
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mrspettyferr · 5 years
19 Years Later
Inspired by the epilogue of Harry Potter
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No matter how many years had passed, it was strange to see the isolated planet of Ahch-To crowded with so many ships and people. The Lanai did their best to round up the anxious children, many of which were playing with practice sabers or trying to catch a glimpse of the thala-sirens lounging among the jagged cliffs. Some chased after porgs or skipped along the rocky paths. The padawans were more disciplined, chatting in small groups or staying close to their parents.
For Rey Solo, she was caught up in the memories, watching it all with a quiet sense of contentment. The once ruined huts and structures had been rebuilt, made of dilapidated stone and rock. There were even temples now, classrooms for the younglings and padawans, and landing pads made of grey slab had been built offshore to accommodate the incoming ships.
Some of the Masters had made an appearance, floating among the grassy hills and rock-like structures, their pearly glow frightening some of the younger children. Lando Calrissian was among them, grinning wickedly as he always did on this day. He enjoyed watching the disbelieving students as they came to realize that many of their Masters were, in fact, Force ghosts. Luke Skywalker would be among them, but of course he always made his grand entrance at the opening ceremony.
Rey was pitched forward as Leia bumped into her, the young girl’s knapsack bouncing on her back as she rushed past.
“Leia, don’t wander off too far!” Rey called after her. This was her third year, and she was finally of age to select her Kyber crystal. It was all she talked about these last few months.
Not far behind came the endless arguing that had not stopped since they left Takodana.
“They don’t really eat people,” Anakin said, sounding less confident than his words implied. “That’s just a stupid rumor.”
“Yes, they do,” his twin sister insisted. “And they’re going to eat you if you don’t—”
“Hanna,” Rey warned.
“They won’t eat me, of course,” Hanna went on, tucking back a strand of wavy black hair that never quite managed to stay confined to her braid. “They only eat darksiders.”
“I won’t be a darksider!” Anakin argued, his dark eyes flaring, his cheeks flushing. “Maybe you will be!”
“Maybe you’ll be neither,” she said with a smirk.
“Hanna, that’s enough,” came Ben’s deep voice as he finally emerged. He was wearing his formal Senator robes, which looked out of place among all the green and sunshine.
“What?” Hanna asked innocently. “I’m only repeating what Master Luke said.”
“He didn’t say that. He—” Ben paused, seeming to think it over and coming to the same conclusion as Rey.
“He probably did,” she muttered, shaking her head. She turned to the twins. “Thala-sirens are harmless. Now, grab your bags and we’ll find Uncle Finn and Aunt Rose.”
After the opening ceremony and welcoming feast—which parents were encouraged to attend—they would travel to Naboo, the new seat for the Galactic Senate. Ben was a Senator, and they—along with the kids—often traveled between Takodana and Naboo, where they kept an apartment. Rey, having no desire for politics, ran her own mechanic shop right out of their home on Takodana. It was a castle, after all, and she preferred the smell of oil and rust to the cantina that Maz had established. Maz spent most of her time traveling the galaxy with Chewie. After the war, she had practically forced Ben into restoring the castle to it’s former glory.
“You destroyed it, least you can do is fix it,” she had said. But when they finished, more than a year later, Maz hadn’t moved back in. She only waived them off and said, “Take it, it’s yours. I have no need for it. But the statue stays.”
It didn’t take long to find their friends. Finn was crouched down before his daughter, triple checking her bags and sprouting more advice that Rey was sure Paige did not ask for.
“Stay away from the cliffs. Storms bring in strong currents. Don’t go near the nexus, you know it’s forbidden until seventh year. And don’t listen to Lando, the porgs aren’t venomous. But if they do bite you, just—” His gaze whipped up to Rose, who was watching it all in amusement. “Did you pack enough bandages? What if she—"
“It’s school, not the military, dad,” Paige grumbled.
“I just want you to be prepared,” Finn insisted, reaching out to pat her impossibly curly black hair.
“I think you’re prepared enough for all of us,” Rose teased. She waved when she spotted Rey, Ben, and the twins approaching. Finn followed her gaze; then he bounced up, grinning wide.
“Uncle Finn!” the twins chorused, running forward and half tackling him with a hug.
“Hey! Look at you two. Wow, how tall you’ve grown, Anakin. And Hanna, is that…a blaster?” He looked at Rey with mild alarm.
“Yeah! Want to see how good I am?”
“No, no,” Finn said quickly, throwing up his hands. “Let’s keep that holstered before…anyone…” He was glancing nervously around now. “…sees…a child with a blaster…”
Rey shook her head, a smile tugging at her mouth, and pulled him into a hug as the twins went to Rose and Paige.
“Giving the eleven-year-old a blaster now?” he muttered so only she could hear.
“They should know how to use them properly,” said Rey. Then she amended, “I caught the kids playing with them as toys and figured it was better to instruct properly. Don’t worry, she’s not allowed to keep it here.” 
Finn’s body rumbled as he laughed. “It’s been too long.”
“It has,” she agreed, pulling back. “How’s Poe? I missed him at our last trip to Naboo.”
“Ah, the General is always busy.” Finn still gave his friend a hard time about the title, especially when he had to use it in public. His expression faltered slightly as he looked past Rey to Ben, who had approached with quiet stealth.
“Solo,” Finn greeted a little formally. It took him almost a year to break the habit of calling him Ren.
Ben inclined his head. “Soldier.”
Finn coughed and rubbed at the back of his neck. “Commander, actually.”
“I fail to notice the difference under Dameron’s command.”
Finn muttered something under his breath, but a reluctant grin tugged at his lips.
Rey and Rose exchanged a look, rolling their eyes. Despite the fact that Ben had worked with the Resistance to defeat Palpatine all those years ago, a bit of tension still remained between the two of them. Rey didn’t know if it would ever truly fade, but they were civil and on occasion, even friendly.
Rose on the other hand was more forgiving, and now she offered Ben a warm smile. “Good to see you, Ben.”
His lips parted slightly—not a smile, but a friendly enough gesture. His smiles were rare, reserved only for his family. “You as well,” he said.
“Mother, I want to find Grandpa Han” said Hanna, tugging on Rey’s arm, a slight whine to her voice.
“Me too,” Anakin chimed in.
“Can I go, too?” Paige asked Rose.
“We need to get you all settled first,” Rey said. “And we need to find your sister…”
Her voice trailed off as she searched for Leia. The girl was a curious thing, disappearing all over the castle when she was a child. She was probably looking for Han, too.
Rey wasn’t sure if it was because of the sacred grounds, or some other unexplained thread of fate, but the Force ghosts could manifest permanently on this island. They could manifest anywhere, if they wanted, but it was more difficult. Here, they were free.
Han refused to call himself a Master, and spent most of his time telling the students stories. But occasionally he would teach them about mechanics and piloting, insisting even Force wielders should learn the basics. Leia on the other hand did insist the students call her General or Master, to both Luke and Han’s amusement.
Rey felt a surge of relief when her eldest finally appeared, panting, as though she had just climbed the steep stairs to the monastery at the top of the island. Her brown hair was straight like Rey’s, her bangs messy and ribbon half undone, as though she had rolled out of bed and done very little to tame her hair. Which was usually the case. She looked sweaty and her ivory robes were already spotted with dirt and earth.
“Where have you been?” Rey demanded. “I told you not to wander off.”
“Everywhere,” Leia answered breathlessly. When she finally caught her breath, she straightened a bit, her eyes widening with some newfound enlightenment. “I’ll say this, though. I’m never drinking that green milk again.”
They all laughed, and Ben finally smiled.
- - -
Once the students were all settled into their lodgings, it was time to head to the Great Temple. Each new student would be called forward and tested, like they were when they first showed signs of being Force-sensitive. But this testing was necessary before entering secondary school here on Ahch-To, to reveal which side of the Force they leaned closer to, if either.
It was still a concept that was met with some reluctance. After Palpatine’s fall, more and more children and even teenagers seemed to become Force-sensitive. Old ties to both the Empire and the Republic, to the First Order and the Resistance, created a rift. This sense of division had been long engraved, a strong reason why peace could never be established for long.
When Rey and Ben had come together to defeat Palpatine and his army, they had done so by uniting factions of the First Order and the Resistance, by embracing the light and the dark side. By achieving balance.
Soon after, both Rey and Ben felt a call to Ahch-To. When they arrived, they found not just Luke, but other former Masters: the great Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Anakin Skywalker. Among them an idea bloomed, of restoring not the old Jedi Order, but a new order: the Order of the Force.
But it started with an academy, of training, when they became of age. On Ahch-To, Masters—both living and gone—taught light and dark histories and theories. Luke had been right, in a way. It was time for the way of the Jedi to die—not die entirely, but to change and grow.
The Force was the Force, the light and the dark and everything in between.
As they approached the temple, Leia scrambled inside to find her friends, Hanna trailing after her. But Anakin hesitated outside the entrance. Two girls and their parents moved past, trying not to stare. Rey was used to the staring, to the attention of being a war hero.
Frowning, she pulled her son aside, but before she could ask him what was the matter, he blurted, “What if I’m a darksider?”
Rey and Ben shared a glance. Their bond allowed them to communicate telepathically, but they didn’t need to in this moment. Ben crouched down, his huge frame nearly swallowing up Anakin.
“Leia was named after your grandmother,” he said quietly. “And Hanna, after your grandfather. But you…Anakin Ren Solo. You were named for two people. Both of which were powerful in the light side of the Force, and the dark side. They made some mistakes and bad choices, but even when they drifted too far into the dark side, they still found their way back to the light. They found their way home.” His eyes flicked up, meeting Rey’s, and her expression softened. “They are a testament that should you ever fall, no matter how far, you can still rise.”
“But what if—what if I’m neither?” 
“Then you will be like me.”
Anakin’s eyes went wide. “What do you mean? No one is more powerful in the Force than you, Dad.” He winced and shot an apologetic look at Rey, whose brows had raised slightly. “Except you, Mom. And High Master Skywalker. Does he count?”
Rey laughed, and Ben smiled a bit. “For many years I was conflicted, torn between the light and the dark,” he said. “I had to learn to find the balance. And maybe someday you’ll learn the same.”
The children knew some of Ben’s past as Kylo Ren, as Rey and Ben knew they could not hide it. He had dedicated the past nineteen years to restoring the galaxy, but some would never forgive him for the role he played among the First Order. And they did not want to lie or bury the past by denying it. But the children knew even less of his involvement with the First Order and the tragic upbringing that tore him apart for so long. Someday, when they were older, he would tell them all of it. 
Even with Ben’s admission, Anakin was still insistent. “But if I do lean to the dark side—”
“—then it only shows how passionate you are, Anakin,” Rey said gently, crouching down next to Ben. She reached out and brushed a strand of unruly black hair from Anakin’s eyes. When he made a face at her words, she added, “Passion comes from the heart. It’s part of what makes you human. And we will love and accept you no matter what side, if either, you lean toward.”
“Every student is different,” Ben added. “It’s only an evaluation to help the Masters find the best approach to their teachings. You, and only you, get to choose which path you walk. And you will never walk it alone, son. We promise you that.”
Anakin nodded, finally reassured. He took a deep breath and straightened, then marched into the temple with his chin high.
Rey and Ben stood, and caught Leia’s—Grandmother Leia’s—eye across the temple. She was the most regal of Force ghosts, elegant and noble, and her eyes shone with pride. Then she turned away, greeting a group of students who were demanding her attention.
“He’ll be all right,” Ben murmured, wrapping an arm around Rey.
She thought of Leia, Han, and Luke. She thought of Lando, of Obi-Wan, of Yoda. Of Finn and Rose and Paige. And she thought of herself and Ben, all looking after their family. They would never know the loneliness that Rey and Ben had. Never know what it felt like to be unloved or abandoned, to feel isolated and alone. They would never allow it.
“I know he will,” she said. “They all will.” 
She glanced up, and when Ben felt her gaze, he looked down at her. His expression softened, as it only did for her and their children. 
“Come on,” she said, “let’s go see what theatrical entrance Luke has in store this time.”
Ben groaned, but allowed her to tug him inside. “I refuse to applaud such dramatics.”
“Of course, you wouldn’t know anything about dramatics, Ben.” They found two empty seats in the back, next to a couple of Twi’lek’s that greeted them warmly.
His mouth twisted. “I would hardly call—”
“Shh, it’s about to begin,” she interrupted as the candles dimmed and the Force ghosts took their places at the front of the temple.
Ben sighed and took her hand in his own. Rey squeezed it, remembering the first time she had touched his hand across the stars on this very island. She felt him looking at her, and when she peered at him, she knew he was remembering the same thing.
So Rey smiled, and Ben smiled back.
All was well in the galaxy, and for the Solo’s, who finally had all they had been searching for.
Connection. Compassion. Family. Love. Acceptance. Belonging.
They would hang on, and never let it go.
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toloveawarlord · 4 years
Van Gogh Siblings
I am compiling all the Van Gogh Siblings profiles in one post as they all exist in the same universe. I am not that versed in the history of the Van Gogh family, but I’ve done a lot of research to create these characters. They are not a full representation of how they may have been in real life.
{This will be updated as I learn more about the siblings}
Currently, Cornelius is missing. I’m still working on the basics for him. (COMING SOON)
Please feel free to ask about them or to give me any tips on them if you find any interesting information.
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Name: Anna Cornelia Van Gogh (Houten)
Birthday: February 17
Pairing: Vlad
Eye: Cerulean Blue
Hair: Light Brown, long and straight.
Height: 5′9
Anna is quite prickly at first impressions. She is a lady to the fullest extent of the word. Quite angry, as she has to reign in her youngest two siblings who seem to cause her trouble often. Some call her soft-spoken but judgemental. Serious and composed in all situations.
She is the one who has the most dislike for Vincent. They were never close as children, and she blames him for Mina’s mental break in their past.
Her married name was the one chosen to give to all the siblings in the 19th Century.
Anna is the second sibling of the Van Gogh’s.
She currently teaches French and English in all boy’s primary school.
Vlad brought her back first, and she requested that he resurrect the other three with the promise that he wouldn’t tell them that both Vincent and Theo were alive in this time.
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Name: Elisabeth Huberta Van Gogh (Houten)
Nicknames: Lies or El
Birthday: May 16
Pairing: Shakespeare
Eyes: Cerulean Blue
Hair: Blonde, curly and cut at a medium length
Height: 5′7
Elisabeth is quiet and reserved, content with spending her time in Vlad’s mansion without any need to venture out into the city. A daydreamer and simple in her wants. Elisabeth doesn’t argue with her older sister, trusting in her fully to make the right decisions. She can be a little ditsy at times.
Most of her time is spent writing poetry and prose, her passion from her life as a human still her most beloved pastime.
Elisabeth looks forward to Shakespeare’s visits to the manor, clinging to his sweet words and incredulous ideas for inspiration and out of infatuation.
Though she never leaves without Anna’s permission, she never tells on Mina who sneaks out quite often. She indulges her younger sister’s whims far too often.
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Name: Willemina Jacoba Van Gogh (Houten)
Nickname: Mina or Wil (by Vincent)
Birthday: March 16th
Pairing: Charles & Arthur
Eyes: Cerulean Blue
Hair: Black, wavy. Often braided or tied up with a ribbon
Height: 5′1
Spirited and always finding herself in trouble. Mina is the adventurous one of the three girls. Being tied down in the mansion bored her quite easily. She jumps around from hobby to hobby, abandoning one for another before completing the other. Kindhearted but rebellious.
Mina is called by this nickname by everyone in Vlad’s manor because Anna told them to. Anna wishes to hide that Mina is a Van Gogh, knowing that Vincent and Theo are in town.
She will volunteer to help Charles in town in order to escape the mansion. Her background as a nurse.
The closest of the girls to Vincent, and the most devastated when told that Vincent couldn’t be resurrected. She questions this often, but Vlad and Anna scare her.
Her lively nature leads her to being in a poly ship, as she was never tied down to anyone in her previous life and she wants to be able to love whomever she chooses, even if it’s more than one man.
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kenishihair · 4 years
Your Fastest and Easiest Way to Voluminous Hair: Clip-In One-Piece Hair Extensions
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If your hair is fine and limp or thinning, you can easily apply do-it-yourself, one-piece hair extensions that will immediately transform your hair from thin to full, thick and voluminous. By adding synthetic or natural hair to your own in a five-minute process, you can conceal fine or thinning hair or even hair loss. These single hair pieces are perfect for beginners and, blended with your own hair, they look realistic. While this brief guide is all about the fastest and easiest method of clip-in extensions, it will lead you through the hair choices, application, care and terminology you need to know to choose this glamorous method to conceal your fine or thinning hair issue.
Clip-In One-Piece Hair Extensions
Fastest and easiest are words I like to hear when researching for a simple approach to hide wispy, fine and thinning hair. The multiple websites for hair extensions and wigs offer many workable solutions, and there are so many products available that it is confusing. However, fastest and easiest are associated only with clip-in one-piece hair extensions. So narrow your scope to this type of hair extension that you can attach for yourself without assistance.
Most hair extensions are designed so that you must wear several different "wefts" (hair pieces) that vary in length. This makes it difficult and time consuming to clip in 4 to 12 pieces by yourself. Extensions designed as one piece will make application go faster. With one-piece extensions, you only need to part and clip up your own hair once. Apply the one-piece and then un-clip your natural hair to flow over the hair piece. You're ready to go! While it was quick to apply, it is even faster to remove!
Clip-in hair extensions, also known as clip-in wefts, can be integrated into your natural hair to hide thinning hair and add length and volume. These can be purchased in the range of $50 to $200, depending on the quality, and they can last for up to a year, depending on your use and care. You can choose to purchase one-piece extensions with the clips already attached or buy the clips separately and sew them in yourself. click for more info kenishihair
The hair extensions come with a straight or contoured attachment band, and the extension can be cut into multiple pieces. But the easiest method is maintaining and clipping it in as one piece. Application takes a matter of minutes and it's so easy to do anyone can master the process. And because they are so easy and temporary, clip-in hair extensions allow you to clip them in and take them out whenever you want. With that kind of flexibility, they are also a way to temporarily add highlights to your hair without coloring it. They are also a perfect solution while growing your hair out from a short cut to add length immediately.
Another choice you might make for a one-piece hair extension is buying a clip-in set of bangs or a clip-in "fringe." The fringe is a bang with lengthier hair on the sides which creates a nice frame for the face. The attachment of a fringe may handle your fine or thinning hair issue in itself, or, add both the fringe and a one-piece hair extension for a complete new you. In fact, depending upon your style and needs, you can choose a one-piece hair piece that is called a 1/2 wig. If more coverage is what you are looking for then you may also want to check the 3/4 wig, also known as the head-band wig.
Some of the celebrity hair extensions brands which offer the one-piece types and bangs are by Ken Paves, Jessica Simpson, Raquel Welch, and Hair Do, among many others. To get your glamorous star look, a visit to a hair stylist for a trim and styling may assure you that the added hair creates a natural look and give you the best result.
Hair Choice and Care
Human hair is available for the one-piece hair extension in many different quality grades. It will be advertised by its ethnic origin, such as India, mainland China, and other Asian countries since they are currently the major suppliers for unprocessed hair. Human hair pieces can be treated like your own hair, that is, colored, curled, ironed, and shampooed, but it is best if it is air-dried rather than blow-dried.
The following are the major terms used to describe human hair extensions or wigs:
Remy refers to human hair plus all of the strands in one weft are strictly organized with the roots in one direction. Generally, it lasts much longer than non-remy hair and it tends to stay shiny and tangle free longer.
Virgin hair refers to hair that hasn't been colored or processed. Virgin hair is collected by tying off the hair to maintain the direction of the cuticle. After the hair is cut, it is collected and sewn on a weft and it can be pre-bonded or made into wigs or left in bulk form.
Double Drawn indicates that the collected hair of a certain length has been through a laborious process in which all of the shorter hairs in the bundle are manually removed twice, therefore, "double" drawn. The hair appears thicker, blunt cut and not wispy at the ends. It is more expensive. Synthetic Hair extensions are made from synthetic fibers such as Toyokalon and Kanekalon. Many are hard to distinguish from human hair. The main advantage of synthetic hair is that it is far less expensive than human hair and it is available in a variety of colors and textures. The limitation of synthetic hair is most can't withstand hot temperatures so straightening or curling the hair will singe and damage it. The hair can be shampooed but it must be air-dried.
Choose Styles and Texture
Textures of hair extensions vary from very straight to kinky or extremely curly. The numbers of curl patterns with synthetic hair are greater than with human hair. The different brands will give the curl patterns a variety of specific names. Here are some examples of some common hair extension styles:
European - Straight European hair. It may have some wave as it is less straight than Asian hair. Silky Straight - Straight and smooth, East Asian style hair. Yaki - Straight with body, mimicking the texture of relaxed Afro-Caribbean hair. Deep Wave - Not a true "wave" but can be made to look like spiral curls. Loose Deep Wave or Romance Wave - A loose version of the deep wave with soft romantic curls. Jheri Curl - Usually in very short lengths, it is used to recreate the "Afro." FeatherLuxe - A current trend. Long feathers are attached to hair. Wet and Wavy or Spanish Wave or Indian Wave - Usually human hair. Naturally curly or permanently waved to appear natural. Soft, natural-looking curls that revert back to a curly state when wet. Choose Your Perfect Color
A standard numeric scale is used to classify the hair by color with the lower number identifying the darker color. For example, 1 usually denotes the darkest black. Colors vary greatly from one brand to another, and specialty hair suppliers will create their own signature patterns and colors. A very light blond will be the highest number, like 9.5 or 10. Feathers come in all colors and some have black stripes.
How to Attach Your Clip-In One-Piece Hair Extensions
Separate and clip up a portion of your own natural crown hair to make a horizontal part or a "track" to attach your one-piece weft or hair extension. Place the band of the weft along the part and begin to drive each clip into your hair below the part. The number of clips used depends on the choice of the hair extensions, whether it was contoured for the style and volume needed. Open the clips, face them to the scalp, then snap them shut attaching the extension to your natural hair as closely as possible to your scalp. Now you can remove the clip or hair pin holding your natural hair and spread it over the extensions to cover the clips.
You may check out an eHow video to walk you through your first attachment. There, Sylvia Russell, an experienced hairstylist, will guide you through "How to Attach Hair Extensions." The video is part of a series which also shows you how to remove your extensions, how to blend in the extensions with your own hair and how to care for your extensions.
The temporary, one-piece clip-in extensions are safer and healthier to attach than the more permanent extensions put in by a hair dresser. Those require other methods of attachment, such as the "track and sew" onto braids, the "invisible hair weave" which takes about an hour and lasts 8 weeks, and adhering with a special bonding glue directly to your natural hair. These methods damage both the hair and the scalp. They cause breakage and hair loss. Also, the attachment can be painfully tight for the first few weeks.
The fastest, gentlest and easiest type of hair extension is the clip-in one-piece hair extension. It is easy to apply, cost effective and low maintenance. Clip-in hair extensions have become the top choice for adding volume and length to your own hair. They attach using pressure sensitive clips and they don't require the damaging glue and application methods used on permanent type extensions. Stylists and home users alike prefer clip-in hair extensions. By adding synthetic or natural hair to your own in a simple five-minute process, you can transform your fine or thinning hair to a look of healthy glamor.
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putschki1969 · 4 years
Favourite hairstyles? From lives, pvs, photshoots or any other sources?
Oh boy! This question is SO HARD!! I have so many favourite hairstyles so I don’t think I can choose (especially when it comes to Keiko).These are some of the things I like〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
➕ Big wavy curls➕ Lots of volume➕ Braids➕ Pigtails➕ Pony tails (the loose kind with some strands in the front)➕ Lighter hair➕ Short hair
You can probably tell that I tend to be into styles that others do not like all that much. I am REALLY not a fan of long straight hair, I find it super boring. So literally every time Keiko goes for something different, I am all for it ^_^
Let’s start with a few of my favourite Keiko hair styles (because there are so many). As I just mentioned, I love everything that’s not her typical style. Her “fake” super short hair is by far my favourite, I don’t know why I am so intrigued by it but I think it’s just super sexy. I am also a sucker for her no-bangs or “curtain-bangs” style (I just like to see as much of her face as possible). Also, can we just put it out there that Keiko could be bald and still look gorgeous!! I have yet to see an unflattering hairstyle on her. She is just so beautiful, she can pull off anything! But since I have gotten tired of her plain flat hair, I prefer other styles.
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I don’t pay as much attention to Hikaru and Wakana’s hair styles so my picks aren’t as varied for them.
My favourite Hikaru look is the one from her birthday event. The waves are perfect, the length is perfect, the volume is perfect…just an overall perfect hair style. (I am also a huge fan of some of her recent hair styles - I used to really not like her with long hair but now she really knows how to make her long hair look amazing). Honorable mention: Her go-to style with short hair => Side parting with cornrows or something on the opposite side. I think that look really suits her (imo, a side part has always looked much better on her than a middle part)
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When it comes to Wakana I once again love curls and elaborate braids but most importantly, I want two (preferably loose and curly) strands to frame her face (not a huge fan of her super tight pony tails but she can make them work). As long as she has those two strands, I am happy with whatever hair style she is going for. But honestly, she looks great no matter what (except when her hair is really flat).
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Let The Flames Begin (chapter 5)
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Charlene relished the cold water from the shower. She tried to be quick, she didn't know how much water there was and she wasn't about to be selfish and use it all. She scrubbed her hair and body and watched the brown water swirl down the drain. She towelled off, feeling good now she was clean. She had to put her dirty jeans back on since none of the spare ones here fit her but she didn't care. She was clean and that's what mattered. She put the red and black plaid shirt on, it was still a little big on her small frame despite the fact it was a teenagers size and she left the bottom few buttons undone, tying it around her waist so it looked a little more flattering. She shouldn't have been concerned with such things with the world the way it was but she couldn't help it. She towel dried her hair the best she could and left it down to dry itself, leaving the bathroom feeling fresh.
Daryl was sat on the couch when she walked back in and it felt like the air in his lungs had been stolen away. Sure he'd seen her clean before, she seemed to be everywhere around town before all this. But somehow, after being with her for a few weeks, seeing her looking somewhat more like her old self left him breathless. Her long hair was slightly damp and left down, a little wavy. He'd never cared too much about girls hair before, that was until he first saw her. She had this warm chestnut hair that reminded him of the woods in the best way. It was always so shiny, soft looking. She tended to have it in a different style every time he used to see her. Braids? He didn't know if that's what they were called but she did that a lot. Sometimes her hair would be straight, other times wavy or even curly. He hadn't known what was her natural hair until now, seeing the waves. He frowned to himself, realising he was staring and thinking about her hair way too much. Damn girl was turning him into a pussy.
“Alright kids, I’m gonna head to bed. Don't do nothin’ I wouldn't do,” Merle grinned obnoxiously as he left to the bedroom, shutting the door. Charlene squinted at the now closed door.
“Why does he get the bed?” she scoffed, scrunching her nose up.
“He’s in another room, ya really gonna complain?” Daryl snorted giving her a pointed look.
“Good point,” she said, flashing him an impish grin. Daryl looked around, he didn't know where he was going to sleep. He was pretty sure the couch he sat on pulled out as a bed but he knew she wouldn't want to share with him. Maybe he’d just make up a bed on the floor. Wasn't like they had been sleeping better than that recently anyway.
He stood up, sorting the pull out bed and she watched, noticing how his arm muscles flexed as he pulled it out.
“There ya go,” he said looking somewhat bashful, moving away from the bed as she walked over to it.
“Where are you sleeping?” she asked, her brow furrowed a little. He chewed his thumb, trying not to look at her so his thoughts didn't wander back to her hair.
“Floor probably,” he shrugged.
“You can share the bed with me you know. I won't molest you in your sleep,” she snorted as she arranged the couch cushions to be pillows. Daryl's jaw clenched wondering what the fuck that meant. He knew damn well she wouldn't dream of touching him that way, was that her way of letting him know? It made his heart ache and he didn't like it, feeling like he repulsed her or something.
“Come on, get in,” she said softly as she climbed into the bed. He chewed his thumb some more before toeing off his boots and laying down, feeling tense and uncomfortable.
He left a big distance between them and she lay on her side facing away from him. They were both fully clothed, wanting to be prepared in case things went ass upwards. The time spent getting dressed could cost your life these days. Hours passed and he lay awake, unable to sleep with her so close to him. He was surrounded by her scent, the feel of her body heat that radiated off her. He fucking hated it. He growled to himself, sitting up and hauling himself out of bed. So much for finally gettin’ some sleep.
The next day passed without much event. The boys had planned to hunt in the morning, that was until Daryl realised leaving the girl unattended here wasn't the best idea. When he spoke to Merle he had expected a snarky remark. But was instead told he was right. Both Daryl and Charlene noticed how Merle was being a little different around her after discovering he had left marks on her. She didn't know if he felt bad or what, but she was grateful for the relief of his constant annoyingness. Merle had offered to go alone to hunt but came back empty-handed, much to his chagrin. They'd just have to try again later. Daryl was determined to get that damn deer.
“Alright, I’m headin’ out,” Daryl announced as he slung his bow over his shoulder. Merle was eating in the kitchen and Charlene stood near Daryl with wide eyes. It was evening now, it was a little later than he liked to hunt but hopefully, it would be worth it. She was wringing her hands, just stood next to him watching him carefully and he chewed his lower lip, wondering if he should say something.
“Do you have to go?” she blurted out, catching him off guard for a moment.
“Wanna see if I can find some food,” he shrugged, making her look down.
“He’ll behave himself, seems fine enough for now,” he added, just in case she was worried about being around Merle. She was a little. He hadn't been as bad lately but she didn't trust him still. She nodded, looking up at him like a kicked puppy and he couldn't work out why she seemed so sad about him going out to hunt.
“Can’t I come with you?” she asked, pleading eyes pinning him in place.
“Nah, ya need to stay here where it's safe,” he frowned, her shoulders slumped a little and he ignored the pang it sent through his chest.
“Just...stay safe,” she whispered. He swallowed thickly, unsure of why those words made him feel weird or why she even said them at all.
“Always am,” he replied before leaving, giving her one last look before he left, in search of some food.
It was dark now, Charlene hadn't moved from her spot near the window, where she had stood as soon as Daryl left. She didn't like that he wasn't back and it was now dark, she just wanted him to come back as soon as possible. Merle had barely spoken to her and she was thankful. He just ate and then went off to lay down in the bedroom. Seemingly awkward being around her without his brother. She broke out of her thoughts when she saw something through the trees. It was a flashlight, and she briefly thought of Daryl. That was until she remembered none of them had flashlights. Then she saw another light next to it, then another one.
“Shit!” she panicked, feeling the fear ripple through her body at the thought of strangers coming here.
She hadn't been too wary before, but Merle had rambled on in his many moments of never shutting up about how people were these days, how some survivors were worse than the dead. She jumped up, rushing into the bedroom and shaking him frantically.
“Merle wake up!” she hissed, shaking him almost violently.
“Damn it girl, what?” he snapped as he opened her eyes, seeing her a quaking mess hovering over him.
“There's people outside,” she muttered tensely, her big wide eyes boring holes into him. His face hardened then as he jumped out of bed, grabbing his gun and knife. She followed him to the window where he too saw the three flashlights approaching.
“Daryl,” he growled, wondering where his baby brother was, hoping these assholes hadn't seen him first. She tensed at his name, more fear running through her body when she wondered just where he was, why he wasn't back yet.
“Anybody in there?” a voice called out. Rough and manly, very southern. Merle clenched his jaw as he continued to peep out of the window before he glanced over at Charlene.
“Get in the cupboard,” he demanded as he pointed at it, making her eyes widen in horror. The tv cabinet was small but big enough for her tiny frame to hide inside of it if she sat down, but the thought filled her with dread like never before.
“Merle… I can’t. I'm claustrophobic,” she whispered panicked.
“I don't know what the fuck that means girlie, but ya get in that god damn cupboard. It sure as hell beats bein’ raped,” he glared. His blunt words were like ice cold water being poured onto her and she swallowed thickly.
“Get in the cupboard, Charlene,” he ordered, giving her a stern look. She just nodded, the movement jerky as she went over, opening the door and climbing inside. She sat hugging her knees as Merle shut the door, enclosing her in darkness.
“Anyone in there?” the voice repeated as Merle glanced through the window, the flashlights were closer now, just near the barbed wire. It had been a good plan to fend off the dead, but he hadn't really thought about if other living people were around, it was like a beacon that they were there. And where there were people, there were supplies. He growled to himself, seeing the lights manoeuvre themselves between the barbed wire. Where the fuck was his brother?
Daryl had wandered further than he wanted to. He had found deer tracks and his desperate need to do something, anything to feel that sense of pride from the girl, it had him follow the tracks for fucking hours. But now, here he was, walking home in the dark with a buck over his shoulders. It was heavy but he didn't care. He would feed his damn woman and they'd have plenty to spare. She ain’t yours though, is she? The voice sneered in his head, making his jaw clench. He wasn't too far now and then he heard it.
“Anyone in there?”
His heart dropped right out his ass. That voice wasn't Merles and it sure as shit wasn't the girl's. Someone was there. He pushed on, trying to pick up his pace but the deer was weighing him down. He heard them call out again and that was it. He tossed the deer, wondering if he could go back for it later, if the biters hadn't gotten to it first. He took off running, halting at the tree line where he saw three men at the door.
Merle was stood there, gun pointing at the men and Daryl edged around the trees, getting closer.
“We just want some food is all. Maybe a place to rest our weary heads. Ain’t too much to ask now is it?” the deep voice of the man in the middle asked, making Daryl tense, the hairs on the back of his neck prickling. He could just tell these weren't good men, and he knew his brother felt it too.
“Ya ain't gonna find that here, now fuck off,” Merle snarled, his gun still pointing at the man in the middle. Daryl held his breath, creeping closer to the house hidden behind the darkness of the trees. He wondered where Charlene was, his stomach twisted something awful at the thought of her being in there, what these assholes might do to her if they found her.
One of the men stood to the side suddenly rushed Merle, the gun going in the air as it went off. Daryl grabbed his bow, loaded and ready and he ran, making his way to the cabin. Watching in horror and they got the jump on his brother. Charlene heard the shot and yelped, covering her ears as her heart hammered away in her chest. The door was yanked open and she was met by a man with scraggly hair and a grin worse than Merles. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, making her cry out as he yanked her from the cupboard. He pulled her around so her back was to his chest and she tensed when she felt the blade of a knife being held to her neck. She blinked her tearful eyes only to see Merle on his knees, a murderous face as his own gun was held to his head.
Daryl burst through the door, witnessing the standoff. His bow pointing at the man holding his brother at gunpoint. His eyes flit around the place, assessing it, and when his eyes landed on Charlene, trembling as tears streamed down her face, a fucking knife to her throat. It sent a wave of desperate fear through his veins.
“Ya ain’t gotta do this,” Daryl said gruffly, his eyes going to the girl every so often, it was painful, hearing her sniffles as she tried to hold it together.
“We asked nicely, but ya didn't seem very hospitable now did ya?” the man in the middle of the room asked, Daryl mused he seemed to be the leader of the group. The man holding Charlene by the hair tugged on her hair and she yelped, the movement made the knife nick her skin slightly and she whimpered as she felt a trickle of blood drip down her neck paralyzing her with fear.
“Ya can take what ya want, just leave,” Daryl growled, tensing a little as his arms ached under the weight of his bow. The sight of her blood made his heart beat so fast he was sure it would beat out of his damn chest. He needed to fix this now, to come up with something that would get them all out this unharmed.
“Like hell they can! They ain't comin’ in here and takin’ our shit!” Merle snarled despite the gun to his head, as stubborn as always. Daryl shot him a look. A pleading look so full of desperation. Merle's eyes flicked over to the girl then. Seeing the blood, seeing her shaking horribly. He clenched his jaw, his nostrils flaring as he tried to quell the rage bubbling inside of him. She wasn't theirs to touch.
“Take what ya want,” Daryl repeated firmly, sensing his brother’s acquiescence.
“I think we will,” the leader chuckled, waltzing off to the dining table where Charlene had organised the food. Daryl's bow was still on the man with the gun as he watched the leader shove the cans into his pack. He looked back at Charlene and the look she gave him was heartbreaking. Like she was begging for him to help her and he knew he couldn't.
“Let ‘er go,” he demanded, shifting where he stood as he struggled to keep a lid on his temper. He wanted to beat these assholes into the ground but he knew, one wrong move and she would be dead.
“Nah, I think we might just keep her,” the man smirked, nipping at the side of her neck harshly. She cried out, trying to wriggle from his grasp and the knife nicked her again, causing more blood to fall down her neck as she let out a strangled sob. The sound made Daryl's heart hurt unbearably and a low growl rumbled in his chest.
“Son, ya better pray we don't find ya after this, I’m gonna cut ya damn hands off,” Merle smirked maliciously at him, a deadly look in his eyes. The man shifted uncomfortably under that look and Daryl knew he should have. He knew Merle would do just that and Daryl would fucking help him.
“Alright, let's go,” the leader barked after taking most of their food, walking back to where they stood.
“What about the bitch?” the man with the knife asked.
“Let her go, ain't worth the trouble,” the leader huffed as he walked past Daryl with a shit eating grin. Like he had the upper hand and he could do fuck all about it. The man with the knife shoved Charlene way from him so rough that she fell, her knees hitting the floor painfully and she cried, gut-wrenching sobs leaving her lips that felt like a punch to Daryl's gut every fucking time. The other men left through the door, the three of them walking down the porch steps.
Merle stood up, grabbing the gun he knew was tucked in Daryl's waistband since the asshole had taken his, and they didn't even need to communicate. A bolt flew fast from Daryl's bow at the same time as a bullet from the gun Merle was holding. The bolt went right through the knife man's head, Merles through the asshole who had him at gunpoint. It all happened so fast, the leader turning around seemingly in slow motion when the bodies dropped like sacks of shit, eyes wide as if he was actually shocked they had done that. Merle squeezed the trigger again, sending the leader flying backwards with a shot right between his eyes. They stood there a moment, the pair of them panting and Merle wiped his nose. He didn't realise it was bloody until now. Maybe they should have felt bad, taking lives like that, but it was survival now. Those assholes would have come back, both of them knew it. Us or them...
Suddenly the sound of the girl's sobs broke through the air and Merle walked over to her. Startling her when he crouched down.
“Hey now girlie, let me see,” he said softly, softer than she had ever heard him talk before. She sat up, sniffling and sobbing softly, tears streaming down her cheeks. Merle grabbed his rag from his back pocket and held it over the cut. It looked worse than it was but he knew it would still hurt. Especially for a dainty little thing like her. Despite killing the men, the rage still sang strong through Daryl's veins and he slammed the door shut, tossing his bow to the floor as he stomped off to the bathroom. When he emerged, he held a small first aid kit. He looked on as Merle held the rag to her throat. He clenched his jaw before walking over to them.
“C’mon Tiny let's get ya to the couch,” he muttered tensely. Her brain was fuzzy, she was in shock and she felt like her brain was malfunctioning, feeling disorientated.
Daryl and Merle helped her to her feet and Daryl lead her to sit on the couch as Merle went to the kitchen to wash his face and clean up his nose. The cut on her throat was like a glaring beacon in the night to him. Mocking him for failing her and he felt his chest constrict painfully.
“I’m gonna move those assholes so they don't attract none of the biters,” Merle announced as he walked out through the door. Daryl glanced at his retreating form before back to the girl. She looked shell shocked and he could hardly blame her. He cleaned her wound, hating how she whimpered and tried to pull away from him, hating how he was hurting her. She kept sniffling, calming down a little as he bandaged her up. He thought having the bandage would help him, not being able to see the wound. But he knew what was under there, he couldn't fucking unsee it.
He leant forward, resting his head in his hands as he ran them through his hair, tugging on it harshly.
“M’sorry,” he lamented, sounding so broken. She frowned as she watched him, blinking slowly. Her eyelashes were soaked and her eyelids felt heavy.
“You didn't do anything,” she whispered, watching as he sat up, his hair sticking up at odd angles after tugging it.
“If I was here…” he started, a deep frown on his face.
“They still would have done it, Daryl,” she said softly, looking down and toying with her hands.
“I thought...I thought they was gonna…” his voice cracked and it was higher than she'd ever heard it before, his chest heaving as he glared at the floor.
“Me too…” she muttered, her hand going to the bandage instinctively. He glanced at her, looking so much like a young boy that it sent an ache through her chest. But as quick at the vulnerability was there, it was gone. A coldness returning to his eyes.
“I ain't letting ya outta my sight now. I don't care if either one of us has to piss, ya stick by me,” his voice was almost a growl and her cheeks flushed, the thought of him being there if she needed the bathroom. But his tone told her not to argue, so she looked down and nodded. She knew he was still blaming himself for this even though he hadn't done a thing wrong. She stood up, making her way to the kitchen table and her heart sank when she saw only a few cans left. She knew Merle would get them back from the man's pack before he did whatever he was doing with them, but it was just a reminder of the ordeal she had been through. It seemed to do the same to Daryl as he stood beside her, glaring at the table with a clenched jaw. She glanced up to him, taking his hand in hers gently. He tensed for a moment, looking at her warily. She squeezed his hand, blinking up at him with those sad green eyes as they filled with tears once more. He felt a lump in his own throat forming.
His chest heaved as he tried to stuff it down and he turned to face her, his hand winding into the back of her hair, fingers massaging her scalp, soothing where the monster had tugged so harshly just minutes ago. Her eyes were drooping as she looked up at him silently, just taking comfort from his touch.
“Ya should rest,” he rasped, his voice sounding scratchy as he lowered his eyes to the floor, removing his hands from her soft hair reluctantly. She nodded, not wanting to argue. She had been through too much for one day. She walked over to the pull out bed and climbed in it, closing her eyes and willing away the memories of the day.
Daryl turned around, his jaw set as he squeezed his eyes shut and pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes. He couldn't get the image out of his mind, watching as that bastard touched her like that, hurt her, fucking scared her. It wasn't enough that he was dead. It did little to soothe the flames burning inside of him like a raging inferno. Things had been good and they went to shit so fucking quickly. He knew he shouldn't have gotten his hopes up. And like fuck he was making that mistake again. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight no matter what, he wouldn't fail her again. Never a-fuckin’-gain.
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @daryldixonandfrogs @arlaina28 @divadinag @keeperofwonderlandus @jodiereedus22 @easnuppa @fand0m-fiend
If you want adding to the taglist, let me know :)
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moretinyideas · 5 years
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hey! @andromeda-six is so cool and i have no self control so here are the three (so far) travellers i created for the game!! (the simple basics of course) i hope i get the characteristics right for the different species!!!
i moved all my OC’s over to a game oc specific side blog, @sunsetstories , so if you see this again on that blog it’s still me!
i used this picrew to do them bc i can’t draw!!
23 Years Old
Nickname is Bria
5 Foot 8 Inches (175cm, right?)
Very slender and quite pale, not to most muscular but she’s definitely not a weak link!
Naturally long (like waist length) and wavy sea-green hair — it’s quite thick and usually a mess when it’s down even when it’s up tbh — it kinda darkens to a dark ocean-blue colour the lower it gets
Bright hazel eyes that can look golden under certain lighting, they’re more almond shaped than round but she has a certain innocence that make her eyes look bigger than they are — a beauty mark right underneath the middle of her left eye
Tends to wear purple/red tones because the compliment her hair colour and skin tone! — likes lace and mesh that subtly shows off her skin
My Bubbly Bi Baby
She’s a naturally naive and curious girl! — can and WILL blush! help her out she’s helplessly flustered all the time.
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll
Possible LI: June or Aya
??? Years Old
Nicknames are Aly and Lest
5 Foot 5 Inches (like 167cm, right?)
Their skin is a pale pearlescent pastelish blue! (the picrew didn’t have the option) — they have a scar on the left side of their neck, what it’s from is anyone’s guess
Hair is cut short in a straight bob cut, naturally straight as a pin and quite thin, normally at least one peace is tucked behind their ear
Thin but kind eyes, the light blue colour seems to be a theme for their appearance — can ice over and become extremely harsh when they are angry, but that hardly ever happens (or does it?👀)
Likes to wear long warm and soft clothes — essentially winter jumpers — usually in dark tones like black or grey but can wear colours if they wish too!
My Pretty Pan Poly Person
Quite a reserved person, knows their place and tends to stray away from conflicts — not shy. Can’t help being kind to everyone, even if they’re not the kindest to them.
Looks like a cinnamon roll, can kill you
Possible LI: Ryona or Calderon
26 Years Old
Prefers her real name over a nickname
5 foot 7 inches (171cm)
Very tan skin, if she were born in 2019 she would be classed as a latina. Average height but still tends to be shorter than most people
Naturally black shoulder blade length hair that is usually styles in twin dutch braids. The texture is naturally quite curly and thick, tends to get in the way when she has it down — but she loves it very much!
Light chocolate brown eyes, very enticing when she has a pleasant expression though she’s hardly seen without a mask of annoyance — wears glasses, mainly for reading but she tends to keep them on all the time because they can help her vision
Doesn’t really have a style, like layers but also likes to keep herself viable for optimum movement, likes to keep her arms free and doesn’t really wear skirts.
My Sarcastic Straightie
Has high walls and doesn’t really trust easily, an epic flirt with men she thinks are either fun or a challenge – not afraid to look vulnerable but hates herself shortly after
Looks like she can kill you, can kill you but is secretly a cinnamon roll!
Possible LI: Bash or Damon
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kilerya · 5 years
Magryn & Ona
here’s stuff about the two goddesses i made up (and who promptly took a life of their own), i was supposed to make an actual post but you know what, have the bulletpoint notes i made yesterday and then some more from today... under the read more cause it’s long
Magryn, goddess of oracles and tricksters -associated with magpies and has a lot in common with them -can see through their eyes, and see possible futures -very curious, about stuff and people -sometimes makes deal with people, help them with a thing and they serve her a while after their death -gets bored of people after a couple of decades on average and release them (or if they ask her) -they help look after her divine domain (large forest with a castle with very tall spires, keeps all her shinies there and gifts/sacrifices) -they go around the human world (usually in magpie form) to give messages/omens, cause mischief, steal shinies... -real magpies don't steal shinies, Magryn's birds who steal lots are a statistical anomaly and should not be counted -sometimes tag along when she goes around the human world, she loves parties and opportunities for mischief -very opportunistic especially for shinies or souls but also spite -actually a big softy but will plot your death if you tell her (unless you're Ona) -uses the environment to get back at people (gentle push make flowerpot fall on someone's head) or help people she likes -will pick fights with people/things bigger than her, but use all her tricks to beat them/scare them into surrendering -lots of people/things are bigger than her, has a big presence but actually smol -will give some 'luck' to people just cause she thinks they're entertaining -will ruin someone's day because she thinks they're an asshole -big soft spot for outcasts, tricksters and general chaotic good people -lots of spite for bullies, injustice and lawful evil people -technically has brown eyes but they go clear grey/blue when she looks through magpies' eyes or the future -which is 99% of the time, very few people see her brown eyes, very meaningful to have her full attention -does not have the best eyesight when not watching through birds cause it's very different and she's not used to 'human' eyesight -has medium brown skintone and long black wavy hair but has vitiligo so white patches of skin and white stripes in her hair -usually keeps her hair in a bun so it's less bothersome when flying but it's not a very tidy one -has wings, black and white like magpies, but usually keeps them hidden -wears backless dresses and shirts so they don't get torn when she spreads her wings -skirt of dresses are usually shorter at the front and long at the back -tends to go for flowy sleeves or no sleeves at all but always has a feathery short capelet that disappears into her wings when they're out -sometimes gives people a feather from the capelet, it's good to call for one (1) divine intervention from her -wears black and dark blue and green mostly(iridescent that looks black), with silver jewelry -will wear bright colored flower in her hair if Ona gives her one until it starts to wilt (can take months, divine flower) usually gets red -even bigger softy when her divine girlfriend is around, but will Hurt someone if they upset Ona -most likely to trick people into believing in her -very light cause hollow bones like a bird but packs a punch cause goddess -very rarely takes human lovers, not that interested anymore, only 'mortal' that she got really involved with recently (less than a hundred years) is one of her servant she didn't expect to keep so long -did not expect to get so attached to the idiot but he was entertaining and very persistent, is the mortal she's kept the longest so far, gets unexpected powers and character characteristic the longer she keeps him -very different relationship than with Ona, still very caring but different power dynamic, likes to boss him around and mess with him and he's really into that and very devoted -almost incapable of sitting properly, likes to perch on things -hoards her favorite human snacks whenever she or her servants make a trip to earth, recently that's ice cream, has yet to get bored of the never ending new flavours -does not hold her magic alcohol well, giggly trickstery drunk -has mixed opinions on australian magpies (different genus than hers entirely) so far wary respect is winning -will still pretend she can summon some to scare bad people who don't know their birds
Ona, goddess of plants and science (mostly medicine) -can grow anything anywhere, very proud of weeds that break through the sidewalk -no associated animals but is very fond of bees and hummingbirds -does not have a divine domain strictly separated from earth but has blessed plenty of earth spots -if a forest or field seems way too lush it's either fae or Ona, she's a lot nicer than the fae -will bless farms and gardens that are really well taken care of by people, giving really good harvest -in general likes plants more than people but will be nice to people who respect her domain -may cause a landslide to keep people from harming a forest -very supportive of people studying plants to help them survive the ever changing climate conditions -fascinated by all the uses people have found for plants over the millennia but especially natural medicine -will help people grow plants they need to make remedies and give them some divine inspiration to find new cool things -does not take servants but kind of adopts people sometimes while they're still living -is fond of children that take their first interest in botany and growing stuff -will keep their plants alive while they figure out how to properly care for them -big softy when it comes to things living in or near her blessed spots -will have trees move around to protect burrows or grow extra lush to hide nests -may drop a branch on a hunter's head... or a tree if they need more persuasion -but will provide convenient hollow tree and the like as shelter for well intentioned hopeless traveler -generally fond of well intentioned morons -also fond of artists and poets that make beautiful things about plants -has dark earthy skin and thick curly red and orange hair -and SO many freckles, on her face and body -they may or may not be seeds that make beautiful plants and trees that can never die -she's pretty sure Magryn made those stories up, but it's cute -will always have flowers braided in her hair -sometimes she uses those to make very special plants and trees -has amber eyes that go light when it's sunny and darker when it's rainy, very dark when it's snowing -her clothes look a lot like plants, sleeveless green tunic/dress that falls to her knees that has flowers growing on it -the flowers always change colors to fit her moods -also has vines going down her arms and legs, may grow thorns when she's angry -is tall and big, looks very soft and comfy, also very strong, big muscles -does not pick fights unprovoked but will end them -only metal she wears is trinkets Magryn gave her, golden shinies usually -she keeps the one she doesn't use buried under her favourite plants in her blessed spots -had very little in relationships with humans (because she already has a godly girlfriend and that's enough for her) -but likes women better whenever she gets tempted -is very big on symbolism with her gifts, especially flower meanings -makes alcohol from plants growing in her blessed spots, very strong magic alcohol, can get even gods drunk -will give it to Magryn and watch the chaos unfold, makes sure it's harmless chaos -is not good alcohol for humans to drink -walks barefoot while in nature but will wear shoes in cities/unnatural ground (asphalt, cement...) -or will have wild grass and flowers break through to walk on -rarely seen in temperate climates during winter except maybe evergreen forests -shows up every where warm all year long -likes to lay down on the tall grass or moss or forest/jungle floor and feel everything around -never sits straight, usually crosslegged or leaning on things, preferably trees -underwater plants are someone else's domain but she likes visiting them too
Things about about them together: -together very long, millennia -sometimes apart for long periods, by human standards -took some of each other’s habits or interests, Magryn is careful about her tricks not harming plants if possible, Ona uses vines to trip annoying people... -look after each other’s chosen humans -their domain/blessed spots have things for the other, Ona has lots of perching trees in hers, Magryn’s castle has plants growing on the walls everywhere -will show each other exciting new things, usually Magryn shows Ona new human inventions, and Ona shows Magryn interesting places her birds can’t get to -very cuddly, braid each other’s hair and stuff -courtship involved lot of gifts they thought the other would like -both go all soft and heart eyed listening to the other about their interest
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melancholicvampires · 5 years
Some numbers requested from @swingxilly from this ask game. Thank you! <3 (It’s a lot. So I put it under a read more)
2. Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal? (I only wrote the characters who are scared of an animal)
  Amalia: mice, rats
Célestin: spiders
  4. Do they like cuddling?
  Yes: Amalia, Adara, Célestin, Enzio
No: Carmilla, Rebecca, Dahlia, Valère (it does depend on how close they are with the person in question)
  8. What are their good and bad traits?
good traits: helpful, curious, self-confident, intelligent, charming
bad traits: proud (putting her knowledge and abilities over the ones of others), dislikes others helping or advising her on her work
good traits: adaptable, witty, polite
bad traits: aloof, self-loathing, moody
good traits: honest, self-confident
bad traits: cold, indecipherable
good traits: charming, smart, easily reads others, protective
bad traits: slightly obtrusive/pushy, mothers others too much
good traits: intelligent, strong sense of fairness, hard-working, quick-learner
bad traits: stubborn, brings themself in danger easily, workaholic
good traits: charming, witty, self-confident
bad traits: superficial, pushy, careless
good traits: patient, loyal, kind, supportive
bad traits: unconvinced of himself, anxious, oblivious
good traits: polite, willing to compromise, charming
bad traits: aloof, self-loathing, gullible
  9. Do they have any artistic talent?
  Amalia: sometimes draws little doodles on her notes
Carmilla: dancing, singing
Rebecca: crafting occult objects
Adara: decorating
Dahlia: calligraphy
Célestin: acting, dancing, singing
Enzio: playing violin, singing, writes musical pieces and stories
Valère: sewing, dancing 
10. What is their favourite room/place to be in, in the house  they live in?
 Amalia: laboratory
Carmilla: library
Rebecca: occultist room (the room in which she offers her services)
Adara: bedroom
Dahlia: bedroom (they are always tired)
Célestin: doesn't own a house or apartment, but loved the state room in his parents' estate
Enzio: garden
Valère: living room (there's not much else)
 14. What is a pet peeve of theirs?
 Amalia: continued arguing after someone is being proven wrong
Carmilla: loud noises and many people talking at once
Rebecca: people whispering, tapping of finger nails
Adara: people who believe everything they hear or read and don't think fir themselves
Dahlia: people interrupting them or not listening to them/doing something else while they talk
Célestin: children
Enzio: crowds
Valère: invading personal space
 15. What was the last thing they cried about?
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  17. Do they have a best friend? If so, who, and what makes them their best friend?
Célestin and Enzio. She likes hanging out with them and going to a pub for some drinks in the evening. She also thinks it's hilarious seeing how awkward Enzio is around Célestin and gives him advice then and again. Not the best advice, since most of her knowledge comes from rather unrealistic romance novels overflowing with kitsch, but she tries.
Rebecca. Her calmness and wisdom fascinated Carmilla. Rebecca seems to always know how she feels and what to do she felt unwell. Also there is none other to have better company with at a cemetery at night
And she befriended Enzio after some time.
Carmilla. She always liked to hear Carmilla's and wasn't even bothered when she whispered. She also bears many secrets. Rebecca usually sees through one with merely a handshake, however it was different with Carmilla.
Valère. Not many can say they share a friendship with a bloodhound and disgraced heir of an aristocratic family. It won't get boring. They often help each other out as well. She doesn't has to fear him growing possessive of her, as she has witnessed many times before, but they are on a mutual respectful level.
Used to be best friends with Valère. Because he approached them, was nice to them and he's the only one so far who genuinely made them laugh. But then he kinda fucked up.
Gwen. He likes her weirdness and her down-to-earth viewpoint. She doesn't evaluate people after their status or descent and always listens attentively to the stories he has to tell and he enjoys listening to hers
Amalia. She's fun to be around and always a good drinking partner. He likes hearing her talk about the cities and villages she visited and where she studied. He's always impressed when she explains a medical procedure and learned some simple treatments for wounds and common sicknesses. Her literary is questionable though and matches up with her odd live advices
He also became pretty good friends with Carmilla over time.
Adara. Met her on the job one could say. Adara is one of the few who is actually nice and welcoming to him and they often met after a certain incident, so they grew close. She often exchanges with him information too. She is good company and talking to her feels normal, not forced or filled with anger and fear
Still he does miss Dahlia a lot. They had a sharp mind, like only few people have. He even misses how they always had a talent to put themself in risky situations
19. What does their relationship with their family look like? Are they close? Distant? Ect.
Her parents died when she was still very young, so she doesn't remember them
The family she grew up in was very strict and never treated her as more than a servant. She doesn't really have a family.
Hasn't heard of her family in years since she left and never bothered to contact them. Otherwise they would probably pull with their plans for an arranged marriage, she believes
She's partly relieved Célestin is in the same situation as her and she's not alone, but also worries for him to have chosen this life and isolation from his family
Regularly writes letters to her family and is always happy to receive letters back from them. She visits them every holidays. They support and are very proud of her
Doesn't have a strong bond with her family. She's alive since many years and lives her own life. Since then she has gotten to know new acquaintances
The people in the brothel are like family to her and they mean a lot to her. Whoever dares to harm them, won't have a great time
Knows nothing about their family. They only know one of them was a vampire and the other a human. Part of why they chose to work in the Court was to get access to the extensive library to do research on who their family was. But it's difficult, since they have barely any clues on they might have been
They always thought Valère would become his family. His mother was always welcoming and they spent time a lot of time at her estate. She was always like a mother to them. Until everything went downhill
Ran away from home. He doesn't regret it, but sometimes misses his family and home. He has several high stacks of unsend letters. None seem perfect. The words never appear to be the right ones and he's too scares of their reaction. Giving up this life isn't what he intends
He's glad to still have Carmilla and to be among people most of the time
Is on good terms with his adoptive father and still thankful for taking him off the streets. But he's also to tell him, he doesn't want to live in this village forever. There's always a certain distance between them
He didn't see his mother since the incident and doesn't even know where she is. He'd like to explain everything to hee, but he knows she doesn't want to see him again
He never like the rest of the family much. They usually were only interested in gossip and who might slip next, so they have someone to laugh over and feel superior over
Arsène is the only on he still hass a relationship with from his family and only because he has no other choice. They weren't on the best terms before and certainly aren't now
 27. What is their favourite holiday?
 Amalia: Bealtaine (May Day)
Carmilla: none
Rebecca: Walpurgis Night
Adara: New Year's Eve
Dahlia: none
Célestin: his birthday
Enzio: Venetian Carnival
Valère: none
 So, here's the deal. I think when your immortal most holidays won't really interest or excite you anymore. I'm 20 and am not as excited anymore for most holidays. So when you're around 150 years or so, I don't it much matters anymore. But perhaps I'll think of some specific holidays for vampires etc., that are only every few years.
39. Do they have any tattoos?
 Valère and Adara have tattoos. (You know the ones he has. I still have to think of one for Adara, but it's probably going to be a tattoo on her wrists or back)
 40. If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly?
 I'm going to combine this with that other post you send me about describing a characters build. I'm not good at this. Especially with face shapes. Ans some parts I couldn't figure out how to describe. Sorry, if it isn't very clear :[
 Amalia: slim, tall, not very curvy, broad shoulders, athletic build, long straight red hair (usually worn in a braid), narrow oval face, greek nose
Carmilla: curvy, soft, kinda pear-shaped, small, long black wavy hair, heart-shaped face, full lips, button nose, large heavy-lidded eyes (usually wears black eye shadow), dark circles under eyes, very pale
Rebecca: wide hips, thick legs, slim arms, rather average face shape, long black curly hair, very light eyes (hides them under a blindfold when on the job), big nose, dark lips, black skin
Adara: hourglass figure, very tall, lower legs are goat legs, long tail, winding horns (similar to a ram) (adorns them with jewelry), long curly dark red hair, prominent cheekbones, almond-shaped eyes (pretty much like Jameela Jamil), hooked nose, full lips, dark skin
Dahlia: average height, very slim, almost no hips or curves, short dark brown hair, hair is on right side longer and has a wavy flow, curved waterline, kinda sharp triangular face, sharp-edged jaw, eyes looking a bit tired, pointy nose, dark skin
Célestin: average height, slim, long blond wavy hair (usually worn tied), narrow oval face, straight nose, heavy-lidded eyes, smug expression
Enzio: broad shoulders, athlethic build, tall, short curly dark brown almost black hair, concave nose, kind eyes, dark skin
Valère: somewhat dorito-shaped, broad shoulders, very tall, short black combed back hair, loose wavy streak of hair on the right side, hair end curly, arched eyebrows, sharp eyes, prominent waterline, dark circles under eyes, cheekbones, arched nose, pale
 47. If the world were to end in 24 hours, where would they be and who would they be with?
 Why do I have the feeling I know which answer you want to hear?
 Amalia & Carmilla: together in Carmilla’s mansion. Amalia laments about what she couldn't achieve. Carmilla calms her down, that it doesn't matter anymore
Rebecca: with her snakes and fianceé (who will still appear in the story sometime). She isn't necessarily surprised the world ends, but an answer to what happens to the ghosts and living afterwards, she doesn't have
Adara: alone on her balcony of her brothel, enjoying the view on the city while drinking a glass of her favourite wine. She's satisfied with her life. She has been around for a very long time
Dahlia: alone in their apartment, wondering if they made the right decisions and if they spend too much time for others and not for themself. So they go out on the streets, get drunk and do whatever they have missed out for the last few years
Célestin & Enzio: together at a glade in the forest, just lying there and drinking some glasses of wine together. Talking about what they still wanted to do with some melancholy, but also glas bot to be alone with this. They talk about life after death too, but without really coming to a clear result if there truly is one. But they'll it soon anyways
Valère: with Gwen in her cottage in the forest. Her place feels like home still even before the end of the world. He does is surprised to die like this. He thought someone else might kill him. Anyways, he's relieved to spend the last day of his life with Gwen and not Arsène
48. What does their room look like?
 Also something I'm not good at describing, so I apologize in advance.
 Amalia: rustic and comfortable. Furniture are made of light wood. Has lots of pillows on her bed. There's a tall shelf with filled with all kinds of books about medicine and notes. Next to it lay stacks of books as well. Her desktop doesn't look much different. Crowded with notes, papers, a few open and marked books. Her coat is always thrown over her chair or on her bed. Her room is not exactly tidy. Under her bed she hides her romance novels.
Carmilla: filled with antique furniture. She has a rather large room with a large bed with a canopy. Her room is kept dark. The furniture is made of dark wood and the fabric is made of velvet and is a dark red with elaborate golden patterns. And lots of candles and fancy candle-holders. (like a Coppola's Dracula vibe in a way). There's also a n old family portrait hanging on the wall, she covered with a cloth
Rebecca: a small room with lots of occult objects. Tarot cards, a crystal ball, a skull (real or not is unclear), bones. A herbal scent is in the room, coming from herbal essences she uses. The room is kept dark, since she doesn't really need light. There is a small window though. The walls are lined with chiffon.
Adara: bigass room. Luxurious is understated. The walls and floor are made of marble. The ceiling is lined with artistic gold decorations, like floral and sea shell pieces. A chandelier with glittering crystals hangs from the ceiling. Tall clear windows are on the wall and lead to the balcony and view on the elaborate garden. On the balcony are vases with plants in regular spacing. The room is very light, thanks to the windows and also the white marble and overall ivory and pearlescent colours. Otherwise the room is symmetrical furnished. A very large bed is in the middle in front of the wall to the balcony. The bed is covered with silken bed sheets. Suggestive marble statues, alternated by marble vases in antique design with green plants, are in front of the walls.
Dahlia: very tidy. Everything has its place. Their room is middle sized. Not too big, not too small. They like those better and don't need a huge room. They have a few shelves with books, all sorted after year of publication, genre and author in order of alphabet. Books mean a lot to them, but they also have a tailor's dummy with their favourite outfit for special occasions presented in a pretty spot in their room.
Célestin: depends on where or rather with who he stays. The room in Carmilla’s mansion he stays in, is filled with books of plays, scripts, and clothes. The room decorated with flowers and scented candles.
Enzio: his room is rather small and rather humbly furnished. A desktop on which are stacks of empty paper and paper stacks with musical pieces he wrote, a bottle of ink and feather for writing, a candle-holder, dried wax from the candle, that dripped down onto the wooden surface, and dog-eared books. The furniture is homemade, but it fulfils ist purpose. His violin lies safe and sound in a fitted costum-made case.
Valère: pretty much like Bigby's room from TWAU
49. If they could have an extinct animal for a pet, what would they have? (Used the german names, dince looking up the english names was annoying)
 Amalia: Celtic Hound
Carmilla: Kaplöwe
Rebecca: Titanoboa
Adara: Europäischer Jaguar
Dahlia: Wandertaube
Célestin: Thaltan Bear Dog (smol doggo)
Enzio: Russian Retriever
Valère: Panthera blytheae (sieht dem Schneeleoparden ähnlich)
 70. What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them?
 Amalia: period lady swordfighters are the best. Also a physician who (probably) becomes a vampire. She also has that gentlemanly attitude.
Carmilla: it's fun to write her! She's proud and kinda moody, but still an elegant lady. Also I like that she kinda has that bored vampire in need of something interesting-vibe (that's what she appears like to me at times). But also she is in a golden cage and is still hoping for true freedom, even if one wouldn't suspect it. Lots of great angst quality.
Rebecca: I like their design a lot. Greek stylistic, flowy dresses and snake jewelries are just neat. And her occultism and ghosts are pretty neat.
Adara: she's an aesthetic and a queen!
Dahlia: they are pretty independent, rational thinking and intelligent (which I fear a bit, because writing a good intelligent character is not easy), which I think is neat. They go their way, although they might be a bit too proud at some points. I like their design a lot too.
Célestin: he's the easiest to write, I'd say
Enzio: I like that he's kind, gentle and mature, but still anxious and doesn't like to put himself into the spotlight (because same). Also I love that whole orphic philosophy, which I took a lot of inspiration from (this just a sophisticated way of saying Oprheus is pretty much the inspiration for him). He's someone I'd like to be friends with in rl.
Valère: he's pretty much the most developed character so far, which is also thanks to a certain friend (Thank you! For real). He also has great angst. Oh so much angst. He's also sort of versatile, not just dead serious. Also his way of speech gives a lot of opportunities for pretty phrased insults, so I'm excited for that. Also again that golden cage and freedom motive.
 97. Have you ever drawn them before? If you are comfortable with it, would you post a picture?
 Yes, I have, but I don't feel quite comfortable yet. Sorry!
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