#strawberry alex
wherearemyhatchets · 9 months
strawberry Alex has many thoughts.
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 9 months
omg I love ur pfp, did u cosplay ACD in the strawberry suit ✨️🤩 very cool !
Hello, Nice Anon!
I sure did! The night before Halloween, I decided to drive to two different stores in search of the strawberry head costume, and while I was out, I thought about the blank green shirt I had in my craft room, so when I got home with a successful strawberry head haul, I cut out some vinyl and made myself a custom shirt!
Taylor himself even noticed it on Threads and left the most incredible comment that I will never be able to move on from.
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firstsprinces · 7 months
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Happy Wednesday, pals! A big thank you to @onthewaytosomewhere, @priincebutt, and @anincompletelist for the tags! All three of your shares are PURE GOLD and I'm so excited that they were what I've read so far tonight!
If you were here in my "early days" then you'll know my beloved was Alex dressed up as a strawberry. Well, Strawberry Boy Alex makes an appearance in my five times/strawberry berry farm fic that's coming soon! Henry loves boys and berries (separately...and together)
"Why don't you just go introduce yourself?" Bea inquires, giving him a gentle nudge with her elbow. Henry looks down at his feet and shakes his head. There's no way he's going to just break through the group of happy children that are currently being entertained by his crush, who is dressed up as a strawberry, because it'll all just make him feel even more embarrassed. "What's the worst that can happen?" She adds as she tosses a small round strawberry into the green basket Henry practically has death grip on. "All sorts of disastrous things." Henry replies with a groan as the list of awkward things grows and then ends with rejection in front of one of the most unfiltered groups of people ever. "I think you're being far too hard on yourself. You never know, he may feel the same way and he's just waiting for you to grow a pair." "Grow a pair?" He scoffs. "Thanks, Bea." "Anytime." She beams up at him as she takes a bite of the next strawberry she picks. Then she snatches the basket from him and walks further down the row of strawberries. Henry turns his head to look towards his direction again, the laughter coming from the children louder this time as he starts using the fruit he's holding as puppets and smashing them together. Once he's finished with his gimmick he takes a bow, even though it's difficult to bend in the strawberry costume.
Leaving this tag open and will catch up with everyone soon!
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alexsandhenrys · 11 months
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cg-blight · 6 months
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very late valentine's day art
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wejustvibing · 5 months
not yuki catching strays just because alex made fun of this man's height 💀
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stardisnight · 1 year
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pls enjoy strawberry alex for a sweet fruity post movie treat 🍓‼️
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pixxiecup · 3 months
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lime green stimboard with strawberries !!!! :D
[ 🍓 🍓 🍓 / 🍓 🍓 🍓 / 🍓 🍓 🍓 ]
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daddy-long-legssss · 7 months
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matchalovertrait · 6 months
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Uh oh, it looks like Lewis got himself into some trouble! Are the other contestants as lucky as they seem at this moment? Find out what the judges have to say about their dishes in the next segment.
Previous / Next (Transcript under the cut)
(1.) [Andrea] We are overjoyed to have the three of you as judges. Please, talk amongst yourselves while I check on the chefs.
(2.) N/A
(3.) [Sofia] Wow, everyone is so focused!
[Mia] They're adorable, aren't they? What dish are you looking forward to the most, Sofia?
[Carlo] Nothing in particular catches my attention, thanks for asking.
(4.) N/A
(5.) [Andrea] Chef Alex, tell me, how is it going over here?
[Alex] Great. My potatoes are boiling and I'll make sure to season them well once they're done. Also, I'm sauteing the merguez sausages and keeping a close eye on them.
(6.) [Alex] Andrea is nice and welcoming. I like her a lot.
(7.) [Lewis] It's smooth sailing over here! My vinaigrette is just how I want it to be. I'll get everything else done in a jiffy, except for my croutons. I don't want 'em to get stale.
(8.) [Andrea] Chef Dulce, how are you doing, sweetie?
(9.) [Dulce] It's going really well. I put a lot of thought into the amount of all the ingredients I'm using. Everything needs to complement each other.
(10.) [Rubiya] I couldn't be happier with how my spaghetti is turning out. I drained the pasta when it was still a little undercooked because it's going to keep cooking as I mix in the sauce and other ingredients. I want the texture and flavors to be perfect.
(11.) [Mia] Chefs, you have 5 minutes left on the timer! Make sure you start plating now if you haven't yet.
(12.) [Rubiya] I'm cutting it a bit close, but I got this!
(13.) [Sofia] Chef Alex seems like they're about done. I like their plating.
[Mia] Oh no, I'm concerned about Chef Lewis.
(14.) [Lewis] Oh, no no no no no no no-
(15.) [Lewis] Okay, looks like you CAN mess up a salad. My croutons didn't have that nice golden brown color yet, and with the time running out, I decided to turn up the heat a little. Big mistake. I have burnt croutons now.
(16.) [Alex] Good thing that ain't me.
(17.) [Dulce] Perfect!
(18.) [N/A]
(19.) [Andrea] Hands up, chefs! Your 30 minutes are up. Please come to the front of the judges' table
(20) [N/A]
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strawberriedmeadows · 5 months
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they are Mitski and The Crane Wives coded husbands, methinks
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wherearemyhatchets · 7 months
Ok, so Strawberry Alex exists, but if Henry had one of those types of costumes, what fruit/vegetable would he be???
I may or may not want to doodle them together in their little costumes 😭
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rockingtheorange · 11 months
Taylor Manspreading Perez✌
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From tzp's stylist Jason Bolden
More of manspreading below⬇️
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actual-changeling · 1 year
This post is something that can actually be so personal and no I am not done talking about it. There's a whole concept behind it and the fucking hair ties are just one way of channeling it but oh boy is it a good one. This works so well with the hair braiding too and i cannot think about it to much or i will spontaneously combust, but I had to so I hope you enjoy the result of it.
Joel has a hair tie on his wrist because Ellie forgets to take a spare and when the first one breaks or she loses it somehow, he can offer it to her before her hair becomes an annoyance.
He has one because she gives it to him sometimes when they're laying on the couch and her ponytail makes resting her head on a pillow or against his chest uncomfortable. At times she also takes it out simply because her scalp is especially sensitive that day and the constant pull becomes painful after a while. There's always another one in his jacket pocket, too, so when Ellie asks him for braids afterward or allows him to do her hair he isn't limited to simpler styles.
It starts with hair ties in Jackson but there are months of different acts preceding it.
Joel carried whatever he could for her, taking more than necessary sometimes because the slim line of her shoulders being weighed down by her backpack made his heart ache even when he couldn't admit it to himself back then, not at first at least. There are water bottles, sweatshirts she cannot quite fit into hers that day, all of their food, whatever first aid materials he can find, even a spare bar of soap.
Then he starts carrying hair ties once they get to Jackson and suddenly he needs to keep a brush on him, too, and with the brush comes a comb and with the comb comes a hat and with the hat comes a homemade creme he traded for since her hands are uncomfortably dry sometimes (she never said so but he knows her), and after that what started as a small piece of twisted fabric turns into him carry a bag around that is filled with everything his brain thinks Ellie might require at some point. Sure, maybe he is being a little bit overprotective and maybe Tommy jokes about getting him a purse several times, but he can offer her sunscreen and a bottle of water during summer, he gives her gloves and a scarf in winter when she doesn't remember to put them on before leaving, there's always one of her books in a side pocket, too, and as soon as he finds her a new one, her Walkman gets an especially safe place in his bag.
And yes, he fusses over her a little bit too much, maybe even to the point of being smothering sometimes (she always tells him to back off when that happens and he does without complaint), but Ellie grew up utterly alone and without someone to look after her for fourteen years, she deserves to know what it is like to be cared about by someone. Whatever she asks for, whatever she needs, he gives it to her even when she could walk home and come back with the thing in question in less than ten minutes. There's always a snack, a spare sweatshirt in case she gets cold, space for the one she takes off when she gets too warm, a small sketchbook and a pencil both as a distraction and so she can draw whenever she feels like it.
No one pays any attention to it, and while Tommy softly teases him about it from time to time, the smile that blooms on Ellie's face when he quietly gives her something she needs based on nothing but hardwired instincts before the words leave her mouth tells him everything he needs to know.
Joel might not be good with words, but he continues to carry a bag and hands her little pieces of his love time and time again, hoping she can put the puzzle together, hoping she knows.
Ellie does the same, hoping Joel notices it, hoping he knows what it means, that with every time she tells him to rest, every cup of coffee on his nightstand, every night spent in his bed when she wakes to the mere suggestion of a nightmare and brushes them away before they can settle so she can put herself in their place instead, every trashy action movie she borrows from the library for their weekly movie night, every handmade guitar pick she gifts him, every single gesture she does not have to do but does regardless because she wants to, she is saying I love you, too.
They notice, they care, they willing hand over carefully chosen parts of themselves and the puzzle they piece together is one and the same, because paying attention to things is how they show love and it is oh so easy when there is nothing to look at but each other.
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alexsandhenrys · 1 year
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— Taylor Zakhar Perez as Alex Claremont-Diaz
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forsiethay · 4 months
Posting some of my old sketches is a good idea for my first ACTUAL ART post on my ART tumblr I guess
Hello and welcome (officially)!
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