#stressed captain joong
echowritesshit · 2 years
"We Would be Savage" seongjoong got me thinking,,,
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[WWBS by 0KKULTiC on Ao3]
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bethelighthalazia · 6 months
Ruined everything!
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Summary:  Jealousy takes the better of your boyfriend and the stress of the last days just makes him say things he regrets.
Genre: angst (?), fluff (?)
Pairing: bf!Hongjoong X fem!reader
Word Count:  604
Warnings: none
[note: It's just a little drabble, but i saw this gif and it just gave me this tiny bit idea which i just had to write down ^^’]
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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Laughing, you stood aside with Seonghwa, who was taking his break from shooting. You had brought coffee for everyone and waited with him for all the others to take their break too, although when Hongjoong comes up to you, he already looks a bit moody. It doesn't stop you from holding his coffee towards him with a smile.
“Hey Joong, here's your coffee. Seonghwa said you didn't have one y-” Before you could finish your sentence though, one of the members accidentally bumps against you while talking to the others and causes you to drop Hongjoong's coffee. Unfortunately, it spills onto his outfit. You tried to catch the cup and when you look up into his face, you actually wince, his expression more than angry.
“Great, y/n! Now I have to get changed and the staff has even more work!” Hongjoong huffs out, grabbing the tissues from your hand harshly before you hurry to get more tissues. “Hongjoong, it's fine, the stain is not as big, we can fix it.” Seonghwa tries to calm the captain, but for some reason, this seems to anger him just even more. “Yeah, of course you stand up for her, huh? How about you take her then? Don't need a stupid girlfriend who ruins everything all the time!”
These words feel like a slap in your face and the moment Hongjoong turns and sees you standing there, he feels horrible for saying it. Of course he loves you, but the day had stressed him so much, he lost his patience and let it out on you. “Y/n, I-” He started, but cut himself off, noticing the tears that had appeared in your eyes. 
You didn't want to hear it, your week already had been shit and now your boyfriend says this? Before anyone could react, you throw the tissues at him and turn around, leaving the set, running. It just had to happen someday, Hongjoong is an idol and you are just a normal girl, so why should one like him love you?
It didn't take long for your phone to blow up, the boys asking you to come back and that your boyfriend didn't mean it. When Hongjoong called, you declined the call and turned off your phone for now. If he truly wanted to find you,he knew where you would go. The only place, you always felt safe and comfortable, even though without him, it felt cold.
Hours went by, you had curled up on the chair in his studio, and when Hongjoong entered it, you had fallen asleep from crying. When he saw you there, his heart stopped for a moment, thankful that you didn't leave completely. Carefully, he laid a blanket over you before sending the boys a text, letting them know that he found you. 
“Y/n…I'm so sorry for what I said. I never meant it…” He whispered, his fingers gently caressing your temple, then he carefully lifted you out of the chair to settle down on the little sofa with you in his arms. “D- don't leave me, joongie…” Your voice was quiet and sleepy as you shuffled in his arms without waking up, bringing a sad smile to Hongjoong's lips. 
“I would never leave you, y/nnie…I love you too much for that. You are my best friend, my muse, my treasure. And I'm so sorry for hurting you with my words. I swear, this will never happen again.” He whispered, followed by endless quiet apologies until the captain also fell asleep, his arms wrapped around you in fear of losing you because of his stupid words.
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taglist: @mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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kittykat-25 · 7 months
One Of The Guys- Part 5
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Pairings: Hongjoong x F! Reader, Chan X F!Reader
Genre: idol au, Friends x Lovers, angst
Warnings: anxiety attacks mentioned, Feminine pet names(cupcake, bubs, love, pretty girl)
Summary: You tried really hard not to be a cliché, falling love with your best friend. How unoriginal. But when your best friend is Kim Hongjoong what are you supposed to do?
Now Playing: One Of The Guys- Jessia
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You woke up in the softness of your bed, head pounding. You could hear talking coming from the kitchen area. Wrapping a blanket around yourself you made your way into the living room, finding Wooyoung and Mingi in the kitchen. Wooyoung put down his spatula and walked over to you wrapping you up in a hug, “how ya feeling bubs?” You laid your head on his chest, wrapping your arms around him, “exhausted and my head hurts. And I’m hungry.” Your head shook as he laughed, “well I’m cooking you breakfast and you have a package.” He said letting go and motioning towards your table.
You look around Wooyoung and find a basket of different things inside. “All my favorite snacks? And my favorite flowers? Wooyoung?” You turned towards your friends, Woo shook his head, “not me, doorman brought them up this morning.” Mingi handed you a card, “this was with it.” You recognize the writing instantly, “Chan”. Mingi smiled at Wooyoung, the faint smile on your lips bringing them hope. You gently open the card, “Y/n-ah, I hope you feel better. I didn’t want to bother you so late but I hope to see you soon. Drink water and eat well.” You smile wider reading his message.
“Do you not have practice this morning?” You ask while going to get washed up for work. “At nine, enough time to fix you breakfast and drive you to work before heading that way.” Mingi says with a smile. “Woah.” You said grabbing your phone off the couch. You had grabbed it to text Chan but stopped when you noticed all the notifications. “15 missed calls and 8 text from Joong.” You said scrolling through all of them. “Let him grovel, he needs to beg for your forgiveness.” Wooyoung said through clenched teeth. “Wooyoung-ie?” You asked walking back into the kitchen, he was angrily stirring the fried rice. “He has the audacity to call himself your best friend but chooses to completely ignore you when you need him. I love Hongjoong, he’s my brother but sometimes he’s so thick headed I want to punch him.” Mingi patted the younger boy on the back, “you know how captain gets during comeback season. I’m not saying what he said is okay but he’s under more stress than we know about.” His eyes met yours and his face softened, “I’ll still punch him for what he said though.” He added to you. “No punching. I’ll talk to him and let him grovel but we all know that once this comeback starts you guys need to be a unified team.” You said level a stare at Woo, “which means forgiving him.” Wooyoung rolled his eyes, “I’ll forgive him when he apologizes to you.” You snorted, “judging by the calls and text I’d said he did that about 20 some times.” You grabbed plates and scooped out rice, filling the boys plates up so they have energy throughout the day.
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As you sit at your desk finishing up your emails, your phone lights up. Reaching over to grab it, a smile blooms seeing Chan’s name, “dinner tonight? If you’re feeling up for it?” You immediately text back, “how about I cook and we watch a movie? Feeling better but still drained.” You finished making the plans and were much more excited to go home. You looked at the unopened text from Hongjoong and debated on opening them or not. Choosing to not stress yourself out more you locked your phone and threw it in your bag. Cleaning up the desk and you packed up to leave.
You stopped at the market on the way home to grab some things for dinner. Walking into your apartment you send a text to Mingi and Woo letting them know your plans and not to come over. You shower and get changed, trying to get cleaned up before Chan arrived. You had just lit some candles when the buzzer went off. You waited for Chan to get upstairs as you pulled things out of the market bags. A knock sounded at your door and you wiped your hands on the rag. Opening the door you were greeted with Chan and a bottle of wine! “Hey!” You said opening your door wider for him to enter. “Hey I brought this, Minho suggested it!” Chan said setting the wine on the counter. He looked in the bags, “what are we fixing?” You continued pulling out ingredients; “ I was thinking since it’s colder some Kimchi Jjigae and Rabboki? But we can do something else.” Chan shook his head, “those sound good to me!” You started getting out pots and pans while Chan washed his hands.
As you chopped the ingredients for the jjigae Chan got the sauce started for rabboki. “Thank you for the basket.” You said nudging his arm. “Of course, I didn’t want to impose but wanted you to know I was here if needed.” You smiled, “Wooyoung was very smug when he gave it to me.” You chuckled. Chan laughed, “he is an interesting character.” You slid the kimchi into the pot, “he comes across unserious and wild but if he cares for you I don’t think there’s anything that would stop him from helping if needed.” Chan gathered all the rice cakes and added them to the pot, “him and Mingi, well all eight of them but those two more so seem to care a great deal about you.” You nodded, “they are my brothers.” Chan got quiet then added, “you never dated any of them? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want too.” You laughed, “ no Joong basically put a no touch rule on me when I met them.” Chan laughed, “that makes sense, Id do that too if I thought any of my members would try with Hannah. They all see her as a sister too thank god.” You smiled, the comparison you and Hongjoong to him and his sister rolling off your back surprisingly easy. “I think Hongjoong just didn’t want to have to share. I don’t think he took into account how attached Woo gets to people.”
As you finished adding the ingredients to the pot and setting the lid on top you turned towards Chan. His eyes were watching your movements with adoration flowing out of them. “You and Hongjoong were never anything?” He asked turning back towards the rice cakes. You cleared your throat, “No just friends.” Chan nodded. As you finished up the dishes you spoke about the comebacks and plans for the holidays with families.
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You and Chan sat down to eat, your phone rang, seeing Yunhos name pop up you reached hesitantly towards your phone, “answer it if you need too.” Chan said with a chuckle, “don’t ignore them on my account.” You smiled at him before picking up the call, “hey, is everything okay YuYu?” You said into the phone. “Yah I just wanted to check on you. Mingi had called to invite you over last night and then he just sprinted out the door. Today he just said you weren’t feeling well. Are you sick? Was it your anxiety? Do you need anything? Do-“ Yunho rattled off question, concern laced in his words. “Woah Yunnie, I’m okay. It was just a bad day and rough anxiety attack piled on top of it but I’m doing better today.” You said trying to calm the boy down, “I’m also having dinner with Chan. Can we talk about this tomorrow?” You added quickly. Mouthing an apology to Chan who just shook his head smiling.
You ended the call quickly and put your phone on silent. Eyes scanning the list of missed calls and text from Hongjoong. Not ready to address that yet. “Are you comfortable talking about what happened yesterday?” Chan asked after a few moments.”if not that’s totally fine, I just want to be able to help if you need me if the future. But I understand it’s very personal.” He adds quickly. You placed your chopsticks on the plate, “is there anything in particular you want to know?” You asked. Chan shook his head, “some of my members have anxiety but I know everyone’s signs are different. I just didn’t know if there were ways for me to help before it got bad or what helps calm you down.” You smiled at him, looking down at your destroyed nail beds, “I pick at my nails when I start getting anxious. Usually until they bled. Distracting me works but sometimes I just need someone to separate my hands. Depending on the situation. I pull at my hair or twist the ends when I get overly anxious, that usually a sign it’s getting bad. Calming down though it’s harder. Just being held and knowing I’m not alone does the most for me.” Chan reached across the table and wrapped his hand around yours, you looked up to find his eyes already on you, “I’m so proud of you for dealing with this so well. You are so strong y/n.” You felt the tears start to gather in your eyes, “alright Bang don’t make me cry at dinner. I’m trying to pull myself together here.” You said laughing while blinking away the tears.
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As you stand at the sink scrubbing the dishes, Chan bringing them to you from the table and drying as you clean, you feel content. The heaviness has gone and something settles in your chest. Chan is standing behind you, a hand on your waist. Just happy to be around you, “what movie did you have in mind pretty?” You felt your face heat up, thankful he was behind you until you felt more weight on your back. Chan wrapped his arms around your waist and set his head on your shoulder, “do you always blush when I compliment you or is it just when I call you pretty?” Chan smirked. You felt the hotness of your face run down into your neck. Chan s face lit up, “ah so you like being called pretty. Well what does my pretty y/n want to watch tonight?” You were about to answer when a knock sounded at your door. The look of confusion must have crossed your face. “The buzzer didn’t go off?” Chan asked. “The guys all have codes they use, I swear if it’s Wooyoung. I’m gonna strangle him.”You said laughing. You still had your hands in dish water and went to pull off the gloves, “do you want me to let him in?” Chan asked when they knocked again. “Please I’ll finish these quickly.” You smiled at him as he walked towards the door.
As Hongjoong stood on the other side of your door, bouquet in his hands; ready to apologize and talk about last night the last thing he expected was for Bang Chan to answer your apartment door. Yet here he was stunned silent by the man on the other side. “Hongjoong-ah how are you?” Chan said. You paused the dishes making sure you heard him right. “Chan Hyung what are you doing here?” Joong said. An uneasiness coming over him. “Where is y/n?” He added. You quickly finished the dish and slipped the gloves off. “Just enjoying dinner with y/n, do you want to come in? She’s finishing up dishes.” Chan said. You walked towards the door a dish rag in your hands. Hongjoong’s face relaxed when he saw you over Chans shoulder, “y/n-ah.” Chan looked back at you, frowning slightly when he saw you twisting the rag in your hands tightly. Looking back at your face, all the calmness from minutes ago was replaced with something that made his stomach churn. Chan turned back around, “is everything okay Hongjoong?” Chan took in the flower bouquet in the younger boys hands. “Ah you came to check on y/n?” He said motioning towards the flowers. He heard you scoff and walk away.
Turning towards where you stood, space completely empty. He turned back towards Hongjoong whose face was growing more pale. “I don’t think our girl is fully back felling well. But I’ll make sure those get in water.” Chan said gently, not sure what happened between the two friends. He just knew you needed someone right now. Hongjoong begrudgingly handed him the flowers, Chan smiled at him before bidding him goodnight and closing the door. The weight in Hongjoong’s stomach making him nauseous, Chan’s voice echoing in his mind. Our girl. Pulling out his phone he hit Wooyoung’s number, ready to find an explanation to this new development in y/n’s life.
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TAGLIST🥰 if you want to be included in the taglist message me!
@vampzity @sanslovesblog @sundaybossanova @skzline @edenesth @owmoiralover @scarfac3 @blackb3|| @ateezswonderland @amuromio @the-multishipper @mingisbbokari
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makeitmingi · 1 year
Cause Baby You're My Muse [Chapter 43]
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Genre: Romance, Idol!AU, Music, Slight angst
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Producer!Reader, IdolLyricist!Mingi, IdolProducer!Hongjoong, Idol!Seonghwa, Idol!Yunho, Idol!Wooyoung, Idol!San, Idol!Yeosang, Idol!Jongho, cameo(s) by other celebrities
Summary: You always preferred producing underground, having an unknown face and governed by your own rules. But when you start freelancing for idol groups, you say goodbye to your lone wolf lifestyle as you learn to work with idol producers and lyricists.
Word count: 3.2K
With a tray of iced coffees and multiple boxes of sports drinks in the boot, you stepped out of the van. Eden stood beside you, helping you carry the other tray of iced coffees.
"They're filming, I think." Eden whispered, judging by the absence of voices and the loud music that was playing throughout the entire film site. You nodded, the stomping of feet against the ground, indicated that the boys were probably dancing.
"I'll leave these in their dressing room then." You put the tray at their seating area in the air conditioned room.
"Careful, don't trip over the wires." He cautioned as he followed you. Once the trays of coffees were down, you went back to the van to get the sports drinks out.
"This should be enough right?" You scratched your head.
"It's more than enough, Indigo ah." Eden ruffled your hair with a chuckle. You bent down to open the boxes.
"Back in Korea, getting the small bottles of vitamins drinks was so much easier. They only seem to have the big bottles here." You sighed as you took out some bottles to put on the table.
"Nevertheless, I'm sure the crew will be appreciative of your efforts. It's the thought that counts." He laughed, sitting on the couch. After that, you went out to watch the shooting progress. You made sure to stay out of sight, creeping around, so you wouldn't distract any of the boys, especially Mingi.
"And.... cut! Good job, everyone! Take a 10 minute waterbreak and we'll go for a round of monitoring!" You heard the director yell.
"Thank you!" The Ateez boys straightened up and bowed. You clapped with the other staff that were around you. Instead of going to greet the boys, you gave out the sports drink.
"Thank you for having me." You repeatedly thanked people and bowed to them.
"Thank you." All the crew were so nice.
"Aww, no need to thank us. We were glad you could make it, Indigo! It's nice having you around." The stylist team squealed excitedly and pulled you into a group hug.
"You're all so warm and welcoming." You chuckled. You left them to have their break while you went back to the artist resting room.
"There's our familiar hooded figure." Seonghwa joked, wrapping an arm around you.
"Hi, Hwa. You look really good." You chuckled, patting his back. Seonghwa always looked good, especially in his stage outfits. He pulled off every look and concept that the stylists put him in. You went to greet the others.
"Oh yeah, I bought everyone their coffees. Hang on, they're labelled." You announced. The 8 swarmed you like bees around the queen, all waiting for their coffee orders.
"Here you go." You handed them out.
"Iced green tea latte." You gave Mingi his order. He seemed surprised that he was the only one that didn't get a coffee-based drink.
"You mentioned in passing how coffee can make you a little shaky so I got you a tea drink instead. If you want coffee, you can drink mine." You offered.
"No, it's all good. Thanks for remembering." He patted your head. Mingi was more surprised than anything that you even remembered something he casually mentioned in passing.
"Joong, don't stress. You'll get a wrinkly forehead with your frowning." You joked, sitting by the captain.
"I have to make sure things go smoothly." He sighed.
"Don't worry so much. Everything will be fine, the shooting will go smoothly. The more you stress, the more you'll feel that things are going wrong." You massaged his shoulders. Hongjoong let out another long sigh, picking up his drink cup and taking a sip. The others watched in amazement at how you soothed the captain.
"Thanks, Indi. The rest, when you're ready, let's go monitor. Don't keep the directors waiting." Hongjoong patted your hand with a small smile and left the room.
"Wow." Yeosang said, clapping his hands with a knowing smile.
"What?" You blinked in confusion, only then realising that all the attention on the room was on you and Hongjoong.
"No one has ever been able to soothe Hongjoong hyung before he becomes Pokjoong. Well, the only person who can do it is Seonghwa hyung but even he fails some times." Wooyoung said.
"Because you guys stress him." You rolled your eyes. That was when the shouts of protests started.
"Just don't add to his stress." You crossed your arms.
"We don't!" They protested. You waved them off to go monitor what they had filmed. Eden encouraged you to tag along with the group to see what they were doing. So while the boys sat together and monitored their video, you stood behind them to watch.
The boys all looked serious as they monitored the footage. You didn't expect Yunho to be the one to point out everyone's dance mistakes when he noticed them.
"Timing is off here then it made the chorus look out of sync." He pointed to the screen.
"The line is not straight here." Mingi echoed, using his hand to show how the standing alignment had caused the formation to be wonky.
"Let's run it verbally one time before filming it again." Seonghwa suggested. The boys stood up and went to standing in their formation for that part of the song.
"Are you one of the stylist?" An unfamiliar male came up to you.
"Uh, no. A producer." You replied, eyes not moving from the boys that were dancing in front of you.
"Oh! You're the one that bought the drinks? I didn't recognise you with the hoodie and mask. Thanks, by the way." He smiled, waving the glass bottle that was in his hand. You let out a short hum. Even if you weren't looking at him, you noticed that he didn't move, remaining in his spot beside you.
"I'm Sejoon, by the way. Part of the film team." He suddenly spoke again. From the corner of your eye, you saw that he had raised his hand to shake yours.
"...Indigo." You awkwardly shook his hand. The mask hid most of your emotions but you purposely tried to seem awkward, hoping that he would leave you alone. But he didn't seem to get the hint.
"The crew is going out for dinner after this, you should join us! The stylists and other teams are going too." He said.
"That's nice. I'll consider it. But thanks for the invite." You stiffly bowed your head.
"Ah, there's no need to be so formal!" He slapped your shoulder.
From where the Ateez boys were standing, they were all looking at the obviously one sided exchange between you and this strange boy. If looks could kill, Mingi would have that boy six feet under by now. But they all felt a little protective of you.
"Who is that? Acting so close with her... Can't he tell she's uncomfortable?" Wooyoung crossed his arm with a scoff. Mingi silently agreed, cheering Wooyoung on.
"Indigo! Can you give me my coffee?" San yelled out. Mingi observed how you relaxed in relief.
"Me too!" Jongho said.
"Sure!" You ran to the artists' breakroom to get San and Jongho's coffee. You jogged over to bring them their orders. San grinned and patted your head.
"You okay?" Yunho asked, barely audible but good enough for you to hear. You nodded your head, rubbing your shoulder.
"Just trying to be friends, I guess." You shrugged.
"You have us. That's enough friends. I don't like how he was being overly friendly." Hongjoong rolled his eyes, making you laugh. It warmed your heart knowing that the boys were protective over you. But you could handle it, it was just one boy that was trying to get too close to you.
"I'm fine. Focus on the music video filming." You assured them. Once the director called them back for another run, you wished them good luck and headed back to the side.
"Indigo." Eden called. You went over to where he was seated in front of the computer, sitting beside him.
"Help me listen to this track and see if there are any issues." He instructed.
"Yes, boss." You playfully saluted while Eden rolled his eyes. Pulling down your hoodie, you kept your mask on but wore the headphones that Eden handed to you.
"Wait, which version is this?" You opened your laptop that you thankfully brought along.
"Version 4.3. The other Edenary members just updated it an hour ago." Eden replied. Just like that, you and him began to work, creating your own little producers' bubble, not being distracted by the filming that was happening in front of you.
Although he did want you to see the filming process and see how cool he was being, Mingi was glad that Eden distracted you away from the male earlier.
Sure, call him jealous, but Mingi just didn't like the vibes from the exchange he observed between the two of you.
"And cut! Great job for today everyone!" The director called. You stood with Eden, clapping for everyone's hard work. The Ateez boys clapped as well, bowing gratefully to everyone there.
"Congrats! Day 1 of filming is done." You said to the 8 of them.
"We hoped that you had fun here too, Indigo." Yeosang smiled kindly. You nodded.
"Of course, I did. I learnt a lot about filming too. All of you were amazing, great performers." You gave them all a thumbs up. While the boys were changing out of their filming outfits and into regular clothes, you waited outside for them. You would just take the van back to the hotel with them.
"Hey, Indigo." Seyoon jogged up to you with a wave and a big smile. You blinked at him, giving one wave of a hand.
"So, will you be joining the rest of us?" He asked.
"Oh... right. I can't. I have to work." You tapped the laptop that was tucked under your arm. It was a lie, you didn't have to work. You just didn't want to go.
"Come on! It's just one night. I'm sure it's not that urgent, you can always work tomorrow." He chuckled.
"I have a deadline." You replied, not budging or wavering in the slightest bit. Seyoon seemed to falter, assuming that he was successful in getting you to go along for the dinner.
"But everyone else would be there. And the stylist team is expecting you. It's just a meal."
"They are? None of them mentioned it in my conversation with them earlier. Plus, not everyone will be there. Ateez isn't invited." You pointed out.
"No one ever asks the idols out. They're on an entirely different level than us." Seyoon reasoned. You just stared at him, still not moving or giving in. In fact, you were starting to get annoyed with his pushing. Until you felt arms wrap around your shoulders.
"Indigo. Ready to go? We were looking for you at the van." Mingi asked, standing on your left.
"Yeah, we're starving. Let's get dinner." Jongho replied from your right. The two of them stared stoically at Seyoon, raising a questioning eyebrow at the male who suddenly looked so small.
"Sorry to keep you guys waiting. We should get some food in you." You chuckled.
"Seonghwa hyung is going to complain that we're keeping him from his precious meal." Jongho clicked his tongue.
"Let's go already." Mingi said impatiently, turning around and leading you away. Seyoon stood there dumbfounded, not even exchanging a goodbye as the idols took you.
"Phew, life saver." You let out a sigh of relief as you climbed into the van.
"That guy bothering you? Who is he anyway?" Seonghwa asked worriedly, holding your hands.
"I'm fine, Hwa. Don't worry, he wouldn't try anything with so many people around. His name is Seyoon, says that he is part of the film crew. There was so many of them at the airport that I didn't even see him. He was trying to ask me to join the working crew and stylists for dinner tonight." You explained.
"You told him no, right?" Wooyoung raised an eyebrow.
"Of course I did. But he didn't want to take no for an answer. Luckily Mingi and Jongho came to save me." You rubbed your forehead.
"He has bad vibes." Yunho shook his head.
"Agree." Seonghwa nodded, the frown not leaving his face. You laughed, gently poking the space between his eyebrows to stop him from frowning.
"It's a small matter." You giggled. But the boys still weren't convinced. They hated that your first film site experience was like this.
After an entire day of filming, you all decided to order room service. You entered your room with Mingi in tow, of course. But the moment the room door closed, Mingi backed you against the door. His expression was unreadable, it was a mix of a lot of emotions.
"Mings?" You looked up at him in confusion.
"Are you okay?" He asked, worry all over his face as his hand came to affectionately stroke your cheek.
"Mmm, I'm fine." You leaned into his touch. Mingi still stared down at you, not moving from his position. He came down and pressed his forehead against yours.
"I hated how close he was getting to you and how he was treating you. You don't deserve that." He frowned.
"It's okay, Mingi. Nothing happened." You assured.
"I know but damn it. You're mine." He leaned forward, resting his forehead on your shoulder. Mingi's hand trailed to your hip, squeezing it lightly.
"If the maknae wasn't there, I would have punched him. Idol or not. You don't treat people like that. Especially when that person is my girl." Mingi growled. You patted his back before reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. Mingi leaned down for you to hug him properly, both his hands resting on your waist.
"Mings, not once did I think I was in danger. Because I know you're there and the others are too." You said.
"Damn straight." He pressed you flush against him. He tapped your thigh and you raised your leg for him to lift you up. With you in his arms, Mingi sat on the bed, securing you in his lap.
"You're mine, got that?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I know." You giggled, bumping your forehead against his. The only other person you know Mingi is possessive of is Yunho.
"Tomorrow, you stay 30 feet away from that guy. The others don't get good vibes from him too and that says a lot when it's 8 people." Mingi commanded.
"Gladly. He talks too much." You rolled your eyes, making Mingi smile. He carded his hand through your hair.
"Gosh, I love you." His hand stopped at the base of your neck.
"I love you too." You playfully shoved him until he fell back onto the mattress with you over him. You snuggled into his chest, closing your eyes. It was hard to see your lover as an idol when you shared moment like these.
"Are you falling asleep on me?" Mingi suddenly asked, you could hear the smile in his voice.
"Do you not want me to?" You lifted your head to look at him.
"I do, trust me. But I'd like to feed you and take a shower first. I've been sweating and filming the whole day, I don't want to get you dirty." He chuckled.
"Okay, I'll order the room service, you go shower first." You got off him. Mingi nodded, holding your chin and guiding your face to his.
"Kiss first." He murmured before pressing his lips to yours. After that, Mingi went to shower.
"Wait, Mings! You didn't tell me what you wanted to eat yet!" You said, knocking on the bathroom door with the room service menu in your hands.
"Meat!" He yelled out. You sighed, that wasn't very helpful. You ordered a few dishes, guessing that he must be quite hungry after all the hard work of filming from today. For the mains, you ordered him a steak frites, which you know he likes, and a mini pizza for yourself, knowing Mingi would steal some.
"Oh, and two colas, please." You ordered on the phone. Just as you hung up, Mingi came out of the bathroom.
"Mings, dry your hair properly!" You scolded. But he came closer to you, shaking his head like a dog after a shower. You squealed, shielding your face.
"You're gonna shower anyway, baby." He wrapped his arms around you playfully.
"Put on a shirt before you get a cold." You slapped his chest and went to grab your clothes from your suitcase.
"Answer the room service when it comes." You reminded him. Mingi, already settled in bed and on his phone, shot you a thumbs up. You entered the bathroom and took a much needed shower.
You hoped Mingi heard the doorbell too. Thankfully, you heard his footsteps head for the door. But the chaotic noises and Mingi's outraged yelling told you that it wasn't just the room service that came. With a chuckle, you dried yourself and changed.
"Umm, Mings...? Can you come?" You poked your head out of the bathroom door. You saw a few legs dangling from the edge of the bed, confirming your suspicions.
"Yeah, baby?" Mingi came to you.
"I need pants..." You mumbled shyly. For a second, Mingi frowned in confusion but realisation dawned on him.
"Oh, right. Be right back." He went to your suitcase to grab you a pair of sweat pants. Mingi forgot that you were usually pantless around him. But you couldn't be now with others in the room.
"Who is here?" You asked as you slipped on the pants.
"Wooyoung and Yunho." Mingi replied. You hummed and dried your hair with a small towel before stepping out.
"Finally, you're done!" Wooyoung hugged you. He smelled of fresh soap, evident of his recent shower. Looking at the food, there probably wasn't enough now.
"Order more food." Yunho told Mingi, who sighed. He was definitely not pleased at the sudden appearance of the two guests. He wanted to enjoy a meal with just you since he hasn't been able to even sit with you for meal times. There was always someone else around and you separated yourself from Mingi.
"Here, Yuyu." You handed him one of the coke cans that came. He smiled gratefully and patted your head.
While Mingi ordered the food, you chatted with Yunho and Wooyoung on how they felt the music video shoot went today. Along with Mingi, they were in charge of dance and performance.
"It went smoothly actually. We ended on schedule, we usually end late on the first day." Wooyoung shrugged.
"Maybe because Indigo is there. Our lucky star." Yunho cooed, pinching your cheek.
"Ahem." From his end of the room, Mingi cleared his throat, evident that he saw Yunho's actions. You giggled and watched Mingi quickly hang up, coming to sit beside you.
"Mmmm. These are good." Wooyoung stole a fry from Mingi's steak frites plate, offering one to Yunho and you.
"Just start eating since there's more coming. Share what we have now." You handed out the plates to everyone. They picked from the sharing plates you ordered, eating hungrily, while Mingi ate the steak that you ordered for him.
Series Masterlist
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
I've been working and stressing for this whole time and come back to lots of updates and to the fact that you're writing a fantasy novel??!! WHAT THE HECK JACKIE🫠
First off, congratulations on the novel I would love to read it once it is officially finished and available I'm a hundred percent certain it will be absolutely amazing 😊 I'm so proud of you and I know this won't be the last one you write and publish so all the best to you and your future endeavours we'll be cheering you on from the sidelines
Secondly, the updates I just went through a lot of updates so my head is still spinning 😅 I'm still processing so I'll just run through everything I remember now.
PG - I loved all the healing scenes with the guys it was wonderful, WYs smut scene was just absolute filth in the best way possible I loved it and all the sweetness, the way he was clingy after was really funny OC knows how to handle him though 😂, the garden scene was great San and Captain are just angels 😇, I love seeing her get stronger too and the scene where she hits the dummy their reactions 🤧🫠, her little nephew is here 😍, the weapons rooms were awesome love that she's making her own weapon with Mon's teeth, SHs scene was unexpected but greatly appreciated he needed some loving 🤧♥️ oh and I can't wait for HJs scene I'm excited 🤗
MM - YH and YS going to the market with her is just so cute I loved it, the whole scenes with the kids were adorable I wanted to cry when they started calling them uncle🥲, how OC saved YH from the situation is so wonderful plus she got rid of the problem couple so great😌, OC really put the couple in their place but YS calling OC his fated had me dying 😫🫠 I'm excited for what's to come
I haven't read the new update of the YS fic I will do so ASAP 🙃
I also read the prologue of the new series and it sounds great 🥹
Hehehe welcome back!
Thank you so much! I definitely plan on keeping you all updated on the novel, especially when it comes time for it to be released! I'm going to be using a pen name for it so I'll give more details when I have them for sure!
Oh, if you thought Wooyoung's smut was filthy, just wait until Joong's tonight ;)
Hehehe I'm so glad you've been enjoying the PG updates!! Believe me, I have plenty more where that came from, there's so much planned that I have so stay tuned!
Omg yes! Morning Mist has so much more coming for it, I promise!! I'm super excited to develop the other's relationships with the oc, but the story is just on a back burner for now as I work on other things. Unless I get super inspired to work on the next chapter soon... which could happen lol
Thanks so much for the lovely ask!! I really appreciate it!!
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alotofteez · 4 years
Background Music | PSH
⇢ Pairing: Seonghwa x Reader (gender neutral) ft. bff Hongjoong ⇢ Genre: Fluff, College!au, Coffee Shop!au ⇢ Word Count: 2,196 ⇢ Synopsis: You knew every routine sound of the coffee shop; the friendly chatter, the clinking of mugs, and the chime that welcomed each visitor. It became your background music, and he blended into it. ⇢ Same Universe: Hazelnut Latte (San) and Love Shot (Yunho)
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The strong brew of coffee beans hits your senses as you push open the entrance door. The usual chime rings above your head. The familiar face behind the counter drops. Your friend is already rolling his eyes at your presence.
“Aren’t you supposed to greet me nicely?” You ask and immediately imitate his voice, walking to the register, “‘Welcome to Beans ’N Cream.’”
“I’m not in the mood,” Hongjoong deadpans.
“I’m guessing you’ve seen the assigned groups for the online store project,” 
“Unfortunately,” he sighs, “I don’t even know the people in my group.”
“Maybe you should show up to class then.”
“Maybe I won’t serve you.”
“No, I need caffeine,” you whine.
“Your order has barely any caffeine,” he says as he prepares a glass.
“I don’t tell you how to drink your coffee,” you counter, watching him check on the other barista.
“San, get back to work!” He yells over to the guy working the drive-thru.
San turns around saluting, “Aye, aye, Captain!”
An exhausted sigh leaves Hongjoong as his eyes meet yours again, “I hate it here.”
“Why don’t you just fire him?”
“I can’t… He brings in a lot of customers.”
“Then quit.”
“You know why I can’t. Now I’m screwed since we’re not in the same group.”
“You’ll live. Maybe it will be good for you to actually do your own-”
“Take your liquid sugar with a splash of espresso and go.” He places your usual iced macchiato on the counter with a clink.
“Love you, Joong,” you coo as you take it and head to your regular spot at the corner table.
Friday nights at the coffee shop are chill with the fairy lights glimmering through the wooden rafters above and soothing live music being played across the cafe. It’s the perfect place to work on some projects and papers.
A plate lands next to your textbook, and you look up to find San.
“Another anonymous blueberry muffin.” He smiles.
“Again? Why can’t you just tell me who it is?” You sigh.
“Because I’m here for the secret admirer cliche… and they said not to tell you.”
“You sit here for hours not eating, and they want to make sure you do. So eat up, buttercup,” San says and begins to walk away before you can pry any further.
“Is it Hongjoong?” You call after him.
“I’m not telling, but no!”
Your eyes scan the cafe for clues, but all you find is other customers engrossed in their own lives. The music has stopped as the next open mic performer sets up. Conversations continue, and you resume studying symbolic consumption, self-image, and personality while nibbling on the muffin. A couple of popular songs fill the air, lulling you back into concentration.
The performer clears his throat before strumming the intro of the next song. The first few words sang sound familiar; the title on the tip of your tongue. It brings a warmth over you as your fond memories embrace you, but you can’t quite remember them. With each lyric that flows out of his mouth, you fall a little more in love with his voice.
“Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.”
“I Wouldn’t Mind” by He is We. Someone else actually knows this song? Your eyes shoot up to finally see the performer. His dark fringe hangs over his eyes as he focuses on his fretting. He looks familiar; you’re pretty sure he’s a regular here. His group of friends usually sit at the table next to the window, and sometimes they laugh loudly but are never a disruption. 
You’ve become used to the routine sounds of the coffee shop. It’s your favorite background music. Right now, it comes in a soothing voice singing an old favorite song of yours. The atmosphere feels like home, and you wouldn’t mind staying like this.
When the song comes to an end, you watch him put his guitar away. One of his friends says something to him that makes the rest of them laugh. The guy glances back at you with curious eyes, and when he turns to his friends, they seem to tease him.
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With your laptop snugly under your arm, you walk inside the coffee shop, ready to settle in to do school work. It’s a Monday night, and the cafe is a little more crowded than usual. The normal chatter is slightly louder with excitement. 
As you head to the front counter, your eyes wander to the table by the window, making contact with the guy from open mic. He quickly averts his gaze to the table, hiding his eyes under his fringe. It flusters you for a moment before you greet Hongjoong.
“For that online store project, my group decided to sell our own brand of sustainable clothing,” you inform Hongjoong as you sit on a barstool, “One of them was talking about how difficult it would be to do that in our group chat. I don’t think they realize this online store is just practice and that we’re not actually going to make or sell any products.”
“The amount of stupidity that gets into college astounds me.” He wipes down the counter in front of you.
“Has your group figured out what you’re selling?”
He glances up at you pointedly, “My group hasn’t even responded to my emails.”
“Oh… I’ve already done research on hosting websites, different merchandising tools we need to implement, and established competitors in the market. I’m about to look into new technologies our brand can exploit to stand out from other sustainable clothing retailers.”
“You need to spend your time doing something else. This is a group project, and you’re doing all the work. You are wasting your crazy college party years being here and doing more work than you should.”
“You’re one to talk.”
“I have no choice but to waste my time here. You should be out with friends or dating or something.” He argues as a coffee machine beeps behind him.
“You’re my friend.”
“Yes, but I’m working and you just sit over there in the corner doing extra random research that professors don’t even ask for.”
Ice clinks into the glass in Hongjoong’s hand before he pours coffee and creamer.
“But I like doing that.” You try to defend yourself.
“You tell yourself that, but you’re so stressed that you’re stressing me out.”
You lower your eyes to the counter in defeat, but you’re not going to admit he’s right.
“Look, I think I might know someone who’s interested in you. He’s over there,” Hongjoong gestures with his head to the table by the window where those few guys are sitting, “The one in the brown sweater. His name is Seonghwa. He’s a communications major with a minor in public relations. He sings at open mic most weekends.”
Your heart beats faster when your eyes land on the guy. He’s the one who sang that He is We song you like. “Him? There’s no way.”
“He stares at you every time he’s here. Trust me. He’s into you.”
“Well, I can’t just go over there. He’s with all his friends.”
“You don’t have to. Seonghwa, your order is ready!” Hongjoong calls out.
Daggers shoot from your eyes while Hongjoong just smirks at you. You hear footsteps come up next to you, but you’re too scared to even glance over.
Hongjoong looks at the drink in his hand and tsks, “One moment, didn’t put the extra vanilla.”
As your friend leaves you, you can feel Seonghwa’s eyes on you. Against your anxieties screaming at you, you look over and smile, “Hi.”
“Hi,” he says and smiles back a bit shyly.
A clank pulls your attention back to Hongjoong returning with a glass. “Seonghwa, here’s your order. Y/N also drinks creamer with a milligram of espresso.”
“Strong coffee is nasty,” Seonghwa laughs and grabs his cup.
“Exactly!” You chime, giving Hongjoong a look.
“Thanks, Joongie.” Seonghwa nods to your friend and heads back to his table.
“What was that?” Hongjoong immediately scolds you.
“Shut up, ‘Joongie.’” You mock and slouch back onto the barstool.
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After a few hours of writing a paper on Millennial and Generation Z coffee consumer behavior, you wander back up to the counter and plop onto a barstool. Noticing your presence, Hongjoong sits a blueberry muffin in front of you.
“From anonymous?” You question, and he nods.
“I saw you watching Seonghwa sing. Did I plant a seed of interest?” He teases, making your cheeks burn.
“Shut up,” you mutter, “Make me another of my usual.”
“San, you heard the order.” Hongjoong looks to his coworker.
“Aye, aye, Captain!” San salutes before grabbing a glass from the back counter.
“If you don’t stop calling me captain…” Hongjoong’s threat fades to the background as you notice Seonghwa out of the corner of your eye.
“You did really good,” you compliment as he passes by and stops at your words.
A sweet smile pulls at his lips. “Thanks.” His voice is quiet and a bit shy.
You try to suppress your smile and nod before he grabs some napkins from the dispenser next to you and leaves to go to his table of friends.
“I felt something there,” San says, snapping you back to reality.
“Shut up. Shouldn’t you be actually working?” You give him an annoyed pout.
“Yeah, he should be,” Hongjoong says, lifting a heavy box of new glass cups onto the back counter, “But also, why did you let Seonghwa walk away?”
“Yeah, exactly.” San crosses his arms next to Hongjoong.
“Where is my drink?” You bitterly ask San, igniting Hongjoong’s wrath once again.
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You can hear the blood rushing in your ears; your whole body is on fire. The documents in your hands are clenched tighter. These circumstances wouldn’t be happening if you had just checked your email. For the past week, you’ve been too busy doing research and writing a small case study that checking your email slipped your mind.
Your group for the online store project is already inside Beans ’N Cream, and when you spot them, they begin to stand and collect their things. Panic sets in.
“Wait, I just got here,” You say, breathless from your anxiety-ridden journey.
“The meeting started over an hour ago, and we have finished the first part of the proposal,” the group leader speaks with a hint of annoyance.
“But I have my research and notes. It’s a group project, and I should have a contribution.” You feel so small and dumb. Why can’t you just do things right?
“Then you should have been here on time,” she retorts, “We’ll make sure your participation evaluation reflects that.”
The other group members avert their eyes away from the scene and awkwardly stand there.
Your vision starts to blur, and with a blink, a tear falls.
“Are you seriously crying?” The leader almost laughs.
“Hey,” A deep voice comes from behind you.
Before you even see who is interrupting, your documents are being slipped out of your grasp and held out to the group leader expectantly. When she hesitantly takes them, you realize who came to your rescue: Seonghwa.
“Find a way to use those.” Seonghwa’s eyes are locked on her face with his jaw tense.
“O-Okay,” she agrees but seems very intimidated by Seonghwa.
The group quietly leaves, and he turns to you. You can’t even form words to thank him as he instinctively wipes away your stray tear with his sweater sleeve.
“I know you work hard on your school stuff and couldn’t listen to her talk to you like that,” he says, offering a sympathetic smile.
“Thank you… for that.” You lower your head.
“Hongjoong kind of introduced us the other week, but, um, I’m Seonghwa.”
“Do you, um, want to get coffee together?” He asks nervously.
“Yeah.” You sniffle and pat under your eye with your own sleeve.
“About time!” Someone calls out from the table by the window.
You both glance over at Seonghwa’s friends.
“Yeosang, shut up,” Seonghwa says, cheeks turning pink, “Sorry, my friends are embarrassing.”
“I can probably do you one worse.” You already know what’s coming as the two of you approach the front counter.
“About goddamn time!” Hongjoong yells, coming out from the back and successfully interrupting Seonghwa, “Would you like two iced coffee flavored milks?”
You and Seonghwa stare at him blankly.
“Alright, I’ll get them right out.” Hongjoong takes the hint and begins getting your usuals.
Seonghwa’s hand gently lands on your lower back as he leans closer. “Let’s go sit at your table.”
As you guide him over, his touch doesn’t leave, and you feel giddy. Stress no longer hovers over you while you settle into the chair you’re so used to with a closer view of the guy you have found so charming.
“Have you ate today?” He asks with a curious gaze.
“Um, no. I-I didn’t really have time,” you stammer out of embarrassment.
“Do you want a blueberry muffin?”
You watch him suppress a grin as you make the connection. A soft laugh escapes through your smile. “Yes.”
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shining-red-diamond · 3 years
Ch. 25: Stowaway
Cast of Characters//Ch. 1//Ch. 2//Ch. 3//Ch. 4//Ch. 5//Ch. 6//Ch. 7//Ch. 8//Ch. 9//Ch. 10//Ch. 11//Ch. 12//Ch. 13//Ch. 14//Ch. 15//Ch. 16//Ch. 17//Ch. 18//Ch. 19//Ch. 20//Ch. 21//Ch. 22//Ch. 23//Ch. 24//Ch. 25//Ch. 26//Ch. 27//Ch. 28 (coming soon)
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Words: 1k
Genre: Fluff, some angst
Pairing: ATEEZ OT8 x OCs
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of fear of death, weapons being drawn
As soon as the last dish was dry, Yunho carefully placed it back into the cabinet. He dried his hands on the blue towel hanging in between the cabinet under the sink, and then made his way towards the workout room to relieve some of the day’s stress with Jongho. It was something he and the younger male bonded over when he joined the crew, and at the end of each day they made it a routine to work out before turning in for the night.
Once Yunho had changed clothes and slipped on his gloves, something moved out of the corner of his eye. A shadow.
“Jongho, I’m coming,” he called out, thinking his friend was playing a joke on him. “Plus, Halloween is not for a few more months, so stop trying to jump scare me.”
The shadow didn’t answer, but rather move away, the light from the hall reappearing on the red wallpaper.
“Dude,” Jongho’s voice sounded from behind him, “who are you talking to? I was discussing something with Mingi in his room.”
Yunho’s eyes seemed to pop out of his head. If Jongho wasn’t in the workout room, who was? Another crew member? His conscience was telling him no.
Pulling out his switchblade, he and Jongho crept towards the room, alert and cautious. How could they have an intruder on board? The door was always closed immediately after everyone boarded, and Yunho would have seen if anyone tried to climb on. Sneaking on the ship would be near impossible to do. Yunho and Jongho entered the kitchen area, but only found themselves in a kitchen with unfinished dishes that needed tending to. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, except for a peculiar shoe sticking out from the pantry door. The two men acknowledge it with a certain look and a nod.
“We must have been seeing things,” Jongho said loudly.
“You’re right,” Yunho replied as the two tiptoed to the door. “Let’s just forget about it. It’s been a long day.”
Yunho knew which floorboards squeaked, so he was able to inch closer to the door without giving away his position. Jongo followed suit.
On the count of three, the two men tore the door open, blade and pistol ready, and a young woman with dark hair and caramel skin scooted away from the door like a crawling scorpion.
“Please, don’t shoot,” the woman begged while she covered her head with her hands.
Upon closer inspection, Yunho realized the woman was Dalia. She was dressed in the same scrubs he met her in, but her hair was all messy and a scar with dried blood on her freckled cheekbone didn’t hide her beauty.
“What are you doing here?” he asked her, putting his blade away. “How did you even get on board? I saw you walk away from the ship back in London.”
“Well, after you closed the ship door,” she explained as Jongho helped her to her feet, “I raced back to it and climbed to the deck. I’ve been hiding behind the barrels when everyone is on the ship. Forgive me for trespassing, but I was waiting for the right time to come out and tell you.”
“Personally, we forgive you, but the ultimatum goes to the captain,” Jongho replied.
“Would it help if I told you why I’m here?” she asked, her thumbs twiddling each other. “I think it’s important for you to know that you’re not the only ones looking for the diamonds.”
Silence and warm, lavender scented water soothed Dahae’s nerves. Her silky, black hair was being combed through by the captain. A relaxing bath where she was pampered by Hongjoong always melted away any stress or worry she had, releasing any tense muscle or thought in the process.
“How are you feeling now, baby?” he quietly asked.
“Much better,” she whispered back.
“I’m sorry you had to face those critters, but you’re here. You’re safe, and we’re high in the sky headed to Niagara Falls. It’s a much longer flight, but we have all the time to rest and prepare for the next location.”
Dahae just nodded and relaxed into her fiancé’s touch, however, Hongjoong could tell something was bothering her just from her body language.
“Is something wrong, Dahae?” he asked, setting the comb on the bathroom counter.
She was quiet. Nothing but a small sniffle came from her, and Hongjoong knew she was on the verge of tears. He immediately kneeled down by the tub to face Dahae and saw her eyes and nose turning bright red.
“I’m scared, Joong,” Dahae sobbed. “I mean, the last two places were dangerous and scary going in and out of them, but now, with one of my biggest fears used as a trap I’m scared of what the next booby trap could be or if there would be.”
Hongjoong said nothing. Seeing Dahae in tears like this broke his heart. She was a brave woman, but he had seen her most vulnerable moments. This was one of them.
He lifted the back of her hand to his lips.
“I’m scared, too,” he admitted. “Every time we head to a new destination that’s supposedly dangerous, I get scared that you or one of the crew will meet their end there. But when I think about how we’re a team and how we execute our skills, we get out of so many situations alive and breathing, with the exception of a few bumps and bruises.”
Dahae scoffed with a small smile.
Hongjoong leaned in closer and promised her, “We’re never going to lose each other.”
Just before he could kiss her a knock on the door interrupted his actions.
“What?” he asked.
“Captain, we need to talk,” Jongho’s voice answered from the other side of the bedchamber’s door. “It’s kind of an emergency.”
“You go ahead,” Dahae instructed the captain. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
With a nod, the captain shut the bathroom door to give Dahae her privacy.
“What’s going on?” he asked Jongho when he opened the bedroom door.
“We have a stowaway,” was all the younger man answered.
@ateezlovenet​ @treasure-hwa​ (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed)
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thoeskdramas · 3 years
Descendants of the Sun
This was one of the best Korean drama I have watched, mention not I have watched only four of them. But still, among the four of them, this was the best one. This drama is unique in itself. A captain of the special force falls in love with the beautiful surgeon. A wonderful love story between a doctor and a soldier is portraited here. It is so much different from all the others, the plot and the story of this drama just make it unforgettable! Hats off to the actors and the crew and all those who have put this together...
Cast- Song Joong Ki, Song Hye Kyo, Kim Ji-Won, Jin Goo
I strongly recommend watching this drama to get over your day's stress...
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baileys-aurora · 5 years
Under the Surface
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Ateez x Reader (fem), Mermaid/ Pirate AU
Part 2/?
Previous Part: Part one 
Word count: 1.8k
As he opened his eyes, Hongjoong realized it was morning, slowly stretching out from his uncomfortable position he was previously in. As the events from last night hit him, he silently cursed himself for falling asleep in the captain’s cabin and not below deck to make sure nothing happened. As he makes his decent to the main deck, most of his crew are already on hand prepping for the journey ahead of them. The sunrise was breath taking, most of his happiest moments are always at daybreak, when the golden warmth spreads across the rippling water, wasting no time to start its day as the moon chases after it, never quite reaching its goal. He let out a consent sigh before moving towards the below deck entrance. However, when Hongjoong reaches the cell he finds both the mermaid and San passed out on the floor.
 Did she do something to him? Scenarios ran through the captain’s head as he rushed to San, “San!” he whisper yelled, shaking him slightly awake. “What happened? Did she hurt you? I told you to wear earplugs while down here” San sighed while sitting up and rubbing his neck, due to the uncomfortable sleeping position he ended up in. “I’m fine,” San reassured Hongjoong, “I must of feel asleep since it was late by the time we finished talking.”  San replied as if he wasn’t sure, while in reality he knew he watched the sleeping girl for a while just enjoying the peacefulness oh her chest rising and falling slowly. He even went as far as reaching through the bars to move a strand of hair tickling her cheek, wondering what she possibly be dream about with such a content look on her face.
 “Hi?” you sounded up in your small morning voice, which was being directed to the captain, yet also broke San out of his thoughts about last night, “I didn’t hurt him” you said immediately after realizing San was still near your cell and probably was found there.
 “Can I speak with you in my cabin?” Hongjoong asked San sternly, then looking at me, “I’ll be back after you wash up to speak with you as well.” he stated looking back at San, “where is Yunho? He can help her wash up.” “what about Seonghwa?” your small voice interjected, to which you just received stares from both men. You averted your eyes downward, “Yunho sounds nice, where is he?” “that’s what I thought” the captain replied before leaving, San following behind after giving a small smile to you.
“Looks like I’m on mermaid duty” a very tall man said walking around the corner that separates the cell you were in and the crew’s bunks. So, he must be Yunho you thought to yourself, he looked nice but also intimidating at the same time due to his tallness. All you could do was stare up at him as you still couldn’t stand without falling, after a few seconds passed in silence he tilted his head, confusion clearly on his face, “soo, are you planning on getting up or laying there all day?” he asked half joking, “I can’t” was all you simply responded watching to see if his next move would be a dangerous one now that he knows you couldn’t run away. “Oh right! I apologize for my lack of consideration, this is your first time having legs then?” you were taken back from his answer, “yeah, but if you could just lend me a hand I should be fine, just need a little support.” you responded slowly letting your guard down to him as he seems friendly enough, even more so then Seonghwa was. However, when he unlocked the cell, he didn’t just give a hand but just ended up picking you up bridal style so he can get this over with as fast as possible.
 "I am lost San" Hongjoong spoke up as soon as they reached the captain's cabin. San observed the man as the ran a hand through his slightly faded red hair and placed his back against the desk. "Why were you even there? Are you trying to give me another reason to send her there?" He said with stress showing deep in his eyes. When San didn’t respond Hongjoong continued, "If I don’t send her to the market, we will have to let her go here and chances of her making it back to her reef alive are nonexistent." He let out a long sigh, "If we kill her it solves nothing and we receive no gain, yet we can’t turn around because of our shipment deadline.... please San, tell me what I should do in this situation?" The captain finished hanging his head slightly. "Firstly, I'm sorry I have caused you this much trouble, even if I had no restraint, I should have fought back. However, after talking to her a bit I believe we should find a way to return her home safely after we complete our shipment deal." San spoke cautiously to his captain, who has now looked up at San, taking in his thoughts on the situation. "I also think we should ask her before deciding her fate ourselves, maybe she wants to risk swimming back on her own, maybe not, but I believe she should have the choice." San finished. "I will speak with her next" Hongjoong voiced after a minute of thought. San nodded before walking to the door, "not so fast, lover boy" San froze hand halfway to the doorknob, "you still haven't given me an answer on why you were passed out next to her. Without ear plugs at that, don’t tell me your intentions were as impure as I am imagining them to be." After a few seconds of silence San responded, eyes still on the door, "Far from it, Joong" yanking the door open San left. "Thank God" the captain sighed letting out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding. "The last thing I need is feelings to get in the way of my men." He said to the empty room in front of him.
 "You don’t have to carry me everywhere, you know?" You smiled at the boy named Yunho who you have grown very fond of in the short time you've known him. Throughout the morning the only time your feet hit the ground is when you were sitting on something. He joked with you and asked questions about what breathing underwater felt like, and since he couldn't see the air could you see the water. Ultimately, you began to drop your guard even more around him, not fully but more so then anyone else on the ship. "I know." He simply responded with a wink, interrupting your memories from the morning with him. "Last stop, after breakfast, getting a comb through that head of hair, and washing your face and hands." Yunho said verbally listing everything he was told to do with you to make sure nothing was forgotten. "Who’s the unlucky one today" you asked slightly frowning. "I would say me, but unfortunately my clothes would be too big." He responded with a reflection of the frown you gave him not to long ago, as he set you down to sit on his bunk, "How about this, since both mine and Mingi's clothes would be too big and I don’t want to include the Captain for obvious reasons, pick a number between 1 and 5." Yunho suggested with a face saying he was a genius for thinking of such a solution. “mm... 3?" You responded with hopeful eyes. "And the winne- I mean loser is..." he said with playful eyes, "Wooyoung~" Yunho finished, to which you just hung your head and pouted, "I'm in so much trouble" you whispered to yourself so Yunho wouldn't hear. A few minutes later he returned with some black skinny jeans, black boots, and a white blouse. "I'm going to turn around but if you have issues figuring out his complicated clothes let me know, I promise I won’t look." He voiced with a smile and another wink. "Thank you, Yunho." Was all you responded back before successfully dressing yourself on the first try. "What do you think?" You asked signaling it was safe to turn back around, "they fit you nicely, now come here so I can carry you to the captain's cabin."
A muffled come in was heard after Yunho knocked on the Captain’s door. You made Yunho hold your hand on the way there, so he wasn’t seen carrying you around like before.  As you entered the room your eyes focused on the floor still feeling guiltily and scared about the situation. After Yunho helped you sit down he gave you an encouraging smile before leaving and shutting the door quietly behind him. “I’m sorry” was the first thing out of the captain’s mouth, leaving you shocked as you finally made eye contact with his worried eyes. You could tell you have caused a deal of stress from his tired stance so early in the morning along with his furrowed brows. When you continued to just stare at the man behind his desk, he spoke up again, “I should’ve let you go yesterday when you were still close to your home, and now you are to far to make it back safely and we can not turn around.” He must have saw your shocked facial expression because when he looked back up to meet your eyes, his features seemed to relax and even let out a low laugh. “so, I’m not going to the market? I have a chance to make it back home?” You asked wide eyes and hope shining in your e/c eyes. “Sort of, that is what I need to discuss with you. I had no intention to send you to the market, but my sense of authority took over and I said the first threatening thing I could think of besides death.” The boy confessed. And from that statement alone you saw he wasn’t what you first assumed he would be, everyone you’ve met has so far. “I am free to leave then?” you asked, “yes, if you believe you can make the swim safely back to your reef.” He replied still maintaining eye contact with you as he walked and sat on the front of his desk facing you. “I’ve never been outside the barriers before.” Defeat heavy in your voice, “but I will try.” “you don’t have to” the captain started, “after we complete this shipment we should be heading back west. Allowing an opportunity for you to return home safely.” “Really! I’m allowed to stay until then?” you replied with all sadness laving your eyes. “Only if you pull your weight, I’m not that hospitable.” He responded, seeming less stressed now that he has figured something out. “one more thing” he returned serious within a second, “you will sleep in here, no wondering around at night, do not go through my stuff, and no seducing anyone. These are my rules, follow them and no issues will arise between us.” “of course, anything you ask I will do.” You responded with confidence.
Next Part
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rossetteaaaaang · 4 years
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Have you been to South korea? If yes, I envy you. “South korea, East Asian nation on the southern half of the Korean Peninsula.” I always wanted to go in korea. You wanna know why?
I admire how South Koreans are so used to studying -- the country has the highest education level in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, with 98% of the population completing secondary education and 63% with a college education -- they can't get out of the habit once they reach the workforce.
As we all know, South korea is where our k-drama actors and actresses live. Of course from the word itself “k-drama or korean drama” silly me. K-drama or korean drama are television series or movies in the Korean language, made in South Korea. Korean dramas are popular worldwide, partially due to the spread of Korean popular culture, and their widespread availability via streaming services which often offer subtitles in multiple languages.
I know most of us millennials or even older or younger like or LOVE rather watching korean dramas. As for me, one of the reasons really, is that I would love to go to South Korea because of them. I'm an k-drama addict, you see. I mostly spend my time watching korean dramas and I cannot count anymore how many k-dramas I have already watched. I’m not expecting to finally meet them, but I still hope so. I want to go to many places, nice places that I have always seen in the series or movie. To feel like I was with them that time. I really always wanted to go to the country where they live.
Just like in the series, DOTS or descendants of the sun, D-day, School 2017, Sweet revenge 1, The odyssey, Weightlifting fairy, Strong woman, Legend of the blue sea, The heirs, Fight for my way and many more, my all time favorites. So let us see where this travelogue will bring us.
One of the places there in DOTS is Taekbaek Hanbo coal mine, the place where abandoned coal mines in Taebaek City, Gangwon Province, South Korea, were scenes of the soldiers’ military camp in fictional country Urk was filmed. It is where Captain Yoo Si Jin and Doctor Kang Mo-Yeon put the flag where the mines were, so that the people would know and be aware that it is dangerous to step.
Second place is Sorae Galmegi, one of the beloved Korean BBQ joints in Seoul, it is the perfect dining option for drama lovers who want to try out delicious local food. In the show, this is where the epic drinking session of the army occured. Song Hye Kyo joined 72 hours non stop drinking in Seoul too. This should come as no surprise, as drinking soju + eating mouthwatering pork cuts is one of favorite Korean pastimes.
Third, there are several scenes in the show that feature this cozy Korean coffee chain. Arguably the most memorable one is from the second episode in which Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo’s characters break up. We can find this branch of Dalkomm Coffee in the vicinity of Incheon Central Park, a lovely area in its own right.
Fourth, The European-style shopping mall lies in east Seoul, appearing in the show as a date spot for the two leads. As you glide through the lavishly decorated avenues, you can reenact the show and do a little shopping on the side.
Fifth is the modern architectural wonder located in Songo, Incheon. Its sleek, state-of-the-art appearance is one of the reasons why it appeared in a lot of drama. Tourists can climb up the tower to witness some of the most spectacular views of the Incheon Central Park and the surrounding area.
Sixth is Jaguen Maeul, Also known as Bok Chicken in Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, Jageun Maeul is home to the fried chicken restaurant run by Bok Joo’s father in the show. Unlike the show, the restaurant serves a variety of Korean food instead. If you’re looking for an adventure outside of Seoul, Jaguen Maeul is the perfect place to relive Bok Joo and Joon Hyung’s awkward romance that made us swoon.
Seventh is Descendants of the Sun – Wolmido Island Theme Park, Fans may be disheartened to know that they can’t visit Uruk, the fictional country in which their love bloomed, but fret not! Many other sites of the drama can be found in Korea, including Wolmi Theme Park! Found on Wolmido Island near Incheon, the theme park is featured in the show’s first episode There, Si Jin and Dae Young are spending their time off trying to win themselves “girlfriends”, the show’s famous stuff toys.
Eight is Legend of the Blue Sea – Aqua Planet Yeosu, If the scene where Joon Jae and Shim Cheong reunite made your heart melt, this Legend of the Blue Sea set is the perfect place to relive the show’s romance. Multiple scenes were filmed at the aquarium, but this reunion scene was filmed in front of the Ocean’s Life main aquarium. The aquarium features over 280 species over 4 floors, and is said to be the second largest aquarium in Seoul.
Ninth is Boys Over Flowers – N Seoul Tower, As one of the most iconic landmarks in Seoul, it’s no surprise that the cult favourite drama Boys Over Flowers was filmed at Namsan Tower! The tower is where Jun pyo and Jan Di were supposed to have their romantic date. Famous for its gorgeous views of Seoul, it’s a popular date spot for couples. Who knows, you might even meet your own Jun Pyo while enjoying the view.
Tenth is The Heirs – Bukchon Hanok Village, A tiny traditional village in the heart of a bustling city, Bukchon Hanok Village dates back all the way to the Joseon Dynasty. In The Heirs, Eun Sang meets Kim Tan outside a dreamcatcher shop found in the village, but did you know the actual store sells egg tarts? The village is a popular tourist place for those wanting to experience traditional Korean culture. A walking tour is also available for those teens to find out more. But they said that you need to be quiet while walking along the way there because you may disturb the residents living there.
Eleventh is Shilla Millenium Park, Boasting what might be the most star-studded cast, Hwarang: The Beginning told the story of Hwarang warriors during the Shilla period. Being a period drama, most of the show was filmed at traditional heritage sites. Shila Millenium Park serves as set for Hwarang’s training ground in the show. Shilla Millenium Park is also home to dramas such as Queen Seondeok as well as Boys Over Flowers. The park allows visitors a peek into the life during the Shilla period, complete with architecture unique to the era.
Twelve is Strong Woman Do Bong Soon – Seoul Land, No Korean drama is complete without an adorable theme park date that makes us wish we had an oppa too. If Bong Soon and Min Hyuk’s date in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon seemed like the perfect date, don’t forget to stop by Seoul Land with your significant other! I really wanted to go here. I can see how they enjoyed themselves while walking in the park and I want to experience it too!
Thirteenth is Goblin – Jumunjin Beach. If you have already seen that drama, you would feel the same too! It was a nice scenery and for sure it can relieve stress. Your Korean drama pilgrimage isn’t complete without stopping at one of Goblin’s filming sites. One of the most iconic scenes from the show is when Eun Tak first summons Kim Shin to the beach on her birthday. Since then, fans have been flocking to the breakwater to recreate that moment. Jumunjin Beach is home to more than 5 breakwaters, so make sure you find the right one! if you’re not sure which one it is, look out for the huge TV signboard.
Fourteenth is Wolmido Island, Incheon (Descendants of the Sun). Those scenes where Captain Yoo Si-jin and Sergeant Major Seo Dae-young were playing at a shooting range? Yep, that was here, at Wolmido Island. Travelers can enjoy the vast array of cafes and seafood restaurants along the coast – with great coffee and sea views too boot. There’s also Play Hill, another theme park that’s a must-visit.
Fifteenth is Samcheok Daemyung Resort Sol Beach, Donghae (My Secret Romance). This Santorini-themed location was used to film My Secret Romance, and it’s actually a resort outfitted with Spanish architecture. It features restaurants, Aqua World (an indoor water park), a sauna, and a fusion buffet – perfect for unwinding after a long day of traveling around.
Sixteenth is Petite france. When you look at Petite France, it becomes no surprise why this is a popular filming location for K-Dramas – it’s a French cultural village complete with French-inspired buildings, and has The Little Prince Theme Park too to boot. Make sure to check out the Orgel house, where a 200-year old music box plays on end.
These places are just a glimpse of how the Country South Korea is beautifully made. You can check out in google many other places because there are still a thousand places that you can go to and enjoy. You cannot blame me why I would really love to go to South Korea because you can see how the places are wonderfully made. I also want to taste their food there and make a mukbang video as what I have always seen on youtube where many of the koreans do video mukbangs of many delicious foods. Check out G-Ni’s videos. I'm sure that it can make your mouth watery. We can see a variety of foods and a variety of restaurants where there are so many unexplainable tastes of food she introduced.
As I have researched many articles saying that Koreans also give heart warming welcome to those especially are new to their country.
I will not let things stop me from going to South Korea, it is really the place I would love to go to and spend it with someone who was really special like friends or family. I will work hard so that I can reach my dreams and treat them without minding how much I already spend. Aja! (Fighting). Kamsahamnida (thank you) for reading chinggus (friends) . I hope it made you want to go to South Korea also. Annyeong~ (Bye)
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lovely-sanie · 5 years
𝕯𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖞 𝕬𝖜𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖘: Path 1 〈Stay Put〉
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├ Genre: ATEEZ Pirate AU
├ Pairing: ATEEZ x Female!Reader
├ Warnings: none
├ Word Count: 452
☞ The Intro | Path 1 | Fight Him | Tell Him Yourself | Hide behind… | Faint | …Want To Stay | Wait… | Say Yes
☞ The Intro | Path 1 | Fight Him | Tell Him Yourself | Demand to… | …Want To Stay | Wait… | Say Yes
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Suddenly, the captain’s gaze is on you. “I would but it appears someone is in my seat.”
Your eyes widen. Well, shit.
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The captain’s gaze on you makes you feel a bit frightened, but not enough to control what comes out of your mouth. Stupidity wins in the end.
“It’s a chair.”
There’s some sort of glint in the captain’s eyes before he chuckles. “You have spirit. Good. You’ll need it.” He leans down and braces a hand on the back of your chair, causing you to lean back so he’s not in your face. “But if the captain wants you to move, you move.”
Your brows furrow. “I thought the captain didn’t have much more power than the rest of the crew.” Everything you had been told said that while captains appeared to be powerful tyrants, they really had very little extra power.
He smirks. “Not much more power doesn’t mean none, darling.” 
His gaze has not left you and you feel the urge to look away, but you don’t, keeping your eyes on him.
Seonghwa chuckles, shoving the captain a little. “Sit down and eat, Joong. You can intimidate her later.”
“She doesn’t seem easily intimidated,” Mingi says as the captain takes the seat next to him. “It’s really brave to stand up to the Pirate King.”
“I think you’re confusing bravery with stupidity,” you say, with a derisive chuckle. You shovel a bit more of the food into your mouth, eager to finish as soon as possible and leave the captain’s presence.
He shakes his head. “Stupidity would be having no fear. Bravery is having fear of something and overcoming it.”
You hum. “That’s actually super inspirational.”
Mingi smiles. “I sound smart occasionally. I have to be as first mate of this ship.”
“And yet you are so incredibly dumb most of the time,” San jokes from the other table.
“Well, I can’t upstage the rest of you,” Mingi retorts.
Seonghwa looks at him. “I’d like to see you try.”
There’s a sort of tense stare off between the two, though there’s no real heat behind it. The playful air of the argument makes you want to smile, but the presence of the other pirates keeps you from doing so. 
Mingi chuckles as he looks away. “Anytime, any place, Seong.”
“Hyung,” Seonghwa stresses, an exasperated glare on his face.
“We’ve had this argument.”
Mingi, obviously not wanting to fight that battle again, says, “Fine. Seong-hyung.”
“Thank you.”
Mingi rolls his eyes. “I still say that honorifics are overrated.” He turns to you, a smile back on his face. “How are you adjusting to the ship?”
“It’s been a day,” Seonghwa reminds him. “She probably hasn’t even had a moment to think about her situation.”
You shake your head. “I’ve been thinking about it all day while cleaning and I-”
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What do you do?
➢ Say you’re adjusting well
➢ Complain (coming soon)
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malaysiankpopfans · 4 years
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The much anticipated series Vincenzo has finally premiered! The unique story of a Korean-Italian mafia lawyer giving a conglomerate a taste of its own medicine is sure to become a favourite. With that said, it’s high time to get acquainted with the talented cast! From the “good” guys to the bad guys, many of the actors might be familiar given their talent and breadth of experience. Find out more about the skilled actors and their characters here.
Song Joong-ki
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As an extremely popular Hallyu star, you might have seen a few of Song Joong-ki’s dramas and movies. One of his most famous and swoon-worthy roles is Captain Yoo Si-jin from Descendants of the Sun. In Vincenzo, Song Joong-ki’s character is decidedly different and closer to an anti-hero. As a consigliere to an Italian mafia, Vincenzo Cassano has questionable ethics and no qualms about using evil tactics to punish evil people. You’ll be able to enjoy a different shade of sexy from Song Joong-ki in Vincenzo.
Jeon Yeo-been
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Vincenzo is Jeon Yeo-been’s third drama, but she’s actually been in over 15 films. She rose in acclaim following her award-winning turn in the movie After My Death. Also, she acted with Ok Taec-yeon before through Save Me. However, drama fans might recognise her from rom-com Be Melodramatic. Her nuanced portrayal of a woman who has post-traumatic stress disorder following her boyfriend’s passing proved she can be an absolute gem in a drama too. In Vincenzo, Jeon Yeo-been plays lawyer Hong Cha-young who prides herself in her ability to win cases. She’s a very strong and confident character, and her quirks will win us over.
Ok Taec-yeon
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Ok Taec-yeon is more known for his masculine and caring characters who often fight against malicious characters or even ghosts like in Bring It On, Ghost. The boy band member turned actor will be able to showcase a cuter side of himself through his character Jang Joon-woo in Vincenzo. Jang Joon-woo is an intern lawyer who works with Hong Cha-young and has a huge crush on her. He’s a bit clumsy and ditzy, so there should be some funny and adorable moments to enjoy. It’ll be interesting to see if a love triangle will ensue!
Kim Yeo-jin
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There are plenty of formidable opponents facing Vincenzo and Hong Cha-young. Among them is prosecutor turned lawyer Choi Myung-hee, who is portrayed by Kim Yeo-jin. Choi Myung-hee ends up becoming a senior partner at the law firm Hong Cha-young works at. She’s not above breaking the law if it means she can achieve her goals. While she will be an aggravating foe in this drama, Kim Yeo-jin has acted as plenty of warm-hearted characters, like the thoughtful police officer Lee Hae-gyeong in Extracurricular.
Kwak Dong-yeon
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Having debuted as a teenager, Kwak Dong-yeon usually portrays kind characters like friendly and compassionate teaching assistant Yeon U-yeong in My ID Is Gangnam Beauty. He also recently showed a comical and touching cameo in It's Okay to Not Be Okay. We’ll see a 180-degree turn with his character Jang Han-seo who is Babel Group’s CEO. The head of the conglomerate is infamous for being a bit crazy and obsessed with winning. He’ll do anything to get revenge and what he wants, even at the cost of someone’s life.
Cho Han-cheul
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Rounding out the group of evil opponents is Han Seung-hyuk who is the head of the law firm Hong Cha-young works at. Having strong ties with the prosecution and the media, Han Seung-hyuk is accustomed to winning cases for his wealthy clients. He utilises underhanded methods to turn people who oppose him into dust.
While his character might not be your favourite lawyer in Vincenzo, actor Cho Han-cheul has played a wide spectrum of roles and you might recognise his sympathetic poetry-loving character from Romance Is a Bonus Book.
Now that you’re familiar with all the main players, you’re definitely ready to enjoy Vincenzo! Don’t miss out on the epic story when Vincenzo premieres on 20 February at 10PM MYT with new episodes every Saturday and Sunday available two hours after the Korean broadcast, only on Netflix.
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kittykat-25 · 7 months
One Of The Guys - Epilogue
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Pairings: Chan X F!Reader
Genre: idol au, Friends x Lovers, angst
Feminine pet names(Tiny, pretty girl, my love, Noona)
Summary: You tried really hard not to be a cliché, falling love with your best friend. How unoriginal. But when your best friend is Kim Hongjoong what are you supposed to do?
Now Playing: One Of The Guys- Jessia
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2 Years Later
As you Minho and Han walked through the shopping center, trying to find your nail salon you couldn’t help but feel like something was off. Minho kept checking his phone every five minutes and it was driving you crazy. “Min what’s wrong? You haven’t stopped looking at your phone.” Minho’s ears turned pink, “it’s nothing, don’t worry.” You looked at Han, who was a terrible liar, “Ji? What’s he not telling me.” Hans eyes went wide as he looked towards Minho for help. “Soonie is sick. That’s all. I’m just waiting for my mom to update.” Minho said, Hans face relaxing. “What?! Is she okay?!” You asked, immediately worried for the little furry babe. “She’s fine.” Minho said, You fully focused on him, not caring about Han almost passing out from stress behind you.
Sitting in the salon chairs, getting the usually color added on, watching Han get excited about the black star stickers getting added to his nails. You look over and Minho who is quickly typing away. You grabbed your own phone seeing a text from Chan letting you know he’d be home later and to have fun with the guys. “Ji how did you get out of being in the studio today?” You asked after answering your boyfriend. “You asked if I could come and we all know Chan isn’t going to tell you no.” He said smiling. You nodded, knowing he was right. There were times Chan would say no to you but when it came to you wanting to spend time with the kids he had a hard time saying no to that. He had done it once and Seungmin had made practice that day miserable for everyone.
You spent the rest of the afternoon shopping with the guys, as you were carrying bags out of the mall you heard a familiar voice, “Tiny! Y/n!” You turned and running up towards you was Yunho, Seonghwa and San. Yunho quickly sweeping you up into a hug! “Hi!” You said as he set you back down, quickly giving hug to the other men as well. “How are you?” San asked, “we’re good! How are you guys? Your last comeback was incredible as always.” You said smiling at them. “Which song was your favorite?” Yunho asked wiggling his eyebrows. “Yuyu that’s not fair!” You said laughing. You finished catching up with them, saying your goodbyes. As you look up you catch Hongjoong and Yeosang walking towards you. You and Joong make eye contact, he stops walking.
You stare at your old friend, the first time you’ve seen him face to face in a year. You briefly saw him at an awards show but not close enough for him to see you. He started walking towards you but before he could get far Minho finished his goodbyes and you were pulled out the door. Hoongjoong stopped walking, Yunho patting him on the back. “Leave it Captain.” He watched you walk away, head thrown back laughed at something Minho said. The ache in his heart as raw as it was the day you cut ties with him.
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It was dark outside by the time Minho and Han dragged you home. Stopping at every fun shop on the way back to the apartment that you and Chan had. You were still in the same building as the boys just a little more private for the two of you. As you walked up the stairs the two men getting more jittery. “Alright what’s going on?” You said a hand on Hans arm. “Nothing. Just tired.” He said fake yawning. You turned the key and went to open the door. Minho stopped you and grabbed all the bags in your hands. You side eyed him but opened the door, immediately understanding their behavior.
The apartment was covered in flowers, candles burning. Seungmin, Felix and IN off to the side. Hyunjin and Changbin on another, Minho and Han going to join them. “Guys what is happening.” Just them Felix started humming the tune of Waiting for Us. All of them picking it up until they all quietly sang your favorite song. As you stared at the boys in wonder Chan came into the room. A bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hand. “Channie what is happening?” You said as he walked towards you, yoir heart swelling just at the sight of him. The boys singing in the background faded as your boyfriend got down on one knee in front of you and reached for your hand.
“Y/n, my love, my pretty girl.” Chan started, your heart already about to burst. “You are the joy in my life. I was surrounded by chaos and you are the light in the midst of it all. I never thought I would find someone like you in my life. Someone who accepted me just as I am. And accepts the life that comes with my job. But you have, and you accept the 7 other boys that come with it as well. You accepted all of us with open arms and an open heart. You have made me a better person and loved me so well that I have learned how to love myself.” He continued. Tears were streaming down both of your faces. The boys stopped singing as they hung on every word of Chans. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, please, please do me the honor of marrying me.” He said as he opened the little blue velvet box and the ring of your dreams sat in the cushion.
Chan looked up at you with wide eyes, full of love and tears, his hands were shaking as he waited for what felt like eternity for your answer. “I love you so much, Of course I’ll marry you Chan!” You said as you sunk to your knees, embracing him as you both cried tears of happiness. He cupped your face and kissed you as the boys cheered. Standing up, Chan slid the ring onto your finger and you felt as though your heart could burst from the love and happiness flowing from it. The guys surrounding you in a massive hug, everyone crying as their leader had finally asked after years of waiting.
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Hongjoong stared at the cover of Vogue Korea. You and Chan staring back at him, your engagement ring glittering on your hand. A whole section of his favorite magazine dedicated to you and your new fiancé. He sighed and threw it back down on the table. He knew he had messed up the day he sent those emails. He had hoped you’d forgive him but after that phone call and the way his members had reacted, he knew he lost you. But seeing you in the cover with Chan radianting with happiness he felt that deep in his heart. An ache that would never go away. He felt it the day he had seen you with Han and Minho. Glowing with your friends, a way you never had with him. Further breaking his heart, showing him how poorly he had done at being a friend to you. His only comfort was knowing you were now truly happy. And maybe that should’ve been enough for him from the start.
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A/N: Okay the actual END🩷 I really hope you all enjoyed this. It was my first story and I’ve had so much fun writing it for everyone!!!
@vampzity@sanslovesblog @sundaybossanova @skzline @edenesth @owmoiralover @scarfac3 @blackb3|| @ateezswonderland @amuromio @the-multishipper @mingisbbokari @chngbbnwf @vic0921 @woosmaid
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