#striking a woman
if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"WIFE HAD TO BE USHERED FROM COURT," Hamilton Spectator. August 29, 1933. Page 07. ---- Protested Sentence Given.Her Husband To-day ---- He Got 14 Days in Jail and Seven Lashes ---- Assaulted a Woman During Neighbors' Row --- Shouting imprecations and protesting volubly, Mrs. Percy Babcock, 43 Whitfield avenue, was ushered from police court this morning by court attendants and constables after her husband had been convicted of assaulting a neighbor, Mrs. Frances Katar, and had been sentenced to 14 days in jail and seven lashes.
"It's a shame that these Polacks can put my man in jail," she shouted, sobbing, as soon as sentence had been passed. "What am I going to do while he is in jail? I can't live in that neighborhood now."
Court attendants tried to induce her to be quiet.
"I won't be quiet," she said. "You can put me in jail, too. I don't care a darn."
She was led from the court room, still talking at the top of her voice and could still be heard outside the court room for several minutes before she left the building.
The charge against Percy Babcock arose out of an argument a day or so ago. The complainant testified that he had struck her twice in the face, blackening both her eyes and causing her nose to bleed. The accused complained that the complainant and her husband had assaulted him.
Unprovoked "I'm sorry that I hit her and I apologized to the lady," he said. "It's the first time I was ever in trouble."
"It was an unprovoked assault and you know it is a despicable thing for a man to strike a woman," said Deputy Magistrate McKay in imposing sentence.
Charged with vagrancy as the result of his being unable to give a satisfactory account of himself to Constable Chinnery last evening. Oscar Hess, Willowgrove, Ont., was remanded until Saturday for further injuries to be made. He told the court he came from Willowgrove on a bicycle last evening on his way to Grimsby to look for a job. He was to meet another man in Hamilton who left Willowgrove at the same time, but he had not met him at 1.30 o'clock this morning. It was testified that the serial number of the bicycle had been filed off and the frame repainted.
Pleading not guilty to a charge of attempted suicide, Max Markow, 30 Northcote street, acquitted, when it was held that there was no intent. He was represented by Harry F. Hazell. Wound in Body Constable Spurrell testified that he had been called to the residence of the accused with the ambulancea nd had found him with a wound in his body, just below the ribs. A blood-stained knife was found in the house.
"On the way to the hospital, his wife asked him why he did it," testifled the officer. "He told her that he must have been crazy."
The constable said that the wound was about an inch and a quarter in length, but could not say how deep it was. It was testified that Markow's job is still open for him. He has been employed at the same place for 12 years.
In liquor court, James Barnsfather, 75 Bay street south, was sentenced to four months in jail on charge of selling liquor. The premises were declared to be a public place under the Liquor Control act and 36 pints of beer were ordered confiscated. Constable Boecker told the court that morality officers had watched the house and had seen beer sold. The accused pleaded guilty and William Schrieber, defending, stressed this fact in asking for the minimum term of two months.
Joseph Leduc pleaded guilty to consuming liquor in the house and was fined $20 or one month.
On the request of William Morrison, K.C., M.LA, Lorquato Buci was remanded for a week on a charge of illegal possession.
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ceescedasticity · 1 month
Discussion: What are the differences in implication between
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lunarrolls · 2 months
listen so closely to me i think liliana temult is a fascinating character and she’s really fun to examine morally but also nothing will ever come fucking close catharsis-wise to watching ashton and orym fucking cross examine her ass in episode 92. the sexiest shit i’ve ever seen “your worst fear is probably my worst fear, and i think we just got a little sample (my worst fear came true because you weren’t fast enough, what will you do when it’s her head on the line?)” and “keep wrestling (you must bear the weight of their deaths on your conscience and know it will never be enough for what you took from me)” like holy SHIT you guys
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cruelsister-moved2 · 9 months
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lets say hypothetically that i wanted men to die and suffer for all time
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yandere-writer-momo · 1 month
I just found out about your blog recently and I'm in loveee with your original fics, especially Predator and Prey & The Hands That Hold You, I love Char and Arielle 🥹 Big muscular women for life
Is it alright if I ask for some Sena Riko as a service top? 🥹
Yandere SSIR Short Stories:
Wait Till I’m Done
Yandere Sena Riko x Fem Reader
TW: Yandere, lesbian sex, oral (receiving for reader), overstimulation, jealousy, etc.
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(Skin color) fingers tangled in blonde locks as a whimper escaped (your name)’s throat. Riko wriggled her pink muscle in and out of (your name)’s hole as her golden eyes peered up at her.
The poor young woman was dragged to the locker room the minute her girlfriend, Sena Riko, won her match. The muscular woman lifted (your name) up and pressed the smaller girl against the locker as she shoved her panties off to the side to feast. The skirts of (your name)’s dress hiked up to her waist while her legs rested on Riko’s bulky shoulders.
It’s been nearly twenty minutes since Riko began to eat her out like a starved animal, but poor (your name) was at her wit’s end. She felt so overstimulated from how many times Riko made her cum with that talented mouth. It wasn’t fair! Riko was always so mean…
“S-stop! You’re so mean!” (Your name) cried as her girlfriend continued to feast on her. Riko’s muscular hands held (your name)’s thighs firmly apart. There was no doubt in (your name)’s mind that Riko would leave finger shaped bruises all over her plus thighs after this… Riko was always so rough.
“Mean? Says the cute little princess who’s came four times and counting.” Riko gave a loud chuckle, her golden eyes never left (your name)’s once. Riko was like a lioness staring down a gazelle. A predator that kept its prey trapped beneath her jaw in an inescapable hold. Why did (your name) have to love such a powerful woman?
“P-please? I’m tired…”
“I don’t care, princess. Don’t I deserve a nice meal after my fight?” Riko chuckled between (your name)’s soaked folds. “You looked so fucking cute cheering for me… I tried to rush my fight just so I can put my head between your perfect legs. Seeing you shake and cry excited me more than anything. You’re so cute!”
(Your name) could only whimper when Riko teasingly ran her tongue down (your name)’s swollen clit once more. The salacious noises made (your name)’s head spin and her cheeks turn even pinker. The poor girl was already on the verge of another orgasmz
“W-what if someone walks in on us?” (Your name) meekly asked which earned her a chuckle from Riko.
“I hope they do. Then they’ll know exactly who fucks you. I can’t stand the way everyone looked at you like a piece of meat.. don’t they know you’re mine?!” Riko pulled away from (your name)’s damp entrance to show off the essence that coated her lips. “Now just wait until I’m done, princess. I’m still riding the high of my victory.”
(Your name) can only wrap her legs around Riko’s head as her fingers held onto Riko’s blonde locks for dear life. It seemed her girlfriend was jealous again… they were going to be here for a long while then.
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thecaywild · 5 months
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The Only Important Rule To Remember:
When there are only two characters remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
AHSOKA! NO! Oh, it's a sad, sad day to be a xenophile. A moment of silence for everyone's favorite former feral padawan, and the sexiest tiger in the galaxy! If anyone needs me, I'll be spending the week crying into an 'I Am No Jedi' mug.
As always, this is your unbiased poll-master speaking.
...now, onto more pressing business...
Two women enter, only one can leave. They both stole the plans to The Death Star, and they both have enough attitude to fuel a Star Destroyer.
Will the winner be Leia Organa?
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Or will it be Jyn Erso?
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Cast your votes for the last time to decide, once and for all... who is the hottest Star Wars woman of all time?
...oh, but remember, this is all just for fun! So don't take it too seriously ;)
Happy voting, and may the hottest woman win!
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badboyfriends · 1 year
every single thing i see about the new scooby doo show is SHIT. fuck the velma show and stan Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated.
Normally i WOULD say "i have respect for anyone willing to try and make changes to a landmark series" but when that creator is a JKR stan? hmmm.... significantly less so.
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amarriageoftrueminds · 4 months
steve and bucky are both gay but bucky is a 'woah look what a ladies man I am haha totally straight honest' gay whereas steve is an 'I would totally be straight but life keeps mysteriously making me so busy that I can't get a girlfriend because of reasons' gay
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Hit ‘Little Old Lady’ Gets 10 Days In Jail,” Toronto Star. November 8, 1932. Page 17. ---- Neighborhood Quarrel Ends in Court in Hamilton ---- Special to The Star Hamilton, Nov. 8. – A street fracas, arising out of a neighborhood quarrel of long standing, resulted in William Seabrook being sentenced to-day to ten days in jail. He was convicted of common assault for striking Mrs. Edith Dexter.
Accused told the court the complainant had been spreading gossip, defaming his wife.
‘It is the wrong way to seek redress,’ Magistrate Burbidge said in passing sentence, ‘and you had no right to strike a little old lady.’
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slcepily · 4 months
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1eos · 6 months
People will literally be like "I know you are all getting mass murdered right now, but it's the holidays, can't the strike happen in January or smth? Thanks 🥰" unionically and then cry when people call them selfish
and will be DEAD. ASS. SERIOUS. like ive seen so many ppl be on posts abt the strike like 'wait this is so last minute how are we supposed to strike? x y z just happened' bro what part of a blackout don't you understand? these people are being KILLED they don't have the time, means, or frankly, ENERGY to sit around and do shit on YOUR schedule. bitches don't even tryyyyyyyyyyy and then don't understand why everyone is sick of their bullshit! tuh!
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rad-roche · 7 days
i think most people reading the comics may not have read, or aren't aware of, the fics they're supplementing (which is fine, they're a time commitment and a niche one at that, i'm in this for the pure love of The Posting), but i do like to throw in little easter eggs for the people who follow both. cute little things for consistency. there's a throwaway line in dead woman walking where nick signs a note
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and in the comic, if you reaaaaally zoom in...
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he does! logo and all
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notyourbaes-stuff · 2 months
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Shine bright like a Rihanna. 🌝
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atomic-raunch · 2 months
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One of the great Gale Sondergaard’s last starring roles before being blacklisted by the fanatical Right. I’ve heard people talk about this movie and wonder what she’s striking back from, the answer of course being that this is an extremely loose follow up to 1943 Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce classic, The Spider Woman. Also starring the inimitable Rondo Hatton, although he is not reprising his Sherlock role as the Hoxton Creeper.
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off-brand-adorabbit · 8 months
Tress scratched the best itch for me, I’ve been craving a good fairy tale and it was just perfect. I kept slipping so hard into the fairy tale aspects that I kept getting caught by surprise whenever a cosmere thing stopped beating around the bush and revealed itself, actually. While I’m sure that wasn’t fully the intention, it was a really fun way to read some brandermansanderman coming fresh off of sunlit man and how intensely locked in I was with the Connections. Genuinely Tress is such a fun little romp. I love girls who sail in fucked up seas and this is a genre I want more of please thank you.
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