#striped agate
yoursgemstonesshop · 25 days
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dustcarve · 3 months
i never used to be that into subspecies or rare colors or designer dragons or whatever but this hyperfixiation cycle i threw myself into it and learned how it works and all the terms and its like. i get it now. oh my god i get it now
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shyambaba7773 · 9 months
Healing with Sky Blue Striped Agate
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♥ Hope ♥ Unity ♥ Cleansing ♥ Harmony ♥ Protection ♥ Optimism ♥ Positive thinking ♥ Joy ♥ Truth ♥ Purification ♥ Promptness ♥ Calming ♥ Appreciation for nature ♥ Smooth energy flow
In addition to the generic healing properties of Agate and Chalcedony, the Blue Striped Agate variety is a very cooling and calming stone, endowing us with a sense of peace and tranquility.  A powerful throat healer, it assists with verbal expression of thoughts and feelings.  Blue Lace Agate is a great nurturing and supportive stone, neutralising anger, infection, inflammation and fever.
Blue striped Agate helps to strengthen and accelerate the repair of bones, thyroid deficiencies, throat and lymph infections.  It soothes red, sore eyes and any skin problems associated with redness and irritation.
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sakuraswordly · 2 years
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Source: https://twitter.com/GeologyTime
Natural layered agate. Each layer was formed at different times. Probably due to earthquakes in the region, the lines are crooked. That's why the horizon line is crooked. 
Turkish Photo: menekse_bilal08
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wilted3sunflowers · 10 months
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Pink Pearl: SOLD
Always thought of as a simple minded pearl who honestly to many outsiders never thought she was that great at being a quiet and follow you from behind type. Yet never seemed to be reprimanded much from Zebra Agate whom she was entrusted to. Currently she's thriving in this new Era 3 and on earth in Empire City. She was the one among this group to actually start the whole animal pattern print...kind of. Though technically it could be argued the pattern started with Zebra Agate but Pink Pearl conciously chose leopard print from seeing them on models in store window advertismenet and could not be more interested. On Homeworld theres very little patterns, only really lattice work or stripes of any kind or diamond checkerboard. No one really thought out- no one thought to look to organic beasts for fashion. Humans are so fascinating. Maybe thats what that Rose Quartz truly saw in them. How creative and vibrant they are. Comes with a past form too on toyhouse
Design Notes on Grey and Pink Pearl: Inspired first by Pink pearl's interest in 'animal pattern' which Grey is a pearl who excelled at being 'a pearl' sure she was never the most emotive, sing song-y type of pearl for entertainment yet what Zebra Agate needed was a pearl more of a secretary of keeping things on schedule and taking calls and what not. I also decided for this story a conscious effort that Pearls don't wear patterns. They're not of importance they are here to be simple, more softer colors typically and just to show they're a pearl. not some combination of gem type wearing another gems pattern. Also decided the same of course for Pink pearl for them being simple, run of the mill pearls even if Grey has a bit more to her past design it was only for the more authoritative feel that a pearl might have being under an *Agate* that terrifies Design notes on Pink lace: Due to corruption she is a lot more faded- not just from corruption but because her gem was more like that of the sand gem. Embedded in an object and only ever facing the sun. bleaching her gem of colors with too much exposure. She's a lot more polished in her currently look- i had a design ready for her just out of corruption look but then that would leave Zebra agate without a past form and decided to let the two non pearls without past forms. She of course used to be much more vibrant.
Design Notes on Zebra Agate: purposefully the inverse of typical zebra pattern on her clothes. with white stripes on black you can see that her hair itself is a regular part of black stripes on white like a typical zebra. also her design on her bodysuit is specifically to mimic a ribcage with zebra stripes
Zebra Agate: [Sold] "An Agate Terrifies" That's what Agates do. That's who Agates are. Subjugate those out of line and whip them into shape. They're here to make everyone stay in their proper places and follow rules. However I took her to completely go into the other direction of dealing with rules. The Punk movement appealing to her- if this is Era 3 and there is no need for her job role. Why should she keep trying to force a terrifying agate lifestyle? She may not be the kindest or most sweet Zebra Agate is however sentimental and more thoughtful than many- even pink lace considered her much more cold and rigid to expectations of what used to be common of gem society. While shes not an anarchist she has been delving into punk fashion but also the subculture to help her adjust to her new world and its views. She had always needed to follow rules blind and enforce them but due to the new order change. How else was she to find something that even acknlowedges no structure is perfect and many are flawed- even so her diamonds were flawed. Nothings perfect and nothing is without work to adjust.
Grey Pearl: SOLD A muted personality. What do you do when you used to know everything you were supposed to do? Living not in just a new era but an entire new world where you're allowed a lot more freedom that you never actually craved before. She's known Pink Pearl for thousands upon thousands of years and while there are some feelings of envy she would consider Pink Pearl to be her only friend. It's a complex mix of emotions like anyone would have especially towards Zebra Agate and the peculiar softness she seems to have for Pink Pearl that she has with no one else. Whilst never treated harshless it always was more of a cold wall from Zebra Agate that Grey Pearl felt. That this was strictly business relationship. Agate never even asked her to sing or dance- two components that make a pearl a pearl in many's eyes. Yet she's asked Pink Pearl to sing for her, and never stopped her from dancing without being asked. Grey Pearl may not have much of a relationship with Faded Pink Lace however she almost projects a sense of kinship of feelings left behind with her. In fact it was after Pink Lace Agate came back with those curated corruption spots that she decided to have some own markings herself. Humans have tattoos and while she can't get a traditional tattoo from humans she herself worked to get those marks on herself. She was the last one in the group to reform to this new Human lifestyle. Comes with a past form too on toyhouse
(Faded) Pink Lace: SOLD During the gem war she of course fought for homeworld and even was was part of the last charge. Of course, while she is more of the carefree type even she could see the dangers. Zebra was part of the task to pull out more of the aristocrats and Pink Lace part of the ground troops. Anything could happen so just as a precaution she sent her pearl away to Zebra Agate. Honestly, she expected that terrifying Agate to reset Pink Pearl for herself. It was a peculiar feeling for Pink Lace recognizing her pearl- even if it took only a moment before her Pearl recognized her. All so unevenly spotted and with sharp spiked growths coming out of her. She was a mess...Just how Zebra Agate used to scold her about. Her pearl still so lively and a bit oblivious to others feelings but even now so creative- such unique spots on her dress...theyre not even diamond shaped. Pink Lace at least knows to go with the flow of things but a good deal perceptive.
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tiredwitchplant · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Carnelian (Red)
Carnelian (The Sunset Stone)
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Color: Red, orange, pink, brown
Rarity: Common, easy to obtain
Hardiness: 7
Type: Agate or Chalcedony
Chakra Association: Solar-Plexus, Sacral, Root Chakra
Angels: Michael
Deities: Isis
Astrological Signs: Leo, Taurus, Aries
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Origin: Britain, India, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania
Powers: Success, Confidence, Motivation, Courage, Sexual Energy, Vitality, Action
Crystals It Works Well With: Aquamarine, Beryl, Super Seven
How It is Created: It is part of the chalcedony family. It is made up of silicon dioxide colored by different levels of iron impurities, with specks, banding, or stripes in many shades of brown or orange-red. The stone itself has a beautiful warm orange color that is best appreciated when it is polished.
History: Since ancient times, carnelian has been polished and worn as jewelry. The Egyptians used it to contrast with onyx and lapis lazuli in the making of collars and necklaces. The Romans were fond of it set in gold, using small beads in earrings or larger polished stones in finger rings for men and women. In the Middle Ages, carnelian was also popular as a healing stone. It was said to dissolve anger or rage, protect the wearer from negative influences, and promote courage.
What It Can Do:
Can be used in spell for success, confidence, and motivation
Can bring a burst of inspiration and energy
Is good for sex magic and sometimes menstrual support
Can cleanse and restore other crystals
Can help those in abusive situations by providing inner strength and movement to the right path
Help with mental preparation with childbirth
Calms angry emotions and puts a stop to mental lethargy
Can restore vitality and remove the fear of death
Was used to protect the dead to their journey to the afterlife
Dispels apathy and motivates success
Improves analytics abilities and clarifies perception
Removes extraneous thoughts in mediation and tunes daydreamers into reality
Can stimulate metabolism and improve your life force
Can influence reproductive organs and increase fertility
How to Get the Best Out Of: Use as a pendant or belt buckle, or place in contact with the skin as appropriate.
How to Cleanse and Charge: You can cleanse and charge carnelian with the sun.
Crystal Grid:
Creativity Grid
Shape: Flower of Life or Vesica Piscis
Mantra: “Creativity flows through me.”
Center Stone: Carnelian sphere or tumbled stone
Secondary Stones: Rainbow moonstone, larimar, kunzite, orange calcite
Moon Phase: Waxing phase or full moon
Day: Wednesday
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pink-onyx-au · 2 months
Question - I remember earlier in the comics when they were discussing Onyxes that they had to meet a lot of strict requirements to be classified as one. How many Onyxes are there ( approx ), and how rare are they?
[For the sake of this AU of course - Mun lore Ramblings below]
I figure "off color" gems may be a bit more of a last-resort classification. Onyxes are a sort of "off-color" agate/jasper/quartz, but their "offness" is still a desirable trait, so it was given its own name rather than being a reject. Not unlike real gems, where if they form in a particularly special way, and that way is still desirable, it is given its own name and category. Gems like "Padparadcha" must be so common as an off-color sapphire that they get their own name, rather than just "orange sapphire." Onyxes fall into a category like this, however; their appearance is desirable by the diamonds. Maybe due to their uniformity.
Since these traits are technically off-color but wanted, the means of getting this "rank" is very strict, since it is allowing an off-color to have more power than its basic gem. Each Quartz soldier colony has a chance of producing an Onyx, but not all of them do. A really good kindergarden may product no Onyx at all, like the Prime Kindergarten. This is fine, because the soldiers will come out strong enough to not need an Onyx to lead or boost their ability. A poorer kindergarden like the Beta Kindergarten has a higher chance to produce Onyx, as the soldiers will come out less-than-perfect, and require a rank to fill-in. It is sort of a self-correction to prevent colony collapse that the Diamonds (of this AU) implemented.
You could argue that our Jasper, perfect as she is, was SO CLOSE to being classified as an Onyx due to her uniquely special power, but since she did not meet the color or body requirements, she was merely a "really good Jasper" and not an Onyx. Had she come out with the limb-deformities and the uniform stripes with that level of power, she would have been named the Onyx of the Beta Kindergarden after approval from the Diamonds.
Even though Onyx are more common at poorer kindergardens, there is still a chance that one may show up at a good one. Those are particularly deadly gems, because their Sisters are powerful and their status as an Onyx is very rare. They may be only 1 leader commanding an army of thousands.
Tl;dr: pretty rare.
Good ask, thank you!
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keithkog · 27 days
Taking a walk on the beach at 4 in the morning with Lance put me in a really dreamlike state. It’s weird how an empty beach in the dead of night can feel so ethereal.
It was a spur of the moment thing, really. We had been walking where dirt meets the sand on the beach. I’m not really fond of sand, especially because it will get in my shoes. Lance just kept looking at the ocean and lucky him, he had flip flops on. I kept noticing him looking and just resigned myself to ask him if he wanted to go walk over there.
He nodded aggressively and pulled me towards the shoreline. I stopped him halfway there, letting go of his hand so I could get my now sandy shoes off. I carried my shoes the rest of the way there, and now we were standing just where the water couldn’t reach.
Instantly I was scanning the ground below us. I love rocks, and I like seashells, so I’m going to try to look. Lance pulled out his phone flashlight and let out a little ‘ooh’ and walked a little bit away. I looked up to see him leaning down, digging through the sand, and pulling something out.
He held up a rock to his flashlight and grinned at me, handing it to me. I was asked if I knew what kind of rock it was, and I knew. It was a banded lace agate, a pretty rock with small stripes and patterns like little rivers on its face.
I told him it looked great and thanked him for finding it, then I put it in my pocket. Lance’s Altean marks seemed to glow slightly as he stepped forward, his flip flops submerging in water. The squelch sound I heard when he moved his feet made me cringe, but I tried to ignore it. He kicked out a foot and sent water flying up, then he took my hand. ‘C’mon man you already took off your shoes! Roll up your pants!’
I put my shoes further up on the shore, rolled up my pants, and stepped in the water. I didn’t really like it very much, but I loved Lance’s smile. Worth it.
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snailsdraw · 10 months
BIG DISCLAIMER: this is based on these very cool posts by @gordonfreemansphysicsdegree (link 1 here) (OP's OG gems designs link here).
I don't own this AU, I just drew stuff because mind esplosion
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[Start ID: 9 pages of user gordonfreemansphysicsdegree's HLVRAI-SU AU doodles drawn by user snailsdraw featuring the Science Team as gems.
Yellow Olivine Darnold in two outfits: the homeworld outfit and the on-earth oufit. The homeworld version resembles a warmer, high-collar version of Peridot's outfit with limb enhancers and a green visor, and features Darnold with a yellow coloured flat top afro and dark orange skin. His gem, which is green and triangular, resides on his forehead. The on-earth version features her wearing a duku headwrap with a star-shaped bow in the front, a yellow visor, yellow gloves and boots, a labcoat with a three-pointed collar like the top half of a star, and a one-piece swimsuit-like apparel separated into two shades of green by an inverted "V".
3 early Gem-Darnold sketches: Darnold in a mish-mash outfit consisting of a scarf, labcoat, a visor, arcade-patterned shirt, polkadot skirt, striped socks, rocket boots, and the headwrap. He is holding a clipboard and pen, and seems to be observing something. Beside that is a sketch of Darnold in homeworld attire, projecting a holographic screen with her floating, limb enhancer fingers. And lastly, Darnold in a labcoat again, looking sheepish.
Banded Carnelian Gordon and human Joshua: Gordon is a fat, bearded, one-armed gem with a ponytail, wearing a rounded visor over his eyes, a hoodie with stars on the ends of the drawstrings, sweatpants, and sneakers. His gem, located on his upper chest, is chipped. Joshua is a wide-eyed kid with floofy, spikey hair in a cowboy outfit with a star-shaped sheriff's badge and toy horse. There's a sketch of Joshua attempting to eat a worm, and another of Gordon looking very tired.
Blue Dumortierite Benrey: He resembles a quartz in uniform and body type, except shorter and wearing a hood. His left hand is hidden behind his back, but a callout drawing shows that there is a raindrop-shaped gem inserted sideways into the back of his hand.
Lapis Benrey: He is a fat gem with an undercut and bangs, and is wearing an outfit that resembles Lapis's, except with tights instead of a skirt. He is sitting cross-legged with his watery wings out, and is throwing a peace-sign, his gem now visible on his left hand and in it's original, flat position. Next to this is Benrey in his earth-outfit, consisting of a cap with a star decal on the side and ear flaps and a ponytail sticking out the back, a crop-top hoodie with a star-shaped open patch on the back, a translucent skirt, and open-toe tights. He's making a kissy face, and is posed with one foot kicked up behind him and a hand on his hip, the other hand flipping his cap ear flap like you would long hair.
Yellow Agate Tommy: He is a tall, lanky gem with hair styled resembling a mound atop his head with rings resembling the agate mineral, and is dressed like Holly Blue Agate with a high-collar, shawl, and high boots. He is standing attentively with his hands in the diamond pose. Beside that is a sketch of Tommy in an oversized Beach City Funland shirt and a propeller hat he'd won at the Funland. He touches the cap reverantly like he's just had a revelation from having fun for once in millenia and this is a turning point for him. Next to that is Tommy in his earth-outfit, consisting of a short puffy-sleeved top with 2 pompoms down the front, a bowtie, a cummerbund, and tights with shoes tipped with pompoms. Sunkist, a corrupted Pearl who resembles a large, masked bird, is lolling her tongue happily while she recieves some scritches from a smiling Tommy.
Corrupted Cream Pearl Sunkist: Originally, she is a Pearl with shoulder-length hair and a curl on her forehead and attire that resembles Pink Pearl's except with a translucent curtain around her shoulders instead. She stands with a foot pointed out in front of her like a ballerina, and her fingers interlocked before her chest. Next to it is a drawing of her corrupted, bird creature form. Additionally, there is a sketch of her after she is newly healed, touching her face in wonderment and tearing up. She now mostly looks like a Pearl, except with longer hair resembling wings, no nose, and an inverted "V" line across the middle of her face.
Green Quartz Dr Coomer: He is an old gem in Quartz uniform with a roundish moustache, a balding head and under-eye wrinkles. His weapon are two huge gauntlets, like Garnet's. A round gem resides on top of his forehead. On Earth, he wears a singlet with ripped edges around the armpits resembling a star-shape, and suspenders with star-shaped buckles. He flexes, showing off his bulging arm muscles.
Fusion-Zircon Bubby: He looks like an average Zircon, just slightly taller and much older, and with two monocles instead of one. His hair droops back in a triangle, and his boxy jacket has unbalanced shoulderpads with two jutting out from one shoulder and only one from the other, and a mis-matched number of line decal on his sleeves and pant legs. He also has heeled boots and a three-pointed hankerchief under his gem - a fusion of several shards of Zircon. He's posed with his head tilted up and hands on his hips. On Earth, he has a balding head with hair also angled in a triangle behind his head. He wears a tracksuit with a big star pattern front and centre. His sleeves and boots are mis-matched in lengths. /End ID.]
I WILL EXPLAIN I only changed Darnold's gem cut because I learned that Olivine is Peridot in mineral form and went oh👀?
Very very interesting HLVRAI 2 AU, awesome times.
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bebemoon · 2 years
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swamp arsenal “habitual” black stripe agate and rose quartz beads w/ stainless steel chain and vintage cross pendant necklace & “queen of daggers” freshwater pearls, white jade, quartz, swarvoski, opalite, lampwork glass, and czech glass w/ dagger pendant choker .
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yoursgemstonesshop · 25 days
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FR Gene Ideas
🐉 Blacklight/Rave: highly saturated and bright and adds unusual neon colors to more neutral tones
🐉 Agate/Quartz: adds blobby circular striped rings. [Alternatively you could have a thinner lined gene that is similar to a woodgrain pattern called Tree/Branch]
🐉 Mesa/Shale: similar to the above but with horizontal lines
🐉 Flip/Switch: uses whatever the color’s inverse is as the base
🐉 Faun/Smatter: little pale spots along the dorsal side and... this is the most important... a smattering of freckles across the snout
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seven-meds · 8 months
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A very played with Christensen Agate striped opaque.
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shyambaba7773 · 9 months
Healing with Agate
♥ Love ♥ Abundance ♥ Wealth ♥ Good luck ♥ Longevity ♥ Acceptance ♥ Courage and strength ♥ Protection, security and safety ♥ Balance ♥ Harmony ♥ Generosity ♥ Appreciation of nature
Agate is an excellent stone for rebalancing and harmonising body, mind and spirit.  It cleanses and stabilises the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity.  Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities.  It soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension and creates a sense of security and safety.
Agate heals the eyes, stomach and uterus; cleanses the lymphatic system and the pancreas; strengthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders. Bulls Eye Agate (also known as Orbicular Agate) has long been thought to ward off the evil-eye or curses.  It helps the survival instinct, eliminating fear and helping to improve one's chances for survival in dangerous situations.  It stimulates the quality of grace in physical movements and actions.  Bulls Eye Agate balances the chakras and stimulates an awareness and fulfilment of well-being.  It treats disorders of the reproductive system.  Aids in the treatment of growths and stimulates regenerative properties.
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yulgurr · 4 months
i got a(nother) silly oc idea, i think fe engage needs a character who likes stones
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her name's Agathe she collects stones and makes jewelry with them.. she started not too long ago but she likes it a lot :]
EDIT: tiny silly bits under the cut
• "in a good place mentally" is important because most of my ocs are not, just look at theo
• Agathe reached the state of "i enjoy my life"
• She's genderfluid! i had no specific gender in mind while drawing her, just the 4 pictures on the ref
• speaking of the pics, i really wanted to include the tiger stripes somewhere but couldn't find a place.. maybe i'll use these as facial markings that only show up and glow during the spells! maybe i'll make her lore more complicated!!
• in her supports with other characters she'd assign a gem to them and talk about the symbolism
• she and rosado would hold hands 🗣️🔊
• she left home when she was 16 and was travelling around Brodia for the little money she saved. Then a jeweler took her in and she lived happily since :] and then she joined the divine dragon because thats more travelling, and more travelling = more rocks/stones/gems (all these words are the same in my language so i use them interchangeably)
• her personal skill would be like. Shield of Agate - grants +4 def if terrain has rock formations. Has a chance to acquire a Pretty Pebble at the end of the turn.
• by the end of engage she has a couple of backpacks filled with stones
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A couple outfits I’ve worn recently: a brown floral dress with a long-sleeve olive green top underneath, as well as a jingly leaf necklace, tiger’s eye frog, brown shell piece necklace and hedgehog earrings. 
And today I’m wearing a kelp green and tan striped sweater, green ruffly blouse and warm brown corduroy skirt with a belt. I’m also wearing my smoky quartz tree, moss agate point and tiger’s eye necklaces with insect wing earrings (kinda like bee or fly wings). 
I really liked these outfits especially, they just seem so fairy-like to me! 𐐒(୨୧❛ᴗ❛)  ·₊˚𓍊𓋼𓍊 .☾∘·₊˚❀⋆。𐐪𐑂°✩。:°ஐ.₊·♡₊·⚘˚₊·.࿐༄࿔.
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