#striped outdoor umbrella
literathemes · 1 year
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Hot Tub - Transitional Pool Inspiration for a massive transitional backyard renovation that includes a unique-shaped hot tub
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mayflyrecords · 1 year
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Seattle Uncovered Inspiration for a large coastal backyard deck remodel with no cover
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typocode · 2 years
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Seattle Uncovered
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antgione · 11 months
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Example of a mid-sized beach style backyard tile and rectangular lap pool design An illustration of a medium-sized beach-style backyard with rectangular lap pool tiles.
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ramosreport · 11 months
Brick Pavers Patio New York
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vismaviedetraducteur · 11 months
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Brick Pavers Patio New York a sizable, elegant, and covered brick patio in the backyard
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hazelleewood · 11 months
Brick Pavers Patio New York
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glitter-studs · 1 year
Brick Pavers Patio New York
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everythingps · 1 year
Brick Pavers Patio New York
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jovaniclark · 1 year
Brick Pavers Patio New York
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kolorkrazedolly · 1 year
Brick Pavers Patio New York
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Brick Pavers Patio New York
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gpptraining · 1 year
Brick Pavers Patio New York
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 2 months
𓅨 Sleepy Bitch Syndrome: Chapter Five
Sleepy Bitch Syndrome: You've got narcolepsy and have been visiting the Dreaming daily for years. Then its Lord and King finally return and he doesn't know quite what to think of you.
Warnings: Language.
To Note: Morpheus/Dream x Narcoleptic!Reader, for you dear @aralezinspace.
Word Count: ~2.4k
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You find yourself in the cold, sterile room of the sleep clinic. The bed beneath you feels foreign, the sheets crisp and unfamiliar. Electrodes cling to your scalp, chest, and limbs, tethering you to the machines that will monitor your every twitch and breath.
"You ready?" the technician asks, her voice breaking through the clinical quiet. Her eyes are kind but professional, revealing none of the potential outcomes of this study.
"As ready as I'll ever be," you reply, trying to keep your tone light despite the anxiety gnawing at you.
The lights dim, and you're left alone with the soft hum of machinery. You close your eyes, willing sleep to come quickly, but it evades you for a while. Eventually, exhaustion takes over and pulls you under.
You drift into a dreamscape that's unsettlingly familiar—Mervyn's garden. The flowers bloom in impossible colors, their petals shifting like liquid in a breeze that doesn't exist. Morpheus appears again, standing among the blossoms, his expression unreadable.
"Why here?" you ask, more to yourself than to him.
"Your mind seeks comfort," he replies. "And yet it brings you back to chaos."
The scene shifts suddenly. You find yourself back in the sleep clinic bed but not alone. Matthew perches on the headboard, his dark eyes watching over you.
"You think they got what they needed?" he asks casually.
"Doubt it," you mutter. "Feels like a whole lot of nothing."
Morning arrives too soon, dragging you from restless slumber into harsh reality. The technician re-enters the room with a clipboard in hand and a neutral expression.
"How'd I do?" You force a smile, hoping for some clarity.
"We'll discuss it with Dr. Andrews," she says. Her tone is too measured to offer any hints.
You're led to a small consultation room where Dr. Andrews awaits with your chart spread out before him.
"Your results are... inconclusive," he says after a moment's hesitation. "We didn't find anything definitive."
You let out a sigh of frustration. "So what now?"
"We'll need to run more tests," he continues. "Your symptoms are real; we just haven't pinpointed the cause yet."
You nod numbly as he explains next steps—more nights in strange beds with electrodes glued to your skin, more waiting for answers that might never come.
As you leave the clinic, Matthew swoops down from somewhere above and lands on your shoulder again. It still astounds you that he can travel between realms, but you are eternally grateful to have his company during your waking hours.
"Guess it's back to square one," he remarks.
"Yeah," you agree softly. "But at least it hasn't gotten worse… you wanna get food?"
"Fuck yeah,"
"How about that diner on Fifth?" you suggest. "They've got outdoor seating. I can pretend that you're a pet"
Matthew ruffles his feathers in approval. "Sounds good. You know I can't resist those fries."
You make your way through the crowded sidewalks, dodging commuters and street vendors until you reach the small, retro-style diner. The smell of sizzling bacon and fresh coffee hits you as you approach, and your stomach growls in anticipation.
You find a table outside, under the shade of a striped umbrella. A waitress with a bright smile brings menus and fills your cup with steaming coffee.
"I'll have the breakfast special," you say, glancing at Matthew. "And can we get an extra side of fries?"
The waitress nods and scribbles down your order before disappearing back inside.
"So," Matthew starts, pecking lightly at a napkin for amusement, "how do you feel about all this? The tests, I mean."
You lean back in your chair, taking a sip of coffee. "Frustrated, mostly. It’s like being stuck in a loop with no exit."
Matthew tilts his head, studying you. "But you're not giving up."
"Never," you reply firmly. "I need answers."
The waitress returns with your food—a plate piled high with scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and a generous serving of fries on the side. She places everything down with a practiced ease and leaves you to it.
You break off a piece of toast and hold it out for Matthew. He pecks at it gratefully before turning his attention to the fries.
"Here," you say, picking up a fry and holding it close to his beak.
He takes it delicately, munching away with visible delight. "Best part of any meal," he quips between bites.
You smile, feeling a small sense of normalcy amidst the chaos that has become your life. Sharing a meal with Matthew distracts you—no doctors, no tests, just the simple act of eating together. Even he is a bird.
"Want some bacon?" You hold up a piece for him.
"Nah," he replies. "Too greasy for my bird stomach, you would not believe how much I had to shit after snacking on measly strip…” You try not to think about Matthew having bird diarrhea while you chew your bacon eyes wandering over the bustling cityscape. People pass by in waves, unaware of your silent struggles. Matthew’s presence brings a small measure of comfort. The bird’s casual attitude toward your predicament eases the tension you carry like an invisible weight.
Matthew finishes another fry and cocks his head at you. "You think they'll find anything useful next time?"
You shrug, swallowing a bite of scrambled eggs. "I hope so. It’s hard not knowing what’s wrong. But at the same time, how many tests have I already been though? Pretty sure they're gonna start running out and just chalk it up to me being crazy."
"Well at least you’ve got me," he says with a wink—or as much of a wink as a bird can manage.
You chuckle, the sound surprising even to you. It feels good to laugh, even if just for a moment. "Yeah, I do. Thanks for sticking around…" Then you think about it. Why is Matthew hanging out with you while you are awake?
"Matthew?" You question, catching the raven mid gobble of another fry.
You look at Matthew as he swallows the fry, his beady eyes glinting with curiosity. “Why do you stick around when I’m awake?”
He pauses, feathers ruffling slightly. “Good question,” he says, his voice taking on a thoughtful tone. “Maybe I just enjoy your company.”
“Come on,” you say, leaning forward. “There’s gotta be more to it than that.”
Matthew pecks at another fry, taking his time before responding. “Alright, alright. The boss told me to watch you, okay?"
The boss? Why would Morpheus care about your well being?
You stare at Matthew, his nonchalance doing little to mask the gravity of his revelation.
"The boss? Morpheus asked you to watch over me?"
Matthew's beady eyes meet yours, and he nods slowly. "Yeah, he did. Said you were important."
"Important? To who?" You lean in, your heart pounding in your chest. Did he still think you were a threat? "What does he mean?"
Matthew looks around, ensuring no one else is listening. Then he leans closer, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Alright, but you gotta promise not to freak out."
You nod, the curiosity gnawing at you. "I promise."
"Okay," he says, settling himself on the table. "So, I think Morpheus has a crush on you."
Your eyes widen in disbelief. "What? That's... that's insane."
Matthew shrugs, picking at another fry. "Is it? Think about it. Why else would he send me to keep an eye on you?"
You try to process this information, but it's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. "But he's... he's the Lord of Dreams, and Endless. He's older than the gods. Why would he care about me?"
"Hey," Matthew pecks at the table for emphasis, "he's more human than you think. Just because he's got all that power doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings."
"Matthew, he has the emotional intelligence of a rock."
Matthew cocks his head, a twinkle of amusement in his beady eyes. "Maybe. But even rocks get polished over time."
"Oh my god, this conversation is ridiculous," you sigh in exasperation, shaking your head.
Matthew chuckles, a surprisingly comforting sound. "Ridiculous or not, it's the truth. Why else would he send me to watch over you?"
"Because I am an interloper within his realm he can't control?" You offer shortly before chewing your lip. You take a deep breath, trying to make sense of everything. "So, what now? Do I just... pretend I don't know?"
Matthew shrugs, fluffing his feathers. "That's up to you. But you should know, he's not just watching over you for no reason. He genuinely cares."
You nod slowly, the gravity of the situation settling over you. "Alright. I'll think about it."
Matthew pecks at another fry, giving you a reassuring look. "Take your time. Just know that whatever you decide, I'm here. And so is he. I think."
He thinks. Hah!
" Great talk," You say, not knowing what else to say. "Thanks, Matthew."
"Anytime," he replies, his tone light and playful. "Now, how about we get back to those fries?"
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You wander through Fiddler's Green, your eyes scanning the landscape for the perfect spot to set up your painting supplies. The rolling hills are lush with emerald grass, dotted with wildflowers that seem to glow in the afternoon sun. Trees sway gently in the breeze, their leaves whispering secrets you can almost hear.
A narrow path winds through the meadow, leading you toward a small pond. The water reflects the sky like a mirror, capturing every cloud and beam of sunlight. You pause for a moment, taking in the serenity of the scene. It's almost too beautiful, too perfect—like a dream within a dream. Enough about that dream fuckery, this isn’t Inception…
You walk a bit further and find an old oak tree with sprawling branches that provide ample shade. The roots twist and curl around each other, forming natural seats. You set down your canvas and easel, unrolling your brushes and paints with practiced ease.
The quiet of Fiddler's Green wraps around you like a comforting blanket as you dip your brush into a vibrant blue. You begin to paint the sky, each stroke bringing the scene to life on your canvas. The colors blend and dance under your hand, capturing the essence of this magical place.
"Nice choice," a voice says behind you.
You turn to see Gilbert standing there, his ever-present book tucked under his arm. His eyes twinkle with approval as he takes in your setup.
"Thanks," you reply, smiling. "It's hard not to be inspired here."
Gilbert nods, stepping closer to examine your work. "You've got quite the talent," he observes. "Capturing the spirit of this realm isn't easy with its ever shifting state."
You shrug modestly, focusing on adding detail to a distant tree. "It's all about finding the right moment," you say. "The way the light hits the water or how the flowers sway in the breeze."
He watches you for a moment longer before sitting down on one of the gnarled roots. "Do you ever feel like you're painting more than just what you see?"
You glance at him curiously. "What do you mean?"
"Well," he says thoughtfully, "it's like you're capturing the very essence of this place—the dreams and hopes it represents."
You consider his words as you continue to paint, adding layers of color and depth. Maybe he's right. Maybe you're not just painting what you see but also what you feel—the peace and tranquility that Fiddler's Green offers.
As you lose yourself in your work, Gilbert's presence becomes a comforting backdrop. He doesn't need to say anything more; his quiet support speaks volumes. You don't notice when Gilbert fades, returning to his disembodied state as Fiddler's Green.
You lose yourself in the flow of colors and brushstrokes, the world around you fading into a blur of creativity. The air hums with the energy of Fiddler's Green, each breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers and fresh grass. It's as if the very essence of The Dreaming seeps into your painting, making it come alive on the canvas.
A shadow falls across your work, and you look up to find Morpheus standing beside you. His presence is as commanding as ever, his dark eyes studying your painting with an intensity that makes your heart race.
"You paint," he states, his voice a soft murmur that seems to resonate through the meadow.
You nod, feeling a bit self-conscious under his gaze. "I'm not really that good," you admit. "But this place is too beautiful not to try."
Morpheus tilts his head slightly, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Beauty often inspires creation," he says, stepping closer. "May I?"
You swallow hard and nod again, handing him the brush with trembling fingers. His touch is cool but not unpleasant, but rather than fully take the brush, he stands behind you, close enough that you can feel the faint rustle of his robes against your back.
"Relax," he instructs softly. "Let the moment guide your hand."
His fingers gently cover yours, guiding the brush across the canvas with fluid, confident strokes. The colors seem to blend more harmoniously under his direction, each line and curve coming together to form a more cohesive whole.
"See how the light plays on the water?" he murmurs, his breath warm against your ear. "Capture that essence—the way it dances and shimmers."
You try to focus on his words, on the way his hand moves with yours, but it's hard to ignore how close he is to you. His presence is overwhelming yet comforting, grounding you in a way you haven't felt in a long time.
"Art is not about perfection," Morpheus continues, his voice a soothing melody. "It's about capturing what lies beneath the surface—the emotions and dreams that shape our reality."
You take a deep breath, letting his words sink in as you follow his lead. The painting begins to transform before your eyes, becoming something more than just an image on a canvas. It feels alive, imbued with the very spirit of The Dreaming.
Morpheus steps back after a few moments, leaving you to finish on your own. His eyes meet yours, filled with an unreadable expression.
"You have more talent than you realize," he says softly.
You look at him, feeling a warmth spread through your chest at his words. "Thank you," you whisper.
He inclines his head slightly in acknowledgment before fading back into the landscape, leaving you alone once more with your painting and thoughts.
The colors on your canvas seem brighter now, more vivid—a testament to the brief but intense moment you've just shared with Morpheus. Your brain glitches and a solid blue screen appears behind your eyes, serenity is replaced with panic.
Shit. Matthew is right.
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Date Published: 8/7/24
Last Edit: 8/7/24
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midnighmoonligh · 6 months
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Agere CoD Animal Crossing Head Canon's
(this is just for fun)
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Item list; Denim Overalls (white), Kerokerokeroppi Pin, Pacifier (baby grey), Simple-accent Socks (white), Rubber-toe Sneakers (black), Dreamy Backpack (mint), & Panda Umbrella.
Big on-island design
Plays religiously when little
He will harass anyone he can to play with him
Ghost has to aggressively avoid Kyle when playing, he makes him regress
Has a Dark Academia theme
Favorite holiday is a mix of Halloween (favorite character is ofc Jack) and Turkey Day
Aggressively collects amiibo cards, has two binders full of them
The villagers he has are; Apollo, Wolfgang, Skye, Dobie, Chief, Kyle, Fang, Freya, and Vivian.
His starters had been Apollo, Daisy, and Pecan
Ghost's favorite villager is Kyle (looks like Riley & has Gaz's name)
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Item list; Annyeong Tee, Baggy Shirt (gray), Dreamy Pants (blue), Jogging Shorts (black), Diaper (light blue), Mohawk Wig, Punk Hair Wig (orange), Pacifier (baby gray, Pacifier (baby mint), Holey Socks (blue), Knee Bandages, Knee Brace (black & blue), Basketball Shoes (light blue), Crossbody Boston Bag (blue), and Blue Umbrella.
All his villagers are jocks
His first animal crossing game was New Leaf
Prefers new leaf, but doesn't mind new horizons
The villagers he has are; Kid Cat, Samson, Stinky, Tank, Teddy, ED, Tad, Moose, Mac, and Lyman.
He collected the amiibo cards for a small time to get jock villagers, but he gave his collection to Ghost.
Soap's favorite villager is Tad
His favorite holiday is Bunny Day
His favorite character is Zipper
His original villagers were Teddy, Deirdre, and Poncho
Soap's Island is a cross between city-theme and kidcore
Obnoxiously into animal crossing conspiracies
He has loads of theories about Zipper
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Item's list; Anorak Jacket (red), Colorful Striped Sweater (white, yellow, & red), Diaper (cream), Formal Shorts (white), Track Pants (gray), Crown, Colorful Striped Knit Cap (red), Pacifier (baby gray), Pacifier (baby pink), Color-blocked Socks (brown), Kerokerokeroppi socks, Pompompurin boots, Rubber-toe High TOps (berry red), Bug Cage, Butterfly Backpack, and Rainbow umbrella.
Big on bug collection
Maxed out the bug half of the museum
Gets so excited when seeing Flick
Casual player & often hangs out with ghost
Has had the same villagers since he started
Only really plays if he can play with someone
Got the crown from Ghost (both Ghost & Soap worked to get it for him)
The villagers he has are; Molly, Fauna, Beau, Erik, Deirdre, Pecan, Poppy, Kiki, Mapple, and Ike.
His starter villagers were; Fauna, Deirdre, and Pecan.
His favorite holiday is Festivale and Bug-off
Will take a day off just to sit and play the Festivale event
He'll spend an entire day running around collecting flowers because shiny
His favorite characters are Nat, Flick, & Kiki
The island theme he picked is a sort of glow forest
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Item list; Colorful Striped Sweater (navy, light blue, & pink), Oilskin Coat (red), Explorer Shorts (beige), Pineapple Aloha Shorts (red), Outdoor Hat (red), Pacifier (baby yellow) Pacifier (baby orange), Pacifier (baby pink), Rounded Beard, Frilly Knee-high Socks (black), Knee Bandages, Rubber-toe Sneakers (yellow), Rain Boots (red), Fish Pochette, and Fish Umbrella.
The museum is fully maxed out
Shares an island with Gaz, doesn't decorate
He will get super anxious when things are suddenly different
Only plays to fish for hours
Rich from the fish he catches
Gets lost on the island a lot
Will excitedly shake Gaz if he finds out CJ is roaming around
Is a pro at the fishing tourneys
He has all the special items you can get from CJ
Has the same villagers as Gaz
His favorite characters are CJ and Chip
Gets upset when things block the view of where he's fishing
Will complain about how clapped the villagers look
His favorite holidays are Fishing Tourney and International Museum Day.
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Item list; Energetic Sweater (purple), Konnichiwa Tee, Mod Parka (green), Cargo Pants (avocado), Chino Pants (gray), Labelle Cap (midnight), OK Motors Cap, Pacifier (baby gray), Pacifier (baby green), Color-blocked Socks (green), Pom-pom Socks (green), Kerokerokeroppi Boots, Rubber-toe High Tops (olive), Nook Inc. Pochette, and Frog Umbrella.
Loves when it rains
Decorates like crazy
Super pretty and aesthetic island
Specifically created places where Price and fish
He's on fashion and his storage is full of clothes
Doesn't have enough space for his clothes and gets really upset about it
Island aesthetic is neutral neighborhood
He borrows Ghost's cards. He thinks they're really cool
His villagers are; Pietro, Julian, Elmer, Papi, Victoria, Roscoe, Winnie, Savannah, Reneigh, and Annalise.
The original villagers he had were; Julian, Alice, and Elise.
Gaz specifically picks the most obnoxious villagers to annoy Price
He forgets to warn Price when making changes to their island
Favorite holiday is Toy Day
Favorite character is Isabelle
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Item list; Chick Tee, Culottes (white), Diaper (light blue), Boa Parka (gray), Denim Overalls (avocado), Kiki & Lala Pin, Pacifier (baby gray), Pacifier (baby mint), Color-blocked Socks (white), Nordic Socks (gray), Tube Socks (navy blue), Cinnamoroll Sneakers, Cute Sneakers (blue), Rubber-toe High Tops (blue), Bear Backpack (brown), and Pineapple Umbrella.
Only plays with Logan and/or Hesh
Shares an island with Logan & Hesh
Hesh's wife plays with them too!
Loves collecting shooting stars & their crafting recipes
Doesn't do anything in particular, mostly just follows Logan & Hesh around
Often watches Logan & Hesh fight over decorating (sometimes antagonizes it & finds it funny)
Logan enjoys having a fall scene, always skipping time to stay in it. Hesh prefers winter. So to compromise they split the island into three parts
Keegan went for a dark cottage-core on his side
Their villagers are; Phoebe, Charlise, Katt, Tybalt, Claudia, Filbert, Kitty, Tammy, Graham, and Vesta.
Their original villagers were; Phoebe, Kitt, and Charlise
His favorite holiday is New Years and Christmas
He always makes sure to play on holidays!
Favorite characters are Timmy and Tommy
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Item list; Dreamy Sweater (blue), Garden Tank (blue), Kids' Smock (cherry blossom), Culottes (white), Diaper (light blue), Dreamy Pants (blue), Cinnamoroll hat, Prom Crown (silver), Pacifier (baby gray), Pacifier (baby mint), Pacifier (baby blue), Kiki & Lala Socks, Lace Socks (white), Cinnamoroll sneakers, Mary Janes (blue), Dreamy Backpack (mint), and Blue shiny-bows parasol.
Doesn't share an island with anyone, but is always having shadows play with him on his island
Half the island is worked on the other half isn't. It's been this way for two years
Has a fairy-tale aesthetic (mostly greyscale)
His favorite villager type is dogs
His favorite villager is Cookie
Favorite event is New Years (for the fireworks) and Fireworks show
Favorite character is Redd
His current villagers are; Goldie, Cookie, Portia, Shep, Bea, Butch, Maddie, Daisy, Lucky, Bones, and Boom.
His original villagers were; Lucky, Sparro, and Bam
He has a small collection of cards. He only bought them to collect the dogs more easily but ended up giving up
Plays more than anything when he's injured
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Item list; bone Tee, Cardigan School Uniform Top (beige), Two-tone Pants (yellow), Worn-out Jeans (light blue), Paper-bag Hood, Ski Mask (black), Halo, Cosmos Crown, Pacifier (baby gray), Pacifier (baby yellow), Aran-knit Socks (white), Cute Sneakers (yellow), Mary Janes (red), Vivid Socks (yellow), Nook Inc. Knapsack, and Eggy Parasol.
Shares an island with Horangi
Horangi plays way more than he does
Plays New Leaf more than New Horizons
Only really plays when regressed
Absolutely terrified of the bugs and will run away from them or yell until Horangi catches them
Their villagers are; Bangle, Bianca, Claudia, Leonardo, Rolf, Rown, Tynalt, Patricia, Spike, and Merengue.
Their original villagers were; Bianca, Dozer, and Shari.
He really likes talking about animal crossing
He loves playing with people online
His favorite characters are Isabelle and Digby
Horangi conned him into having all the tigers
Island Aesthic is kid core (he begged Horangi)
He has ALL the fruits
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the-pixel-architect · 3 months
Which do we prefer? Cream or Striped!
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Context: Ok so this is gonna be an outdoor grill restaurant, lunch and dinner only. Think drinks in the afternoon turning into a late dinner, grown LOL so which umbrella works best for outdoor seating?
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