#strong tawa
omichef · 1 year
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"Experience the ultimate cooking satisfaction with the Omichef Chef-approved tawa - crafted to elevate your culinary skills and bring out the best in every dish."
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handweavers · 6 months
Do you have a favorite kind of plant? A favorite tree?
chinese hibiscus are my favourite flowers, next to star jasmine and tiger lilies. all grow in my grandparents' yard in malaysia ❤️
in a wider scope, i study dye plants and trees and thus the plants i can identify and feel most connected to are dye precursors, especially those used traditionally across southeast asia. when i think of my favourite trees i think of all these tropical hardwoods and plants. so here is a non-exhaustive list of southeast asian dye plants:
🌻 sappanwood (biancaea sappan) also called brazilwood not to be confused with another, different tree also called brazilwood; it was taken from southeast asia by the portuguese and brought with them to the americas - red, pink, purple
🌻 indigo (called tagom or tagum in various filipino languages, tarum in malay) - blue, blue, blue, there are several species but japanese indigo as well as a few other varieties are commonly grown
🌻 annatto seed (this is the most common of filipino dyes from what i've read) - yellow, orange, red 
narra woodchips (national tree of the philippines) - brown, red, pink, pinkish brown 
asthma plant (tawa-tawa) - yellow
indian almond tree (talisay) - the roots, leaves, bark, all rich with tannins, yellow dye naturally but can give greys and blacks
mahogany (mahoni in malay) - reddish brown
taro plant (called gabi, aba, abalong) - leaves give yellowish green
🌻 turmeric root (kunyit in malay) - yellow. not very lightfast so usually combined with other dyes
🌻 ceriops tagal (mangrove - soga tinggi in indonesian) - reddish rusty warm brown, a vital and very rare dye now due to deforestation. the dyers in bali i know who use it source it from a fair trade org in papua that harvests small, controlled amounts. i have been very lucky to use this and the colour is magnificent
yellow flamboyant bark or yellow flame (soga jambal in indonesian, peltophorum pterocarpum) - warm yellow to red to dark brown, using peeled bark
cudrania javanensis (tegeran in indonesian) wood - yellow
🌻 cockspur thorn (maclura cochinchinensis) - yellow, very strong high quality yellow
mango - leaves, bark, peels give yellow, especially when processed as lake pigment
angsana - wood shavings make honey brown
🌻 jackfruit heartwood - clear strong yellow
🌻 symplocos - natural bio-accumulator of aluminum, used as a mordant in dyeing
🌻 fire flame bush (woodfordia fruticosa) - flowers contain strong tannins, combined with mangrove mud and fermented to raise the iron in the mixture to create a dye that is the primary traditional way of achieving grey through black
pandan leaves, mangosteen leaves and peels, cassava leaves, and lemongrass are all also used as dye plants. i have seen recipes where cassava leaves and mango leaves are pounded together in water and left to ferment in the sun to create yellows and greens
🌻 = i have personally dyed with these
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solipsistful · 5 months
did you know i used to have a pretty strong conlang special interest as a teenager
anyway w.bg concepts translated into toki pona.
consolidation: wan sijelo ('unite bodily') or, if you're feeling spicy, wan kon ('unite essence-ly'). im sure Mikes would tend towards the latter
correction: you could probably talk about pona pi ijo pini ('making better of a past thing') or just ante pi ijo pini ('change of a past thing'). i dunno, "a correction" isn't a really a single Thing is it lol. however, i imagine "continuous correction" would look something like ante awen pi ijo pini ('continuing/staying change of a past thing'), or really it's more like lon ante ('other existence'). lon namako ('extra existence') lol.
iteration: mute tenpo ('multiply temporally') for the action, jan mute tenpo for an iterated person. that mayyy be a bad use of tenpo but toki pona doesn't really have a good term for "time, abstractly". maybe it still works?
calculator: ilo luka pi tawa tenpo ('handheld tool for time travel')
storage: poki pi tenpo awen ('box of continuing time')? again, iffy use of tenpo, to my knowledge. maybe it's more like poki pi lon awen ('box of continuing existence').
tracing: sona ijo pi tenpo ante ('knowledge of a thing in different times')
connectivity: i feel like you could go pretty abstract/vague with linja tan ('rope/thread of causes') or linja pi tenpo ante ('rope/thread of different times'). a connectivity strike is a sorta separate thing, more like moli pi jan mute tenpo ale ('killing/death of all iterations'). shorten that to moli mute ('death of many') lol.
and the most important one of all, cowboyification, which would be hard. my first thought would be kama jan mama soweli ma pi weka sona ('becoming a person who cares for animals of the place where the sun sets' does that even make sense in English.)???
toki pona also has a neat way of doing proper names that makes it fun to differentiate between jan An (Anne, a person), kulupu An (the council of Annes), and something like kon An (Anne, the essence). or go the other way and say jan An is the overall person, and any single one is sijelo An (Anne, a body)
ugh. anyway.
- ace
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butchdykekondraki · 24 days
i dont know what to put here um. idfk this is just me shamelesly promoting my mutuals fics. cause im normal abt them. Yeagh. oh also uhhh mandatory Hey read the fucking warnings on some of these please. that is all thank u.
-to love sound again : starting off strong i think this one like. changed my brain chemistry. walked out of this a different man. i just think she (soul) should be happy Okay. and guess what you'll never guess what the plot of to love sound again is (soul gets to be happy and heal properly with heart & mind)
-tis what they in the biz call 'woundposting' : [shouldnt need to say this but vague warnings for gore, blood, & murder lawllll] im even more blatantly biased than average w/ this one im just gonna be honest man. anyway. woundposting Good please read woundposting
-year of the dog : [warnings for violence, blood, & blood drinking] ignore how this is also in the woundposting collection shhhh shhhhut the fuck up shut up. Read It
-of dead ends : [warnings for suicide, murder, blood, & gore] i dont have a funny quip for this one um. of dead ends is just like really really fucking good dude it rotates around my mind A Lot. of dead ends solar eclipse u'll always be famous tawa mi
-a bit of reconciliation : no quip for this one either theyre just happy & i think about it a lot .:-)
-a shadow is not cast by nothing : [warnings for violence i guess, & blood]
-the definition of euphemism : SHAMELESS CREATURE AU PLUG WHILE IM AT IT. anyway. i feel normal about this one and especially abt how is referenced as a buried avatar. im Normal.
-dial tone : this one made me so amped up i had to take a walk in the freezing cold at like 12 am. thats all ill say
-anachronism : [warnings for intrusive thoughts (specifically gore-related), self harm (kinda sorta its mostly thoughts), & suicide (again kinda sorta its mostly thoughts)] i dont even have a quip its just like. jesus christ man anachronism is So Good. if you read nothing else read anachronism & tlsa thats all ill say
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felix-lupin · 5 months
concept that has been rotating in my head but is slightly weird so idk if people will like it is hms being oddly possessive of each other. hms completely ignoring any boundaries they try to set. especially on soul’s part. he doesn’t see heart and mind as actually worthy of privacy. things like that are privileges, not rights, to him, and heart and mind have not earned a single one of them. so he feels no guilt ignoring their wishes. he’s done much, much worse.
each of them see an ideal version of the others. heart and mind want them to mirror themselves. soul wants heart and mind to become whole. and they keep just trying to force the other into that mold no matter their protests. heart desperately, desperately wants to see mind crack. see his emotions spill. see they really are the same in the end, just as weak, just as vile. soul would do anything to see them become whole, obviously. idk if mind is really in this too but he definitely wants heart to become like him, he sees the ideal version of heart as a heart which has accepted everything he says as truthful, a heart which is logical, a heart which is not a heart. so a nothing? maybe so.
heart and mind have done so much worse to each other. there’s honestly no reason for them to honor the other’s boundaries. besides, they’ve never separated, not really. it doesn’t feel wrong in any way to invade the others’ boundaries - no, it feels right. they’re practically the same in the end, after all. or maybe it’s just from entwining so much. or maybe all that is an excuse, a mere excuse to feel the other squirm in their grip, a mere excuse to inflict yet more violence.
soul sees heart and mind as possessions, more often than not.
hms are constantly trying to Possess each other. Have the other as someThing not someOne. mold the other into exactly what they want.
toki sina li pona tawa mi. they WOULD be.
like. Soul sees Heart and Mind as parasites or cysts, and why would you respect the privacy or wishes of something like a parasite or virus? he already doesnt fully see them as people, and its like, well. if privacy is a right, it is a human right, and Heart and Mind are not that.
Why would you respect the wishes of something that refuses to be anything but a parasite that can't act in the good of Harmony, too preoccupied with its own shortsighted fights and desires to see what is for the best? he doesnt feel bad ignoring their desires; their desires clearly aren't very good or helpful, anyway, why would they be respected?
{and while soul can see that they do have desires, some very strong desires, even. well. a parasite has the desire to feed off of it's host until nothing is left, too, does it not? the desires of parasites are not to be respected.}
Soul refuses to accept that any of them could be their own people, including himself. It does not matter if Heart and Mind want to be people; they are not, and they should stop trying to be. Can't they see that Harmonia is more important than their frivolous desires?
n yeah Heart and Mind want the other to become more like them. heart wants mind to spill out in emotions even if that would destroy him, even if mind isnt nearly as equipped to handle strong emotions like that as heart is. they would wreck him. mind wants heart to become more logical and less emotional, less him, even though if heart did truly hollow himself out and become less emotional, all that would be left would be a hollow, apathetic shell of what he's supposed to be. there would be very little left of him that is actually him. a wreck and a shell would be all that is left of either of them.
to them its like. why respect each other's wants when it's so much easier to just give into the temptation to do whatever they want to each other? its not like it really matters in the end. theyre inextricably connected, forever, whether they like it or not. they cannot leave. they cannot change this. what is to stop them from doing whatever they want to each other? and stopping and actually respecting each other likely seems, to them, like quite a lot of work for very little reward.
its not like they can go back to being how they used to be. its not like they'll ever be Whole for very long, or like they'll ever be Harmonia at all. (and. well. they probably think that just like being in concord is always transient, so is cacophony. just like they are always destined to fall apart, they are always destined to come back together again, no matter what. there is not supposed to be a future where this doesn't happen, so there will not be a future where this doesn't happen. something, something, learned helplessness.)
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bumblebeeappletree · 6 months
#ecoprint #naturaldye #bundlesecoprint
The Secret of Ecoprint Technique (Full Tutorial) Part 1 • The Secret Recipe of E...
The Secret of Ecoprint Technique (Full Tutorial) Part 2 • The Secret of Ecoprint...
So hi, im roman, FINALLY todays video id like to show you the secret recipe how i made ecoprint on fabric, how i create a beautifull print on it, a secret why and how the leave or the flower leave their shape beautifully, this is base on my exploration, maybe the weather, ph level of water and so many factor will affect the result, but you can try this recipe.
This video is maybe long, but i dont want to cut the video so i will show you every step of the process of the textile making.
Step by step :
1. Choose the best fabric/materials
2. Clean the fabric (Scouring), i have 2 ways to clean deeply the fabric (2 method)
3. Preparing the fabric (Mordanting), 2 step to make your fabric is ready to dye.
4. Selection of the plants.
5. Bundles and Steam Technique.
6. I love you.
1. Fabric / Materials
The first is the most important before you making natural dyes, selection of fabric or material, because we work on natural dyes, natural things, so make sure the fabric that u ll be use is from nature also, like linen, cotton, or maybe silk.
2. Scouring
The second, is to scoured the fabric, what is scouring means? Scouring refers to thoroughly washing or deep cleaning the fabric, to remove residue or residual chemicals on the cloth from the factory when fabric making.
This is one factor of success in achieving strong color on natural dyes, is to start with completely clean fabric. Does this mean fabric washed in washing machine? No! We think the washer gets our clothes totally clean but it honestly does not. That is why, to get a good even coverage with your dyes, it is very important that you deep clean your cellulose fabric such as cotton, linen, bamboo, or maybe silk.
For me, this is my method, i have 2 ways to scour the fabric, the first is boil the fabric on hot water with some soda ash about 20 minutes, or if you dont have a soda ash you can use any detergent, but i recomend a soda ash and TRO (Turkish Red Oil). Boil for 20 minutes and ready for the next step, but if you patient enoght i have another tips, another methos, that is leave your fabric on soda ash mix with water for about a night or a couple night, until the fabric is clean and dry it.
3. Mordant
The 3rd step, next for this step is to mordant the fabric, what is mordant means? Mordant is like to prepare your fabric for natural dyes, mordanting process make your fabric good enought to sticking the tanin (the substance in plants that produces color/natural dyes) from leaves and flower. More rich the tannins on a plant, more strong the color will be.
There is 2 step of mordanting the fabric,
Mordant First step, recipe (you can re-adjust composition) :
Aluminium Sulfate (Tawas)
Iron Sulfate (Tunjung)
Baking Soda
Mix all the ingredients with water
Dry the fabric.
Note : be careful with fragile fabric like silk, dont add too much recipe
Mordant Second step, recipe :
Calcium Carbonate (lime betle/kapur sirih)
Mix with water
Ready to print or you can dry it and keep for print when you need. (Make sure make it wet again the fabric before you print)
For the precise composition please follow and dm me on instagram / roman.muhtar ✨
4. Selection of Plant
More rich the tannin on a plant, more strong the color will be.
What i choose :
Hibiscus flower (Bunga sepatu)
Bidens pilosa (Dom dom an/babadotan)
Acalypha (Daun Ekor Kucing)
Vernonia (Daun Afrika)
And many more you can explore
5. Bundles Ecoprint
Here‘s tutorial • Bundle Ecoprint Tutori...
6. Thanks for watching, i love you!!!
Lets be friend
Lets be friend
/ roman.muhtar
/ romannuansa
my work https://msha.ke/boolao
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Hey, Lutz, Mikhail, we need y'alls help out in front of the garages. Couple of people got hit with a fire hose and need a little healing and we need someone strong enough to use the fire hose to still clean some stuff.
Bring the kids and the bird, I'm sure something funny will happen!
"Is Scout one of the people hurt, by any chance?" Jacques asks.
"We have fire hose at base?" Mikhail whispers to Ludwig.
"Ja, Engineer built one in case of fires."
"Tawa!" Maria squeals, making grabby hands at you.
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ponekebigbreakfast · 1 month
Location: Urban Eatery, Tawa
Meal name: The Big Urban
Price: $24.00
Bacon: Three rashers. Cooked to a nice crisp without being overly crunchy. Nice fat to meat ratio. No complaints here.
Sausage: A cheese kransky. Delicious, juicy, noticeably cheesy without even seeing the cheese. Not my usual breakfast pick but enjoyable nonetheless.
Hash Browns: Two round rostis. Nicely seasoned and cooked to a nice crisp. I usually prefer a coarser potato but couldn't really fault these.
Eggs: Two, requested poached. Not quite as runny as I'd prefer but by no means were they overcooked. Well formed.
Mushrooms: Reasonable serving, grilled. Not particularly flavourful as mushrooms nor seasoned. Still would rather have them than be served a breakfast without them.
Tomato: Half a tomato, grilled. It is never the star of the plate but this one was still quite delightful. Partly red, partly green, it was juicy and well seasoned. Very enjoyable.
Toast: Two thick (almost an inch!) pieces of an in-house baked loaf, lightly buttered then grilled. Deliciously crisp outside, soft pillowy inside. Would have been wonderful to dip in egg yolk or to wipe the plate with were the yolks runnier.
Coffee (additional cost): Regular flat white. Simple and tidy latte art, served at a nice readily drinkable temperature. Good strong coffee flavour typical of Supreme coffee roasts.
Cafe vibes: Clean and tidy, definitely fits the name of an urban eatery. To my disappointment it is *not* named after Wellington's favourite son Karl Urban. Busy this Sunday morning. Contemporary top 40 radio. Friendly staff.
Score: 85
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poleeeng · 10 months
sobrang thankful ako sa relationship na meron ako ngayon. kahit maghapon nasa room lang, never mawawalan ng tawanan. last time midnight hanggang 2am tawa kami nang tawa habang nagrereminisce ng emo/pop punk songs na pinapakinggan namin. kaya naisip nya mag-game kami na paramihan ng mahuhulaang titles. yung mga gantong maliliit na bagay talaga sobrang grateful ko kasi sya yung kasama ko. kahit ang simple lang ng lahat, peaceful, happy and sobrang strong ng relationship namin. swerte talaga ako, plus consistency talaga since day 1 sa princess treatment. kahit ang dami dami na paso ng kamay nya, kahit pagod na, kahit inaantok, kahit tulog, ipapagluto parin ako, aalalayan, aasikasuhin. literal na di ako kumikilos kapag andyan sya. can’t wait na maging magkasama na kami palagi and bumuo ng little family na punong puno ng love. sana umayon ang universe saming dalawa. ang wish ko nalang talaga e mas maginhawang buhay para samin. yun nalang.
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carters-blender · 3 months
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"Kayah May had been called many things. Her mother called her meticulous. Her father called her mercurial. Her siblings called her either an idiot or an inspiration depending on the day. And Ahnah called her sharp in the prophetic sort of tone Ahnah always used. She liked to call herself strong."
Kayah May
Soldier, Sergeant (Unit 0617)
Independent, clever, loyal, head strong
Kayah May comes from a large extended family and community in the Midlands, a land slowly being encroached upon on either side by the two warring powers. She had always been a good fighter and a talented hunter so in her twenties she decided to join one side of the war, hoping that her actions could help protect and ensure her community. She isn't the only Midlander to make similar choices, but it is still rare and she is made to feel like she is an outsider at nearly every turn. She decided that that treatment was fine since she already had a community and family back home and she didn't need anyone new. She wouldn't rely on anyone. When she gets pulled into a friend group she has to face how much she might have actually been missing. When she witnesses how Elan is treated by most of the leadership she has to face some of the questionable things she has been allowing herself to turn a blind eye to. And when her new unit is sent out into the icy wilds of the Midlands she has to face just what she has lost in leaving- and the question of if she can return to the world she knew.
Physical Description:
Almond shaped dark brown eyes. Long silky black hair, typically worn in braids. Short but with a gymnast build, lean and strong muscles. Bronzed brown skin, warm undertones. High cheekbones, oval face shape, friendly resting expression.
Jove Marsch, Elan, Nieve Dunn, Ferah Kamari, and Abrahan Silva
Jove Marsch and Elan
Ahnah (auntie, not blood-related), Kele May (father), Tiva May (mother), Hania May (brother, older), Tawa May (brother, younger)
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adhdo5 · 5 months
Hello Glycerin Adhdo5 please share your Spore lore. I am intriqued by the spore lore. Hi.
OK so the first thing you gotta know is that all three of these are the daughters of the Unreaper, the save I had that I have apparently completely lost in the reset and had never published to Sporepedia. I am still pondering what this means diegetically for all of them but it's relevant
The Unreaper were my first experiment into the Murder Herbivore – they were a Harmony empire but a completely unearned one. They also had the traits of strangely oriented arms, deer antlers, and their starfarer foremost the Omnipotent had a strong penchant for throwing herself repeatedly into war, forgoing assembling a fleet and abusing her respawn mechanic to one-man terrorize worlds
kulupu pi tonsi sin li kulupu nasa li suli nanpa wan. ona li kama tan akesi wan taso ala, tan akesi tu a – soweli li lon li wile moku e akesi Senta la, akesi ni li poka e akesi Kakuta pi utala wawa, la akesi tu ni li kama alasa li kama tomo lon poka. ona li kama nasin e kulupu lon poka. akesi utala li tan musi – akesi kasi li tan mi. ona tu li ante sijelo, taso ona li kulupu wan, li jan sama. nasin pi kule tu wan la kulupu ni li lon nasin pi kule suwi taso – ona kulupu la lon ale li suli. ona li wile e pona suli. taso . nasin ale pi musi Spore la ni li ken ala lon ala, anu seme: nasin kulupu li weka ala a e utala.
kin, jan pi tawa mun li ijo ante kin a. kulupu lili li lawa e ilo mun. kulupu ona li nasa ala tawa nasin pi tonsi sin – jan pi sijelo Senta en jan pi sijelo Kakuta li lon. ona ale li tan wawa, li lon nasin wawa. wile mani en pilin wawa en wile pi pilin suli li lawa e pilin pi kulupu ni lon tenpo mute. wile jaki ni li kama e ike e moli. taso, pilin wawa ona kin li tan nasin suli. tenpo la ona li lukin e kulupu wan sin lon mun ante li wile wawa e ona. taso, kulupu ni li kama suli la, wile ona li utala. ona li wile e weka ale pi kulupu ante wan. lon la, pali ni li sin ale ala tawa mun ike ni. taso, tan utala li sin. ni li tan ala wile ona, li tan ala wile utala, li tan wile mani taso. ona li pini e pali la pilin wawa li lon tenpo lili taso li weka li kama e sona: ni li ike suli. ona en kulupu ona li lukin e ken ona e tan pi pali ona e sona ona li kama pilin wawa e ike pi pali ni, e ike pi pali pini sama. la kulupu mun li kama toki wawa e ni: tenpo kama ala la, ona li utala. (Translation under cut)
The Harp is a Zealot empire of antlered, winged pack hunters. The Harpy have gone red-red-green-green and as a species have had a long, long history of being fucking annoying. The mechanics of their pack dynamics are not well understood and the Harp is not forthcoming, but those packs/flocks/swarms have uncanny capability to coordinate (especially for the sake of mobbing some motherfucker), and no individual Harpy has been documented very extensively – their recording of history is deeply collectivist, and individual Harpy do not usually have names or stable epithets. They are somewhat oddballs among the Way of Spode – they lack many of the hardliner tendencies and have only erratically and mostly superficially adopted the Galactic standard practices of Spode, even having different practices around prosletyzation, as enthusiastic as they are about it – the Harp places almost no value on prosletyzation as beneficial to the recipient but instead treats convincing and being convinced as a ritual act in and of itself.
Some of the Harp's oddnesses are best exemplified in the Taking, the intervention that ended the Amahani-Aepox war. The Amahani Empire was the Harp's first interstellar contact, and was also a theocracy under Spode – the Amahani Empire and the Harp were close allies for a long time, and when the Amahani began to lose the conflict with the Aepox, the Harp was a frontline negotiator, and freely welcomed refugees. Eventually, though, the Amahani were pushed back to their home world, and followed there. The Harp officially annexed the remains of the Amahani rather than let them be destroyed – via induction of planet-wide religious frenzy by way of the Zealot superweapon.
In the time since, Harpy delegations sent to mend relations after that breach of the Galactic code have integrated extremely effectively, especially in Chance empires.
The Ikka'vetu, the First Step Unto the Land, are omnivores with much less pack definition than the New Transcendent and certainly than the Harp. I am going to say more about them later but basically they are also a Harmony empire which annoys me bc I wanted them to be Life rn I am going to TTRPG
The Empire of New Transcendence are my longest save and a weird one. They didn't come from one guy but two – after meeting a hostile creature, my herbivorous guys developed a symbiotic bond with an in-game Maxis-created creature that was much more statted for attack. The Senta (me-created) and the Kakuta (this is derived from "Kowkutter" which is the name of the Spore creatures in question but that isn't a diegetic name in The Lore) proceeded to develop side by side as a societal unit under the banner of New Transcendence. They r for all intents and purposes one society. New Transcendence is a Harmony empire, and does as such very much value The Significance Of All Life In The Universe, but being a Spore empire, they are not, despite this, antiviolent.
The infrastructure this society does build produces the crew of the Great Star of New Transcendence. They are a very expected bunch, consisting of the commonplace unit of Senta and Kakuta and also coming very much From Power. Releasing a bunch of very questionable graduates into space proceeds to cause several problems as pride and greed immediately show themselves as core motivators with more than one fatal result. But their pride too is affected by the Harmony philosophy – they dabble eventually in uplifting the Flowerdrifter Fairies... who come into their own as a Force empire and proceed to demand the eradication of another empire. The Great Star, which is functionally a warlord merc, initially accepts the bribe – but the reason is a new low of petty and unjustifiable, and the rush of completion immediately gives way to horror not just at this but at all the terrorism and murder they'd committed before. Shaken, the Great Star commits to a vow of peace.
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omichef · 1 year
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Introducing the new #omichef tawa. perfect for Indian cooking. This heavy-duty tawa comes with a sturdy handle for a firm grip. #omicheftawa #omichefofficial #omichefresipes #tawa #kitchenappliances #inductionbase
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chellethoughts · 1 year
Minsan akala ng iba lagi ka lang full charge. Full of energy. Laging nakangiti at nakatawa. Lagi lang strong. Hindi nila alam nalolowbat ka din at gusto ng mag shut down. Hindi nila alam na sa kabila ng mga ngiti at pag tawa mo, umiiyak ka din. Ayaw mo lang ipakita. Kasi baka isipin nila, nag iinarte ka.
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capybara-on-the-ezh · 2 years
"tenpo pini ni" - "those were the days" in toki pona, with literal translation
tenpo wan la esun moku li lon one time, there was a food-shop mi en sina li moku telo you and i would drink mi en sina li musi li toki e you and i would play and speak of wile mi e pali suli mi our desires and our great works
chorus: a tenpo pini ni oh, those past days li pona tawa mi are good to me mi en sina li musi mute a you and i would have a lot of fun mi pilin ala e i didn't feel pini pi tenpo ni the end of those days mi en sina li lili li wawa. you and i were small and strong. la la la la…
tenpo suno lon la mi lon esun today, i'm at the shop ale li ante tawa mi a everything looks different to me lon jasima mi lukin e nasa in the mirror, i look strange lukin mi li ante li ike my appearance is different and bad (i'm not really happy with this translation)
tan lupa la mu musi li kama from the door, i hear laughter mi lukin e sina li kute a i see you, and hear mi majuna. taso, suli ala i'm old. but, not important wile sama li lon pilin mi the same desires are in my heart
you can hear the original song here:
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bumblebeeappletree · 6 months
#ecoprint #naturaldye #bundlesecoprint
The Secret of Ecoprint Technique (Full Tutorial) Part 1 • The Secret Recipe of E...
The Secret of Ecoprint Technique (Full Tutorial) Part 2 • The Secret of Ecoprint...
So hi, im roman, FINALLY todays video id like to show you the secret recipe how i made ecoprint on fabric, how i create a beautifull print on it, a secret why and how the leave or the flower leave their shape beautifully, this is base on my exploration, maybe the weather, ph level of water and so many factor will affect the result, but you can try this recipe.
This video is maybe long, but i dont want to cut the video so i will show you every step of the process of the textile making.
Step by step :
1. Choose the best fabric/materials
2. Clean the fabric (Scouring), i have 2 ways to clean deeply the fabric (2 method)
3. Preparing the fabric (Mordanting), 2 step to make your fabric is ready to dye.
4. Selection of the plants.
5. Bundles and Steam Technique.
6. I love you.
1. Fabric / Materials
The first is the most important before you making natural dyes, selection of fabric or material, because we work on natural dyes, natural things, so make sure the fabric that u ll be use is from nature also, like linen, cotton, or maybe silk.
2. Scouring
The second, is to scoured the fabric, what is scouring means? Scouring refers to thoroughly washing or deep cleaning the fabric, to remove residue or residual chemicals on the cloth from the factory when fabric making.
This is one factor of success in achieving strong color on natural dyes, is to start with completely clean fabric. Does this mean fabric washed in washing machine? No! We think the washer gets our clothes totally clean but it honestly does not. That is why, to get a good even coverage with your dyes, it is very important that you deep clean your cellulose fabric such as cotton, linen, bamboo, or maybe silk.
For me, this is my method, i have 2 ways to scour the fabric, the first is boil the fabric on hot water with some soda ash about 20 minutes, or if you dont have a soda ash you can use any detergent, but i recomend a soda ash and TRO (Turkish Red Oil). Boil for 20 minutes and ready for the next step, but if you patient enoght i have another tips, another methos, that is leave your fabric on soda ash mix with water for about a night or a couple night, until the fabric is clean and dry it.
3. Mordant
The 3rd step, next for this step is to mordant the fabric, what is mordant means? Mordant is like to prepare your fabric for natural dyes, mordanting process make your fabric good enought to sticking the tanin (the substance in plants that produces color/natural dyes) from leaves and flower. More rich the tannins on a plant, more strong the color will be.
There is 2 step of mordanting the fabric,
Mordant First step, recipe (you can re-adjust composition) :
Aluminium Sulfate (Tawas)
Iron Sulfate (Tunjung)
Baking Soda
Mix all the ingredients with water
Dry the fabric.
Note : be careful with fragile fabric like silk, dont add too much recipe
Mordant Second step, recipe :
Calcium Carbonate (lime betle/kapur sirih)
Mix with water
Ready to print or you can dry it and keep for print when you need. (Make sure make it wet again the fabric before you print)
For the precise composition please follow and dm me on instagram / roman.muhtar ✨
4. Selection of Plant
More rich the tannin on a plant, more strong the color will be.
What i choose :
Hibiscus flower (Bunga sepatu)
Bidens pilosa (Dom dom an/babadotan)
Acalypha (Daun Ekor Kucing)
Vernonia (Daun Afrika)
And many more you can explore
5. Bundles Ecoprint
Here‘s tutorial • Bundle Ecoprint Tutori...
6. Thanks for watching, i love you!!!
Lets be friend
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tissitpoispaita · 1 year
I'm currently reading Lahtarit, a novel about the Whites in the Finnish Civil War, written by Anneli Kanto. There's a chapter told from a horse's point of view, and the writing style gave me strong Toki Pona vibes, so I decided to translate it.
mi lape lon kiwen. soweli li ken ala lape, ona li wile pali. mi ken ala sewi e sijelo, ni la mi soweli ike anu seme. mi wile weka tan ma ni, pilin ike li lon ni. jan li luka e mi: o ala. o lon ni. insa mi li pakala. jan lili li lape lon poka. ona li jo e poki monsi len. jan lili li tawa ala. mi pilin nena e ona, ona li moli.
mi sona ala e ma ni. tenpo pini mute la mi lon ma ni: mi sona ala e ona. kalama pakala suli li lon. kalama pi pakala sewi. kiwen lili pi kalama pipi li tawa kon. mi wile tawa weka. monsuta ike li lon ni. jan li mu a li tawa a. jan mije en ilo palisa pi kalama ike. jan li luka e linja lawa li tawa e mi. mi tawa lon nasin kiwen, lon poka tomo suli. soweli li wile pilin ni: jan li pona. jan li sona e ni: mi tawa ma seme. ni li jan pona, jan mute li pona sama ala.
jan mije lawa pi tomo mi li jan pi pona mute. mi soweli lili la, mi lon poka ona. ona li jo e pan e suwi lon poki len. tenpo lete la, ona li seli e ilo kiwen uta pi linja lawa, kepeken luka ona. ona li pana e pilin nena ni: kasi moku en jaki en palisa nasa. mi tu li kama kepeken tomo tawa linja li tawa ma ni. kalama ike en pilin nena jaki li lon, soweli li pilin monsuta li wile tawa ma pona. mi sona ala e ni: mi wile kama tan seme. tomo li pona, ijo ale ni li lon: pali sama lon tenpo ale, soweli pi linja monsi nasa, tomo lape mi, soweli lili lape lon mi, kalama ike ala, pilin nena monsuta ala. jan lawa li wile ala kama. mi lukin e sijelo ona la, mi sona e ni: ni li ike tawa ona. ona li jan lawa, taso ona li pilin monsuta. mi pilin nena li lukin.
open la, supa tawa mi en jan lawa mi li lon. ni li pona. moku li lon supa. telo walo en pan, ale ni li pona. mi kama jo e pan lon tenpo suno ale. jan lawa li moli lon pakala pi kalama suli. mi sona e ni: ona li moli. ona li lon ko walo li pakala lukin li sewi e luka. mi uta e kute ona li wile pana e pilin pona tawa jan lawa moli. ni li ike a: jan lawa li weka.
jan mije ante li ike. mi tawa nena sewi la ona li lon supa. ona li pana e ijo mute ike lon supa. ona li tawa e mi lon nasin kiwen, la ona li pakala e supa. ona li kama ala tan supa, li lukin ala e nasin, li utala e mi kepeken linja lawa. kiwen li lon sinpin pi palisa noka. mi sona e ni: ni li ike. taso jan li utala. supa li pakala.
pan ala en telo ala li lon supa, jan pakala li lon ona. mi tawa e ona lon nasin ike tawa ma mute. pilin nena pi telo loje li ike. mi pilin monsuta. jan mije ante li utala li pana e kalama pi pilin ike wawa, li tawa ike e linja lawa. ona li pana e telo lete tan poki kiwen, li pana ala e len tawa mi. mi wile utala e ona kepeken noka tan ni: ona li jan ike a. taso mi soweli pona. a, mi ike lili ni: ona li wile utala e mi kepeken palisa suli, la mi utala uta e luka ona.
soweli moli mute li lon. ona li lape lon poka nasin, insa ona li sike. soweli ante li wile moli, li wile e pona li mu. jan li pana pona ala, li tawa weka. soweli li ken ala pana pona tawa soweli. mi tawa, li tawa e supa, li kute e ni: soweli li mu a, jan li weka e ona, ona li moli. kute pi ijo ni li ike.
kiwen noka li weka, noka li pakala. jan li pana e kiwen noka sin tawa mi. jan pi pali kiwen li jo e luka pona. ona li ken pana pona e kiwen.
supa sin en jan mije sin li kama. ona li pona. ona li toki mute. ona li seli e telo moku e ilo kiwen uta lawa. ona li pana e pan ko pona e pan sike kin. ona li pana e len tawa mi li lukin e noka mi. ona li tawa pona e mi. ona li jo e mi. soweli Sali o tawa, ale li pona. mi tu o tawa, o kama, ike ala li kama. mi kama pilin ni: jan pona ni li toki lon. kalama suli en pilin nena ike li lon, taso tawa li pona lon poka ona. kalama li monsuta e mi, taso mute ala. jan lawa li pona mute, taso jan ni li pona kin.
jan ni li weka ala e mi. tenpo ni la, ona li lon poka mi, li pana e noka ona lon anpa lawa mi. ona li luka e uta mi e kute mi, la pilin pi luka ona li lon nena mi. jan li pana e sinpin ona lon sijelo mi. ona li pana e telo lukin mute. ona li toki e ni: soweli Sali suwi o. ona li pilin ike. kalama ona li pakala tan ike. mi kin li pilin ike.
jan ante li kama. jan mi li toki e ni: o pana moli, sina jo e ilo palisa. jan ante li toki: mi ken ala, mi kalama la jan ike li lukin. pilin pakala li wawa. mi kon mute. mi mu, taso kalama li kama ala.
mi weka tan ma ike ni. mi tawa wawa a, noka mi li seli. mi tawa waso, linja monsi en linja lawa li sewi, kon li tawa wawa lon selo mi, noka li kalama a. mi tawa tan ma pi tomo tawa linja, li tawa tomo mi. mi sona pona e nasin. mi tawa, mi tawa, mi tawa ma mi, mi ken lukin e tomo lape mi. jan lawa li lon poka tomo, li jo e palisa nasa lon uta, mi tawa tomo lape li tawa poki lape. mi anpa, li lon poka sijelo wan, li lon poka sijelo ante, li pana e mu pi pilin pona, li tawa e monsi mi lon supa kasi, li tawa e noka mi lon kon. mi kama lape, mi pana e lawa mi lon supa kasi. jan lawa li tawa poki lape, li lukin, li toki: soweli Sali o, sina kama tawa tomo.
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