studykaisoo · 1 year
I just want to ask if FEU is still accepting second degree BSA because their website says something like this, Applicants for a second degree in the BS Nursing or BS Accountancy program will not be admitted.
Right now I have no idea if they are not accepting anymore. Best is to contact the school via phone call or better if you go there and inquire about it.
Better if you ask the department head of Accountancy and inquire about it. I am not sure if FEU Manila has bridging program for BSA (but you can ask) but from what I remember (based on few people that I know) FEU Makati and Cavite can consider for 2nd degree. But take this information with a grain of salt - honestly I have not been active in the academic life for 4 years now.
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study-van · 3 years
Oui yasemin will you be in france next year? I will be starting uni and im excited. Do you have any advice
Hello anon!!
No, I will not be in France next year but good things are up ahead!!! Also, first year of uni is so exciting, good luck!! As for tips I will link down some posts that might be helpful to you. Take care
how I got a 4.0 in first year of college by @academiix
college tips by @jeonchemstudy
10 things I wish I knew before university @lydiasoff
mental health tips I wish I’d be given before starting university @castudies
a note on welder courses by @notesbyquinn
tips for college classes that nobody tells you by @daisystudies
college tips from an average student by @studykaisoo
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hhananstudies · 4 years
Answering 20 Questions- Thanks @pizza-and-studying!
- I totally saw this late, but thanks for tagging me!
Name: Hanan 
Nicknames: hanoony, hanoona
Zodiac: Virgo 
Height: 5'2 (ik I'm short) 
Languages: English, Arabic, Swahili, Korean (whatever I've picked over the years of fangirling) 
Nationality: American
Favorite Season: Fall 
Favorite Flower: Hibiscus??? I like the tea
Favorite color: maybe gray
Favorite animal: ducks
Favorite fictional character: Winnie the pooh, he's such a mood! 
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: coffee
Average sleep: that's a thing? 
number of blankets: zero, it's hot in Arizona
Dream Trip: anywhere, as long as it's with my gals...we've talked about Europe and Korea but idk...maybe once we’re all 18??
Blog Established: I think I was in 10th grade...not completely sure though 
Followers: 148; thanks for supporting me through my academic journey!
Random fact: My advisor asked me when I plan on taking the MCAT since I'm graduating in 1.5 years, and I'm terrified. 
I tag: @studykaisoo @biologymuggle @springstudent @coffeeandbookworld
@studyingjelly @study--panda
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truther tagging game !!!
i was tagged by @xxxicefr ; thank you !! 😊😊
RULES: BOLD the statements that are true
I am over 5′5″ / I wear glasses/contacts / I have blond hair / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings/ I have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes / I have dyed or highlighted my hair / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards
Hobbies and talents
I play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic / I know more than one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami / I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new bookseries this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand
I have had my first kiss / I have gotten drunk / I have told a crush I like them/ I have traveled outside of the country / I have flown on an airplane / I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours / I have had a near-death experience / I have caught something on fire / I have performed in a talent show / I have shot a gun / I have been on TV / I have gone scuba diving / I have broken a bone / I have slow-danced / I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship / I have been single for over a year / I have a crush / I have a best friend / I have known a friend for over ten years / I have a brother/ I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / My crush has confessed to me / I have had a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sun rise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / The sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote / I like the smell of Sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities / I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive stick-shift / I have memorized an entire song in a day / I believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multi-racial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs / I am LGBT
i tag : @medusa-studies @arcystudies @enggrblr @studykaisoo @reinestudies
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taronyuu · 5 years
[ 🏷️ ] Tag Game
I was tagged by @studykaisoo
Rules: Answer 17 questions and tag 21 blogs.
Nickname: Bun
Star sign: Pisces
Height: 165cm
Last film I watched: El día de la Bestia
Favorite musicians: I like so many :((( I still love BTS and I’ve been discovering lots of awesome artists that became my faves like Survive Said the Prophet and QUEEN BEE.
Song stuck in my head: FIRE by QUEEN BEE
Other blogs: N/A
Do I get asks: LOL, nope! :D
Blogs following: Yes!
What am I wearing: Hoodie and PJs.
Dream job: Something data. shhh. (For now, all I care about is living peacefully. ; v ;)
Dream trip: Anywhere would be interesting.
Play any instruments: I used to play the recorder, piano, and guitar.
Languages: English...I understand Tagalog and am currently learning Spanish as well as Mandarin.
Favorite food: Hmmmm very good question. I like food.🤤
Favorite song: I don’t have a fixed favorite (too), but I currently love MUKANJYO by Survive Said the Prophet, Introduction by Queen Bee, Egoist by LOONA, FEAR by SEVENTEEN. 
Random fact: I’m playing Animal Crossing Pocket Camp again...if anyone wanna add me, my code is 0542 5756 538 lolololol
Tag people: 21 people is a lot and I don’t know who’s active on here anymore. I’ll tag anyways... @bignamjoon @nsmjoon @fulllmetals @dearhopeworld @raplinesdom 
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studykaisoo · 1 year
Do you have any ideas how to proceed to second degree BSA? I'm from BS Math will be graduating this year. How many years would i be taking if i want to take BSA? Thank you
Prior to studying Accountancy, I am a graduate of an accounting-related degree (BS Accounting Technology). For those graduates of accounting related degrees: Accounting Technology, Management Accounting, Internal Auditing to name a few - there's a bridging program 1-2 years to complete BS Accountancy. You may check out my post regarding this here.
I have no specific knowledge on how a BS Math graduate can pursue Accountancy as a 2nd degree. Maybe the universities/colleges can credit some of your subject. I don't know the extent of what can be credited. I think you can still refer to my old post.
When I was studying Accountancy, I have a classmate who is a Political Science graduate. If my memory serves me right - I believe her 1st year subjects were credited.
Hope this helps!
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studykaisoo · 2 years
Hello, I am a bsba FM student and I would like to ask if I graduate this bsba fm, can I take examination for professional teacher?
Hello, I am not the best person to answer this as I am not a teacher.
All I know is that non-Education graduates can take the LET if they enroll in a Professional Teaching Certificate Program.
As I've said earlier, I am not that much knowledgeable on this matter - I found an article from UP which hopefully can help you.
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studykaisoo · 2 years
Do you have any ideas how to proceed to BSA? I graduated from BS Accounting Technology too but that was still 2015. I worked as an online ESL teacher for almost 7 years and I have forgotten almost everything already except for the bookkeeping basics. Any tips and pieces of advice? Many thanks!
Hello, apologies for the late response. I am already inactive here on Tumblr but decided to log in today.
I have a full-length post on how to continue Accountancy as a 2nd courser if your graduated Accounting Technology (and other similar courses) Please read it here (Or simply click the link below)
From what I remember you need your transcript of records and contact the schools from the blog post. Also to add, I know a few people who are BSAT graduates who continued BSA in St. Vincent de Ferrer College of Camarin located in Caloocan City. I don't have any information as these people are not my close friends but you can search the school and maybe you can contact them.
I haven't been studying since 2019 so I cannot really give accurate tips at the moment. All I can say is that don't hoard study materials and study at your own pace. Don't rush getting subjects because eventually, you'll get there. The road won't be easy but I believe in you!
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studykaisoo · 5 years
College tips from an average student
Background: I am fresh graduate with a degree in Accounting. I’m obviously not an A+ student, I’ve experienced failures and I have a short attention span. Here’s how I survived college (even if I got delayed)
How to stay motivated?
- Acknowledge that you cannot always be motivated. Inspirational quotes and simple cheers from you family and friends could help. But I tell you, it doesn’t work all the time.
-Motivation helps you to start studying but the true secret to keep going is DISCIPLINE. 
-By developing a routine and strictly following it is a good start to build discipline. I won’t give a specific tip for this since everyone has a different life. You need to figure out this yourself. 
For an example:
Majority of the classes I used to have were scheduled in the afternoon, so what I do is that I wake up very early (4-5AM). I eat my breakfast, do minor chores then off to study what I needed to for that day. How do I do it? I read and analyze the concept first. Then, if there’s some problems needed to solve, I try to do it (if I can) Whatever works for me may not work for you. Some people would say their best time to study is in the evening. 
How to study when you can’t? (due to personal circumstances)
-There are a lot of factors for this one. It’s probably you have a part-time job, or you have other responsibilities like taking care of a family member, etc. 
-The first thing you need to do when you can’t study (or you feel there are a lot of constraint to study) is to ACCEPT THE SITUATION WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW. 
-The next thing you need to do is to think of a game plan. For an example, your whole morning to afternoon is occupied for other important things, you should make time in the evening to study.
-Since you have limited time to study, absorb everything you can in class so you can thoroughly focus on topics you don’t know (or those with difficulty) on your free time.
How to study a topic that you don’t like
-Make notes for it, make it pretty and colorful to boost motivation. 
-Understand the concept thoroughly. You know you have understand the concept if you can explain it to another person.
-Do concept mapping; whatever it is that will help you: your own formula derived from what is given from the book, making charts, graphs, tables, etc. Story telling the topic helps too. 
How to deal with professors
-Treat them the way you want them to treat you.
-They are usually older than you so give them respect.
-Try not to argue with your professors, but if you feel violated tell the higher authority. 
-Ask questions if you need to since it’s their job to answer you. 
How to deal with classmates
-Distinguish the people who are true to you and those who are fake (who are just using you)
-Remember that college is temporary and majority of the people you’ll meet there are not for long-term.
-Group works are pain in the a** but yeah, don’t be that a**hole group mate.
-Even if friendships are temporary in college, you should engage communications with your colleagues since you need each other to go throughout college.
How to save money in college
-Learn to say no when a friend asks you out to hang out (but don’t do it too often, you might lose friends)
-Get a part-time job if you can
-Bring your own snacks and lunch
-Bring your own water bottle.
-Maximize your resources. Always check first if you really need to buy a specific thing before actually purchasing it. 
How to spend your time productively while commuting
-I like to divide my productivity into two parts: For studying and for leisure. Sometimes I study while commuting; I read e-books, power point presentations, PDFs or even watch Youtube videos that are relative to the topics I need to learn.
-Sometimes I do the things I want for leisure during the commute so that when I get home, I won’t be too burnout to study. I listen to music, watch random videos, checking out Tumblr, and whatever floats your boat.
Other tips:
-Don’t drink too much coffee. PLEASE! (Alternatives; but take it in moderation: hot chocolate, milk tea (it works too, but caution: too much sugar), candy, apple)
-Don’t drink energy drinks if your body is not used to it. 
-Try to be-friend people from the Accounting department (or whoever processes promissory notes) just in case you can’t pay your tuition on time, they can help you with your promissory note.
-It’s okay to switch classes (if you can) especially if the professor is not that good.
-If the professor allows you to record the lecture, then do it. You can listen to it while commuting or re-writing your notes. (this will help you remember the lessons more)
-BE RESOURCEFUL. The internet is your friend. 
I hope these tips will help you. I know it’s not enough but nevertheless, I want to tell you that you can do it! You’ll survive college, don’t worry!
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studykaisoo · 4 years
I'm also from the Philippines and I'm a freshman BSA student!!!!!! I just wanted to say hi, and was wondering if you have any tips for incoming accounting students? Thanks💕
Hello @disappointed-pepe, this took a while but I'm now finally ready to answer your question ☺️
Tips for incoming accounting students:
First, you need to know what subjects you'll be taking prior to the start of the semester. Research on the said subjects so you'll have an overview.
A lot of accounting students tend to buy books all the time (what you use this year may get outdated the following year) so I suggest maximize the use of the library. I don't have that much money way back in college so I spend most of my time in the library. It's free and the books are all new. I just borrow them.
If you know any seniors in your school, ask around about the accounting professors. So that you'll know whether you need to change classes or how to deal with them.
You have to study EVERYDAY. You can't be lazy if this is the path you wanted. Allocate hours per day. This depends on your learning curve but I suggest do not sacrifice your sleep. Accounting students are mostly sleep deprived but trust me, if you're not the type of person who will be ok with just 3-4 hours of sleep....just sleep early and wake up early next morning.
It's important to create your own notes. You should not just copy from your books but rephrase it to something you can easily understand.
If allowed by professors, record the lectures. Replay them while writing your notes.
In terms of problem solving, you have no choice but to practice everyday. There are a lot of practice books/reviewers where you can test your knowledge. Trust me you need to start this early. I regret being lax in my younger years.
Pray and trust in yourself too.
Don't beat yourself just in case failures arise. Tbh it's normal in the accounting field. Take care of your mental health. FYI majority of my classmates before have anxiety and depression 😭
If there's anything you want to know in specific just message me. I think there's a lot more to share but I'll make a separate post if I remember it!
Good luck on your journey!
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studykaisoo · 5 years
Life Update! I have started working again ☺️
It's been a while since I shared whatever happened to me after the board exam. In November, I was still sending out CVs and applying for jobs online. Somehow along the way I got tired and decided to take a rest until January.
Life at home
Being a homebody does not mean I'm just doing netflix and chill all day. In fact it seems like I'm busy just like anyone having an 8 hour job (even going beyond that). Sometimes I cook meals, I do wash the dishes, prepare stuff for the family, cleaning and other errands. I was always on the go. I never felt that I have time to actually go and binge k-dramas because I was so busy (chores + other personal things I couldn't disclose)
While I am stuck at home, I have developed new hobbies like doing clay art (I use air dry clay) and bullet journal. These activities have been my coping mechanism for healing.
Going to a faraway place for healing
Most of the time, I feel okay but there are days where I would experience mental breakdowns. I have never visited a psychiatrist (because I couldn't afford it + I don't want to be a burden to my family at that time since money was an issue and I'm not contributing at all). Sometimes I get into heated arguments with my parents and I told them why they never understood how I felt. With all that explaining, still they never knew how to cope up. I was tired and mentally drained. It was such an emotional torture.
During the holidays, my grandmother decided I take some time off at home and she brought me with her. We went to a faraway place from home where my uncle and cousins live. I am so used to housework that even I was there I wanted to help but they all stopped me and told me I was there for a vacation. It was a breather. I lived for more than a week without worries.
I brought my bullet journal with me so during my free time, I was just preparing designs for 2020. While on vacation, my friend offered me a freelance writing job. I took the opportunity and up to this point I am still writing.
Coming back home and continued applying for jobs
When I went home after the holidays, the situation at home has become more bearable. Also, I felt that my family had become more understanding to me. I started applying for jobs again. I jumped from one interview into another.
During the process, I still continued my freelance job and other tasks at home. I was at the peak of my productivity since I was also researching about freelance remote jobs.
I got hired!
I finally got hired in January! But the process was so long that I have only started last month. I continued my old routine and maximized all my remaining free days. I have been working since February and so far all is well. There isn't that much to share at this point but as always, I am wishing for a happy 2020. I hope this year will be a life full of possibilities and new experiences.
At this point, I may not know when I will try again for the board exam. But all I know is that I am trying my best to get my life together at this point. Hope all is well
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studykaisoo · 5 years
I didn't pass the October 2019 CPA Licensure Exam
I just feel like I have an accountability to tell this (if anyone's concerned about it)
I am part of the 85.68% of examinees who did not become Certified Public Accountant this October 2019. It took me so long to be here and still not becoming a part of those 14.32% who passed.
There may be a lot of factors but I don't want to point fingers to anyone, not even myself. It's the worst I could do if I would bring myself to the lowest despite everything.
We don't know what's wrong but if there are around 2000+ people who passed out of almost 14500 then it must have been something achievable.
Regardless, I am still waiting for the verification of ratings and hoping at least to be have a conditional status.
Never I have been so firm in my decision in life. I have decided to apply for a job ASAP (regardless whether condi or failed). If condi, I will pursue this May 2020 and if not I'll be taking a rest until I feel okay.
Please do not worry about me and I know God has a better plan for me. I am not quitting the CPA dream but for now I'll be taking a rest.
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studykaisoo · 4 years
There's something bothering me and idk who to tell. I kinda feel like my friends would tease me about it so I'm putting this here.
I think my dad is bothered how I'm nearing mid 20s soon and I haven't been in a relationship even once. Like since we're always at home he just simply inserts the topic in every discussion. I kinda feel annoyed coz hello?????? We have a pandemic and that's the least of my priorities? + We can't even go out to meet other people. Also, I'm not ready for anything even if they say I'm old enough.
But i feel it kinda affected me in a way like at night i would think that what's wrong with me? Am i not lovable enough? I hate this feeling. Actually i didn't think that way until i was triggered.
I just wanted to let this out so I can continue with my life without thinking that way.
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studykaisoo · 5 years
College tips, anyone?
I just realized that I'm official done with college and I'm pretty much bored at home doing chores and other stuff. I've been sending job applications but yeah, if anyone's interested I might go write somw tips???
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studykaisoo · 5 years
My parents are from the generation of baby boomers; which is 2 generations away (gen x and millennials) from me, a gen z. Generation gap has been always an issue. I always try to understand them but I couldn't comprehend everytime my dad compares his college days to mine. He would say, it was easy to pass subjects and job opportunities were overflowing (as compared to me who is currently a bum and has failed lots of subjects in college). Anyway, since I don't want to have arguments with my dad I'll just keep my mouth shut. :-)
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studykaisoo · 5 years
Tumblr media
191103 • I randomly started to bullet journal again. I know this is a lined notebook but I ran out of dotted notebooks so this will suffice for now. Shine and Love Scenario are two songs that kept me sane during my review days.
Also I just realized that today is Infinite's One Great Step Manila concert 6th Anniversary. I can't believe it's been that long. I know this is out of context but even before liking EXO (and other groups I stan), Infinite was my ultimate bias group. They were technically the whole scope of my teenage life. I couldn't survive all those years without them, so I am always grateful.
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