#stuffing mentioned
x-tracuddlycactus · 4 months
Any Itto tummy headcanons?
RAAAH!! I love I.tto sm 🥰🥰
Uggghhh fat I.tto is my biggest hc I have about him. Sure, he may be a strong oni, but muscles aren't the only thing he's packing on him. He's constantly snacking, lazing around, and overall trying his best to kick back and enjoy life. Of course, he's gonna have some chub on him! You really think he's disciplined enough to have a workout routine or gods forbid, a diet?
He doesn't care about any of that health crap. Besides, salads aren't nearly as filling as a jumbo bowl of rice and grilled meat. If he's gonna eat, he's gonna make sure he gets his fill and then some. I have a feeling that since he loves eating, he's definitely gotta love being stuffed to the brim. That warm heaviness in his gut is the best sensation in the world to him. It means he can find a nice tree to sleep under while everything churns around digesting inside.
He's also pretty shameless about this, too, giving his belly plenty of rubs and rolling out thunderous belches of satisfaction. I can also totally see him letting his gang members pat his distended tummy or even encouraging them to get a feel of it, proud of how much he can eat and wanting to show off. Of course, he dials it down a few notches if S.hinobu is in a particularly sour mood that day.
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catfindr · 6 months
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world's most annoying man is not allowed outside due to his inability to shut up
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stuffeddeer · 5 months
15!dazai is overtaking my brain bc just imagine him taking u to an arcade and trying to win u a plushie at the claw machine bc he noticed u staring at it but failing miserably and he refuses to give up until he gets that plushie
“It’s okay, Dazai, let’s just move on,” you laughed slightly, amused by his determined expression as he failed once again.
“This stupid claw machine is rigged!” He groaned, resting his head on your shoulder with a pout.
Nodding in agreement, you try and tug him away. “Exactly. So let’s move on, ‘kay?”
A small child ran by, the same brown plush design that was flaunted inside the claw machine was grasped in her hands. Dazai lifted his head up to look at you, to which you only sighed. “Her parent probably got it for her, don’t— “
Four more quarters were slotted into the machine that only needs two to play, the lights flickering as its speakers started playing the same grating song.
Seven dollars. He’d already blown seven dollars in quarters on this stupid machine with nothing to show for it, and you were growing bored. “If you’re gonna try and win this plushie for me, I’m gonna try and find one for you.”
He nods dismissively, too focused on trying to line up the dangling claw. The sight makes you smile: it was always nice to see him act his age, too used to the serious Dazai that ruled by Mori’s side. Sliding 4 quarters from his pocket, you vanished to the other side of the row of machines. Hm… what would he like…
“WHA— Hey!” Dazai called your name in shock, and you quickly rushed back to his side. “Look! Look look look!” He was jumping up and down as he finally made it, staring up at the big CONGRATULATIONS! flashing on the display on top of the machine.
You stood in shock. Less than two seconds is how long you must’ve been away from him! How did he..?
Holding the stuffed deer plush he pushed into your hands, you gave him a celebratory kiss on the cheek. “You did it!”
Dazai puffed his chest out confidently, hands on his hips. “Yep! Guess you were just bad luck.”
You deadpanned before hitting him over the head with the plush. “I take my kiss back!” You huff, which only causes Dazai to laugh.
“It’s too late! I got a kiss!” He starts chanting, running away as you chase him through the aisles of the arcade.
you two got kicked out of the arcade after running into a bunch of things. mori had to pay to replace a machine and he was pissed 😋
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drpeppertummy · 2 months
generic guy who might explode
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[ID: a drawing of a person, cropped so his head isn't visible. he's sitting and clutching his very round bulging belly, which is straining the buttons of his shirt and gurgling loudly. a little voice bubble to the side shows a doodle of an uncomfortable face.]
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bellyasks · 3 months
barnacleboy voice The👁️🫵 burst teasy dialogue prompts
"I really need to burp but it won't come up… I feel like my stomach's about to explode."
"Jeez, your belly sounds like it's about to blow."
"Oh, god, I'll pop if I eat any more."
"Would you just burp already? You're gonna burst if you keep holding it in."
"Ooh, there's so much pressure inside my belly… I'm gonna burst if I can't get it out…"
"I don't think I've ever seen somebody eat so much. You're not gonna explode, are you?"
"Ugh, don't squeeze me so tight, I'm about to pop."
"Please stop before you burst."
"I'm gonna finish this thing or explode trying."
"Wow, they weren't lying when they called that thing the Belly Buster. You look like you're about to pop."
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attleboy · 5 months
creature came in last night... the tiepsny
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 months
JOHN: my dad forbade me to say anything to my nanna about the top surgery thing, and it's just hit me how funny it would be if i got it done and didn't tell her and just waited for her to notice. i mean, what's she gonna say? "didn't you used to have tits?"
JANE: Don't tell her, then get a pair of fake tits afterwards and have them accidentally fall out during family dinner. Bonus points if you can pair it with some sort of comical noise.
JOHN: thoroughly noted. that's hilarious.
JADE: to be fair you... probably didnt have tits most of your life? "didnt you used to..." "oh yeah we reverted that feature based on user feedback!"
JANE: In fact, when Jake had top surgery, as he was coming out of anesthesia in the recovery room, I dumped two fake boobs out of a paper bag onto his bedside table and said, "The doctor said you can keep these, if you want. Like when you get wisdom teeth pulled." The nurse laughed so hard she cried!
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berryblu-soda · 3 months
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@frauggietheperson !!!!! Guess who remembered she could crochet :D!!!!!
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catfindr · 9 months
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foxqueen-katarian · 1 year
Okay, but instead of Caleb frustratedly trying to break out of the collar; wherever Beau and Caleb land after the dust settles, they are approached by a little fey creature(Sprite), long white hair, curious blue eyes, and a pair of iridescent amber wings, who seems to just pop! into existence. They dispel the collar, and when Caleb/Beau asks who (and/or what) they are they smile and give a little laugh before saying ‘I’m a cat! You used to call me Frumpkin.’
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presiding · 7 months
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you'll never guess which level we're up to in this dishonored 2 rewrite
#if i haven't stuffed up my timezones this post should land on thanksgiving so here's somethin' to read to go with your food coma#dishonored#dishonored shitposting#emily kaldwin#billie lurk#dishonored fic#interesting the way the resurrection was handled - rock up to aramis stilton's powerpoint presentation basically#does anyone else think it would have been cool if you had to do the duke's palace first.#grab delilah's mortality and give it back in the past. like while she's vulnerable#kind of makes sense too from an emily character perspective#because she shows SO much character growth in stilton's manor#and then goes to the duke's palace next and IMMEDIATELY says the dumbest shit she says all game re: her entitlement and obliviousness#stilton's manor: wow ive learned so much i finally get it now!#nek minnet. emily misunderstands class warfare so bad she thinks she needs to sharpen her dads folding blade. emily. no#and if you think about it the duke's palace would have made a lot of sense for an earlier level just from emily's perspective.#hes very clearly her enemy compared to meagan's vague idea of where sokolov might be. a darker timeline perhaps#lovely Off_Topic mentioned hating time travel as a plot device and i have to agree. here's my take on that level anyway#also big thank you to RoseEll (<3) for saying it parallels the limitations of the game's mechanics interestingly ♥#using this meme template was like. 'oh hey lingering hatred for jeremy clarkson i forgot i had you'#making the badly photoshopped heads too big. my beloved.#ah crap rambling again
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drpeppertummy · 8 months
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[ID: a drawing of a seal mermaid with a very round bloated tummy, clasping their hands together to beg for fish. a person out of sight says "No more! You'll burst!"]
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bellyasks · 4 months
Dialogue Prompts For The First Time In Foreverrr normally i try to avoid burst mentions bc i mostly use these with my friend who doesnt like them so this one has a bunch😭😭😭 anyways feel free to adjust the phrasing to fit your character I Wont Judge
"I don't think I can fit any more."
"Your belly looks like it's about to pop."
"It feels like everything's expanding in my stomach."
"Come on, you can fit a little more. Unless you don't like my cooking…"
"I don't know what's gonna pop first, my pants or my stomach."
"I didn't think all that would fit in your tummy!"
"Oh, something isn't sitting right…"
"One more bite and I think you'd burst."
"I gotta undo my belt. Don't judge me, alright?"
"All that rumbling must mean you're still hungry, right?"
"How is there still so much left? I'm stuffed."
"Ooh, your tummy feels so tight…"
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danafeelingsick · 1 month
nausea is hot and all, don't get me wrong, but... having a cute character with a full nice belly after a tasty meal. petting their stomach and letting this small but satisfied burps. hits different, you know?
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thefanciestborrower · 1 month
Oh no the dung.eon meshi brainrot is making me want to draw some good old fashioned stuffing content mmmmmmmm
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