#stupid tumblr searching
jamiesfootball · 7 months
🌀 and ☔️ back at you!
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing
I have decided to cheat! Here is a snippet from a fic that's so far away from being written it'll likely never see the sun, but it lives in my head.
From the Roy-Jamie-Keeley qpr where Keeley is poly and Jamie is aromantic and Roy has a lot of things bookmarked on his laptop:
Roy repeated, "The bar. It's on the floor." Jamie looked more confused. He shook his head, almost frantic with it now as the metaphors kept rolling out. "Look, I know it's a lot, but I was hoping maybe we could start there. Maybe. It's fine if we can't, I can move it if it's a problem. But just -- don't kick the bar. A lot of people kick it on accident, and some of them kick it on purpose because they don't think its fair that it should be there at all. So. Yeah. Don't. Don't do that." Help him if he ever met whichever teacher had taught Jamie metaphors in school. Roy said, "I love this bar." "What?" "Yeah. I love this bar. This is my favorite bar. I think it looks perfect where it is. In fact, I think we should redecorate the whole room around the bar. For feng shui and shit, so everything flows right. And we should make sure it has space, so if the bar ever wants to move -- wants to go higher or lower or just wants to sit out on the patio for a bit -- it can do that without ever being worried that someone is going to kick the fucking bar."
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
And here's a snippet from the Ted Lasso Leverage AU that I'm definitely not writing anytime soon (trigger warning for threats of gun violence, descriptions of regular violence, James Tartt Sr, etc, all below the cut for safe keeping):
"Or what, Junior?" he asked derisively, prodding Jamie's head with the gun. Roy's heart kicked in his chest. James still had the the finger on the trigger. He did it again, knocking the loaded barrel against Jamie's head as if he were using his hand to push him around. Everybody had a limit. Roy's was approaching with a speed that tunneled his sight down to the vision of breaking every bone in that hand. One by one. If he grit his teeth any harder, they were going to pop out of his skull. "Quit waving that thing around," he growled. Behind his back, the razor sawed away at the ropes, slipping in his grasp. Probably nicked himself. He couldn't feel it. James Tartt reeled back from his son with a mocking grin. Partially obscured behind the clot of his father, Jamie slumped against his ropes. "Oh, what, you mean like this? Huh?" He tapped the gun against Jamie's head, laughing dryly when Jamie flinched back. The gun went tap-tap-tap, each strike chipping the color out of Jamie's cheeks until he sat there, his expression gone flat and lifeless with bland disinterest as the the gunsight caught in his hair. Forget bones, Roy was going to kill him. Then he was going to pry each bone out of his lifeless hand and shove them down his throat.
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akitalockwood · 1 year
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Happy new year to everyone! Hope that 2023 will be kind to ya TvT
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doedipus · 2 months
there's a post I saw a few days ago (and of course now can't find to screenshot and apply twee visual effect to) that said something along the lines of
"anime boys are boys, but anime girls are so over the top with it that they barely even have a gender. people use them as avatars all the time on social media or VR chat or whatever and it says nothing about how they actually identify"
and I'm not gonna say that every random dweebus using a gender nonconforming anime girl avatar is transfem, but I do think that it's kind of boneheaded to completely degender the practice and associated behaviors in weaboo circles, yknow?
like it has been remarked upon before (often derisively!) that various aspects of anime fandom, esp around sitcoms with mostly or entirely female casts, provide an extremely rare almost-socially-acceptable avenue of gender escapism for amab folks, and this is one of the ways that that manifests. the popularity of girls-forward shows provides cover for fandom denizens to present femininely vis a vis avatars, reaction images, or light role play, discuss topics and express emotions that aren't traditionally masculine, identify with female characters, and so on.
and on the flipside it's like, fairly well documented and uncontroversial to say that a lot of transmascs participated in fujoshi circles for similar sorts of reasons with similar sorts of results
so while there do exist regular boys who use those sorts of avatars and do those other sorts of things, naturally it attracts a huge and wildly disproportionate -to an extent that is difficult to fully grasp- cohort of eggs and people who are just starting to work on gender things, whose character I am not commenting on here.
but like, the gender nonconformity of it is the point! it's the whole point!!! it is core to the experience of online anime subculture how can you miss thaaaaaaattttttt
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iarrelm · 4 months
An early morning conversation about tea got a little out of hand
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radioves · 2 years
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brugmansia [angel’s trumpet]
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pansyfemme · 7 months
i think i may hate instagram the most out of all the social medias i use its so fucking boring i cant stay on there for more than 5 minutes. thats probably a good thing but like if it wasnt for it being the most reliable for following irl friends (and a lot of visual artists i like) i would never use that fucking app it puts me to sleep
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sillycicle · 22 days
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My babygirl
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kogiopsis · 3 days
this is not a safe space for Solas positivity or even Solas neutrality.
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skyburger · 2 months
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whos your favorite of the crusaders from part 3... i think i love baofu the most tbh
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headless-star · 17 days
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today on stuff i did because nobody stopped me:
the ode to lumopolis but it's ka- gunshots
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months
Okay, my last post before I give the blog back to Lofty! She's been making a surprise for you guys and I'm gonna spill it!
She's making a LU in Healthcare blog! Here it is @luinhealthcare
Merry Christmas, everyone!
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wingsofwater · 2 years
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purple is life’s favorite color
[ID : a digital full body drawing of mangrove from wings of fire. mangrove is a fluffy rainwing dragon with feathery antenna and horns that look like branches. he is colored in shades of purples, cool blues and greys. mangrove is facing to the left with his head tilted away from the viewer, wings curled around himself with his face set in a distant, subdued expression. there are realistic images of purple anemone flowers and lavender placed around him, and the background is a reverse black-and-white image of forget-me-not flowers, tinted purple and yellow. END ID]
[wingless vers. under cut]
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[ID : the same image as above, though mangrove’s wings have been removed and flowers repositioned, revealing his underbelly. END ID]
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tumblr make it easier to find my own posts and navigate my own blog challenge (impossible)
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lastoneout · 10 months
See this is actually a brilliant marketing strategy bcs now all of the One Piece live action tags are functionally useless bcs everyone and their mom is posting about the Luffy dashboard tab and how much they hate it, Tumblr, Netflix, live-action remakes, and One Piece in general! I mean, I know my favorite thing as a fan is having the tags I use nuked by hate posts, so this is great! The show isn't even out yet and I can't escape the negativity! Nothing but genius moves going on all around. Surely this will be studied in marketing classes for generations to come. 10/10, no notes.
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catgirltoes · 2 months
See the real issue with TME is that it's an acronym, just like TERF, AGAB, et bloody cetera. I'm certain just spelling out transmisogyny exempt at the beginning of a Serious Post would head off a good portion of the "what's tme? i am incapable of searching out information on my own!" type comments and make it obvious that any remaining come from intellectually incurious people. Furthermore, actually spelling it out prevents it from becoming lexicalized, which is what happened to all those other acronyms, which allowed for much more semantic drift than a specific phrase otherwise would. See for instance "afab chest" to mean breasts, or the infamous "Putin is a terf". No more acronyms! Say what you mean!
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Have you ever done/do you know if there is a ranking of Jane Austen couples based on how long they knew each other before the proposal? Every time I reread Pride and Prejudice I can’t help but think about how little time Jane and Bingley have actually spent together
Jane Austen Charted #11!
This is a wonderful idea! I have it ready. Here are all the couples that marry in each book with sufficient data for me to record. This is from meeting to engagement:
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Now if we put them in order of length, we can see just how very short some of these relationships were:
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Caveats: I was as exact as possible, so for example, despite "knowing" Mr. Bingley for about a year, Jane only spent 6 weeks in his actual presence. I also took out Wentworth's absence from Anne from Dec to Feb 15 etc.
I want to say something about time not being the same. Harriet and Robert Martin were staying at the same house for 2 months, so that's a lot more face to face time than say Jane and Bingley, but I don't have a great way to represent that.
We do not have sufficient data for Jane Fairfax & Frank Churchill or Maria Bertram & James Rushworth, though I would estimate about 8 weeks for the latter couple. John Willoughby also knew Sophia Grey for an unspecified amount of time before the more official courtship and marriage. Mr. Weston and Miss Taylor is also unknown, Emma predicted it 4 years prior, but we can assume they had met before that time.
Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Collins knew each other for about 10 days before the proposal, but that did not result in a marriage. Henry Crawford and Fanny Price is again difficult, because while Henry and Fanny were introduced and “knew” each other, he didn’t pay attention to her until the Miss Bertrams left. Also did not end in a marriage. From "hole in her heart" to proposal was only about a month.
If we take out the outliers (Marianne and Colonel Brandon, Emma and Mr. Knightley, and Fanny and Edmund), we can see the longest period of knowing is Lydia and Mr. Wickham! But most are under 15 weeks or about 3.5 months
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Of course, the length of time may not be important after all, Mrs. Croft says, "“We had better not talk about it, my dear... for if Miss Elliot were to hear how soon we came to an understanding, she would never be persuaded that we could be happy together. I had known you by character, however, long before.” - Persuasion
But yeah, from a modern perspective these lifelong decisions are happening pretty darn quick!
David Shapard's The Annotated Pride and Prejudice
And these wonderful online calendars
http://mars.gmu.edu/bitstream/handle/1920/999/emma.calendar.html http://www.jimandellen.org/austen/persuasion.calendar.html http://mars.gmu.edu/bitstream/handle/1920/999/mp.calendar.html http://www.jimandellen.org/austen/na.calendar.html
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