styxhuntress · 2 years
Fanfic I wrote today
This is based off a fic I saw somewhere but cannot find. If you know it and can find it please send me the link so that I can tag it as inspiration. 
Posted on AO3.
Potential Part 2
A small child walked along with his mother, holding her hand while they walked along the road.
The boy was maybe seven years old, he was blond and blue-eyed. His parents owned a horse ranch. The boy even had his own horse. His parents had been amazed at how quickly he had picked it up. They lived in a small town in the United Kingdom. The town was beautiful. In the distance you could see large mountains. Tall enough to be capped with snow. The town itself was a combination of old and new buildings. The town had been there for a few hundred years. The boy looked towards the mountains.
He and his mother were walking leisurely towards the car, she had just picked him up from fencing lessons, a sport the boy loved and were heading home for supper. The sun was setting behind the mountains, bathing them in a red glow as it slowly moved so that the snow-capped hills blocked it's rays. The boy wasn't sure why, but he felt that there was something on the other side of them. Something important.
 “Mama?” He asked,
“Yes my darling?” the Blonde woman asked her young son,
“What’s on the other side of those mountains?” The mother paused, the duo coming to a stop as she tried to think on how to answer. For in actuality no one really knew. The other side was a vast forest. Occasionally some would go riding through but never more than a few kilometers in. There were no roads or towns. She said as much to the boy, in a way the he would understand of course.
“Really?” He asked, voice lilting up in disbelief. The woman paused again before telling him,
“Well actually there is a story about a man who lives on the other side.”
“Why does he live there if no one else does?” The boy asked, the mother tugged on the boy’s hand to resume their walk while she answered,
“Well according to the story, a long time ago a man lost the one he loved more than anything else in the world. His king. His king had been mortally wounded in battle, so the man journeyed with him to a lake where he would be able to save him. But his love died before they got there. The man buried his beloved king in the lake, and built a cottage on the shore so that he could watch over the lake, and his love. Apparently he was told that one day his king would return to him, so he stayed on the shore to wait for him. Some people say that he still lives there, waiting for his king to come back to him.” The boy stared at his mother wide-eyed, 
“He still lives there?”
“Oh darling, this story has been around for a long time. If he did live there, he probably doesn’t anymore.” 
“Oh.” was all the boy said, he turned back to the mountains, wanting desperately to go see if the man was still there, and comfort him the same way his mama comforted him when his puppy disappeared. A tug on his arm reminded him to keep walking.
“Come on Arthur,” the woman said to her son, “Daddy’s waiting for us.” 
 Seven year old Arthur Penn nodded, and continued to follow his mother. Thoughts of the mountains and of the man vanishing from his mind as he made his way to the car. They were having sausages for supper. He very much enjoyed sausages for supper.
 He would not think of the mountains or of the man again.
That’s it for now, I may write a part two (I already kinda know what I would do in the part two if I do write it) so if you like it let me know. Also I am open to constructive criticism so feel free to give that as well. 
You can find more one-shots and fics by me on AO3 if you’re interested (same username) but do what you like.
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kinley-cafe · 8 days
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Welcome to the Kinley Café! Someone was thinking of you and ordered a "You Still Owe Me that Beer" Float and Bachelor Party S'mores Slider for you!
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Less than two weeks till Season 8!!
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We hope this surprise has brightened your day! Have a great weekend! ♡
If you would like to order a treat for someone (or yourself) and continue to spread love and positivity, order here
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merthur-fanfics · 4 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Merlin (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Characters: Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Albus Dumbledore, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Immortal Merlin (Merlin), Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, No Boy-Who-Lived (Harry Potter), Established Relationship Summary:
Arthur Pendragon. Son of Uther Pendragon, wealthy muggle CEO of one of the world's largest investment firms. His mother Ygraine Pendragon passed away when he was little. Oh. He's also a wizard. Upon arriving at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry he begins to notice things. The castle seems so familiar, yet he knows for a fact that he's never been here before.
He also hears tell of a spirit. Not like the ghosts at the school, but more like what you hear in muggle ghost stories. the lost spirit of a man, who wanders the forbidden forest, before going to the lake and sobbing. The say he's lost someone. They call him; The Mourning Man.
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styxhuntress · 2 years
Looking for a Beta/Co author for an AO3 Fanfic. See Details.
Looking for a Beta or Co-Author from the trans community to help with a fic I plan to write for AO3. 
The fic is a oneshot for the Merlin BBC fandom, the ship is Merthur but in this story Merlin is a trans man who ran away from his own royal family because they wouldn't accept him, and is about to be found out cause his birth fam showed up in Camelot for reasons I won't divulge here. 
it is heavily inspired by this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26950681 
However while I am not cisgender, I am not trans either. Nor have I had to deal with the struggles people from the trans community deal with. 
As such I am looking for either a beta or coauthor from the transgender community to help me make sure that I accurately portray the struggles that Merlin has to deal with. Must have gmail as I use google drive to write my fics and one-shots and will need to share the document with you.
As I am writing this there is no draft or work text for the fic. Only a detailed plot outline.
  If you are interested send me a DM on insta. Username styxhuntress. Please include the following in your message.
Whether you want to co author or simply beta the one-shot. 
If you want to co author the fic please provide a link to where ever it is that you post your own fics, assuming you do post your own fics. If you do not post fanfics I would appreciate a small writing sample (100-200 words) as I want to find someone who's writing style goes well with my own.
How much experience you have as a beta (if you plan to purely beta read the fic.)
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