#subscriber growth
noragaur · 7 months
Airtel vs Jio: A Detailed Analysis and Comparison | Insider.finology.in
Discover a comprehensive analysis and comparison of Airtel and Jio, two leading telecommunications companies in India. Explore their subscriber growth, revenue, profitability, product offerings, 5G plans, ownership structure, and market position. Stay informed about the latest developments in the telecom market.
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madhukumarc · 7 months
Does AI technology facilitate an increase in social media engagement and subscriber growth?
Yes, AI technology has indeed facilitated increased social media engagement and subscriber growth.
In fact, over the past few months, AI has become an integral part of the digital marketing landscape, and its impact on social media cannot be ignored.
Let's go deeper to provide you with more details.
“Marketers’ main goal is to engage, so it tracks that their biggest challenge is creating content that engages their audience” - 2023 Global Social Media Trends Report by HubSpot and Brandwatch
AI Technology for Social Media Engagement and Subscriber Growth:
1. One of the key ways in which AI has boosted social media engagement is through personalized recommendations.
Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube use AI algorithms to analyze user behavior and preferences.
By understanding what content users are interested in, AI can recommend similar content that is more likely to engage them.
This keeps users on the platform for longer and encourages them to interact with the content by liking, commenting, and sharing it.
2. AI-powered chatbots have also revolutionized customer service on social media.
Brands or businesses can now provide instant responses to customer queries and complaints, improving overall customer satisfaction.
These chatbots use natural language processing (NLP) to understand user queries and provide relevant answers or solutions.
By being available 24/7 and responding promptly, brands can effectively engage with their audience and build a stronger online presence.
“In fact, the global chatbot market is expected to grow annually by 25.7% through 2030. And a recent Salesforce report found 59% of responding consumers said they prefer to interact with self-service tools to solve simple issues” – Intellimize Report
3. Moreover, AI technology has enhanced content creation on social media. With the help of AI tools, marketers can generate highly engaging and personalized content at scale.
Furthermore, there are AI-powered image recognition systems that can automatically tag images with relevant keywords, making them more discoverable.
Similarly, AI-powered video editing tools can help create captivating videos by suggesting the best cuts, transitions, and effects based on user preferences.
“Pay attention to what types of posts draw the most audience engagement and reaction, and create more on that niche topic” – Google for Creators
4. Additionally, AI has significantly improved targeting and advertising on social media platforms.
By analyzing vast amounts of user data, AI algorithms can identify target audiences with almost precision.
This enables marketers to create highly targeted ads more likely to resonate with their intended audience.
Consequently, this leads to higher click-through rates [CTR], increased engagement, and ultimately subscriber growth.
Biggest Benefits of Using Generative AI in Marketing:
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Image Source - HubSpot's State of AI Survey 2023
In conclusion, yes, AI technology has played a vital role in driving social media engagement and subscriber growth.
From personalized recommendations to improved customer service and content creation, AI has transformed the way brands or businesses interact with their audience online.
As AI continues to evolve and become more sophisticated, you can expect even greater advancements in social media engagement and subscriber growth in the future.
Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Will Social Media Continue To Grow? [See the trends and insights].
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mrhairybrit · 10 months
How to Make Money on YouTube in the UK
YouTube has become a viable career for many around the world, and the United Kingdom is no exception. Aspiring content creators in the UK have the opportunity to turn their passion into profit. But how exactly does one go about making money on YouTube in the UK? I use VidIQ to maximise my channel growth. It has helped me grow from 12K subscriber to over 50K since 2021! Let’s explore the key…
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clowningaroundmars · 1 month
so interestingly enough, some ppl have been pointing out that maybe miles42 is slightly older than 1610 miles? and i was like "yeah maybe" but looking at miles42's face more and more lately i'm... i'm starting to see it? :o
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like if you just compare the jawlines and cheeks, it actually looks like 42 lost some more of the baby fat 1610 still has
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and even without the Dramatic Ink Lines, 42 still looks like he's older than 1610 by at least a little! he has slightly more defined cheekbones imo
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its kinda hard to tell with limited camera angles and weird lighting tho. there's also the possibility that bc 42 lives in a household that's clearly struggling financially, one could argue he just happens to be not as well fed as 1610
not only that but the different murals they have of aaron in 1610 and jeff in 42 are also completely different. i've heard ppl pointing out that jeff's mural looked more worn out but actually.... the one thing that strikes me is how simplistic jeff's mural is.
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almost as if someone younger than 1610 made it.... someone who lost their father at a younger age and started growing out their hair to braid it around that same time. someone who developed an effective routine with their uncle also around that time, and who's had it down pat by the time 1610 appeared in their universe...
but what do yall think?
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s0fter-sin · 1 month
wow so watcher just singlehandedly killed their channel
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moonsugar-and-spice · 6 months
Hello, I don't know if you're still active, but I was rereading through storms of fire and ice, and was wondering what happened to your other Katara x Ozai fic? I really enjoyed it, and had read it many times(it's a comfort fic for me). It's no longer on your ao3 page...:((
Hey there! I'm still around (not so much in the writing sphere of late, but I'm not gone! just on a life-imposed hiatus).
First, I'm touched that you've enjoyed my Ozara fics. To know that something I wrote is another person's comfort fic is an honor. Long story short, earlier this year, I found myself cringing at some of my older work (as I'd guess most writers/artists who have grown can relate) and despite my efforts to view it through the lens of creative growth, I made the decision to file Electrify under Anonymous with a Note on why I chose to do so (for those who knew the story/author). I couldn't orphan it because it's still near and dear to my heart as my first fanfiction, among other reasons.
However, as it turns out, you're the third person recently who's reached out about Electrify. I guess I had the "head knowledge" of the notion, but you've helped me grasp the heart of it — that no matter how critically we as authors might perceive our own works, for someone else it may be comfort food, something returned to again and again because it's warm and familiar, and the world is... well... *gestures vaguely*
I have taken said fic out of Anonymous and returned it to its rightful place. 😊 You should be able to find it under my works again.
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1introvertedsage · 6 days
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When we feel judged - walls go up. When we feel accepted - the entire world softens.
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Jason Hill Words of Wisdom #facts #selfworth #wisewisdom #selfconfidenc...
Jason Hill is a philosopher and intellectual associated with the Ayn Rand Institute and The Atlas Society. He is known for his work in moral and political philosophy, particularly for his defense of Objectivism, the philosophical system created by Ayn Rand. Hill often writes and speaks on topics related to individualism, capitalism, and the importance of reason and self-interest in human life. He has authored several books and articles exploring these themes and advocating for a rational, individualistic approach to ethics and society.
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cubaceous · 1 month
Made an OF to better chronicle my growing belly with videos & unseen elsewhere pics throughout the day — join for just $6.66/mo 🥰 See you there 🥵😈
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funkytoesart · 1 year
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godborn · 6 months
it’s so funny to me that giorno is the oldest of the brando kids but also the shortest lmfao
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thinkingnot · 2 years
he’s about to hit fucking 15 million give it up for the man
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promotermannn · 7 months
Welcome to Intense Motivation – Your source for fitness, wellness & inspiration. We're your partners in health & happiness, guiding you on a transformative journey. To know more about our amazing channel, kindly click on the link below and subscribe, likes and comments. Thanks in advance
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learnandgrowcommunity · 9 months
012 #LearnAndGrowCommunity : Unlocking the Power Within: Daily Quotes for Personal Growth & Learning
Daily Quote - "The only way to make tomorrow better is to learn something new today." @learnandgrowcommunity
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localcryptideli · 2 years
Why do people often draw kh3 Sora taller than Kairi like fam they're the same height his hair and the fact that he is often standing a bit forward in any group pic is lying to you
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astarlightmonbebe · 2 years
[fmv] sunoh & yohan || loveletting [1x16]
earbuds recommended! please like/share/sub on yt if you enjoyed :)
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