#suddenly customs is inspecting EVERYTHING
sarasa-cat · 1 year
Me: refreshing email every 5 minutes to see if my much deserved gift to myself has cleared the hold up at customs inspection.
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luminnara · 3 months
Traditions | Feyd-Rautha x Reader
REQUEST: As Feyd-Rautha's wife-to-be, you have moved to the Harkonnen homeworld to await your wedding. You're doing your best to adhere to their customs, but when a supposed doctor examines your 'purity,' Feyd-Rautha's reaction is anything but calm.
Requests are open! This was one of the first I received for Feyd-Rautha, I hope you enjoy!
WARNINGS: SA in a medical setting (not graphic but also more than just implied), canon typical violence (also not graphic)
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Harkonnen customs were strange.
Harkonnens were strange.
Everything about Giedi Prime felt alien to you—its black sun, bathing the world in infrared; its barren landscape, polluted and abused by years of unbridled industry; and, perhaps most of all, its nobility, the Baron and his his nephew, Feyd-Rautha.
“A Harkonnen?” You had choked out when your parents informed had you of the decision. You had been in disbelief, as if reality had come to slap you in the face. All you had ever known was your homeworld and the comforts of the family palace, on a planet that was lush and beautiful. Everything you had ever heard of the Harkonnen homeworld was the opposite—harsh and inhospitable, its people even more so. You had resisted the information initially, refusing to believe that your life was changing so suddenly and so dramatically.
But, ever the dutiful daughter, you stood and met the na-Baron when he arrived, openly staring at his appearance while another Harkonnen introduced him. Feyd-Rautha was extremely pale, his skin nearly white, and, like the rest of the delegation from Giedi Prime, he was hairless. He did not even have eyebrows, and as your father welcomed him to your world, you wondered if he was truly hairless, everywhere.
As your thoughts wandered, the na-Baron’s eyes slid to you, meeting yours. You suddenly felt as though you had been caught doing something naughty, the way he looked at you, drinking you in, tilting his head slightly as he appraised you.
“Is the na-Baron pleased with what he sees?” You spoke up in a moment of bravery.
His eyes raked over your body and he smirked, making a rough sound you assumed might be a laugh.
“Oh yes, princess.” His voice was just as harsh as you’d expected. “Very.”
Feyd-Rautha spent a week on your planet, courting you in the ways of your House. He presented you with gifts of refined spice and Harkonnen riches, knives and strangely austere jewelry. He walked with you in the evenings, where you spoke of mundane things, unsure of what you were meant to do in his presence exactly, and he watched you like a hawk hunting a field mouse. When the week was up, you accompanied him back to Giedi Prime to prepare for the wedding, leaving your homeworld behind.
Feyd-Rautha was less well behaved when not surrounded by the members of another House. He was an unsettling, panther-like man, always on the hunt for something to kill…and when you arrived on his planet, you saw that he sometimes killed without abandon, fighting drugged prisoners in a public arena to satisfy his own ego.
You were not sure that you wanted him as your husband—he seemed somewhat disinterested in you, leaving you to the guest chambers you would eventually be moving out of in favor for his bed. Your first week on Giedi Prime was another of courtship, though this time in the ways of his people, and you were honored to witness his fighting prowess in that arena beneath that strange sun. You dined with him and his uncle the Baron Vladimir, a large and unpleasant man, one you could tell your husband-to-be felt no real love towards. Feyd-Rautha simply enjoyed that he would one day take the Baron’s place, and when Vladimir commented on your figure one evening, you saw the way Feyd’s jaw tensed. Perhaps he did want you as his wife, after all.
Another strange Harkonnen custom revealed itself to you toward the end of that week, when a doctor entered your chambers and informed you that your purity was to be inspected.
“My apologies, but…what?” You asked, confused. You had never heard of such a thing. Surely he couldn’t possibly mean what you thought he meant…?
“We must ensure that none other than the na-Baron have had you, milady.” The man explained. You noticed he sported a gray sash around his middle, and you assumed it was some sort of uniform. “It must be guaranteed that you are untouched, and that the heir you provide will be the na-Baron’s and no one else’s.”
You felt your face grow warm with anger and embarrassment. “Is my word not enough?”
“I’m afraid this is tradition, milady.” He stared at you with intense, beady eyes. “The na-Baron was eager to honor the customs of your House. You do not want him to think you are refusing those of House Harkonnen, do you?”
No, you did not. The last thing you wanted was to anger Feyd-Rautha and potentially drive your future husband even further away from you. You did not want to seem rude, nor did you want to cause a fuss…and you had been examined by doctors before, though perhaps not for this exact reason. You could withstand a few moments of awkward discomfort, you reasoned, if it meant avoiding an unhappy marriage.
“You do not have any instruments,” you noted.
The doctor smiled, revealing the black teeth of the Harkonnens. “Medical instruments are not necessary for this, milady. Please, move to the bed so that I may examine you.”
You rose from your place at the simple table in the center of the room, abandoning your half-eaten breakfast. As you turned, you felt the doctor’s eyes watching you a chill prickled the back of your neck. You needed to relax, you told yourself; if you were expected to produce an heir, there would be many more invasive check ups far stranger than this. You had seen your mother pregnant with your younger siblings, and had heard her speaking with the midwives and Bene Gesserit woman who stalked the halls of the palace back home. Perhaps this was how you could ease yourself into all of that.
When you turned to face the doctor once more, you were relieved to see him standing just as you had left him. His smile unsettled you, but then so did most Harkonnen features, you realized as you sat on the edge of the bed.
“Lay back and relax, milady.” He said, approaching you. “This won’t take but a moment.”
To your surprise, Feyd-Rautha joined you for lunch that day. A servant had been sent ahead to inform you that the na-Baron would be arriving to your chambers shortly, but when he did, you insisted on eating elsewhere. The encounter with the doctor had done more than simply unsettle you—it had rattled your nerves, leaving you feeling angry and confused. Though the man was long gone, you had no desire to remain in that room any longer than you absolutely had to, and lunch could not come early enough.
The na-Baron led you to his own chambers and food was served for you there, at a well-sized table just as austere as the rest of the building’s furniture and decor. He watched as you picked at your food, pushing it around on your plate but hardly eating any, and he took the opportunity to attempt conversation.
“We will be wed soon,” he said.
You wanted to roll your eyes. You were in no mood for small talk, but remembered who exactly you were dealing with and stifled a sigh. “Yes, na-Baron, we will.”
He smirked. “I look forward to the consummation, milady.”
You felt bile rising in your throat. The thought of anyone touching you again at the moment made you sick and angry, and you hated him for his people’s customs.
Feyd-Rautha tilted his head as he looked at you. “Do you not?”
“I am sure it will be everything we hope for and more,” you grumbled, looking down at your plate.
“It is unavoidable,” he growled. “We must produce an heir.”
“And we will!” You snapped, glaring up at him. “And you will be happy to hear that your doctor’s examination went as expected, my lord.”
The venom in your words stunned him almost as much as the words themselves. If Feyd weren’t so busy working through what exactly you had just said, he may have been tempted to bend you over that table just to show you how hard you made him, wedding night be damned…but there were other matters at hand now.
“Doctor?” He asked, eye twitching as his brow furrowed in thought.
“Yes, the one who confirmed that I am, in fact, pure,” you spat, voice laced with pure malice now.
You saw what could only be anger bubbling inside of him as he straightened his shoulders. “How exactly was this achieved?”
“By—by the usual means, I presume,” you said, quickly growing afraid of Feyd-Rautha’s infamous temper should it make an appearance. “He…confirmed that I am…that I have never…”
The na-Baron stood suddenly, knocking in the table in his haste. “Describe him to me.”
“I-I don’t know, he was a doctor!” You stammered. “He looked like every other Harkonnen, I don’t know—“
“What did he wear?”
“A-all black, like everyone here…a sash, a gray sash, around his waist, and he had no instruments—“
“What?” Feyd-Rautha roared, fists slamming down onto the table.
You jumped at the sudden outburst, staring in confusion as he stood. "I apologize if I've upset you, I don't understand why you--"
"Come." he hissed, grabbing your arm roughly and hauling you out of your seat.
You shrieked in surprise, stumbling to keep up as he dragged you out of the room and down the corridor. "Na-Baron, what is the meaning of this?!"
You received no answer. Feyd-Rautha was too angry to speak, shoulders hunched and full of violent tension as he stomped down the halls. Servants and Harkonnen nobles alike scattered upon seeing him, and as you twisted your head to look back at them, you saw them whispering and looking after you with pity on their faces.
"Feyd-Rautha, this is absurd!" you protested.
He came to a halt in front of a door. Though the wait for it to slide open only took a few moments, it felt like agony, and you had nowhere to look aside from the na-Baron's heaving form. You had never seen a person so angry before, so utterly enraged that he was practically incoherent. His silence was frightening, as when the door finally opened, you felt relieved...until he grabbed you once more and brought you inside with him.
The room was full of Harkonnen men, and as they looked to the door in surprise, you realized that you had entered some sort of lounge. You recognized their uniforms as military, and at the sight of their na-Baron, they all immediately stood, saluting him and bowing their heads.
"Which one?" Feyd-Rautha hissed, pulling you to stand at his side.
"What?" you asked, still confused by this entire operation.
"Which man?" he asked, voice strained as if he were holding himself back.
As you looked around at the Harkonnens, whose faces were stoic but whose eyes were frightened, you realized what your almost-husband was asking of you. It was difficult to tell them apart--their pale faces blended into one, their uniforms all nearly identical save for subtle distinctions of rank. Then, an idea; the gray sash you remembered, surely the doctor still wore it? If he were there in the room with you, perhaps you could--
There he was.
You recognized his face and your lips pressed into a thin line. Feyd-Rautha, whose eyes had been glued to you, watching your every tiny, minute move, noticed the way your eyes lingered. His lip curled into a sneer as he turned to look at the man, whose comrades had all immediately stepped away, leaving him alone and exposed.
"Captain." the na-Baron's voice was dangerous. It was terrifying. You had never heard another human make a sound so guttural, so animalistic, and yet still manage to form it into a recognizable word.
As the man took a panicked step backwards, Feyd-Rautha stalked toward him. Your future husband smoothly pulled a long knife from a hilt on someone's hip as he passed them by, and you could only stare as the captain was brutalized.
You had never seen such agony.
When Feyd-Rautha was finished with him and the room had finally quieted after the screams died out, he stood from the fresh corpse and turned to you, holding a weapon now dripping with dark blood as he faced you.
"For you," he said simply, sincerely, bowing his head yet never breaking eye contact.
You stared. You had no idea how to react upon witnessing such a barbaric act, one that was sure to play out in your nightmares for weeks to come. When you felt panic rising in your chest you forced it down, and mustered all of the courage you possibly could to say, "Thank you, my lord," and bow your head in return.
He seemed satisfied with this as the knife clattered to the floor and he strode forward to you. "Let us leave."
You agreed wholeheartedly, following him and leaving the other soldiers to collect the pieces of their captain, now strewn across the lounge. Feyd-Rautha held your arm once more as he led you down the corridor, though this time, he was far more gentle. Something had been released from within him, his bloodlust sated and his anger quelled for the moment, and as the reality of what you had just witnessed him do crashed down around you, you stumbled to a halt and doubled over.
"Milady?" he asked, confused, before he turned to see you holding a hand over your mouth as you desperately tried not to be sick. His hands gripped your elbows as he faced you, undeterred by your retching. "What is this? He is dead, there is nothing to--"
"You killed him!" you choked out as you gasped for air, the bile in your throat still threatening to come up.
"Yes," he said, head tilted as he looked at you. "Of course I did. For you, as a gift." Then he paused, thinking. "...Was there another? An assistant?"
"No!" you managed to swallow down the last of the bile, throat burning as you grasped your sweat-slick forehead with your palm. "No, there was only him, but--why would you do such a thing?"
Now he was truly bewildered. "Why wouldn't I kill the animal whose hands touched you before mine?"
"Because...I..." you huffed, glaring at him. "What is going on? What is all of this, over a custom of your people? I did not enjoy his examination by any means, but I am doing everything in my power to accept the customs of House Harkonnen with grace and dignity no matter how awful they are and this entire spectacle has now made that very difficult, na-Baron!"
"House Harkonnen does not practice such a thing," he sneered, eyes angry once more.
Your shoulders dropped in horror. "...Excuse me?"
"That man should never have been within a thousand lengths of you."
"...Oh..." the panic had returned, but now, it felt much worse, and your voice sounded impossibly small. You lowered your hand to your lips, chewing your nail in agitation.
"Do you understand?" Feyd-Rautha asked, still holding your elbows.
"...Yes, I'm afraid I do..."
He leaned in, his forehead meeting yours as he still stared at your eyes. You found his to be a deep, dark blue, an abyss that threatened to swallow you up. But right now, you wouldn't mind such a thing, if it meant you could hide away from the world forever.
"No one will every lay a hand on you." he growled. "No one but me."
"...You killed him for me," you whispered.
"I did."
"You avenged me...yet you did not proclaim your reason in front of those other men?"
"I do not need a reason to take a life," he barked a laugh.
You just nodded.
"And I would not humiliate my wife in such a manner." he straightened once more, letting go of your elbows and offering you his arm once more.
"Thank you," you said as you took it and began walking.
"It does not matter to me if you another man has had you before." he said, staring forward. "I know the children you will bear will be mine."
He said it with an arrogance that may have annoyed you had the situation been different. Now, it was a comfort that he had such a big ego.
"That is correct, na-Baron," you said, sighing in relief. At least the whole ordeal was over now, and you doubted anyone would be foolish enough to cross your path now that one man had already been publicly eviscerated.
"Call me Feyd."
"Thank you," you glanced up at him with a small smile. "Thank you, Feyd."
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 4 months
Kakashi x book store reader
2250 words
♦️mentions smut but nothing actually happens
“Hey Kakashi, how was your last mission?” You rest your head in your palm as you lean against the counter. The bookshop was empty except for the white haired avid reader who would always stop in between missions to get some new reading material.
“Uneventful. It was mostly traveling so I was able to finish the last book you recommended.” He bashfully scratched his cheek as he avoided eye contact. “Did any more icha icha books come out yet?.”
“Not yet, but rumor has it he's supposed to be releasing another one soon. When I get one in you'll be the first to know.” You push off the counter and grab a small paper bag from the shelf behind you. Sliding the bag over to Kakashi, he looks interested but doesn't say anything. “In the meantime I think you'll like this book.”
He opened the bag and inspected the small book carefully. There was no description on the back and the cover simply had the title ‘wayward travelers’ printed on the front. Looking inside there wasn't even an ‘about the author’ blurb. “Hmmm? Well this certainly looks mysterious.”
“It's by a new author who hasn't even decided on a pen name yet, but the story itself is pretty good. Try it out and if you don't like it I'll do a full refund.” You say nonchalantly.
“No need for the trouble. You've given good recommendations before and I'm sure this one will be fine too.” You smile as he puts some coins on the counter and heads towards the door. “I'm heading out for my next mission but I'll let you know about the book when I get back.”
You wave as he leaves but once he's out of sight you clutch your chest as soon as the door bell rings shut. Heart thundering like a war drum you struggle to calm your nerves. You gave him the book and you kept a solid poker face while you did it. Everything will be fine, it'll be fine…it has to be. Now all that's left to do is calm your racing anxieties and wait for him to come back.
The next week was worse than torture. Thoughts constantly drifting back to Kakashi and the fear of how he would react to the book. It's far from the first time you have given him smut, actually that's mostly what he reads, but what would he think if he found out you wrote it?! You tried to shake the thought from your head but it kept creeping back into your skull. No, you're sure he didn't see your nervousness when you gave it to him, there's no way he can find out.
Not being able to take the book back was the biggest issue. Would he be able to tell that you were the one who wrote it? What if the writing was bad? What if the kinks you put in he doesn't like! Insecurities clawed at the back of your mind like a beast digging at a cage.
Suddenly, you're dragged out of your thoughts from the bell chiming above the door.
Putting on your best customer service smile you turn and greet whoever came in. “Welcome to the book stop, let me know if you have any questions.” an older woman thanked you and made her way to the back of the store. Before the thoughts of your book could return the bell rang again. You had to swallow the lump in your throat when you saw the handsome silver haired shinobi approaching the counter. “W-welcome back. How was the mission?” You mentally kick yourself for the stutter, but grateful for the recovery.
“It was easy. Honestly it could have been handled by a chunin, I don't know why they sent a full jounin team.” He slips the book from his pocket and dangles it in front of you. “Gave me a good opportunity to read the book though.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“Ah, well… what did you think of it?” You tried so hard to maintain a casual air but you struggled to look him in the eye.
“It was pretty good, some scenes could have been worded better, but for a new author I'd say it's good. I definitely enjoyed it.” Something flashed in his eye. The same look a cat might give to a mouse. It made your heart race just a little faster. Your mouth went a little dry and thankfully Kakashi took your silence as a sign to continue. “You know a lot of authors tend to put a bit of themselves into their characters.” He opened the book and started thumbing through the pages. “Makes me curious about the love interest in this book…”
“Oh really?” You had to fight to keep your voice steady. “What about them?”
Even without looking at him you can feel his dark eye sizing you up. “Not much about their personality, but the way they talk is familiar.” he let out a low hum. “It made me think about who the author took inspiration from.”
Kakashi goes into a full analysis about the character's personalities and how that relates to the author's own personality and experience. The more he talked the more sweaty your palms became. You feared if he leaned over the counter than he'd be able to hear your heart beating rapidly in your chest, pounding at your ribs and making it hard to breathe. Despite everything you still did a good job of keeping a cool demeanor. At least you thought you did.
You were only granted a moment of relief from kakashi's author analysis when the old woman who came in before approached the counter to buy a recipe book. He politely stood off to the side watching you work as you put the woman's book in a bag and sent her on her way with a smile and a wave.
When you turn your attention back to Kakashi you can see his cheeks are raised and you can only imagine the Cheshire smile that he has stretched across his lips. How many hours have you fantasized about what they actually look like?
“Y’know as a Shinobi I don't just read books, in fact I'm quite skilled at reading people too. It's always so easy to tell when someone's keeping a secret from me~” His cool relaxed voice turned into something more melodic and teasing. He returns to leaning against the counter, ever so slightly closing the distance between you two.
“And what exactly do you think I'm keeping from you?” You say with an even and cautious tone.
“The author.”
A chill ran up your spine the moment you heard his words. “And why would you think that I'm the author?” the words fell out of your mouth a little more exasperated than you wanted.
“I never said you were.” Your face went pale as you realized you gave yourself away, and in the stupidest way possible.
“Well I'm not.” You try to sound dignified but the slight wave in your voice makes it obvious to him and yourself that you're lying, and doing a poor job at it.
Kakashi lets out a slight chuckle. “It really was a good book. Honestly if I didn't spend so much time talking to you I don't think I would have picked up on the nuances. You write like how you talk, almost like you are telling the story yourself.” He leans over the counter and tilts his head. A look that any under any other circumstances would have been cute but now only makes you feel more vulnerable.
It was getting harder to maintain eye contact with how flustered you'd become. “Okay you figured out it was me. You can go let me die of embarrassment in peace now.” You tried to save what little dignity you felt you had left and buried your face in your hands.
You begrudgingly moved your hands when you heard his siren call of a laugh. “Next time you want to write smut about a ‘hot rogue shinobi’ how about you name him Sukea.”
“Oh, so now you want to write my characters?” you can't help but laugh a little as you return some of his playfulness. Exasperation pushed your embarrassment to the back of your mind temporarily.
“Not at all” He lifts his hands in mock surrender. “I just think if I'm going to be the inspiration then I should give you something to work with. Don't you think~” again that look flashes in his eye. Something predatory and mischievous at the same time. A single look that's enough to send goosebumps across your skin.
“What did you have in mind?” Again under his gaze your confidence wavered. He didn't seem to mind though as he started walking around the counter, slowly creeping up on you.
“hmmm~ How about a weary shinobi returns from his long, hard mission… finally back in the comfort of his village he finds the one person he's had his eye on for years but still hasn't said anything to them. Nothing romantic at least.” Slowly he keeps moving forward until he's practically on top of you. One more step and you step back, your back pressed against the wall. “Eventually, our hero works up the courage to ask his favorite shop keep to go to a public hot spring with him. Somewhere he can relax after his mission.” Your bodies are now pressed against each other. You can feel his body heat radiating off of him. You're actually close enough to see the smallest tint of pink dusting his cheeks right above his mask. “But of course we need a plot twist. The bath house is full so there's nothing else to do but get a private bath just for the two of them.” His hands made their way to your waist and slid back to barely ghost over your ass before going to rest just above your thighs. A light squeeze before his hands explore just a little more.
You are so caught up in the moment that you never realized how much faster your heartbeat was, how ragged your breathing had become, or how you simply stared at his eye, totally mesmerized by his words.
Your heart leaps into your throat as the doorbell chimed again. Quickly you turn to see who came in and two young boys noisily made their way to the comic section without giving you a second glance. Your head whips back to look at Kakashi only to see that he's gone.
In the blink of an eye Kakashi was back on the customer side of the counter and the book you wrote laid on the floor where he was just standing. Finally, without the presence of Kakashi's body heat against you, you became painfully aware of just how hot your face was. You were met with a masked shinobi giving you what you assume is a closed eye smile, and he looked just as cool and composed as he always did. Fuck, your heart was ready to bust out of your chest.
“How does that sound for inspiration?” His smooth voice brought you right back to the butterflies in your stomach. What you wouldn't give to go back in time and lock the door before anybody could come in and disturb you. “Maybe you'd like some real experience for reference?” His voice was a little less teasing then his expression showed. Perhaps this was actually a genuine question from him.
It took only a moment for you to find your voice again. “I close the shop at 7.”
Kakashi sat up a little straighter. “Great! I'll meet you outside at 7:30 then.”
“Sounds like a date?” the statement came out more like a question and you intended, but you were just glad that your voice didn't crack. Hope was not something you were used to, especially not in the romance department.
“It sure does~” Your chest suddenly felt lighter, a huge weight being lifted from your shoulders. He pushed himself off the counter and headed towards the door. “See ya later.”
Just as he reached for the doorknob he stopped in his tracks. “Oh, I don't like writing in books, but I left a few notes for the ‘author’. Take a look when you get a chance.” and with that he was gone. The door chimed behind him and you were left alone with your thoughts again.
Finally your body catches up with your brain. You bend down to pick up the book he left behind. Your book. The simple object that started this whole wonderful mess. Once opened your eyes widened on just how many little notes were wedged between the pages. Quotes transcribed with little faces next to them. His opinions on different scenes that you wrote, things he thought were cute or funny. Once again he managed to make your face go bright red when you got halfway through the notes and he described in glorious detail exactly how the sex scenes made him feel. Some of the notes you could tell the penmanship was shaky. A small detail that gave you a bit of a deeper glimpse into how he was feeling. A small detail that made your heart race a little faster.
Perhaps your favorite note that he left was the one that simply said ‘I would love to try this with you, if you'd let me.’.
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augiewrites · 7 months
"end of beginning" - richie jerimovich
summary: y/n struggles against the ghost of who they used to be (inspired by djo's end of beginning)
pairing: richie jerimovich x reader + platonic carmy x reader
word count: 1.1k
continuation of scott street | next
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“So you came back just to gentrify the city?” Richie had a smile on his face, but Y/N saw through it. The man didn’t handle change well, and they knew he hated looking around the place he grew up and realizing that nearly everything looked different.
Y/N hated it too, but they knew change was inevitable. Most times it was easier to just accept it, move on, and eventually forget the way things used to be. Some things were more difficult to forget than others, though. “It’s just a coffee shop,” Y/N fought hard to not slip into old, aggressive habits, but it was difficult when it came to dealing with Richie. “And not some corporate bullshit—locally owned, sourced, all that ethical junk.”
He scoffed, “Ain’t it enough that you’re renovating that building? Probably skyrocket rent, force people out, bring in the rich. The hell are you here for, anyway?”
“People were paying way too much for that shithole in the first place. I’m just making it liveable.” Y/N knew it was worthless to fight with him, they might as well be throwing punches at a brick wall. “I’m here to see Carmy. Talk business.”
“You’re roping him into this shit now!? Kid’s brain is already always five seconds away from blowing up.” He cut himself off to give a grandiose greeting to one of the regulars and pass a sandwich to another. “She’s just using Carmy as an excuse to come see me, Jerry,” he playfully whapped the customer’s arm, “I’m irresistible.”
“You’re an unfortunate fixture of this place,” Y/N tossed over their shoulder, walking away toward the little office in the kitchen. There was probably a level of truth to what he was saying, but Y/N would never admit that to him—or themself—in a million years. Chicago reminded them of a version of themself that took a lot of work to leave in the past. People may change as they grow, but the person they used to be never really dies. It just lays dormant, buried deep within until something wakes it up.
Carmy’s hand momentarily clapping them on the shoulder saved them from the downward spiral of introspection. “Sorry, this place is a mess.” He scrambled to move a stack of papers off the spare chair, sitting them on the desk and nearly causing an avalanche. Y/N sat down before he could tell them to. “He bother you? What’s up?”
Y/N suddenly felt bad for taking up Carmy’s offer to go over their business proposal. He barely spared them a glance as he shuffled through papers and periodically rubbed his forehead.
“He always bothers me—I can handle him.” Carmy scoffed, mumbling “sure you can” as he inspected an invoice hopefully before shoving it back into a folder.
“Is this a bad time? I can go if you’re too busy.” Y/N knew their offer was futile—it was always a bad time and Carmy was always busy. He snapped out of his search and gave Y/N an apologetic look. “No, no, I got time. Sorry, I just—”
“I get it, Carm. No need to apologize.”
“Yeah, yeah, right,” Carmy rubbed his eyes and gave Y/N a quick once-over before giving them a quick smile, “I guess, uh, if anyone gets it, it would be you.”
Y/N held Carmy’s gaze, but they didn’t break the silence. They knew that Carmy had more to say, and the only way to ensure that he’d say it was to leave the ball in his court.
“Some days I feel like my head’s ‘bout to explode,” the ghost of a sad smile was on his face, “but I’d rather keep busy than think too deeply into things.”
The manila envelope in Y/N’s hands mocked them along with Carmy’s words. They both knew Y/N was sinking on the same boat. Y/N could easily deflect by giving him some bullshit advice, but it would just be hypocrisy. The pair fell into a beat of silence as Y/N looked at the floor, contemplating their next steps.
“When I first moved away, I hated coming back to visit. Seeing all the places I used to hang out, the people I used to be close with…” Y/N trailed off for a moment before locking eyes with Carmy, “so I just stopped coming back. Pretended to be someone I’m not in a place I’m not sure I even belonged in. I thought I had changed, but being here just makes me realize that I’m the same person I always was. The same person I’ll probably always be.”
Carmy was softly nodding his head when Y/N continued in a much smaller voice, “I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing, but it is what it is. Might as well keep going until I can’t anymore.”
He furrowed his brows, frowning a bit, “sorry for making you come here. I know it’s not eas—”
“Jesus, Carmy, quit apologizing.” He wasn’t wrong, though. Y/N felt antsy at the restaurant. There were too many memories in that place—both good and bad—and Richie was a very loud reminder of their past. “If I didn’t want to put up with him—with all of it—I would just not come. Can’t hide forever.”
He made to say more, but was interrupted by a loud “yo!” as Richie’s lanky frame entered the room. “My ears are ringing,” he gently shoved Y/N’s shoulder with the back of his hand, “talking shit?”
“On you? Always.” Y/N wasn’t lying when they said they were fine being around Richie. The man’s presence brought a confusing mixture of anxiety, anger, and comfort. There’s no fool like an old fool—whatever that means.
Y/N fell into their own thoughts as the two men argued about the front of house coverage. They were pulled back into reality when they heard Tina yelling for Carmy in the kitchen. Y/N didn’t realize they were staring at Richie until Carmy passed in front of him to leave. Richie furrowed his brow as he looked back at Y/N.
“You good? You look like shit—got that thousand yard stare.”
“I’m fine.” The pair slipped into a staring competition. This wasn’t a conversation Y/N wanted to have, and they could feel him inspecting the darkening circles under their eyes and their frizzy hair.
He broke the silence, “what are we?”
“I know you’re not asking me this question right now,” Y/N sputtered.
“I mean, we’re friends, right?” Richie gestured vaguely between them, and the scattered mess of thoughts Y/N had been having for the past few months dropped on their head like a bucket of cold water.
“I don’t know, Richie.”
His head bobbed as he turned to the doorway, offering Y/N nothing in response but a mumbled “right.” He didn’t look back, and Y/N didn’t follow.
Y/N wasn’t sure if they knew the answer to that question back when they were together, and they sure as hell didn’t know the answer now.
part three
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milky-fixx · 1 year
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childe x reader // genshin impact.
—when it comes to childe, it's difficult to define what you two are. or is it? maybe you've been misunderstanding him this entire time.
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You didn’t even think you and Childe were anything.
After all, neither of you have bothered to label the strange arrangement you have. Sure, he likes to off-handedly mention you visiting his family in Snezhnaya whenever he’s around, and yes, he does often joke about starting a family, but you thought those were just friendly things. Something a family man like Childe would say to any fuck buddy.
(Though in hindsight you suppose there are things that make it seem like more than just that. Like the fact that he came over to make you borscht when you were sick, even if he'd just come from a month-long Fatui excursion. And fed it to you by the spoonful, jokingly commenting about being by your side "in sickness or health." Or the fact that apparently even Teucer knew who you were, and kept saying he was excited to meet his "big brother's girlfriend."
But surely, surely these could all be misunderstandings, right? Childe hardly seems like the relationship type.)
From your perspective, you and Childe are nothing more than two comrades who spent time battling and fucking it out. Nothing more and nothing less. But when you step out of your room in Inazuma, intent on picking up some tonkotsu ramen for dinner, you're certainly not expecting to open the door and for your entire field of vision to be blocked.
You blink.
Upon closer inspection, it looks like a ginormous whale plushie, nearly as tall as you. Big enough to fill your doorway.
You poke your head out the door, looking around. There's no one in sight.
After lugging the whale plush into your room—it really was a ridiculous size, certainly something a child would love--a note affixed to its fin catches your eye.
You open it, only to snort. It's an invitation.
Dinner with me, tonight? Be at Uyuu Restaurant by 7.
(You don't even need to ask who left it. The whale is his signature animal after all.)
“Did you like the present?” he asks you as you slip into the seat across him. The restaurant is alive tonight, bustling with customers, mostly couples.
"Was it a reference to our first fight?" He seems puzzled by your question, cocking his head slightly. "You know... when you summoned a giant Hydro whale to slam me into the ground?"
He laughs good-naturedly. "Oh, so you do remember!" You glare at him, pouting as you swipe some of his tempura. He already ordered everything on the menu. Classic Childe; spares no expenses to get the best. "I didn't pick it in jest, though. I'm... surprised you remember our first battle. It seems so long ago."
"How could I forget? It knocked me out, you asshole."
He laughs again, and you decide to drop the banter, at least a little. "It is a cute gift, though," you say, softer now. "It'll help me make much fonder memories with whales."
A wide grin stretches his face. "Of course. Only the best from Snezhnaya’s Number One Toy Seller.” He says it so earnestly you can't help but laugh yourself.
"Of course. How could I forgot you're not only the big bad Harbinger, but also a hard-working toy seller. And you have enough time to keep a lonely, little thing like me company? Truly, a man with many commitments."
"Ah, but you're forgetting." Something in his demeanor changes. He shifts slightly in his seat. "The last one is just as important as either of the first two, especially now--"
The waitress arrives with your drinks, setting down sake along with two small cups. You thank her, looking up to notice that Childe is staring at you peculiarly, with that same serious intensity he often slips into, so unlike the playful side he often shows to others.
“That necklace you're wearing..." he says suddenly. "I haven't seen it before. Where's it from?"
"Ah." You grasp the pendant. It's a simple but elegant necklace of cor lapis, Rex Lapis' symbol engraved into it. "Zhongli gave it to me. After the whole... Liyue fiasco. As thanks."
Childe's stare turns peculiar. "Have you... been wearing it since then? I haven't seen it on you."
"No! Just occasionally."
"Occasionally, huh," he repeats, before bringing his thumb to his chin, seeming to think. You pick a piece of karaage off his plate, munching. You think you catch him muttering something about "that sly old man making his moves," but snort, deciding to let him work through whatever he's thinking.
He looks up suddenly, as if he remembered something suddenly.
"I did get you another gift."
You swallow roughly, nearly choking on the piece of chicken. "Another—Childe, you didn't have to! My room can't fit anymore plushies."
"It's not a toy," he says, reaching into his back pocket, before pulling out a plush velvet box. He opens it, showing you an intricately designed silver necklace, set with bright rubies.
“I was thinking... we could match," he says, pointing to his ruby earring.
You're stunned speechless for a beat. "Childe..." Matching jewelry? The plushie? The dinner? While he's always spotted you food, and you've never thought twice about it, the gifts are a lot. They seem to hint at a more serious relationship between you two. "Are you sure you want to—"
"I..." He runs a hand through his hair in agitation. "It doesn't go well with Zhongli's gaudy gift though."
“Gaudy… you mean the necklace? Well, I could wear both.”
His smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. "I dunno... I think red suits you better."
"Childe..." You stare him down. "Don't tell me you're jealous. Over a piece of jewelry."
He shrugs offhandedly, toying with his rice. Hilariously, his chopstick skills are still terrible; he's spilled rice grains all over his table. Yet he pretends he's still eating it.
"Maybe you could wear the necklace off whoever you're thinking about. You know. As a sign."
"I'm not thinking about Zhongli right now," you say in exasperation. "Are you serious?"
He locks eyes with you.
"It's a gift from a friend! Of course I'll wear it."
"Then..." He pauses. "Then do you mind wearing mine? Dear friend?"
You take off the gift you're wearing, and Childe stands up to help you latch the necklace on. Sitting back down, only then does he seem to relax into his seat, seeming much more at ease.
"I just think it suits you better."
"...You mean having your claim on me suits you better?" you say wryly.
You sigh.
Does he think you're Teucer, his little brother? Easily swayed by shiny objects? 
You eye the beautiful necklace he's gifted you, the way it seems to drape around your neck perfectly. He really did put a lot of effort into the gift.
Maybe he's right.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?" you say.
He shrugs off your complaints once more, seemingly back to his cheery disposition now that you're wearing his necklace. Now that you've chosen him, in a sense.
He truly is a piece of work.
"Also... this really isn't a way to ask me to be your girlfriend, you know."
Childe’s eyes widen. “Comrade…” Now he sounds exasperated. “You mean you didn’t know…? I'm not one for labels, but I thought we’ve been a thing this entire time!”
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215-luv · 2 years
How about JJK CHARACTERS doing normal jobs other than fighting curses?
// tw: curses/cursing, mentions of drowning
Saleslady!Nobara who is a pro at knowing what clothes matches your complexion and body figure or what accessory would match well with your aura. but will brutally talk shit about you in her mind when you pick up a dress that’s really really bad lmao, she’ll be looking at you and the dress back and forth with an expression that screams, ‘really?’ but don’t worry!! as soon as you ask for her advice, she’s already have 10 planned outfits just for you and a paper with her number on it sliding right inside of your back pocket (without you knowing ofc).
Waiter!Yuuji who never fails to brighten up his customers day with just a smile as he takes their orders and serves their food. the whole restaurant is doting on him lmao they adore him so much that the once mean customer suddenly turns nice under his presence?? the manager definitely gives him a raise for that. he approaches you with a paper and pen on hand and then is taken aback when he sees you because omg you’re so pretty?!??!! he’s all blushing and wide smiles and when comes the time he serves your food he’d mention some stuff like,, “a special dish for a special customer right here” “enjoy your meal, m’lady/my lord *winks*” he’s goofy and extra, i love him.
Librarian!Megumi is the quiet boy who everyone goes to the library not to actually read books but to check him out… i mean, who wouldn’t? he’d have a cardigan as his usual fit, hanging around on his usual place on the front counter while being occupied with a book. when he hears the bell ring from the front door, indicating a customer coming in, he lifts his head up and he sees you—a regular who comes by to actually read books and not make him uncomfortable with the stares, and suddenly his day is complete. you’re probably the only person who he smiles at and nods in greeting. and as for the other people,, well,,, he doesn’t spare them a single glance.
Lawyer!Maki who isn’t afraid to call out and talk shit in court that leaves everyone, including the judge, shitting on their pants because the raging aura she has lmaoo. BUT when you became her client, she suddenly becomes extremely patient and sympathetic with you that leaves her co-workers (the second years) dumbfounded?? like where is maki and what did you do to her?! they all watch as she tells you something with a soft look on her face, “don’t be afraid, alright? i’m here to protect you.” & their jaws drop.
Dentist!Gojo who is the finest dentist you’ve ever seen in your whole life that it leaves you frozen, completely baffled under his presence it makes you want to pass out or turn around and find another clinic, there’s no in between. you lay there while he inspects your teeth and he goes, “mmmmmmmm it’s a mess back here sweetheart..” and never in your life did your mood drop so fast you suddenly think, ‘nvm he’s ugly’ lmao
Hairdresser!Inumaki who is a pro at getting the EXACT look you want for your hair as the one you showed him on your phone. he’s not like one of those hairstylists who gets barely half of the hairstyle you want done (which is annoying, fr). but this man however, will definitely take hairstyling to a whole new level. he’s the type to not talk alot. he simply takes a look at the hairstyle you like and then he’s already got them hair dye and scissors ready. he’s not the mean type, definitely all cute and jolly even though he’s wearing a mask that covers his lower face because his eyes tells you everything, they’re so expressive that you almost giggle by the way his eyebrows were furrowed and all concentrated when he’s trimming your strands. and plus, the way his hands are on your hair is so soothing n gentle, you’ve almost fallen asleep halfway through the treatment lmao
Car Mechanic!Toji (aight here me out,,) is HOT. and i mean you go to his shop with your car and park at the front,, when you roll down your window you nearly passed out when you’re met with the sight of a handsome man wearing a tank top with a scar on the edge of his lip that forms a smirk the moment he sees your pretty face. and he goes, “gotta problem with that engine sweetheart?” and bullshit, because he’s completely right about that darn engine. you’re definitely poking holes on your tires when you get home tonight.
Nurse!Nanami who visits your room at any time of the day to make sure you’ve been drinking your medicine. he’s always there to assist you, asking you if you’ve been feeling any pain lately, and if you mention about having back pains, he quickly has his hands on your back, gently going from area to area and asking where does it hurt specifically, then goes to massage a particular area and asks, “is this alright? do you feel any discomfort?” but then there are also those times where you rebel and leave your room at a late hour (which is prohibited for u). so after his rounds around the floor, when nanami sees you sitting on one of the couches on the waiting room, he sighs. and when you greet him with an innocent smile, “hi, nanam—“ “get back to your room. now.”
Daycare Teacher!Yuuta who is the sweetest rookie ever. he’s also the youngest & the only boy among the old ladies who were working at the daycare. he at first was really awkward around kids, but that doesn’t stop him from adoring and caring about them with all his heart. the first time he met you, you were bringing your niece to the daycare and he’s baffled—you were so beautiful he couldn’t just seem to be aware of his surroundings!! and,, well, he bumps into one of the kids.. which was your niece who was actively running to the entrance that she ended up bumping into his leg lmao. a million apologies later, he faces you with a blush on his face, “i-i’m.. really sorry.. how could i make it up to you..?” and you know, you were also surprised bc he was asking how he could make it up to YOU??? like you were the one who bumped into his leg and not your niece hahahah,, but that’s okay! you weren’t gonna waste this chance anyway,, so why not suggest a date?? :DD
Lifeguard!Geto who the girls couldn’t help but gape at on a day at the beach. he stands on the shore where he gets a view of the people, especially at sea. on other days he either wears a tank top or goes topless with a whistle hanging around his neck. he sometimes walks around the shore, smiling politely at people—who swiftly becomes head over heels for him. he meets you when he saves you from a drowning accident. while you were still in the midst of fear, he’s got you in his arms as he lowers you to the ground and he instinctively consults you, “hey hey, i’m here. it’s okay. you’re okay, you’ve got me.” and when you do get a bare grip of tranquil, your eyes meets his, and then suddenly your breathing calms down. of course, geto notices it, earning a relieved smile forming on his face as you felt his thumb gently rubbing against your skin.
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sixeyescurseuser · 5 months
Modern AU where Yuji has to work after school in order to help pay for his grandfather’s medical bills.
He finally gets hired as a cashier/helper at the ancient local library.
It’s ginormous. There are walls of bookshelves, entirely filled with books of all sizes - hardcovers, soft covers, manuals - and different colors.
Understandably, Yuji goes through lots of training: learning how the ship is organized, how to help customers at the register, and how to keep the place clean.
Once, when Yuji is snacking on a few candies he got from the school vending machines, his manager warns him not to leave his food out, especially sweets.
“It attracts nasty, unwanted critters,” she states.
Yuji easily agreed and stuffs the rest of his candies in his hoodie pocket. They’re just about to close, so he gets to sweeping the floors of the bookstore. 
About one month in, Yuji has everything down. He’s a quick and eager learner, and actually had a very sharp memory. This serves him well as the manager who showed him all the ropes suddenly calls it quits.
Something about going insane in the bookshop, seeing things that don’t exist…
A haunted bookstore? Yuji questions himself. Seems likely. 
He’s never actually met the owner in person. And he barely catches sight of the other person who works the early afternoon shift.
For a bookstore so vast and abundant, there weren’t a ton of customers filtering in and out all the time.
One day, Yuji’s friends surprise him with a whole box full of donuts for his birthday. 
Yuji shares the donuts, but alas, there are still two left. He decides to bring the leftover two to work, intent on offering them to any lucky customer that might come in hungry.
Only two customers come in over the next few hours: an older woman who returns a couple books and borrows two more, and a father with a young boy who is looking for a “children’s horror book” about a boy being pulled into the ocean and dragged to hell. 
The boy takes one donut. 
One donut remains.
Really, Yuji is unsure of how the owner is keeping this business running. But at least he’s being paid a decent wage. And it’s simple enough work too.
It’s quiet for the next hour. 
Already done with most of his housekeeping tasks, Yuji ventures to the sci-fi section, which is near the front of the store where he can still see the entryway, in case anyone comes in. This means he can also see the register counter, where the donut box lays, lid open.
Pop music softly plays from the store speakers. Yuji hums to the vaguely familiar tune, sifting through the shelves. 
But the music is not loud enough to mask the shuffle of the donut box on the counter.
Yuji pauses his search, scanning the doorway to make sure no one has entered the store. Not hearing any other pair of footsteps, Yuji turns back to the books.
A long moment passes before an unmistakable noise of laughter rings out.
Yuji whirls around because he did NOT imagine that!
He rushes to the counter, right in time to see the donut escaping the box. Or rather, upon closer inspection, a tiny person not even the height of a birthday candle, carrying said donut and bounding away.
Yuji, unable to process anything besides the fact that the tiny person is taking his last donut, chases after them.
“Hey! That’s mine!”
Yuji easily catches up to the tiny-person-donut-blob, cupping them between his palms right when the tiny person makes a leap for a bookshelf.
“Gotcha-!“ Yuji shouts in triumph. He squeezes tight enough to trap, then takes a closer look.
This tiny person is dressed in just as tiny clothes. Human-shaped enough, with white hair and black blindfold over their eyes. 
Before Yuji can ask “What ARE you?” The tiny person finishes chewing what Yuji assumes was a piece of donut, and opens their mouth to yell out:
“Formation B!”
Before Yuji can blink, two other small people fly from opposite bookshelves.
One lands on his right wrist and thumps it with a tiny hammer; this causes Yuji to let go of the white-haired-tiny-person and donut in tow. 
The other smacks right onto his nose, making Yuji go cross-eyed. This tiny human has black spiky hair and dark eyes. His expression offers nothing more than stone-cold as he throws a glittery powder into Yuji’s face- 
Yuji promptly blacks out.
The powder was supposed to make Yuji forget about the little people sighting, but it doesn’t work on him.
Now that he’s aware of their existence, he starts seeing the little people everywhere now: hopping from shelf to shelf, meddling in customer’s bags or purses, changing the music from Yuji’s classical playlist to a TWICE song.
(“It’s like TT~~like TT” in the background.
Yuji, in his head: “so that explains the random song changes” 🧐
It was all Gojo. 
Gojo also played pranks on the manager and made her quit lol. )
Au-wise, the major issue is that a real estate company is looking to buy out the building, wanting to create a more high-end shopping strip. The local bookstore is at risk of being closed down, which has been the home of little people for years. 
Many traveling little people even use the bookstore as a place to rest and find community. Yuji finds that there's a whole other tiny world within the bookshelves thanks to Gojo and his little family.
So Yuji has to help figure out a way to generate more business for the bookstore without risking the livelihoods of the little people, or help scout out a new location for the little people in case that doesn't work.
Geto had always been curious about other little people's locations. A few months ago, he set out on his journey to explore outside the bookstore. 
("I'm going on a little adventure! I'll make sure to bring souvenirs for you all!" Geto pats his special bag that has an infinite amount of space before heading off into the big wide world.)
But he never returned, and has been missing ever since. Gojo is :(((. 
(Yuji: “I mean, I go outside all the time. If you tell me what kind of places he’d go, I can help search for him?”
Gojo: “I knew I liked you for a reason!”)
In hindsight, Geto’s first mistake was getting kidnapped by a hawk, which clearly thought he was food. Cue the hawk soaring through the sky and Geto's tiny screaming.
He ended up in a nest with baby hawks. 
See, living with Gojo and the kids back in the bookstore, Geto ran a lot in his life. But he swears, he's never ran so fast until then, away from the birds trying to gobble him up.
Geto simply yanked a tree leaf off the branch and sailed down to the ground. Geto ended up at a cafe a few blocks down. He's been trying to find his way back ever since. 🥹
It comes down to when Gojo tags along with Yuji during their weekly searches and Gojo’s gets enamored by the smell coming from the cafe.
Imagine Geto’s surprise when he’s hiding within the shelves behind the counter and sees a tuft of white hair peeking from this large human’s collar.
And it’s as if he can sense Geto anywhere because Gojo locks eyes with Geto right away.
Gojo jumps down from his perch - he’s gone rogue!
Yuji, internally: “NOOO”
Luckily, most people in the cafe are engrossed in conversation or their work. The only person Yuji makes a fool out of himself for covering the clearly tiny person making a dash for the back shelves is the barista.
Geto hops down the shelves and meets Gojo in the middle of the coffee machine, wrapping him in a tight embrace.
Yuji, stalling his order so the barista doesn’t notice the tiny Satosugu reunion on the mf coffee machine: “Uh, so what do you recommend?”
Geto quickly sweeps Gojo up in his arms and heads towards Yuji. The barista is still talking through their recommendations. 
Yuji: “Oh, um, I’ll actually have one hot chocolate, please. Also, how much is that pastry?”  
Yuji points to the display so the barista doesn’t see him scooping up tiny Satosugu into his hoodie - who whisper loudly among themselves. 😭
(Gojo: “Suguru, your hair got so long!”
Geto: “It did, I didn’t really have anything to cut it. You like?” 😉
Gojo: “Oh I much more than like it~”
Luckily, Geto puts his palm over Gojo’s mouth before he can continue.)
Once they’re back on the street, Yuji feels a tap on his neck.
“Hello, I’m Geto Suguru. What’s your name?”
“Itadori Yuji. Bookstore cashier, shelver, and tiny person transporter,” Yuji introduces himself. “It’s nice to meet you, Geto-sama.”
Geto laughs loudly. 
“Nice to meet you too, Yuji-kun.”
A moment passes, before he adds: 
“Thank you for helping Satoru find me.”
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valentiyne · 2 months
Ashton with a tattoo artist! Love interest. Maybe he goes in to get a tattoo then immediately takes interest in them, going back fo stupid reasons like touch ups, recommending anyone to get tattooed there, just being down bad in general
𝗀𝗋𝖾𝗒𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 ꕥ 𝖺𝗌𝗁𝗍𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗋𝗐𝗂𝗇
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Ashton Irwin x Fem!Reader Summary: Requested! Ashton makes a last-minute booking with coffee made just right. Warnings: N/A Word Count: 1.4k Copyright © 2024 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
"Are you guys still open?"
It was a cacophony of sounds, with the buzz of the tattoo guns overlapping with the hum of conversations. The other artists' voices were raised over the noise, and the air was thick with the smell of ink and antiseptics. I could hear the sound of the machine moving, the soft thud of the needle on the skin, and the occasional gasp of surprise from a customer.
My boss, Jocelyn leaned over to me with a smile, "I'm off the clock, you're up."
I look up now, trying my hardest to not mean mug the person who ruined my chances of an early freedom tonight. He stood in the doorway, his messy brunette hair pushed back behind his ear and his hands fiddling with the sleeves of his white sweater. His hazel eyes scanned the room before they landed on mine.
"What were you looking to get done?"
"Oh!" he stutters and reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a piece of paper. From the looks of it, it was worn down and ripped in a few places but he hands it over proudly nevertheless.
I inspected it for a while, nodding to myself, "Is it a.... dog?" I quirk an eyebrow, looking up to match his eyes. He nods, a loose strand of hair falling down perfectly on his face, "it's a greyhound, yes"
I nod my head and hand him a clipboard to sign in, inspecting the loose piece of paper once again before heading to the printer. I printed numerous sizes, unsure of how big he wanted it to be.
After all was said and done, he was sitting in my chair and I was nervous checking to make sure I had everything I needed.
Tattoo gun, ink caps, gloves, tattoo gun, ink ca-
"I like the room", He speaks up, motioning to the shelf of miscellaneous items hoarded on them.
He slips the white sweater up and over his head, bundling it in a ball next to him. I make an effort not to stare at his tattooed body, my cheeks flushing up as I keep my back turned.
Obviously I was never like this with any of my other clients, but something about him made me lose my focus. It was unprofessional and unlike me- but god is he hot.
"Thanks, this is basically my second bedroom since i'm here so much" I took a deep breath, sliding my gloves on, and turning towards him. His stencil was already prepped and on his arm, and I stepped towards him slowly.
"You're here often?" He questions, watching as I dip the needle in the ink.
I nod, stretching his skin with my free hand "Yeah, all seven days of the week, unfortunately.... It'd be a little easier if I had any coffee today"
He's silent for a while, my eyes wandering up to see him staring off at the shelves that littered the walls surrounding us.
"Any reason you chose a greyhound?" I attempt ti make conversation, suddenly embarrassed of my trinkets. Not that there was anything wrong with them, I just didn't want him judging me for my childlike interests.
I laid the needle to his skin, hearing him take a deep breath before speaking, "it's for my new album"
I nod in response, dragging the ink down as I trace the stencil. "looks like we're both artists in a sense" I tease, earning a chuckle from him.
Over the next two hours, I learned many things about the boy in my chair. His name was Ashton, he was a musician, he owned a lemon tree and he could hold his breath for a minute and a half. He apologized throughout the course of the night, telling me he wouldn't have stopped in and got a tattoo if he knew we'd be closing soon. I reassured him numerous times, telling him it genuinely wasn't a big deal. He was nice and a great person to talk to.
But after all was said and done, I wrapped his arm and after leaving a hefty tip- he was gone.
I didn't see him for two months after the fact, every time the door would jingle, I found myself snapping my head up to see if it was him
Each time it was not...
"I'm telling you, he came in here and left me a $500 tip, Joss. it was bizarre! I couldn't even find his stupid profile anywhere" I groan, smacking my head down on the desk dramatically.
She giggles at my hopelessness, her hand patting my head kindly, "Maybe he has a girlfriend?"
The door swinging open made me groan louder, lifting my head up with half-lidded eyes and a fake smile.
"Hi sorry we're closing soon, you can book an ap-"
"Closed so soon, sweetheart?" His voice rings out, a stifled laugh following after. I open my eyes quickly to see him standing there, his journal tucked under one arm and two coffees in the other.
I giggle loudly, standing from my chair and walking towards him. "Ashton! where have you been?"
He hands me the coffee, giving me a side hug before pulling his journal out from under his arm. "i'm looking to get another tattoo, and who else would I trust but my sleep deprived tattoo artist"
I try to hide the blush creeping up my face, turning around to show Joss who I've been talking about for weeks. Her mouth is hung open, eyes wide as she looks between the two of us. "That's Ashton....?" She takes a deep breath before shaking her head quickly, "Miss Y/n has been talking my ear off about you since your last visit"
I turn around quickly, shooting daggers as I give her a nice tilt of the head to get lost. She raises her hands in defeat and snatches her coat from the chair I was previously in before waving goodbye. Ashton waves back with a smile before I cover my face in embarrassment.
"Seems like i'm the talk of the town?" He teases and I grab his forearm, leading him to my studio.
He hops up on the chair, sliding off his cardigan and showing me his healed greyhound. I analyze it carefully, smiling up at him. "It looks amazing!"
"Wonder who did it?" He teases, poking my side playfully. I roll my eyes and flip through the notebook, passing by song lyrics, doodles, and other random scribbles before I pause at a drawing on the last page.
It was a scribble of me hunched over tattooing his greyhound. my tongue poked out to the side with a look of pure concentration spread across my face.
My cheeks grow red and I look up at Ash, a look of confusion and admiration painted. "Wha?"
"To be fair, I came for a touch-up on a few older pieces but... Also to ask if you'd like to come to dinner with me tonight?"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, internally I was squealing like a little girl.
"I would love to."
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~See the Sun~ 
A Donnie x depressed reader Drabble. 
A/N: A tribute to @sweetchildcloud , I hope your days are smoother. I hope I can be even a single grain of sand to tip the scales of life in your favor. 
Warnings: mention of starving yourself, self harm, and death. Very light mention, but is very much angst. 
Summary: Y/n hasn’t left their room for a while, and although missing them, Donnie was content to give them space!… until he got an alert about their vitals.
Tick… Tock……. 
“Porphyra, pause ‘Ticking Clock Ambience.’” Donnie called out, the noise suddenly getting on his nerves. 
“Pausing ‘ticking —“ the system in his lab goes to respond, but he cuts it off, “and turn off Echolalia.” He pauses, “..Please.”
Porphyra computes for a moment, before the sound of the clock stops, “Yes, Donatello.” It says robotically, reminding him that he needed to give Porphyra her customized voice box. He had meant to make her based off April, but then he’d have two artificial intelligences to take care of that didn’t want to help him with anything. 
But that wasn’t the main problem. 
That wasn’t what made his head burn with curiosity. 
It was you. 
You hadn’t been outside of your room all day. You mumbled something about being alone, and he respected that, he just missed you… he sighs, thinking he might as well play a video game to get his mind off it. “Porph—“ he cut himself off, seeing the light that had appeared on his screen. His brows furrowed, inspecting the notification curiously— it was a warning, a vitals warning. A vitals warning for you. 
“Y/n - Condition may be critical.”
His heart dropped to the floor, skittering as his hand flew to his mouse— investigating the notification. He skim-read and panicked, seeing how many of your needs were being neglected. Your blood sugar was dangerously low, you were tired, caffeine in your system and heart fluttering between fast and slow. He cursed under his breath, standing up immediately as he flipped out his phone. 
He flicked to his contacts quickly, pressing the name of his orange-clad brother In hopes he could help. 
“Dee..?” Mikey answered cautiously, an evident concern in his voice, “You never call..” 
“Mikey!” Donnie voice comes out a little louder than he intended, so he quickly clears his throat, “Uhm.. could you do me a huge favor..?” He coughs when his voice cracks, trying his hardest not to betray how worried he was. “What’s up Donatron?” Mikey answers, eager to soothe his brother’s anxiousness. 
“It’s Y/n.” Donnie says quickly, biting his lip before caving, “I think they—” he pauses, thoughts racing through his head, “Could you just make their favorite..?” He bit the edge of his nail, hoping to the gods he wouldn’t regret reaching out. “Of course, Dee! Is everything okay..?” Mikey says gently, mentally throwing out what he originally had planned for dinner. (Thank god he hadn’t started yet.) 
“I don’t know Michael..” Donnie mumbled, stopping his pacing around his lab to walk into the main room, looking around for your bedroom, “but I hope I’m about to find out..” 
“Good luck Donnie!!” Mikey calls, and quickly hangs up, leaving the purple-clad turtle to his own thoughts. Donnie takes a deep breath, taking off his goggles so they could rest around his neck like headphones. He makes his way to your room, wringing his hands out to cope with his worry. What if they were spiraling? What if they hurt themself? He pressed his lips together in a thin line as he approached your door. 
He knocked gently, a pattern you two had made up so you knew who was at the door. He heard sleepy noises, and then the smallest “..come in..!” 
He gently pushed the door open, letting in light to your dark room. His heart broke when he saw your face. Tired and eyelids heavy, you were crumbled in on yourself on your bed, your 3Ds next to you as it illuminated soft light. “Heyo..” your voice comes out as a gentle whisper, and he couldn’t help but notice how much disarray your room was in. “May I come in?” He says coolly, trying to stay calm. When you gently nod, he can’t help but wish he had checked in on you sooner. 
He closes the door behind him, walks by, and slowly turns on your gradual nightlight. Soft, orange hues fill the room, not too much for your adjusting eyes. He walks over to your bed, analyzing you for any bumps or bruises. “Do you.. want to talk about it?” He sweat drops, this was mostly Dr. Feelings’ domain.. all he could do was use what he knew. 
You shake your head, and he looks at his other options, he wonders if it’s something he’s done, but pushes that thought away, knowing this was about you. “You seem like you’re sad..” he states, trying to make an observation like Dr. Feelings taught him to. “Did you want to—“ he fiddles with his hands, looking at the 3DS still glowing from your bed, “hug it out..?” 
“You could play your game and I could hold you..” he suggests, raising an eyebrow in hopes that he could be of some comfort to you. He had his comfort hoodie on, so it would be no trouble— in fact— it would be wonderful to hold you. 
He finally smiled when you nodded, a sense of relief falling over him. He handed you your 3Ds, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulled you in. He snuggled you deeply, it was clear he missed you— he wasn’t ever really this touchy. 
He opened his eyes, looking to see what you were playing. His eyes drifted to the light marks on your arm, his brows furrowing. 
Your scars.
He sighed, he could go on about how unhealthy it was, and how it wouldn’t solve the problem, but they were mostly healed, the only thing he could do was make sure it didn’t happen again. 
“Micheal’s making your favorite.” Donnie said softly, his hand gently rubbing shapes into your skin. “I’m not hungry..” you mumbled, and he bit down on the urge to scold you for lying. 
“Give me your hand, dove.” He reached out his palm, holding your wrist firmly, but gently. Your fingers waver at his grip, “you’re trembling..” Donnie observes, a slight sadness in his tone, “I’m willing to bet you haven’t eaten in a long time.” He sighed, snuggling your shoulder gently. 
“Fine..” you shoot him a glare, but he returns a warm smile, unfazed by your irritation. It surprises you, and you’re left feeling bad for getting angry in the first place. He lifts your wrist, placing a small kiss to your hand. “Please eat, dove.” He requests, and your heart sinks to the floor. 
“Alright..” you murmur, and just then you hear a knock on the door. 
“That’s probably Mikey.” Donnie explains, smiling brightly. “I’ll get it.” He goes to stand, and your side somehow feels colder without him. 
The purple-clad turtle opens the door, and light creeks through. A few whispers are passed between the brothers, and Donnie returns with a plate of your favorite warm meal. “Mikey says he loves you.” He chuckles, setting the dish in your lap before returning to hold you. He sighs, looking up to your face, eye-bags deep and heavy. He lifts his hand, gently brushing your cheek with nothing but love. 
“Take care of yourself.” He says, a smile reaching his face, “as strange as it may seem, data shows that certain people.. or turtles.. would be really upset if you disappeared.” He chuckles, and finally— for the first time in a few days, you smile.
“Also get some Vitamin D, you’re pale as hell.”
A/n: I know this isn’t very well written, but I hope it makes even a little difference.
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qlossytbh · 1 year
hi i found your blog today and i loved your imagines, i was wondering if you can make one that the reader is feeling sad and distressed (there is no specific reason) and jj will comfort her 🙃
𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐬 - 𝐣𝐣𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 after so many constant pushes of life itself, the reader breaks down and only one person is able to truly calm her down
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 swearing, drugs, underage drinking, mentions of sex, mental burnout, lots of things lmao
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 4.7k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 i am backkk!! got back into my obx obsession since season 3 is coming and decided to get some requests done :)
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“I'm so sorry sir,” You sighed heavily as the older man eyed you down angrily. “I'll fix that up right now for you.”
You gave him a weak smile and pulled away his food. You weren't going to argue with him because although the older man would deny it, he did in fact order his fries on a separate plate from his burger. But the face of confusion that slowly shifted into rage after you had set down his food immediately made you realize this was not going to be a pleasant customer. 
You made your way to the kitchen counter and asked Mike Carrera if he could transfer the fries to the plate of the burger since he was the only one available in the kitchen. As you wait, you take in what the wreck looked like. 
People were flooding in and out of the restaurant. Loud chattering and movement was heard all throughout. You watched the servers rush back and forth, from table to table and customer to customer. The wreck was heavily understaffed and for the amount of people you were all attending, three servers, being you, Kiara and the newest member was clearly not enough. 
The bell rang behind you, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. Automatically you thanked Mike and took the food over to the table in a hurry. 
“Here you go Sir,” You offered him a smile as you put the plate down onto the table. He inspected the plate thoroughly and soon shook his head. 
“This isn't the same burger.” His low gravel-like voice called out. Your body tensed as you strained a smile. 
“Oh no, we didn't change the food sir, we just added the fries on the order like you-”
“I'm telling you, this isn't the same.” He huffed loudly. You felt your body strain as you sucked in a breath. 
“Sir, I can assure you-” 
“Don't patronize me little girl, I'm sick of this. This place can't even offer good food yet alone a server who isnt as incompetent as you are.” He said as he got up. You suddenly felt small. He slammed a dollar bill on the table in front of you, causing you to flinch as you opened your mouth to speak. The exhaustion in your body prevented you from protesting as he left the place grumpily. 
You let out a deep sigh and sat down at the table. Your ankles were pulsating, your head was throbbing, your eyes burned. Everything and anything hurt. You rubbed your eyes and then placed your chin into the palm of your hand as you stared down at the dollar bill. You then shoved a fry into your mouth. 
You were too mentally exhausted to overthink how you had just been treated. Many men and women had walked in and out of the wreck these past weeks with the same attitude and being such a push over when it came to serving, you were the one who had to take in all of the shit they threw at you. You know Kiara flipped them off most of the time, but you felt some moral obligation to submit to their insults because they did pay your tips.
Speaking of, the dollar tip the man had just left was what you were counting on to buy JJ his present for his birthday tomorrow. The tips you were paid these past two weeks wasn't nearly enough to get him something. The frustration of wanting to get him what he deserved but not being able to was becoming unbearable. 
‘I'll just use my savings,’ You thought.
These past weeks caused your body to now go into survival mode. You were running on nothing but coffee and a single french fry so far. You were working two jobs, one of them with a 7 to 12 hour shift, depending on the day. You were acing all your tests but at the cost of countless sleepless nights. You were out helping John B and JJ survive on their own at the Chateau by making them week's worth of dinners and lunches ensuring that they wouldn't starve. On top of that, you had to pay your own rent and food, which was at the bottom of your priorities right now, but it was still nagging at you in the back of your mind. 
Your body couldn't take it anymore. You were burnt out. Mentally and physically. All you could do was fantasize about slipping your shoes off and crying all of this week's and last's stress into your pillow when you got back home tonight. You also had to deal with the stress of getting JJ a good birthday present. 
“Y/N, food isn't going to serve itself!” You heard someone shout from the kitchen. You groaned and whined quietly as you forced your small feet back into action. 
“Y/N!” Kiara called over. You took a deep breath. All of the exhaustion also led you to be extremely irritable, so being called around was beginning to get on your nerves. But you contained yourself, like always. 
“Hm?” You hummed softly, turning towards your friend. She smiled at you. She looked good. Not so much like a living corpse. The glow in her face was something you took notice of. That's the paradise of having Kook parents, you assumed. 
“We're going over to the Chateau after our shift, do you want to come?” 
You pursed your lips. With all the stress, you realized you had begun pulling away from friend group activities but not because you didn't want to be there but because you didn't have any time or energy to do so.   
“I don't know..” You sighed. You shifted back and forth on your heels. “I have a lot of things to get done tonight.” 
“Come on,” Kiara nudged your shoulder with her fist, which only strained your smile. “We're gonna have a small bonfire with the guys, maybe a few beers here and there…”
Her voice trailed off as she smiled at you widely trying to convince you. Were the bags under your eyes and the messy hair not enough for her to realize you were utterly exhausted? 
“I don't think I can make it Kie,” You rubbed the back of your neck as Kiara deadpanned at you. “I have to buy JJ his present and then I have to get some math homework done, I also have to reschedule my shift from-” 
“You work too hard dude,” She placed her hands on your shoulders and shook you back and forth. “Maybe just let loose a little? For tonight?”
You felt your ankles pulsate once more. A break would be nice, and you knew that for a fact, but you couldn't let yourself stop. If you stopped, you were going to collapse, and you needed to get everything done.
“Drink for me tonight will you?” You flicked her cheek which she protested at. “And don't let John B pull the same shit he did last time.”
You pulled out your notepad to take orders and pushed past Kiara who sighed deeply. Your friends noticed your absence, but they also knew how much of a perfectionist you were. You were always off running errands or getting something done, which is why they weren't completely concerned. They usually just teased you for always being on edge and with something to get finished. 
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You ran as fast as you could towards the deck where your friends were waiting for you. You had gotten about 3 hours of sleep last night finishing math and physics homework before having to run out at 7am to babysit one of the kids you were responsible for. The job finished before lunch since you had to be at the deck where the HMS Pogue took off from. 
JJ stated that all he wanted for his birthday was to spend the day on the small boat, ‘drinking beers, smoking blunts and spending time with his favorite dumbasses’. If there was anything JJ wasn't, it was complicated, so everyone agreed to his birthday wish. You did however offer to cook dinner and a cake at the end of the day, which no one complained to. 
You were running a bit late which is why you were running as fast as you were, shooting a few clumsy and panicked sorrys at people who told you to watch it after nearly crashing into them. 
John B saw you first. “Took you long enough!”
“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” You fumbled as you wasted no time on tossing your bag into the boat and jumping in, nearly slipping. Once on the boat, you leaned over trying to catch your breath. “I’m here-”
Pope and John B eyed you as you took in a few staggered breaths. Kiara came up behind you and rubbed your back. “There she is.”
“Hey guys,” You gave them all a clumsy smile. Sarah was walking towards the boat with JJ by her side and a big cooler in hand. When you locked eyes with JJ you smiled. His face lit up at the sight of you since you hadn't seen him for about three days due to how much work you had been doing. 
“Y/N!” Sarah smiled widely as she quickly made her way onto the boat and attacked you in a bear hug. You let out a small huff of air due to the impact and quickly hugged her back. 
“Hey S,” You rubbed her back and sighed. You missed this, missed spending time with them. She pulled away, giving you a soft peck on the cheek. 
“Back off blondie, its my turn,” JJ interrupted, pushing Sarah to the side. He crouched down slightly to wrap his arms around your waist and lifted you up, hugging you as tight as possible. You let out a strain of giggles, burying your head in his neck and hugging him just as tightly as he spun you around. 
Once he put you down, you looked up at him as he tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “Happy birthday Jay,”
He hummed softly and cupped your cheeks, pecking you on the lips softly. The kiss was gentle but needy and the grasp he had on you was firm. You hummed before John B started fake gagging. 
“I think, fuck, I think im gonna-” He said between gags as you pulled away and rolled your eyes. 
“Listen, I haven't seen my girlfriend in three days,” JJ pointed a warning finger at him. “Let me live.”
“Oh the horror!” Kiara gasped sarcastically.
“I know, I feel deprived and neglected.” He said, moving behind you and hugging you from behind, setting his head on your shoulder. 
“Yeah, you have been MIA recently,” John B interjected. “You aren't getting tired of us are you?”
You tensed. Did they really think that? He said it in a teasing manner, but maybe, there was truth hidden behind it..? Did they feel like you didn't want to hang around them anymore? Did Kiara say something that maybe sounded like you were avoiding them? 
“What? No.” You came off more defensive than you would have liked. “I've just been busy.” Pope shot you an odd look. You swallowed the thick anxiety that pooled in the bottom of your stomach. 
“Anyways,” You said, taking in a deep breath of air. “Are we gonna stay here all day or…”
JJ tightened his grip on your waist. “I mean I'm not complaining.” 
“Yeah, no.” John B turned around and got behind the boat's engine, getting ready to take off. Kiara and Pope grabbed the cooler and began unpacking the food and drinks from the inside as John B left the deck area. 
You turned to JJ, feeling the soft rumbling of the engine beneath your feet. His arms rested on your hips as he hooked his thumbs in the fabric of your pockets. He looked down at you and you began smiling. 
“What's that look for?” You asked, suddenly intimidated by his stare.
“I just forgot how it felt to look at your pretty face,” He teased, kissing your cheek. You slapped his chest gently and looked at him in shock
“It took you three days to forget!?” You placed your hand on your chest. “I'm offended.”
“The joints I've been smoking were just too good,” He looked up. “Made me forget all about ya’”
“You are so not getting any of the stuff I planned for you today,” You crossed your arms and his face fell. 
“Did I say forget? I meant temporary amnesia,” He said, shifting on his feet. “Tell me.”
“Go smoke a joint, maybe it'll help you forget I ever said anything.” You responded. He suddenly crouched down and grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulder with ease. You were much smaller than him after all.
Your screams and laughter filled the air as JJ carefully moved closer to the edge of the boat. You gripped at his back as he pulled you close to the edge. The boat was still moving towards your destination which caused you to panic slightly thinking he'd toss you over. 
“JJ Maybank, don't you dare.” You warned. He kept moving towards the edge which caused you to continue to squirm. You felt your heart swell up with joy. God, you haven't been this happy in a while. You then grabbed the hair that sat at the nape of his neck and began to pull on it. 
“Ow, ow, ow!” His body tensed as he pulled away from the edge and immediately let you down, but your fingers remained tugging on the small blonde hair. 
“What do you say?” 
“Please, please-” You let him go and he sighed dramatically. He glared at you while rubbing the back of his neck but all you could do was smirk back. “That hurts.”
“Thought you were into that shit.” 
“Different context babe,”
“Okay, ew.” You furrow your brows as your cheeks heat up slightly. JJ reached over and took you by the hand, pulling you closer. You smiled up at him and leaned in, kissing him softly. 
You missed his touch, and how it made you feel. Being with JJ somehow made you forget about all the responsibilities you had been tossing onto your plate these past weeks, and by not being able to take any breaks, you were in need of the distraction your boyfriend provided. 
He pulled away and reached for the cap that laid on his head. He placed it backward on your head and tucked the small baby hairs behind your ears as he looked down at you in admiration. 
“I missed this,” You confessed softly. 
“Hmm,” He pecked your lips once more. “So did I.”
The boat stopped moving suddenly and you turned to John B who announced the arrival to your usual spot. Sarah and Kiara headed straight for the beer as they began tossing everyone a can. Before JJ was able to make his way over you grabbed his hand and whispered. 
“Your present is back at the Chateau, i'll give it to you tonight.” He turned and gave you a look while you just smiled back innocently. 
JJ made his way over to the beers where Sarah, Kiara and Pope were already sipping on theirs. John B walked up to you. 
“Hey,” He said. “You got the things to make grilled cheese with tomato soup tonight?” 
Your smile fell. You assumed JJ would have wanted you to make his favorite pizza, the one you always made for him every year on his birthday. You had gotten ingredients for that, not grilled fucking cheese. 
“What?” You looked at him with panic in your eyes “I got stuff to make Pizza, did JJ say he wanted grilled cheese?”
“Uh, I think so?” He shrugged it off as if it wasn't a big deal. You pinched your nose. 
“Did you not think ahead to let me know? I could've stopped by and got cheese and bread and-” You stopped. “Fuck, is he even going to like the pizza?”
John B raised a brow at you. “Well, JJ is a simple person, I don't think he really cares what we eat, as long as its food”
“But I-” You took a deep breath. 
Your paranoia was beginning to come up again. This happens all the time. You plan something ahead of time thinking its perfect and a second option pops up and you begin doubting everything you planned ahead of time, which causes a huge stress wave. You wanted JJ to get every single thing he wanted today and you wanted it to be special, but how could it be special and perfect if you already screwed up dinner. 
“Y/N,” John B cut through. “It's fine, really. JJ won't care.”
You nodded but John B could see the uneasiness in your eyes. He noticed the panicky look that settled subtly between your features. “You ok? You seem on edge recently.”
“Yeah, no.” You rub your temples. “I'm fine, just a little bit stressed.”
He wasn't convinced, and neither were you. “Right.”
Kiara let out a scream. When you looked over, Pope was pulling her by the arm as they both fell over the edge and into the water. John B took one last look at you before placing a hand on your shoulder and heading over to Sarah. 
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You chopped the green onions quickly before rushing over the counter and passing Sarah and John B the cups they asked for. 
“Y/N, do you know where the chips are?” Pope asked. Your mind was multitasking, as you continued chopping the rest of the vegetables you looked up and pointed to the bag in the corner of the kitchen. 
“Right there Pope,” You turned to JJ who sat on the other side of the bar. “Jay, can you pass me the garlic powder?”
He turned to you from his conversation with John B and tossed you the garlic powder that stood right next to his elbow. He then continued talking to John B and Sarah as you tossed the veggies into a bowl and dusted your hands. 
You looked like a complete mess. Your hair was everywhere, there was flour all over your face and clothes. The bags under your eyes were more visible than ever and your ankles were pulsating once again. Everything hurt, even your back was pulsating, begging you to sit down and take a break.
You had been overthinking the whole pizza and grilled cheese incident since John B mentioned it and it ruined your mood all day.
Not to mention how you only managed to finish a page of homework while on the boat, even though you planned to finish three pages. You also got a call from your landlord who informed you about a new bill you had to pay by the end of the month. 
You thought for a day you would be able to escape the reality of life, and for a second you thought you would be able to, but it all caught up to you. And you couldn't mentally or physically take anything else. Your plate was beginning to overflow, but you refused getting anything taken off or asking for help. 
“Kiara, can you get me the parmesan cheese from the fridge?” You asked as you washed a spatula clean. 
“Do you need any help Y/N?” Sarah offered from her spot between JJ and John B. Your movements had quickly become raggedy and tense, and you were moving quickly and breathing heavily. Sarah noticed this as you looked around the counter desperately. 
“No, that's fine Sarah-” You scanned the counter for the salt and groaned when you couldn't find it. “Where did I leave the damn salt?”
JJ’s smile faltered. The tone in your voice concerned the three. It was suddenly on edge and tense as your eyes moved all across the counter. John B looked over at JJ who shared an equally confused look. JJ got up and made his way over to the kitchen aisle. 
He set his hands on your shoulders and leaned down to you, causing you to flinch. “Why don't you sit down for a few minutes-”
“No, no it's okay, I just need to find the salt-”
“The parmesan isn't here,” Kiara announced, moving away from the fridge. You turned your head towards him. 
“What?” You said, panic rising for the twelfth time this day. “That's impossible.”
You rushed over to the fridge and scanned it a couple of times before realizing that you had indeed forgotten the parmesan cheese. You groaned and felt the back of your eyes burning with tears threatening to spill. 
“Let me find this damn salt first,” You rushed back to the counter and began organizing things in an attempt to get the salt to appear. 
“Y/N, I think you should really just sit and-”
“It's fine, let me just find the salt..” Your hands began to shake as you reached across the counter. Your body shifted and ended up accidentally shoving the gallon of milk you had used for the recipe onto the floor. “Fuck!”
You quickly reached down and grabbed the milk before more could spill out. You took in the mess and that's when everything fell right onto your shoulders.
The stress, the overwhelming stress, it all became too much. Working, social life, paying debts, making sure your grades were ok and everything was going decently, it was all too much. You had become so mentally burnout that your body was failing you. You were shaking and you had no more strength or energy in you. 
“Fuck!” You shot as you slammed the milk onto the counter. You took in a deep shaky breath through your nostrils as tears began brimming your eyes. You steadied yourself on the counter and took a few deep breaths, but the sobs were just threatening to spill out of your mouth. 
“I-Im sorry,” You whispered, rubbing your forehead as tears fell unconsciously from your eyes. Everyone was silent, watching you slowly fall apart. 
“Let me just clean this up,” You wiped the tears from your cheeks away but before you could reach over for a cloth, JJ stood in front of you. 
“Okay,” He said, reaching for your wrist and slowly removing the cloth from your grip. You stopped but you didn't want to because as soon as you stopped, everything was going to catch up to you. 
“Kie, can you run to the store with Pope to get some cheese? Any kind, just get cheese,” He ordered as he began leading you by the shoulders out of the kitchen. “John B, Sarah, can you help with the mess?”
Everyone nodded silently as you kept your head down and silent. JJ then turned and began pushing you to his room. He led you in and closed the door behind him. “Y/N, what the hell?” 
You kept your head down in embarrassment as you kept wiping away the tears that were falling out. “I’m fine-”
“No, you're not. And you need to tell me what's going on.” His voice sounded cold and firm and you hated it. You looked up at him and finally managed to look him in the eye. 
There was a softness in his gaze. He was worried. You could see the concern in his eyes and the crease in his brows that led you to think all he wanted to do was help you. 
“Nothing-” You wiped your cheeks and all the tears that were on them away. “Im just-”
You closed your mouth as you moved to the bed and sat on the edge, finally releasing the pain in your ankles. You felt so small and so vulnerable and so exhausted and you hated it all. You rubbed your temples and let your arms fall to your lap. 
“I'm so tired JJ,” You whisper as a single sob breaks through your lips and to JJ, it's heartbreaking. You finally break, right there in that room in front of him and for some reason, you can't bring yourself to care because of how mentally and physically tired you feel. 
JJ walks over and sits next to you. He wraps his arms around you and you cry into his chest. You let it all out, all the stress, the expectations you put on yourself, the insults. All of it. 
With every sob you let out, JJ’s heart broke a little more. He had seen you like this a few times before, but it never became easier. He wasn't the best at catching these things early, and you had a habit of keeping things to yourself until you reached your breaking point. 
“This is so stupid,” You said as you choke on your own words. “It's your birthday and I'm crying,”
JJ didn't say anything, he just let you rant. He did however slip his hand into yours and squeezed it reassuringly.
“People have been so mean to me at the wreck and I seem to be doing everything wrong. I've slept a total of 7 hours this week and I've been stressed with school and life because I have so many debts to pay like my rent, food and god my ankles hurt!” You groaned in annoyance. You stopped rambling and looked at him before letting out a frustrated sigh. “Today is your birthday.”
JJ furrowed his brow slightly. “It's your birthday and I wanted everything to be perfect and John B kinda threw me off with the stupid grilled cheese but it isn't his fault. It’s my fault for being so tense and I worked my ass off to get you something I don't think even lives up to what you deserve.”
JJ looked down at you, still in silence. “God, this is so stupid.” 
You pouted and sniffled as you finished your rant. 
“Are you done?” JJ asked, looking into your eyes. You looked back at him and sighed, nodding. 
“First of all, you are not stupid,” He rubbed the back of your palm with his thumb. “Second of all, why didn't you tell me you were so overworked and exhausted?”
You shrugged and looked away. “I didn't want you guys to have to worry.”
“I'm your boyfriend,” He said firmly. “I want to be able to carry these things with you and for you,”
You gave him a lopsided smile. “Who knew you could be so sappy?”
“I’m totally sappy,” He scoffed, not being able to contain his smile. “I just have to have the will to bring it out.”
You smiled down at your lap. But it soon fell into a frown. “I feel like I ruined your birthday.”
“Are you kidding me?” He said, hooking his finger beneath your chin in order to pull your gaze towards his. You stared at him with a pout. “Seeing you again today was the highlight of my week- being with you, is the highlight of my week.”
“I don't need fancy gestures or big huge presents, that's like, the kookiest thing ever,” You scanned the blue in his eyes carefully as a smile appeared on your face. “Being with you is enough.”
“Even if you're offered the world's best blunt to forget about me?” 
“Even if I was offered the world's best blunt to forget about you.” He leaned down and kissed you gently. JJ was willing to do anything for you, and so were you. The love you felt for this man was more than words could explain. You pulled away. 
“Here,” You pulled out a small little box from the back of your pocket and handed it to him with embarrassment. “It's stupid but, you know,”
JJ gave you one last look before he pulled out a small chain that had a surfboard pendant hanging on it. He carefully analyzed the surfboard and noticed that in the smallest size were both of your initials carved on the side of the miniature board. His mouth fell open before he closed it and smiled. He squeezed the pendant in his palm and looked up at you. 
You gave him a shy smile before he took your face into both his palms, gently squeezing your cheeks and grunting in frustration. “I love you woman.” 
“Ew, don’t call me woman.” You smiled widely and giggled as he peppered your face in soft kisses. He made sure to wipe away the last of your tears and suddenly, the only thing that hurt were your cheeks from smiling too much. And your ankles, maybe just a bit.
JJ cleared his throat. “Does this mean, you weren't planning on giving me any birthday sex..?”
“Perv,” You said, sticking your tongue out. You then however looked over at the closed door and gave the blonde a look. “How long until Pope and Kiara get back from the store?”
JJ smirked at you before pushing you back onto the bed and hovering over you as you erupted in laughter as he began placing kisses down your neck. “Who gives a shit.”
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
Let Me Be Your Anchor
Chapter 1: The Modiste
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Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett An Offer From a Gentleman reimagined Chapter rating: G Word count: 3.5k
Masterpost Next chapter
Author's Notes: Welcome to my headcanon rewrite of AOFAG. Please refer to the masterpost for notes on story timeline and chapter structures. This first chapter is a fully original work by me, so no book quotes or notes included. Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in this project which motivated me to get the first chapter out! It may be a long wait for the next one as I wrap up other stories before writing the masquerade. 💙
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Sophia Beckett had one friend in the entire world and her name was Genevieve Delacroix. She was the only person who spoke to her as if she were a woman deserving of respect. Not an underling, a disappointment, a secret who must be kept hidden. Every time Sophie visited the modiste’s shop, Gen greeted her with the same bright smile as she gave any of her high-born customers but with even more honesty in her eyes. Over the first several weeks of the London season they had caught one another rolling eyes at the frittering of the ton ladies enough times that a friendly trust had formed. Then, the first time Sophie had visited her shop on an errand alone rather than in tow with the Cowpers, Gen had locked up, invited her to the back room and lapsed into an altogether surprising Cockney accent as she revealed her true self and encouraged Sophie to do the same.
They were two of a kind, working women in hiding in their own ways. Gen posing as a French expert of fashion to dupe the empty headed mamas of the ton, when in reality she was an orphaned girl from Cheapside with fearless drive and a serious talent for couture. And Sophie, envious of Gen’s glamorous life, who was the worst of all things, a bastard, and was lucky that her benefactors had agreed to house her as their maid rather than turn her out into the street after her father died. He had been the Earl of Penwood and her mother was his maid. After her mother died in childbirth and she was left on the doorstep of Penwood Park he had kept her as his ward, protected but not worthy enough to bear his name. She was a Beckett, not a Gunningworth, a name that she never learned the origins of, though a servant boy had once told her it was the name of her father’s favorite horse.
She had enjoyed some degree of luxury as a ward in the heath-ringed halls of Penwood Park. Her father ignored her entirely but a governess was procured to educate her as a lady. To teach her to read and write, speak Latin and French, pour tea, play the piano, and even dabble in mathematics. It was a lonely existence, with the only affection she received being an errant pat on the head from the cook or a servant, but it was the only life she had ever known and so she didn’t want for much more. 
Everything changed when her father died suddenly, cut down in his prime as he sat reading in the garden one day. Then at the age of sixteen, Sophie’s life took a turn for the worse. The inheritor of the earldom was her father’s distant male relation. So distant Sophie couldn’t make heads or tails of how they were actually related and she suspected Lord Cowper couldn’t either, given how surprised he appeared through the whole turn of events. A sallow, pinch-faced man with a sallow, pinch-faced wife and daughter, Lord Cowper had attended her father’s funeral and stared down his nose at her as she stood for inspection along with all the staff of Penwood Park. No doubt he had learned of her origins through her father’s solicitor and he seemed rather unsure of what to do with her. But his wife was ready to whisper in his ear. Eyes always cold and hair always pulled taut into a hideous basketweave arrangement, Lady Cowper proposed keeping Sophie on as a servant, just one more among many. 
After the Cowpers swept back out to London the Penwood steward informed her that the family would provide her with room and board in exchange for her service as a housemaid. It was a step back from the lifestyle she had enjoyed in her childhood, but she knew it was the best she could hope for, given the shame of her birth. And what else was she supposed to do? Leave the only home she had ever known with no name, connections or employable skills and try to sustain herself? Insulting as it may have been, it was the only path that made sense. To follow in her mother’s footsteps and serve as a maid to the new Earl of Penwood.
It wasn’t too awful at first with the new owners staying in residence at Penwood Park so infrequently. Sophie found a degree of pride in learning to clean and mend and cook. Caring for her family home, especially when the Cowpers were away, felt like caring for herself. The aristocratic part of her that was undeniably there, just not allowed to shine to its full potential. She also felt as if she were honoring the memory of her mother. She liked to imagine that she was dusting the same tables and folding the same linens as her mother once had - points of connection with the woman she had never known, but who had moved through the same halls once upon a time. She began to envision an oddly satisfying life spent at Penwood, where perhaps she could marry a man from the nearby village and return to him at night after her chores were completed for the day. She saw him as a farrier, someone with dark hair and crafty hands who was strong and sweet simultaneously. There was some kind of life to be had, the best a bastard could hope for, and it was those dreams that fueled Sophie through each monotonous day.
Things carried on that way for years until Cressida Cowper, Lord Cowper’s daughter and only child, approached her third London season still unmarried and without a lady’s maid to serve her. Somehow Lady Cowper had managed to blame Cressida’s failures in the marriage mart upon the hair techniques and ironing skills of the half dozen lady’s maids Cressida had churned through, and now none would apply for the vacant position. That was the spring the Cowpers seemed to remember Sophie’s existence and plucked her out of Penwood Park to join them in London. It was a marvel how Lady Cowper, or Araminta as Sophie referred to her, always spoke to Sophie with such treacly sweetness in her voice and simultaneous burning contempt in her eyes. Between her training as a lady and her service as a maid, she could cobble together the skills needed to wait upon Cressida for the season, addressing her every passing need and outfitting her in ridiculous gowns and hairdos in the hopes to attract a wealthy suitor. 
Sophie had tried to see it as an adventure. She had never been to London before and the whirl of the season was staggering, but with an undeniable beauty. Crowds all dressed in their finest, the drawing room of Cowper House laid out for elegant teas and the dining room set for elaborate dinner parties. Every week brought an assortment of invitations to balls and musicales and garden soirees, each necessitating its own elaborate and themed garment. That was how Sophie began visiting the modiste’s shop with such frequency, and it was where she met the first woman who ever looked at her and saw a whole person. 
But the happiness that her modiste visits granted her could not overshadow the bitter realities that awaited her in Cowper House. Lord Cowper was so disinterested and Cressida so self-involved that Sophie was largely left at the mercy of Araminta. What started out as curt orders soon turned into cutting insults and then physical acts of retribution for perceived offenses and failures. She was slapped, pinched and tripped. Her hair was pulled, her meals denied and she was locked into closets whenever Araminta decided some small household mishap was her fault. And it was always her fault. The other staff never intervened, too scared to invite wrath upon themselves. She knew that she was the chosen scapegoat for all of Araminta’s frustrations and insecurities. Being the same age and of distantly shared blood, Sophie wondered if Araminta imagined her to be an alternate version of Cressida herself, one upon whom she could visit all of her seething punishments without guilt or scandal.
As the months wore on, Sophie considered running away several times. But she feared the only life that awaited her was one on the streets. She could only be hired as a maid by another noble house with a letter of reference and that was certainly not something she could obtain from the Cowpers. So she endured, reminding herself that the season would come to an end eventually and she could ask to be returned to her life of quiet servitude at Penwood Park. She took comfort in her visits with Genevieve and developed a new hobby, losing herself in the ton’s most infamous gossip sheet, Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers.
As she read about scandal after betrothal after scandal among the social tier of her employers, Sophie imagined that she was one of them with nothing better to do than be dressed, feted and courted by an array of handsome, titled men. This world was so close to hers. She moved within it, watched it spin around her, felt the pull of it in her half-noble blood. It was just out of reach on the other side of the windowpane. But Lady Whistledown gave her a clear glance through the glass. Toward the end of the season the repeat headline news was of the impending masquerade ball hosted by the esteemed Bridgerton family. Lady Whistledown dedicated an inordinate amount of column space to the Bridgertons but Sophie could understand why. With such a large brood of beautiful and eligible sons and daughters, incredible wealth and a reputation that never failed to rebound from scandal, they seemed to be a jewel among the families of the ton. She had passed by Bridgerton House on a number of occasions and never failed to marvel at its proud brick facade climbing with fragrant wisteria. She had only ever seen the Dowager Viscountess and her daughter-in-law the new Viscountess when out on errands with the Cowpers, and found them to be kind and beautiful women who seemed wise to Araminta’s true nature but never failed to be genteel.
The thought of a midnight masquerade, an evening of mystery and magic, was an intoxicating escape from her daily reality and Sophie found herself swanning through her chores more often than not, twirling around with linen baskets as she imagined herself in the arms of a masked gentleman. She had been doing just such a thing when Araminta had spotted her, boxed her ears as punishment and ordered her to take Cressida’s costume back to the modiste for more alterations. Cressida would be attending the masquerade as a mermaid and this was the third time she had decided that she wanted to change the length of the fins on her skirt. Keeping her face steely and ignoring the burning pain in her ears Sophie nodded, gathered the costume and made her way through the city, grateful for the temporary break.
Genevieve could see in her eyes how poorly things were going at the house and treated Sophie to a glass of sherry while she slowly picked at Cressida’s costume. No one else was in the shop so they allowed themselves to relax and speak freely. A copy of the latest Whistledown was on a table and Sophie sank into the upholstered chair beside it, idly leafing through as she sipped her drink and watched Gen sewing.
“This masquerade is the talk of all the ton,” she sighed wistfully.
Gen nodded. “It is. You should see some of the mad costumes the ladies are demanding. Lady Eton wants me to dress her as an Eton mess. Can you imagine?”
Sophie snickered. “Are you going to do it?”
“Of course,” Gen shrugged. “If they pay me enough I’ll do whatever they want. It’s an opportunity to showcase my talent.”
“Only you could make someone look beautiful as a ‘mess’.”
Gen smiled. “You’re sweet.”
“Lady Eton will be sweeter.”
The two of them could not contain their laughter. If there was ever a source of endless amusement, it was observing the peculiarities of society women, and both of their professions gave them front row seats. Quieting again, Sophie rubbed her ears and continued to pore over the gossip sheet.
Genevieve broke through her thoughts, asking quietly. “How have you been? How are things…at home?”
Sophie met her concerned gaze and returned a weak smile. “The same. I will try and convince Cressida that the fins are perfect this time. I’m sorry to keep coming back here for this.”
“I enjoy the excuse to see you.” Gen’s tone grew serious. “You know you can come to me any time. For anything.”
Something tugged in Sophie’s chest, so unused to having someone to turn to. She appreciated that her friend recognized her burdens, even if there was nothing she could do to alleviate them. “Thank you, Gen.” She sniffed to keep tears from forming, then reiterated her hopes aloud. “After this ball the season will wind down and then I hope to be free of them. For the cold months at least. If I’m truly lucky, perhaps Cressida will land herself a husband at the masquerade and then I’ll be sent back to Penwood forever. She can poach a new lady’s maid from her husband’s staff. She’d never want me around in her married life.”
Genevieve smiled. “Well for your sake, I hope it does work out that way.”
“Yes, only pity the gentleman.” Sophie smirked. “Maybe even one of these poor Bridgerton brothers.” She gestured to the paper she held. “That’s who she’ll be aiming for. She’s always talking about them.”
Gen’s ears perked but she turned back to her sewing. “The Bridgertons? I think her chances with them are unlikely.”
“Yes, they seem to have taste.”
They both chuckled again.
“They are kind hearted too. They’ll see right through her.” Gen explained, then murmured almost as if to herself. “Especially Benedict.”
“Benedict?” Sophie raised a brow at the familiar name. “He’s the one all eyes are on. Eldest bachelor now that the Viscount is married. The catch of the season according to Whistledown.” She skimmed her eyes over the sheet once again and sure enough, discussions of the upcoming masquerade were peppered with mentions of his name and repetitive reminders that he was the ‘number two in an illustrious family’.
Genevieve kept her head down, focusing intently on her sewing as she spoke softly. “He is a good man. He’ll make some lady very happy one day.”
Sophie knew her well enough to suspect something from her tone. “Do you know him?” When all she did was blush, she pressed her further. “Gen?” 
Sophie was inexperienced with men but knew the basics of the marital act through servant gossip and a rather lascivious book she had discovered in the Penwood library. She also knew from her time with Genevieve that her friend was quite the opposite of inexperienced and enjoyed dalliances with men from every walk of life. She was a bohemian, a dabbler in the demimonde and Sophie sat in awe of her courage and freedom. To know that Gen spent her days earning her own money and spent her nights associating with the most eligible men in London was a lifestyle entirely beyond her comprehension.
Gen relented, looking up with a wry smile. “We were…acquainted for a time. He has a very good heart. Sensitive. Talented. He’s a catch indeed but I doubt he cares that he’s been named top prize by Whistledown. He’s probably miserable at the thought of attending this masquerade.”
Sophie frowned, imagining he must be a dour sort of fellow regardless of how good and sensitive he was. “I don’t know how anyone could be miserable about a masquerade. A beautiful ball but one where you don’t exchange names.” Her eyes grew misty imagining it. “A place where you can hide in plain sight and no one needs to know who you truly are. Just don a costume and you could be anybody.”
She stared at the swirls of the ceiling decorations while her mind wandered off into what she imagined the Bridgerton House ballroom looked like. Grandeur, candlelight, and everyone equalized by anonymity. Masked strangers dancing beautifully arm-in-arm. Whispered flirtation, no inhibitions. She didn’t realize she had slipped into a daydream until Gen suddenly called her name.
“Sophie,” she smiled, setting aside the mermaid costume. “I’m done here but there’s a dress in the back room I’ve been working to finish. Would you model it for me so I can make sure it’s just right?”
It was an odd request. Gen had never asked her to model anything before and she had an army of dress forms, but she wouldn’t refuse her friend. It was undeniably exciting. She followed her into the back where she revealed the most beautiful gown Sophie had ever seen. It was a costume or should have been, because it was in the style of dresses that had been popular two generations prior. With a tight bodice billowing into a hooped skirt, it was made entirely of a shimmering silver fabric that sparkled like the night sky when angled in the light. As Gen carefully fitted it onto her, Sophie’s fingers trailed over the intricate details. The silver gemstone trim along seams of the waist and the sleeves, silver lace overlays and the silver ribbons of the corseted back. Some embellishments were pinned and had yet to be sewn on but it was already stunning. Genevieve guided Sophie back to the main room and helped her up onto the dais before the mirrors. She held her breath, dazzled by what she saw before her. She looked as if she had been draped in stars.
“Gen,” she gasped. “It’s so beautiful. Whose is it?” She imagined that whichever lady wore the dress to the masquerade would be the envy of all the ton.
“Well, that’s the thing.” Genevieve orbited around her, pinning here and tucking there. “It’s one of my own designs and I haven’t shown it to anyone yet. Just you.” She stood behind and rested her hands on her shoulders, meeting her eyes in the mirror. “It’s yours Sophie. For a night at least.”
She balked, certain she had misheard. “What?”
Gen squeezed her shoulders. “You want to go to this masquerade. I can see it plain as day. And you deserve to go. You’ve earned one night of happiness.”
Sophie’s eyes began to dart, her mind reeling. Her friend was being too indulgent, too fantastical. How on earth would she attend the ball? 
“Gen, no. I couldn’t possibly…”
“Just wait until the Cowpers leave, come here and I’ll dress you.” She explained, calm and matter of fact as if this wasn’t a ludicrous undertaking. “Bridgerton House is a short walk away. Guests won’t be showing invitations so that they can hide their identities. All the ladies have been talking about it. You could slip right in.”
As her friend smiled at her in the mirror, a spark flickered within. When she outlined it all, it did seem rather simple. The masquerade was not a place for bastard maids and her attendance would be nothing short of trespassing. But with everyone’s identity kept secret and in an opulent costume, would anyone be the wiser? Was she really daring enough to chase a dream for one night? If she could borrow Gen’s dress and a fraction of her courage, it was beginning to seem plausible. Except…
“But I…the Cowpers will be there.”
“Yes,” Gen nodded. “But Sophie won’t.” She stepped away to pluck a silver demi-mask from the variety she had on display. Jeweled and feathered, it matched the dress perfectly. She stood behind Sophie once again and lowered the mask over her eyes, holding it in place. “Look there.” She nodded at their reflection, whispering insistently in her ear. “Who do you see? Sophie the housemaid? Or a beautiful debutante?”
Sophie stared at the image before her, breathing shakily at the odd sensation of not recognizing herself. She had never been dressed in something so fine nor so flattering. With the mask obscuring half her face she could no longer see the tired, lonely eyes that stared back at her every morning in the mirror. She didn’t look like a maid and she didn’t feel like a maid. Genevieve had woven magic into the dress and it was proving powerful enough to transform her right before their eyes.
Gen grinned, knowing her persuasion had succeeded. “You said it yourself: you could be anybody.”
With a novel feeling of hope swelling in her chest, a slow smile spread across Sophie’s face. She had suffered as Sophie Beckett long enough. She was ready to be anybody.
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Tagging: @angels17324 @bridgertontess @broooookiecrisp @secretagentbucky
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layla4567 · 6 months
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Loki x Mobius // Modern AU
Summary: Loki and Mobius (more Loki than Mobius) compete with their neighbors to see who has the best decorated house Warnings: None i think A/N: It's the first time I've written something about Loki or any character in general and I don't pairing him with the reader, but they are such married couple material
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Loki looking through the window muttered and grumbled intelligible words with visible annoyance. The night was clear but cold. Mobius, seeing him so focused with his gaze fixed on the glass and what was beyond, approached behind Loki with curiosity, trying to understand his babbling.
"Loki what the hell are you doing?"
"It's the Ronans, darling. They're decorating their house with lights and reindeer…"-he said without looking at him
Mobius placed his hand on his shoulder and looked through the window, standing next to him.
"Well yes, and? It's almost until Christmas and that's what they usually do in the earth or Midgard as you like to call"
"I know and that's why I want to do the same!"-Loki said sliding the window curtain abruptly to close it.
Loki walked from right to left, chewing his growing anger; if he were a cartoon, smoke would have come out of his ears and feet with every step he took. Mobius scratched the bridge of his nose and sighed. With a squeeze on Loki's arm he stopped him.
"And may I know since when you want to become familiar with these customs and traditions?"
"Since they have better things than us!"-He raised his hands to the ceiling in exasperation.
"I don't think they have better things than us"-Mobius approached the window again and drew the curtain-"I see some plastic reindeer, colored lights, we have that. Mmh a Christmas tree, a snowman and-"
Suddenly the gray-haired man stopped in mid-sentence, which seemed suspicious to Loki.
"What? What's wrong, what did you see?"
Mobius regained his speech and cleared his throat carelessly.
"Oh nothing, It's just a Santa Claus…"
"I wanna see it"
"It doesn't matter, Loki-"
The god of mischief ignored his words and came closer to see Santa Claus. It was a beautiful and large inflatable doll that looked like a typical pot-bellied man dressed in red.
"It really doesn't matter, Mobius? Look how big it is."
Mobius looked out the window again with Loki and suddenly his neighbor went up to the roof and placed the doll in an even bigger sleigh full of reindeer, and of course with a sack full of gifts. Loki looked at his partner who was now deadly serious and with his jaw clenched.
"Yes dear?"
"We need a sleigh and a Santa Claus"
Loki smiled and suppressed a giggle, and hugged Mobius from behind, placing his chin on top of his head.
"Of course my love"-and kissed his hair
"Alright, we now have everything we need, we can now pay fo- Loki!! Loki, leave that snowglobe, you're going to break it and it's very expensive!"
Already in their comfortable house, Loki and Mobius left the Christmas decorations on the living room floor to unpack them and decorate the outside of the house.
"We would have bought the giant snow globe"-Loki said
"I already told you no, I didn't have any more money left"
Mobius bent down to open the boxes and take out the lights and other things.
"Come on Loki, give me a hand with this."
Between the two of them they unwrapped reindeer and snowmen the size of a dresser. Mobius hugged the smiling snowman adorned with a little hat on his head and trudged towards the door. Loki looked at the bubble paper carefully and sat down inspecting it. His fingers without thinking burst a small bubble and his eyes opened in surprise. Mobius, who was surprised not to have Loki by his side, turned around with a grimace due to the weight of the doll and saw his partner sitting on the floor watching the security wrapper like a child
"Mobius, what is this..?"
"That's what you use to keep fragile objects from breaking, why?"
"Oh for nothing"
Loki burst another bubble again and when he did he couldn't stop. Then one became two and two became three and so on until a new addiction inadvertently arose in him. Mobius snorted angrily and exclaimed
"Loki please stop fooling around and grab a reindeer to put outside!"
"Oh yeah! Sorry"
Loki jumped up and grabbed the red-nosed reindeer and approached Mobius holding the door with one foot so he could get out. It was snowing outside and it was a strong contrast between the warm and cozy atmosphere inside thanks to the lit fireplace. Mobius Loki left the objects in the snow and with their arms on their hips they looked at the outdoor part of the house.
"Ok I think we will have a lot of work ahead of us"
"Look who's coming there"-Loki pointed out
Suddenly his neighbor Mr. Ronan came out of his house grabbing a medium-sized cardboard box.
"Great, they're probably coming to show off their expensive decorations."-Mobius whispered
"Hello Mobius, Loki, I see that you are also going to decorate your house for Christmas."-he laughed happily
Mr. Ronan was a somewhat unpleasant man to deal with, he always boasted that his house was always the best decorated and every year he won some Christmas contest. His wife and children were just as petulant as him.
"Hi Jerry, that's right and it seems like you're not done yet."-he said awkwardly
"Ha ha of course I'm not done yet, now I'm about to put up more lights!"
He put the box on the floor and opened it, taking out long strips of colored lights.
"More lights? But his house already looks like a disco ball"-Loki said softly.
Mobius nudged him in the belly to which Loki grunted. Jerry stood up confused and Mobius smiled nervously.
"Well, we won't bother you, we're going to put up our decorations."
Mobius pointed to the reindeer and the Nivee doll and Jerry looked at them with a mocking smile, at that moment Loki looked at him with a threatening and serious face.
"Oh, that's all you were able to buy? What a shame, if you want I can lend you some items, there were many leftovers from last Christmas."-he laughed
Ronan's words seemed kind but his sarcastic tone was unbearable and mean. Loki lowered his chin, tensing his muscles, and moved closer to his neighbor, but Mobius grabbed him by the waist and gently pulled him back.
"It's not necesary thanks"-The gray-haired man growled under his breath.
Jerry went away to set up the lights and Mobius and Loki approached the reindeer and the snowman.
"If I see him again I will cut out his tongue."-Lloki said
"It's better to ignore him, he's always like that."
"But he made fun of our decor!"
"Then let's show him that ours is better, we'll make him bite the dust"
Loki looked at his proud partner and kissed him on the head.
"Well said"
"Come on Loki you can do it! More to the left!"
Mobius gave Loki instructions on where to place the sleigh with the great Santa Claus, but the patience of the god of mischief was running out.
"This is ridiculous!"-Loki said with his hands on his hips.
Mobius grimaced and snorted until he heard the voices of his neighbors. When he turned to look he found Jerry Ronan with his wife and two spoiled children looking up at our roof and laughing.
"Problems with your decoration, neighbor?"-Jerry mocked.
Mobius clenched his fists and forced a smile.
"Don't worry, there's nothing we can't solve…idiot"
He whispered the latter so that they wouldn't hear it. Loki continued fighting with Santa Claus until, furious, he accidentally kicked the sack of gifts and they fell down, getting caught in a bush. Mobius did facepalm
Loki saw how the neighbors laughed and saw his children point at him and stick out their tongues.
"Let's see who has the last laugh, spawns of evil"
Loki came down from the roof and made some daggers appear and when he was about to walk towards his neighbor Mobius grabbed him by the waist and stopped him.
"Whoa, whoa, What do you think you're doing?"
"Mobius, they laughed in my face, I'm going to teach them a lesson"
"I agree but not that way. Come on let's finish the decoration"
And so a kind of pitched battle began where each neighbor added more decorations. Lights, snowmen, giant gingerbread cookies, etc. From time to time Loki would cheat and use his magic to deflate the neighbor's reindeer or burn down his Christmas lights. But the final surprise was some fireworks that Loki managed to conjure and that left the neighbors stunned. In the sky was a bright, emerald green Christmas tree. Loki stood behind Mobius with his hands on his shoulders and looked at the sky and then looked at the neighbors with a proud gesture.
"Take that and your lousy house"
Jerry and his family frowned and grunting, they went inside their house, muttering expletives. One of the sons even gave him the middle finger. How rude. Mobius laughed and turned to see Loki.
"What a unique Christmas, huh?"
Loki smiled "But with you, you make everything better"
Mobius smiled and hugged the black-haired man.
"Merry Christmas Loki"
"Merry Christmas to you too, dear"
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Well I was supposed to publish this before but I was writing other things so I forgot, sorry xd
Merry Christmas y'all :)
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veeluvss · 1 year
jj x reader au
1k words
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The rain was loud on the glass roof. Artificial light filled the coffee shop and everyone inside seemed miserable.
Apart from the blonde. From the corner of your eye, you could see her sitting in her chair, leaning over the desk - writing frantically in a large folder. The folder was pastel-coloured - matching her laptop case under her white Macbook. Her iced coffee seemed out of place for this sort of weather but it made sense to you, to her. She was an individual, not following the crowd. Over her lap, she had a white, knitted scarf which she must have worn through the awful weather.
You couldn’t take her eyes off her, the way her hair fell from her slender shoulders, framing her face. Every so often, she’d sigh, sit back, assess her writing and tuck a few strands behind her ear. She’d bite the inside of her cheek, checking over what she’d written before crossing it out or continuing. Sometimes, she’d look up out of the window, watching the odd car driving past in the storm. She’d purse her lips or furrow her eyebrows, assessing the storm clouds still rolling in. When lightning struck, you watched as she jumped slightly, taking her pen off the paper. She rubbed her fingers, which were peppered in golden rings, across her leggings. Occasionally, she’d look up and move her blue eyes around the shop, inspecting the dwindling customers.
You were the only one left now, apart from her. Growing in confidence, you raised from your chair and headed up to the counter.
“Hi, can I please have a caramel hot chocolate and whatever that pretty lady orders?” you smirked at the young girl behind the til.
“Shooting your shot? You’ve been staring at her all afternoon,” she teased. You couldn’t help but blush. Maybe it was a little obvious but she was beautiful. “She’s single by the way,” the server giggled, clicking away at the screen in front of her. “And very gay.” You smiled and nodded, appreciating the information.
Two minutes later, you walked through the coffee shop, your trainers hitting the laminated floor sounding louder than the thunder roaring outside. Her coffee was in your hand, your hot chocolate in the other and as you approached her, she began texting on her phone. You noticed the pink, sparkly phone charm hanging off the top corner, glittering in the lamplight.
“Hey,” you said, unable to conjure up anything else. You stood in front of her table, suddenly ridiculously vulnerable. Her head lifted and she tucked some hair behind her ear again.
“Hi?” she chuckled a little, looking around.
“I bought you a coffee. I noticed this one was finished,” you said. You put down the iced coffee and wiped the condensation on your t-shirt.
“Oh,” she laughed, a wide smile spreading on your face. It was like - like snow on christmas morning - so right and perfect. But at the same time, it was like a refreshing ice pop on a summer's day or pink blossoms falling in the spring. It was so encompassing and beautiful, you were a little bit blown away. “Thank you.” She added and you nodded, beginning to sway on your feet. “Would you like to sit down?” She chuckled, moving some of her things. She closed the folder and her laptop. She took her headphone out and placed them back into its pastel pink case. You smiled, everything matched so sweetly. You quickly took a seat and held your cup with both hands, smiling awkwardly.
“Awful weather, isn’t it?” you asked after a few moments which caused her to burst out laughing. It was infectious, so sweet, so pure and you couldn’t help but laugh along too.
“Terrible weather,” she giggled, agreeing.
“Are you studying?” you asked, referring to her textbooks and scattered highlighters across the second table.
“Yeah! For the FBI,” she smiled, picking one up and showing you. Your eyes went wide.
“Bit of a badass? Never would have guessed that,” you teased as you checked through the book. It was all about profiling, interviewing techniques, criminals, etc.
“My interview is tomorrow,” she smiled, sitting on her hands slightly. You smiled widely at her.
“I wish you the best of luck!” You replied and handed her back the book.
“Thank you,” she whispered, lowering her head slightly.
Suddenly, you collapsed into an easy-going conversation. You couldn’t remember what you talked about because you discussed so much. You told her about yourself, about your home life and what you did during the days. She told you how she’d wanted to be in the FBI since she was a little girl. She told you all about the work she’d be doing, about what she’d been learning. She showed you diagrams, drew you diagrams. You couldn’t get enough of her sweet voice, like honey. She was beautiful and talking about something she was so passionate about was even more beautiful.
“Hey Jay,” the cashier said suddenly. You turned around. Your name wasn’t Jay.
“Yeah?” the pretty girl said, looking up.
“Wrap up the date hunni, it’s closing time.” You blushed suddenly. You hit on her in front of her friend. You noticed the blonde blush in front of you and you giggled a little, not able to cover up your own either.
“I guess we need to wrap it up,” she whispered, looking back at you.
“Perhaps I can finish learning about preferential killers another time?” You teased, helping her back up her man, many items. She smiled at that.
“We haven’t even gotten to the best bit,” she smirked. She swung her bag over her shoulder and picked up her now empty coffee cup.
Just like that, she was by the door, arm wrapped in her friend’s. Thankfully it had stopped raining now, the clouds had cleared and blue peeked through. You walked out with them, heading towards your car as they headed towards one of their own. Then it hit you, you turned suddenly.
“What’s Jay short for?” You asked.
“Jennifer.” She replied, sending you a large smile as she dipped into the passenger seat. Jennifer. How perfect.
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farfaras · 1 year
Steddie week. Day 4: Familiar / Hurt/Comfort. 1.8k words. Ao3 link.
Steve was having a bad day. Or really, a bad week. He didn’t know when was the last time he got a full night of sleep. This week’s customers from family video were somehow the worst he’s had the pleasure to meet. And he had no idea what he was doing with his life.
It’s always the same thing, after they save the world. He’s left with a feeling of uncertainty and fear. He knew that it’s over, for good now. And that thought shouldn’t be as terrifying as it is.
He was trying to cook before he started to divagate. He got distracted and somehow he managed to burn his hand. Shit.
“Ah! Fuck.” He went to the sink and put his hand under the spray of cold water.
He felt tears coming. It wasn’t even because it hurt that bad. He always had a somewhat meltdown after every brush with the upside down. It’s just, everything felt like too much. And at the same time like nothing. He didn’t know how to fix it, he sometimes thought that he needed fixing.
“Not now, goddamn it.” He just wanted to have dinner and go to bed early. He was just so exhausted. And he was full on, crying now.
He heard the doorbell ring. It probably wasn’t anything important.
It ringed again. And the person outside started knocking too. Steve didn’t really have the fight in him today to try and school his appearance. Whoever was on the other side would have to deal with it.
He went and opened the door to find Eddie. His expression turned from lightheartedness to concern in record time. “Stevie? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He stepped inside and closed the door. Steve just shrugged and all but collapsed on his chest. Words wouldn’t come out.
Eddie guided them to the couch, they sat down without breaking their hug. Eddie was tracing comforting circles on his back.
Their friendship was one of the best things that could’ve come from the terrible circumstances they went through.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Eddie gently asked.
Steve took a deep breath. “It’s just been a rough week I guess.” He pulled back so he could look at Eddie. Eddie nodded and urged him to continue. “The nightmares have been bad, I haven’t been sleeping much. Customers have been awful, my boss hates me. I don’t know why I’ve also been so caught up in how I have no idea what I’m doing with my life. And I can’t even make dinner without burning myself now!” That was a lot, Steve knew. But even if he and Eddie haven’t been friends for a long time, he somehow felt safe enough to trust him with anything.
“You- Sweetheart…” Eddie trailed off and took his hand to inspect the damage. “I get that. We don’t have to have all the answers right now, you know. And for whatever it counts, I’m always here for you.”
Steve nodded. He knew Eddie got it, got him. Considering how different they were, they were also similar in some ways.
“It doesn’t look that bad but, does it hurt?” Eddie asked, referring to his hand.
“It’s fine. I’ll manage.” Steve wiped his almost dried tears with his free hand.
“I could always kiss it better?” Eddie had mischief all over his face, he wiggled his eyebrows. Steve laughed.
No one had offered to do that since… wait a minute. The situation felt so eerily familiar. He suddenly had a memory rush forward.
“Ouch!” Steve cried. He just wanted to get on the top of the tree so he could feel like a giant. He didn’t take into account that he’s never actually climbed a tree before in his 7 years of age. At least he didn’t fall from a higher point.
He scraped his hand when he tried to hold on to a branch. It broke and he fell on his knees. He had scratches all over them now. They were lightly bleeding.
There was a small lake around somewhere and Steve once heard that when you get cuts or stuff like that you’re supposed to clean them, so he ran to the lake.
When he arrived he was met with another boy. He looked around his age. The boy had brown curly hair, his back was turned to Steve so he had no idea who he was yet. It looked like the boy was painting some rocks by the lake. Steve’s never seen someone doing that before.
Steve slowly approached him. When he was near the boy’s field of vision he looked up. His eyes widened. “Are you okay?!” The boy asked, worried. Steve didn’t know him. He’s never seen him before.
“Uh. Yes?” It came out like a question, even if that wasn’t Steve’s intention. He was more preoccupied by being taken aback because of how pretty the boy was. His eyes were huge, and so brown. Steve’s eyes were brown too but they were nowhere as beautiful as his. Steve wanted to memorize his face and then try to draw it.
The boy stood up and made his way to Steve. “But you’re bleeding! Does it hurt so much?”
Steve could recognize a small throbbing on his injuries, in the back of his mind. They were long forgotten though. “Not that bad.” Steve still was curious as to why he’s never seen him before. “Why didn’t I see you in school?” He pointed to the direction he thought the school was.
The boy followed his hand with his gaze. “You scraped your hand too!” He took his hand and pulled it so he could look at it closer. Steve’s heart suddenly beat a little faster.
“You- uh- you didn’t answer my question.”
“Oh! Right.” He dropped Steve’s hand. Boo. “I’m not from here! My mom brought me to spend the summer with my uncle.” He explained. That disappointed Steve but at least they could play during this summer. “But that’s not important! Come here.” The boy dragged him to the lake and helped him clean his wounds. He cupped some water on his hands and poured what he could on Steve’s knees. Steve just dunked his hand in the water. The cold was soothing. “What happened?”
“Oh. I fell from a tree.” Steve told him.
“Really?” He stood back up when he finished what he was doing. “That’s cool! What were you doing up there?”
“I wanted to feel like a giant!”
The boy giggled. Steve felt giddy from making that happen. “Awesome! Giants are so cool! Kinda scary, but cool!”
Steve just nodded.
The boy lit up, it looked like he had an idea. “Hey! I just remembered.” He dug for something in his pockets. “My uncle always gives me bandaids to carry around because he says I’m ‘prone to accidents’ whatever that word means.” He used air quotes to make his point before going back in to dig for those bandaids. “Ah ha!” He held them proudly.
He kneeled in front of Steve and started to put them on his knees. When he looked satisfied with his work he straightened back up. “Sorry, I don’t have enough for your hand too.”
“No! That’s okay! Thank you.” Steve smiled at him.
“I could always kiss it better! My uncle does that for me too, sometimes.” The boy offered. Steve didn’t know what to say so he just nodded.
The boy took his hand and brought it close to his face. Steve’s heart skipped a beat. They locked eyes. The boy placed a kiss right beside his scrape on his palm, not really touching it. Then he turned his hand and placed another kiss on the back of his hand. That seemed unnecessary but Steve wasn’t about to complain. He dropped it and the moment was over.
The rest of the afternoon they spend it together, coming up with different games. They played pretend all they wanted to. Until the time came to go to their separate homes, the sun was setting. They said goodbye and it wasn’t until Steve was back home that he realized he never even asked what his name was!
What was wrong with him? Was he really so distracted by his beautiful smile and eyes and laugh, that he forgot such a big thing?
Steve hoped he could see him again.
Holy shit. That was Eddie. The same eyes. The same hair. The same smile. The same fucking phrase again. The same boy from back then, it makes sense. By the time Eddie moved to Hawkins, Steve must’ve already forgotten about that exchange.
Fuck. That was Eddie! His first crush was Eddie? Oh my god, his first crush was Eddie. No wonder Steve developed feelings all over again in such a short amount of time.
“You said that back then, too.” Steve really hoped Eddie remembered. He didn’t know why but that felt important (he did know).
“What are you-?” Eddie started. He looked down at their hands, he’s still holding Steve’s. He looked back up, he seemed to come to a realization. “You- you’re the giant wannabe kid?” He did remember.
Steve lets out a joyous laugh. “Yeah. And you’re the bandaid savior.”
Eddie shook his head in disbelief. “That’s crazy. That was one of the most fun days I had in this hell of a town.”
“I beat myself up for not asking for your name for days.” Steve confessed. He wasn’t sure how much that revealed.
“That so?”
“Yeah, it’s kinda funny but you… um” Steve had to say it, he might never find any other opportunity. “You were kinda my first ever crush.”
Eddie didn’t respond. Steve’s stomach dropped. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. He started to take his hand back but Eddie didn’t let him.
He guided Steve’s hand to his face and placed a kiss on it. Just like all those years ago.
Eddie dropped his hand to cradle his face. “When I moved to Hawkins and started middle school here, you were my first crush too. But I-“ he paused and took a big breath. “I kind of never stopped.” Steve could see how nervous Eddie was. It was adorable.
Steve smiled at him. “Good.” He leaned in. “Because mine is back, I think stronger than ever.”
They met each other for a gentle kiss. Steve couldn’t imagine how he got here, but he is so glad he’s here, kissing Eddie Munson. If 7 year old Steve could look at him now.
When they parted, they didn’t let go of each other. Instead they just pulled each other close in a bone crushing hug.
“I got you, sweetheart.” Eddie murmured and kissed his temple. Steve felt so incredibly warm. “Not sure how, but we can get through anything.”
“I got you too, Ed.” Steve closed his eyes. Happy. “And yeah. I know.”
And indescribable feeling washed over him. Even if Steve had never felt it before, he knew what it was.
They were home.
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huihuiheart · 8 months
Kinktober D14: Sweetest Treat - Seungyoun
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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Pairing:  Lord Cho Seungyoun x Bakers Daughter Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Summary: You had a desire for a man out of your reach, at least until he reached out to you first. Still, from such different worlds could it really be so?
Warnings: Oral (reader rec), fingering, praise, lots of praise, unprotected sex.
Word Count: 2964
“Welcome back Lord Cho will it be the usual again?” You hear your father at the counter of the shop from your place back in the kitchen and find yourself peeking out to take note of whether it is the very Cho Seungyoun you have rather the obsession with or his father. Taking note that this morning it happens to be the latter to your slight disappointment.
“That it will be, when can I expect it to be ready?” He asks as you’ve already begun to focus your attention back onto the cherry tarts you have been working on making.
“Well we can start on it right away, so I’d say mid-afternoon or so. Is that fine with you?” Your father inquires of the lord who hums in thought before sighing softly.
“Ahh my son will have to pick it up, I’ll be indisposed then.” Those were the only words it took to have your attention back on the conversation and your heart fluttering so much you’re certain it was skipping beats. Not that you cared, you would get to see the sweet Cho Seungyoun this afternoon. The very man who hid away under the trees of the orchard or inspected the vineyards that you went to so as to find the best of fresh fruits to use for the sweets. The man whom despite being a lord by birth never treated you as just the baker's daughter. The very man that made every suitor who showed their face look like the mere scraps you threw out for the mangy street dogs, that is if they didn’t appear to be more like the street dogs instead.
Knowing that Seungyoun would be coming you were suddenly much more focused on the tasks, working to get everything in order perfectly and quickly so that you could set off to make the apple tarts that he had once told you he liked to slip into the order for him as well. Waiting for your father to be occupied before slipping them in, putting the rest out front for walk-in customers to purchase. Finishing wrapping up their order and it was ready for when Seungyoun walked in an hour later. Your father handled the money while you handed him the bags.
“While I was here I was wondering if I could inquire about something.” Seungyoun asks and you decide to take your leave when your father glances over at you, though still standing near enough to hear the exchange, “I am going to be spending a few months over at our vacation home nearer to the city, but I don’t think I could possibly do without your baking. Do you have someone who could deliver it to me there? A shophand or something perhaps? I would pay handsomely for it.”
Your brows furrowed as you listened while kneading the dough, you knew Seungyoun was aware it was just the two of you in the shop and yet he had asked that anyway.
“My lord… It’s only me and my daughter and she cannot run the shop alone in my absence.” Your father nervously responds though he is right. You tend to focus more on the sweets while he covers the savory goods as you have not yet mastered all the recipes.
“Can she also not deliver them? She is at an age where she should be able to travel alone. Though if it is her safety you are concerned for I can send a carriage to escort her. That is no problem.” Seungyoun assures him, but you can tell your father is still debating before excusing himself for a moment, coming and explaining the situation to you.
“Papa, you've raised me with the sense needed to survive in this world. I should be able to travel there and back with no problem.” You assure him, taking his hands into yours with a smile, “Besides it will only be a few days.”
He sighs, but nods at your assurance is enough for him before he’s going to inform Seungyoun that you accept. Taking note of what he wanted and when the carriage would be arriving to pick up you and the baked goods. Pouring yourself into the work as time continues on, your heart beating sporadically knowing that this time there would be more to prepare than just some apple tarts. Your heart then proves to be in your throat the day the carriage arrives to come get you. Feeling rather silly climbing inside in your simple dress while being assisted by the older gentlemen set along with it. Your hands shake the whole journey there, before pulling up to a home easily three times the size of yours despite being a vacation home. Seungyoun greeting you at the door.
“Y/N! Welcome! I know you’re here for business, but please do be at home. You’re our guest this evening.” He assures bringing your hand up to kiss the back of it as someone takes the delivery from you along with the bag you needed overnight. Seungyoun guides you to his office where he hands you the money along with a paper stating his next order list and the date for that. “Come, I'll give you a quick tour.”
Lacing your arm through Seungyoun’s felt so foreign and yet so right as you allowed him to give you a tour. Though if you recalled anything after with the way his presence so close to you had your mind muddied, it would be a miracle. After the tour much to your displeasure Seungyoun left you again, returning to business matters, but promising to join you for dinner this evening, not one to let his guest eat alone. In fact, he goes as far as to turn up at the guest room to escort you there himself as well. It was also an unfamiliar experience to have people catering to you, but considering they were not a constant you still got a lot of time alone with Seungyoun.
“So if I mention other sweets that I like will they start miraculously appearing in our orders?” He playfully calls you out amidst casual conversation, trying to stuff down his laughter at seeing how you immediately fluster.
“You just seemed to really like them.” Your words are so soft that you’re not sure if they’re even audible.
“Oh I do and it’s very sweet of you to sneak me them. Though perhaps I’m a bit too spoiled now, I’m not sure I could survive without them.” His words are meant to reassure you, but it stuns you even more.
“Was it that obvious that it was me?” Your bashfulness makes him chuckle a little bit again.
“Well, kind of with how you seem to stare from the back anytime I’m in the shop.” He giddily calls you out again, though he then offers something in return, “Don’t worry though you’re the entire reason I come to the shop all the time. Even if I claim it’s the apple tarts.”
“My lord, there are many women in the marriage market who wish for your hand this season, of what concern am I to you in comparison?” You attempt to dismiss still unsure of his intentions at this point, but you feel the way it makes your heart stutter.
“Compared to you they are simply specks of dirt. No, the one who I would wish to court would be you, however, fate has us in such different lives that is not a possibility. Not publicly anyways, but perhaps when you come for deliveries we might.” Seungyoun proposes and you consider it for a moment.
“Are you truly suggesting what I believe you are? That we court in secret these next few months?” You attempt to reassure yourself that this is not your mind playing tricks on you.
“That is what I truly am suggesting. Should you be open to it.” He assures you, though giving an out afterward should it be what makes you comfortable.
“I am open to it.” You agree, earning a delighted smile from Seungyoun and a feeling that this would be an interesting few months.
Interesting they were, to say the least, Seungyoun was nothing if not sincere though. He had to be knowing that he was coming to you not for money or reputation, if anything putting those at risk. You did have to stop him from spoiling you quite so often however or people would have questions that you could not answer while keeping your secret. Seungyoun had taken the time during your visits to teach you things from his world such as formal ballroom dances and formal etiquettes. Such things are all very unfamiliar to you and seemingly overly complicated, but it allowed you a more in-depth look at him and that is something you would never complain of.
Seungyoun catches you again with a chuckle, righting you on your feet once more, “Looks like we’ll need to practice more.”
You pout a little and he stuffs down the rest of his amusement, “What would I even use this for?”
“Well as my wife you would use it for a lot of things. Any major event has dancing after all.” Seungyoun answers you so casually you miss the implications at first.
“I guess that’s true.” You agree before it registers, “Wait… as your what?”
Seungyoun smirks, leaning in by your ear, “Well for what purpose did you think we were courting sweetness? I wasn’t doing it just for more apple tarts.”
“And how exactly do you intend to go about getting married considering no one would approve of such.” You bring up though you had no real opposition to it.
“Well, then I guess it’s a good thing we’re away from anyone who could stop us. I could call someone from the church to wed us right now.” He whispers into your ear before placing a few delicate kisses down your neck.
“Would you?” You breathlessly ask, only encouraging him to keep kissing your skin like that.
“Would I what, sweet girl?” He inquires as if he has no idea what he’s doing.
“Would you truly call someone to wed us?” Sure you had dreamt of it, but for Seungyoun, position and all to actually suggest it was something you had never thought possible.
“If your heart so desires it. I would do it today.” He answers you without an ounce of hesitation.
“Then do it.”
Which is how you found yourself looking through the dresses Seungyoun had gifted you for dinners at his home in an attempt to find something suitable to marry him in. Finding something in a light pink that would be perfect for it and getting ready knowing that he had left to go find someone to marry you both little more than an hour ago and was likely on his way back now. Sure had you not been marrying in secret you both would have had things a lot more composed, however knowing that it was to be with Seungyoun was all you needed for it to be perfect. Hearing Seungyoun call out to you to signal his return, you nearly flew down the stairs to meet them, eager for this to happen. Seungyoun beams as he holds his hands out for yours before he nods to the man officiating for you both.
As soon as it was official Seungyoun had someone take the officiant back in a carriage while he took your hand and guided you back upstairs only this time it was to his room and not the guest room you so often stayed in. A hand coming up to cup your cheek, Seungyoun is content to take in your features for a few moments before he finally leans in to kiss you. Something you’re eager to return at the slow sweet pace he’s taking it at. The both of you wanted to take the time to commit every detail to memory despite how eager you both were at this moment.
“You know, you’re sweeter than any apple tart,” Seungyoun tells you licking his lips with a small smirk before moving in to kiss you again. Though this time he’s guiding you towards the bed as he does. “You also look so pretty in the things I get just for you.”
“I always feel special in the things you get me.” You admit to him even if the sentiment flusters you some.
“Then I’ll be sure to spoil you with even more.” He grins, kissing your cheek before his lips trail to your jaw and then down to your neck, “Though for now, I’m much more interested in seeing how pretty you are out of this dress sweet girl.”
“Well, I won’t be denying my husband of that anytime soon.” You assure him leaning up to kiss him before allowing him to get the dress off you one piece at a time. Seungyoun brushes delicately against each new patch of skin that is revealed as he does so. Allowing you also to work on getting his shirt off so you aren’t the only one revealing things now. Though he stops you after that.
“We’ll worry about that later sweetness, for now, allow me something else.” Seungyoun then moves down between your legs, spreading them to give himself more access, “I want to taste something else that I’m sure is just as sweet as the rest of you.”
The thought flusters you enough to hide your face making him chuckle, as he leans down to kiss your clit, “Don’t hide from me sweet girl, I want to see exactly how I’m making you feel.”
Despite his request, he allows you to move your hands at your own pace, not that you could deny Seungyoun anything that he asked you for. Watching him gently lap at you with furrowed brows at the unfamiliar, but pleasant sensations. Seungyoun takes note of every microexpression so as to determine what is best for you and shows how dedicated he was to making this enjoyable for not just him, but also you. Taking his time just with that, before he focuses more on your clit and eases a finger in, pausing when you gasp to look up at you.
“I’m okay Seungyoun.” You assure him, fingers weaving into his hair and scratching at his scalp making him moan and urging him to continue. Seungyoun once again takes his time to learn what you like and being rewarded with such pretty sounds and reactions only spurs him on further. Seungyoun then adds another finger and slowly works you up, the warm fuzzy feeling spreading through your body and making you grip at the bedsheets as it builds.
“Feeling good sweet girl?” He asks, barely parting from your clit and sending shocks of pleasure through it as he speaks, “It’s okay if you are, I got you pretty girl.”
“So good Seungyoun. It feels so good.” You can’t help but to praise him for how he’s making you feel. Seungyoun getting a sense of pride at your praise, loving that he can have such an effect on you, but not quite satisfied yet as he focuses on the spots he’s learned that make you feel the best. Only truly content once you cum for him.
“You know I was wrong. I think this might be sweeter than the rest of you.” He licks what’s left of you off his lips laughing lightly when you playfully smack his shoulder before pulling his face back up to yours for a kiss.
Seungyoun raises a brow at you as you now go back to getting his pants off, “What? I’m just picking back up where we left off. Don’t tell me you’re going to stop me again. I thought I could have what my heart desires, Seungyoun and my heart desires all of you.”
“Then you’ll have all of me sweetness.” He concedes with no real argument considering how much he desired it as well. Not that it would stop him from taking his time with you. Fingertips caressing your thighs as he eases inside, giving you both time to catch your breath. Seungyoun rolled his hips slow and shallow to guide you through all the new feelings, his hands leaving your thighs to take yours and lace your fingers together pressing your hands into the bed. “Eyes on me sweet girl. There you go, so perfect for me.”
His pelvic bone grinds against your clit as he leans down to kiss the tip of your nose and that’s when you let out a moan that makes him shudder above you. It only encourages him to go a little deeper and a little faster now. Each subsequent sound of pleasure makes him do so again until you’re both looking into each other's eyes as they’re clouded with pleasure and lust. The feelings overwhelm all your senses until you’re feeling that same warm and fuzzy sensation spreading through you again and cumming on his cock. Seungyoun is only seconds behind you, kissing the side of your face in appreciation.
“Good girl.” He whispers, peeling a hand from yours to brush your hair out of your face where it sticks. Allowing you both time to catch your breath before he’s helping you to the bathroom to gently wash you up. Then helping you to dress before going across the hall to the room you had considered yours and leaving the ruined sheets for another time.
“I’ve already sent word to both of our families. They may have some words for us upon our return, but whatever happens, they cannot change what is done. You are now Lady Cho, my lovely wife and for the next two weeks we will be perfectly undisturbed on our honeymoon.”
If you enjoy my work please keep in mind how much time and effort goes into it and show support through comments and reblogs, or consider buying me a kofi. (Caffeine fuels the chaotic gremlin in me who creates content.)
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fillinforlater · 2 years
Blonde: Chapter II
Female Reader x Kim Gaeul
Length: 2938 words
Tags: terrible day, everything goes wrong, helpful friends, saving and helping, light hearted fun, slow burn, character building, mystery toxic relationship, curse filled fight, hatred, terrible mother
TW: toxic relationship
Credit: @midnightdancingsol for editing. The real MVP behind the scenes, thank you!
(A/N: @firagaarmor bcuz of course and @ifeelsounsure0 bcuz he got me to write something fluffy. Love you two and I hope y’all enjoy this second part)
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“Hey! What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m, I’m sorry, sir.”
It’s not going well for you today. In fact, it’s been quite terrible. 
Your alarm didn’t go off as your phone didn’t charge overnight. For some reason the energy supplier cut off your electricity. Again. Is it because there was an issue with the powerline? Definitely possible, it wouldn’t be the first. It could also be because they haven't been paid last month.
A cold shower, dry noodles, and being late to school make you contemplate calling your mother and asking, no, begging for money. It's the worst form of humiliation and only has a fifty percent chance of succeeding. There is no painless way out of this, and this was only the beginning of the day.
After this disaster, you arrived at school. You are already in trouble for your bad grades and so it's a terrible look when you arrive five minutes before the lesson ends. It gets even worse when your explanation is a stuttering mess. Your teacher screamed at you for minutes straight. One more misstep and he'll let you fail.
And lastly, work. From the very first customer on, you made mistake after mistake: two items weren't scanned, three complaints with unsatisfying answers, and now, you drop a glass of jam. Luckily, the customer caught it. In his understandable anger he throws a tantrum, urging you to scan faster and faster.
"My God, is it really this hard to watch out? Every elementary school student can do this!
"S-sir, I'm sorry."
"This should not happen, I w—"
"Please, leave her alone, sir. She apologized enough already."
A soothing voice suddenly speaks up for you. Gaeul has a stern, confident glow on her features and can stand up for herself, for you, even if she's signifiantly smaller. The man backs off.
"I mean, she should just be more careful."
"I'm sure she will be."
"Okay, okay."
He scans his credit card and leaves with the usual clatter of the shopping cart.
It's just you and her now. Gaeul's blonde hair seems to glow silver-gray today, but it could just be the dirty white light above the store's shelves. She is once again carrying colorful cans, more than last time. Half a dozen.
"You, you two are more thirsty this time, huh?" you stutter your failed attempt at a joke.
"Hey, are you okay? You're crying."
"What, I'm not—"
Not yet. The tears in your eyes are like an avalanche about to break loose any second now. Gaeul can clearly see it as she softly inspects your face. No, don't cry now, you tell yourself and reach for the soda. 
Pepsi. Beep.
"Yes you are and that's okay."
Coke. Beep. 
"N-no, I'm not cryin'."
Mountain Dew. Beep.
It's too late. The can of green tea over the scanner is not only met with a beep, but also drops of rain. Your tears come down, nothing is able to stop them. Today is just too much.
Beep. Beep. 
"Hm, how do I do this?"
Gaeul's breath brings you back from this freezing in place. She’s right next to you, on the side of the scanner only employees are allowed to access. Cautiously, she tries to read the words on the panel and keys, but you are in the way. Her body heat and calm breath are so close, you gasp and back off and feel something hit your elbow. A decorative vase at the back of your carrel falls over. The sound of china bursting on the stone floor makes Gaeul jump. 
Gaeul scrambles awkwardly to quickly leave the carrel and walks to the pile of dirt and shards, while you try to balance yourself and look around. If your manager heard this, he will be here in less than a minute—
“What was that? Checkout three—”
“I’m sorry,” Gaeul interrupts the annoyed manager, “I must have accidentally touched it. It wasn’t on purpose and I—”
“N-no!” you interrupt Gaeul with a shocked stutter, “I, it was my fault. My e-elbow hit it when I turn—”
“She is just taking the blame for me,” Gaeul interrupts.
“Wh-what?” your manager says. He looks between the two of you.  
Instinctively, you shut up and stare at the ground. Confusion keeps you from crying and instead raises questions. What is happening? Why is Gaeul doing this? What if I have to pay—no, what if Gaeul has to pay for the vase? Would she do it for me?
“Trust me, sir, she is taking the blame out of kindness,” Gaeul argues calmly. She then bows her head. “It’s my fault. I will pay for the damages.”
“Ah, no. It’s fine,” the bewildered manager responds, scratching the back of his head, “Thank you for your honesty. It was an ugly vase anyways. Just… be more careful next time.”
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry sir.”
You stare at Gaeul bowing again. Her upper body is covered by a simple, white t-shirt with a black cat on its front, something you haven’t noticed in your self-centered sadness. As the manager walks away, you’re still staring at her. Your heart beats faster and a warm thought arises in your mind.
This is the first time someone made a sacrifice for me.
The final rays of sunlight beam over the roofs. This time of the year, it’s your usual sight when you leave the store after your shift. You step through the employee exit, a white plastic bag in hand, and trot towards the parking lot. At this time, no one is allowed to park on the property of the store and the manager made it your job to check every evening. You scan the concrete area and as usual, no one dares to park here. If so, you’d write down the license plate number and—
“Oh, there you are. Hey.”
Gaeul sits atop a metal safety pillar next to the entrance, each of her six cans lined up in a row before her. She waves and points to the pillar next to her. The sunlight reflected from the glass front behind her makes her bright hair glow brighter and you fly towards her like a moth. 
“What are you d-doing here?”
“I was waiting for you. I wanted to apologize.”
“A-apologize? Why?”
Gaeul points at the pillar once more. Never not laying your eyes off of her face, you sit down on the metal surface. Through your thin skin-tight jeans you still feel its coldness. You want to jump back up and rather stand, but Gaeul reaches for your hands and you freeze on the spot. It’s not cold anymore.
“Because I had a stupid idea and made you feel uncomfortable in front of your boss? I think this warrants an apology.”
“B-but you actually helped me. I should th-thank you.”
Before you can fall back into your old habit of lowering your gaze, Gaeul brings you back with an assertive rebuttal.
“No, I made you trip and then the accident happened. It’s my fault and I am sorry. I should’ve used my brain back then.”
Gaeul chuckles. For the first time, you hear her voice as small and cute. You join her and a rare wave of warmth and appreciation overcomes all negative emotions. The rest of the day with all its burdens becomes irrelevant for at least this moment.
“Apology accepted. By the way, wh-what was your ‘stupid idea’?”
"Hm? What do you me—ah, yes! Well, uhm, I guess I wanted to help you by scanning the cans and finishing the transaction on my own. The scanning part was easy, but I had no clue how to, uhm, open the register. Hehe…”
Gaeul averts her gaze onto the cracked pavement. A faint blush turns her pastel pink cheeks rosy pink while her hand scratches the back of her head. 
After a second of silence, you begin to snicker. Your mind cannot fathom why she looks so irresistibly cute when she is embarrassed, but also why she would attempt something this unnecessary. It’s nice that she wanted to help, but it was meant to fail from the start. 
“I-I’m sorry, but I find this funny,” you say as your snicker continues.
“Is that why you’re laughing at me?” Gaeul asks, acting offended.
“No, no, I’m laughing because it was cute, but pointless.”
“Th-that’s why I apologized!”
Gaeul’s face jumps from the beautiful rosy pastel to the red of a ripe tomato. She buries it in her hand, making only her blonde bob—the light in the store betrayed you: it’s still as blonde as before—visible. Her body moves to the side away from you.
You stop your giggles and aim your hand at her shoulder. What was supposed to be an apologetic gesture to get back the beautiful girl's attention and explain yourself to her, turns to a shove. With too much momentum from standing up, you unwittingly push Gaeul, making her stagger and almost fall from the pillar. Luckily, she is able to put her leg down firmly and rescue the two of you from falling over.
She removes her hands to reveal her shocked orbs. They are so close to yours, a breath away. Somehow your hand is still on hers and once again, everything is silent for a second. Instead of giggling, you fall to your knees this time.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t want this to happen, really. I just wanted to—no, I’m sorry, I always do things wrong, there is always trouble and—”
“Hey. Hey! Everything is okay, nothing happened.”
“No, I’m such a klutz, an worthless idiot—”
“No, you’re not. A funny little mistake doesn’t make you worthless.”
Gaeul’s soothing voice and soft fingers on your hair guide you away from your self-loathing. The pain you so easily get lost in lingers only for seconds, but when you see her eyes, it's gone. 
"You mean it?"
You did not have to ask that as her genuinity was obvious in her gaze, her expression, her gesture. She doesn’t lie, her words are not just rootless. Although she might only act out of human decency, it feels like burning compassion.
Gaeul stretches out her hand and you take it. You get up swiftly and stand next to the beautiful woman, staring at her probably a second too long. She giggles and turns her head away.
"Yeah, I mean it. Don't define yourself over such a tiny mistake. Actually, it was kinda cute."
Turn away as well. She should not see the seemingly instantaneous, almost cartoonish blush taking over your face. There is no doubt that she once again was genuine and you scramble to come up with a response, with a rebuttal, but there is nothing. Your mind is so full, yet so void of words.
A ring from Gaeul's phone puts an end to the rising tension. 
"Hi," Gaeul greets after fishing out her phone. A second in and she freezes in place. Her lips lose a bit of their already light color, her knees buckle lightly.
You watch Gaeul from the corner of your eye. Throughout the call, she is reduced to repeating simple words or inconclusive phrases. A 'Yes' here, a 'Me' there, sometimes an 'I know', other than that she is just listening. Her free hand scratches her blonde hair or hides shortly in the pockets of her baby-blue jeans.
When your eyes meet, you quickly spin around. She is clearly uncomfortable and you don't want to make it worse by eavesdropping on her. In an attempt to look somewhat disinterested, you look into the plastic bag you brought along. Soda, two days past the expiration date, along with instant noodles, rice, and a mixture of vegetables that still looked edible. It'd be a waste to throw them away.
"I'm sorry, b—"
You raise your head and Gaeul lowers her hand. Little beads of sweat trickle down her distressed features. In a hurry she collects all the colorful cans splayed on the pavement and tries the impossible task of carrying them in her bare hands. They of course tumble down and you watch as Gaeul’s body trembles.
“Ah, damn,” Gaeul says in a dull voice, adding a clearly faked laugh, “I have to go now. I missed something important.” 
“Wait!” you shout as she tries to jog away with the unstable tower in her arms, “take this. O-otherwise, you won’t make it home without an accident.” 
Stretch your arm towards her. A light breeze makes the now empty white plastic bag in your hand sway in the wind. It’s like a flag and your arm is the pole. Gaeul hesitates.
“Are you sure? Don’t you need it too?”
“It’s not that much. Look, a couple of packets—I can easily carry those.”
“I don’t know…”
You try to make your eyes look more pleading to finally convince Gaeul to just take the bag. You definitely want to help her and although you understand and cherish her care for you, hearing the shift in her voice to sadness leaves you determined—you will not leave until she accepts your offer, even if it takes a lie.
“Gaeul, please. If I should struggle to carry this home, I can just grab another bag from inside the store. You need it a lot more right now.”
With a residue of hesitance Gaeul reaches for and fills the plastic bag with her cans. Although she whispers a grateful ‘Thank you’, her expression is trying to hide something dampening her mood. You can’t help but think that there is something seriously wrong. Some dread seems to linger above Gaeul like rain-filled clouds.
You wave after her, but she doesn’t turn around. Her walk is swift, her blonde hair bops at each step and you admire how incredible she looks in this casual outfit. Form-fitting jeans, short white T-shirt—Gaeul can wear literally anything and still look stunning. 
Who would want to cause any discomfort to someone this wonderful?
Scroll through your contacts. It’s certainly not a long list and you wish most of the names displayed on the screen were just non-existent, but you can still waste time by going down and back up. 
Avoid at all costs, waste as much time as possible, maybe she will call on her own. 
Naive thoughts to keep you occupied, but if you want your stove top to work or lamps to shine you need to call her. 
Even this late, she is still surely awake. Even after years of fighting, she will surely pick up. Even if you are formal and nice, she might make this go sideways quickly. Having to call her was always your least favorite chore since living alone, and when her receiver is lifted and the line is clear, you freeze on the spot, like you have every single time.
“What?” she groans into your ear, not hiding her annoyance. There is an obnoxiously loud TV running in the background, some soap opera characters are fighting. You always hated these shows. They were one of the most irritating parts about here, but not as irritating as the barking of a dog. Last time you called, she didn’t own one. Maybe she is at a friend’s house, maybe she is getting her life together and wants to care for a dog, but God forbid she has a boyfriend now.
There is no escaping it, you already pressed the green button. Suppress the urge to immediately tap on the red one and end the call. You have to engage in this. It's no use running away. 
"I need… there is no electricity," you say firmly, even through the little slip-up, trying not to sound too cold or desperate.
"Yeah, I know," she responds nonchalantly, interrupting her response to suck at her cigarette. Even after all this time, you can still smell the disgusting odor of the smoke she always exhales in a celebratory fashion.
"I couldn't afford it."
"Huh? And what am I supposed to do now?" you say resentfully, unable to keep yourself from shouting. Her attitude broke you faster than even your worst fears would have assumed. The barking gets louder and your mother half-heartedly speaks over it.
"Chill out! After my boss pays me, I'll be able to pay for your bill. That motherfucker is late again."
"And till then?"
"What do I know. Can't change it."
Your hand wrapped around your cell phone trembles. You grit your teeth and keep your rage-filled tears back. 
"You want me to starve? I can't cook anything. Noodles, rice—"
"Then eat something else."
"And how should I shower?"
Your voice cracks, almost crumbles as you press the speaker onto your sweaty cheek. 
"You'll survive without one."
"Can you fucking care for once?! I'm in trouble, again, and you don't give a shit, again!"
"I don't have to listen to you. You wanted to live alone."
"Because I can't stand smelling you and your fucking cigarettes all day."
"Shut the fuck up."
Her voice is cold, colder than ice, colder than a murderer’s heart, colder than the vaccum of space. It’s the coldest thing in the entire universe. If hatred was transferable through phone lines, she would wince and squirm on the ground right now. Instead, it’s you who is about to fall on your knees. The weight is getting too heavy.
The beeping of your phone after she hangs up just echoes through your empty mind.
One thought however resonates infinitely in this void.
I fucking hate you.
(A/N2: thanks for reading! Btw, why is she so damn beautiful??😳🥺)
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