#sue me dante. sue me.
cheese-anon-real · 8 months
Howdy! I'm Cheese Anon! I speak for the cheese~ I have a wonderful hoard of Wisps that help me, and I'm secretly a god from another world~ Got a real good family on here, consisting of the Spardas and the Anons! The Spardanons! Lore posts will be linked below, when they're made.
Now meet the family!
One of my best friends of all time! @bigdumidiot
The amazing, the loveable, AZUREEEEEE! @azureedoodles
The anons!
🧀; you are here!
🃏; one of the best lil fluffballs! @anonjoker
🍰; very good at fixing things, great company! @bizcochodefresa
👸; Queenie, aka Alexandria, helps us all out a lot and makes really great comfort food! And has quite a few good stories, dear gods below. @anonymousqueenofrandom
🌵; Queen's daughter, Kaylee(assigning that emoji to you for funnies), an adorable sassy lil shit, good at gaming! @princessanonofrandom
🍬; beloved sass master, one of the best gremlins around! @therealcandyanon
The Spardas(&co)!
Can you believe this is THE Dante Sparda? @pizzalover8969
Vergil. The big dork! @thebestsonofsparda
Nero the Meme Lord(and a really good partner dad from what I've heard!) @thebluerose
V. He won't live with me. :( @romannumeralv
Griffon, my favorite demonic bird! @the-thunder-chicken
Nico! Has my signed permission to use bits of me to make cool shit. Very funky. Very cool. @lethal-artisan
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shadowqnights · 6 months
crazy how everything about mcd is so much more insane when you apply what i call the dog rule and that is when they are all dogs now in some way shape or form: an analysis.
when garroth is purebred, a hound made to serve, that does not know how to do anything but heel. he has purpose. he is sleek and well-groomed because he has to be, because he has always been tended to. a dog that falls into desperate spiral when that dynamic shifts - because who is he, without someone to follow, protect, love? a dog that becomes flea-bitten and hungry when he runs because he was never taught to take care of himself, to be his own master. he falls apart. he needs this, he knows, but what is he without someone to own him? a dog that cannot lead any kind of pack or family because it is afraid to understand the kind of animal it is if not in submission. if a parent, a teacher, he is promptly punished by his students as cruel reminder that he is not allowed to find joy in anything other than what his makers intended. a dog so desperate that it offers up its own leash to whoever will take it when things crumble - even if it means turning back to distasteful company. as long as it is held at all. time and time again, he tried to tend to the younger, weaker. he tried to feed them and lick their wounds - and time and time again, only to be mauled in turn. no more, he thinks. life was simpler when he was mindless, just four paws and a purpose. if that was what he was bred for, what business does he have pretending?
when laurance is a stray but made out of love. his coat shines thanks to the love of his family, his sister. he is sleek and well-groomed with them. the nether breaks him in, turns him a little wild. gives him cause to show teeth when threatened. when he bites, he mauls. there is something wicked in his animal eyes. he goes for the kill. when he bites, something in him wants it to hurt - whether his prey or himself, he can't tell. a part of the dog believes the suffering is natural because its maker declared it so. the pain wanes in and out like the cycle of the moon; life is unpredictable. he is braced to survive, sometimes with teeth already bared to expect the suffering. constantly on edge, pacing, waiting for the next disaster. a loyal, desperate pet that will follow to the ends of the earth - a desperation that borders on obsession. he will eat you alive, if only you would stay with him, inside of him, never leave him. never look at anyone else the way you would him. don't put him on a leash - let him choose who to lope after. his leash, in fact, is in tatters. he can't be collared. he merely follows, hungry at the heels of who fed him. his sense of duty is not of obligation but of love, a sacred need to stay at the side of those who treated him with kindness and them alone. and worse, he is burdened with the constant fear that if left untethered for too long, that obsession might turn carnal - that if wronged, he may not kill to eat and feel full, but kill merely to feel the blood on his teeth, just to feel the pain. feel something. anything. that he might enjoy the taste of his loved ones. maybe a leash is the right thing. maybe he needs to be caged. he can't bear either thought.
when they both bite the hand that fed them. when they bite each other. when they are dogs and kind of made for each other.
dante is a dog. aaron is a dog. aph is a dog. katelyn? oh you fucking guessed it. ivy. jeffory. zane. yeah. all of them are dogs. welcome to the dog rule fuckers its exactly how it sounds. are you sick of the word dog yet.
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hetafice · 7 months
hi hi !! loveee your blog so far, it’s v nice to see more hetalia writers popping up again. if you’re interested in tackling this request, i’d like to see your take on how a yandere romano would deal with feelings of jealousy in regards to his darling getting a little too close than what his insecure brain’s comfortable with to his brother veneziano? 🫶💕
tysm! these are still yandere hcs, but i actually ended up also doing a small character study. i’ve been wanting to do those more recently so if you’re interested send in a request! bonus points if it’s not a super popular character. + this came out a lot longer than intended, so enjoy.
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This is something Lovino would not be able to handle.
He has spent centuries trying to navigate the minefield that is the relationship with his brother--with varying degrees of success. One thing that has remained constant, however, is the fact that people overwhelmingly prefer his younger brother.
Romano has seemingly tried everything. Careful imitation, acting the complete opposite, sabotaging from the shadows, acting as right-hand man, you name it. Nothing has seemed to stick.
Even now, he’s invisible. Reduced to the lesser half a whole. Forever shackled to his brother, effectively prevented from exercising his own agency.
It’s never fun to be stuck in someone's shadow, but for the person whose shadow you're stuck in to be so unflinchingly blasé about it? For one to be as stuck as long as Lovino has? Being forcefully denied your own personhood like that often breeds contempt. Hatred like that can simmer under the surface for decades, even centuries before bubbling over and being noticed by others. Holding hatred like that for so long as he has? It’s almost enough to drive someone mad.
But when he gets you and has something of his own for once he relaxes a bit. There’s no need to be on edge, to constantly put on airs, because he has someone in his corner. Someone who has taken the time to know him on a deep, personal level. Someone, who despite his faults, is willing to love him, and in turn trusts him enough to love them back. That alone is enough to satiate him, to quiet his restless mind, and dull the sharp blade of self-hatred that’s been lingering within him for so long.
So when he discovers you calmly conversing with the man who has unknowingly tormented him for so long, he almost does not know what to do with himself.
It’s almost as if he’s on autopilot, mindlessly drifting over to where the two of you stand, immediately trying to assess the situation.
 In your eyes, the conversation with Veneziano was just much overdue. It was impolite to not introduce yourself to someone so close to your partner. Lovino would never say so, but sometimes the refusal to introduce you to his loved ones felt intentional. Whenever you would press the issue, he would hastily arrange a meeting to calm you down. It worked a few times; you got to meet a few of his friends, and even his pseudo-guardian/older brother/ mentor (you never were quite sure of the nature of their relationship), but you never got the chance to meet Veneziano. Occasions where you two were set to meet would mysteriously get canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. You also noticed that he would always get strangely cagey at the mention of his younger brother. 
At first, he would try to covertly sow discord between the two of you, in hopes that you would have a falling-out. In his mind, if he could manufacture situations to make you see his brother’s shortcomings, you wouldn’t want to be around him.
When he discovers, to his horror, that you have grown closer to his brother despite the careful machinations, he would spiral.
To you and Veneziano, your friendship is as right as rain, completely unforced, and a natural progression. After knowing each other peripherally for so long, making friends with you just makes sense.
But to Romano, this is yet another event point, in a seemingly infinite pattern of behavior. Time and time again, Romano finds something of his own, takes a liking to it, starts to cherish it, but only until Veneziano comes along and tries to take it. He always manages, because he is always successful in everything that he does. Afterwards, Romano is then left with nothing but more hatred to swallow and another large bruise on his ego. He can’t let it happen again, not this time, not after cultivating a relationship so pure, not like this, not-
He devises to stop it. Whatever it is between the two of you. Immediately.
Lovino, who has always been romantic, will up the ante. You suddenly find yourself whisked away on trips abroad more often than you are sat at home. How could you find the time to catch up with his brother when you have a date that night, another trip to pack for? To you, it seems as though you have entered a second honeymoon phase in your relationship. Unbeknownst to you, he’s tirelessly working to separate you. He shall get Veneziano away before he tries to take what is rightfully his for the umpteenth time.
Before your increased contact with Veneziano, your relationship was, by all accounts, normal.
You met Lovino by happenstance, and your romance blossomed at a pace that felt comfortable and right. He was nothing but loving and attentive, if a bit temperamental at times. But after you meet his brother, you notice a palpable shift in his attitude. He snaps at people more and always seems to be in deep thought. But he’s kinder in some ways as well. He’s now always concerned about your safety and likes to know where you’re going beforehand, not after the fact like you used to do. He figured out that you love the gifts he gets you, so you now receive way more of them. He’s more appreciative of everything you do as well. So much so that one day, after a particularly elaborate meal, he suggests you quit your job to take care of the home. To his delight, you eventually agree, but any joy is quickly stamped out when he hears you happily explaining your new living arrangement to his brother.
He can’t stand it really, as his mind sails through countless scenarios, unearthing trauma he thought had been resolved (or safely buried) since the early Renaissance. He doesn't know why his mind takes him in this direction, but then again he doesn't know a lot of things. He doesn't know why efforts to separate the two of you don't work, or why nothing he does ever seems to work. Why is it that he is never enough? Why, after so many attempts and failures, did Grandfather never really seem to grow fond of him? 
After yet another night of being forced to confront these long-dormant worries, he decides enough is enough. If you cannot take the hints he has so kindly given you, then he will separate the two of you by force.
Long gone are your days of exploring the city alone. No more impromptu cafe trips, walks around the park, or unsupervised trips to the post office. You are expected to stay at home, and at home you stay.
“Amore mio, it’s too dangerous out there,” he says. “There’s nothing nearby worth seeing, and you know how I feel about you driving.”
And you believe him because why wouldn’t you? He cares for you more than anyone! More than your coworkers, your friends who stopped visiting, or even your family who mysteriously don’t care enough to call anymore…
And just like that, you have been delegated to remain in the domicile. Showering him and only him with your seemingly infinite divine grace for as long as time permits it.
It’s so simple that he regrets not doing it sooner.
As for his ingrate brother, he will do anything to ensure he does not go sniffing anywhere he need not be. 
It takes nothing to ruin Veneziano’s reputation. To oust him as an incompetent womanizer. Someone whose words of concern should never be taken seriously.
To Lovino, it is well worth it. He’ll put an end to the madness, he must. Even if it means making you unhappy, or betraying his own blood, or dirtying his hands with sin, or being at the receiving end of your icy gaze for the rest of eternity.
But you aren’t unhappy, are you now? You’re over the moon, and why wouldn’t you be? You are given everything you need and more. Besides, Lovino doesn't like it when you frown.
“Look happy now. You have no reason not to,” he always says.
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I'm having a vision rn.
If Travis had died in WAF no one on the street would have known until the others return, which sad to think because gosh, imagine the cast that had to see it openly speak again of the incident
Them having like to tell the other two (Laurance, Dante) would go differently
Laurance wasn't the closes to Travis but he was still his friend
Dante on the other hand?
Oh honey, it's gonna be faaar more then what it's worth,
Dante is the one who had stuck around Travis the most known him most and even having some moments with him from time to time, and just hearing aphmau say "he isn't here anymore.." when Dante asked where Travis was, made him want to cry and cuz he didn't even get to say goodbye.
Fun fact the scenario also go perfectly with the song "My Love Mine All Mine" by mitski
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axolotlclown · 4 days
My pig drama
So my neighbors acquired a miniature pig. I am unsure how exactly they acquired this pig. I was told the pig would die otherwise if our neighbors did not take in this pig. Notably, we live in the suburbs. Not particularly wealthy suburbs. This pig does not have much space.
But the pig was fed and watered, so we didn't snitch. The pig was happy enough. They had a sort of shelter for her from the heat (it gets over 100⁰ regularly in the summer)(we also get tornadoes and hail and misery).
Anyway, my neighbors moved. They had been planning on moving for a few years and had been getting ready to move for over a year.
The mother in the house is a self-described "animal lover" and abandoned this fucking pig. They took the little shelter and left the pig. There's an extra fence panel leaning against the fence line that the pig has been sheltering in. I'm so pissed.
Anyway, my mom and I have been feeding and watering this pig. We're limited by the fence between our yards, so we've been feeding the pig apples, oranges, carrots, etc. We've been trying to find a home for this pig and have been unsuccessful.
Now, one day she did get out. Another neighbor saw her wandering the streets and called animal control. Animals over 200lbs are illegal in my city (which would include a pig). The city said they have two weeks to get rid of the pig or they will take her. That was three months ago.
Today was my breaking point. It was absolutely pissing rain. Wind gusts blowing in the streets, flood warnings, we probably got well over 10" of rain. It's still raining out there. The pig was trying to shelter under this shitty fence panel from the rain. I was out there feeding her, knowing that what I was feeding her wasn't enough. But we can't exactly throw pig feed over the fence and oranges are expensive. She's been losing weight. She just can't stay there.
So if somebody can take a pig or knows somebody that can take a pig (that does not live in the fucking suburbs. we're not doing this again), please let me know. Or if you have any tips about how I can find her a good home. Her name is Mavis. She's a miniature pig. I don't really have any good pictures of her because of the fence, but I can try. She's very sweet. She comes running when you call for her. I don't know how she does with other pigs, but my neighbors did have dogs (and mean dogs too)(actually those dogs were probably neglected too but that's for another time). She did well with the dogs, is the point.
I just don't get how someone can claim to love animals and then abandon them when they become inconvenient. They had plenty of time to find her a home. My mom has been thinking about just taking Mavis, but I don't think we can give her a much better life.
The husband comes over every now and then. I'm not really sure what he does with the house. I imagine he's getting it ready to sell, but it's been over a year and it's still a mess. He's not feeding her or filling her water bowl. I feel like I'm going fucking crazy.
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omarfor-orchestra · 10 months
Spoiler un profe
Comunque nella mia testa per ~motivi~ Simone non sta accanto a Manuel quando scopre di Nicola quindi quando lui scopre della malattia di Dante non gli dice niente e non si oppone quando ⚠️⚠️spoiler⚠️⚠️ Manuel decide di andare via con Nina e Lilli
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whiiskeyandrye · 1 year
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@criimsoncloud & @whiiskeyandrye
indie v  && indie dante/vergil from the devil may cry series .both written by criim . rules .dark topics  present .    personals do not reblog . follows back  via criimsoncloud   .  
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This isn’t boy love this is men fucking
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anonymousqueenofrandom · 10 months
*stands looking at her castle where Godzilla is currently wrecking the gardens*
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The same goes for you, Toothless!
I do not want to be sued by DreamWorks either!
I still love and appreciate you guys, but yall have got to go back to your respective universes.
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I also don't want to have to get Dante, Nero, and Vergil to force you guys out.
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Danny and Damien are twins au, but a slightly redeemed vlad makes Danny the CEO of Vlad Co and DALV and all his other shell companies. Danny is danny, he got pushed into this against his will and is very overwhelmed by CEO duties, so he reaches out to one of his father's sons, Timothy Drake-Wayne, for advice
So, danny definitely knows his heritage in this au. He was the spare to Damien's heir, and while their relationship was strained by the constant competition, they still love each other, even when Danny started to show more proficiency in infiltration and subterfuge than assassination. Damien and Danny have a huge fight before Danny leaves, with Damien swearing to never forgive Danny for his betrayal, while Danny is like "what betrayal??? I just cant bring myself to kill someone outside of self-defense??"
(One of the things I hate about Danny and Damien Twin AUs is this depiction that, just because (usually) Danny is unwilling to kill, that makes him weak and a traitor. You think the medical staff in the LoA are assassinating people? Or the lawyers? He's not useless, he's just not good as an assassin)
He was sent to the Fentons at like... seven? eight? to study how the Fentons are purifying lazurus waters from Jack and Maddie, both of whom are partly sponsored by the League of Assassins. He's also learning more about spying from Jack, surprisingly, because no one would expect him of being a top tier spy. He has the occasional mission as a child, but it's mostly shadowing Jack to learn how to spy.
Danny sends letters to both Talia and Damien regarding updates on his training and the Fenton's research, but after a year of no reply from Damien, it's only to Talia. He's feels super hurt by this, and abandoned by the LoA, but the Fentons are kind and familial, and Talia visits once a year. She's unwilling to risk visiting more often, lest she risk getting the JL or the Spiders attention, but sometimes she even manages to visit on his birthday!
(Meanwhile, Talia starts sending birthday assassins to kill Damien so she can spend their birthday with Danyal. She's a really hot and cold mom.
Talia: You can choose me, and have a birthday dinner. Or you can choose your father and have a birthday assassin. You're choice. )
When Slade blows up the LoA, Danyal is given permanent orders to remain as Daniel Fenton until Talia, and only Talia, brings him back to the League. No missions and only one letter every six months. But when Ra's comes back to life and the League is back in power, Talia... never tells Danyal. Because she's seen how happy Damien is being a normal child with their father and wants that for Danyal too. Plus, she wants to continue to have a good relationship one of her children, sue her bruce.
So Danny is completely convinced that the League is mostly gone other than his mother, her zealots, and knows that his brother is living with their father. and he's... relieved. His brother is safe, and his mom told him their grandfather was avenged, so Danny can just enjoy his life. Which he does.
He sends out his six month report days before the portal accident.
Canon stuff happens until Danny is sixteen and Vlad, the fruitloop, steps down as CEO and strong-arms Danny into becoming CEO in his place. Jack and Maddie (who at this point know [or have always known in Jack's case, adn Danny didn't appreciate his dad using his his poker face against him like that] about Phantom) are thrilled.
Vlad is using his "foster son" (Dark Danny, but in this idea, he's Dante Masters) as an excuse as to why he's stepping down, since Dante needs all the attention he can give as a "troubled youth". Danny secretly hopes Dante kills Vlad in his sleep, but signs the papers away.
And there's so much work.
Danny has some idea of what he's doing (Vlad co is a tech company and DALV is weapons manufacturing, plus vlad gave him a crash course on CEOing). Sam and Tuck even help! But he wishes there was someone who could understand the pain of being a CEO while still a teen. But... his father's son, his brother, is one such person. And even though the other would never know, he really wanted to get to know his other siblings. So Danny reaches out for advice to Timothy Drake-Wayne.
Tim is immediately on guard when this Damien clone walks into his office claiming to be the new Vlad Co CEO. The clone acts nothing like Damien, but he still thinks this Danny Fenton is a league plant.
His paranoia doubles when Damien freaks out and confesses that A) Danny is apparently his twin brother and B) that he's been with the League of Assassins this whole time. Damien, who really doesn't want to admit that the reason he forced himself to forget his brother was because said brother didn't want to kill people, says "Tch. I didn't want to associate with the likes of him, so I put him out of my mind." Tim now believes that he's dealing with a master assassin with a huge grudge against Damien and Danyal showing no signs of malicious or aggression in their meetings only convinces him that Danyal is a master actor too.
Which, Danyal is a master actor. But all that other stuff is just Tim reaching.
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the-hype-on-tv · 8 months
i made a post saying "I'm a fan of closeted clark, sue me" but I FORGOT TO GIVE CONTEXT--
i meant as in, superbat but bruce is the first man to get with clark and so they go slowly and it's a bit of Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets of The Universe vibes
i didn't mean that as in "clark not accepting who he is or being ashamed of it" hell nah
but I'm still new to tumblr and i can't find that gdm post to edit//reblog//delete it so yeah
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luluemarlene · 8 months
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Sta sera incontro l'uomo del deserto, chiamato così perché l'ho conosciuto quando era in missione in Afghanistan, bloccato là un anno, a causa del covid
È un soldato infatti , e sì ho un debole per le divise 😅 e non solo perché sono eccitanti ma perché volevo fare il soldato e per una serie di ragioni..
niente, sono un civile.
Comunque, torniamo a noi
Ci siamo scritti per anni e divenuti amanti per qualche mese, poi finita per mio volere
Nessuna mira godereccia mi ha pervasa per questa serata perché siamo rimasti buoni amici, o almeno così me la racconto
Il soldato ha fatto tutto il normale percorso per l'elaborazione del lutto/rottura/separazione :
negazione, rabbia, elaborazione , depressione e accettazione
Da manuale proprio!
Ricordo ogni singolo passaggio e se non fosse che capisco e conosco a memoria sto merdoso travaglio, credo che avrei organizzato una spedizione punitiva con tutti i peggiori ceffi che conosco, per fracassare ogni suo singolo ossicino.
E io qualcuno lo conosco eh!
Mi ha fatto paura in un paio di occasioni e infinita tenerezza in altre, ma ho avuto ragione ad attendere pazientemente : era solo chiacchiere e distintivo e adesso è nella fase in cui dice "... come ero scemo eh, mi redo conto di aver esagerato, ma sai la mente umana..." E attacca con dei soliloqui che ascolta solo lui, appunto, dove cita nomi di pensatori sepolti da anni.
Da Eraclito a Kant fino ad arrivare a Galimberti, che si starà toccando le palle visto che è vivo 😅
Ha una laurea in filosofia che mi fa venire il mal di testa..
Bla bla bla..
Comunque, nonostante tutto io voglio bene all'uomo del deserto, si era innamorato e mi aveva fatto sentire speciale o ricordato come ci si sente quando lo si è per qualcuno
Vabbè, provo a non divagare eh!!
E quindi, tutta sta manfrina?
Perché sta notte, tanto per cambiare non dormivo, e ho pensato, non al soldatino e a come sarà rivederlo dopo 2 anni,
ma a Lui
Lui, chi?
Lui Lui
l'Oreste, dal nome inventato più brutto del mondo, se pur nome mitologico, figlio di Clitennestra e Agamennone ( ma andrò a controllare, potrebbe essere una gran cazzata )
Ok, ok, adesso le divagazioni sono davvero insopportabili
Cazzo c'entra Lui? Eeeh c'entra! perché ho pensato/sognato che sarebbe stato fico scrivergli e chiedergli di vederci nel parcheggio sotto il suo ufficio, dove una delle tante volte gli ho succhiato il cazzo così poeticamente che quando ho alzato la testa dalle sue gambe ero Beatrice e lui Dante ❤️
Lo so, cazzata pure questa , infatti mai succhiato un cazzo poeticamente, anzi, i versi che gli piaceva farmi fare sembravano piu quelli dell'Idraulico Liquido dentro allo scarico intasato
Altro che poesia!
Comunque! L'idea era quella di vederlo un po' prima dell'incontro , ma solo per fagli strofinare il cazzo in mezzo alle mie cosce, frugando tra il pelo, senza nemmeno entrare, solo sfregarlo, sul pube, sul clitoride, con il rischio di incendiare tutto e guardargli mettere la bocca a forma di piccola "o", come fa ogni volta che sta godendo ( magari è uno dei falsi ricordi che ho, ma chiessenefrega, è il mio sogno lucido, ci faccio un po' che cazzo mi pare )
Il membro turgido infilato lì al calduccio, con le mutandine leggermente abbassate e poi guardarlo godere ed esplodere sulla stoffa interna, e lasciare una bella macchia biancastra e appiccicaticcia
Madonna, mi bagno come una puttanella
Poi risistemo le mutande e dall'esterno schiaccio bene il tutto sul pelo nero
Piccoli movimento circolari per fare in modo che la sua essenza arrivi alla mia pelle e gli odori si mischino a creare la fragranza che mi accompagnerá tutta la sera.
Lui sarà con me, sentirò le mutandine bagnate, l'umido ad ogni movimento, e penserò
"perché nn mi sono fatta sborrare in culo che così mi colava tutto giù per le cosce ad ogni passo... " e cristodio, adesso vado a prendere vibrox e me lo pianto anche nelle orecchie perché con sti pensieri, all'uomo del deserto, gli tocca buttarmelo e non si può, che poi mi devo sorbire altri 2 anni di colpe e angoscia con Heidegger e compagnia bella!
Dai, vado.. Sarà una giornata faticosa
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 2 years
Why not watch Race to the Edge? We have:
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The neurodivergent guy who's just so tired. Threw himself off a cliff once or twice. Likes dragons soooooo much and everyone just rolls with it. His entire life revolves around his hyperfixation (dragons) and it kind of bleeds into everyone elses life.
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The neurodivergent guy's best friend cat. Does not like it when neurodivergent guy puts himself in dangerous situations and frequently sasses him for it. Is often seen batting around balls of paper for fun. Has killed an unfathomable amount of people and will kill again.
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The token girlfriend who wasn't actually a token girlfriend in the show and had an actual personality and hobbies and insecurities and stuff. Has anger issues and will take it out on the twink at the slightest provocation. Probably more worthy of being chief than the chiefs own heir at this point in time. Secretly feminine. The superior version of this character and everyone loves her.
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The twink. Used to be one of the jocks in high school and turned out to be the most flamboyant and feminine of the squad. Wrote a book once. Probably to impress the nerd like he's so gay for the nerd. Loves baby dragons like sooooo much he will cuddle them all day. A little sassypants who pouts and complains a lot. Is not good at following instructions. Will sacrifice life and limb for his friends and almost died for them several times.
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The twink's self insert oc. He larps as a Coachella kid. Once fooled the smartest man in the world into thinking he was actually a Coachella kid. Deep in his heart he is just a misunderstood rich white boy.
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The nerd. Reads books to the point where the universe decided every almost single one of his spotlight episodes would be a parody of a book. He made dragon trading cards once because he's a fucking nerd. Is probably a licensed doctor and if he's not then nobody's noticed yet. Is a total helicopter parent over his fucking dragon who spews lava and has a tail-bludgeon so who knows whats going on in his head.
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The twink made a self insert OC for his boyfriend the nerd and then there were some hypnotism hijinks. I want to see God Complex and Coachella Kid interact so bad.
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The resident drag queen. A scholar, philosopher and fashionista who would do a dramatic reading of Dante's Divine Comedy for fun. Has a pet chicken who he has a... questionable relationship with. Has a mace who he also has a... questionable relationship with. Doesn't know how to do math.
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The resident pyromaniac. Has literally no fear and will actively dare people to kill her. Has not once been killed so it seems to be working. Will be captured and spend her entire time in captivity mercilessly bullying her captors. Could probably make Ryker Grimborn cry. Made Snotlout cry. Way smarter than she looks and is considered the smarter twin which is insane considering Tuffnut is a known genius.
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The incredibly angsty Mary Sue. You either love her or hate her and I love her. Fits every single Mary Sue trope in existence to a T to the point where I feel like it was on purpose. Don't get me wrong though, she's a genuinely compelling character. Emo. I think that she should date Astrid.
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
hi i don’t request stuff so bare with me how would aew boys react to you having a big return like Kris Statlander ex: you lost your title and left and you come back and win the title again sorry if this makes no sense i’m not good at requesting 🫶🏼😢
yall gotta stop apologizing for being CREATIVE CUTIES
AEW Stars React to: You Returning and Winning Your Title Back (Fem!Reader)
Pairings: Hook x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks X Fem!Reader, Dante Martin X Fem!Reader, Darius Martin X Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston X Fem!Reader, MJF X Fem!Reader, Christian Cage X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Supreme Speaks: thank you to anon for requesting (yall keep em coming), sorry that this took me so long (shit happening). But please enjoy this and p.s you are loved and appreciated
Warnings: not proofread, my regular react wrestlers, GIFS AINT MINE
Taglist: @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom @hookerforhook @triscillal @cassiesworldsworld @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Either you were injured and surrendered your title (you never lost it technically) or you lost it in a fluke to your opponent (just do whatcha want)
For months you spent away from the company, trying to gain your strength and feeling back
But now, you were back and better than ever
And you were owed a rematch
Right when the so-called champion called out for an open challenge, you were the first to answer that call that night
To your surprise, the whole arena rose to their feet and loudly cheered you on when hearing your theme (ex. Kris Statlander and or AJ Lee)
And after the match was over, you stood tall with your title high above your head again as the crowd again screamed loudly
(Or you can skip this and have a great segment like Trent with Sue’s van)
The entire moment/match went viral
However, they weren’t the only ones happy to see you tho
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Mans had no idea that you were here
Was stunned into silence; with a big ass smile on his face
You were picked up into a hug by him; would definitely whisper sweet things into your ear or skin
“I’m so happy to see you back”
I think this will encourage him to try to win back his title quicker
Hook is the type of person (whether you're his best friend or girlfriend) to take this return personally as it is a start of a new era for you
Wants to celebrate with you in private ;)
Ricky Starks
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I also think he would be that person who would almost spoil your return out of excitement
You thought he was arrogant after he won the Owen Hart tournament? PUH-LA-ESE
Would reference you in his promos
“I’m a part of the winning team. I mean have you seen my hot ass champion of a girlfriend (or best friend; whatever you prefer)?”
Would book a photoshoot just for you to show off your championships
Defs would make you guys match in outfits and would get you in a storyline with him
I def see you as his manager/valet (IMAGINE THE (eventual) HEEL HEAT)
You two would take over AEW as the new IT couple or duo
Darius Martin
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Tbh, it gives him kind of a nostalgic feeling when he returned during the tag team battle royal
He would be so incredibly happy for you
Would keep up with all your appearances and matches afterward
“I am the president of the Y/N protection squad *poses with lads*”
Genuinely hopes that everything goes well for you
Will do your signature move to show his support for you
Also, expect a celebratory dinner or movie night
But don’t get it twisted this man is mad at you for not telling him about your return
“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME? I was just joking when I was gonna carry the cutout of you to the ring”
He was in fact not kidding (he was just a lil goofy)
Dante Martin
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With him on the shelf, he is emotional for you
“That was amazing! The crowd really went wild for you!”
Has multiple emotions tbh; happy, anxious, a little sad
Wishes he could really celebrate with you
I also think because of the fact he has been out of action for a while, he’s dreaming of a return like yours; especially with a championship in his mind
I think he would be a little sad because you’re gonna be busy as hell
“I’m gonna miss the off days with just us two.”
To which you promised to drag him all around to wherever you were wrestling
He didn’t have a choice
Eddie Kingston
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Makes a post about you on Instagram
He’s genuinely happy about the two of you being champions at the same time
Will brag to everyone backstage
Eddie, just like how I always say, is a very emotional person (even though he doesn’t wanna show it)
But he will make sure that you know how proud he is; even if he gives you a shoulder tackle
I also think Eddie sees every win as a win for the whole crew
Like Darius, he is upset that you didn’t tell him about your return but it made him excited about wrestling again
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Would make a backhanded compliment about you
“Although it wasn’t as epic or spontaneous or memorable as my return last year, congrats to Y/N Y/L/N for making her return to the ring! BAY BAY”
After some choice words, he updates his Twitter again
“I reviewed my tweet after Y/N confronted me (with dice, a wooden spoon, and a lighter) I realize that I made some errors. I meant CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WONDERFUL AND ABOVE AVERAGE GENERATIONAL TALENT Y/N Y/L/N!”
Will ask you to shout him out occasionally (imagine having a friendship like him and Adam Cole)
No but for real, he’s happy for you
I think this man would shower you with gifts in private so you can fully get the MJF experience
Will bring you up in interviews; especially about people he can kind of give props to (his words not mine)
Christian Cage
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I feel like this man would be very proud of you
Would not dare hold your championship as you threaten him about that
But he would announce himself with your title in the same sentence (ex below)
“I AM THE TNT CHAMPION AND I am the significant other/best friend of the AEW Women’s Champion! Therefore, you all should respect me!”
Definitely would tell Luchasaurus to protect you as well
Loves how confident you became since winning
Also remember how I said he’s a sugar daddy?
Mans would buy you anything just for holding the championship at one point it almost becomes an accessory
Even if you didn’t have a championship, Christian would splurge on you just because
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landslided · 11 months
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ON FATHERHOOD; john kreese, johnny lawrence and robby keene
forgiving our fathers by dick lourie and sherman alexie / elektra by sophokles (tr. anne carson) / origin story by desireé dallagiacomo / the sun is also a star by nicola yoon / jobless monday by mitski / cut by catherine lacey / adam raised a cain by bruce springsteen / a boy named sue by johnny cash / sharp objects by gillian flynn / stick season by noah kahan / descended from dreamers by li-young lee / cat's in the cradle by harry chapin / hbo's succession / bloody mother fucking asshole by martha wainwright / someday i'll love ocean vuong by ocean vuong / aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe by benjamin alire sáenz / kyoto by phoebe bridgers / the pain scale by eula biss / hand me downs by sarah kay / aeschylus by robert icke / poem by nikita gill
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renthony · 2 years
fun fact: the bible is technically fanfiction
I'm always of two minds on this framing.
On the one hand, I agree that it can be a reductive way to look at things, when the concept of "fanfiction" developed in the context of capitalism and modern copyright law. Folks coming up with their own King Arthur stories and writing down their own version of Cinderella didn't have to worry about who owned the copyright and which corporation had the power to sue them over it. Modern fanfic is its own concept with a lot of its own context and nuance.
But on the other hand, people get so fucking angry when you use "fanfiction" as shorthand for "transformative works derived from earlier established stories," so the petty part of me is constantly like, "Dante's Inferno is fanfic. Fuck you, you pretentious ass; if people are relating to classic works through the lens of 'oh, it's similar to fanfic, which I am familiar with and can use to understand this story's context,' that's a good thing!!!"
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