#summer consequence
strqyr · 2 months
ngl. had a terrible thought.
there's enough falling off a ledge and hanging by one's weapon, barely surviving, for me to be suspicious. throw in some of the songs bringing up falling into darkness, and i'm like. 87% certain summer fell into one of the grimm pools—and with raven there, well. she's got experience in pushing people off.
thing is. sundered rose exists. if summer is hanging on by her weapon, the blade of her axe keeping her from falling to what seems like her certain doom...
that also means she has a gun pointed at her.
horrible, terrible thought, but they quite literally could have a scene where it looks like raven is going to save summer, to pull her up... only to pull the trigger instead :)
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fictiongods · 6 months
Buffy: “Faith I think we need to talk about this accidental murder that we were both involved in.”
Faith: “Why??? I bet you didn’t make Angel talk about his murders. You love Angel more than me? Is that it?? ‘Cause that’s what I heard.”
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faith-thee-slayer · 4 months
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Giles lying to Faith here was so reckless. Yes, his reasoning was so Faith would believe he's on her side, that she needed someone in her corner who believed she wasn't to blame for killing Finch (she wanted him to believe she actually didn't do it. Really, she wanted someone to believe that even though she did it, it was genuinely an accident undeserving of serious repercussions. Faith believed Buffy saw her as a killer that needed to turn herself in). But that lie was always going to be found out sooner or later. And for Faith to eventually find out that Giles was lying the whole time would be ultimately worse, leading her to feeling like she couldn't trust anyone.
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His initial reaction to Buffy coming to confess gave Faith a terrible impression of the situation. If he acted harshly towards his golden child, how would he act if he knew Faith killed Finch and lied about it? This did nothing to assuage her fears to eventually get her to confess. He also said "I don't want to hear any more lies" which could've been a hint towards Faith that he knew she was lying, but it went over her head at best, and kept her clinging further to her lie at worst.
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Giles told Buffy in the office that "this is not the first time something like this has happened, accidents have happened" which parallels the conversation Faith had with Buffy earlier in the episode (even though Faith's justification was to avoid responsibility). He told Buffy that the Council usually investigates, but he didn't plan on telling them anyway. Did he say any of this to Faith? Or, knowing that Faith still had to accept responsibility, could he have possibly offered some assurance that the accident was not likely to be punished harshly?
Giles is smart. If he knew Faith was lying, he could've asked more questions that might lead to the truth, especially when he said she's a bad liar. Faith respects Giles. Out of everyone, he's the one that she'd most likely tell the truth to. He in some way could've steered the conversation towards her confessing. Or at least mention the things he told Buffy, and let Faith know that any sort of consequences to come wouldn't necessarily be major.
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honorthysalad · 6 months
it was actually so criminal to time skip over those three days ‘hikaru’ was in the hospital. We could’ve seen just what losing ‘hikaru’ would look and feel like for Yoshiki by having him be absent from the manga for a time, the uncertainty of when or even if he’d ever wake up. And also where was Hikaru’s mom during this time?
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yarboyandy · 11 months
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Chosen Ones
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badolmen · 1 year
hey you guys know that even if the people inside that submersible are rich billionaires, dying in that metal tube at the bottom of the ocean is a horrific way to die right. like. yeah stupid choices were made by the people in there signing off on a waiver that says the sub is not approved by anyone and they could die. but it’s the fault of OceanGate for knowingly putting people into a Home Depot DIY sub rigged up with an Xbox controller all to make a profit on people’s curiosity.
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hogoflight · 10 months
decided I’m still in love with my TOA cat au. Eventually his kids agree to bring him home and take care of him on a schedule and his youngest (who got mysteriously claimed whilst Apollo was a cat) begged and begged to take him home. So the other kids eventually relented and he (loves Warrior cats so much) gave Apollo an honorary Warrior cats name. (Placeholder will be Rufflepaw / Ruffletail bc he’s a teenager cat! Actually no I feel like the teen awkwardness, self-awareness etc. given to Apollo as Lester when he got turned into a teen could correlate to Being A Scared Kitty.) WORSE THOUGHT: what if Apollo had the same identity crisis he did during the series but instead of “Lester” it was “Ruffletail”. How would that make you (me) feel (very upset). OK ACTUALLY INSTEAD, when Apollo completes his trials (?? WAIT. HOW WOULD HE DO THAT HE’S A CAT HANG ON.) and he publishes his book series about his trials he gently reads them to his (very excited) kids as a bedtime story. They all huddle around him (he is the nightlight and the radiator) as he reads and whenever Apollo reads out his identity crisis sections, every time he says his agreed-upon cat name his youngest yells “RUFFLETAIL!!” after it.
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Tuesday is upon us. Time for a review and to start a new season. Ahhh we have hit s3 I’m excited. Just like s2 this season is a whole new set of milestones for them. Shorter one though. I remember being bummed it got cut short but not unhappy with the progress they had made by end of it. The flirting kicks it up a notch in this episode and season really. This is a damn good ep for them chock full of goodies. Despite it being mostly about Nolan and the consequences of his insanely bad choices. Let’s get this premiere started eh?
3x01 Consequences
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Episode starts off with a bang. Tim and Lucy are recruited to bring Nyla in. I love the silent communication the whole time. Great set above. No one does it better than them. So much said with just a couple looks. They have it down to a science at this point. Checking in with each other because this situation is uncomfortable to say the least. They’re bringing her straight to the executioner himself. Percy West with IA. It’s rough.
Harper is pissed by the time they get to the station. Asking if Armstrong is getting the same treatment? Tim tells Nyla that he can’t tell her that and she knows it. Nyla continues on saying no way they believe Nolan is dirty. Lucy says 'No we don’t' and Tim cuts her off at the pass. Only has to say her last name. ‘Chen…’ trying to protect her from getting too involved. She pipes up one more time to Grey. Then looks at Tim and knows it’s time to be quiet just by the look he gives. That beautiful silent communication and changes course replying 'Never mind…'
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They are assigned to continue the search at Nolan’s. When they pull up Lucy is aghast they’re tearing apart his house. Asking why they’re not tearing apart Armstrong's? Tim tells her to relax they’re doing both. Continues on to say they have a job to do. That they can’t play favorites. I’m with Tim on this one. Shock surprise I sided with Tim I know ha but he’s right. In situations like this where intent and everything else is considered you have to play the game.
The game sucks sometimes but if in the end it saves your ass you suck it up and do that. Now I get Lucy’s reaction here. I do. I’m same way with people care about. Both of them are deeply loyal people. Lucy’s loyalty to John is overriding her sense of logic atm. It’s what Tim is trying to keep in place right now. He’s needs his sunshine human to keep her sharp wits about her. It's one of her best strengths in the field. His hardened edge coming out with his line above though. That instant distrust when someone's character is in question.
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Lucy is so upset they could even think Nolan and Harper are dirty. Tim combats back 'You could say the same about Erin Cole just three days ago.' His logic is sound can't fault him there. Lucy says yes but she really knows Nolan though. Just like Tim does. Then we see a little of those scars re-open a tad. The ones he's been trying to heal so much make an appearance. A little bit of that Isabel trauma coming out in this moment for Tim. Rearing its ugly head.
That line above is proof of it. Flashes of his Isabel PTSD dictating his attitude about this. His instant defense mechanism to protect himself from being hurt. He doesn’t want to think he trusted Nolan as a cop and person and now that trust has been betrayed or fractured. That’s a huge deal to someone as loyal as Tim. It would be for me. So he’s gonna be cold and shut it off. This man is so deeply scarred. It makes sense he would default back to this. To his 'People let you down even when you think you know them.' mentality.
Isabel let him down multiple times when he thought he knew her like the back of his hand. They say we make mental grooves in our brain. Like a beaten path we've gone to so often it's a default to go to them even when we're trying not to. This negative path is a default for Tim and its showing. Even when you make progress like Tim has. (and he’s grown SO much as a character.) That doesn’t mean he’s magically fixed or healed 100%. The wounds may not show daily anymore but the scars are still there and flair up. I.e this moment.
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It is fascinating to watch how differently they dissect Nolan’s house. Lucy with vindication on her mind and Tim with absolute distrust. Tim saying Nolan built the place from studs up. Probably created a hidey-hole they’ll never find. Negative grumpy Gus. Where Lucy is trying to find the answer to vindicate her friend. I have to say I do love her confidence through out this entire portion. Lucy really has come so far at this point in her cop gut-confidence with him. She basically bosses him around the entire time. Telling him how wrong he is LOL
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I adore Tim's facial expression as she goes on about why he’s wrong. I'm dying. Like ‘Yes wifey continue.’ He's indulging her more than anything else. Anyone else bossing him around like this he would eat alive. Lucy does it and he’s bemused by it. Even a little impressed by how her brain is working right now. She brings up the point Nolan was looking for the evidence like they are now. Tim is not totally convinced but impressed none the less. Which is why he wanted her to reset herself so she could do the critical thinking she’s so good at.
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Before she can continue he’s pulled away by another officer. He walks away without replying to her rant. Her face cracks me up. Just rolls her eyes and follows him. It’s the hidey-hole Nick carved out. Tim says that’s 'Now a proper hidey-hole.' Lucy scoffs and says 'For a civilian..' and chastises Tim further. (because she’s so damn good at it) Calling him on his crap by saying he just told her Nolan would and I quote 'Create a spot they’d never find.' Tim know he’s caught and has the weakest defense. ‘Maybe I over estimated the guy…’ No honey you’re just losing this fight. LMAO
If you were wondering what their marriage scene of the episode was. We’re smack dab in the middle of it haha Lucy gives her sassiest wifey reply ‘Mhmm no...’ She starts to play out what John did that night. Theorizing for Tim trying to figure out what he could’ve done with the evidence. Trying to get in his head as she moves about his house.
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She starts to follow plaster footprints to his balcony. That’s where she spots the bag of garbage at the end of the hill. Tim says it was smart it’s not on his property. They need a warrant to open it. Tells hers let’s go get it. Lucy returns the favor and walks away saying ‘You can but it’s a waste of time.’ He throws up his hands LMAO So exasperated with her but follows her back in. She is clearly onto something.
Lucy tells him that’s not the evidence. Nolan wouldn’t jeopardize it like that. Says if she’s right and he’s innocent the evidence is in this house somewhere. The one outside was just meant to buy him some more time. Tim asks time for what? She replies 'To talk his way out of this.' I adore Tim not battling her on this. So much as sparring with her. How far we've come. He trusts her cop gut implicitly at this point even if he’s annoyed with it. I don’t think he’s sold yet but willing to let her take the lead on this.
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Nolan ends up revealing where the evidence really is to Percy. It’s in his water heater. Lucy is beaming with being right. Tells Tim ‘I told you so.’ He just grunts as his reply. He’s on the phone with Percy telling him exactly what they found. He asks Tim to go to the women’s prison to retrieve the video of Nolan with Rosalind. Instantly you see concern wash over him as he looks at Lucy. His bristly stubborn attitude from just moments ago evaporates. Replaced by his intense need to protect her from this potential meet up. The way he's looking at her. My heart.
Already in fierce protector mode. Lucy is confused as to what’s caused this reaction in him. Because you best believe she quickly noticed a shift in his demeanor. She instantly asks him what’s going on? Tim doesn't answer her at first. He relays he’s not sure they’re the right team for this one to Percy. Lucy continues to probe him about it. Tim tells her the assignment and Lucy says she’s ok with it. That it’s not a problem. Not sure he totally believes her..but goes along with it. Percy reiterates he’s her TO and he trusts his judgment about this. Tim reluctantly gives in and says yes. Even though his body language is screaming 'No.'
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They get to the prison and find out the video has no audio…so they’re going to have to get an actual statement from her. Tim is in official Fierce Protector mode and isn’t shifting out of it anytime soon. Especially with his need to keep her from Rosalind. Tells her to go back to the shop while he does it. Lucy is not one to back down as he knows but he doesn’t care. Her mental well being is more important than a fight.
He wants to protect her from this so badly. The amount of worry pouring off him in this scene could drown her. He tries to tell it's for her own good. That she has a personal connection. Lucy battles back so does he. Sadly Tim doesn't see it that way. He's only thinking of her and not himself in this moment. Not thinking about how seeing her would impact him. (Which it does...)
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Once again downplays his own feelings. Tells her its not the same. It's different for him. (not unless different means the same...) Thinking if he does she will go back to the car. Ha No....He truly feels her connection is deeper than his. Thinking only of her and pushing his own feelings aside. But Lucy knows that day affected him just as much as it affected her. Thing is he won’t allow himself to have that. Won’t let her use that to stop him from protecting her from Rosalind. The irony that he says it isn’t the same. Oh Timothy…
You are about to walk in with your personal connection to Rosalind. It’s very much the same my love. That day altered them both in different ways but the same end result when it comes to Rosalind. She has a lasting impact on them both. Lucy battles back with an answer he’s so proud of he knows he can’t stop her now. Passing a test he didn’t even set up. The pride is written all over his face when he breaks and lets her come with him in that last gif.
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Now he was in fierce protector mode before but watching his body language in this set of gifs says it all. It’s gone up a notch. He’s a like an agitated animal pacing back and forth. Waiting to launch on its prey. Licking its chops ready to tear her apart if she breathes wrong around Lucy. If looks could kill in that third one holy cow. He watches Lucy intently but keeps an eye on Rosalind as well. Like I said ready to strike when needed.
Rosalind ignores most of what Tim is saying. Her eyes are set solely on Lucy. Letting her know how impressed she is with her. Telling her the way she handled a very traumatic experience. It’s inspiring. Lucy trying to channel Tim and just deflect replies to her sarcastically. ‘Thanks. Means a lot coming from you…’ This only spurns her on calling Lucy defiant. The way Tim tenses up when she speaks to Lucy directly...He’s ready to pounce right then and there. But let’s her handle it. (for now)
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Tim doesn’t want her to get side tracked and fixate on Lucy. Snaps at her to stick to Nolan. Rosalind ignores Tim like he isn't even there. Tells Lucy that defiance was present when the lid came down on the barrel. Telling her it must’ve driven Caleb crazy. Denying him the fear he so desperately wanted to see in her. You can see Tim getting more and more wound up. Trying to keep it in check for her but losing the battle slowly.
Lucy asks how does she know this stuff? Rosalind lets her know the camera wasn’t for Caleb it was for her… Tim is trying to head this off. Telling her not to listen to her. She didn't have a camera. These are just the mind games she plays to mess with people. Look at his eyes. He is so visibly upset she is toying with Lucy. The pre-tears in his eyes. Ugh Eric is killing me. This was what he was trying to protect her from.
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Rosalind wants to prove to her she had the camera. So she goes in the kill and starts singing the song that haunts Lucy. The one we all know so very well. Knowing it’s going to rattle her cage beyond belief. The song she sang when she was facing her death. Knowing it was the possible end. Gotta give it to Rosalind for someone with no emotions she sure knows how to manipulate and use them against people as a weapon quite well.
Lucy’s reaction in this scene ugh. Melissa just crushing it in how her singing this song is wrecking her. It's take Lucy back to that day. To that moment in the barrel. Where she thought it was over for her but also fighting that future at the same time. She was trying to calm her body by singing. Give herself a little more air to give Tim more time to save her. Transporting her back to that moment emotionally by singing this song. Torturing her with it.
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Tim sees how visibly upset she is. How this is breaking her. He can’t take it anymore and lets his brusk facade drop. Snaps at Rosalind to back the hell off her. The agitated fierce protector has emerged fully and Rosalind takes immediate notice. Calls him as such with a cheshire grin. He is saying so much with just three words. She got the reaction she wanted out of both of them. To rattle Lucy’s cage and to bait Tim enough to bite her head off for it. Rosalind knows it was one of the worst days of both their lives. She must’ve seen Tim pull her from the barrel. Her goal was to trigger them both. Mission accomplished.
Tim doesn't hold back emotionally in this moment. He is saying so much with so little in this scene. Everything from his demeanor, his tight protective body language, to him snapping at Rosalind. It’s very telling. He’s showing Rosalind right now this is his person. That he’s not going to stand by and let Rosalind make Lucy relive one of the worst days of her life. Of his life. Just so she can derive some sick pleasure out of it.
I don’t think he regrets for one moment protecting her so openly. I’ll always love me some protective Tim. This gives me that in spades. phew lord. But then his personal connection wasn’t the same right Tim? He is over her BS and ushers Lucy out. Says he will have IA follow up instead and she finally breaks. Knowing she no longer has a captive audience. Says Armstrong has lasted this long cause his contingency plans have contingency plans. Tim translates that to Lucy as he has a to go bag set up. They just need to find out where.
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We end with our lovely couple in the parking garage. A place that becomes a special spot for them as we all know. Lucy tells him he was wrong earlier. Tim being Tim One doesn’t know what she’s referring to and two has a sassy reply of ‘Anything in particular or just in a global sense?’ LOL Trying to be a turd when she’s starting a meaningful conversation.
First off I envy Lucy of her ability to see the good in people. No matter what. Even despite the hard ships she’s been through. Doesn't let that damage her outlook on life in general. I’m like Tim where I’m hardened by my experiences. Even more so by my failures I see in myself. It is my default reaction emotionally just like his reactions are. He starts to fight her on it and she doesn’t let him have an inch. Tells him ' No.' God I love her so much. She's so damn good for him. Refuses to let him stop her from what she needs to tell him. Letting Tim know that without a single doubt in her mind she KNEW he would find her that day.
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The conviction and absolute unwavering faith in her tone has Tim reeling. Doing that thing where he deflects and doesn’t feel worthy. How he can't believe this is how she views him. With such reverence. It’s written all over his body language above. The way he clenches his jaw and sighs. His whole body defeated. Truly feeling unworthy of her praise. Lucy sees this body language and follows it up with ‘No matter what it took.’ Tim can’t stand the thought of taking ANY of the credit though. He still bears the burden and guilt of her being taken. Where Lucy thinks she only survived because of him. What a pair these two are.
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To Tim she saved herself. She was no damsel in distress. He refuses to let her think she didn’t do it her damn self.. Letting her know she’s a survivor. He wants to empower her and never take away from the fact she saved herself by throwing that ring outside the barrel. He just can’t let himself have any credit. He still feels too laden with the guilt of putting her there in the first place. I love how she looks at him after he says this. With even more reverence than she had before. This moment sets the tone for the entire season.
The irony of this conversation is they’re trying to both lift one another up. Support each other emotionally. Yet they’re both fighting each other on that support. Idiots in love I tell you. Lucy is trying to convey to him her unwavering faith in him she has. As a person and someone who would’ve moved heaven and earth to get to her. And he did he truly did. Lucy KNEW by throwing that ring Tim would find her. Not a doubt in her mind.
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Obviously it was group effort to get to the scene in the desert. Without everyone involved he wouldn’t be there to find her ring. She knew if they could get Tim there he WOULD find it. Find her. Lucy is trying to show him it is possible to know someone like she knows him. To let her know despite everything that’s happened her faith in him has never wavered only grown really.
Now Lucy does some deflecting of her own. Not taking his compliment by saying no it wasn’t me it was you. That it was her faith in him that saved her. Knowing he would find the ring thus find her. They’re both trying so hard compliment the other in this moment and both are deflecting like idiots in love do. Trying to build the other one up. Tim continues the deflection by making it all about her again. Saying he hopes Rosalind didn’t screw with her head. Lucy is confident and head strong in her reply. If it does then she'll deal with it.
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Then she defaults to a work flirt with him. With no shame in the game. Perfect way to end their scene honestly. Saying even if it does mess with her he will be there to help her. Where is the lie? Tim starting off the season in massive denial with his reply. Please honey you are not only going to help her but enjoy it. It's like he doesn't realize he spent the latter half of this episode doing just that. It's innate for him to protect her and help her through things. Lucy has broken that section of his wall off never to be rebuilt again. The sun is shining brightly in that portion now.
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Her sassy ‘Mmmhmm’ as her retort is everything. She isn’t buying what you’re selling Timothy. At this point it’s 100 % part of who he is now. If this episode proved anything it was how much Tim cares and respects her. In every sense of the word (s). But I do love the cute work flirt banter to end their final scene of the ep. The immense amount of flirting at the end of this moment is palpable. Hell of a way to kick off a season for them my goodness. Also is he driving her home? Looks like she's rounding the corner to the passenger seat of his truck. A girl can dream eh?
Side Notes-Non Chenford
I love Harper getting upset with Nolan for not looping her in. One of his biggest atrocities with this whole thing. Her asking if he taped the convo. Of course he didn’t Nyla….That requires thought. Needs that song from Wizard of Oz. 'If I only had a brain...'
Then to watch her get dismantled by Jackson’s dad…it hurts to watch every time. She is visibly shook by it too. Because he 100 percent is right in his anger and tearing her apart the way he does. I just love Harper and it’s hard to stomach her getting torn apart for Nolan’s mistakes. She had a hand yes but he drove them off the cliff.
Wesley is over his crap by the time we get to the meat and potatoes of his SL haha by time Nolan agrees to be a CI and go under he says ‘I quit’ LOL
Him finding Angela after and confronting her with the pregnancy test is adorable. Lopez being Lopez ‘You know I peed on that right?’ LMFAO he’s so lovely about her meltdown about it. Well done Wes. He’s truly her person and I love to see it. Also Her puking on the phone with Grey when she found Armstrong's to-go bag had me laughing so hard.
I do love how Harper rushes to take the entire blame for John. Not that he deserves it but I do love it. Just like Tim I’ll never be over how far she’s come as a character.
Thank you to everyone who likes/comments/reblogs. You make my whole day when you do so ❤️ excited to delve int s3 with you all. See you in 3x02
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redhatmeg · 2 months
Faith: You were right there beside me when this whole thing went down. Anything I have to answer for, you do, too. you're part of this B, all the way.
Me: Girl, Buffy both tried to warn you against staking a guy and told you to call for help. It's not her fault that your killer reflexes were too strong and afterwards you were too stunned to do anything. Right now you're just avading responsibility.
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i could never be a mabel pines hater. girl i understand you so bad i would’ve done the exact same thing
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strqyr · 1 year
summer betraying raven isn't messy enough i need it to be followed by an opportunity for raven to take the high road but bringing a shovel instead cos this hole isn't deep enough
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randum-famdoms · 11 months
JK Rowling’s books are a building. And she stopped after creating shitty, waterlogged, deeply structurally unsound blueprints and half the scaffolding. Then left it to the elements (aka her Twitter), damaging it nearly beyond repair.
And the fandom looked at this, and put on hard hats. And they tore down that scaffolding, and took those blueprints and changed it into something that would work, and they built the most beautiful building you’ve ever seen.
The building JK Rowling designed was deeply flawed, it would never pass inspection, it would collapse under its own weight and lack of structural integrity within seconds of being built. The aesthetic design was tragic and hideous and offensive. But the fans looked at all of that, and said to themselves, “this building is fucked up, it will never be good if left like this, and everything about it is terrible and makes zero sense. But goddamnit, I have trauma and I can fix it because it must be done and no one else will.”
JK Rowling may have designed that original building. She may have had the initial idea. She may have built that unfinished scaffolding. She may have drawn those blueprints.
But this building is no longer JK Rowling’s.
#harry potter#jk rowling#this rant brought to you by someone who can and will go to jail for aggravated assault of jk rowling#people say her worldbuilding is good even if the books aren’t#newsflash: a lot of the best worldbuilding in Harry Potter is just headcannons we have forgotten are not in he books#we took her scraps and we made them great#but to her the scraps are enough. to her the scraps are what are great#when in reality the scraps are the part that stop Harry Potter from being great#in reality the characters are one dimensional#in reality hogwarts never faces consequences for the child endangerment#in reality dumbledore is a manipulative and evil fraud#in reality the house elves are abused and only dobby is saved#in reality Snape is an incel and abuses children#in reality dumbledore knowingly left Harry to be abused by his aunt and uncle and sent him back every summer#in reality remus lupin never went to see Harry as a child and never spoke to him after third year beyond the order of the Phoenix#in reality Sirius only broke out of prison to kill worm tail and even if he cared for Harry he stayed in prison for twelve years#never trying to escape#and he may have had reasons but we do not know them#we never get depth for the characters who deserve it#we get depth for an incel of a potions teacher#Draco Malfoy is one of the most fleshed out characters and he’s still a piece of cardboard it just has shitty crayon scribbles of colour#we think the character have personality but it’s just flashes of it filled in by the great acting in the movies#we think the books have worldbuilding and fleshed out character arcs when really it’s just nostalgia and headcannons we think are real#THE BUILDING IS NOT JK ROWLING’S. THE BUILDING IS OURS.#randum thots
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faith-thee-slayer · 4 months
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the moment she finally realizes that faith needs her. but faith is already gone
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mazojo · 1 year
Summer 2023 Anime Watchlist
Horimiya: Piece - July 1
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Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi - July 2
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Ayaka - July 2
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Wasure Hoshi no Volicia - July 3
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Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta - July 4
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Mononogatari 2nd Season - July 4
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Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha - July 4
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Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon - July 5
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Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season - July 6
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Undead Girl Murder Farce - July 6
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan (2023) - July 7
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Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Part 2 - July 7
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Kanojo, Okarishimasu 3rd Season - July 8
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AI no Idenshi - July 8
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Liar Liar - July 8
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Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto - July 9
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Dark Gathering - July 10
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Bungou Stray Dogs 5th Season- July 12
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Tonikaku Kawaii: Joshikou-hen - July 12
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Shuumatsu no Walküre II Part 2 - July 12
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Hataraku Maou-sama!! 2nd Season - July 13
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Shiro Seijo to Kuro Bokushi - July 13
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Shiguang Dailiren II - July 14
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Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid 2nd Season - July
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Spy Kyoushitsu 2nd Season - July
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Alice to Therese no Maboroshi Koujou - September 15
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comicsgallery-marvel · 2 months
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A vs X: Consequences (2012) #1
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dranka · 9 months
Friendly reminder that Laurent is being secretly trained wrestling by NIKANDROS
and Damen's concern is that he won't learn properly with his clothes on 😔
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